diff graal/com.oracle.graal.hotspot/src/com/oracle/graal/hotspot/meta/HotSpotRuntime.java @ 7076:32408bd16b91

fixes after merge
author Christian Haeubl <haeubl@ssw.jku.at>
date Tue, 27 Nov 2012 12:15:18 +0100
parents cd2c08049dd5
children 3e61ffb9ce29
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/graal/com.oracle.graal.hotspot/src/com/oracle/graal/hotspot/meta/HotSpotRuntime.java	Tue Nov 27 12:12:02 2012 +0100
+++ b/graal/com.oracle.graal.hotspot/src/com/oracle/graal/hotspot/meta/HotSpotRuntime.java	Tue Nov 27 12:15:18 2012 +0100
@@ -1,751 +1,751 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package com.oracle.graal.hotspot.meta;
-import static com.oracle.graal.api.code.DeoptimizationAction.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.api.code.MemoryBarriers.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.api.meta.DeoptimizationReason.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.api.meta.Value.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.HotSpotGraalRuntime.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.snippets.SystemSnippets.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.java.GraphBuilderPhase.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.nodes.StructuredGraph.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.nodes.UnwindNode.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.nodes.java.RegisterFinalizerNode.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.snippets.Log.*;
-import static com.oracle.graal.snippets.MathSnippetsX86.*;
-import java.lang.reflect.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.api.code.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.api.code.CodeUtil.RefMapFormatter;
-import com.oracle.graal.api.code.CompilationResult.Call;
-import com.oracle.graal.api.code.CompilationResult.DataPatch;
-import com.oracle.graal.api.code.CompilationResult.Mark;
-import com.oracle.graal.api.code.CompilationResult.Safepoint;
-import com.oracle.graal.api.code.Register.RegisterFlag;
-import com.oracle.graal.api.code.RuntimeCall.Descriptor;
-import com.oracle.graal.api.meta.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.graph.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.bridge.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.nodes.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.phases.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.snippets.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.nodes.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.nodes.calc.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.nodes.extended.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.nodes.java.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.nodes.java.MethodCallTargetNode.InvokeKind;
-import com.oracle.graal.nodes.spi.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.nodes.type.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.phases.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.printer.*;
-import com.oracle.graal.snippets.*;
- * HotSpot implementation of {@link GraalCodeCacheProvider}.
- */
-public abstract class HotSpotRuntime implements GraalCodeCacheProvider {
-    public final HotSpotVMConfig config;
-    protected final RegisterConfig regConfig;
-    protected final RegisterConfig globalStubRegConfig;
-    protected final HotSpotGraalRuntime graalRuntime;
-    private CheckCastSnippets.Templates checkcastSnippets;
-    private InstanceOfSnippets.Templates instanceofSnippets;
-    private NewObjectSnippets.Templates newObjectSnippets;
-    private MonitorSnippets.Templates monitorSnippets;
-    private final Map<Descriptor, RuntimeCall> runtimeCalls = new HashMap<>();
-    protected Value ret(Kind kind) {
-        if (kind.isVoid()) {
-            return ILLEGAL;
-        }
-        return globalStubRegConfig.getReturnRegister(kind).asValue(kind);
-    }
-    protected Value arg(int index, Kind kind) {
-        if (kind.isFloat() || kind.isDouble()) {
-            return globalStubRegConfig.getCallingConventionRegisters(CallingConvention.Type.RuntimeCall, RegisterFlag.FPU)[index].asValue(kind);
-        }
-        return globalStubRegConfig.getCallingConventionRegisters(CallingConvention.Type.RuntimeCall, RegisterFlag.CPU)[index].asValue(kind);
-    }
-    protected Value scratch(Kind kind) {
-        return globalStubRegConfig.getScratchRegister().asValue(kind);
-    }
-    public HotSpotRuntime(HotSpotVMConfig config, HotSpotGraalRuntime graalRuntime) {
-        this.config = config;
-        this.graalRuntime = graalRuntime;
-        regConfig = createRegisterConfig(false);
-        globalStubRegConfig = createRegisterConfig(true);
-        addRuntimeCall(UNWIND_EXCEPTION, config.unwindExceptionStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
-                        /* arg0: exception */ arg(0, Kind.Object));
-        addRuntimeCall(OnStackReplacementPhase.OSR_MIGRATION_END, config.osrMigrationEndStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
-                        /* arg0:      long */ arg(0, Kind.Long));
-        addRuntimeCall(REGISTER_FINALIZER, config.registerFinalizerStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
-                        /* arg0:    object */ arg(0, Kind.Object));
-        addRuntimeCall(CREATE_NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION, config.createNullPointerExceptionStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Object));
-        addRuntimeCall(CREATE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_EXCEPTION, config.createOutOfBoundsExceptionStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Object),
-                        /* arg0:     index */ arg(0, Kind.Int));
-        addRuntimeCall(JAVA_TIME_MILLIS, config.javaTimeMillisStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Long));
-        addRuntimeCall(JAVA_TIME_NANOS, config.javaTimeNanosStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Long));
-        addRuntimeCall(ARITHMETIC_SIN, config.arithmeticSinStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Double),
-                        /* arg0:     index */ arg(0, Kind.Double));
-        addRuntimeCall(ARITHMETIC_COS, config.arithmeticCosStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Double),
-                        /* arg0:     index */ arg(0, Kind.Double));
-        addRuntimeCall(ARITHMETIC_TAN, config.arithmeticTanStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Double),
-                        /* arg0:     index */ arg(0, Kind.Double));
-        addRuntimeCall(LOG_PRIMITIVE, config.logPrimitiveStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
-                        /* arg0:  typeChar */ arg(0, Kind.Int),
-                        /* arg1:     value */ arg(1, Kind.Long),
-                        /* arg2:   newline */ arg(2, Kind.Boolean));
-        addRuntimeCall(LOG_PRINTF, config.logPrintfStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
-                        /* arg0:    format */ arg(0, Kind.Object),
-                        /* arg1:     value */ arg(1, Kind.Long));
-        addRuntimeCall(LOG_OBJECT, config.logObjectStub,
-                        /*           temps */ null,
-                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
-                        /* arg0:    object */ arg(0, Kind.Object),
-                        /* arg1:     flags */ arg(1, Kind.Int));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Registers the details for linking a runtime call.
-     *
-     * @param descriptor name and signature of the call
-     * @param address target address of the call
-     * @param tempRegs temporary registers used (and killed) by the call (null if none)
-     * @param ret where the call returns its result
-     * @param args where arguments are passed to the call
-     */
-    protected void addRuntimeCall(Descriptor descriptor, long address, Register[] tempRegs, Value ret, Value... args) {
-        Value[] temps = tempRegs == null || tempRegs.length == 0 ? Value.NONE : new Value[tempRegs.length];
-        for (int i = 0; i < temps.length; i++) {
-            temps[i] = tempRegs[i].asValue();
-        }
-        Kind retKind = ret.getKind();
-        if (retKind == Kind.Illegal) {
-            retKind = Kind.Void;
-        }
-        assert retKind.equals(descriptor.getResultKind()) : descriptor + " incompatible with result location " + ret;
-        Kind[] argKinds = descriptor.getArgumentKinds();
-        assert argKinds.length == args.length : descriptor + " incompatible with number of argument locations: " + args.length;
-        for (int i = 0; i < argKinds.length; i++) {
-            assert argKinds[i].equals(args[i].getKind()) : descriptor + " incompatible with argument location " + i + ": " + args[i];
-        }
-        HotSpotRuntimeCall runtimeCall = new HotSpotRuntimeCall(descriptor, address, new CallingConvention(temps, 0, ret, args), graalRuntime.getCompilerToVM());
-        runtimeCalls.put(descriptor, runtimeCall);
-    }
-    protected abstract RegisterConfig createRegisterConfig(boolean globalStubConfig);
-    public void installSnippets(SnippetInstaller installer, Assumptions assumptions) {
-        installer.install(SystemSnippets.class);
-        installer.install(UnsafeSnippets.class);
-        installer.install(ArrayCopySnippets.class);
-        installer.install(CheckCastSnippets.class);
-        installer.install(InstanceOfSnippets.class);
-        installer.install(NewObjectSnippets.class);
-        installer.install(MonitorSnippets.class);
-        checkcastSnippets = new CheckCastSnippets.Templates(this, assumptions, graalRuntime.getTarget());
-        instanceofSnippets = new InstanceOfSnippets.Templates(this, assumptions, graalRuntime.getTarget());
-        newObjectSnippets = new NewObjectSnippets.Templates(this, assumptions, graalRuntime.getTarget(), config.useTLAB);
-        monitorSnippets = new MonitorSnippets.Templates(this, assumptions, graalRuntime.getTarget(), config.useFastLocking);
-    }
-    public HotSpotGraalRuntime getGraalRuntime() {
-        return graalRuntime;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the register holding the current thread.
-     */
-    public abstract Register threadRegister();
-    /**
-     * Gets the stack pointer register.
-     */
-    public abstract Register stackPointerRegister();
-    @Override
-    public String disassemble(CodeInfo info, CompilationResult tm) {
-        byte[] code = info.getCode();
-        TargetDescription target = graalRuntime.getTarget();
-        HexCodeFile hcf = new HexCodeFile(code, info.getStart(), target.arch.getName(), target.wordSize * 8);
-        if (tm != null) {
-            HexCodeFile.addAnnotations(hcf, tm.getAnnotations());
-            addExceptionHandlersComment(tm, hcf);
-            Register fp = regConfig.getFrameRegister();
-            RefMapFormatter slotFormatter = new RefMapFormatter(target.arch, target.wordSize, fp, 0);
-            for (Safepoint safepoint : tm.getSafepoints()) {
-                if (safepoint instanceof Call) {
-                    Call call = (Call) safepoint;
-                    if (call.debugInfo != null) {
-                        hcf.addComment(call.pcOffset + call.size, CodeUtil.append(new StringBuilder(100), call.debugInfo, slotFormatter).toString());
-                    }
-                    addOperandComment(hcf, call.pcOffset, "{" + getTargetName(call) + "}");
-                } else {
-                    if (safepoint.debugInfo != null) {
-                        hcf.addComment(safepoint.pcOffset, CodeUtil.append(new StringBuilder(100), safepoint.debugInfo, slotFormatter).toString());
-                    }
-                    addOperandComment(hcf, safepoint.pcOffset, "{safepoint}");
-                }
-            }
-            for (DataPatch site : tm.getDataReferences()) {
-                hcf.addOperandComment(site.pcOffset, "{" + site.constant + "}");
-            }
-            for (Mark mark : tm.getMarks()) {
-                hcf.addComment(mark.pcOffset, getMarkName(mark));
-            }
-        }
-        return hcf.toEmbeddedString();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Decodes a call target to a mnemonic if possible.
-     */
-    private String getTargetName(Call call) {
-        Field[] fields = config.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
-        for (Field f : fields) {
-            if (f.getName().endsWith("Stub")) {
-                f.setAccessible(true);
-                try {
-                    Object address = f.get(config);
-                    if (address.equals(call.target)) {
-                        return f.getName() + ":0x" + Long.toHexString((Long) address);
-                    }
-                } catch (Exception e) {
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return String.valueOf(call.target);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Decodes a mark to a mnemonic if possible.
-     */
-    private static String getMarkName(Mark mark) {
-        Field[] fields = Marks.class.getDeclaredFields();
-        for (Field f : fields) {
-            if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) && f.getName().startsWith("MARK_")) {
-                f.setAccessible(true);
-                try {
-                    if (f.get(null).equals(mark.id)) {
-                        return f.getName();
-                    }
-                } catch (Exception e) {
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return "MARK:" + mark.id;
-    }
-    private static void addExceptionHandlersComment(CompilationResult tm, HexCodeFile hcf) {
-        if (!tm.getExceptionHandlers().isEmpty()) {
-            String nl = HexCodeFile.NEW_LINE;
-            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("------ Exception Handlers ------").append(nl);
-            for (CompilationResult.ExceptionHandler e : tm.getExceptionHandlers()) {
-                buf.append("    ").
-                    append(e.pcOffset).append(" -> ").
-                    append(e.handlerPos).
-                    append(nl);
-                hcf.addComment(e.pcOffset, "[exception -> " + e.handlerPos + "]");
-                hcf.addComment(e.handlerPos, "[exception handler for " + e.pcOffset + "]");
-            }
-            hcf.addComment(0, buf.toString());
-        }
-    }
-    private static void addOperandComment(HexCodeFile hcf, int pos, String comment) {
-        String oldValue = hcf.addOperandComment(pos, comment);
-        assert oldValue == null : "multiple comments for operand of instruction at " + pos + ": " + comment + ", " + oldValue;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public ResolvedJavaType lookupJavaType(Constant constant) {
-        if (!constant.getKind().isObject() || constant.isNull()) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        Object o = constant.asObject();
-        return HotSpotResolvedJavaType.fromClass(o.getClass());
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int getSizeOfLockData() {
-        return config.basicLockSize;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean constantEquals(Constant x, Constant y) {
-        return x.equals(y);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public RegisterConfig lookupRegisterConfig(JavaMethod method) {
-        return regConfig;
-    }
-    /**
-     * HotSpots needs an area suitable for storing a program counter for temporary use during the deoptimization process.
-     */
-    @Override
-    public int getCustomStackAreaSize() {
-        return graalRuntime.getTarget().wordSize;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int getMinimumOutgoingSize() {
-        return config.runtimeCallStackSize;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int lookupArrayLength(Constant array) {
-        if (!array.getKind().isObject() || array.isNull() || !array.asObject().getClass().isArray()) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(array + " is not an array");
-        }
-        return Array.getLength(array.asObject());
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void lower(Node n, LoweringTool tool) {
-        StructuredGraph graph = (StructuredGraph) n.graph();
-        Kind wordKind = graalRuntime.getTarget().wordKind;
-        if (n instanceof ArrayLengthNode) {
-            ArrayLengthNode arrayLengthNode = (ArrayLengthNode) n;
-            SafeReadNode safeReadArrayLength = safeReadArrayLength(arrayLengthNode.array(), StructuredGraph.INVALID_GRAPH_ID);
-            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(arrayLengthNode, safeReadArrayLength);
-        } else if (n instanceof Invoke) {
-            Invoke invoke = (Invoke) n;
-            if (invoke.callTarget() instanceof MethodCallTargetNode) {
-                MethodCallTargetNode callTarget = invoke.methodCallTarget();
-                NodeInputList<ValueNode> parameters = callTarget.arguments();
-                ValueNode receiver = parameters.size() <= 0 ? null : parameters.get(0);
-                if (!callTarget.isStatic() && receiver.kind() == Kind.Object && !receiver.objectStamp().nonNull()) {
-                    invoke.node().dependencies().add(tool.createNullCheckGuard(receiver, invoke.leafGraphId()));
-                }
-                Kind[] signature = MetaUtil.signatureToKinds(callTarget.targetMethod().getSignature(), callTarget.isStatic() ? null : callTarget.targetMethod().getDeclaringClass().getKind());
-                AbstractCallTargetNode loweredCallTarget = null;
-                if (callTarget.invokeKind() == InvokeKind.Virtual &&
-                    GraalOptions.InlineVTableStubs &&
-                    (GraalOptions.AlwaysInlineVTableStubs || invoke.isPolymorphic())) {
-                    HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod hsMethod = (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod) callTarget.targetMethod();
-                    if (!hsMethod.getDeclaringClass().isInterface()) {
-                        int vtableEntryOffset = hsMethod.vtableEntryOffset();
-                        if (vtableEntryOffset > 0) {
-                            // We use LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION for the reads that access the vtable entry and the compiled code entry
-                            // as HotSpot does not guarantee they are final values.
-                            assert vtableEntryOffset > 0;
-                            LoadHubNode hub = graph.add(new LoadHubNode(receiver, wordKind));
-                            ReadNode metaspaceMethod = graph.add(new ReadNode(hub, LocationNode.create(LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION, wordKind, vtableEntryOffset, graph), StampFactory.forKind(wordKind())));
-                            ReadNode compiledEntry = graph.add(new ReadNode(metaspaceMethod, LocationNode.create(LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION, wordKind, config.methodCompiledEntryOffset, graph), StampFactory.forKind(wordKind())));
-                            loweredCallTarget = graph.add(new HotSpotIndirectCallTargetNode(metaspaceMethod, compiledEntry, parameters, invoke.node().stamp(), signature, callTarget.targetMethod(), CallingConvention.Type.JavaCall));
-                            graph.addBeforeFixed(invoke.node(), hub);
-                            graph.addAfterFixed(hub, metaspaceMethod);
-                            graph.addAfterFixed(metaspaceMethod, compiledEntry);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if (loweredCallTarget == null) {
-                    loweredCallTarget = graph.add(new HotSpotDirectCallTargetNode(parameters, invoke.node().stamp(), signature, callTarget.targetMethod(), CallingConvention.Type.JavaCall, callTarget.invokeKind()));
-                }
-                callTarget.replaceAndDelete(loweredCallTarget);
-            }
-        } else if (n instanceof LoadFieldNode) {
-            LoadFieldNode field = (LoadFieldNode) n;
-            int displacement = ((HotSpotResolvedJavaField) field.field()).offset();
-            assert field.kind() != Kind.Illegal;
-            ReadNode memoryRead = graph.add(new ReadNode(field.object(), LocationNode.create(field.field(), field.field().getKind(), displacement, graph), field.stamp()));
-            memoryRead.dependencies().add(tool.createNullCheckGuard(field.object(), field.leafGraphId()));
-            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(field, memoryRead);
-            if (field.isVolatile()) {
-                MembarNode preMembar = graph.add(new MembarNode(JMM_PRE_VOLATILE_READ));
-                graph.addBeforeFixed(memoryRead, preMembar);
-                MembarNode postMembar = graph.add(new MembarNode(JMM_POST_VOLATILE_READ));
-                graph.addAfterFixed(memoryRead, postMembar);
-            }
-        } else if (n instanceof StoreFieldNode) {
-            StoreFieldNode storeField = (StoreFieldNode) n;
-            HotSpotResolvedJavaField field = (HotSpotResolvedJavaField) storeField.field();
-            WriteNode memoryWrite = graph.add(new WriteNode(storeField.object(), storeField.value(), LocationNode.create(field, field.getKind(), field.offset(), graph)));
-            memoryWrite.dependencies().add(tool.createNullCheckGuard(storeField.object(), storeField.leafGraphId()));
-            memoryWrite.setStateAfter(storeField.stateAfter());
-            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(storeField, memoryWrite);
-            FixedWithNextNode last = memoryWrite;
-            if (field.getKind() == Kind.Object && !memoryWrite.value().objectStamp().alwaysNull()) {
-                FieldWriteBarrier writeBarrier = graph.add(new FieldWriteBarrier(memoryWrite.object()));
-                graph.addAfterFixed(memoryWrite, writeBarrier);
-                last = writeBarrier;
-            }
-            if (storeField.isVolatile()) {
-                MembarNode preMembar = graph.add(new MembarNode(JMM_PRE_VOLATILE_WRITE));
-                graph.addBeforeFixed(memoryWrite, preMembar);
-                MembarNode postMembar = graph.add(new MembarNode(JMM_POST_VOLATILE_WRITE));
-                graph.addAfterFixed(last, postMembar);
-            }
-        } else if (n instanceof CompareAndSwapNode) {
-            // Separate out GC barrier semantics
-            CompareAndSwapNode cas = (CompareAndSwapNode) n;
-            ValueNode expected = cas.expected();
-            if (expected.kind() == Kind.Object && !cas.newValue().objectStamp().alwaysNull()) {
-                ResolvedJavaType type = cas.object().objectStamp().type();
-                if (type != null && !type.isArrayClass() && type.toJava() != Object.class) {
-                    // Use a field write barrier since it's not an array store
-                    FieldWriteBarrier writeBarrier = graph.add(new FieldWriteBarrier(cas.object()));
-                    graph.addAfterFixed(cas, writeBarrier);
-                } else {
-                    // This may be an array store so use an array write barrier
-                    LocationNode location = IndexedLocationNode.create(LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION, cas.expected().kind(), cas.displacement(), cas.offset(), graph, false);
-                    graph.addAfterFixed(cas, graph.add(new ArrayWriteBarrier(cas.object(), location)));
-                }
-            }
-        } else if (n instanceof LoadIndexedNode) {
-            LoadIndexedNode loadIndexed = (LoadIndexedNode) n;
-            ValueNode boundsCheck = createBoundsCheck(loadIndexed, tool);
-            Kind elementKind = loadIndexed.elementKind();
-            LocationNode arrayLocation = createArrayLocation(graph, elementKind, loadIndexed.index());
-            ReadNode memoryRead = graph.add(new ReadNode(loadIndexed.array(), arrayLocation, loadIndexed.stamp()));
-            memoryRead.dependencies().add(boundsCheck);
-            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(loadIndexed, memoryRead);
-        } else if (n instanceof StoreIndexedNode) {
-            StoreIndexedNode storeIndexed = (StoreIndexedNode) n;
-            ValueNode boundsCheck = createBoundsCheck(storeIndexed, tool);
-            Kind elementKind = storeIndexed.elementKind();
-            LocationNode arrayLocation = createArrayLocation(graph, elementKind, storeIndexed.index());
-            ValueNode value = storeIndexed.value();
-            ValueNode array = storeIndexed.array();
-            if (elementKind == Kind.Object && !value.objectStamp().alwaysNull()) {
-                // Store check!
-                ResolvedJavaType arrayType = array.objectStamp().type();
-                if (arrayType != null && array.objectStamp().isExactType()) {
-                    ResolvedJavaType elementType = arrayType.getComponentType();
-                    if (!MetaUtil.isJavaLangObject(elementType)) {
-                        CheckCastNode checkcast = graph.add(new CheckCastNode(elementType, value, null));
-                        graph.addBeforeFixed(storeIndexed, checkcast);
-                        value = checkcast;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    LoadHubNode arrayClass = graph.add(new LoadHubNode(array, wordKind));
-                    LocationNode location = LocationNode.create(LocationNode.FINAL_LOCATION, wordKind, config.arrayClassElementOffset, graph);
-                    FloatingReadNode arrayElementKlass = graph.unique(new FloatingReadNode(arrayClass, location, null, StampFactory.forKind(wordKind())));
-                    CheckCastDynamicNode checkcast = graph.add(new CheckCastDynamicNode(arrayElementKlass, value));
-                    graph.addBeforeFixed(storeIndexed, checkcast);
-                    graph.addBeforeFixed(checkcast, arrayClass);
-                    value = checkcast;
-                }
-            }
-            WriteNode memoryWrite = graph.add(new WriteNode(array, value, arrayLocation));
-            memoryWrite.dependencies().add(boundsCheck);
-            memoryWrite.setStateAfter(storeIndexed.stateAfter());
-            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(storeIndexed, memoryWrite);
-            if (elementKind == Kind.Object && !value.objectStamp().alwaysNull()) {
-                graph.addAfterFixed(memoryWrite, graph.add(new ArrayWriteBarrier(array, arrayLocation)));
-            }
-        } else if (n instanceof UnsafeLoadNode) {
-            UnsafeLoadNode load = (UnsafeLoadNode) n;
-            assert load.kind() != Kind.Illegal;
-            IndexedLocationNode location = IndexedLocationNode.create(LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION, load.loadKind(), load.displacement(), load.offset(), graph, false);
-            ReadNode memoryRead = graph.add(new ReadNode(load.object(), location, load.stamp()));
-            // An unsafe read must not floating outside its block as may float above an explicit null check on its object.
-            memoryRead.dependencies().add(BeginNode.prevBegin(load));
-            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(load, memoryRead);
-        } else if (n instanceof UnsafeStoreNode) {
-            UnsafeStoreNode store = (UnsafeStoreNode) n;
-            IndexedLocationNode location = IndexedLocationNode.create(LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION, store.storeKind(), store.displacement(), store.offset(), graph, false);
-            ValueNode object = store.object();
-            WriteNode write = graph.add(new WriteNode(object, store.value(), location));
-            write.setStateAfter(store.stateAfter());
-            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(store, write);
-            if (write.value().kind() == Kind.Object && !write.value().objectStamp().alwaysNull()) {
-                ResolvedJavaType type = object.objectStamp().type();
-                WriteBarrier writeBarrier;
-                if (type != null && !type.isArrayClass() && type.toJava() != Object.class) {
-                    // Use a field write barrier since it's not an array store
-                    writeBarrier = graph.add(new FieldWriteBarrier(object));
-                } else {
-                    // This may be an array store so use an array write barrier
-                    writeBarrier = graph.add(new ArrayWriteBarrier(object, location));
-                }
-                graph.addAfterFixed(write, writeBarrier);
-            }
-        } else if (n instanceof LoadHubNode) {
-            LoadHubNode loadHub = (LoadHubNode) n;
-            assert loadHub.kind() == wordKind;
-            LocationNode location = LocationNode.create(LocationNode.FINAL_LOCATION, wordKind, config.hubOffset, graph);
-            ValueNode object = loadHub.object();
-            assert !object.isConstant();
-            ValueNode guard = tool.createNullCheckGuard(object, StructuredGraph.INVALID_GRAPH_ID);
-            ReadNode hub = graph.add(new ReadNode(object, location, StampFactory.forKind(wordKind())));
-            hub.dependencies().add(guard);
-            graph.replaceFixed(loadHub, hub);
-        } else if (n instanceof CheckCastNode) {
-            checkcastSnippets.lower((CheckCastNode) n, tool);
-        } else if (n instanceof CheckCastDynamicNode) {
-            checkcastSnippets.lower((CheckCastDynamicNode) n);
-        } else if (n instanceof InstanceOfNode) {
-            instanceofSnippets.lower((InstanceOfNode) n, tool);
-        } else if (n instanceof NewInstanceNode) {
-            newObjectSnippets.lower((NewInstanceNode) n, tool);
-        } else if (n instanceof NewArrayNode) {
-            newObjectSnippets.lower((NewArrayNode) n, tool);
-        } else if (n instanceof MonitorEnterNode) {
-            monitorSnippets.lower((MonitorEnterNode) n, tool);
-        } else if (n instanceof MonitorExitNode) {
-            monitorSnippets.lower((MonitorExitNode) n, tool);
-        } else if (n instanceof TLABAllocateNode) {
-            newObjectSnippets.lower((TLABAllocateNode) n, tool);
-        } else if (n instanceof InitializeObjectNode) {
-            newObjectSnippets.lower((InitializeObjectNode) n, tool);
-        } else if (n instanceof InitializeArrayNode) {
-            newObjectSnippets.lower((InitializeArrayNode) n, tool);
-        } else if (n instanceof NewMultiArrayNode) {
-            newObjectSnippets.lower((NewMultiArrayNode) n, tool);
-        } else {
-            assert false : "Node implementing Lowerable not handled: " + n;
-            throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere();
-        }
-    }
-    private static IndexedLocationNode createArrayLocation(Graph graph, Kind elementKind, ValueNode index) {
-        return IndexedLocationNode.create(LocationNode.getArrayLocation(elementKind), elementKind, elementKind.getArrayBaseOffset(), index, graph, true);
-    }
-    private SafeReadNode safeReadArrayLength(ValueNode array, long leafGraphId) {
-        return safeRead(array.graph(), Kind.Int, array, config.arrayLengthOffset, StampFactory.positiveInt(), leafGraphId);
-    }
-    private static ValueNode createBoundsCheck(AccessIndexedNode n, LoweringTool tool) {
-        StructuredGraph graph = (StructuredGraph) n.graph();
-        ArrayLengthNode arrayLength = graph.add(new ArrayLengthNode(n.array()));
-        ValueNode guard = tool.createGuard(graph.unique(new IntegerBelowThanNode(n.index(), arrayLength)), BoundsCheckException, InvalidateReprofile, n.leafGraphId());
-        graph.addBeforeFixed(n, arrayLength);
-        return guard;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public StructuredGraph intrinsicGraph(ResolvedJavaMethod caller, int bci, ResolvedJavaMethod method, List<? extends Node> parameters) {
-        ResolvedJavaType holder = method.getDeclaringClass();
-        String fullName = method.getName() + ((HotSpotSignature) method.getSignature()).asString();
-        Kind wordKind = graalRuntime.getTarget().wordKind;
-        if (holder.toJava() == Object.class) {
-            if (fullName.equals("getClass()Ljava/lang/Class;")) {
-                ValueNode obj = (ValueNode) parameters.get(0);
-                ObjectStamp stamp = (ObjectStamp) obj.stamp();
-                if (stamp.nonNull() && stamp.isExactType()) {
-                    StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph();
-                    ValueNode result = ConstantNode.forObject(stamp.type().toJava(), this, graph);
-                    ReturnNode ret = graph.add(new ReturnNode(result));
-                    graph.start().setNext(ret);
-                    return graph;
-                }
-                StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph();
-                LocalNode receiver = graph.unique(new LocalNode(0, StampFactory.objectNonNull()));
-                LoadHubNode hub = graph.add(new LoadHubNode(receiver, wordKind));
-                Stamp resultStamp = StampFactory.declaredNonNull(lookupJavaType(Class.class));
-                FloatingReadNode result = graph.unique(new FloatingReadNode(hub, LocationNode.create(LocationNode.FINAL_LOCATION, Kind.Object, config.classMirrorOffset, graph), null, resultStamp));
-                ReturnNode ret = graph.add(new ReturnNode(result));
-                graph.start().setNext(hub);
-                hub.setNext(ret);
-                return graph;
-            }
-        } else if (holder.toJava() == Class.class) {
-            if (fullName.equals("getModifiers()I")) {
-                StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph();
-                LocalNode receiver = graph.unique(new LocalNode(0, StampFactory.objectNonNull()));
-                SafeReadNode klass = safeRead(graph, wordKind, receiver, config.klassOffset, StampFactory.forKind(wordKind), INVALID_GRAPH_ID);
-                graph.start().setNext(klass);
-                LocationNode location = LocationNode.create(LocationNode.FINAL_LOCATION, Kind.Int, config.klassModifierFlagsOffset, graph);
-                FloatingReadNode readModifiers = graph.unique(new FloatingReadNode(klass, location, null, StampFactory.intValue()));
-                CompareNode isZero = CompareNode.createCompareNode(Condition.EQ, klass, ConstantNode.defaultForKind(wordKind, graph));
-                GuardNode guard = graph.unique(new GuardNode(isZero, graph.start(), NullCheckException, InvalidateReprofile, true, INVALID_GRAPH_ID));
-                readModifiers.dependencies().add(guard);
-                ReturnNode ret = graph.add(new ReturnNode(readModifiers));
-                klass.setNext(ret);
-                return graph;
-            }
-        } else if (holder.toJava() == Thread.class) {
-            if (fullName.equals("currentThread()Ljava/lang/Thread;")) {
-                StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph();
-                ReturnNode ret = graph.add(new ReturnNode(graph.unique(new CurrentThread(config.threadObjectOffset, this))));
-                graph.start().setNext(ret);
-                return graph;
-            }
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    private static SafeReadNode safeRead(Graph graph, Kind kind, ValueNode value, int offset, Stamp stamp, long leafGraphId) {
-        return graph.add(new SafeReadNode(value, LocationNode.create(LocationNode.FINAL_LOCATION, kind, offset, graph), stamp, leafGraphId));
-    }
-    public ResolvedJavaType lookupJavaType(Class<?> clazz) {
-        return HotSpotResolvedJavaType.fromClass(clazz);
-    }
-    public Object lookupCallTarget(Object target) {
-        if (target instanceof HotSpotRuntimeCall) {
-            return ((HotSpotRuntimeCall) target).address;
-        }
-        return target;
-    }
-    public RuntimeCall lookupRuntimeCall(Descriptor descriptor) {
-        assert runtimeCalls.containsKey(descriptor) : descriptor;
-        return runtimeCalls.get(descriptor);
-    }
-    public ResolvedJavaMethod lookupJavaMethod(Method reflectionMethod) {
-        CompilerToVM c2vm = graalRuntime.getCompilerToVM();
-        HotSpotResolvedJavaType[] resultHolder = {null};
-        long metaspaceMethod = c2vm.getMetaspaceMethod(reflectionMethod, resultHolder);
-        assert metaspaceMethod != 0L;
-        return resultHolder[0].createMethod(metaspaceMethod);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public ResolvedJavaField lookupJavaField(Field reflectionField) {
-        return graalRuntime.getCompilerToVM().getJavaField(reflectionField);
-    }
-    private static HotSpotCodeInfo makeInfo(ResolvedJavaMethod method, CompilationResult compResult, CodeInfo[] info) {
-        HotSpotCodeInfo hsInfo = null;
-        if (info != null && info.length > 0) {
-            hsInfo = new HotSpotCodeInfo(compResult, (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod) method);
-            info[0] = hsInfo;
-        }
-        return hsInfo;
-    }
-    public void installMethod(HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod method, int entryBCI, CompilationResult compResult, CodeInfo[] info) {
-        HotSpotCodeInfo hsInfo = makeInfo(method, compResult, info);
-        graalRuntime.getCompilerToVM().installCode(new HotSpotCompilationResult(method, entryBCI, compResult), null, hsInfo);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public InstalledCode addMethod(ResolvedJavaMethod method, CompilationResult compResult, CodeInfo[] info) {
-        HotSpotCodeInfo hsInfo = makeInfo(method, compResult, info);
-        HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod hotspotMethod = (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod) method;
-        return graalRuntime.getCompilerToVM().installCode(new HotSpotCompilationResult(hotspotMethod, -1, compResult), new HotSpotInstalledCode(hotspotMethod), hsInfo);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int encodeDeoptActionAndReason(DeoptimizationAction action, DeoptimizationReason reason) {
-        final int actionShift = 0;
-        final int reasonShift = 3;
-        int actionValue = convertDeoptAction(action);
-        int reasonValue = convertDeoptReason(reason);
-        return (~(((reasonValue) << reasonShift) + ((actionValue) << actionShift)));
-    }
-    public int convertDeoptAction(DeoptimizationAction action) {
-        // This must be kept in sync with the DeoptAction enum defined in deoptimization.hpp
-        switch(action) {
-            case None: return 0;
-            case RecompileIfTooManyDeopts: return 1;
-            case InvalidateReprofile: return 2;
-            case InvalidateRecompile: return 3;
-            case InvalidateStopCompiling: return 4;
-            default: throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere();
-        }
-    }
-    public int convertDeoptReason(DeoptimizationReason reason) {
-        // This must be kept in sync with the DeoptReason enum defined in deoptimization.hpp
-        switch(reason) {
-            case None: return 0;
-            case NullCheckException: return 1;
-            case BoundsCheckException: return 2;
-            case ClassCastException: return 3;
-            case ArrayStoreException: return 4;
-            case UnreachedCode: return 5;
-            case TypeCheckedInliningViolated: return 6;
-            case OptimizedTypeCheckViolated: return 7;
-            case NotCompiledExceptionHandler: return 8;
-            case Unresolved: return 9;
-            case JavaSubroutineMismatch: return 10;
-            case ArithmeticException: return 11;
-            case RuntimeConstraint: return 12;
-            default: throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere();
-        }
-    }
-    public boolean needsDataPatch(Constant constant) {
-        return constant.getPrimitiveAnnotation() instanceof HotSpotResolvedJavaType;
-    }
+ * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package com.oracle.graal.hotspot.meta;
+import static com.oracle.graal.api.code.DeoptimizationAction.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.api.code.MemoryBarriers.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.api.meta.DeoptimizationReason.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.api.meta.Value.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.HotSpotGraalRuntime.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.snippets.SystemSnippets.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.java.GraphBuilderPhase.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.nodes.StructuredGraph.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.nodes.UnwindNode.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.nodes.java.RegisterFinalizerNode.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.snippets.Log.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.snippets.MathSnippetsX86.*;
+import java.lang.reflect.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.code.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.code.CodeUtil.RefMapFormatter;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.code.CompilationResult.Call;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.code.CompilationResult.DataPatch;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.code.CompilationResult.Mark;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.code.CompilationResult.Safepoint;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.code.Register.RegisterFlag;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.code.RuntimeCall.Descriptor;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.meta.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.graph.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.bridge.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.nodes.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.phases.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.snippets.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.nodes.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.nodes.calc.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.nodes.extended.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.nodes.java.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.nodes.java.MethodCallTargetNode.InvokeKind;
+import com.oracle.graal.nodes.spi.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.nodes.type.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.phases.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.printer.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.snippets.*;
+ * HotSpot implementation of {@link GraalCodeCacheProvider}.
+ */
+public abstract class HotSpotRuntime implements GraalCodeCacheProvider {
+    public final HotSpotVMConfig config;
+    protected final RegisterConfig regConfig;
+    protected final RegisterConfig globalStubRegConfig;
+    protected final HotSpotGraalRuntime graalRuntime;
+    private CheckCastSnippets.Templates checkcastSnippets;
+    private InstanceOfSnippets.Templates instanceofSnippets;
+    private NewObjectSnippets.Templates newObjectSnippets;
+    private MonitorSnippets.Templates monitorSnippets;
+    private final Map<Descriptor, RuntimeCall> runtimeCalls = new HashMap<>();
+    protected Value ret(Kind kind) {
+        if (kind.isVoid()) {
+            return ILLEGAL;
+        }
+        return globalStubRegConfig.getReturnRegister(kind).asValue(kind);
+    }
+    protected Value arg(int index, Kind kind) {
+        if (kind.isFloat() || kind.isDouble()) {
+            return globalStubRegConfig.getCallingConventionRegisters(CallingConvention.Type.RuntimeCall, RegisterFlag.FPU)[index].asValue(kind);
+        }
+        return globalStubRegConfig.getCallingConventionRegisters(CallingConvention.Type.RuntimeCall, RegisterFlag.CPU)[index].asValue(kind);
+    }
+    protected Value scratch(Kind kind) {
+        return globalStubRegConfig.getScratchRegister().asValue(kind);
+    }
+    public HotSpotRuntime(HotSpotVMConfig config, HotSpotGraalRuntime graalRuntime) {
+        this.config = config;
+        this.graalRuntime = graalRuntime;
+        regConfig = createRegisterConfig(false);
+        globalStubRegConfig = createRegisterConfig(true);
+        addRuntimeCall(UNWIND_EXCEPTION, config.unwindExceptionStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
+                        /* arg0: exception */ arg(0, Kind.Object));
+        addRuntimeCall(OnStackReplacementPhase.OSR_MIGRATION_END, config.osrMigrationEndStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
+                        /* arg0:      long */ arg(0, Kind.Long));
+        addRuntimeCall(REGISTER_FINALIZER, config.registerFinalizerStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
+                        /* arg0:    object */ arg(0, Kind.Object));
+        addRuntimeCall(CREATE_NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION, config.createNullPointerExceptionStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Object));
+        addRuntimeCall(CREATE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_EXCEPTION, config.createOutOfBoundsExceptionStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Object),
+                        /* arg0:     index */ arg(0, Kind.Int));
+        addRuntimeCall(JAVA_TIME_MILLIS, config.javaTimeMillisStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Long));
+        addRuntimeCall(JAVA_TIME_NANOS, config.javaTimeNanosStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Long));
+        addRuntimeCall(ARITHMETIC_SIN, config.arithmeticSinStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Double),
+                        /* arg0:     index */ arg(0, Kind.Double));
+        addRuntimeCall(ARITHMETIC_COS, config.arithmeticCosStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Double),
+                        /* arg0:     index */ arg(0, Kind.Double));
+        addRuntimeCall(ARITHMETIC_TAN, config.arithmeticTanStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Double),
+                        /* arg0:     index */ arg(0, Kind.Double));
+        addRuntimeCall(LOG_PRIMITIVE, config.logPrimitiveStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
+                        /* arg0:  typeChar */ arg(0, Kind.Int),
+                        /* arg1:     value */ arg(1, Kind.Long),
+                        /* arg2:   newline */ arg(2, Kind.Boolean));
+        addRuntimeCall(LOG_PRINTF, config.logPrintfStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
+                        /* arg0:    format */ arg(0, Kind.Object),
+                        /* arg1:     value */ arg(1, Kind.Long));
+        addRuntimeCall(LOG_OBJECT, config.logObjectStub,
+                        /*           temps */ null,
+                        /*             ret */ ret(Kind.Void),
+                        /* arg0:    object */ arg(0, Kind.Object),
+                        /* arg1:     flags */ arg(1, Kind.Int));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Registers the details for linking a runtime call.
+     *
+     * @param descriptor name and signature of the call
+     * @param address target address of the call
+     * @param tempRegs temporary registers used (and killed) by the call (null if none)
+     * @param ret where the call returns its result
+     * @param args where arguments are passed to the call
+     */
+    protected void addRuntimeCall(Descriptor descriptor, long address, Register[] tempRegs, Value ret, Value... args) {
+        Value[] temps = tempRegs == null || tempRegs.length == 0 ? Value.NONE : new Value[tempRegs.length];
+        for (int i = 0; i < temps.length; i++) {
+            temps[i] = tempRegs[i].asValue();
+        }
+        Kind retKind = ret.getKind();
+        if (retKind == Kind.Illegal) {
+            retKind = Kind.Void;
+        }
+        assert retKind.equals(descriptor.getResultKind()) : descriptor + " incompatible with result location " + ret;
+        Kind[] argKinds = descriptor.getArgumentKinds();
+        assert argKinds.length == args.length : descriptor + " incompatible with number of argument locations: " + args.length;
+        for (int i = 0; i < argKinds.length; i++) {
+            assert argKinds[i].equals(args[i].getKind()) : descriptor + " incompatible with argument location " + i + ": " + args[i];
+        }
+        HotSpotRuntimeCall runtimeCall = new HotSpotRuntimeCall(descriptor, address, new CallingConvention(temps, 0, ret, args), graalRuntime.getCompilerToVM());
+        runtimeCalls.put(descriptor, runtimeCall);
+    }
+    protected abstract RegisterConfig createRegisterConfig(boolean globalStubConfig);
+    public void installSnippets(SnippetInstaller installer, Assumptions assumptions) {
+        installer.install(SystemSnippets.class);
+        installer.install(UnsafeSnippets.class);
+        installer.install(ArrayCopySnippets.class);
+        installer.install(CheckCastSnippets.class);
+        installer.install(InstanceOfSnippets.class);
+        installer.install(NewObjectSnippets.class);
+        installer.install(MonitorSnippets.class);
+        checkcastSnippets = new CheckCastSnippets.Templates(this, assumptions, graalRuntime.getTarget());
+        instanceofSnippets = new InstanceOfSnippets.Templates(this, assumptions, graalRuntime.getTarget());
+        newObjectSnippets = new NewObjectSnippets.Templates(this, assumptions, graalRuntime.getTarget(), config.useTLAB);
+        monitorSnippets = new MonitorSnippets.Templates(this, assumptions, graalRuntime.getTarget(), config.useFastLocking);
+    }
+    public HotSpotGraalRuntime getGraalRuntime() {
+        return graalRuntime;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the register holding the current thread.
+     */
+    public abstract Register threadRegister();
+    /**
+     * Gets the stack pointer register.
+     */
+    public abstract Register stackPointerRegister();
+    @Override
+    public String disassemble(CodeInfo info, CompilationResult tm) {
+        byte[] code = info.getCode();
+        TargetDescription target = graalRuntime.getTarget();
+        HexCodeFile hcf = new HexCodeFile(code, info.getStart(), target.arch.getName(), target.wordSize * 8);
+        if (tm != null) {
+            HexCodeFile.addAnnotations(hcf, tm.getAnnotations());
+            addExceptionHandlersComment(tm, hcf);
+            Register fp = regConfig.getFrameRegister();
+            RefMapFormatter slotFormatter = new RefMapFormatter(target.arch, target.wordSize, fp, 0);
+            for (Safepoint safepoint : tm.getSafepoints()) {
+                if (safepoint instanceof Call) {
+                    Call call = (Call) safepoint;
+                    if (call.debugInfo != null) {
+                        hcf.addComment(call.pcOffset + call.size, CodeUtil.append(new StringBuilder(100), call.debugInfo, slotFormatter).toString());
+                    }
+                    addOperandComment(hcf, call.pcOffset, "{" + getTargetName(call) + "}");
+                } else {
+                    if (safepoint.debugInfo != null) {
+                        hcf.addComment(safepoint.pcOffset, CodeUtil.append(new StringBuilder(100), safepoint.debugInfo, slotFormatter).toString());
+                    }
+                    addOperandComment(hcf, safepoint.pcOffset, "{safepoint}");
+                }
+            }
+            for (DataPatch site : tm.getDataReferences()) {
+                hcf.addOperandComment(site.pcOffset, "{" + site.constant + "}");
+            }
+            for (Mark mark : tm.getMarks()) {
+                hcf.addComment(mark.pcOffset, getMarkName(mark));
+            }
+        }
+        return hcf.toEmbeddedString();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decodes a call target to a mnemonic if possible.
+     */
+    private String getTargetName(Call call) {
+        Field[] fields = config.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
+        for (Field f : fields) {
+            if (f.getName().endsWith("Stub")) {
+                f.setAccessible(true);
+                try {
+                    Object address = f.get(config);
+                    if (address.equals(call.target)) {
+                        return f.getName() + ":0x" + Long.toHexString((Long) address);
+                    }
+                } catch (Exception e) {
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return String.valueOf(call.target);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decodes a mark to a mnemonic if possible.
+     */
+    private static String getMarkName(Mark mark) {
+        Field[] fields = Marks.class.getDeclaredFields();
+        for (Field f : fields) {
+            if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) && f.getName().startsWith("MARK_")) {
+                f.setAccessible(true);
+                try {
+                    if (f.get(null).equals(mark.id)) {
+                        return f.getName();
+                    }
+                } catch (Exception e) {
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return "MARK:" + mark.id;
+    }
+    private static void addExceptionHandlersComment(CompilationResult tm, HexCodeFile hcf) {
+        if (!tm.getExceptionHandlers().isEmpty()) {
+            String nl = HexCodeFile.NEW_LINE;
+            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("------ Exception Handlers ------").append(nl);
+            for (CompilationResult.ExceptionHandler e : tm.getExceptionHandlers()) {
+                buf.append("    ").
+                    append(e.pcOffset).append(" -> ").
+                    append(e.handlerPos).
+                    append(nl);
+                hcf.addComment(e.pcOffset, "[exception -> " + e.handlerPos + "]");
+                hcf.addComment(e.handlerPos, "[exception handler for " + e.pcOffset + "]");
+            }
+            hcf.addComment(0, buf.toString());
+        }
+    }
+    private static void addOperandComment(HexCodeFile hcf, int pos, String comment) {
+        String oldValue = hcf.addOperandComment(pos, comment);
+        assert oldValue == null : "multiple comments for operand of instruction at " + pos + ": " + comment + ", " + oldValue;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public ResolvedJavaType lookupJavaType(Constant constant) {
+        if (!constant.getKind().isObject() || constant.isNull()) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        Object o = constant.asObject();
+        return HotSpotResolvedJavaType.fromClass(o.getClass());
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int getSizeOfLockData() {
+        return config.basicLockSize;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean constantEquals(Constant x, Constant y) {
+        return x.equals(y);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public RegisterConfig lookupRegisterConfig(JavaMethod method) {
+        return regConfig;
+    }
+    /**
+     * HotSpots needs an area suitable for storing a program counter for temporary use during the deoptimization process.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public int getCustomStackAreaSize() {
+        return graalRuntime.getTarget().wordSize;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int getMinimumOutgoingSize() {
+        return config.runtimeCallStackSize;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int lookupArrayLength(Constant array) {
+        if (!array.getKind().isObject() || array.isNull() || !array.asObject().getClass().isArray()) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(array + " is not an array");
+        }
+        return Array.getLength(array.asObject());
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void lower(Node n, LoweringTool tool) {
+        StructuredGraph graph = (StructuredGraph) n.graph();
+        Kind wordKind = graalRuntime.getTarget().wordKind;
+        if (n instanceof ArrayLengthNode) {
+            ArrayLengthNode arrayLengthNode = (ArrayLengthNode) n;
+            SafeReadNode safeReadArrayLength = safeReadArrayLength(arrayLengthNode.array(), StructuredGraph.INVALID_GRAPH_ID);
+            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(arrayLengthNode, safeReadArrayLength);
+        } else if (n instanceof Invoke) {
+            Invoke invoke = (Invoke) n;
+            if (invoke.callTarget() instanceof MethodCallTargetNode) {
+                MethodCallTargetNode callTarget = invoke.methodCallTarget();
+                NodeInputList<ValueNode> parameters = callTarget.arguments();
+                ValueNode receiver = parameters.size() <= 0 ? null : parameters.get(0);
+                if (!callTarget.isStatic() && receiver.kind() == Kind.Object && !receiver.objectStamp().nonNull()) {
+                    invoke.node().dependencies().add(tool.createNullCheckGuard(receiver, invoke.leafGraphId()));
+                }
+                Kind[] signature = MetaUtil.signatureToKinds(callTarget.targetMethod().getSignature(), callTarget.isStatic() ? null : callTarget.targetMethod().getDeclaringClass().getKind());
+                AbstractCallTargetNode loweredCallTarget = null;
+                if (callTarget.invokeKind() == InvokeKind.Virtual &&
+                    GraalOptions.InlineVTableStubs &&
+                    (GraalOptions.AlwaysInlineVTableStubs || invoke.isPolymorphic())) {
+                    HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod hsMethod = (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod) callTarget.targetMethod();
+                    if (!hsMethod.getDeclaringClass().isInterface()) {
+                        int vtableEntryOffset = hsMethod.vtableEntryOffset();
+                        if (vtableEntryOffset > 0) {
+                            // We use LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION for the reads that access the vtable entry and the compiled code entry
+                            // as HotSpot does not guarantee they are final values.
+                            assert vtableEntryOffset > 0;
+                            LoadHubNode hub = graph.add(new LoadHubNode(receiver, wordKind));
+                            ReadNode metaspaceMethod = graph.add(new ReadNode(hub, LocationNode.create(LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION, wordKind, vtableEntryOffset, graph), StampFactory.forKind(wordKind())));
+                            ReadNode compiledEntry = graph.add(new ReadNode(metaspaceMethod, LocationNode.create(LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION, wordKind, config.methodCompiledEntryOffset, graph), StampFactory.forKind(wordKind())));
+                            loweredCallTarget = graph.add(new HotSpotIndirectCallTargetNode(metaspaceMethod, compiledEntry, parameters, invoke.node().stamp(), signature, callTarget.targetMethod(), CallingConvention.Type.JavaCall));
+                            graph.addBeforeFixed(invoke.node(), hub);
+                            graph.addAfterFixed(hub, metaspaceMethod);
+                            graph.addAfterFixed(metaspaceMethod, compiledEntry);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (loweredCallTarget == null) {
+                    loweredCallTarget = graph.add(new HotSpotDirectCallTargetNode(parameters, invoke.node().stamp(), signature, callTarget.targetMethod(), CallingConvention.Type.JavaCall, callTarget.invokeKind()));
+                }
+                callTarget.replaceAndDelete(loweredCallTarget);
+            }
+        } else if (n instanceof LoadFieldNode) {
+            LoadFieldNode field = (LoadFieldNode) n;
+            int displacement = ((HotSpotResolvedJavaField) field.field()).offset();
+            assert field.kind() != Kind.Illegal;
+            ReadNode memoryRead = graph.add(new ReadNode(field.object(), LocationNode.create(field.field(), field.field().getKind(), displacement, graph), field.stamp()));
+            memoryRead.dependencies().add(tool.createNullCheckGuard(field.object(), field.leafGraphId()));
+            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(field, memoryRead);
+            if (field.isVolatile()) {
+                MembarNode preMembar = graph.add(new MembarNode(JMM_PRE_VOLATILE_READ));
+                graph.addBeforeFixed(memoryRead, preMembar);
+                MembarNode postMembar = graph.add(new MembarNode(JMM_POST_VOLATILE_READ));
+                graph.addAfterFixed(memoryRead, postMembar);
+            }
+        } else if (n instanceof StoreFieldNode) {
+            StoreFieldNode storeField = (StoreFieldNode) n;
+            HotSpotResolvedJavaField field = (HotSpotResolvedJavaField) storeField.field();
+            WriteNode memoryWrite = graph.add(new WriteNode(storeField.object(), storeField.value(), LocationNode.create(field, field.getKind(), field.offset(), graph)));
+            memoryWrite.dependencies().add(tool.createNullCheckGuard(storeField.object(), storeField.leafGraphId()));
+            memoryWrite.setStateAfter(storeField.stateAfter());
+            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(storeField, memoryWrite);
+            FixedWithNextNode last = memoryWrite;
+            if (field.getKind() == Kind.Object && !memoryWrite.value().objectStamp().alwaysNull()) {
+                FieldWriteBarrier writeBarrier = graph.add(new FieldWriteBarrier(memoryWrite.object()));
+                graph.addAfterFixed(memoryWrite, writeBarrier);
+                last = writeBarrier;
+            }
+            if (storeField.isVolatile()) {
+                MembarNode preMembar = graph.add(new MembarNode(JMM_PRE_VOLATILE_WRITE));
+                graph.addBeforeFixed(memoryWrite, preMembar);
+                MembarNode postMembar = graph.add(new MembarNode(JMM_POST_VOLATILE_WRITE));
+                graph.addAfterFixed(last, postMembar);
+            }
+        } else if (n instanceof CompareAndSwapNode) {
+            // Separate out GC barrier semantics
+            CompareAndSwapNode cas = (CompareAndSwapNode) n;
+            ValueNode expected = cas.expected();
+            if (expected.kind() == Kind.Object && !cas.newValue().objectStamp().alwaysNull()) {
+                ResolvedJavaType type = cas.object().objectStamp().type();
+                if (type != null && !type.isArrayClass() && type.toJava() != Object.class) {
+                    // Use a field write barrier since it's not an array store
+                    FieldWriteBarrier writeBarrier = graph.add(new FieldWriteBarrier(cas.object()));
+                    graph.addAfterFixed(cas, writeBarrier);
+                } else {
+                    // This may be an array store so use an array write barrier
+                    LocationNode location = IndexedLocationNode.create(LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION, cas.expected().kind(), cas.displacement(), cas.offset(), graph, false);
+                    graph.addAfterFixed(cas, graph.add(new ArrayWriteBarrier(cas.object(), location)));
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (n instanceof LoadIndexedNode) {
+            LoadIndexedNode loadIndexed = (LoadIndexedNode) n;
+            ValueNode boundsCheck = createBoundsCheck(loadIndexed, tool);
+            Kind elementKind = loadIndexed.elementKind();
+            LocationNode arrayLocation = createArrayLocation(graph, elementKind, loadIndexed.index());
+            ReadNode memoryRead = graph.add(new ReadNode(loadIndexed.array(), arrayLocation, loadIndexed.stamp()));
+            memoryRead.dependencies().add(boundsCheck);
+            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(loadIndexed, memoryRead);
+        } else if (n instanceof StoreIndexedNode) {
+            StoreIndexedNode storeIndexed = (StoreIndexedNode) n;
+            ValueNode boundsCheck = createBoundsCheck(storeIndexed, tool);
+            Kind elementKind = storeIndexed.elementKind();
+            LocationNode arrayLocation = createArrayLocation(graph, elementKind, storeIndexed.index());
+            ValueNode value = storeIndexed.value();
+            ValueNode array = storeIndexed.array();
+            if (elementKind == Kind.Object && !value.objectStamp().alwaysNull()) {
+                // Store check!
+                ResolvedJavaType arrayType = array.objectStamp().type();
+                if (arrayType != null && array.objectStamp().isExactType()) {
+                    ResolvedJavaType elementType = arrayType.getComponentType();
+                    if (!MetaUtil.isJavaLangObject(elementType)) {
+                        CheckCastNode checkcast = graph.add(new CheckCastNode(elementType, value, null));
+                        graph.addBeforeFixed(storeIndexed, checkcast);
+                        value = checkcast;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    LoadHubNode arrayClass = graph.add(new LoadHubNode(array, wordKind));
+                    LocationNode location = LocationNode.create(LocationNode.FINAL_LOCATION, wordKind, config.arrayClassElementOffset, graph);
+                    FloatingReadNode arrayElementKlass = graph.unique(new FloatingReadNode(arrayClass, location, null, StampFactory.forKind(wordKind())));
+                    CheckCastDynamicNode checkcast = graph.add(new CheckCastDynamicNode(arrayElementKlass, value));
+                    graph.addBeforeFixed(storeIndexed, checkcast);
+                    graph.addBeforeFixed(checkcast, arrayClass);
+                    value = checkcast;
+                }
+            }
+            WriteNode memoryWrite = graph.add(new WriteNode(array, value, arrayLocation));
+            memoryWrite.dependencies().add(boundsCheck);
+            memoryWrite.setStateAfter(storeIndexed.stateAfter());
+            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(storeIndexed, memoryWrite);
+            if (elementKind == Kind.Object && !value.objectStamp().alwaysNull()) {
+                graph.addAfterFixed(memoryWrite, graph.add(new ArrayWriteBarrier(array, arrayLocation)));
+            }
+        } else if (n instanceof UnsafeLoadNode) {
+            UnsafeLoadNode load = (UnsafeLoadNode) n;
+            assert load.kind() != Kind.Illegal;
+            IndexedLocationNode location = IndexedLocationNode.create(LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION, load.loadKind(), load.displacement(), load.offset(), graph, false);
+            ReadNode memoryRead = graph.add(new ReadNode(load.object(), location, load.stamp()));
+            // An unsafe read must not floating outside its block as may float above an explicit null check on its object.
+            memoryRead.dependencies().add(BeginNode.prevBegin(load));
+            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(load, memoryRead);
+        } else if (n instanceof UnsafeStoreNode) {
+            UnsafeStoreNode store = (UnsafeStoreNode) n;
+            IndexedLocationNode location = IndexedLocationNode.create(LocationNode.ANY_LOCATION, store.storeKind(), store.displacement(), store.offset(), graph, false);
+            ValueNode object = store.object();
+            WriteNode write = graph.add(new WriteNode(object, store.value(), location));
+            write.setStateAfter(store.stateAfter());
+            graph.replaceFixedWithFixed(store, write);
+            if (write.value().kind() == Kind.Object && !write.value().objectStamp().alwaysNull()) {
+                ResolvedJavaType type = object.objectStamp().type();
+                WriteBarrier writeBarrier;
+                if (type != null && !type.isArrayClass() && type.toJava() != Object.class) {
+                    // Use a field write barrier since it's not an array store
+                    writeBarrier = graph.add(new FieldWriteBarrier(object));
+                } else {
+                    // This may be an array store so use an array write barrier
+                    writeBarrier = graph.add(new ArrayWriteBarrier(object, location));
+                }
+                graph.addAfterFixed(write, writeBarrier);
+            }
+        } else if (n instanceof LoadHubNode) {
+            LoadHubNode loadHub = (LoadHubNode) n;
+            assert loadHub.kind() == wordKind;
+            LocationNode location = LocationNode.create(LocationNode.FINAL_LOCATION, wordKind, config.hubOffset, graph);
+            ValueNode object = loadHub.object();
+            assert !object.isConstant();
+            ValueNode guard = tool.createNullCheckGuard(object, StructuredGraph.INVALID_GRAPH_ID);
+            ReadNode hub = graph.add(new ReadNode(object, location, StampFactory.forKind(wordKind())));
+            hub.dependencies().add(guard);
+            graph.replaceFixed(loadHub, hub);
+        } else if (n instanceof CheckCastNode) {
+            checkcastSnippets.lower((CheckCastNode) n, tool);
+        } else if (n instanceof CheckCastDynamicNode) {
+            checkcastSnippets.lower((CheckCastDynamicNode) n);
+        } else if (n instanceof InstanceOfNode) {
+            instanceofSnippets.lower((InstanceOfNode) n, tool);
+        } else if (n instanceof NewInstanceNode) {
+            newObjectSnippets.lower((NewInstanceNode) n, tool);
+        } else if (n instanceof NewArrayNode) {
+            newObjectSnippets.lower((NewArrayNode) n, tool);
+        } else if (n instanceof MonitorEnterNode) {
+            monitorSnippets.lower((MonitorEnterNode) n, tool);
+        } else if (n instanceof MonitorExitNode) {
+            monitorSnippets.lower((MonitorExitNode) n, tool);
+        } else if (n instanceof TLABAllocateNode) {
+            newObjectSnippets.lower((TLABAllocateNode) n, tool);
+        } else if (n instanceof InitializeObjectNode) {
+            newObjectSnippets.lower((InitializeObjectNode) n, tool);
+        } else if (n instanceof InitializeArrayNode) {
+            newObjectSnippets.lower((InitializeArrayNode) n, tool);
+        } else if (n instanceof NewMultiArrayNode) {
+            newObjectSnippets.lower((NewMultiArrayNode) n, tool);
+        } else {
+            assert false : "Node implementing Lowerable not handled: " + n;
+            throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere();
+        }
+    }
+    private static IndexedLocationNode createArrayLocation(Graph graph, Kind elementKind, ValueNode index) {
+        return IndexedLocationNode.create(LocationNode.getArrayLocation(elementKind), elementKind, elementKind.getArrayBaseOffset(), index, graph, true);
+    }
+    private SafeReadNode safeReadArrayLength(ValueNode array, long leafGraphId) {
+        return safeRead(array.graph(), Kind.Int, array, config.arrayLengthOffset, StampFactory.positiveInt(), leafGraphId);
+    }
+    private static ValueNode createBoundsCheck(AccessIndexedNode n, LoweringTool tool) {
+        StructuredGraph graph = (StructuredGraph) n.graph();
+        ArrayLengthNode arrayLength = graph.add(new ArrayLengthNode(n.array()));
+        ValueNode guard = tool.createGuard(graph.unique(new IntegerBelowThanNode(n.index(), arrayLength)), BoundsCheckException, InvalidateReprofile, n.leafGraphId());
+        graph.addBeforeFixed(n, arrayLength);
+        return guard;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public StructuredGraph intrinsicGraph(ResolvedJavaMethod caller, int bci, ResolvedJavaMethod method, List<? extends Node> parameters) {
+        ResolvedJavaType holder = method.getDeclaringClass();
+        String fullName = method.getName() + ((HotSpotSignature) method.getSignature()).asString();
+        Kind wordKind = graalRuntime.getTarget().wordKind;
+        if (holder.toJava() == Object.class) {
+            if (fullName.equals("getClass()Ljava/lang/Class;")) {
+                ValueNode obj = (ValueNode) parameters.get(0);
+                ObjectStamp stamp = (ObjectStamp) obj.stamp();
+                if (stamp.nonNull() && stamp.isExactType()) {
+                    StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph();
+                    ValueNode result = ConstantNode.forObject(stamp.type().toJava(), this, graph);
+                    ReturnNode ret = graph.add(new ReturnNode(result));
+                    graph.start().setNext(ret);
+                    return graph;
+                }
+                StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph();
+                LocalNode receiver = graph.unique(new LocalNode(0, StampFactory.objectNonNull()));
+                LoadHubNode hub = graph.add(new LoadHubNode(receiver, wordKind));
+                Stamp resultStamp = StampFactory.declaredNonNull(lookupJavaType(Class.class));
+                FloatingReadNode result = graph.unique(new FloatingReadNode(hub, LocationNode.create(LocationNode.FINAL_LOCATION, Kind.Object, config.classMirrorOffset, graph), null, resultStamp));
+                ReturnNode ret = graph.add(new ReturnNode(result));
+                graph.start().setNext(hub);
+                hub.setNext(ret);
+                return graph;
+            }
+        } else if (holder.toJava() == Class.class) {
+            if (fullName.equals("getModifiers()I")) {
+                StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph();
+                LocalNode receiver = graph.unique(new LocalNode(0, StampFactory.objectNonNull()));
+                SafeReadNode klass = safeRead(graph, wordKind, receiver, config.klassOffset, StampFactory.forKind(wordKind), INVALID_GRAPH_ID);
+                graph.start().setNext(klass);
+                LocationNode location = LocationNode.create(LocationNode.FINAL_LOCATION, Kind.Int, config.klassModifierFlagsOffset, graph);
+                FloatingReadNode readModifiers = graph.unique(new FloatingReadNode(klass, location, null, StampFactory.intValue()));
+                CompareNode isZero = CompareNode.createCompareNode(Condition.EQ, klass, ConstantNode.defaultForKind(wordKind, graph));
+                GuardNode guard = graph.unique(new GuardNode(isZero, graph.start(), NullCheckException, InvalidateReprofile, true, INVALID_GRAPH_ID));
+                readModifiers.dependencies().add(guard);
+                ReturnNode ret = graph.add(new ReturnNode(readModifiers));
+                klass.setNext(ret);
+                return graph;
+            }
+        } else if (holder.toJava() == Thread.class) {
+            if (fullName.equals("currentThread()Ljava/lang/Thread;")) {
+                StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph();
+                ReturnNode ret = graph.add(new ReturnNode(graph.unique(new CurrentThread(config.threadObjectOffset, this))));
+                graph.start().setNext(ret);
+                return graph;
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    private static SafeReadNode safeRead(Graph graph, Kind kind, ValueNode value, int offset, Stamp stamp, long leafGraphId) {
+        return graph.add(new SafeReadNode(value, LocationNode.create(LocationNode.FINAL_LOCATION, kind, offset, graph), stamp, leafGraphId));
+    }
+    public ResolvedJavaType lookupJavaType(Class<?> clazz) {
+        return HotSpotResolvedJavaType.fromClass(clazz);
+    }
+    public Object lookupCallTarget(Object target) {
+        if (target instanceof HotSpotRuntimeCall) {
+            return ((HotSpotRuntimeCall) target).address;
+        }
+        return target;
+    }
+    public RuntimeCall lookupRuntimeCall(Descriptor descriptor) {
+        assert runtimeCalls.containsKey(descriptor) : descriptor;
+        return runtimeCalls.get(descriptor);
+    }
+    public ResolvedJavaMethod lookupJavaMethod(Method reflectionMethod) {
+        CompilerToVM c2vm = graalRuntime.getCompilerToVM();
+        HotSpotResolvedJavaType[] resultHolder = {null};
+        long metaspaceMethod = c2vm.getMetaspaceMethod(reflectionMethod, resultHolder);
+        assert metaspaceMethod != 0L;
+        return resultHolder[0].createMethod(metaspaceMethod);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public ResolvedJavaField lookupJavaField(Field reflectionField) {
+        return graalRuntime.getCompilerToVM().getJavaField(reflectionField);
+    }
+    private static HotSpotCodeInfo makeInfo(ResolvedJavaMethod method, CompilationResult compResult, CodeInfo[] info) {
+        HotSpotCodeInfo hsInfo = null;
+        if (info != null && info.length > 0) {
+            hsInfo = new HotSpotCodeInfo(compResult, (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod) method);
+            info[0] = hsInfo;
+        }
+        return hsInfo;
+    }
+    public void installMethod(HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod method, int entryBCI, CompilationResult compResult, CodeInfo[] info) {
+        HotSpotCodeInfo hsInfo = makeInfo(method, compResult, info);
+        graalRuntime.getCompilerToVM().installCode(new HotSpotCompilationResult(method, entryBCI, compResult), null, hsInfo);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public InstalledCode addMethod(ResolvedJavaMethod method, CompilationResult compResult, CodeInfo[] info) {
+        HotSpotCodeInfo hsInfo = makeInfo(method, compResult, info);
+        HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod hotspotMethod = (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod) method;
+        return graalRuntime.getCompilerToVM().installCode(new HotSpotCompilationResult(hotspotMethod, -1, compResult), new HotSpotInstalledCode(hotspotMethod), hsInfo);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int encodeDeoptActionAndReason(DeoptimizationAction action, DeoptimizationReason reason) {
+        final int actionShift = 0;
+        final int reasonShift = 3;
+        int actionValue = convertDeoptAction(action);
+        int reasonValue = convertDeoptReason(reason);
+        return (~(((reasonValue) << reasonShift) + ((actionValue) << actionShift)));
+    }
+    public int convertDeoptAction(DeoptimizationAction action) {
+        // This must be kept in sync with the DeoptAction enum defined in deoptimization.hpp
+        switch(action) {
+            case None: return 0;
+            case RecompileIfTooManyDeopts: return 1;
+            case InvalidateReprofile: return 2;
+            case InvalidateRecompile: return 3;
+            case InvalidateStopCompiling: return 4;
+            default: throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere();
+        }
+    }
+    public int convertDeoptReason(DeoptimizationReason reason) {
+        // This must be kept in sync with the DeoptReason enum defined in deoptimization.hpp
+        switch(reason) {
+            case None: return 0;
+            case NullCheckException: return 1;
+            case BoundsCheckException: return 2;
+            case ClassCastException: return 3;
+            case ArrayStoreException: return 4;
+            case UnreachedCode: return 5;
+            case TypeCheckedInliningViolated: return 6;
+            case OptimizedTypeCheckViolated: return 7;
+            case NotCompiledExceptionHandler: return 8;
+            case Unresolved: return 9;
+            case JavaSubroutineMismatch: return 10;
+            case ArithmeticException: return 11;
+            case RuntimeConstraint: return 12;
+            default: throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere();
+        }
+    }
+    public boolean needsDataPatch(Constant constant) {
+        return constant.getPrimitiveAnnotation() instanceof HotSpotResolvedJavaType;
+    }