diff mxtool/mx.py @ 12477:a5d83166dca6

mxtool hg support for suites
author Mick Jordan <mick.jordan@oracle.com>
date Thu, 17 Oct 2013 19:59:25 -0700
parents d08accd58925
children 28d7a11ba008
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/mxtool/mx.py	Thu Oct 17 22:22:19 2013 +0200
+++ b/mxtool/mx.py	Thu Oct 17 19:59:25 2013 -0700
@@ -55,17 +55,18 @@
       Suite specific extensions to the commands available to mx.
-  includes
+  imports
       Other suites to be loaded. This is recursive. Each
-      line in an includes file is a path to a suite directory.
+      line in an imports file is the name of an imported suite.
+      The suite is located using a SuiteModel (cf searchpath)
       A set of environment variable definitions. These override any
       existing environment variables. Common properties set here
       include JAVA_HOME and IGNORED_PROJECTS.
-The includes and env files are typically not put under version control
-as they usually contain local file-system paths.
+The env file is typically not put under version control
+as it usually contain local file-system paths.
 The projects file is like the pom.xml file from Maven except that
 it is a properties file (not XML). Each non-comment line
@@ -156,9 +157,12 @@
 _suites = dict()
 _annotationProcessors = None
 _mainSuite = None
+_src_suitemodel = None
+_dst_suitemodel = None
 _opts = None
 _java = None
 _check_global_structures = True  # can be set False to allow suites with duplicate definitions to load without aborting
+_warn = False
@@ -493,38 +497,193 @@
         return deps
+class SuiteModel:
+    """
+    Defines how to locate a URL/path for a suite, including imported suites.
+    Conceptually a SuiteModel is defined by a primary suite URL/path and a
+    map from suite name to URL/path for imported suites.
+    Subclasses define a specfic implementation.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.primaryDir = None
+        self.suitenamemap = {}
+    def _find_suite_dir(self, suitename):
+        """locates the URL/path for suitename or None if not found"""
+        abort('_find_suite_dir not implemented')
+    def _set_primary_dir(self, d):
+        """informs that d is the primary suite directory"""
+        self._primaryDir = d
+    def _importee_dir(self, importer_dir, suitename):
+        """returns the directory path for an import of suitename, given importer_dir"""
+        abort('_importee_dir not implemented')
+    def _nestedsuites_dirname(self):
+        """Returns the dirname that contains any nested suites if the model supports that"""
+        return None
+    def _mxDirName(self, name):
+        # temporary workaround until mx.graal exists
+        if name == 'graal':
+            return 'mx'
+        else:
+            return 'mx.' + name
+    def _search_dir(self, searchDir, mxDirName):
+        for dd in os.listdir(searchDir):
+            sd = _is_suite_dir(join(searchDir, dd), mxDirName)
+            if sd is not None:
+                return sd
+    def _create_suitenamemap(self, optionspec, suitemap):
+        """Three ways to specify a suite name mapping, in order of precedence:
+        1. Explicitly in optionspec.
+        2. In suitemap.
+        3. in MXSUITEMAP environment variable.
+        """
+        if optionspec != '':
+            spec = optionspec
+        elif suitemap is not None:
+            spec = suitemap
+        elif get_env('MXSUITEMAP') is not None:
+            spec = get_env('MXSUITEMAP')
+        else:
+            return
+        pairs = spec.split(',')
+        for pair in pairs:
+            mappair = pair.split('=')
+            self.suitenamemap[mappair[0]] = mappair[1]
+class SiblingSuiteModel(SuiteModel):
+    """All suites are siblings in the same parent directory, recorded as _suiteRootDir"""
+    def __init__(self, suiteRootDir, option, suitemap):
+        SuiteModel.__init__(self)
+        self._suiteRootDir = suiteRootDir
+        self._create_suitenamemap(option[len('sibling:'):], suitemap)
+    def _find_suite_dir(self, name):
+        return self._search_dir(self._suiteRootDir, self._mxDirName(name))
+    def _set_primary_dir(self, d):
+        SuiteModel._set_primary_dir(self, d)
+        self._suiteRootDir = dirname(d)
+    def _importee_dir(self, importer_dir, suitename):
+        if self.suitenamemap.has_key(suitename):
+            suitename = self.suitenamemap[suitename]
+        return join(dirname(importer_dir), suitename)
+class NestedImportsSuiteModel(SuiteModel):
+    """Imported suites are all siblings in an 'imported_suites' directory of the primary suite"""
+    def _imported_suites_dirname(self):
+        return "imported_suites"
+    def __init__(self, primaryDir, option, suitemap):
+        SuiteModel.__init__(self)
+        self._primaryDir = primaryDir
+        self._create_suitenamemap(option[len('nested:'):], suitemap)
+    def _find_suite_dir(self, name):
+        return self._search_dir(join(self._primaryDir, self._imported_suites_dirname()), self._mxDirName(name))
+    def _importee_dir(self, importer_dir, suitename):
+        if self.suitenamemap.has_key(suitename):
+            suitename = self.suitenamemap[suitename]
+        if basename(importer_dir) == basename(self._primaryDir):
+            # primary is importer
+            this_imported_suites_dirname = join(importer_dir, self._imported_suites_dirname())
+            if not exists(this_imported_suites_dirname):
+                os.mkdir(this_imported_suites_dirname)
+            return join(this_imported_suites_dirname, suitename)
+        else:
+            return join(dirname(importer_dir), suitename)
+    def _nestedsuites_dirname(self):
+        return self._imported_suites_dirname()
+class PathSuiteModel(SuiteModel):
+    """The most general model. Uses a map from suitename to URL/path provided by the user"""
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        SuiteModel.__init__(self)
+        paths = path.split(',')
+        self.suit_to_url = {}
+        for path in paths:
+            pair = path.split('=')
+            if len(pair) > 1:
+                suitename = pair[0]
+                suiteurl = pair[1]
+            else:
+                suitename = basename(pair[0])
+                suiteurl = pair[0]
+            self.suit_to_url[suitename] = suiteurl
+    def _find_suite_dir(self, suitename):
+        if self.suit_to_url.has_key(suitename):
+            return self.suit_to_url[suitename]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _importee_dir(self, importer_dir, suitename):
+        if suitename in self.suit_to_url:
+            return self.suit_to_url[suitename]
+        else:
+            abort('suite ' + suitename + ' not found')
+class SuiteImport:
+    def __init__(self, name, version):
+        self.name = name
+        self.version = version
+    @staticmethod
+    def _parse_specification(specification):
+        pair = specification.split(',')
+        name = pair[0]
+        if len(pair) > 1:
+            version = pair[1]
+        else:
+            version = None
+        return SuiteImport(name, version)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _tostring(name, version):
+        return name + ',' + version
+    def _self_tostring(self):
+        return self.name + ',' + self.version
 class Suite:
-    def __init__(self, d, mxDir, primary):
-        self.dir = d
+    def __init__(self, mxDir, primary, load=True):
+        self.dir = dirname(mxDir)
         self.mxDir = mxDir
         self.projects = []
         self.libs = []
         self.dists = []
-        self.includes = []
+        self.imports = []
         self.commands = None
         self.primary = primary
-        self._load_env(mxDir)
-        self._load_commands(mxDir)
-        self._load_includes(mxDir)
-        self.name = d  # re-initialized in _load_projects
+        self.name = _suitename(mxDir)  # validated in _load_projects
+        self.version = None  # _hgtip checks current version if not None
+        self.version = _hgtip(self, False)
+        if load:
+            # load suites bottom up to make sure command overriding works properly
+            self._load_imports()
+            self._load_env()
+            self._load_commands()
+        _suites[self.name] = self
     def __str__(self):
         return self.name
-    def _load_projects(self, mxDir):
+    def _load_projects(self):
         libsMap = dict()
         projsMap = dict()
         distsMap = dict()
-        projectsFile = join(mxDir, 'projects')
+        projectsFile = join(self.mxDir, 'projects')
         if not exists(projectsFile):
-        def _find_suite_key():
-            for items in _suites.items():
-                if items[1].dir == self.dir:
-                    return items[0]
-            raise KeyError
         with open(projectsFile) as f:
             prefix = ''
             for line in f:
@@ -544,10 +703,7 @@
                         if parts[0] != 'suite':
                             abort('Single part property must be "suite": ' + key)
                         if self.name != value:
-                            currentKey = _find_suite_key()
-                            _suites.pop(currentKey)
-                            self.name = value
-                            _suites[value] = self
+                            abort('suite name in project file does not match ' + _suitename(self.mxDir))
                     if len(parts) != 3:
                         abort('Property name does not have 3 parts separated by "@": ' + key)
@@ -616,38 +772,89 @@
         if self.name is None:
             abort('Missing "suite=<name>" in ' + projectsFile)
-    def _load_commands(self, mxDir):
-        commandsPath = join(mxDir, 'commands.py')
+    def _commands_name(self):
+        return 'mx_' + self.name
+    def _find_commands(self, name):
+        commandsPath = join(self.mxDir, name + '.py')
         if exists(commandsPath):
+            return name
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _load_commands(self):
+        commandsName = self._find_commands(self._commands_name())
+        if commandsName is None:
+            # backwards compatibility
+            commandsName = self._find_commands('commands')
+        if commandsName is not None:
+            if commandsName in sys.modules:
+                abort(commandsName + '.py in suite ' + self.name + ' duplicates ' + sys.modules[commandsName].__file__)
             # temporarily extend the Python path
-            sys.path.insert(0, mxDir)
-            mod = __import__('commands')
-            self.commands = sys.modules.pop('commands')
-            sys.modules[join(mxDir, 'commands')] = self.commands
+            sys.path.insert(0, self.mxDir)
+            mod = __import__(commandsName)
+            self.commands = sys.modules.pop(commandsName)
+            sys.modules[commandsName] = self.commands
             # revert the Python path
             del sys.path[0]
             if not hasattr(mod, 'mx_init'):
-                abort(commandsPath + ' must define an mx_init(env) function')
+                abort(commandsName + '.py in suite ' + self.name + ' must define an mx_init(suite) function')
             if hasattr(mod, 'mx_post_parse_cmd_line'):
                 self.mx_post_parse_cmd_line = mod.mx_post_parse_cmd_line
             self.commands = mod
-    def _load_includes(self, mxDir):
-        includes = join(mxDir, 'includes')
-        if exists(includes):
-            with open(includes) as f:
+    def _visit_imports(self, visitor, **extra_args):
+        """
+        Visitor support for the imports file.
+        For each line of the imports file that specifies an import, the visitor function is
+        called with this suite, a SuiteImport instance created from the line and any extra args
+        passed to this call. In addition, if extra_args contains a key 'update_versions' that is True,
+        a StringIO value is added to extra_args with key 'updated_imports', and the visitor is responsible
+        for writing a (possibly) updated import line to the file, and the file is (possibly) updated after
+        all imports are processed.
+        N.B. There is no built-in support for avoiding visiting the same suite multiple times,
+        as this function only visits the imports of a singkle suite. If a (recursive) visitor function
+        wishes to visit a suite exactly once, it must manage that through extra_args.
+        """
+        importsFile = join(self.mxDir, 'imports')
+        if exists(importsFile):
+            update_versions = extra_args.has_key('update_versions') and extra_args['update_versions']
+            out = StringIO.StringIO() if update_versions else None
+            extra_args['updated_imports'] = out
+            with open(importsFile) as f:
                 for line in f:
-                    include = expandvars_in_property(line.strip())
-                    self.includes.append(include)
-                    _loadSuite(os.path.abspath(include), False)
-    def _load_env(self, mxDir):
-        e = join(mxDir, 'env')
+                    sline = line.strip()
+                    if len(sline) == 0 or sline.startswith('#'):
+                        if out is not None:
+                            out.write(sline + '\n')
+                        continue
+                    suite_import = SuiteImport._parse_specification(line.strip())
+                    visitor(self, suite_import, **extra_args)
+            if out is not None:
+                update_file(importsFile, out.getvalue())
+    @staticmethod
+    def _find_and_loadsuite(suite, suite_import, **extra_args):
+        """visitor for the initial suite load"""
+        importMxDir = _src_suitemodel._find_suite_dir(suite_import.name)
+        if importMxDir is None:
+            abort('import ' + suite_import.name + ' not found')
+        suite.imports.append(suite_import)
+        imported_suite = _loadSuite(importMxDir, False)
+        if imported_suite.version != suite.version:
+            warn('import version of ' + imported_suite.name +' does not match tip of ' + suite.version)
+    def _load_imports(self):
+        self._visit_imports(self._find_and_loadsuite)
+    def _load_env(self):
+        e = join(self.mxDir, 'env')
         if exists(e):
             with open(e) as f:
                 lineNum = 0
@@ -661,8 +868,8 @@
                         os.environ[key.strip()] = expandvars_in_property(value.strip())
     def _post_init(self, opts):
-        self._load_projects(self.mxDir)
-        # set the global data structures, checking for conflicts unless _global_structures is False
+        self._load_projects()
+        # set the global data structures, checking for conflicts unless _check_global_structures is False
         for p in self.projects:
             existing = _projects.get(p.name)
             if existing is not None and _check_global_structures:
@@ -680,7 +887,7 @@
             if existing is not None and _check_global_structures:
                 # allow redefinition, so use path from existing
                 # abort('cannot redefine distribution  ' + d.name)
-                print('WARNING: distribution ' + d.name + ' redefined')
+                warn('distribution ' + d.name + ' redefined')
                 d.path = existing.path
             _dists[d.name] = d
         if hasattr(self, 'mx_post_parse_cmd_line'):
@@ -777,28 +984,16 @@
         abort('Unknown operating system ' + sys.platform)
-def _loadSuite(d, primary=False):
+def _loadSuite(mxDir, primary=False):
-    Load a suite from the 'mx' or 'mx.bbb' subdirectory of d, where 'bbb' is basename of d
+    Load a suite from 'mxDir'.
-    mxDefaultDir = join(d, 'mx')
-    name = os.path.basename(d)
-    mxTaggedDir = mxDefaultDir + '.' + name
-    mxDir = None
-    if exists(mxTaggedDir) and isdir(mxTaggedDir):
-        mxDir = mxTaggedDir
-    else:
-        if exists(mxDefaultDir) and isdir(mxDefaultDir):
-            mxDir = mxDefaultDir
-    if mxDir is None:
-        return None
-    if len([s for s in _suites.itervalues() if s.dir == d]) == 0:
-        s = Suite(d, mxDir, primary)
-        # N.B. this will be updated once the projects file has been read
-        _suites[name] = s
-        return s
+    for s in _suites.itervalues():
+        if s.mxDir == mxDir:
+            return s
+    # create the new suite
+    s = Suite(mxDir, primary)
+    return s
 def suites(opt_limit_to_suite=False):
@@ -822,6 +1017,7 @@
         abort('suite named ' + name + ' not found')
     return s
 def projects_from_names(projectNames):
     Get the list of projects corresponding to projectNames; all projects if None
@@ -1020,7 +1216,7 @@
-    envPath = join(_mainSuite.dir, 'mx', 'env')
+    envPath = join(_mainSuite.mxDir, 'env')
     if ask_yes_no('Persist this setting by adding "JAVA_HOME=' + javaHome + '" to ' + envPath, 'y'):
         with open(envPath, 'a') as fp:
             print >> fp, 'JAVA_HOME=' + javaHome
@@ -1028,7 +1224,6 @@
     return javaHome
 class ArgParser(ArgumentParser):
     # Override parent to append the list of available commands
     def format_help(self):
         return ArgumentParser.format_help(self) + _format_commands()
@@ -1041,6 +1236,7 @@
         self.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='enable verbose output')
         self.add_argument('-V', action='store_true', dest='very_verbose', help='enable very verbose output')
+        self.add_argument('-w', action='store_true', dest='warn', help='enable warning messages')
         self.add_argument('--dbg', type=int, dest='java_dbg_port', help='make Java processes wait on <port> for a debugger', metavar='<port>')
         self.add_argument('-d', action='store_const', const=8000, dest='java_dbg_port', help='alias for "-dbg 8000"')
         self.add_argument('--cp-pfx', dest='cp_prefix', help='class path prefix', metavar='<arg>')
@@ -1052,6 +1248,9 @@
         self.add_argument('--java-home', help='bootstrap JDK installation directory (must be JDK 6 or later)', metavar='<path>')
         self.add_argument('--ignore-project', action='append', dest='ignored_projects', help='name of project to ignore', metavar='<name>', default=[])
         self.add_argument('--suite', action='append', dest='specific_suites', help='limit command to given suite', default=[])
+        self.add_argument('--src-suitemodel', help='mechanism for locating imported suites', metavar='<arg>', default='sibling')
+        self.add_argument('--dst-suitemodel', help='mechanism for placing cloned/pushed suites', metavar='<arg>', default='sibling')
+        self.add_argument('--suitemap', help='explicit remapping of suite names', metavar='<args>')
         if get_os() != 'windows':
             # Time outs are (currently) implemented with Unix specific functionality
             self.add_argument('--timeout', help='timeout (in seconds) for command', type=int, default=0, metavar='<secs>')
@@ -1092,6 +1291,33 @@
     def _handle_conflict_resolve(self, action, conflicting_actions):
         self._handle_conflict_error(action, conflicting_actions)
+class SMArgParser(ArgParser):
+    """Parser that just looks for suitemodel options, which must happen before suites are loaded"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        ArgParser.__init__(self)
+    def _suitemodel(self, option, suitemap):
+        if option.startswith('sibling'):
+            return SiblingSuiteModel(os.getcwd(), option, suitemap)
+        elif option.startswith('nested'):
+            return NestedImportsSuiteModel(os.getcwd(), option, suitemap)
+        elif option.startswith('path'):
+            return PathSuiteModel(option[len('path:'):])
+        else:
+            abort('unknown suitemodel type: ' + option)
+    def _parse_suitemodel_options(self):
+        # the command line may contains args added by suites, so we only parse the currently known args
+        opts = self.parse_known_args()[0]
+        # set this early
+        global _warn
+        _warn = opts.warn
+        global _src_suitemodel
+        _src_suitemodel = self._suitemodel(opts.src_suitemodel, opts.suitemap)
+        global _dst_suitemodel
+        _dst_suitemodel = self._suitemodel(opts.dst_suitemodel, opts.suitemap)
 def _format_commands():
     msg = '\navailable commands:\n\n'
     for cmd in sorted(_commands.iterkeys()):
@@ -1606,7 +1832,7 @@
     javaCompliance = java().javaCompliance
-    defaultEcjPath = join(_mainSuite.dir, 'mx', 'ecj.jar')
+    defaultEcjPath = join(_mainSuite.mxDir, 'ecj.jar')
     parser = parser if parser is not None else ArgumentParser(prog='mx build')
     parser.add_argument('-f', action='store_true', dest='force', help='force build (disables timestamp checking)')
@@ -1803,7 +2029,7 @@
                 jdtProperties = join(p.dir, '.settings', 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs')
-                rootJdtProperties = join(p.suite.dir, 'mx', 'eclipse-settings', 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs')
+                rootJdtProperties = join(p.suite.mxDir, 'eclipse-settings', 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs')
                 if not exists(jdtProperties) or os.path.getmtime(jdtProperties) < os.path.getmtime(rootJdtProperties):
                     # Try to fix a missing properties file by running eclipseinit
                     eclipseinit([], buildProcessorJars=False)
@@ -2122,7 +2348,7 @@
     The exit code of this command reflects how many files were updated."""
     changedFiles = 0
-    for s in suites():
+    for s in suites(True):
         projectsFile = join(s.mxDir, 'projects')
         if not exists(projectsFile):
@@ -2763,12 +2989,20 @@
     launchOut.element('booleanAttribute', {'key' : 'org.eclipse.debug.ui.ATTR_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_ON', 'value': consoleOn})
     launchOut.element('booleanAttribute', {'key' : 'org.eclipse.debug.ui.ATTR_LAUNCH_IN_BACKGROUND', 'value': 'true' if async else 'false'})
-    baseDir = dirname(dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+    # expect to find the OS command to invoke mx in the same directory
+    baseDir = dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
     cmd = 'mx.sh'
     if get_os() == 'windows':
         cmd = 'mx.cmd'
-    launchOut.element('stringAttribute', {'key' : 'org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_LOCATION', 'value': join(baseDir, cmd) })
+    cmdPath = join(baseDir, cmd)
+    if not os.path.exists(cmdPath):
+        # backwards compatibility for when the commands lived in parent of mxtool
+        cmdPath = join(dirname(baseDir), cmd)
+        if not os.path.exists(cmdPath):
+            abort('cannot locate ' + cmd)
+    launchOut.element('stringAttribute', {'key' : 'org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_LOCATION', 'value':  cmdPath})
     launchOut.element('stringAttribute', {'key' : 'org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_RUN_BUILD_KINDS', 'value': 'auto,full,incremental'})
     launchOut.element('stringAttribute', {'key' : 'org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_TOOL_ARGUMENTS', 'value': mxCommand})
     launchOut.element('booleanAttribute', {'key' : 'org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_TRIGGERS_CONFIGURED', 'value': 'true'})
@@ -3210,18 +3444,24 @@
     """find directories corresponding to deleted Java projects and delete them"""
     for suite in suites(True):
         projectDirs = [p.dir for p in suite.projects]
-        for root, dirnames, files in os.walk(suite.dir):
-            currentDir = join(suite.dir, root)
-            if currentDir in projectDirs:
-                # don't traverse subdirs of an existing project
+        for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(suite.dir):
+            if dirpath == suite.dir:
+                # no point in traversing .hg
+                if '.hg' in dirnames:
+                    dirnames.remove('.hg')
+                # if there are nested suites must not scan those now, as they are not in projectDirs
+                if _src_suitemodel._nestedsuites_dirname() in dirnames:
+                    dirnames.remove(_src_suitemodel._nestedsuites_dirname())
+            elif dirpath in projectDirs:
+                # don't traverse subdirs of an existing project in this suite
                 dirnames[:] = []
                 projectConfigFiles = frozenset(['.classpath', 'nbproject'])
                 indicators = projectConfigFiles.intersection(files)
                 if len(indicators) != 0:
-                    if not sys.stdout.isatty() or ask_yes_no(currentDir + ' looks like a removed project -- delete it', 'n'):
-                        shutil.rmtree(currentDir)
-                        log('Deleted ' + currentDir)
+                    if not sys.stdout.isatty() or ask_yes_no(dirpath + ' looks like a removed project -- delete it', 'n'):
+                        shutil.rmtree(dirpath)
+                        log('Deleted ' + dirpath)
 def javadoc(args, parser=None, docDir='javadoc', includeDeps=True, stdDoclet=True):
     """generate javadoc for some/all Java projects"""
@@ -3625,9 +3865,292 @@
         if exists(tmpbase):
+def _kwArg(kwargs):
+    if len(kwargs) > 0:
+        return kwargs.pop(0)
+    return None
+def sclone(args):
+    """clone a suite repository, and its imported suites"""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx sclone')
+    parser.add_argument('--source', help='url/path of repo containing suite', metavar='<url>')
+    parser.add_argument('--dest', help='destination directory (default basename of source)', metavar='<path>')
+    parser.add_argument("--no-imports", action='store_true', help='do not clone imported suites')
+    parser.add_argument('nonKWArgs', nargs=REMAINDER, metavar='source [dest]...')
+    args = parser.parse_args(args)
+    # check for non keyword args
+    if args.source is None:
+        args.source = _kwArg(args.nonKWArgs)
+    if args.dest is None:
+        args.dest = _kwArg(args.nonKWArgs)
+    if len(args.nonKWArgs) > 0:
+        abort('unrecognized args: ' + ' '.join(args.nonKWArgs))
+    if args.source is None:
+        # must be primary suite and dest is required
+        if _mainSuite is None:
+            abort('--source missing and no primary suite found')
+        if args.dest is None:
+            abort('--dest required when --source is not given')
+        source = _mainSuite.dir
+    else:
+        source = args.source
+    if args.dest is not None:
+        dest = args.dest
+    else:
+        dest = basename(source)
+    dest = os.path.abspath(dest)
+    # We can now set the primary dir for the src/dst suitemodel
+    _dst_suitemodel._set_primary_dir(dest)
+    _src_suitemodel._set_primary_dir(source)
+    _sclone(source, dest, None, args.no_imports)
+def _sclone(source, dest, version, no_imports):
+    cmd = ['hg', 'clone']
+    if version is not None:
+        cmd.append('-r')
+        cmd.append(version)
+    cmd.append(source)
+    cmd.append(dest)
+    run(cmd)
+    mxDir = _is_suite_dir(dest)
+    if mxDir is None:
+        warn(source + ' is not an mx suite')
+        return None
+    # create a Suite (without loading) to enable imports visitor
+    s = Suite(mxDir, False, load=False)
+    if not no_imports:
+        s._visit_imports(_scloneimports_visitor, source=source)
+    return s
+def _scloneimports_visitor(s, suite_import, source, **extra_args):
+    """
+    cloneimports visitor for Suite._visit_imports.
+    The destination information is encapsulated by 's'
+    """
+    _scloneimports(s, suite_import, source)
+def _scloneimports_suitehelper(sdir):
+    mxDir = _is_suite_dir(sdir)
+    if mxDir is None:
+        abort(sdir + ' is not an mx suite')
+    else:
+        # create a Suite (without loading) to enable imports visitor
+        return Suite(mxDir, False, load=False)
+def _scloneimports(s, suite_import, source):
+    # clone first, then visit imports once we can locate them
+    importee_source = _src_suitemodel._importee_dir(source, suite_import.name)
+    importee_dest = _dst_suitemodel._importee_dir(s.dir, suite_import.name)
+    if exists(importee_dest):
+        importee_suite = _scloneimports_suitehelper(importee_dest)
+        importee_suite._visit_imports(_scloneimports_visitor, source=importee_source)
+    else:
+        _sclone(importee_source, importee_dest, suite_import.version, False)
+        # _clone handles the recursive visit of the new imports
+def scloneimports(args):
+    """clone the imports of an existing suite"""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx scloneimports')
+    parser.add_argument('--source', help='url/path of repo containing suite', metavar='<url>')
+    parser.add_argument('nonKWArgs', nargs=REMAINDER, metavar='source [dest]...')
+    args = parser.parse_args(args)
+    # check for non keyword args
+    if args.source is None:
+        args.source = _kwArg(args.nonKWArgs)
+    if not os.path.isdir(args.source):
+        abort(args.source + ' is not a directory')
+    s = _scloneimports_suitehelper(args.source)
+    default_path = _hgdefault_push(args.source)
+    if default_path is None:
+        abort('no default path in ' + join(args.source, '.hg', 'hgrc'))
+    # We can now set the primary dir for the dst suitemodel
+    # N.B. source is effectively the destination and the default_path is the (original) source
+    _dst_suitemodel._set_primary_dir(args.source)
+    s._visit_imports(_scloneimports_visitor, source=default_path)
+def _spush_import_visitor(s, suite_import, dest, checks, clonemissing, **extra_args):
+    """push visitor for Suite._visit_imports"""
+    if dest is not None:
+        dest = _dst_suitemodel._importee_dir(dest, suite_import.name)
+    _spush(suite(suite_import.name), suite_import, dest, checks, clonemissing)
+def _spush_check_import_visitor(s, suite_import, **extra_args):
+    """push check visitor for Suite._visit_imports"""
+    currentTip = _hgtip(suite(suite_import.name))
+    if currentTip != suite_import.version:
+        abort('import version of ' + suite_import.name + ' in suite ' + s.name + ' does not match tip')
+def _spush(s, suite_import, dest, checks, clonemissing):
+    if checks:
+        if not _hgcanpush(s):
+            abort('working directory ' + s.dir + ' contains uncommitted changes, push aborted')
+    # check imports first
+    if checks:
+        s._visit_imports(_spush_check_import_visitor)
+    # ok, push imports
+    s._visit_imports(_spush_import_visitor, dest=dest, checks=checks, clonemissing=clonemissing)
+    dest_exists = True
+    if clonemissing:
+        if not os.path.exists(dest):
+            dest_exists = False
+    def add_version(cmd, suite_import):
+        if suite_import is not None and suite_import.version is not None:
+            cmd.append('-r')
+            cmd.append(suite_import.version)
+    if dest_exists:
+        cmd = ['hg', '-R', s.dir, 'push']
+        add_version(cmd, suite_import)
+        if dest is not None:
+            cmd.append(dest)
+        rc = run(cmd, nonZeroIsFatal=False)
+        if rc != 0:
+            # rc of 1 not an error,  means no changes
+            if rc != 1:
+                abort("push failed, exit code " + str(rc))
+    else:
+        cmd = ['hg', 'clone']
+        add_version(cmd, suite_import)
+        cmd.append(s.dir)
+        cmd.append(dest)
+        run(cmd)
+def spush(args):
+    """push primary suite and all its imports"""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx spush')
+    parser.add_argument('--dest', help='url/path of repo to push to (default as per hg push)', metavar='<path>')
+    parser.add_argument('--no-checks', action='store_true', help='checks on status, versions are disabled')
+    parser.add_argument('--clonemissing', action='store_true', help='clone missing imported repos at destination (forces --no-checks)')
+    parser.add_argument('nonKWArgs', nargs=REMAINDER, metavar='source [dest]...')
+    args = parser.parse_args(args)
+    if args.dest is None:
+        args.dest = _kwArg(args.nonKWArgs)
+    if len(args.nonKWArgs) > 0:
+        abort('unrecognized args: ' + ' '.join(args.nonKWArgs))
+    if args.dest is not None and not os.path.isdir(args.dest):
+        abort('destination must be a directory')
+    s = _check_primary_suite()
+    if args.clonemissing:
+        if args.dest is None:
+            abort('--dest required with --clonemissing')
+        args.nochecks = True
+    if args.dest is not None:
+        _dst_suitemodel._set_primary_dir(args.dest)
+    _spush(s, None, args.dest, not args.nochecks, args.clonemissing)
+def _supdate_import_visitor(s, suite_import, **extra_args):
+    _supdate(suite(suite_import.name), suite_import)
+def _supdate(s, suite_import):
+    s._visit_imports(_supdate_import_visitor)
+    run(['hg', '-R', s.dir, 'update'])
+def supdate(args):
+    """update primary suite and all its imports"""
+    s = _check_primary_suite()
+    _supdate(s, None)
+def _scheck_imports_visitor(s, suite_import, update_versions, updated_imports):
+    """checkimportversions visitor for Suite._visit_imports"""
+    _scheck_imports(suite(suite_import.name), suite_import, update_versions, updated_imports)
+def _scheck_imports(s, suite_import, update_versions, updated_imports):
+    # check imports recursively
+    s._visit_imports(_scheck_imports_visitor, update_versions=update_versions)
+    currentTip = _hgtip(s)
+    if currentTip != suite_import.version:
+        print('import version of ' + s.name + ' does not match tip' + (': updating' if update_versions else ''))
+    if update_versions:
+        suite_import.version = currentTip
+        line = suite_import._self_tostring()
+        updated_imports.write(line + '\n')
+def scheckimports(args):
+    """check that suite import versions are up to date"""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx scheckimports')
+    parser.add_argument('--update-versions', help='update imported version ids', action='store_true')
+    args = parser.parse_args(args)
+    _check_primary_suite()._visit_imports(_scheck_imports_visitor, update_versions=args.update_versions)
+def _hgtip(s, abortOnError=True):
+    try:
+        version = subprocess.check_output(['hg', 'tip', '-R', s.dir, '--template', '{node}'])
+        if s.version is not None and s.version != version:
+            abort('version of suite ' + s.name +' has changed during run')
+        return version
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+        if abortOnError:
+            abort('failed to get tip revision id')
+        else:
+            return None
+def _hgcanpush(s):
+    try:
+        output = subprocess.check_output(['hg', '-R', s.dir, 'status'])
+        # super strict
+        return output == ''
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+        return False
+def _hgdefault_push(sdir):
+    with open(join(sdir, '.hg', 'hgrc')) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            line = line.rstrip()
+            if line.startswith('default = '):
+                return line[len('default = '):]
+    return None
+def _spull_import_visitor(s, suite_import, update_versions, updated_imports):
+    """pull visitor for Suite._visit_imports"""
+    _spull(suite(suite_import.name), update_versions, updated_imports)
+def _spull(s, update_versions, updated_imports):
+    # pull imports first
+    s._visit_imports(_spull_import_visitor, update_versions=update_versions)
+    run(['hg', '-R', s.dir, 'pull', '-u'])
+    if update_versions and updated_imports is not None:
+        tip = _hgtip(s)
+        updated_imports.write(SuiteImport._tostring(s.name, tip) + '\n')
+def spull(args):
+    """pull primary suite and all its imports"""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx spull')
+    parser.add_argument('--update-versions', action='store_true', help='update version ids of imported suites')
+    args = parser.parse_args(args)
+    _spull(_check_primary_suite(), args.update_versions, None)
 def findclass(args, logToConsole=True):
     """find all classes matching a given substring"""
     matches = []
     for entry, filename in classpath_walk(includeBootClasspath=True):
         if filename.endswith('.class'):
@@ -3734,17 +4257,19 @@
 def update_commands(suite, new_commands):
     for key, value in new_commands.iteritems():
-        if _commands.has_key(key) and not suite.primary:
-            pass
-            # print("WARNING: attempt to redefine command '" + key + "' in suite " + suite.dir)
-        else:
-            _commands[key] = value
+        if _commands.has_key(key):
+            warn("redefining command '" + key + "' in suite " + suite.name)
+        _commands[key] = value
+def warn(msg):
+    if _warn:
+        print('WARNING: ' + msg)
 # Table of commands in alphabetical order.
 # Keys are command names, value are lists: [<function>, <usage msg>, <format args to doc string of function>...]
 # If any of the format args are instances of Callable, then they are called with an 'env' are before being
 # used in the call to str.format().
-# Extensions should update this table directly
+# Suite extensions should not update this table directly, but use update_commands
 _commands = {
     'about': [about, ''],
     'build': [build, '[options]'],
@@ -3760,6 +4285,12 @@
     'ideinit': [ideinit, ''],
     'archive': [archive, '[options]'],
     'projectgraph': [projectgraph, ''],
+    'sclone': [sclone, '[options]'],
+    'scheckimports': [scheckimports, ''],
+    'scloneimports': [scloneimports, '[options]'],
+    'spull': [spull, '[options'],
+    'spush': [spush, '[options'],
+    'supdate': [supdate, ''],
     'pylint': [pylint, ''],
     'javap': [javap, '<class name patterns>'],
     'javadoc': [javadoc, '[options]'],
@@ -3770,36 +4301,68 @@
 _argParser = ArgParser()
-def _findPrimarySuite():
-    def is_suite_dir(d):
+def _suitename(mxDir):
+    base = os.path.basename(mxDir)
+    parts = base.split('.')
+    # temporary workaround until mx.graal exists
+    if len(parts) == 1:
+        return 'graal'
+    else:
+        return parts[1]
+def _is_suite_dir(d, mxDirName=None):
+    """
+    Checks if d contains a suite.
+    If mxDirName is None, matches any suite name, otherwise checks for exactly that suite.
+    """
+    if os.path.isdir(d):
         for f in os.listdir(d):
-            if f == 'mx' or fnmatch.fnmatch(f, 'mx.*'):
+            if (mxDirName == None and (f == 'mx' or fnmatch.fnmatch(f, 'mx.*'))) or f == mxDirName:
                 mxDir = join(d, f)
                 if exists(mxDir) and isdir(mxDir) and exists(join(mxDir, 'projects')):
-                    return dirname(mxDir)
-    # try current working directory first
-    if is_suite_dir(os.getcwd()):
-        return os.getcwd()
-    # now search path of my executable
-    me = sys.argv[0]
-    parent = dirname(me)
-    while parent:
-        if is_suite_dir(parent):
-            return parent
-        parent = dirname(parent)
+                    return mxDir
+def _check_primary_suite():
+    if _mainSuite is None:
+        abort('no primary suite found')
+    else:
+        return _mainSuite
+def _needs_primary_suite(command):
+    return not command.startswith("sclone")
+def _findPrimarySuiteMxDir():
+    # try current working directory first, the look up the tree
+    curdir = os.getcwd()
+    while curdir:
+        mxDir = _is_suite_dir(curdir)
+        if mxDir is not None:
+            return mxDir
+        parent = dirname(curdir)
+        if curdir == parent:
+            return None
+        curdir = parent
     return None
 def main():
-    primarySuiteDir = _findPrimarySuite()
-    if primarySuiteDir:
+    SMArgParser()._parse_suitemodel_options()
+    primarySuiteMxDir = _findPrimarySuiteMxDir()
+    if primarySuiteMxDir:
+        _src_suitemodel._set_primary_dir(dirname(primarySuiteMxDir))
         global _mainSuite
-        _mainSuite = _loadSuite(primarySuiteDir, True)
+        _mainSuite = _loadSuite(primarySuiteMxDir, True)
     opts, commandAndArgs = _argParser._parse_cmd_line()
+    if primarySuiteMxDir is None:
+        msg = 'no primary suite found'
+        if len(commandAndArgs) > 0 and _needs_primary_suite(commandAndArgs[0]):
+            abort(msg)
+        else:
+            warn(msg)
     global _opts, _java
     _opts = opts
     _java = JavaConfig(opts)