diff graal/com.oracle.truffle.codegen.processor/src/com/oracle/truffle/codegen/processor/node/NodeCodeGenerator.java @ 7502:6343a09b2ec1

Codegen operation generation is inferred from the node type hierarchy.
author Christian Humer <christian.humer@gmail.com>
date Fri, 18 Jan 2013 13:28:12 +0100
children 5e3d1a68664e
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graal/com.oracle.truffle.codegen.processor/src/com/oracle/truffle/codegen/processor/node/NodeCodeGenerator.java	Fri Jan 18 13:28:12 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,866 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package com.oracle.truffle.codegen.processor.node;
+import static com.oracle.truffle.codegen.processor.Utils.*;
+import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.lang.model.element.*;
+import javax.lang.model.type.*;
+import javax.lang.model.util.*;
+import com.oracle.truffle.codegen.processor.*;
+import com.oracle.truffle.codegen.processor.ast.*;
+import com.oracle.truffle.codegen.processor.node.NodeFieldData.ExecutionKind;
+import com.oracle.truffle.codegen.processor.template.*;
+import com.oracle.truffle.codegen.processor.typesystem.*;
+public class NodeCodeGenerator extends CompilationUnitFactory<NodeData> {
+    private static final String THIS_NODE_LOCAL_VAR_NAME = "thisNode";
+    public NodeCodeGenerator(ProcessorContext context) {
+        super(context);
+    }
+    private TypeMirror getUnexpectedValueException() {
+        return getContext().getTruffleTypes().getUnexpectedValueException();
+    }
+    private static String factoryClassName(NodeData node) {
+        return nodeClassName(node) + "Factory";
+    }
+    private static String nodeClassName(NodeData node) {
+        return Utils.getSimpleName(node.getTemplateType().asType());
+    }
+    private static String nodeClassName(SpecializationData specialization) {
+        String name = "";
+        if (specialization.getNode().getSpecializations().length > 1) {
+            name = specialization.getMethodName();
+            if (name.startsWith("do")) {
+                name = name.substring(2);
+            }
+        }
+        name += nodeClassName(specialization.getNode());
+        if (name.equals(Utils.getSimpleName(specialization.getNode().getNodeType()))
+                        || name.equals(Utils.getSimpleName(specialization.getNode().getTemplateType()))) {
+            name = name + "Impl";
+        }
+        return name;
+    }
+    private static String valueName(NodeFieldData field) {
+        return field.getName() + "Value";
+    }
+    private static String valueName(TemplateMethod method, ActualParameter param) {
+        NodeData node = (NodeData) method.getTemplate();
+        NodeFieldData field = node.findField(param.getSpecification().getName());
+        if (field != null) {
+            return valueName(field);
+        } else {
+            return param.getSpecification().getName();
+        }
+    }
+    private void addValueParameters(CodeExecutableElement method, TemplateMethod specialization, boolean forceFrame) {
+        if (forceFrame) {
+            method.addParameter(new CodeVariableElement(getContext().getTruffleTypes().getFrame(), "frame"));
+        }
+        for (ActualParameter parameter : specialization.getParameters()) {
+            ParameterSpec spec = parameter.getSpecification();
+            if (forceFrame && spec.getName().equals("frame")) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            method.addParameter(new CodeVariableElement(parameter.getActualType(), valueName(specialization, parameter)));
+        }
+    }
+    private static void addValueParameterNames(CodeTreeBuilder builder, TemplateMethod specialization, String unexpectedValueName, boolean forceFrame) {
+        if (forceFrame) {
+            builder.string("frame");
+        }
+        for (ActualParameter parameter : specialization.getParameters()) {
+            ParameterSpec spec = parameter.getSpecification();
+            if (forceFrame && spec.getName().equals("frame")) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (unexpectedValueName != null && spec.getName().equals(unexpectedValueName)) {
+                builder.string("ex.getResult()");
+            } else {
+                builder.string(valueName(specialization, parameter));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private static void addValueParameterNamesWithCasts(ProcessorContext context, CodeTreeBuilder body, SpecializationData specialization) {
+        for (ActualParameter param : specialization.getParameters()) {
+            TypeData typeData = param.getActualTypeData(specialization.getNode().getTypeSystem());
+            if (typeData == null || typeData.isGeneric()) {
+                body.string(valueName(specialization, param));
+            } else {
+                String methodName = TypeSystemCodeGenerator.asTypeMethodName(typeData);
+                startCallTypeSystemMethod(context, body, specialization.getNode(), methodName);
+                body.string(valueName(specialization, param));
+                body.end().end();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private static String genClassName(Template operation) {
+        return getSimpleName(operation.getTemplateType()) + "Gen";
+    }
+    private static void startCallOperationMethod(CodeTreeBuilder body, TemplateMethod method) {
+        body.startGroup();
+        if (body.findMethod().getModifiers().contains(STATIC)) {
+            body.string(THIS_NODE_LOCAL_VAR_NAME);
+        } else {
+            body.string("super");
+        }
+        body.string(".");
+        body.startCall(method.getMethodName());
+    }
+    private static void startCallTypeSystemMethod(ProcessorContext context, CodeTreeBuilder body,  NodeData node, String methodName) {
+        VariableElement singleton = TypeSystemCodeGenerator.findSingleton(context, node.getTypeSystem());
+        assert singleton != null;
+        body.startGroup();
+        body.staticReference(singleton.getEnclosingElement().asType(), singleton.getSimpleName().toString());
+        body.string(".").startCall(methodName);
+    }
+    private static void emitGuards(ProcessorContext context, CodeTreeBuilder body, String prefix, SpecializationData specialization, boolean onSpecialization, boolean needsCast) {
+        TypeSystemData typeSystem = specialization.getNode().getTypeSystem();
+        // Implict guards based on method signature
+        String andOperator = prefix;
+        for (NodeFieldData field : specialization.getNode().getFields()) {
+            ActualParameter param = specialization.findParameter(field.getName());
+            TypeData type = param.getActualTypeData(typeSystem);
+            if (type == null || type.isGeneric()) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            body.string(andOperator);
+            startCallTypeSystemMethod(context, body, specialization.getNode(),
+                            TypeSystemCodeGenerator.isTypeMethodName(type));
+            body.string(valueName(specialization, param));
+            body.end().end(); // call
+            andOperator = " && ";
+        }
+        if (specialization.getGuards().length > 0) {
+            // Explicitly specified guards
+            for (SpecializationGuardData guard : specialization.getGuards()) {
+                if ((guard.isOnSpecialization() && onSpecialization)
+                                || (guard.isOnExecution() && !onSpecialization)) {
+                    body.string(andOperator);
+                    startCallOperationMethod(body, guard.getGuardDeclaration());
+                    if (needsCast) {
+                        addValueParameterNamesWithCasts(context, body, specialization);
+                    } else {
+                        addValueParameterNames(body, specialization, null, false);
+                    }
+                    body.end().end(); // call
+                    andOperator = " && ";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected void createChildren(NodeData node) {
+        Map<NodeData, List<TypeElement>> childTypes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+        if (node.getDeclaredChildren() != null && !node.getDeclaredChildren().isEmpty()) {
+            for (NodeData nodeChild : node.getDeclaredChildren()) {
+                NodeCodeGenerator generator = new NodeCodeGenerator(getContext());
+                childTypes.put(nodeChild, generator.process(null, nodeChild).getEnclosedElements());
+            }
+        }
+        if (node.getExtensionElements() != null && !node.getExtensionElements().isEmpty()) {
+            NodeGenFactory factory = new NodeGenFactory(context);
+            add(factory, node);
+        }
+        if (node.getSpecializations() == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (node.needsFactory() || childTypes.size() > 0) {
+            add(new NodeFactoryFactory(context, childTypes), node);
+        }
+    }
+    private class NodeGenFactory extends ClassElementFactory<NodeData> {
+        public NodeGenFactory(ProcessorContext context) {
+            super(context);
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected CodeTypeElement create(NodeData node) {
+            CodeTypeElement clazz = createClass(node, modifiers(PUBLIC, ABSTRACT), genClassName(node), node.getTemplateType().asType(), false);
+            for (ExecutableElement executable : ElementFilter.constructorsIn(node.getTemplateType().getEnclosedElements())) {
+                CodeExecutableElement superConstructor = createSuperConstructor(clazz, executable);
+                if (superConstructor != null) {
+                    if (superConstructor.getParameters().size() == 1
+                                    && Utils.typeEquals(superConstructor.getParameters().get(0).asType(), node.getTemplateType().asType())) {
+                        String originalName = superConstructor.getParameters().get(0).getSimpleName().toString();
+                        superConstructor.getParameters().clear();
+                        superConstructor.getParameters().add(new CodeVariableElement(clazz.asType(), originalName));
+                    }
+                    clazz.add(superConstructor);
+                }
+            }
+            if (node.getExtensionElements() != null) {
+                clazz.getEnclosedElements().addAll(node.getExtensionElements());
+            }
+            node.setNodeType(clazz.asType());
+            return clazz;
+        }
+    }
+    private class NodeFactoryFactory extends ClassElementFactory<NodeData> {
+        private final Map<NodeData, List<TypeElement>> childTypes;
+        public NodeFactoryFactory(ProcessorContext context, Map<NodeData, List<TypeElement>> childElements) {
+            super(context);
+            this.childTypes = childElements;
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected CodeTypeElement create(NodeData node) {
+            Modifier visibility = Utils.getVisibility(node.getTemplateType().getModifiers());
+            CodeTypeElement clazz = createClass(node, modifiers(), factoryClassName(node), null, false);
+            if (visibility != null) {
+                clazz.getModifiers().add(visibility);
+            }
+            clazz.getModifiers().add(Modifier.FINAL);
+            clazz.add(createConstructorUsingFields(modifiers(PRIVATE), clazz));
+            return clazz;
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void createChildren(NodeData node) {
+            CodeTypeElement clazz = getElement();
+            Modifier createVisibility = Utils.getVisibility(clazz.getModifiers());
+            if (node.needsFactory()) {
+                createFactoryMethods(node, clazz, createVisibility);
+                if (node.getSpecializations().length > 1) {
+                    clazz.add(createCreateSpecializedMethod(node, createVisibility));
+                }
+                if (node.needsRewrites(getContext())) {
+                    clazz.add(createSpecializeMethod(node));
+                    clazz.add(createGeneratedGenericMethod(node));
+                }
+                for (SpecializationData specialization : node.getSpecializations()) {
+                    add(new SpecializedNodeFactory(context), specialization);
+                }
+            }
+            for (NodeData childNode : childTypes.keySet()) {
+                if (childNode.getTemplateType().getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                for (TypeElement type : childTypes.get(childNode)) {
+                    Set<Modifier> typeModifiers = ((CodeTypeElement) type).getModifiers();
+                    Modifier visibility = Utils.getVisibility(type.getModifiers());
+                    typeModifiers.clear();
+                    if (visibility != null) {
+                        typeModifiers.add(visibility);
+                    }
+                    typeModifiers.add(Modifier.STATIC);
+                    typeModifiers.add(Modifier.FINAL);
+                    clazz.add(type);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        private void createFactoryMethods(NodeData node, CodeTypeElement clazz, Modifier createVisibility) {
+            for (ExecutableElement constructor : ElementFilter.constructorsIn(Utils.fromTypeMirror(node.getNodeType()).getEnclosedElements())) {
+                if (constructor.getModifiers().contains(PRIVATE)) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // skip node rewrite constructor
+                if (constructor.getParameters().size() == 1
+                                && typeEquals(constructor.getParameters().get(0).asType(), node.getNodeType())) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                clazz.add(createCreateMethod(node, createVisibility, constructor));
+            }
+        }
+        private CodeExecutableElement createCreateMethod(NodeData node, Modifier visibility, ExecutableElement constructor) {
+            CodeExecutableElement method = CodeExecutableElement.clone(getContext().getEnvironment(), constructor);
+            method.setSimpleName(CodeNames.of("create"));
+            method.getModifiers().clear();
+            if (visibility != null) {
+                method.getModifiers().add(visibility);
+            }
+            method.getModifiers().add(Modifier.STATIC);
+            method.setReturnType(node.getNodeType());
+            CodeTreeBuilder body = method.createBuilder();
+            body.startReturn();
+            if (node.getSpecializations().length == 0) {
+                body.null_();
+            } else {
+                body.startNew(nodeClassName(node.getSpecializations()[0]));
+                for (VariableElement var : method.getParameters()) {
+                    body.string(var.getSimpleName().toString());
+                }
+                body.end();
+            }
+            body.end();
+            return method;
+        }
+        private CodeExecutableElement createCreateSpecializedMethod(NodeData node, Modifier visibility) {
+            CodeExecutableElement method = new CodeExecutableElement(modifiers(), node.getNodeType(), "createSpecialized");
+            if (visibility != null) {
+                method.getModifiers().add(visibility);
+            }
+            method.getModifiers().add(Modifier.STATIC);
+            method.addParameter(new CodeVariableElement(node.getNodeType(), THIS_NODE_LOCAL_VAR_NAME));
+            method.addParameter(new CodeVariableElement(getContext().getType(Class.class), "specializationClass"));
+            CodeTreeBuilder body = method.createBuilder();
+            boolean first = true;
+            for (TypeData type : node.getTypeSystem().getTypes()) {
+                SpecializationData specialization = node.findUniqueSpecialization(type);
+                if (specialization != null && !type.isGeneric()) {
+                    if (first) {
+                        body.startIf();
+                        first = false;
+                    } else {
+                        body.startElseIf();
+                    }
+                    body.string("specializationClass == ").type(type.getBoxedType()).string(".class").end().startBlock();
+                    body.startReturn().startNew(nodeClassName(specialization));
+                    body.string(THIS_NODE_LOCAL_VAR_NAME);
+                    body.end().end(); // new, return
+                    body.end(); // if
+                }
+            }
+            body.startReturn().startNew(nodeClassName(node.getGenericSpecialization()));
+            body.string(THIS_NODE_LOCAL_VAR_NAME);
+            body.end().end();
+            return method;
+        }
+        private CodeExecutableElement createSpecializeMethod(NodeData node) {
+            CodeExecutableElement method = new CodeExecutableElement(modifiers(PRIVATE, STATIC), node.getNodeType(), "specialize");
+            method.addParameter(new CodeVariableElement(node.getNodeType(), THIS_NODE_LOCAL_VAR_NAME));
+            method.addParameter(new CodeVariableElement(getContext().getType(Class.class), "minimumState"));
+            addValueParameters(method, node.getGenericSpecialization(), false);
+            CodeTreeBuilder body = method.createBuilder();
+            body.startStatement().string("boolean allowed = (minimumState == ").string(nodeClassName(node.getSpecializations()[0])).string(".class)").end();
+            for (int i = 1; i < node.getSpecializations().length; i++) {
+                SpecializationData specialization = node.getSpecializations()[i];
+                body.startStatement().string("allowed = allowed || (minimumState == ").string(nodeClassName(specialization)).string(".class)").end();
+                if (specialization.isGeneric()) {
+                    body.startIf().string("allowed").end().startBlock();
+                } else {
+                    body.startIf().string("allowed");
+                    emitGuards(getContext(), body, " && ", specialization, true, true);
+                    body.end().startBlock();
+                }
+                body.startReturn().startNew(nodeClassName(specialization));
+                body.string(THIS_NODE_LOCAL_VAR_NAME);
+                body.end().end();
+                body.end(); // block
+            }
+            body.startThrow().startNew(getContext().getType(IllegalArgumentException.class)).end().end();
+            return method;
+        }
+        private CodeExecutableElement createGeneratedGenericMethod(NodeData node) {
+            CodeExecutableElement method = new CodeExecutableElement(modifiers(PRIVATE, STATIC), node.getGenericSpecialization().getReturnType().getActualType(), "generatedGeneric");
+            method.addParameter(new CodeVariableElement(node.getNodeType(), THIS_NODE_LOCAL_VAR_NAME));
+            addValueParameters(method, node.getGenericSpecialization(), true);
+            CodeTreeBuilder builder = method.createBuilder();
+            boolean ifStarted = false;
+            for (int i = 0; i < node.getSpecializations().length; i++) {
+                SpecializationData specialization = node.getSpecializations()[i];
+                if (specialization.isUninitialized()) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!specialization.isGeneric()) {
+                    if (!ifStarted) {
+                        builder.startIf();
+                        ifStarted = true;
+                    } else {
+                        builder.startElseIf();
+                    }
+                    emitGuards(getContext(), builder, "", specialization, false, true);
+                    builder.end().startBlock();
+                } else {
+                    builder.startElseBlock();
+                }
+                emitInvokeDoMethod(builder, specialization, 0);
+                builder.end();
+            }
+            return method;
+        }
+        private void emitInvokeDoMethod(CodeTreeBuilder builder, SpecializationData specialization, int level) {
+            if (specialization.getExceptions().length > 0) {
+                builder.startTryBlock();
+            }
+            builder.startReturn();
+            startCallOperationMethod(builder, specialization);
+            addValueParameterNamesWithCasts(context, builder, specialization);
+            builder.end().end(); // start call operation
+            builder.end(); // return
+            if (specialization.getExceptions().length > 0) {
+                for (SpecializationThrowsData exception : specialization.getExceptions()) {
+                    builder.end().startCatchBlock(exception.getJavaClass(), "ex" + level);
+                    emitInvokeDoMethod(builder, exception.getTransitionTo(), level + 1);
+                }
+                builder.end();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private class SpecializedNodeFactory extends ClassElementFactory<SpecializationData> {
+        public SpecializedNodeFactory(ProcessorContext context) {
+            super(context);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public CodeTypeElement create(SpecializationData specialization) {
+            NodeData node = specialization.getNode();
+            CodeTypeElement clazz = createClass(node, modifiers(PRIVATE, STATIC, FINAL), nodeClassName(specialization), node.getNodeType(), false);
+            return clazz;
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void createChildren(SpecializationData specialization) {
+            CodeTypeElement clazz = getElement();
+            NodeData node = specialization.getNode();
+            TypeElement superTypeElement = Utils.fromTypeMirror(clazz.getSuperclass());
+            for (ExecutableElement constructor : ElementFilter.constructorsIn(superTypeElement.getEnclosedElements())) {
+                ExecutableElement superConstructor = createSuperConstructor(clazz, constructor);
+                if (superConstructor != null) {
+                    clazz.add(superConstructor);
+                }
+            }
+            for (ExecutableTypeData execType : node.getExecutableTypes()) {
+                if (execType.isFinal()) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                CodeExecutableElement method = CodeExecutableElement.clone(getContext().getEnvironment(), execType.getMethod());
+                if (method.getParameters().size() == 1) {
+                    CodeVariableElement var = CodeVariableElement.clone(method.getParameters().get(0));
+                    var.setName("frame");
+                    method.getParameters().set(0, var);
+                }
+                method.getModifiers().remove(Modifier.ABSTRACT);
+                clazz.add(method);
+                TypeData primaryType = specialization.getReturnType().getActualTypeData(node.getTypeSystem());
+                if (primaryType == execType.getType()) {
+                    buildFunctionalExecuteMethod(method.createBuilder(), specialization);
+                } else {
+                    buildCastingExecuteMethod(method.createBuilder(), specialization, execType.getType());
+                }
+            }
+            if (node.needsRewrites(getContext()) && !specialization.isGeneric() && !specialization.isUninitialized()) {
+                buildSpecializeStateMethod(clazz, specialization);
+            }
+        }
+        private void buildCastingExecuteMethod(CodeTreeBuilder builder, SpecializationData specialization, TypeData type) {
+            NodeData node = specialization.getNode();
+            TypeSystemData typeSystem = node.getTypeSystem();
+            if (!type.isVoid()) {
+                builder.startStatement().type(specialization.getReturnType().getActualType()).string(" result").end();
+            }
+            TypeData primaryType = specialization.getReturnType().getActualTypeData(typeSystem);
+            ExecutableTypeData execType = specialization.getNode().findExecutableType(primaryType);
+            boolean needsTry = !specialization.getReturnType().getActualTypeData(typeSystem).isGeneric();
+            if (needsTry) {
+                builder.startTryBlock();
+            }
+            builder.startStatement();
+            if (!type.isVoid()) {
+                builder.string("result = ");
+            }
+            buildExecute(builder, null, execType);
+            builder.end(); // statement
+            if (needsTry) {
+                builder.end().startCatchBlock(getUnexpectedValueException(), "ex");
+                if (!type.isVoid()) {
+                    builder.startReturn();
+                    if (!type.isGeneric()) {
+                        startCallTypeSystemMethod(getContext(), builder, node, TypeSystemCodeGenerator.expectTypeMethodName(type));
+                    }
+                    builder.string("ex.getResult()");
+                    if (!type.isGeneric()) {
+                        builder.end().end();
+                    }
+                    builder.end(); // return
+                } else {
+                    builder.string("// ignore").newLine();
+                }
+            }
+            builder.end(); // try/catch
+            if (!type.isVoid()) {
+                builder.startReturn();
+                if (!type.isGeneric()) {
+                    startCallTypeSystemMethod(getContext(), builder, node, TypeSystemCodeGenerator.expectTypeMethodName(type));
+                }
+                builder.string("result");
+                if (!type.isGeneric()) {
+                    builder.end().end();
+                }
+                builder.end(); // return
+            }
+        }
+        private void buildFunctionalExecuteMethod(CodeTreeBuilder builder, SpecializationData specialization) {
+            NodeData node = specialization.getNode();
+            TypeSystemData typeSystem = node.getTypeSystem();
+            for (NodeFieldData field : node.getFields()) {
+                if (field.getExecutionKind() == ExecutionKind.IGNORE) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                ActualParameter parameterType = specialization.findParameter(field.getName());
+                if (parameterType.getActualTypeData(typeSystem).isGeneric()) {
+                    buildGenericValueExecute(builder, specialization, field, null);
+                } else {
+                    buildSpecializedValueExecute(builder, specialization, field);
+                }
+            }
+            if (specialization.hasDynamicGuards()) {
+                builder.startIf();
+                emitGuards(getContext(), builder, "", specialization, false, false);
+                builder.end().startBlock();
+            }
+            if (specialization.getExceptions().length > 0) {
+                builder.startTryBlock();
+            }
+            if (specialization.isUninitialized()) {
+                for (TemplateMethod listener : node.getSpecializationListeners()) {
+                    builder.startStatement();
+                    startCallOperationMethod(builder, listener);
+                    addValueParameterNames(builder, listener, null, false);
+                    builder.end().end();
+                    builder.end(); // statement
+                }
+                builder.startStatement();
+                builder.startCall("replace");
+                if (node.needsRewrites(getContext())) {
+                    builder.startCall(factoryClassName(node), "specialize");
+                    builder.string("this");
+                    builder.typeLiteral(builder.getRoot().getEnclosingClass().asType());
+                    addValueParameterNames(builder, specialization, null, false);
+                    builder.end(); // call replace, call specialize
+                } else {
+                    builder.startCall(factoryClassName(node), "createSpecialized").string("this").string("null").end();
+                }
+                builder.end().end();
+            }
+            if ((specialization.isUninitialized() || specialization.isGeneric()) && node.needsRewrites(getContext())) {
+                builder.startReturn().startCall(factoryClassName(node), "generatedGeneric");
+                builder.string("this");
+                addValueParameterNames(builder, specialization, null, true);
+                builder.end().end();
+            } else {
+                builder.startReturn();
+                if (specialization.isUninitialized()) {
+                    startCallOperationMethod(builder, specialization.getNode().getGenericSpecialization());
+                } else {
+                    startCallOperationMethod(builder, specialization);
+                }
+                addValueParameterNames(builder, specialization, null, false);
+                builder.end().end(); // operation call
+                builder.end(); // return
+            }
+            if (specialization.getExceptions().length > 0) {
+                for (SpecializationThrowsData exception : specialization.getExceptions()) {
+                    builder.end().startCatchBlock(exception.getJavaClass(), "ex");
+                    buildThrowSpecialize(builder, exception.getTransitionTo(), null);
+                }
+                builder.end();
+            }
+            if (specialization.hasDynamicGuards()) {
+                builder.end().startElseBlock();
+                buildThrowSpecialize(builder, specialization.findNextSpecialization(), null);
+                builder.end();
+            }
+        }
+        private void buildGenericValueExecute(CodeTreeBuilder builder, SpecializationData specialization, NodeFieldData field, NodeFieldData exceptionSpec) {
+            ActualParameter specParameter = specialization.findParameter(field.getName());
+            boolean shortCircuit = startShortCircuit(builder, specialization,
+                            field, exceptionSpec);
+            builder.startStatement();
+            if (!shortCircuit) {
+                builder.type(specialization.getNode().getTypeSystem().getGenericType());
+                builder.string(" ");
+            }
+            builder.string(valueName(specialization, specParameter));
+            builder.string(" = ");
+            ExecutableTypeData genericExecutableType = field.getNodeData().findGenericExecutableType(getContext());
+            if (genericExecutableType == null) {
+                throw new AssertionError("Must have generic executable type. Parser validation most likely failed. " + Arrays.toString(field.getNodeData().getExecutableTypes()));
+            }
+            buildExecute(builder, field, genericExecutableType);
+            builder.end();
+            endShortCircuit(builder, shortCircuit);
+        }
+        private void buildExecute(CodeTreeBuilder builder, NodeFieldData field, ExecutableTypeData execType) {
+            if (field != null) {
+                Element accessElement = field.getAccessElement();
+                if (accessElement.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD) {
+                    builder.startCall(accessElement.getSimpleName().toString()).end();
+                } else if (accessElement.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) {
+                    builder.string("this.").string(accessElement.getSimpleName().toString());
+                } else {
+                    throw new AssertionError();
+                }
+                builder.string(".");
+            }
+            builder.startCall(execType.getMethodName());
+            if (execType.getParameters().length == 1) {
+                builder.string("frame");
+            }
+            builder.end();
+        }
+        private void buildSpecializedValueExecute(CodeTreeBuilder builder, SpecializationData specialization, NodeFieldData field) {
+            ActualParameter param = specialization.findParameter(field.getName());
+            boolean shortCircuit = startShortCircuit(builder, specialization, field, null);
+            if (!shortCircuit) {
+                builder.startStatement().type(param.getActualType()).string(" ").string(valueName(specialization, param)).end();
+            }
+            ExecutableTypeData execType = field.getNodeData().findExecutableType(param.getActualTypeData(field.getNodeData().getTypeSystem()));
+            if (execType.hasUnexpectedValue(getContext())) {
+                builder.startTryBlock();
+            }
+            builder.startStatement().string(valueName(field)).string(" = ");
+            buildExecute(builder, field, execType);
+            builder.end();
+            if (execType.hasUnexpectedValue(getContext())) {
+                builder.end().startCatchBlock(getUnexpectedValueException(), "ex");
+                boolean execute = false;
+                for (NodeFieldData exField : specialization.getNode().getFields()) {
+                    if (exField.getExecutionKind() == ExecutionKind.IGNORE) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    if (execute) {
+                        buildGenericValueExecute(builder, specialization.getNode().getGenericSpecialization(), exField, field);
+                    } else if (exField == field) {
+                        execute = true;
+                    }
+                }
+                buildThrowSpecialize(builder, specialization.findNextSpecialization(), param.getSpecification());
+                builder.end(); // catch block
+            }
+            endShortCircuit(builder, shortCircuit);
+            builder.newLine();
+        }
+        private boolean startShortCircuit(CodeTreeBuilder builder, SpecializationData specialization,
+                        NodeFieldData forField, NodeFieldData exceptionField) {
+            if (forField.getExecutionKind() != ExecutionKind.SHORT_CIRCUIT) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            ActualParameter parameter = specialization.findParameter(forField.getName());
+            ActualParameter shortCircuitParam = specialization.getPreviousParam(parameter);
+            int shortCircuitIndex = 0;
+            for (NodeFieldData field : specialization.getNode().getFields()) {
+                if (field.getExecutionKind() == ExecutionKind.SHORT_CIRCUIT) {
+                    if (field == forField) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    shortCircuitIndex++;
+                }
+            }
+            builder.startStatement().type(shortCircuitParam.getActualType()).string(" ").string(valueName(specialization, shortCircuitParam)).string(" = ");
+            ShortCircuitData shortCircuitData = specialization.getShortCircuits()[shortCircuitIndex];
+            startCallOperationMethod(builder, shortCircuitData);
+            addValueParameterNames(builder, shortCircuitData, exceptionField != null ? exceptionField.getName() : null, false);
+            builder.end().end(); // call operation
+            builder.end(); // statement
+            builder.declaration(parameter.getActualType(), valueName(specialization, parameter),
+                            CodeTreeBuilder.createBuilder().defaultValue(parameter.getActualType()));
+            builder.startIf().string(shortCircuitParam.getSpecification().getName()).end();
+            builder.startBlock();
+            return true;
+        }
+        private void endShortCircuit(CodeTreeBuilder builder, boolean shortCircuit) {
+            if (shortCircuit) {
+                builder.end();
+            }
+        }
+        private void buildThrowSpecialize(CodeTreeBuilder builder, SpecializationData nextSpecialization, ParameterSpec exceptionSpec) {
+            boolean canThrowUnexpected = Utils.canThrowType(builder.findMethod().getThrownTypes(), getContext().getTruffleTypes().getUnexpectedValueException());
+            CodeTreeBuilder specializeCall = CodeTreeBuilder.createBuilder();
+            specializeCall.startCall("specialize");
+            specializeCall.string(nodeClassName(nextSpecialization) + ".class");
+            addValueParameterNames(specializeCall, nextSpecialization.getNode().getGenericSpecialization(), exceptionSpec != null ? exceptionSpec.getName() : null, true);
+            specializeCall.end().end();
+            if (canThrowUnexpected) {
+                builder.startThrow();
+                builder.startNew(getContext().getTruffleTypes().getUnexpectedValueException());
+                builder.tree(specializeCall.getRoot());
+                builder.end().end();
+            } else {
+                builder.startReturn();
+                builder.tree(specializeCall.getRoot());
+                builder.end();
+            }
+        }
+        private void buildSpecializeStateMethod(CodeTypeElement clazz, SpecializationData specialization) {
+            CodeExecutableElement method = new CodeExecutableElement(modifiers(PRIVATE), specialization.getNode().getTypeSystem().getGenericType(), "specialize");
+            method.addParameter(new CodeVariableElement(getContext().getType(Class.class), "minimumState"));
+            addValueParameters(method, specialization.getNode().getGenericSpecialization(), true);
+            clazz.add(method);
+            CodeTreeBuilder builder = method.createBuilder();
+            for (TemplateMethod listener : specialization.getNode().getSpecializationListeners()) {
+                builder.startStatement();
+                startCallOperationMethod(builder, listener);
+                addValueParameterNames(builder, listener, null, false);
+                builder.end().end(); // call operation
+                builder.end(); // statement
+            }
+            builder.startStatement();
+            builder.startCall("replace");
+            builder.startCall(factoryClassName(specialization.getNode()), "specialize").string("this").string("minimumState");
+            addValueParameterNames(builder, specialization.getNode().getGenericSpecialization(), null, false);
+            builder.end();
+            builder.end(); // call replace
+            builder.end(); // statement
+            ExecutableElement generatedGeneric = clazz.getEnclosingClass().getMethod("generatedGeneric");
+            CodeTreeBuilder genericBuilder = CodeTreeBuilder.createBuilder();
+            genericBuilder.startCall(factoryClassName(specialization.getNode()), "generatedGeneric");
+            genericBuilder.string("this");
+            addValueParameterNames(genericBuilder, specialization.getNode().getGenericSpecialization(), null, true);
+            genericBuilder.end(); // call generated generic
+            if (Utils.isVoid(generatedGeneric.getReturnType())) {
+                builder.declaration(generatedGeneric.getReturnType(), "genericResult", genericBuilder.getRoot());
+                builder.startReturn().string("null").end();
+            } else {
+                builder.startReturn().tree(genericBuilder.getRoot()).end();
+            }
+        }
+    }