view truffle/ @ 22046:e7c2d36daf72

TruffleLanguage.parse method to convert a source to CallTarget. Basic caching to make sure the code is shared among tenants in one JVM.
author Jaroslav Tulach <>
date Thu, 30 Jul 2015 17:36:34 +0200
parents 1c38917c00b2
children 503529c65456
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Check Configuration 1.3//EN" "">

    This configuration file was written by the eclipse-cs plugin configuration editor
    Checkstyle-Configuration: Checks
    Description: none
<module name="Checker">
  <property name="severity" value="error"/>
  <module name="TreeWalker">
    <property name="tabWidth" value="4"/>
    <module name="FileContentsHolder"/>
    <module name="JavadocStyle">
      <property name="checkHtml" value="false"/>
    <module name="LocalFinalVariableName"/>
    <module name="LocalVariableName"/>
    <module name="MemberName">
      <property name="format" value="^(([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$)|(_[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$))"/>
    <module name="MethodName">
      <property name="format" value="^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
    <module name="PackageName"/>
    <module name="ParameterName"/>
    <module name="TypeName">
      <property name="format" value="^[A-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
    <module name="RedundantImport"/>
    <module name="LineLength">
      <property name="max" value="250"/>
    <module name="MethodParamPad"/>
    <module name="NoWhitespaceAfter">
      <property name="tokens" value="ARRAY_INIT,BNOT,DEC,DOT,INC,LNOT,UNARY_MINUS,UNARY_PLUS"/>
    <module name="NoWhitespaceBefore">
      <property name="tokens" value="SEMI,DOT,POST_DEC,POST_INC"/>
    <module name="ParenPad"/>
    <module name="TypecastParenPad">
      <property name="tokens" value="RPAREN,TYPECAST"/>
    <module name="WhitespaceAfter"/>
    <module name="WhitespaceAround">
    <module name="RedundantModifier"/>
    <module name="AvoidNestedBlocks">
      <property name="allowInSwitchCase" value="true"/>
    <module name="EmptyBlock">
      <property name="option" value="text"/>
    <module name="LeftCurly"/>
    <module name="NeedBraces"/>
    <module name="RightCurly"/>
    <module name="EmptyStatement"/>
    <module name="HiddenField">
      <property name="severity" value="ignore"/>
      <property name="ignoreConstructorParameter" value="true"/>
      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.lastEnabledSeverity" value="inherit"/>
    <module name="FinalClass"/>
    <module name="HideUtilityClassConstructor">
      <property name="severity" value="ignore"/>
      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.lastEnabledSeverity" value="inherit"/>
    <module name="ArrayTypeStyle"/>
    <module name="UpperEll"/>
    <module name="FallThrough"/>
    <module name="FinalLocalVariable">
      <property name="severity" value="ignore"/>
      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.lastEnabledSeverity" value="inherit"/>
    <module name="MultipleVariableDeclarations"/>
    <module name="StringLiteralEquality">
      <property name="severity" value="error"/>
    <module name="SuperFinalize"/>
    <module name="UnnecessaryParentheses">
      <property name="severity" value="ignore"/>
      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.lastEnabledSeverity" value="inherit"/>
    <module name="Indentation">
      <property name="severity" value="ignore"/>
      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.lastEnabledSeverity" value="inherit"/>
    <module name="StaticVariableName">
      <property name="format" value="^[A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
    <module name="EmptyForInitializerPad"/>
    <module name="EmptyForIteratorPad"/>
    <module name="ModifierOrder"/>
    <module name="DefaultComesLast"/>
    <module name="InnerAssignment">
      <property name="severity" value="ignore"/>
      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.lastEnabledSeverity" value="inherit"/>
    <module name="ModifiedControlVariable"/>
    <module name="MutableException">
      <property name="severity" value="ignore"/>
      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.lastEnabledSeverity" value="inherit"/>
    <module name="ParameterAssignment">
      <property name="severity" value="ignore"/>
      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.lastEnabledSeverity" value="inherit"/>
    <module name="RegexpSinglelineJava">
      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.comment" value="Illegal trailing whitespace(s) at the end of the line."/>
      <property name="format" value="\s$"/>
      <property name="message" value="Illegal trailing whitespace(s) at the end of the line."/>
      <property name="ignoreComments" value="true"/>
      <metadata name="" value="Checks for trailing spaces at the end of a line"/>
    <module name="RegexpSinglelineJava">
      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.comment" value="illegal space before a comma"/>
      <property name="format" value=" ,"/>
      <property name="message" value="illegal space before a comma"/>
      <property name="ignoreComments" value="true"/>
      <metadata name="" value="Checks for whitespace before a comma."/>
      <metadata name="" value="Illegal whitespace before a comma."/>
    <module name="RegexpSinglelineJava">
      <property name="format" value="[^\x00-\x7F]"/>
      <property name="message" value="Only use ASCII characters."/>
     <module name="RegexpSinglelineJava">
      <property name="format" value="new (Hashtable|Vector|Stack|StringBuffer)[^\w]"/>
      <property name="message" value="Don't use old synchronized collection classes"/>
  <module name="RegexpHeader">
    <property name="header" value="/\*\n \* Copyright \(c\) (?:(20[0-9][0-9]), )?(20[0-9][0-9]), Oracle and/or its affiliates\. All rights reserved\.\n \* DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER\.\n \*\n \* The Universal Permissive License \(UPL\), Version 1\.0\n \* \n \* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any\n \* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or\n \* data \(collectively the &quot;Software&quot;\), free of charge and under any and all\n \* copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or\n \* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either \(i\) the\n \* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or \(ii\)\n \* the Larger Works \(as defined below\), to deal in both\n \* \n \* \(a\) the Software, and\n \* \n \* \(b\) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks\.txt file if\n \* one is included with the Software each a &quot;Larger Work&quot; to which the Software\n \* is contributed by such licensors\),\n \* \n \* without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create\n \* derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,\n \* use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the\n \* Software and the Larger Work\(s\), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on\n \* either these or other terms\.\n \* \n \* This license is subject to the following condition:\n \* \n \* The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a\n \* minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial\n \* portions of the Software\.\n \* \n \* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED &quot;AS IS&quot;, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n \* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n \* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT\. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n \* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n \* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n \* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\n \* SOFTWARE\.\n \*/\n"/>
    <property name="fileExtensions" value="java"/>
  <module name="FileTabCharacter">
    <property name="severity" value="error"/>
  <module name="NewlineAtEndOfFile">
    <property name="lineSeparator" value="lf"/>
  <module name="Translation"/>
  <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter">
    <property name="offCommentFormat" value="Checkstyle: stop constant name check"/>
    <property name="onCommentFormat" value="Checkstyle: resume constant name check"/>
    <property name="checkFormat" value="ConstantNameCheck"/>
    <metadata name="" value="Allow non-conforming constant names"/>
  <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter">
    <property name="offCommentFormat" value="Checkstyle: stop method name check"/>
    <property name="onCommentFormat" value="Checkstyle: resume method name check"/>
    <property name="checkFormat" value="MethodName"/>
    <property name="checkC" value="false"/>
    <metadata name="" value="Disable method name checks"/>
  <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter">
    <property name="offCommentFormat" value="CheckStyle: stop parameter assignment check"/>
    <property name="onCommentFormat" value="CheckStyle: resume parameter assignment check"/>
    <property name="checkFormat" value="ParameterAssignment"/>
    <property name="checkC" value="false"/>
    <metadata name="" value="Disable Parameter Assignment"/>
  <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter">
    <property name="offCommentFormat" value="Checkstyle: stop final variable check"/>
    <property name="onCommentFormat" value="Checkstyle: resume final variable check"/>
    <property name="checkFormat" value="FinalLocalVariable"/>
    <metadata name="" value="Disable final variable checks"/>
  <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter">
    <property name="offCommentFormat" value="Checkstyle: stop"/>
    <property name="onCommentFormat" value="Checkstyle: resume"/>
    <metadata name="" value="Disable all checks"/>
  <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter">
    <property name="offCommentFormat" value="CheckStyle: stop inner assignment check"/>
    <property name="onCommentFormat" value="CheckStyle: resume inner assignment check"/>
    <property name="checkFormat" value="InnerAssignment"/>
    <metadata name="" value="Disable inner assignment checks"/>
  <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter">
    <property name="offCommentFormat" value="Checkstyle: stop field name check"/>
    <property name="onCommentFormat" value="Checkstyle: resume field name check"/>
    <property name="checkFormat" value="MemberName"/>
    <property name="checkC" value="false"/>
    <metadata name="" value="Disable field name checks"/>
  <module name="RegexpMultiline">
    <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.comment" value="illegal Windows line ending"/>
    <property name="format" value="\r\n"/>
    <property name="message" value="illegal Windows line ending"/>
  <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter">
    <property name="offCommentFormat" value="CheckStyle: stop system..print check"/>
    <property name="onCommentFormat" value="CheckStyle: resume system..print check"/>
    <property name="checkFormat" value="RegexpSingleline"/>
    <metadata name="" value="Disable System.(out|err).print checks"/>
  <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter">
    <property name="offCommentFormat" value="CheckStyle: stop header check"/>
    <property name="onCommentFormat" value="CheckStyle: resume header check"/>
    <property name="checkFormat" value=".*Header"/>
    <metadata name="" value="Disable header checks"/>
  <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter">
    <property name="offCommentFormat" value="CheckStyle: start generated"/>
    <property name="onCommentFormat" value="CheckStyle: stop generated"/>
    <property name="checkFormat" value=".*Name|.*LineLength|.*Header"/>
  <module name="RegexpSingleline">
    <property name="format" value="System\.(out|err)\.print"/>
    <property name="fileExtensions" value="java"/>