diff src/share/vm/opto/type.hpp @ 0:a61af66fc99e jdk7-b24

Initial load
author duke
date Sat, 01 Dec 2007 00:00:00 +0000
children ff5961f4c095
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/share/vm/opto/type.hpp	Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 2007 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@
+ * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
+ * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
+ * have any questions.
+ *
+ */
+// Portions of code courtesy of Clifford Click
+// Optimization - Graph Style
+// This class defines a Type lattice.  The lattice is used in the constant
+// propagation algorithms, and for some type-checking of the iloc code.
+// Basic types include RSD's (lower bound, upper bound, stride for integers),
+// float & double precision constants, sets of data-labels and code-labels.
+// The complete lattice is described below.  Subtypes have no relationship to
+// up or down in the lattice; that is entirely determined by the behavior of
+// the MEET/JOIN functions.
+class Dict;
+class Type;
+class   TypeD;
+class   TypeF;
+class   TypeInt;
+class   TypeLong;
+class   TypeAry;
+class   TypeTuple;
+class   TypePtr;
+class     TypeRawPtr;
+class     TypeOopPtr;
+class       TypeInstPtr;
+class       TypeAryPtr;
+class       TypeKlassPtr;
+// Basic Type object, represents a set of primitive Values.
+// Types are hash-cons'd into a private class dictionary, so only one of each
+// different kind of Type exists.  Types are never modified after creation, so
+// all their interesting fields are constant.
+class Type {
+  enum TYPES {
+    Bad=0,                      // Type check
+    Control,                    // Control of code (not in lattice)
+    Top,                        // Top of the lattice
+    Int,                        // Integer range (lo-hi)
+    Long,                       // Long integer range (lo-hi)
+    Half,                       // Placeholder half of doubleword
+    Tuple,                      // Method signature or object layout
+    Array,                      // Array types
+    AnyPtr,                     // Any old raw, klass, inst, or array pointer
+    RawPtr,                     // Raw (non-oop) pointers
+    OopPtr,                     // Any and all Java heap entities
+    InstPtr,                    // Instance pointers (non-array objects)
+    AryPtr,                     // Array pointers
+    KlassPtr,                   // Klass pointers
+    // (Ptr order matters:  See is_ptr, isa_ptr, is_oopptr, isa_oopptr.)
+    Function,                   // Function signature
+    Abio,                       // Abstract I/O
+    Return_Address,             // Subroutine return address
+    Memory,                     // Abstract store
+    FloatTop,                   // No float value
+    FloatCon,                   // Floating point constant
+    FloatBot,                   // Any float value
+    DoubleTop,                  // No double value
+    DoubleCon,                  // Double precision constant
+    DoubleBot,                  // Any double value
+    Bottom,                     // Bottom of lattice
+    lastype                     // Bogus ending type (not in lattice)
+  };
+  // Signal values for offsets from a base pointer
+    OffsetTop = -2000000000,    // undefined offset
+    OffsetBot = -2000000001     // any possible offset
+  };
+  // Min and max WIDEN values.
+  enum WIDEN {
+    WidenMin = 0,
+    WidenMax = 3
+  };
+  // Dictionary of types shared among compilations.
+  static Dict* _shared_type_dict;
+  static int uhash( const Type *const t );
+  // Structural equality check.  Assumes that cmp() has already compared
+  // the _base types and thus knows it can cast 't' appropriately.
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  // Top-level hash-table of types
+  static Dict *type_dict() {
+    return Compile::current()->type_dict();
+  }
+  // DUAL operation: reflect around lattice centerline.  Used instead of
+  // join to ensure my lattice is symmetric up and down.  Dual is computed
+  // lazily, on demand, and cached in _dual.
+  const Type *_dual;            // Cached dual value
+  // Table for efficient dualing of base types
+  static const TYPES dual_type[lastype];
+  // Each class of type is also identified by its base.
+  const TYPES _base;            // Enum of Types type
+  Type( TYPES t ) : _dual(NULL),  _base(t) {} // Simple types
+  // ~Type();                   // Use fast deallocation
+  const Type *hashcons();       // Hash-cons the type
+  inline void* operator new( size_t x ) {
+    Compile* compile = Compile::current();
+    compile->set_type_last_size(x);
+    void *temp = compile->type_arena()->Amalloc_D(x);
+    compile->set_type_hwm(temp);
+    return temp;
+  }
+  inline void operator delete( void* ptr ) {
+    Compile* compile = Compile::current();
+    compile->type_arena()->Afree(ptr,compile->type_last_size());
+  }
+  // Initialize the type system for a particular compilation.
+  static void Initialize(Compile* compile);
+  // Initialize the types shared by all compilations.
+  static void Initialize_shared(Compile* compile);
+  TYPES base() const {
+    assert(_base > Bad && _base < lastype, "sanity");
+    return _base;
+  }
+  // Create a new hash-consd type
+  static const Type *make(enum TYPES);
+  // Test for equivalence of types
+  static int cmp( const Type *const t1, const Type *const t2 );
+  // Test for higher or equal in lattice
+  int higher_equal( const Type *t ) const { return !cmp(meet(t),t); }
+  // MEET operation; lower in lattice.
+  const Type *meet( const Type *t ) const;
+  // WIDEN: 'widens' for Ints and other range types
+  virtual const Type *widen( const Type *old ) const { return this; }
+  // NARROW: complement for widen, used by pessimistic phases
+  virtual const Type *narrow( const Type *old ) const { return this; }
+  // DUAL operation: reflect around lattice centerline.  Used instead of
+  // join to ensure my lattice is symmetric up and down.
+  const Type *dual() const { return _dual; }
+  // Compute meet dependent on base type
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  // JOIN operation; higher in lattice.  Done by finding the dual of the
+  // meet of the dual of the 2 inputs.
+  const Type *join( const Type *t ) const {
+    return dual()->meet(t->dual())->dual(); }
+  // Modified version of JOIN adapted to the needs Node::Value.
+  // Normalizes all empty values to TOP.  Does not kill _widen bits.
+  // Currently, it also works around limitations involving interface types.
+  virtual const Type *filter( const Type *kills ) const;
+  // Convenience access
+  float getf() const;
+  double getd() const;
+  const TypeInt    *is_int() const;
+  const TypeInt    *isa_int() const;             // Returns NULL if not an Int
+  const TypeLong   *is_long() const;
+  const TypeLong   *isa_long() const;            // Returns NULL if not a Long
+  const TypeD      *is_double_constant() const;  // Asserts it is a DoubleCon
+  const TypeD      *isa_double_constant() const; // Returns NULL if not a DoubleCon
+  const TypeF      *is_float_constant() const;   // Asserts it is a FloatCon
+  const TypeF      *isa_float_constant() const;  // Returns NULL if not a FloatCon
+  const TypeTuple  *is_tuple() const;            // Collection of fields, NOT a pointer
+  const TypeAry    *is_ary() const;              // Array, NOT array pointer
+  const TypePtr    *is_ptr() const;              // Asserts it is a ptr type
+  const TypePtr    *isa_ptr() const;             // Returns NULL if not ptr type
+  const TypeRawPtr *is_rawptr() const;           // NOT Java oop
+  const TypeOopPtr *isa_oopptr() const;          // Returns NULL if not ptr type
+  const TypeKlassPtr *isa_klassptr() const; // Returns NULL if not KlassPtr
+  const TypeKlassPtr *is_klassptr() const; // assert if not KlassPtr
+  const TypeOopPtr  *is_oopptr() const;          // Java-style GC'd pointer
+  const TypeInstPtr *isa_instptr() const;        // Returns NULL if not InstPtr
+  const TypeInstPtr *is_instptr() const;         // Instance
+  const TypeAryPtr *isa_aryptr() const;          // Returns NULL if not AryPtr
+  const TypeAryPtr *is_aryptr() const;           // Array oop
+  virtual bool      is_finite() const;           // Has a finite value
+  virtual bool      is_nan()    const;           // Is not a number (NaN)
+  // Special test for register pressure heuristic
+  bool is_floatingpoint() const;        // True if Float or Double base type
+  // Do you have memory, directly or through a tuple?
+  bool has_memory( ) const;
+  // Are you a pointer type or not?
+  bool isa_oop_ptr() const;
+  // TRUE if type is a singleton
+  virtual bool singleton(void) const;
+  // TRUE if type is above the lattice centerline, and is therefore vacuous
+  virtual bool empty(void) const;
+  // Return a hash for this type.  The hash function is public so ConNode
+  // (constants) can hash on their constant, which is represented by a Type.
+  virtual int hash() const;
+  // Map ideal registers (machine types) to ideal types
+  static const Type *mreg2type[];
+  // Printing, statistics
+  static const char * const msg[lastype]; // Printable strings
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  void         dump_on(outputStream *st) const;
+  void         dump() const {
+    dump_on(tty);
+  }
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const;
+  static  void dump_stats();
+  static  void verify_lastype();          // Check that arrays match type enum
+  void typerr(const Type *t) const; // Mixing types error
+  // Create basic type
+  static const Type* get_const_basic_type(BasicType type) {
+    assert((uint)type <= T_CONFLICT && _const_basic_type[type] != NULL, "bad type");
+    return _const_basic_type[type];
+  }
+  // Mapping to the array element's basic type.
+  BasicType array_element_basic_type() const;
+  // Create standard type for a ciType:
+  static const Type* get_const_type(ciType* type);
+  // Create standard zero value:
+  static const Type* get_zero_type(BasicType type) {
+    assert((uint)type <= T_CONFLICT && _zero_type[type] != NULL, "bad type");
+    return _zero_type[type];
+  }
+  // Report if this is a zero value (not top).
+  bool is_zero_type() const {
+    BasicType type = basic_type();
+    if (type == T_VOID || type >= T_CONFLICT)
+      return false;
+    else
+      return (this == _zero_type[type]);
+  }
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const Type *ABIO;
+  static const Type *BOTTOM;
+  static const Type *CONTROL;
+  static const Type *DOUBLE;
+  static const Type *FLOAT;
+  static const Type *HALF;
+  static const Type *MEMORY;
+  static const Type *MULTI;
+  static const Type *RETURN_ADDRESS;
+  static const Type *TOP;
+  // Mapping from compiler type to VM BasicType
+  BasicType basic_type() const { return _basic_type[_base]; }
+  // Mapping from CI type system to compiler type:
+  static const Type* get_typeflow_type(ciType* type);
+  // support arrays
+  static const BasicType _basic_type[];
+  static const Type*        _zero_type[T_CONFLICT+1];
+  static const Type* _const_basic_type[T_CONFLICT+1];
+// Class of Float-Constant Types.
+class TypeF : public Type {
+  TypeF( float f ) : Type(FloatCon), _f(f) {};
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  virtual bool singleton(void) const;    // TRUE if type is a singleton
+  virtual bool empty(void) const;        // TRUE if type is vacuous
+  const float _f;               // Float constant
+  static const TypeF *make(float f);
+  virtual bool        is_finite() const;  // Has a finite value
+  virtual bool        is_nan()    const;  // Is not a number (NaN)
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const TypeF *ZERO; // positive zero only
+  static const TypeF *ONE;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const;
+// Class of Double-Constant Types.
+class TypeD : public Type {
+  TypeD( double d ) : Type(DoubleCon), _d(d) {};
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  virtual bool singleton(void) const;    // TRUE if type is a singleton
+  virtual bool empty(void) const;        // TRUE if type is vacuous
+  const double _d;              // Double constant
+  static const TypeD *make(double d);
+  virtual bool        is_finite() const;  // Has a finite value
+  virtual bool        is_nan()    const;  // Is not a number (NaN)
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const TypeD *ZERO; // positive zero only
+  static const TypeD *ONE;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const;
+// Class of integer ranges, the set of integers between a lower bound and an
+// upper bound, inclusive.
+class TypeInt : public Type {
+  TypeInt( jint lo, jint hi, int w );
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  virtual bool singleton(void) const;    // TRUE if type is a singleton
+  virtual bool empty(void) const;        // TRUE if type is vacuous
+  const jint _lo, _hi;          // Lower bound, upper bound
+  const short _widen;           // Limit on times we widen this sucker
+  static const TypeInt *make(jint lo);
+  // must always specify w
+  static const TypeInt *make(jint lo, jint hi, int w);
+  // Check for single integer
+  int is_con() const { return _lo==_hi; }
+  bool is_con(int i) const { return is_con() && _lo == i; }
+  jint get_con() const { assert( is_con(), "" );  return _lo; }
+  virtual bool        is_finite() const;  // Has a finite value
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  virtual const Type *widen( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *narrow( const Type *t ) const;
+  // Do not kill _widen bits.
+  virtual const Type *filter( const Type *kills ) const;
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const TypeInt *MINUS_1;
+  static const TypeInt *ZERO;
+  static const TypeInt *ONE;
+  static const TypeInt *BOOL;
+  static const TypeInt *CC;
+  static const TypeInt *CC_LT;  // [-1]  == MINUS_1
+  static const TypeInt *CC_GT;  // [1]   == ONE
+  static const TypeInt *CC_EQ;  // [0]   == ZERO
+  static const TypeInt *CC_LE;  // [-1,0]
+  static const TypeInt *CC_GE;  // [0,1] == BOOL (!)
+  static const TypeInt *BYTE;
+  static const TypeInt *CHAR;
+  static const TypeInt *SHORT;
+  static const TypeInt *POS;
+  static const TypeInt *POS1;
+  static const TypeInt *INT;
+  static const TypeInt *SYMINT; // symmetric range [-max_jint..max_jint]
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const;
+// Class of long integer ranges, the set of integers between a lower bound and
+// an upper bound, inclusive.
+class TypeLong : public Type {
+  TypeLong( jlong lo, jlong hi, int w );
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  virtual bool singleton(void) const;    // TRUE if type is a singleton
+  virtual bool empty(void) const;        // TRUE if type is vacuous
+  const jlong _lo, _hi;         // Lower bound, upper bound
+  const short _widen;           // Limit on times we widen this sucker
+  static const TypeLong *make(jlong lo);
+  // must always specify w
+  static const TypeLong *make(jlong lo, jlong hi, int w);
+  // Check for single integer
+  int is_con() const { return _lo==_hi; }
+  jlong get_con() const { assert( is_con(), "" ); return _lo; }
+  virtual bool        is_finite() const;  // Has a finite value
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  virtual const Type *widen( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *narrow( const Type *t ) const;
+  // Do not kill _widen bits.
+  virtual const Type *filter( const Type *kills ) const;
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const TypeLong *MINUS_1;
+  static const TypeLong *ZERO;
+  static const TypeLong *ONE;
+  static const TypeLong *POS;
+  static const TypeLong *LONG;
+  static const TypeLong *INT;    // 32-bit subrange [min_jint..max_jint]
+  static const TypeLong *UINT;   // 32-bit unsigned [0..max_juint]
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint, outputStream *st  ) const;// Specialized per-Type dumping
+// Class of Tuple Types, essentially type collections for function signatures
+// and class layouts.  It happens to also be a fast cache for the HotSpot
+// signature types.
+class TypeTuple : public Type {
+  TypeTuple( uint cnt, const Type **fields ) : Type(Tuple), _cnt(cnt), _fields(fields) { }
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  virtual bool singleton(void) const;    // TRUE if type is a singleton
+  virtual bool empty(void) const;        // TRUE if type is vacuous
+  const uint          _cnt;              // Count of fields
+  const Type ** const _fields;           // Array of field types
+  // Accessors:
+  uint cnt() const { return _cnt; }
+  const Type* field_at(uint i) const {
+    assert(i < _cnt, "oob");
+    return _fields[i];
+  }
+  void set_field_at(uint i, const Type* t) {
+    assert(i < _cnt, "oob");
+    _fields[i] = t;
+  }
+  static const TypeTuple *make( uint cnt, const Type **fields );
+  static const TypeTuple *make_range(ciSignature *sig);
+  static const TypeTuple *make_domain(ciInstanceKlass* recv, ciSignature *sig);
+  // Subroutine call type with space allocated for argument types
+  static const Type **fields( uint arg_cnt );
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const TypeTuple *IFBOTH;
+  static const TypeTuple *IFFALSE;
+  static const TypeTuple *IFTRUE;
+  static const TypeTuple *IFNEITHER;
+  static const TypeTuple *LOOPBODY;
+  static const TypeTuple *MEMBAR;
+  static const TypeTuple *STORECONDITIONAL;
+  static const TypeTuple *START_I2C;
+  static const TypeTuple *INT_PAIR;
+  static const TypeTuple *LONG_PAIR;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint, outputStream *st  ) const; // Specialized per-Type dumping
+// Class of Array Types
+class TypeAry : public Type {
+  TypeAry( const Type *elem, const TypeInt *size) : Type(Array),
+    _elem(elem), _size(size) {}
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  virtual bool singleton(void) const;    // TRUE if type is a singleton
+  virtual bool empty(void) const;        // TRUE if type is vacuous
+  const Type *_elem;            // Element type of array
+  const TypeInt *_size;         // Elements in array
+  friend class TypeAryPtr;
+  static const TypeAry *make(  const Type *elem, const TypeInt *size);
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  bool ary_must_be_exact() const;  // true if arrays of such are never generic
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint, outputStream *st  ) const; // Specialized per-Type dumping
+// Class of machine Pointer Types: raw data, instances or arrays.
+// If the _base enum is AnyPtr, then this refers to all of the above.
+// Otherwise the _base will indicate which subset of pointers is affected,
+// and the class will be inherited from.
+class TypePtr : public Type {
+  enum PTR { TopPTR, AnyNull, Constant, Null, NotNull, BotPTR, lastPTR };
+  TypePtr( TYPES t, PTR ptr, int offset ) : Type(t), _ptr(ptr), _offset(offset) {}
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  static const PTR ptr_meet[lastPTR][lastPTR];
+  static const PTR ptr_dual[lastPTR];
+  static const char * const ptr_msg[lastPTR];
+  const int _offset;            // Offset into oop, with TOP & BOT
+  const PTR _ptr;               // Pointer equivalence class
+  const int offset() const { return _offset; }
+  const PTR ptr()    const { return _ptr; }
+  static const TypePtr *make( TYPES t, PTR ptr, int offset );
+  // Return a 'ptr' version of this type
+  virtual const Type *cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
+  virtual intptr_t get_con() const;
+  virtual const TypePtr *add_offset( int offset ) const;
+  virtual bool singleton(void) const;    // TRUE if type is a singleton
+  virtual bool empty(void) const;        // TRUE if type is vacuous
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  int meet_offset( int offset ) const;
+  int dual_offset( ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  // meet, dual and join over pointer equivalence sets
+  PTR meet_ptr( const PTR in_ptr ) const { return ptr_meet[in_ptr][ptr()]; }
+  PTR dual_ptr()                   const { return ptr_dual[ptr()];      }
+  // This is textually confusing unless one recalls that
+  // join(t) == dual()->meet(t->dual())->dual().
+  PTR join_ptr( const PTR in_ptr ) const {
+    return ptr_dual[ ptr_meet[ ptr_dual[in_ptr] ] [ dual_ptr() ] ];
+  }
+  // Tests for relation to centerline of type lattice:
+  static bool above_centerline(PTR ptr) { return (ptr <= AnyNull); }
+  static bool below_centerline(PTR ptr) { return (ptr >= NotNull); }
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const TypePtr *NULL_PTR;
+  static const TypePtr *NOTNULL;
+  static const TypePtr *BOTTOM;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st  ) const;
+// Class of raw pointers, pointers to things other than Oops.  Examples
+// include the stack pointer, top of heap, card-marking area, handles, etc.
+class TypeRawPtr : public TypePtr {
+  TypeRawPtr( PTR ptr, address bits ) : TypePtr(RawPtr,ptr,0), _bits(bits){}
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;     // Type specific hashing
+  const address _bits;          // Constant value, if applicable
+  static const TypeRawPtr *make( PTR ptr );
+  static const TypeRawPtr *make( address bits );
+  // Return a 'ptr' version of this type
+  virtual const Type *cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
+  virtual intptr_t get_con() const;
+  virtual const TypePtr *add_offset( int offset ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const TypeRawPtr *BOTTOM;
+  static const TypeRawPtr *NOTNULL;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st  ) const;
+// Some kind of oop (Java pointer), either klass or instance or array.
+class TypeOopPtr : public TypePtr {
+  TypeOopPtr( TYPES t, PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, bool xk, ciObject* o, int offset, int instance_id ) : TypePtr(t, ptr, offset), _const_oop(o), _klass(k), _klass_is_exact(xk), _instance_id(instance_id) { }
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  virtual bool singleton(void) const;    // TRUE if type is a singleton
+  enum {
+  };
+  int xadd_offset( int offset ) const;
+  // Oop is NULL, unless this is a constant oop.
+  ciObject*     _const_oop;   // Constant oop
+  // If _klass is NULL, then so is _sig.  This is an unloaded klass.
+  ciKlass*      _klass;       // Klass object
+  // Does the type exclude subclasses of the klass?  (Inexact == polymorphic.)
+  bool          _klass_is_exact;
+  int          _instance_id;   // if not UNKNOWN_INSTANCE, indicates that this is a particular instance
+                               // of this type which is distinct.  This is the  the node index of the
+                               // node creating this instance
+  static const TypeOopPtr* make_from_klass_common(ciKlass* klass, bool klass_change, bool try_for_exact);
+  int dual_instance()      const { return -_instance_id; }
+  int meet_instance(int uid) const;
+  // Creates a type given a klass. Correctly handles multi-dimensional arrays
+  // Respects UseUniqueSubclasses.
+  // If the klass is final, the resulting type will be exact.
+  static const TypeOopPtr* make_from_klass(ciKlass* klass) {
+    return make_from_klass_common(klass, true, false);
+  }
+  // Same as before, but will produce an exact type, even if
+  // the klass is not final, as long as it has exactly one implementation.
+  static const TypeOopPtr* make_from_klass_unique(ciKlass* klass) {
+    return make_from_klass_common(klass, true, true);
+  }
+  // Same as before, but does not respects UseUniqueSubclasses.
+  // Use this only for creating array element types.
+  static const TypeOopPtr* make_from_klass_raw(ciKlass* klass) {
+    return make_from_klass_common(klass, false, false);
+  }
+  // Creates a singleton type given an object.
+  static const TypeOopPtr* make_from_constant(ciObject* o);
+  // Make a generic (unclassed) pointer to an oop.
+  static const TypeOopPtr* make(PTR ptr, int offset);
+  ciObject* const_oop()    const { return _const_oop; }
+  virtual ciKlass* klass() const { return _klass;     }
+  bool klass_is_exact()    const { return _klass_is_exact; }
+  bool is_instance()       const { return _instance_id != UNKNOWN_INSTANCE; }
+  uint instance_id()       const { return _instance_id; }
+  virtual intptr_t get_con() const;
+  virtual const Type *cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
+  virtual const Type *cast_to_exactness(bool klass_is_exact) const;
+  virtual const TypeOopPtr *cast_to_instance(int instance_id) const;
+  // corresponding pointer to klass, for a given instance
+  const TypeKlassPtr* as_klass_type() const;
+  virtual const TypePtr *add_offset( int offset ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  // Do not allow interface-vs.-noninterface joins to collapse to top.
+  virtual const Type *filter( const Type *kills ) const;
+  // Convenience common pre-built type.
+  static const TypeOopPtr *BOTTOM;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const;
+// Class of Java object pointers, pointing either to non-array Java instances
+// or to a klassOop (including array klasses).
+class TypeInstPtr : public TypeOopPtr {
+  TypeInstPtr( PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, bool xk, ciObject* o, int offset, int instance_id );
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  ciSymbol*  _name;        // class name
+ public:
+  ciSymbol* name()         const { return _name; }
+  bool  is_loaded() const { return _klass->is_loaded(); }
+  // Make a pointer to a constant oop.
+  static const TypeInstPtr *make(ciObject* o) {
+    return make(TypePtr::Constant, o->klass(), true, o, 0);
+  }
+  // Make a pointer to a constant oop with offset.
+  static const TypeInstPtr *make(ciObject* o, int offset) {
+    return make(TypePtr::Constant, o->klass(), true, o, offset);
+  }
+  // Make a pointer to some value of type klass.
+  static const TypeInstPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass) {
+    return make(ptr, klass, false, NULL, 0);
+  }
+  // Make a pointer to some non-polymorphic value of exactly type klass.
+  static const TypeInstPtr *make_exact(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass) {
+    return make(ptr, klass, true, NULL, 0);
+  }
+  // Make a pointer to some value of type klass with offset.
+  static const TypeInstPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, int offset) {
+    return make(ptr, klass, false, NULL, offset);
+  }
+  // Make a pointer to an oop.
+  static const TypeInstPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, bool xk, ciObject* o, int offset, int instance_id = 0 );
+  // If this is a java.lang.Class constant, return the type for it or NULL.
+  // Pass to Type::get_const_type to turn it to a type, which will usually
+  // be a TypeInstPtr, but may also be a TypeInt::INT for int.class, etc.
+  ciType* java_mirror_type() const;
+  virtual const Type *cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
+  virtual const Type *cast_to_exactness(bool klass_is_exact) const;
+  virtual const TypeOopPtr *cast_to_instance(int instance_id) const;
+  virtual const TypePtr *add_offset( int offset ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const TypeInstPtr *xmeet_unloaded( const TypeInstPtr *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const TypeInstPtr *NOTNULL;
+  static const TypeInstPtr *BOTTOM;
+  static const TypeInstPtr *MIRROR;
+  static const TypeInstPtr *MARK;
+  static const TypeInstPtr *KLASS;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const; // Specialized per-Type dumping
+// Class of Java array pointers
+class TypeAryPtr : public TypeOopPtr {
+  TypeAryPtr( PTR ptr, ciObject* o, const TypeAry *ary, ciKlass* k, bool xk, int offset, int instance_id ) : TypeOopPtr(AryPtr,ptr,k,xk,o,offset, instance_id), _ary(ary) {};
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int hash() const;     // Type specific hashing
+  const TypeAry *_ary;          // Array we point into
+  // Accessors
+  ciKlass* klass() const;
+  const TypeAry* ary() const  { return _ary; }
+  const Type*    elem() const { return _ary->_elem; }
+  const TypeInt* size() const { return _ary->_size; }
+  static const TypeAryPtr *make( PTR ptr, const TypeAry *ary, ciKlass* k, bool xk, int offset, int instance_id = 0);
+  // Constant pointer to array
+  static const TypeAryPtr *make( PTR ptr, ciObject* o, const TypeAry *ary, ciKlass* k, bool xk, int offset, int instance_id = 0);
+  // Convenience
+  static const TypeAryPtr *make(ciObject* o);
+  // Return a 'ptr' version of this type
+  virtual const Type *cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
+  virtual const Type *cast_to_exactness(bool klass_is_exact) const;
+  virtual const TypeOopPtr *cast_to_instance(int instance_id) const;
+  virtual const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_size(const TypeInt* size) const;
+  virtual bool empty(void) const;        // TRUE if type is vacuous
+  virtual const TypePtr *add_offset( int offset ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const TypeAryPtr *RANGE;
+  static const TypeAryPtr *OOPS;
+  static const TypeAryPtr *BYTES;
+  static const TypeAryPtr *SHORTS;
+  static const TypeAryPtr *CHARS;
+  static const TypeAryPtr *INTS;
+  static const TypeAryPtr *LONGS;
+  static const TypeAryPtr *FLOATS;
+  static const TypeAryPtr *DOUBLES;
+  // selects one of the above:
+  static const TypeAryPtr *get_array_body_type(BasicType elem) {
+    assert((uint)elem <= T_CONFLICT && _array_body_type[elem] != NULL, "bad elem type");
+    return _array_body_type[elem];
+  }
+  static const TypeAryPtr *_array_body_type[T_CONFLICT+1];
+  // sharpen the type of an int which is used as an array size
+  static const TypeInt* narrow_size_type(const TypeInt* size, BasicType elem);
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const; // Specialized per-Type dumping
+// Class of Java Klass pointers
+class TypeKlassPtr : public TypeOopPtr {
+  TypeKlassPtr( PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, int offset );
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  ciSymbol* name()  const { return _klass->name(); }
+  // ptr to klass 'k'
+  static const TypeKlassPtr *make( ciKlass* k ) { return make( TypePtr::Constant, k, 0); }
+  // ptr to klass 'k' with offset
+  static const TypeKlassPtr *make( ciKlass* k, int offset ) { return make( TypePtr::Constant, k, offset); }
+  // ptr to klass 'k' or sub-klass
+  static const TypeKlassPtr *make( PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, int offset);
+  virtual const Type *cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
+  virtual const Type *cast_to_exactness(bool klass_is_exact) const;
+  // corresponding pointer to instance, for a given class
+  const TypeOopPtr* as_instance_type() const;
+  virtual const TypePtr *add_offset( int offset ) const;
+  virtual const Type    *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type    *xdual() const;      // Compute dual right now.
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+  static const TypeKlassPtr* OBJECT; // Not-null object klass or below
+  static const TypeKlassPtr* OBJECT_OR_NULL; // Maybe-null version of same
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const; // Specialized per-Type dumping
+// Class of Array Types
+class TypeFunc : public Type {
+  TypeFunc( const TypeTuple *domain, const TypeTuple *range ) : Type(Function),  _domain(domain), _range(range) {}
+  virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual int  hash() const;             // Type specific hashing
+  virtual bool singleton(void) const;    // TRUE if type is a singleton
+  virtual bool empty(void) const;        // TRUE if type is vacuous
+  // Constants are shared among ADLC and VM
+  enum { Control    = AdlcVMDeps::Control,
+         I_O        = AdlcVMDeps::I_O,
+         Memory     = AdlcVMDeps::Memory,
+         FramePtr   = AdlcVMDeps::FramePtr,
+         ReturnAdr  = AdlcVMDeps::ReturnAdr,
+         Parms      = AdlcVMDeps::Parms
+  };
+  const TypeTuple* const _domain;     // Domain of inputs
+  const TypeTuple* const _range;      // Range of results
+  // Accessors:
+  const TypeTuple* domain() const { return _domain; }
+  const TypeTuple* range()  const { return _range; }
+  static const TypeFunc *make(ciMethod* method);
+  static const TypeFunc *make(ciSignature signature, const Type* extra);
+  static const TypeFunc *make(const TypeTuple* domain, const TypeTuple* range);
+  virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
+  virtual const Type *xdual() const;    // Compute dual right now.
+  BasicType return_type() const;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const; // Specialized per-Type dumping
+  void print_flattened() const; // Print a 'flattened' signature
+  // Convenience common pre-built types.
+inline float Type::getf() const {
+  assert( _base == FloatCon, "Not a FloatCon" );
+  return ((TypeF*)this)->_f;
+inline double Type::getd() const {
+  assert( _base == DoubleCon, "Not a DoubleCon" );
+  return ((TypeD*)this)->_d;
+inline const TypeF *Type::is_float_constant() const {
+  assert( _base == FloatCon, "Not a Float" );
+  return (TypeF*)this;
+inline const TypeF *Type::isa_float_constant() const {
+  return ( _base == FloatCon ? (TypeF*)this : NULL);
+inline const TypeD *Type::is_double_constant() const {
+  assert( _base == DoubleCon, "Not a Double" );
+  return (TypeD*)this;
+inline const TypeD *Type::isa_double_constant() const {
+  return ( _base == DoubleCon ? (TypeD*)this : NULL);
+inline const TypeInt *Type::is_int() const {
+  assert( _base == Int, "Not an Int" );
+  return (TypeInt*)this;
+inline const TypeInt *Type::isa_int() const {
+  return ( _base == Int ? (TypeInt*)this : NULL);
+inline const TypeLong *Type::is_long() const {
+  assert( _base == Long, "Not a Long" );
+  return (TypeLong*)this;
+inline const TypeLong *Type::isa_long() const {
+  return ( _base == Long ? (TypeLong*)this : NULL);
+inline const TypeTuple *Type::is_tuple() const {
+  assert( _base == Tuple, "Not a Tuple" );
+  return (TypeTuple*)this;
+inline const TypeAry *Type::is_ary() const {
+  assert( _base == Array , "Not an Array" );
+  return (TypeAry*)this;
+inline const TypePtr *Type::is_ptr() const {
+  // AnyPtr is the first Ptr and KlassPtr the last, with no non-ptrs between.
+  assert(_base >= AnyPtr && _base <= KlassPtr, "Not a pointer");
+  return (TypePtr*)this;
+inline const TypePtr *Type::isa_ptr() const {
+  // AnyPtr is the first Ptr and KlassPtr the last, with no non-ptrs between.
+  return (_base >= AnyPtr && _base <= KlassPtr) ? (TypePtr*)this : NULL;
+inline const TypeOopPtr *Type::is_oopptr() const {
+  // OopPtr is the first and KlassPtr the last, with no non-oops between.
+  assert(_base >= OopPtr && _base <= KlassPtr, "Not a Java pointer" ) ;
+  return (TypeOopPtr*)this;
+inline const TypeOopPtr *Type::isa_oopptr() const {
+  // OopPtr is the first and KlassPtr the last, with no non-oops between.
+  return (_base >= OopPtr && _base <= KlassPtr) ? (TypeOopPtr*)this : NULL;
+inline const TypeRawPtr *Type::is_rawptr() const {
+  assert( _base == RawPtr, "Not a raw pointer" );
+  return (TypeRawPtr*)this;
+inline const TypeInstPtr *Type::isa_instptr() const {
+  return (_base == InstPtr) ? (TypeInstPtr*)this : NULL;
+inline const TypeInstPtr *Type::is_instptr() const {
+  assert( _base == InstPtr, "Not an object pointer" );
+  return (TypeInstPtr*)this;
+inline const TypeAryPtr *Type::isa_aryptr() const {
+  return (_base == AryPtr) ? (TypeAryPtr*)this : NULL;
+inline const TypeAryPtr *Type::is_aryptr() const {
+  assert( _base == AryPtr, "Not an array pointer" );
+  return (TypeAryPtr*)this;
+inline const TypeKlassPtr *Type::isa_klassptr() const {
+  return (_base == KlassPtr) ? (TypeKlassPtr*)this : NULL;
+inline const TypeKlassPtr *Type::is_klassptr() const {
+  assert( _base == KlassPtr, "Not a klass pointer" );
+  return (TypeKlassPtr*)this;
+inline bool Type::is_floatingpoint() const {
+  if( (_base == FloatCon)  || (_base == FloatBot) ||
+      (_base == DoubleCon) || (_base == DoubleBot) )
+    return true;
+  return false;
+// ===============================================================
+// Things that need to be 64-bits in the 64-bit build but
+// 32-bits in the 32-bit build.  Done this way to get full
+// optimization AND strong typing.
+#ifdef _LP64
+// For type queries and asserts
+#define is_intptr_t  is_long
+#define isa_intptr_t isa_long
+#define find_intptr_t_type find_long_type
+#define find_intptr_t_con  find_long_con
+#define TypeX        TypeLong
+#define Type_X       Type::Long
+#define TypeX_X      TypeLong::LONG
+#define TypeX_ZERO   TypeLong::ZERO
+// For 'ideal_reg' machine registers
+#define Op_RegX      Op_RegL
+// For phase->intcon variants
+#define MakeConX     longcon
+#define ConXNode     ConLNode
+// For array index arithmetic
+#define MulXNode     MulLNode
+#define AndXNode     AndLNode
+#define OrXNode      OrLNode
+#define CmpXNode     CmpLNode
+#define SubXNode     SubLNode
+#define LShiftXNode  LShiftLNode
+// For object size computation:
+#define AddXNode     AddLNode
+// For card marks and hashcodes
+#define URShiftXNode URShiftLNode
+// Opcodes
+#define Op_LShiftX   Op_LShiftL
+#define Op_AndX      Op_AndL
+#define Op_AddX      Op_AddL
+#define Op_SubX      Op_SubL
+// conversions
+#define ConvI2X(x)   ConvI2L(x)
+#define ConvL2X(x)   (x)
+#define ConvX2I(x)   ConvL2I(x)
+#define ConvX2L(x)   (x)
+// For type queries and asserts
+#define is_intptr_t  is_int
+#define isa_intptr_t isa_int
+#define find_intptr_t_type find_int_type
+#define find_intptr_t_con  find_int_con
+#define TypeX        TypeInt
+#define Type_X       Type::Int
+#define TypeX_X      TypeInt::INT
+#define TypeX_ZERO   TypeInt::ZERO
+// For 'ideal_reg' machine registers
+#define Op_RegX      Op_RegI
+// For phase->intcon variants
+#define MakeConX     intcon
+#define ConXNode     ConINode
+// For array index arithmetic
+#define MulXNode     MulINode
+#define AndXNode     AndINode
+#define OrXNode      OrINode
+#define CmpXNode     CmpINode
+#define SubXNode     SubINode
+#define LShiftXNode  LShiftINode
+// For object size computation:
+#define AddXNode     AddINode
+// For card marks and hashcodes
+#define URShiftXNode URShiftINode
+// Opcodes
+#define Op_LShiftX   Op_LShiftI
+#define Op_AndX      Op_AndI
+#define Op_AddX      Op_AddI
+#define Op_SubX      Op_SubI
+// conversions
+#define ConvI2X(x)   (x)
+#define ConvL2X(x)   ConvL2I(x)
+#define ConvX2I(x)   (x)
+#define ConvX2L(x)   ConvI2L(x)