view agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ @ 17716:cdb71841f4bc

6498581: ThreadInterruptTest3 produces wrong output on Windows Summary: There is race condition between os::interrupt and os::is_interrupted on Windows. In JVM_Sleep(Thread.sleep), check if thread gets interrupted, it may see interrupted but not really interrupted so cause spurious waking up (early return from sleep). Fix by checking if interrupt event really gets set thus prevent false return. For intrinsic of _isInterrupted, on Windows, go fastpath only on bit not set. Reviewed-by: acorn, kvn Contributed-by:,
author minqi
date Wed, 26 Feb 2014 15:20:41 -0800
parents cbfe859bd244
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

package sun.jvm.hotspot.oops;

import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;

import sun.jvm.hotspot.code.NMethod;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.interpreter.OopMapCacheEntry;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.SignatureConverter;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMObjectFactory;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.AddressField;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.Type;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.TypeDataBase;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.WrongTypeException;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.Assert;

// A Method represents a Java method

public class Method extends Metadata {
  static {
    VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() {
        public void update(Observable o, Object data) {

  private static synchronized void initialize(TypeDataBase db) throws WrongTypeException {
    Type type                  = db.lookupType("Method");
    constMethod                = type.getAddressField("_constMethod");
    methodData                 = type.getAddressField("_method_data");
    methodCounters             = type.getAddressField("_method_counters");
    methodSize                 = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_method_size"), 0);
    accessFlags                = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_access_flags"), 0);
    code                       = type.getAddressField("_code");
    vtableIndex                = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_vtable_index"), 0);
    bytecodeOffset = type.getSize();

    interpreterEntry           = type.getAddressField("_interpreter_entry");
    fromCompiledCodeEntryPoint = type.getAddressField("_from_compiled_code_entry_point");

    objectInitializerName = null;
    classInitializerName = null;

  public Method(Address addr) {

  public boolean isMethod()            { return true; }

  // Fields
  private static AddressField  constMethod;
  private static AddressField  methodData;
  private static AddressField  methodCounters;
  private static CIntField methodSize;
  private static CIntField accessFlags;
  private static CIntField vtableIndex;
  private static long      bytecodeOffset;

  private static AddressField       code;

  // constant method names - <init>, <clinit>
  // Initialized lazily to avoid initialization ordering dependencies between Method and SymbolTable
  private static Symbol objectInitializerName;
  private static Symbol classInitializerName;
  private static Symbol objectInitializerName() {
    if (objectInitializerName == null) {
      objectInitializerName = VM.getVM().getSymbolTable().probe("<init>");
    return objectInitializerName;
  private static Symbol classInitializerName() {
    if (classInitializerName == null) {
      classInitializerName = VM.getVM().getSymbolTable().probe("<clinit>");
    return classInitializerName;

  private static AddressCField       interpreterEntry;
  private static AddressCField       fromCompiledCodeEntryPoint;

  // Accessors for declared fields
  public ConstMethod  getConstMethod()                {
    Address addr = constMethod.getValue(getAddress());
    return (ConstMethod) VMObjectFactory.newObject(ConstMethod.class, addr);
  public ConstantPool getConstants()                  {
    return getConstMethod().getConstants();
  public MethodData   getMethodData()                 {
    Address addr = methodData.getValue(getAddress());
    return (MethodData) VMObjectFactory.newObject(MethodData.class, addr);
  public MethodCounters getMethodCounters()           {
    Address addr = methodCounters.getValue(getAddress());
    return (MethodCounters) VMObjectFactory.newObject(MethodCounters.class, addr);
  /** WARNING: this is in words, not useful in this system; use getObjectSize() instead */
  public long         getMethodSize()                 { return                methodSize.getValue(this);        }
  public long         getMaxStack()                   { return                getConstMethod().getMaxStack();   }
  public long         getMaxLocals()                  { return                getConstMethod().getMaxLocals();         }
  public long         getSizeOfParameters()           { return                getConstMethod().getSizeOfParameters();  }
  public long         getNameIndex()                  { return                getConstMethod().getNameIndex();  }
  public long         getSignatureIndex()             { return            getConstMethod().getSignatureIndex(); }
  public long         getGenericSignatureIndex()      { return     getConstMethod().getGenericSignatureIndex(); }
  public long         getAccessFlags()                { return                accessFlags.getValue(this);       }
  public long         getCodeSize()                   { return                getConstMethod().getCodeSize();   }
  public long         getVtableIndex()                { return                vtableIndex.getValue(this);       }
  public long         getInvocationCount()          {
    MethodCounters mc = getMethodCounters();
    return mc == null ? 0 : mc.getInvocationCounter();
  public long         getBackedgeCount()          {
    MethodCounters mc = getMethodCounters();
    return mc == null ? 0 : mc.getBackedgeCounter();

  // get associated compiled native method, if available, else return null.
  public NMethod getNativeMethod() {
    Address addr = code.getValue(getAddress());
    return (NMethod) VMObjectFactory.newObject(NMethod.class, addr);

  // Convenience routine
  public AccessFlags getAccessFlagsObj() {
    return new AccessFlags(getAccessFlags());

  /** Get a bytecode or breakpoint at the given bci */
  public int getBytecodeOrBPAt(int bci) {
    return getConstMethod().getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci);

  /** Fetch the original non-breakpoint bytecode at the specified
      bci. It is required that there is currently a bytecode at this
      bci. */
  public int getOrigBytecodeAt(int bci) {
    BreakpointInfo bp = getMethodHolder().getBreakpoints();
    for (; bp != null; bp = bp.getNext()) {
      if (bp.match(this, bci)) {
        return bp.getOrigBytecode();
    System.err.println("Requested bci " + bci);
    for (; bp != null; bp = bp.getNext()) {
      System.err.println("Breakpoint at bci " + bp.getBCI() + ", bytecode " +
    Assert.that(false, "Should not reach here");
    return -1; // not reached

  public byte getBytecodeByteArg(int bci) {
    return getConstMethod().getBytecodeByteArg(bci);

  /** Fetches a 16-bit big-endian ("Java ordered") value from the
      bytecode stream */
  public short getBytecodeShortArg(int bci) {
    return getConstMethod().getBytecodeShortArg(bci);

  /** Fetches a 16-bit native ordered value from the
      bytecode stream */
  public short getNativeShortArg(int bci) {
    return getConstMethod().getNativeShortArg(bci);

  /** Fetches a 32-bit big-endian ("Java ordered") value from the
      bytecode stream */
  public int getBytecodeIntArg(int bci) {
    return getConstMethod().getBytecodeIntArg(bci);

  /** Fetches a 32-bit native ordered value from the
      bytecode stream */
  public int getNativeIntArg(int bci) {
    return getConstMethod().getNativeIntArg(bci);

  public byte[] getByteCode() {
    return getConstMethod().getByteCode();

  public Address      getCode()                       { return codeField.getValue(this); }
  public Address      getInterpreterEntry()           { return interpreterEntryField.getValue(this); }
  public Address      getFromCompiledCodeEntryPoint() { return fromCompiledCodeEntryPointField.getValue(this); }
  // Accessors
  public Symbol  getName()          { return getConstants().getSymbolAt(getNameIndex());         }
  public Symbol  getSignature()     { return getConstants().getSymbolAt(getSignatureIndex());    }
  public Symbol  getGenericSignature() {
     long index = getGenericSignatureIndex();
     return (index != 0L) ? getConstants().getSymbolAt(index) : null;

  // Method holder (the Klass holding this method)
  public InstanceKlass   getMethodHolder()  { return getConstants().getPoolHolder();                   }

  // Access flags
  public boolean isPublic()         { return getAccessFlagsObj().isPublic();                           }
  public boolean isPrivate()        { return getAccessFlagsObj().isPrivate();                          }
  public boolean isProtected()      { return getAccessFlagsObj().isProtected();                        }
  public boolean isPackagePrivate() { AccessFlags af = getAccessFlagsObj();
                                      return (!af.isPublic() && !af.isPrivate() && !af.isProtected()); }
  public boolean isStatic()         { return getAccessFlagsObj().isStatic();                           }
  public boolean isFinal()          { return getAccessFlagsObj().isFinal();                            }
  public boolean isSynchronized()   { return getAccessFlagsObj().isSynchronized();                     }
  public boolean isBridge()         { return getAccessFlagsObj().isBridge();                           }
  public boolean isVarArgs()        { return getAccessFlagsObj().isVarArgs();                          }
  public boolean isNative()         { return getAccessFlagsObj().isNative();                           }
  public boolean isAbstract()       { return getAccessFlagsObj().isAbstract();                         }
  public boolean isStrict()         { return getAccessFlagsObj().isStrict();                           }
  public boolean isSynthetic()      { return getAccessFlagsObj().isSynthetic();                        }

  public boolean isConstructor() {
     return (!isStatic()) && getName().equals(objectInitializerName());

  public boolean isStaticInitializer() {
     return isStatic() && getName().equals(classInitializerName());

  public boolean isObsolete() {
     return getAccessFlagsObj().isObsolete();

  public OopMapCacheEntry getMaskFor(int bci) {
    OopMapCacheEntry entry = new OopMapCacheEntry();
    entry.fill(this, bci);
    return entry;

  public long getSize() {
    return getMethodSize();

  public void printValueOn(PrintStream tty) {
    tty.print("Method " + getName().asString() + getSignature().asString() + "@" + getAddress());

  public void iterateFields(MetadataVisitor visitor) {
      visitor.doCInt(methodSize, true);
      visitor.doCInt(accessFlags, true);

  public boolean hasLineNumberTable() {
    return getConstMethod().hasLineNumberTable();

  public int getLineNumberFromBCI(int bci) {
    return getConstMethod().getLineNumberFromBCI(bci);

  public LineNumberTableElement[] getLineNumberTable() {
    return getConstMethod().getLineNumberTable();

  public boolean hasLocalVariableTable() {
    return getConstMethod().hasLocalVariableTable();

  /** Should only be called if table is present */
  public LocalVariableTableElement[] getLocalVariableTable() {
    return getConstMethod().getLocalVariableTable();

  public Symbol getLocalVariableName(int bci, int slot) {
    if (! hasLocalVariableTable()) {
       return null;

    LocalVariableTableElement[] locals = getLocalVariableTable();
    for (int l = 0; l < locals.length; l++) {
       LocalVariableTableElement local = locals[l];
       if ((bci >= local.getStartBCI()) &&
          (bci < (local.getStartBCI() + local.getLength())) &&
          slot == local.getSlot()) {
          return getConstants().getSymbolAt(local.getNameCPIndex());

    return null;

  public boolean hasExceptionTable() {
    return getConstMethod().hasExceptionTable();

  public ExceptionTableElement[] getExceptionTable() {
    return getConstMethod().getExceptionTable();

  public boolean hasCheckedExceptions() {
    return getConstMethod().hasCheckedExceptions();

  /** Should only be called if table is present */
  public CheckedExceptionElement[] getCheckedExceptions() {
    return getConstMethod().getCheckedExceptions();

  /** Returns name and signature in external form for debugging
      purposes */
  public String externalNameAndSignature() {
    final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    new SignatureConverter(getSignature(), buf).iterateParameters();
    return buf.toString().replace('/', '.');

  public void dumpReplayData(PrintStream out) {
      NMethod nm = getNativeMethod();
      int code_size = 0;
      if (nm != null) {
        code_size = (int)nm.codeEnd().minus(nm.getVerifiedEntryPoint());
      Klass holder = getMethodHolder();
      out.println("ciMethod " +
                  holder.getName().asString() + " " +
                  OopUtilities.escapeString(getName().asString()) + " " +
                  getSignature().asString() + " " +
                  getInvocationCount() + " " +
                  getBackedgeCount() + " " +
                  interpreterInvocationCount() + " " +
                  interpreterThrowoutCount() + " " +

  public int interpreterThrowoutCount() {
    return getMethodCounters().interpreterThrowoutCount();

  public int interpreterInvocationCount() {
    return getMethodCounters().interpreterInvocationCount();