diff graal/com.oracle.graal.hotspot/src/com/oracle/graal/hotspot/meta/HotSpotForeignCallsProvider.java @ 12429:5124eeec1a7b

split HotSpotRuntime into separate provider implementations moved HotSpot specific parts of HSAIL into new com.oracle.graal.hotspot.hsail project
author Doug Simon <doug.simon@oracle.com>
date Tue, 15 Oct 2013 14:14:06 +0200
children 7080a96be216
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graal/com.oracle.graal.hotspot/src/com/oracle/graal/hotspot/meta/HotSpotForeignCallsProvider.java	Tue Oct 15 14:14:06 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package com.oracle.graal.hotspot.meta;
+import static com.oracle.graal.api.code.CallingConvention.Type.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.api.meta.LocationIdentity.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.HotSpotBackend.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.HotSpotForeignCallLinkage.RegisterEffect.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.HotSpotForeignCallLinkage.Transition.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.nodes.MonitorExitStubCall.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.nodes.NewArrayStubCall.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.nodes.NewInstanceStubCall.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.nodes.NewMultiArrayStubCall.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.nodes.VMErrorNode.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.replacements.MonitorSnippets.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.replacements.NewObjectSnippets.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.replacements.SystemSubstitutions.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.replacements.ThreadSubstitutions.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.replacements.WriteBarrierSnippets.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.stubs.ExceptionHandlerStub.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.stubs.NewArrayStub.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.stubs.NewInstanceStub.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.stubs.StubUtil.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.hotspot.stubs.UnwindExceptionToCallerStub.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.java.GraphBuilderPhase.RuntimeCalls.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.nodes.java.RegisterFinalizerNode.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.replacements.Log.*;
+import static com.oracle.graal.replacements.MathSubstitutionsX86.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.code.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.api.meta.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.HotSpotForeignCallLinkage.RegisterEffect;
+import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.HotSpotForeignCallLinkage.Transition;
+import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.stubs.*;
+import com.oracle.graal.word.*;
+ * HotSpot implementation of {@link ForeignCallsProvider}.
+ */
+public class HotSpotForeignCallsProvider implements ForeignCallsProvider {
+    public static final ForeignCallDescriptor OSR_MIGRATION_END = new ForeignCallDescriptor("OSR_migration_end", void.class, long.class);
+    public static final ForeignCallDescriptor IDENTITY_HASHCODE = new ForeignCallDescriptor("identity_hashcode", int.class, Object.class);
+    public static final ForeignCallDescriptor VERIFY_OOP = new ForeignCallDescriptor("verify_oop", Object.class, Object.class);
+    public static final ForeignCallDescriptor LOAD_AND_CLEAR_EXCEPTION = new ForeignCallDescriptor("load_and_clear_exception", Object.class, Word.class);
+    protected final HotSpotGraalRuntime graalRuntime;
+    private final Map<ForeignCallDescriptor, HotSpotForeignCallLinkage> foreignCalls = new HashMap<>();
+    public HotSpotForeignCallsProvider(HotSpotGraalRuntime graalRuntime) {
+        this.graalRuntime = graalRuntime;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Registers the linkage for a foreign call.
+     */
+    protected HotSpotForeignCallLinkage register(HotSpotForeignCallLinkage linkage) {
+        assert !foreignCalls.containsKey(linkage.getDescriptor()) : "already registered linkage for " + linkage.getDescriptor();
+        foreignCalls.put(linkage.getDescriptor(), linkage);
+        return linkage;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates and registers the details for linking a foreign call to a {@link Stub}.
+     * 
+     * @param descriptor the signature of the call to the stub
+     * @param reexecutable specifies if the stub call can be re-executed without (meaningful) side
+     *            effects. Deoptimization will not return to a point before a stub call that cannot
+     *            be re-executed.
+     * @param transition specifies if this is a {@linkplain Transition#LEAF leaf} call
+     * @param killedLocations the memory locations killed by the stub call
+     */
+    protected HotSpotForeignCallLinkage registerStubCall(ForeignCallDescriptor descriptor, boolean reexecutable, Transition transition, LocationIdentity... killedLocations) {
+        return register(HotSpotForeignCallLinkage.create(descriptor, 0L, PRESERVES_REGISTERS, JavaCall, JavaCallee, transition, reexecutable, killedLocations));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates and registers the linkage for a foreign call.
+     * 
+     * @param descriptor the signature of the foreign call
+     * @param address the address of the code to call
+     * @param outgoingCcType outgoing (caller) calling convention type
+     * @param effect specifies if the call destroys or preserves all registers (apart from
+     *            temporaries which are always destroyed)
+     * @param transition specifies if this is a {@linkplain Transition#LEAF leaf} call
+     * @param reexecutable specifies if the foreign call can be re-executed without (meaningful)
+     *            side effects. Deoptimization will not return to a point before a foreign call that
+     *            cannot be re-executed.
+     * @param killedLocations the memory locations killed by the foreign call
+     */
+    protected HotSpotForeignCallLinkage registerForeignCall(ForeignCallDescriptor descriptor, long address, CallingConvention.Type outgoingCcType, RegisterEffect effect, Transition transition,
+                    boolean reexecutable, LocationIdentity... killedLocations) {
+        Class<?> resultType = descriptor.getResultType();
+        assert transition == LEAF || resultType.isPrimitive() || Word.class.isAssignableFrom(resultType) : "non-leaf foreign calls must return objects in thread local storage: " + descriptor;
+        return register(HotSpotForeignCallLinkage.create(descriptor, address, effect, outgoingCcType, null, transition, reexecutable, killedLocations));
+    }
+    private static void link(Stub stub) {
+        stub.getLinkage().setCompiledStub(stub);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a {@linkplain ForeignCallStub stub} for a foreign call.
+     * 
+     * @param descriptor the signature of the call to the stub
+     * @param address the address of the foreign code to call
+     * @param prependThread true if the JavaThread value for the current thread is to be prepended
+     *            to the arguments for the call to {@code address}
+     * @param transition specifies if this is a {@linkplain Transition#LEAF leaf} call
+     * @param reexecutable specifies if the foreign call can be re-executed without (meaningful)
+     *            side effects. Deoptimization will not return to a point before a foreign call that
+     *            cannot be re-executed.
+     * @param killedLocations the memory locations killed by the foreign call
+     */
+    private void linkForeignCall(HotSpotProviders providers, ForeignCallDescriptor descriptor, long address, boolean prependThread, Transition transition, boolean reexecutable,
+                    LocationIdentity... killedLocations) {
+        ForeignCallStub stub = new ForeignCallStub(providers, address, descriptor, prependThread, transition, reexecutable, killedLocations);
+        HotSpotForeignCallLinkage linkage = stub.getLinkage();
+        HotSpotForeignCallLinkage targetLinkage = stub.getTargetLinkage();
+        linkage.setCompiledStub(stub);
+        register(linkage);
+        register(targetLinkage);
+    }
+    public static final boolean PREPEND_THREAD = true;
+    public static final boolean DONT_PREPEND_THREAD = !PREPEND_THREAD;
+    public static final boolean REEXECUTABLE = true;
+    public static final boolean NOT_REEXECUTABLE = !REEXECUTABLE;
+    public static final LocationIdentity[] NO_LOCATIONS = {};
+    public void initialize(HotSpotProviders providers) {
+        HotSpotVMConfig c = graalRuntime.getConfig();
+        TargetDescription target = providers.getCodeCache().getTarget();
+        registerForeignCall(UNCOMMON_TRAP, c.uncommonTrapStub, NativeCall, PRESERVES_REGISTERS, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        registerForeignCall(DEOPT_HANDLER, c.handleDeoptStub, NativeCall, PRESERVES_REGISTERS, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        registerForeignCall(IC_MISS_HANDLER, c.inlineCacheMissStub, NativeCall, PRESERVES_REGISTERS, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        registerForeignCall(JAVA_TIME_MILLIS, c.javaTimeMillisAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        registerForeignCall(JAVA_TIME_NANOS, c.javaTimeNanosAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        registerForeignCall(ARITHMETIC_SIN, c.arithmeticSinAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        registerForeignCall(ARITHMETIC_COS, c.arithmeticCosAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        registerForeignCall(ARITHMETIC_TAN, c.arithmeticTanAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        registerForeignCall(LOAD_AND_CLEAR_EXCEPTION, c.loadAndClearExceptionAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, LEAF, NOT_REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        registerForeignCall(EXCEPTION_HANDLER_FOR_PC, c.exceptionHandlerForPcAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        registerForeignCall(EXCEPTION_HANDLER_FOR_RETURN_ADDRESS, c.exceptionHandlerForReturnAddressAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        registerForeignCall(NEW_ARRAY_C, c.newArrayAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        registerForeignCall(NEW_INSTANCE_C, c.newInstanceAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        registerForeignCall(VM_MESSAGE_C, c.vmMessageAddress, NativeCall, DESTROYS_REGISTERS, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        link(new NewInstanceStub(providers, target, registerStubCall(NEW_INSTANCE, REEXECUTABLE, NOT_LEAF, ANY_LOCATION)));
+        link(new NewArrayStub(providers, target, registerStubCall(NEW_ARRAY, REEXECUTABLE, NOT_LEAF, INIT_LOCATION)));
+        link(new ExceptionHandlerStub(providers, target, foreignCalls.get(EXCEPTION_HANDLER)));
+        link(new UnwindExceptionToCallerStub(providers, target, registerStubCall(UNWIND_EXCEPTION_TO_CALLER, NOT_REEXECUTABLE, NOT_LEAF, ANY_LOCATION)));
+        link(new VerifyOopStub(providers, target, registerStubCall(VERIFY_OOP, REEXECUTABLE, LEAF, NO_LOCATIONS)));
+        linkForeignCall(providers, IDENTITY_HASHCODE, c.identityHashCodeAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, NOT_REEXECUTABLE, MARK_WORD_LOCATION);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, REGISTER_FINALIZER, c.registerFinalizerAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, NOT_REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, CREATE_NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION, c.createNullPointerExceptionAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, CREATE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_EXCEPTION, c.createOutOfBoundsExceptionAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, MONITORENTER, c.monitorenterAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, NOT_REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, MONITOREXIT, c.monitorexitAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, NOT_REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, NEW_MULTI_ARRAY, c.newMultiArrayAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, INIT_LOCATION);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, DYNAMIC_NEW_ARRAY, c.dynamicNewArrayAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, INIT_LOCATION);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, LOG_PRINTF, c.logPrintfAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, LOG_OBJECT, c.logObjectAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, LOG_PRIMITIVE, c.logPrimitiveAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, THREAD_IS_INTERRUPTED, c.threadIsInterruptedAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, NOT_LEAF, NOT_REEXECUTABLE, ANY_LOCATION);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, VM_ERROR, c.vmErrorAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, OSR_MIGRATION_END, c.osrMigrationEndAddress, DONT_PREPEND_THREAD, LEAF, NOT_REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, G1WBPRECALL, c.writeBarrierPreAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, G1WBPOSTCALL, c.writeBarrierPostAddress, PREPEND_THREAD, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+        linkForeignCall(providers, VALIDATE_OBJECT, c.validateObject, PREPEND_THREAD, LEAF, REEXECUTABLE, NO_LOCATIONS);
+    }
+    public HotSpotForeignCallLinkage lookupForeignCall(ForeignCallDescriptor descriptor) {
+        HotSpotForeignCallLinkage callTarget = foreignCalls.get(descriptor);
+        assert foreignCalls != null : descriptor;
+        callTarget.finalizeAddress(graalRuntime.getBackend());
+        return callTarget;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean isReexecutable(ForeignCallDescriptor descriptor) {
+        return foreignCalls.get(descriptor).isReexecutable();
+    }
+    public boolean canDeoptimize(ForeignCallDescriptor descriptor) {
+        return foreignCalls.get(descriptor).canDeoptimize();
+    }
+    public LocationIdentity[] getKilledLocations(ForeignCallDescriptor descriptor) {
+        return foreignCalls.get(descriptor).getKilledLocations();
+    }