diff src/share/vm/oops/instanceKlass.hpp @ 0:a61af66fc99e jdk7-b24

Initial load
author duke
date Sat, 01 Dec 2007 00:00:00 +0000
children 2c106685d6d0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/share/vm/oops/instanceKlass.hpp	Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 2007 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+ * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
+ * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
+ * have any questions.
+ *
+ */
+// An instanceKlass is the VM level representation of a Java class.
+// It contains all information needed for at class at execution runtime.
+//  instanceKlass layout:
+//    [header                     ] klassOop
+//    [klass pointer              ] klassOop
+//    [C++ vtbl pointer           ] Klass
+//    [subtype cache              ] Klass
+//    [instance size              ] Klass
+//    [java mirror                ] Klass
+//    [super                      ] Klass
+//    [access_flags               ] Klass
+//    [name                       ] Klass
+//    [first subklass             ] Klass
+//    [next sibling               ] Klass
+//    [array klasses              ]
+//    [methods                    ]
+//    [local interfaces           ]
+//    [transitive interfaces      ]
+//    [number of implementors     ]
+//    [implementors               ] klassOop[2]
+//    [fields                     ]
+//    [constants                  ]
+//    [class loader               ]
+//    [protection domain          ]
+//    [signers                    ]
+//    [source file name           ]
+//    [inner classes              ]
+//    [static field size          ]
+//    [nonstatic field size       ]
+//    [static oop fields size     ]
+//    [nonstatic oop maps size    ]
+//    [has finalize method        ]
+//    [deoptimization mark bit    ]
+//    [initialization state       ]
+//    [initializing thread        ]
+//    [Java vtable length         ]
+//    [oop map cache (stack maps) ]
+//    [EMBEDDED Java vtable             ] size in words = vtable_len
+//    [EMBEDDED static oop fields       ] size in words = static_oop_fields_size
+//    [         static non-oop fields   ] size in words = static_field_size - static_oop_fields_size
+//    [EMBEDDED nonstatic oop-map blocks] size in words = nonstatic_oop_map_size
+//    The embedded nonstatic oop-map blocks are short pairs (offset, length) indicating
+//    where oops are located in instances of this klass.
+// forward declaration for class -- see below for definition
+class SuperTypeClosure;
+class OopMapBlock;
+class JNIid;
+class jniIdMapBase;
+class BreakpointInfo;
+class fieldDescriptor;
+class DepChange;
+class nmethodBucket;
+class PreviousVersionNode;
+class JvmtiCachedClassFieldMap;
+// This is used in iterators below.
+class FieldClosure: public StackObj {
+  virtual void do_field(fieldDescriptor* fd) = 0;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+// Print fields.
+// If "obj" argument to constructor is NULL, prints static fields, otherwise prints non-static fields.
+class FieldPrinter: public FieldClosure {
+   oop _obj;
+   outputStream* _st;
+ public:
+   FieldPrinter(outputStream* st, oop obj = NULL) : _obj(obj), _st(st) {}
+   void do_field(fieldDescriptor* fd);
+#endif  // !PRODUCT
+class instanceKlass: public Klass {
+  friend class VMStructs;
+ public:
+  // See "The Java Virtual Machine Specification" section 2.16.2-5 for a detailed description
+  // of the class loading & initialization procedure, and the use of the states.
+  enum ClassState {
+    unparsable_by_gc = 0,               // object is not yet parsable by gc. Value of _init_state at object allocation.
+    allocated,                          // allocated (but not yet linked)
+    loaded,                             // loaded and inserted in class hierarchy (but not linked yet)
+    linked,                             // successfully linked/verified (but not initialized yet)
+    being_initialized,                  // currently running class initializer
+    fully_initialized,                  // initialized (successfull final state)
+    initialization_error                // error happened during initialization
+  };
+ public:
+  oop* oop_block_beg() const { return adr_array_klasses(); }
+  oop* oop_block_end() const { return adr_methods_default_annotations() + 1; }
+  enum {
+    implementors_limit = 2              // how many implems can we track?
+  };
+ protected:
+  //
+  // The oop block.  See comment in klass.hpp before making changes.
+  //
+  // Array classes holding elements of this class.
+  klassOop        _array_klasses;
+  // Method array.
+  objArrayOop     _methods;
+  // Int array containing the original order of method in the class file (for
+  // JVMTI).
+  typeArrayOop    _method_ordering;
+  // Interface (klassOops) this class declares locally to implement.
+  objArrayOop     _local_interfaces;
+  // Interface (klassOops) this class implements transitively.
+  objArrayOop     _transitive_interfaces;
+  // Instance and static variable information, 5-tuples of shorts [access, name
+  // index, sig index, initval index, offset].
+  typeArrayOop    _fields;
+  // Constant pool for this class.
+  constantPoolOop _constants;
+  // Class loader used to load this class, NULL if VM loader used.
+  oop             _class_loader;
+  // Protection domain.
+  oop             _protection_domain;
+  // Class signers.
+  objArrayOop     _signers;
+  // Name of source file containing this klass, NULL if not specified.
+  symbolOop       _source_file_name;
+  // the source debug extension for this klass, NULL if not specified.
+  symbolOop       _source_debug_extension;
+  // inner_classes attribute.
+  typeArrayOop    _inner_classes;
+  // Implementors of this interface (not valid if it overflows)
+  klassOop        _implementors[implementors_limit];
+  // Generic signature, or null if none.
+  symbolOop       _generic_signature;
+  // Annotations for this class, or null if none.
+  typeArrayOop    _class_annotations;
+  // Annotation objects (byte arrays) for fields, or null if no annotations.
+  // Indices correspond to entries (not indices) in fields array.
+  objArrayOop     _fields_annotations;
+  // Annotation objects (byte arrays) for methods, or null if no annotations.
+  // Index is the idnum, which is initially the same as the methods array index.
+  objArrayOop     _methods_annotations;
+  // Annotation objects (byte arrays) for methods' parameters, or null if no
+  // such annotations.
+  // Index is the idnum, which is initially the same as the methods array index.
+  objArrayOop     _methods_parameter_annotations;
+  // Annotation objects (byte arrays) for methods' default values, or null if no
+  // such annotations.
+  // Index is the idnum, which is initially the same as the methods array index.
+  objArrayOop     _methods_default_annotations;
+  //
+  // End of the oop block.
+  //
+  int             _nonstatic_field_size; // number of non-static fields in this klass (including inherited fields)
+  int             _static_field_size;    // number of static fields (oop and non-oop) in this klass
+  int             _static_oop_field_size;// number of static oop fields in this klass
+  int             _nonstatic_oop_map_size;// number of nonstatic oop-map blocks allocated at end of this klass
+  bool            _is_marked_dependent;  // used for marking during flushing and deoptimization
+  bool            _rewritten;            // methods rewritten.
+  u2              _minor_version;        // minor version number of class file
+  u2              _major_version;        // major version number of class file
+  ClassState      _init_state;           // state of class
+  Thread*         _init_thread;          // Pointer to current thread doing initialization (to handle recusive initialization)
+  int             _vtable_len;           // length of Java vtable (in words)
+  int             _itable_len;           // length of Java itable (in words)
+  ReferenceType   _reference_type;       // reference type
+  OopMapCache*    volatile _oop_map_cache;   // OopMapCache for all methods in the klass (allocated lazily)
+  JNIid*          _jni_ids;              // First JNI identifier for static fields in this class
+  jmethodID*      _methods_jmethod_ids;  // jmethodIDs corresponding to method_idnum, or NULL if none
+  int*            _methods_cached_itable_indices;  // itable_index cache for JNI invoke corresponding to methods idnum, or NULL
+  nmethodBucket*  _dependencies;         // list of dependent nmethods
+  nmethod*        _osr_nmethods_head;    // Head of list of on-stack replacement nmethods for this class
+  BreakpointInfo* _breakpoints;          // bpt lists, managed by methodOop
+  int             _nof_implementors;     // No of implementors of this interface (zero if not an interface)
+  // Array of interesting part(s) of the previous version(s) of this
+  // instanceKlass. See PreviousVersionWalker below.
+  GrowableArray<PreviousVersionNode *>* _previous_versions;
+  u2              _enclosing_method_class_index;  // Constant pool index for class of enclosing method, or 0 if none
+  u2              _enclosing_method_method_index; // Constant pool index for name and type of enclosing method, or 0 if none
+  // JVMTI fields can be moved to their own structure - see 6315920
+  unsigned char * _cached_class_file_bytes;       // JVMTI: cached class file, before retransformable agent modified it in CFLH
+  jint            _cached_class_file_len;         // JVMTI: length of above
+  JvmtiCachedClassFieldMap* _jvmti_cached_class_field_map;  // JVMTI: used during heap iteration
+  volatile u2     _idnum_allocated_count;         // JNI/JVMTI: increments with the addition of methods, old ids don't change
+  // embedded Java vtable follows here
+  // embedded Java itables follows here
+  // embedded static fields follows here
+  // embedded nonstatic oop-map blocks follows here
+  friend class instanceKlassKlass;
+  friend class SystemDictionary;
+ public:
+  // field sizes
+  int nonstatic_field_size() const         { return _nonstatic_field_size; }
+  void set_nonstatic_field_size(int size)  { _nonstatic_field_size = size; }
+  int static_field_size() const            { return _static_field_size; }
+  void set_static_field_size(int size)     { _static_field_size = size; }
+  int static_oop_field_size() const        { return _static_oop_field_size; }
+  void set_static_oop_field_size(int size) { _static_oop_field_size = size; }
+  // Java vtable
+  int  vtable_length() const               { return _vtable_len; }
+  void set_vtable_length(int len)          { _vtable_len = len; }
+  // Java itable
+  int  itable_length() const               { return _itable_len; }
+  void set_itable_length(int len)          { _itable_len = len; }
+  // array klasses
+  klassOop array_klasses() const           { return _array_klasses; }
+  void set_array_klasses(klassOop k)       { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_array_klasses, (oop) k); }
+  // methods
+  objArrayOop methods() const              { return _methods; }
+  void set_methods(objArrayOop a)          { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_methods, (oop) a); }
+  methodOop method_with_idnum(int idnum);
+  // method ordering
+  typeArrayOop method_ordering() const     { return _method_ordering; }
+  void set_method_ordering(typeArrayOop m) { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_method_ordering, (oop) m); }
+  // interfaces
+  objArrayOop local_interfaces() const          { return _local_interfaces; }
+  void set_local_interfaces(objArrayOop a)      { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_local_interfaces, (oop) a); }
+  objArrayOop transitive_interfaces() const     { return _transitive_interfaces; }
+  void set_transitive_interfaces(objArrayOop a) { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_transitive_interfaces, (oop) a); }
+  // fields
+  // Field info extracted from the class file and stored
+  // as an array of 7 shorts
+  enum FieldOffset {
+    access_flags_offset    = 0,
+    name_index_offset      = 1,
+    signature_index_offset = 2,
+    initval_index_offset   = 3,
+    low_offset             = 4,
+    high_offset            = 5,
+    generic_signature_offset = 6,
+    next_offset            = 7
+  };
+  typeArrayOop fields() const              { return _fields; }
+  int offset_from_fields( int index ) const {
+    return build_int_from_shorts( fields()->ushort_at(index + low_offset),
+                                  fields()->ushort_at(index + high_offset) );
+  }
+  void set_fields(typeArrayOop f)          { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_fields, (oop) f); }
+  // inner classes
+  typeArrayOop inner_classes() const       { return _inner_classes; }
+  void set_inner_classes(typeArrayOop f)   { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_inner_classes, (oop) f); }
+  enum InnerClassAttributeOffset {
+    // From http://mirror.eng/products/jdk/1.1/docs/guide/innerclasses/spec/innerclasses.doc10.html#18814
+    inner_class_inner_class_info_offset = 0,
+    inner_class_outer_class_info_offset = 1,
+    inner_class_inner_name_offset = 2,
+    inner_class_access_flags_offset = 3,
+    inner_class_next_offset = 4
+  };
+  // package
+  bool is_same_class_package(klassOop class2);
+  bool is_same_class_package(oop classloader2, symbolOop classname2);
+  static bool is_same_class_package(oop class_loader1, symbolOop class_name1, oop class_loader2, symbolOop class_name2);
+  // initialization state
+  bool is_loaded() const                   { return _init_state >= loaded; }
+  bool is_linked() const                   { return _init_state >= linked; }
+  bool is_initialized() const              { return _init_state == fully_initialized; }
+  bool is_not_initialized() const          { return _init_state <  being_initialized; }
+  bool is_being_initialized() const        { return _init_state == being_initialized; }
+  bool is_in_error_state() const           { return _init_state == initialization_error; }
+  bool is_reentrant_initialization(Thread *thread)  { return thread == _init_thread; }
+  int  get_init_state()                    { return _init_state; } // Useful for debugging
+  bool is_rewritten() const                { return _rewritten; }
+  // marking
+  bool is_marked_dependent() const         { return _is_marked_dependent; }
+  void set_is_marked_dependent(bool value) { _is_marked_dependent = value; }
+  // initialization (virtuals from Klass)
+  bool should_be_initialized() const;  // means that initialize should be called
+  void initialize(TRAPS);
+  void link_class(TRAPS);
+  bool link_class_or_fail(TRAPS); // returns false on failure
+  void unlink_class();
+  void rewrite_class(TRAPS);
+  methodOop class_initializer();
+  // set the class to initialized if no static initializer is present
+  void eager_initialize(Thread *thread);
+  // reference type
+  ReferenceType reference_type() const     { return _reference_type; }
+  void set_reference_type(ReferenceType t) { _reference_type = t; }
+  // find local field, returns true if found
+  bool find_local_field(symbolOop name, symbolOop sig, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
+  // find field in direct superinterfaces, returns the interface in which the field is defined
+  klassOop find_interface_field(symbolOop name, symbolOop sig, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
+  // find field according to JVM spec, returns the klass in which the field is defined
+  klassOop find_field(symbolOop name, symbolOop sig, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
+  // find instance or static fields according to JVM spec, returns the klass in which the field is defined
+  klassOop find_field(symbolOop name, symbolOop sig, bool is_static, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
+  // find a non-static or static field given its offset within the class.
+  bool contains_field_offset(int offset) {
+      return ((offset/wordSize) >= instanceOopDesc::header_size() &&
+             (offset/wordSize)-instanceOopDesc::header_size() < nonstatic_field_size());
+  }
+  bool find_local_field_from_offset(int offset, bool is_static, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
+  bool find_field_from_offset(int offset, bool is_static, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
+  // find a local method (returns NULL if not found)
+  methodOop find_method(symbolOop name, symbolOop signature) const;
+  static methodOop find_method(objArrayOop methods, symbolOop name, symbolOop signature);
+  // lookup operation (returns NULL if not found)
+  methodOop uncached_lookup_method(symbolOop name, symbolOop signature) const;
+  // lookup a method in all the interfaces that this class implements
+  // (returns NULL if not found)
+  methodOop lookup_method_in_all_interfaces(symbolOop name, symbolOop signature) const;
+  // constant pool
+  constantPoolOop constants() const        { return _constants; }
+  void set_constants(constantPoolOop c)    { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_constants, (oop) c); }
+  // class loader
+  oop class_loader() const                 { return _class_loader; }
+  void set_class_loader(oop l)             { oop_store((oop*) &_class_loader, l); }
+  // protection domain
+  oop protection_domain()                  { return _protection_domain; }
+  void set_protection_domain(oop pd)       { oop_store((oop*) &_protection_domain, pd); }
+  // signers
+  objArrayOop signers() const              { return _signers; }
+  void set_signers(objArrayOop s)          { oop_store((oop*) &_signers, oop(s)); }
+  // source file name
+  symbolOop source_file_name() const       { return _source_file_name; }
+  void set_source_file_name(symbolOop n)   { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_source_file_name, (oop) n); }
+  // minor and major version numbers of class file
+  u2 minor_version() const                 { return _minor_version; }
+  void set_minor_version(u2 minor_version) { _minor_version = minor_version; }
+  u2 major_version() const                 { return _major_version; }
+  void set_major_version(u2 major_version) { _major_version = major_version; }
+  // source debug extension
+  symbolOop source_debug_extension() const    { return _source_debug_extension; }
+  void set_source_debug_extension(symbolOop n){ oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_source_debug_extension, (oop) n); }
+  // nonstatic oop-map blocks
+  int nonstatic_oop_map_size() const        { return _nonstatic_oop_map_size; }
+  void set_nonstatic_oop_map_size(int size) { _nonstatic_oop_map_size = size; }
+  // RedefineClasses() support for previous versions:
+  void add_previous_version(instanceKlassHandle ikh, BitMap *emcp_methods,
+         int emcp_method_count);
+  bool has_previous_version() const;
+  void init_previous_versions() {
+    _previous_versions = NULL;
+  }
+  GrowableArray<PreviousVersionNode *>* previous_versions() const {
+    return _previous_versions;
+  }
+  // JVMTI: Support for caching a class file before it is modified by an agent that can do retransformation
+  void set_cached_class_file(unsigned char *class_file_bytes,
+                             jint class_file_len)     { _cached_class_file_len = class_file_len;
+                                                        _cached_class_file_bytes = class_file_bytes; }
+  jint get_cached_class_file_len()                    { return _cached_class_file_len; }
+  unsigned char * get_cached_class_file_bytes()       { return _cached_class_file_bytes; }
+  // JVMTI: Support for caching of field indices, types, and offsets
+  void set_jvmti_cached_class_field_map(JvmtiCachedClassFieldMap* descriptor) {
+    _jvmti_cached_class_field_map = descriptor;
+  }
+  JvmtiCachedClassFieldMap* jvmti_cached_class_field_map() const {
+    return _jvmti_cached_class_field_map;
+  }
+  // for adding methods, constMethodOopDesc::UNSET_IDNUM means no more ids available
+  inline u2 next_method_idnum();
+  void set_initial_method_idnum(u2 value)             { _idnum_allocated_count = value; }
+  // generics support
+  symbolOop generic_signature() const                 { return _generic_signature; }
+  void set_generic_signature(symbolOop sig)           { oop_store_without_check((oop*)&_generic_signature, (oop)sig); }
+  u2 enclosing_method_class_index() const             { return _enclosing_method_class_index; }
+  u2 enclosing_method_method_index() const            { return _enclosing_method_method_index; }
+  void set_enclosing_method_indices(u2 class_index,
+                                    u2 method_index)  { _enclosing_method_class_index  = class_index;
+                                                        _enclosing_method_method_index = method_index; }
+  // jmethodID support
+  static jmethodID jmethod_id_for_impl(instanceKlassHandle ik_h, methodHandle method_h);
+  jmethodID jmethod_id_or_null(methodOop method);
+  // cached itable index support
+  void set_cached_itable_index(size_t idnum, int index);
+  int cached_itable_index(size_t idnum);
+  // annotations support
+  typeArrayOop class_annotations() const              { return _class_annotations; }
+  objArrayOop fields_annotations() const              { return _fields_annotations; }
+  objArrayOop methods_annotations() const             { return _methods_annotations; }
+  objArrayOop methods_parameter_annotations() const   { return _methods_parameter_annotations; }
+  objArrayOop methods_default_annotations() const     { return _methods_default_annotations; }
+  void set_class_annotations(typeArrayOop md)            { oop_store_without_check((oop*)&_class_annotations, (oop)md); }
+  void set_fields_annotations(objArrayOop md)            { set_annotations(md, &_fields_annotations); }
+  void set_methods_annotations(objArrayOop md)           { set_annotations(md, &_methods_annotations); }
+  void set_methods_parameter_annotations(objArrayOop md) { set_annotations(md, &_methods_parameter_annotations); }
+  void set_methods_default_annotations(objArrayOop md)   { set_annotations(md, &_methods_default_annotations); }
+  typeArrayOop get_method_annotations_of(int idnum)
+                                                { return get_method_annotations_from(idnum, _methods_annotations); }
+  typeArrayOop get_method_parameter_annotations_of(int idnum)
+                                                { return get_method_annotations_from(idnum, _methods_parameter_annotations); }
+  typeArrayOop get_method_default_annotations_of(int idnum)
+                                                { return get_method_annotations_from(idnum, _methods_default_annotations); }
+  void set_method_annotations_of(int idnum, typeArrayOop anno)
+                                                { set_methods_annotations_of(idnum, anno, &_methods_annotations); }
+  void set_method_parameter_annotations_of(int idnum, typeArrayOop anno)
+                                                { set_methods_annotations_of(idnum, anno, &_methods_annotations); }
+  void set_method_default_annotations_of(int idnum, typeArrayOop anno)
+                                                { set_methods_annotations_of(idnum, anno, &_methods_annotations); }
+  // allocation
+  instanceOop allocate_instance(TRAPS);
+  instanceOop allocate_permanent_instance(TRAPS);
+  // additional member function to return a handle
+  instanceHandle allocate_instance_handle(TRAPS)      { return instanceHandle(THREAD, allocate_instance(THREAD)); }
+  objArrayOop allocate_objArray(int n, int length, TRAPS);
+  // Helper function
+  static instanceOop register_finalizer(instanceOop i, TRAPS);
+  // Check whether reflection/jni/jvm code is allowed to instantiate this class;
+  // if not, throw either an Error or an Exception.
+  virtual void check_valid_for_instantiation(bool throwError, TRAPS);
+  // initialization
+  void call_class_initializer(TRAPS);
+  void set_initialization_state_and_notify(ClassState state, TRAPS);
+  // OopMapCache support
+  OopMapCache* oop_map_cache()               { return _oop_map_cache; }
+  void set_oop_map_cache(OopMapCache *cache) { _oop_map_cache = cache; }
+  void mask_for(methodHandle method, int bci, InterpreterOopMap* entry);
+  // JNI identifier support (for static fields - for jni performance)
+  JNIid* jni_ids()                               { return _jni_ids; }
+  void set_jni_ids(JNIid* ids)                   { _jni_ids = ids; }
+  JNIid* jni_id_for(int offset);
+  // maintenance of deoptimization dependencies
+  int mark_dependent_nmethods(DepChange& changes);
+  void add_dependent_nmethod(nmethod* nm);
+  void remove_dependent_nmethod(nmethod* nm);
+  // On-stack replacement support
+  nmethod* osr_nmethods_head() const         { return _osr_nmethods_head; };
+  void set_osr_nmethods_head(nmethod* h)     { _osr_nmethods_head = h; };
+  void add_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n);
+  void remove_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n);
+  nmethod* lookup_osr_nmethod(const methodOop m, int bci) const;
+  // Breakpoint support (see methods on methodOop for details)
+  BreakpointInfo* breakpoints() const       { return _breakpoints; };
+  void set_breakpoints(BreakpointInfo* bps) { _breakpoints = bps; };
+  // support for stub routines
+  static int init_state_offset_in_bytes()    { return offset_of(instanceKlass, _init_state); }
+  static int init_thread_offset_in_bytes()   { return offset_of(instanceKlass, _init_thread); }
+  // subclass/subinterface checks
+  bool implements_interface(klassOop k) const;
+  // Access to implementors of an interface. We only store the count
+  // of implementors, and in case, there are only a few
+  // implementors, we store them in a short list.
+  // This accessor returns NULL if we walk off the end of the list.
+  klassOop implementor(int i) const {
+    return (i < implementors_limit)? _implementors[i]: (klassOop) NULL;
+  }
+  int  nof_implementors() const       { return _nof_implementors; }
+  void add_implementor(klassOop k);  // k is a new class that implements this interface
+  void init_implementor();           // initialize
+  // link this class into the implementors list of every interface it implements
+  void process_interfaces(Thread *thread);
+  // virtual operations from Klass
+  bool is_leaf_class() const               { return _subklass == NULL; }
+  objArrayOop compute_secondary_supers(int num_extra_slots, TRAPS);
+  bool compute_is_subtype_of(klassOop k);
+  bool can_be_primary_super_slow() const;
+  klassOop java_super() const              { return super(); }
+  int oop_size(oop obj)  const             { return size_helper(); }
+  int klass_oop_size() const               { return object_size(); }
+  bool oop_is_instance_slow() const        { return true; }
+  // Iterators
+  void do_local_static_fields(FieldClosure* cl);
+  void do_nonstatic_fields(FieldClosure* cl); // including inherited fields
+  void do_local_static_fields(void f(fieldDescriptor*, TRAPS), TRAPS);
+  void methods_do(void f(methodOop method));
+  void array_klasses_do(void f(klassOop k));
+  void with_array_klasses_do(void f(klassOop k));
+  bool super_types_do(SuperTypeClosure* blk);
+  // Casting from klassOop
+  static instanceKlass* cast(klassOop k) {
+    Klass* kp = k->klass_part();
+    assert(kp->null_vtbl() || kp->oop_is_instance_slow(), "cast to instanceKlass");
+    return (instanceKlass*) kp;
+  }
+  // Sizing (in words)
+  static int header_size()            { return align_object_offset(oopDesc::header_size() + sizeof(instanceKlass)/HeapWordSize); }
+  int object_size() const             { return object_size(align_object_offset(vtable_length()) + align_object_offset(itable_length()) + static_field_size() + nonstatic_oop_map_size()); }
+  static int vtable_start_offset()    { return header_size(); }
+  static int vtable_length_offset()   { return oopDesc::header_size() + offset_of(instanceKlass, _vtable_len) / HeapWordSize; }
+  static int object_size(int extra)   { return align_object_size(header_size() + extra); }
+  intptr_t* start_of_vtable() const        { return ((intptr_t*)as_klassOop()) + vtable_start_offset(); }
+  intptr_t* start_of_itable() const        { return start_of_vtable() + align_object_offset(vtable_length()); }
+  int  itable_offset_in_words() const { return start_of_itable() - (intptr_t*)as_klassOop(); }
+  oop* start_of_static_fields() const { return (oop*)(start_of_itable() + align_object_offset(itable_length())); }
+  intptr_t* end_of_itable() const          { return start_of_itable() + itable_length(); }
+  oop* end_of_static_fields() const   { return start_of_static_fields() + static_field_size(); }
+  int offset_of_static_fields() const { return (intptr_t)start_of_static_fields() - (intptr_t)as_klassOop(); }
+  OopMapBlock* start_of_nonstatic_oop_maps() const { return (OopMapBlock*) (start_of_static_fields() + static_field_size()); }
+  // Allocation profiling support
+  juint alloc_size() const            { return _alloc_count * size_helper(); }
+  void set_alloc_size(juint n)        {}
+  // Use this to return the size of an instance in heap words:
+  int size_helper() const {
+    return layout_helper_to_size_helper(layout_helper());
+  }
+  // This bit is initialized in classFileParser.cpp.
+  // It is false under any of the following conditions:
+  //  - the class is abstract (including any interface)
+  //  - the class has a finalizer (if !RegisterFinalizersAtInit)
+  //  - the class size is larger than FastAllocateSizeLimit
+  //  - the class is java/lang/Class, which cannot be allocated directly
+  bool can_be_fastpath_allocated() const {
+    return !layout_helper_needs_slow_path(layout_helper());
+  }
+  // Java vtable/itable
+  klassVtable* vtable() const;        // return new klassVtable wrapper
+  inline methodOop method_at_vtable(int index);
+  klassItable* itable() const;        // return new klassItable wrapper
+  methodOop method_at_itable(klassOop holder, int index, TRAPS);
+  // Garbage collection
+  void oop_follow_contents(oop obj);
+  void follow_static_fields();
+  void adjust_static_fields();
+  int  oop_adjust_pointers(oop obj);
+  bool object_is_parsable() const { return _init_state != unparsable_by_gc; }
+       // Value of _init_state must be zero (unparsable_by_gc) when klass field is set.
+  void follow_weak_klass_links(
+    BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, OopClosure* keep_alive);
+  void release_C_heap_structures();
+  // Parallel Scavenge and Parallel Old
+#ifndef SERIALGC
+  // Parallel Scavenge
+  void copy_static_fields(PSPromotionManager* pm);
+  void push_static_fields(PSPromotionManager* pm);
+  // Parallel Old
+  void follow_static_fields(ParCompactionManager* cm);
+  void copy_static_fields(ParCompactionManager* cm);
+  void update_static_fields();
+  void update_static_fields(HeapWord* beg_addr, HeapWord* end_addr);
+#endif // SERIALGC
+  // Naming
+  char* signature_name() const;
+  // Iterators
+  int oop_oop_iterate(oop obj, OopClosure* blk) {
+    return oop_oop_iterate_v(obj, blk);
+  }
+  int oop_oop_iterate_m(oop obj, OopClosure* blk, MemRegion mr) {
+    return oop_oop_iterate_v_m(obj, blk, mr);
+  }
+#define InstanceKlass_OOP_OOP_ITERATE_DECL(OopClosureType, nv_suffix)   \
+  int  oop_oop_iterate##nv_suffix(oop obj, OopClosureType* blk);        \
+  int  oop_oop_iterate##nv_suffix##_m(oop obj, OopClosureType* blk,     \
+                                      MemRegion mr);
+  void iterate_static_fields(OopClosure* closure);
+  void iterate_static_fields(OopClosure* closure, MemRegion mr);
+  // initialization state
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  void set_init_state(ClassState state);
+  void set_init_state(ClassState state) { _init_state = state; }
+  void set_rewritten()                  { _rewritten = true; }
+  void set_init_thread(Thread *thread)  { _init_thread = thread; }
+  u2 idnum_allocated_count() const      { return _idnum_allocated_count; }
+  jmethodID* methods_jmethod_ids_acquire() const
+         { return (jmethodID*)OrderAccess::load_ptr_acquire(&_methods_jmethod_ids); }
+  void release_set_methods_jmethod_ids(jmethodID* jmeths)
+         { OrderAccess::release_store_ptr(&_methods_jmethod_ids, jmeths); }
+  int* methods_cached_itable_indices_acquire() const
+         { return (int*)OrderAccess::load_ptr_acquire(&_methods_cached_itable_indices); }
+  void release_set_methods_cached_itable_indices(int* indices)
+         { OrderAccess::release_store_ptr(&_methods_cached_itable_indices, indices); }
+  inline typeArrayOop get_method_annotations_from(int idnum, objArrayOop annos);
+  void set_annotations(objArrayOop md, objArrayOop* md_p)  { oop_store_without_check((oop*)md_p, (oop)md); }
+  void set_methods_annotations_of(int idnum, typeArrayOop anno, objArrayOop* md_p);
+  // Offsets for memory management
+  oop* adr_array_klasses() const     { return (oop*)&this->_array_klasses;}
+  oop* adr_methods() const           { return (oop*)&this->_methods;}
+  oop* adr_method_ordering() const   { return (oop*)&this->_method_ordering;}
+  oop* adr_local_interfaces() const  { return (oop*)&this->_local_interfaces;}
+  oop* adr_transitive_interfaces() const  { return (oop*)&this->_transitive_interfaces;}
+  oop* adr_fields() const            { return (oop*)&this->_fields;}
+  oop* adr_constants() const         { return (oop*)&this->_constants;}
+  oop* adr_class_loader() const      { return (oop*)&this->_class_loader;}
+  oop* adr_protection_domain() const { return (oop*)&this->_protection_domain;}
+  oop* adr_signers() const           { return (oop*)&this->_signers;}
+  oop* adr_source_file_name() const  { return (oop*)&this->_source_file_name;}
+  oop* adr_source_debug_extension() const { return (oop*)&this->_source_debug_extension;}
+  oop* adr_inner_classes() const     { return (oop*)&this->_inner_classes;}
+  oop* adr_implementors() const      { return (oop*)&this->_implementors[0];}
+  oop* adr_generic_signature() const { return (oop*)&this->_generic_signature;}
+  oop* adr_methods_jmethod_ids() const             { return (oop*)&this->_methods_jmethod_ids;}
+  oop* adr_methods_cached_itable_indices() const   { return (oop*)&this->_methods_cached_itable_indices;}
+  oop* adr_class_annotations() const   { return (oop*)&this->_class_annotations;}
+  oop* adr_fields_annotations() const  { return (oop*)&this->_fields_annotations;}
+  oop* adr_methods_annotations() const { return (oop*)&this->_methods_annotations;}
+  oop* adr_methods_parameter_annotations() const { return (oop*)&this->_methods_parameter_annotations;}
+  oop* adr_methods_default_annotations() const { return (oop*)&this->_methods_default_annotations;}
+  // Static methods that are used to implement member methods where an exposed this pointer
+  // is needed due to possible GCs
+  static bool link_class_impl                           (instanceKlassHandle this_oop, bool throw_verifyerror, TRAPS);
+  static bool verify_code                               (instanceKlassHandle this_oop, bool throw_verifyerror, TRAPS);
+  static void initialize_impl                           (instanceKlassHandle this_oop, TRAPS);
+  static void eager_initialize_impl                     (instanceKlassHandle this_oop);
+  static void set_initialization_state_and_notify_impl  (instanceKlassHandle this_oop, ClassState state, TRAPS);
+  static void call_class_initializer_impl               (instanceKlassHandle this_oop, TRAPS);
+  static klassOop array_klass_impl                      (instanceKlassHandle this_oop, bool or_null, int n, TRAPS);
+  static void do_local_static_fields_impl               (instanceKlassHandle this_oop, void f(fieldDescriptor* fd, TRAPS), TRAPS);
+  /* jni_id_for_impl for jfieldID only */
+  static JNIid* jni_id_for_impl                         (instanceKlassHandle this_oop, int offset);
+  // Returns the array class for the n'th dimension
+  klassOop array_klass_impl(bool or_null, int n, TRAPS);
+  // Returns the array class with this class as element type
+  klassOop array_klass_impl(bool or_null, TRAPS);
+  // sharing support
+  virtual void remove_unshareable_info();
+  void field_names_and_sigs_iterate(OopClosure* closure);
+  // jvm support
+  jint compute_modifier_flags(TRAPS) const;
+  // JVMTI support
+  jint jvmti_class_status() const;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+ public:
+  // Printing
+  void oop_print_on      (oop obj, outputStream* st);
+  void oop_print_value_on(oop obj, outputStream* st);
+  void print_dependent_nmethods(bool verbose = false);
+  bool is_dependent_nmethod(nmethod* nm);
+ public:
+  // Verification
+  const char* internal_name() const;
+  void oop_verify_on(oop obj, outputStream* st);
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  static void verify_class_klass_nonstatic_oop_maps(klassOop k) PRODUCT_RETURN;
+inline methodOop instanceKlass::method_at_vtable(int index)  {
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  assert(index >= 0, "valid vtable index");
+  if (DebugVtables) {
+    verify_vtable_index(index);
+  }
+  vtableEntry* ve = (vtableEntry*)start_of_vtable();
+  return ve[index].method();
+inline typeArrayOop instanceKlass::get_method_annotations_from(int idnum, objArrayOop annos) {
+  if (annos == NULL || annos->length() <= idnum) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  return typeArrayOop(annos->obj_at(idnum));
+// for adding methods
+// UNSET_IDNUM return means no more ids available
+inline u2 instanceKlass::next_method_idnum() {
+  if (_idnum_allocated_count == constMethodOopDesc::MAX_IDNUM) {
+    return constMethodOopDesc::UNSET_IDNUM; // no more ids available
+  } else {
+    return _idnum_allocated_count++;
+  }
+// ValueObjs embedded in klass. Describes where oops are located in instances of this klass.
+class OopMapBlock VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
+ private:
+  jushort _offset;    // Offset of first oop in oop-map block
+  jushort _length;    // Length of oop-map block
+ public:
+  // Accessors
+  jushort offset() const          { return _offset; }
+  void set_offset(jushort offset) { _offset = offset; }
+  jushort length() const          { return _length; }
+  void set_length(jushort length) { _length = length; }
+/* JNIid class for jfieldIDs only */
+class JNIid: public CHeapObj {
+  friend class VMStructs;
+ private:
+  klassOop           _holder;
+  JNIid*             _next;
+  int                _offset;
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  bool               _is_static_field_id;
+ public:
+  // Accessors
+  klassOop holder() const         { return _holder; }
+  int offset() const              { return _offset; }
+  JNIid* next()                   { return _next; }
+  // Constructor
+  JNIid(klassOop holder, int offset, JNIid* next);
+  // Identifier lookup
+  JNIid* find(int offset);
+  // Garbage collection support
+  oop* holder_addr() { return (oop*)&_holder; }
+  void oops_do(OopClosure* f);
+  static void deallocate(JNIid* id);
+  // Debugging
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  bool is_static_field_id() const { return _is_static_field_id; }
+  void set_is_static_field_id()   { _is_static_field_id = true; }
+  void verify(klassOop holder);
+// If breakpoints are more numerous than just JVMTI breakpoints,
+// consider compressing this data structure.
+// It is currently a simple linked list defined in methodOop.hpp.
+class BreakpointInfo;
+// A collection point for interesting information about the previous
+// version(s) of an instanceKlass. This class uses weak references to
+// the information so that the information may be collected as needed
+// by the system. A GrowableArray of PreviousVersionNodes is attached
+// to the instanceKlass as needed. See PreviousVersionWalker below.
+class PreviousVersionNode : public CHeapObj {
+ private:
+  jweak _prev_constant_pool;
+  // If the previous version of the instanceKlass doesn't have any
+  // EMCP methods, then _prev_EMCP_methods will be NULL. If all the
+  // EMCP methods have been collected, then _prev_EMCP_methods can
+  // have a length of zero.
+  GrowableArray<jweak>* _prev_EMCP_methods;
+  PreviousVersionNode(jweak prev_constant_pool,
+    GrowableArray<jweak>* prev_EMCP_methods);
+  ~PreviousVersionNode();
+  jweak prev_constant_pool() const {
+    return _prev_constant_pool;
+  }
+  GrowableArray<jweak>* prev_EMCP_methods() const {
+    return _prev_EMCP_methods;
+  }
+// A Handle-ized version of PreviousVersionNode.
+class PreviousVersionInfo : public ResourceObj {
+ private:
+  constantPoolHandle   _prev_constant_pool_handle;
+  // If the previous version of the instanceKlass doesn't have any
+  // EMCP methods, then _prev_EMCP_methods will be NULL. Since the
+  // methods cannot be collected while we hold a handle,
+  // _prev_EMCP_methods should never have a length of zero.
+  GrowableArray<methodHandle>* _prev_EMCP_method_handles;
+  PreviousVersionInfo(PreviousVersionNode *pv_node);
+  ~PreviousVersionInfo();
+  constantPoolHandle prev_constant_pool_handle() const {
+    return _prev_constant_pool_handle;
+  }
+  GrowableArray<methodHandle>* prev_EMCP_method_handles() const {
+    return _prev_EMCP_method_handles;
+  }
+// Helper object for walking previous versions. This helper cleans up
+// the Handles that it allocates when the helper object is destroyed.
+// The PreviousVersionInfo object returned by next_previous_version()
+// is only valid until a subsequent call to next_previous_version() or
+// the helper object is destroyed.
+class PreviousVersionWalker : public StackObj {
+ private:
+  GrowableArray<PreviousVersionNode *>* _previous_versions;
+  int                                   _current_index;
+  // Fields for cleaning up when we are done walking the previous versions:
+  // A HandleMark for the PreviousVersionInfo handles:
+  HandleMark                            _hm;
+  // It would be nice to have a ResourceMark field in this helper also,
+  // but the ResourceMark code says to be careful to delete handles held
+  // in GrowableArrays _before_ deleting the GrowableArray. Since we
+  // can't guarantee the order in which the fields are destroyed, we
+  // have to let the creator of the PreviousVersionWalker object do
+  // the right thing. Also, adding a ResourceMark here causes an
+  // include loop.
+  // A pointer to the current info object so we can handle the deletes.
+  PreviousVersionInfo *                 _current_p;
+ public:
+  PreviousVersionWalker(instanceKlass *ik);
+  ~PreviousVersionWalker();
+  // Return the interesting information for the next previous version
+  // of the klass. Returns NULL if there are no more previous versions.
+  PreviousVersionInfo* next_previous_version();