view mx/ @ 4226:e03ff10d4bfc

Made the gate clean the Java projects only.
author Doug Simon <>
date Thu, 05 Jan 2012 13:17:15 +0100
parents 339cf8d4904d
children e872562f95f8
line wrap: on
line source

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from outputparser import OutputParser, Matcher
import re
import mx
import os
import commands
from os.path import isfile

dacapoSanityWarmup = {
    'avrora': [0, 0, 3, 6, 10],
    'batik': [0 , 0, 5, 5, 20],
    'eclipse': [2 , 4, 5, 10, 13],
    'fop': [4 , 8, 10, 20, 30],
    'h2': [0 , 0, 5, 5, 5],
    'jython': [0 , 0, 5, 10, 10],
    'luindex': [0 , 0, 5, 10, 10],
    'lusearch': [0 , 4, 5, 5, 5],
    'pmd': [0 , 0, 5, 10, 10],
    'sunflow': [0 , 0, 5, 10, 15],
    'tomcat': [0 , 0, 5, 10, 10],
    'tradebeans': [0 , 0, 5, 10, 10],
    'tradesoap': [2 , 4, 5, 10, 10],
    'xalan': [0 , 0, 5, 10, 15],

class SanityCheckLevel:
    Fast, Gate, Normal, Extensive, Benchmark = range(5)
def getSPECjvm2008():
    score = re.compile(r"^((Score on|Noncompliant) )?(?P<benchmark>[a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+)( result)?: (?P<score>[0-9]+,[0-9]+)( SPECjvm2008 Base)? ops/m$")
    matcher = Matcher(score, {'const:name' : 'benchmark', 'const:score' : 'score'})

def getDacapos(level=SanityCheckLevel.Normal, dacapoArgs=[]):
    checks = []
    for (bench, ns) in dacapoSanityWarmup.items():
        if ns[level] > 0:
            checks.append(getDacapo(bench, ns[level], dacapoArgs))
    return checks

def getDacapo(name, n, dacapoArgs=[]):
    dacapo = mx.get_env('DACAPO_CP')
    if dacapo is None:
        dacapo = commands._graal_home + r'/lib/dacapo-9.12-bach.jar'
    if not isfile(dacapo) or not dacapo.endswith('.jar'):
        mx.abort('Specified DaCapo jar file does not exist or is not a jar file: ' + dacapo)
    dacapoSuccess = re.compile(r"^===== DaCapo 9\.12 ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) PASSED in ([0-9]+) msec =====$")
    dacapoFail = re.compile(r"^===== DaCapo 9\.12 ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) FAILED (warmup|) =====$")
    dacapoTime = re.compile(r"===== DaCapo 9\.12 (?P<benchmark>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) PASSED in (?P<time>[0-9]+) msec =====")
    dacapoMatcher = Matcher(dacapoTime, {'const:name' : 'benchmark', 'const:score' : 'time'})
    return Test("DaCapo-" + name, "DaCapo", ['-jar', dacapo, name, '-n', str(n), ] + dacapoArgs, [dacapoSuccess], [dacapoFail], [dacapoMatcher], ['-Xms1g', '-Xmx2g', '-XX:MaxPermSize=256m'])

def getBootstraps():
    time = re.compile(r"Bootstrapping Graal............... in (?P<time>[0-9]+) ms")
    scoreMatcher = Matcher(time, {'const:name' : 'const:BootstrapTime', 'const:score' : 'time'})
    tests = []
    tests.append(Test("Bootstrap", "Bootstrap", ['-version'], succesREs=[time], scoreMatchers=[scoreMatcher]))
    tests.append(Test("Bootstrap", "Bootstrap-bigHeap", ['-version'], succesREs=[time], scoreMatchers=[scoreMatcher], vmOpts=['-Xms2g']))
    return tests

Encapsulates a single program that is a sanity test and/or a benchmark.
class Test:
    def __init__(self, name, group, cmd, successREs=[], failureREs=[], scoreMatchers=[], vmOpts=[]): = name = group
        self.successREs = successREs
        self.failureREs = failureREs
        self.scoreMatchers = scoreMatchers
        self.vmOpts = vmOpts
        self.cmd = cmd
    def test(self, vm, cwd=None, opts=[], vmbuild=None):
        Run this program as a sanity test.
        parser = OutputParser(nonZeroIsFatal = False)
        jvmError = re.compile(r"(?P<jvmerror>([A-Z]:|/).*[/\\]hs_err_pid[0-9]+\.log)")
        parser.addMatcher(Matcher(jvmError, {'const:jvmError' : 'jvmerror'}))
        for successRE in self.successREs:
            parser.addMatcher(Matcher(successRE, {'const:passed' : 'const:1'}))
        for failureRE in self.failureREs:
            parser.addMatcher(Matcher(failureRE, {'const:failed' : 'const:1'}))
        result = parser.parse(vm, self.vmOpts + opts + self.cmd, cwd, vmbuild)
        parsedLines = result['parsed']
        assert len(parsedLines) == 1, 'Test matchers should not return more than one line'
        parsed = parsedLines[0]
        if parsed.has_key('jvmError'):
            mx.log('/!\\JVM Error : dumping error log...')
            f = open(parsed['jvmError'], 'rb');
            for line in iter(f.readline, ''):
            return False
        if parsed.has_key('failed') and parsed['failed'] is 1:
            return False
        return result['retcode'] is 0 and parsed.has_key('passed') and parsed['passed'] is '1'
    def bench(self, vm, cwd=None, opts=[], vmbuild=None):
        Run this program as a benchmark.
        parser = OutputParser(nonZeroIsFatal = False)
        for scoreMatcher in self.scoreMatchers:
        result = parser.parse(vm, self.vmOpts + opts + self.cmd, cwd, vmbuild)
        if result['retcode'] is not 0:
            return {}
        parsed = result['parsed']
        ret = {}
        for line in parsed:
            assert line.has_key('name') and line.has_key('score')
            ret[line['name']] = line['score']
        return ret