view mx/ @ 9126:bc26f978b0ce

HotSpotResolvedObjectType: implement hasFinalizeSubclass() correctly don't use the (wrong) cached value, but ask the runtime on each request. Fixes regression on xml.* benchmarks @ specjvm2008. The problem was: After the constructor of Object was deoptimized due to an assumption violation, it was recompiled again after some time. However, on recompilation, the value of hasFinalizeSubclass for the class was not updated and it was compiled again with a, now wrong, assumption, which then triggers deoptimization again. This was repeated until it hit the recompilation limit (defined by PerMethodRecompilationCutoff), and therefore only executed by the interpreter from now on, causing the performance regression.
author Bernhard Urban <>
date Mon, 15 Apr 2013 19:54:58 +0200
parents c3657d00e343
children a38d748d4130
line wrap: on
line source

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from outputparser import OutputParser, ValuesMatcher
import re, mx, commands, os, sys, StringIO, subprocess
from os.path import isfile, join, exists


dacapoSanityWarmup = {
    'avrora':     [0, 0,  3,  6, 13],
    'batik':      [0, 0,  5,  5, 20],
    'eclipse':    [2, 4,  5, 10, 16],
    'fop':        [4, 8, 10, 20, 30],
    'h2':         [0, 0,  5,  5,  8],
    'jython':     [0, 0,  5, 10, 13],
    'luindex':    [0, 0,  5, 10, 10],
    'lusearch':   [0, 4,  5,  5,  8],
    'pmd':        [0, 0,  5, 10, 13],
    'sunflow':    [0, 2,  5, 10, 15],
    'tomcat':     [0, 0,  5, 10, 15],
    'tradebeans': [0, 0,  5, 10, 13],
    'tradesoap':  [2, 4,  5, 10, 15],
    'xalan':      [0, 0,  5, 10, 18],

dacapoScalaSanityWarmup = {
    'actors':     [0, 0, 2,  8, 10],
# (lstadler) apparat was disabled due to a deadlock which I think is the benchmarks fault.
    'apparat':    [0, 0, 0,  0,  0],
    'factorie':   [0, 0, 2,  5,  5],
    'kiama':      [0, 0, 3, 13, 15],
    'scalac':     [0, 0, 5, 15, 20],
    'scaladoc':   [0, 0, 5, 15, 15],
    'scalap':     [0, 0, 5, 15, 20],
    'scalariform':[0, 0, 6, 15, 20],
    'scalatest':  [0, 0, 2, 10, 12],
    'scalaxb':    [0, 0, 5, 15, 25],
#(gdub) specs sometimes returns a non-zero value event though there is no apparent failure
    'specs':      [0, 0, 0,  0,  0],
    'tmt':        [0, 0, 3, 10, 12]

dacapoGateBuildLevels = {
    'avrora':     ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'batik':      ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'eclipse':    ['product'],
    'fop':        [           'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'h2':         ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'jython':     ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'luindex':    ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'lusearch':   ['product'],
    'pmd':        ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'sunflow':    [           'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'tomcat':     ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'tradebeans': ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'tradesoap':  ['product'],
    'xalan':      ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],

dacapoScalaGateBuildLevels = {
    'actors':     ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'apparat':    ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'factorie':   ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'kiama':      ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'scalac':     ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'scaladoc':   ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'scalap':     ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'scalariform':['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'scalatest':  ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'scalaxb':    ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'specs':      ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],
    'tmt':        ['product', 'fastdebug', 'debug'],

class SanityCheckLevel:
    Fast, Gate, Normal, Extensive, Benchmark = range(5)
def getSPECjbb2005(benchArgs = []):
    specjbb2005 = mx.get_env('SPECJBB2005')
    if specjbb2005 is None or not exists(join(specjbb2005, 'jbb.jar')):
        mx.abort('Please set the SPECJBB2005 environment variable to a SPECjbb2005 directory')
    score = re.compile(r"^Valid run, Score is  (?P<score>[0-9]+)$", re.MULTILINE)
    error = re.compile(r"VALIDATION ERROR")
    success = re.compile(r"^Valid run, Score is  [0-9]+$", re.MULTILINE)
    matcher = ValuesMatcher(score, {'group' : 'SPECjbb2005', 'name' : 'score', 'score' : '<score>'})
    classpath = ['jbb.jar', 'check.jar']
    return Test("SPECjbb2005", ['spec.jbb.JBBmain', '-propfile', 'SPECjbb.props'] + benchArgs, [success], [error], [matcher], vmOpts=['-Xms3g', '-XX:+'+gc, '-XX:-UseCompressedOops', '-cp', os.pathsep.join(classpath)], defaultCwd=specjbb2005)

def getSPECjbb2013(benchArgs = []):
    specjbb2013 = mx.get_env('SPECJBB2013')
    if specjbb2013 is None or not exists(join(specjbb2013, 'specjbb2013.jar')):
        mx.abort('Please set the SPECJBB2013 environment variable to a SPECjbb2013 directory')
    jops = re.compile(r"^RUN RESULT: hbIR \(max attempted\) = [0-9]+, hbIR \(settled\) = [0-9]+, max-jOPS = (?P<max>[0-9]+), critical-jOPS = (?P<critical>[0-9]+)$", re.MULTILINE)
    success = re.compile(r"org.spec.jbb.controller: Run finished", re.MULTILINE)
    matcherMax = ValuesMatcher(jops, {'group' : 'SPECjbb2013', 'name' : 'max', 'score' : '<max>'})
    matcherCritical = ValuesMatcher(jops, {'group' : 'SPECjbb2013', 'name' : 'critical', 'score' : '<critical>'})
    return Test("SPECjbb2013", ['-jar', 'specjbb2013.jar', '-m', 'composite'] + benchArgs, [success], [], [matcherCritical, matcherMax], vmOpts=['-Xmx6g', '-Xms6g', '-Xmn3g', '-XX:+UseParallelOldGC', '-XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy', '-XX:-UseBiasedLocking', '-XX:-UseCompressedOops'], defaultCwd=specjbb2013)
def getSPECjvm2008(benchArgs = [], skipCheck=False, skipKitValidation=False, warmupTime=None, iterationTime=None):
    specjvm2008 = mx.get_env('SPECJVM2008')
    if specjvm2008 is None or not exists(join(specjvm2008, 'SPECjvm2008.jar')):
        mx.abort('Please set the SPECJVM2008 environment variable to a SPECjvm2008 directory')
    score = re.compile(r"^(Score on|Noncompliant) (?P<benchmark>[a-zA-Z0-9\._]+)( result)?: (?P<score>[0-9]+((,|\.)[0-9]+)?)( SPECjvm2008 Base)? ops/m$", re.MULTILINE)
    error = re.compile(r"^Errors in benchmark: ", re.MULTILINE)
    # The ' ops/m' at the end of the success string is important : it's how you can tell valid and invalid runs apart
    success = re.compile(r"^(Noncompliant c|C)omposite result: [0-9]+((,|\.)[0-9]+)?( SPECjvm2008 (Base|Peak))? ops/m$", re.MULTILINE)
    matcher = ValuesMatcher(score, {'group' : 'SPECjvm2008', 'name' : '<benchmark>', 'score' : '<score>'})
    opts = []
    if warmupTime is not None:
        opts += ['-wt', str(warmupTime)]
    if iterationTime is not None:
        opts += ['-it', str(iterationTime)]
    if skipKitValidation:
        opts += ['-ikv']
    if skipCheck:
        opts += ['-ict']
    return Test("SPECjvm2008", ['-jar', 'SPECjvm2008.jar'] + opts + benchArgs, [success], [error], [matcher], vmOpts=['-Xms3g', '-XX:+'+gc, '-XX:-UseCompressedOops'], defaultCwd=specjvm2008)

def getDacapos(level=SanityCheckLevel.Normal, gateBuildLevel=None, dacapoArgs=[]):
    checks = []
    for (bench, ns) in dacapoSanityWarmup.items():
        if ns[level] > 0:
            if gateBuildLevel is None or gateBuildLevel in dacapoGateBuildLevels[bench]:
                checks.append(getDacapo(bench, ns[level], dacapoArgs))
    return checks

def getDacapo(name, n, dacapoArgs=[]):
    dacapo = mx.get_env('DACAPO_CP')
    if dacapo is None:
        l = mx.library('DACAPO', False)
        if l is not None:
            dacapo = l.get_path(True)
            mx.abort('DaCapo 9.12 jar file must be specified with DACAPO_CP environment variable or as DACAPO library')
    if not isfile(dacapo) or not dacapo.endswith('.jar'):
        mx.abort('Specified DaCapo jar file does not exist or is not a jar file: ' + dacapo)
    dacapoSuccess = re.compile(r"^===== DaCapo 9\.12 ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) PASSED in ([0-9]+) msec =====$", re.MULTILINE)
    dacapoFail = re.compile(r"^===== DaCapo 9\.12 ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) FAILED (warmup|) =====$", re.MULTILINE)
    dacapoTime = re.compile(r"===== DaCapo 9\.12 (?P<benchmark>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) PASSED in (?P<time>[0-9]+) msec =====")
    dacapoTime1 = re.compile(r"===== DaCapo 9\.12 (?P<benchmark>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) completed warmup 1 in (?P<time>[0-9]+) msec =====")
    dacapoMatcher = ValuesMatcher(dacapoTime, {'group' : 'DaCapo', 'name' : '<benchmark>', 'score' : '<time>'})
    dacapoMatcher1 = ValuesMatcher(dacapoTime1, {'group' : 'DaCapo-1stRun', 'name' : '<benchmark>', 'score' : '<time>'})
    return Test("DaCapo-" + name, ['-jar', dacapo, name, '-n', str(n), ] + dacapoArgs, [dacapoSuccess], [dacapoFail], [dacapoMatcher, dacapoMatcher1], ['-Xms2g', '-XX:+'+gc, '-XX:-UseCompressedOops'])

def getScalaDacapos(level=SanityCheckLevel.Normal, gateBuildLevel=None, dacapoArgs=[]):
    checks = []
    for (bench, ns) in dacapoScalaSanityWarmup.items():
        if ns[level] > 0:
            if gateBuildLevel is None or gateBuildLevel in dacapoScalaGateBuildLevels[bench]:
                checks.append(getScalaDacapo(bench, ns[level], dacapoArgs))
    return checks

def getScalaDacapo(name, n, dacapoArgs=[]):
    dacapo = mx.get_env('DACAPO_SCALA_CP')
    if dacapo is None:
        l = mx.library('DACAPO_SCALA', False)
        if l is not None:
            dacapo = l.get_path(True)
            mx.abort('Scala DaCapo 0.1.0 jar file must be specified with DACAPO_SCALA_CP environment variable or as DACAPO_SCALA library')
    if not isfile(dacapo) or not dacapo.endswith('.jar'):
        mx.abort('Specified Scala DaCapo jar file does not exist or is not a jar file: ' + dacapo)
    dacapoSuccess = re.compile(r"^===== DaCapo 0\.1\.0(-SNAPSHOT)? ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) PASSED in ([0-9]+) msec =====$", re.MULTILINE)
    dacapoFail = re.compile(r"^===== DaCapo 0\.1\.0(-SNAPSHOT)? ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) FAILED (warmup|) =====$", re.MULTILINE)
    dacapoTime = re.compile(r"===== DaCapo 0\.1\.0(-SNAPSHOT)? (?P<benchmark>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) PASSED in (?P<time>[0-9]+) msec =====")
    dacapoMatcher = ValuesMatcher(dacapoTime, {'group' : "Scala-DaCapo", 'name' : '<benchmark>', 'score' : '<time>'})
    return Test("Scala-DaCapo-" + name, ['-jar', dacapo, name, '-n', str(n), ] + dacapoArgs, [dacapoSuccess], [dacapoFail], [dacapoMatcher], ['-Xms2g', '-XX:+'+gc, '-XX:-UseCompressedOops'])

def getBootstraps():
    time = re.compile(r"Bootstrapping Graal\.+ in (?P<time>[0-9]+) ms")
    scoreMatcher = ValuesMatcher(time, {'group' : 'Bootstrap', 'name' : 'BootstrapTime', 'score' : '<time>'})
    scoreMatcherBig = ValuesMatcher(time, {'group' : 'Bootstrap-bigHeap', 'name' : 'BootstrapTime', 'score' : '<time>'})
    tests = []
    tests.append(Test("Bootstrap", ['-version'], successREs=[time], scoreMatchers=[scoreMatcher], ignoredVMs=['client', 'server'], benchmarkCompilationRate=False))
    tests.append(Test("Bootstrap-bigHeap", ['-version'], successREs=[time], scoreMatchers=[scoreMatcherBig], vmOpts=['-Xms2g'], ignoredVMs=['client', 'server'], benchmarkCompilationRate=False))
    return tests

class Tee:
    def __init__(self):
        self.output = StringIO.StringIO()
    def eat(self, line):

Encapsulates a single program that is a sanity test and/or a benchmark.
class Test:
    def __init__(self, name, cmd, successREs=[], failureREs=[], scoreMatchers=[], vmOpts=[], defaultCwd=None, ignoredVMs=[], benchmarkCompilationRate=True): = name
        self.successREs = successREs
        self.failureREs = failureREs + [re.compile(r"Exception occurred in scope: ")]
        self.scoreMatchers = scoreMatchers
        self.vmOpts = vmOpts
        self.cmd = cmd
        self.defaultCwd = defaultCwd
        self.ignoredVMs = ignoredVMs
        self.benchmarkCompilationRate = benchmarkCompilationRate
        if benchmarkCompilationRate:
            self.vmOpts = self.vmOpts + ['-XX:+CITime']
    def __str__(self):
    def test(self, vm, cwd=None, opts=[], vmbuild=None):
        Run this program as a sanity test.
        if (vm in self.ignoredVMs):
            return True
        if cwd is None:
            cwd = self.defaultCwd
        parser = OutputParser()
        jvmError = re.compile(r"(?P<jvmerror>([A-Z]:|/).*[/\\]hs_err_pid[0-9]+\.log)")
        parser.addMatcher(ValuesMatcher(jvmError, {'jvmError' : '<jvmerror>'}))
        for successRE in self.successREs:
            parser.addMatcher(ValuesMatcher(successRE, {'passed' : '1'}))
        for failureRE in self.failureREs:
            parser.addMatcher(ValuesMatcher(failureRE, {'failed' : '1'}))

        tee = Tee()
        retcode = commands.vm(self.vmOpts + opts + self.cmd, vm, nonZeroIsFatal=False,, err=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=cwd, vmbuild=vmbuild)
        output = tee.output.getvalue()
        valueMaps = parser.parse(output)

        if len(valueMaps) == 0:
            return False
        record = {}
        for valueMap in valueMaps:
            for key, value in valueMap.items():
                if record.has_key(key) and record[key] != value:
                    mx.abort('Inconsistant values returned by test machers : ' + str(valueMaps))
                record[key] = value
        jvmErrorFile = record.get('jvmError')
        if jvmErrorFile:
            mx.log('/!\\JVM Error : dumping error log...')
            with open(jvmErrorFile, 'rb') as fp:
            return False
        if record.get('failed') == '1':
            return False
        return retcode == 0 and record.get('passed') == '1'
    def bench(self, vm, cwd=None, opts=[], vmbuild=None):
        Run this program as a benchmark.
        if (vm in self.ignoredVMs):
            return {}
        if cwd is None:
            cwd = self.defaultCwd
        parser = OutputParser()
        for successRE in self.successREs:
            parser.addMatcher(ValuesMatcher(successRE, {'passed' : '1'}))
        for failureRE in self.failureREs:
            parser.addMatcher(ValuesMatcher(failureRE, {'failed' : '1'}))
        for scoreMatcher in self.scoreMatchers:

        if self.benchmarkCompilationRate:
            if vm == 'graal':
                bps = re.compile(r"ParsedBytecodesPerSecond@final: (?P<rate>[0-9]+)")
                ibps = re.compile(r"InlinedBytecodesPerSecond@final: (?P<rate>[0-9]+)")
                parser.addMatcher(ValuesMatcher(bps, {'group' : 'ParsedBytecodesPerSecond', 'name' :, 'score' : '<rate>'}))
                parser.addMatcher(ValuesMatcher(ibps, {'group' : 'InlinedBytecodesPerSecond', 'name' :, 'score' : '<rate>'}))
                ibps = re.compile(r"(?P<compiler>[\w]+) compilation speed: +(?P<rate>[0-9]+) bytes/s {standard")
                parser.addMatcher(ValuesMatcher(ibps, {'group' : 'InlinedBytecodesPerSecond', 'name' : '<compiler>:' +, 'score' : '<rate>'}))
        startDelim = 'START: ' +
        endDelim = 'END: ' +
        outputfile = os.environ.get('BENCH_OUTPUT', None)
        if outputfile:
            # Used only to debug output parsing
            with open(outputfile) as fp:
                output =
                start = output.find(startDelim)
                end = output.find(endDelim, start)
                if start == -1 and end == -1:
                    return {}
                output = output[start + len(startDelim + os.linesep): end]
            tee = Tee()
            if commands.vm(self.vmOpts + opts + self.cmd, vm, nonZeroIsFatal=False,, err=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=cwd, vmbuild=vmbuild) != 0:
                mx.abort("Benchmark failed (non-zero retcode)")
            output = tee.output.getvalue()

        groups = {}
        passed = False
        for valueMap in parser.parse(output):
            assert (valueMap.has_key('name') and valueMap.has_key('score') and valueMap.has_key('group')) or valueMap.has_key('passed') or valueMap.has_key('failed'), valueMap
            if valueMap.get('failed') == '1':
                mx.abort("Benchmark failed")
            if valueMap.get('passed') == '1':
                passed = True
            groupName = valueMap.get('group')
            if groupName:
                group = groups.setdefault(groupName, {})
                name = valueMap.get('name')
                score = valueMap.get('score')
                if name and score:
                    group[name] = score
        if not passed:
            mx.abort("Benchmark failed (not passed)")
        return groups