diff mx.jvmci/mx_jvmci_makefile.py @ 22139:ed35cb998428

Initial split off from monolithic basic-graal repo
author Doug Simon <doug.simon@oracle.com>
date Mon, 06 Jul 2015 14:10:14 +0200
parents mx.graal/mx_graal_makefile.py@0aadb6b01fcd
children f9ddf6b6dd6b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mx.jvmci/mx_jvmci_makefile.py	Mon Jul 06 14:10:14 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2015, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import mx, mx_jvmci, os
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, REMAINDER
+class Makefile:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.rules = []
+        self.definitions = []
+    def add_rule(self, s):
+        self.rules.append(s)
+    def add_definition(self, s):
+        self.definitions.append(s)
+    def generate(self):
+        return "\n\n".join(self.definitions + self.rules)
+def build_makefile(args):
+    """Creates a Makefile which is able to build distributions without mx
+    The return value indicates how many files were modified"""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx makefile')
+    parser.add_argument('-o', action='store', dest='output', help='Write contents to this file.')
+    parser.add_argument('selectedDists', help="Selected distribution names which are going to be built with make.", nargs=REMAINDER)
+    opts = parser.parse_args(args)
+    if opts.selectedDists == None or len(opts.selectedDists) == 0:
+        opts.selectedDists = [d.name for d in mx_jvmci._jdkDeployedDists if d.partOfHotSpot]
+    mf = Makefile()
+    commandline = " ".join(["mx.sh", "makefile"] + args)
+    if do_build_makefile(mf, opts.selectedDists, commandline):
+        contents = mf.generate()
+        if opts.output == None:
+            print contents
+        else:
+            if mx.update_file(opts.output, contents, showDiff=True):
+                return 1
+    return 0
+def short_dist_name(name):
+    return name.replace("COM_ORACLE_", "")
+def filter_projects(deps, t):
+    def typeFilter(project): # filters
+        if isinstance(project, str):
+            project = mx.dependency(project, True)
+        return isinstance(project, t)
+    return [d for d in deps if typeFilter(d)]
+def get_jdk_deployed_dists():
+    return [d.name for d in mx_jvmci._jdkDeployedDists]
+def update_list(li, elements):
+    for e in elements:
+        if e not in li:
+            li.append(e)
+def make_dist_rule(dist, mf):
+    def path_dist_relative(p):
+        return os.path.relpath(p, dist.suite.dir)
+    shortName = short_dist_name(dist.name)
+    jdkDeployedDists = get_jdk_deployed_dists()
+    jarName = os.path.basename(dist.path)
+    sourcesVariableName = shortName + "_SRC"
+    depJarVariableName = shortName + "_DEP_JARS"
+    sources = []
+    resources = []
+    sortedDeps = dist.sorted_deps(True, transitive=False, includeAnnotationProcessors=True)
+    projects = filter_projects(sortedDeps, mx.Project)
+    targetPathPrefix = "$(TARGET)/"
+    libraryDeps = [path_dist_relative(l.get_path(False)) for l in filter_projects(sortedDeps, mx.Library)]
+    annotationProcessorDeps = []
+    distDeps = dist.get_dist_deps(includeSelf=False, transitive=True)
+    distDepProjects = []
+    for d in distDeps:
+        update_list(distDepProjects, d.sorted_deps(includeLibs=False, transitive=True))
+    classPath = [targetPathPrefix + os.path.basename(d.path) for d in distDeps] + libraryDeps \
+        + [path_dist_relative(mx.dependency(name).path) for name in dist.excludedDependencies]
+    for p in projects:
+        if p.definedAnnotationProcessors != None and p.definedAnnotationProcessorsDist != dist:
+            update_list(annotationProcessorDeps, [p])
+    for p in projects:
+        projectDir = path_dist_relative(p.dir)
+        if p not in distDepProjects and p not in annotationProcessorDeps:
+            for src in [projectDir + '/' + d for d in p.srcDirs]:
+                sources.append("$(shell find {} -type f 2> /dev/null)".format(src))
+                metaInf = src + "/META-INF"
+                if os.path.exists(metaInf):
+                    resources.append(metaInf)
+    sourceLines = sourcesVariableName + " = " + ("\n" + sourcesVariableName + " += ").join(sources)
+    apPaths = []
+    apDistNames = []
+    apDistVariableNames = []
+    for p in annotationProcessorDeps:
+        apPaths.append(path_dist_relative(p.definedAnnotationProcessorsDist.path))
+        name = short_dist_name(p.definedAnnotationProcessorsDist.name)
+        apDistNames.append(name)
+        apDistVariableNames.append("$(" + name + "_JAR)")
+    shouldExport = dist.name in jdkDeployedDists
+    props = {
+           "name": shortName,
+           "jarName": targetPathPrefix + jarName,
+           "depJarsVariableAccess": "$(" + depJarVariableName + ")" if len(classPath) > 0 else "",
+           "depJarsVariable": depJarVariableName,
+           "sourceLines": sourceLines,
+           "sourcesVariableName": sourcesVariableName,
+           "annotationProcessors": " ".join(apDistVariableNames),
+           "cpAnnotationProcessors": ":".join(apDistVariableNames),
+           "jarDeps": " ".join(classPath),
+           "copyResources": " ".join(resources)
+           }
+    mf.add_definition(sourceLines)
+    mf.add_definition("{name}_JAR = {jarName}".format(**props))
+    if len(classPath) > 0: mf.add_definition("{depJarsVariable} = {jarDeps}".format(**props))
+    if shouldExport: mf.add_definition("EXPORTED_FILES += $({name}_JAR)".format(**props))
+    mf.add_rule("""$({name}_JAR): $({sourcesVariableName}) {annotationProcessors} {depJarsVariableAccess}
+\t$(call build_and_jar,{cpAnnotationProcessors},$(subst  $(space),:,{depJarsVariableAccess}),{copyResources},$({name}_JAR))
+    return
+def do_build_makefile(mf, selectedDists, commandline):
+    java = mx.java()
+    bootClassPath = java.bootclasspath()
+    bootClassPath = bootClassPath.replace(os.path.realpath(java.jdk), "$(ABS_BOOTDIR)")
+    jdkBootClassPathVariableName = "JDK_BOOTCLASSPATH"
+    mf.add_definition("""# This Makefile is generated automatically, do not edit
+# Bootstrap JDK to be used (for javac and jar)
+JAVAC=$(ABS_BOOTDIR)/bin/javac -g -target """ + str(java.javaCompliance) + """
+# Directories, where the generated property-files reside within the JAR files
+JARS = $(foreach dist,$(DISTRIBUTIONS),$($(dist)_JAR))
+ifeq ($(ABS_BOOTDIR),)
+    $(error Variable ABS_BOOTDIR must be set to a JDK installation.)
+ifeq ($(MAKE_VERBOSE),)
+    QUIETLY=@
+# Required to construct a whitespace for use with subst
+space :=
+space +=
+# Takes the provider files created by ServiceProviderProcessor (the processor
+# for the @ServiceProvider annotation) and merges them into a single file.
+# Arguments:
+#  1: directory with contents of the JAR file
+define process_providers
+    $(eval providers := $(1)/$(PROVIDERS_INF))
+    $(eval services := $(1)/$(SERVICES_INF))
+    $(QUIETLY) test -d $(services) || mkdir -p $(services)
+    $(QUIETLY) test ! -d $(providers) || (cd $(providers) && for i in $$(ls); do c=$$(cat $$i); echo $$i >> $(abspath $(services))/$$c; rm $$i; done)
+    @# Since all projects are built together with one javac call we cannot determine
+    @# which project contains HotSpotVMConfig.inline.hpp so we hardcode it.
+    $(eval vmconfig := $(1)/hotspot/HotSpotVMConfig.inline.hpp)
+    $(eval vmconfigDest := $(HS_COMMON_SRC)/../jvmci/jdk.internal.jvmci.hotspot/src_gen/hotspot)
+    $(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(vmconfig) || (mkdir -p $(vmconfigDest) && cp $(vmconfig) $(vmconfigDest))
+# Reads the files in jvmci.options/ created by OptionProcessor (the processor for the @Option annotation)
+# and appends to services/jdk.internal.jvmci.options.Options entries for the providers
+# also created by the same processor.
+# Arguments:
+#  1: directory with contents of the JAR file
+define process_options
+    $(eval options := $(1)/$(OPTIONS_INF))
+    $(eval services := $(1)/META-INF/services)
+    $(QUIETLY) test -d $(services) || mkdir -p $(services)
+    $(QUIETLY) test ! -d $(options) || (cd $(options) && for i in $$(ls); do echo $${i}_Options >> $(abspath $(services))/jdk.internal.jvmci.options.Options; done)
+# Extracts META-INF/jvmci.services and META-INF/jvmci.options of a JAR file into a given directory
+# Arguments:
+#  1: JAR file to extract
+#  2: target directory (which already exists)
+define extract
+    $(eval TMP := $(shell mktemp -d $(TARGET)/tmp_XXXXX))
+    $(QUIETLY) cd $(TMP) && $(JAR) xf $(abspath $(1)) && \\
+        ((test ! -d .$(SERVICES_INF) || cp -r .$(SERVICES_INF) $(abspath $(2))) && \\
+         (test ! -d .$(OPTIONS_INF) || cp -r .$(OPTIONS_INF) $(abspath $(2))));
+    $(QUIETLY) rm -r $(TMP);
+    $(QUIETLY) cp $(1) $(2)
+# Calls $(JAVAC) with the boot class path $(JDK_BOOTCLASSPATH) and sources taken from the automatic variable $^
+# Arguments:
+#  1: processorpath
+#  2: classpath
+#  3: resources to copy
+#  4: target JAR file
+define build_and_jar
+    $(info Building $(4))
+    $(eval TMP := $(shell mkdir -p $(TARGET) && mktemp -d $(TARGET)/tmp_XXXXX))
+    $(QUIETLY) $(JAVAC) -d $(TMP) -processorpath :$(1) -bootclasspath $(JDK_BOOTCLASSPATH) -cp :$(2) $(filter %.java,$^)
+    $(QUIETLY) test "$(3)" = "" || cp -r $(3) $(TMP)
+    $(QUIETLY) $(call process_options,$(TMP))
+    $(QUIETLY) $(call process_providers,$(TMP))
+    $(QUIETLY) mkdir -p $(shell dirname $(4))
+    $(QUIETLY) $(JAR) -0cf $(4) -C $(TMP) .
+    $(QUIETLY) rm -r $(TMP)
+# Verifies that make/defs.make contains an appropriate line for each JVMCI service or option
+# and that only existing JVMCI services and options are exported.
+# Arguments:
+#  1: list of service or option files
+#  2: variable name for directory of service or option files
+define verify_defs_make
+    $(eval defs := make/defs.make)
+    $(eval uncondPattern := EXPORT_LIST += $$$$($(2))/)
+    $(eval condPattern := CONDITIONAL_EXPORT_LIST += $$$$($(2))/)
+    $(eval unconditionalExports := $(shell grep '^EXPORT_LIST += $$($2)' make/defs.make | sed 's:.*($(2))/::g'))
+    $(eval conditionalExports := $(shell grep '^CONDITIONAL_EXPORT_LIST += $$($2)' make/defs.make | sed 's:.*($(2))/::g'))
+    $(eval allExports := $(unconditionalExports) $(conditionalExports))
+    $(foreach file,$(1),$(if $(findstring $(file),$(allExports)), ,$(error "Line matching '$(uncondPattern)$(file)' or '$(condPattern)$(file)' not found in $(defs)")))
+    $(foreach export,$(unconditionalExports),$(if $(findstring $(export),$(1)), ,$(error "The line '$(uncondPattern)$(export)' should not be in $(defs)")))
+all: default
+\t$(shell mkdir -p $(SHARED_DIR))
+\t$(foreach export,$(EXPORTED_FILES),$(call extract,$(export),$(SHARED_DIR)))
+export: all
+\t$(call verify_defs_make,$(notdir $(wildcard $(SHARED_DIR)/jvmci.services/*)),EXPORT_JRE_LIB_JVMCI_SERVICES_DIR)
+\t$(call verify_defs_make,$(notdir $(wildcard $(SHARED_DIR)/jvmci.options/*)),EXPORT_JRE_LIB_JVMCI_OPTIONS_DIR)
+.PHONY: export
+\t$(QUIETLY) rm $(JARS) 2> /dev/null || true
+\t$(QUIETLY) rmdir -p $(dir $(JARS)) 2> /dev/null || true
+.PHONY: export clean
+    s = mx.suite("graal")
+    dists = []
+    ap = []
+    projects = []
+    for d in s.dists:
+        if d.name in selectedDists:
+            update_list(dists, d.get_dist_deps(True, True))
+            update_list(projects, d.sorted_deps(includeLibs=False, transitive=True))
+    for p in projects:
+        deps = p.all_deps([], False, includeSelf=True, includeJreLibs=False, includeAnnotationProcessors=True)
+        for d in deps:
+            if d.definedAnnotationProcessorsDist is not None:
+                apd = d.definedAnnotationProcessorsDist
+                update_list(ap, [apd])
+    if len(dists) > 0:
+        mf.add_definition(jdkBootClassPathVariableName + " = " + bootClassPath)
+        for d in ap: make_dist_rule(d, mf)
+        for d in dists: make_dist_rule(d, mf)
+        mf.add_definition("DISTRIBUTIONS = " + " ".join([short_dist_name(d.name) for d in dists+ap]))
+        mf.add_rule("default: $({}_JAR)\n.PHONY: default\n".format("_JAR) $(".join([short_dist_name(d.name) for d in dists])))
+        return True
+    else:
+        for d in dists:
+            selectedDists.remove(d.name)
+        print "Distribution(s) '" + "', '".join(selectedDists) + "' does not exist."