diff mx/mx_graal_makefile.py @ 21488:6420ac0cbe3c

Add Makefile generator for building graal without mx
author Stefan Anzinger <stefan.anzinger@oracle.com>
date Tue, 26 May 2015 14:46:32 +0200
children 93d486d51ab4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mx/mx_graal_makefile.py	Tue May 26 14:46:32 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+import mx, os, sys
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2015, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def build_makefile(args):
+    """Build a Makefile from the suitte.py to build graa.jar without python"""
+    if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == "-":
+        do_build_makefile(lambda l: sys.stdout.write(l + os.linesep))
+    elif args[0] == "-o":
+        with open(args[1], "w") as f:
+            do_build_makefile(lambda l: f.write(l + os.linesep))
+def relative_dep_path(d):
+    if isinstance(d, str): d = mx.dependency(d)
+    return os.path.basename(d.get_path(False))
+def createMakeRule(p, bootClasspath):
+    def filterDeps(deps, t):
+        def typeFilter(project): # filters
+            if isinstance(project, str):
+                project = mx.dependency(project, True)
+            return isinstance(project, t)
+        return [d for d in deps if typeFilter(d)]
+    canonicalDeps = p.canonical_deps()
+    canonicalProjectDep = filterDeps(canonicalDeps, mx.Project)
+    canonicalProjectDepDirs = ['$(TARGET)/' +i for i in canonicalProjectDep]
+    canonicalLibDep = filterDeps(canonicalDeps, mx.Library)
+    canonicalLibDepJars = ["$(LIB)/" + relative_dep_path(d) for d in canonicalLibDep]
+    allDep = p.all_deps([], True, False, includeAnnotationProcessors=True)
+    allProcessorDistNames = [x.definedAnnotationProcessorsDist.name for x in filterDeps(allDep, mx.Project) if x.definedAnnotationProcessors != None]
+    allProjectDep = filterDeps(allDep, mx.Project)
+    allProjectDepDir = ['$(TARGET)/' +i.name for i in allProjectDep]
+    allLibDep = filterDeps(allDep, mx.Library)
+    allLibDepJar = ["$(LIB)/" + relative_dep_path(d) for d in allLibDep]
+    processor = p.annotation_processors_path()
+    if processor != None: processor = processor.replace(p.suite.dir, "$(TARGET)")
+    cp = allLibDepJar +allProjectDepDir
+    props = {
+             'name': p.name,
+             'project_deps': ' '.join(canonicalProjectDepDirs + canonicalLibDepJars + allProcessorDistNames),
+             'cp_deps': ('-cp ' + ':'.join(cp)) if len(cp) > 0 else '',
+             'cp_boot': ('-bootclasspath ' + bootClasspath) if len(bootClasspath) > 0 else '',
+             'processor': ('-processorpath ' + processor) if processor != None else ''
+    }
+    return """$(TARGET)/{name}: $(shell find graal/{name}/src/ -type f -name *.java) {project_deps}
+\t$(eval TMP := $(shell mktemp -d))
+\ttest ! -d $(TARGET)/{name} || cp -Rp $(TARGET)/{name} $(TMP)
+\t$(JAVAC) -d $(TMP) {cp_boot} {processor} {cp_deps} $(shell find graal/{name}/src/ -type f -name *.java)
+\ttest ! -d graal/{name}/src/META-INF || (mkdir -p $(TARGET)/{name}/META-INF/ &&  cp -r graal/{name}/src/META-INF/ $(TARGET)/{name}/)
+\tmkdir -p $(TARGET)/{name}
+\tcp -r $(TMP)/* $(TARGET)/{name}
+\ttouch $(TARGET)/{name}
+\trm -r $(TMP)
+def createDistributionRule(dist):
+    depDirs = ' '.join(['$(TARGET)/' + i.name for i in dist.sorted_deps(False, True)])
+    depDirsStar = ' '.join(['$(TARGET)/' + i.name + '/*' for i in dist.sorted_deps(False, True)])
+    jarPath = os.path.relpath(dist.path, dist.suite.dir)
+    jarDir = os.path.dirname(jarPath)
+    props = {
+             'dist_name': dist.name,
+             'depDirs': depDirs,
+             'depDirsStar': depDirsStar,
+             'jar_path': jarPath,
+             'jar_dir': jarDir,
+             'providers_dir': '$(TMP)/META-INF/providers/ ',
+             'services_dir': '$(TMP)/META-INF/services/'
+             }
+    return """{dist_name}: {depDirs}
+\t$(eval TMP := $(shell mktemp -d))
+\tmkdir -p $(TARGET){jar_dir}
+\ttouch $(TARGET)/{jar_path}
+\tcp -r {depDirsStar} $(TMP)
+\ttest -d {services_dir} || mkdir -p {services_dir} 
+\ttest ! -d {providers_dir} || (cd {providers_dir} && for i in $$(ls); do c=$$(cat $$i); echo $$i >> {services_dir}$$c; done)
+\ttest ! -d {providers_dir} || rm -r {providers_dir}
+\t$(JAR) cvf $(TARGET){jar_path} -C $(TMP) .
+\trm -r $(TMP)
+def createDownloadRule(lib):
+    http_urls = [u for u in lib.urls if u.startswith("http")]
+    if len(http_urls) == 0: http_urls = [u for u in lib.urls if u.startswith("jar")]
+    if len(http_urls) == 0: raise BaseException("No http url specified for downloading library %s: available urls: %s" % (lib.name, lib.urls))
+    url = http_urls[0]
+    tofile = '$(LIB)/' + relative_dep_path(lib)
+    if url.startswith("jar"):
+        props = {
+            'url': url[url.find(":")+1:url.rfind("!")],
+            'archive_file': url[url.rfind("!")+1:],
+            'dest': tofile
+        }
+        dl = """\t$(eval TMP := $(shell mktemp -d))
+\tcd $(TMP) && $(WGET) -O dl.zip {url} && $(JAR) xf dl.zip
+\tmv $(TMP)/{archive_file} {dest}
+\trm -rf $(TMP)""".format(**props)
+    else:
+        dl = "\t$(WGET) -O {} {}".format(tofile, url)
+    return """{}:\n{}""".format(tofile, dl)
+def create_suite_build(suite, out):
+    for p in suite.projects:
+        java = mx.java(p.javaCompliance)
+        bootClassPath = java.bootclasspath()
+        bootClassPath = bootClassPath.replace(java.jdk, "$(JDK)")
+        out(createMakeRule(p, bootClassPath))
+    for l in suite.libs:
+        out(createDownloadRule(l))
+    distributionNames = []
+    for d in suite.dists:
+        distributionNames.append(d.name)
+        out(createDistributionRule(d))
+    out("{0}: {1}\n.PHONY: {1}".format(suite.name, " ".join(distributionNames)))
+def do_build_makefile(out):
+    out("""VERBOSE=
+ifeq ($(JDK),)
+$(error Variable JDK must be set to a JDK installation.)
+ifneq ($(VERBOSE),)
+SHELL=sh -x
+all: default
+\tmkdir -p $(TARGET)
+\tmkdir -p $(LIB)
+    suiteNames = []
+    for s in mx.suites():
+        suiteNames.append(s.name)
+        create_suite_build(s, out)
+    out("""default: $(TARGET) $(LIB) {0}
+.PHONY: {0}
+    """.format(" ".join(suiteNames)))