diff mx.graal/mx_graal_9.py @ 22882:9fed99d7f32d

made Graal work on a JDK9 image without needing the jvmci mx suite or extensions
author Doug Simon <doug.simon@oracle.com>
date Sat, 24 Oct 2015 00:49:18 +0200
children a9b332b34123
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mx.graal/mx_graal_9.py	Sat Oct 24 00:49:18 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2007, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import os
+from os.path import join
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+import sanitycheck
+import itertools
+import json
+import re
+import mx
+from mx_gate import Task
+from sanitycheck import _noneAsEmptyList
+from mx_unittest import unittest
+import mx_gate
+import mx_unittest
+_suite = mx.suite('graal')
+_jdk = mx.get_jdk()
+assert _jdk.javaCompliance >= "1.9"
+def isJVMCIEnabled(vm):
+    return True
+_jvmciModes = {
+    'hosted' : ['-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions', '-XX:+EnableJVMCI'],
+    'jit' : ['-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions', '-XX:+EnableJVMCI', '-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler'],
+    'disabled' : []
+def get_vm():
+    """
+    Gets the name of the currently selected JVM variant.
+    """
+    return 'server'
+class JVMCIMode:
+    """
+    A context manager for setting the current JVMCI mode.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, jvmciMode=None):
+        self.update(jvmciMode)
+    def update(self, jvmciMode=None):
+        assert jvmciMode is None or jvmciMode in _jvmciModes, jvmciMode
+        self.jvmciMode = jvmciMode or _vm.jvmciMode
+    def __enter__(self):
+        global _vm
+        self.previousVm = _vm
+        _vm = self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+        global _vm
+        _vm = self.previousVm
+_vm = JVMCIMode(jvmciMode='hosted')
+_compilers = ['graal-economy', 'graal']
+_graalDists = [
+    'GRAAL_API',
+    'GRAAL',
+def add_compiler(compilerName):
+    _compilers.append(compilerName)
+def add_graal_dist(distName):
+    _graalDists.append(distName)
+mx_gate.add_jacoco_excluded_annotations(['@Snippet', '@ClassSubstitution'])
+def _run_benchmark(args, availableBenchmarks, runBenchmark):
+    vmOpts, benchmarksAndOptions = mx.extract_VM_args(args, useDoubleDash=availableBenchmarks is None)
+    if availableBenchmarks is None:
+        harnessArgs = benchmarksAndOptions
+        return runBenchmark(None, harnessArgs, vmOpts)
+    if len(benchmarksAndOptions) == 0:
+        mx.abort('at least one benchmark name or "all" must be specified')
+    benchmarks = list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: not x.startswith('-'), benchmarksAndOptions))
+    harnessArgs = benchmarksAndOptions[len(benchmarks):]
+    if 'all' in benchmarks:
+        benchmarks = availableBenchmarks
+    else:
+        for bm in benchmarks:
+            if bm not in availableBenchmarks:
+                mx.abort('unknown benchmark: ' + bm + '\nselect one of: ' + str(availableBenchmarks))
+    failed = []
+    for bm in benchmarks:
+        if not runBenchmark(bm, harnessArgs, vmOpts):
+            failed.append(bm)
+    if len(failed) != 0:
+        mx.abort('Benchmark failures: ' + str(failed))
+def dacapo(args):
+    """run one or more DaCapo benchmarks"""
+    def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
+        return sanitycheck.getDacapo(bm, harnessArgs).test(get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
+    _run_benchmark(args, sanitycheck.dacapoSanityWarmup.keys(), launcher)
+def scaladacapo(args):
+    """run one or more Scala DaCapo benchmarks"""
+    def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
+        return sanitycheck.getScalaDacapo(bm, harnessArgs).test(get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
+    _run_benchmark(args, sanitycheck.dacapoScalaSanityWarmup.keys(), launcher)
+# This is different than the 'jmh' commmand in that it
+# looks for internal JMH benchmarks (i.e. those that
+# depend on the JMH library).
+def microbench(args):
+    """run JMH microbenchmark projects"""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx microbench', description=microbench.__doc__,
+                            usage="%(prog)s [command options|VM options] [-- [JMH options]]")
+    parser.add_argument('--jar', help='Explicitly specify micro-benchmark location')
+    known_args, args = parser.parse_known_args(args)
+    vmArgs, jmhArgs = mx.extract_VM_args(args, useDoubleDash=True)
+    # look for -f in JMH arguments
+    containsF = False
+    forking = True
+    for i in range(len(jmhArgs)):
+        arg = jmhArgs[i]
+        if arg.startswith('-f'):
+            containsF = True
+            if arg == '-f' and (i+1) < len(jmhArgs):
+                arg += jmhArgs[i+1]
+            try:
+                if int(arg[2:]) == 0:
+                    forking = False
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+    if known_args.jar:
+        # use the specified jar
+        args = ['-jar', known_args.jar]
+        if not forking:
+            args += vmArgs
+    else:
+        # default to -f1 if not specified otherwise
+        if not containsF:
+            jmhArgs += ['-f1']
+        # find all projects with a direct JMH dependency
+        jmhProjects = []
+        for p in mx.projects_opt_limit_to_suites():
+            if 'JMH' in [x.name for x in p.deps]:
+                jmhProjects.append(p.name)
+        cp = mx.classpath(jmhProjects)
+        # execute JMH runner
+        args = ['-cp', cp]
+        if not forking:
+            args += vmArgs
+        args += ['org.openjdk.jmh.Main']
+    if forking:
+        jvm = get_vm()
+        def quoteSpace(s):
+            if " " in s:
+                return '"' + s + '"'
+            return s
+        forkedVmArgs = map(quoteSpace, _parseVmArgs(_jdk, vmArgs))
+        args += ['--jvmArgsPrepend', ' '.join(['-' + jvm] + forkedVmArgs)]
+    run_vm(args + jmhArgs)
+def ctw(args, extraVMarguments=None):
+    """run CompileTheWorld"""
+    defaultCtwopts = '-Inline'
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx ctw')
+    parser.add_argument('--ctwopts', action='store', help='space separated JVMCI options used for CTW compilations (default: --ctwopts="' + defaultCtwopts + '")', default=defaultCtwopts, metavar='<options>')
+    parser.add_argument('--cp', '--jar', action='store', help='jar or class path denoting classes to compile', metavar='<path>')
+    args, vmargs = parser.parse_known_args(args)
+    if args.ctwopts:
+        # Replace spaces  with '#' since -G: options cannot contain spaces
+        # when they are collated in the "jvmci.options" system property
+        vmargs.append('-G:CompileTheWorldConfig=' + re.sub(r'\s+', '#', args.ctwopts))
+    if args.cp:
+        cp = os.path.abspath(args.cp)
+    else:
+        cp = join(_jdk.home, 'lib', 'modules', 'bootmodules.jimage')
+        vmargs.append('-G:CompileTheWorldExcludeMethodFilter=sun.awt.X11.*.*')
+    # suppress menubar and dock when running on Mac; exclude x11 classes as they may cause vm crashes (on Solaris)
+    vmargs = ['-Djava.awt.headless=true'] + vmargs
+    if _vm.jvmciMode == 'disabled':
+        vmargs += ['-XX:+CompileTheWorld', '-Xbootclasspath/p:' + cp]
+    else:
+        if _vm.jvmciMode == 'jit':
+            vmargs += ['-XX:+BootstrapJVMCI']
+        vmargs += ['-G:CompileTheWorldClasspath=' + cp, 'com.oracle.graal.hotspot.CompileTheWorld']
+    run_vm(vmargs + _noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments))
+class UnitTestRun:
+    def __init__(self, name, args):
+        self.name = name
+        self.args = args
+    def run(self, suites, tasks, extraVMarguments=None):
+        for suite in suites:
+            with Task(self.name + ': hosted-product ' + suite, tasks) as t:
+                if t: unittest(['--suite', suite, '--enable-timing', '--verbose', '--fail-fast'] + self.args + _noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments))
+class BootstrapTest:
+    def __init__(self, name, vmbuild, args, suppress=None):
+        self.name = name
+        self.args = args
+        self.suppress = suppress
+    def run(self, tasks, extraVMarguments=None):
+        with JVMCIMode('jit'):
+            with Task(self.name, tasks) as t:
+                if t:
+                    if self.suppress:
+                        out = mx.DuplicateSuppressingStream(self.suppress).write
+                    else:
+                        out = None
+                    run_vm(self.args + _noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ['-XX:-TieredCompilation', '-XX:+BootstrapJVMCI', '-version'], out=out)
+def compiler_gate_runner(suites, unit_test_runs, bootstrap_tests, tasks, extraVMarguments=None):
+    # Run unit tests in hosted mode
+    with JVMCIMode('hosted'):
+        for r in unit_test_runs:
+            r.run(suites, tasks, extraVMarguments)
+    # Run ctw against rt.jar on server-hosted-jvmci
+    with JVMCIMode('hosted'):
+        with Task('CTW:hosted', tasks) as t:
+            if t: ctw(['--ctwopts', '-Inline +ExitVMOnException', '-esa', '-G:+CompileTheWorldMultiThreaded', '-G:-InlineDuringParsing', '-G:-CompileTheWorldVerbose', '-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=300m'], _noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments))
+    # bootstrap tests
+    for b in bootstrap_tests:
+        b.run(tasks, extraVMarguments)
+    # run dacapo sanitychecks
+    for test in sanitycheck.getDacapos(level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Gate, gateBuildLevel='release', extraVmArguments=extraVMarguments) \
+            + sanitycheck.getScalaDacapos(level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Gate, gateBuildLevel='release', extraVmArguments=extraVMarguments):
+        with Task(str(test) + ':' + 'release', tasks) as t:
+            if t and not test.test('jvmci'):
+                t.abort(test.name + ' Failed')
+    # ensure -Xbatch still works
+    with JVMCIMode('jit'):
+        with Task('DaCapo_pmd:BatchMode', tasks) as t:
+            if t: dacapo(_noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ['-Xbatch', 'pmd'])
+    # ensure -Xcomp still works
+    with JVMCIMode('jit'):
+        with Task('XCompMode:product', tasks) as t:
+            if t: run_vm(_noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ['-Xcomp', '-version'])
+graal_unit_test_runs = [
+    UnitTestRun('UnitTests', []),
+_registers = 'o0,o1,o2,o3,f8,f9,d32,d34' if mx.get_arch() == 'sparcv9' else 'rbx,r11,r10,r14,xmm3,xmm11,xmm14'
+graal_bootstrap_tests = [
+    BootstrapTest('BootstrapWithSystemAssertions', 'fastdebug', ['-esa']),
+    BootstrapTest('BootstrapWithSystemAssertionsNoCoop', 'fastdebug', ['-esa', '-XX:-UseCompressedOops', '-G:+ExitVMOnException']),
+    BootstrapTest('BootstrapWithGCVecification', 'product', ['-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions', '-XX:+VerifyBeforeGC', '-XX:+VerifyAfterGC', '-G:+ExitVMOnException'], suppress=['VerifyAfterGC:', 'VerifyBeforeGC:']),
+    BootstrapTest('BootstrapWithG1GCVecification', 'product', ['-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions', '-XX:-UseSerialGC', '-XX:+UseG1GC', '-XX:+VerifyBeforeGC', '-XX:+VerifyAfterGC', '-G:+ExitVMOnException'], suppress=['VerifyAfterGC:', 'VerifyBeforeGC:']),
+    BootstrapTest('BootstrapEconomyWithSystemAssertions', 'fastdebug', ['-esa', '-Djvmci.compiler=graal-economy', '-G:+ExitVMOnException']),
+    BootstrapTest('BootstrapWithExceptionEdges', 'fastdebug', ['-esa', '-G:+StressInvokeWithExceptionNode', '-G:+ExitVMOnException']),
+    BootstrapTest('BootstrapWithRegisterPressure', 'product', ['-esa', '-G:RegisterPressure=' + _registers, '-G:+ExitVMOnException']),
+    BootstrapTest('BootstrapTraceRAWithRegisterPressure', 'product', ['-esa', '-G:+TraceRA', '-G:RegisterPressure=' + _registers, '-G:+ExitVMOnException']),
+    BootstrapTest('BootstrapWithImmutableCode', 'product', ['-esa', '-G:+ImmutableCode', '-G:+VerifyPhases', '-G:+ExitVMOnException']),
+def _graal_gate_runner(args, tasks):
+    compiler_gate_runner(['graal'], graal_unit_test_runs, graal_bootstrap_tests, tasks, args.extra_vm_argument)
+mx_gate.add_gate_runner(_suite, _graal_gate_runner)
+mx_gate.add_gate_argument('--extra-vm-argument', action='append', help='add extra vm argument to gate tasks if applicable (multiple occurrences allowed)')
+def _unittest_vm_launcher(vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs):
+    run_vm(vmArgs + [mainClass] + mainClassArgs)
+mx_unittest.set_vm_launcher('JDK9 VM launcher', _unittest_vm_launcher)
+def deoptalot(args):
+    """bootstrap a VM with DeoptimizeALot and VerifyOops on
+    If the first argument is a number, the process will be repeated
+    this number of times. All other arguments are passed to the VM."""
+    count = 1
+    if len(args) > 0 and args[0].isdigit():
+        count = int(args[0])
+        del args[0]
+    for _ in range(count):
+        if not run_vm(['-XX:-TieredCompilation', '-XX:+DeoptimizeALot', '-XX:+VerifyOops'] + args + ['-version']) == 0:
+            mx.abort("Failed")
+def longtests(args):
+    deoptalot(['15', '-Xmx48m'])
+    dacapo(['100', 'eclipse', '-esa'])
+Extra benchmarks to run from 'bench()'.
+extraBenchmarks = []
+def bench(args):
+    """run benchmarks and parse their output for results
+    Results are JSON formated : {group : {benchmark : score}}."""
+    resultFile = None
+    if '-resultfile' in args:
+        index = args.index('-resultfile')
+        if index + 1 < len(args):
+            resultFile = args[index + 1]
+            del args[index]
+            del args[index]
+        else:
+            mx.abort('-resultfile must be followed by a file name')
+    resultFileCSV = None
+    if '-resultfilecsv' in args:
+        index = args.index('-resultfilecsv')
+        if index + 1 < len(args):
+            resultFileCSV = args[index + 1]
+            del args[index]
+            del args[index]
+        else:
+            mx.abort('-resultfilecsv must be followed by a file name')
+    vm = get_vm()
+    if len(args) is 0:
+        args = ['all']
+    vmArgs = [arg for arg in args if arg.startswith('-')]
+    def benchmarks_in_group(group):
+        prefix = group + ':'
+        return [a[len(prefix):] for a in args if a.startswith(prefix)]
+    results = {}
+    benchmarks = []
+    # DaCapo
+    if 'dacapo' in args or 'all' in args:
+        benchmarks += sanitycheck.getDacapos(level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Benchmark)
+    else:
+        dacapos = benchmarks_in_group('dacapo')
+        for dacapo in dacapos:
+            if dacapo not in sanitycheck.dacapoSanityWarmup.keys():
+                mx.abort('Unknown DaCapo : ' + dacapo)
+            iterations = sanitycheck.dacapoSanityWarmup[dacapo][sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Benchmark]
+            if iterations > 0:
+                benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getDacapo(dacapo, ['-n', str(iterations)])]
+    if 'scaladacapo' in args or 'all' in args:
+        benchmarks += sanitycheck.getScalaDacapos(level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Benchmark)
+    else:
+        scaladacapos = benchmarks_in_group('scaladacapo')
+        for scaladacapo in scaladacapos:
+            if scaladacapo not in sanitycheck.dacapoScalaSanityWarmup.keys():
+                mx.abort('Unknown Scala DaCapo : ' + scaladacapo)
+            iterations = sanitycheck.dacapoScalaSanityWarmup[scaladacapo][sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Benchmark]
+            if iterations > 0:
+                benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getScalaDacapo(scaladacapo, ['-n', str(iterations)])]
+    # Bootstrap
+    if 'bootstrap' in args or 'all' in args:
+        benchmarks += sanitycheck.getBootstraps()
+    # SPECjvm2008
+    if 'specjvm2008' in args or 'all' in args:
+        benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getSPECjvm2008(['-ikv', '-wt', '120', '-it', '120'])]
+    else:
+        specjvms = benchmarks_in_group('specjvm2008')
+        for specjvm in specjvms:
+            benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getSPECjvm2008(['-ikv', '-wt', '120', '-it', '120', specjvm])]
+    if 'specjbb2005' in args or 'all' in args:
+        benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getSPECjbb2005()]
+    if 'specjbb2013' in args:  # or 'all' in args //currently not in default set
+        benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getSPECjbb2013()]
+    if 'ctw-full' in args:
+        benchmarks.append(sanitycheck.getCTW(vm, sanitycheck.CTWMode.Full))
+    if 'ctw-noinline' in args:
+        benchmarks.append(sanitycheck.getCTW(vm, sanitycheck.CTWMode.NoInline))
+    for f in extraBenchmarks:
+        f(args, vm, benchmarks)
+    for test in benchmarks:
+        for (groupName, res) in test.bench(vm, extraVmOpts=vmArgs).items():
+            group = results.setdefault(groupName, {})
+            group.update(res)
+    mx.log(json.dumps(results))
+    if resultFile:
+        with open(resultFile, 'w') as f:
+            f.write(json.dumps(results))
+    if resultFileCSV:
+        with open(resultFileCSV, 'w') as f:
+            for key1, value1 in results.iteritems():
+                f.write('%s;\n' % (str(key1)))
+                for key2, value2 in sorted(value1.iteritems()):
+                    f.write('%s; %s;\n' % (str(key2), str(value2)))
+def specjvm2008(args):
+    """run one or more SPECjvm2008 benchmarks"""
+    def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
+        return sanitycheck.getSPECjvm2008(harnessArgs + [bm]).bench(get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
+    availableBenchmarks = set(sanitycheck.specjvm2008Names)
+    if "all" not in args:
+        # only add benchmark groups if we are not running "all"
+        for name in sanitycheck.specjvm2008Names:
+            parts = name.rsplit('.', 1)
+            if len(parts) > 1:
+                assert len(parts) == 2
+                group = parts[0]
+                availableBenchmarks.add(group)
+    _run_benchmark(args, sorted(availableBenchmarks), launcher)
+def specjbb2013(args):
+    """run the composite SPECjbb2013 benchmark"""
+    def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
+        assert bm is None
+        return sanitycheck.getSPECjbb2013(harnessArgs).bench(get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
+    _run_benchmark(args, None, launcher)
+def specjbb2005(args):
+    """run the composite SPECjbb2005 benchmark"""
+    def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
+        assert bm is None
+        return sanitycheck.getSPECjbb2005(harnessArgs).bench(get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
+    _run_benchmark(args, None, launcher)
+def _parseVmArgs(jdk, args, addDefaultArgs=True):
+    args = mx.expand_project_in_args(args, insitu=False)
+    jacocoArgs = mx_gate.get_jacoco_agent_args()
+    if jacocoArgs:
+        args = jacocoArgs + args
+    # Support for -G: options
+    def translateGOption(arg):
+        if arg.startswith('-G:+'):
+            if '=' in arg:
+                mx.abort('Mixing + and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
+            arg = '-Djvmci.option.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=true'
+        elif arg.startswith('-G:-'):
+            if '=' in arg:
+                mx.abort('Mixing - and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
+            arg = '-Djvmci.option.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=false'
+        elif arg.startswith('-G:'):
+            arg = '-Djvmci.option.' + arg[len('-G:'):]
+        return arg
+    args = map(translateGOption, args)
+    bcp = [mx.distribution('truffle:TRUFFLE_API').classpath_repr()]
+    if _jvmciModes[_vm.jvmciMode]:
+        bcpDeps = [mx.distribution(d) for d in _graalDists]
+        if bcpDeps:
+            bcp.extend([d.classpath_repr() for d in bcpDeps])
+    args = ['-Xbootclasspath/p:' + os.pathsep.join(bcp)] + args
+    # Set the default JVMCI compiler
+    jvmciCompiler = _compilers[-1]
+    args = ['-Djvmci.compiler=' + jvmciCompiler] + args
+    if '-version' in args:
+        ignoredArgs = args[args.index('-version') + 1:]
+        if  len(ignoredArgs) > 0:
+            mx.log("Warning: The following options will be ignored by the vm because they come after the '-version' argument: " + ' '.join(ignoredArgs))
+    return jdk.processArgs(args, addDefaultArgs=addDefaultArgs)
+def run_java(jdk, args, nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=None, err=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, env=None, addDefaultArgs=True):
+    args = _parseVmArgs(jdk, args, addDefaultArgs=addDefaultArgs)
+    jvmciModeArgs = _jvmciModes[_vm.jvmciMode]
+    cmd = [jdk.java] + ['-' + get_vm()] + jvmciModeArgs + args
+    return mx.run(cmd, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal, out=out, err=err, cwd=cwd)
+def run_vm(args, vm=None, nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=None, err=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, debugLevel=None, vmbuild=None):
+    """run a Java program by executing the java executable in a JVMCI JDK"""
+    return run_java(mx.get_jdk(), args, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal, out=out, err=err, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout)
+class GraalArchiveParticipant:
+    def __init__(self, dist):
+        self.dist = dist
+    def __opened__(self, arc, srcArc, services):
+        self.services = services
+        self.arc = arc
+    def __add__(self, arcname, contents):
+        if arcname.startswith('META-INF/jvmci.providers/'):
+            provider = arcname[len('META-INF/jvmci.providers/'):]
+            for service in contents.strip().split(os.linesep):
+                assert service
+                self.services.setdefault(service, []).append(provider)
+            return True
+        elif arcname.endswith('_OptionDescriptors.class'):
+            # Need to create service files for the providers of the
+            # jdk.vm.ci.options.Options service created by
+            # jdk.vm.ci.options.processor.OptionProcessor.
+            provider = arcname[:-len('.class'):].replace('/', '.')
+            self.services.setdefault('jdk.vm.ci.options.OptionDescriptors', []).append(provider)
+        return False
+    def __addsrc__(self, arcname, contents):
+        return False
+    def __closing__(self):
+        pass
+mx.update_commands(_suite, {
+    'vm': [run_vm, '[-options] class [args...]'],
+    'ctw': [ctw, '[-vmoptions|noinline|nocomplex|full]'],
+    'dacapo': [dacapo, '[VM options] benchmarks...|"all" [DaCapo options]'],
+    'scaladacapo': [scaladacapo, '[VM options] benchmarks...|"all" [Scala DaCapo options]'],
+    'specjvm2008': [specjvm2008, '[VM options] benchmarks...|"all" [SPECjvm2008 options]'],
+    'specjbb2013': [specjbb2013, '[VM options] [-- [SPECjbb2013 options]]'],
+    'specjbb2005': [specjbb2005, '[VM options] [-- [SPECjbb2005 options]]'],
+    'bench' : [bench, '[-resultfile file] [all(default)|dacapo|specjvm2008|bootstrap]'],
+    'microbench' : [microbench, '[VM options] [-- [JMH options]]'],
+    'deoptalot' : [deoptalot, '[n]'],
+    'longtests' : [longtests, ''],
+mx.add_argument('-M', '--jvmci-mode', action='store', choices=sorted(_jvmciModes.viewkeys()), help='the JVM variant type to build/run (default: ' + _vm.jvmciMode + ')')
+def mx_post_parse_cmd_line(opts):
+    if opts.jvmci_mode is not None:
+        _vm.update(opts.jvmci_mode)
+    for dist in [mx.distribution(d) for d in _graalDists]:
+        dist.set_archiveparticipant(GraalArchiveParticipant(dist))