# HG changeset patch # User jcoomes # Date 1314824237 25200 # Node ID 3a2fb61165dfc72e398179a2796d740c8da5b8c0 # Parent a3592789b47c627d068a81a505913495bbdbee6a# Parent 1520340a7f35620f54e39603b29cc78dbf77000b Merge diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df THIRD_PARTY_README --- a/THIRD_PARTY_README Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/THIRD_PARTY_README Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,38 +1,12 @@ DO NOT TRANSLATE OR LOCALIZE. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Thai dictionary for text breaking, which may be included with this software: - ---- begin of LICENSE file --- - -Copyright (C) 1982 The Royal Institute, Thai Royal Government. - -Copyright (C) 1998 National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, - National Science and Technology Development Agency, - Ministry of Science Technology and Environment, - Thai Royal Government. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to -deal in the Software without restriction, including without -limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, -sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to -whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following -conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN -NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, -DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR -OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE -USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - ---- end of LICENSE file --- -%% This notice is provided with respect to ASM, which may be included with this software: -Copyright (c) 2000-2007 INRIA, France Telecom +----------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to ASM Bytecode Manipulation +Framework v3.1, which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Copyright (c) 2000-2005 INRIA, France Telecom All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -61,18 +35,3110 @@ CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -%% This notice is provided with respect to zlib 1.1.3, which may be included with this software: - -Acknowledgments: - - The deflate format used by zlib was defined by Phil Katz. The deflate - and zlib specifications were written by L. Peter Deutsch. Thanks to all the - people who reported problems and suggested various improvements in zlib; - they are too numerous to cite here. - -Copyright notice: - - (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to CodeViewer 1.0, which is included +with JDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Copyright 1999 by CoolServlets.com. + +Any errors or suggested improvements to this class can be reported as +instructed on CoolServlets.com. We hope you enjoy this program... your +comments will encourage further development! This software is distributed +under the terms of the BSD License. Redistribution and use in source and +binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the +following conditions are met: + +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this + list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation + and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + +Neither name of CoolServlets.com nor the names of its contributors may be +used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without +specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY COOLSERVLETS.COM AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON +ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." + + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Cryptix AES 3.2.0, which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Cryptix General License + +Copyright (c) 1995-2005 The Cryptix Foundation Limited. +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are +met: + + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in + the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + distribution. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE CRYPTIX FOUNDATION LIMITED AND +CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, +INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. +IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CRYPTIX FOUNDATION LIMITED OR CONTRIBUTORS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF +SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR +BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, +WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE +OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN +IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to CUP Parser Generator for +Java 0.10k, which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Copyright 1996-1999 by Scott Hudson, Frank Flannery, C. Scott Ananian + +Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its +documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided +that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the +copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in +supporting documentation, and that the names of the authors or their +employers not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of +the software without specific, written prior permission. + +The authors and their employers disclaim all warranties with regard to +this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. +In no event shall the authors or their employers be liable for any special, +indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from +loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or +other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or +performance of this software. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 +& 3, which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +W3C SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE + +http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231 + +This work (and included software, documentation such as READMEs, or other +related items) is being provided by the copyright holders under the following +license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this work, you (the licensee) +agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms +and conditions. + +Permission to copy, modify, and distribute this software and its +documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee +or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on ALL +copies of the software and documentation or portions thereof, including +modifications: + + 1.The full text of this NOTICE in a location viewable to users of the + redistributed or derivative work. + + 2.Any pre-existing intellectual property disclaimers, notices, or terms and + conditions. If none exist, the W3C Software Short Notice should be included + (hypertext is preferred, text is permitted) within the body of any + redistributed or derivative code. + + 3.Notice of any changes or modifications to the files, including the date + changes were made. (We recommend you provide URIs to the location from + which the code is derived.) + +THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR +PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY +THIRD PARTY PATENTS,COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. + +COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL +OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR +DOCUMENTATION. The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used +in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, +written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any +associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders. + +____________________________________ + +This formulation of W3C's notice and license became active on December 31 +2002. This version removes the copyright ownership notice such that this +license can be used with materials other than those owned by the W3C, reflects +that ERCIM is now a host of the W3C, includes references to this specific +dated version of the license, and removes the ambiguous grant of "use". +Otherwise, this version is the same as the previous version and is written so +as to preserve the Free Software Foundation's assessment of GPL compatibility +and OSI's certification under the Open Source Definition. Please see our +Copyright FAQ for common questions about using materials from our site, +including specific terms and conditions for packages like libwww, Amaya, and +Jigsaw. Other questions about this notice can be directed to +site-policy@w3.org. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Elliptic Curve Cryptography, which +is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +You are receiving a copy of the Elliptic Curve Cryptography library in source +form with the JDK 7 source distribution and object code in the JRE 7 & JDK 7 +runtime. + +The terms of the Oracle license do NOT apply to the Elliptic Curve +Cryptography library program; it is licensed under the following license, +separately from the Oracle programs you receive. If you do not wish to install +this program, you may delete the library named libsunec.so (on Solaris and +Linux systems) or sunec.dll (on Windows systems) from the JRE bin directory +reserved for native libraries. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + + If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that +everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the +ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is +safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the +"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + + , 1 April 1990 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +That's all there is to it! + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to FontConfig 2.5, which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7 source distributions on +Linux and Solaris. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Copyright ¬© 2001,2003 Keith Packard + +Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its +documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the +above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright +notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that +the name of Keith Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining +to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. +Keith Packard makes no representations about the suitability of this software +for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. + +KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING +ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL KEITH +PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY +DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN +ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to IAIK PKCS#11 Wrapper, +which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +IAIK PKCS#11 Wrapper License + +Copyright (c) 2002 Graz University of Technology. All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this + list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation + and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + +3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must + include the following acknowledgment: + + "This product includes software developed by IAIK of Graz University of + Technology." + + Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and + wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. + +4. The names "Graz University of Technology" and "IAIK of Graz University of + Technology" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this + software without prior written permission. + +5. Products derived from this software may not be called "IAIK PKCS Wrapper", + nor may "IAIK" appear in their name, without prior written permission of + Graz University of Technology. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, +INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +LICENSOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, +OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF +SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS +INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN +CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to ICU4C 4.0.1 and ICU4J 4.4, which +is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Copyright (c) 1995-2010 International Business Machines Corporation and others + +All rights reserved. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the +Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, +provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear +in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and +this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN +NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY +DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN +ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + +Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not +be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings +in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder. +All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of +their respective owners. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to IJG JPEG 6b, which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +This software is copyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane. +All Rights Reserved except as specified below. + +Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this +software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to these +conditions: +(1) If any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this +README file must be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice +unaltered; and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files +must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation. +(2) If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying +documentation must state that "this software is based in part on the work of +the Independent JPEG Group". +(3) Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts +full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the authors accept +NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind. + +These conditions apply to any software derived from or based on the IJG code, +not just to the unmodified library. If you use our work, you ought to +acknowledge us. + +Permission is NOT granted for the use of any IJG author's name or company name +in advertising or publicity relating to this software or products derived from +it. This software may be referred to only as "the Independent JPEG Group's +software". + +We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of +commercial products, provided that all warranty or liability claims are +assumed by the product vendor. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to JOpt-Simple v3.0, which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + + Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Paul R. Holser, Jr. + + Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining + a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to + permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to + the following conditions: + + The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be + included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + + THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, + EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND + NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE + LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION + OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION + WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Kerberos functionality, which +which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + + (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 All Rights Reserved. + Copyright 1997 The Open Group Research Institute. All rights reserved. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Kerberos functionality from +FundsXpress, INC., which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + + Copyright (C) 1998 by the FundsXpress, INC. + + All rights reserved. + + Export of this software from the United States of America may require + a specific license from the United States Government. It is the + responsibility of any person or organization contemplating export to + obtain such a license before exporting. + + WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and + distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and + without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright + notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and + this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that + the name of FundsXpress. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining + to distribution of the software without specific, written prior + permission. FundsXpress makes no representations about the suitability of + this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express + or implied warranty. + + THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR + IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED + WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Kronos OpenGL headers, which is +included with JDK 7 and OpenJDK 7 source distributions. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + + Copyright (c) 2007 The Khronos Group Inc. + + Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy + of this software and/or associated documentation files (the "Materials"), to + deal in the Materials without restriction, including without limitation the + rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or + sell copies of the Materials, and to permit persons to whom the Materials are + furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + + The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all + copies or substantial portions of the Materials. + + THE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE + AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, + OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE MATERIALS OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + MATERIALS. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% Portions Copyright Eastman Kodak Company 1992 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to libpng 1.2.18, which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +This copy of the libpng notices is provided for your convenience. In case of +any discrepancy between this copy and the notices in the file png.h that is +included in the libpng distribution, the latter shall prevail. + +COPYRIGHT NOTICE, DISCLAIMER, and LICENSE: + +If you modify libpng you may insert additional notices immediately following +this sentence. + +libpng versions 1.2.6, August 15, 2004, through 1.2.18, May 15, 2007, are +Copyright (c) 2004, 2006-2007 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and are +distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-1.2.5 +with the following individual added to the list of Contributing Authors + + Cosmin Truta + +libpng versions 1.0.7, July 1, 2000, through 1.2.5 - October 3, 2002, are +Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and are +distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-1.0.6 +with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors + + Simon-Pierre Cadieux + Eric S. Raymond + Gilles Vollant + +and with the following additions to the disclaimer: + + There is no warranty against interference with your enjoyment of the + library or against infringement. There is no warranty that our + efforts or the library will fulfill any of your particular purposes + or needs. This library is provided with all faults, and the entire + risk of satisfactory quality, performance, accuracy, and effort is with + the user. + +libpng versions 0.97, January 1998, through 1.0.6, March 20, 2000, are +Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and are +distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-0.96, +with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors: + + Tom Lane + Glenn Randers-Pehrson + Willem van Schaik + +libpng versions 0.89, June 1996, through 0.96, May 1997, are +Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger +Distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-0.88, +with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors: + + John Bowler + Kevin Bracey + Sam Bushell + Magnus Holmgren + Greg Roelofs + Tom Tanner + +libpng versions 0.5, May 1995, through 0.88, January 1996, are +Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc. + +For the purposes of this copyright and license, "Contributing Authors" +is defined as the following set of individuals: + + Andreas Dilger + Dave Martindale + Guy Eric Schalnat + Paul Schmidt + Tim Wegner + +The PNG Reference Library is supplied "AS IS". The Contributing Authors +and Group 42, Inc. disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, +including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of +fitness for any purpose. The Contributing Authors and Group 42, Inc. +assume no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, +or consequential damages, which may result from the use of the PNG +Reference Library, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. + +Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this +source code, or portions hereof, for any purpose, without fee, subject +to the following restrictions: + +1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented. + +2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not + be misrepresented as being the original source. + +3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any + source or altered source distribution. + +The Contributing Authors and Group 42, Inc. specifically permit, without +fee, and encourage the use of this source code as a component to +supporting the PNG file format in commercial products. If you use this +source code in a product, acknowledgment is not required but would be +appreciated. + + +A "png_get_copyright" function is available, for convenient use in "about" +boxes and the like: + + printf("%s",png_get_copyright(NULL)); + +Also, the PNG logo (in PNG format, of course) is supplied in the +files "pngbar.png" and "pngbar.jpg (88x31) and "pngnow.png" (98x31). + +Libpng is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified Open Source is a +certification mark of the Open Source Initiative. + +Glenn Randers-Pehrson +glennrp at users.sourceforge.net +May 15, 2007 + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to libungif 4.1.3, which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +The GIFLIB distribution is Copyright (c) 1997 Eric S. Raymond + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Little CMS 2.0, which is +included with OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Little CMS +Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Marti Maria Saguer + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% Lucida is a registered trademark or trademark of Bigelow & Holmes in the +U.S. and other countries. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Mesa 3D Graphics Library v4.1, +which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7 source distributions. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + + Mesa 3-D graphics library + Version: 4.1 + + Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. + + Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, + and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + + The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + + THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN + CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to PC/SC Lite for Suse Linux v.1.1.1, +which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7 on Linux and Solaris. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Copyright (c) 1999-2004 David Corcoran +Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Ludovic Rousseau +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +are met: + +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + must display the following acknowledgement: + This product includes software developed by: + David Corcoran + http://www.linuxnet.com (MUSCLE) +4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +Changes to this license can be made only by the copyright author with +explicit written consent. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES +OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. +IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, +INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT +NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Relax NG Object/Parser v.20050510, +which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Copyright (c) Kohsuke Kawaguchi + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright +notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or +substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to RelaxNGCC v1.12, which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Daisuke Okajima and Kohsuke Kawaguchi. +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this + list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation + and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + +3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must + include the following acknowledgment: + + "This product includes software developed by Daisuke Okajima + and Kohsuke Kawaguchi (http://relaxngcc.sf.net/)." + +Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and +wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. + +4. The names of the copyright holders must not be used to endorse or promote + products derived from this software without prior written permission. For + written permission, please contact the copyright holders. + +5. Products derived from this software may not be called "RELAXNGCC", nor may + "RELAXNGCC" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the + copyright holders. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, +INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE +SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, +INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR +PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING +NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, +EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Mozilla Rhino v1.7R3, which +is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7 + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + + MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 1.1 + + --------------- + +1. Definitions. + + 1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the + Covered Code available to a third party. + + 1.1. "Contributor" means each entity that creates or contributes to + the creation of Modifications. + + 1.2. "Contributor Version" means the combination of the Original + Code, prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications + made by that particular Contributor. + + 1.3. "Covered Code" means the Original Code or Modifications or the + combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case + including portions thereof. + + 1.4. "Electronic Distribution Mechanism" means a mechanism generally + accepted in the software development community for the electronic + transfer of data. + + 1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source + Code. + + 1.6. "Initial Developer" means the individual or entity identified + as the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit + A. + + 1.7. "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered Code or + portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License. + + 1.8. "License" means this document. + + 1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum + extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or + subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein. + + 1.9. "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the + substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous + Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a + Modification is: + A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file + containing Original Code or previous Modifications. + + B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or + previous Modifications. + + 1.10. "Original Code" means Source Code of computer software code + which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as + Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this + License is not already Covered Code governed by this License. + + 1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or + hereafter acquired, including without limitation, method, process, + and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor. + + 1.11. "Source Code" means the preferred form of the Covered Code for + making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus + any associated interface definition files, scripts used to control + compilation and installation of an Executable, or source code + differential comparisons against either the Original Code or another + well known, available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The + Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the + appropriate decompression or de-archiving software is widely available + for no charge. + + 1.12. "You" (or "Your") means an individual or a legal entity + exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this + License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1. + For legal entities, "You" includes any entity which controls, is + controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of + this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect, + to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by + contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent + (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such + entity. + +2. Source Code License. + + 2.1. The Initial Developer Grant. + The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, + non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property + claims: + (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or + trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer to use, reproduce, + modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original + Code (or portions thereof) with or without Modifications, and/or + as part of a Larger Work; and + + (b) under Patents Claims infringed by the making, using or + selling of Original Code, to make, have made, use, practice, + sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the + Original Code (or portions thereof). + + (c) the licenses granted in this Section 2.1(a) and (b) are + effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes + Original Code under the terms of this License. + + (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is + granted: 1) for code that You delete from the Original Code; 2) + separate from the Original Code; or 3) for infringements caused + by: i) the modification of the Original Code or ii) the + combination of the Original Code with other software or devices. + + 2.2. Contributor Grant. + Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor + hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license + + (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or + trademark) Licensable by Contributor, to use, reproduce, modify, + display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications + created by such Contributor (or portions thereof) either on an + unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code + and/or as part of a Larger Work; and + + (b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or + selling of Modifications made by that Contributor either alone + and/or in combination with its Contributor Version (or portions + of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have + made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) Modifications made by that + Contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of + Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor + Version (or portions of such combination). + + (c) the licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are + effective on the date Contributor first makes Commercial Use of + the Covered Code. + + (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is + granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the + Contributor Version; 2) separate from the Contributor Version; + 3) for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of + Contributor Version or ii) the combination of Modifications made + by that Contributor with other software (except as part of the + Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims + infringed by Covered Code in the absence of Modifications made by + that Contributor. + +3. Distribution Obligations. + + 3.1. Application of License. + The Modifications which You create or to which You contribute are + governed by the terms of this License, including without limitation + Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be + distributed only under the terms of this License or a future version + of this License released under Section 6.1, and You must include a + copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code You + distribute. You may not offer or impose any terms on any Source Code + version that alters or restricts the applicable version of this + License or the recipients' rights hereunder. However, You may include + an additional document offering the additional rights described in + Section 3.5. + + 3.2. Availability of Source Code. + Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be + made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License + either on the same media as an Executable version or via an accepted + Electronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made an + Executable version available; and if made available via Electronic + Distribution Mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12) + months after the date it initially became available, or at least six + (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular Modification + has been made available to such recipients. You are responsible for + ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the + Electronic Distribution Mechanism is maintained by a third party. + + 3.3. Description of Modifications. + You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a + file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and + the date of any change. You must include a prominent statement that + the Modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from Original + Code provided by the Initial Developer and including the name of the + Initial Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an + Executable version or related documentation in which You describe the + origin or ownership of the Covered Code. + + 3.4. Intellectual Property Matters + (a) Third Party Claims. + If Contributor has knowledge that a license under a third party's + intellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights + granted by such Contributor under Sections 2.1 or 2.2, + Contributor must include a text file with the Source Code + distribution titled "LEGAL" which describes the claim and the + party making the claim in sufficient detail that a recipient will + know whom to contact. If Contributor obtains such knowledge after + the Modification is made available as described in Section 3.2, + Contributor shall promptly modify the LEGAL file in all copies + Contributor makes available thereafter and shall take other steps + (such as notifying appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups) + reasonably calculated to inform those who received the Covered + Code that new knowledge has been obtained. + + (b) Contributor APIs. + If Contributor's Modifications include an application programming + interface and Contributor has knowledge of patent licenses which + are reasonably necessary to implement that API, Contributor must + also include this information in the LEGAL file. + + (c) Representations. + Contributor represents that, except as disclosed pursuant to + Section 3.4(a) above, Contributor believes that Contributor's + Modifications are Contributor's original creation(s) and/or + Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by + this License. + + 3.5. Required Notices. + You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source + Code. If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source + Code file due to its structure, then You must include such notice in a + location (such as a relevant directory) where a user would be likely + to look for such a notice. If You created one or more Modification(s) + You may add your name as a Contributor to the notice described in + Exhibit A. You must also duplicate this License in any documentation + for the Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership + rights relating to Covered Code. You may choose to offer, and to + charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability + obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Code. However, You + may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial + Developer or any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear than + any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is + offered by You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial + Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the + Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of warranty, + support, indemnity or liability terms You offer. + + 3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions. + You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the + requirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been met for that Covered Code, + and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of + the Covered Code is available under the terms of this License, + including a description of how and where You have fulfilled the + obligations of Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously included + in any notice in an Executable version, related documentation or + collateral in which You describe recipients' rights relating to the + Covered Code. You may distribute the Executable version of Covered + Code or ownership rights under a license of Your choice, which may + contain terms different from this License, provided that You are in + compliance with the terms of this License and that the license for the + Executable version does not attempt to limit or alter the recipient's + rights in the Source Code version from the rights set forth in this + License. If You distribute the Executable version under a different + license You must make it absolutely clear that any terms which differ + from this License are offered by You alone, not by the Initial + Developer or any Contributor. You hereby agree to indemnify the + Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by + the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of any such + terms You offer. + + 3.7. Larger Works. + You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code + not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger + Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the + requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code. + +4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation. + + If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this + License with respect to some or all of the Covered Code due to + statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with + the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) + describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description + must be included in the LEGAL file described in Section 3.4 and must + be included with all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the + extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be + sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to + understand it. + +5. Application of this License. + + This License applies to code to which the Initial Developer has + attached the notice in Exhibit A and to related Covered Code. + +6. Versions of the License. + + 6.1. New Versions. + Netscape Communications Corporation ("Netscape") may publish revised + and/or new versions of the License from time to time. Each version + will be given a distinguishing version number. + + 6.2. Effect of New Versions. + Once Covered Code has been published under a particular version of the + License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that + version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under the terms + of any subsequent version of the License published by Netscape. No one + other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to + Covered Code created under this License. + + 6.3. Derivative Works. + If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may + only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code + governed by this License), You must (a) rename Your license so that + the phrases "Mozilla", "MOZILLAPL", "MOZPL", "Netscape", + "MPL", "NPL" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your + license (except to note that your license differs from this License) + and (b) otherwise make it clear that Your version of the license + contains terms which differ from the Mozilla Public License and + Netscape Public License. (Filling in the name of the Initial + Developer, Original Code or Contributor in the notice described in + Exhibit A shall not of themselves be deemed to be modifications of + this License.) + +7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. + + COVERED CODE IS PROVIDED UNDER THIS LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, + WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE COVERED CODE IS FREE OF + DEFECTS, MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGING. + THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE COVERED CODE + IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY COVERED CODE PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, + YOU (NOT THE INITIAL DEVELOPER OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR) ASSUME THE + COST OF ANY NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THIS DISCLAIMER + OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS LICENSE. NO USE OF + ANY COVERED CODE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER THIS DISCLAIMER. + +8. TERMINATION. + + 8.1. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate + automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein and fail to cure + such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All + sublicenses to the Covered Code which are properly granted shall + survive any termination of this License. Provisions which, by their + nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License + shall survive. + + 8.2. If You initiate litigation by asserting a patent infringement + claim (excluding declatory judgment actions) against Initial Developer + or a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom + You file such action is referred to as "Participant") alleging that: + + (a) such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly + infringes any patent, then any and all rights granted by such + Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License + shall, upon 60 days notice from Participant terminate prospectively, + unless if within 60 days after receipt of notice You either: (i) + agree in writing to pay Participant a mutually agreeable reasonable + royalty for Your past and future use of Modifications made by such + Participant, or (ii) withdraw Your litigation claim with respect to + the Contributor Version against such Participant. If within 60 days + of notice, a reasonable royalty and payment arrangement are not + mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties or the litigation claim + is not withdrawn, the rights granted by Participant to You under + Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 automatically terminate at the expiration of + the 60 day notice period specified above. + + (b) any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's + Contributor Version, directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then + any rights granted to You by such Participant under Sections 2.1(b) + and 2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date You first made, used, + sold, distributed, or had made, Modifications made by that + Participant. + + 8.3. If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant + alleging that such Participant's Contributor Version directly or + indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as + by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of patent + infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses + granted by such Participant under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken + into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or + license. + + 8.4. In the event of termination under Sections 8.1 or 8.2 above, + all end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) + which have been validly granted by You or any distributor hereunder + prior to termination shall survive termination. + +9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. + + UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, WHETHER TORT + (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL YOU, THE INITIAL + DEVELOPER, ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR, OR ANY DISTRIBUTOR OF COVERED CODE, + OR ANY SUPPLIER OF ANY OF SUCH PARTIES, BE LIABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR + ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY + CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, + WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER + COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN + INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THIS LIMITATION OF + LIABILITY SHALL NOT APPLY TO LIABILITY FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY + RESULTING FROM SUCH PARTY'S NEGLIGENCE TO THE EXTENT APPLICABLE LAW + PROHIBITS SUCH LIMITATION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE + EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO + THIS EXCLUSION AND LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. + +10. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. + + The Covered Code is a "commercial item," as that term is defined in + 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of "commercial computer + software" and "commercial computer software documentation," as such + terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 + C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), + all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Code with only those + rights set forth herein. + +11. MISCELLANEOUS. + + This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject + matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be + unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent + necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be governed by + California law provisions (except to the extent applicable law, if + any, provides otherwise), excluding its conflict-of-law provisions. + With respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of, + or an entity chartered or registered to do business in the United + States of America, any litigation relating to this License shall be + subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern + District of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County, + California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including + without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and + expenses. The application of the United Nations Convention on + Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. + Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a contract + shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this + License. + +12. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS. + + As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is + responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly, + out of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to + work with Initial Developer and Contributors to distribute such + responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or + shall be deemed to constitute any admission of liability. + +13. MULTIPLE-LICENSED CODE. + + Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as + "Multiple-Licensed". "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial + Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under + Your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified + by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A. + +EXHIBIT A - Mozilla Public License. + + ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License + Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in + compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at + http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ + + Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" + basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + License for the specific language governing rights and limitations + under the License. + + The Original Code is ______________________________________. + + The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ________________________. + Portions created by ______________________ are Copyright (C) ______ + _______________________. All Rights Reserved. + + Contributor(s): ______________________________________. + + Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms + of the _____ license (the "[___] License"), in which case the + provisions of [______] License are applicable instead of those + above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only + under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow others to use + your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by + deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and + other provisions required by the [___] License. If you do not delete + the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file + under either the MPL or the [___] License." + + [NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differ slightly from the text of + the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should + use the text of this Exhibit A rather than the text found in the + Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.] + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to SAX 2.0.1, which is included +with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + + SAX is free! + + In fact, it's not possible to own a license to SAX, since it's been placed in + the public domain. + + No Warranty + + Because SAX is released to the public domain, there is no warranty for the + design or for the software implementation, to the extent permitted by + applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders + and/or other parties provide SAX "as is" without warranty of any kind, either + expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties + of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as + to the quality and performance of SAX is with you. Should SAX prove + defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or + correction. + + In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will + any copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or redistribute + SAX, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental + or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use SAX + (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate + or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the SAX to + operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been + advised of the possibility of such damages. + + Copyright Disclaimers + + This page includes statements to that effect by David Megginson, who would + have been able to claim copyright for the original work. SAX 1.0 + + Version 1.0 of the Simple API for XML (SAX), created collectively by the + membership of the XML-DEV mailing list, is hereby released into the public + domain. + + No one owns SAX: you may use it freely in both commercial and non-commercial + applications, bundle it with your software distribution, include it on a + CD-ROM, list the source code in a book, mirror the documentation at your own + web site, or use it in any other way you see fit. + + David Megginson, sax@megginson.com + 1998-05-11 + + SAX 2.0 + + I hereby abandon any property rights to SAX 2.0 (the Simple API for XML), and + release all of the SAX 2.0 source code, compiled code, and documentation + contained in this distribution into the Public Domain. SAX comes with NO + WARRANTY or guarantee of fitness for any purpose. + + David Megginson, david@megginson.com + 2000-05-05 + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to SoftFloat version 2b, which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7 on Linux/ARM. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: + +SoftFloat was written by me, John R. Hauser. This work was made possible in +part by the International Computer Science Institute, located at Suite 600, +1947 Center Street, Berkeley, California 94704. Funding was partially +provided by the National Science Foundation under grant MIP-9311980. The +original version of this code was written as part of a project to build +a fixed-point vector processor in collaboration with the University of +California at Berkeley, overseen by Profs. Nelson Morgan and John Wawrzynek. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS, FOR FREE. Although reasonable effort +has been made to avoid it, THIS SOFTWARE MAY CONTAIN FAULTS THAT WILL AT +TIMES RESULT IN INCORRECT BEHAVIOR. USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS RESTRICTED TO +PERSONS AND ORGANIZATIONS WHO CAN AND WILL TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL +LOSSES, COSTS, OR OTHER PROBLEMS THEY INCUR DUE TO THE SOFTWARE, AND WHO +FURTHERMORE EFFECTIVELY INDEMNIFY JOHN HAUSER AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER +SCIENCE INSTITUTE (possibly via similar legal warning) AGAINST ALL LOSSES, +COSTS, OR OTHER PROBLEMS INCURRED BY THEIR CUSTOMERS AND CLIENTS DUE TO THE +SOFTWARE. + +Derivative works are acceptable, even for commercial purposes, provided +that the minimal documentation requirements stated in the source code are +satisfied. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% Portions licensed from Taligent, Inc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Thai Dictionary, which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Copyright (C) 1982 The Royal Institute, Thai Royal Government. + +Copyright (C) 1998 National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, +National Science and Technology Development Agency, +Ministry of Science Technology and Environment, +Thai Royal Government. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Unicode 6.0.0, CLDR v1.4.1, & CLDR +v1.9, which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Unicode Terms of Use + +For the general privacy policy governing access to this site, see the Unicode +Privacy Policy. For trademark usage, see the Unicode® Consortium Name and +Trademark Usage Policy. + +A. Unicode Copyright. + 1. Copyright © 1991-2011 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. + + 2. Certain documents and files on this website contain a legend indicating + that "Modification is permitted." Any person is hereby authorized, + without fee, to modify such documents and files to create derivative + works conforming to the Unicode® Standard, subject to Terms and + Conditions herein. + + 3. Any person is hereby authorized, without fee, to view, use, reproduce, + and distribute all documents and files solely for informational + purposes in the creation of products supporting the Unicode Standard, + subject to the Terms and Conditions herein. + + 4. Further specifications of rights and restrictions pertaining to the use + of the particular set of data files known as the "Unicode Character + Database" can be found in Exhibit 1. + + 5. Each version of the Unicode Standard has further specifications of + rights and restrictions of use. For the book editions (Unicode 5.0 and + earlier), these are found on the back of the title page. The online + code charts carry specific restrictions. All other files, including + online documentation of the core specification for Unicode 6.0 and + later, are covered under these general Terms of Use. + + 6. No license is granted to "mirror" the Unicode website where a fee is + charged for access to the "mirror" site. + + 7. Modification is not permitted with respect to this document. All copies + of this document must be verbatim. + +B. Restricted Rights Legend. Any technical data or software which is licensed + to the United States of America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities + under this Agreement is commercial technical data or commercial computer + software developed exclusively at private expense as defined in FAR 2.101, + or DFARS 252.227-7014 (June 1995), as applicable. For technical data, use, + duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as + set forth in DFARS 202.227-7015 Technical Data, Commercial and Items (Nov + 1995) and this Agreement. For Software, in accordance with FAR 12-212 or + DFARS 227-7202, as applicable, use, duplication or disclosure by the + Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in this Agreement. + +C. Warranties and Disclaimers. + 1. This publication and/or website may include technical or typographical + errors or other inaccuracies . Changes are periodically added to the + information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions + of the publication and/or website. Unicode may make improvements and/or + changes in the product(s) and/or program(s) described in this + publication and/or website at any time. + + 2. If this file has been purchased on magnetic or optical media from + Unicode, Inc. the sole and exclusive remedy for any claim will be + exchange of the defective media within ninety (90) days of original + purchase. + + 3. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTION C.2, THIS PUBLICATION AND/OR SOFTWARE IS + PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, + OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF + MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. + UNICODE AND ITS LICENSORS ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR + OMISSIONS IN THIS PUBLICATION AND/OR SOFTWARE OR OTHER DOCUMENTS WHICH + ARE REFERENCED BY OR LINKED TO THIS PUBLICATION OR THE UNICODE WEBSITE. + +D. Waiver of Damages. In no event shall Unicode or its licensors be liable for + any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or + any damages whatsoever, whether or not Unicode was advised of the + possibility of the damage, including, without limitation, those resulting + from the following: loss of use, data or profits, in connection with the + use, modification or distribution of this information or its derivatives. + +E.Trademarks & Logos. + 1. The Unicode Word Mark and the Unicode Logo are trademarks of Unicode, + Inc. “The Unicode Consortium” and “Unicode, Inc.” are trade names of + Unicode, Inc. Use of the information and materials found on this + website indicates your acknowledgement of Unicode, Inc.’s exclusive + worldwide rights in the Unicode Word Mark, the Unicode Logo, and the + Unicode trade names. + + 2. The Unicode Consortium Name and Trademark Usage Policy (“Trademark + Policy”) are incorporated herein by reference and you agree to abide by + the provisions of the Trademark Policy, which may be changed from time + to time in the sole discretion of Unicode, Inc. + + 3. All third party trademarks referenced herein are the property of their + respective owners. + +Miscellaneous. + 1. Jurisdiction and Venue. This server is operated from a location in the + State of California, United States of America. Unicode makes no + representation that the materials are appropriate for use in other + locations. If you access this server from other locations, you are + responsible for compliance with local laws. This Agreement, all use of + this site and any claims and damages resulting from use of this site are + governed solely by the laws of the State of California without regard to + any principles which would apply the laws of a different jurisdiction. + The user agrees that any disputes regarding this site shall be resolved + solely in the courts located in Santa Clara County, California. The user + agrees said courts have personal jurisdiction and agree to waive any + right to transfer the dispute to any other forum. + + 2. Modification by Unicode. Unicode shall have the right to modify this + Agreement at any time by posting it to this site. The user may not + assign any part of this Agreement without Unicode’s prior written + consent. + + 3. Taxes. The user agrees to pay any taxes arising from access to this + website or use of the information herein, except for those based on + Unicode’s net income. + + 4. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid or + unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain + in effect. + + 5. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement + between the parties. + +EXHIBIT 1 +UNICODE, INC. LICENSE AGREEMENT - DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE + +Unicode Data Files include all data files under the directories +http://www.unicode.org/Public/, http://www.unicode.org/reports/, and +http://www.unicode.org/cldr/data/. Unicode Data Files do not include PDF +online code charts under the directory http://www.unicode.org/Public/. +Software includes any source code published in the Unicode Standard or under +the directories http://www.unicode.org/Public/, +http://www.unicode.org/reports/, and http://www.unicode.org/cldr/data/. + +NOTICE TO USER: Carefully read the following legal agreement. BY DOWNLOADING, +INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING UNICODE INC.'S DATA FILES ("DATA +FILES"), AND/OR SOFTWARE ("SOFTWARE"), YOU UNEQUIVOCALLY ACCEPT, AND AGREE TO +BE BOUND BY, ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT +AGREE, DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, COPY, DISTRIBUTE OR USE THE DATA FILES OR +SOFTWARE. + +COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE + +Copyright © 1991-2011 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. Distributed under the +Terms of Use in http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of the Unicode data files and any associated documentation (the "Data Files") +or Unicode software and any associated documentation (the "Software") to deal +in the Data Files or Software without restriction, including without +limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or +sell copies of the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to whom the +Data Files or Software are furnished to do so, provided that (a) the above +copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear with all copies of the +Data Files or Software, (b) both the above copyright notice(s) and this +permission notice appear in associated documentation, and (c) there is clear +notice in each modified Data File or in the Software as well as in the +documentation associated with the Data File(s) or Software that the data or +software has been modified. + +THE DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD +PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN +THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL +DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR +PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS +ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE +DATA FILES OR SOFTWARE. + +Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not +be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings +in these Data Files or Software without prior written authorization of the +copyright holder. + +Unicode and the Unicode logo are trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the United +States and other countries. All third party trademarks referenced herein are +the property of their respective owners. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to UPX v3.01, which is included +with JRE 7 on Windows. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: + + + ooooo ooo ooooooooo. ooooooo ooooo + `888' `8' `888 `Y88. `8888 d8' + 888 8 888 .d88' Y888..8P + 888 8 888ooo88P' `8888' + 888 8 888 .8PY888. + `88. .8' 888 d8' `888b + `YbodP' o888o o888o o88888o + + + The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables + Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Markus Oberhumer & Laszlo Molnar + http://wildsau.idv.uni-linz.ac.at/mfx/upx.html + http://www.nexus.hu/upx + http://upx.tsx.org + + +PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT, ESPECIALLY IF YOU PLAN +TO MODIFY THE UPX SOURCE CODE OR USE A MODIFIED UPX VERSION. + + +ABSTRACT +======== + + UPX and UCL are copyrighted software distributed under the terms + of the GNU General Public License (hereinafter the "GPL"). + + The stub which is imbedded in each UPX compressed program is part + of UPX and UCL, and contains code that is under our copyright. The + terms of the GNU General Public License still apply as compressing + a program is a special form of linking with our stub. + + As a special exception we grant the free usage of UPX for all + executables, including commercial programs. + See below for details and restrictions. + + +COPYRIGHT +========= + + UPX and UCL are copyrighted software. All rights remain with the authors. + + UPX is Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer + UPX is Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Laszlo Molnar + + UCL is Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer + + +GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE +========================== + + UPX and the UCL library are free software; you can redistribute them + and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of + the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + UPX and UCL are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; see the file COPYING. + + +SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR COMPRESSED EXECUTABLES +============================================ + + The stub which is imbedded in each UPX compressed program is part + of UPX and UCL, and contains code that is under our copyright. The + terms of the GNU General Public License still apply as compressing + a program is a special form of linking with our stub. + + Hereby Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer and Laszlo Molnar grant you special + permission to freely use and distribute all UPX compressed programs + (including commercial ones), subject to the following restrictions: + + 1. You must compress your program with a completely unmodified UPX + version; either with our precompiled version, or (at your option) + with a self compiled version of the unmodified UPX sources as + distributed by us. + 2. This also implies that the UPX stub must be completely unmodfied, i.e. + the stub imbedded in your compressed program must be byte-identical + to the stub that is produced by the official unmodified UPX version. + 3. The decompressor and any other code from the stub must exclusively get + used by the unmodified UPX stub for decompressing your program at + program startup. No portion of the stub may get read, copied, + called or otherwise get used or accessed by your program. + + +ANNOTATIONS +=========== + + - You can use a modified UPX version or modified UPX stub only for + programs that are compatible with the GNU General Public License. + + - We grant you special permission to freely use and distribute all UPX + compressed programs. But any modification of the UPX stub (such as, + but not limited to, removing our copyright string or making your + program non-decompressible) will immediately revoke your right to + use and distribute a UPX compressed program. + + - UPX is not a software protection tool; by requiring that you use + the unmodified UPX version for your proprietary programs we + make sure that any user can decompress your program. This protects + both you and your users as nobody can hide malicious code - + any program that cannot be decompressed is highly suspicious + by definition. + + - You can integrate all or part of UPX and UCL into projects that + are compatible with the GNU GPL, but obviously you cannot grant + any special exceptions beyond the GPL for our code in your project. + + - We want to actively support manufacturers of virus scanners and + similar security software. Please contact us if you would like to + incorporate parts of UPX or UCL into such a product. + + + +Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer Laszlo Molnar +markus.oberhumer@jk.uni-linz.ac.at ml1050@cdata.tvnet.hu + +Linz, Austria, 25 Feb 2000 + +Additional License(s) + +The UPX license file is at http://upx.sourceforge.net/upx-license.html. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to Xfree86-VidMode Extension 1.0, +which is included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7 on Linux and Solaris. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + +Version 1.1 of XFree86 ProjectLicence. + +Copyright (C) 1994-2004 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All rights reserved. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicence, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished +to do so,subject to the following conditions: + + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice,this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. + + 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation + and/or other materials provided with the distribution, and in the same place + and form as other copyright, license and disclaimer information. + + 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any,must + include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes + software developed by The XFree86 Project, Inc (http://www.xfree86.org/) and + its contributors", in the same place and form as other third-party + acknowledgments. Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software + itself, in the same form and location as other such third-party + acknowledgments. + + 4. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The XFree86 Project,Inc + shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use + or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from + The XFree86 Project, Inc. + + THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED + WARRANTIES,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO + EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86 PROJECT, INC OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY + DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES + (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR + SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER + CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH + DAMAGE. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to X Window System 6.8.2, which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7 on Linux and Solaris. + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + + Licenses +The X.Org Foundation March 2004 + +1. Introduction + +The X.org Foundation X Window System distribution is a compilation of code and +documentation from many sources. This document is intended primarily as a +guide to the licenses used in the distribution: you must check each file +and/or package for precise redistribution terms. None-the-less, this summary +may be useful to many users. No software incorporating the XFree86 1.1 license +has been incorporated. + +This document is based on the compilation from XFree86. + +2. XFree86 License + +XFree86 code without an explicit copyright is covered by the following +copyright/license: + +Copyright (C) 1994-2003 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +XFREE86 PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER +IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall not +be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings +in this Software without prior written authorization from the XFree86 Project. + +3. Other Licenses + +Portions of code are covered by the following licenses/copyrights. See +individual files for the copyright dates. + +3.1. X/MIT Copyrights + +3.1.1. X Consortium + +Copyright (C) X Consortium + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X +CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be +used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in +this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. + +X Window System is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc. + +3.1.2. The Open Group + +Copyright The Open Group + +Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its +documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the +above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright +notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be +used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in +this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. 3.2. +Berkeley-based copyrights: + +o +3.2.1. General + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + + 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO +EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR +BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER +IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.2.2. UCB/LBL + +Copyright (c) 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights +reserved. + +This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group at +Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and contributed to +Berkeley. + +All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must +display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software +developed by the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + + 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software + developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. + + 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may + be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without + specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON +ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.2.3. The +NetBSD Foundation, Inc. + +Copyright (c) 2003 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. + +This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation by Ben +Collver + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + + 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software + developed by the NetBSD Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. + + 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its + contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this + software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS +IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON +ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.2.4. Theodore +Ts'o. + +Copyright Theodore Ts'o, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999. All rights +reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + and the entire permission notice in its entirety, including the disclaimer + of warranties. + + 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + + 3. he name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, +INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ALL OF WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. IN NO +EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR +BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER +IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF NOT ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.2.5. Theo de Raadt and Damien Miller + +Copyright (c) 1995,1999 Theo de Raadt. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) +2001-2002 Damien Miller. All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO +EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR +BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER +IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.2.6. Todd C. Miller + +Copyright (c) 1998 Todd C. Miller + +Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose +with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright +notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND TODD C. MILLER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES +WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL TODD C. MILLER BE LIABLE FOR +ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES +WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. 3.2.7. Thomas +Winischhofer + +Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Thomas Winischhofer + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + + 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED +WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO +EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR +BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER +IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.3. NVIDIA Corp + +Copyright (c) 1996 NVIDIA, Corp. All rights reserved. + +NOTICE TO USER: The source code is copyrighted under U.S. and international +laws. NVIDIA, Corp. of Sunnyvale, California owns the copyright and as design +patents pending on the design and interface of the NV chips. Users and +possessors of this source code are hereby granted a nonexclusive, royalty-free +copyright and design patent license to use this code in individual and +commercial software. + +Any use of this source code must include, in the user documentation and +internal comments to the code, notices to the end user as follows: + +Copyright (c) 1996 NVIDIA, Corp. NVIDIA design patents pending in the U.S. and +foreign countries. + +NVIDIA, CORP. MAKES NO REPRESENTATION ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THIS SOURCE +CODE FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. NVIDIA, CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO +THIS SOURCE CODE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA, CORP. BE LIABLE +FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY +DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN +ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOURCE CODE. 3.4. GLX Public +License + +GLX PUBLIC LICENSE (Version 1.0 (2/11/99)) ("License") + +Subject to any third party claims, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ("SGI") hereby +grants permission to Recipient (defined below), under Recipient's copyrights +in the Original Software (defined below), to use, copy, modify, merge, +publish, distribute, sublicense and/or sell copies of Subject Software +(defined below), and to permit persons to whom the Subject Software is +furnished in accordance with this License to do the same, subject to all of +the following terms and conditions, which Recipient accepts by engaging in any +such use, copying, modifying, merging, publishing, distributing, sublicensing +or selling: + +1. Definitions. + + (a) "Original Software" means source code of computer software code which + is described in Exhibit A as Original Software. + + (b) "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the substance + or structure of either the Original Software or any previous + Modifications. When Subject Software is released as a series of files, a + Modification means (i) any addition to or deletion from the contents of a + file containing Original Software or previous Modifications and (ii) any + new file that contains any part of the Original Code or previous + Modifications. + + (c) "Subject Software" means the Original Software or Modifications or the + combination of the Original Software and Modifications, or portions of any + of the foregoing. + + (d) "Recipient" means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights + under, and complying with all of the terms of, this License. For legal + entities, "Recipient" includes any entity which controls, is controlled + by, or is under common control with Recipient. For purposes of this + definition, "control" of an entity means (a) the power, direct or + indirect, to direct or manage such entity, or (b) ownership of fifty + percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of + such entity. + +2. Redistribution of Source Code Subject to These Terms. Redistributions of +Subject Software in source code form must retain the notice set forth in +Exhibit A, below, in every file. A copy of this License must be included in +any documentation for such Subject Software where the recipients' rights +relating to Subject Software are described. Recipient may distribute the +source code version of Subject Software under a license of Recipient's choice, +which may contain terms different from this License, provided that (i) +Recipient is in compliance with the terms of this License, and (ii) the +license terms include this Section 2 and Sections 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 13 of +this License, which terms may not be modified or superseded by any other terms +of such license. If Recipient distributes the source code version under a +different license Recipient must make it absolutely clear that any terms which +differ from this License are offered by Recipient alone, not by SGI. Recipient +hereby agrees to indemnify SGI for any liability incurred by SGI as a result +of any such terms Recipient offers. + +3. Redistribution in Executable Form. The notice set forth in Exhibit A must +be conspicuously included in any notice in an executable version of Subject +Software, related documentation or collateral in which Recipient describes the +user's rights relating to the Subject Software. Recipient may distribute the +executable version of Subject Software under a license of Recipient's choice, +which may contain terms different from this License, provided that (i) +Recipient is in compliance with the terms of this License, and (ii) the +license terms include this Section 3 and Sections 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 13 of +this License, which terms may not be modified or superseded by any other terms +of such license. If Recipient distributes the executable version under a +different license Recipient must make it absolutely clear that any terms which +differ from this License are offered by Recipient alone, not by SGI. Recipient +hereby agrees to indemnify SGI for any liability incurred by SGI as a result +of any such terms Recipient offers. + +4. Termination. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate +automatically if Recipient fails to comply with terms herein and fails to cure +such breach within 30 days of the breach. Any sublicense to the Subject +Software which is properly granted shall survive any termination of this +License absent termination by the terms of such sublicense. Provisions which, +by their nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License +shall survive. + +5. No Trademark Rights. This License does not grant any rights to use any +trade name, trademark or service mark whatsoever. No trade name, trademark or +service mark of SGI may be used to endorse or promote products derived from +the Subject Software without prior written permission of SGI. + +6. No Other Rights. This License does not grant any rights with respect to the +OpenGL API or to any software or hardware implementation thereof or to any +other software whatsoever, nor shall any other rights or licenses not +expressly granted hereunder arise by implication, estoppel or otherwise with +respect to the Subject Software. Title to and ownership of the Original +Software at all times remains with SGI. All rights in the Original Software +not expressly granted under this License are reserved. + +7. Compliance with Laws; Non-Infringement. Recipient shall comply with all +applicable laws and regulations in connection with use and distribution of the +Subject Software, including but not limited to, all export and import control +laws and regulations of the U.S. government and other countries. Recipient may +not distribute Subject Software that (i) in any way infringes (directly or +contributorily) the rights (including patent, copyright, trade secret, +trademark or other intellectual property rights of any kind) of any other +person or entity or (ii) breaches any representation or warranty, express, +implied or statutory, which under any applicable law it might be deemed to +have been distributed. + +8. Claims of Infringement. If Recipient at any time has knowledge of any one +or more third party claims that reproduction, modification, use, distribution, +import or sale of Subject Software (including particular functionality or code +incorporated in Subject Software) infringes the third party's intellectual +property rights, Recipient must place in a well-identified web page bearing +the title "LEGAL" a description of each such claim and a description of the +party making each such claim in sufficient detail that a user of the Subject +Software will know whom to contact regarding the claim. Also, upon gaining +such knowledge of any such claim, Recipient must conspicuously include the URL +for such web page in the Exhibit A notice required under Sections 2 and 3, +above, and in the text of any related documentation, license agreement or +collateral in which Recipient describes end user's rights relating to the +Subject Software. If Recipient obtains such knowledge after it makes Subject +Software available to any other person or entity, Recipient shall take other +steps (such as notifying appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups) reasonably +calculated to inform those who received the Subject Software that new +knowledge has been obtained. + +9. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. SUBJECT SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT +LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SUBJECT SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, +MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- INFRINGING. SGI ASSUMES NO +RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. SHOULD ANY SOFTWARE +PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, SGI ASSUMES NO COST OR LIABILITY FOR ANY +SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN +ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS LICENSE. NO USE OF ANY SUBJECT SOFTWARE IS AUTHORIZED +HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER THIS DISCLAIMER. + +10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, +WHETHER TORT (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY), +CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL SGI OR ANY SGI LICENSOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY +CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK +STOPPAGE, LOSS OF DATA, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER +COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF +THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL NOT APPLY +TO LIABILITY FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY RESULTING FROM SGI's NEGLIGENCE TO +THE EXTENT APPLICABLE LAW PROHIBITS SUCH LIMITATION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT +ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO +THAT EXCLUSION AND LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO RECIPIENT. + +11. Indemnity. Recipient shall be solely responsible for damages arising, +directly or indirectly, out of its utilization of rights under this License. +Recipient will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Silicon Graphics, Inc. from +and against any loss, liability, damages, costs or expenses (including the +payment of reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of Recipient's use, +modification, reproduction and distribution of the Subject Software or out of +any representation or warranty made by Recipient. + +12. U.S. Government End Users. The Subject Software is a "commercial item" +consisting of "commercial computer software" as such terms are defined in +title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations and all U.S. Government End Users +acquire only the rights set forth in this License and are subject to the terms +of this License. + +13. Miscellaneous. This License represents the complete agreement concerning +subject matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be +unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed so as to achieve as nearly as +possible the same economic effect as the original provision and the remainder +of this License will remain in effect. This License shall be governed by and +construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of +California as applied to agreements entered into and to be performed entirely +within California between California residents. Any litigation relating to +this License shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal +Courts of the Northern District of California (or, absent subject matter +jurisdiction in such courts, the courts of the State of California), with +venue lying exclusively in Santa Clara County, California, with the losing +party responsible for costs, including without limitation, court costs and +reasonable attorneys fees and expenses. The application of the United Nations +Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly +excluded. Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a contract +shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this License. + +Exhibit A + +The contents of this file are subject to Sections 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 13 +of the GLX Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this +file except in compliance with those sections of the License. You may obtain a +copy of the License at Silicon Graphics, Inc., attn: Legal Services, 2011 N. +Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94043 or at +http://www.sgi.com/software/opensource/glx/license.html. + +Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis. ALL +WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON- +INFRINGEMENT. See the License for the specific language governing rights and +limitations under the License. + +The Original Software is GLX version 1.2 source code, released February, 1999. +The developer of the Original Software is Silicon Graphics, Inc. Those +portions of the Subject Software created by Silicon Graphics, Inc. are +Copyright (c) 1991-9 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3.5. CID +Font Code Public License + +CID FONT CODE PUBLIC LICENSE (Version 1.0 (3/31/99))("License") + +Subject to any applicable third party claims, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ("SGI") +hereby grants permission to Recipient (defined below), under SGI's copyrights +in the Original Software (defined below), to use, copy, modify, merge, +publish, distribute, sublicense and/or sell copies of Subject Software +(defined below) in both source code and executable form, and to permit persons +to whom the Subject Software is furnished in accordance with this License to +do the same, subject to all of the following terms and conditions, which +Recipient accepts by engaging in any such use, copying, modifying, merging, +publication, distributing, sublicensing or selling: + +1. Definitions. + + a. "Original Software" means source code of computer software code that is + described in Exhibit A as Original Software. + + b. "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the substance or + structure of either the Original Software or any previous Modifications. + When Subject Software is released as a series of files, a Modification + means (i) any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file + containing Original Software or previous Modifications and (ii) any new + file that contains any part of the Original Code or previous + Modifications. + + c. "Subject Software" means the Original Software or Modifications or the + combination of the Original Software and Modifications, or portions of any + of the foregoing. + + d. "Recipient" means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights + under the terms of this License. For legal entities, "Recipient" includes + any entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control + with Recipient. For purposes of this definition, "control" of an entity + means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to direct or manage such entity, + or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares + or beneficial ownership of such entity. + + e. "Required Notice" means the notice set forth in Exhibit A to this + License. + + f. "Accompanying Technology" means any software or other technology that + is not a Modification and that is distributed or made publicly available + by Recipient with the Subject Software. Separate software files that do + not contain any Original Software or any previous Modification shall not + be deemed a Modification, even if such software files are aggregated as + part of a product, or in any medium of storage, with any file that does + contain Original Software or any previous Modification. + +2. License Terms. All distribution of the Subject Software must be made +subject to the terms of this License. A copy of this License and the Required +Notice must be included in any documentation for Subject Software where +Recipient's rights relating to Subject Software and/or any Accompanying +Technology are described. Distributions of Subject Software in source code +form must also include the Required Notice in every file distributed. In +addition, a ReadMe file entitled "Important Legal Notice" must be distributed +with each distribution of one or more files that incorporate Subject Software. +That file must be included with distributions made in both source code and +executable form. A copy of the License and the Required Notice must be +included in that file. Recipient may distribute Accompanying Technology under +a license of Recipient's choice, which may contain terms different from this +License, provided that (i) Recipient is in compliance with the terms of this +License, (ii) such other license terms do not modify or supersede the terms of +this License as applicable to the Subject Software, (iii) Recipient hereby +indemnifies SGI for any liability incurred by SGI as a result of the +distribution of Accompanying Technology or the use of other license terms. + +3. Termination. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate +automatically if Recipient fails to comply with terms herein and fails to cure +such breach within 30 days of the breach. Any sublicense to the Subject +Software that is properly granted shall survive any termination of this +License absent termination by the terms of such sublicense. Provisions which, +by their nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License +shall survive. + +4. Trademark Rights. This License does not grant any rights to use any trade +name, trademark or service mark whatsoever. No trade name, trademark or +service mark of SGI may be used to endorse or promote products derived from or +incorporating any Subject Software without prior written permission of SGI. + +5. No Other Rights. No rights or licenses not expressly granted hereunder +shall arise by implication, estoppel or otherwise. Title to and ownership of +the Original Software at all times remains with SGI. All rights in the +Original Software not expressly granted under this License are reserved. + +6. Compliance with Laws; Non-Infringement. Recipient shall comply with all +applicable laws and regulations in connection with use and distribution of the +Subject Software, including but not limited to, all export and import control +laws and regulations of the U.S. government and other countries. Recipient may +not distribute Subject Software that (i) in any way infringes (directly or +contributorily) the rights (including patent, copyright, trade secret, +trademark or other intellectual property rights of any kind) of any other +person or entity, or (ii) breaches any representation or warranty, express, +implied or statutory, which under any applicable law it might be deemed to +have been distributed. + +7. Claims of Infringement. If Recipient at any time has knowledge of any one +or more third party claims that reproduction, modification, use, distribution, +import or sale of Subject Software (including particular functionality or code +incorporated in Subject Software) infringes the third party's intellectual +property rights, Recipient must place in a well-identified web page bearing +the title "LEGAL" a description of each such claim and a description of the +party making each such claim in sufficient detail that a user of the Subject +Software will know whom to contact regarding the claim. Also, upon gaining +such knowledge of any such claim, Recipient must conspicuously include the URL +for such web page in the Required Notice, and in the text of any related +documentation, license agreement or collateral in which Recipient describes +end user's rights relating to the Subject Software. If Recipient obtains such +knowledge after it makes Subject Software available to any other person or +entity, Recipient shall take other steps (such as notifying appropriate +mailing lists or newsgroups) reasonably calculated to provide such knowledge +to those who received the Subject Software. + +8. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. SUBJECT SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT +LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SUBJECT SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, +MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGING. SGI ASSUMES NO +RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. SHOULD ANY SOFTWARE +PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, SGI ASSUMES NO COST OR LIABILITY FOR ANY +SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN +ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS LICENSE. NO USE OF ANY SUBJECT SOFTWARE IS AUTHORIZED +HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER THIS DISCLAIMER. + +9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, +WHETHER TORT (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY), +CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL SGI OR ANY SGI LICENSOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, +DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR +OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SUBJECT SOFTWARE OR +THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SUBJECT SOFTWARE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT +ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF CERTAIN DAMAGES, SO THIS EXCLUSION AND +LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO RECIPIENT TO THE EXTENT SO DISALLOWED. + +10. Indemnity. Recipient shall be solely responsible for damages arising, +directly or indirectly, out of its utilization of rights under this License. +Recipient will defend, indemnify and hold SGI and its successors and assigns +harmless from and against any loss, liability, damages, costs or expenses +(including the payment of reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of +(Recipient's use, modification, reproduction and distribution of the Subject +Software or out of any representation or warranty made by Recipient. + +11. U.S. Government End Users. The Subject Software is a "commercial item" +consisting of "commercial computer software" as such terms are defined in +title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations and all U.S. Government End Users +acquire only the rights set forth in this License and are subject to the terms +of this License. + +12. Miscellaneous. This License represents the complete agreement concerning +subject matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be +unenforceable by any judicial or administrative authority having proper +jurisdiction with respect thereto, such provision shall be reformed so as to +achieve as nearly as possible the same economic effect as the original +provision and the remainder of this License will remain in effect. This +License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the +United States and the State of California as applied to agreements entered +into and to be performed entirely within California between California +residents. Any litigation relating to this License shall be subject to the +exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern District of +California (or, absent subject matter jurisdiction in such courts, the courts +of the State of California), with venue lying exclusively in Santa Clara +County, California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including +without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys fees and expenses. +The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the +International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. Any law or regulation that +provides that the language of a contract shall be construed against the +drafter shall not apply to this License. + +Exhibit A + +Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Silicon Graphics, Inc. + +The contents of this file are subject to the CID Font Code Public License +Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance +with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Silicon Graphics, +Inc., attn: Legal Services, 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94043 +or at http://www.sgi.com/software/opensource/cid/license.html + +Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis. ALL +WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF +NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the License for the specific language governing rights +and limitations under the License. + +The Original Software (as defined in the License) is CID font code that was +developed by Silicon Graphics, Inc. Those portions of the Subject Software (as +defined in the License) that were created by Silicon Graphics, Inc. are +Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. + +[NOTE: When using this text in connection with Subject Software delivered +solely in object code form, Recipient may replace the words "this file" with +"this software" in both the first and second sentences.] 3.6. Bitstream Vera +Fonts Copyright + +The fonts have a generous copyright, allowing derivative works (as long as +"Bitstream" or "Vera" are not in the names), and full redistribution (so long +as they are not *sold* by themselves). They can be be bundled, redistributed +and sold with any software. + +The fonts are distributed under the following copyright: + +Copyright (c) 2003 by Bitstream, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Bitstream Vera is a +trademark of Bitstream, Inc. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of the fonts accompanying this license ("Fonts") and associated documentation +files (the "Font Software"), to reproduce and distribute the Font Software, +including without limitation the rights to use, copy, merge, publish, +distribute, and/or sell copies of the Font Software, and to permit persons to +whom the Font Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following +conditions: + +The above copyright and trademark notices and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies of one or more of the Font Software typefaces. + +The Font Software may be modified, altered, or added to, and in particular the +designs of glyphs or characters in the Fonts may be modified and additional +glyphs or characters may be added to the Fonts, only if the fonts are renamed +to names not containing either the words "Bitstream" or the word "Vera". + +This License becomes null and void to the extent applicable to Fonts or Font +Software that has been modified and is distributed under the "Bitstream Vera" +names. + +The Font Software may be sold as part of a larger software package but no copy +of one or more of the Font Software typefaces may be sold by itself. + +THE FONT SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT, PATENT, +TRADEMARK, OR OTHER RIGHT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BITSTREAM OR THE GNOME FOUNDATION +BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, +SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO +USE THE FONT SOFTWARE OR FROM OTHER DEALINGS IN THE FONT SOFTWARE. + +Except as contained in this notice, the names of Gnome, the Gnome Foundation, +and Bitstream Inc., shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote +the sale, use or other dealings in this Font Software without prior written +authorization from the Gnome Foundation or Bitstream Inc., respectively. For +further information, contact: fonts at gnome dot org. 3.7. Bigelow & Holmes +Inc and URW++ GmbH Luxi font license + +Luxi fonts copyright (c) 2001 by Bigelow & Holmes Inc. Luxi font instruction +code copyright (c) 2001 by URW++ GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Luxi is a +registered trademark of Bigelow & Holmes Inc. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of these Fonts and associated documentation files (the "Font Software"), to +deal in the Font Software, including without limitation the rights to use, +copy, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Font +Software, and to permit persons to whom the Font Software is furnished to do +so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright and trademark notices and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies of one or more of the Font Software. + +The Font Software may not be modified, altered, or added to, and in particular +the designs of glyphs or characters in the Fonts may not be modified nor may +additional glyphs or characters be added to the Fonts. This License becomes +null and void when the Fonts or Font Software have been modified. + +THE FONT SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT, PATENT, +TRADEMARK, OR OTHER RIGHT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BIGELOW & HOLMES INC. OR URW++ +GMBH. BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER IN +AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF THE USE OR +INABILITY TO USE THE FONT SOFTWARE OR FROM OTHER DEALINGS IN THE FONT +SOFTWARE. + +Except as contained in this notice, the names of Bigelow & Holmes Inc. and +URW++ GmbH. shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, +use or other dealings in this Font Software without prior written +authorization from Bigelow & Holmes Inc. and URW++ GmbH. + +For further information, contact: + +info@urwpp.de or design@bigelowandholmes.com + + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to zlib v1.2.3, which is included +with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7 + +--- begin of LICENSE --- + + version 1.2.3, July 18th, 2005 + + Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages @@ -93,686 +3159,23 @@ Jean-loup Gailly Mark Adler jloup@gzip.org madler@alumni.caltech.edu -If you use the zlib library in a product, we would appreciate *not* -receiving lengthy legal documents to sign. The sources are provided -for free but without warranty of any kind. The library has been -entirely written by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler; it does not -include third-party code. - -If you redistribute modified sources, we would appreciate that you include -in the file ChangeLog history information documenting your changes. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to W3C (DTD for XML Signatures), which may be included with this software: -W3C SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE -Copyright 1994-2002 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ -This W3C work (including software, documents, or other related items) is being provided by the copyright holders under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this work, you (the licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions: -Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on ALL copies of the software and documentation or portions thereof, including modifications, that you make: -1.The full text of this NOTICE in a location viewable to users of the redistributed or derivative work. -2.Any pre-existing intellectual property disclaimers, notices, or terms and conditions. If none exist, a short notice of the following form (hypertext is preferred, text is permitted) should be used within the body of any redistributed or derivative code: "Copyright [$date-of-software] World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/" -3.Notice of any changes or modifications to the W3C files, including the date changes were made. (We recommend you provide URIs to the location from which the code is derived.) -THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. -The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders. -____________________________________ -This formulation of W3C's notice and license became active on August 14 1998 so as to improve compatibility with GPL. This version ensures that W3C software licensing terms are no more restrictive than GPL and consequently W3C software may be distributed in GPL packages. See the older formulation for the policy prior to this date. Please see our Copyright FAQ for common questions about using materials from our site, including specific terms and conditions for packages like libwww, Amaya, and Jigsaw. Other questions about this notice can be directed to site-policy@w3.org. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to jscheme.jar, which may be included with this software: -Software License Agreement -Copyright 1998-2002 by Peter Norvig. -Permission is granted to anyone to use this software, in source or object code form, on any computer system, and to modify, compile, decompile, run, and redistribute it to anyone else, subject to the following restrictions: -1.The author makes no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, about the suitability of this software for any purpose. -2.The author accepts no liability of any kind for damages or other consequences of the use of this software, even if they arise from defects in the software. -3.The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by explicit claim or by omission. -4.Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. Altered versions may be distributed in packages under other licenses (such as the GNU license). -If you find this software useful, it would be nice if you let me (peter@norvig.com) know about it, and nicer still if you send me modifications that you are willing to share. However, you are not required to do so. - - -%% This notice is provided with respect to PC/SC Lite for Suse Linux v. 1.1.1, which may be included with this software: - -Copyright (c) 1999-2004 David Corcoran -All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -are met: - -1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products - derived from this software without specific prior written permission. - -Changes to this license can be made only by the copyright author with -explicit written consent. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES -OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. -IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, -INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT -NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF -THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - - -%% This notice is provided with respect to IAIK PKCS Wrapper, which may be included with this software: - -Copyright (c) 2002 Graz University of Technology. All rights reserved. -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - - -1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - -2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - -3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: - - "This product includes software developed by IAIK of Graz University of Technology." - - Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. - -4. The names "Graz University of Technology" and "IAIK of Graz University of Technology" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. - -5. Products derived from this software may not be called "IAIK PKCS Wrapper", nor may "IAIK" appear in their name, without prior written permission of Graz University of Technology. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED -WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED -WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE LICENSOR BE -LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, -OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, -OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON -ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY -OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Document Object Model (DOM) v. Level 3, which may be included with this software: - -W3Cýý SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE - -http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231 - -This work (and included software, documentation such as READMEs, or other related items) is being -provided by the copyright holders under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this work, you -(the licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions. - -Permission to copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation, with or without modification, for -any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on ALL copies -of the software and documentation or portions thereof, including modifications: - 1.The full text of this NOTICE in a location viewable to users of the redistributed or derivative work. - 2.Any pre-existing intellectual property disclaimers, notices, or terms and conditions. If none exist, the - W3C Software Short Notice should be included (hypertext is preferred, text is permitted) within the body - of any redistributed or derivative code. - 3.Notice of any changes or modifications to the files, including the date changes were made. (We - recommend you provide URIs to the location from which the code is derived.) -THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKENO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THEUSE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS,COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. - -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. -The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the -software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated -documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders. - -____________________________________ - -This formulation of W3C's notice and license became active on December 31 2002. This version removes the -copyright ownership notice such that this license can be used with materials other than those owned by the -W3C, reflects that ERCIM is now a host of the W3C, includes references to this specific dated version of the -license, and removes the ambiguous grant of "use". Otherwise, this version is the same as the previous -version and is written so as to preserve the Free Software Foundation's assessment of GPL compatibility and -OSI's certification under the Open Source Definition. Please see our Copyright FAQ for common questions -about using materials from our site, including specific terms and conditions for packages like libwww, Amaya, -and Jigsaw. Other questions about this notice can be directed to -site-policy@w3.org. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Xalan, Xerces, which may be included with this software: - -/* - * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 - * - * - * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights * reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * - * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, - * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: - * "This product includes software developed by the - * Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." - * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * - * 4. The names "Xerces" and "Apache Software Foundation" must - * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this - * software without prior written permission. For written - * permission, please contact apache@apache.org. - * - * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", - * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written - * permission of the Apache Software Foundation. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED - * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES - * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE - * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR - * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF - * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, - * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT - * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF - * SUCH DAMAGE. - * ==================================================================== * - * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many - * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and was - * originally based on software copyright (c) 1999, International - * Business Machines, Inc., http://www.ibm.com. For more - * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see - * - -%% This notice is provided with respect to JavaScript, which may be included with this software: - -AMENDMENTS -The Netscape Public License Version 1.1 ("NPL") consists of the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 with the following Amendments, including Exhibit A-Netscape Public License. Files identified with "Exhibit A-Netscape Public License" are governed by the Netscape Public License Version 1.1. -Additional Terms applicable to the Netscape Public License. -I. Effect. -These additional terms described in this Netscape Public License -- Amendments shall apply to the Mozilla Communicator client code and to all Covered Code under this License. -II. ''Netscape's Branded Code'' means Covered Code that Netscape distributes and/or permits others to distribute under one or more trademark(s) which are controlled by Netscape but which are not licensed for use under this License. -III. Netscape and logo. -This License does not grant any rights to use the trademarks "Netscape'', the "Netscape N and horizon'' logo or the "Netscape lighthouse" logo, "Netcenter", "Gecko", "Java" or "JavaScript", "Smart Browsing" even if such marks are included in the Original Code or Modifications. -IV. Inability to Comply Due to Contractual Obligation. -Prior to licensing the Original Code under this License, Netscape has licensed third party code for use in Netscape's Branded Code. To the extent that Netscape is limited contractually from making such third party code available under this License, Netscape may choose to reintegrate such code into Covered Code without being required to distribute such code in Source Code form, even if such code would otherwise be considered ''Modifications'' under this License. -V. Use of Modifications and Covered Code by Initial Developer. -V.1. In General. -The obligations of Section 3 apply to Netscape, except to the extent specified in this Amendment, Section V.2 and V.3. -V.2. Other Products. -Netscape may include Covered Code in products other than the Netscape's Branded Code which are released by Netscape during the two (2) years following the release date of the Original Code, without such additional products becoming subject to the terms of this License, and may license such additional products on different terms from those contained in this License. -V.3. Alternative Licensing. -Netscape may license the Source Code of Netscape's Branded Code, including Modifications incorporated therein, without such Netscape Branded Code becoming subject to the terms of this License, and may license such Netscape Branded Code on different terms from those contained in this License. - -VI. Litigation. -Notwithstanding the limitations of Section 11 above, the provisions regarding litigation in Section 11(a), (b) and (c) of the License shall apply to all disputes relating to this License. - -EXHIBIT A-Netscape Public License. - -''The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ -Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. -The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released March 31, 1998. -The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. -Contributor(s): ______________________________________. - -Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the _____ license (the "[___] License"), in which case the provisions of [______] License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the NPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the [___] License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the NPL or the [___] License." - -MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE -Version 1.1 - -1. Definitions. -1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the Covered Code available to a third party. -1.1. ''Contributor'' means each entity that creates or contributes to the creation of Modifications. -1.2. ''Contributor Version'' means the combination of the Original Code, prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications made by that particular Contributor. -1.3. ''Covered Code'' means the Original Code or Modifications or the combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case including portions thereof. -1.4. ''Electronic Distribution Mechanism'' means a mechanism generally accepted in the software development community for the electronic transfer of data. -1.5. ''Executable'' means Covered Code in any form other than Source Code. -1.6. ''Initial Developer'' means the individual or entity identified as the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A. -1.7. ''Larger Work'' means a work which combines Covered Code or portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License. -1.8. ''License'' means this document. -1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein. -1.9. ''Modifications'' means any addition to or deletion from the substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a Modification is: -A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file containing Original Code or previous Modifications. -B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or previous Modifications. - -1.10. ''Original Code'' means Source Code of computer software code which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this License is not already Covered Code governed by this License. -1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or hereafter acquired, including without limitation, method, process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor. -1.11. ''Source Code'' means the preferred form of the Covered Code for making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, scripts used to control compilation and installation of an Executable, or source code differential comparisons against either the Original Code or another well known, available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the appropriate decompression or de-archiving software is widely available for no charge. -1.12. "You'' (or "Your") means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1. For legal entities, "You'' includes any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this definition, "control'' means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity. -2. Source Code License. -2.1. The Initial Developer Grant. -The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property claims: -(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original Code (or portions thereof) with or without Modifications, and/or as part of a Larger Work; and -(b) under Patents Claims infringed by the making, using or selling of Original Code, to make, have made, use, practice, sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the Original Code (or portions thereof). - -(c) the licenses granted in this Section 2.1(a) and (b) are effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes Original Code under the terms of this License. -(d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted: 1) for code that You delete from the Original Code; 2) separate from the Original Code; or 3) for infringements caused by: i) the modification of the Original Code or ii) the combination of the Original Code with other software or devices. - -2.2. Contributor Grant. -Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license - -(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) Licensable by Contributor, to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications created by such Contributor (or portions thereof) either on an unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code and/or as part of a Larger Work; and -(b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or selling of Modifications made by that Contributor either alone and/or in combination with its Contributor Version (or portions of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) Modifications made by that Contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor Version (or portions of such combination). -(c) the licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are effective on the date Contributor first makes Commercial Use of the Covered Code. -(d) Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the Contributor Version; 2) separate from the Contributor Version; 3) for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of Contributor Version or ii) the combination of Modifications made by that Contributor with other software (except as part of the Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Code in the absence of Modifications made by that Contributor. - -3. Distribution Obligations. -3.1. Application of License. -The Modifications which You create or to which You contribute are governed by the terms of this License, including without limitation Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be distributed only under the terms of this License or a future version of this License released under Section 6.1, and You must include a copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code You distribute. You may not offer or impose any terms on any Source Code version that alters or restricts the applicable version of this License or the recipients' rights hereunder. However, You may include an additional document offering the additional rights described in Section 3.5. -3.2. Availability of Source Code. -Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License either on the same media as an Executable version or via an accepted Electronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made an Executable version available; and if made available via Electronic Distribution Mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12) months after the date it initially became available, or at least six (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular Modification has been made available to such recipients. You are responsible for ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the Electronic Distribution Mechanism is maintained by a third party. -3.3. Description of Modifications. -You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and the date of any change. You must include a prominent statement that the Modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from Original Code provided by the Initial Developer and including the name of the Initial Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an Executable version or related documentation in which You describe the origin or ownership of the Covered Code. -3.4. Intellectual Property Matters -(a) Third Party Claims. -If Contributor has knowledge that a license under a third party's intellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights granted by such Contributor under Sections 2.1 or 2.2, Contributor must include a text file with the Source Code distribution titled "LEGAL'' which describes the claim and the party making the claim in sufficient detail that a recipient will know whom to contact. If Contributor obtains such knowledge after the Modification is made available as described in Section 3.2, Contributor shall promptly modify the LEGAL file in all copies Contributor makes available thereafter and shall take other steps (such as notifying appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups) reasonably calculated to inform those who received the Covered Code that new knowledge has been obtained. -(b) Contributor APIs. -If Contributor's Modifications include an application programming interface and Contributor has knowledge of patent licenses which are reasonably necessary to implement that API, Contributor must also include this information in the LEGAL file. - - (c) Representations. -Contributor represents that, except as disclosed pursuant to Section 3.4(a) above, Contributor believes that Contributor's Modifications are Contributor's original creation(s) and/or Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. - -3.5. Required Notices. -You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source Code. If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source Code file due to its structure, then You must include such notice in a location (such as a relevant directory) where a user would be likely to look for such a notice. If You created one or more Modification(s) You may add your name as a Contributor to the notice described in Exhibit A. You must also duplicate this License in any documentation for the Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership rights relating to Covered Code. You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Code. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial Developer or any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear than any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is offered by You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, indemnity or liability terms You offer. -3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions. -You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the requirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been met for that Covered Code, and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of the Covered Code is available under the terms of this License, including a description of how and where You have fulfilled the obligations of Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously included in any notice in an Executable version, related documentation or collateral in which You describe recipients' rights relating to the Covered Code. You may distribute the Executable version of Covered Code or ownership rights under a license of Your choice, which may contain terms different from this License, provided that You are in compliance with the terms of this License and that the license for the Executable version does not attempt to limit or alter the recipient's rights in the Source Code version from the rights set forth in this License. If You distribute the Executable version under a different license You must make it absolutely clear that any terms which differ from this License are offered by You alone, not by the Initial Developer or any Contributor. You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of any such terms You offer. -3.7. Larger Works. -You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code. -4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation. -If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Covered Code due to statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must be included in the LEGAL file described in Section 3.4 and must be included with all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it. -5. Application of this License. -This License applies to code to which the Initial Developer has attached the notice in Exhibit A and to related Covered Code. -6. Versions of the License. -6.1. New Versions. -Netscape Communications Corporation (''Netscape'') may publish revised and/or new versions of the License from time to time. Each version will be given a distinguishing version number. -6.2. Effect of New Versions. -Once Covered Code has been published under a particular version of the License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under the terms of any subsequent version of the License published by Netscape. No one other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to Covered Code created under this License. -6.3. Derivative Works. -If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code governed by this License), You must (a) rename Your license so that the phrases ''Mozilla'', ''MOZILLAPL'', ''MOZPL'', ''Netscape'', "MPL", ''NPL'' or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your license (except to note that your license differs from this License) and (b) otherwise make it clear that Your version of the license contains terms which differ from the Mozilla Public License and Netscape Public License. (Filling in the name of the Initial Developer, Original Code or Contributor in the notice described in Exhibit A shall not of themselves be deemed to be modifications of this License.) -7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. -COVERED CODE IS PROVIDED UNDER THIS LICENSE ON AN "AS IS'' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE COVERED CODE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGING. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE COVERED CODE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY COVERED CODE PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, YOU (NOT THE INITIAL DEVELOPER OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR) ASSUME THE COST OF ANY NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS LICENSE. NO USE OF ANY COVERED CODE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER THIS DISCLAIMER. -8. TERMINATION. -8.1. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses to the Covered Code which are properly granted shall survive any termination of this License. Provisions which, by their nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License shall survive. -8.2. If You initiate litigation by asserting a patent infringement claim (excluding declatory judgment actions) against Initial Developer or a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom You file such action is referred to as "Participant") alleging that: -(a) such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then any and all rights granted by such Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License shall, upon 60 days notice from Participant terminate prospectively, unless if within 60 days after receipt of notice You either: (i) agree in writing to pay Participant a mutually agreeable reasonable royalty for Your past and future use of Modifications made by such Participant, or (ii) withdraw Your litigation claim with respect to the Contributor Version against such Participant. If within 60 days of notice, a reasonable royalty and payment arrangement are not mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties or the litigation claim is not withdrawn, the rights granted by Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 automatically terminate at the expiration of the 60 day notice period specified above. -(b) any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's Contributor Version, directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then any rights granted to You by such Participant under Sections 2.1(b) and 2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date You first made, used, sold, distributed, or had made, Modifications made by that Participant. -8.3. If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant alleging that such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of patent infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses granted by such Participant under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or license. -8.4. In the event of termination under Sections 8.1 or 8.2 above, all end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which have been validly granted by You or any distributor hereunder prior to termination shall survive termination. -9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. -UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, WHETHER TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL YOU, THE INITIAL DEVELOPER, ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR, OR ANY DISTRIBUTOR OF COVERED CODE, OR ANY SUPPLIER OF ANY OF SUCH PARTIES, BE LIABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL NOT APPLY TO LIABILITY FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY RESULTING FROM SUCH PARTY'S NEGLIGENCE TO THE EXTENT APPLICABLE LAW PROHIBITS SUCH LIMITATION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THIS EXCLUSION AND LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. -10. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. -The Covered Code is a ''commercial item,'' as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of ''commercial computer software'' and ''commercial computer software documentation,'' as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Code with only those rights set forth herein. -11. MISCELLANEOUS. -This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be governed by California law provisions (except to the extent applicable law, if any, provides otherwise), excluding its conflict-of-law provisions. With respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of, or an entity chartered or registered to do business in the United States of America, any litigation relating to this License shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern District of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County, California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this License. -12. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS. -As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly, out of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to work with Initial Developer and Contributors to distribute such responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or shall be deemed to constitute any admission of liability. -13. MULTIPLE-LICENSED CODE. -Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as "Multiple-Licensed". "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under Your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A. - -EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License. -``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ -Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF -ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and -limitations under the License. -The Original Code is ______________________________________. -The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ________________________. Portions created by -______________________ are Copyright (C) ______ _______________________. All Rights -Reserved. -Contributor(s): ______________________________________. -Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the _____ license (the "[___] License"), in which case the provisions of [______] License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the [___] License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the [___] License." -[NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differ slightly from the text of the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should use the text of this Exhibit A rather than the text found in the Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.] - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Mesa 3-D graphics library v. 5, which may be included with this software: - -Copyright (c) 2007 The Khronos Group Inc. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a -copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the -"Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including -without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to -permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to -the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials. - -THE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY -CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, -TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE -MATERIALS OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE MATERIALS. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL), which may be included with this software: - - Apache Software License - - /* -==================================================================== * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 - * - * Copyright (c) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. Allrights - * reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, withor without - * modification, are permitted provided that the followingconditions - * are met: - * - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the abovecopyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the followingdisclaimer. - * - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce theabove copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the followingdisclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials providedwith the - * distribution. - * - * 3. The end-user documentation included with theredistribution, - * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the * Apache Software Foundation -(http://www.apache.org/)." - * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in thesoftware itself, - * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgmentsnormally appear. - * - * 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation"and - * "Apache BCEL" must not be used to endorse or promoteproducts - * derived from this software without prior writtenpermission. For - * written permission, please contact apache@apache.org. * - * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called"Apache", - * "Apache BCEL", nor may "Apache" appear in their name,without - * prior written permission of the Apache SoftwareFoundation. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED - * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES - * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSEARE - * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWAREFOUNDATION OR - * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF - * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVERCAUSED AND - * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, - * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING INANY WAY OUT - * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF - * SUCH DAMAGE. - * -==================================================================== * - * This software consists of voluntary contributions madeby many - * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software -Foundation. For more - * information on the Apache Software Foundation, pleasesee - * . - */ - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Regexp, Regular Expression Package, which may be included with this software: - -The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 -Copyright (c) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights -reserved. -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - -1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - -2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -distribution. - -3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, -if any, must include the following acknowledgment: -"This product includes software developed by the -Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." -Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, -if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. - -4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" and -"Apache Turbine" must not be used to endorse or promote products -derived from this software without prior written permission. For -written permission, please contact apache@apache.org. - -5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", -"Apache Turbine", nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without -prior written permission of the Apache Software Foundation. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED -WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES -OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR -ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF -USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND -ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT -OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF -SUCH DAMAGE. - -==================================================================== -This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many -individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more -information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see - -http://www.apache.org. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to CUP Parser Generator for Java, which may be included with this software: - -CUP Parser Generator Copyright Notice, License, and Disclaimer - -Copyright 1996-1999 by Scott Hudson, Frank Flannery, C. Scott Ananian -Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided thatthe above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyrightnotice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in -supporting documentation, and that the names of the authors or their employersnot be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of -the software without specific, written prior permission. - -The authors and their employers disclaim all warranties with regard to thissoftware, including all implied warranties of merchantability and -fitness. In no event shall the authors or their employers be liable for anyspecial, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever -resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract,negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection withthe use or performance of this software. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to SAX v. 2.0.1, which may be included with this software: - -Copyright Status - - SAX is free! - - In fact, it's not possible to own a license to SAX, since it's been placed in the public - domain. - - No Warranty - - Because SAX is released to the public domain, there is no warranty for the design or for - the software implementation, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when - otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide SAX "as is" - without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the - implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as - to the quality and performance of SAX is with you. Should SAX prove defective, you - assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. - - In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright - holder, or any other party who may modify and/or redistribute SAX, be liable to you for - damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of - the use or inability to use SAX (including but not limited to loss of data or data being - rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the SAX to - operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of - the possibility of such damages. - - Copyright Disclaimers - - This page includes statements to that effect by David Megginson, who would have been - able to claim copyright for the original work. - SAX 1.0 - - Version 1.0 of the Simple API for XML (SAX), created collectively by the membership of - the XML-DEV mailing list, is hereby released into the public domain. - - No one owns SAX: you may use it freely in both commercial and non-commercial - applications, bundle it with your software distribution, include it on a CD-ROM, list the - source code in a book, mirror the documentation at your own web site, or use it in any - other way you see fit. - - David Megginson, sax@megginson.com - 1998-05-11 - - SAX 2.0 - - I hereby abandon any property rights to SAX 2.0 (the Simple API for XML), and release - all of the SAX 2.0 source code, compiled code, and documentation contained in this - distribution into the Public Domain. SAX comes with NO WARRANTY or guarantee of - fitness for any purpose. - - David Megginson, david@megginson.com - 2000-05-05 - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Cryptix, which may be included with this software: - -Cryptix General License - -Copyright © 1995-2003 The Cryptix Foundation Limited. All rights reserved. -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions aremet: - - 1.Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2.Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE CRYPTIX FOUNDATION LIMITED AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CRYPTIX FOUNDATION LIMITED OR CONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESSINTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to X Window System, which may be included with this software: - -Copyright The Open Group - -Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and itsdocumentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that theabove copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright noticeand this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in allcopies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUPBE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OFCONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. - -Portions also covered by other licenses as noted in the above URL. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Retroweaver, which may be included with this software: - -Copyright (c) February 2004, Toby Reyelts -All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - -Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -Neither the name of Toby Reyelts nor the names of his contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, -OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to stripper, which may be included with this software: - -Stripper : debug information stripper - Copyright (c) 2003 Kohsuke Kawaguchi - All rights reserved. - - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - are met: - 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its - contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. - - THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR - CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF - SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to libpng official PNG reference library, which may be included with this software: - -This copy of the libpng notices is provided for your convenience. In case ofany discrepancy between this copy and the notices in the file png.h that isincluded in the libpng distribution, the latter shall prevail. - -COPYRIGHT NOTICE, DISCLAIMER, and LICENSE: - -If you modify libpng you may insert additional notices immediately followingthis sentence. - -libpng version 1.2.6, December 3, 2004, is -Copyright (c) 2004 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and is -distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-1.2.5with the following individual added to the list of Contributing Authors - Cosmin Truta - -libpng versions 1.0.7, July 1, 2000, through 1.2.5 - October 3, 2002, areCopyright (c) 2000-2002 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and are -distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-1.0.6with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors - Simon-Pierre Cadieux - Eric S. Raymond - Gilles Vollant - -and with the following additions to the disclaimer: - - There is no warranty against interference with your enjoyment of the library or against infringement. There is no warranty that our - efforts or the library will fulfill any of your particular purposes or needs. This library is provided with all faults, and the entire risk of satisfactory quality, performance, accuracy, and effort is with the user. - -libpng versions 0.97, January 1998, through 1.0.6, March 20, 2000, areCopyright (c) 1998, 1999 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and are -distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-0.96,with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors: - Tom Lane - Glenn Randers-Pehrson - Willem van Schaik - -libpng versions 0.89, June 1996, through 0.96, May 1997, are -Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger -Distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-0.88,with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors: - John Bowler - Kevin Bracey - Sam Bushell - Magnus Holmgren - Greg Roelofs - Tom Tanner - -libpng versions 0.5, May 1995, through 0.88, January 1996, are -Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc. - -For the purposes of this copyright and license, "Contributing Authors"is defined as the following set of individuals: - - Andreas Dilger - Dave Martindale - Guy Eric Schalnat - Paul Schmidt - Tim Wegner - -The PNG Reference Library is supplied "AS IS". The Contributing Authorsand Group 42, Inc. disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, -including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and offitness for any purpose. The Contributing Authors and Group 42, Inc. -assume no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary,or consequential damages, which may result from the use of the PNG -Reference Library, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. - -Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute thissource code, or portions hereof, for any purpose, without fee, subjectto the following restrictions: - -1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented. - -2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not - be misrepresented as being the original source. - -3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any - source or altered source distribution. - -The Contributing Authors and Group 42, Inc. specifically permit, withoutfee, and encourage the use of this source code as a component to -supporting the PNG file format in commercial products. If you use thissource code in a product, acknowledgment is not required but would be -appreciated. - - -A "png_get_copyright" function is available, for convenient use in "about"boxes and the like: - - printf("%s",png_get_copyright(NULL)); - -Also, the PNG logo (in PNG format, of course) is supplied in the -files "pngbar.png" and "pngbar.jpg (88x31) and "pngnow.png" (98x31). - -Libpng is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified Open Source is acertification mark of the Open Source Initiative. - -Glenn Randers-Pehrson -glennrp at users.sourceforge.net -December 3, 2004 - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Libungif - An uncompressed GIF library, which may be included with this software: - -The GIFLIB distribution is Copyright (c) 1997 Eric S. Raymond - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copyof this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to dealin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rightsto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sellcopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included inall copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THEAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHERLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS INTHE SOFTWARE. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to XML Resolver library, Xalan J2, and StAX API, which may be included with this software: +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% This notice is provided with respect to the following which is +included with JRE 7, JDK 7, and OpenJDK 7, except where noted: + + Apache Derby [included with JDK 7 only] + Apache Jakarta BCEL 5.2 + Apache Jakarta Regexp 1.4 + Apache Santuario XMLSec-Java 1.4.2 + Apache Xalan-Java 2.7.1 + Apache Xerces2 Java 2.10.0 + Apache XML Resolver 1.1 + + +--- begin of LICENSE --- Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 @@ -782,17 +3185,26 @@ 1. Definitions. - "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. - "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. - - "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or - otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. - "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but @@ -800,25 +3212,56 @@ and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or - Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). - "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including - the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally - submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." - "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. - - 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, - publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their - Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a - cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. @@ -830,7 +3273,8 @@ (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and - (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and @@ -839,35 +3283,74 @@ the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its - distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or - documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and - wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution - notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. - - You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, - reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. - - 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. - Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. - - 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or - implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A - PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, - unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. - 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, - and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability - incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS @@ -878,7 +3361,8 @@ replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a - file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] @@ -889,728 +3373,13 @@ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. - -%% Some Portions licensed from IBM are available at: -http://www.ibm.com/software/globalization/icu/ - -%% This notice is provided with respect to ICU4J, ICU 1.8.1 and later, which may be included with this software: - -ICU License - ICU 1.8.1 and later COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE Cop -yright (c) -1995-2003 International Business Machines Corporation and others All rightsreserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaininga copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), todeal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation therights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies ofthe Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear inall copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and thispermission notice appear in supporting documentation. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED"AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOTLIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSEAND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHTHOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY C - LAIM, OR ANYSPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTINGFROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCEOR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE ORPERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of acopyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote thesale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorizationof the copyright holder. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Jing, which may be included with this software: - -Jing Copying Conditions - -Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd -All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - - * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/orother materials provided with the distribution. - * Neither the name of the Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd nor the namesof its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from thissoftware without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" ANDANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AREDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANYDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ONANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THISSOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to RELAX NG Object Model/Parser, which may be included with this software: - - -The MIT License - -Copyright (c) - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ofthis software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal inthe Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights touse, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies ofthe Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in allcopies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS ORCOPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHERIN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR INCONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to XFree86-VidMode Extension, which may be included with this software: - -Version 1.1 of XFree86 ProjectLicence. - - Copyright (C) 1994-2004 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All rights reserved. - - Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copyof this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal inthe Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights touse, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicence, and/or sell copies ofthe Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,subject to the following conditions: - - 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. - 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyrightnotice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution, and in thesame place and form as other copyright, license and disclaimer information. 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any,must include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes softwaredeveloped by The XFree86 Project, Inc (http://www.xfree86.org/) and itscontributors", in the same place and form as other third-party acknowledgments.Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, in the sameform and location as other such third-party acknowledgments. - 4. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The XFree86 Project,Inc shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use orother dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from TheXFree86 Project, Inc. - - THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86PROJECT, INC OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISINGIN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITYOF SUCH DAMAGE. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to XML Security, which may be included with this software: - - The Apache Software License, - Version 1.1 - - - PDF - - - Copyright (C) 2002 The Apache SoftwareFoundation. - All rights reserved. Redistribution anduse in - source and binary forms, with or withoutmodifica- - tion, are permitted provided that thefollowing - conditions are met: 1. Redistributions ofsource - code must retain the above copyrightnotice, this - list of conditions and the followingdisclaimer. - 2. Redistributions in binary form mustreproduce - the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimerin the - documentation and/or other materialsprovided with - the distribution. 3. The end-userdocumentation - included with the redistribution, if any,must - include the following acknowledgment:"This - product includes software developed bythe Apache - Software Foundation -(http://www.apache.org/)." - Alternately, this acknowledgment mayappear in the - software itself, if and wherever suchthird-party - acknowledgments normally appear. 4. Thenames - "Apache Forrest" and "Apache SoftwareFoundation" - must not be used to endorse or promoteproducts - derived from this software without priorwritten - permission. For written permission,please contact - apache@apache.org. 5. Products derivedfrom this - software may not be called "Apache", normay - "Apache" appear in their name, withoutprior - written permission of the Apache Software Foundation. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED``AS IS'' - AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THEIMPLIED - WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A - PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NOEVENT - SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION ORITS - CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,INDIRECT, - INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL - DAMAGES (INCLU- DING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ORSERVICES; LOSS - OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANYTHEORY OF - LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, - OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE) - ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF - SUCH DAMAGE. This software consists ofvoluntary - contributions made by many individuals onbehalf - of the Apache Software Foundation. Formore - information on the Apache SoftwareFoundation, - please see . - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Independent JPEG Group's software (libjpeg), which may be included with this software: - -In plain English: - -1. We don't promise that this software works. (But if you find any bugs, - please let us know!) -2. You can use this software for whatever you want. You don't have to pay us. -3. You may not pretend that you wrote this software. If you use it in a program, you must acknowledge somewhere in your documentation that you've used the IJG code. - -In legalese: - -The authors make NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software, its quality, accuracy, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality and accuracy. - -This software is copyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane. -All Rights Reserved except as specified below. - -Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to these conditions: - -(1) If any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this -README file must be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice unaltered; and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation. - -(2) If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state that "this software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group". - -(3) Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the authors accept NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind. - -These conditions apply to any software derived from or based on the IJG code, not just to the unmodified library. If you use our work, you ought to acknowledge us. - -Permission is NOT granted for the use of any IJG author's name or company name in advertising or publicity relating to this software or products derived from it. This software may be referred to only as "the Independent JPEG Group's software". - -We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of commercial products, provided that all warranty or liability claims are assumed by the product vendor. - -ansi2knr.c is included in this distribution by permission of L. Peter Deutsch, sole proprietor of its copyright holder, Aladdin Enterprises of Menlo Park, CA. ansi2knr.c is NOT covered by the above copyright and conditions, but instead by the usual distribution terms of the Free Software Foundation; principally, that you must include source code if you redistribute it. (See the file ansi2knr.c for full details.) However, since ansi2knr.c is not needed as part of any program generated from the IJG code, this does not limit you more than the foregoing paragraphs do. - -The Unix configuration script "configure" was produced with GNU Autoconf. It is copyright by the Free Software Foundation but is freely distributable. The same holds for its supporting scripts (config.guess, config.sub, ltconfig, ltmain.sh). Another support script, install-sh, is copyright by M.I.T. but is also freely distributable. - -It appears that the arithmetic coding option of the JPEG spec is covered by patents owned by IBM, AT&T, and Mitsubishi. Hence arithmetic coding cannot legally be used without obtaining one or more licenses. For this reason, support for arithmetic coding has been removed from the free JPEG software. (Since arithmetic coding provides only a marginal gain over the unpatented Huffman mode, it is unlikely that very many implementations will support it.) So far as we are aware, there are no patent restrictions on the remaining code. - -The IJG distribution formerly included code to read and write GIF files. To avoid entanglement with the Unisys LZW patent, GIF reading support has been removed altogether, and the GIF writer has been simplified to produce "uncompressed GIFs". This technique does not use the LZW algorithm; the resulting GIF files are larger than usual, but are readable by all standard GIF decoders. - -We are required to state that - "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of - CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of - CompuServe Incorporated." - -%% This notice is provided with respect to X Resize and Rotate (Xrandr) Extension, which may be included with this software: -2. XFree86 License - -XFree86 code without an explicit copyright is covered by the following -copyright/license: - -Copyright (C) 1994-2003 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of -the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, -subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS -FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86 -PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN -ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION -WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall not be -used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in -this Software without prior written authorization from the XFree86 Project. - -%% This notice is provided with respect to fontconfig, which may be included with this software: -Id: COPYING,v 1.3 2003/04/04 20:17:40 keithp Exp $ -Copyright 2001,2003 Keith Packard - -Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its -documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that -the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that -copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting -documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in -advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without -specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no -representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It -is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. - -KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, -INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO -EVENT SHALL KEITH PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR -CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, -DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER -TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR -PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -%% This notice is provided with respect to XFree86, which may be included with this software: -Copyright (C) 1994-2002 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -this software and associated -documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without -restriction, including without limitation -the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or -sell copies of the Software, and to -permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the -following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the -Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT -NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -PURPOSE AND -NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86 PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, -DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN -CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall not be -used in advertising or otherwise -to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior -written authorization from the XFree86 -Project. -%% This notice is provided with respect to Fast Infoset, which may be included with this software: -* Fast Infoset ver. 0.1 software ("Software") -* -* Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. -* -* Software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may -* obtain a copy of the License at: -* -* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -* -* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT -* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the -* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations. -* -* Oracle supports and benefits from the global community of open source -* developers, and thanks the community for its important contributions and -* open standards-based technology, which Oracle has adopted into many of its -* products. -* -* Please note that portions of Software may be provided with notices and -* open source licenses from such communities and third parties that govern the -* use of those portions, and any licenses granted hereunder do not alter any -* rights and obligations you may have under such open source licenses, -* however, the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provisions -* in this License will apply to all Software in this distribution. -* -* You acknowledge that the Software is not designed, licensed or intended -* for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear -* facility. -* -* Apache License -* Version 2.0, January 2004 -* http://www.apache.org/licenses/ -* -*/ -/* -* ==================================================================== -* -* This code is subject to the freebxml License, Version 1.1 -* -* Copyright (c) 2001 - 2005 freebxml.org. All rights reserved. -* -* $Header: /cvs/fi/FastInfoset/src/com/sun/xml/internal/fastinfoset/AbstractResourceBundle.java,v 1.2 -* ==================================================================== -*/ -%% This notice is provided with respect to Kerberos, which may be included with this software: - -/* - * Copyright (C) 1998 by the FundsXpress, INC. - * - * All rights reserved. - * - * Export of this software from the United States of America may require - * a specific license from the United States Government. It is the - * responsibility of any person or organization contemplating export to - * obtain such a license before exporting. - * - * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and - * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and - * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright - * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and - * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that - * the name of FundsXpress. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining - * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior - * permission. FundsXpress makes no representations about the suitability of - * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express - * or implied warranty. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR - * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED - * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - */ - -%% This notice is provided with respect to Unicode's CLDR data repository, which may be included with this software: - - Unicode Copyright - - For the general privacy policy governing access to this site, see the -Unicode Privacy Policy. For trademark usage, see the the Unicode Consortium -Trademarks and Logo Policy. - Notice to End User: Terms of Use - Carefully read the following legal agreement ("Agreement"). Use or copying -of the software and/or codes provided with this agreement (The "Software") -constitutes your acceptance of these terms - - 1. Unicode Copyright. - 1. Copyright 1991-2005 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. - 2. Certain documents and files on this website contain a legend -indicating that "Modification is permitted." Any person is hereby authorized, -without fee, to modify such documents and files to create derivative works -conforming to the Unicode Standard, subject to Terms and Conditions herein. - 3. Any person is hereby authorized, without fee, to view, use, -reproduce, and distribute all documents and files solely for informational -purposes in the creation of products supporting the Unicode Standard, subject to -the Terms and Conditions herein. - 4. Further specifications of rights and restrictions pertaining to -the use of the particular set of data files known as the "Unicode Character -Database" can be found in Exhibit 1. - 5. Further specifications of rights and restrictions pertaining to -the use of the particular set of files that constitute the online edition of The -Unicode Standard, Version 4.0, may be found in V4.0 online edition. - 6. No license is granted to "mirror" the Unicode website where a -fee is charged for access to the "mirror" site. - 7. Modification is not permitted with respect to this document. All -copies of this document must be verbatim. - 2. Restricted Rights Legend. Any technical data or software which is -licensed to the United States of America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities -under this Agreement is commercial technical data or commercial computer -software developed exclusively at private expense as defined in FAR 2.101, or -DFARS 252.227-7014 (June 1995), as applicable. For technical data, use, -duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set -forth in DFARS 202.227-7015 Technical Data, Commercial and Items (Nov 1995) and -this Agreement. For Software, in accordance with FAR 12-212 or DFARS 227-7202, -as applicable, use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to -the restrictions set forth in this Agreement. - 3. Warranties and Disclaimers. - 1. This publication and/or website may include technical or -typographical errors or other inaccuracies . Changes are periodically added to -the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of -the publication and/or website. Unicode may make improvements and/or changes in -the product(s) and/or program(s) described in this publication and/or website at -any time. - 2. If this file has been purchased on magnetic or optical media -from Unicode, Inc. the sole and exclusive remedy for any claim will be exchange -of the defective media within ninety (90) days of original purchase. - 3. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTION C.2, THIS PUBLICATION AND/OR -SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS, -IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. UNICODE -AND ITS LICENSORS ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THIS -PUBLICATION AND/OR SOFTWARE OR OTHER DOCUMENTS WHICH ARE REFERENCED BY OR LINKED -TO THIS PUBLICATION OR THE UNICODE WEBSITE. - 4. Waiver of Damages. In no event shall Unicode or its licensors be -liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any -kind, or any damages whatsoever, whether or not Unicode was advised of the -possibility of the damage, including, without limitation, those resulting from -the following: loss of use, data or profits, in connection with the use, -modification or distribution of this information or its derivatives. - 5. Trademarks. - 1. Unicode and the Unicode logo are registered trademarks of -Unicode, Inc. - 2. This site contains product names and corporate names of other -companies. All product names and company names and logos mentioned herein are -the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Other -products and corporate names mentioned herein which are trademarks of a third -party are used only for explanation and for the owners' benefit and with no -intent to infringe. - 3. Use of third party products or information referred to herein is -at the user's risk. - 6. Miscellaneous. - 1. Jurisdiction and Venue. This server is operated from a location -in the State of California, United States of America. Unicode makes no -representation that the materials are appropriate for use in other locations. If -you access this server from other locations, you are responsible for compliance -with local laws. This Agreement, all use of this site and any claims and damages -resulting from use of this site are governed solely by the laws of the State of -California without regard to any principles which would apply the laws of a -different jurisdiction. The user agrees that any disputes regarding this site -shall be resolved solely in the courts located in Santa Clara County, -California. The user agrees said courts have personal jurisdiction and agree to -waive any right to transfer the dispute to any other forum. - 2. Modification by Unicode Unicode shall have the right to modify -this Agreement at any time by posting it to this site. The user may not assign -any part of this Agreement without Unicode's prior written consent. - 3. Taxes. The user agrees to pay any taxes arising from access to -this website or use of the information herein, except for those based on -Unicode's net income. - 4. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared -invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall -remain in effect. - 5. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire -agreement between the parties. - -EXHIBIT 1 -UNICODE, INC. LICENSE AGREEMENT - DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE - - Unicode Data Files include all data files under the directories -http://www.unicode.org/Public/ and http://www.unicode.org/reports/. Unicode -Software includes any source code under the directories -http://www.unicode.org/Public/ and http://www.unicode.org/reports/. - - NOTICE TO USER: Carefully read the following legal agreement. BY -DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING UNICODE INC.'S DATA FILES -("DATA FILES"), AND/OR SOFTWARE ("SOFTWARE"), YOU UNEQUIVOCALLY ACCEPT, AND -AGREE TO BE BOUND BY, ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU -DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, COPY, DISTRIBUTE OR USE THE DATA FILES -OR SOFTWARE. - - COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE - - Copyright ?,,© 1991-2004 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. Distributed under -the Terms of Use in http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html. - - Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of the Unicode data files and associated documentation (the "Data Files") or -Unicode software and associated documentation (the "Software") to deal in the -Data Files or Software without restriction, including without limitation the -rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of -the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to whom the Data Files or -Software are furnished to do so, provided that (a) the above copyright notice(s) -and this permission notice appear with all copies of the Data Files or Software, -(b) both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -associated documentation, and (c) there is clear notice in each modified Data -File or in the Software as well as in the documentation associated with the Data -File(s) or Software that the data or software has been modified. - - THE DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY -KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD -PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS -NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL -DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, -WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE DATA FILES OR SOFTWARE. - - Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not -be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings -in these Data Files or Software without prior written authorization of the -copyright holder. - - Unicode and the Unicode logo are trademarks of Unicode, Inc., and may be -registered in some jurisdictions. All other trademarks and registered trademarks -mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. -%% This notice is provided with respect to RSA PKCS#11 Header Files & Specification, which may be included with this software: - -/* - * Copyright (C) 1998 by the FundsXpress, INC. - * - * All rights reserved. - * - * Export of this software from the United States of America may require - * a specific license from the United States Government. It is the - * responsibility of any person or organization contemplating export to - * obtain such a license before exporting. - * - * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and - * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and - * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright - * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and - * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that - * the name of FundsXpress. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining - * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior - * permission. FundsXpress makes no representations about the suitability of - * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express - * or implied warranty. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR - * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED - * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - */ - -%% This notice is provided with respect to certain files/code which may included in the implementation of AWT within the software: - -****************************************************** -BEGIN src/solaris/native/sun/awt/HPkeysym.h -Copyright 1987, 1998 The Open Group - -All Rights Reserved. - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR -OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, -ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR -OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall -not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or -other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization -from The Open Group. - -Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, - -All Rights Reserved - -Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that -both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in -supporting documentation, and that the names of Hewlett Packard -or Digital not be -used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the -software without specific, written prior permission. - -DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING -ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL -DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR -ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, -WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, -ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS -SOFTWARE. - -HEWLETT-PACKARD MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD -TO THIS SOFWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED -WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -PURPOSE. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors -contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or -consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, -performance, or use of this material. - -END src/solaris/native/sun/awt/HPkeysym.h -****************************************************** -****************************************************** -BEGIN src/solaris/native/sun/awt/Xrandr.h -/* -* $XFree86: xc/lib/Xrandr/Xrandr.h,v 1.9 2002/09/29 23:39:44 keithp Exp $ -* -* Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation, Inc. -* Copyright 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company, Inc. -* -* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its -* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that -* the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that -* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting -* documentation, and that the name of Compaq not be used in advertising or -* publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, -* written prior permission. HP makes no representations about the -* suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" -* without express or implied warranty. -* -* HP DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL -* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPAQ -* BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES -* WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION -* OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN -* CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -* -* Author: Jim Gettys, HP Labs, HP. -*/ - - -END src/solaris/native/sun/awt/Xrandr.h -****************************************************** -BEGIN src/solaris/native/sun/awt/extutil.h -/* -* $Xorg: extutil.h,v 1.3 2000/08/18 04:05:45 coskrey Exp $ -* -Copyright 1989, 1998 The Open Group - -All Rights Reserved. - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN -AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN -CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be -used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings -in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. -* -* Author: Jim Fulton, MIT The Open Group -* -* Xlib Extension-Writing Utilities -* -* This package contains utilities for writing the client API for various -* protocol extensions. THESE INTERFACES ARE NOT PART OF THE X STANDARD AND -* ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE! -*/ -/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/extutil.h,v 1.5 2001/01/17 17:53:20 dawes Exp $ */ - -END src/solaris/native/sun/awt/extutil.h -****************************************************** -BEGIN src/solaris/native/sun/awt/fontconfig.h -/* -* $RCSId: xc/lib/fontconfig/fontconfig/fontconfig.h,v 1.30 2002/09/26 00:17:27 -keithp Exp $ -* -* Copyright 2001 Keith Packard -* -* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its -* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that -* the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that -* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting -* documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in -* advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without -* specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no -* representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It -* is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. -* -* KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, -* INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO -* EVENT SHALL KEITH PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR -* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, -* DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER -* TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR -* PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - -END src/solaris/native/sun/awt/fontconfig.h -****************************************************** -BEGIN src/solaris/native/sun/awt/list.c -AND src/solaris/native/sun/awt/list.h -AND src/solaris/native/sun/awt/multiVis.c -AND src/solaris/native/sun/awt/multiVis.h -AND src/solaris/native/sun/awt/wsutils.h - -Copyright (c) 1994 Hewlett-Packard Co. -Copyright (c) 1996 X Consortium - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -distribute, sublicense, and sell copies of the Software, and to -permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR -OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, -ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR -OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall -not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or -other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization -from the X Consortium. - -END src/solaris/native/sun/awt/list.c -AND src/solaris/native/sun/awt/list.h -AND src/solaris/native/sun/awt/multiVis.c -AND src/solaris/native/sun/awt/multiVis.h -AND src/solaris/native/sun/awt/wsutils.h - -***************************************************************** -BEGIN src/solaris/native/sun/awt/randr.h - -* -* Copyright 2000, Compaq Computer Corporation, -* Copyright 2002, Hewlett Packard, Inc. -* -* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its -* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that -* the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that -* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting -* documentation, and that the name of Compaq or HP not be used in advertising -* or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, -* written prior permission. HP makes no representations about the -* suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" -* without express or implied warranty. -* -* HP DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL -* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL HP -* BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES -* WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION -* OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN -* CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -* -* Author: Jim Gettys, HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard, Inc. - -END src/solaris/native/sun/awt/randr.h -***************************************************** - -BEGIN src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/opengl/J2D_GL/glx.h -* Mesa 3-D graphics library -* Version: 4.1 -* -* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. -* -* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a -* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), -* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation -* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, -* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the -* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -* -* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -* -* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS -* OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL -* BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN -* AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN -* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -END src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/opengl/J2D_GL/glx.h + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. + +--- end of LICENSE --- + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/Bytecode.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/Bytecode.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/Bytecode.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*; +import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM; public class Bytecode { Method method; @@ -45,6 +46,23 @@ return Bits.roundTo(bci + offset, jintSize) - bci; } + public int getIndexU1() { return method.getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci() + 1) & 0xFF; } + public int getIndexU2(int bc, boolean isWide) { + if (can_use_native_byte_order(bc, isWide)) { + return method.getNativeShortArg(bci() + (isWide ? 2 : 1)) & 0xFFFF; + } + return method.getBytecodeShortArg(bci() + (isWide ? 2 : 1)) & 0xFFFF; + } + public int getIndexU4() { return method.getNativeIntArg(bci() + 1); } + public boolean hasIndexU4() { return code() == Bytecodes._invokedynamic; } + + public int getIndexU1Cpcache() { return method.getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci() + 1) & 0xFF; } + public int getIndexU2Cpcache() { return method.getNativeShortArg(bci() + 1) & 0xFFFF; } + + static boolean can_use_native_byte_order(int bc, boolean is_wide) { + return (VM.getVM().isBigEndian() || Bytecodes.native_byte_order(bc /*, is_wide*/)); + } + int javaSignedWordAt(int offset) { return method.getBytecodeIntArg(bci + offset); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeFastAAccess0.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeFastAAccess0.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2002, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. - * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. - * - * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as - * published by the Free Software Foundation. - * - * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License - * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that - * accompanied this code). - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version - * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, - * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - * - * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA - * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any - * questions. - * - */ - -package sun.jvm.hotspot.interpreter; - -import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*; -import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*; - -public class BytecodeFastAAccess0 extends BytecodeGetPut { - BytecodeFastAAccess0(Method method, int bci) { - super(method, bci); - } - - public int index() { - return (int) (0xFF & javaShortAt(2)); - } - - public boolean isStatic() { - return false; - } - - public void verify() { - if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { - Assert.that(isValid(), "check fast_aaccess_0"); - } - } - - public boolean isValid() { - return code() == Bytecodes._fast_aaccess_0; - } - - public static BytecodeFastAAccess0 at(Method method, int bci) { - BytecodeFastAAccess0 b = new BytecodeFastAAccess0(method, bci); - if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { - b.verify(); - } - return b; - } - - /** Like at, but returns null if the BCI is not at fast_aaccess_0 */ - public static BytecodeFastAAccess0 atCheck(Method method, int bci) { - BytecodeFastAAccess0 b = new BytecodeFastAAccess0(method, bci); - return (b.isValid() ? b : null); - } - - public static BytecodeFastAAccess0 at(BytecodeStream bcs) { - return new BytecodeFastAAccess0(bcs.method(), bcs.bci()); - } - - public String toString() { - StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); - buf.append("aload_0"); - buf.append(spaces); - buf.append(super.toString()); - return buf.toString(); - } -} diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeFastIAccess0.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeFastIAccess0.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2002, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. - * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. - * - * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as - * published by the Free Software Foundation. - * - * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License - * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that - * accompanied this code). - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version - * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, - * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - * - * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA - * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any - * questions. - * - */ - -package sun.jvm.hotspot.interpreter; - -import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*; -import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*; - -public class BytecodeFastIAccess0 extends BytecodeGetPut { - BytecodeFastIAccess0(Method method, int bci) { - super(method, bci); - } - - public int index() { - return (int) (0xFF & javaShortAt(2)); - } - - public boolean isStatic() { - return false; - } - - public void verify() { - if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { - Assert.that(isValid(), "check fast_iaccess_0"); - } - } - - public boolean isValid() { - return code() == Bytecodes._fast_iaccess_0; - } - - public static BytecodeFastIAccess0 at(Method method, int bci) { - BytecodeFastIAccess0 b = new BytecodeFastIAccess0(method, bci); - if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { - b.verify(); - } - return b; - } - - /** Like at, but returns null if the BCI is not at fast_iaccess_0 */ - public static BytecodeFastIAccess0 atCheck(Method method, int bci) { - BytecodeFastIAccess0 b = new BytecodeFastIAccess0(method, bci); - return (b.isValid() ? b : null); - } - - public static BytecodeFastIAccess0 at(BytecodeStream bcs) { - return new BytecodeFastIAccess0(bcs.method(), bcs.bci()); - } - - public String toString() { - StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); - buf.append("aload_0"); - buf.append(spaces); - buf.append(super.toString()); - return buf.toString(); - } -} diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeLoadConstant.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeLoadConstant.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeLoadConstant.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -28,29 +28,25 @@ import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*; -public class BytecodeLoadConstant extends BytecodeWithCPIndex { +public class BytecodeLoadConstant extends Bytecode { BytecodeLoadConstant(Method method, int bci) { super(method, bci); } public boolean hasCacheIndex() { // normal ldc uses CP index, but fast_aldc uses swapped CP cache index - return javaCode() != code(); + return code() >= Bytecodes.number_of_java_codes; } - public int index() { - int i = javaCode() == Bytecodes._ldc ? - (int) (0xFF & javaByteAt(1)) - : (int) (0xFFFF & javaShortAt(1)); - if (hasCacheIndex()) { - return (0xFFFF & VM.getVM().getBytes().swapShort((short) i)); - } else { - return i; - } + int rawIndex() { + if (javaCode() == Bytecodes._ldc) + return getIndexU1(); + else + return getIndexU2(code(), false); } public int poolIndex() { - int i = index(); + int i = rawIndex(); if (hasCacheIndex()) { ConstantPoolCache cpCache = method().getConstants().getCache(); return cpCache.getEntryAt(i).getConstantPoolIndex(); @@ -61,12 +57,18 @@ public int cacheIndex() { if (hasCacheIndex()) { - return index(); + return rawIndex(); } else { return -1; // no cache index } } + public BasicType resultType() { + int index = poolIndex(); + ConstantTag tag = method().getConstants().getTagAt(index); + return tag.basicType(); + } + private Oop getCachedConstant() { int i = cacheIndex(); if (i >= 0) { @@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ jcode == Bytecodes._ldc2_w; if (! codeOk) return false; - ConstantTag ctag = method().getConstants().getTagAt(index()); + ConstantTag ctag = method().getConstants().getTagAt(rawIndex()); if (jcode == Bytecodes._ldc2_w) { // has to be double or long return (ctag.isDouble() || ctag.isLong()) ? true: false; @@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ return false; } - ConstantTag ctag = method().getConstants().getTagAt(index()); + ConstantTag ctag = method().getConstants().getTagAt(poolIndex()); return ctag.isKlass() || ctag.isUnresolvedKlass(); } @@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ // We just look at the object at the corresponding index and // decide based on the oop type. ConstantPool cpool = method().getConstants(); - int cpIndex = index(); + int cpIndex = poolIndex(); ConstantPool.CPSlot oop = cpool.getSlotAt(cpIndex); if (oop.isOop()) { return (Klass) oop.getOop(); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeStream.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeStream.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeStream.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -130,7 +130,13 @@ public int getIndex() { return (isWide()) ? (_method.getBytecodeShortArg(bci() + 2) & 0xFFFF) : (_method.getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci() + 1) & 0xFF); } - public int getIndexBig() { return _method.getBytecodeShortArg(bci() + 1); } + public int getIndexU1() { return _method.getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci() + 1) & 0xFF; } + public int getIndexU2() { return _method.getBytecodeShortArg(bci() + 1) & 0xFFFF; } + public int getIndexU4() { return _method.getNativeIntArg(bci() + 1); } + public boolean hasIndexU4() { return code() == Bytecodes._invokedynamic; } + + public int getIndexU1Cpcache() { return _method.getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci() + 1) & 0xFF; } + public int getIndexU2Cpcache() { return _method.getNativeShortArg(bci() + 1) & 0xFFFF; } // Fetch at absolute BCI (for manual parsing of certain bytecodes) public int codeAt(int bci) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeWideable.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeWideable.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeWideable.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ // the local variable index public int getLocalVarIndex() { - return (isWide()) ? (int) (0xFFFF & javaShortAt(1)) - : (int) (0xFF & javaByteAt(1)); + return (isWide()) ? getIndexU2(code(), true) : getIndexU1(); } } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeWithCPIndex.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeWithCPIndex.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/BytecodeWithCPIndex.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ } // the constant pool index for this bytecode - public int index() { return 0xFFFF & javaShortAt(1); } + public int index() { return getIndexU2(code(), false); } public int getSecondaryIndex() { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must be invokedynamic"); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/Bytecodes.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/Bytecodes.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/Bytecodes.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -276,6 +276,34 @@ public static final int number_of_codes = 233; + // Flag bits derived from format strings, can_trap, can_rewrite, etc.: + // semantic flags: + static final int _bc_can_trap = 1<<0; // bytecode execution can trap or block + static final int _bc_can_rewrite = 1<<1; // bytecode execution has an alternate form + + // format bits (determined only by the format string): + static final int _fmt_has_c = 1<<2; // constant, such as sipush "bcc" + static final int _fmt_has_j = 1<<3; // constant pool cache index, such as getfield "bjj" + static final int _fmt_has_k = 1<<4; // constant pool index, such as ldc "bk" + static final int _fmt_has_i = 1<<5; // local index, such as iload + static final int _fmt_has_o = 1<<6; // offset, such as ifeq + static final int _fmt_has_nbo = 1<<7; // contains native-order field(s) + static final int _fmt_has_u2 = 1<<8; // contains double-byte field(s) + static final int _fmt_has_u4 = 1<<9; // contains quad-byte field + static final int _fmt_not_variable = 1<<10; // not of variable length (simple or wide) + static final int _fmt_not_simple = 1<<11; // either wide or variable length + static final int _all_fmt_bits = (_fmt_not_simple*2 - _fmt_has_c); + + // Example derived format syndromes: + static final int _fmt_b = _fmt_not_variable; + static final int _fmt_bc = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_c; + static final int _fmt_bi = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_i; + static final int _fmt_bkk = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_k | _fmt_has_u2; + static final int _fmt_bJJ = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_j | _fmt_has_u2 | _fmt_has_nbo; + static final int _fmt_bo2 = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_o | _fmt_has_u2; + static final int _fmt_bo4 = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_o | _fmt_has_u4; + + public static int specialLengthAt(Method method, int bci) { int code = codeAt(method, bci); switch (code) { @@ -337,18 +365,20 @@ // static Code non_breakpoint_code_at(address bcp, methodOop method = null); // Bytecode attributes - public static boolean isDefined (int code) { return 0 <= code && code < number_of_codes && _format[code] != null; } - public static boolean wideIsDefined(int code) { return isDefined(code) && _wide_format[code] != null; } + public static boolean isDefined (int code) { return 0 <= code && code < number_of_codes && flags(code, false) != 0; } + public static boolean wideIsDefined(int code) { return isDefined(code) && flags(code, true) != 0; } public static String name (int code) { check(code); return _name [code]; } public static String format (int code) { check(code); return _format [code]; } public static String wideFormat (int code) { wideCheck(code); return _wide_format [code]; } public static int resultType (int code) { check(code); return _result_type [code]; } public static int depth (int code) { check(code); return _depth [code]; } - public static int lengthFor (int code) { check(code); return _length [code]; } - public static boolean canTrap (int code) { check(code); return _can_trap [code]; } + public static int lengthFor (int code) { check(code); return _lengths [code] & 0xF; } + public static int wideLengthFor(int code) { check(code); return _lengths [code] >> 4; } + public static boolean canTrap (int code) { check(code); return has_all_flags(code, _bc_can_trap, false); } public static int javaCode (int code) { check(code); return _java_code [code]; } - public static boolean canRewrite (int code) { check(code); return _can_rewrite [code]; } - public static int wideLengthFor(int code) { wideCheck(code); return wideFormat(code).length(); } + public static boolean canRewrite (int code) { check(code); return has_all_flags(code, _bc_can_rewrite, false); } + public static boolean native_byte_order(int code) { check(code); return has_all_flags(code, _fmt_has_nbo, false); } + public static boolean uses_cp_cache (int code) { check(code); return has_all_flags(code, _fmt_has_j, false); } public static int lengthAt (Method method, int bci) { int l = lengthFor(codeAt(method, bci)); return l > 0 ? l : specialLengthAt(method, bci); } public static int javaLengthAt (Method method, int bci) { int l = lengthFor(javaCode(codeAt(method, bci))); return l > 0 ? l : specialLengthAt(method, bci); } public static boolean isJavaCode (int code) { return 0 <= code && code < number_of_java_codes; } @@ -362,6 +392,92 @@ public static boolean isZeroConst (int code) { return (code == _aconst_null || code == _iconst_0 || code == _fconst_0 || code == _dconst_0); } + static int flags (int code, boolean is_wide) { + assert code == (code & 0xff) : "must be a byte"; + return _flags[code + (is_wide ? 256 : 0)]; + } + static int format_bits (int code, boolean is_wide) { return flags(code, is_wide) & _all_fmt_bits; } + static boolean has_all_flags (int code, int test_flags, boolean is_wide) { + return (flags(code, is_wide) & test_flags) == test_flags; + } + + static char compute_flags(String format) { + return compute_flags(format, 0); + } + static char compute_flags(String format, int more_flags) { + if (format == null) return 0; // not even more_flags + int flags = more_flags; + int fp = 0; + if (format.length() == 0) { + flags |= _fmt_not_simple; // but variable + } else { + switch (format.charAt(fp)) { + case 'b': + flags |= _fmt_not_variable; // but simple + ++fp; // skip 'b' + break; + case 'w': + flags |= _fmt_not_variable | _fmt_not_simple; + ++fp; // skip 'w' + assert(format.charAt(fp) == 'b') : "wide format must start with 'wb'"; + ++fp; // skip 'b' + break; + } + } + + boolean has_nbo = false, has_jbo = false; + int has_size = 0; + while (fp < format.length()) { + int this_flag = 0; + char fc = format.charAt(fp++); + switch (fc) { + case '_': continue; // ignore these + + case 'j': this_flag = _fmt_has_j; has_jbo = true; break; + case 'k': this_flag = _fmt_has_k; has_jbo = true; break; + case 'i': this_flag = _fmt_has_i; has_jbo = true; break; + case 'c': this_flag = _fmt_has_c; has_jbo = true; break; + case 'o': this_flag = _fmt_has_o; has_jbo = true; break; + + // uppercase versions mark native byte order (from Rewriter) + // actually, only the 'J' case happens currently + case 'J': this_flag = _fmt_has_j; has_nbo = true; break; + case 'K': this_flag = _fmt_has_k; has_nbo = true; break; + case 'I': this_flag = _fmt_has_i; has_nbo = true; break; + case 'C': this_flag = _fmt_has_c; has_nbo = true; break; + case 'O': this_flag = _fmt_has_o; has_nbo = true; break; + default: assert false : "bad char in format"; + } + + flags |= this_flag; + + assert !(has_jbo && has_nbo) : "mixed byte orders in format"; + if (has_nbo) + flags |= _fmt_has_nbo; + + int this_size = 1; + if (fp < format.length() && format.charAt(fp) == fc) { + // advance beyond run of the same characters + this_size = 2; + while (fp + 1 < format.length() && format.charAt(++fp) == fc) this_size++; + switch (this_size) { + case 2: flags |= _fmt_has_u2; break; + case 4: flags |= _fmt_has_u4; break; + default: assert false : "bad rep count in format"; + } + } + assert has_size == 0 || // no field yet + this_size == has_size || // same size + this_size < has_size && fp == format.length() : // last field can be short + "mixed field sizes in format"; + has_size = this_size; + } + + assert flags == (char)flags : "change _format_flags"; + return (char)flags; + } + + //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internals only below this point // @@ -371,10 +487,9 @@ private static String[] _wide_format; private static int[] _result_type; private static byte[] _depth; - private static byte[] _length; - private static boolean[] _can_trap; + private static byte[] _lengths; private static int[] _java_code; - private static boolean[] _can_rewrite; + private static char[] _flags; static { _name = new String [number_of_codes]; @@ -382,10 +497,9 @@ _wide_format = new String [number_of_codes]; _result_type = new int [number_of_codes]; // See BasicType.java _depth = new byte [number_of_codes]; - _length = new byte [number_of_codes]; - _can_trap = new boolean[number_of_codes]; + _lengths = new byte [number_of_codes]; _java_code = new int [number_of_codes]; - _can_rewrite = new boolean[number_of_codes]; + _flags = new char[256 * 2]; // all second page for wide formats // In case we want to fetch this information from the VM in the // future @@ -712,18 +826,19 @@ if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(wide_format == null || format != null, "short form must exist if there's a wide form"); } + int len = (format != null ? format.length() : 0); + int wlen = (wide_format != null ? wide_format.length() : 0); _name [code] = name; - _format [code] = format; - _wide_format [code] = wide_format; _result_type [code] = result_type; _depth [code] = (byte) depth; - _can_trap [code] = can_trap; - _length [code] = (byte) (format != null ? format.length() : 0); + _lengths [code] = (byte)((wlen << 4) | (len & 0xF)); _java_code [code] = java_code; - if (java_code != code) { - _can_rewrite[java_code] = true; - } else { - _can_rewrite[java_code] = false; - } + _format [code] = format; + _wide_format [code] = wide_format; + int bc_flags = 0; + if (can_trap) bc_flags |= _bc_can_trap; + if (java_code != code) bc_flags |= _bc_can_rewrite; + _flags[code+0*256] = compute_flags(format, bc_flags); + _flags[code+1*256] = compute_flags(wide_format, bc_flags); } } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ConstMethod.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ConstMethod.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ConstMethod.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -164,6 +164,18 @@ return (short) ((hi << 8) | lo); } + /** Fetches a 16-bit native ordered value from the + bytecode stream */ + public short getNativeShortArg(int bci) { + int hi = getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci); + int lo = getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci + 1); + if (VM.getVM().isBigEndian()) { + return (short) ((hi << 8) | lo); + } else { + return (short) ((lo << 8) | hi); + } + } + /** Fetches a 32-bit big-endian ("Java ordered") value from the bytecode stream */ public int getBytecodeIntArg(int bci) { @@ -175,6 +187,21 @@ return (b4 << 24) | (b3 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b1; } + /** Fetches a 32-bit native ordered value from the + bytecode stream */ + public int getNativeIntArg(int bci) { + int b4 = getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci); + int b3 = getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci + 1); + int b2 = getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci + 2); + int b1 = getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci + 3); + + if (VM.getVM().isBigEndian()) { + return (b4 << 24) | (b3 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b1; + } else { + return (b1 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b3 << 8) | b4; + } + } + public byte[] getByteCode() { byte[] bc = new byte[ (int) getCodeSize() ]; for( int i=0; i < bc.length; i++ ) diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ConstantPool.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ConstantPool.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ConstantPool.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -212,13 +212,60 @@ } public Symbol getNameRefAt(int which) { - int nameIndex = getNameAndTypeAt(getNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(which))[0]; - return getSymbolAt(nameIndex); + return implGetNameRefAt(which, false); + } + + private Symbol implGetNameRefAt(int which, boolean uncached) { + int signatureIndex = getNameRefIndexAt(implNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(which, uncached)); + return getSymbolAt(signatureIndex); } public Symbol getSignatureRefAt(int which) { - int sigIndex = getNameAndTypeAt(getNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(which))[1]; - return getSymbolAt(sigIndex); + return implGetSignatureRefAt(which, false); + } + + private Symbol implGetSignatureRefAt(int which, boolean uncached) { + int signatureIndex = getSignatureRefIndexAt(implNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(which, uncached)); + return getSymbolAt(signatureIndex); + } + + + private int implNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(int which, boolean uncached) { + int i = which; + if (!uncached && getCache() != null) { + if (ConstantPoolCache.isSecondaryIndex(which)) { + // Invokedynamic index. + int pool_index = getCache().getMainEntryAt(which).getConstantPoolIndex(); + pool_index = invokeDynamicNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(pool_index); + // assert(tagAt(pool_index).isNameAndType(), ""); + return pool_index; + } + // change byte-ordering and go via cache + i = remapInstructionOperandFromCache(which); + } else { + if (getTagAt(which).isInvokeDynamic()) { + int pool_index = invokeDynamicNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(which); + // assert(tag_at(pool_index).is_name_and_type(), ""); + return pool_index; + } + } + // assert(tag_at(i).is_field_or_method(), "Corrupted constant pool"); + // assert(!tag_at(i).is_invoke_dynamic(), "Must be handled above"); + int ref_index = getIntAt(i); + return extractHighShortFromInt(ref_index); + } + + private int remapInstructionOperandFromCache(int operand) { + int cpc_index = operand; + // DEBUG_ONLY(cpc_index -= CPCACHE_INDEX_TAG); + // assert((int)(u2)cpc_index == cpc_index, "clean u2"); + int member_index = getCache().getEntryAt(cpc_index).getConstantPoolIndex(); + return member_index; + } + + int invokeDynamicNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(int which) { + // assert(tag_at(which).is_invoke_dynamic(), "Corrupted constant pool"); + return extractHighShortFromInt(getIntAt(which)); } // returns null, if not resolved. @@ -253,15 +300,7 @@ } public int getNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(int index) { - int refIndex = getFieldOrMethodAt(index); - if (DEBUG) { - System.err.println("ConstantPool.getNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(" + index + "): refIndex = " + refIndex); - } - int i = extractHighShortFromInt(refIndex); - if (DEBUG) { - System.err.println("ConstantPool.getNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(" + index + "): result = " + i); - } - return i; + return implNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(index, false); } /** Lookup for entries consisting of (name_index, signature_index) */ diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ConstantPoolCache.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ConstantPoolCache.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ConstantPoolCache.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -72,9 +72,7 @@ } public ConstantPoolCacheEntry getEntryAt(int i) { - if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { - Assert.that(0 <= i && i < getLength(), "index out of bounds"); - } + if (i < 0 || i >= getLength()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(i + " " + getLength()); return new ConstantPoolCacheEntry(this, i); } @@ -84,21 +82,27 @@ // secondary entries hold invokedynamic call site bindings public ConstantPoolCacheEntry getSecondaryEntryAt(int i) { - ConstantPoolCacheEntry e = new ConstantPoolCacheEntry(this, decodeSecondaryIndex(i)); + int rawIndex = i; + if (isSecondaryIndex(i)) { + rawIndex = decodeSecondaryIndex(i); + } + ConstantPoolCacheEntry e = getEntryAt(rawIndex); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { - Assert.that(e.isSecondaryEntry(), "must be a secondary entry"); + Assert.that(e.isSecondaryEntry(), "must be a secondary entry:" + rawIndex); } return e; } public ConstantPoolCacheEntry getMainEntryAt(int i) { + int primaryIndex = i; if (isSecondaryIndex(i)) { // run through an extra level of indirection: - i = getSecondaryEntryAt(i).getMainEntryIndex(); + int rawIndex = decodeSecondaryIndex(i); + primaryIndex = getEntryAt(rawIndex).getMainEntryIndex(); } - ConstantPoolCacheEntry e = new ConstantPoolCacheEntry(this, i); + ConstantPoolCacheEntry e = getEntryAt(primaryIndex); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { - Assert.that(!e.isSecondaryEntry(), "must not be a secondary entry"); + Assert.that(!e.isSecondaryEntry(), "must not be a secondary entry:" + primaryIndex); } return e; } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/GenerateOopMap.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/GenerateOopMap.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/GenerateOopMap.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -569,10 +569,10 @@ case Bytecodes._invokedynamic: // FIXME: print signature of referenced method (need more // accessors in ConstantPool and ConstantPoolCache) - int idx = currentBC.getIndexBig(); + int idx = currentBC.hasIndexU4() ? currentBC.getIndexU4() : currentBC.getIndexU2(); tty.print(" idx " + idx); /* - int idx = currentBC.getIndexBig(); + int idx = currentBC.getIndexU2(); ConstantPool cp = method().getConstants(); int nameAndTypeIdx = cp.name_and_type_ref_index_at(idx); int signatureIdx = cp.signature_ref_index_at(nameAndTypeIdx); @@ -609,10 +609,10 @@ case Bytecodes._invokedynamic: // FIXME: print signature of referenced method (need more // accessors in ConstantPool and ConstantPoolCache) - int idx = currentBC.getIndexBig(); + int idx = currentBC.hasIndexU4() ? currentBC.getIndexU4() : currentBC.getIndexU2(); tty.print(" idx " + idx); /* - int idx = currentBC.getIndexBig(); + int idx = currentBC.getIndexU2(); constantPoolOop cp = method().constants(); int nameAndTypeIdx = cp.name_and_type_ref_index_at(idx); int signatureIdx = cp.signature_ref_index_at(nameAndTypeIdx); @@ -1118,7 +1118,8 @@ current instruction, starting in the current state. */ void interp1 (BytecodeStream itr) { if (DEBUG) { - System.err.println(" - bci " + itr.bci()); + System.err.println(" - bci " + itr.bci() + " " + itr.code()); + printCurrentState(System.err, itr, false); } // if (TraceNewOopMapGeneration) { @@ -1179,8 +1180,8 @@ case Bytecodes._ldc2_w: ppush(vvCTS); break; - case Bytecodes._ldc: doLdc(itr.getIndex(), itr.bci()); break; - case Bytecodes._ldc_w: doLdc(itr.getIndexBig(), itr.bci());break; + case Bytecodes._ldc: doLdc(itr.bci()); break; + case Bytecodes._ldc_w: doLdc(itr.bci()); break; case Bytecodes._iload: case Bytecodes._fload: ppload(vCTS, itr.getIndex()); break; @@ -1372,18 +1373,16 @@ case Bytecodes._jsr: doJsr(itr.dest()); break; case Bytecodes._jsr_w: doJsr(itr.dest_w()); break; - case Bytecodes._getstatic: doField(true, true, - itr.getIndexBig(), - itr.bci()); break; - case Bytecodes._putstatic: doField(false, true, itr.getIndexBig(), itr.bci()); break; - case Bytecodes._getfield: doField(true, false, itr.getIndexBig(), itr.bci()); break; - case Bytecodes._putfield: doField(false, false, itr.getIndexBig(), itr.bci()); break; + case Bytecodes._getstatic: doField(true, true, itr.getIndexU2Cpcache(), itr.bci()); break; + case Bytecodes._putstatic: doField(false, true, itr.getIndexU2Cpcache(), itr.bci()); break; + case Bytecodes._getfield: doField(true, false, itr.getIndexU2Cpcache(), itr.bci()); break; + case Bytecodes._putfield: doField(false, false, itr.getIndexU2Cpcache(), itr.bci()); break; case Bytecodes._invokevirtual: - case Bytecodes._invokespecial: doMethod(false, false, itr.getIndexBig(), itr.bci()); break; - case Bytecodes._invokestatic: doMethod(true, false, itr.getIndexBig(), itr.bci()); break; - case Bytecodes._invokedynamic: doMethod(false, true, itr.getIndexBig(), itr.bci()); break; - case Bytecodes._invokeinterface: doMethod(false, true, itr.getIndexBig(), itr.bci()); break; + case Bytecodes._invokespecial: doMethod(false, false, itr.getIndexU2Cpcache(), itr.bci()); break; + case Bytecodes._invokestatic: doMethod(true, false, itr.getIndexU2Cpcache(), itr.bci()); break; + case Bytecodes._invokedynamic: doMethod(true, false, itr.getIndexU4(), itr.bci()); break; + case Bytecodes._invokeinterface: doMethod(false, true, itr.getIndexU2Cpcache(), itr.bci()); break; case Bytecodes._newarray: case Bytecodes._anewarray: ppNewRef(vCTS, itr.bci()); break; case Bytecodes._checkcast: doCheckcast(); break; @@ -1665,13 +1664,11 @@ } } - void doLdc (int idx, int bci) { + void doLdc (int bci) { + BytecodeLoadConstant ldc = BytecodeLoadConstant.at(_method, bci); ConstantPool cp = method().getConstants(); - ConstantTag tag = cp.getTagAt(idx); - CellTypeState cts = (tag.isString() || tag.isUnresolvedString() || - tag.isKlass() || tag.isUnresolvedKlass()) - ? CellTypeState.makeLineRef(bci) - : valCTS; + BasicType bt = ldc.resultType(); + CellTypeState cts = (bt == BasicType.T_OBJECT) ? CellTypeState.makeLineRef(bci) : valCTS; ppush1(cts); } @@ -1729,15 +1726,7 @@ void doMethod (boolean is_static, boolean is_interface, int idx, int bci) { // Dig up signature for field in constant pool ConstantPool cp = _method.getConstants(); - int nameAndTypeIdx = cp.getTagAt(idx).isNameAndType() ? idx : cp.getNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(idx); - int signatureIdx = cp.getSignatureRefIndexAt(nameAndTypeIdx); - Symbol signature = cp.getSymbolAt(signatureIdx); - - if (DEBUG) { - System.err.println("doMethod: signature = " + signature.asString() + ", idx = " + idx + - ", nameAndTypeIdx = " + nameAndTypeIdx + ", signatureIdx = " + signatureIdx + - ", bci = " + bci); - } + Symbol signature = cp.getSignatureRefAt(idx); // Parse method signature CellTypeStateList out = new CellTypeStateList(4); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Method.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Method.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Method.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -180,12 +180,24 @@ return getConstMethod().getBytecodeShortArg(bci); } + /** Fetches a 16-bit native ordered value from the + bytecode stream */ + public short getNativeShortArg(int bci) { + return getConstMethod().getNativeShortArg(bci); + } + /** Fetches a 32-bit big-endian ("Java ordered") value from the bytecode stream */ public int getBytecodeIntArg(int bci) { return getConstMethod().getBytecodeIntArg(bci); } + /** Fetches a 32-bit native ordered value from the + bytecode stream */ + public int getNativeIntArg(int bci) { + return getConstMethod().getNativeIntArg(bci); + } + public byte[] getByteCode() { return getConstMethod().getByteCode(); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/TypeArray.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/TypeArray.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/oops/TypeArray.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ public boolean isTypeArray() { return true; } public byte getByteAt(long index) { + if (index < 0 || index >= getLength()) { + throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index + " " + getLength()); + } long offset = baseOffsetInBytes(BasicType.T_BYTE) + index * getHeap().getByteSize(); return getHandle().getJByteAt(offset); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/runtime/ServiceThread.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/runtime/ServiceThread.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/runtime/ServiceThread.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2003, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ConstantTag.java --- a/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ConstantTag.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ConstantTag.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -24,31 +24,33 @@ package sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities; +import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.BasicType; + public class ConstantTag { // These replicated from the VM to save space - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8 = 1; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Unicode = 2; // unused - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Integer = 3; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Float = 4; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Long = 5; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Double = 6; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Class = 7; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_String = 8; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref = 9; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref = 10; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = 11; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType = 12; - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle = 15; // JSR 292 - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType = 16; // JSR 292 - // static int JVM_CONSTANT_(unused) = 17; // JSR 292 early drafts only - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic = 18; // JSR 292 - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid = 0; // For bad value initialization - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass = 100; // Temporary tag until actual use - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_ClassIndex = 101; // Temporary tag while constructing constant pool - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString = 102; // Temporary tag until actual use - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_StringIndex = 103; // Temporary tag while constructing constant pool - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError = 104; // Resolution failed - private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Object = 105; // Required for BoundMethodHandle arguments. + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8 = 1; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Unicode = 2; // unused + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Integer = 3; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Float = 4; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Long = 5; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Double = 6; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Class = 7; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_String = 8; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref = 9; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref = 10; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = 11; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType = 12; + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle = 15; // JSR 292 + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType = 16; // JSR 292 + // static final int JVM_CONSTANT_(unused) = 17; // JSR 292 early drafts only + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic = 18; // JSR 292 + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid = 0; // For bad value initialization + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass = 100; // Temporary tag until actual use + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_ClassIndex = 101; // Temporary tag while constructing constant pool + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString = 102; // Temporary tag until actual use + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_StringIndex = 103; // Temporary tag while constructing constant pool + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError = 104; // Resolution failed + private static final int JVM_CONSTANT_Object = 105; // Required for BoundMethodHandle arguments. // JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle subtypes //FIXME: connect these to data structure private static int JVM_REF_getField = 1; @@ -99,4 +101,31 @@ public boolean isKlassReference() { return isKlassIndex() || isUnresolvedKlass(); } public boolean isFieldOrMethod() { return isField() || isMethod() || isInterfaceMethod(); } public boolean isSymbol() { return isUtf8(); } + + public BasicType basicType() { + switch (tag) { + case JVM_CONSTANT_Integer : + return BasicType.T_INT; + case JVM_CONSTANT_Float : + return BasicType.T_FLOAT; + case JVM_CONSTANT_Long : + return BasicType.T_LONG; + case JVM_CONSTANT_Double : + return BasicType.T_DOUBLE; + + case JVM_CONSTANT_Class : + case JVM_CONSTANT_String : + case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass : + case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError : + case JVM_CONSTANT_ClassIndex : + case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString : + case JVM_CONSTANT_StringIndex : + case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle : + case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType : + case JVM_CONSTANT_Object : + return BasicType.T_OBJECT; + default: + throw new InternalError("unexpected tag: " + tag); + } + } } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/hotspot_version --- a/make/hotspot_version Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/hotspot_version Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ HS_MAJOR_VER=22 HS_MINOR_VER=0 -HS_BUILD_NUMBER=01 +HS_BUILD_NUMBER=03 JDK_MAJOR_VER=1 JDK_MINOR_VER=8 diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/jprt.gmk --- a/make/jprt.gmk Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/jprt.gmk Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ endif jprt_build_productEmb: - $(MAKE) JAVASE_EMBEDDED=true jprt_build_product + $(MAKE) JAVASE_EMBEDDED=true MINIMIZE_RAM_USAGE=true jprt_build_product jprt_build_debugEmb: - $(MAKE) JAVASE_EMBEDDED=true jprt_build_debug + $(MAKE) JAVASE_EMBEDDED=true MINIMIZE_RAM_USAGE=true jprt_build_debug jprt_build_fastdebugEmb: - $(MAKE) JAVASE_EMBEDDED=true jprt_build_fastdebug + $(MAKE) JAVASE_EMBEDDED=true MINIMIZE_RAM_USAGE=true jprt_build_fastdebug jprt_build_productOpen: $(MAKE) OPENJDK=true jprt_build_product diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/linux/Makefile --- a/make/linux/Makefile Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/linux/Makefile Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ # Solaris 2.5.1, 2.6). # Disable this check by setting DISABLE_HOTSPOT_OS_VERSION_CHECK=ok. -SUPPORTED_OS_VERSION = 2.4% 2.5% 2.6% 2.7% +SUPPORTED_OS_VERSION = 2.4% 2.5% 2.6% 3% OS_VERSION := $(shell uname -r) EMPTY_IF_NOT_SUPPORTED = $(filter $(SUPPORTED_OS_VERSION),$(OS_VERSION)) diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/linux/README --- a/make/linux/README Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/linux/README Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Copyright (c) 2007 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/linux/makefiles/defs.make --- a/make/linux/makefiles/defs.make Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/linux/makefiles/defs.make Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ # client and server subdirectories have symbolic links to ../libjsig.so EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/libjsig.so EXPORT_SERVER_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/server +EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/client ifndef BUILD_CLIENT_ONLY EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_SERVER_DIR)/Xusage.txt @@ -132,7 +133,6 @@ ifneq ($(ZERO_BUILD), true) ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) - EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/client EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR)/Xusage.txt EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR)/libjvm.so endif diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/solaris/makefiles/defs.make --- a/make/solaris/makefiles/defs.make Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/solaris/makefiles/defs.make Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/libjsig.so EXPORT_SERVER_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/server +EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/client + ifneq ($(BUILD_CLIENT_ONLY),true) EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_SERVER_DIR)/Xusage.txt EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_SERVER_DIR)/libjvm.so @@ -77,7 +79,6 @@ EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_SERVER_DIR)/libjvm_dtrace.so endif ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) - EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_LIB_ARCH_DIR)/client EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR)/Xusage.txt EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR)/libjvm.so EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR)/libjvm_db.so diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/solaris/makefiles/saproc.make --- a/make/solaris/makefiles/saproc.make Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/solaris/makefiles/saproc.make Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ -e '/^[0-4]\. /b' \ -e '/^5\.[0-9] /b' \ -e '/^5\.10 /b' \ - -e '/ snv_[0-9][0-9]$/b' \ - -e '/ snv_[01][0-4][0-9]$/b' \ - -e '/ snv_15[0-8]$/b' \ + -e '/ snv_[0-9][0-9]$$/b' \ + -e '/ snv_[01][0-4][0-9]$$/b' \ + -e '/ snv_15[0-8]$$/b' \ -e 's/.*/-DSOLARIS_11_B159_OR_LATER/' \ -e 'p' \ ) diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/windows/makefiles/compile.make --- a/make/windows/makefiles/compile.make Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/windows/makefiles/compile.make Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ !endif CPP_FLAGS=$(CPP_FLAGS) /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" - # Must specify this for sharedRuntimeTrig.cpp CPP_FLAGS=$(CPP_FLAGS) /D "VM_LITTLE_ENDIAN" @@ -232,6 +231,11 @@ uuid.lib Wsock32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /machine:$(MACHINE) /opt:REF \ /opt:ICF,8 /map /debug + +!if $(MSC_VER) >= 1600 +LINK_FLAGS= $(LINK_FLAGS) psapi.lib +!endif + # Resource compiler settings RC=rc.exe RC_FLAGS=/D "HS_VER=$(HS_VER)" \ diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/windows/makefiles/defs.make --- a/make/windows/makefiles/defs.make Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/windows/makefiles/defs.make Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -171,19 +171,20 @@ endif EXPORT_SERVER_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_BIN_DIR)/server +EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_BIN_DIR)/client +EXPORT_KERNEL_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_BIN_DIR)/kernel + EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_SERVER_DIR)/Xusage.txt EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_SERVER_DIR)/jvm.dll EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_SERVER_DIR)/jvm.pdb EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_SERVER_DIR)/jvm.map EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_LIB_DIR)/jvm.lib ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) - EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_BIN_DIR)/client EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR)/Xusage.txt EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR)/jvm.dll EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR)/jvm.pdb EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_CLIENT_DIR)/jvm.map # kernel vm - EXPORT_KERNEL_DIR = $(EXPORT_JRE_BIN_DIR)/kernel EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_KERNEL_DIR)/Xusage.txt EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_KERNEL_DIR)/jvm.dll EXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_KERNEL_DIR)/jvm.pdb diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/windows/makefiles/sa.make --- a/make/windows/makefiles/sa.make Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/windows/makefiles/sa.make Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ $(QUIETLY) mkdir $(SA_CLASSDIR)\sun\jvm\hotspot\ui\resources $(QUIETLY) cp $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources/*.png $(SA_CLASSDIR)/sun/jvm/hotspot/ui/resources $(QUIETLY) cp -r $(AGENT_SRC_DIR)/images/* $(SA_CLASSDIR) - $(RUN_JAR) cf $@ -C saclasses . + $(RUN_JAR) cf $@ -C $(SA_CLASSDIR) . $(RUN_JAR) uf $@ -C $(AGENT_SRC_DIR:/=\) META-INF\services\com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector $(RUN_JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.windbg.WindbgDebuggerLocal $(RUN_JAVAH) -classpath $(SA_CLASSDIR) -jni sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.x86.X86ThreadContext diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df make/windows/projectfiles/kernel/Makefile --- a/make/windows/projectfiles/kernel/Makefile Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/make/windows/projectfiles/kernel/Makefile Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # -# Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +# Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -100,12 +100,19 @@ case call_op: s = "call"; break; case branch_op: switch (inv_op2(inst)) { - case bpr_op2: s = "bpr"; break; case fb_op2: s = "fb"; break; case fbp_op2: s = "fbp"; break; case br_op2: s = "br"; break; case bp_op2: s = "bp"; break; case cb_op2: s = "cb"; break; + case bpr_op2: { + if (is_cbcond(inst)) { + s = is_cxb(inst) ? "cxb" : "cwb"; + } else { + s = "bpr"; + } + break; + } default: s = "????"; break; } } @@ -127,12 +134,21 @@ case call_op: m = wdisp(word_aligned_ones, 0, 30); v = wdisp(dest_pos, inst_pos, 30); break; case branch_op: switch (inv_op2(inst)) { - case bpr_op2: m = wdisp16(word_aligned_ones, 0); v = wdisp16(dest_pos, inst_pos); break; case fbp_op2: m = wdisp( word_aligned_ones, 0, 19); v = wdisp( dest_pos, inst_pos, 19); break; case bp_op2: m = wdisp( word_aligned_ones, 0, 19); v = wdisp( dest_pos, inst_pos, 19); break; case fb_op2: m = wdisp( word_aligned_ones, 0, 22); v = wdisp( dest_pos, inst_pos, 22); break; case br_op2: m = wdisp( word_aligned_ones, 0, 22); v = wdisp( dest_pos, inst_pos, 22); break; case cb_op2: m = wdisp( word_aligned_ones, 0, 22); v = wdisp( dest_pos, inst_pos, 22); break; + case bpr_op2: { + if (is_cbcond(inst)) { + m = wdisp10(word_aligned_ones, 0); + v = wdisp10(dest_pos, inst_pos); + } else { + m = wdisp16(word_aligned_ones, 0); + v = wdisp16(dest_pos, inst_pos); + } + break; + } default: ShouldNotReachHere(); } } @@ -149,12 +165,19 @@ case call_op: r = inv_wdisp(inst, pos, 30); break; case branch_op: switch (inv_op2(inst)) { - case bpr_op2: r = inv_wdisp16(inst, pos); break; case fbp_op2: r = inv_wdisp( inst, pos, 19); break; case bp_op2: r = inv_wdisp( inst, pos, 19); break; case fb_op2: r = inv_wdisp( inst, pos, 22); break; case br_op2: r = inv_wdisp( inst, pos, 22); break; case cb_op2: r = inv_wdisp( inst, pos, 22); break; + case bpr_op2: { + if (is_cbcond(inst)) { + r = inv_wdisp10(inst, pos); + } else { + r = inv_wdisp16(inst, pos); + } + break; + } default: ShouldNotReachHere(); } } @@ -968,13 +991,7 @@ Label PcOk; save_frame(0); // to avoid clobbering O0 ld_ptr(pc_addr, L0); - tst(L0); -#ifdef _LP64 - brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, PcOk); -#else - br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, PcOk); -#endif // _LP64 - delayed() -> nop(); + br_null_short(L0, Assembler::pt, PcOk); stop("last_Java_pc not zeroed before leaving Java"); bind(PcOk); @@ -1003,7 +1020,7 @@ Label StackOk; andcc(last_java_sp, 0x01, G0); br(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, StackOk); - delayed() -> nop(); + delayed()->nop(); stop("Stack Not Biased in set_last_Java_frame"); bind(StackOk); #endif // ASSERT @@ -1099,8 +1116,7 @@ Address exception_addr(G2_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()); ld_ptr(exception_addr, scratch_reg); - br_null(scratch_reg,false,pt,L); - delayed()->nop(); + br_null_short(scratch_reg, pt, L); // we use O7 linkage so that forward_exception_entry has the issuing PC call(StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry(), relocInfo::runtime_call_type); delayed()->nop(); @@ -1874,14 +1890,11 @@ // assert((obj & oop_mask) == oop_bits); and3(O0_obj, O2_mask, O4_temp); - cmp(O4_temp, O3_bits); - brx(notEqual, false, pn, null_or_fail); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(O4_temp, O3_bits, notEqual, pn, null_or_fail); if ((NULL_WORD & Universe::verify_oop_mask()) == Universe::verify_oop_bits()) { // the null_or_fail case is useless; must test for null separately - br_null(O0_obj, false, pn, succeed); - delayed()->nop(); + br_null_short(O0_obj, pn, succeed); } // Check the klassOop of this object for being in the right area of memory. @@ -1893,9 +1906,7 @@ if( Universe::verify_klass_bits() != Universe::verify_oop_bits() ) set(Universe::verify_klass_bits(), O3_bits); and3(O0_obj, O2_mask, O4_temp); - cmp(O4_temp, O3_bits); - brx(notEqual, false, pn, fail); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(O4_temp, O3_bits, notEqual, pn, fail); // Check the klass's klass load_klass(O0_obj, O0_obj); and3(O0_obj, O2_mask, O4_temp); @@ -2122,13 +2133,12 @@ return Assembler::rc_z; } -// compares register with zero and branches. NOT FOR USE WITH 64-bit POINTERS -void MacroAssembler::br_zero( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L) { +// compares (32 bit) register with zero and branches. NOT FOR USE WITH 64-bit POINTERS +void MacroAssembler::cmp_zero_and_br(Condition c, Register s1, Label& L, bool a, Predict p) { tst(s1); br (c, a, p, L); } - // Compares a pointer register with zero and branches on null. // Does a test & branch on 32-bit systems and a register-branch on 64-bit. void MacroAssembler::br_null( Register s1, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ) { @@ -2154,6 +2164,7 @@ void MacroAssembler::br_on_reg_cond( RCondition rc, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { + assert_not_delayed(); if (VM_Version::v9_instructions_work()) { bpr(rc, a, p, s1, d, rt); } else { @@ -2164,6 +2175,7 @@ void MacroAssembler::br_on_reg_cond( RCondition rc, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L ) { + assert_not_delayed(); if (VM_Version::v9_instructions_work()) { bpr(rc, a, p, s1, L); } else { @@ -2172,6 +2184,91 @@ } } +// Compare registers and branch with nop in delay slot or cbcond without delay slot. + +// Compare integer (32 bit) values (icc only). +void MacroAssembler::cmp_and_br_short(Register s1, Register s2, Condition c, + Predict p, Label& L) { + assert_not_delayed(); + if (use_cbcond(L)) { + Assembler::cbcond(c, icc, s1, s2, L); + } else { + cmp(s1, s2); + br(c, false, p, L); + delayed()->nop(); + } +} + +// Compare integer (32 bit) values (icc only). +void MacroAssembler::cmp_and_br_short(Register s1, int simm13a, Condition c, + Predict p, Label& L) { + assert_not_delayed(); + if (is_simm(simm13a,5) && use_cbcond(L)) { + Assembler::cbcond(c, icc, s1, simm13a, L); + } else { + cmp(s1, simm13a); + br(c, false, p, L); + delayed()->nop(); + } +} + +// Branch that tests xcc in LP64 and icc in !LP64 +void MacroAssembler::cmp_and_brx_short(Register s1, Register s2, Condition c, + Predict p, Label& L) { + assert_not_delayed(); + if (use_cbcond(L)) { + Assembler::cbcond(c, ptr_cc, s1, s2, L); + } else { + cmp(s1, s2); + brx(c, false, p, L); + delayed()->nop(); + } +} + +// Branch that tests xcc in LP64 and icc in !LP64 +void MacroAssembler::cmp_and_brx_short(Register s1, int simm13a, Condition c, + Predict p, Label& L) { + assert_not_delayed(); + if (is_simm(simm13a,5) && use_cbcond(L)) { + Assembler::cbcond(c, ptr_cc, s1, simm13a, L); + } else { + cmp(s1, simm13a); + brx(c, false, p, L); + delayed()->nop(); + } +} + +// Short branch version for compares a pointer with zero. + +void MacroAssembler::br_null_short(Register s1, Predict p, Label& L) { + assert_not_delayed(); + if (use_cbcond(L)) { + Assembler::cbcond(zero, ptr_cc, s1, 0, L); + return; + } + br_null(s1, false, p, L); + delayed()->nop(); +} + +void MacroAssembler::br_notnull_short(Register s1, Predict p, Label& L) { + assert_not_delayed(); + if (use_cbcond(L)) { + Assembler::cbcond(notZero, ptr_cc, s1, 0, L); + return; + } + br_notnull(s1, false, p, L); + delayed()->nop(); +} + +// Unconditional short branch +void MacroAssembler::ba_short(Label& L) { + if (use_cbcond(L)) { + Assembler::cbcond(equal, icc, G0, G0, L); + return; + } + br(always, false, pt, L); + delayed()->nop(); +} // instruction sequences factored across compiler & interpreter @@ -2197,11 +2294,9 @@ // since that triplet is reached only after finding the high halves differ. if (VM_Version::v9_instructions_work()) { - - mov ( -1, Rresult); - ba( false, done ); delayed()-> movcc(greater, false, icc, 1, Rresult); - } - else { + mov(-1, Rresult); + ba(done); delayed()-> movcc(greater, false, icc, 1, Rresult); + } else { br(less, true, pt, done); delayed()-> set(-1, Rresult); br(greater, true, pt, done); delayed()-> set( 1, Rresult); } @@ -2212,9 +2307,8 @@ mov( -1, Rresult); movcc(equal, false, icc, 0, Rresult); movcc(greaterUnsigned, false, icc, 1, Rresult); - } - else { - set(-1, Rresult); + } else { + set(-1, Rresult); br(equal, true, pt, done); delayed()->set( 0, Rresult); br(greaterUnsigned, true, pt, done); delayed()->set( 1, Rresult); } @@ -2250,11 +2344,10 @@ // This code can be optimized to use the 64 bit shifts in V9. // Here we use the 32 bit shifts. - and3( Rcount, 0x3f, Rcount); // take least significant 6 bits - subcc(Rcount, 31, Ralt_count); + and3( Rcount, 0x3f, Rcount); // take least significant 6 bits + subcc(Rcount, 31, Ralt_count); br(greater, true, pn, big_shift); - delayed()-> - dec(Ralt_count); + delayed()->dec(Ralt_count); // shift < 32 bits, Ralt_count = Rcount-31 @@ -2263,28 +2356,27 @@ // more to take care of the special (rare) case where count is zero // (shifting by 32 would not work). - neg( Ralt_count ); + neg(Ralt_count); // The order of the next two instructions is critical in the case where // Rin and Rout are the same and should not be reversed. - srl( Rin_low, Ralt_count, Rxfer_bits ); // shift right by 31-count + srl(Rin_low, Ralt_count, Rxfer_bits); // shift right by 31-count if (Rcount != Rout_low) { - sll( Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low ); // low half + sll(Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low); // low half } - sll( Rin_high, Rcount, Rout_high ); + sll(Rin_high, Rcount, Rout_high); if (Rcount == Rout_low) { - sll( Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low ); // low half + sll(Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low); // low half } - srl( Rxfer_bits, 1, Rxfer_bits ); // shift right by one more - ba (false, done); - delayed()-> - or3( Rout_high, Rxfer_bits, Rout_high); // new hi value: or in shifted old hi part and xfer from low + srl(Rxfer_bits, 1, Rxfer_bits ); // shift right by one more + ba(done); + delayed()->or3(Rout_high, Rxfer_bits, Rout_high); // new hi value: or in shifted old hi part and xfer from low // shift >= 32 bits, Ralt_count = Rcount-32 bind(big_shift); - sll( Rin_low, Ralt_count, Rout_high ); - clr( Rout_low ); + sll(Rin_low, Ralt_count, Rout_high ); + clr(Rout_low); bind(done); } @@ -2313,8 +2405,8 @@ // This code can be optimized to use the 64 bit shifts in V9. // Here we use the 32 bit shifts. - and3( Rcount, 0x3f, Rcount); // take least significant 6 bits - subcc(Rcount, 31, Ralt_count); + and3( Rcount, 0x3f, Rcount); // take least significant 6 bits + subcc(Rcount, 31, Ralt_count); br(greater, true, pn, big_shift); delayed()->dec(Ralt_count); @@ -2325,29 +2417,28 @@ // more to take care of the special (rare) case where count is zero // (shifting by 32 would not work). - neg( Ralt_count ); + neg(Ralt_count); if (Rcount != Rout_low) { - srl( Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low ); + srl(Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low); } // The order of the next two instructions is critical in the case where // Rin and Rout are the same and should not be reversed. - sll( Rin_high, Ralt_count, Rxfer_bits ); // shift left by 31-count - sra( Rin_high, Rcount, Rout_high ); // high half - sll( Rxfer_bits, 1, Rxfer_bits ); // shift left by one more + sll(Rin_high, Ralt_count, Rxfer_bits); // shift left by 31-count + sra(Rin_high, Rcount, Rout_high ); // high half + sll(Rxfer_bits, 1, Rxfer_bits); // shift left by one more if (Rcount == Rout_low) { - srl( Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low ); + srl(Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low); } - ba (false, done); - delayed()-> - or3( Rout_low, Rxfer_bits, Rout_low ); // new low value: or shifted old low part and xfer from high + ba(done); + delayed()->or3(Rout_low, Rxfer_bits, Rout_low); // new low value: or shifted old low part and xfer from high // shift >= 32 bits, Ralt_count = Rcount-32 bind(big_shift); - sra( Rin_high, Ralt_count, Rout_low ); - sra( Rin_high, 31, Rout_high ); // sign into hi + sra(Rin_high, Ralt_count, Rout_low); + sra(Rin_high, 31, Rout_high); // sign into hi bind( done ); } @@ -2377,8 +2468,8 @@ // This code can be optimized to use the 64 bit shifts in V9. // Here we use the 32 bit shifts. - and3( Rcount, 0x3f, Rcount); // take least significant 6 bits - subcc(Rcount, 31, Ralt_count); + and3( Rcount, 0x3f, Rcount); // take least significant 6 bits + subcc(Rcount, 31, Ralt_count); br(greater, true, pn, big_shift); delayed()->dec(Ralt_count); @@ -2389,29 +2480,28 @@ // more to take care of the special (rare) case where count is zero // (shifting by 32 would not work). - neg( Ralt_count ); + neg(Ralt_count); if (Rcount != Rout_low) { - srl( Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low ); + srl(Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low); } // The order of the next two instructions is critical in the case where // Rin and Rout are the same and should not be reversed. - sll( Rin_high, Ralt_count, Rxfer_bits ); // shift left by 31-count - srl( Rin_high, Rcount, Rout_high ); // high half - sll( Rxfer_bits, 1, Rxfer_bits ); // shift left by one more + sll(Rin_high, Ralt_count, Rxfer_bits); // shift left by 31-count + srl(Rin_high, Rcount, Rout_high ); // high half + sll(Rxfer_bits, 1, Rxfer_bits); // shift left by one more if (Rcount == Rout_low) { - srl( Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low ); + srl(Rin_low, Rcount, Rout_low); } - ba (false, done); - delayed()-> - or3( Rout_low, Rxfer_bits, Rout_low ); // new low value: or shifted old low part and xfer from high + ba(done); + delayed()->or3(Rout_low, Rxfer_bits, Rout_low); // new low value: or shifted old low part and xfer from high // shift >= 32 bits, Ralt_count = Rcount-32 bind(big_shift); - srl( Rin_high, Ralt_count, Rout_low ); - clr( Rout_high ); + srl(Rin_high, Ralt_count, Rout_low); + clr(Rout_high); bind( done ); } @@ -2419,7 +2509,7 @@ #ifdef _LP64 void MacroAssembler::lcmp( Register Ra, Register Rb, Register Rresult) { cmp(Ra, Rb); - mov( -1, Rresult); + mov(-1, Rresult); movcc(equal, false, xcc, 0, Rresult); movcc(greater, false, xcc, 1, Rresult); } @@ -2459,14 +2549,14 @@ if (VM_Version::v9_instructions_work()) { - mov( -1, Rresult ); - movcc( eq, true, fcc0, 0, Rresult ); - movcc( gt, true, fcc0, 1, Rresult ); + mov(-1, Rresult); + movcc(eq, true, fcc0, 0, Rresult); + movcc(gt, true, fcc0, 1, Rresult); } else { Label done; - set( -1, Rresult ); + set( -1, Rresult ); //fb(lt, true, pn, done); delayed()->set( -1, Rresult ); fb( eq, true, pn, done); delayed()->set( 0, Rresult ); fb( gt, true, pn, done); delayed()->set( 1, Rresult ); @@ -2668,9 +2758,7 @@ set(StubRoutines::Sparc::locked, lock_reg); bind(retry_get_lock); - cmp(yield_reg, V8AtomicOperationUnderLockSpinCount); - br(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pt, dont_yield); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(yield_reg, V8AtomicOperationUnderLockSpinCount, Assembler::less, Assembler::pt, dont_yield); if(use_call_vm) { Untested("Need to verify global reg consistancy"); @@ -2700,9 +2788,7 @@ // yes, got lock. do we have the same top? ld(top_ptr_reg_after_save, 0, value_reg); - cmp(value_reg, top_reg_after_save); - br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, not_same); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(value_reg, top_reg_after_save, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, not_same); // yes, same top. st(ptr_reg_after_save, top_ptr_reg_after_save, 0); @@ -2952,8 +3038,7 @@ // on success: restore(); - ba(false, L_success); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(L_success); // on failure: bind(L_pop_to_failure); @@ -2969,8 +3054,7 @@ Label* L_success, Label* L_failure, Label* L_slow_path, - RegisterOrConstant super_check_offset, - Register instanceof_hack) { + RegisterOrConstant super_check_offset) { int sc_offset = (klassOopDesc::header_size() * HeapWordSize + Klass::secondary_super_cache_offset_in_bytes()); int sco_offset = (klassOopDesc::header_size() * HeapWordSize + @@ -2993,29 +3077,10 @@ if (L_success == NULL) { L_success = &L_fallthrough; label_nulls++; } if (L_failure == NULL) { L_failure = &L_fallthrough; label_nulls++; } if (L_slow_path == NULL) { L_slow_path = &L_fallthrough; label_nulls++; } - assert(label_nulls <= 1 || instanceof_hack != noreg || + assert(label_nulls <= 1 || (L_slow_path == &L_fallthrough && label_nulls <= 2 && !need_slow_path), "at most one NULL in the batch, usually"); - // Support for the instanceof hack, which uses delay slots to - // set a destination register to zero or one. - bool do_bool_sets = (instanceof_hack != noreg); -#define BOOL_SET(bool_value) \ - if (do_bool_sets && bool_value >= 0) \ - set(bool_value, instanceof_hack) -#define DELAYED_BOOL_SET(bool_value) \ - if (do_bool_sets && bool_value >= 0) \ - delayed()->set(bool_value, instanceof_hack); \ - else delayed()->nop() - // Hacked ba(), which may only be used just before L_fallthrough. -#define FINAL_JUMP(label, bool_value) \ - if (&(label) == &L_fallthrough) { \ - BOOL_SET(bool_value); \ - } else { \ - ba((do_bool_sets && bool_value >= 0), label); \ - DELAYED_BOOL_SET(bool_value); \ - } - // If the pointers are equal, we are done (e.g., String[] elements). // This self-check enables sharing of secondary supertype arrays among // non-primary types such as array-of-interface. Otherwise, each such @@ -3024,8 +3089,8 @@ // type checks are in fact trivially successful in this manner, // so we get a nicely predicted branch right at the start of the check. cmp(super_klass, sub_klass); - brx(Assembler::equal, do_bool_sets, Assembler::pn, *L_success); - DELAYED_BOOL_SET(1); + brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, *L_success); + delayed()->nop(); // Check the supertype display: if (must_load_sco) { @@ -3049,50 +3114,49 @@ // So if it was a primary super, we can just fail immediately. // Otherwise, it's the slow path for us (no success at this point). + // Hacked ba(), which may only be used just before L_fallthrough. +#define FINAL_JUMP(label) \ + if (&(label) != &L_fallthrough) { \ + ba(label); delayed()->nop(); \ + } + if (super_check_offset.is_register()) { - brx(Assembler::equal, do_bool_sets, Assembler::pn, *L_success); - delayed(); if (do_bool_sets) BOOL_SET(1); - // if !do_bool_sets, sneak the next cmp into the delay slot: - cmp(super_check_offset.as_register(), sc_offset); + brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, *L_success); + delayed()->cmp(super_check_offset.as_register(), sc_offset); if (L_failure == &L_fallthrough) { - brx(Assembler::equal, do_bool_sets, Assembler::pt, *L_slow_path); + brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, *L_slow_path); delayed()->nop(); - BOOL_SET(0); // fallthrough on failure } else { - brx(Assembler::notEqual, do_bool_sets, Assembler::pn, *L_failure); - DELAYED_BOOL_SET(0); - FINAL_JUMP(*L_slow_path, -1); // -1 => vanilla delay slot + brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, *L_failure); + delayed()->nop(); + FINAL_JUMP(*L_slow_path); } } else if (super_check_offset.as_constant() == sc_offset) { // Need a slow path; fast failure is impossible. if (L_slow_path == &L_fallthrough) { - brx(Assembler::equal, do_bool_sets, Assembler::pt, *L_success); - DELAYED_BOOL_SET(1); + brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, *L_success); + delayed()->nop(); } else { brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, *L_slow_path); delayed()->nop(); - FINAL_JUMP(*L_success, 1); + FINAL_JUMP(*L_success); } } else { // No slow path; it's a fast decision. if (L_failure == &L_fallthrough) { - brx(Assembler::equal, do_bool_sets, Assembler::pt, *L_success); - DELAYED_BOOL_SET(1); - BOOL_SET(0); + brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, *L_success); + delayed()->nop(); } else { - brx(Assembler::notEqual, do_bool_sets, Assembler::pn, *L_failure); - DELAYED_BOOL_SET(0); - FINAL_JUMP(*L_success, 1); + brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, *L_failure); + delayed()->nop(); + FINAL_JUMP(*L_success); } } bind(L_fallthrough); -#undef final_jump -#undef bool_set -#undef DELAYED_BOOL_SET -#undef final_jump +#undef FINAL_JUMP } @@ -3185,7 +3249,7 @@ st_ptr(super_klass, sub_klass, sc_offset); if (L_success != &L_fallthrough) { - ba(false, *L_success); + ba(*L_success); delayed()->nop(); } @@ -3200,9 +3264,7 @@ // compare method type against that of the receiver RegisterOrConstant mhtype_offset = delayed_value(java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle::type_offset_in_bytes, temp_reg); load_heap_oop(mh_reg, mhtype_offset, temp_reg); - cmp(temp_reg, mtype_reg); - br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, wrong_method_type); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(temp_reg, mtype_reg, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, wrong_method_type); } @@ -3295,9 +3357,7 @@ // pointers to allow age to be placed into low bits assert(markOopDesc::age_shift == markOopDesc::lock_bits + markOopDesc::biased_lock_bits, "biased locking makes assumptions about bit layout"); and3(mark_reg, markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place, temp_reg); - cmp(temp_reg, markOopDesc::biased_lock_pattern); - brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, cas_label); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(temp_reg, markOopDesc::biased_lock_pattern, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, cas_label); load_klass(obj_reg, temp_reg); ld_ptr(Address(temp_reg, Klass::prototype_header_offset_in_bytes() + klassOopDesc::klass_part_offset_in_bytes()), temp_reg); @@ -3364,8 +3424,7 @@ brx(Assembler::notEqual, true, Assembler::pn, *slow_case); delayed()->nop(); } - br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(done); bind(try_rebias); // At this point we know the epoch has expired, meaning that the @@ -3393,8 +3452,7 @@ brx(Assembler::notEqual, true, Assembler::pn, *slow_case); delayed()->nop(); } - br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(done); bind(try_revoke_bias); // The prototype mark in the klass doesn't have the bias bit set any @@ -3445,7 +3503,7 @@ // Solaris/SPARC's "as". Another apt name would be cas_ptr() void MacroAssembler::casn (Register addr_reg, Register cmp_reg, Register set_reg ) { - casx_under_lock (addr_reg, cmp_reg, set_reg, (address)StubRoutines::Sparc::atomic_memory_operation_lock_addr()) ; + casx_under_lock (addr_reg, cmp_reg, set_reg, (address)StubRoutines::Sparc::atomic_memory_operation_lock_addr()); } @@ -3486,9 +3544,9 @@ } if (EmitSync & 1) { - mov (3, Rscratch) ; - st_ptr (Rscratch, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); - cmp (SP, G0) ; + mov(3, Rscratch); + st_ptr(Rscratch, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); + cmp(SP, G0); return ; } @@ -3529,7 +3587,7 @@ assert(os::vm_page_size() > 0xfff, "page size too small - change the constant"); andcc(Rscratch, 0xfffff003, Rscratch); st_ptr(Rscratch, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); - bind (done) ; + bind (done); return ; } @@ -3538,7 +3596,7 @@ if (EmitSync & 256) { Label IsInflated ; - ld_ptr (mark_addr, Rmark); // fetch obj->mark + ld_ptr(mark_addr, Rmark); // fetch obj->mark // Triage: biased, stack-locked, neutral, inflated if (try_bias) { biased_locking_enter(Roop, Rmark, Rscratch, done, NULL, counters); @@ -3549,49 +3607,49 @@ // Store mark into displaced mark field in the on-stack basic-lock "box" // Critically, this must happen before the CAS // Maximize the ST-CAS distance to minimize the ST-before-CAS penalty. - st_ptr (Rmark, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); - andcc (Rmark, 2, G0) ; - brx (Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, IsInflated) ; - delayed() -> + st_ptr(Rmark, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); + andcc(Rmark, 2, G0); + brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, IsInflated); + delayed()-> // Try stack-lock acquisition. // Beware: the 1st instruction is in a delay slot - mov (Rbox, Rscratch); - or3 (Rmark, markOopDesc::unlocked_value, Rmark); - assert (mark_addr.disp() == 0, "cas must take a zero displacement"); - casn (mark_addr.base(), Rmark, Rscratch) ; - cmp (Rmark, Rscratch); - brx (Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, done); + mov(Rbox, Rscratch); + or3(Rmark, markOopDesc::unlocked_value, Rmark); + assert(mark_addr.disp() == 0, "cas must take a zero displacement"); + casn(mark_addr.base(), Rmark, Rscratch); + cmp(Rmark, Rscratch); + brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, done); delayed()->sub(Rscratch, SP, Rscratch); // Stack-lock attempt failed - check for recursive stack-lock. // See the comments below about how we might remove this case. #ifdef _LP64 - sub (Rscratch, STACK_BIAS, Rscratch); + sub(Rscratch, STACK_BIAS, Rscratch); #endif assert(os::vm_page_size() > 0xfff, "page size too small - change the constant"); - andcc (Rscratch, 0xfffff003, Rscratch); - br (Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done) ; - delayed()-> st_ptr (Rscratch, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); - - bind (IsInflated) ; + andcc(Rscratch, 0xfffff003, Rscratch); + br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done); + delayed()-> st_ptr(Rscratch, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); + + bind(IsInflated); if (EmitSync & 64) { // If m->owner != null goto IsLocked // Pessimistic form: Test-and-CAS vs CAS // The optimistic form avoids RTS->RTO cache line upgrades. - ld_ptr (Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rscratch); - andcc (Rscratch, Rscratch, G0) ; - brx (Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done) ; - delayed()->nop() ; + ld_ptr(Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rscratch); + andcc(Rscratch, Rscratch, G0); + brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done); + delayed()->nop(); // m->owner == null : it's unlocked. } // Try to CAS m->owner from null to Self // Invariant: if we acquire the lock then _recursions should be 0. - add (Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes()-2, Rmark) ; - mov (G2_thread, Rscratch) ; - casn (Rmark, G0, Rscratch) ; - cmp (Rscratch, G0) ; + add(Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes()-2, Rmark); + mov(G2_thread, Rscratch); + casn(Rmark, G0, Rscratch); + cmp(Rscratch, G0); // Intentional fall-through into done } else { // Aggressively avoid the Store-before-CAS penalty @@ -3599,9 +3657,9 @@ Label IsInflated, Recursive ; // Anticipate CAS -- Avoid RTS->RTO upgrade -// prefetch (mark_addr, Assembler::severalWritesAndPossiblyReads) ; - - ld_ptr (mark_addr, Rmark); // fetch obj->mark +// prefetch (mark_addr, Assembler::severalWritesAndPossiblyReads); + + ld_ptr(mark_addr, Rmark); // fetch obj->mark // Triage: biased, stack-locked, neutral, inflated if (try_bias) { @@ -3609,8 +3667,8 @@ // Invariant: if control reaches this point in the emitted stream // then Rmark has not been modified. } - andcc (Rmark, 2, G0) ; - brx (Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, IsInflated) ; + andcc(Rmark, 2, G0); + brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, IsInflated); delayed()-> // Beware - dangling delay-slot // Try stack-lock acquisition. @@ -3620,23 +3678,21 @@ // ST obj->mark = box -- overwrite transient 0 value // This presumes TSO, of course. - mov (0, Rscratch) ; - or3 (Rmark, markOopDesc::unlocked_value, Rmark); - assert (mark_addr.disp() == 0, "cas must take a zero displacement"); - casn (mark_addr.base(), Rmark, Rscratch) ; -// prefetch (mark_addr, Assembler::severalWritesAndPossiblyReads) ; - cmp (Rscratch, Rmark) ; - brx (Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, Recursive) ; - delayed() -> - st_ptr (Rmark, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); + mov(0, Rscratch); + or3(Rmark, markOopDesc::unlocked_value, Rmark); + assert(mark_addr.disp() == 0, "cas must take a zero displacement"); + casn(mark_addr.base(), Rmark, Rscratch); +// prefetch (mark_addr, Assembler::severalWritesAndPossiblyReads); + cmp(Rscratch, Rmark); + brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, Recursive); + delayed()->st_ptr(Rmark, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); if (counters != NULL) { cond_inc(Assembler::equal, (address) counters->fast_path_entry_count_addr(), Rmark, Rscratch); } - br (Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done); - delayed() -> - st_ptr (Rbox, mark_addr) ; - - bind (Recursive) ; + ba(done); + delayed()->st_ptr(Rbox, mark_addr); + + bind(Recursive); // Stack-lock attempt failed - check for recursive stack-lock. // Tests show that we can remove the recursive case with no impact // on refworkload 0.83. If we need to reduce the size of the code @@ -3653,49 +3709,48 @@ // RScratch contains the fetched obj->mark value from the failed CASN. #ifdef _LP64 - sub (Rscratch, STACK_BIAS, Rscratch); + sub(Rscratch, STACK_BIAS, Rscratch); #endif sub(Rscratch, SP, Rscratch); assert(os::vm_page_size() > 0xfff, "page size too small - change the constant"); - andcc (Rscratch, 0xfffff003, Rscratch); + andcc(Rscratch, 0xfffff003, Rscratch); if (counters != NULL) { // Accounting needs the Rscratch register - st_ptr (Rscratch, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); + st_ptr(Rscratch, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); cond_inc(Assembler::equal, (address) counters->fast_path_entry_count_addr(), Rmark, Rscratch); - br (Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done) ; - delayed()->nop() ; + ba_short(done); } else { - br (Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done) ; - delayed()-> st_ptr (Rscratch, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); + ba(done); + delayed()->st_ptr(Rscratch, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); } - bind (IsInflated) ; + bind (IsInflated); if (EmitSync & 64) { // If m->owner != null goto IsLocked // Test-and-CAS vs CAS // Pessimistic form avoids futile (doomed) CAS attempts // The optimistic form avoids RTS->RTO cache line upgrades. - ld_ptr (Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rscratch); - andcc (Rscratch, Rscratch, G0) ; - brx (Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done) ; - delayed()->nop() ; + ld_ptr(Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rscratch); + andcc(Rscratch, Rscratch, G0); + brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done); + delayed()->nop(); // m->owner == null : it's unlocked. } // Try to CAS m->owner from null to Self // Invariant: if we acquire the lock then _recursions should be 0. - add (Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes()-2, Rmark) ; - mov (G2_thread, Rscratch) ; - casn (Rmark, G0, Rscratch) ; - cmp (Rscratch, G0) ; + add(Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes()-2, Rmark); + mov(G2_thread, Rscratch); + casn(Rmark, G0, Rscratch); + cmp(Rscratch, G0); // ST box->displaced_header = NonZero. // Any non-zero value suffices: // unused_mark(), G2_thread, RBox, RScratch, rsp, etc. - st_ptr (Rbox, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); + st_ptr(Rbox, Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()); // Intentional fall-through into done } - bind (done) ; + bind (done); } void MacroAssembler::compiler_unlock_object(Register Roop, Register Rmark, @@ -3706,7 +3761,7 @@ Label done ; if (EmitSync & 4) { - cmp (SP, G0) ; + cmp(SP, G0); return ; } @@ -3717,18 +3772,16 @@ // Test first if it is a fast recursive unlock ld_ptr(Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes(), Rmark); - cmp(Rmark, G0); - brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, done); - delayed()->nop(); + br_null_short(Rmark, Assembler::pt, done); // Check if it is still a light weight lock, this is is true if we see // the stack address of the basicLock in the markOop of the object assert(mark_addr.disp() == 0, "cas must take a zero displacement"); casx_under_lock(mark_addr.base(), Rbox, Rmark, (address)StubRoutines::Sparc::atomic_memory_operation_lock_addr()); - br (Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done); + ba(done); delayed()->cmp(Rbox, Rmark); - bind (done) ; + bind(done); return ; } @@ -3743,14 +3796,14 @@ biased_locking_exit(mark_addr, Rscratch, done); } - ld_ptr (Roop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes(), Rmark) ; - ld_ptr (Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes(), Rscratch); - andcc (Rscratch, Rscratch, G0); - brx (Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, done); - delayed()-> nop() ; // consider: relocate fetch of mark, above, into this DS - andcc (Rmark, 2, G0) ; - brx (Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, LStacked) ; - delayed()-> nop() ; + ld_ptr(Roop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes(), Rmark); + ld_ptr(Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes(), Rscratch); + andcc(Rscratch, Rscratch, G0); + brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, done); + delayed()->nop(); // consider: relocate fetch of mark, above, into this DS + andcc(Rmark, 2, G0); + brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, LStacked); + delayed()->nop(); // It's inflated // Conceptually we need a #loadstore|#storestore "release" MEMBAR before @@ -3761,48 +3814,45 @@ // Note that we use 1-0 locking by default for the inflated case. We // close the resultant (and rare) race by having contented threads in // monitorenter periodically poll _owner. - ld_ptr (Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rscratch); - ld_ptr (Rmark, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rbox); - xor3 (Rscratch, G2_thread, Rscratch) ; - orcc (Rbox, Rscratch, Rbox) ; - brx (Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done) ; + ld_ptr(Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rscratch); + ld_ptr(Rmark, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rbox); + xor3(Rscratch, G2_thread, Rscratch); + orcc(Rbox, Rscratch, Rbox); + brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done); delayed()-> - ld_ptr (Rmark, ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rscratch); - ld_ptr (Rmark, ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rbox); - orcc (Rbox, Rscratch, G0) ; + ld_ptr(Rmark, ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rscratch); + ld_ptr(Rmark, ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rbox); + orcc(Rbox, Rscratch, G0); if (EmitSync & 65536) { Label LSucc ; - brx (Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, LSucc) ; - delayed()->nop() ; - br (Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done) ; - delayed()-> - st_ptr (G0, Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2); - - bind (LSucc) ; - st_ptr (G0, Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2); - if (os::is_MP()) { membar (StoreLoad) ; } - ld_ptr (Rmark, ObjectMonitor::succ_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rscratch); - andcc (Rscratch, Rscratch, G0) ; - brx (Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, done) ; - delayed()-> andcc (G0, G0, G0) ; - add (Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes()-2, Rmark) ; - mov (G2_thread, Rscratch) ; - casn (Rmark, G0, Rscratch) ; - cmp (Rscratch, G0) ; + brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, LSucc); + delayed()->nop(); + ba(done); + delayed()->st_ptr(G0, Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2); + + bind(LSucc); + st_ptr(G0, Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2); + if (os::is_MP()) { membar (StoreLoad); } + ld_ptr(Rmark, ObjectMonitor::succ_offset_in_bytes() - 2, Rscratch); + andcc(Rscratch, Rscratch, G0); + brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, done); + delayed()->andcc(G0, G0, G0); + add(Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes()-2, Rmark); + mov(G2_thread, Rscratch); + casn(Rmark, G0, Rscratch); // invert icc.zf and goto done - brx (Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, done) ; - delayed() -> cmp (G0, G0) ; - br (Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done); - delayed() -> cmp (G0, 1) ; + br_notnull(Rscratch, false, Assembler::pt, done); + delayed()->cmp(G0, G0); + ba(done); + delayed()->cmp(G0, 1); } else { - brx (Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done) ; - delayed()->nop() ; - br (Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done) ; - delayed()-> - st_ptr (G0, Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2); + brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done); + delayed()->nop(); + ba(done); + delayed()->st_ptr(G0, Rmark, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2); } - bind (LStacked) ; + bind (LStacked); // Consider: we could replace the expensive CAS in the exit // path with a simple ST of the displaced mark value fetched from // the on-stack basiclock box. That admits a race where a thread T2 @@ -3831,11 +3881,11 @@ // A prototype implementation showed excellent results, although // the scavenger and timeout code was rather involved. - casn (mark_addr.base(), Rbox, Rscratch) ; - cmp (Rbox, Rscratch); + casn(mark_addr.base(), Rbox, Rscratch); + cmp(Rbox, Rscratch); // Intentional fall through into done ... - bind (done) ; + bind(done); } @@ -3891,9 +3941,7 @@ ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_top_offset()), t1); ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_start_offset()), t2); or3(t1, t2, t3); - cmp(t1, t2); - br(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pn, next); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(t1, t2, Assembler::greaterEqual, Assembler::pn, next); stop("assert(top >= start)"); should_not_reach_here(); @@ -3901,17 +3949,13 @@ ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_top_offset()), t1); ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_end_offset()), t2); or3(t3, t2, t3); - cmp(t1, t2); - br(Assembler::lessEqual, false, Assembler::pn, next2); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(t1, t2, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pn, next2); stop("assert(top <= end)"); should_not_reach_here(); bind(next2); and3(t3, MinObjAlignmentInBytesMask, t3); - cmp(t3, 0); - br(Assembler::lessEqual, false, Assembler::pn, ok); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(t3, 0, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pn, ok); stop("assert(aligned)"); should_not_reach_here(); @@ -3937,8 +3981,7 @@ if (CMSIncrementalMode || !Universe::heap()->supports_inline_contig_alloc()) { // No allocation in the shared eden. - br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, slow_case); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(slow_case); } else { // get eden boundaries // note: we need both top & top_addr! @@ -4072,8 +4115,7 @@ if (CMSIncrementalMode || !Universe::heap()->supports_inline_contig_alloc()) { // No allocation in the shared eden. - br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, slow_case); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(slow_case); } ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_top_offset()), top); @@ -4098,8 +4140,7 @@ add(t2, 1, t2); stw(t2, G2_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_slow_allocations_offset())); } - br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, try_eden); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(try_eden); bind(discard_tlab); if (TLABStats) { @@ -4115,8 +4156,7 @@ // if tlab is currently allocated (top or end != null) then // fill [top, end + alignment_reserve) with array object - br_null(top, false, Assembler::pn, do_refill); - delayed()->nop(); + br_null_short(top, Assembler::pn, do_refill); set((intptr_t)markOopDesc::prototype()->copy_set_hash(0x2), t2); st_ptr(t2, top, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()); // set up the mark word @@ -4151,9 +4191,7 @@ Label ok; ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_size_offset()), t2); sll_ptr(t2, LogHeapWordSize, t2); - cmp(t1, t2); - br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, ok); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(t1, t2, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, ok); stop("assert(t1 == tlab_size)"); should_not_reach_here(); @@ -4164,8 +4202,7 @@ sub(top, ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::alignment_reserve_in_bytes(), top); st_ptr(top, G2_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_end_offset())); verify_tlab(); - br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, retry); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(retry); } void MacroAssembler::incr_allocated_bytes(RegisterOrConstant size_in_bytes, @@ -4290,12 +4327,15 @@ BufferBlob* bb = BufferBlob::create("enqueue_with_frame", EnqueueCodeSize); CodeBuffer buf(bb); MacroAssembler masm(&buf); - address start = masm.pc(); + +#define __ masm. + + address start = __ pc(); Register pre_val; Label refill, restart; if (with_frame) { - masm.save_frame(0); + __ save_frame(0); pre_val = I0; // Was O0 before the save. } else { pre_val = O0; @@ -4310,57 +4350,59 @@ in_bytes(PtrQueue::byte_width_of_buf()) == sizeof(intptr_t), "check sizes in assembly below"); - masm.bind(restart); - masm.ld_ptr(G2_thread, satb_q_index_byte_offset, L0); - - masm.br_on_reg_cond(Assembler::rc_z, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pn, L0, refill); + __ bind(restart); + __ ld_ptr(G2_thread, satb_q_index_byte_offset, L0); + + __ br_on_reg_cond(Assembler::rc_z, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pn, L0, refill); // If the branch is taken, no harm in executing this in the delay slot. - masm.delayed()->ld_ptr(G2_thread, satb_q_buf_byte_offset, L1); - masm.sub(L0, oopSize, L0); - - masm.st_ptr(pre_val, L1, L0); // [_buf + index] := I0 + __ delayed()->ld_ptr(G2_thread, satb_q_buf_byte_offset, L1); + __ sub(L0, oopSize, L0); + + __ st_ptr(pre_val, L1, L0); // [_buf + index] := I0 if (!with_frame) { // Use return-from-leaf - masm.retl(); - masm.delayed()->st_ptr(L0, G2_thread, satb_q_index_byte_offset); + __ retl(); + __ delayed()->st_ptr(L0, G2_thread, satb_q_index_byte_offset); } else { // Not delayed. - masm.st_ptr(L0, G2_thread, satb_q_index_byte_offset); + __ st_ptr(L0, G2_thread, satb_q_index_byte_offset); } if (with_frame) { - masm.ret(); - masm.delayed()->restore(); + __ ret(); + __ delayed()->restore(); } - masm.bind(refill); + __ bind(refill); address handle_zero = CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, &SATBMarkQueueSet::handle_zero_index_for_thread); // This should be rare enough that we can afford to save all the // scratch registers that the calling context might be using. - masm.mov(G1_scratch, L0); - masm.mov(G3_scratch, L1); - masm.mov(G4, L2); + __ mov(G1_scratch, L0); + __ mov(G3_scratch, L1); + __ mov(G4, L2); // We need the value of O0 above (for the write into the buffer), so we // save and restore it. - masm.mov(O0, L3); + __ mov(O0, L3); // Since the call will overwrite O7, we save and restore that, as well. - masm.mov(O7, L4); - masm.call_VM_leaf(L5, handle_zero, G2_thread); - masm.mov(L0, G1_scratch); - masm.mov(L1, G3_scratch); - masm.mov(L2, G4); - masm.mov(L3, O0); - masm.br(Assembler::always, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pt, restart); - masm.delayed()->mov(L4, O7); + __ mov(O7, L4); + __ call_VM_leaf(L5, handle_zero, G2_thread); + __ mov(L0, G1_scratch); + __ mov(L1, G3_scratch); + __ mov(L2, G4); + __ mov(L3, O0); + __ br(Assembler::always, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pt, restart); + __ delayed()->mov(L4, O7); if (with_frame) { satb_log_enqueue_with_frame = start; - satb_log_enqueue_with_frame_end = masm.pc(); + satb_log_enqueue_with_frame_end = __ pc(); } else { satb_log_enqueue_frameless = start; - satb_log_enqueue_frameless_end = masm.pc(); + satb_log_enqueue_frameless_end = __ pc(); } + +#undef __ } static inline void generate_satb_log_enqueue_if_necessary(bool with_frame) { @@ -4426,7 +4468,7 @@ // Check on whether to annul. br_on_reg_cond(rc_z, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pt, tmp, filtered); - delayed() -> nop(); + delayed()->nop(); // Do we need to load the previous value? if (obj != noreg) { @@ -4450,7 +4492,7 @@ // Is the previous value null? // Check on whether to annul. br_on_reg_cond(rc_z, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pt, pre_val, filtered); - delayed() -> nop(); + delayed()->nop(); // OK, it's not filtered, so we'll need to call enqueue. In the normal // case, pre_val will be a scratch G-reg, but there are some cases in @@ -4518,79 +4560,83 @@ BufferBlob* bb = BufferBlob::create("dirty_card_enqueue", EnqueueCodeSize*2); CodeBuffer buf(bb); MacroAssembler masm(&buf); - address start = masm.pc(); +#define __ masm. + address start = __ pc(); Label not_already_dirty, restart, refill; #ifdef _LP64 - masm.srlx(O0, CardTableModRefBS::card_shift, O0); + __ srlx(O0, CardTableModRefBS::card_shift, O0); #else - masm.srl(O0, CardTableModRefBS::card_shift, O0); + __ srl(O0, CardTableModRefBS::card_shift, O0); #endif AddressLiteral addrlit(byte_map_base); - masm.set(addrlit, O1); // O1 := - masm.ldub(O0, O1, O2); // O2 := [O0 + O1] - - masm.br_on_reg_cond(Assembler::rc_nz, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pt, + __ set(addrlit, O1); // O1 := + __ ldub(O0, O1, O2); // O2 := [O0 + O1] + + __ br_on_reg_cond(Assembler::rc_nz, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pt, O2, not_already_dirty); // Get O1 + O2 into a reg by itself -- useful in the take-the-branch // case, harmless if not. - masm.delayed()->add(O0, O1, O3); + __ delayed()->add(O0, O1, O3); // We didn't take the branch, so we're already dirty: return. // Use return-from-leaf - masm.retl(); - masm.delayed()->nop(); + __ retl(); + __ delayed()->nop(); // Not dirty. - masm.bind(not_already_dirty); + __ bind(not_already_dirty); // First, dirty it. - masm.stb(G0, O3, G0); // [cardPtr] := 0 (i.e., dirty). + __ stb(G0, O3, G0); // [cardPtr] := 0 (i.e., dirty). int dirty_card_q_index_byte_offset = in_bytes(JavaThread::dirty_card_queue_offset() + PtrQueue::byte_offset_of_index()); int dirty_card_q_buf_byte_offset = in_bytes(JavaThread::dirty_card_queue_offset() + PtrQueue::byte_offset_of_buf()); - masm.bind(restart); - masm.ld_ptr(G2_thread, dirty_card_q_index_byte_offset, L0); - - masm.br_on_reg_cond(Assembler::rc_z, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pn, + __ bind(restart); + __ ld_ptr(G2_thread, dirty_card_q_index_byte_offset, L0); + + __ br_on_reg_cond(Assembler::rc_z, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pn, L0, refill); // If the branch is taken, no harm in executing this in the delay slot. - masm.delayed()->ld_ptr(G2_thread, dirty_card_q_buf_byte_offset, L1); - masm.sub(L0, oopSize, L0); - - masm.st_ptr(O3, L1, L0); // [_buf + index] := I0 + __ delayed()->ld_ptr(G2_thread, dirty_card_q_buf_byte_offset, L1); + __ sub(L0, oopSize, L0); + + __ st_ptr(O3, L1, L0); // [_buf + index] := I0 // Use return-from-leaf - masm.retl(); - masm.delayed()->st_ptr(L0, G2_thread, dirty_card_q_index_byte_offset); - - masm.bind(refill); + __ retl(); + __ delayed()->st_ptr(L0, G2_thread, dirty_card_q_index_byte_offset); + + __ bind(refill); address handle_zero = CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, &DirtyCardQueueSet::handle_zero_index_for_thread); // This should be rare enough that we can afford to save all the // scratch registers that the calling context might be using. - masm.mov(G1_scratch, L3); - masm.mov(G3_scratch, L5); + __ mov(G1_scratch, L3); + __ mov(G3_scratch, L5); // We need the value of O3 above (for the write into the buffer), so we // save and restore it. - masm.mov(O3, L6); + __ mov(O3, L6); // Since the call will overwrite O7, we save and restore that, as well. - masm.mov(O7, L4); - - masm.call_VM_leaf(L7_thread_cache, handle_zero, G2_thread); - masm.mov(L3, G1_scratch); - masm.mov(L5, G3_scratch); - masm.mov(L6, O3); - masm.br(Assembler::always, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pt, restart); - masm.delayed()->mov(L4, O7); + __ mov(O7, L4); + + __ call_VM_leaf(L7_thread_cache, handle_zero, G2_thread); + __ mov(L3, G1_scratch); + __ mov(L5, G3_scratch); + __ mov(L6, O3); + __ br(Assembler::always, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pt, restart); + __ delayed()->mov(L4, O7); dirty_card_log_enqueue = start; - dirty_card_log_enqueue_end = masm.pc(); + dirty_card_log_enqueue_end = __ pc(); // XXX Should have a guarantee here about not going off the end! // Does it already do so? Do an experiment... + +#undef __ + } static inline void @@ -4903,7 +4949,7 @@ delayed()->mov(G0, result); // not equal // only one char ? - br_on_reg_cond(rc_z, true, Assembler::pn, limit, Ldone); + cmp_zero_and_br(zero, limit, Ldone, true, Assembler::pn); delayed()->add(G0, 1, result); // zero-length arrays are equal // word by word compare, dont't need alignment check diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.hpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ mwtos_opf = 0x119 }; - enum RCondition { rc_z = 1, rc_lez = 2, rc_lz = 3, rc_nz = 5, rc_gz = 6, rc_gez = 7 }; + enum RCondition { rc_z = 1, rc_lez = 2, rc_lz = 3, rc_nz = 5, rc_gz = 6, rc_gez = 7, rc_last = rc_gez }; enum Condition { // for FBfcc & FBPfcc instruction @@ -866,9 +866,18 @@ return is_simm(d, nbits + 2); } + address target_distance(Label& L) { + // Assembler::target(L) should be called only when + // a branch instruction is emitted since non-bound + // labels record current pc() as a branch address. + if (L.is_bound()) return target(L); + // Return current address for non-bound labels. + return pc(); + } + // test if label is in simm16 range in words (wdisp16). bool is_in_wdisp16_range(Label& L) { - return is_in_wdisp_range(target(L), pc(), 16); + return is_in_wdisp_range(target_distance(L), pc(), 16); } // test if the distance between two addresses fits in simm30 range in words static bool is_in_wdisp30_range(address a, address b) { @@ -877,7 +886,11 @@ enum ASIs { // page 72, v9 ASI_PRIMARY = 0x80, - ASI_PRIMARY_LITTLE = 0x88 + ASI_PRIMARY_LITTLE = 0x88, + // Block initializing store + ASI_ST_BLKINIT_PRIMARY = 0xE2, + // Most-Recently-Used (MRU) BIS variant + ASI_ST_BLKINIT_MRU_PRIMARY = 0xF2 // add more from book as needed }; @@ -975,6 +988,20 @@ static int sx( int i) { return u_field(i, 12, 12); } // shift x=1 means 64-bit static int opf( int x) { return u_field(x, 13, 5); } + static bool is_cbcond( int x ) { + return (VM_Version::has_cbcond() && (inv_cond(x) > rc_last) && + inv_op(x) == branch_op && inv_op2(x) == bpr_op2); + } + static bool is_cxb( int x ) { + assert(is_cbcond(x), "wrong instruction"); + return (x & (1<<21)) != 0; + } + static int cond_cbcond( int x) { return u_field((((x & 8)<<1) + 8 + (x & 7)), 29, 25); } + static int inv_cond_cbcond(int x) { + assert(is_cbcond(x), "wrong instruction"); + return inv_u_field(x, 27, 25) | (inv_u_field(x, 29, 29)<<3); + } + static int opf_cc( CC c, bool useFloat ) { return u_field((useFloat ? 0 : 4) + c, 13, 11); } static int mov_cc( CC c, bool useFloat ) { return u_field(useFloat ? 0 : 1, 18, 18) | u_field(c, 12, 11); } @@ -1026,6 +1053,26 @@ return r; } + // compute inverse of wdisp10 + static intptr_t inv_wdisp10(int x, intptr_t pos) { + assert(is_cbcond(x), "wrong instruction"); + int lo = inv_u_field(x, 12, 5); + int hi = (x >> 19) & 3; + if (hi >= 2) hi |= ~1; + return (((hi << 8) | lo) << 2) + pos; + } + + // word offset for cbcond, 8 bits at [B12,B5], 2 bits at [B20,B19] + static int wdisp10(intptr_t x, intptr_t off) { + assert(VM_Version::has_cbcond(), "This CPU does not have CBCOND instruction"); + intptr_t xx = x - off; + assert_signed_word_disp_range(xx, 10); + int r = ( ( (xx >> 2 ) & ((1 << 8) - 1) ) << 5 ) + | ( ( (xx >> (2+8)) & 3 ) << 19 ); + // Have to fake cbcond instruction to pass assert in inv_wdisp10() + assert(inv_wdisp10((r | op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(rc_last+1) | op2(bpr_op2)), off) == x, "inverse is not inverse"); + return r; + } // word displacement in low-order nbits bits @@ -1138,7 +1185,26 @@ #endif } + // cbcond instruction should not be generated one after an other + bool cbcond_before() { + if (offset() == 0) return false; // it is first instruction + int x = *(int*)(intptr_t(pc()) - 4); // previous instruction + return is_cbcond(x); + } + + void no_cbcond_before() { + assert(offset() == 0 || !cbcond_before(), "cbcond should not follow an other cbcond"); + } + public: + + bool use_cbcond(Label& L) { + if (!UseCBCond || cbcond_before()) return false; + intptr_t x = intptr_t(target_distance(L)) - intptr_t(pc()); + assert( (x & 3) == 0, "not word aligned"); + return is_simm(x, 12); + } + // Tells assembler you know that next instruction is delayed Assembler* delayed() { #ifdef CHECK_DELAY @@ -1181,10 +1247,15 @@ void addccc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_long( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(addc_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); } void addccc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_long( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(addc_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); } + // pp 136 - inline void bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none ); - inline void bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L); + inline void bpr(RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none); + inline void bpr(RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L); + + // compare and branch + inline void cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2, Label& L); + inline void cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int simm5, Label& L); protected: // use MacroAssembler::br instead @@ -1198,8 +1269,6 @@ inline void fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none ); inline void fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ); - public: - // pp 144 inline void br( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none ); @@ -1220,6 +1289,8 @@ inline void call( address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::runtime_call_type ); inline void call( Label& L, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::runtime_call_type ); + public: + // pp 150 // These instructions compare the contents of s2 with the contents of @@ -1862,8 +1933,8 @@ inline void fb( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none ); inline void fb( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ); - // compares register with zero and branches (V9 and V8 instructions) - void br_zero( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L); + // compares register with zero (32 bit) and branches (V9 and V8 instructions) + void cmp_zero_and_br( Condition c, Register s1, Label& L, bool a = false, Predict p = pn ); // Compares a pointer register with zero and branches on (not)null. // Does a test & branch on 32-bit systems and a register-branch on 64-bit. void br_null ( Register s1, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ); @@ -1875,6 +1946,26 @@ void br_on_reg_cond( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none ); void br_on_reg_cond( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L); + // + // Compare registers and branch with nop in delay slot or cbcond without delay slot. + // + // ATTENTION: use these instructions with caution because cbcond instruction + // has very short distance: 512 instructions (2Kbyte). + + // Compare integer (32 bit) values (icc only). + void cmp_and_br_short(Register s1, Register s2, Condition c, Predict p, Label& L); + void cmp_and_br_short(Register s1, int simm13a, Condition c, Predict p, Label& L); + // Platform depending version for pointer compare (icc on !LP64 and xcc on LP64). + void cmp_and_brx_short(Register s1, Register s2, Condition c, Predict p, Label& L); + void cmp_and_brx_short(Register s1, int simm13a, Condition c, Predict p, Label& L); + + // Short branch version for compares a pointer pwith zero. + void br_null_short ( Register s1, Predict p, Label& L ); + void br_notnull_short( Register s1, Predict p, Label& L ); + + // unconditional short branch + void ba_short(Label& L); + inline void bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none ); inline void bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ); @@ -1882,8 +1973,8 @@ inline void brx( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none ); inline void brx( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ); - // unconditional short branch - inline void ba( bool a, Label& L ); + // unconditional branch + inline void ba( Label& L ); // Branch that tests fp condition codes inline void fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none ); @@ -2167,7 +2258,6 @@ inline void stbool(Register d, const Address& a) { stb(d, a); } inline void ldbool(const Address& a, Register d) { ldsb(a, d); } - inline void tstbool( Register s ) { tst(s); } inline void movbool( bool boolconst, Register d) { mov( (int) boolconst, d); } // klass oop manipulations if compressed @@ -2469,8 +2559,7 @@ Label* L_success, Label* L_failure, Label* L_slow_path, - RegisterOrConstant super_check_offset = RegisterOrConstant(-1), - Register instanceof_hack = noreg); + RegisterOrConstant super_check_offset = RegisterOrConstant(-1)); // The rest of the type check; must be wired to a corresponding fast path. // It does not repeat the fast path logic, so don't use it standalone. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.inline.hpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.inline.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.inline.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -80,32 +80,36 @@ inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, relocInfo::relocType rtype ) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rtype ); } inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec ); } -inline void Assembler::bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | wdisp16(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc())) | predict(p) | rs1(s1), rt); has_delay_slot(); } +inline void Assembler::bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only(); cti(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | wdisp16(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc())) | predict(p) | rs1(s1), rt); has_delay_slot(); } inline void Assembler::bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L) { bpr( c, a, p, s1, target(L)); } -inline void Assembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_dep(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fb_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt); has_delay_slot(); } +inline void Assembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_dep(); cti(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fb_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt); has_delay_slot(); } inline void Assembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { fb(c, a, target(L)); } -inline void Assembler::fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fbp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt); has_delay_slot(); } +inline void Assembler::fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only(); cti(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fbp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt); has_delay_slot(); } inline void Assembler::fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ) { fbp(c, a, cc, p, target(L)); } -inline void Assembler::cb( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v8_only(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(cb_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt); has_delay_slot(); } +inline void Assembler::cb( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v8_only(); cti(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(cb_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt); has_delay_slot(); } inline void Assembler::cb( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { cb(c, a, target(L)); } -inline void Assembler::br( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_dep(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(br_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt); has_delay_slot(); } +inline void Assembler::br( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_dep(); cti(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(br_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt); has_delay_slot(); } inline void Assembler::br( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { br(c, a, target(L)); } -inline void Assembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt); has_delay_slot(); } +inline void Assembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only(); cti(); emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt); has_delay_slot(); } inline void Assembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ) { bp(c, a, cc, p, target(L)); } -inline void Assembler::call( address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { emit_data( op(call_op) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 30), rt); has_delay_slot(); assert(rt != relocInfo::virtual_call_type, "must use virtual_call_Relocation::spec"); } +// compare and branch +inline void Assembler::cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2, Label& L) { cti(); no_cbcond_before(); emit_data(op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | branchcc(cc) | wdisp10(intptr_t(target(L)), intptr_t(pc())) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); } +inline void Assembler::cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int simm5, Label& L) { cti(); no_cbcond_before(); emit_data(op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | branchcc(cc) | wdisp10(intptr_t(target(L)), intptr_t(pc())) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm5, 5)); } + +inline void Assembler::call( address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { cti(); emit_data( op(call_op) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 30), rt); has_delay_slot(); assert(rt != relocInfo::virtual_call_type, "must use virtual_call_Relocation::spec"); } inline void Assembler::call( Label& L, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { call( target(L), rt); } inline void Assembler::flush( Register s1, Register s2) { emit_long( op(arith_op) | op3(flush_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); } inline void Assembler::flush( Register s1, int simm13a) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | op3(flush_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); } -inline void Assembler::jmpl( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_long( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); has_delay_slot(); } -inline void Assembler::jmpl( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec); has_delay_slot(); } +inline void Assembler::jmpl( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { cti(); emit_long( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); has_delay_slot(); } +inline void Assembler::jmpl( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { cti(); emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec); has_delay_slot(); } inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, RegisterOrConstant s2, FloatRegister d) { if (s2.is_register()) ldf(w, s1, s2.as_register(), d); @@ -240,8 +244,8 @@ inline void Assembler::prefetch(const Address& a, PrefetchFcn f, int offset) { v9_only(); relocate(a.rspec(offset)); prefetch(a.base(), a.disp() + offset, f); } -inline void Assembler::rett( Register s1, Register s2 ) { emit_long( op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); has_delay_slot(); } -inline void Assembler::rett( Register s1, int simm13a, relocInfo::relocType rt) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rt); has_delay_slot(); } +inline void Assembler::rett( Register s1, Register s2 ) { cti(); emit_long( op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); has_delay_slot(); } +inline void Assembler::rett( Register s1, int simm13a, relocInfo::relocType rt) { cti(); emit_data( op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rt); has_delay_slot(); } inline void Assembler::sethi( int imm22a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { emit_data( op(branch_op) | rd(d) | op2(sethi_op2) | hi22(imm22a), rspec); } @@ -557,8 +561,8 @@ brx(c, a, p, target(L)); } -inline void MacroAssembler::ba( bool a, Label& L ) { - br(always, a, pt, L); +inline void MacroAssembler::ba( Label& L ) { + br(always, false, pt, L); } // Warning: V9 only functions diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_CodeStubs_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_CodeStubs_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_CodeStubs_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -303,9 +303,7 @@ assert(_oop_index >= 0, "must have oop index"); __ load_heap_oop(_obj, java_lang_Class::klass_offset_in_bytes(), G3); __ ld_ptr(G3, instanceKlass::init_thread_offset_in_bytes() + sizeof(klassOopDesc), G3); - __ cmp(G2_thread, G3); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, call_patch); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(G2_thread, G3, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, call_patch); // load_klass patches may execute the patched code before it's // copied back into place so we need to jump back into the main diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_LIRAssembler_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_LIRAssembler_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_LIRAssembler_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -217,9 +217,7 @@ { Label L; __ ld_ptr(OSR_buf, slot_offset + 1*BytesPerWord, O7); - __ cmp(G0, O7); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(O7, G0, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("locked object is NULL"); __ bind(L); } @@ -2096,10 +2094,10 @@ __ xor3(O0, -1, tmp); __ sub(length, tmp, length); __ add(src_pos, tmp, src_pos); - __ br_zero(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pn, O0, *stub->entry()); + __ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::less, O0, *stub->entry()); __ delayed()->add(dst_pos, tmp, dst_pos); } else { - __ br_zero(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pn, O0, *stub->entry()); + __ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::less, O0, *stub->entry()); __ delayed()->nop(); } __ bind(*stub->continuation()); @@ -2123,22 +2121,19 @@ if (flags & LIR_OpArrayCopy::src_pos_positive_check) { // test src_pos register - __ tst(src_pos); - __ br(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pn, *stub->entry()); + __ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::less, src_pos, *stub->entry()); __ delayed()->nop(); } if (flags & LIR_OpArrayCopy::dst_pos_positive_check) { // test dst_pos register - __ tst(dst_pos); - __ br(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pn, *stub->entry()); + __ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::less, dst_pos, *stub->entry()); __ delayed()->nop(); } if (flags & LIR_OpArrayCopy::length_positive_check) { // make sure length isn't negative - __ tst(length); - __ br(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pn, *stub->entry()); + __ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::less, length, *stub->entry()); __ delayed()->nop(); } @@ -2261,8 +2256,7 @@ #ifndef PRODUCT if (PrintC1Statistics) { Label failed; - __ br_notnull(O0, false, Assembler::pn, failed); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(O0, Assembler::pn, failed); __ inc_counter((address)&Runtime1::_arraycopy_checkcast_cnt, G1, G3); __ bind(failed); } @@ -2314,9 +2308,7 @@ __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, halt); // load the raw value of the src klass. __ delayed()->lduw(src, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes(), tmp2); - __ cmp(tmp, tmp2); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, known_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(tmp, tmp2, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, known_ok); } else { __ cmp(tmp, tmp2); __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, known_ok); @@ -2330,9 +2322,7 @@ __ cmp(tmp, tmp2); __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, halt); __ delayed()->ld_ptr(src, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes(), tmp2); - __ cmp(tmp, tmp2); - __ brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, known_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(tmp, tmp2, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, known_ok); } else { __ cmp(tmp, tmp2); __ brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, known_ok); @@ -2530,15 +2520,13 @@ mdo_offset_bias); __ ld_ptr(receiver_addr, tmp1); __ verify_oop(tmp1); - __ cmp(recv, tmp1); - __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, next_test); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(recv, tmp1, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pt, next_test); Address data_addr(mdo, md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, ReceiverTypeData::receiver_count_offset(i)) - mdo_offset_bias); __ ld_ptr(data_addr, tmp1); __ add(tmp1, DataLayout::counter_increment, tmp1); __ st_ptr(tmp1, data_addr); - __ ba(false, *update_done); + __ ba(*update_done); __ delayed()->nop(); __ bind(next_test); } @@ -2549,13 +2537,12 @@ Address recv_addr(mdo, md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, ReceiverTypeData::receiver_offset(i)) - mdo_offset_bias); __ ld_ptr(recv_addr, tmp1); - __ br_notnull(tmp1, false, Assembler::pt, next_test); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(tmp1, Assembler::pt, next_test); __ st_ptr(recv, recv_addr); __ set(DataLayout::counter_increment, tmp1); __ st_ptr(tmp1, mdo, md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, ReceiverTypeData::receiver_count_offset(i)) - mdo_offset_bias); - __ ba(false, *update_done); + __ ba(*update_done); __ delayed()->nop(); __ bind(next_test); } @@ -2601,8 +2588,7 @@ setup_md_access(method, op->profiled_bci(), md, data, mdo_offset_bias); Label not_null; - __ br_notnull(obj, false, Assembler::pn, not_null); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(obj, Assembler::pn, not_null); Register mdo = k_RInfo; Register data_val = Rtmp1; jobject2reg(md->constant_encoding(), mdo); @@ -2614,7 +2600,7 @@ __ ldub(flags_addr, data_val); __ or3(data_val, BitData::null_seen_byte_constant(), data_val); __ stb(data_val, flags_addr); - __ ba(false, *obj_is_null); + __ ba(*obj_is_null); __ delayed()->nop(); __ bind(not_null); } else { @@ -2682,7 +2668,7 @@ __ load_klass(obj, recv); type_profile_helper(mdo, mdo_offset_bias, md, data, recv, tmp1, success); // Jump over the failure case - __ ba(false, *success); + __ ba(*success); __ delayed()->nop(); // Cast failure case __ bind(profile_cast_failure); @@ -2695,10 +2681,10 @@ __ ld_ptr(data_addr, tmp1); __ sub(tmp1, DataLayout::counter_increment, tmp1); __ st_ptr(tmp1, data_addr); - __ ba(false, *failure); + __ ba(*failure); __ delayed()->nop(); } - __ ba(false, *success); + __ ba(*success); __ delayed()->nop(); } @@ -2728,8 +2714,7 @@ if (op->should_profile()) { Label not_null; - __ br_notnull(value, false, Assembler::pn, not_null); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(value, Assembler::pn, not_null); Register mdo = k_RInfo; Register data_val = Rtmp1; jobject2reg(md->constant_encoding(), mdo); @@ -2741,12 +2726,10 @@ __ ldub(flags_addr, data_val); __ or3(data_val, BitData::null_seen_byte_constant(), data_val); __ stb(data_val, flags_addr); - __ ba(false, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(done); __ bind(not_null); } else { - __ br_null(value, false, Assembler::pn, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(value, Assembler::pn, done); } add_debug_info_for_null_check_here(op->info_for_exception()); __ load_klass(array, k_RInfo); @@ -2777,8 +2760,7 @@ } __ load_klass(value, recv); type_profile_helper(mdo, mdo_offset_bias, md, data, recv, tmp1, &done); - __ ba(false, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(done); // Cast failure case __ bind(profile_cast_failure); jobject2reg(md->constant_encoding(), mdo); @@ -2790,7 +2772,7 @@ __ ld_ptr(data_addr, tmp1); __ sub(tmp1, DataLayout::counter_increment, tmp1); __ st_ptr(tmp1, data_addr); - __ ba(false, *stub->entry()); + __ ba(*stub->entry()); __ delayed()->nop(); } __ bind(done); @@ -2808,8 +2790,7 @@ emit_typecheck_helper(op, &success, &failure, &failure); __ bind(failure); __ set(0, dst); - __ ba(false, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(done); __ bind(success); __ set(1, dst); __ bind(done); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_MacroAssembler_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_MacroAssembler_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_MacroAssembler_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -41,9 +41,7 @@ // Note: needs more testing of out-of-line vs. inline slow case verify_oop(receiver); load_klass(receiver, temp_reg); - cmp(temp_reg, iCache); - brx(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pt, L); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(temp_reg, iCache, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L); AddressLiteral ic_miss(SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()); jump_to(ic_miss, temp_reg); delayed()->nop(); @@ -142,8 +140,7 @@ } // Test first it it is a fast recursive unlock ld_ptr(Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes(), Rmark); - br_null(Rmark, false, Assembler::pt, done); - delayed()->nop(); + br_null_short(Rmark, Assembler::pt, done); if (!UseBiasedLocking) { // load object ld_ptr(Rbox, BasicObjectLock::obj_offset_in_bytes(), Roop); @@ -231,7 +228,7 @@ if (!is_simm13(obj_size * wordSize)) { // would need to use extra register to load // object size => go the slow case for now - br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, slow_case); + ba(slow_case); delayed()->nop(); return; } @@ -257,12 +254,10 @@ Label ok; ld(klass, klassOopDesc::header_size() * HeapWordSize + Klass::layout_helper_offset_in_bytes(), t1); if (var_size_in_bytes != noreg) { - cmp(t1, var_size_in_bytes); + cmp_and_brx_short(t1, var_size_in_bytes, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, ok); } else { - cmp(t1, con_size_in_bytes); + cmp_and_brx_short(t1, con_size_in_bytes, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, ok); } - brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, ok); - delayed()->nop(); stop("bad size in initialize_object"); should_not_reach_here(); @@ -387,8 +382,7 @@ void C1_MacroAssembler::verify_not_null_oop(Register r) { Label not_null; - br_notnull(r, false, Assembler::pt, not_null); - delayed()->nop(); + br_notnull_short(r, Assembler::pt, not_null); stop("non-null oop required"); bind(not_null); if (!VerifyOops) return; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_Runtime1_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_Runtime1_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_Runtime1_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -71,8 +71,7 @@ { Label L; Address exception_addr(G2_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()); ld_ptr(exception_addr, Gtemp); - br_null(Gtemp, false, pt, L); - delayed()->nop(); + br_null_short(Gtemp, pt, L); Address vm_result_addr(G2_thread, JavaThread::vm_result_offset()); st_ptr(G0, vm_result_addr); Address vm_result_addr_2(G2_thread, JavaThread::vm_result_2_offset()); @@ -333,9 +332,7 @@ assert(deopt_blob != NULL, "deoptimization blob must have been created"); Label no_deopt; - __ tst(O0); - __ brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, no_deopt); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(O0, Assembler::pt, no_deopt); // return to the deoptimization handler entry for unpacking and rexecute // if we simply returned the we'd deopt as if any call we patched had just @@ -402,18 +399,15 @@ if (id == fast_new_instance_init_check_id) { // make sure the klass is initialized __ ld(G5_klass, instanceKlass::init_state_offset_in_bytes() + sizeof(oopDesc), G3_t1); - __ cmp(G3_t1, instanceKlass::fully_initialized); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, slow_path); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G3_t1, instanceKlass::fully_initialized, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, slow_path); } #ifdef ASSERT // assert object can be fast path allocated { Label ok, not_ok; __ ld(G5_klass, Klass::layout_helper_offset_in_bytes() + sizeof(oopDesc), G1_obj_size); - __ cmp(G1_obj_size, 0); // make sure it's an instance (LH > 0) - __ br(Assembler::lessEqual, false, Assembler::pn, not_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + // make sure it's an instance (LH > 0) + __ cmp_and_br_short(G1_obj_size, 0, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pn, not_ok); __ btst(Klass::_lh_instance_slow_path_bit, G1_obj_size); __ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, ok); __ delayed()->nop(); @@ -501,9 +495,7 @@ int tag = ((id == new_type_array_id) ? Klass::_lh_array_tag_type_value : Klass::_lh_array_tag_obj_value); - __ cmp(G3_t1, tag); - __ brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(G3_t1, tag, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, ok); __ stop("assert(is an array klass)"); __ should_not_reach_here(); __ bind(ok); @@ -519,9 +511,7 @@ // check that array length is small enough for fast path __ set(C1_MacroAssembler::max_array_allocation_length, G3_t1); - __ cmp(G4_length, G3_t1); - __ br(Assembler::greaterUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, slow_path); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G4_length, G3_t1, Assembler::greaterUnsigned, Assembler::pn, slow_path); // if we got here then the TLAB allocation failed, so try // refilling the TLAB or allocating directly from eden. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/cppInterpreter_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/cppInterpreter_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/cppInterpreter_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ // Generate regular method entry __ bind(slow_path); - __ ba(false, fast_accessor_slow_entry_path); + __ ba(fast_accessor_slow_entry_path); __ delayed()->nop(); return entry; } @@ -719,8 +719,7 @@ Address exception_addr(G2_thread, 0, in_bytes(Thread::pending_exception_offset())); __ ld_ptr(exception_addr, G3_scratch); - __ br_notnull(G3_scratch, false, Assembler::pn, pending_exception_present); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(G3_scratch, Assembler::pn, pending_exception_present); __ ld_ptr(Address(G5_method, 0, in_bytes(methodOopDesc::signature_handler_offset())), G3_scratch); __ bind(L); } @@ -1292,7 +1291,7 @@ deopt_frame_manager_return_atos = __ pc(); // O0/O1 live - __ ba(false, return_from_deopt_common); + __ ba(return_from_deopt_common); __ delayed()->set(AbstractInterpreter::BasicType_as_index(T_OBJECT), L3_scratch); // Result stub address array index @@ -1300,14 +1299,14 @@ deopt_frame_manager_return_btos = __ pc(); // O0/O1 live - __ ba(false, return_from_deopt_common); + __ ba(return_from_deopt_common); __ delayed()->set(AbstractInterpreter::BasicType_as_index(T_BOOLEAN), L3_scratch); // Result stub address array index // deopt needs to jump to here to enter the interpreter (return a result) deopt_frame_manager_return_itos = __ pc(); // O0/O1 live - __ ba(false, return_from_deopt_common); + __ ba(return_from_deopt_common); __ delayed()->set(AbstractInterpreter::BasicType_as_index(T_INT), L3_scratch); // Result stub address array index // deopt needs to jump to here to enter the interpreter (return a result) @@ -1327,21 +1326,21 @@ __ srlx(G1,32,O0); #endif /* !_LP64 && COMPILER2 */ // O0/O1 live - __ ba(false, return_from_deopt_common); + __ ba(return_from_deopt_common); __ delayed()->set(AbstractInterpreter::BasicType_as_index(T_LONG), L3_scratch); // Result stub address array index // deopt needs to jump to here to enter the interpreter (return a result) deopt_frame_manager_return_ftos = __ pc(); // O0/O1 live - __ ba(false, return_from_deopt_common); + __ ba(return_from_deopt_common); __ delayed()->set(AbstractInterpreter::BasicType_as_index(T_FLOAT), L3_scratch); // Result stub address array index // deopt needs to jump to here to enter the interpreter (return a result) deopt_frame_manager_return_dtos = __ pc(); // O0/O1 live - __ ba(false, return_from_deopt_common); + __ ba(return_from_deopt_common); __ delayed()->set(AbstractInterpreter::BasicType_as_index(T_DOUBLE), L3_scratch); // Result stub address array index // deopt needs to jump to here to enter the interpreter (return a result) @@ -1398,7 +1397,7 @@ __ ld_ptr(STATE(_stack), L1_scratch); // Get current stack top __ sub(L1_scratch, entry_size, L1_scratch); __ st_ptr(L1_scratch, STATE(_stack)); - __ ba(false, entry); + __ ba(entry); __ delayed()->add(L1_scratch, wordSize, L1_scratch); // first real entry (undo prepush) // 2. move expression stack @@ -1651,7 +1650,7 @@ __ set((int)BytecodeInterpreter::got_monitors, L1_scratch); VALIDATE_STATE(G3_scratch, 5); - __ ba(false, call_interpreter); + __ ba(call_interpreter); __ delayed()->st(L1_scratch, STATE(_msg)); // uncommon trap needs to jump to here to enter the interpreter (re-execute current bytecode) @@ -1659,7 +1658,7 @@ // QQQ what message do we send - __ ba(false, call_interpreter); + __ ba(call_interpreter); __ delayed()->ld_ptr(STATE(_frame_bottom), SP); // restore to full stack frame //============================================================================= @@ -1675,7 +1674,7 @@ // ready to resume the interpreter __ set((int)BytecodeInterpreter::deopt_resume, L1_scratch); - __ ba(false, call_interpreter); + __ ba(call_interpreter); __ delayed()->st(L1_scratch, STATE(_msg)); // Current frame has caught an exception we need to dispatch to the @@ -1763,7 +1762,7 @@ // L1_scratch points to top of stack (prepushed) - __ ba(false, resume_interpreter); + __ ba(resume_interpreter); __ delayed()->mov(L1_scratch, O1); // An exception is being caught on return to a vanilla interpreter frame. @@ -1773,7 +1772,7 @@ __ ld_ptr(STATE(_frame_bottom), SP); // restore to full stack frame __ ld_ptr(STATE(_stack_base), O1); // empty java expression stack - __ ba(false, resume_interpreter); + __ ba(resume_interpreter); __ delayed()->sub(O1, wordSize, O1); // account for prepush // Return from interpreted method we return result appropriate to the caller (i.e. "recursive" @@ -1852,7 +1851,7 @@ __ set((int)BytecodeInterpreter::method_resume, L1_scratch); __ st(L1_scratch, STATE(_msg)); - __ ba(false, call_interpreter_2); + __ ba(call_interpreter_2); __ delayed()->st_ptr(O1, STATE(_stack)); @@ -1867,8 +1866,8 @@ __ cmp(Gtmp1, O7); // returning to interpreter? __ brx(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pt, re_dispatch); // yep __ delayed()->nop(); - __ ba(false, re_dispatch); - __ delayed()->mov(G0, prevState); // initial entry + __ ba(re_dispatch); + __ delayed()->mov(G0, prevState); // initial entry } @@ -2031,8 +2030,8 @@ __ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, unwind_and_forward); __ delayed()->nop(); - __ ld_ptr(STATE(_locals), O1); // get result of popping callee's args - __ ba(false, unwind_recursive_activation); + __ ld_ptr(STATE(_locals), O1); // get result of popping callee's args + __ ba(unwind_recursive_activation); __ delayed()->nop(); interpreter_frame_manager = entry_point; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/interp_masm_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/interp_masm_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/interp_masm_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -236,17 +236,13 @@ Label L; Register thr_state = G3_scratch; ld_ptr(G2_thread, JavaThread::jvmti_thread_state_offset(), thr_state); - tst(thr_state); - br(zero, false, pt, L); // if (thread->jvmti_thread_state() == NULL) exit; - delayed()->nop(); + br_null_short(thr_state, pt, L); // if (thread->jvmti_thread_state() == NULL) exit; // Initiate earlyret handling only if it is not already being processed. // If the flag has the earlyret_processing bit set, it means that this code // is called *during* earlyret handling - we don't want to reenter. ld(thr_state, JvmtiThreadState::earlyret_state_offset(), G4_scratch); - cmp(G4_scratch, JvmtiThreadState::earlyret_pending); - br(Assembler::notEqual, false, pt, L); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(G4_scratch, JvmtiThreadState::earlyret_pending, Assembler::notEqual, pt, L); // Call Interpreter::remove_activation_early_entry() to get the address of the // same-named entrypoint in the generated interpreter code @@ -566,9 +562,7 @@ #ifdef _LP64 sub(Rtemp, STACK_BIAS, Rtemp); // Bias Rtemp before cmp to FP #endif - cmp(Rtemp, FP); - brx(Assembler::greaterUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, Bad); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(Rtemp, FP, Assembler::greaterUnsigned, Assembler::pn, Bad); // Saved SP must not be ridiculously below current SP. size_t maxstack = MAX2(JavaThread::stack_size_at_create(), (size_t) 4*K*K); @@ -577,12 +571,9 @@ #ifdef _LP64 add(Rtemp, STACK_BIAS, Rtemp); // Unbias Rtemp before cmp to Rsp #endif - cmp(Rsp, Rtemp); - brx(Assembler::lessUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, Bad); - delayed()->nop(); - - br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pn, OK); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(Rsp, Rtemp, Assembler::lessUnsigned, Assembler::pn, Bad); + + ba_short(OK); bind(Bad); stop("on return to interpreted call, restored SP is corrupted"); @@ -630,8 +621,7 @@ const Address interp_only(G2_thread, JavaThread::interp_only_mode_offset()); ld(interp_only, scratch); - tst(scratch); - br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, skip_compiled_code); + cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::notZero, scratch, skip_compiled_code, true, Assembler::pn); delayed()->ld_ptr(G5_method, in_bytes(methodOopDesc::interpreter_entry_offset()), target); bind(skip_compiled_code); } @@ -641,8 +631,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT { Label ok; - br_notnull(target, false, Assembler::pt, ok); - delayed()->nop(); + br_notnull_short(target, Assembler::pt, ok); stop("null entry point"); bind(ok); } @@ -769,6 +758,20 @@ } +void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(Register cache, + Register temp, + Register bytecode, + int byte_no, + int bcp_offset, + size_t index_size) { + get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(cache, temp, bcp_offset, index_size); + ld_ptr(cache, constantPoolCacheOopDesc::base_offset() + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::indices_offset(), bytecode); + const int shift_count = (1 + byte_no) * BitsPerByte; + srl( bytecode, shift_count, bytecode); + and3(bytecode, 0xFF, bytecode); +} + + void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_entry_pointer_at_bcp(Register cache, Register tmp, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size) { assert(bcp_offset > 0, "bcp is still pointing to start of bytecode"); @@ -982,8 +985,7 @@ // Don't unlock anything if the _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized flag // is set. - tstbool(G1_scratch); - br(Assembler::notZero, false, pn, no_unlock); + cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::notZero, G1_scratch, no_unlock); delayed()->nop(); // BasicObjectLock will be first in list, since this is a synchronized method. However, need @@ -997,8 +999,7 @@ add( top_most_monitor(), O1 ); ld_ptr(O1, BasicObjectLock::obj_offset_in_bytes(), G3_scratch); - br_notnull(G3_scratch, false, pt, unlock); - delayed()->nop(); + br_notnull_short(G3_scratch, pt, unlock); if (throw_monitor_exception) { // Entry already unlocked need to throw an exception @@ -1011,8 +1012,7 @@ if (install_monitor_exception) { MacroAssembler::call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::new_illegal_monitor_state_exception)); } - ba(false, unlocked); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(unlocked); } bind(unlock); @@ -1037,15 +1037,13 @@ add(top_most_monitor(), Rmptr, delta); { Label L; // ensure that Rmptr starts out above (or at) Rlimit - cmp(Rmptr, Rlimit); - brx(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, pn, L); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(Rmptr, Rlimit, Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, pn, L); stop("monitor stack has negative size"); bind(L); } #endif bind(restart); - ba(false, entry); + ba(entry); delayed()-> add(top_most_monitor(), Rmptr, delta); // points to current entry, starting with bottom-most entry @@ -1061,8 +1059,7 @@ if (install_monitor_exception) { MacroAssembler::call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::new_illegal_monitor_state_exception)); } - ba(false, restart); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(restart); } bind(loop); @@ -1073,9 +1070,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT { Label L; // ensure that Rmptr has not somehow stepped below Rlimit - cmp(Rmptr, Rlimit); - brx(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, pn, L); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(Rmptr, Rlimit, Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, pn, L); stop("ran off the end of the monitor stack"); bind(L); } @@ -1196,9 +1191,7 @@ (address)StubRoutines::Sparc::atomic_memory_operation_lock_addr()); // if the compare and exchange succeeded we are done (we saw an unlocked object) - cmp(mark_reg, temp_reg); - brx(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pt, done); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(mark_reg, temp_reg, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, done); // We did not see an unlocked object so try the fast recursive case @@ -1324,13 +1317,7 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::test_method_data_pointer(Label& zero_continue) { assert(ProfileInterpreter, "must be profiling interpreter"); -#ifdef _LP64 - bpr(Assembler::rc_z, false, Assembler::pn, ImethodDataPtr, zero_continue); -#else - tst(ImethodDataPtr); - br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, zero_continue); -#endif - delayed()->nop(); + br_null_short(ImethodDataPtr, Assembler::pn, zero_continue); } void InterpreterMacroAssembler::verify_method_data_pointer() { @@ -1376,31 +1363,18 @@ Label done; // if no method data exists, and the counter is high enough, make one -#ifdef _LP64 - bpr(Assembler::rc_nz, false, Assembler::pn, ImethodDataPtr, done); -#else - tst(ImethodDataPtr); - br(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done); -#endif + br_notnull_short(ImethodDataPtr, Assembler::pn, done); // Test to see if we should create a method data oop AddressLiteral profile_limit((address) &InvocationCounter::InterpreterProfileLimit); -#ifdef _LP64 - delayed()->nop(); sethi(profile_limit, Rtmp); -#else - delayed()->sethi(profile_limit, Rtmp); -#endif ld(Rtmp, profile_limit.low10(), Rtmp); - cmp(invocation_count, Rtmp); - br(Assembler::lessUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, profile_continue); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(invocation_count, Rtmp, Assembler::lessUnsigned, Assembler::pn, profile_continue); // Build it now. call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::profile_method)); set_method_data_pointer_for_bcp(); - ba(false, profile_continue); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(profile_continue); bind(done); } @@ -1632,13 +1606,10 @@ Label skip_receiver_profile; if (receiver_can_be_null) { Label not_null; - tst(receiver); - brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, not_null); - delayed()->nop(); + br_notnull_short(receiver, Assembler::pt, not_null); // We are making a call. Increment the count for null receiver. increment_mdp_data_at(in_bytes(CounterData::count_offset()), scratch); - ba(false, skip_receiver_profile); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(skip_receiver_profile); bind(not_null); } @@ -1682,8 +1653,7 @@ // The receiver is receiver[n]. Increment count[n]. int count_offset = in_bytes(VirtualCallData::receiver_count_offset(row)); increment_mdp_data_at(count_offset, scratch); - ba(false, done); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(done); bind(next_test); if (test_for_null_also) { @@ -1697,8 +1667,7 @@ // Receiver did not match any saved receiver and there is no empty row for it. // Increment total counter to indicate polymorphic case. increment_mdp_data_at(in_bytes(CounterData::count_offset()), scratch); - ba(false, done); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(done); bind(found_null); } else { brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, done); @@ -1729,8 +1698,7 @@ mov(DataLayout::counter_increment, scratch); set_mdp_data_at(count_offset, scratch); if (start_row > 0) { - ba(false, done); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(done); } } @@ -1772,8 +1740,7 @@ // The method data pointer needs to be updated to reflect the new target. update_mdp_by_offset(in_bytes(RetData::bci_displacement_offset(row)), scratch); - ba(false, profile_continue); - delayed()->nop(); + ba_short(profile_continue); bind(next_test); } @@ -1922,8 +1889,8 @@ // untested("monitor stack expansion"); compute_stack_base(Rtemp); - ba( false, start_copying ); - delayed()->cmp( Rtemp, Rlimit); // done? duplicated below + ba(start_copying); + delayed()->cmp(Rtemp, Rlimit); // done? duplicated below // note: must copy from low memory upwards // On entry to loop, @@ -2010,9 +1977,7 @@ // untested("reg area corruption"); add(Rindex, offset, Rscratch); add(Rlimit, 64 + STACK_BIAS, Rscratch1); - cmp(Rscratch, Rscratch1); - brx(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, pn, L); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_brx_short(Rscratch, Rscratch1, Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, pn, L); stop("regsave area is being clobbered"); bind(L); } @@ -2174,9 +2139,7 @@ AddressLiteral limit(&InvocationCounter::InterpreterBackwardBranchLimit); load_contents(limit, Rtmp); - cmp(backedge_count, Rtmp); - br(Assembler::lessUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, did_not_overflow); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(backedge_count, Rtmp, Assembler::lessUnsigned, Assembler::pt, did_not_overflow); // When ProfileInterpreter is on, the backedge_count comes from the // methodDataOop, which value does not get reset on the call to @@ -2196,15 +2159,11 @@ // Was an OSR adapter generated? // O0 = osr nmethod - tst(O0); - brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, overflow_with_error); - delayed()->nop(); + br_null_short(O0, Assembler::pn, overflow_with_error); // Has the nmethod been invalidated already? ld(O0, nmethod::entry_bci_offset(), O2); - cmp(O2, InvalidOSREntryBci); - br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, overflow_with_error); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(O2, InvalidOSREntryBci, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, overflow_with_error); // migrate the interpreter frame off of the stack @@ -2270,8 +2229,7 @@ mov(reg, Rtmp); const int log2_bytecode_size_limit = 16; srl(Rtmp, log2_bytecode_size_limit, Rtmp); - br_notnull( Rtmp, false, pt, test ); - delayed()->nop(); + br_notnull_short( Rtmp, pt, test ); // %%% should use call_VM_leaf here? save_frame_and_mov(0, Lmethod, O0, reg, O1); @@ -2320,9 +2278,7 @@ Register temp_reg = O5; const Address interp_only(G2_thread, JavaThread::interp_only_mode_offset()); ld(interp_only, temp_reg); - tst(temp_reg); - br(zero, false, pt, L); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(temp_reg, 0, equal, pt, L); call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::post_method_entry)); bind(L); } @@ -2372,9 +2328,7 @@ Register temp_reg = O5; const Address interp_only(G2_thread, JavaThread::interp_only_mode_offset()); ld(interp_only, temp_reg); - tst(temp_reg); - br(zero, false, pt, L); - delayed()->nop(); + cmp_and_br_short(temp_reg, 0, equal, pt, L); // Note: frame::interpreter_frame_result has a dependency on how the // method result is saved across the call to post_method_exit. For diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/interp_masm_sparc.hpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/interp_masm_sparc.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/interp_masm_sparc.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ setCCOrNot should_set_CC = dont_set_CC ); void get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Register cache, Register tmp, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); + void get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(Register cache, Register temp, Register bytecode, int byte_no, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); void get_cache_entry_pointer_at_bcp(Register cache, Register tmp, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); void get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register cache, Register tmp, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/interpreter_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/interpreter_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/interpreter_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -191,22 +191,19 @@ // Optimization, see if there are any more args and get out prior to checking // all 16 float registers. My guess is that this is rare. // If is_register is false, then we are done the first six integer args. - __ tst(G4_scratch); - __ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); - + __ br_null_short(G4_scratch, Assembler::pt, done); } - __ ba(false, NextArg); + __ ba(NextArg); __ delayed()->srl( G4_scratch, 2, G4_scratch ); __ bind(LoadFloatArg); __ ldf( FloatRegisterImpl::S, a, ldarg.as_float_register(), 4); - __ ba(false, NextArg); + __ ba(NextArg); __ delayed()->srl( G4_scratch, 2, G4_scratch ); __ bind(LoadDoubleArg); __ ldf( FloatRegisterImpl::D, a, ldarg.as_double_register() ); - __ ba(false, NextArg); + __ ba(NextArg); __ delayed()->srl( G4_scratch, 2, G4_scratch ); __ bind(NextArg); @@ -234,8 +231,7 @@ __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::frequency_counter_overflow), O2, O2, true); // returns verified_entry_point or NULL // we ignore it in any case - __ ba(false, Lcontinue); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(Lcontinue); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/methodHandles_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/methodHandles_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/methodHandles_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -287,9 +287,7 @@ BLOCK_COMMENT("verify_clean {"); // Magic numbers must check out: __ set((int32_t) MAGIC_NUMBER_1, O7_temp); - __ cmp(O7_temp, L0_magic_number_1); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok_1); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(O7_temp, L0_magic_number_1, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_ok_1); __ stop("damaged ricochet frame: MAGIC_NUMBER_1 not found"); __ BIND(L_ok_1); @@ -301,9 +299,7 @@ #else Register FP_temp = FP; #endif - __ cmp(L4_saved_args_base, FP_temp); - __ br(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok_2); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(L4_saved_args_base, FP_temp, Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_ok_2); __ stop("damaged ricochet frame: L4 < FP"); __ BIND(L_ok_2); @@ -316,15 +312,11 @@ __ BIND(L_ok_3); extract_conversion_dest_type(_masm, L5_conversion, O7_temp); - __ cmp(O7_temp, T_VOID); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok_4); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(O7_temp, T_VOID, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_ok_4); extract_conversion_vminfo(_masm, L5_conversion, O5_temp); __ ld_ptr(L4_saved_args_base, __ argument_offset(O5_temp, O5_temp), O7_temp); assert(__ is_simm13(RETURN_VALUE_PLACEHOLDER), "must be simm13"); - __ cmp(O7_temp, (int32_t) RETURN_VALUE_PLACEHOLDER); - __ brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok_4); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(O7_temp, (int32_t) RETURN_VALUE_PLACEHOLDER, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_ok_4); __ stop("damaged ricochet frame: RETURN_VALUE_PLACEHOLDER not found"); __ BIND(L_ok_4); BLOCK_COMMENT("} verify_clean"); @@ -363,9 +355,7 @@ if (VerifyMethodHandles) { Label L_ok, L_bad; int32_t stack_move_limit = 0x0800; // extra-large - __ cmp(stack_move_reg, stack_move_limit); - __ br(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L_bad); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(stack_move_reg, stack_move_limit, Assembler::greaterEqual, Assembler::pn, L_bad); __ cmp(stack_move_reg, -stack_move_limit); __ br(Assembler::greater, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok); __ delayed()->nop(); @@ -401,13 +391,9 @@ // Verify that argslot lies within (Gargs, FP]. Label L_ok, L_bad; BLOCK_COMMENT("verify_argslot {"); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(Gargs, argslot_reg, Assembler::greaterUnsigned, Assembler::pn, L_bad); __ add(FP, STACK_BIAS, temp_reg); // STACK_BIAS is zero on !_LP64 - __ cmp(argslot_reg, temp_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, L_bad); - __ delayed()->nop(); - __ cmp(Gargs, argslot_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::lessEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(argslot_reg, temp_reg, Assembler::lessEqualUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_ok); __ BIND(L_bad); __ stop(error_message); __ BIND(L_ok); @@ -434,14 +420,10 @@ } __ add(arg_slot_base_reg, __ argument_offset(arg_slots, temp_reg), temp_reg); __ add(FP, STACK_BIAS, temp2_reg); // STACK_BIAS is zero on !_LP64 - __ cmp(temp_reg, temp2_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, L_bad); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(temp_reg, temp2_reg, Assembler::greaterUnsigned, Assembler::pn, L_bad); // Gargs points to the first word so adjust by BytesPerWord __ add(arg_slot_base_reg, BytesPerWord, temp_reg); - __ cmp(Gargs, temp_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::lessEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(Gargs, temp_reg, Assembler::lessEqualUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_ok); __ BIND(L_bad); __ stop(error_message); __ BIND(L_ok); @@ -502,21 +484,16 @@ Label L_ok, L_bad; BLOCK_COMMENT("verify_klass {"); __ verify_oop(obj_reg); - __ br_null(obj_reg, false, Assembler::pn, L_bad); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(obj_reg, Assembler::pn, L_bad); __ load_klass(obj_reg, temp_reg); __ set(ExternalAddress(klass_addr), temp2_reg); __ ld_ptr(Address(temp2_reg, 0), temp2_reg); - __ cmp(temp_reg, temp2_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(temp_reg, temp2_reg, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_ok); intptr_t super_check_offset = klass->super_check_offset(); __ ld_ptr(Address(temp_reg, super_check_offset), temp_reg); __ set(ExternalAddress(klass_addr), temp2_reg); __ ld_ptr(Address(temp2_reg, 0), temp2_reg); - __ cmp(temp_reg, temp2_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(temp_reg, temp2_reg, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_ok); __ BIND(L_bad); __ stop(error_message); __ BIND(L_ok); @@ -671,9 +648,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT { Label L_ok; - __ cmp(arg_slots.as_register(), 0); - __ br(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(arg_slots.as_register(), 0, Assembler::greaterEqual, Assembler::pt, L_ok); __ stop("negative arg_slots"); __ bind(L_ok); } @@ -748,9 +723,7 @@ __ ld_ptr( Address(temp_reg, 0 ), temp2_reg); __ st_ptr(temp2_reg, Address(temp_reg, offset) ); __ add(temp_reg, wordSize, temp_reg); - __ cmp(temp_reg, argslot_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::lessUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, loop); - __ delayed()->nop(); // FILLME + __ cmp_and_brx_short(temp_reg, argslot_reg, Assembler::lessUnsigned, Assembler::pt, loop); } // Now move the argslot down, to point to the opened-up space. @@ -797,9 +770,7 @@ __ ld_ptr( Address(temp_reg, 0 ), temp2_reg); __ st_ptr(temp2_reg, Address(temp_reg, offset) ); __ sub(temp_reg, wordSize, temp_reg); - __ cmp(temp_reg, Gargs); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L_loop); - __ delayed()->nop(); // FILLME + __ cmp_and_brx_short(temp_reg, Gargs, Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_loop); } // And adjust the argslot address to point at the deletion point. @@ -848,8 +819,7 @@ __ delayed()->nop(); __ ld_ptr( Address(argslot_reg, 0), temp_reg); __ st_ptr(temp_reg, Address(Gargs, 0)); - __ ba(false, L_break); - __ delayed()->nop(); // FILLME + __ ba_short(L_break); __ BIND(L_plural); // Loop for 2 or more: @@ -863,9 +833,7 @@ __ sub(Gargs, wordSize, Gargs ); __ ld_ptr( Address(top_reg, 0), temp2_reg); __ st_ptr(temp2_reg, Address(Gargs, 0)); - __ cmp(top_reg, argslot_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L_loop); - __ delayed()->nop(); // FILLME + __ cmp_and_brx_short(top_reg, argslot_reg, Assembler::greaterUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_loop); __ BIND(L_break); } BLOCK_COMMENT("} push_arg_slots"); @@ -897,17 +865,13 @@ __ br(Assembler::lessEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L_bad); __ delayed()->nop(); } - __ cmp(bottom_reg, top_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::lessUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(bottom_reg, top_reg, Assembler::lessUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_ok); __ BIND(L_bad); __ stop("valid bounds (copy up)"); __ BIND(L_ok); } #endif - __ cmp(bottom_reg, top_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, L_break); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(bottom_reg, top_reg, Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, Assembler::pn, L_break); // work top down to bottom, copying contiguous data upwards // In pseudo-code: // while (--top >= bottom) *(top + distance) = *(top + 0); @@ -916,9 +880,7 @@ __ sub(top_reg, wordSize, top_reg); __ ld_ptr( Address(top_reg, 0 ), temp2_reg); __ st_ptr(temp2_reg, Address(top_reg, offset) ); - __ cmp(top_reg, bottom_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L_loop); - __ delayed()->nop(); // FILLME + __ cmp_and_brx_short(top_reg, bottom_reg, Assembler::greaterUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_loop); assert(Interpreter::stackElementSize == wordSize, "else change loop"); __ BIND(L_break); BLOCK_COMMENT("} move_arg_slots_up"); @@ -951,17 +913,13 @@ __ br(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L_bad); __ delayed()->nop(); } - __ cmp(bottom_reg, top_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::lessUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(bottom_reg, top_reg, Assembler::lessUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_ok); __ BIND(L_bad); __ stop("valid bounds (copy down)"); __ BIND(L_ok); } #endif - __ cmp(bottom_reg, top_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, L_break); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(bottom_reg, top_reg, Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, Assembler::pn, L_break); // work bottom up to top, copying contiguous data downwards // In pseudo-code: // while (bottom < top) *(bottom - distance) = *(bottom + 0), bottom++; @@ -970,9 +928,7 @@ __ ld_ptr( Address(bottom_reg, 0 ), temp2_reg); __ st_ptr(temp2_reg, Address(bottom_reg, offset) ); __ add(bottom_reg, wordSize, bottom_reg); - __ cmp(bottom_reg, top_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::lessUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L_loop); - __ delayed()->nop(); // FILLME + __ cmp_and_brx_short(bottom_reg, top_reg, Assembler::lessUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_loop); assert(Interpreter::stackElementSize == wordSize, "else change loop"); __ BIND(L_break); BLOCK_COMMENT("} move_arg_slots_down"); @@ -1170,7 +1126,7 @@ adjust_SP_and_Gargs_down_by_slots(_masm, 3, noreg, noreg); - __ st_ptr(O0_code, __ argument_address(constant(2), noreg, 0)); + __ st (O0_code, __ argument_address(constant(2), noreg, 0)); __ st_ptr(O1_actual, __ argument_address(constant(1), noreg, 0)); __ st_ptr(O2_required, __ argument_address(constant(0), noreg, 0)); jump_from_method_handle(_masm, G5_method, O1_scratch, O2_scratch); @@ -1329,9 +1285,7 @@ Label L_done; __ ld_ptr(vmarg, O2_scratch); - __ tst(O2_scratch); - __ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, L_done); // No cast if null. - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(O2_scratch, Assembler::pn, L_done); // No cast if null. __ load_klass(O2_scratch, O2_scratch); // Live at this point: @@ -1436,8 +1390,7 @@ // this path is taken for int->byte, int->short __ sra(O1_scratch, G5_vminfo, O1_scratch); - __ ba(false, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(done); __ bind(zero_extend); // this is taken for int->char @@ -1860,9 +1813,7 @@ BLOCK_COMMENT("verify collect_count_constant {"); __ load_method_handle_vmslots(O3_scratch, G3_method_handle, O2_scratch); Label L_count_ok; - __ cmp(O3_scratch, collect_count_constant); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_count_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(O3_scratch, collect_count_constant, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_count_ok); __ stop("bad vminfo in AMH.conv"); __ BIND(L_count_ok); BLOCK_COMMENT("} verify collect_count_constant"); @@ -1909,9 +1860,7 @@ BLOCK_COMMENT("verify dest_slot_constant {"); extract_conversion_vminfo(_masm, RicochetFrame::L5_conversion, O3_scratch); Label L_vminfo_ok; - __ cmp(O3_scratch, dest_slot_constant); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_vminfo_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(O3_scratch, dest_slot_constant, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_vminfo_ok); __ stop("bad vminfo in AMH.conv"); __ BIND(L_vminfo_ok); BLOCK_COMMENT("} verify dest_slot_constant"); @@ -1951,14 +1900,10 @@ // If there are variable parameters, use dynamic checks to skip around the whole mess. Label L_done; if (keep3_count.is_register()) { - __ tst(keep3_count.as_register()); - __ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, L_done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(keep3_count.as_register(), 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_done); } if (close_count.is_register()) { - __ cmp(close_count.as_register(), open_count); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, L_done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(close_count.as_register(), open_count, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_done); } if (move_keep3 && fix_arg_base) { @@ -1999,8 +1944,7 @@ } if (emit_guard) { - __ ba(false, L_done); // assumes emit_move_up is true also - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(L_done); // assumes emit_move_up is true also __ BIND(L_move_up); } @@ -2133,8 +2077,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT { Label L_ok; - __ br_notnull(O7_temp, false, Assembler::pt, L_ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(O7_temp, Assembler::pt, L_ok); __ stop("bad method handle return"); __ BIND(L_ok); } @@ -2192,11 +2135,10 @@ Label L_skip; if (length_constant < 0) { load_conversion_vminfo(_masm, G3_amh_conversion, O3_scratch); - __ br_zero(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, O3_scratch, L_skip); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::notZero, O3_scratch, L_skip); + __ delayed()->nop(); // to avoid back-to-back cbcond instructions } - __ br_null(O1_array, false, Assembler::pn, L_array_is_empty); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(O1_array, Assembler::pn, L_array_is_empty); __ BIND(L_skip); } __ null_check(O1_array, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()); @@ -2210,8 +2152,7 @@ Label L_ok_array_klass, L_bad_array_klass, L_bad_array_length; __ check_klass_subtype(O2_array_klass, O3_klass, O4_scratch, G5_scratch, L_ok_array_klass); // If we get here, the type check failed! - __ ba(false, L_bad_array_klass); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(L_bad_array_klass); __ BIND(L_ok_array_klass); // Check length. @@ -2247,8 +2188,7 @@ __ BIND(L_array_is_empty); remove_arg_slots(_masm, -stack_move_unit() * array_slots, O0_argslot, O1_scratch, O2_scratch, O3_scratch); - __ ba(false, L_args_done); // no spreading to do - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(L_args_done); // no spreading to do __ BIND(L_insert_arg_space); // come here in the usual case, stack_move < 0 (2 or more spread arguments) // Live: O1_array, O2_argslot_limit, O3_stack_move @@ -2289,9 +2229,7 @@ Address(O1_source, 0), Address(O4_fill_ptr, 0), O2_scratch); // must be an even register for !_LP64 long moves (uses O2/O3) __ add(O1_source, type2aelembytes(elem_type), O1_source); - __ cmp(O4_fill_ptr, O0_argslot); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L_loop); - __ delayed()->nop(); // FILLME + __ cmp_and_brx_short(O4_fill_ptr, O0_argslot, Assembler::greaterUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_loop); } else if (length_constant == 0) { // nothing to copy } else { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/sharedRuntime_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/sharedRuntime_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/sharedRuntime_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ void AdapterGenerator::patch_callers_callsite() { Label L; __ ld_ptr(G5_method, in_bytes(methodOopDesc::code_offset()), G3_scratch); - __ br_null(G3_scratch, false, __ pt, L); + __ br_null(G3_scratch, false, Assembler::pt, L); // Schedule the branch target address early. __ delayed()->ld_ptr(G5_method, in_bytes(methodOopDesc::interpreter_entry_offset()), G3_scratch); // Call into the VM to patch the caller, then jump to compiled callee @@ -1127,8 +1127,7 @@ Label loop; __ bind(loop); __ sub(L0, 1, L0); - __ br_null(L0, false, Assembler::pt, loop); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(L0, Assembler::pt, loop); __ restore(); } @@ -1202,7 +1201,7 @@ // the call site corrected. __ ld_ptr(G5_method, in_bytes(methodOopDesc::code_offset()), G3_scratch); __ bind(ok2); - __ br_null(G3_scratch, false, __ pt, skip_fixup); + __ br_null(G3_scratch, false, Assembler::pt, skip_fixup); __ delayed()->ld_ptr(G5_method, in_bytes(methodOopDesc::interpreter_entry_offset()), G3_scratch); __ jump_to(ic_miss, G3_scratch); __ delayed()->nop(); @@ -1779,9 +1778,7 @@ AddressLiteral ic_miss(SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()); __ verify_oop(O0); __ load_klass(O0, temp_reg); - __ cmp(temp_reg, G5_inline_cache_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(temp_reg, G5_inline_cache_reg, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L); __ jump_to(ic_miss, temp_reg); __ delayed()->nop(); @@ -2182,8 +2179,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT { Label L; __ ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(Thread::pending_exception_offset()), O0); - __ br_null(O0, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(O0, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("no pending exception allowed on exit from IR::monitorenter"); __ bind(L); } @@ -2298,9 +2294,7 @@ Address suspend_state(G2_thread, JavaThread::suspend_flags_offset()); __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L); __ delayed()->ld(suspend_state, G3_scratch); - __ cmp(G3_scratch, 0); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, no_block); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G3_scratch, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, no_block); __ bind(L); // Block. Save any potential method result value before the operation and @@ -2328,9 +2322,7 @@ Label no_reguard; __ ld(G2_thread, JavaThread::stack_guard_state_offset(), G3_scratch); - __ cmp(G3_scratch, JavaThread::stack_guard_yellow_disabled); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, no_reguard); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G3_scratch, JavaThread::stack_guard_yellow_disabled, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pt, no_reguard); save_native_result(masm, ret_type, stack_slots); __ call(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::reguard_yellow_pages)); @@ -2382,8 +2374,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT { Label L; __ ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(Thread::pending_exception_offset()), O0); - __ br_null(O0, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(O0, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("no pending exception allowed on exit from IR::monitorexit"); __ bind(L); } @@ -2639,9 +2630,7 @@ AddressLiteral ic_miss(SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()); __ verify_oop(O0); __ ld_ptr(O0, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes(), temp_reg); - __ cmp(temp_reg, G5_inline_cache_reg); - __ brx(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(temp_reg, G5_inline_cache_reg, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L); __ jump_to(ic_miss, temp_reg); __ delayed()->nop(); @@ -3143,8 +3132,7 @@ gen_new_frame(masm, deopt); // allocate an interpreter frame - __ tst(O4array_size); - __ br(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, loop); + __ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::notZero, O4array_size, loop); __ delayed()->add(O3array, wordSize, O3array); __ ld_ptr(G3pcs, 0, O7); // load final frame new pc @@ -3221,7 +3209,7 @@ // pc is now in O7. Return values are still in the expected places map = RegisterSaver::save_live_registers(masm, 0, &frame_size_words); - __ ba(false, cont); + __ ba(cont); __ delayed()->mov(Deoptimization::Unpack_deopt, L0deopt_mode); int exception_offset = __ offset() - start; @@ -3256,8 +3244,7 @@ // verify that there is really an exception oop in exception_oop Label has_exception; __ ld_ptr(G2_thread, JavaThread::exception_oop_offset(), Oexception); - __ br_notnull(Oexception, false, Assembler::pt, has_exception); - __ delayed()-> nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(Oexception, Assembler::pt, has_exception); __ stop("no exception in thread"); __ bind(has_exception); @@ -3265,14 +3252,13 @@ Label no_pending_exception; Address exception_addr(G2_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()); __ ld_ptr(exception_addr, Oexception); - __ br_null(Oexception, false, Assembler::pt, no_pending_exception); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(Oexception, Assembler::pt, no_pending_exception); __ stop("must not have pending exception here"); __ bind(no_pending_exception); } #endif - __ ba(false, cont); + __ ba(cont); __ delayed()->mov(Deoptimization::Unpack_exception, L0deopt_mode);; // @@ -3313,9 +3299,7 @@ RegisterSaver::restore_result_registers(masm); Label noException; - __ cmp(G4deopt_mode, Deoptimization::Unpack_exception); // Was exception pending? - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, noException); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G4deopt_mode, Deoptimization::Unpack_exception, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pt, noException); // Move the pending exception from exception_oop to Oexception so // the pending exception will be picked up the interpreter. @@ -3359,9 +3343,7 @@ // In 32 bit, C2 returns longs in G1 so restore the saved G1 into // I0/I1 if the return value is long. Label not_long; - __ cmp(O0,T_LONG); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, not_long); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(O0,T_LONG, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pt, not_long); __ ldd(saved_Greturn1_addr,I0); __ bind(not_long); #endif @@ -3534,9 +3516,7 @@ Label pending; __ ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(Thread::pending_exception_offset()), O1); - __ tst(O1); - __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, true, Assembler::pn, pending); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(O1, Assembler::pn, pending); RegisterSaver::restore_live_registers(masm); @@ -3623,9 +3603,7 @@ Label pending; __ ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(Thread::pending_exception_offset()), O1); - __ tst(O1); - __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, true, Assembler::pn, pending); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(O1, Assembler::pn, pending); // get the returned methodOop diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/sparc.ad --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/sparc.ad Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/sparc.ad Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -471,9 +471,6 @@ source %{ #define __ _masm. -// Block initializing store -#define ASI_BLK_INIT_QUAD_LDD_P 0xE2 - // tertiary op of a LoadP or StoreP encoding #define REGP_OP true @@ -1693,7 +1690,6 @@ void MachUEPNode::emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const { MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf); - Label L; Register G5_ic_reg = reg_to_register_object(Matcher::inline_cache_reg_encode()); Register temp_reg = G3; assert( G5_ic_reg != temp_reg, "conflicting registers" ); @@ -1835,8 +1831,10 @@ // // NOTE: If the platform does not provide any short branch variants, then // this method should return false for offset 0. -bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int offset) { - return false; +bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int br_size, int offset) { + // The passed offset is relative to address of the branch. + // Don't need to adjust the offset. + return UseCBCond && Assembler::is_simm(offset, 12); } const bool Matcher::isSimpleConstant64(jlong value) { @@ -2315,60 +2313,23 @@ __ delayed()->nop(); %} - enc_class enc_bp( Label labl, cmpOp cmp, flagsReg cc ) %{ - MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf); - Label &L = *($labl$$label); - Assembler::Predict predict_taken = - cbuf.is_backward_branch(L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; - - __ bp( (Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::icc, predict_taken, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); - %} - - enc_class enc_bpl( Label labl, cmpOp cmp, flagsRegL cc ) %{ + enc_class enc_bp( label labl, cmpOp cmp, flagsReg cc ) %{ MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf); - Label &L = *($labl$$label); - Assembler::Predict predict_taken = - cbuf.is_backward_branch(L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; - - __ bp( (Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::xcc, predict_taken, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); - %} - - enc_class enc_bpx( Label labl, cmpOp cmp, flagsRegP cc ) %{ - MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf); - Label &L = *($labl$$label); + Label* L = $labl$$label; Assembler::Predict predict_taken = - cbuf.is_backward_branch(L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; - - __ bp( (Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::ptr_cc, predict_taken, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); - %} - - enc_class enc_fbp( Label labl, cmpOpF cmp, flagsRegF cc ) %{ - MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf); - Label &L = *($labl$$label); - Assembler::Predict predict_taken = - cbuf.is_backward_branch(L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; - - __ fbp( (Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, (Assembler::CC)($cc$$reg), predict_taken, L); + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + + __ bp( (Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::icc, predict_taken, *L); __ delayed()->nop(); %} - enc_class enc_ba( Label labl ) %{ + enc_class enc_bpr( label labl, cmpOp_reg cmp, iRegI op1 ) %{ MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf); - Label &L = *($labl$$label); - __ ba(false, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); - %} - - enc_class enc_bpr( Label labl, cmpOp_reg cmp, iRegI op1 ) %{ - MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf); - Label &L = *$labl$$label; + Label* L = $labl$$label; Assembler::Predict predict_taken = - cbuf.is_backward_branch(L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; - - __ bpr( (Assembler::RCondition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, predict_taken, as_Register($op1$$reg), L); + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + + __ bpr( (Assembler::RCondition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, predict_taken, as_Register($op1$$reg), *L); __ delayed()->nop(); %} @@ -2855,10 +2816,10 @@ Register nof_bytes_arg = reg_to_register_object($cnt$$reg); Register nof_bytes_tmp = reg_to_register_object($temp$$reg); Register base_pointer_arg = reg_to_register_object($base$$reg); - + Label loop; __ mov(nof_bytes_arg, nof_bytes_tmp); - + // Loop and clear, walking backwards through the array. // nof_bytes_tmp (if >0) is always the number of bytes to zero __ bind(loop); @@ -2986,7 +2947,7 @@ __ brx(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pn, Ldone); __ delayed()->add(G0, 1, result_reg); - __ br_on_reg_cond(Assembler::rc_z, true, Assembler::pn, cnt_reg, Ldone); + __ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::zero, cnt_reg, Ldone, true, Assembler::pn); __ delayed()->add(G0, 1, result_reg); // count == 0 //rename registers @@ -3006,7 +2967,7 @@ // Compare char[] arrays aligned to 4 bytes. __ char_arrays_equals(str1_reg, str2_reg, limit_reg, result_reg, chr1_reg, chr2_reg, Ldone); - __ ba(false,Ldone); + __ ba(Ldone); __ delayed()->add(G0, 1, result_reg); // char by char compare @@ -3065,7 +3026,7 @@ __ br(Assembler::notEqual, true, Assembler::pn, Ldone); __ delayed()->mov(G0, result_reg); // not equal - __ br_on_reg_cond(Assembler::rc_z, true, Assembler::pn, tmp1_reg, Ldone); + __ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::zero, tmp1_reg, Ldone, true, Assembler::pn); __ delayed()->add(G0, 1, result_reg); // zero-length arrays are equal // load array addresses @@ -3352,10 +3313,10 @@ //----------Instruction Attributes--------------------------------------------- ins_attrib ins_cost(DEFAULT_COST); // Required cost attribute -ins_attrib ins_size(32); // Required size attribute (in bits) -ins_attrib ins_pc_relative(0); // Required PC Relative flag -ins_attrib ins_short_branch(0); // Required flag: is this instruction a - // non-matching short branch variant of some +ins_attrib ins_size(32); // Required size attribute (in bits) +ins_attrib ins_avoid_back_to_back(0); // instruction should not be generated back to back +ins_attrib ins_short_branch(0); // Required flag: is this instruction a + // non-matching short branch variant of some // long branch? //----------OPERANDS----------------------------------------------------------- @@ -3441,6 +3402,15 @@ interface(CONST_INTER); %} +// Integer Immediate: 5-bit +operand immI5() %{ + predicate(Assembler::is_simm(n->get_int(), 5)); + match(ConI); + op_cost(0); + format %{ %} + interface(CONST_INTER); +%} + // Integer Immediate: 0-bit operand immI0() %{ predicate(n->get_int() == 0); @@ -3664,6 +3634,15 @@ interface(CONST_INTER); %} +// Integer Immediate: 5-bit +operand immL5() %{ + predicate(n->get_long() == (int)n->get_long() && Assembler::is_simm((int)n->get_long(), 5)); + match(ConL); + op_cost(0); + format %{ %} + interface(CONST_INTER); +%} + // Long Immediate: 13-bit operand immL13() %{ predicate((-4096L < n->get_long()) && (n->get_long() <= 4095L)); @@ -5196,6 +5175,42 @@ MS : R; %} +// Compare and branch +pipe_class cmp_br_reg_reg(Universe br, cmpOp cmp, iRegI src1, iRegI src2, label labl, flagsReg cr) %{ + instruction_count(2); has_delay_slot; + cr : E(write); + src1 : R(read); + src2 : R(read); + IALU : R; + BR : R; +%} + +// Compare and branch +pipe_class cmp_br_reg_imm(Universe br, cmpOp cmp, iRegI src1, immI13 src2, label labl, flagsReg cr) %{ + instruction_count(2); has_delay_slot; + cr : E(write); + src1 : R(read); + IALU : R; + BR : R; +%} + +// Compare and branch using cbcond +pipe_class cbcond_reg_reg(Universe br, cmpOp cmp, iRegI src1, iRegI src2, label labl) %{ + single_instruction; + src1 : E(read); + src2 : E(read); + IALU : R; + BR : R; +%} + +// Compare and branch using cbcond +pipe_class cbcond_reg_imm(Universe br, cmpOp cmp, iRegI src1, immI5 src2, label labl) %{ + single_instruction; + src1 : E(read); + IALU : R; + BR : R; +%} + pipe_class br_fcc(Universe br, cmpOpF cc, flagsReg cr, label labl) %{ single_instruction_with_delay_slot; cr : E(read); @@ -6251,6 +6266,7 @@ instruct prefetchr( memory mem ) %{ match( PrefetchRead mem ); ins_cost(MEMORY_REF_COST); + size(4); format %{ "PREFETCH $mem,0\t! Prefetch read-many" %} opcode(Assembler::prefetch_op3); @@ -6259,9 +6275,9 @@ %} instruct prefetchw( memory mem ) %{ - predicate(AllocatePrefetchStyle != 3 ); match( PrefetchWrite mem ); ins_cost(MEMORY_REF_COST); + size(4); format %{ "PREFETCH $mem,2\t! Prefetch write-many (and read)" %} opcode(Assembler::prefetch_op3); @@ -6269,24 +6285,62 @@ ins_pipe(iload_mem); %} -// Use BIS instruction to prefetch. -instruct prefetchw_bis( memory mem ) %{ - predicate(AllocatePrefetchStyle == 3); - match( PrefetchWrite mem ); - ins_cost(MEMORY_REF_COST); - - format %{ "STXA G0,$mem\t! // Block initializing store" %} - ins_encode %{ - Register base = as_Register($mem$$base); - int disp = $mem$$disp; - if (disp != 0) { - __ add(base, AllocatePrefetchStepSize, base); - } - __ stxa(G0, base, G0, ASI_BLK_INIT_QUAD_LDD_P); +// Prefetch instructions for allocation. + +instruct prefetchAlloc( memory mem ) %{ + predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr == 0); + match( PrefetchAllocation mem ); + ins_cost(MEMORY_REF_COST); + size(4); + + format %{ "PREFETCH $mem,2\t! Prefetch allocation" %} + opcode(Assembler::prefetch_op3); + ins_encode( form3_mem_prefetch_write( mem ) ); + ins_pipe(iload_mem); +%} + +// Use BIS instruction to prefetch for allocation. +// Could fault, need space at the end of TLAB. +instruct prefetchAlloc_bis( iRegP dst ) %{ + predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr == 1); + match( PrefetchAllocation dst ); + ins_cost(MEMORY_REF_COST); + size(4); + + format %{ "STXA [$dst]\t! // Prefetch allocation using BIS" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ stxa(G0, $dst$$Register, G0, Assembler::ASI_ST_BLKINIT_PRIMARY); %} ins_pipe(istore_mem_reg); %} +// Next code is used for finding next cache line address to prefetch. +#ifndef _LP64 +instruct cacheLineAdr( iRegP dst, iRegP src, immI13 mask ) %{ + match(Set dst (CastX2P (AndI (CastP2X src) mask))); + ins_cost(DEFAULT_COST); + size(4); + + format %{ "AND $src,$mask,$dst\t! next cache line address" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ and3($src$$Register, $mask$$constant, $dst$$Register); + %} + ins_pipe(ialu_reg_imm); +%} +#else +instruct cacheLineAdr( iRegP dst, iRegP src, immL13 mask ) %{ + match(Set dst (CastX2P (AndL (CastP2X src) mask))); + ins_cost(DEFAULT_COST); + size(4); + + format %{ "AND $src,$mask,$dst\t! next cache line address" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ and3($src$$Register, $mask$$constant, $dst$$Register); + %} + ins_pipe(ialu_reg_imm); +%} +#endif + //----------Store Instructions------------------------------------------------- // Store Byte instruct storeB(memory mem, iRegI src) %{ @@ -6644,8 +6698,7 @@ %} instruct membar_acquire_lock() %{ - match(MemBarAcquire); - predicate(Matcher::prior_fast_lock(n)); + match(MemBarAcquireLock); ins_cost(0); size(0); @@ -6665,8 +6718,7 @@ %} instruct membar_release_lock() %{ - match(MemBarRelease); - predicate(Matcher::post_fast_unlock(n)); + match(MemBarReleaseLock); ins_cost(0); size(0); @@ -9220,7 +9272,6 @@ __ jmp(label_reg, G0); __ delayed()->nop(); %} - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg); %} @@ -9232,13 +9283,33 @@ size(8); ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); format %{ "BA $labl" %} - // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30, Tert = cond - opcode(Assembler::br_op2, Assembler::branch_op, Assembler::always); - ins_encode( enc_ba( labl ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ ba(*L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} ins_pipe(br); %} +// Direct Branch, short with no delay slot +instruct branch_short(label labl) %{ + match(Goto); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "BA $labl\t! short branch" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ ba_short(*L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_imm); +%} + // Conditional Direct Branch instruct branchCon(cmpOp cmp, flagsReg icc, label labl) %{ match(If cmp icc); @@ -9249,10 +9320,539 @@ format %{ "BP$cmp $icc,$labl" %} // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30 ins_encode( enc_bp( labl, cmp, icc ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); + ins_pipe(br_cc); +%} + +instruct branchConU(cmpOpU cmp, flagsRegU icc, label labl) %{ + match(If cmp icc); + effect(USE labl); + + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "BP$cmp $icc,$labl" %} + // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30 + ins_encode( enc_bp( labl, cmp, icc ) ); + ins_pipe(br_cc); +%} + +instruct branchConP(cmpOpP cmp, flagsRegP pcc, label labl) %{ + match(If cmp pcc); + effect(USE labl); + + size(8); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "BP$cmp $pcc,$labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + + __ bp( (Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::ptr_cc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(br_cc); +%} + +instruct branchConF(cmpOpF cmp, flagsRegF fcc, label labl) %{ + match(If cmp fcc); + effect(USE labl); + + size(8); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "FBP$cmp $fcc,$labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + + __ fbp( (Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, (Assembler::CC)($fcc$$reg), predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(br_fcc); +%} + +instruct branchLoopEnd(cmpOp cmp, flagsReg icc, label labl) %{ + match(CountedLoopEnd cmp icc); + effect(USE labl); + + size(8); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "BP$cmp $icc,$labl\t! Loop end" %} + // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30 + ins_encode( enc_bp( labl, cmp, icc ) ); + ins_pipe(br_cc); +%} + +instruct branchLoopEndU(cmpOpU cmp, flagsRegU icc, label labl) %{ + match(CountedLoopEnd cmp icc); + effect(USE labl); + + size(8); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "BP$cmp $icc,$labl\t! Loop end" %} + // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30 + ins_encode( enc_bp( labl, cmp, icc ) ); ins_pipe(br_cc); %} +// Compare and branch instructions +instruct cmpI_reg_branch(cmpOp cmp, iRegI op1, iRegI op2, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpI op1 op2)); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,$op2\t! int\n\t" + "BP$cmp $labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, $op2$$Register); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::icc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpI_imm_branch(cmpOp cmp, iRegI op1, immI5 op2, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpI op1 op2)); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,$op2\t! int\n\t" + "BP$cmp $labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, $op2$$constant); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::icc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_imm); +%} + +instruct cmpU_reg_branch(cmpOpU cmp, iRegI op1, iRegI op2, label labl, flagsRegU icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpU op1 op2)); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,$op2\t! unsigned\n\t" + "BP$cmp $labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, $op2$$Register); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::icc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpU_imm_branch(cmpOpU cmp, iRegI op1, immI5 op2, label labl, flagsRegU icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpU op1 op2)); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,$op2\t! unsigned\n\t" + "BP$cmp $labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, $op2$$constant); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::icc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_imm); +%} + +instruct cmpL_reg_branch(cmpOp cmp, iRegL op1, iRegL op2, label labl, flagsRegL xcc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpL op1 op2)); + effect(USE labl, KILL xcc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,$op2\t! long\n\t" + "BP$cmp $labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, $op2$$Register); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::xcc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpL_imm_branch(cmpOp cmp, iRegL op1, immL5 op2, label labl, flagsRegL xcc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpL op1 op2)); + effect(USE labl, KILL xcc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,$op2\t! long\n\t" + "BP$cmp $labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, $op2$$constant); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::xcc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_imm); +%} + +// Compare Pointers and branch +instruct cmpP_reg_branch(cmpOpP cmp, iRegP op1, iRegP op2, label labl, flagsRegP pcc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpP op1 op2)); + effect(USE labl, KILL pcc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,$op2\t! ptr\n\t" + "B$cmp $labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, $op2$$Register); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::ptr_cc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpP_null_branch(cmpOpP cmp, iRegP op1, immP0 null, label labl, flagsRegP pcc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpP op1 null)); + effect(USE labl, KILL pcc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,0\t! ptr\n\t" + "B$cmp $labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, G0); + // bpr() is not used here since it has shorter distance. + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::ptr_cc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpN_reg_branch(cmpOp cmp, iRegN op1, iRegN op2, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpN op1 op2)); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,$op2\t! compressed ptr\n\t" + "BP$cmp $labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, $op2$$Register); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::icc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpN_null_branch(cmpOp cmp, iRegN op1, immN0 null, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpN op1 null)); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,0\t! compressed ptr\n\t" + "BP$cmp $labl" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, G0); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::icc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_reg); +%} + +// Loop back branch +instruct cmpI_reg_branchLoopEnd(cmpOp cmp, iRegI op1, iRegI op2, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(CountedLoopEnd cmp (CmpI op1 op2)); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,$op2\t! int\n\t" + "BP$cmp $labl\t! Loop end" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, $op2$$Register); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::icc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpI_imm_branchLoopEnd(cmpOp cmp, iRegI op1, immI5 op2, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(CountedLoopEnd cmp (CmpI op1 op2)); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(12); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CMP $op1,$op2\t! int\n\t" + "BP$cmp $labl\t! Loop end" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + __ cmp($op1$$Register, $op2$$constant); + __ bp((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::icc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} + ins_pipe(cmp_br_reg_imm); +%} + +// Short compare and branch instructions +instruct cmpI_reg_branch_short(cmpOp cmp, iRegI op1, iRegI op2, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpI op1 op2)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! int" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::icc, $op1$$Register, $op2$$Register, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpI_imm_branch_short(cmpOp cmp, iRegI op1, immI5 op2, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpI op1 op2)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! int" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::icc, $op1$$Register, $op2$$constant, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_imm); +%} + +instruct cmpU_reg_branch_short(cmpOpU cmp, iRegI op1, iRegI op2, label labl, flagsRegU icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpU op1 op2)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! unsigned" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::icc, $op1$$Register, $op2$$Register, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpU_imm_branch_short(cmpOpU cmp, iRegI op1, immI5 op2, label labl, flagsRegU icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpU op1 op2)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! unsigned" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::icc, $op1$$Register, $op2$$constant, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_imm); +%} + +instruct cmpL_reg_branch_short(cmpOp cmp, iRegL op1, iRegL op2, label labl, flagsRegL xcc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpL op1 op2)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL xcc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CXB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! long" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::xcc, $op1$$Register, $op2$$Register, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpL_imm_branch_short(cmpOp cmp, iRegL op1, immL5 op2, label labl, flagsRegL xcc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpL op1 op2)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL xcc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CXB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! long" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::xcc, $op1$$Register, $op2$$constant, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_imm); +%} + +// Compare Pointers and branch +instruct cmpP_reg_branch_short(cmpOpP cmp, iRegP op1, iRegP op2, label labl, flagsRegP pcc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpP op1 op2)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL pcc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); +#ifdef _LP64 + format %{ "CXB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! ptr" %} +#else + format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! ptr" %} +#endif + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::ptr_cc, $op1$$Register, $op2$$Register, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpP_null_branch_short(cmpOpP cmp, iRegP op1, immP0 null, label labl, flagsRegP pcc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpP op1 null)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL pcc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); +#ifdef _LP64 + format %{ "CXB$cmp $op1,0,$labl\t! ptr" %} +#else + format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,0,$labl\t! ptr" %} +#endif + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::ptr_cc, $op1$$Register, G0, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpN_reg_branch_short(cmpOp cmp, iRegN op1, iRegN op2, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpN op1 op2)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,op2,$labl\t! compressed ptr" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::icc, $op1$$Register, $op2$$Register, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpN_null_branch_short(cmpOp cmp, iRegN op1, immN0 null, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(If cmp (CmpN op1 null)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,0,$labl\t! compressed ptr" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::icc, $op1$$Register, G0, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_reg); +%} + +// Loop back branch +instruct cmpI_reg_branchLoopEnd_short(cmpOp cmp, iRegI op1, iRegI op2, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(CountedLoopEnd cmp (CmpI op1 op2)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! Loop end" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::icc, $op1$$Register, $op2$$Register, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_reg); +%} + +instruct cmpI_imm_branchLoopEnd_short(cmpOp cmp, iRegI op1, immI5 op2, label labl, flagsReg icc) %{ + match(CountedLoopEnd cmp (CmpI op1 op2)); + predicate(UseCBCond); + effect(USE labl, KILL icc); + + size(4); + ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); + format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! Loop end" %} + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + assert(__ use_cbcond(*L), "back to back cbcond"); + __ cbcond((Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), Assembler::icc, $op1$$Register, $op2$$constant, *L); + %} + ins_short_branch(1); + ins_avoid_back_to_back(1); + ins_pipe(cbcond_reg_imm); +%} + // Branch-on-register tests all 64 bits. We assume that values // in 64-bit registers always remains zero or sign extended // unless our code munges the high bits. Interrupts can chop @@ -9266,7 +9866,6 @@ ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); format %{ "BR$cmp $op1,$labl" %} ins_encode( enc_bpr( labl, cmp, op1 ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(br_reg); %} @@ -9279,7 +9878,6 @@ ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); format %{ "BR$cmp $op1,$labl" %} ins_encode( enc_bpr( labl, cmp, op1 ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(br_reg); %} @@ -9292,72 +9890,9 @@ ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); format %{ "BR$cmp $op1,$labl" %} ins_encode( enc_bpr( labl, cmp, op1 ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(br_reg); %} -instruct branchConU(cmpOpU cmp, flagsRegU icc, label labl) %{ - match(If cmp icc); - effect(USE labl); - - format %{ "BP$cmp $icc,$labl" %} - // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30 - ins_encode( enc_bp( labl, cmp, icc ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); - ins_pipe(br_cc); -%} - -instruct branchConP(cmpOpP cmp, flagsRegP pcc, label labl) %{ - match(If cmp pcc); - effect(USE labl); - - size(8); - ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); - format %{ "BP$cmp $pcc,$labl" %} - // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30 - ins_encode( enc_bpx( labl, cmp, pcc ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); - ins_pipe(br_cc); -%} - -instruct branchConF(cmpOpF cmp, flagsRegF fcc, label labl) %{ - match(If cmp fcc); - effect(USE labl); - - size(8); - ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); - format %{ "FBP$cmp $fcc,$labl" %} - // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30 - ins_encode( enc_fbp( labl, cmp, fcc ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); - ins_pipe(br_fcc); -%} - -instruct branchLoopEnd(cmpOp cmp, flagsReg icc, label labl) %{ - match(CountedLoopEnd cmp icc); - effect(USE labl); - - size(8); - ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); - format %{ "BP$cmp $icc,$labl\t! Loop end" %} - // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30 - ins_encode( enc_bp( labl, cmp, icc ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); - ins_pipe(br_cc); -%} - -instruct branchLoopEndU(cmpOpU cmp, flagsRegU icc, label labl) %{ - match(CountedLoopEnd cmp icc); - effect(USE labl); - - size(8); - ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); - format %{ "BP$cmp $icc,$labl\t! Loop end" %} - // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30 - ins_encode( enc_bp( labl, cmp, icc ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); - ins_pipe(br_cc); -%} // ============================================================================ // Long Compare @@ -9387,9 +9922,14 @@ size(8); ins_cost(BRANCH_COST); format %{ "BP$cmp $xcc,$labl" %} - // Prim = bits 24-22, Secnd = bits 31-30 - ins_encode( enc_bpl( labl, cmp, xcc ) ); - ins_pc_relative(1); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + Assembler::Predict predict_taken = + cbuf.is_backward_branch(*L) ? Assembler::pt : Assembler::pn; + + __ bp( (Assembler::Condition)($cmp$$cmpcode), false, Assembler::xcc, predict_taken, *L); + __ delayed()->nop(); + %} ins_pipe(br_cc); %} @@ -9517,7 +10057,6 @@ ins_cost(CALL_COST); format %{ "CALL,static ; NOP ==> " %} ins_encode( Java_Static_Call( meth ), call_epilog ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(simple_call); %} @@ -9527,11 +10066,10 @@ predicate(((CallStaticJavaNode*)n)->is_method_handle_invoke()); effect(USE meth, KILL l7_mh_SP_save); - size(8); + size(16); ins_cost(CALL_COST); format %{ "CALL,static/MethodHandle" %} ins_encode(preserve_SP, Java_Static_Call(meth), restore_SP, call_epilog); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(simple_call); %} @@ -9544,7 +10082,6 @@ format %{ "SET (empty),R_G5\n\t" "CALL,dynamic ; NOP ==> " %} ins_encode( Java_Dynamic_Call( meth ), call_epilog ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(call); %} @@ -9556,7 +10093,6 @@ format %{ "CALL,runtime" %} ins_encode( Java_To_Runtime( meth ), call_epilog, adjust_long_from_native_call ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(simple_call); %} @@ -9569,7 +10105,6 @@ ins_encode( Java_To_Runtime( meth ), call_epilog, adjust_long_from_native_call ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(simple_call); %} @@ -9582,7 +10117,6 @@ ins_encode( Java_To_Runtime( meth ), call_epilog, adjust_long_from_native_call ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(simple_call); %} @@ -9707,7 +10241,6 @@ effect(KILL scratch, TEMP scratch2); ins_cost(100); - size(4*112); // conservative overestimation ... format %{ "FASTLOCK $object, $box; KILL $scratch, $scratch2, $box" %} ins_encode( Fast_Lock(object, box, scratch, scratch2) ); ins_pipe(long_memory_op); @@ -9719,7 +10252,6 @@ effect(KILL scratch, TEMP scratch2); ins_cost(100); - size(4*120); // conservative overestimation ... format %{ "FASTUNLOCK $object, $box; KILL $scratch, $scratch2, $box" %} ins_encode( Fast_Unlock(object, box, scratch, scratch2) ); ins_pipe(long_memory_op); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/stubGenerator_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/stubGenerator_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/stubGenerator_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -150,8 +150,7 @@ { const Register t = G3_scratch; Label L; __ ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(Thread::pending_exception_offset()), t); - __ br_null(t, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(t, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("StubRoutines::call_stub: entered with pending exception"); __ bind(L); } @@ -207,8 +206,7 @@ Label exit; __ ld_ptr(parameter_size.as_in().as_address(), cnt); // parameter counter __ add( FP, STACK_BIAS, dst ); - __ tst(cnt); - __ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, exit); + __ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::zero, cnt, exit); __ delayed()->sub(dst, BytesPerWord, dst); // setup Lentry_args // copy parameters if any @@ -282,20 +280,20 @@ __ delayed()->restore(); __ BIND(is_object); - __ ba(false, exit); + __ ba(exit); __ delayed()->st_ptr(O0, addr, G0); __ BIND(is_float); - __ ba(false, exit); + __ ba(exit); __ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F0, addr, G0); __ BIND(is_double); - __ ba(false, exit); + __ ba(exit); __ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F0, addr, G0); __ BIND(is_long); #ifdef _LP64 - __ ba(false, exit); + __ ba(exit); __ delayed()->st_long(O0, addr, G0); // store entire long #else #if defined(COMPILER2) @@ -307,11 +305,11 @@ // do this here. Unfortunately if we did a rethrow we'd see an machepilog node // first which would move g1 -> O0/O1 and destroy the exception we were throwing. - __ ba(false, exit); + __ ba(exit); __ delayed()->stx(G1, addr, G0); // store entire long #else __ st(O1, addr, BytesPerInt); - __ ba(false, exit); + __ ba(exit); __ delayed()->st(O0, addr, G0); #endif /* COMPILER2 */ #endif /* _LP64 */ @@ -382,8 +380,7 @@ // make sure that this code is only executed if there is a pending exception { Label L; __ ld_ptr(exception_addr, Gtemp); - __ br_notnull(Gtemp, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(Gtemp, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("StubRoutines::forward exception: no pending exception (1)"); __ bind(L); } @@ -406,8 +403,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT // make sure exception is set { Label L; - __ br_notnull(Oexception, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(Oexception, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("StubRoutines::forward exception: no pending exception (2)"); __ bind(L); } @@ -501,8 +497,7 @@ Address exception_addr(G2_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()); Register scratch_reg = Gtemp; __ ld_ptr(exception_addr, scratch_reg); - __ br_notnull(scratch_reg, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(scratch_reg, Assembler::pt, L); __ should_not_reach_here(); __ bind(L); #endif // ASSERT @@ -614,9 +609,7 @@ __ mov(G0,yield_reg); __ BIND(retry); - __ cmp(yield_reg, V8AtomicOperationUnderLockSpinCount); - __ br(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pt, dontyield); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(yield_reg, V8AtomicOperationUnderLockSpinCount, Assembler::less, Assembler::pt, dontyield); // This code can only be called from inside the VM, this // stub is only invoked from Atomic::add(). We do not @@ -676,9 +669,7 @@ // try to replace O2 with O3 __ cas_under_lock(O1, O2, O3, (address)StubRoutines::Sparc::atomic_memory_operation_lock_addr(),false); - __ cmp(O2, O3); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, retry); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(O2, O3, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, retry); __ retl(false); __ delayed()->mov(O2, O0); // report previous value to caller @@ -798,11 +789,9 @@ __ BIND(retry); __ lduw(O1, 0, O2); - __ add(O0, O2, O3); - __ cas(O1, O2, O3); - __ cmp( O2, O3); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, retry); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ add(O0, O2, O3); + __ cas(O1, O2, O3); + __ cmp_and_br_short(O2, O3, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, retry); __ retl(false); __ delayed()->add(O0, O2, O0); // note that cas made O2==O3 } else { @@ -1370,8 +1359,7 @@ // copy tailing bytes __ BIND(L_copy_byte); - __ br_zero(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, count, L_exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit); __ align(OptoLoopAlignment); __ BIND(L_copy_byte_loop); __ ldub(from, offset, O3); @@ -1482,8 +1470,7 @@ // copy 1 element (2 bytes) at a time __ BIND(L_copy_byte); - __ br_zero(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, count, L_exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit); __ align(OptoLoopAlignment); __ BIND(L_copy_byte_loop); __ dec(end_from); @@ -1600,8 +1587,7 @@ // copy 1 element at a time __ BIND(L_copy_2_bytes); - __ br_zero(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, count, L_exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit); __ align(OptoLoopAlignment); __ BIND(L_copy_2_bytes_loop); __ lduh(from, offset, O3); @@ -1946,8 +1932,7 @@ // copy 1 element (2 bytes) at a time __ BIND(L_copy_2_bytes); - __ br_zero(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, count, L_exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit); __ BIND(L_copy_2_bytes_loop); __ dec(end_from, 2); __ dec(end_to, 2); @@ -2060,8 +2045,7 @@ // copy 1 element at a time __ BIND(L_copy_4_bytes); - __ br_zero(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, count, L_exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit); __ BIND(L_copy_4_bytes_loop); __ ld(from, offset, O3); __ deccc(count); @@ -2193,8 +2177,7 @@ // copy 1 element (4 bytes) at a time __ BIND(L_copy_4_bytes); - __ br_zero(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, count, L_exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit); __ BIND(L_copy_4_bytes_loop); __ dec(end_from, 4); __ dec(end_to, 4); @@ -2576,7 +2559,7 @@ super_klass->after_save(), L0, L1, L2, L4, NULL, &L_pop_to_miss); - __ ba(false, L_success); + __ ba(L_success); __ delayed()->restore(); __ bind(L_pop_to_miss); @@ -2673,8 +2656,7 @@ // ======== loop entry is here ======== __ BIND(load_element); __ load_heap_oop(O0_from, O5_offset, G3_oop); // load the oop - __ br_null(G3_oop, true, Assembler::pt, store_element); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(G3_oop, Assembler::pt, store_element); __ load_klass(G3_oop, G4_klass); // query the object klass @@ -2896,8 +2878,7 @@ // assert(src->klass() != NULL); BLOCK_COMMENT("assert klasses not null"); { Label L_a, L_b; - __ br_notnull(G3_src_klass, false, Assembler::pt, L_b); // it is broken if klass is NULL - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(G3_src_klass, Assembler::pt, L_b); // it is broken if klass is NULL __ bind(L_a); __ stop("broken null klass"); __ bind(L_b); @@ -2937,9 +2918,7 @@ } // if (src->klass() != dst->klass()) return -1; - __ cmp(G3_src_klass, G4_dst_klass); - __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L_failed); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(G3_src_klass, G4_dst_klass, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, L_failed); // if (!src->is_Array()) return -1; __ cmp(G5_lh, Klass::_lh_neutral_value); // < 0 @@ -3007,9 +2986,7 @@ __ delayed()->signx(length, count); // length #ifdef ASSERT { Label L; - __ cmp(G3_elsize, LogBytesPerLong); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G3_elsize, LogBytesPerLong, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("must be long copy, but elsize is wrong"); __ bind(L); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/templateInterpreter_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/templateInterpreter_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/templateInterpreter_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -190,9 +190,7 @@ const Register size = G1_scratch; if (EnableInvokeDynamic) { __ ldub(Address(Lbcp, 0), G1_scratch); // Load current bytecode. - __ cmp(G1_scratch, Bytecodes::_invokedynamic); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, L_giant_index); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G1_scratch, Bytecodes::_invokedynamic, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_giant_index); } __ get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(cache, G1_scratch, 1); __ bind(L_got_cache); @@ -207,8 +205,7 @@ if (EnableInvokeDynamic) { __ bind(L_giant_index); __ get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(cache, G1_scratch, 1, sizeof(u4)); - __ ba(false, L_got_cache); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(L_got_cache); } return entry; @@ -221,9 +218,7 @@ { Label L; Address exception_addr(G2_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()); __ ld_ptr(exception_addr, Gtemp); // Load pending exception. - __ tst(Gtemp); - __ brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(Gtemp, Assembler::pt, L); __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::throw_pending_exception)); __ should_not_reach_here(); __ bind(L); @@ -304,8 +299,7 @@ if (ProfileInterpreter) { // If no method data exists, go to profile_continue. __ ld_ptr(Lmethod, methodOopDesc::method_data_offset(), G4_scratch); - __ br_null(G4_scratch, false, Assembler::pn, no_mdo); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(G4_scratch, Assembler::pn, no_mdo); // Increment counter Address mdo_invocation_counter(G4_scratch, in_bytes(methodDataOopDesc::invocation_counter_offset()) + @@ -313,8 +307,7 @@ __ increment_mask_and_jump(mdo_invocation_counter, increment, mask, G3_scratch, Lscratch, Assembler::zero, overflow); - __ ba(false, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(done); } // Increment counter in methodOop @@ -340,9 +333,7 @@ // Test to see if we should create a method data oop AddressLiteral profile_limit((address)&InvocationCounter::InterpreterProfileLimit); __ load_contents(profile_limit, G3_scratch); - __ cmp(O0, G3_scratch); - __ br(Assembler::lessUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, *profile_method_continue); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(O0, G3_scratch, Assembler::lessUnsigned, Assembler::pn, *profile_method_continue); // if no method data exists, go to profile_method __ test_method_data_pointer(*profile_method); @@ -351,7 +342,7 @@ AddressLiteral invocation_limit((address)&InvocationCounter::InterpreterInvocationLimit); __ load_contents(invocation_limit, G3_scratch); __ cmp(O0, G3_scratch); - __ br(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, *overflow); + __ br(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, *overflow); // Far distance __ delayed()->nop(); } @@ -410,19 +401,14 @@ assert_different_registers(Rframe_size, Rscratch, Rscratch2); - __ set( page_size, Rscratch ); - __ cmp( Rframe_size, Rscratch ); - - __ br( Assembler::lessEqual, false, Assembler::pt, after_frame_check ); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ set(page_size, Rscratch); + __ cmp_and_br_short(Rframe_size, Rscratch, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pt, after_frame_check); // get the stack base, and in debug, verify it is non-zero __ ld_ptr( G2_thread, Thread::stack_base_offset(), Rscratch ); #ifdef ASSERT Label base_not_zero; - __ cmp( Rscratch, G0 ); - __ brx( Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, base_not_zero ); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(Rscratch, Assembler::pn, base_not_zero); __ stop("stack base is zero in generate_stack_overflow_check"); __ bind(base_not_zero); #endif @@ -432,9 +418,7 @@ __ ld_ptr( G2_thread, Thread::stack_size_offset(), Rscratch2 ); #ifdef ASSERT Label size_not_zero; - __ cmp( Rscratch2, G0 ); - __ brx( Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, size_not_zero ); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(Rscratch2, Assembler::pn, size_not_zero); __ stop("stack size is zero in generate_stack_overflow_check"); __ bind(size_not_zero); #endif @@ -450,9 +434,7 @@ // the frame is greater than one page in size, so check against // the bottom of the stack - __ cmp( SP, Rscratch ); - __ brx( Assembler::greater, false, Assembler::pt, after_frame_check ); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(SP, Rscratch, Assembler::greater, Assembler::pt, after_frame_check); // Save the return address as the exception pc __ st_ptr(O7, saved_exception_pc); @@ -624,9 +606,7 @@ // If we need a safepoint check, generate full interpreter entry. AddressLiteral sync_state(SafepointSynchronize::address_of_state()); __ set(sync_state, G3_scratch); - __ cmp(G3_scratch, SafepointSynchronize::_not_synchronized); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, slow_path); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G3_scratch, SafepointSynchronize::_not_synchronized, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, slow_path); // Code: _return __ retl(); @@ -664,14 +644,12 @@ AddressLiteral sync_state(SafepointSynchronize::address_of_state()); __ load_contents(sync_state, G3_scratch); __ cmp(G3_scratch, SafepointSynchronize::_not_synchronized); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, slow_path); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G3_scratch, SafepointSynchronize::_not_synchronized, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, slow_path); // Check if local 0 != NULL __ ld_ptr(Gargs, G0, Otos_i ); // get local 0 - __ tst(Otos_i); // check if local 0 == NULL and go the slow path - __ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, slow_path); - __ delayed()->nop(); + // check if local 0 == NULL and go the slow path + __ br_null_short(Otos_i, Assembler::pn, slow_path); // read first instruction word and extract bytecode @ 1 and index @ 2 @@ -697,9 +675,7 @@ __ ld_ptr(G3_scratch, cp_base_offset + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::indices_offset(), G1_scratch); __ srl(G1_scratch, 2*BitsPerByte, G1_scratch); __ and3(G1_scratch, 0xFF, G1_scratch); - __ cmp(G1_scratch, Bytecodes::_getfield); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, slow_path); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G1_scratch, Bytecodes::_getfield, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, slow_path); // Get the type and return field offset from the constant pool cache __ ld_ptr(G3_scratch, cp_base_offset + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::flags_offset(), G1_scratch); @@ -787,9 +763,8 @@ // Check if local 0 != NULL // If the receiver is null then it is OK to jump to the slow path. __ ld_ptr(Gargs, G0, Otos_i ); // get local 0 - __ tst(Otos_i); // check if local 0 == NULL and go the slow path - __ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, slow_path); - __ delayed()->nop(); + // check if local 0 == NULL and go the slow path + __ cmp_and_brx_short(Otos_i, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, slow_path); // Load the value of the referent field. @@ -952,9 +927,7 @@ { Label L; Address signature_handler(Lmethod, methodOopDesc::signature_handler_offset()); __ ld_ptr(signature_handler, G3_scratch); - __ tst(G3_scratch); - __ brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(G3_scratch, Assembler::pt, L); __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::prepare_native_call), Lmethod); __ ld_ptr(signature_handler, G3_scratch); __ bind(L); @@ -1019,9 +992,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT if (!PrintSignatureHandlers) // do not dirty the output with this { Label L; - __ tst(O1); - __ brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(O1, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("mirror is missing"); __ bind(L); } @@ -1038,9 +1009,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT { Label L; - __ tst(O0); - __ brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(O0, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("native entry point is missing"); __ bind(L); } @@ -1079,9 +1048,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT { Label L; __ ld(thread_state, G3_scratch); - __ cmp(G3_scratch, _thread_in_Java); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G3_scratch, _thread_in_Java, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("Wrong thread state in native stub"); __ bind(L); } @@ -1134,9 +1101,7 @@ Label L; __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L); __ delayed()->ld(G2_thread, JavaThread::suspend_flags_offset(), G3_scratch); - __ cmp(G3_scratch, 0); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, no_block); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G3_scratch, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, no_block); __ bind(L); // Block. Save any potential method result value before the operation and @@ -1185,9 +1150,7 @@ Label no_oop, store_result; __ set((intptr_t)AbstractInterpreter::result_handler(T_OBJECT), G3_scratch); - __ cmp(G3_scratch, Lscratch); - __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, no_oop); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(G3_scratch, Lscratch, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pt, no_oop); __ addcc(G0, O0, O0); __ brx(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pt, store_result); // if result is not NULL: __ delayed()->ld_ptr(O0, 0, O0); // unbox it @@ -1206,9 +1169,7 @@ { Label L; Address exception_addr(G2_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()); __ ld_ptr(exception_addr, Gtemp); - __ tst(Gtemp); - __ brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(Gtemp, Assembler::pt, L); // Note: This could be handled more efficiently since we know that the native // method doesn't have an exception handler. We could directly return // to the exception handler for the caller. @@ -1245,9 +1206,7 @@ #ifdef ASSERT { Label ok; - __ cmp(I5_savedSP, FP); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(I5_savedSP, FP, Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, Assembler::pt, ok); __ stop("bad I5_savedSP value"); __ should_not_reach_here(); __ bind(ok); @@ -1429,8 +1388,7 @@ __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::profile_method)); __ set_method_data_pointer_for_bcp(); - __ ba(false, profile_method_continue); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(profile_method_continue); } // handle invocation counter overflow @@ -1856,9 +1814,7 @@ // adapter frames in C2. Label caller_not_deoptimized; __ call_VM_leaf(L7_thread_cache, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::interpreter_contains), I7); - __ tst(O0); - __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, caller_not_deoptimized); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(O0, Assembler::pt, caller_not_deoptimized); const Register Gtmp1 = G3_scratch; const Register Gtmp2 = G1_scratch; @@ -1992,10 +1948,10 @@ void TemplateInterpreterGenerator::set_vtos_entry_points(Template* t, address& bep, address& cep, address& sep, address& aep, address& iep, address& lep, address& fep, address& dep, address& vep) { assert(t->is_valid() && t->tos_in() == vtos, "illegal template"); Label L; - aep = __ pc(); __ push_ptr(); __ ba(false, L); __ delayed()->nop(); - fep = __ pc(); __ push_f(); __ ba(false, L); __ delayed()->nop(); - dep = __ pc(); __ push_d(); __ ba(false, L); __ delayed()->nop(); - lep = __ pc(); __ push_l(); __ ba(false, L); __ delayed()->nop(); + aep = __ pc(); __ push_ptr(); __ ba_short(L); + fep = __ pc(); __ push_f(); __ ba_short(L); + dep = __ pc(); __ push_d(); __ ba_short(L); + lep = __ pc(); __ push_l(); __ ba_short(L); iep = __ pc(); __ push_i(); bep = cep = sep = iep; // there aren't any vep = __ pc(); __ bind(L); // fall through diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/templateTable_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/templateTable_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/templateTable_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -149,39 +149,68 @@ } -void TemplateTable::patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::Code bc, Register Rbyte_code, - Register Rscratch, - bool load_bc_into_scratch /*=true*/) { +void TemplateTable::patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::Code bc, Register bc_reg, + Register temp_reg, bool load_bc_into_bc_reg/*=true*/, + int byte_no) { // With sharing on, may need to test methodOop flag. - if (!RewriteBytecodes) return; - if (load_bc_into_scratch) __ set(bc, Rbyte_code); - Label patch_done; + if (!RewriteBytecodes) return; + Label L_patch_done; + + switch (bc) { + case Bytecodes::_fast_aputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_bputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_cputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_dputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_fputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_iputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_lputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_sputfield: + { + // We skip bytecode quickening for putfield instructions when + // the put_code written to the constant pool cache is zero. + // This is required so that every execution of this instruction + // calls out to InterpreterRuntime::resolve_get_put to do + // additional, required work. + assert(byte_no == f1_byte || byte_no == f2_byte, "byte_no out of range"); + assert(load_bc_into_bc_reg, "we use bc_reg as temp"); + __ get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(bc_reg, temp_reg, temp_reg, byte_no, 1); + __ set(bc, bc_reg); + __ cmp_and_br_short(temp_reg, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_patch_done); // don't patch + } + break; + default: + assert(byte_no == -1, "sanity"); + if (load_bc_into_bc_reg) { + __ set(bc, bc_reg); + } + } + if (JvmtiExport::can_post_breakpoint()) { - Label fast_patch; - __ ldub(at_bcp(0), Rscratch); - __ cmp(Rscratch, Bytecodes::_breakpoint); - __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, fast_patch); - __ delayed()->nop(); // don't bother to hoist the stb here + Label L_fast_patch; + __ ldub(at_bcp(0), temp_reg); + __ cmp_and_br_short(temp_reg, Bytecodes::_breakpoint, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pt, L_fast_patch); // perform the quickening, slowly, in the bowels of the breakpoint table - __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::set_original_bytecode_at), Lmethod, Lbcp, Rbyte_code); - __ ba(false, patch_done); - __ delayed()->nop(); - __ bind(fast_patch); + __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::set_original_bytecode_at), Lmethod, Lbcp, bc_reg); + __ ba_short(L_patch_done); + __ bind(L_fast_patch); } + #ifdef ASSERT Bytecodes::Code orig_bytecode = Bytecodes::java_code(bc); - Label okay; - __ ldub(at_bcp(0), Rscratch); - __ cmp(Rscratch, orig_bytecode); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, okay); - __ delayed() ->cmp(Rscratch, Rbyte_code); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, okay); + Label L_okay; + __ ldub(at_bcp(0), temp_reg); + __ cmp(temp_reg, orig_bytecode); + __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_okay); + __ delayed()->cmp(temp_reg, bc_reg); + __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_okay); __ delayed()->nop(); - __ stop("Rewriting wrong bytecode location"); - __ bind(okay); + __ stop("patching the wrong bytecode"); + __ bind(L_okay); #endif - __ stb(Rbyte_code, at_bcp(0)); - __ bind(patch_done); + + // patch bytecode + __ stb(bc_reg, at_bcp(0)); + __ bind(L_patch_done); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -281,17 +310,14 @@ // get type from tags __ add(O2, tags_offset, O2); __ ldub(O2, O1, O2); - __ cmp(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString); // unresolved string? If so, must resolve - __ brx(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pt, call_ldc); - __ delayed()->nop(); - - __ cmp(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass); // unresolved class? If so, must resolve - __ brx(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pt, call_ldc); - __ delayed()->nop(); - - __ cmp(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError); // unresolved class in error state - __ brx(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pn, call_ldc); - __ delayed()->nop(); + // unresolved string? If so, must resolve + __ cmp_and_brx_short(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, call_ldc); + + // unresolved class? If so, must resolve + __ cmp_and_brx_short(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, call_ldc); + + // unresolved class in error state + __ cmp_and_brx_short(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, call_ldc); __ cmp(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_Class); // need to call vm to get java mirror of the class __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, true, Assembler::pt, notClass); @@ -301,8 +327,7 @@ __ set(wide, O1); call_VM(Otos_i, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::ldc), O1); __ push(atos); - __ ba(false, exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(exit); __ bind(notClass); // __ add(O0, base_offset, O0); @@ -312,8 +337,7 @@ __ delayed()->cmp(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_String); __ ld(O0, O1, Otos_i); __ push(itos); - __ ba(false, exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(exit); __ bind(notInt); // __ cmp(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_String); @@ -325,8 +349,7 @@ __ ld_ptr(O0, O1, Otos_i); __ verify_oop(Otos_i); __ push(atos); - __ ba(false, exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(exit); __ bind(notString); // __ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, O0, O1, Ftos_f); @@ -365,9 +388,7 @@ __ load_klass(Otos_i, Rcon_klass); AddressLiteral array_klass_addr((address)Universe::systemObjArrayKlassObj_addr()); __ load_contents(array_klass_addr, Rarray_klass); - __ cmp(Rarray_klass, Rcon_klass); - __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(Rarray_klass, Rcon_klass, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pt, L_done); __ ld(Address(Otos_i, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes()), Rcon_klass); __ tst(Rcon_klass); __ brx(Assembler::zero, true, Assembler::pt, L_done); @@ -397,9 +418,7 @@ __ sll(O1, LogBytesPerWord, O1); __ add(O0, O1, G3_scratch); - __ cmp(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_Double); - __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, Long); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(O2, JVM_CONSTANT_Double, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pt, Long); // A double can be placed at word-aligned locations in the constant pool. // Check out Conversions.java for an example. // Also constantPoolOopDesc::header_size() is 20, which makes it very difficult @@ -413,8 +432,7 @@ f->successor()); #endif __ push(dtos); - __ ba(false, exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(exit); __ bind(Long); #ifdef _LP64 @@ -453,9 +471,7 @@ // last two iloads in a pair. Comparing against fast_iload means that // the next bytecode is neither an iload or a caload, and therefore // an iload pair. - __ cmp(G3_scratch, (int)Bytecodes::_iload); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G3_scratch, (int)Bytecodes::_iload, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, done); __ cmp(G3_scratch, (int)Bytecodes::_fast_iload); __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, rewrite); @@ -697,9 +713,7 @@ aload(0); // if _getfield then wait with rewrite - __ cmp(G3_scratch, (int)Bytecodes::_getfield); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G3_scratch, (int)Bytecodes::_getfield, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, done); // if _igetfield then rewrite to _fast_iaccess_0 assert(Bytecodes::java_code(Bytecodes::_fast_iaccess_0) == Bytecodes::_aload_0, "adjust fast bytecode def"); @@ -867,8 +881,7 @@ __ index_check_without_pop(O3, O2, UseCompressedOops ? 2 : LogBytesPerWord, G3_scratch, O1); // do array store check - check for NULL value first - __ br_null( Otos_i, false, Assembler::pn, is_null ); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short( Otos_i, Assembler::pn, is_null ); __ load_klass(O3, O4); // get array klass __ load_klass(Otos_i, O5); // get value klass @@ -899,7 +912,7 @@ __ bind(store_ok); do_oop_store(_masm, O1, noreg, arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT), Otos_i, G3_scratch, _bs->kind(), true); - __ ba(false,done); + __ ba(done); __ delayed()->inc(Lesp, 3* Interpreter::stackElementSize); // adj sp (pops array, index and value) __ bind(is_null); @@ -1633,16 +1646,14 @@ if (ProfileInterpreter) { // If no method data exists, go to profile_continue. __ ld_ptr(Lmethod, methodOopDesc::method_data_offset(), G4_scratch); - __ br_null(G4_scratch, false, Assembler::pn, Lno_mdo); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(G4_scratch, Assembler::pn, Lno_mdo); // Increment backedge counter in the MDO Address mdo_backedge_counter(G4_scratch, in_bytes(methodDataOopDesc::backedge_counter_offset()) + in_bytes(InvocationCounter::counter_offset())); __ increment_mask_and_jump(mdo_backedge_counter, increment, mask, G3_scratch, Lscratch, Assembler::notZero, &Lforward); - __ ba(false, Loverflow); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(Loverflow); } // If there's no MDO, increment counter in methodOop @@ -1658,14 +1669,11 @@ // Was an OSR adapter generated? // O0 = osr nmethod - __ br_null(O0, false, Assembler::pn, Lforward); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(O0, Assembler::pn, Lforward); // Has the nmethod been invalidated already? __ ld(O0, nmethod::entry_bci_offset(), O2); - __ cmp(O2, InvalidOSREntryBci); - __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, Lforward); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(O2, InvalidOSREntryBci, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, Lforward); // migrate the interpreter frame off of the stack @@ -1830,7 +1838,7 @@ __ profile_switch_case(O2, O3, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); __ sll(O2, LogBytesPerInt, O2); __ add(O2, 3 * BytesPerInt, O2); - __ ba(false, continue_execution); + __ ba(continue_execution); __ delayed()->ld(O1, O2, O2); // handle default __ bind(default_case); @@ -1858,7 +1866,7 @@ __ ld(O1, BytesPerInt, O2); __ sll(O2, LogBytesPerInt + 1, O2); // in word-pairs __ add(O1, 2 * BytesPerInt, O3); // set first pair addr - __ ba(false, loop_entry); + __ ba(loop_entry); __ delayed()->add(O3, O2, O2); // counter now points past last pair // table search @@ -1877,8 +1885,7 @@ __ ld(O1, 0, O4); // get default offset if (ProfileInterpreter) { __ profile_switch_default(O3); - __ ba(false, continue_execution); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(continue_execution); } // entry found -> get offset @@ -1944,7 +1951,7 @@ // and start Label entry; - __ ba(false, entry); + __ ba(entry); __ delayed()->ld( Rarray, -BytesPerInt, Rj); // (Rj is already in the native byte-ordering.) @@ -2002,8 +2009,7 @@ // (Rj is already in the native byte-ordering.) if (ProfileInterpreter) { - __ ba(false, continue_execution); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(continue_execution); } __ bind(default_case); // fall through (if not profiling) @@ -2087,12 +2093,12 @@ // Depends on cpCacheOop layout! Label resolved; - __ get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Rcache, index, 1, index_size); if (byte_no == f1_oop) { // We are resolved if the f1 field contains a non-null object (CallSite, etc.) // This kind of CP cache entry does not need to match the flags byte, because // there is a 1-1 relation between bytecode type and CP entry type. assert_different_registers(result, Rcache); + __ get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Rcache, index, 1, index_size); __ ld_ptr(Rcache, constantPoolCacheOopDesc::base_offset() + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::f1_offset(), result); __ tst(result); @@ -2101,15 +2107,9 @@ } else { assert(byte_no == f1_byte || byte_no == f2_byte, "byte_no out of range"); assert(result == noreg, ""); //else change code for setting result - const int shift_count = (1 + byte_no)*BitsPerByte; - - __ ld_ptr(Rcache, constantPoolCacheOopDesc::base_offset() + - ConstantPoolCacheEntry::indices_offset(), Lbyte_code); - - __ srl( Lbyte_code, shift_count, Lbyte_code ); - __ and3( Lbyte_code, 0xFF, Lbyte_code ); - __ cmp( Lbyte_code, (int)bytecode()); - __ br( Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, resolved); + __ get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(Rcache, index, Lbyte_code, byte_no, 1, index_size); + __ cmp(Lbyte_code, (int) bytecode()); // have we resolved this bytecode? + __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, resolved); __ delayed()->set((int)bytecode(), O1); } @@ -2216,9 +2216,7 @@ assert_different_registers(Rcache, index, G1_scratch); AddressLiteral get_field_access_count_addr(JvmtiExport::get_field_access_count_addr()); __ load_contents(get_field_access_count_addr, G1_scratch); - __ tst(G1_scratch); - __ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, Label1); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G1_scratch, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, Label1); __ add(Rcache, in_bytes(cp_base_offset), Rcache); @@ -2298,7 +2296,7 @@ if (!is_static) { patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_agetfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); + __ ba(checkVolatile); __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notObj); @@ -2313,7 +2311,7 @@ if (!is_static) { patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_igetfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); + __ ba(checkVolatile); __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notInt); @@ -2329,7 +2327,7 @@ if (!is_static) { patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_lgetfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); + __ ba(checkVolatile); __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notLong); @@ -2344,7 +2342,7 @@ if (!is_static) { patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_bgetfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); + __ ba(checkVolatile); __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notByte); @@ -2359,7 +2357,7 @@ if (!is_static) { patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_cgetfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); + __ ba(checkVolatile); __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notChar); @@ -2374,7 +2372,7 @@ if (!is_static) { patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_sgetfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); + __ ba(checkVolatile); __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notShort); @@ -2390,7 +2388,7 @@ if (!is_static) { patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_fgetfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); + __ ba(checkVolatile); __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notFloat); @@ -2499,9 +2497,7 @@ Label done; AddressLiteral get_field_modification_count_addr(JvmtiExport::get_field_modification_count_addr()); __ load_contents(get_field_modification_count_addr, G4_scratch); - __ tst(G4_scratch); - __ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G4_scratch, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, done); __ pop_ptr(G4_scratch); // copy the object pointer from tos __ verify_oop(G4_scratch); __ push_ptr(G4_scratch); // put the object pointer back on tos @@ -2552,9 +2548,7 @@ assert_different_registers(Rcache, index, G1_scratch); AddressLiteral get_field_modification_count_addr(JvmtiExport::get_field_modification_count_addr()); __ load_contents(get_field_modification_count_addr, G1_scratch); - __ tst(G1_scratch); - __ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, Label1); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G1_scratch, 0, Assembler::zero, Assembler::pt, Label1); // The Rcache and index registers have been already set. // This allows to eliminate this call but the Rcache and index @@ -2584,8 +2578,7 @@ __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, two_word); __ delayed()->nop(); __ inc(G4_scratch, Interpreter::expr_offset_in_bytes(1)); - __ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, valsizeknown); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(valsizeknown); __ bind(two_word); __ inc(G4_scratch, Interpreter::expr_offset_in_bytes(2)); @@ -2636,9 +2629,7 @@ __ and3(Rflags, Lscratch, Lscratch); if (__ membar_has_effect(read_bits)) { - __ tst(Lscratch); - __ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, notVolatile); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(Lscratch, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, notVolatile); volatile_barrier(read_bits); __ bind(notVolatile); } @@ -2653,150 +2644,162 @@ if (is_static) { // putstatic with object type most likely, check that first - __ cmp(Rflags, atos ); + __ cmp(Rflags, atos); __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, notObj); - __ delayed() ->cmp(Rflags, itos ); + __ delayed()->cmp(Rflags, itos); // atos - __ pop_ptr(); - __ verify_oop(Otos_i); - - do_oop_store(_masm, Rclass, Roffset, 0, Otos_i, G1_scratch, _bs->kind(), false); - - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); - __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); + { + __ pop_ptr(); + __ verify_oop(Otos_i); + do_oop_store(_masm, Rclass, Roffset, 0, Otos_i, G1_scratch, _bs->kind(), false); + __ ba(checkVolatile); + __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); + } __ bind(notObj); - - // cmp(Rflags, itos ); + // cmp(Rflags, itos); __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, notInt); - __ delayed() ->cmp(Rflags, btos ); + __ delayed()->cmp(Rflags, btos); // itos - __ pop_i(); - __ st(Otos_i, Rclass, Roffset); - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); - __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); + { + __ pop_i(); + __ st(Otos_i, Rclass, Roffset); + __ ba(checkVolatile); + __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); + } __ bind(notInt); - } else { // putfield with int type most likely, check that first - __ cmp(Rflags, itos ); + __ cmp(Rflags, itos); __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, notInt); - __ delayed() ->cmp(Rflags, atos ); + __ delayed()->cmp(Rflags, atos); // itos - __ pop_i(); - pop_and_check_object(Rclass); - __ st(Otos_i, Rclass, Roffset); - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_iputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); - __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); + { + __ pop_i(); + pop_and_check_object(Rclass); + __ st(Otos_i, Rclass, Roffset); + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_iputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch, true, byte_no); + __ ba(checkVolatile); + __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); + } __ bind(notInt); - // cmp(Rflags, atos ); + // cmp(Rflags, atos); __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, notObj); - __ delayed() ->cmp(Rflags, btos ); + __ delayed()->cmp(Rflags, btos); // atos - __ pop_ptr(); - pop_and_check_object(Rclass); - __ verify_oop(Otos_i); - - do_oop_store(_masm, Rclass, Roffset, 0, Otos_i, G1_scratch, _bs->kind(), false); - - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_aputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); - __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); + { + __ pop_ptr(); + pop_and_check_object(Rclass); + __ verify_oop(Otos_i); + do_oop_store(_masm, Rclass, Roffset, 0, Otos_i, G1_scratch, _bs->kind(), false); + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_aputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch, true, byte_no); + __ ba(checkVolatile); + __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); + } __ bind(notObj); } - // cmp(Rflags, btos ); + // cmp(Rflags, btos); __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, notByte); - __ delayed() ->cmp(Rflags, ltos ); + __ delayed()->cmp(Rflags, ltos); // btos - __ pop_i(); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); - __ stb(Otos_i, Rclass, Roffset); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_bputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); + { + __ pop_i(); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); + __ stb(Otos_i, Rclass, Roffset); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_bputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch, true, byte_no); + } + __ ba(checkVolatile); + __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); - __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notByte); - - // cmp(Rflags, ltos ); + // cmp(Rflags, ltos); __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, notLong); - __ delayed() ->cmp(Rflags, ctos ); + __ delayed()->cmp(Rflags, ctos); // ltos - __ pop_l(); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); - __ st_long(Otos_l, Rclass, Roffset); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_lputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); + { + __ pop_l(); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); + __ st_long(Otos_l, Rclass, Roffset); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_lputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch, true, byte_no); + } + __ ba(checkVolatile); + __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); - __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notLong); - - // cmp(Rflags, ctos ); + // cmp(Rflags, ctos); __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, notChar); - __ delayed() ->cmp(Rflags, stos ); + __ delayed()->cmp(Rflags, stos); // ctos (char) - __ pop_i(); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); - __ sth(Otos_i, Rclass, Roffset); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_cputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); + { + __ pop_i(); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); + __ sth(Otos_i, Rclass, Roffset); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_cputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch, true, byte_no); + } + __ ba(checkVolatile); + __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); - __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notChar); - // cmp(Rflags, stos ); + // cmp(Rflags, stos); __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, notShort); - __ delayed() ->cmp(Rflags, ftos ); - - // stos (char) - __ pop_i(); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); - __ sth(Otos_i, Rclass, Roffset); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_sputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); + __ delayed()->cmp(Rflags, ftos); + + // stos (short) + { + __ pop_i(); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); + __ sth(Otos_i, Rclass, Roffset); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_sputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch, true, byte_no); + } + __ ba(checkVolatile); + __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); - __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notShort); - // cmp(Rflags, ftos ); + // cmp(Rflags, ftos); __ br(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, notFloat); __ delayed()->nop(); // ftos - __ pop_f(); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); - __ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, Ftos_f, Rclass, Roffset); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_fputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); + { + __ pop_f(); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); + __ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, Ftos_f, Rclass, Roffset); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_fputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch, true, byte_no); + } + __ ba(checkVolatile); + __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); } - __ ba(false, checkVolatile); - __ delayed()->tst(Lscratch); __ bind(notFloat); // dtos - __ pop_d(); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); - __ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, Ftos_d, Rclass, Roffset); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_dputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch); + { + __ pop_d(); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(Rclass); + __ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, Ftos_d, Rclass, Roffset); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_dputfield, G3_scratch, G4_scratch, true, byte_no); + } } __ bind(checkVolatile); @@ -2833,9 +2836,7 @@ __ set((1 << ConstantPoolCacheEntry::volatileField), Lscratch); __ and3(Rflags, Lscratch, Lscratch); if (__ membar_has_effect(read_bits)) { - __ tst(Lscratch); - __ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, notVolatile); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(Lscratch, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, notVolatile); volatile_barrier(read_bits); __ bind(notVolatile); } @@ -2864,9 +2865,7 @@ } if (__ membar_has_effect(write_bits)) { - __ tst(Lscratch); - __ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, exit); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(Lscratch, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, exit); volatile_barrier(Assembler::StoreLoad); __ bind(exit); } @@ -3226,8 +3225,7 @@ // the VM should throw IncompatibleClassChangeError. linkResolver checks // this too but that's only if the entry isn't already resolved, so we // need to check again. - __ br_notnull( Rtemp, false, Assembler::pt, ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short( Rtemp, Assembler::pt, ok); call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::throw_IncompatibleClassChangeError)); __ should_not_reach_here(); __ bind(ok); @@ -3251,9 +3249,7 @@ // Check for abstract method error. { Label ok; - __ tst(G5_method); - __ brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, ok); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(G5_method, Assembler::pt, ok); call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::throw_AbstractMethodError)); __ should_not_reach_here(); __ bind(ok); @@ -3408,17 +3404,14 @@ #else __ srl(RfreeValue, LogHeapWordSize, RfreeValue); #endif - __ cmp(RtlabWasteLimitValue, RfreeValue); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, slow_case); // tlab waste is small - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(RtlabWasteLimitValue, RfreeValue, Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, Assembler::pt, slow_case); // tlab waste is small // increment waste limit to prevent getting stuck on this slow path __ add(RtlabWasteLimitValue, ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::refill_waste_limit_increment(), RtlabWasteLimitValue); __ st_ptr(RtlabWasteLimitValue, G2_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_refill_waste_limit_offset())); } else { // No allocation in the shared eden. - __ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, slow_case); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(slow_case); } } @@ -3440,18 +3433,14 @@ // RnewTopValue contains the top address after the new object // has been allocated. - __ cmp(RnewTopValue, RendValue); - __ brx(Assembler::greaterUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, slow_case); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(RnewTopValue, RendValue, Assembler::greaterUnsigned, Assembler::pn, slow_case); __ casx_under_lock(RtopAddr, RoldTopValue, RnewTopValue, VM_Version::v9_instructions_work() ? NULL : (address)StubRoutines::Sparc::atomic_memory_operation_lock_addr()); // if someone beat us on the allocation, try again, otherwise continue - __ cmp(RoldTopValue, RnewTopValue); - __ brx(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, retry); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_brx_short(RoldTopValue, RnewTopValue, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, retry); // bump total bytes allocated by this thread // RoldTopValue and RtopAddr are dead, so can use G1 and G3 @@ -3474,8 +3463,7 @@ __ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, loop); __ delayed()->subcc(Roffset, wordSize, Roffset); } - __ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, initialize_header); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(initialize_header); } // slow case @@ -3485,8 +3473,7 @@ call_VM(Otos_i, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::_new), O1, O2); - __ ba(false, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(done); // Initialize the header: mark, klass __ bind(initialize_header); @@ -3550,8 +3537,7 @@ Register RspecifiedKlass = O4; // Check for casting a NULL - __ br_null(Otos_i, false, Assembler::pn, is_null); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(Otos_i, Assembler::pn, is_null); // Get value klass in RobjKlass __ load_klass(Otos_i, RobjKlass); // get value klass @@ -3571,8 +3557,7 @@ call_VM(RspecifiedKlass, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::quicken_io_cc) ); __ pop_ptr(Otos_i, G3_scratch); // restore receiver - __ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, resolved); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(resolved); // Extract target class from constant pool __ bind(quicked); @@ -3591,8 +3576,7 @@ __ bind(cast_ok); if (ProfileInterpreter) { - __ ba(false, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(done); } __ bind(is_null); __ profile_null_seen(G3_scratch); @@ -3608,8 +3592,7 @@ Register RspecifiedKlass = O4; // Check for casting a NULL - __ br_null(Otos_i, false, Assembler::pt, is_null); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_null_short(Otos_i, Assembler::pt, is_null); // Get value klass in RobjKlass __ load_klass(Otos_i, RobjKlass); // get value klass @@ -3629,9 +3612,7 @@ call_VM(RspecifiedKlass, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::quicken_io_cc) ); __ pop_ptr(Otos_i, G3_scratch); // restore receiver - __ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, resolved); - __ delayed()->nop(); - + __ ba_short(resolved); // Extract target class from constant pool __ bind(quicked); @@ -3649,8 +3630,7 @@ __ clr( Otos_i ); if (ProfileInterpreter) { - __ ba(false, done); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ ba_short(done); } __ bind(is_null); __ profile_null_seen(G3_scratch); @@ -3724,7 +3704,7 @@ { Label entry, loop, exit; __ add( __ top_most_monitor(), O2 ); // last one to check - __ ba( false, entry ); + __ ba( entry ); __ delayed()->mov( Lmonitors, O3 ); // first one to check @@ -3757,8 +3737,7 @@ { Label allocated; // found free slot? - __ br_notnull(O1, false, Assembler::pn, allocated); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(O1, Assembler::pn, allocated); __ add_monitor_to_stack( false, O2, O3 ); __ mov(Lmonitors, O1); @@ -3791,7 +3770,7 @@ { Label entry, loop, found; __ add( __ top_most_monitor(), O2 ); // last one to check - __ ba(false, entry ); + __ ba(entry); // use Lscratch to hold monitor elem to check, start with most recent monitor, // By using a local it survives the call to the C routine. __ delayed()->mov( Lmonitors, Lscratch ); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -44,24 +44,40 @@ PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes = prefetch_scan_interval_in_bytes(); PrefetchFieldsAhead = prefetch_fields_ahead(); + assert(0 <= AllocatePrefetchInstr && AllocatePrefetchInstr <= 1, "invalid value"); + if( AllocatePrefetchInstr < 0 ) AllocatePrefetchInstr = 0; + if( AllocatePrefetchInstr > 1 ) AllocatePrefetchInstr = 0; + // Allocation prefetch settings - intx cache_line_size = L1_data_cache_line_size(); + intx cache_line_size = prefetch_data_size(); if( cache_line_size > AllocatePrefetchStepSize ) AllocatePrefetchStepSize = cache_line_size; - if( FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchLines) ) - AllocatePrefetchLines = 3; // Optimistic value - assert( AllocatePrefetchLines > 0, "invalid value"); - if( AllocatePrefetchLines < 1 ) // set valid value in product VM - AllocatePrefetchLines = 1; // Conservative value + + assert(AllocatePrefetchLines > 0, "invalid value"); + if( AllocatePrefetchLines < 1 ) // set valid value in product VM + AllocatePrefetchLines = 3; + assert(AllocateInstancePrefetchLines > 0, "invalid value"); + if( AllocateInstancePrefetchLines < 1 ) // set valid value in product VM + AllocateInstancePrefetchLines = 1; AllocatePrefetchDistance = allocate_prefetch_distance(); AllocatePrefetchStyle = allocate_prefetch_style(); - assert(AllocatePrefetchDistance % AllocatePrefetchStepSize == 0, "invalid value"); + assert((AllocatePrefetchDistance % AllocatePrefetchStepSize) == 0 && + (AllocatePrefetchDistance > 0), "invalid value"); + if ((AllocatePrefetchDistance % AllocatePrefetchStepSize) != 0 || + (AllocatePrefetchDistance <= 0)) { + AllocatePrefetchDistance = AllocatePrefetchStepSize; + } + + if (AllocatePrefetchStyle == 3 && !has_blk_init()) { + warning("BIS instructions are not available on this CPU"); + FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle, 1); + } UseSSE = 0; // Only on x86 and x64 - _supports_cx8 = has_v9(); + _supports_cx8 = has_v9(); if (is_niagara()) { // Indirect branch is the same cost as direct @@ -94,19 +110,42 @@ FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(InteriorEntryAlignment, 4); } if (is_niagara_plus()) { - if (has_blk_init() && AllocatePrefetchStyle > 0 && - FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle)) { - // Use BIS instruction for allocation prefetch. - FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle, 3); + if (has_blk_init() && UseTLAB && + FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr)) { + // Use BIS instruction for TLAB allocation prefetch. + FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocatePrefetchInstr, 1); + if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle)) { + FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocatePrefetchStyle, 3); + } if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance)) { - // Use smaller prefetch distance on N2 with BIS + // Use smaller prefetch distance with BIS FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance, 64); } } + if (is_T4()) { + // Double number of prefetched cache lines on T4 + // since L2 cache line size is smaller (32 bytes). + if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchLines)) { + FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocatePrefetchLines, AllocatePrefetchLines*2); + } + if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocateInstancePrefetchLines)) { + FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocateInstancePrefetchLines, AllocateInstancePrefetchLines*2); + } + } if (AllocatePrefetchStyle != 3 && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance)) { // Use different prefetch distance without BIS FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance, 256); } + if (AllocatePrefetchInstr == 1) { + // Need a space at the end of TLAB for BIS since it + // will fault when accessing memory outside of heap. + + // +1 for rounding up to next cache line, +1 to be safe + int lines = AllocatePrefetchLines + 2; + int step_size = AllocatePrefetchStepSize; + int distance = AllocatePrefetchDistance; + _reserve_for_allocation_prefetch = (distance + step_size*lines)/(int)HeapWordSize; + } } #endif } @@ -116,27 +155,49 @@ if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UsePopCountInstruction)) { FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UsePopCountInstruction, true); } + } else if (UsePopCountInstruction) { + warning("POPC instruction is not available on this CPU"); + FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UsePopCountInstruction, false); + } + + // T4 and newer Sparc cpus have new compare and branch instruction. + if (has_cbcond()) { + if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseCBCond)) { + FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseCBCond, true); + } + } else if (UseCBCond) { + warning("CBCOND instruction is not available on this CPU"); + FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseCBCond, false); } #ifdef COMPILER2 + // T4 and newer Sparc cpus have fast RDPC. + if (has_fast_rdpc() && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseRDPCForConstantTableBase)) { +// FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseRDPCForConstantTableBase, true); + } + // Currently not supported anywhere. FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseFPUForSpilling, false); + + assert((InteriorEntryAlignment % relocInfo::addr_unit()) == 0, "alignment is not a multiple of NOP size"); #endif + assert((CodeEntryAlignment % relocInfo::addr_unit()) == 0, "alignment is not a multiple of NOP size"); + assert((OptoLoopAlignment % relocInfo::addr_unit()) == 0, "alignment is not a multiple of NOP size"); + char buf[512]; - jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", - (has_v8() ? ", has_v8" : ""), - (has_v9() ? ", has_v9" : ""), + jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", + (has_v9() ? ", v9" : (has_v8() ? ", v8" : "")), (has_hardware_popc() ? ", popc" : ""), - (has_vis1() ? ", has_vis1" : ""), - (has_vis2() ? ", has_vis2" : ""), - (has_vis3() ? ", has_vis3" : ""), - (has_blk_init() ? ", has_blk_init" : ""), - (is_ultra3() ? ", is_ultra3" : ""), - (is_sun4v() ? ", is_sun4v" : ""), - (is_niagara() ? ", is_niagara" : ""), - (is_niagara_plus() ? ", is_niagara_plus" : ""), - (is_sparc64() ? ", is_sparc64" : ""), + (has_vis1() ? ", vis1" : ""), + (has_vis2() ? ", vis2" : ""), + (has_vis3() ? ", vis3" : ""), + (has_blk_init() ? ", blk_init" : ""), + (has_cbcond() ? ", cbcond" : ""), + (is_ultra3() ? ", ultra3" : ""), + (is_sun4v() ? ", sun4v" : ""), + (is_niagara_plus() ? ", niagara_plus" : (is_niagara() ? ", niagara" : "")), + (is_sparc64() ? ", sparc64" : ""), (!has_hardware_mul32() ? ", no-mul32" : ""), (!has_hardware_div32() ? ", no-div32" : ""), (!has_hardware_fsmuld() ? ", no-fsmuld" : "")); @@ -158,14 +219,20 @@ #ifndef PRODUCT if (PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose) { - tty->print("Allocation: "); + tty->print("Allocation"); if (AllocatePrefetchStyle <= 0) { - tty->print_cr("no prefetching"); + tty->print_cr(": no prefetching"); } else { + tty->print(" prefetching: "); + if (AllocatePrefetchInstr == 0) { + tty->print("PREFETCH"); + } else if (AllocatePrefetchInstr == 1) { + tty->print("BIS"); + } if (AllocatePrefetchLines > 1) { - tty->print_cr("PREFETCH %d, %d lines of size %d bytes", AllocatePrefetchDistance, AllocatePrefetchLines, AllocatePrefetchStepSize); + tty->print_cr(" at distance %d, %d lines of %d bytes", AllocatePrefetchDistance, AllocatePrefetchLines, AllocatePrefetchStepSize); } else { - tty->print_cr("PREFETCH %d, one line", AllocatePrefetchDistance); + tty->print_cr(" at distance %d, one line of %d bytes", AllocatePrefetchDistance, AllocatePrefetchStepSize); } } if (PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes > 0) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.hpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -31,44 +31,46 @@ class VM_Version: public Abstract_VM_Version { protected: enum Feature_Flag { - v8_instructions = 0, - hardware_mul32 = 1, - hardware_div32 = 2, - hardware_fsmuld = 3, - hardware_popc = 4, - v9_instructions = 5, - vis1_instructions = 6, - vis2_instructions = 7, - sun4v_instructions = 8, + v8_instructions = 0, + hardware_mul32 = 1, + hardware_div32 = 2, + hardware_fsmuld = 3, + hardware_popc = 4, + v9_instructions = 5, + vis1_instructions = 6, + vis2_instructions = 7, + sun4v_instructions = 8, blk_init_instructions = 9, - fmaf_instructions = 10, - fmau_instructions = 11, - vis3_instructions = 12, - sparc64_family = 13, - T_family = 14, - T1_model = 15 + fmaf_instructions = 10, + fmau_instructions = 11, + vis3_instructions = 12, + sparc64_family = 13, + T_family = 14, + T1_model = 15, + cbcond_instructions = 16 }; enum Feature_Flag_Set { unknown_m = 0, all_features_m = -1, - v8_instructions_m = 1 << v8_instructions, - hardware_mul32_m = 1 << hardware_mul32, - hardware_div32_m = 1 << hardware_div32, - hardware_fsmuld_m = 1 << hardware_fsmuld, - hardware_popc_m = 1 << hardware_popc, - v9_instructions_m = 1 << v9_instructions, - vis1_instructions_m = 1 << vis1_instructions, - vis2_instructions_m = 1 << vis2_instructions, - sun4v_m = 1 << sun4v_instructions, + v8_instructions_m = 1 << v8_instructions, + hardware_mul32_m = 1 << hardware_mul32, + hardware_div32_m = 1 << hardware_div32, + hardware_fsmuld_m = 1 << hardware_fsmuld, + hardware_popc_m = 1 << hardware_popc, + v9_instructions_m = 1 << v9_instructions, + vis1_instructions_m = 1 << vis1_instructions, + vis2_instructions_m = 1 << vis2_instructions, + sun4v_m = 1 << sun4v_instructions, blk_init_instructions_m = 1 << blk_init_instructions, - fmaf_instructions_m = 1 << fmaf_instructions, - fmau_instructions_m = 1 << fmau_instructions, - vis3_instructions_m = 1 << vis3_instructions, - sparc64_family_m = 1 << sparc64_family, - T_family_m = 1 << T_family, - T1_model_m = 1 << T1_model, + fmaf_instructions_m = 1 << fmaf_instructions, + fmau_instructions_m = 1 << fmau_instructions, + vis3_instructions_m = 1 << vis3_instructions, + sparc64_family_m = 1 << sparc64_family, + T_family_m = 1 << T_family, + T1_model_m = 1 << T1_model, + cbcond_instructions_m = 1 << cbcond_instructions, generic_v8_m = v8_instructions_m | hardware_mul32_m | hardware_div32_m | hardware_fsmuld_m, generic_v9_m = generic_v8_m | v9_instructions_m, @@ -111,25 +113,35 @@ static bool has_vis2() { return (_features & vis2_instructions_m) != 0; } static bool has_vis3() { return (_features & vis3_instructions_m) != 0; } static bool has_blk_init() { return (_features & blk_init_instructions_m) != 0; } + static bool has_cbcond() { return (_features & cbcond_instructions_m) != 0; } static bool supports_compare_and_exchange() { return has_v9(); } - static bool is_ultra3() { return (_features & ultra3_m) == ultra3_m; } - static bool is_sun4v() { return (_features & sun4v_m) != 0; } // Returns true if the platform is in the niagara line (T series) // and newer than the niagara1. static bool is_niagara_plus() { return is_T_family(_features) && !is_T1_model(_features); } + static bool is_T4() { return is_T_family(_features) && has_cbcond(); } + // Fujitsu SPARC64 static bool is_sparc64() { return (_features & sparc64_family_m) != 0; } + static bool is_sun4v() { return (_features & sun4v_m) != 0; } + static bool is_ultra3() { return (_features & ultra3_m) == ultra3_m && !is_sun4v() && !is_sparc64(); } + static bool has_fast_fxtof() { return is_niagara() || is_sparc64() || has_v9() && !is_ultra3(); } static bool has_fast_idiv() { return is_niagara_plus() || is_sparc64(); } + // T4 and newer Sparc have fast RDPC instruction. + static bool has_fast_rdpc() { return is_T4(); } + + // T4 and newer Sparc have Most-Recently-Used (MRU) BIS. + static bool has_mru_blk_init() { return has_blk_init() && is_T4(); } + static const char* cpu_features() { return _features_str; } - static intx L1_data_cache_line_size() { - return 64; // default prefetch block size on sparc + static intx prefetch_data_size() { + return is_T4() ? 32 : 64; // default prefetch block size on sparc } // Prefetch diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/sparc/vm/vtableStubs_sparc.cpp --- a/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vtableStubs_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vtableStubs_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -76,9 +76,7 @@ Label L; // check offset vs vtable length __ ld(G3_scratch, instanceKlass::vtable_length_offset()*wordSize, G5); - __ cmp(G5, vtable_index*vtableEntry::size()); - __ br(Assembler::greaterUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ cmp_and_br_short(G5, vtable_index*vtableEntry::size(), Assembler::greaterUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L); __ set(vtable_index, O2); __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, bad_compiled_vtable_index), O0, O2); __ bind(L); @@ -95,8 +93,7 @@ #ifndef PRODUCT if (DebugVtables) { Label L; - __ br_notnull(G5_method, false, Assembler::pt, L); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(G5_method, Assembler::pt, L); __ stop("Vtable entry is ZERO"); __ bind(L); } @@ -177,8 +174,7 @@ #ifndef PRODUCT if (DebugVtables) { Label L01; - __ bpr(Assembler::rc_nz, false, Assembler::pt, L5_method, L01); - __ delayed()->nop(); + __ br_notnull_short(L5_method, Assembler::pt, L01); __ stop("methodOop is null"); __ bind(L01); __ verify_oop(L5_method); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.cpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1339,9 +1339,8 @@ emit_operand(rax, dst); } -void Assembler::jcc(Condition cc, Label& L, relocInfo::relocType rtype) { - InstructionMark im(this); - relocate(rtype); +void Assembler::jcc(Condition cc, Label& L, bool maybe_short) { + InstructionMark im(this); assert((0 <= cc) && (cc < 16), "illegal cc"); if (L.is_bound()) { address dst = target(L); @@ -1350,7 +1349,7 @@ const int short_size = 2; const int long_size = 6; intptr_t offs = (intptr_t)dst - (intptr_t)_code_pos; - if (rtype == relocInfo::none && is8bit(offs - short_size)) { + if (maybe_short && is8bit(offs - short_size)) { // 0111 tttn #8-bit disp emit_byte(0x70 | cc); emit_byte((offs - short_size) & 0xFF); @@ -1399,7 +1398,7 @@ emit_operand(rsp, adr); } -void Assembler::jmp(Label& L, relocInfo::relocType rtype) { +void Assembler::jmp(Label& L, bool maybe_short) { if (L.is_bound()) { address entry = target(L); assert(entry != NULL, "jmp most probably wrong"); @@ -1407,7 +1406,7 @@ const int short_size = 2; const int long_size = 5; intptr_t offs = entry - _code_pos; - if (rtype == relocInfo::none && is8bit(offs - short_size)) { + if (maybe_short && is8bit(offs - short_size)) { emit_byte(0xEB); emit_byte((offs - short_size) & 0xFF); } else { @@ -1420,7 +1419,6 @@ // the forward jump will not run beyond 256 bytes, use jmpb to // force an 8-bit displacement. InstructionMark im(this); - relocate(rtype); L.add_patch_at(code(), locator()); emit_byte(0xE9); emit_long(0); @@ -2309,7 +2307,7 @@ } void Assembler::prefetchnta(Address src) { - NOT_LP64(assert(VM_Version::supports_sse2(), "must support")); + NOT_LP64(assert(VM_Version::supports_sse(), "must support")); InstructionMark im(this); prefetch_prefix(src); emit_byte(0x18); @@ -2317,7 +2315,7 @@ } void Assembler::prefetchr(Address src) { - NOT_LP64(assert(VM_Version::supports_3dnow_prefetch(), "must support")); + assert(VM_Version::supports_3dnow_prefetch(), "must support"); InstructionMark im(this); prefetch_prefix(src); emit_byte(0x0D); @@ -2349,7 +2347,7 @@ } void Assembler::prefetchw(Address src) { - NOT_LP64(assert(VM_Version::supports_3dnow_prefetch(), "must support")); + assert(VM_Version::supports_3dnow_prefetch(), "must support"); InstructionMark im(this); prefetch_prefix(src); emit_byte(0x0D); @@ -3674,7 +3672,7 @@ } else { if (adr.index_needs_rex()) { prefix(REX_X); - } else if (reg->encoding() >= 4 ) { + } else if (byteinst && reg->encoding() >= 4 ) { prefix(REX); } } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.hpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1065,8 +1065,7 @@ // Note: The same Label can be used for forward and backward branches // but it may be bound only once. - void jcc(Condition cc, Label& L, - relocInfo::relocType rtype = relocInfo::none); + void jcc(Condition cc, Label& L, bool maybe_short = true); // Conditional jump to a 8-bit offset to L. // WARNING: be very careful using this for forward jumps. If the label is @@ -1077,7 +1076,7 @@ void jmp(Address entry); // pc <- entry // Label operations & relative jumps (PPUM Appendix D) - void jmp(Label& L, relocInfo::relocType rtype = relocInfo::none); // unconditional jump to L + void jmp(Label& L, bool maybe_short = true); // unconditional jump to L void jmp(Register entry); // pc <- entry diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_32.cpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_32.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_32.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Register cache, Register index, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size) { - assert(cache != index, "must use different registers"); + assert_different_registers(cache, index); get_cache_index_at_bcp(index, bcp_offset, index_size); movptr(cache, Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_cache_offset * wordSize)); assert(sizeof(ConstantPoolCacheEntry) == 4*wordSize, "adjust code below"); @@ -241,6 +241,20 @@ } +void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(Register cache, + Register index, + Register bytecode, + int byte_no, + int bcp_offset, + size_t index_size) { + get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(cache, index, bcp_offset, index_size); + movptr(bytecode, Address(cache, index, Address::times_ptr, constantPoolCacheOopDesc::base_offset() + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::indices_offset())); + const int shift_count = (1 + byte_no) * BitsPerByte; + shrptr(bytecode, shift_count); + andptr(bytecode, 0xFF); +} + + void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_entry_pointer_at_bcp(Register cache, Register tmp, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size) { assert(cache != tmp, "must use different register"); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_32.hpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_32.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_32.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ } void get_unsigned_2_byte_index_at_bcp(Register reg, int bcp_offset); void get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Register cache, Register index, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); + void get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(Register cache, Register index, Register bytecode, int byte_no, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); void get_cache_entry_pointer_at_bcp(Register cache, Register tmp, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); void get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register index, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_64.cpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_64.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_64.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ Register index, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size) { - assert(cache != index, "must use different registers"); + assert_different_registers(cache, index); get_cache_index_at_bcp(index, bcp_offset, index_size); movptr(cache, Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_cache_offset * wordSize)); assert(sizeof(ConstantPoolCacheEntry) == 4 * wordSize, "adjust code below"); @@ -242,6 +242,22 @@ } +void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(Register cache, + Register index, + Register bytecode, + int byte_no, + int bcp_offset, + size_t index_size) { + get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(cache, index, bcp_offset, index_size); + // We use a 32-bit load here since the layout of 64-bit words on + // little-endian machines allow us that. + movl(bytecode, Address(cache, index, Address::times_ptr, constantPoolCacheOopDesc::base_offset() + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::indices_offset())); + const int shift_count = (1 + byte_no) * BitsPerByte; + shrl(bytecode, shift_count); + andl(bytecode, 0xFF); +} + + void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_entry_pointer_at_bcp(Register cache, Register tmp, int bcp_offset, diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_64.hpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_64.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/interp_masm_x86_64.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -100,13 +100,11 @@ } void get_unsigned_2_byte_index_at_bcp(Register reg, int bcp_offset); - void get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Register cache, Register index, - int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); - void get_cache_entry_pointer_at_bcp(Register cache, Register tmp, - int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); + void get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Register cache, Register index, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); + void get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(Register cache, Register index, Register bytecode, int byte_no, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); + void get_cache_entry_pointer_at_bcp(Register cache, Register tmp, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); void get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register index, int bcp_offset, size_t index_size = sizeof(u2)); - void pop_ptr(Register r = rax); void pop_i(Register r = rax); void pop_l(Register r = rax); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/methodHandles_x86.cpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/methodHandles_x86.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/methodHandles_x86.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1192,11 +1192,11 @@ const int jobject_oop_offset = 0; __ movptr(rbx_method, Address(rbx_method, jobject_oop_offset)); // dereference the jobject - __ movptr(rsi, rsp); + __ movptr(saved_last_sp, rsp); __ subptr(rsp, 3 * wordSize); __ push(rax_pc); // restore caller PC - __ movptr(__ argument_address(constant(2)), rarg0_code); + __ movl (__ argument_address(constant(2)), rarg0_code); __ movptr(__ argument_address(constant(1)), rarg1_actual); __ movptr(__ argument_address(constant(0)), rarg2_required); jump_from_method_handle(_masm, rbx_method, rax); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/templateTable_x86_32.cpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/templateTable_x86_32.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/templateTable_x86_32.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -202,45 +202,74 @@ } -void TemplateTable::patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::Code bytecode, Register bc, - Register scratch, - bool load_bc_into_scratch/*=true*/) { - - if (!RewriteBytecodes) return; - // the pair bytecodes have already done the load. - if (load_bc_into_scratch) { - __ movl(bc, bytecode); +void TemplateTable::patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::Code bc, Register bc_reg, + Register temp_reg, bool load_bc_into_bc_reg/*=true*/, + int byte_no) { + if (!RewriteBytecodes) return; + Label L_patch_done; + + switch (bc) { + case Bytecodes::_fast_aputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_bputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_cputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_dputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_fputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_iputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_lputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_sputfield: + { + // We skip bytecode quickening for putfield instructions when + // the put_code written to the constant pool cache is zero. + // This is required so that every execution of this instruction + // calls out to InterpreterRuntime::resolve_get_put to do + // additional, required work. + assert(byte_no == f1_byte || byte_no == f2_byte, "byte_no out of range"); + assert(load_bc_into_bc_reg, "we use bc_reg as temp"); + __ get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(bc_reg, temp_reg, temp_reg, byte_no, 1); + __ movl(bc_reg, bc); + __ cmpl(temp_reg, (int) 0); + __ jcc(Assembler::zero, L_patch_done); // don't patch + } + break; + default: + assert(byte_no == -1, "sanity"); + // the pair bytecodes have already done the load. + if (load_bc_into_bc_reg) { + __ movl(bc_reg, bc); + } } - Label patch_done; + if (JvmtiExport::can_post_breakpoint()) { - Label fast_patch; + Label L_fast_patch; // if a breakpoint is present we can't rewrite the stream directly - __ movzbl(scratch, at_bcp(0)); - __ cmpl(scratch, Bytecodes::_breakpoint); - __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, fast_patch); - __ get_method(scratch); + __ movzbl(temp_reg, at_bcp(0)); + __ cmpl(temp_reg, Bytecodes::_breakpoint); + __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, L_fast_patch); + __ get_method(temp_reg); // Let breakpoint table handling rewrite to quicker bytecode - __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::set_original_bytecode_at), scratch, rsi, bc); + __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::set_original_bytecode_at), temp_reg, rsi, bc_reg); #ifndef ASSERT - __ jmpb(patch_done); + __ jmpb(L_patch_done); #else - __ jmp(patch_done); + __ jmp(L_patch_done); #endif - __ bind(fast_patch); + __ bind(L_fast_patch); } + #ifdef ASSERT - Label okay; - __ load_unsigned_byte(scratch, at_bcp(0)); - __ cmpl(scratch, (int)Bytecodes::java_code(bytecode)); - __ jccb(Assembler::equal, okay); - __ cmpl(scratch, bc); - __ jcc(Assembler::equal, okay); + Label L_okay; + __ load_unsigned_byte(temp_reg, at_bcp(0)); + __ cmpl(temp_reg, (int)Bytecodes::java_code(bc)); + __ jccb(Assembler::equal, L_okay); + __ cmpl(temp_reg, bc_reg); + __ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_okay); __ stop("patching the wrong bytecode"); - __ bind(okay); + __ bind(L_okay); #endif + // patch bytecode - __ movb(at_bcp(0), bc); - __ bind(patch_done); + __ movb(at_bcp(0), bc_reg); + __ bind(L_patch_done); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -2060,24 +2089,20 @@ assert_different_registers(result, Rcache, index, temp); Label resolved; - __ get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Rcache, index, 1, index_size); if (byte_no == f1_oop) { // We are resolved if the f1 field contains a non-null object (CallSite, etc.) // This kind of CP cache entry does not need to match the flags byte, because // there is a 1-1 relation between bytecode type and CP entry type. assert(result != noreg, ""); //else do cmpptr(Address(...), (int32_t) NULL_WORD) + __ get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Rcache, index, 1, index_size); __ movptr(result, Address(Rcache, index, Address::times_ptr, constantPoolCacheOopDesc::base_offset() + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::f1_offset())); __ testptr(result, result); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, resolved); } else { assert(byte_no == f1_byte || byte_no == f2_byte, "byte_no out of range"); assert(result == noreg, ""); //else change code for setting result - const int shift_count = (1 + byte_no)*BitsPerByte; - __ movl(temp, Address(Rcache, index, Address::times_4, constantPoolCacheOopDesc::base_offset() + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::indices_offset())); - __ shrl(temp, shift_count); - // have we resolved this bytecode? - __ andl(temp, 0xFF); - __ cmpl(temp, (int)bytecode()); + __ get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(Rcache, index, temp, byte_no, 1, index_size); + __ cmpl(temp, (int) bytecode()); // have we resolved this bytecode? __ jcc(Assembler::equal, resolved); } @@ -2453,138 +2478,153 @@ __ shrl(flags, ConstantPoolCacheEntry::tosBits); assert(btos == 0, "change code, btos != 0"); - // btos __ andl(flags, 0x0f); __ jcc(Assembler::notZero, notByte); - __ pop(btos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ movb(lo, rax ); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_bputfield, rcx, rbx); + // btos + { + __ pop(btos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movb(lo, rax); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_bputfield, rcx, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notByte); - // itos - __ cmpl(flags, itos ); + __ cmpl(flags, itos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notInt); - __ pop(itos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - - __ movl(lo, rax ); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_iputfield, rcx, rbx); + // itos + { + __ pop(itos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movl(lo, rax); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_iputfield, rcx, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notInt); - // atos - __ cmpl(flags, atos ); + __ cmpl(flags, atos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notObj); - __ pop(atos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - - do_oop_store(_masm, lo, rax, _bs->kind(), false); - - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_aputfield, rcx, rbx); + // atos + { + __ pop(atos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + do_oop_store(_masm, lo, rax, _bs->kind(), false); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_aputfield, rcx, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); - __ bind(notObj); - // ctos - __ cmpl(flags, ctos ); + __ cmpl(flags, ctos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notChar); - __ pop(ctos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ movw(lo, rax ); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_cputfield, rcx, rbx); + // ctos + { + __ pop(ctos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movw(lo, rax); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_cputfield, rcx, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notChar); - // stos - __ cmpl(flags, stos ); + __ cmpl(flags, stos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notShort); - __ pop(stos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ movw(lo, rax ); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_sputfield, rcx, rbx); + // stos + { + __ pop(stos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movw(lo, rax); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_sputfield, rcx, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notShort); - // ltos - __ cmpl(flags, ltos ); + __ cmpl(flags, ltos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notLong); - Label notVolatileLong; - __ testl(rdx, rdx); - __ jcc(Assembler::zero, notVolatileLong); - - __ pop(ltos); // overwrites rdx, do this after testing volatile. - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - - // Replace with real volatile test - __ push(rdx); - __ push(rax); // Must update atomically with FIST - __ fild_d(Address(rsp,0)); // So load into FPU register - __ fistp_d(lo); // and put into memory atomically - __ addptr(rsp, 2*wordSize); - // volatile_barrier(); - volatile_barrier(Assembler::Membar_mask_bits(Assembler::StoreLoad | - Assembler::StoreStore)); - // Don't rewrite volatile version - __ jmp(notVolatile); - - __ bind(notVolatileLong); - - __ pop(ltos); // overwrites rdx - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - NOT_LP64(__ movptr(hi, rdx)); - __ movptr(lo, rax); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_lputfield, rcx, rbx); + // ltos + { + Label notVolatileLong; + __ testl(rdx, rdx); + __ jcc(Assembler::zero, notVolatileLong); + + __ pop(ltos); // overwrites rdx, do this after testing volatile. + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + + // Replace with real volatile test + __ push(rdx); + __ push(rax); // Must update atomically with FIST + __ fild_d(Address(rsp,0)); // So load into FPU register + __ fistp_d(lo); // and put into memory atomically + __ addptr(rsp, 2*wordSize); + // volatile_barrier(); + volatile_barrier(Assembler::Membar_mask_bits(Assembler::StoreLoad | + Assembler::StoreStore)); + // Don't rewrite volatile version + __ jmp(notVolatile); + + __ bind(notVolatileLong); + + __ pop(ltos); // overwrites rdx + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + NOT_LP64(__ movptr(hi, rdx)); + __ movptr(lo, rax); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_lputfield, rcx, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(notVolatile); } - __ jmp(notVolatile); __ bind(notLong); - // ftos - __ cmpl(flags, ftos ); + __ cmpl(flags, ftos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notFloat); - __ pop(ftos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ fstp_s(lo); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_fputfield, rcx, rbx); + // ftos + { + __ pop(ftos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ fstp_s(lo); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_fputfield, rcx, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notFloat); - // dtos - __ cmpl(flags, dtos ); +#ifdef ASSERT + __ cmpl(flags, dtos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notDouble); - - __ pop(dtos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ fstp_d(lo); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_dputfield, rcx, rbx); +#endif + + // dtos + { + __ pop(dtos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ fstp_d(lo); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_dputfield, rcx, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); - + +#ifdef ASSERT __ bind(notDouble); - __ stop("Bad state"); +#endif __ bind(Done); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/templateTable_x86_64.cpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/templateTable_x86_64.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/templateTable_x86_64.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -203,46 +203,74 @@ return Address(r13, offset); } -void TemplateTable::patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::Code bytecode, Register bc, - Register scratch, - bool load_bc_into_scratch/*=true*/) { - if (!RewriteBytecodes) { - return; +void TemplateTable::patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::Code bc, Register bc_reg, + Register temp_reg, bool load_bc_into_bc_reg/*=true*/, + int byte_no) { + if (!RewriteBytecodes) return; + Label L_patch_done; + + switch (bc) { + case Bytecodes::_fast_aputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_bputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_cputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_dputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_fputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_iputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_lputfield: + case Bytecodes::_fast_sputfield: + { + // We skip bytecode quickening for putfield instructions when + // the put_code written to the constant pool cache is zero. + // This is required so that every execution of this instruction + // calls out to InterpreterRuntime::resolve_get_put to do + // additional, required work. + assert(byte_no == f1_byte || byte_no == f2_byte, "byte_no out of range"); + assert(load_bc_into_bc_reg, "we use bc_reg as temp"); + __ get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(temp_reg, bc_reg, temp_reg, byte_no, 1); + __ movl(bc_reg, bc); + __ cmpl(temp_reg, (int) 0); + __ jcc(Assembler::zero, L_patch_done); // don't patch + } + break; + default: + assert(byte_no == -1, "sanity"); + // the pair bytecodes have already done the load. + if (load_bc_into_bc_reg) { + __ movl(bc_reg, bc); + } } - // the pair bytecodes have already done the load. - if (load_bc_into_scratch) { - __ movl(bc, bytecode); - } - Label patch_done; + if (JvmtiExport::can_post_breakpoint()) { - Label fast_patch; + Label L_fast_patch; // if a breakpoint is present we can't rewrite the stream directly - __ movzbl(scratch, at_bcp(0)); - __ cmpl(scratch, Bytecodes::_breakpoint); - __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, fast_patch); - __ get_method(scratch); + __ movzbl(temp_reg, at_bcp(0)); + __ cmpl(temp_reg, Bytecodes::_breakpoint); + __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, L_fast_patch); + __ get_method(temp_reg); // Let breakpoint table handling rewrite to quicker bytecode - __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::set_original_bytecode_at), scratch, r13, bc); + __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::set_original_bytecode_at), temp_reg, r13, bc_reg); #ifndef ASSERT - __ jmpb(patch_done); + __ jmpb(L_patch_done); #else - __ jmp(patch_done); + __ jmp(L_patch_done); #endif - __ bind(fast_patch); + __ bind(L_fast_patch); } + #ifdef ASSERT - Label okay; - __ load_unsigned_byte(scratch, at_bcp(0)); - __ cmpl(scratch, (int) Bytecodes::java_code(bytecode)); - __ jcc(Assembler::equal, okay); - __ cmpl(scratch, bc); - __ jcc(Assembler::equal, okay); + Label L_okay; + __ load_unsigned_byte(temp_reg, at_bcp(0)); + __ cmpl(temp_reg, (int) Bytecodes::java_code(bc)); + __ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_okay); + __ cmpl(temp_reg, bc_reg); + __ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_okay); __ stop("patching the wrong bytecode"); - __ bind(okay); + __ bind(L_okay); #endif + // patch bytecode - __ movb(at_bcp(0), bc); - __ bind(patch_done); + __ movb(at_bcp(0), bc_reg); + __ bind(L_patch_done); } @@ -2098,24 +2126,20 @@ assert_different_registers(result, Rcache, index, temp); Label resolved; - __ get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Rcache, index, 1, index_size); if (byte_no == f1_oop) { // We are resolved if the f1 field contains a non-null object (CallSite, etc.) // This kind of CP cache entry does not need to match the flags byte, because // there is a 1-1 relation between bytecode type and CP entry type. assert(result != noreg, ""); //else do cmpptr(Address(...), (int32_t) NULL_WORD) + __ get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Rcache, index, 1, index_size); __ movptr(result, Address(Rcache, index, Address::times_ptr, constantPoolCacheOopDesc::base_offset() + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::f1_offset())); __ testptr(result, result); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, resolved); } else { assert(byte_no == f1_byte || byte_no == f2_byte, "byte_no out of range"); assert(result == noreg, ""); //else change code for setting result - const int shift_count = (1 + byte_no) * BitsPerByte; - __ movl(temp, Address(Rcache, index, Address::times_ptr, constantPoolCacheOopDesc::base_offset() + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::indices_offset())); - __ shrl(temp, shift_count); - // have we resolved this bytecode? - __ andl(temp, 0xFF); - __ cmpl(temp, (int) bytecode()); + __ get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(Rcache, index, temp, byte_no, 1, index_size); + __ cmpl(temp, (int) bytecode()); // have we resolved this bytecode? __ jcc(Assembler::equal, resolved); } @@ -2507,101 +2531,123 @@ assert(btos == 0, "change code, btos != 0"); __ andl(flags, 0x0f); __ jcc(Assembler::notZero, notByte); + // btos - __ pop(btos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ movb(field, rax); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_bputfield, bc, rbx); + { + __ pop(btos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movb(field, rax); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_bputfield, bc, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notByte); __ cmpl(flags, atos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notObj); + // atos - __ pop(atos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - - // Store into the field - do_oop_store(_masm, field, rax, _bs->kind(), false); - - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_aputfield, bc, rbx); + { + __ pop(atos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + // Store into the field + do_oop_store(_masm, field, rax, _bs->kind(), false); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_aputfield, bc, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notObj); __ cmpl(flags, itos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notInt); + // itos - __ pop(itos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ movl(field, rax); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_iputfield, bc, rbx); + { + __ pop(itos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movl(field, rax); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_iputfield, bc, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notInt); __ cmpl(flags, ctos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notChar); + // ctos - __ pop(ctos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ movw(field, rax); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_cputfield, bc, rbx); + { + __ pop(ctos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movw(field, rax); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_cputfield, bc, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notChar); __ cmpl(flags, stos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notShort); + // stos - __ pop(stos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ movw(field, rax); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_sputfield, bc, rbx); + { + __ pop(stos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movw(field, rax); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_sputfield, bc, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notShort); __ cmpl(flags, ltos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notLong); + // ltos - __ pop(ltos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ movq(field, rax); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_lputfield, bc, rbx); + { + __ pop(ltos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movq(field, rax); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_lputfield, bc, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notLong); __ cmpl(flags, ftos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notFloat); + // ftos - __ pop(ftos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ movflt(field, xmm0); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_fputfield, bc, rbx); + { + __ pop(ftos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movflt(field, xmm0); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_fputfield, bc, rbx, true, byte_no); + } + __ jmp(Done); } - __ jmp(Done); __ bind(notFloat); #ifdef ASSERT __ cmpl(flags, dtos); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, notDouble); #endif + // dtos - __ pop(dtos); - if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); - __ movdbl(field, xmm0); - if (!is_static) { - patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_dputfield, bc, rbx); + { + __ pop(dtos); + if (!is_static) pop_and_check_object(obj); + __ movdbl(field, xmm0); + if (!is_static) { + patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::_fast_dputfield, bc, rbx, true, byte_no); + } } #ifdef ASSERT @@ -2612,12 +2658,12 @@ #endif __ bind(Done); + // Check for volatile store __ testl(rdx, rdx); __ jcc(Assembler::zero, notVolatile); volatile_barrier(Assembler::Membar_mask_bits(Assembler::StoreLoad | Assembler::StoreStore)); - __ bind(notVolatile); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.cpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1997, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * Copyright (c) 1997, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -557,14 +557,16 @@ if( !supports_sse() && supports_3dnow_prefetch() ) AllocatePrefetchInstr = 3; // Allocation prefetch settings - intx cache_line_size = L1_data_cache_line_size(); + intx cache_line_size = prefetch_data_size(); if( cache_line_size > AllocatePrefetchStepSize ) AllocatePrefetchStepSize = cache_line_size; - if( FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchLines) ) - AllocatePrefetchLines = 3; // Optimistic value + assert(AllocatePrefetchLines > 0, "invalid value"); - if( AllocatePrefetchLines < 1 ) // set valid value in product VM - AllocatePrefetchLines = 1; // Conservative value + if( AllocatePrefetchLines < 1 ) // set valid value in product VM + AllocatePrefetchLines = 3; + assert(AllocateInstancePrefetchLines > 0, "invalid value"); + if( AllocateInstancePrefetchLines < 1 ) // set valid value in product VM + AllocateInstancePrefetchLines = 1; AllocatePrefetchDistance = allocate_prefetch_distance(); AllocatePrefetchStyle = allocate_prefetch_style(); @@ -601,10 +603,11 @@ tty->print_cr("Logical CPUs per core: %u", logical_processors_per_package()); tty->print_cr("UseSSE=%d",UseSSE); - tty->print("Allocation: "); + tty->print("Allocation"); if (AllocatePrefetchStyle <= 0 || UseSSE == 0 && !supports_3dnow_prefetch()) { - tty->print_cr("no prefetching"); + tty->print_cr(": no prefetching"); } else { + tty->print(" prefetching: "); if (UseSSE == 0 && supports_3dnow_prefetch()) { tty->print("PREFETCHW"); } else if (UseSSE >= 1) { @@ -619,9 +622,9 @@ } } if (AllocatePrefetchLines > 1) { - tty->print_cr(" %d, %d lines with step %d bytes", AllocatePrefetchDistance, AllocatePrefetchLines, AllocatePrefetchStepSize); + tty->print_cr(" at distance %d, %d lines of %d bytes", AllocatePrefetchDistance, AllocatePrefetchLines, AllocatePrefetchStepSize); } else { - tty->print_cr(" %d, one line", AllocatePrefetchDistance); + tty->print_cr(" at distance %d, one line of %d bytes", AllocatePrefetchDistance, AllocatePrefetchStepSize); } } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.hpp --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ return result; } - static intx L1_data_cache_line_size() { + static intx prefetch_data_size() { intx result = 0; if (is_intel()) { result = (_cpuid_info.dcp_cpuid4_ebx.bits.L1_line_size + 1); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/x86_32.ad --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/x86_32.ad Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/x86_32.ad Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1369,7 +1369,12 @@ // // NOTE: If the platform does not provide any short branch variants, then // this method should return false for offset 0. -bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int offset) { +bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int br_size, int offset) { + // The passed offset is relative to address of the branch. + // On 86 a branch displacement is calculated relative to address + // of a next instruction. + offset -= br_size; + // the short version of jmpConUCF2 contains multiple branches, // making the reach slightly less if (rule == jmpConUCF2_rule) @@ -1713,18 +1718,6 @@ else emit_d32(cbuf,con); %} - enc_class Lbl (label labl) %{ // JMP, CALL - Label *l = $labl$$label; - emit_d32(cbuf, l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size()+4)) : 0); - %} - - enc_class LblShort (label labl) %{ // JMP, CALL - Label *l = $labl$$label; - int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size()+1)) : 0; - assert(-128 <= disp && disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp"); - emit_d8(cbuf, disp); - %} - enc_class OpcSReg (eRegI dst) %{ // BSWAP emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, $dst$$reg ); %} @@ -1747,21 +1740,6 @@ emit_rm(cbuf, 0x3, $secondary, $div$$reg ); %} - enc_class Jcc (cmpOp cop, label labl) %{ // JCC - Label *l = $labl$$label; - $$$emit8$primary; - emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, $cop$$cmpcode); - emit_d32(cbuf, l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size()+4)) : 0); - %} - - enc_class JccShort (cmpOp cop, label labl) %{ // JCC - Label *l = $labl$$label; - emit_cc(cbuf, $primary, $cop$$cmpcode); - int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size()+1)) : 0; - assert(-128 <= disp && disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp"); - emit_d8(cbuf, disp); - %} - enc_class enc_cmov(cmpOp cop ) %{ // CMOV $$$emit8$primary; emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, $cop$$cmpcode); @@ -4496,7 +4474,6 @@ //----------Instruction Attributes--------------------------------------------- ins_attrib ins_cost(100); // Required cost attribute ins_attrib ins_size(8); // Required size attribute (in bits) -ins_attrib ins_pc_relative(0); // Required PC Relative flag ins_attrib ins_short_branch(0); // Required flag: is this instruction a // non-matching short branch variant of some // long branch? @@ -7348,8 +7325,9 @@ ins_cost(100); format %{ "PREFETCHR $mem\t! Prefetch into level 1 cache for read" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x0d); /* Opcode 0F 0d /0 */ - ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, RMopc_Mem(0x00,mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchr($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} @@ -7359,8 +7337,9 @@ ins_cost(100); format %{ "PREFETCHNTA $mem\t! Prefetch into non-temporal cache for read" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /0 */ - ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, RMopc_Mem(0x00,mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchnta($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} @@ -7370,8 +7349,9 @@ ins_cost(100); format %{ "PREFETCHT0 $mem\t! Prefetch into L1 and L2 caches for read" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /1 */ - ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, RMopc_Mem(0x01,mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetcht0($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} @@ -7381,8 +7361,9 @@ ins_cost(100); format %{ "PREFETCHT2 $mem\t! Prefetch into L2 cache for read" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /3 */ - ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, RMopc_Mem(0x03,mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetcht2($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} @@ -7397,46 +7378,86 @@ %} instruct prefetchw( memory mem ) %{ - predicate(UseSSE==0 && VM_Version::supports_3dnow_prefetch() || AllocatePrefetchInstr==3); + predicate(UseSSE==0 && VM_Version::supports_3dnow_prefetch()); match( PrefetchWrite mem ); ins_cost(100); format %{ "PREFETCHW $mem\t! Prefetch into L1 cache and mark modified" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x0D); /* Opcode 0F 0D /1 */ - ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, RMopc_Mem(0x01,mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchw($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} instruct prefetchwNTA( memory mem ) %{ - predicate(UseSSE>=1 && AllocatePrefetchInstr==0); + predicate(UseSSE>=1); match(PrefetchWrite mem); ins_cost(100); format %{ "PREFETCHNTA $mem\t! Prefetch into non-temporal cache for write" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /0 */ - ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, RMopc_Mem(0x00,mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchnta($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} -instruct prefetchwT0( memory mem ) %{ - predicate(UseSSE>=1 && AllocatePrefetchInstr==1); - match(PrefetchWrite mem); +// Prefetch instructions for allocation. + +instruct prefetchAlloc0( memory mem ) %{ + predicate(UseSSE==0 && AllocatePrefetchInstr!=3); + match(PrefetchAllocation mem); + ins_cost(0); + size(0); + format %{ "Prefetch allocation (non-SSE is empty encoding)" %} + ins_encode(); + ins_pipe(empty); +%} + +instruct prefetchAlloc( memory mem ) %{ + predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr==3); + match( PrefetchAllocation mem ); ins_cost(100); - format %{ "PREFETCHT0 $mem\t! Prefetch into L1 and L2 caches for write" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /1 */ - ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, RMopc_Mem(0x01,mem)); + format %{ "PREFETCHW $mem\t! Prefetch allocation into L1 cache and mark modified" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchw($mem$$Address); + %} + ins_pipe(ialu_mem); +%} + +instruct prefetchAllocNTA( memory mem ) %{ + predicate(UseSSE>=1 && AllocatePrefetchInstr==0); + match(PrefetchAllocation mem); + ins_cost(100); + + format %{ "PREFETCHNTA $mem\t! Prefetch allocation into non-temporal cache for write" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchnta($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} -instruct prefetchwT2( memory mem ) %{ - predicate(UseSSE>=1 && AllocatePrefetchInstr==2); - match(PrefetchWrite mem); +instruct prefetchAllocT0( memory mem ) %{ + predicate(UseSSE>=1 && AllocatePrefetchInstr==1); + match(PrefetchAllocation mem); ins_cost(100); - format %{ "PREFETCHT2 $mem\t! Prefetch into L2 cache for write" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /3 */ - ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, RMopc_Mem(0x03,mem)); + format %{ "PREFETCHT0 $mem\t! Prefetch allocation into L1 and L2 caches for write" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetcht0($mem$$Address); + %} + ins_pipe(ialu_mem); +%} + +instruct prefetchAllocT2( memory mem ) %{ + predicate(UseSSE>=1 && AllocatePrefetchInstr==2); + match(PrefetchAllocation mem); + ins_cost(100); + + format %{ "PREFETCHT2 $mem\t! Prefetch allocation into L2 cache for write" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetcht2($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} @@ -7806,8 +7827,7 @@ %} instruct membar_acquire_lock() %{ - match(MemBarAcquire); - predicate(Matcher::prior_fast_lock(n)); + match(MemBarAcquireLock); ins_cost(0); size(0); @@ -7827,8 +7847,7 @@ %} instruct membar_release_lock() %{ - match(MemBarRelease); - predicate(Matcher::post_fast_unlock(n)); + match(MemBarReleaseLock); ins_cost(0); size(0); @@ -13047,7 +13066,6 @@ Address index(noreg, $switch_val$$Register, Address::times_1); __ jump(ArrayAddress($constantaddress, index)); %} - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_pipe(pipe_jmp); %} @@ -13059,10 +13077,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "JMP $labl" %} size(5); - opcode(0xE9); - ins_encode( OpcP, Lbl( labl ) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jmp(*L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jmp ); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Jump Direct Conditional - Label defines a relative address from Jcc+1 @@ -13073,10 +13092,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "J$cop $labl" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode( Jcc( cop, labl) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jcc ); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Jump Direct Conditional - Label defines a relative address from Jcc+1 @@ -13087,10 +13107,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "J$cop $labl\t# Loop end" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode( Jcc( cop, labl) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jcc ); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Jump Direct Conditional - Label defines a relative address from Jcc+1 @@ -13101,10 +13122,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "J$cop,u $labl\t# Loop end" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode( Jcc( cop, labl) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jcc ); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct jmpLoopEndUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{ @@ -13114,10 +13136,11 @@ ins_cost(200); format %{ "J$cop,u $labl\t# Loop end" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode( Jcc( cop, labl) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jcc ); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Jump Direct Conditional - using unsigned comparison @@ -13128,10 +13151,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "J$cop,u $labl" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct jmpConUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{ @@ -13141,10 +13165,11 @@ ins_cost(200); format %{ "J$cop,u $labl" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct jmpConUCF2(cmpOpUCF2 cop, eFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{ @@ -13162,31 +13187,21 @@ $$emit$$"done:" } %} - size(12); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); ins_encode %{ Label* l = $labl$$label; - $$$emit8$primary; - emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, Assembler::parity); - int parity_disp = -1; - bool ok = false; if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) { - // the two jumps 6 bytes apart so the jump distances are too - parity_disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 4)) : 0; + __ jcc(Assembler::parity, *l, false); + __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, *l, false); } else if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::equal) { - parity_disp = 6; - ok = true; + Label done; + __ jccb(Assembler::parity, done); + __ jcc(Assembler::equal, *l, false); + __ bind(done); } else { ShouldNotReachHere(); } - emit_d32(cbuf, parity_disp); - $$$emit8$primary; - emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, $cop$$cmpcode); - int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 4)) : 0; - emit_d32(cbuf, disp); %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // ============================================================================ @@ -13251,10 +13266,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "JMP,s $labl" %} size(2); - opcode(0xEB); - ins_encode( OpcP, LblShort( labl ) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jmpb(*L); + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jmp ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -13266,10 +13282,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "J$cop,s $labl" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode( JccShort( cop, labl) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jcc ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -13281,10 +13298,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "J$cop,s $labl\t# Loop end" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode( JccShort( cop, labl) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jcc ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -13296,10 +13314,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "J$cop,us $labl\t# Loop end" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode( JccShort( cop, labl) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jcc ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -13310,10 +13329,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "J$cop,us $labl\t# Loop end" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode( JccShort( cop, labl) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jcc ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -13325,10 +13345,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "J$cop,us $labl" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode( JccShort( cop, labl) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jcc ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -13339,10 +13360,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "J$cop,us $labl" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode( JccShort( cop, labl) ); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe( pipe_jcc ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -13362,27 +13384,21 @@ } %} size(4); - opcode(0x70); ins_encode %{ Label* l = $labl$$label; - emit_cc(cbuf, $primary, Assembler::parity); - int parity_disp = -1; if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) { - parity_disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 1)) : 0; + __ jccb(Assembler::parity, *l); + __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, *l); } else if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::equal) { - parity_disp = 2; + Label done; + __ jccb(Assembler::parity, done); + __ jccb(Assembler::equal, *l); + __ bind(done); } else { - ShouldNotReachHere(); - } - emit_d8(cbuf, parity_disp); - emit_cc(cbuf, $primary, $cop$$cmpcode); - int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 1)) : 0; - emit_d8(cbuf, disp); - assert(-128 <= disp && disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp"); - assert(-128 <= parity_disp && parity_disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp"); + ShouldNotReachHere(); + } %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -13855,7 +13871,6 @@ call_epilog, post_call_FPU ); ins_pipe( pipe_slow ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_alignment(4); %} @@ -13879,7 +13894,6 @@ call_epilog, post_call_FPU ); ins_pipe( pipe_slow ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_alignment(4); %} @@ -13899,7 +13913,6 @@ call_epilog, post_call_FPU ); ins_pipe( pipe_slow ); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_alignment(4); %} @@ -13917,7 +13930,6 @@ Java_To_Runtime( meth ), post_call_FPU ); ins_pipe( pipe_slow ); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Call runtime without safepoint @@ -13933,7 +13945,6 @@ Java_To_Runtime( meth ), Verify_FPU_For_Leaf, post_call_FPU ); ins_pipe( pipe_slow ); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct CallLeafNoFPDirect(method meth) %{ @@ -13945,7 +13956,6 @@ opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */ ins_encode(Java_To_Runtime(meth)); ins_pipe( pipe_slow ); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} @@ -14024,7 +14034,6 @@ format %{ "FASTLOCK $object, $box KILLS $tmp,$scr" %} ins_encode( Fast_Lock(object,box,tmp,scr) ); ins_pipe( pipe_slow ); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct cmpFastUnlock( eFlagsReg cr, eRegP object, eAXRegP box, eRegP tmp ) %{ @@ -14034,7 +14043,6 @@ format %{ "FASTUNLOCK $object, $box, $tmp" %} ins_encode( Fast_Unlock(object,box,tmp) ); ins_pipe( pipe_slow ); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/x86/vm/x86_64.ad --- a/src/cpu/x86/vm/x86_64.ad Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/x86/vm/x86_64.ad Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1966,7 +1966,12 @@ // // NOTE: If the platform does not provide any short branch variants, then // this method should return false for offset 0. -bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int offset) { +bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int br_size, int offset) { + // The passed offset is relative to address of the branch. + // On 86 a branch displacement is calculated relative to address + // of a next instruction. + offset -= br_size; + // the short version of jmpConUCF2 contains multiple branches, // making the reach slightly less if (rule == jmpConUCF2_rule) @@ -2426,22 +2431,6 @@ } %} - enc_class Lbl(label labl) - %{ - // JMP, CALL - Label* l = $labl$$label; - emit_d32(cbuf, l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 4)) : 0); - %} - - enc_class LblShort(label labl) - %{ - // JMP, CALL - Label* l = $labl$$label; - int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 1)) : 0; - assert(-128 <= disp && disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp"); - emit_d8(cbuf, disp); - %} - enc_class opc2_reg(rRegI dst) %{ // BSWAP @@ -2460,25 +2449,6 @@ emit_rm(cbuf, 0x3, $secondary, $div$$reg & 7); %} - enc_class Jcc(cmpOp cop, label labl) - %{ - // JCC - Label* l = $labl$$label; - $$$emit8$primary; - emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, $cop$$cmpcode); - emit_d32(cbuf, l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 4)) : 0); - %} - - enc_class JccShort (cmpOp cop, label labl) - %{ - // JCC - Label *l = $labl$$label; - emit_cc(cbuf, $primary, $cop$$cmpcode); - int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 1)) : 0; - assert(-128 <= disp && disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp"); - emit_d8(cbuf, disp); - %} - enc_class enc_cmov(cmpOp cop) %{ // CMOV @@ -4013,7 +3983,6 @@ //----------Instruction Attributes--------------------------------------------- ins_attrib ins_cost(100); // Required cost attribute ins_attrib ins_size(8); // Required size attribute (in bits) -ins_attrib ins_pc_relative(0); // Required PC Relative flag ins_attrib ins_short_branch(0); // Required flag: is this instruction // a non-matching short branch variant // of some long branch? @@ -6648,8 +6617,9 @@ ins_cost(125); format %{ "PREFETCHR $mem\t# Prefetch into level 1 cache" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x0D); /* Opcode 0F 0D /0 */ - ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, OpcS, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchr($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} @@ -6659,8 +6629,9 @@ ins_cost(125); format %{ "PREFETCHNTA $mem\t# Prefetch into non-temporal cache for read" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /0 */ - ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, OpcS, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchnta($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} @@ -6670,8 +6641,9 @@ ins_cost(125); format %{ "PREFETCHT0 $mem\t# prefetch into L1 and L2 caches for read" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /1 */ - ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, OpcS, RM_opc_mem(0x01, mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetcht0($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} @@ -6681,52 +6653,70 @@ ins_cost(125); format %{ "PREFETCHT2 $mem\t# prefetch into L2 caches for read" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /3 */ - ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, OpcS, RM_opc_mem(0x03, mem)); - ins_pipe(ialu_mem); -%} - -instruct prefetchw( memory mem ) %{ - predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr==3); - match(PrefetchWrite mem); - ins_cost(125); - - format %{ "PREFETCHW $mem\t# Prefetch into level 1 cache and mark modified" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x0D); /* Opcode 0F 0D /1 */ - ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, OpcS, RM_opc_mem(0x01, mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetcht2($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} instruct prefetchwNTA( memory mem ) %{ - predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr==0); match(PrefetchWrite mem); ins_cost(125); format %{ "PREFETCHNTA $mem\t# Prefetch to non-temporal cache for write" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /0 */ - ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, OpcS, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem)); + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchnta($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} -instruct prefetchwT0( memory mem ) %{ - predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr==1); - match(PrefetchWrite mem); +// Prefetch instructions for allocation. + +instruct prefetchAlloc( memory mem ) %{ + predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr==3); + match(PrefetchAllocation mem); + ins_cost(125); + + format %{ "PREFETCHW $mem\t# Prefetch allocation into level 1 cache and mark modified" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchw($mem$$Address); + %} + ins_pipe(ialu_mem); +%} + +instruct prefetchAllocNTA( memory mem ) %{ + predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr==0); + match(PrefetchAllocation mem); ins_cost(125); - format %{ "PREFETCHT0 $mem\t# Prefetch to level 1 and 2 caches for write" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /1 */ - ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, OpcS, RM_opc_mem(0x01, mem)); + format %{ "PREFETCHNTA $mem\t# Prefetch allocation to non-temporal cache for write" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetchnta($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} -instruct prefetchwT2( memory mem ) %{ - predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr==2); - match(PrefetchWrite mem); +instruct prefetchAllocT0( memory mem ) %{ + predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr==1); + match(PrefetchAllocation mem); ins_cost(125); - format %{ "PREFETCHT2 $mem\t# Prefetch to level 2 cache for write" %} - opcode(0x0F, 0x18); /* Opcode 0F 18 /3 */ - ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, OpcS, RM_opc_mem(0x03, mem)); + format %{ "PREFETCHT0 $mem\t# Prefetch allocation to level 1 and 2 caches for write" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetcht0($mem$$Address); + %} + ins_pipe(ialu_mem); +%} + +instruct prefetchAllocT2( memory mem ) %{ + predicate(AllocatePrefetchInstr==2); + match(PrefetchAllocation mem); + ins_cost(125); + + format %{ "PREFETCHT2 $mem\t# Prefetch allocation to level 2 cache for write" %} + ins_encode %{ + __ prefetcht2($mem$$Address); + %} ins_pipe(ialu_mem); %} @@ -7376,8 +7366,7 @@ instruct membar_acquire_lock() %{ - match(MemBarAcquire); - predicate(Matcher::prior_fast_lock(n)); + match(MemBarAcquireLock); ins_cost(0); size(0); @@ -7399,8 +7388,7 @@ instruct membar_release_lock() %{ - match(MemBarRelease); - predicate(Matcher::post_fast_unlock(n)); + match(MemBarReleaseLock); ins_cost(0); size(0); @@ -7547,7 +7535,6 @@ __ jmp(dispatch); %} ins_pipe(pipe_jmp); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct jumpXtnd_addr(rRegL switch_val, immI2 shift, immL32 offset, rRegI dest) %{ @@ -7568,7 +7555,6 @@ __ jmp(dispatch); %} ins_pipe(pipe_jmp); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct jumpXtnd(rRegL switch_val, rRegI dest) %{ @@ -7589,7 +7575,6 @@ __ jmp(dispatch); %} ins_pipe(pipe_jmp); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Conditional move @@ -12017,10 +12002,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "jmp $labl" %} size(5); - opcode(0xE9); - ins_encode(OpcP, Lbl(labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jmp(*L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jmp); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Jump Direct Conditional - Label defines a relative address from Jcc+1 @@ -12032,10 +12018,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "j$cop $labl" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Jump Direct Conditional - Label defines a relative address from Jcc+1 @@ -12047,10 +12034,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "j$cop $labl\t# loop end" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Jump Direct Conditional - Label defines a relative address from Jcc+1 @@ -12061,10 +12049,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "j$cop,u $labl\t# loop end" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct jmpLoopEndUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{ @@ -12074,10 +12063,11 @@ ins_cost(200); format %{ "j$cop,u $labl\t# loop end" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Jump Direct Conditional - using unsigned comparison @@ -12088,10 +12078,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "j$cop,u $labl" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct jmpConUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{ @@ -12101,10 +12092,11 @@ ins_cost(200); format %{ "j$cop,u $labl" %} size(6); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); - ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jcc((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L, false); // Always long jump + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct jmpConUCF2(cmpOpUCF2 cop, rFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{ @@ -12122,29 +12114,21 @@ $$emit$$"done:" } %} - size(12); - opcode(0x0F, 0x80); ins_encode %{ Label* l = $labl$$label; - $$$emit8$primary; - emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, Assembler::parity); - int parity_disp = -1; if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) { - // the two jumps 6 bytes apart so the jump distances are too - parity_disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 4)) : 0; + __ jcc(Assembler::parity, *l, false); + __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, *l, false); } else if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::equal) { - parity_disp = 6; + Label done; + __ jccb(Assembler::parity, done); + __ jcc(Assembler::equal, *l, false); + __ bind(done); } else { ShouldNotReachHere(); } - emit_d32(cbuf, parity_disp); - $$$emit8$primary; - emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, $cop$$cmpcode); - int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 4)) : 0; - emit_d32(cbuf, disp); %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // ============================================================================ @@ -12218,10 +12202,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "jmp,s $labl" %} size(2); - opcode(0xEB); - ins_encode(OpcP, LblShort(labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jmpb(*L); + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jmp); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -12233,10 +12218,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "j$cop,s $labl" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode(JccShort(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -12248,10 +12234,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "j$cop,s $labl\t# loop end" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode(JccShort(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -12263,10 +12250,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "j$cop,us $labl\t# loop end" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode(JccShort(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -12277,10 +12265,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "j$cop,us $labl\t# loop end" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode(JccShort(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -12292,10 +12281,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "j$cop,us $labl" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode(JccShort(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -12306,10 +12296,11 @@ ins_cost(300); format %{ "j$cop,us $labl" %} size(2); - opcode(0x70); - ins_encode(JccShort(cop, labl)); + ins_encode %{ + Label* L = $labl$$label; + __ jccb((Assembler::Condition)($cop$$cmpcode), *L); + %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -12329,27 +12320,21 @@ } %} size(4); - opcode(0x70); ins_encode %{ Label* l = $labl$$label; - emit_cc(cbuf, $primary, Assembler::parity); - int parity_disp = -1; if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) { - parity_disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 1)) : 0; + __ jccb(Assembler::parity, *l); + __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, *l); } else if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::equal) { - parity_disp = 2; + Label done; + __ jccb(Assembler::parity, done); + __ jccb(Assembler::equal, *l); + __ bind(done); } else { - ShouldNotReachHere(); - } - emit_d8(cbuf, parity_disp); - emit_cc(cbuf, $primary, $cop$$cmpcode); - int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.insts_size() + 1)) : 0; - emit_d8(cbuf, disp); - assert(-128 <= disp && disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp"); - assert(-128 <= parity_disp && parity_disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp"); + ShouldNotReachHere(); + } %} ins_pipe(pipe_jcc); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_short_branch(1); %} @@ -12366,7 +12351,6 @@ format %{ "fastlock $object,$box,$tmp,$scr" %} ins_encode(Fast_Lock(object, box, tmp, scr)); ins_pipe(pipe_slow); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} instruct cmpFastUnlock(rFlagsReg cr, @@ -12379,7 +12363,6 @@ format %{ "fastunlock $object, $box, $tmp" %} ins_encode(Fast_Unlock(object, box, tmp)); ins_pipe(pipe_slow); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} @@ -12432,7 +12415,6 @@ opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */ ins_encode(Java_Static_Call(meth), call_epilog); ins_pipe(pipe_slow); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_alignment(4); %} @@ -12454,7 +12436,6 @@ restore_SP, call_epilog); ins_pipe(pipe_slow); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_alignment(4); %} @@ -12472,7 +12453,6 @@ opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */ ins_encode(Java_Dynamic_Call(meth), call_epilog); ins_pipe(pipe_slow); - ins_pc_relative(1); ins_alignment(4); %} @@ -12487,7 +12467,6 @@ opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */ ins_encode(Java_To_Runtime(meth)); ins_pipe(pipe_slow); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Call runtime without safepoint @@ -12501,7 +12480,6 @@ opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */ ins_encode(Java_To_Runtime(meth)); ins_pipe(pipe_slow); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Call runtime without safepoint @@ -12515,7 +12493,6 @@ opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */ ins_encode(Java_To_Runtime(meth)); ins_pipe(pipe_slow); - ins_pc_relative(1); %} // Return Instruction diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/zero/vm/frame_zero.cpp --- a/src/cpu/zero/vm/frame_zero.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/zero/vm/frame_zero.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. - * Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Red Hat, Inc. + * Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Red Hat, Inc. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -417,3 +417,11 @@ return; } } + +#ifdef ASSERT + +void frame::describe_pd(FrameValues& values, int frame_no) { + +} + +#endif diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/zero/vm/methodHandles_zero.hpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/src/cpu/zero/vm/methodHandles_zero.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + * + */ + + +// Adapters +enum /* platform_dependent_constants */ { + adapter_code_size = 0 +}; + +#define TARGET_ARCH_NYI_6939861 1 +// ..#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_NYI_6939861 +// .. // Here are some backward compatible declarations until the 6939861 ports are updated. +// .. #define _adapter_flyby (_EK_LIMIT + 10) +// .. #define _adapter_ricochet (_EK_LIMIT + 11) +// .. #define _adapter_opt_spread_1 _adapter_opt_spread_1_ref +// .. #define _adapter_opt_spread_more _adapter_opt_spread_ref +// .. enum { +// .. _INSERT_NO_MASK = -1, +// .. _INSERT_REF_MASK = 0, +// .. _INSERT_INT_MASK = 1, +// .. _INSERT_LONG_MASK = 3 +// .. }; +// .. static void get_ek_bound_mh_info(EntryKind ek, BasicType& arg_type, int& arg_mask, int& arg_slots) { +// .. arg_type = ek_bound_mh_arg_type(ek); +// .. arg_mask = 0; +// .. arg_slots = type2size[arg_type];; +// .. } +// .. static void get_ek_adapter_opt_swap_rot_info(EntryKind ek, int& swap_bytes, int& rotate) { +// .. int swap_slots = ek_adapter_opt_swap_slots(ek); +// .. rotate = ek_adapter_opt_swap_mode(ek); +// .. swap_bytes = swap_slots * Interpreter::stackElementSize; +// .. } +// .. static int get_ek_adapter_opt_spread_info(EntryKind ek) { +// .. return ek_adapter_opt_spread_count(ek); +// .. } +// .. +// .. static void insert_arg_slots(MacroAssembler* _masm, +// .. RegisterOrConstant arg_slots, +// .. int arg_mask, +// .. Register argslot_reg, +// .. Register temp_reg, Register temp2_reg, Register temp3_reg = noreg); +// .. +// .. static void remove_arg_slots(MacroAssembler* _masm, +// .. RegisterOrConstant arg_slots, +// .. Register argslot_reg, +// .. Register temp_reg, Register temp2_reg, Register temp3_reg = noreg); +// .. +// .. static void trace_method_handle(MacroAssembler* _masm, const char* adaptername) PRODUCT_RETURN; +// ..#endif //TARGET_ARCH_NYI_6939861 diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/zero/vm/sharedRuntime_zero.cpp --- a/src/cpu/zero/vm/sharedRuntime_zero.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/zero/vm/sharedRuntime_zero.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -46,14 +46,6 @@ #include "shark/sharkCompiler.hpp" #endif -DeoptimizationBlob *SharedRuntime::_deopt_blob; -SafepointBlob *SharedRuntime::_polling_page_safepoint_handler_blob; -SafepointBlob *SharedRuntime::_polling_page_return_handler_blob; -RuntimeStub *SharedRuntime::_wrong_method_blob; -RuntimeStub *SharedRuntime::_ic_miss_blob; -RuntimeStub *SharedRuntime::_resolve_opt_virtual_call_blob; -RuntimeStub *SharedRuntime::_resolve_virtual_call_blob; -RuntimeStub *SharedRuntime::_resolve_static_call_blob; int SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(const BasicType *sig_bt, VMRegPair *regs, @@ -114,22 +106,22 @@ return SafepointBlob::create(&buffer, NULL, 0); } -void SharedRuntime::generate_stubs() { - _wrong_method_blob = - generate_empty_runtime_stub("wrong_method_stub"); - _ic_miss_blob = - generate_empty_runtime_stub("ic_miss_stub"); - _resolve_opt_virtual_call_blob = - generate_empty_runtime_stub("resolve_opt_virtual_call"); - _resolve_virtual_call_blob = - generate_empty_runtime_stub("resolve_virtual_call"); - _resolve_static_call_blob = - generate_empty_runtime_stub("resolve_static_call"); +static DeoptimizationBlob* generate_empty_deopt_blob() { + CodeBuffer buffer("handler_blob", 0, 0); + return DeoptimizationBlob::create(&buffer, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); +} + - _polling_page_safepoint_handler_blob = - generate_empty_safepoint_blob(); - _polling_page_return_handler_blob = - generate_empty_safepoint_blob(); +void SharedRuntime::generate_deopt_blob() { + _deopt_blob = generate_empty_deopt_blob(); +} + +SafepointBlob* SharedRuntime::generate_handler_blob(address call_ptr, bool cause_return) { + return generate_empty_safepoint_blob(); +} + +RuntimeStub* SharedRuntime::generate_resolve_blob(address destination, const char* name) { + return generate_empty_runtime_stub("resolve_blob"); } int SharedRuntime::c_calling_convention(const BasicType *sig_bt, diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/cpu/zero/vm/stack_zero.cpp --- a/src/cpu/zero/vm/stack_zero.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/cpu/zero/vm/stack_zero.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * @@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ break; case _thread_in_vm: - Exceptions::throw_stack_overflow_exception(thread, __FILE__, __LINE__); + Exceptions::throw_stack_overflow_exception(thread, __FILE__, __LINE__, + methodHandle()); break; default: diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp --- a/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ # include # include +#ifdef AMD64 +#include +#endif + #define MAX_PATH (2 * K) // for timer info max values which include all bits @@ -2534,7 +2538,7 @@ } void os::free_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes) { - ::madvise(addr, bytes, MADV_DONTNEED); + commit_memory(addr, bytes, false); } void os::numa_make_global(char *addr, size_t bytes) { @@ -2578,6 +2582,22 @@ return end; } + +int os::Linux::sched_getcpu_syscall(void) { + unsigned int cpu; + int retval = -1; + +#if defined(IA32) + retval = syscall(SYS_getcpu, &cpu, NULL, NULL); +#elif defined(AMD64) + typedef long (*vgetcpu_t)(unsigned int *cpu, unsigned int *node, unsigned long *tcache); + vgetcpu_t vgetcpu = (vgetcpu_t)VSYSCALL_ADDR(__NR_vgetcpu); + retval = vgetcpu(&cpu, NULL, NULL); +#endif + + return (retval == -1) ? retval : cpu; +} + // Something to do with the numa-aware allocator needs these symbols extern "C" JNIEXPORT void numa_warn(int number, char *where, ...) { } extern "C" JNIEXPORT void numa_error(char *where) { } @@ -2601,6 +2621,10 @@ set_sched_getcpu(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(sched_getcpu_func_t, dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "sched_getcpu"))); + // If it's not, try a direct syscall. + if (sched_getcpu() == -1) + set_sched_getcpu(CAST_TO_FN_PTR(sched_getcpu_func_t, (void*)&sched_getcpu_syscall)); + if (sched_getcpu() != -1) { // Does it work? void *handle = dlopen("libnuma.so.1", RTLD_LAZY); if (handle != NULL) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.hpp --- a/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ static void set_numa_tonode_memory(numa_tonode_memory_func_t func) { _numa_tonode_memory = func; } static void set_numa_interleave_memory(numa_interleave_memory_func_t func) { _numa_interleave_memory = func; } static void set_numa_all_nodes(unsigned long* ptr) { _numa_all_nodes = ptr; } + static int sched_getcpu_syscall(void); public: static int sched_getcpu() { return _sched_getcpu != NULL ? _sched_getcpu() : -1; } static int numa_node_to_cpus(int node, unsigned long *buffer, int bufferlen) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os/solaris/vm/os_solaris.cpp --- a/src/os/solaris/vm/os_solaris.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os/solaris/vm/os_solaris.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -3252,7 +3252,6 @@ // supported Solaris versions, this combination // is equivalent to +UseISM -UseMPSS. -typedef int (*getpagesizes_func_type) (size_t[], int); static size_t _large_page_size = 0; bool os::Solaris::ism_sanity_check(bool warn, size_t * page_size) { @@ -3284,23 +3283,29 @@ } bool os::Solaris::mpss_sanity_check(bool warn, size_t * page_size) { - getpagesizes_func_type getpagesizes_func = - CAST_TO_FN_PTR(getpagesizes_func_type, dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "getpagesizes")); - if (getpagesizes_func == NULL) { - if (warn) { - warning("MPSS is not supported by the operating system."); - } - return false; - } - const unsigned int usable_count = VM_Version::page_size_count(); if (usable_count == 1) { return false; } + // Find the right getpagesizes interface. When solaris 11 is the minimum + // build platform, getpagesizes() (without the '2') can be called directly. + typedef int (*gps_t)(size_t[], int); + gps_t gps_func = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(gps_t, dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "getpagesizes2")); + if (gps_func == NULL) { + gps_func = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(gps_t, dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "getpagesizes")); + if (gps_func == NULL) { + if (warn) { + warning("MPSS is not supported by the operating system."); + } + return false; + } + } + // Fill the array of page sizes. - int n = getpagesizes_func(_page_sizes, page_sizes_max); + int n = (*gps_func)(_page_sizes, page_sizes_max); assert(n > 0, "Solaris bug?"); + if (n == page_sizes_max) { // Add a sentinel value (necessary only if the array was completely filled // since it is static (zeroed at initialization)). @@ -3308,6 +3313,7 @@ DEBUG_ONLY(warning("increase the size of the os::_page_sizes array.");) } assert(_page_sizes[n] == 0, "missing sentinel"); + trace_page_sizes("available page sizes", _page_sizes, n); if (n == 1) return false; // Only one page size available. @@ -3337,6 +3343,7 @@ } *page_size = _page_sizes[0]; + trace_page_sizes("usable page sizes", _page_sizes, end + 1); return true; } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os/windows/vm/decoder_windows.cpp --- a/src/os/windows/vm/decoder_windows.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os/windows/vm/decoder_windows.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "prims/jvm.h" +#include "runtime/os.hpp" #include "utilities/decoder.hpp" HMODULE Decoder::_dbghelp_handle = NULL; @@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ if (!_initialized) { _initialized = true; - HMODULE handle = ::LoadLibrary("dbghelp.dll"); + HINSTANCE handle = os::win32::load_Windows_dll("dbghelp.dll", NULL, 0); if (!handle) { _decoder_status = helper_not_found; return; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os/windows/vm/jvm_windows.h --- a/src/os/windows/vm/jvm_windows.h Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os/windows/vm/jvm_windows.h Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -30,10 +30,33 @@ * JNI conversion, which should be sorted out later. */ +// JDK7 requires VS2010 +#if _MSC_VER >= 1600 +// JDK7 minimum platform requirement: Windows XP +#if _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0501 +#undef _WIN32_WINNT +#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 +#endif +#endif + #include -// #include -// #include +#if _MSC_VER <= 1200 +// Psapi.h doesn't come with Visual Studio 6; it can be downloaded as Platform +// SDK from Microsoft. Here are the definitions copied from Psapi.h +typedef struct _MODULEINFO { + LPVOID lpBaseOfDll; + DWORD SizeOfImage; + LPVOID EntryPoint; +} MODULEINFO, *LPMODULEINFO; + +#else +#include +#endif + + + +#include // #include "jni.h" diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os/windows/vm/os_windows.cpp --- a/src/os/windows/vm/os_windows.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os/windows/vm/os_windows.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ #include // For os::dll_address_to_function_name /* for enumerating dll libraries */ -#include #include // for timer info max values which include all bits @@ -241,11 +240,11 @@ /* Win32 library search order (See the documentation for LoadLibrary): * * 1. The directory from which application is loaded. - * 2. The current directory - * 3. The system wide Java Extensions directory (Java only) - * 4. System directory (GetSystemDirectory) - * 5. Windows directory (GetWindowsDirectory) - * 6. The PATH environment variable + * 2. The system wide Java Extensions directory (Java only) + * 3. System directory (GetSystemDirectory) + * 4. Windows directory (GetWindowsDirectory) + * 5. The PATH environment variable + * 6. The current directory */ char *library_path; @@ -261,8 +260,6 @@ *(strrchr(tmp, '\\')) = '\0'; strcat(library_path, tmp); - strcat(library_path, ";."); - GetWindowsDirectory(tmp, sizeof(tmp)); strcat(library_path, ";"); strcat(library_path, tmp); @@ -281,6 +278,8 @@ strcat(library_path, path_str); } + strcat(library_path, ";."); + Arguments::set_library_path(library_path); FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, library_path); } @@ -939,7 +938,7 @@ return; } - dbghelp = LoadLibrary("DBGHELP.DLL"); + dbghelp = os::win32::load_Windows_dll("DBGHELP.DLL", NULL, 0); if (dbghelp == NULL) { VMError::report_coredump_status("Failed to load dbghelp.dll", false); @@ -1204,70 +1203,6 @@ //----------------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions for fatal error handler - -// The following library functions are resolved dynamically at runtime: - -// PSAPI functions, for Windows NT, 2000, XP - -// psapi.h doesn't come with Visual Studio 6; it can be downloaded as Platform -// SDK from Microsoft. Here are the definitions copied from psapi.h -typedef struct _MODULEINFO { - LPVOID lpBaseOfDll; - DWORD SizeOfImage; - LPVOID EntryPoint; -} MODULEINFO, *LPMODULEINFO; - -static BOOL (WINAPI *_EnumProcessModules) ( HANDLE, HMODULE *, DWORD, LPDWORD ); -static DWORD (WINAPI *_GetModuleFileNameEx) ( HANDLE, HMODULE, LPTSTR, DWORD ); -static BOOL (WINAPI *_GetModuleInformation)( HANDLE, HMODULE, LPMODULEINFO, DWORD ); - -// ToolHelp Functions, for Windows 95, 98 and ME - -static HANDLE(WINAPI *_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot)(DWORD,DWORD) ; -static BOOL (WINAPI *_Module32First) (HANDLE,LPMODULEENTRY32) ; -static BOOL (WINAPI *_Module32Next) (HANDLE,LPMODULEENTRY32) ; - -bool _has_psapi; -bool _psapi_init = false; -bool _has_toolhelp; - -static bool _init_psapi() { - HINSTANCE psapi = LoadLibrary( "PSAPI.DLL" ) ; - if( psapi == NULL ) return false ; - - _EnumProcessModules = CAST_TO_FN_PTR( - BOOL(WINAPI *)(HANDLE, HMODULE *, DWORD, LPDWORD), - GetProcAddress(psapi, "EnumProcessModules")) ; - _GetModuleFileNameEx = CAST_TO_FN_PTR( - DWORD (WINAPI *)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPTSTR, DWORD), - GetProcAddress(psapi, "GetModuleFileNameExA")); - _GetModuleInformation = CAST_TO_FN_PTR( - BOOL (WINAPI *)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPMODULEINFO, DWORD), - GetProcAddress(psapi, "GetModuleInformation")); - - _has_psapi = (_EnumProcessModules && _GetModuleFileNameEx && _GetModuleInformation); - _psapi_init = true; - return _has_psapi; -} - -static bool _init_toolhelp() { - HINSTANCE kernel32 = LoadLibrary("Kernel32.DLL") ; - if (kernel32 == NULL) return false ; - - _CreateToolhelp32Snapshot = CAST_TO_FN_PTR( - HANDLE(WINAPI *)(DWORD,DWORD), - GetProcAddress(kernel32, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot")); - _Module32First = CAST_TO_FN_PTR( - BOOL(WINAPI *)(HANDLE,LPMODULEENTRY32), - GetProcAddress(kernel32, "Module32First" )); - _Module32Next = CAST_TO_FN_PTR( - BOOL(WINAPI *)(HANDLE,LPMODULEENTRY32), - GetProcAddress(kernel32, "Module32Next" )); - - _has_toolhelp = (_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot && _Module32First && _Module32Next); - return _has_toolhelp; -} - #ifdef _WIN64 // Helper routine which returns true if address in // within the NTDLL address space. @@ -1279,7 +1214,7 @@ hmod = GetModuleHandle("NTDLL.DLL"); if ( hmod == NULL ) return false; - if ( !_GetModuleInformation( GetCurrentProcess(), hmod, + if ( !os::PSApiDll::GetModuleInformation( GetCurrentProcess(), hmod, &minfo, sizeof(MODULEINFO)) ) return false; @@ -1318,14 +1253,16 @@ static char filename[ MAX_PATH ]; int result = 0; - if (!_has_psapi && (_psapi_init || !_init_psapi())) return 0; + if (!os::PSApiDll::PSApiAvailable()) { + return 0; + } hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, pid ) ; if (hProcess == NULL) return 0; DWORD size_needed; - if (!_EnumProcessModules(hProcess, modules, + if (!os::PSApiDll::EnumProcessModules(hProcess, modules, sizeof(modules), &size_needed)) { CloseHandle( hProcess ); return 0; @@ -1336,13 +1273,13 @@ for (int i = 0; i < MIN2(num_modules, MAX_NUM_MODULES); i++) { // Get Full pathname: - if(!_GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, modules[i], + if(!os::PSApiDll::GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, modules[i], filename, sizeof(filename))) { filename[0] = '\0'; } MODULEINFO modinfo; - if (!_GetModuleInformation(hProcess, modules[i], + if (!os::PSApiDll::GetModuleInformation(hProcess, modules[i], &modinfo, sizeof(modinfo))) { modinfo.lpBaseOfDll = NULL; modinfo.SizeOfImage = 0; @@ -1366,17 +1303,19 @@ static MODULEENTRY32 modentry ; int result = 0; - if (!_has_toolhelp) return 0; + if (!os::Kernel32Dll::HelpToolsAvailable()) { + return 0; + } // Get a handle to a Toolhelp snapshot of the system - hSnapShot = _CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pid ) ; + hSnapShot = os::Kernel32Dll::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pid ) ; if( hSnapShot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return FALSE ; } // iterate through all modules modentry.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32) ; - bool not_done = _Module32First( hSnapShot, &modentry ) != 0; + bool not_done = os::Kernel32Dll::Module32First( hSnapShot, &modentry ) != 0; while( not_done ) { // invoke the callback @@ -1385,7 +1324,7 @@ if (result) break; modentry.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32) ; - not_done = _Module32Next( hSnapShot, &modentry ) != 0; + not_done = os::Kernel32Dll::Module32Next( hSnapShot, &modentry ) != 0; } CloseHandle(hSnapShot); @@ -1631,10 +1570,6 @@ enumerate_modules(pid, _print_module, (void *)st); } -// function pointer to Windows API "GetNativeSystemInfo". -typedef void (WINAPI *GetNativeSystemInfo_func_type)(LPSYSTEM_INFO); -static GetNativeSystemInfo_func_type _GetNativeSystemInfo; - void os::print_os_info(outputStream* st) { st->print("OS:"); @@ -1661,17 +1596,10 @@ // find out whether we are running on 64 bit processor or not. SYSTEM_INFO si; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO)); - // Check to see if _GetNativeSystemInfo has been initialized. - if (_GetNativeSystemInfo == NULL) { - HMODULE hKernel32 = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("kernel32.dll")); - _GetNativeSystemInfo = - CAST_TO_FN_PTR(GetNativeSystemInfo_func_type, - GetProcAddress(hKernel32, - "GetNativeSystemInfo")); - if (_GetNativeSystemInfo == NULL) + if (!os::Kernel32Dll::GetNativeSystemInfoAvailable()){ GetSystemInfo(&si); } else { - _GetNativeSystemInfo(&si); + os::Kernel32Dll::GetNativeSystemInfo(&si); } if (os_vers == 5002) { if (osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION && @@ -2683,47 +2611,14 @@ #define MEM_LARGE_PAGES 0x20000000 #endif -// GetLargePageMinimum is only available on Windows 2003. The other functions -// are available on NT but not on Windows 98/Me. We have to resolve them at -// runtime. -typedef SIZE_T (WINAPI *GetLargePageMinimum_func_type) (void); -typedef BOOL (WINAPI *AdjustTokenPrivileges_func_type) - (HANDLE, BOOL, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES, DWORD, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES, PDWORD); -typedef BOOL (WINAPI *OpenProcessToken_func_type) (HANDLE, DWORD, PHANDLE); -typedef BOOL (WINAPI *LookupPrivilegeValue_func_type) (LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, PLUID); - -static GetLargePageMinimum_func_type _GetLargePageMinimum; -static AdjustTokenPrivileges_func_type _AdjustTokenPrivileges; -static OpenProcessToken_func_type _OpenProcessToken; -static LookupPrivilegeValue_func_type _LookupPrivilegeValue; - -static HINSTANCE _kernel32; -static HINSTANCE _advapi32; static HANDLE _hProcess; static HANDLE _hToken; static size_t _large_page_size = 0; static bool resolve_functions_for_large_page_init() { - _kernel32 = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"); - if (_kernel32 == NULL) return false; - - _GetLargePageMinimum = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(GetLargePageMinimum_func_type, - GetProcAddress(_kernel32, "GetLargePageMinimum")); - if (_GetLargePageMinimum == NULL) return false; - - _advapi32 = LoadLibrary("advapi32.dll"); - if (_advapi32 == NULL) return false; - - _AdjustTokenPrivileges = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(AdjustTokenPrivileges_func_type, - GetProcAddress(_advapi32, "AdjustTokenPrivileges")); - _OpenProcessToken = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(OpenProcessToken_func_type, - GetProcAddress(_advapi32, "OpenProcessToken")); - _LookupPrivilegeValue = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(LookupPrivilegeValue_func_type, - GetProcAddress(_advapi32, "LookupPrivilegeValueA")); - return _AdjustTokenPrivileges != NULL && - _OpenProcessToken != NULL && - _LookupPrivilegeValue != NULL; + return os::Kernel32Dll::GetLargePageMinimumAvailable() && + os::Advapi32Dll::AdvapiAvailable(); } static bool request_lock_memory_privilege() { @@ -2732,8 +2627,8 @@ LUID luid; if (_hProcess != NULL && - _OpenProcessToken(_hProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &_hToken) && - _LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, "SeLockMemoryPrivilege", &luid)) { + os::Advapi32Dll::OpenProcessToken(_hProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &_hToken) && + os::Advapi32Dll::LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, "SeLockMemoryPrivilege", &luid)) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; @@ -2742,7 +2637,7 @@ // AdjustTokenPrivileges() may return TRUE even when it couldn't change the // privilege. Check GetLastError() too. See MSDN document. - if (_AdjustTokenPrivileges(_hToken, false, &tp, sizeof(tp), NULL, NULL) && + if (os::Advapi32Dll::AdjustTokenPrivileges(_hToken, false, &tp, sizeof(tp), NULL, NULL) && (GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { return true; } @@ -2752,14 +2647,6 @@ } static void cleanup_after_large_page_init() { - _GetLargePageMinimum = NULL; - _AdjustTokenPrivileges = NULL; - _OpenProcessToken = NULL; - _LookupPrivilegeValue = NULL; - if (_kernel32) FreeLibrary(_kernel32); - _kernel32 = NULL; - if (_advapi32) FreeLibrary(_advapi32); - _advapi32 = NULL; if (_hProcess) CloseHandle(_hProcess); _hProcess = NULL; if (_hToken) CloseHandle(_hToken); @@ -2777,7 +2664,7 @@ # define WARN(msg) if (warn_on_failure) { warning(msg); } if (resolve_functions_for_large_page_init()) { if (request_lock_memory_privilege()) { - size_t s = _GetLargePageMinimum(); + size_t s = os::Kernel32Dll::GetLargePageMinimum(); if (s) { #if defined(IA32) || defined(AMD64) if (s > 4*M || LargePageSizeInBytes > 4*M) { @@ -3190,18 +3077,10 @@ os::YieldResult os::NakedYield() { // Use either SwitchToThread() or Sleep(0) // Consider passing back the return value from SwitchToThread(). - // We use GetProcAddress() as ancient Win9X versions of windows doen't support SwitchToThread. - // In that case we revert to Sleep(0). - static volatile STTSignature stt = (STTSignature) 1 ; - - if (stt == ((STTSignature) 1)) { - stt = (STTSignature) ::GetProcAddress (LoadLibrary ("Kernel32.dll"), "SwitchToThread") ; - // It's OK if threads race during initialization as the operation above is idempotent. - } - if (stt != NULL) { - return (*stt)() ? os::YIELD_SWITCHED : os::YIELD_NONEREADY ; + if (os::Kernel32Dll::SwitchToThreadAvailable()) { + return SwitchToThread() ? os::YIELD_SWITCHED : os::YIELD_NONEREADY ; } else { - Sleep (0) ; + Sleep(0); } return os::YIELD_UNKNOWN ; } @@ -3425,6 +3304,44 @@ } +HINSTANCE os::win32::load_Windows_dll(const char* name, char *ebuf, int ebuflen) { + char path[MAX_PATH]; + DWORD size; + DWORD pathLen = (DWORD)sizeof(path); + HINSTANCE result = NULL; + + // only allow library name without path component + assert(strchr(name, '\\') == NULL, "path not allowed"); + assert(strchr(name, ':') == NULL, "path not allowed"); + if (strchr(name, '\\') != NULL || strchr(name, ':') != NULL) { + jio_snprintf(ebuf, ebuflen, + "Invalid parameter while calling os::win32::load_windows_dll(): cannot take path: %s", name); + return NULL; + } + + // search system directory + if ((size = GetSystemDirectory(path, pathLen)) > 0) { + strcat(path, "\\"); + strcat(path, name); + if ((result = (HINSTANCE)os::dll_load(path, ebuf, ebuflen)) != NULL) { + return result; + } + } + + // try Windows directory + if ((size = GetWindowsDirectory(path, pathLen)) > 0) { + strcat(path, "\\"); + strcat(path, name); + if ((result = (HINSTANCE)os::dll_load(path, ebuf, ebuflen)) != NULL) { + return result; + } + } + + jio_snprintf(ebuf, ebuflen, + "os::win32::load_windows_dll() cannot load %s from system directories.", name); + return NULL; +} + void os::win32::setmode_streams() { _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY); @@ -3658,10 +3575,6 @@ } } - // initialize PSAPI or ToolHelp for fatal error handler - if (win32::is_nt()) _init_psapi(); - else _init_toolhelp(); - #ifndef _WIN64 // Print something if NX is enabled (win32 on AMD64) NOT_PRODUCT(if (PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose) nx_check_protection()); @@ -4708,12 +4621,6 @@ // We don't build a headless jre for Windows bool os::is_headless_jre() { return false; } -// OS_SocketInterface -// Not used on Windows - -// OS_SocketInterface -typedef struct hostent * (PASCAL FAR *ws2_ifn_ptr_t)(...); -ws2_ifn_ptr_t *get_host_by_name_fn = NULL; typedef CRITICAL_SECTION mutex_t; #define mutexInit(m) InitializeCriticalSection(m) @@ -4721,58 +4628,36 @@ #define mutexLock(m) EnterCriticalSection(m) #define mutexUnlock(m) LeaveCriticalSection(m) -static bool sockfnptrs_initialized = FALSE; +static bool sock_initialized = FALSE; static mutex_t sockFnTableMutex; -/* is Winsock2 loaded? better to be explicit than to rely on sockfnptrs */ -static bool winsock2Available = FALSE; - - -static void initSockFnTable() { - int (PASCAL FAR* WSAStartupPtr)(WORD, LPWSADATA); +static void initSock() { WSADATA wsadata; + if (!os::WinSock2Dll::WinSock2Available()) { + jio_fprintf(stderr, "Could not load Winsock 2 (error: %d)\n", + ::GetLastError()); + return; + } + if (sock_initialized == TRUE) return; + ::mutexInit(&sockFnTableMutex); ::mutexLock(&sockFnTableMutex); - - if (sockfnptrs_initialized == FALSE) { - HMODULE hWinsock; - - /* try to load Winsock2, and if that fails, load Winsock */ - hWinsock = ::LoadLibrary("ws2_32.dll"); - - if (hWinsock == NULL) { - jio_fprintf(stderr, "Could not load Winsock 2 (error: %d)\n", - ::GetLastError()); - return; - } - - /* If we loaded a DLL, then we might as well initialize it. */ - WSAStartupPtr = (int (PASCAL FAR *)(WORD, LPWSADATA)) - ::GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "WSAStartup"); - - if (WSAStartupPtr(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsadata) != 0) { - jio_fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize Winsock\n"); - } - - get_host_by_name_fn - = (ws2_ifn_ptr_t*) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "gethostbyname"); + if (os::WinSock2Dll::WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsadata) != 0) { + jio_fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize Winsock\n"); } - - assert(get_host_by_name_fn != NULL, - "gethostbyname function not found"); - sockfnptrs_initialized = TRUE; + sock_initialized = TRUE; ::mutexUnlock(&sockFnTableMutex); } struct hostent* os::get_host_by_name(char* name) { - if (!sockfnptrs_initialized) { - initSockFnTable(); + if (!sock_initialized) { + initSock(); } - - assert(sockfnptrs_initialized == TRUE && get_host_by_name_fn != NULL, - "sockfnptrs is not initialized or pointer to gethostbyname function is NULL"); - return (*get_host_by_name_fn)(name); + if (!os::WinSock2Dll::WinSock2Available()) { + return NULL; + } + return (struct hostent*)os::WinSock2Dll::gethostbyname(name); } @@ -4869,3 +4754,367 @@ ShouldNotReachHere(); return 0; } + + +// Kernel32 API +typedef SIZE_T (WINAPI* GetLargePageMinimum_Fn)(void); +GetLargePageMinimum_Fn os::Kernel32Dll::_GetLargePageMinimum = NULL; +BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::initialized = FALSE; +SIZE_T os::Kernel32Dll::GetLargePageMinimum() { + assert(initialized && _GetLargePageMinimum != NULL, + "GetLargePageMinimumAvailable() not yet called"); + return _GetLargePageMinimum(); +} + +BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::GetLargePageMinimumAvailable() { + if (!initialized) { + initialize(); + } + return _GetLargePageMinimum != NULL; +} + + +#ifndef JDK6_OR_EARLIER + +void os::Kernel32Dll::initialize() { + if (!initialized) { + HMODULE handle = ::GetModuleHandle("Kernel32.dll"); + assert(handle != NULL, "Just check"); + _GetLargePageMinimum = (GetLargePageMinimum_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, "GetLargePageMinimum"); + initialized = TRUE; + } +} + + +// Kernel32 API +inline BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::SwitchToThread() { + return ::SwitchToThread(); +} + +inline BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::SwitchToThreadAvailable() { + return true; +} + + // Help tools +inline BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::HelpToolsAvailable() { + return true; +} + +inline HANDLE os::Kernel32Dll::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(DWORD dwFlags,DWORD th32ProcessId) { + return ::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(dwFlags, th32ProcessId); +} + +inline BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::Module32First(HANDLE hSnapshot,LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme) { + return ::Module32First(hSnapshot, lpme); +} + +inline BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::Module32Next(HANDLE hSnapshot,LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme) { + return ::Module32Next(hSnapshot, lpme); +} + + +inline BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::GetNativeSystemInfoAvailable() { + return true; +} + +inline void os::Kernel32Dll::GetNativeSystemInfo(LPSYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo) { + ::GetNativeSystemInfo(lpSystemInfo); +} + +// PSAPI API +inline BOOL os::PSApiDll::EnumProcessModules(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE *lpModule, DWORD cb, LPDWORD lpcbNeeded) { + return ::EnumProcessModules(hProcess, lpModule, cb, lpcbNeeded); +} + +inline DWORD os::PSApiDll::GetModuleFileNameEx(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule, LPTSTR lpFilename, DWORD nSize) { + return ::GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, hModule, lpFilename, nSize); +} + +inline BOOL os::PSApiDll::GetModuleInformation(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule, LPMODULEINFO lpmodinfo, DWORD cb) { + return ::GetModuleInformation(hProcess, hModule, lpmodinfo, cb); +} + +inline BOOL os::PSApiDll::PSApiAvailable() { + return true; +} + + +// WinSock2 API +inline BOOL os::WinSock2Dll::WSAStartup(WORD wVersionRequested, LPWSADATA lpWSAData) { + return ::WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, lpWSAData); +} + +inline struct hostent* os::WinSock2Dll::gethostbyname(const char *name) { + return ::gethostbyname(name); +} + +inline BOOL os::WinSock2Dll::WinSock2Available() { + return true; +} + +// Advapi API +inline BOOL os::Advapi32Dll::AdjustTokenPrivileges(HANDLE TokenHandle, + BOOL DisableAllPrivileges, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState, DWORD BufferLength, + PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES PreviousState, PDWORD ReturnLength) { + return ::AdjustTokenPrivileges(TokenHandle, DisableAllPrivileges, NewState, + BufferLength, PreviousState, ReturnLength); +} + +inline BOOL os::Advapi32Dll::OpenProcessToken(HANDLE ProcessHandle, DWORD DesiredAccess, + PHANDLE TokenHandle) { + return ::OpenProcessToken(ProcessHandle, DesiredAccess, TokenHandle); +} + +inline BOOL os::Advapi32Dll::LookupPrivilegeValue(LPCTSTR lpSystemName, LPCTSTR lpName, PLUID lpLuid) { + return ::LookupPrivilegeValue(lpSystemName, lpName, lpLuid); +} + +inline BOOL os::Advapi32Dll::AdvapiAvailable() { + return true; +} + +#else +// Kernel32 API +typedef BOOL (WINAPI* SwitchToThread_Fn)(void); +typedef HANDLE (WINAPI* CreateToolhelp32Snapshot_Fn)(DWORD,DWORD); +typedef BOOL (WINAPI* Module32First_Fn)(HANDLE,LPMODULEENTRY32); +typedef BOOL (WINAPI* Module32Next_Fn)(HANDLE,LPMODULEENTRY32); +typedef void (WINAPI* GetNativeSystemInfo_Fn)(LPSYSTEM_INFO); + +SwitchToThread_Fn os::Kernel32Dll::_SwitchToThread = NULL; +CreateToolhelp32Snapshot_Fn os::Kernel32Dll::_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot = NULL; +Module32First_Fn os::Kernel32Dll::_Module32First = NULL; +Module32Next_Fn os::Kernel32Dll::_Module32Next = NULL; +GetNativeSystemInfo_Fn os::Kernel32Dll::_GetNativeSystemInfo = NULL; + +void os::Kernel32Dll::initialize() { + if (!initialized) { + HMODULE handle = ::GetModuleHandle("Kernel32.dll"); + assert(handle != NULL, "Just check"); + + _SwitchToThread = (SwitchToThread_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, "SwitchToThread"); + _GetLargePageMinimum = (GetLargePageMinimum_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, "GetLargePageMinimum"); + _CreateToolhelp32Snapshot = (CreateToolhelp32Snapshot_Fn) + ::GetProcAddress(handle, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"); + _Module32First = (Module32First_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, "Module32First"); + _Module32Next = (Module32Next_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, "Module32Next"); + _GetNativeSystemInfo = (GetNativeSystemInfo_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, "GetNativeSystemInfo"); + + initialized = TRUE; + } +} + +BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::SwitchToThread() { + assert(initialized && _SwitchToThread != NULL, + "SwitchToThreadAvailable() not yet called"); + return _SwitchToThread(); +} + + +BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::SwitchToThreadAvailable() { + if (!initialized) { + initialize(); + } + return _SwitchToThread != NULL; +} + +// Help tools +BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::HelpToolsAvailable() { + if (!initialized) { + initialize(); + } + return _CreateToolhelp32Snapshot != NULL && + _Module32First != NULL && + _Module32Next != NULL; +} + +HANDLE os::Kernel32Dll::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(DWORD dwFlags,DWORD th32ProcessId) { + assert(initialized && _CreateToolhelp32Snapshot != NULL, + "HelpToolsAvailable() not yet called"); + + return _CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(dwFlags, th32ProcessId); +} + +BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::Module32First(HANDLE hSnapshot,LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme) { + assert(initialized && _Module32First != NULL, + "HelpToolsAvailable() not yet called"); + + return _Module32First(hSnapshot, lpme); +} + +inline BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::Module32Next(HANDLE hSnapshot,LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme) { + assert(initialized && _Module32Next != NULL, + "HelpToolsAvailable() not yet called"); + + return _Module32Next(hSnapshot, lpme); +} + + +BOOL os::Kernel32Dll::GetNativeSystemInfoAvailable() { + if (!initialized) { + initialize(); + } + return _GetNativeSystemInfo != NULL; +} + +void os::Kernel32Dll::GetNativeSystemInfo(LPSYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo) { + assert(initialized && _GetNativeSystemInfo != NULL, + "GetNativeSystemInfoAvailable() not yet called"); + + _GetNativeSystemInfo(lpSystemInfo); +} + +// PSAPI API + + +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *EnumProcessModules_Fn)(HANDLE, HMODULE *, DWORD, LPDWORD); +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GetModuleFileNameEx_Fn)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPTSTR, DWORD);; +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GetModuleInformation_Fn)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPMODULEINFO, DWORD); + +EnumProcessModules_Fn os::PSApiDll::_EnumProcessModules = NULL; +GetModuleFileNameEx_Fn os::PSApiDll::_GetModuleFileNameEx = NULL; +GetModuleInformation_Fn os::PSApiDll::_GetModuleInformation = NULL; +BOOL os::PSApiDll::initialized = FALSE; + +void os::PSApiDll::initialize() { + if (!initialized) { + HMODULE handle = os::win32::load_Windows_dll("PSAPI.DLL", NULL, 0); + if (handle != NULL) { + _EnumProcessModules = (EnumProcessModules_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, + "EnumProcessModules"); + _GetModuleFileNameEx = (GetModuleFileNameEx_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, + "GetModuleFileNameExA"); + _GetModuleInformation = (GetModuleInformation_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, + "GetModuleInformation"); + } + initialized = TRUE; + } +} + + + +BOOL os::PSApiDll::EnumProcessModules(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE *lpModule, DWORD cb, LPDWORD lpcbNeeded) { + assert(initialized && _EnumProcessModules != NULL, + "PSApiAvailable() not yet called"); + return _EnumProcessModules(hProcess, lpModule, cb, lpcbNeeded); +} + +DWORD os::PSApiDll::GetModuleFileNameEx(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule, LPTSTR lpFilename, DWORD nSize) { + assert(initialized && _GetModuleFileNameEx != NULL, + "PSApiAvailable() not yet called"); + return _GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, hModule, lpFilename, nSize); +} + +BOOL os::PSApiDll::GetModuleInformation(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule, LPMODULEINFO lpmodinfo, DWORD cb) { + assert(initialized && _GetModuleInformation != NULL, + "PSApiAvailable() not yet called"); + return _GetModuleInformation(hProcess, hModule, lpmodinfo, cb); +} + +BOOL os::PSApiDll::PSApiAvailable() { + if (!initialized) { + initialize(); + } + return _EnumProcessModules != NULL && + _GetModuleFileNameEx != NULL && + _GetModuleInformation != NULL; +} + + +// WinSock2 API +typedef int (PASCAL FAR* WSAStartup_Fn)(WORD, LPWSADATA); +typedef struct hostent *(PASCAL FAR *gethostbyname_Fn)(...); + +WSAStartup_Fn os::WinSock2Dll::_WSAStartup = NULL; +gethostbyname_Fn os::WinSock2Dll::_gethostbyname = NULL; +BOOL os::WinSock2Dll::initialized = FALSE; + +void os::WinSock2Dll::initialize() { + if (!initialized) { + HMODULE handle = os::win32::load_Windows_dll("ws2_32.dll", NULL, 0); + if (handle != NULL) { + _WSAStartup = (WSAStartup_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, "WSAStartup"); + _gethostbyname = (gethostbyname_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, "gethostbyname"); + } + initialized = TRUE; + } +} + + +BOOL os::WinSock2Dll::WSAStartup(WORD wVersionRequested, LPWSADATA lpWSAData) { + assert(initialized && _WSAStartup != NULL, + "WinSock2Available() not yet called"); + return _WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, lpWSAData); +} + +struct hostent* os::WinSock2Dll::gethostbyname(const char *name) { + assert(initialized && _gethostbyname != NULL, + "WinSock2Available() not yet called"); + return _gethostbyname(name); +} + +BOOL os::WinSock2Dll::WinSock2Available() { + if (!initialized) { + initialize(); + } + return _WSAStartup != NULL && + _gethostbyname != NULL; +} + +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *AdjustTokenPrivileges_Fn)(HANDLE, BOOL, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES, DWORD, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES, PDWORD); +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *OpenProcessToken_Fn)(HANDLE, DWORD, PHANDLE); +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *LookupPrivilegeValue_Fn)(LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, PLUID); + +AdjustTokenPrivileges_Fn os::Advapi32Dll::_AdjustTokenPrivileges = NULL; +OpenProcessToken_Fn os::Advapi32Dll::_OpenProcessToken = NULL; +LookupPrivilegeValue_Fn os::Advapi32Dll::_LookupPrivilegeValue = NULL; +BOOL os::Advapi32Dll::initialized = FALSE; + +void os::Advapi32Dll::initialize() { + if (!initialized) { + HMODULE handle = os::win32::load_Windows_dll("advapi32.dll", NULL, 0); + if (handle != NULL) { + _AdjustTokenPrivileges = (AdjustTokenPrivileges_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, + "AdjustTokenPrivileges"); + _OpenProcessToken = (OpenProcessToken_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, + "OpenProcessToken"); + _LookupPrivilegeValue = (LookupPrivilegeValue_Fn)::GetProcAddress(handle, + "LookupPrivilegeValueA"); + } + initialized = TRUE; + } +} + +BOOL os::Advapi32Dll::AdjustTokenPrivileges(HANDLE TokenHandle, + BOOL DisableAllPrivileges, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState, DWORD BufferLength, + PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES PreviousState, PDWORD ReturnLength) { + assert(initialized && _AdjustTokenPrivileges != NULL, + "AdvapiAvailable() not yet called"); + return _AdjustTokenPrivileges(TokenHandle, DisableAllPrivileges, NewState, + BufferLength, PreviousState, ReturnLength); +} + +BOOL os::Advapi32Dll::OpenProcessToken(HANDLE ProcessHandle, DWORD DesiredAccess, + PHANDLE TokenHandle) { + assert(initialized && _OpenProcessToken != NULL, + "AdvapiAvailable() not yet called"); + return _OpenProcessToken(ProcessHandle, DesiredAccess, TokenHandle); +} + +BOOL os::Advapi32Dll::LookupPrivilegeValue(LPCTSTR lpSystemName, LPCTSTR lpName, PLUID lpLuid) { + assert(initialized && _LookupPrivilegeValue != NULL, + "AdvapiAvailable() not yet called"); + return _LookupPrivilegeValue(lpSystemName, lpName, lpLuid); +} + +BOOL os::Advapi32Dll::AdvapiAvailable() { + if (!initialized) { + initialize(); + } + return _AdjustTokenPrivileges != NULL && + _OpenProcessToken != NULL && + _LookupPrivilegeValue != NULL; +} + +#endif + diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os/windows/vm/os_windows.hpp --- a/src/os/windows/vm/os_windows.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os/windows/vm/os_windows.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ #ifndef OS_WINDOWS_VM_OS_WINDOWS_HPP #define OS_WINDOWS_VM_OS_WINDOWS_HPP - // Win32_OS defines the interface to windows operating systems class win32 { @@ -55,6 +54,9 @@ static julong available_memory(); static julong physical_memory() { return _physical_memory; } + // load dll from Windows system directory or Windows directory + static HINSTANCE load_Windows_dll(const char* name, char *ebuf, int ebuflen); + public: // Generic interface: @@ -132,4 +134,100 @@ } ; +// JDK7 requires VS2010 +#if _MSC_VER < 1600 +#define JDK6_OR_EARLIER 1 +#endif + + + +class WinSock2Dll: AllStatic { +public: + static BOOL WSAStartup(WORD, LPWSADATA); + static struct hostent* gethostbyname(const char *name); + static BOOL WinSock2Available(); +#ifdef JDK6_OR_EARLIER +private: + static int (PASCAL FAR* _WSAStartup)(WORD, LPWSADATA); + static struct hostent *(PASCAL FAR *_gethostbyname)(...); + static BOOL initialized; + + static void initialize(); +#endif +}; + +class Kernel32Dll: AllStatic { +public: + static BOOL SwitchToThread(); + static SIZE_T GetLargePageMinimum(); + + static BOOL SwitchToThreadAvailable(); + static BOOL GetLargePageMinimumAvailable(); + + // Help tools + static BOOL HelpToolsAvailable(); + static HANDLE CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(DWORD,DWORD); + static BOOL Module32First(HANDLE,LPMODULEENTRY32); + static BOOL Module32Next(HANDLE,LPMODULEENTRY32); + + static BOOL GetNativeSystemInfoAvailable(); + static void GetNativeSystemInfo(LPSYSTEM_INFO); + +private: + // GetLargePageMinimum available on Windows Vista/Windows Server 2003 + // and later + static SIZE_T (WINAPI *_GetLargePageMinimum)(void); + static BOOL initialized; + + static void initialize(); + +#ifdef JDK6_OR_EARLIER +private: + static BOOL (WINAPI *_SwitchToThread)(void); + static HANDLE (WINAPI* _CreateToolhelp32Snapshot)(DWORD,DWORD); + static BOOL (WINAPI* _Module32First)(HANDLE,LPMODULEENTRY32); + static BOOL (WINAPI* _Module32Next)(HANDLE,LPMODULEENTRY32); + static void (WINAPI *_GetNativeSystemInfo)(LPSYSTEM_INFO); +#endif + +}; + +class Advapi32Dll: AllStatic { +public: + static BOOL AdjustTokenPrivileges(HANDLE, BOOL, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES, DWORD, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES, PDWORD); + static BOOL OpenProcessToken(HANDLE, DWORD, PHANDLE); + static BOOL LookupPrivilegeValue(LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, PLUID); + + static BOOL AdvapiAvailable(); + +#ifdef JDK6_OR_EARLIER +private: + static BOOL (WINAPI *_AdjustTokenPrivileges)(HANDLE, BOOL, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES, DWORD, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES, PDWORD); + static BOOL (WINAPI *_OpenProcessToken)(HANDLE, DWORD, PHANDLE); + static BOOL (WINAPI *_LookupPrivilegeValue)(LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, PLUID); + static BOOL initialized; + + static void initialize(); +#endif +}; + +class PSApiDll: AllStatic { +public: + static BOOL EnumProcessModules(HANDLE, HMODULE *, DWORD, LPDWORD); + static DWORD GetModuleFileNameEx(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPTSTR, DWORD); + static BOOL GetModuleInformation(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPMODULEINFO, DWORD); + + static BOOL PSApiAvailable(); + +#ifdef JDK6_OR_EARLIER +private: + static BOOL (WINAPI *_EnumProcessModules)(HANDLE, HMODULE *, DWORD, LPDWORD); + static BOOL (WINAPI *_GetModuleFileNameEx)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPTSTR, DWORD);; + static BOOL (WINAPI *_GetModuleInformation)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPMODULEINFO, DWORD); + static BOOL initialized; + + static void initialize(); +#endif +}; + #endif // OS_WINDOWS_VM_OS_WINDOWS_HPP diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/linux_x86_32.ad --- a/src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/linux_x86_32.ad Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/linux_x86_32.ad Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ uint MachBreakpointNode::size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const { - return 5; + return MachNode::size(ra_); } %} diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/linux_x86_64.ad --- a/src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/linux_x86_64.ad Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/linux_x86_64.ad Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -167,7 +167,8 @@ } uint MachBreakpointNode::size(PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const { - return 5; + // distance could be far and requires load and call through register + return MachNode::size(ra_); } %} diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os_cpu/solaris_sparc/vm/solaris_sparc.s --- a/src/os_cpu/solaris_sparc/vm/solaris_sparc.s Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os_cpu/solaris_sparc/vm/solaris_sparc.s Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ !! -!! Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +!! Copyright (c) 2005, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. !! DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. !! !! This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os_cpu/solaris_sparc/vm/vm_version_solaris_sparc.cpp --- a/src/os_cpu/solaris_sparc/vm/vm_version_solaris_sparc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os_cpu/solaris_sparc/vm/vm_version_solaris_sparc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -114,6 +114,11 @@ #endif if (av & AV_SPARC_VIS3) features |= vis3_instructions_m; +#ifndef AV_SPARC_CBCOND +#define AV_SPARC_CBCOND 0x10000000 /* compare and branch instrs supported */ +#endif + if (av & AV_SPARC_CBCOND) features |= cbcond_instructions_m; + } else { // getisax(2) failed, use the old legacy code. #ifndef PRODUCT diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os_cpu/solaris_x86/vm/solaris_x86_32.ad --- a/src/os_cpu/solaris_x86/vm/solaris_x86_32.ad Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os_cpu/solaris_x86/vm/solaris_x86_32.ad Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ uint MachBreakpointNode::size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const { - return 5; + return MachNode::size(ra_); } %} diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/os_cpu/solaris_x86/vm/solaris_x86_64.ad --- a/src/os_cpu/solaris_x86/vm/solaris_x86_64.ad Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/os_cpu/solaris_x86/vm/solaris_x86_64.ad Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ uint MachBreakpointNode::size(PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const { - return 5; + // distance could be far and requires load and call through register + return MachNode::size(ra_); } %} diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/tools/ProjectCreator/WinGammaPlatformVC10.java --- a/src/share/tools/ProjectCreator/WinGammaPlatformVC10.java Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/tools/ProjectCreator/WinGammaPlatformVC10.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ "/export:JVM_GetThreadStateNames "+ "/export:JVM_GetThreadStateValues "+ "/export:JVM_InitAgentProperties"); - addAttr(rv, "AdditionalDependencies", "kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;Wsock32.lib;winmm.lib"); + addAttr(rv, "AdditionalDependencies", "kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;Wsock32.lib;winmm.lib;psapi.lib"); addAttr(rv, "OutputFile", outDll); addAttr(rv, "SuppressStartupBanner", "true"); addAttr(rv, "ModuleDefinitionFile", outDir+Util.sep+"vm.def"); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/tools/hsdis/README --- a/src/share/tools/hsdis/README Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/tools/hsdis/README Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Copyright (c) 2008 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/adlc/adlparse.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/adlc/adlparse.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/adlc/adlparse.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -126,9 +126,6 @@ if (_globalNames[AttributeForm::_ins_cost] == NULL) { parse_err(SEMERR, "Did not declare 'ins_cost' attribute"); } - if (_globalNames[AttributeForm::_ins_pc_relative] == NULL) { - parse_err(SEMERR, "Did not declare 'ins_pc_relative' attribute"); - } if (_globalNames[AttributeForm::_op_cost] == NULL) { parse_err(SEMERR, "Did not declare 'op_cost' attribute"); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/adlc/archDesc.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/adlc/archDesc.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/adlc/archDesc.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -331,10 +331,18 @@ // Find result type for match const char *result = instr->reduce_result(); + if ( instr->is_ideal_branch() && instr->label_position() == -1 || + !instr->is_ideal_branch() && instr->label_position() != -1) { + syntax_err(instr->_linenum, "%s: Only branches to a label are supported\n", rootOp); + } + Attribute *attr = instr->_attribs; while (attr != NULL) { if (strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_short_branch") == 0 && attr->int_val(*this) != 0) { + if (!instr->is_ideal_branch() || instr->label_position() == -1) { + syntax_err(instr->_linenum, "%s: Only short branch to a label is supported\n", rootOp); + } instr->set_short_branch(true); } else if (strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_alignment") == 0 && attr->int_val(*this) != 0) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/adlc/formssel.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/adlc/formssel.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/adlc/formssel.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -291,15 +291,6 @@ } -// Return 'true' if this instruction matches an ideal 'Copy*' node -bool InstructForm::is_ideal_unlock() const { - return _matrule ? _matrule->is_ideal_unlock() : false; -} - -bool InstructForm::is_ideal_call_leaf() const { - return _matrule ? _matrule->is_ideal_call_leaf() : false; -} - // Return 'true' if this instruction matches an ideal 'If' node bool InstructForm::is_ideal_if() const { if( _matrule == NULL ) return false; @@ -349,12 +340,11 @@ return _matrule->is_ideal_jump(); } -// Return 'true' if instruction matches ideal 'If' | 'Goto' | -// 'CountedLoopEnd' | 'Jump' +// Return 'true' if instruction matches ideal 'If' | 'Goto' | 'CountedLoopEnd' bool InstructForm::is_ideal_branch() const { if( _matrule == NULL ) return false; - return _matrule->is_ideal_if() || _matrule->is_ideal_goto() || _matrule->is_ideal_jump(); + return _matrule->is_ideal_if() || _matrule->is_ideal_goto(); } @@ -392,7 +382,7 @@ bool InstructForm::is_ideal_control() const { if ( ! _matrule) return false; - return is_ideal_return() || is_ideal_branch() || is_ideal_halt(); + return is_ideal_return() || is_ideal_branch() || _matrule->is_ideal_jump() || is_ideal_halt(); } // Return 'true' if this instruction matches an ideal 'Call' node @@ -633,6 +623,8 @@ if( strcmp(_matrule->_opType,"MemBarRelease") == 0 ) return true; if( strcmp(_matrule->_opType,"MemBarAcquire") == 0 ) return true; + if( strcmp(_matrule->_opType,"MemBarReleaseLock") == 0 ) return true; + if( strcmp(_matrule->_opType,"MemBarAcquireLock") == 0 ) return true; return false; } @@ -1094,6 +1086,9 @@ else if (is_ideal_if()) { return "MachIfNode"; } + else if (is_ideal_goto()) { + return "MachGotoNode"; + } else if (is_ideal_fastlock()) { return "MachFastLockNode"; } @@ -1185,6 +1180,34 @@ strcmp(reduce_result(), short_branch->reduce_result()) == 0 && _matrule->equivalent(AD.globalNames(), short_branch->_matrule)) { // The instructions are equivalent. + + // Now verify that both instructions have the same parameters and + // the same effects. Both branch forms should have the same inputs + // and resulting projections to correctly replace a long branch node + // with corresponding short branch node during code generation. + + bool different = false; + if (short_branch->_components.count() != _components.count()) { + different = true; + } else if (_components.count() > 0) { + short_branch->_components.reset(); + _components.reset(); + Component *comp; + while ((comp = _components.iter()) != NULL) { + Component *short_comp = short_branch->_components.iter(); + if (short_comp == NULL || + short_comp->_type != comp->_type || + short_comp->_usedef != comp->_usedef) { + different = true; + break; + } + } + if (short_branch->_components.iter() != NULL) + different = true; + } + if (different) { + globalAD->syntax_err(short_branch->_linenum, "Instruction %s and its short form %s have different parameters\n", _ident, short_branch->_ident); + } if (AD._short_branch_debug) { fprintf(stderr, "Instruction %s has short form %s\n", _ident, short_branch->_ident); } @@ -2706,7 +2729,6 @@ int AttributeForm::_insId = 0; // start counter at 0 int AttributeForm::_opId = 0; // start counter at 0 const char* AttributeForm::_ins_cost = "ins_cost"; // required name -const char* AttributeForm::_ins_pc_relative = "ins_pc_relative"; const char* AttributeForm::_op_cost = "op_cost"; // required name AttributeForm::AttributeForm(char *attr, int type, char *attrdef) @@ -3368,7 +3390,9 @@ "ClearArray" }; int cnt = sizeof(needs_ideal_memory_list)/sizeof(char*); - if( strcmp(_opType,"PrefetchRead")==0 || strcmp(_opType,"PrefetchWrite")==0 ) + if( strcmp(_opType,"PrefetchRead")==0 || + strcmp(_opType,"PrefetchWrite")==0 || + strcmp(_opType,"PrefetchAllocation")==0 ) return 1; if( _lChild ) { const char *opType = _lChild->_opType; @@ -3623,7 +3647,27 @@ assert( mNode2->_opType, "Must have _opType"); const Form *form = globals[_opType]; const Form *form2 = globals[mNode2->_opType]; - return (form == form2); + if( form != form2 ) { + return false; + } + + // Check that their children also match + if (_lChild ) { + if( !_lChild->equivalent(globals, mNode2->_lChild) ) + return false; + } else if (mNode2->_lChild) { + return false; // I have NULL left child, mNode2 has non-NULL left child. + } + + if (_rChild ) { + if( !_rChild->equivalent(globals, mNode2->_rChild) ) + return false; + } else if (mNode2->_rChild) { + return false; // I have NULL right child, mNode2 has non-NULL right child. + } + + // We've made it through the gauntlet. + return true; } //-------------------------- has_commutative_op ------------------------------- @@ -3909,19 +3953,6 @@ return 0; } -bool MatchRule::is_ideal_unlock() const { - if( !_opType ) return false; - return !strcmp(_opType,"Unlock") || !strcmp(_opType,"FastUnlock"); -} - - -bool MatchRule::is_ideal_call_leaf() const { - if( !_opType ) return false; - return !strcmp(_opType,"CallLeaf") || - !strcmp(_opType,"CallLeafNoFP"); -} - - bool MatchRule::is_ideal_if() const { if( !_opType ) return false; return @@ -3941,6 +3972,8 @@ return !strcmp(_opType,"MemBarAcquire" ) || !strcmp(_opType,"MemBarRelease" ) || + !strcmp(_opType,"MemBarAcquireLock") || + !strcmp(_opType,"MemBarReleaseLock") || !strcmp(_opType,"MemBarVolatile" ) || !strcmp(_opType,"MemBarCPUOrder" ) ; } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/adlc/formssel.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/adlc/formssel.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/adlc/formssel.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -145,8 +145,6 @@ virtual int is_empty_encoding() const; // _size=0 and/or _insencode empty virtual int is_tls_instruction() const; // tlsLoadP rule or ideal ThreadLocal virtual int is_ideal_copy() const; // node matches ideal 'Copy*' - virtual bool is_ideal_unlock() const; // node matches ideal 'Unlock' - virtual bool is_ideal_call_leaf() const; // node matches ideal 'CallLeaf' virtual bool is_ideal_if() const; // node matches ideal 'If' virtual bool is_ideal_fastlock() const; // node matches 'FastLock' virtual bool is_ideal_membar() const; // node matches ideal 'MemBarXXX' @@ -857,7 +855,6 @@ int type() { return id;} // return this object's "id" static const char* _ins_cost; // "ins_cost" - static const char* _ins_pc_relative; // "ins_pc_relative" static const char* _op_cost; // "op_cost" void dump(); // Debug printer @@ -1002,8 +999,6 @@ bool is_chain_rule(FormDict &globals) const; int is_ideal_copy() const; int is_expensive() const; // node matches ideal 'CosD' - bool is_ideal_unlock() const; - bool is_ideal_call_leaf() const; bool is_ideal_if() const; // node matches ideal 'If' bool is_ideal_fastlock() const; // node matches ideal 'FastLock' bool is_ideal_jump() const; // node matches ideal 'Jump' diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -3088,12 +3088,19 @@ int label_position = instr->label_position(); if( label_position != -1 ) { // Set the label - fprintf(fp,"void %sNode::label_set( Label& label, uint block_num ) {\n", instr->_ident); + fprintf(fp,"void %sNode::label_set( Label* label, uint block_num ) {\n", instr->_ident); fprintf(fp," labelOper* oper = (labelOper*)(opnd_array(%d));\n", label_position ); - fprintf(fp," oper->_label = &label;\n"); + fprintf(fp," oper->_label = label;\n"); fprintf(fp," oper->_block_num = block_num;\n"); fprintf(fp,"}\n"); + // Save the label + fprintf(fp,"void %sNode::save_label( Label** label, uint* block_num ) {\n", instr->_ident); + fprintf(fp," labelOper* oper = (labelOper*)(opnd_array(%d));\n", + label_position ); + fprintf(fp," *label = oper->_label;\n"); + fprintf(fp," *block_num = oper->_block_num;\n"); + fprintf(fp,"}\n"); } } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/adlc/output_h.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/adlc/output_h.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/adlc/output_h.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1519,8 +1519,9 @@ // Declare Node::methods that set operand Label's contents int label_position = instr->label_position(); if( label_position != -1 ) { - // Set the label, stored in labelOper::_branch_label - fprintf(fp," virtual void label_set( Label& label, uint block_num );\n"); + // Set/Save the label, stored in labelOper::_branch_label + fprintf(fp," virtual void label_set( Label* label, uint block_num );\n"); + fprintf(fp," virtual void save_label( Label** label, uint* block_num );\n"); } // If this instruction contains a methodOper @@ -1536,16 +1537,16 @@ // Each instruction attribute results in a virtual call of same name. // The ins_cost is not handled here. Attribute *attr = instr->_attribs; - bool is_pc_relative = false; + bool avoid_back_to_back = false; while (attr != NULL) { if (strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_cost") && - strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_pc_relative")) { + strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_short_branch")) { fprintf(fp," int %s() const { return %s; }\n", attr->_ident, attr->_val); } - // Check value for ins_pc_relative, and if it is true (1), set the flag - if (!strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_pc_relative") && attr->int_val(*this) != 0) - is_pc_relative = true; + // Check value for ins_avoid_back_to_back, and if it is true (1), set the flag + if (!strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_avoid_back_to_back") && attr->int_val(*this) != 0) + avoid_back_to_back = true; attr = (Attribute *)attr->_next; } @@ -1657,20 +1658,10 @@ fprintf(fp," _num_opnds = %d; _opnds = _opnd_array; ", instr->num_opnds()); bool node_flags_set = false; - // flag: if this instruction matches an ideal 'Goto' node - if ( instr->is_ideal_goto() ) { - fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Goto"); - node_flags_set = true; - } - // flag: if this instruction matches an ideal 'Copy*' node if ( instr->is_ideal_copy() != 0 ) { - if ( node_flags_set ) { - fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_Copy"); - } else { - fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Copy"); - node_flags_set = true; - } + fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Copy"); + node_flags_set = true; } // Is an instruction is a constant? If so, get its type @@ -1688,16 +1679,6 @@ } } - // flag: if instruction matches 'If' | 'Goto' | 'CountedLoopEnd | 'Jump' - if ( instr->is_ideal_branch() ) { - if ( node_flags_set ) { - fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_Branch"); - } else { - fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_Branch"); - node_flags_set = true; - } - } - // flag: if this instruction is cisc alternate if ( can_cisc_spill() && instr->is_cisc_alternate() ) { if ( node_flags_set ) { @@ -1708,16 +1689,6 @@ } } - // flag: if this instruction is pc relative - if ( is_pc_relative ) { - if ( node_flags_set ) { - fprintf(fp," | Flag_is_pc_relative"); - } else { - fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_is_pc_relative"); - node_flags_set = true; - } - } - // flag: if this instruction has short branch form if ( instr->has_short_branch_form() ) { if ( node_flags_set ) { @@ -1728,6 +1699,16 @@ } } + // flag: if this instruction should not be generated back to back. + if ( avoid_back_to_back ) { + if ( node_flags_set ) { + fprintf(fp," | Flag_avoid_back_to_back"); + } else { + fprintf(fp,"init_flags(Flag_avoid_back_to_back"); + node_flags_set = true; + } + } + // Check if machine instructions that USE memory, but do not DEF memory, // depend upon a node that defines memory in machine-independent graph. if ( instr->needs_anti_dependence_check(_globalNames) ) { @@ -1743,10 +1724,6 @@ fprintf(fp,"); "); } - if (instr->is_ideal_unlock() || instr->is_ideal_call_leaf()) { - fprintf(fp,"clear_flag(Flag_is_safepoint_node); "); - } - fprintf(fp,"}\n"); // size_of, used by base class's clone to obtain the correct size. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/c1/c1_GraphBuilder.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/c1/c1_GraphBuilder.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/c1/c1_GraphBuilder.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -3033,6 +3033,9 @@ if (callee->should_exclude()) { // callee is excluded INLINE_BAILOUT("excluded by CompilerOracle") + } else if (callee->should_not_inline()) { + // callee is excluded + INLINE_BAILOUT("disallowed by CompilerOracle") } else if (!callee->can_be_compiled()) { // callee is not compilable (prob. has breakpoints) INLINE_BAILOUT("not compilable") @@ -3410,24 +3413,6 @@ // Proper inlining of methods with jsrs requires a little more work. if (callee->has_jsrs() ) INLINE_BAILOUT("jsrs not handled properly by inliner yet"); - // now perform tests that are based on flag settings - if (inline_level() > MaxInlineLevel ) INLINE_BAILOUT("too-deep inlining"); - if (recursive_inline_level(callee) > MaxRecursiveInlineLevel) INLINE_BAILOUT("too-deep recursive inlining"); - if (callee->code_size() > max_inline_size() ) INLINE_BAILOUT("callee is too large"); - - // don't inline throwable methods unless the inlining tree is rooted in a throwable class - if (callee->name() == ciSymbol::object_initializer_name() && - callee->holder()->is_subclass_of(ciEnv::current()->Throwable_klass())) { - // Throwable constructor call - IRScope* top = scope(); - while (top->caller() != NULL) { - top = top->caller(); - } - if (!top->method()->holder()->is_subclass_of(ciEnv::current()->Throwable_klass())) { - INLINE_BAILOUT("don't inline Throwable constructors"); - } - } - // When SSE2 is used on intel, then no special handling is needed // for strictfp because the enum-constant is fixed at compile time, // the check for UseSSE2 is needed here @@ -3435,13 +3420,36 @@ INLINE_BAILOUT("caller and callee have different strict fp requirements"); } - if (compilation()->env()->num_inlined_bytecodes() > DesiredMethodLimit) { - INLINE_BAILOUT("total inlining greater than DesiredMethodLimit"); - } - if (is_profiling() && !callee->ensure_method_data()) { INLINE_BAILOUT("mdo allocation failed"); } + + // now perform tests that are based on flag settings + if (callee->should_inline()) { + // ignore heuristic controls on inlining + } else { + if (inline_level() > MaxInlineLevel ) INLINE_BAILOUT("too-deep inlining"); + if (recursive_inline_level(callee) > MaxRecursiveInlineLevel) INLINE_BAILOUT("too-deep recursive inlining"); + if (callee->code_size() > max_inline_size() ) INLINE_BAILOUT("callee is too large"); + + // don't inline throwable methods unless the inlining tree is rooted in a throwable class + if (callee->name() == ciSymbol::object_initializer_name() && + callee->holder()->is_subclass_of(ciEnv::current()->Throwable_klass())) { + // Throwable constructor call + IRScope* top = scope(); + while (top->caller() != NULL) { + top = top->caller(); + } + if (!top->method()->holder()->is_subclass_of(ciEnv::current()->Throwable_klass())) { + INLINE_BAILOUT("don't inline Throwable constructors"); + } + } + + if (compilation()->env()->num_inlined_bytecodes() > DesiredMethodLimit) { + INLINE_BAILOUT("total inlining greater than DesiredMethodLimit"); + } + } + #ifndef PRODUCT // printing if (PrintInlining) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/ci/ciCallSite.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/ci/ciCallSite.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/ci/ciCallSite.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -28,6 +28,16 @@ // ciCallSite +bool ciCallSite::is_constant_call_site() { + return klass()->is_subclass_of(CURRENT_ENV->ConstantCallSite_klass()); +} +bool ciCallSite::is_mutable_call_site() { + return klass()->is_subclass_of(CURRENT_ENV->MutableCallSite_klass()); +} +bool ciCallSite::is_volatile_call_site() { + return klass()->is_subclass_of(CURRENT_ENV->VolatileCallSite_klass()); +} + // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // ciCallSite::get_target // diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/ci/ciCallSite.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/ci/ciCallSite.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/ci/ciCallSite.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ // What kind of ciObject is this? bool is_call_site() const { return true; } + bool is_constant_call_site(); + bool is_mutable_call_site(); + bool is_volatile_call_site(); + // Return the target MethodHandle of this CallSite. ciMethodHandle* get_target() const; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/ci/ciField.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/ci/ciField.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/ci/ciField.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1999, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 1999, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ bool is_volatile () { return flags().is_volatile(); } bool is_transient () { return flags().is_transient(); } + bool is_call_site_target() { return ((holder() == CURRENT_ENV->CallSite_klass()) && (name() == ciSymbol::target_name())); } + // Debugging output void print(); void print_name_on(outputStream* st); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/classfile/classLoader.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/classfile/classLoader.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/classfile/classLoader.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1350,13 +1350,13 @@ _codecache_sweep_counter = 0; } // Force compilation - CompileBroker::compile_method(m, InvocationEntryBci, CompLevel_initial_compile, + CompileBroker::compile_method(m, InvocationEntryBci, CompilationPolicy::policy()->initial_compile_level(), methodHandle(), 0, "CTW", THREAD); if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { clear_pending_exception_if_not_oom(CHECK); tty->print_cr("CompileTheWorld (%d) : Skipping method: %s", _compile_the_world_counter, m->name()->as_C_string()); } - if (TieredCompilation) { + if (TieredCompilation && TieredStopAtLevel >= CompLevel_full_optimization) { // Clobber the first compile and force second tier compilation nmethod* nm = m->code(); if (nm != NULL) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1019,6 +1019,16 @@ compute_offset(_ngroups_offset, k, vmSymbols::ngroups_name(), vmSymbols::int_signature()); } +oop java_lang_Throwable::unassigned_stacktrace() { + instanceKlass* ik = instanceKlass::cast(SystemDictionary::Throwable_klass()); + address addr = ik->static_field_addr(static_unassigned_stacktrace_offset); + if (UseCompressedOops) { + return oopDesc::load_decode_heap_oop((narrowOop *)addr); + } else { + return oopDesc::load_decode_heap_oop((oop*)addr); + } +} + oop java_lang_Throwable::backtrace(oop throwable) { return throwable->obj_field_acquire(backtrace_offset); } @@ -1044,9 +1054,13 @@ } +void java_lang_Throwable::set_stacktrace(oop throwable, oop st_element_array) { + throwable->obj_field_put(stackTrace_offset, st_element_array); +} + void java_lang_Throwable::clear_stacktrace(oop throwable) { assert(JDK_Version::is_gte_jdk14x_version(), "should only be called in >= 1.4"); - throwable->obj_field_put(stackTrace_offset, NULL); + set_stacktrace(throwable, NULL); } @@ -1340,6 +1354,7 @@ if (JDK_Version::is_gte_jdk14x_version()) { // New since 1.4, clear lazily constructed Java level stacktrace if // refilling occurs + // This is unnecessary in 1.7+ but harmless clear_stacktrace(throwable()); } @@ -1541,6 +1556,15 @@ // Bail-out for deep stacks if (chunk_count >= max_chunks) break; } + + // For Java 7+ we support the Throwable immutability protocol defined for Java 7. This support + // was missing in 7u0 so in 7u0 there is a workaround in the Throwable class. That workaround + // can be removed in a JDK using this JVM version + if (JDK_Version::is_gte_jdk17x_version()) { + java_lang_Throwable::set_stacktrace(throwable(), java_lang_Throwable::unassigned_stacktrace()); + assert(java_lang_Throwable::unassigned_stacktrace() != NULL, "not initialized"); + } + } @@ -2770,6 +2794,7 @@ int java_lang_Throwable::detailMessage_offset; int java_lang_Throwable::cause_offset; int java_lang_Throwable::stackTrace_offset; +int java_lang_Throwable::static_unassigned_stacktrace_offset; int java_lang_reflect_AccessibleObject::override_offset; int java_lang_reflect_Method::clazz_offset; int java_lang_reflect_Method::name_offset; @@ -2947,6 +2972,7 @@ java_lang_Throwable::detailMessage_offset = java_lang_Throwable::hc_detailMessage_offset * x + header; java_lang_Throwable::cause_offset = java_lang_Throwable::hc_cause_offset * x + header; java_lang_Throwable::stackTrace_offset = java_lang_Throwable::hc_stackTrace_offset * x + header; + java_lang_Throwable::static_unassigned_stacktrace_offset = java_lang_Throwable::hc_static_unassigned_stacktrace_offset * x; // java_lang_boxing_object java_lang_boxing_object::value_offset = java_lang_boxing_object::hc_value_offset + header; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -393,6 +393,9 @@ hc_cause_offset = 2, // New since 1.4 hc_stackTrace_offset = 3 // New since 1.4 }; + enum { + hc_static_unassigned_stacktrace_offset = 0 // New since 1.7 + }; // Trace constants enum { trace_methods_offset = 0, @@ -406,6 +409,7 @@ static int detailMessage_offset; static int cause_offset; static int stackTrace_offset; + static int static_unassigned_stacktrace_offset; // Printing static char* print_stack_element_to_buffer(methodOop method, int bci); @@ -414,6 +418,9 @@ static void clear_stacktrace(oop throwable); // No stack trace available static const char* no_stack_trace_message(); + // Stacktrace (post JDK 1.7.0 to allow immutability protocol to be followed) + static void set_stacktrace(oop throwable, oop st_element_array); + static oop unassigned_stacktrace(); public: // Backtrace @@ -438,7 +445,6 @@ static void allocate_backtrace(Handle throwable, TRAPS); // Fill in current stack trace for throwable with preallocated backtrace (no GC) static void fill_in_stack_trace_of_preallocated_backtrace(Handle throwable); - // Fill in current stack trace, can cause GC static void fill_in_stack_trace(Handle throwable, methodHandle method, TRAPS); static void fill_in_stack_trace(Handle throwable, methodHandle method = methodHandle()); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/classfile/systemDictionary.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/classfile/systemDictionary.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/classfile/systemDictionary.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1978,7 +1978,7 @@ // JSR 292 classes WKID jsr292_group_start = WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(MethodHandle_klass); - WKID jsr292_group_end = WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(CallSite_klass); + WKID jsr292_group_end = WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(VolatileCallSite_klass); initialize_wk_klasses_until(jsr292_group_start, scan, CHECK); if (EnableInvokeDynamic) { initialize_wk_klasses_through(jsr292_group_end, scan, CHECK); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/classfile/systemDictionary.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/classfile/systemDictionary.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/classfile/systemDictionary.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -144,18 +144,21 @@ template(reflect_UnsafeStaticFieldAccessorImpl_klass, sun_reflect_UnsafeStaticFieldAccessorImpl, Opt_Only_JDK15) \ \ /* support for dynamic typing; it's OK if these are NULL in earlier JDKs */ \ - template(MethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle, Pre_JSR292) \ - template(MemberName_klass, java_lang_invoke_MemberName, Pre_JSR292) \ - template(MethodHandleNatives_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives, Pre_JSR292) \ - template(AdapterMethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_AdapterMethodHandle, Pre_JSR292) \ - template(BoundMethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_BoundMethodHandle, Pre_JSR292) \ - template(DirectMethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_DirectMethodHandle, Pre_JSR292) \ - template(MethodType_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodType, Pre_JSR292) \ - template(MethodTypeForm_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodTypeForm, Pre_JSR292) \ - template(BootstrapMethodError_klass, java_lang_BootstrapMethodError, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(MethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(MemberName_klass, java_lang_invoke_MemberName, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(MethodHandleNatives_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(AdapterMethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_AdapterMethodHandle, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(BoundMethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_BoundMethodHandle, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(DirectMethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_DirectMethodHandle, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(MethodType_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodType, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(MethodTypeForm_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodTypeForm, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(BootstrapMethodError_klass, java_lang_BootstrapMethodError, Pre_JSR292) \ template(WrongMethodTypeException_klass, java_lang_invoke_WrongMethodTypeException, Pre_JSR292) \ - template(CallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_CallSite, Pre_JSR292) \ - /* Note: MethodHandle must be first, and CallSite last in group */ \ + template(CallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_CallSite, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(ConstantCallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_ConstantCallSite, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(MutableCallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_MutableCallSite, Pre_JSR292) \ + template(VolatileCallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_VolatileCallSite, Pre_JSR292) \ + /* Note: MethodHandle must be first, and VolatileCallSite last in group */ \ \ template(StringBuffer_klass, java_lang_StringBuffer, Pre) \ template(StringBuilder_klass, java_lang_StringBuilder, Pre) \ diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/classfile/vmSymbols.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/classfile/vmSymbols.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/classfile/vmSymbols.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -233,6 +233,9 @@ template(java_lang_invoke_InvokeDynamic, "java/lang/invoke/InvokeDynamic") \ template(java_lang_invoke_Linkage, "java/lang/invoke/Linkage") \ template(java_lang_invoke_CallSite, "java/lang/invoke/CallSite") \ + template(java_lang_invoke_ConstantCallSite, "java/lang/invoke/ConstantCallSite") \ + template(java_lang_invoke_MutableCallSite, "java/lang/invoke/MutableCallSite") \ + template(java_lang_invoke_VolatileCallSite, "java/lang/invoke/VolatileCallSite") \ template(java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle, "java/lang/invoke/MethodHandle") \ template(java_lang_invoke_MethodType, "java/lang/invoke/MethodType") \ template(java_lang_invoke_WrongMethodTypeException, "java/lang/invoke/WrongMethodTypeException") \ diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/code/dependencies.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/code/dependencies.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/code/dependencies.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -113,6 +113,11 @@ assert_common_1(no_finalizable_subclasses, ctxk); } +void Dependencies::assert_call_site_target_value(ciKlass* ctxk, ciCallSite* call_site, ciMethodHandle* method_handle) { + check_ctxk(ctxk); + assert_common_3(call_site_target_value, ctxk, call_site, method_handle); +} + // Helper function. If we are adding a new dep. under ctxk2, // try to find an old dep. under a broader* ctxk1. If there is // @@ -341,7 +346,8 @@ "unique_concrete_method", "abstract_with_exclusive_concrete_subtypes_2", "exclusive_concrete_methods_2", - "no_finalizable_subclasses" + "no_finalizable_subclasses", + "call_site_target_value" }; int Dependencies::_dep_args[TYPE_LIMIT] = { @@ -354,7 +360,8 @@ 2, // unique_concrete_method ctxk, m 3, // unique_concrete_subtypes_2 ctxk, k1, k2 3, // unique_concrete_methods_2 ctxk, m1, m2 - 1 // no_finalizable_subclasses ctxk + 1, // no_finalizable_subclasses ctxk + 3 // call_site_target_value ctxk, call_site, method_handle }; const char* Dependencies::dep_name(Dependencies::DepType dept) { @@ -367,6 +374,13 @@ return _dep_args[dept]; } +void Dependencies::check_valid_dependency_type(DepType dept) { + for (int deptv = (int) FIRST_TYPE; deptv < (int) TYPE_LIMIT; deptv++) { + if (dept == ((DepType) deptv)) return; + } + ShouldNotReachHere(); +} + // for the sake of the compiler log, print out current dependencies: void Dependencies::log_all_dependencies() { if (log() == NULL) return; @@ -800,11 +814,11 @@ bool participants_hide_witnesses, bool top_level_call = true); // the spot-checking version: - klassOop find_witness_in(DepChange& changes, + klassOop find_witness_in(KlassDepChange& changes, klassOop context_type, bool participants_hide_witnesses); public: - klassOop find_witness_subtype(klassOop context_type, DepChange* changes = NULL) { + klassOop find_witness_subtype(klassOop context_type, KlassDepChange* changes = NULL) { assert(doing_subtype_search(), "must set up a subtype search"); // When looking for unexpected concrete types, // do not look beneath expected ones. @@ -817,7 +831,7 @@ return find_witness_anywhere(context_type, participants_hide_witnesses); } } - klassOop find_witness_definer(klassOop context_type, DepChange* changes = NULL) { + klassOop find_witness_definer(klassOop context_type, KlassDepChange* changes = NULL) { assert(!doing_subtype_search(), "must set up a method definer search"); // When looking for unexpected concrete methods, // look beneath expected ones, to see if there are overrides. @@ -878,7 +892,7 @@ #endif //PRODUCT -klassOop ClassHierarchyWalker::find_witness_in(DepChange& changes, +klassOop ClassHierarchyWalker::find_witness_in(KlassDepChange& changes, klassOop context_type, bool participants_hide_witnesses) { assert(changes.involves_context(context_type), "irrelevant dependency"); @@ -1137,7 +1151,7 @@ // when dealing with the types of actual instances. klassOop Dependencies::check_abstract_with_unique_concrete_subtype(klassOop ctxk, klassOop conck, - DepChange* changes) { + KlassDepChange* changes) { ClassHierarchyWalker wf(conck); return wf.find_witness_subtype(ctxk, changes); } @@ -1146,7 +1160,7 @@ // instantiatable. This can allow the compiler to make some paths go // dead, if they are gated by a test of the type. klassOop Dependencies::check_abstract_with_no_concrete_subtype(klassOop ctxk, - DepChange* changes) { + KlassDepChange* changes) { // Find any concrete subtype, with no participants: ClassHierarchyWalker wf; return wf.find_witness_subtype(ctxk, changes); @@ -1156,7 +1170,7 @@ // If a concrete class has no concrete subtypes, it can always be // exactly typed. This allows the use of a cheaper type test. klassOop Dependencies::check_concrete_with_no_concrete_subtype(klassOop ctxk, - DepChange* changes) { + KlassDepChange* changes) { // Find any concrete subtype, with only the ctxk as participant: ClassHierarchyWalker wf(ctxk); return wf.find_witness_subtype(ctxk, changes); @@ -1217,7 +1231,7 @@ klassOop ctxk, klassOop k1, klassOop k2, - DepChange* changes) { + KlassDepChange* changes) { ClassHierarchyWalker wf; wf.add_participant(k1); wf.add_participant(k2); @@ -1278,7 +1292,7 @@ // If a class (or interface) has a unique concrete method uniqm, return NULL. // Otherwise, return a class that contains an interfering method. klassOop Dependencies::check_unique_concrete_method(klassOop ctxk, methodOop uniqm, - DepChange* changes) { + KlassDepChange* changes) { // Here is a missing optimization: If uniqm->is_final(), // we don't really need to search beneath it for overrides. // This is probably not important, since we don't use dependencies @@ -1321,7 +1335,7 @@ klassOop Dependencies::check_exclusive_concrete_methods(klassOop ctxk, methodOop m1, methodOop m2, - DepChange* changes) { + KlassDepChange* changes) { ClassHierarchyWalker wf(m1); wf.add_participant(m1->method_holder()); wf.add_participant(m2->method_holder()); @@ -1383,7 +1397,7 @@ } -klassOop Dependencies::check_has_no_finalizable_subclasses(klassOop ctxk, DepChange* changes) { +klassOop Dependencies::check_has_no_finalizable_subclasses(klassOop ctxk, KlassDepChange* changes) { Klass* search_at = ctxk->klass_part(); if (changes != NULL) search_at = changes->new_type()->klass_part(); // just look at the new bit @@ -1395,8 +1409,39 @@ } -klassOop Dependencies::DepStream::check_dependency_impl(DepChange* changes) { +klassOop Dependencies::check_call_site_target_value(klassOop ctxk, oop call_site, oop method_handle, CallSiteDepChange* changes) { + assert(call_site ->is_a(SystemDictionary::CallSite_klass()), "sanity"); + assert(method_handle->is_a(SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass()), "sanity"); + if (changes == NULL) { + // Validate all CallSites + if (java_lang_invoke_CallSite::target(call_site) != method_handle) + return ctxk; // assertion failed + } else { + // Validate the given CallSite + if (call_site == changes->call_site() && java_lang_invoke_CallSite::target(call_site) != changes->method_handle()) { + assert(method_handle != changes->method_handle(), "must be"); + return ctxk; // assertion failed + } + } + assert(java_lang_invoke_CallSite::target(call_site) == method_handle, "should still be valid"); + return NULL; // assertion still valid +} + + +void Dependencies::DepStream::trace_and_log_witness(klassOop witness) { + if (witness != NULL) { + if (TraceDependencies) { + print_dependency(witness, /*verbose=*/ true); + } + // The following is a no-op unless logging is enabled: + log_dependency(witness); + } +} + + +klassOop Dependencies::DepStream::check_klass_dependency(KlassDepChange* changes) { assert_locked_or_safepoint(Compile_lock); + Dependencies::check_valid_dependency_type(type()); klassOop witness = NULL; switch (type()) { @@ -1407,95 +1452,103 @@ witness = check_leaf_type(context_type()); break; case abstract_with_unique_concrete_subtype: - witness = check_abstract_with_unique_concrete_subtype(context_type(), - type_argument(1), - changes); + witness = check_abstract_with_unique_concrete_subtype(context_type(), type_argument(1), changes); break; case abstract_with_no_concrete_subtype: - witness = check_abstract_with_no_concrete_subtype(context_type(), - changes); + witness = check_abstract_with_no_concrete_subtype(context_type(), changes); break; case concrete_with_no_concrete_subtype: - witness = check_concrete_with_no_concrete_subtype(context_type(), - changes); + witness = check_concrete_with_no_concrete_subtype(context_type(), changes); break; case unique_concrete_method: - witness = check_unique_concrete_method(context_type(), - method_argument(1), - changes); + witness = check_unique_concrete_method(context_type(), method_argument(1), changes); break; case abstract_with_exclusive_concrete_subtypes_2: - witness = check_abstract_with_exclusive_concrete_subtypes(context_type(), - type_argument(1), - type_argument(2), - changes); + witness = check_abstract_with_exclusive_concrete_subtypes(context_type(), type_argument(1), type_argument(2), changes); break; case exclusive_concrete_methods_2: - witness = check_exclusive_concrete_methods(context_type(), - method_argument(1), - method_argument(2), - changes); + witness = check_exclusive_concrete_methods(context_type(), method_argument(1), method_argument(2), changes); break; case no_finalizable_subclasses: - witness = check_has_no_finalizable_subclasses(context_type(), - changes); + witness = check_has_no_finalizable_subclasses(context_type(), changes); break; - default: + default: witness = NULL; - ShouldNotReachHere(); break; } - if (witness != NULL) { - if (TraceDependencies) { - print_dependency(witness, /*verbose=*/ true); - } - // The following is a no-op unless logging is enabled: - log_dependency(witness); + trace_and_log_witness(witness); + return witness; +} + + +klassOop Dependencies::DepStream::check_call_site_dependency(CallSiteDepChange* changes) { + assert_locked_or_safepoint(Compile_lock); + Dependencies::check_valid_dependency_type(type()); + + klassOop witness = NULL; + switch (type()) { + case call_site_target_value: + witness = check_call_site_target_value(context_type(), argument(1), argument(2), changes); + break; + default: + witness = NULL; + break; } + trace_and_log_witness(witness); return witness; } klassOop Dependencies::DepStream::spot_check_dependency_at(DepChange& changes) { - if (!changes.involves_context(context_type())) - // irrelevant dependency; skip it - return NULL; + // Handle klass dependency + if (changes.is_klass_change() && changes.as_klass_change()->involves_context(context_type())) + return check_klass_dependency(changes.as_klass_change()); - return check_dependency_impl(&changes); + // Handle CallSite dependency + if (changes.is_call_site_change()) + return check_call_site_dependency(changes.as_call_site_change()); + + // irrelevant dependency; skip it + return NULL; } -void DepChange::initialize() { - // entire transaction must be under this lock: - assert_lock_strong(Compile_lock); - - // Mark all dependee and all its superclasses - // Mark transitive interfaces +void DepChange::print() { + int nsup = 0, nint = 0; for (ContextStream str(*this); str.next(); ) { - klassOop d = str.klass(); - assert(!instanceKlass::cast(d)->is_marked_dependent(), "checking"); - instanceKlass::cast(d)->set_is_marked_dependent(true); + klassOop k = str.klass(); + switch (str.change_type()) { + case Change_new_type: + tty->print_cr(" dependee = %s", instanceKlass::cast(k)->external_name()); + break; + case Change_new_sub: + if (!WizardMode) { + ++nsup; + } else { + tty->print_cr(" context super = %s", instanceKlass::cast(k)->external_name()); + } + break; + case Change_new_impl: + if (!WizardMode) { + ++nint; + } else { + tty->print_cr(" context interface = %s", instanceKlass::cast(k)->external_name()); + } + break; + } + } + if (nsup + nint != 0) { + tty->print_cr(" context supers = %d, interfaces = %d", nsup, nint); } } -DepChange::~DepChange() { - // Unmark all dependee and all its superclasses - // Unmark transitive interfaces - for (ContextStream str(*this); str.next(); ) { - klassOop d = str.klass(); - instanceKlass::cast(d)->set_is_marked_dependent(false); - } -} - -bool DepChange::involves_context(klassOop k) { - if (k == NULL || !Klass::cast(k)->oop_is_instance()) { - return false; - } - instanceKlass* ik = instanceKlass::cast(k); - bool is_contained = ik->is_marked_dependent(); - assert(is_contained == Klass::cast(new_type())->is_subtype_of(k), - "correct marking of potential context types"); - return is_contained; +void DepChange::ContextStream::start() { + klassOop new_type = _changes.is_klass_change() ? _changes.as_klass_change()->new_type() : (klassOop) NULL; + _change_type = (new_type == NULL ? NO_CHANGE : Start_Klass); + _klass = new_type; + _ti_base = NULL; + _ti_index = 0; + _ti_limit = 0; } bool DepChange::ContextStream::next() { @@ -1534,35 +1587,39 @@ return false; } -void DepChange::print() { - int nsup = 0, nint = 0; +void KlassDepChange::initialize() { + // entire transaction must be under this lock: + assert_lock_strong(Compile_lock); + + // Mark all dependee and all its superclasses + // Mark transitive interfaces for (ContextStream str(*this); str.next(); ) { - klassOop k = str.klass(); - switch (str.change_type()) { - case Change_new_type: - tty->print_cr(" dependee = %s", instanceKlass::cast(k)->external_name()); - break; - case Change_new_sub: - if (!WizardMode) { - ++nsup; - } else { - tty->print_cr(" context super = %s", instanceKlass::cast(k)->external_name()); - } - break; - case Change_new_impl: - if (!WizardMode) { - ++nint; - } else { - tty->print_cr(" context interface = %s", instanceKlass::cast(k)->external_name()); - } - break; - } + klassOop d = str.klass(); + assert(!instanceKlass::cast(d)->is_marked_dependent(), "checking"); + instanceKlass::cast(d)->set_is_marked_dependent(true); } - if (nsup + nint != 0) { - tty->print_cr(" context supers = %d, interfaces = %d", nsup, nint); +} + +KlassDepChange::~KlassDepChange() { + // Unmark all dependee and all its superclasses + // Unmark transitive interfaces + for (ContextStream str(*this); str.next(); ) { + klassOop d = str.klass(); + instanceKlass::cast(d)->set_is_marked_dependent(false); } } +bool KlassDepChange::involves_context(klassOop k) { + if (k == NULL || !Klass::cast(k)->oop_is_instance()) { + return false; + } + instanceKlass* ik = instanceKlass::cast(k); + bool is_contained = ik->is_marked_dependent(); + assert(is_contained == Klass::cast(new_type())->is_subtype_of(k), + "correct marking of potential context types"); + return is_contained; +} + #ifndef PRODUCT void Dependencies::print_statistics() { if (deps_find_witness_print != 0) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/code/dependencies.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/code/dependencies.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/code/dependencies.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -25,18 +25,21 @@ #ifndef SHARE_VM_CODE_DEPENDENCIES_HPP #define SHARE_VM_CODE_DEPENDENCIES_HPP +#include "ci/ciCallSite.hpp" #include "ci/ciKlass.hpp" +#include "ci/ciMethodHandle.hpp" +#include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp" #include "code/compressedStream.hpp" #include "code/nmethod.hpp" #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp" //** Dependencies represent assertions (approximate invariants) within -// the class hierarchy. An example is an assertion that a given -// method is not overridden; another example is that a type has only -// one concrete subtype. Compiled code which relies on such -// assertions must be discarded if they are overturned by changes in -// the class hierarchy. We can think of these assertions as -// approximate invariants, because we expect them to be overturned +// the runtime system, e.g. class hierarchy changes. An example is an +// assertion that a given method is not overridden; another example is +// that a type has only one concrete subtype. Compiled code which +// relies on such assertions must be discarded if they are overturned +// by changes in the runtime system. We can think of these assertions +// as approximate invariants, because we expect them to be overturned // very infrequently. We are willing to perform expensive recovery // operations when they are overturned. The benefit, of course, is // performing optimistic optimizations (!) on the object code. @@ -52,6 +55,8 @@ class xmlStream; class CompileLog; class DepChange; +class KlassDepChange; +class CallSiteDepChange; class No_Safepoint_Verifier; class Dependencies: public ResourceObj { @@ -152,6 +157,9 @@ // subclasses require finalization registration. no_finalizable_subclasses, + // This dependency asserts when the CallSite.target value changed. + call_site_target_value, + TYPE_LIMIT }; enum { @@ -179,6 +187,7 @@ static int dep_context_arg(DepType dept) { return dept_in_mask(dept, ctxk_types)? 0: -1; } + static void check_valid_dependency_type(DepType dept); private: // State for writing a new set of dependencies: @@ -255,6 +264,7 @@ void assert_abstract_with_exclusive_concrete_subtypes(ciKlass* ctxk, ciKlass* k1, ciKlass* k2); void assert_exclusive_concrete_methods(ciKlass* ctxk, ciMethod* m1, ciMethod* m2); void assert_has_no_finalizable_subclasses(ciKlass* ctxk); + void assert_call_site_target_value(ciKlass* ctxk, ciCallSite* call_site, ciMethodHandle* method_handle); // Define whether a given method or type is concrete. // These methods define the term "concrete" as used in this module. @@ -296,19 +306,19 @@ static klassOop check_evol_method(methodOop m); static klassOop check_leaf_type(klassOop ctxk); static klassOop check_abstract_with_unique_concrete_subtype(klassOop ctxk, klassOop conck, - DepChange* changes = NULL); + KlassDepChange* changes = NULL); static klassOop check_abstract_with_no_concrete_subtype(klassOop ctxk, - DepChange* changes = NULL); + KlassDepChange* changes = NULL); static klassOop check_concrete_with_no_concrete_subtype(klassOop ctxk, - DepChange* changes = NULL); + KlassDepChange* changes = NULL); static klassOop check_unique_concrete_method(klassOop ctxk, methodOop uniqm, - DepChange* changes = NULL); + KlassDepChange* changes = NULL); static klassOop check_abstract_with_exclusive_concrete_subtypes(klassOop ctxk, klassOop k1, klassOop k2, - DepChange* changes = NULL); + KlassDepChange* changes = NULL); static klassOop check_exclusive_concrete_methods(klassOop ctxk, methodOop m1, methodOop m2, - DepChange* changes = NULL); - static klassOop check_has_no_finalizable_subclasses(klassOop ctxk, - DepChange* changes = NULL); + KlassDepChange* changes = NULL); + static klassOop check_has_no_finalizable_subclasses(klassOop ctxk, KlassDepChange* changes = NULL); + static klassOop check_call_site_target_value(klassOop ctxk, oop call_site, oop method_handle, CallSiteDepChange* changes = NULL); // A returned klassOop is NULL if the dependency assertion is still // valid. A non-NULL klassOop is a 'witness' to the assertion // failure, a point in the class hierarchy where the assertion has @@ -415,7 +425,10 @@ inline oop recorded_oop_at(int i); // => _code? _code->oop_at(i): *_deps->_oop_recorder->handle_at(i) - klassOop check_dependency_impl(DepChange* changes); + klassOop check_klass_dependency(KlassDepChange* changes); + klassOop check_call_site_dependency(CallSiteDepChange* changes); + + void trace_and_log_witness(klassOop witness); public: DepStream(Dependencies* deps) @@ -453,10 +466,13 @@ return (klassOop) x; } - // The point of the whole exercise: Is this dep is still OK? + // The point of the whole exercise: Is this dep still OK? klassOop check_dependency() { - return check_dependency_impl(NULL); + klassOop result = check_klass_dependency(NULL); + if (result != NULL) return result; + return check_call_site_dependency(NULL); } + // A lighter version: Checks only around recent changes in a class // hierarchy. (See Universe::flush_dependents_on.) klassOop spot_check_dependency_at(DepChange& changes); @@ -472,13 +488,27 @@ static void print_statistics() PRODUCT_RETURN; }; -// A class hierarchy change coming through the VM (under the Compile_lock). -// The change is structured as a single new type with any number of supers -// and implemented interface types. Other than the new type, any of the -// super types can be context types for a relevant dependency, which the -// new type could invalidate. + +// Every particular DepChange is a sub-class of this class. class DepChange : public StackObj { public: + // What kind of DepChange is this? + virtual bool is_klass_change() const { return false; } + virtual bool is_call_site_change() const { return false; } + + // Subclass casting with assertions. + KlassDepChange* as_klass_change() { + assert(is_klass_change(), "bad cast"); + return (KlassDepChange*) this; + } + CallSiteDepChange* as_call_site_change() { + assert(is_call_site_change(), "bad cast"); + return (CallSiteDepChange*) this; + } + + void print(); + + public: enum ChangeType { NO_CHANGE = 0, // an uninvolved klass Change_new_type, // a newly loaded type @@ -488,28 +518,6 @@ Start_Klass = CHANGE_LIMIT // internal indicator for ContextStream }; - private: - // each change set is rooted in exactly one new type (at present): - KlassHandle _new_type; - - void initialize(); - - public: - // notes the new type, marks it and all its super-types - DepChange(KlassHandle new_type) - : _new_type(new_type) - { - initialize(); - } - - // cleans up the marks - ~DepChange(); - - klassOop new_type() { return _new_type(); } - - // involves_context(k) is true if k is new_type or any of the super types - bool involves_context(klassOop k); - // Usage: // for (DepChange::ContextStream str(changes); str.next(); ) { // klassOop k = str.klass(); @@ -530,14 +538,7 @@ int _ti_limit; // start at the beginning: - void start() { - klassOop new_type = _changes.new_type(); - _change_type = (new_type == NULL ? NO_CHANGE: Start_Klass); - _klass = new_type; - _ti_base = NULL; - _ti_index = 0; - _ti_limit = 0; - } + void start(); public: ContextStream(DepChange& changes) @@ -555,8 +556,62 @@ klassOop klass() { return _klass; } }; friend class DepChange::ContextStream; +}; - void print(); + +// A class hierarchy change coming through the VM (under the Compile_lock). +// The change is structured as a single new type with any number of supers +// and implemented interface types. Other than the new type, any of the +// super types can be context types for a relevant dependency, which the +// new type could invalidate. +class KlassDepChange : public DepChange { + private: + // each change set is rooted in exactly one new type (at present): + KlassHandle _new_type; + + void initialize(); + + public: + // notes the new type, marks it and all its super-types + KlassDepChange(KlassHandle new_type) + : _new_type(new_type) + { + initialize(); + } + + // cleans up the marks + ~KlassDepChange(); + + // What kind of DepChange is this? + virtual bool is_klass_change() const { return true; } + + klassOop new_type() { return _new_type(); } + + // involves_context(k) is true if k is new_type or any of the super types + bool involves_context(klassOop k); +}; + + +// A CallSite has changed its target. +class CallSiteDepChange : public DepChange { + private: + Handle _call_site; + Handle _method_handle; + + public: + CallSiteDepChange(Handle call_site, Handle method_handle) + : _call_site(call_site), + _method_handle(method_handle) + { + assert(_call_site() ->is_a(SystemDictionary::CallSite_klass()), "must be"); + assert(_method_handle()->is_a(SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass()), "must be"); + } + + // What kind of DepChange is this? + virtual bool is_call_site_change() const { return true; } + + oop call_site() const { return _call_site(); } + oop method_handle() const { return _method_handle(); } }; #endif // SHARE_VM_CODE_DEPENDENCIES_HPP diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/code/nmethod.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/code/nmethod.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/code/nmethod.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "code/codeCache.hpp" #include "code/compiledIC.hpp" +#include "code/dependencies.hpp" #include "code/nmethod.hpp" #include "code/scopeDesc.hpp" #include "compiler/abstractCompiler.hpp" diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -2025,9 +2025,6 @@ _intra_sweep_estimate.padded_average()); } - { - TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats tmms(gch->gc_cause()); - } GenMarkSweep::invoke_at_safepoint(_cmsGen->level(), ref_processor(), clear_all_soft_refs); #ifdef ASSERT @@ -9345,15 +9342,3 @@ } } -// when bailing out of cms in concurrent mode failure -TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats::TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats(GCCause::Cause cause): TraceMemoryManagerStats() { - initialize(true /* fullGC */ , - cause /* cause of the GC */, - true /* recordGCBeginTime */, - true /* recordPreGCUsage */, - true /* recordPeakUsage */, - true /* recordPostGCusage */, - true /* recordAccumulatedGCTime */, - true /* recordGCEndTime */, - true /* countCollection */ ); -} diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1900,7 +1900,6 @@ public: TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats(CMSCollector::CollectorState phase, GCCause::Cause cause); - TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats(GCCause::Cause cause); }; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMark.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMark.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMark.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -801,39 +801,6 @@ reset(); } -class CMMarkRootsClosure: public OopsInGenClosure { -private: - ConcurrentMark* _cm; - G1CollectedHeap* _g1h; - bool _do_barrier; - -public: - CMMarkRootsClosure(ConcurrentMark* cm, - G1CollectedHeap* g1h, - bool do_barrier) : _cm(cm), _g1h(g1h), - _do_barrier(do_barrier) { } - - virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { do_oop_work(p); } - virtual void do_oop( oop* p) { do_oop_work(p); } - - template void do_oop_work(T* p) { - T heap_oop = oopDesc::load_heap_oop(p); - if (!oopDesc::is_null(heap_oop)) { - oop obj = oopDesc::decode_heap_oop_not_null(heap_oop); - assert(obj->is_oop() || obj->mark() == NULL, - "expected an oop, possibly with mark word displaced"); - HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*)obj; - if (_g1h->is_in_g1_reserved(addr)) { - _cm->grayRoot(obj); - } - } - if (_do_barrier) { - assert(!_g1h->is_in_g1_reserved(p), - "Should be called on external roots"); - do_barrier(p); - } - } -}; void ConcurrentMark::checkpointRootsInitialPost() { G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap(); @@ -868,50 +835,6 @@ // during it. No need to call it here. } -// Checkpoint the roots into this generation from outside -// this generation. [Note this initial checkpoint need only -// be approximate -- we'll do a catch up phase subsequently.] -void ConcurrentMark::checkpointRootsInitial() { - assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "world should be stopped"); - G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap(); - - double start = os::elapsedTime(); - - G1CollectorPolicy* g1p = G1CollectedHeap::heap()->g1_policy(); - g1p->record_concurrent_mark_init_start(); - checkpointRootsInitialPre(); - - // YSR: when concurrent precleaning is in place, we'll - // need to clear the cached card table here - - ResourceMark rm; - HandleMark hm; - - g1h->ensure_parsability(false); - g1h->perm_gen()->save_marks(); - - CMMarkRootsClosure notOlder(this, g1h, false); - CMMarkRootsClosure older(this, g1h, true); - - g1h->set_marking_started(); - g1h->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); - - g1h->process_strong_roots(true, // activate StrongRootsScope - false, // fake perm gen collection - SharedHeap::SO_AllClasses, - ¬Older, // Regular roots - NULL, // do not visit active blobs - &older // Perm Gen Roots - ); - checkpointRootsInitialPost(); - - // Statistics. - double end = os::elapsedTime(); - _init_times.add((end - start) * 1000.0); - - g1p->record_concurrent_mark_init_end(); -} - /* * Notice that in the next two methods, we actually leave the STS * during the barrier sync and join it immediately afterwards. If we diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMark.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMark.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMark.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -756,9 +756,6 @@ // Clear the next marking bitmap (will be called concurrently). void clearNextBitmap(); - // main CMS steps and related support - void checkpointRootsInitial(); - // These two do the work that needs to be done before and after the // initial root checkpoint. Since this checkpoint can be done at two // different points (i.e. an explicit pause or piggy-backed on a diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMarkThread.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMarkThread.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMarkThread.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -50,19 +50,6 @@ create_and_start(); } -class CMCheckpointRootsInitialClosure: public VoidClosure { - - ConcurrentMark* _cm; -public: - - CMCheckpointRootsInitialClosure(ConcurrentMark* cm) : - _cm(cm) {} - - void do_void(){ - _cm->checkpointRootsInitial(); - } -}; - class CMCheckpointRootsFinalClosure: public VoidClosure { ConcurrentMark* _cm; @@ -116,27 +103,6 @@ gclog_or_tty->print_cr("[GC concurrent-mark-start]"); } - if (!g1_policy->in_young_gc_mode()) { - // this ensures the flag is not set if we bail out of the marking - // cycle; normally the flag is cleared immediately after cleanup - g1h->set_marking_complete(); - - if (g1_policy->adaptive_young_list_length()) { - double now = os::elapsedTime(); - double init_prediction_ms = g1_policy->predict_init_time_ms(); - jlong sleep_time_ms = mmu_tracker->when_ms(now, init_prediction_ms); - os::sleep(current_thread, sleep_time_ms, false); - } - - // We don't have to skip here if we've been asked to restart, because - // in the worst case we just enqueue a new VM operation to start a - // marking. Note that the init operation resets has_aborted() - CMCheckpointRootsInitialClosure init_cl(_cm); - strcpy(verbose_str, "GC initial-mark"); - VM_CGC_Operation op(&init_cl, verbose_str); - VMThread::execute(&op); - } - int iter = 0; do { iter++; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ // region in _alloc_region. This is the reason why an active region // can never be empty. _alloc_region = new_alloc_region; + _count += 1; trace("region allocation successful"); return result; } else { @@ -139,8 +140,8 @@ } void G1AllocRegion::fill_in_ext_msg(ar_ext_msg* msg, const char* message) { - msg->append("[%s] %s b: %s r: "PTR_FORMAT" u: "SIZE_FORMAT, - _name, message, BOOL_TO_STR(_bot_updates), + msg->append("[%s] %s c: "SIZE_FORMAT" b: %s r: "PTR_FORMAT" u: "SIZE_FORMAT, + _name, message, _count, BOOL_TO_STR(_bot_updates), _alloc_region, _used_bytes_before); } @@ -148,16 +149,34 @@ trace("initializing"); assert(_alloc_region == NULL && _used_bytes_before == 0, ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition")); - assert(_dummy_region != NULL, "should have been set"); + assert(_dummy_region != NULL, ar_ext_msg(this, "should have been set")); _alloc_region = _dummy_region; + _count = 0; trace("initialized"); } +void G1AllocRegion::set(HeapRegion* alloc_region) { + trace("setting"); + // We explicitly check that the region is not empty to make sure we + // maintain the "the alloc region cannot be empty" invariant. + assert(alloc_region != NULL && !alloc_region->is_empty(), + ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition")); + assert(_alloc_region == _dummy_region && + _used_bytes_before == 0 && _count == 0, + ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition")); + + _used_bytes_before = alloc_region->used(); + _alloc_region = alloc_region; + _count += 1; + trace("set"); +} + HeapRegion* G1AllocRegion::release() { trace("releasing"); HeapRegion* alloc_region = _alloc_region; retire(false /* fill_up */); - assert(_alloc_region == _dummy_region, "post-condition of retire()"); + assert(_alloc_region == _dummy_region, + ar_ext_msg(this, "post-condition of retire()")); _alloc_region = NULL; trace("released"); return (alloc_region == _dummy_region) ? NULL : alloc_region; @@ -196,7 +215,8 @@ jio_snprintf(rest_buffer, buffer_length, ""); } - tty->print_cr("[%s] %s : %s %s", _name, hr_buffer, str, rest_buffer); + tty->print_cr("[%s] "SIZE_FORMAT" %s : %s %s", + _name, _count, hr_buffer, str, rest_buffer); } } #endif // G1_ALLOC_REGION_TRACING @@ -204,5 +224,5 @@ G1AllocRegion::G1AllocRegion(const char* name, bool bot_updates) : _name(name), _bot_updates(bot_updates), - _alloc_region(NULL), _used_bytes_before(0) { } + _alloc_region(NULL), _count(0), _used_bytes_before(0) { } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ // A class that holds a region that is active in satisfying allocation // requests, potentially issued in parallel. When the active region is -// full it will be retired it replaced with a new one. The +// full it will be retired and replaced with a new one. The // implementation assumes that fast-path allocations will be lock-free // and a lock will need to be taken when the active region needs to be // replaced. @@ -57,13 +57,22 @@ // correct use of init() and release()). HeapRegion* _alloc_region; + // It keeps track of the distinct number of regions that are used + // for allocation in the active interval of this object, i.e., + // between a call to init() and a call to release(). The count + // mostly includes regions that are freshly allocated, as well as + // the region that is re-used using the set() method. This count can + // be used in any heuristics that might want to bound how many + // distinct regions this object can used during an active interval. + size_t _count; + // When we set up a new active region we save its used bytes in this // field so that, when we retire it, we can calculate how much space // we allocated in it. size_t _used_bytes_before; - // Specifies whether the allocate calls will do BOT updates or not. - bool _bot_updates; + // When true, indicates that allocate calls should do BOT updates. + const bool _bot_updates; // Useful for debugging and tracing. const char* _name; @@ -127,6 +136,8 @@ return (_alloc_region == _dummy_region) ? NULL : _alloc_region; } + size_t count() { return _count; } + // The following two are the building blocks for the allocation method. // First-level allocation: Should be called without holding a @@ -153,6 +164,12 @@ // Should be called before we start using this object. void init(); + // This can be used to set the active region to a specific + // region. (Use Example: we try to retain the last old GC alloc + // region that we've used during a GC and we can use set() to + // re-instate it at the beginning of the next GC.) + void set(HeapRegion* alloc_region); + // Should be called when we want to release the active region which // is returned after it's been retired. HeapRegion* release(); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -587,26 +587,6 @@ return res; } -HeapRegion* G1CollectedHeap::new_gc_alloc_region(int purpose, - size_t word_size) { - HeapRegion* alloc_region = NULL; - if (_gc_alloc_region_counts[purpose] < g1_policy()->max_regions(purpose)) { - alloc_region = new_region(word_size, true /* do_expand */); - if (alloc_region != NULL) { - if (purpose == GCAllocForSurvived) { - _hr_printer.alloc(alloc_region, G1HRPrinter::Survivor); - alloc_region->set_survivor(); - } else { - _hr_printer.alloc(alloc_region, G1HRPrinter::Old); - } - ++_gc_alloc_region_counts[purpose]; - } - } else { - g1_policy()->note_alloc_region_limit_reached(purpose); - } - return alloc_region; -} - size_t G1CollectedHeap::humongous_obj_allocate_find_first(size_t num_regions, size_t word_size) { assert(isHumongous(word_size), "word_size should be humongous"); @@ -1091,12 +1071,6 @@ ShouldNotReachHere(); } -void G1CollectedHeap::abandon_gc_alloc_regions() { - // first, make sure that the GC alloc region list is empty (it should!) - assert(_gc_alloc_region_list == NULL, "invariant"); - release_gc_alloc_regions(true /* totally */); -} - class PostMCRemSetClearClosure: public HeapRegionClosure { ModRefBarrierSet* _mr_bs; public: @@ -1253,6 +1227,7 @@ /* option */ VerifyOption_G1UsePrevMarking); } + pre_full_gc_dump(); COMPILER2_PRESENT(DerivedPointerTable::clear()); @@ -1289,10 +1264,8 @@ g1_policy()->clear_incremental_cset(); g1_policy()->stop_incremental_cset_building(); - if (g1_policy()->in_young_gc_mode()) { - empty_young_list(); - g1_policy()->set_full_young_gcs(true); - } + empty_young_list(); + g1_policy()->set_full_young_gcs(true); // See the comment in G1CollectedHeap::ref_processing_init() about // how reference processing currently works in G1. @@ -1413,13 +1386,11 @@ || (G1DeferredRSUpdate && (dirty_card_queue_set().completed_buffers_num() == 0)), "Should not be any"); } - if (g1_policy()->in_young_gc_mode()) { - _young_list->reset_sampled_info(); - // At this point there should be no regions in the - // entire heap tagged as young. - assert( check_young_list_empty(true /* check_heap */), - "young list should be empty at this point"); - } + _young_list->reset_sampled_info(); + // At this point there should be no regions in the + // entire heap tagged as young. + assert( check_young_list_empty(true /* check_heap */), + "young list should be empty at this point"); // Update the number of full collections that have been completed. increment_full_collections_completed(false /* concurrent */); @@ -1431,6 +1402,7 @@ Universe::print_heap_after_gc(); } g1mm()->update_counters(); + post_full_gc_dump(); return true; } @@ -1781,7 +1753,11 @@ void G1CollectedHeap::shrink(size_t shrink_bytes) { verify_region_sets_optional(); - release_gc_alloc_regions(true /* totally */); + // We should only reach here at the end of a Full GC which means we + // should not not be holding to any GC alloc regions. The method + // below will make sure of that and do any remaining clean up. + abandon_gc_alloc_regions(); + // Instead of tearing down / rebuilding the free lists here, we // could instead use the remove_all_pending() method on free_list to // remove only the ones that we need to remove. @@ -1821,6 +1797,7 @@ _free_regions_coming(false), _young_list(new YoungList(this)), _gc_time_stamp(0), + _retained_old_gc_alloc_region(NULL), _surviving_young_words(NULL), _full_collections_completed(0), _in_cset_fast_test(NULL), @@ -1852,20 +1829,6 @@ _task_queues->register_queue(i, q); } - for (int ap = 0; ap < GCAllocPurposeCount; ++ap) { - _gc_alloc_regions[ap] = NULL; - _gc_alloc_region_counts[ap] = 0; - _retained_gc_alloc_regions[ap] = NULL; - // by default, we do not retain a GC alloc region for each ap; - // we'll override this, when appropriate, below - _retain_gc_alloc_region[ap] = false; - } - - // We will try to remember the last half-full tenured region we - // allocated to at the end of a collection so that we can re-use it - // during the next collection. - _retain_gc_alloc_region[GCAllocForTenured] = true; - guarantee(_task_queues != NULL, "task_queues allocation failure."); } @@ -1901,12 +1864,27 @@ PermanentGenerationSpec* pgs = collector_policy()->permanent_generation(); // Includes the perm-gen. - const size_t total_reserved = max_byte_size + pgs->max_size(); + // When compressed oops are enabled, the preferred heap base + // is calculated by subtracting the requested size from the + // 32Gb boundary and using the result as the base address for + // heap reservation. If the requested size is not aligned to + // HeapRegion::GrainBytes (i.e. the alignment that is passed + // into the ReservedHeapSpace constructor) then the actual + // base of the reserved heap may end up differing from the + // address that was requested (i.e. the preferred heap base). + // If this happens then we could end up using a non-optimal + // compressed oops mode. + + // Since max_byte_size is aligned to the size of a heap region (checked + // above), we also need to align the perm gen size as it might not be. + const size_t total_reserved = max_byte_size + + align_size_up(pgs->max_size(), HeapRegion::GrainBytes); + Universe::check_alignment(total_reserved, HeapRegion::GrainBytes, "g1 heap and perm"); + char* addr = Universe::preferred_heap_base(total_reserved, Universe::UnscaledNarrowOop); - ReservedSpace heap_rs(max_byte_size + pgs->max_size(), - HeapRegion::GrainBytes, - UseLargePages, addr); + ReservedHeapSpace heap_rs(total_reserved, HeapRegion::GrainBytes, + UseLargePages, addr); if (UseCompressedOops) { if (addr != NULL && !heap_rs.is_reserved()) { @@ -1914,14 +1892,17 @@ // region is taken already, for example, by 'java' launcher. // Try again to reserver heap higher. addr = Universe::preferred_heap_base(total_reserved, Universe::ZeroBasedNarrowOop); - ReservedSpace heap_rs0(total_reserved, HeapRegion::GrainBytes, - UseLargePages, addr); + + ReservedHeapSpace heap_rs0(total_reserved, HeapRegion::GrainBytes, + UseLargePages, addr); + if (addr != NULL && !heap_rs0.is_reserved()) { // Failed to reserve at specified address again - give up. addr = Universe::preferred_heap_base(total_reserved, Universe::HeapBasedNarrowOop); assert(addr == NULL, ""); - ReservedSpace heap_rs1(total_reserved, HeapRegion::GrainBytes, - UseLargePages, addr); + + ReservedHeapSpace heap_rs1(total_reserved, HeapRegion::GrainBytes, + UseLargePages, addr); heap_rs = heap_rs1; } else { heap_rs = heap_rs0; @@ -2065,8 +2046,6 @@ // counts and that mechanism. SpecializationStats::clear(); - _gc_alloc_region_list = NULL; - // Do later initialization work for concurrent refinement. _cg1r->init(); @@ -2187,27 +2166,6 @@ return blk.result(); } -#ifndef PRODUCT -class SumUsedRegionsClosure: public HeapRegionClosure { - size_t _num; -public: - SumUsedRegionsClosure() : _num(0) {} - bool doHeapRegion(HeapRegion* r) { - if (r->continuesHumongous() || r->used() > 0 || r->is_gc_alloc_region()) { - _num += 1; - } - return false; - } - size_t result() { return _num; } -}; - -size_t G1CollectedHeap::recalculate_used_regions() const { - SumUsedRegionsClosure blk; - heap_region_iterate(&blk); - return blk.result(); -} -#endif // PRODUCT - size_t G1CollectedHeap::unsafe_max_alloc() { if (free_regions() > 0) return HeapRegion::GrainBytes; // otherwise, is there space in the current allocation region? @@ -3201,12 +3159,6 @@ } } -void G1CollectedHeap::do_sync_mark() { - _cm->checkpointRootsInitial(); - _cm->markFromRoots(); - _cm->checkpointRootsFinal(false); -} - // double G1CollectedHeap::predict_region_elapsed_time_ms(HeapRegion *hr, @@ -3357,11 +3309,10 @@ char verbose_str[128]; sprintf(verbose_str, "GC pause "); - if (g1_policy()->in_young_gc_mode()) { - if (g1_policy()->full_young_gcs()) - strcat(verbose_str, "(young)"); - else - strcat(verbose_str, "(partial)"); + if (g1_policy()->full_young_gcs()) { + strcat(verbose_str, "(young)"); + } else { + strcat(verbose_str, "(partial)"); } if (g1_policy()->during_initial_mark_pause()) { strcat(verbose_str, " (initial-mark)"); @@ -3390,18 +3341,15 @@ append_secondary_free_list_if_not_empty_with_lock(); } - increment_gc_time_stamp(); - - if (g1_policy()->in_young_gc_mode()) { - assert(check_young_list_well_formed(), - "young list should be well formed"); - } + assert(check_young_list_well_formed(), + "young list should be well formed"); { // Call to jvmpi::post_class_unload_events must occur outside of active GC IsGCActiveMark x; gc_prologue(false); increment_total_collections(false /* full gc */); + increment_gc_time_stamp(); if (VerifyBeforeGC && total_collections() >= VerifyGCStartAt) { HandleMark hm; // Discard invalid handles created during verification @@ -3454,7 +3402,7 @@ if (g1_policy()->during_initial_mark_pause()) { concurrent_mark()->checkpointRootsInitialPre(); } - save_marks(); + perm_gen()->save_marks(); // We must do this before any possible evacuation that should propagate // marks. @@ -3516,8 +3464,8 @@ setup_surviving_young_words(); - // Set up the gc allocation regions. - get_gc_alloc_regions(); + // Initialize the GC alloc regions. + init_gc_alloc_regions(); // Actually do the work... evacuate_collection_set(); @@ -3535,38 +3483,35 @@ // evacuation pause. clear_cset_fast_test(); - if (g1_policy()->in_young_gc_mode()) { - _young_list->reset_sampled_info(); - - // Don't check the whole heap at this point as the - // GC alloc regions from this pause have been tagged - // as survivors and moved on to the survivor list. - // Survivor regions will fail the !is_young() check. - assert(check_young_list_empty(false /* check_heap */), - "young list should be empty"); + _young_list->reset_sampled_info(); + + // Don't check the whole heap at this point as the + // GC alloc regions from this pause have been tagged + // as survivors and moved on to the survivor list. + // Survivor regions will fail the !is_young() check. + assert(check_young_list_empty(false /* check_heap */), + "young list should be empty"); #if YOUNG_LIST_VERBOSE - gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Before recording survivors.\nYoung List:"); - _young_list->print(); + gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Before recording survivors.\nYoung List:"); + _young_list->print(); #endif // YOUNG_LIST_VERBOSE - g1_policy()->record_survivor_regions(_young_list->survivor_length(), - _young_list->first_survivor_region(), - _young_list->last_survivor_region()); - - _young_list->reset_auxilary_lists(); - } + g1_policy()->record_survivor_regions(_young_list->survivor_length(), + _young_list->first_survivor_region(), + _young_list->last_survivor_region()); + + _young_list->reset_auxilary_lists(); if (evacuation_failed()) { _summary_bytes_used = recalculate_used(); } else { // The "used" of the the collection set have already been subtracted // when they were freed. Add in the bytes evacuated. - _summary_bytes_used += g1_policy()->bytes_in_to_space(); + _summary_bytes_used += g1_policy()->bytes_copied_during_gc(); } - if (g1_policy()->in_young_gc_mode() && - g1_policy()->during_initial_mark_pause()) { + if (g1_policy()->during_initial_mark_pause()) { concurrent_mark()->checkpointRootsInitialPost(); set_marking_started(); // CAUTION: after the doConcurrentMark() call below, @@ -3596,6 +3541,29 @@ MemoryService::track_memory_usage(); + // In prepare_for_verify() below we'll need to scan the deferred + // update buffers to bring the RSets up-to-date if + // G1HRRSFlushLogBuffersOnVerify has been set. While scanning + // the update buffers we'll probably need to scan cards on the + // regions we just allocated to (i.e., the GC alloc + // regions). However, during the last GC we called + // set_saved_mark() on all the GC alloc regions, so card + // scanning might skip the [saved_mark_word()...top()] area of + // those regions (i.e., the area we allocated objects into + // during the last GC). But it shouldn't. Given that + // saved_mark_word() is conditional on whether the GC time stamp + // on the region is current or not, by incrementing the GC time + // stamp here we invalidate all the GC time stamps on all the + // regions and saved_mark_word() will simply return top() for + // all the regions. This is a nicer way of ensuring this rather + // than iterating over the regions and fixing them. In fact, the + // GC time stamp increment here also ensures that + // saved_mark_word() will return top() between pauses, i.e., + // during concurrent refinement. So we don't need the + // is_gc_active() check to decided which top to use when + // scanning cards (see CR 7039627). + increment_gc_time_stamp(); + if (VerifyAfterGC && total_collections() >= VerifyGCStartAt) { HandleMark hm; // Discard invalid handles created during verification gclog_or_tty->print(" VerifyAfterGC:"); @@ -3695,252 +3663,50 @@ assert(_mutator_alloc_region.get() == NULL, "post-condition"); } -void G1CollectedHeap::set_gc_alloc_region(int purpose, HeapRegion* r) { - assert(purpose >= 0 && purpose < GCAllocPurposeCount, "invalid purpose"); - // make sure we don't call set_gc_alloc_region() multiple times on - // the same region - assert(r == NULL || !r->is_gc_alloc_region(), - "shouldn't already be a GC alloc region"); - assert(r == NULL || !r->isHumongous(), - "humongous regions shouldn't be used as GC alloc regions"); - - HeapWord* original_top = NULL; - if (r != NULL) - original_top = r->top(); - - // We will want to record the used space in r as being there before gc. - // One we install it as a GC alloc region it's eligible for allocation. - // So record it now and use it later. - size_t r_used = 0; - if (r != NULL) { - r_used = r->used(); - - if (G1CollectedHeap::use_parallel_gc_threads()) { - // need to take the lock to guard against two threads calling - // get_gc_alloc_region concurrently (very unlikely but...) - MutexLockerEx x(ParGCRareEvent_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); - r->save_marks(); - } - } - HeapRegion* old_alloc_region = _gc_alloc_regions[purpose]; - _gc_alloc_regions[purpose] = r; - if (old_alloc_region != NULL) { - // Replace aliases too. - for (int ap = 0; ap < GCAllocPurposeCount; ++ap) { - if (_gc_alloc_regions[ap] == old_alloc_region) { - _gc_alloc_regions[ap] = r; - } - } - } - if (r != NULL) { - push_gc_alloc_region(r); - if (mark_in_progress() && original_top != r->next_top_at_mark_start()) { - // We are using a region as a GC alloc region after it has been used - // as a mutator allocation region during the current marking cycle. - // The mutator-allocated objects are currently implicitly marked, but - // when we move hr->next_top_at_mark_start() forward at the the end - // of the GC pause, they won't be. We therefore mark all objects in - // the "gap". We do this object-by-object, since marking densely - // does not currently work right with marking bitmap iteration. This - // means we rely on TLAB filling at the start of pauses, and no - // "resuscitation" of filled TLAB's. If we want to do this, we need - // to fix the marking bitmap iteration. - HeapWord* curhw = r->next_top_at_mark_start(); - HeapWord* t = original_top; - - while (curhw < t) { - oop cur = (oop)curhw; - // We'll assume parallel for generality. This is rare code. - concurrent_mark()->markAndGrayObjectIfNecessary(cur); // can't we just mark them? - curhw = curhw + cur->size(); - } - assert(curhw == t, "Should have parsed correctly."); - } - if (G1PolicyVerbose > 1) { - gclog_or_tty->print("New alloc region ["PTR_FORMAT", "PTR_FORMAT", " PTR_FORMAT") " - "for survivors:", r->bottom(), original_top, r->end()); - r->print(); - } - g1_policy()->record_before_bytes(r_used); +void G1CollectedHeap::init_gc_alloc_regions() { + assert_at_safepoint(true /* should_be_vm_thread */); + + _survivor_gc_alloc_region.init(); + _old_gc_alloc_region.init(); + HeapRegion* retained_region = _retained_old_gc_alloc_region; + _retained_old_gc_alloc_region = NULL; + + // We will discard the current GC alloc region if: + // a) it's in the collection set (it can happen!), + // b) it's already full (no point in using it), + // c) it's empty (this means that it was emptied during + // a cleanup and it should be on the free list now), or + // d) it's humongous (this means that it was emptied + // during a cleanup and was added to the free list, but + // has been subseqently used to allocate a humongous + // object that may be less than the region size). + if (retained_region != NULL && + !retained_region->in_collection_set() && + !(retained_region->top() == retained_region->end()) && + !retained_region->is_empty() && + !retained_region->isHumongous()) { + retained_region->set_saved_mark(); + _old_gc_alloc_region.set(retained_region); + _hr_printer.reuse(retained_region); } } -void G1CollectedHeap::push_gc_alloc_region(HeapRegion* hr) { - assert(Thread::current()->is_VM_thread() || - FreeList_lock->owned_by_self(), "Precondition"); - assert(!hr->is_gc_alloc_region() && !hr->in_collection_set(), - "Precondition."); - hr->set_is_gc_alloc_region(true); - hr->set_next_gc_alloc_region(_gc_alloc_region_list); - _gc_alloc_region_list = hr; -} - -#ifdef G1_DEBUG -class FindGCAllocRegion: public HeapRegionClosure { -public: - bool doHeapRegion(HeapRegion* r) { - if (r->is_gc_alloc_region()) { - gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Region "HR_FORMAT" is still a GC alloc region", - HR_FORMAT_PARAMS(r)); - } - return false; - } -}; -#endif // G1_DEBUG - -void G1CollectedHeap::forget_alloc_region_list() { - assert_at_safepoint(true /* should_be_vm_thread */); - while (_gc_alloc_region_list != NULL) { - HeapRegion* r = _gc_alloc_region_list; - assert(r->is_gc_alloc_region(), "Invariant."); - // We need HeapRegion::oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful() to work on - // newly allocated data in order to be able to apply deferred updates - // before the GC is done for verification purposes (i.e to allow - // G1HRRSFlushLogBuffersOnVerify). It's safe thing to do after the - // collection. - r->ContiguousSpace::set_saved_mark(); - _gc_alloc_region_list = r->next_gc_alloc_region(); - r->set_next_gc_alloc_region(NULL); - r->set_is_gc_alloc_region(false); - if (r->is_survivor()) { - if (r->is_empty()) { - r->set_not_young(); - } else { - _young_list->add_survivor_region(r); - } - } - } -#ifdef G1_DEBUG - FindGCAllocRegion fa; - heap_region_iterate(&fa); -#endif // G1_DEBUG -} - - -bool G1CollectedHeap::check_gc_alloc_regions() { - // TODO: allocation regions check - return true; +void G1CollectedHeap::release_gc_alloc_regions() { + _survivor_gc_alloc_region.release(); + // If we have an old GC alloc region to release, we'll save it in + // _retained_old_gc_alloc_region. If we don't + // _retained_old_gc_alloc_region will become NULL. This is what we + // want either way so no reason to check explicitly for either + // condition. + _retained_old_gc_alloc_region = _old_gc_alloc_region.release(); } -void G1CollectedHeap::get_gc_alloc_regions() { - // First, let's check that the GC alloc region list is empty (it should) - assert(_gc_alloc_region_list == NULL, "invariant"); - - for (int ap = 0; ap < GCAllocPurposeCount; ++ap) { - assert(_gc_alloc_regions[ap] == NULL, "invariant"); - assert(_gc_alloc_region_counts[ap] == 0, "invariant"); - - // Create new GC alloc regions. - HeapRegion* alloc_region = _retained_gc_alloc_regions[ap]; - _retained_gc_alloc_regions[ap] = NULL; - - if (alloc_region != NULL) { - assert(_retain_gc_alloc_region[ap], "only way to retain a GC region"); - - // let's make sure that the GC alloc region is not tagged as such - // outside a GC operation - assert(!alloc_region->is_gc_alloc_region(), "sanity"); - - if (alloc_region->in_collection_set() || - alloc_region->top() == alloc_region->end() || - alloc_region->top() == alloc_region->bottom() || - alloc_region->isHumongous()) { - // we will discard the current GC alloc region if - // * it's in the collection set (it can happen!), - // * it's already full (no point in using it), - // * it's empty (this means that it was emptied during - // a cleanup and it should be on the free list now), or - // * it's humongous (this means that it was emptied - // during a cleanup and was added to the free list, but - // has been subseqently used to allocate a humongous - // object that may be less than the region size). - - alloc_region = NULL; - } - } - - if (alloc_region == NULL) { - // we will get a new GC alloc region - alloc_region = new_gc_alloc_region(ap, HeapRegion::GrainWords); - } else { - // the region was retained from the last collection - ++_gc_alloc_region_counts[ap]; - - _hr_printer.reuse(alloc_region); - } - - if (alloc_region != NULL) { - assert(_gc_alloc_regions[ap] == NULL, "pre-condition"); - set_gc_alloc_region(ap, alloc_region); - } - - assert(_gc_alloc_regions[ap] == NULL || - _gc_alloc_regions[ap]->is_gc_alloc_region(), - "the GC alloc region should be tagged as such"); - assert(_gc_alloc_regions[ap] == NULL || - _gc_alloc_regions[ap] == _gc_alloc_region_list, - "the GC alloc region should be the same as the GC alloc list head"); - } - // Set alternative regions for allocation purposes that have reached - // their limit. - for (int ap = 0; ap < GCAllocPurposeCount; ++ap) { - GCAllocPurpose alt_purpose = g1_policy()->alternative_purpose(ap); - if (_gc_alloc_regions[ap] == NULL && alt_purpose != ap) { - _gc_alloc_regions[ap] = _gc_alloc_regions[alt_purpose]; - } - } - assert(check_gc_alloc_regions(), "alloc regions messed up"); +void G1CollectedHeap::abandon_gc_alloc_regions() { + assert(_survivor_gc_alloc_region.get() == NULL, "pre-condition"); + assert(_old_gc_alloc_region.get() == NULL, "pre-condition"); + _retained_old_gc_alloc_region = NULL; } -void G1CollectedHeap::release_gc_alloc_regions(bool totally) { - // We keep a separate list of all regions that have been alloc regions in - // the current collection pause. Forget that now. This method will - // untag the GC alloc regions and tear down the GC alloc region - // list. It's desirable that no regions are tagged as GC alloc - // outside GCs. - - forget_alloc_region_list(); - - // The current alloc regions contain objs that have survived - // collection. Make them no longer GC alloc regions. - for (int ap = 0; ap < GCAllocPurposeCount; ++ap) { - HeapRegion* r = _gc_alloc_regions[ap]; - _retained_gc_alloc_regions[ap] = NULL; - _gc_alloc_region_counts[ap] = 0; - - if (r != NULL) { - // we retain nothing on _gc_alloc_regions between GCs - set_gc_alloc_region(ap, NULL); - - if (r->is_empty()) { - // We didn't actually allocate anything in it; let's just put - // it back on the free list. - _free_list.add_as_head(r); - } else if (_retain_gc_alloc_region[ap] && !totally) { - // retain it so that we can use it at the beginning of the next GC - _retained_gc_alloc_regions[ap] = r; - } - } - } -} - -#ifndef PRODUCT -// Useful for debugging - -void G1CollectedHeap::print_gc_alloc_regions() { - gclog_or_tty->print_cr("GC alloc regions"); - for (int ap = 0; ap < GCAllocPurposeCount; ++ap) { - HeapRegion* r = _gc_alloc_regions[ap]; - if (r == NULL) { - gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" %2d : "PTR_FORMAT, ap, NULL); - } else { - gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" %2d : "PTR_FORMAT" "SIZE_FORMAT, - ap, r->bottom(), r->used()); - } - } -} -#endif // PRODUCT - void G1CollectedHeap::init_for_evac_failure(OopsInHeapRegionClosure* cl) { _drain_in_progress = false; set_evac_failure_closure(cl); @@ -3956,8 +3722,6 @@ _evac_failure_scan_stack = NULL; } - - // *** Sequential G1 Evacuation class G1IsAliveClosure: public BoolObjectClosure { @@ -4269,136 +4033,32 @@ } } -// *** Parallel G1 Evacuation - HeapWord* G1CollectedHeap::par_allocate_during_gc(GCAllocPurpose purpose, size_t word_size) { - assert(!isHumongous(word_size), - err_msg("we should not be seeing humongous allocation requests " - "during GC, word_size = "SIZE_FORMAT, word_size)); - - HeapRegion* alloc_region = _gc_alloc_regions[purpose]; - // let the caller handle alloc failure - if (alloc_region == NULL) return NULL; - - HeapWord* block = alloc_region->par_allocate(word_size); - if (block == NULL) { - block = allocate_during_gc_slow(purpose, alloc_region, true, word_size); - } - return block; -} - -void G1CollectedHeap::retire_alloc_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, - bool par) { - // Another thread might have obtained alloc_region for the given - // purpose, and might be attempting to allocate in it, and might - // succeed. Therefore, we can't do the "finalization" stuff on the - // region below until we're sure the last allocation has happened. - // We ensure this by allocating the remaining space with a garbage - // object. - if (par) par_allocate_remaining_space(alloc_region); - // Now we can do the post-GC stuff on the region. - alloc_region->note_end_of_copying(); - g1_policy()->record_after_bytes(alloc_region->used()); - _hr_printer.retire(alloc_region); -} - -HeapWord* -G1CollectedHeap::allocate_during_gc_slow(GCAllocPurpose purpose, - HeapRegion* alloc_region, - bool par, - size_t word_size) { - assert(!isHumongous(word_size), - err_msg("we should not be seeing humongous allocation requests " - "during GC, word_size = "SIZE_FORMAT, word_size)); - - // We need to make sure we serialize calls to this method. Given - // that the FreeList_lock guards accesses to the free_list anyway, - // and we need to potentially remove a region from it, we'll use it - // to protect the whole call. - MutexLockerEx x(FreeList_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); - - HeapWord* block = NULL; - // In the parallel case, a previous thread to obtain the lock may have - // already assigned a new gc_alloc_region. - if (alloc_region != _gc_alloc_regions[purpose]) { - assert(par, "But should only happen in parallel case."); - alloc_region = _gc_alloc_regions[purpose]; - if (alloc_region == NULL) return NULL; - block = alloc_region->par_allocate(word_size); - if (block != NULL) return block; - // Otherwise, continue; this new region is empty, too. - } - assert(alloc_region != NULL, "We better have an allocation region"); - retire_alloc_region(alloc_region, par); - - if (_gc_alloc_region_counts[purpose] >= g1_policy()->max_regions(purpose)) { - // Cannot allocate more regions for the given purpose. - GCAllocPurpose alt_purpose = g1_policy()->alternative_purpose(purpose); - // Is there an alternative? - if (purpose != alt_purpose) { - HeapRegion* alt_region = _gc_alloc_regions[alt_purpose]; - // Has not the alternative region been aliased? - if (alloc_region != alt_region && alt_region != NULL) { - // Try to allocate in the alternative region. - if (par) { - block = alt_region->par_allocate(word_size); - } else { - block = alt_region->allocate(word_size); - } - // Make an alias. - _gc_alloc_regions[purpose] = _gc_alloc_regions[alt_purpose]; - if (block != NULL) { - return block; - } - retire_alloc_region(alt_region, par); - } - // Both the allocation region and the alternative one are full - // and aliased, replace them with a new allocation region. - purpose = alt_purpose; + if (purpose == GCAllocForSurvived) { + HeapWord* result = survivor_attempt_allocation(word_size); + if (result != NULL) { + return result; } else { - set_gc_alloc_region(purpose, NULL); - return NULL; + // Let's try to allocate in the old gen in case we can fit the + // object there. + return old_attempt_allocation(word_size); } - } - - // Now allocate a new region for allocation. - alloc_region = new_gc_alloc_region(purpose, word_size); - - // let the caller handle alloc failure - if (alloc_region != NULL) { - - assert(check_gc_alloc_regions(), "alloc regions messed up"); - assert(alloc_region->saved_mark_at_top(), - "Mark should have been saved already."); - // This must be done last: once it's installed, other regions may - // allocate in it (without holding the lock.) - set_gc_alloc_region(purpose, alloc_region); - - if (par) { - block = alloc_region->par_allocate(word_size); + } else { + assert(purpose == GCAllocForTenured, "sanity"); + HeapWord* result = old_attempt_allocation(word_size); + if (result != NULL) { + return result; } else { - block = alloc_region->allocate(word_size); + // Let's try to allocate in the survivors in case we can fit the + // object there. + return survivor_attempt_allocation(word_size); } - // Caller handles alloc failure. - } else { - // This sets other apis using the same old alloc region to NULL, also. - set_gc_alloc_region(purpose, NULL); - } - return block; // May be NULL. -} - -void G1CollectedHeap::par_allocate_remaining_space(HeapRegion* r) { - HeapWord* block = NULL; - size_t free_words; - do { - free_words = r->free()/HeapWordSize; - // If there's too little space, no one can allocate, so we're done. - if (free_words < CollectedHeap::min_fill_size()) return; - // Otherwise, try to claim it. - block = r->par_allocate(free_words); - } while (block == NULL); - fill_with_object(block, free_words); + } + + ShouldNotReachHere(); + // Trying to keep some compilers happy. + return NULL; } #ifndef PRODUCT @@ -4834,6 +4494,7 @@ scan_perm_cl, i); pss.end_strong_roots(); + { double start = os::elapsedTime(); G1ParEvacuateFollowersClosure evac(_g1h, &pss, _queues, &_terminator); @@ -4890,17 +4551,29 @@ &eager_scan_code_roots, &buf_scan_perm); - // Finish up any enqueued closure apps. + // Now the ref_processor roots. + if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(G1H_PS_refProcessor_oops_do)) { + // We need to treat the discovered reference lists as roots and + // keep entries (which are added by the marking threads) on them + // live until they can be processed at the end of marking. + ref_processor()->weak_oops_do(&buf_scan_non_heap_roots); + ref_processor()->oops_do(&buf_scan_non_heap_roots); + } + + // Finish up any enqueued closure apps (attributed as object copy time). buf_scan_non_heap_roots.done(); buf_scan_perm.done(); + double ext_roots_end = os::elapsedTime(); + g1_policy()->reset_obj_copy_time(worker_i); - double obj_copy_time_sec = - buf_scan_non_heap_roots.closure_app_seconds() + - buf_scan_perm.closure_app_seconds(); + double obj_copy_time_sec = buf_scan_perm.closure_app_seconds() + + buf_scan_non_heap_roots.closure_app_seconds(); g1_policy()->record_obj_copy_time(worker_i, obj_copy_time_sec * 1000.0); + double ext_root_time_ms = ((ext_roots_end - ext_roots_start) - obj_copy_time_sec) * 1000.0; + g1_policy()->record_ext_root_scan_time(worker_i, ext_root_time_ms); // Scan strong roots in mark stack. @@ -4910,21 +4583,11 @@ double mark_stack_scan_ms = (os::elapsedTime() - ext_roots_end) * 1000.0; g1_policy()->record_mark_stack_scan_time(worker_i, mark_stack_scan_ms); - // XXX What should this be doing in the parallel case? - g1_policy()->record_collection_pause_end_CH_strong_roots(); // Now scan the complement of the collection set. if (scan_rs != NULL) { g1_rem_set()->oops_into_collection_set_do(scan_rs, worker_i); } - // Finish with the ref_processor roots. - if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(G1H_PS_refProcessor_oops_do)) { - // We need to treat the discovered reference lists as roots and - // keep entries (which are added by the marking threads) on them - // live until they can be processed at the end of marking. - ref_processor()->weak_oops_do(scan_non_heap_roots); - ref_processor()->oops_do(scan_non_heap_roots); - } - g1_policy()->record_collection_pause_end_G1_strong_roots(); + _process_strong_tasks->all_tasks_completed(); } @@ -4935,24 +4598,6 @@ SharedHeap::process_weak_roots(root_closure, &roots_in_blobs, non_root_closure); } - -class SaveMarksClosure: public HeapRegionClosure { -public: - bool doHeapRegion(HeapRegion* r) { - r->save_marks(); - return false; - } -}; - -void G1CollectedHeap::save_marks() { - if (!CollectedHeap::use_parallel_gc_threads()) { - SaveMarksClosure sm; - heap_region_iterate(&sm); - } - // We do this even in the parallel case - perm_gen()->save_marks(); -} - void G1CollectedHeap::evacuate_collection_set() { set_evacuation_failed(false); @@ -4983,10 +4628,6 @@ double par_time = (os::elapsedTime() - start_par) * 1000.0; g1_policy()->record_par_time(par_time); set_par_threads(0); - // Is this the right thing to do here? We don't save marks - // on individual heap regions when we allocate from - // them in parallel, so this seems like the correct place for this. - retire_all_alloc_regions(); // Weak root processing. // Note: when JSR 292 is enabled and code blobs can contain @@ -4997,7 +4638,7 @@ G1KeepAliveClosure keep_alive(this); JNIHandles::weak_oops_do(&is_alive, &keep_alive); } - release_gc_alloc_regions(false /* totally */); + release_gc_alloc_regions(); g1_rem_set()->cleanup_after_oops_into_collection_set_do(); concurrent_g1_refine()->clear_hot_cache(); @@ -5118,68 +4759,31 @@ } } -void G1CollectedHeap::dirtyCardsForYoungRegions(CardTableModRefBS* ct_bs, HeapRegion* list) { - while (list != NULL) { - guarantee( list->is_young(), "invariant" ); - - HeapWord* bottom = list->bottom(); - HeapWord* end = list->end(); - MemRegion mr(bottom, end); - ct_bs->dirty(mr); - - list = list->get_next_young_region(); - } -} - - class G1ParCleanupCTTask : public AbstractGangTask { CardTableModRefBS* _ct_bs; G1CollectedHeap* _g1h; HeapRegion* volatile _su_head; public: G1ParCleanupCTTask(CardTableModRefBS* ct_bs, - G1CollectedHeap* g1h, - HeapRegion* survivor_list) : + G1CollectedHeap* g1h) : AbstractGangTask("G1 Par Cleanup CT Task"), - _ct_bs(ct_bs), - _g1h(g1h), - _su_head(survivor_list) - { } + _ct_bs(ct_bs), _g1h(g1h) { } void work(int i) { HeapRegion* r; while (r = _g1h->pop_dirty_cards_region()) { clear_cards(r); } - // Redirty the cards of the survivor regions. - dirty_list(&this->_su_head); } void clear_cards(HeapRegion* r) { - // Cards for Survivor regions will be dirtied later. + // Cards of the survivors should have already been dirtied. if (!r->is_survivor()) { _ct_bs->clear(MemRegion(r->bottom(), r->end())); } } - - void dirty_list(HeapRegion* volatile * head_ptr) { - HeapRegion* head; - do { - // Pop region off the list. - head = *head_ptr; - if (head != NULL) { - HeapRegion* r = (HeapRegion*) - Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr(head->get_next_young_region(), head_ptr, head); - if (r == head) { - assert(!r->isHumongous(), "Humongous regions shouldn't be on survivor list"); - _ct_bs->dirty(MemRegion(r->bottom(), r->end())); - } - } - } while (*head_ptr != NULL); - } }; - #ifndef PRODUCT class G1VerifyCardTableCleanup: public HeapRegionClosure { G1CollectedHeap* _g1h; @@ -5235,8 +4839,7 @@ double start = os::elapsedTime(); // Iterate over the dirty cards region list. - G1ParCleanupCTTask cleanup_task(ct_bs, this, - _young_list->first_survivor_region()); + G1ParCleanupCTTask cleanup_task(ct_bs, this); if (ParallelGCThreads > 0) { set_par_threads(workers()->total_workers()); @@ -5253,10 +4856,6 @@ } r->set_next_dirty_cards_region(NULL); } - // now, redirty the cards of the survivor regions - // (it seemed faster to do it this way, instead of iterating over - // all regions and then clearing / dirtying as appropriate) - dirtyCardsForYoungRegions(ct_bs, _young_list->first_survivor_region()); } double elapsed = os::elapsedTime() - start; @@ -5478,39 +5077,10 @@ void G1CollectedHeap::empty_young_list() { assert(heap_lock_held_for_gc(), "the heap lock should already be held by or for this thread"); - assert(g1_policy()->in_young_gc_mode(), "should be in young GC mode"); _young_list->empty_list(); } -bool G1CollectedHeap::all_alloc_regions_no_allocs_since_save_marks() { - bool no_allocs = true; - for (int ap = 0; ap < GCAllocPurposeCount && no_allocs; ++ap) { - HeapRegion* r = _gc_alloc_regions[ap]; - no_allocs = r == NULL || r->saved_mark_at_top(); - } - return no_allocs; -} - -void G1CollectedHeap::retire_all_alloc_regions() { - for (int ap = 0; ap < GCAllocPurposeCount; ++ap) { - HeapRegion* r = _gc_alloc_regions[ap]; - if (r != NULL) { - // Check for aliases. - bool has_processed_alias = false; - for (int i = 0; i < ap; ++i) { - if (_gc_alloc_regions[i] == r) { - has_processed_alias = true; - break; - } - } - if (!has_processed_alias) { - retire_alloc_region(r, false /* par */); - } - } - } -} - // Done at the start of full GC. void G1CollectedHeap::tear_down_region_lists() { _free_list.remove_all(); @@ -5565,6 +5135,8 @@ } } +// Methods for the mutator alloc region + HeapRegion* G1CollectedHeap::new_mutator_alloc_region(size_t word_size, bool force) { assert_heap_locked_or_at_safepoint(true /* should_be_vm_thread */); @@ -5605,6 +5177,69 @@ _g1h->retire_mutator_alloc_region(alloc_region, allocated_bytes); } +// Methods for the GC alloc regions + +HeapRegion* G1CollectedHeap::new_gc_alloc_region(size_t word_size, + size_t count, + GCAllocPurpose ap) { + assert(FreeList_lock->owned_by_self(), "pre-condition"); + + if (count < g1_policy()->max_regions(ap)) { + HeapRegion* new_alloc_region = new_region(word_size, + true /* do_expand */); + if (new_alloc_region != NULL) { + // We really only need to do this for old regions given that we + // should never scan survivors. But it doesn't hurt to do it + // for survivors too. + new_alloc_region->set_saved_mark(); + if (ap == GCAllocForSurvived) { + new_alloc_region->set_survivor(); + _hr_printer.alloc(new_alloc_region, G1HRPrinter::Survivor); + } else { + _hr_printer.alloc(new_alloc_region, G1HRPrinter::Old); + } + return new_alloc_region; + } else { + g1_policy()->note_alloc_region_limit_reached(ap); + } + } + return NULL; +} + +void G1CollectedHeap::retire_gc_alloc_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, + size_t allocated_bytes, + GCAllocPurpose ap) { + alloc_region->note_end_of_copying(); + g1_policy()->record_bytes_copied_during_gc(allocated_bytes); + if (ap == GCAllocForSurvived) { + young_list()->add_survivor_region(alloc_region); + } + _hr_printer.retire(alloc_region); +} + +HeapRegion* SurvivorGCAllocRegion::allocate_new_region(size_t word_size, + bool force) { + assert(!force, "not supported for GC alloc regions"); + return _g1h->new_gc_alloc_region(word_size, count(), GCAllocForSurvived); +} + +void SurvivorGCAllocRegion::retire_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, + size_t allocated_bytes) { + _g1h->retire_gc_alloc_region(alloc_region, allocated_bytes, + GCAllocForSurvived); +} + +HeapRegion* OldGCAllocRegion::allocate_new_region(size_t word_size, + bool force) { + assert(!force, "not supported for GC alloc regions"); + return _g1h->new_gc_alloc_region(word_size, count(), GCAllocForTenured); +} + +void OldGCAllocRegion::retire_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, + size_t allocated_bytes) { + _g1h->retire_gc_alloc_region(alloc_region, allocated_bytes, + GCAllocForTenured); +} // Heap region set verification class VerifyRegionListsClosure : public HeapRegionClosure { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -155,6 +155,24 @@ : G1AllocRegion("Mutator Alloc Region", false /* bot_updates */) { } }; +class SurvivorGCAllocRegion : public G1AllocRegion { +protected: + virtual HeapRegion* allocate_new_region(size_t word_size, bool force); + virtual void retire_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, size_t allocated_bytes); +public: + SurvivorGCAllocRegion() + : G1AllocRegion("Survivor GC Alloc Region", false /* bot_updates */) { } +}; + +class OldGCAllocRegion : public G1AllocRegion { +protected: + virtual HeapRegion* allocate_new_region(size_t word_size, bool force); + virtual void retire_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, size_t allocated_bytes); +public: + OldGCAllocRegion() + : G1AllocRegion("Old GC Alloc Region", true /* bot_updates */) { } +}; + class RefineCardTableEntryClosure; class G1CollectedHeap : public SharedHeap { friend class VM_G1CollectForAllocation; @@ -163,6 +181,8 @@ friend class VM_G1IncCollectionPause; friend class VMStructs; friend class MutatorAllocRegion; + friend class SurvivorGCAllocRegion; + friend class OldGCAllocRegion; // Closures used in implementation. friend class G1ParCopyHelper; @@ -225,30 +245,33 @@ // Alloc region used to satisfy mutator allocation requests. MutatorAllocRegion _mutator_alloc_region; + // Alloc region used to satisfy allocation requests by the GC for + // survivor objects. + SurvivorGCAllocRegion _survivor_gc_alloc_region; + + // Alloc region used to satisfy allocation requests by the GC for + // old objects. + OldGCAllocRegion _old_gc_alloc_region; + + // The last old region we allocated to during the last GC. + // Typically, it is not full so we should re-use it during the next GC. + HeapRegion* _retained_old_gc_alloc_region; + // It resets the mutator alloc region before new allocations can take place. void init_mutator_alloc_region(); // It releases the mutator alloc region. void release_mutator_alloc_region(); - void abandon_gc_alloc_regions(); + // It initializes the GC alloc regions at the start of a GC. + void init_gc_alloc_regions(); - // The to-space memory regions into which objects are being copied during - // a GC. - HeapRegion* _gc_alloc_regions[GCAllocPurposeCount]; - size_t _gc_alloc_region_counts[GCAllocPurposeCount]; - // These are the regions, one per GCAllocPurpose, that are half-full - // at the end of a collection and that we want to reuse during the - // next collection. - HeapRegion* _retained_gc_alloc_regions[GCAllocPurposeCount]; - // This specifies whether we will keep the last half-full region at - // the end of a collection so that it can be reused during the next - // collection (this is specified per GCAllocPurpose) - bool _retain_gc_alloc_region[GCAllocPurposeCount]; + // It releases the GC alloc regions at the end of a GC. + void release_gc_alloc_regions(); - // A list of the regions that have been set to be alloc regions in the - // current collection. - HeapRegion* _gc_alloc_region_list; + // It does any cleanup that needs to be done on the GC alloc regions + // before a Full GC. + void abandon_gc_alloc_regions(); // Helper for monitoring and management support. G1MonitoringSupport* _g1mm; @@ -256,20 +279,6 @@ // Determines PLAB size for a particular allocation purpose. static size_t desired_plab_sz(GCAllocPurpose purpose); - // When called by par thread, requires the FreeList_lock to be held. - void push_gc_alloc_region(HeapRegion* hr); - - // This should only be called single-threaded. Undeclares all GC alloc - // regions. - void forget_alloc_region_list(); - - // Should be used to set an alloc region, because there's other - // associated bookkeeping. - void set_gc_alloc_region(int purpose, HeapRegion* r); - - // Check well-formedness of alloc region list. - bool check_gc_alloc_regions(); - // Outside of GC pauses, the number of bytes used in all regions other // than the current allocation region. size_t _summary_bytes_used; @@ -387,14 +396,7 @@ protected: - // Returns "true" iff none of the gc alloc regions have any allocations - // since the last call to "save_marks". - bool all_alloc_regions_no_allocs_since_save_marks(); - // Perform finalization stuff on all allocation regions. - void retire_all_alloc_regions(); - - // The number of regions allocated to hold humongous objects. - int _num_humongous_regions; + // The young region list. YoungList* _young_list; // The current policy object for the collector. @@ -413,11 +415,6 @@ // request. HeapRegion* new_region(size_t word_size, bool do_expand); - // Try to allocate a new region to be used for allocation by - // a GC thread. It will try to expand the heap if no region is - // available. - HeapRegion* new_gc_alloc_region(int purpose, size_t word_size); - // Attempt to satisfy a humongous allocation request of the given // size by finding a contiguous set of free regions of num_regions // length and remove them from the master free list. Return the @@ -525,16 +522,25 @@ // that parallel threads might be attempting allocations. void par_allocate_remaining_space(HeapRegion* r); - // Retires an allocation region when it is full or at the end of a - // GC pause. - void retire_alloc_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, bool par); + // Allocation attempt during GC for a survivor object / PLAB. + inline HeapWord* survivor_attempt_allocation(size_t word_size); - // These two methods are the "callbacks" from the G1AllocRegion class. + // Allocation attempt during GC for an old object / PLAB. + inline HeapWord* old_attempt_allocation(size_t word_size); + // These methods are the "callbacks" from the G1AllocRegion class. + + // For mutator alloc regions. HeapRegion* new_mutator_alloc_region(size_t word_size, bool force); void retire_mutator_alloc_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, size_t allocated_bytes); + // For GC alloc regions. + HeapRegion* new_gc_alloc_region(size_t word_size, size_t count, + GCAllocPurpose ap); + void retire_gc_alloc_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, + size_t allocated_bytes, GCAllocPurpose ap); + // - if explicit_gc is true, the GC is for a System.gc() or a heap // inspection request and should collect the entire heap // - if clear_all_soft_refs is true, all soft references should be @@ -728,9 +734,6 @@ void g1_process_weak_roots(OopClosure* root_closure, OopClosure* non_root_closure); - // Invoke "save_marks" on all heap regions. - void save_marks(); - // Frees a non-humongous region by initializing its contents and // adding it to the free list that's passed as a parameter (this is // usually a local list which will be appended to the master free @@ -822,24 +825,6 @@ oop handle_evacuation_failure_par(OopsInHeapRegionClosure* cl, oop obj); void handle_evacuation_failure_common(oop obj, markOop m); - // Ensure that the relevant gc_alloc regions are set. - void get_gc_alloc_regions(); - // We're done with GC alloc regions. We are going to tear down the - // gc alloc list and remove the gc alloc tag from all the regions on - // that list. However, we will also retain the last (i.e., the one - // that is half-full) GC alloc region, per GCAllocPurpose, for - // possible reuse during the next collection, provided - // _retain_gc_alloc_region[] indicates that it should be the - // case. Said regions are kept in the _retained_gc_alloc_regions[] - // array. If the parameter totally is set, we will not retain any - // regions, irrespective of what _retain_gc_alloc_region[] - // indicates. - void release_gc_alloc_regions(bool totally); -#ifndef PRODUCT - // Useful for debugging. - void print_gc_alloc_regions(); -#endif // !PRODUCT - // Instance of the concurrent mark is_alive closure for embedding // into the reference processor as the is_alive_non_header. This // prevents unnecessary additions to the discovered lists during @@ -948,9 +933,6 @@ // result might be a bit inaccurate. size_t used_unlocked() const; size_t recalculate_used() const; -#ifndef PRODUCT - size_t recalculate_used_regions() const; -#endif // PRODUCT // These virtual functions do the actual allocation. // Some heaps may offer a contiguous region for shared non-blocking @@ -1110,9 +1092,6 @@ virtual bool is_in_closed_subset(const void* p) const; - // Dirty card table entries covering a list of young regions. - void dirtyCardsForYoungRegions(CardTableModRefBS* ct_bs, HeapRegion* list); - // This resets the card table to all zeros. It is used after // a collection pause which used the card table to claim cards. void cleanUpCardTable(); @@ -1284,16 +1263,10 @@ // in the young gen: for the SATB pre-barrier, there is no // pre-value that needs to be remembered; for the remembered-set // update logging post-barrier, we don't maintain remembered set - // information for young gen objects. Note that non-generational - // G1 does not have any "young" objects, should not elide - // the rs logging barrier and so should always answer false below. - // However, non-generational G1 (-XX:-G1Gen) appears to have - // bit-rotted so was not tested below. + // information for young gen objects. virtual bool can_elide_initializing_store_barrier(oop new_obj) { // Re 6920090, 6920109 above. assert(ReduceInitialCardMarksForG1, "Else cannot be here"); - assert(G1Gen || !is_in_young(new_obj), - "Non-generational G1 should never return true below"); return is_in_young(new_obj); } @@ -1410,9 +1383,6 @@ // bitmap off to the side. void doConcurrentMark(); - // Do a full concurrent marking, synchronously. - void do_sync_mark(); - bool isMarkedPrev(oop obj) const; bool isMarkedNext(oop obj) const; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -77,6 +77,38 @@ return result; } +inline HeapWord* G1CollectedHeap::survivor_attempt_allocation(size_t + word_size) { + assert(!isHumongous(word_size), + "we should not be seeing humongous-size allocations in this path"); + + HeapWord* result = _survivor_gc_alloc_region.attempt_allocation(word_size, + false /* bot_updates */); + if (result == NULL) { + MutexLockerEx x(FreeList_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); + result = _survivor_gc_alloc_region.attempt_allocation_locked(word_size, + false /* bot_updates */); + } + if (result != NULL) { + dirty_young_block(result, word_size); + } + return result; +} + +inline HeapWord* G1CollectedHeap::old_attempt_allocation(size_t word_size) { + assert(!isHumongous(word_size), + "we should not be seeing humongous-size allocations in this path"); + + HeapWord* result = _old_gc_alloc_region.attempt_allocation(word_size, + true /* bot_updates */); + if (result == NULL) { + MutexLockerEx x(FreeList_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); + result = _old_gc_alloc_region.attempt_allocation_locked(word_size, + true /* bot_updates */); + } + return result; +} + // It dirties the cards that cover the block so that so that the post // write barrier never queues anything when updating objects on this // block. It is assumed (and in fact we assert) that the block diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -134,13 +134,10 @@ G1CollectorPolicy::G1CollectorPolicy() : _parallel_gc_threads(G1CollectedHeap::use_parallel_gc_threads() - ? ParallelGCThreads : 1), - + ? ParallelGCThreads : 1), _n_pauses(0), - _recent_CH_strong_roots_times_ms(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)), - _recent_G1_strong_roots_times_ms(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)), - _recent_evac_times_ms(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)), + _recent_rs_scan_times_ms(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)), _recent_pause_times_ms(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)), _recent_rs_sizes(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)), _recent_gc_times_ms(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)), @@ -173,7 +170,6 @@ _cur_aux_times_ms(new double[_aux_num]), _cur_aux_times_set(new bool[_aux_num]), - _concurrent_mark_init_times_ms(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)), _concurrent_mark_remark_times_ms(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)), _concurrent_mark_cleanup_times_ms(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)), @@ -204,7 +200,6 @@ // - _in_young_gc_mode(false), _full_young_gcs(true), _full_young_pause_num(0), _partial_young_pause_num(0), @@ -403,15 +398,12 @@ _sigma = (double) G1ConfidencePercent / 100.0; // start conservatively (around 50ms is about right) - _concurrent_mark_init_times_ms->add(0.05); _concurrent_mark_remark_times_ms->add(0.05); _concurrent_mark_cleanup_times_ms->add(0.20); _tenuring_threshold = MaxTenuringThreshold; - - // if G1FixedSurvivorSpaceSize is 0 which means the size is not - // fixed, then _max_survivor_regions will be calculated at - // calculate_young_list_target_length during initialization - _max_survivor_regions = G1FixedSurvivorSpaceSize / HeapRegion::GrainBytes; + // _max_survivor_regions will be calculated by + // calculate_young_list_target_length() during initialization. + _max_survivor_regions = 0; assert(GCTimeRatio > 0, "we should have set it to a default value set_g1_gc_flags() " @@ -471,27 +463,20 @@ initialize_gc_policy_counters(); - if (G1Gen) { - _in_young_gc_mode = true; - - G1YoungGenSizer sizer; - size_t initial_region_num = sizer.initial_young_region_num(); - - if (UseAdaptiveSizePolicy) { - set_adaptive_young_list_length(true); - _young_list_fixed_length = 0; - } else { - set_adaptive_young_list_length(false); - _young_list_fixed_length = initial_region_num; - } - _free_regions_at_end_of_collection = _g1->free_regions(); - calculate_young_list_min_length(); - guarantee( _young_list_min_length == 0, "invariant, not enough info" ); - calculate_young_list_target_length(); + G1YoungGenSizer sizer; + size_t initial_region_num = sizer.initial_young_region_num(); + + if (UseAdaptiveSizePolicy) { + set_adaptive_young_list_length(true); + _young_list_fixed_length = 0; } else { - _young_list_fixed_length = 0; - _in_young_gc_mode = false; + set_adaptive_young_list_length(false); + _young_list_fixed_length = initial_region_num; } + _free_regions_at_end_of_collection = _g1->free_regions(); + calculate_young_list_min_length(); + guarantee( _young_list_min_length == 0, "invariant, not enough info" ); + calculate_young_list_target_length(); // We may immediately start allocating regions and placing them on the // collection set list. Initialize the per-collection set info @@ -501,7 +486,7 @@ // Create the jstat counters for the policy. void G1CollectorPolicy::initialize_gc_policy_counters() { - _gc_policy_counters = new GCPolicyCounters("GarbageFirst", 1, 2 + G1Gen); + _gc_policy_counters = new GCPolicyCounters("GarbageFirst", 1, 3); } void G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_young_list_min_length() { @@ -862,14 +847,6 @@ calculate_young_list_target_length(); } -void G1CollectorPolicy::record_before_bytes(size_t bytes) { - _bytes_in_to_space_before_gc += bytes; -} - -void G1CollectorPolicy::record_after_bytes(size_t bytes) { - _bytes_in_to_space_after_gc += bytes; -} - void G1CollectorPolicy::record_stop_world_start() { _stop_world_start = os::elapsedTime(); } @@ -879,8 +856,7 @@ if (PrintGCDetails) { gclog_or_tty->stamp(PrintGCTimeStamps); gclog_or_tty->print("[GC pause"); - if (in_young_gc_mode()) - gclog_or_tty->print(" (%s)", full_young_gcs() ? "young" : "partial"); + gclog_or_tty->print(" (%s)", full_young_gcs() ? "young" : "partial"); } assert(_g1->used() == _g1->recalculate_used(), @@ -897,9 +873,8 @@ _pending_cards = _g1->pending_card_num(); _max_pending_cards = _g1->max_pending_card_num(); - _bytes_in_to_space_before_gc = 0; - _bytes_in_to_space_after_gc = 0; _bytes_in_collection_set_before_gc = 0; + _bytes_copied_during_gc = 0; YoungList* young_list = _g1->young_list(); _eden_bytes_before_gc = young_list->eden_used_bytes(); @@ -933,8 +908,7 @@ _satb_drain_time_set = false; _last_satb_drain_processed_buffers = -1; - if (in_young_gc_mode()) - _last_young_gc_full = false; + _last_young_gc_full = false; // do that for any other surv rate groups _short_lived_surv_rate_group->stop_adding_regions(); @@ -947,12 +921,7 @@ _mark_closure_time_ms = mark_closure_time_ms; } -void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_init_start() { - _mark_init_start_sec = os::elapsedTime(); - guarantee(!in_young_gc_mode(), "should not do be here in young GC mode"); -} - -void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_init_end_pre(double +void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_init_end(double mark_init_elapsed_time_ms) { _during_marking = true; assert(!initiate_conc_mark_if_possible(), "we should have cleared it by now"); @@ -960,15 +929,6 @@ _cur_mark_stop_world_time_ms = mark_init_elapsed_time_ms; } -void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_init_end() { - double end_time_sec = os::elapsedTime(); - double elapsed_time_ms = (end_time_sec - _mark_init_start_sec) * 1000.0; - _concurrent_mark_init_times_ms->add(elapsed_time_ms); - record_concurrent_mark_init_end_pre(elapsed_time_ms); - - _mmu_tracker->add_pause(_mark_init_start_sec, end_time_sec, true); -} - void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_remark_start() { _mark_remark_start_sec = os::elapsedTime(); _during_marking = false; @@ -1031,13 +991,11 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_completed() { - if (in_young_gc_mode()) { - _should_revert_to_full_young_gcs = false; - _last_full_young_gc = true; - _in_marking_window = false; - if (adaptive_young_list_length()) - calculate_young_list_target_length(); - } + _should_revert_to_full_young_gcs = false; + _last_full_young_gc = true; + _in_marking_window = false; + if (adaptive_young_list_length()) + calculate_young_list_target_length(); } void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_pause() { @@ -1050,18 +1008,6 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_pause_end() { } -void G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_end_CH_strong_roots() { - _cur_CH_strong_roots_end_sec = os::elapsedTime(); - _cur_CH_strong_roots_dur_ms = - (_cur_CH_strong_roots_end_sec - _cur_collection_start_sec) * 1000.0; -} - -void G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_end_G1_strong_roots() { - _cur_G1_strong_roots_end_sec = os::elapsedTime(); - _cur_G1_strong_roots_dur_ms = - (_cur_G1_strong_roots_end_sec - _cur_CH_strong_roots_end_sec) * 1000.0; -} - template T sum_of(T* sum_arr, int start, int n, int N) { T sum = (T)0; @@ -1183,7 +1129,6 @@ double end_time_sec = os::elapsedTime(); double elapsed_ms = _last_pause_time_ms; bool parallel = G1CollectedHeap::use_parallel_gc_threads(); - double evac_ms = (end_time_sec - _cur_G1_strong_roots_end_sec) * 1000.0; size_t rs_size = _cur_collection_pause_used_regions_at_start - collection_set_size(); size_t cur_used_bytes = _g1->used(); @@ -1199,31 +1144,29 @@ } #endif // PRODUCT - if (in_young_gc_mode()) { - last_pause_included_initial_mark = during_initial_mark_pause(); - if (last_pause_included_initial_mark) - record_concurrent_mark_init_end_pre(0.0); - - size_t min_used_targ = - (_g1->capacity() / 100) * InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent; - - - if (!_g1->mark_in_progress() && !_last_full_young_gc) { - assert(!last_pause_included_initial_mark, "invariant"); - if (cur_used_bytes > min_used_targ && - cur_used_bytes > _prev_collection_pause_used_at_end_bytes) { + last_pause_included_initial_mark = during_initial_mark_pause(); + if (last_pause_included_initial_mark) + record_concurrent_mark_init_end(0.0); + + size_t min_used_targ = + (_g1->capacity() / 100) * InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent; + + + if (!_g1->mark_in_progress() && !_last_full_young_gc) { + assert(!last_pause_included_initial_mark, "invariant"); + if (cur_used_bytes > min_used_targ && + cur_used_bytes > _prev_collection_pause_used_at_end_bytes) { assert(!during_initial_mark_pause(), "we should not see this here"); // Note: this might have already been set, if during the last // pause we decided to start a cycle but at the beginning of // this pause we decided to postpone it. That's OK. set_initiate_conc_mark_if_possible(); - } } - - _prev_collection_pause_used_at_end_bytes = cur_used_bytes; } + _prev_collection_pause_used_at_end_bytes = cur_used_bytes; + _mmu_tracker->add_pause(end_time_sec - elapsed_ms/1000.0, end_time_sec, false); @@ -1256,14 +1199,52 @@ _n_pauses++; + double ext_root_scan_time = avg_value(_par_last_ext_root_scan_times_ms); + double mark_stack_scan_time = avg_value(_par_last_mark_stack_scan_times_ms); + double update_rs_time = avg_value(_par_last_update_rs_times_ms); + double update_rs_processed_buffers = + sum_of_values(_par_last_update_rs_processed_buffers); + double scan_rs_time = avg_value(_par_last_scan_rs_times_ms); + double obj_copy_time = avg_value(_par_last_obj_copy_times_ms); + double termination_time = avg_value(_par_last_termination_times_ms); + + double parallel_known_time = update_rs_time + + ext_root_scan_time + + mark_stack_scan_time + + scan_rs_time + + obj_copy_time + + termination_time; + + double parallel_other_time = _cur_collection_par_time_ms - parallel_known_time; + + PauseSummary* summary = _summary; + if (update_stats) { - _recent_CH_strong_roots_times_ms->add(_cur_CH_strong_roots_dur_ms); - _recent_G1_strong_roots_times_ms->add(_cur_G1_strong_roots_dur_ms); - _recent_evac_times_ms->add(evac_ms); + _recent_rs_scan_times_ms->add(scan_rs_time); _recent_pause_times_ms->add(elapsed_ms); - _recent_rs_sizes->add(rs_size); + MainBodySummary* body_summary = summary->main_body_summary(); + guarantee(body_summary != NULL, "should not be null!"); + + if (_satb_drain_time_set) + body_summary->record_satb_drain_time_ms(_cur_satb_drain_time_ms); + else + body_summary->record_satb_drain_time_ms(0.0); + + body_summary->record_ext_root_scan_time_ms(ext_root_scan_time); + body_summary->record_mark_stack_scan_time_ms(mark_stack_scan_time); + body_summary->record_update_rs_time_ms(update_rs_time); + body_summary->record_scan_rs_time_ms(scan_rs_time); + body_summary->record_obj_copy_time_ms(obj_copy_time); + if (parallel) { + body_summary->record_parallel_time_ms(_cur_collection_par_time_ms); + body_summary->record_clear_ct_time_ms(_cur_clear_ct_time_ms); + body_summary->record_termination_time_ms(termination_time); + body_summary->record_parallel_other_time_ms(parallel_other_time); + } + body_summary->record_mark_closure_time_ms(_mark_closure_time_ms); + // We exempt parallel collection from this check because Alloc Buffer // fragmentation can produce negative collections. Same with evac // failure. @@ -1328,56 +1309,12 @@ gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" Recording collection pause(%d)", _n_pauses); } - PauseSummary* summary = _summary; - - double ext_root_scan_time = avg_value(_par_last_ext_root_scan_times_ms); - double mark_stack_scan_time = avg_value(_par_last_mark_stack_scan_times_ms); - double update_rs_time = avg_value(_par_last_update_rs_times_ms); - double update_rs_processed_buffers = - sum_of_values(_par_last_update_rs_processed_buffers); - double scan_rs_time = avg_value(_par_last_scan_rs_times_ms); - double obj_copy_time = avg_value(_par_last_obj_copy_times_ms); - double termination_time = avg_value(_par_last_termination_times_ms); - - double parallel_other_time = _cur_collection_par_time_ms - - (update_rs_time + ext_root_scan_time + mark_stack_scan_time + - scan_rs_time + obj_copy_time + termination_time); - if (update_stats) { - MainBodySummary* body_summary = summary->main_body_summary(); - guarantee(body_summary != NULL, "should not be null!"); - - if (_satb_drain_time_set) - body_summary->record_satb_drain_time_ms(_cur_satb_drain_time_ms); - else - body_summary->record_satb_drain_time_ms(0.0); - body_summary->record_ext_root_scan_time_ms(ext_root_scan_time); - body_summary->record_mark_stack_scan_time_ms(mark_stack_scan_time); - body_summary->record_update_rs_time_ms(update_rs_time); - body_summary->record_scan_rs_time_ms(scan_rs_time); - body_summary->record_obj_copy_time_ms(obj_copy_time); - if (parallel) { - body_summary->record_parallel_time_ms(_cur_collection_par_time_ms); - body_summary->record_clear_ct_time_ms(_cur_clear_ct_time_ms); - body_summary->record_termination_time_ms(termination_time); - body_summary->record_parallel_other_time_ms(parallel_other_time); - } - body_summary->record_mark_closure_time_ms(_mark_closure_time_ms); - } - if (G1PolicyVerbose > 1) { gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" ET: %10.6f ms (avg: %10.6f ms)\n" - " CH Strong: %10.6f ms (avg: %10.6f ms)\n" - " G1 Strong: %10.6f ms (avg: %10.6f ms)\n" - " Evac: %10.6f ms (avg: %10.6f ms)\n" " ET-RS: %10.6f ms (avg: %10.6f ms)\n" " |RS|: " SIZE_FORMAT, elapsed_ms, recent_avg_time_for_pauses_ms(), - _cur_CH_strong_roots_dur_ms, recent_avg_time_for_CH_strong_ms(), - _cur_G1_strong_roots_dur_ms, recent_avg_time_for_G1_strong_ms(), - evac_ms, recent_avg_time_for_evac_ms(), - scan_rs_time, - recent_avg_time_for_pauses_ms() - - recent_avg_time_for_G1_strong_ms(), + scan_rs_time, recent_avg_time_for_rs_scan_ms(), rs_size); gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" Used at start: " SIZE_FORMAT"K" @@ -1438,7 +1375,7 @@ } print_par_stats(2, "GC Worker Times", _par_last_gc_worker_times_ms); - print_stats(2, "Other", parallel_other_time); + print_stats(2, "Parallel Other", parallel_other_time); print_stats(1, "Clear CT", _cur_clear_ct_time_ms); } else { print_stats(1, "Update RS", update_rs_time); @@ -1499,24 +1436,23 @@ new_in_marking_window_im = true; } - if (in_young_gc_mode()) { - if (_last_full_young_gc) { - set_full_young_gcs(false); - _last_full_young_gc = false; + if (_last_full_young_gc) { + set_full_young_gcs(false); + _last_full_young_gc = false; + } + + if ( !_last_young_gc_full ) { + if ( _should_revert_to_full_young_gcs || + _known_garbage_ratio < 0.05 || + (adaptive_young_list_length() && + (get_gc_eff_factor() * cur_efficiency < predict_young_gc_eff())) ) { + set_full_young_gcs(true); } - - if ( !_last_young_gc_full ) { - if ( _should_revert_to_full_young_gcs || - _known_garbage_ratio < 0.05 || - (adaptive_young_list_length() && - (get_gc_eff_factor() * cur_efficiency < predict_young_gc_eff())) ) { - set_full_young_gcs(true); - } - } - _should_revert_to_full_young_gcs = false; - - if (_last_young_gc_full && !_during_marking) - _young_gc_eff_seq->add(cur_efficiency); + } + _should_revert_to_full_young_gcs = false; + + if (_last_young_gc_full && !_during_marking) { + _young_gc_eff_seq->add(cur_efficiency); } _short_lived_surv_rate_group->start_adding_regions(); @@ -1600,8 +1536,8 @@ double survival_ratio = 0.0; if (_bytes_in_collection_set_before_gc > 0) { - survival_ratio = (double) bytes_in_to_space_during_gc() / - (double) _bytes_in_collection_set_before_gc; + survival_ratio = (double) _bytes_copied_during_gc / + (double) _bytes_in_collection_set_before_gc; } _pending_cards_seq->add((double) _pending_cards); @@ -1941,18 +1877,8 @@ // I don't think we need to do this when in young GC mode since // marking will be initiated next time we hit the soft limit anyway... if (predicted_time_ms > _expensive_region_limit_ms) { - if (!in_young_gc_mode()) { - set_full_young_gcs(true); - // We might want to do something different here. However, - // right now we don't support the non-generational G1 mode - // (and in fact we are planning to remove the associated code, - // see CR 6814390). So, let's leave it as is and this will be - // removed some time in the future - ShouldNotReachHere(); - set_during_initial_mark_pause(); - } else - // no point in doing another partial one - _should_revert_to_full_young_gcs = true; + // no point in doing another partial one + _should_revert_to_full_young_gcs = true; } } @@ -1967,38 +1893,27 @@ } double G1CollectorPolicy::recent_avg_time_for_pauses_ms() { - if (_recent_pause_times_ms->num() == 0) return (double) MaxGCPauseMillis; - else return _recent_pause_times_ms->avg(); -} - -double G1CollectorPolicy::recent_avg_time_for_CH_strong_ms() { - if (_recent_CH_strong_roots_times_ms->num() == 0) - return (double)MaxGCPauseMillis/3.0; - else return _recent_CH_strong_roots_times_ms->avg(); + if (_recent_pause_times_ms->num() == 0) { + return (double) MaxGCPauseMillis; + } + return _recent_pause_times_ms->avg(); } -double G1CollectorPolicy::recent_avg_time_for_G1_strong_ms() { - if (_recent_G1_strong_roots_times_ms->num() == 0) +double G1CollectorPolicy::recent_avg_time_for_rs_scan_ms() { + if (_recent_rs_scan_times_ms->num() == 0) { return (double)MaxGCPauseMillis/3.0; - else return _recent_G1_strong_roots_times_ms->avg(); -} - -double G1CollectorPolicy::recent_avg_time_for_evac_ms() { - if (_recent_evac_times_ms->num() == 0) return (double)MaxGCPauseMillis/3.0; - else return _recent_evac_times_ms->avg(); + } + return _recent_rs_scan_times_ms->avg(); } int G1CollectorPolicy::number_of_recent_gcs() { - assert(_recent_CH_strong_roots_times_ms->num() == - _recent_G1_strong_roots_times_ms->num(), "Sequence out of sync"); - assert(_recent_G1_strong_roots_times_ms->num() == - _recent_evac_times_ms->num(), "Sequence out of sync"); - assert(_recent_evac_times_ms->num() == + assert(_recent_rs_scan_times_ms->num() == _recent_pause_times_ms->num(), "Sequence out of sync"); assert(_recent_pause_times_ms->num() == _recent_CS_bytes_used_before->num(), "Sequence out of sync"); assert(_recent_CS_bytes_used_before->num() == _recent_CS_bytes_surviving->num(), "Sequence out of sync"); + return _recent_pause_times_ms->num(); } @@ -2373,18 +2288,9 @@ // Calculates survivor space parameters. void G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_survivors_policy() { - if (G1FixedSurvivorSpaceSize == 0) { - _max_survivor_regions = _young_list_target_length / SurvivorRatio; - } else { - _max_survivor_regions = G1FixedSurvivorSpaceSize / HeapRegion::GrainBytes; - } - - if (G1FixedTenuringThreshold) { - _tenuring_threshold = MaxTenuringThreshold; - } else { - _tenuring_threshold = _survivors_age_table.compute_tenuring_threshold( + _max_survivor_regions = _young_list_target_length / SurvivorRatio; + _tenuring_threshold = _survivors_age_table.compute_tenuring_threshold( HeapRegion::GrainWords * _max_survivor_regions); - } } #ifndef PRODUCT @@ -2659,9 +2565,7 @@ _inc_cset_size = 0; _inc_cset_bytes_used_before = 0; - if (in_young_gc_mode()) { - _inc_cset_young_index = 0; - } + _inc_cset_young_index = 0; _inc_cset_max_finger = 0; _inc_cset_recorded_young_bytes = 0; @@ -2890,86 +2794,77 @@ max_live_bytes = max_live_bytes + expansion_bytes; HeapRegion* hr; - if (in_young_gc_mode()) { - double young_start_time_sec = os::elapsedTime(); - - if (G1PolicyVerbose > 0) { - gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Adding %d young regions to the CSet", - _g1->young_list()->length()); - } - - _young_cset_length = 0; - _last_young_gc_full = full_young_gcs() ? true : false; - - if (_last_young_gc_full) - ++_full_young_pause_num; - else - ++_partial_young_pause_num; - - // The young list is laid with the survivor regions from the previous - // pause are appended to the RHS of the young list, i.e. - // [Newly Young Regions ++ Survivors from last pause]. - - hr = _g1->young_list()->first_survivor_region(); - while (hr != NULL) { - assert(hr->is_survivor(), "badly formed young list"); - hr->set_young(); - hr = hr->get_next_young_region(); - } - - // Clear the fields that point to the survivor list - they are - // all young now. - _g1->young_list()->clear_survivors(); - - if (_g1->mark_in_progress()) - _g1->concurrent_mark()->register_collection_set_finger(_inc_cset_max_finger); - - _young_cset_length = _inc_cset_young_index; - _collection_set = _inc_cset_head; - _collection_set_size = _inc_cset_size; - _collection_set_bytes_used_before = _inc_cset_bytes_used_before; - - // For young regions in the collection set, we assume the worst - // case of complete survival - max_live_bytes -= _inc_cset_size * HeapRegion::GrainBytes; - - time_remaining_ms -= _inc_cset_predicted_elapsed_time_ms; - predicted_pause_time_ms += _inc_cset_predicted_elapsed_time_ms; - - // The number of recorded young regions is the incremental - // collection set's current size - set_recorded_young_regions(_inc_cset_size); - set_recorded_rs_lengths(_inc_cset_recorded_rs_lengths); - set_recorded_young_bytes(_inc_cset_recorded_young_bytes); + double young_start_time_sec = os::elapsedTime(); + + if (G1PolicyVerbose > 0) { + gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Adding %d young regions to the CSet", + _g1->young_list()->length()); + } + + _young_cset_length = 0; + _last_young_gc_full = full_young_gcs() ? true : false; + + if (_last_young_gc_full) + ++_full_young_pause_num; + else + ++_partial_young_pause_num; + + // The young list is laid with the survivor regions from the previous + // pause are appended to the RHS of the young list, i.e. + // [Newly Young Regions ++ Survivors from last pause]. + + hr = _g1->young_list()->first_survivor_region(); + while (hr != NULL) { + assert(hr->is_survivor(), "badly formed young list"); + hr->set_young(); + hr = hr->get_next_young_region(); + } + + // Clear the fields that point to the survivor list - they are + // all young now. + _g1->young_list()->clear_survivors(); + + if (_g1->mark_in_progress()) + _g1->concurrent_mark()->register_collection_set_finger(_inc_cset_max_finger); + + _young_cset_length = _inc_cset_young_index; + _collection_set = _inc_cset_head; + _collection_set_size = _inc_cset_size; + _collection_set_bytes_used_before = _inc_cset_bytes_used_before; + + // For young regions in the collection set, we assume the worst + // case of complete survival + max_live_bytes -= _inc_cset_size * HeapRegion::GrainBytes; + + time_remaining_ms -= _inc_cset_predicted_elapsed_time_ms; + predicted_pause_time_ms += _inc_cset_predicted_elapsed_time_ms; + + // The number of recorded young regions is the incremental + // collection set's current size + set_recorded_young_regions(_inc_cset_size); + set_recorded_rs_lengths(_inc_cset_recorded_rs_lengths); + set_recorded_young_bytes(_inc_cset_recorded_young_bytes); #if PREDICTIONS_VERBOSE - set_predicted_bytes_to_copy(_inc_cset_predicted_bytes_to_copy); + set_predicted_bytes_to_copy(_inc_cset_predicted_bytes_to_copy); #endif // PREDICTIONS_VERBOSE - if (G1PolicyVerbose > 0) { - gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" Added " PTR_FORMAT " Young Regions to CS.", - _inc_cset_size); - gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" (" SIZE_FORMAT " KB left in heap.)", - max_live_bytes/K); - } - - assert(_inc_cset_size == _g1->young_list()->length(), "Invariant"); - - double young_end_time_sec = os::elapsedTime(); - _recorded_young_cset_choice_time_ms = - (young_end_time_sec - young_start_time_sec) * 1000.0; - - // We are doing young collections so reset this. - non_young_start_time_sec = young_end_time_sec; - - // Note we can use either _collection_set_size or - // _young_cset_length here - if (_collection_set_size > 0 && _last_young_gc_full) { - // don't bother adding more regions... - goto choose_collection_set_end; - } + if (G1PolicyVerbose > 0) { + gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" Added " PTR_FORMAT " Young Regions to CS.", + _inc_cset_size); + gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" (" SIZE_FORMAT " KB left in heap.)", + max_live_bytes/K); } - if (!in_young_gc_mode() || !full_young_gcs()) { + assert(_inc_cset_size == _g1->young_list()->length(), "Invariant"); + + double young_end_time_sec = os::elapsedTime(); + _recorded_young_cset_choice_time_ms = + (young_end_time_sec - young_start_time_sec) * 1000.0; + + // We are doing young collections so reset this. + non_young_start_time_sec = young_end_time_sec; + + if (!full_young_gcs()) { bool should_continue = true; NumberSeq seq; double avg_prediction = 100000000000000000.0; // something very large @@ -3002,7 +2897,6 @@ _should_revert_to_full_young_gcs = true; } -choose_collection_set_end: stop_incremental_cset_building(); count_CS_bytes_used(); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -129,15 +129,9 @@ jlong _num_cc_clears; // number of times the card count cache has been cleared #endif - double _cur_CH_strong_roots_end_sec; - double _cur_CH_strong_roots_dur_ms; - double _cur_G1_strong_roots_end_sec; - double _cur_G1_strong_roots_dur_ms; + // Statistics for recent GC pauses. See below for how indexed. + TruncatedSeq* _recent_rs_scan_times_ms; - // Statistics for recent GC pauses. See below for how indexed. - TruncatedSeq* _recent_CH_strong_roots_times_ms; - TruncatedSeq* _recent_G1_strong_roots_times_ms; - TruncatedSeq* _recent_evac_times_ms; // These exclude marking times. TruncatedSeq* _recent_pause_times_ms; TruncatedSeq* _recent_gc_times_ms; @@ -147,7 +141,6 @@ TruncatedSeq* _recent_rs_sizes; - TruncatedSeq* _concurrent_mark_init_times_ms; TruncatedSeq* _concurrent_mark_remark_times_ms; TruncatedSeq* _concurrent_mark_cleanup_times_ms; @@ -184,9 +177,6 @@ double* _par_last_gc_worker_end_times_ms; double* _par_last_gc_worker_times_ms; - // indicates that we are in young GC mode - bool _in_young_gc_mode; - // indicates whether we are in full young or partially young GC mode bool _full_young_gcs; @@ -533,10 +523,6 @@ return _mmu_tracker->max_gc_time() * 1000.0; } - double predict_init_time_ms() { - return get_new_prediction(_concurrent_mark_init_times_ms); - } - double predict_remark_time_ms() { return get_new_prediction(_concurrent_mark_remark_times_ms); } @@ -591,13 +577,9 @@ int _last_update_rs_processed_buffers; double _last_pause_time_ms; - size_t _bytes_in_to_space_before_gc; - size_t _bytes_in_to_space_after_gc; - size_t bytes_in_to_space_during_gc() { - return - _bytes_in_to_space_after_gc - _bytes_in_to_space_before_gc; - } size_t _bytes_in_collection_set_before_gc; + size_t _bytes_copied_during_gc; + // Used to count used bytes in CS. friend class CountCSClosure; @@ -692,17 +674,11 @@ // The average time in ms per collection pause, averaged over recent pauses. double recent_avg_time_for_pauses_ms(); - // The average time in ms for processing CollectedHeap strong roots, per - // collection pause, averaged over recent pauses. - double recent_avg_time_for_CH_strong_ms(); - - // The average time in ms for processing the G1 remembered set, per - // pause, averaged over recent pauses. - double recent_avg_time_for_G1_strong_ms(); - - // The average time in ms for "evacuating followers", per pause, averaged - // over recent pauses. - double recent_avg_time_for_evac_ms(); + // The average time in ms for RS scanning, per pause, averaged + // over recent pauses. (Note the RS scanning time for a pause + // is itself an average of the RS scanning time for each worker + // thread.) + double recent_avg_time_for_rs_scan_ms(); // The number of "recent" GCs recorded in the number sequences int number_of_recent_gcs(); @@ -792,7 +768,6 @@ // This set of variables tracks the collector efficiency, in order to // determine whether we should initiate a new marking. double _cur_mark_stop_world_time_ms; - double _mark_init_start_sec; double _mark_remark_start_sec; double _mark_cleanup_start_sec; double _mark_closure_time_ms; @@ -817,10 +792,6 @@ return _bytes_in_collection_set_before_gc; } - size_t bytes_in_to_space() { - return bytes_in_to_space_during_gc(); - } - unsigned calc_gc_alloc_time_stamp() { return _all_pause_times_ms->num() + 1; } @@ -869,9 +840,7 @@ size_t start_used); // Must currently be called while the world is stopped. - virtual void record_concurrent_mark_init_start(); - virtual void record_concurrent_mark_init_end(); - void record_concurrent_mark_init_end_pre(double + void record_concurrent_mark_init_end(double mark_init_elapsed_time_ms); void record_mark_closure_time(double mark_closure_time_ms); @@ -887,9 +856,6 @@ virtual void record_concurrent_pause(); virtual void record_concurrent_pause_end(); - virtual void record_collection_pause_end_CH_strong_roots(); - virtual void record_collection_pause_end_G1_strong_roots(); - virtual void record_collection_pause_end(); void print_heap_transition(); @@ -992,9 +958,16 @@ } #endif - // Record the fact that "bytes" bytes allocated in a region. - void record_before_bytes(size_t bytes); - void record_after_bytes(size_t bytes); + // Record how much space we copied during a GC. This is typically + // called when a GC alloc region is being retired. + void record_bytes_copied_during_gc(size_t bytes) { + _bytes_copied_during_gc += bytes; + } + + // The amount of space we copied during a GC. + size_t bytes_copied_during_gc() { + return _bytes_copied_during_gc; + } // Choose a new collection set. Marks the chosen regions as being // "in_collection_set", and links them together. The head and number of @@ -1117,30 +1090,17 @@ bool is_young_list_full() { size_t young_list_length = _g1->young_list()->length(); size_t young_list_target_length = _young_list_target_length; - if (G1FixedEdenSize) { - young_list_target_length -= _max_survivor_regions; - } return young_list_length >= young_list_target_length; } bool can_expand_young_list() { size_t young_list_length = _g1->young_list()->length(); size_t young_list_max_length = _young_list_max_length; - if (G1FixedEdenSize) { - young_list_max_length -= _max_survivor_regions; - } return young_list_length < young_list_max_length; } void update_region_num(bool young); - bool in_young_gc_mode() { - return _in_young_gc_mode; - } - void set_in_young_gc_mode(bool in_young_gc_mode) { - _in_young_gc_mode = in_young_gc_mode; - } - bool full_young_gcs() { return _full_young_gcs; } @@ -1208,10 +1168,6 @@ return purpose == GCAllocForSurvived; } - inline GCAllocPurpose alternative_purpose(int purpose) { - return GCAllocForTenured; - } - static const size_t REGIONS_UNLIMITED = ~(size_t)0; size_t max_regions(int purpose); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1_globals.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1_globals.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1_globals.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ develop(intx, G1MarkingOverheadPercent, 0, \ "Overhead of concurrent marking") \ \ - develop(bool, G1Gen, true, \ - "If true, it will enable the generational G1") \ \ develop(intx, G1PolicyVerbose, 0, \ "The verbosity level on G1 policy decisions") \ @@ -251,16 +249,6 @@ "When set, G1 will fail when it encounters an FP 'error', " \ "so as to allow debugging") \ \ - develop(bool, G1FixedTenuringThreshold, false, \ - "When set, G1 will not adjust the tenuring threshold") \ - \ - develop(bool, G1FixedEdenSize, false, \ - "When set, G1 will not allocate unused survivor space regions") \ - \ - develop(uintx, G1FixedSurvivorSpaceSize, 0, \ - "If non-0 is the size of the G1 survivor space, " \ - "otherwise SurvivorRatio is used to determine the size") \ - \ product(uintx, G1HeapRegionSize, 0, \ "Size of the G1 regions.") \ \ diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegion.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegion.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegion.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -352,7 +352,6 @@ "we should have already filtered out humongous regions"); _in_collection_set = false; - _is_gc_alloc_region = false; set_young_index_in_cset(-1); uninstall_surv_rate_group(); @@ -486,7 +485,7 @@ : G1OffsetTableContigSpace(sharedOffsetArray, mr, is_zeroed), _next_fk(HeapRegionDCTOC::NoFilterKind), _hrs_index(hrs_index), _humongous_type(NotHumongous), _humongous_start_region(NULL), - _in_collection_set(false), _is_gc_alloc_region(false), + _in_collection_set(false), _next_in_special_set(NULL), _orig_end(NULL), _claimed(InitialClaimValue), _evacuation_failed(false), _prev_marked_bytes(0), _next_marked_bytes(0), _sort_index(-1), @@ -716,8 +715,6 @@ } if (in_collection_set()) st->print(" CS"); - else if (is_gc_alloc_region()) - st->print(" A "); else st->print(" "); if (is_young()) diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegion.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegion.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegion.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -251,10 +251,6 @@ // True iff the region is in current collection_set. bool _in_collection_set; - // Is this or has it been an allocation region in the current collection - // pause. - bool _is_gc_alloc_region; - // True iff an attempt to evacuate an object in the region failed. bool _evacuation_failed; @@ -497,27 +493,6 @@ _next_in_special_set = r; } - // True iff it is or has been an allocation region in the current - // collection pause. - bool is_gc_alloc_region() const { - return _is_gc_alloc_region; - } - void set_is_gc_alloc_region(bool b) { - _is_gc_alloc_region = b; - } - HeapRegion* next_gc_alloc_region() { - assert(is_gc_alloc_region(), "should only invoke on member of CS."); - assert(_next_in_special_set == NULL || - _next_in_special_set->is_gc_alloc_region(), - "Malformed CS."); - return _next_in_special_set; - } - void set_next_gc_alloc_region(HeapRegion* r) { - assert(is_gc_alloc_region(), "should only invoke on member of CS."); - assert(r == NULL || r->is_gc_alloc_region(), "Malformed CS."); - _next_in_special_set = r; - } - // Methods used by the HeapRegionSetBase class and subclasses. // Getter and setter for the next field used to link regions into diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionRemSet.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionRemSet.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionRemSet.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -364,7 +364,10 @@ PosParPRT** next_addr() { return &_next; } bool should_expand(int tid) { - return par_tables() == NULL && tid > 0 && hr()->is_gc_alloc_region(); + // Given that we now defer RSet updates for after a GC we don't + // really need to expand the tables any more. This code should be + // cleaned up in the future (see CR 6921087). + return false; } void par_expand() { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionSet.inline.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionSet.inline.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionSet.inline.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_implementation/parNew/parCardTableModRefBS.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/parNew/parCardTableModRefBS.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/parNew/parCardTableModRefBS.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/gc_interface/collectedHeap.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/gc_interface/collectedHeap.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/gc_interface/collectedHeap.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -404,13 +404,13 @@ void CollectedHeap::pre_full_gc_dump() { if (HeapDumpBeforeFullGC) { - TraceTime tt("Heap Dump: ", PrintGCDetails, false, gclog_or_tty); + TraceTime tt("Heap Dump (before full gc): ", PrintGCDetails, false, gclog_or_tty); // We are doing a "major" collection and a heap dump before // major collection has been requested. HeapDumper::dump_heap(); } if (PrintClassHistogramBeforeFullGC) { - TraceTime tt("Class Histogram: ", PrintGCDetails, true, gclog_or_tty); + TraceTime tt("Class Histogram (before full gc): ", PrintGCDetails, true, gclog_or_tty); VM_GC_HeapInspection inspector(gclog_or_tty, false /* ! full gc */, false /* ! prologue */); inspector.doit(); } @@ -418,11 +418,11 @@ void CollectedHeap::post_full_gc_dump() { if (HeapDumpAfterFullGC) { - TraceTime tt("Heap Dump", PrintGCDetails, false, gclog_or_tty); + TraceTime tt("Heap Dump (after full gc): ", PrintGCDetails, false, gclog_or_tty); HeapDumper::dump_heap(); } if (PrintClassHistogramAfterFullGC) { - TraceTime tt("Class Histogram", PrintGCDetails, true, gclog_or_tty); + TraceTime tt("Class Histogram (after full gc): ", PrintGCDetails, true, gclog_or_tty); VM_GC_HeapInspection inspector(gclog_or_tty, false /* ! full gc */, false /* ! prologue */); inspector.doit(); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/interpreter/interpreterRuntime.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/interpreter/interpreterRuntime.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/interpreter/interpreterRuntime.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -509,6 +509,7 @@ // resolve field FieldAccessInfo info; constantPoolHandle pool(thread, method(thread)->constants()); + bool is_put = (bytecode == Bytecodes::_putfield || bytecode == Bytecodes::_putstatic); bool is_static = (bytecode == Bytecodes::_getstatic || bytecode == Bytecodes::_putstatic); { @@ -528,8 +529,6 @@ // exceptions at the correct place. If we do not resolve completely // in the current pass, leaving the put_code set to zero will // cause the next put instruction to reresolve. - bool is_put = (bytecode == Bytecodes::_putfield || - bytecode == Bytecodes::_putstatic); Bytecodes::Code put_code = (Bytecodes::Code)0; // We also need to delay resolving getstatic instructions until the @@ -541,7 +540,6 @@ !klass->is_initialized()); Bytecodes::Code get_code = (Bytecodes::Code)0; - if (!uninitialized_static) { get_code = ((is_static) ? Bytecodes::_getstatic : Bytecodes::_getfield); if (is_put || !info.access_flags().is_final()) { @@ -549,6 +547,23 @@ } } + if (is_put && !is_static && klass->is_subclass_of(SystemDictionary::CallSite_klass()) && (info.name() == vmSymbols::target_name())) { + const jint direction = frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction(); + oop call_site = *((oop*) thread->last_frame().interpreter_frame_tos_at(-1 * direction)); + oop method_handle = *((oop*) thread->last_frame().interpreter_frame_tos_at( 0 * direction)); + assert(call_site ->is_a(SystemDictionary::CallSite_klass()), "must be"); + assert(method_handle->is_a(SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass()), "must be"); + + { + // Walk all nmethods depending on CallSite + MutexLocker mu(Compile_lock, thread); + Universe::flush_dependents_on(call_site, method_handle); + } + + // Don't allow fast path for setting CallSite.target and sub-classes. + put_code = (Bytecodes::Code) 0; + } + cache_entry(thread)->set_field( get_code, put_code, diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ return; } CompileBroker::compile_method(selected_method, InvocationEntryBci, - CompLevel_initial_compile, + CompilationPolicy::policy()->initial_compile_level(), methodHandle(), 0, "must_be_compiled", CHECK); } } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/interpreter/templateTable.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/interpreter/templateTable.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/interpreter/templateTable.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ // helpers static void unimplemented_bc(); - static void patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::Code bc, Register scratch1, - Register scratch2, bool load_bc_in_scratch = true); + static void patch_bytecode(Bytecodes::Code bc, Register bc_reg, + Register temp_reg, bool load_bc_into_bc_reg = true, int byte_no = -1); // C calls static void call_VM(Register oop_result, address entry_point); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/memory/threadLocalAllocBuffer.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/memory/threadLocalAllocBuffer.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/memory/threadLocalAllocBuffer.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -124,16 +124,7 @@ // Reserve space at the end of TLAB static size_t end_reserve() { int reserve_size = typeArrayOopDesc::header_size(T_INT); - if (AllocatePrefetchStyle == 3) { - // BIS is used to prefetch - we need a space for it. - // +1 for rounding up to next cache line +1 to be safe - int lines = AllocatePrefetchLines + 2; - int step_size = AllocatePrefetchStepSize; - int distance = AllocatePrefetchDistance; - int prefetch_end = (distance + step_size*lines)/(int)HeapWordSize; - reserve_size = MAX2(reserve_size, prefetch_end); - } - return reserve_size; + return MAX2(reserve_size, VM_Version::reserve_for_allocation_prefetch()); } static size_t alignment_reserve() { return align_object_size(end_reserve()); } static size_t alignment_reserve_in_bytes() { return alignment_reserve() * HeapWordSize; } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/memory/universe.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/memory/universe.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/memory/universe.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@ // stopped dring the safepoint so CodeCache will be safe to update without // holding the CodeCache_lock. - DepChange changes(dependee); + KlassDepChange changes(dependee); // Compute the dependent nmethods if (CodeCache::mark_for_deoptimization(changes) > 0) { @@ -1187,6 +1187,37 @@ } } +// Flushes compiled methods dependent on a particular CallSite +// instance when its target is different than the given MethodHandle. +void Universe::flush_dependents_on(Handle call_site, Handle method_handle) { + assert_lock_strong(Compile_lock); + + if (CodeCache::number_of_nmethods_with_dependencies() == 0) return; + + // CodeCache can only be updated by a thread_in_VM and they will all be + // stopped dring the safepoint so CodeCache will be safe to update without + // holding the CodeCache_lock. + + CallSiteDepChange changes(call_site(), method_handle()); + + // Compute the dependent nmethods that have a reference to a + // CallSite object. We use instanceKlass::mark_dependent_nmethod + // directly instead of CodeCache::mark_for_deoptimization because we + // want dependents on the class CallSite only not all classes in the + // ContextStream. + int marked = 0; + { + MutexLockerEx mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); + instanceKlass* call_site_klass = instanceKlass::cast(SystemDictionary::CallSite_klass()); + marked = call_site_klass->mark_dependent_nmethods(changes); + } + if (marked > 0) { + // At least one nmethod has been marked for deoptimization + VM_Deoptimize op; + VMThread::execute(&op); + } +} + #ifdef HOTSWAP // Flushes compiled methods dependent on dependee in the evolutionary sense void Universe::flush_evol_dependents_on(instanceKlassHandle ev_k_h) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/memory/universe.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/memory/universe.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/memory/universe.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -439,6 +439,7 @@ // Flushing and deoptimization static void flush_dependents_on(instanceKlassHandle dependee); + static void flush_dependents_on(Handle call_site, Handle method_handle); #ifdef HOTSWAP // Flushing and deoptimization in case of evolution static void flush_evol_dependents_on(instanceKlassHandle dependee); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/oops/generateOopMap.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/oops/generateOopMap.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/oops/generateOopMap.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -963,10 +963,21 @@ // initialize the CellTypeState-related information. init_state(); - // We allocate space for all state-vectors for all basicblocks in one huge chuck. - // Then in the next part of the code, we set a pointer in each _basic_block that - // points to each piece. - CellTypeState *basicBlockState = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(CellTypeState, bbNo * _state_len); + // We allocate space for all state-vectors for all basicblocks in one huge + // chunk. Then in the next part of the code, we set a pointer in each + // _basic_block that points to each piece. + + // The product of bbNo and _state_len can get large if there are lots of + // basic blocks and stack/locals/monitors. Need to check to make sure + // we don't overflow the capacity of a pointer. + if ((unsigned)bbNo > UINTPTR_MAX / sizeof(CellTypeState) / _state_len) { + report_error("The amount of memory required to analyze this method " + "exceeds addressable range"); + return; + } + + CellTypeState *basicBlockState = + NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(CellTypeState, bbNo * _state_len); memset(basicBlockState, 0, bbNo * _state_len * sizeof(CellTypeState)); // Make a pass over the basicblocks and assign their state vectors. @@ -1556,9 +1567,7 @@ case Bytecodes::_jsr: do_jsr(itr->dest()); break; case Bytecodes::_jsr_w: do_jsr(itr->dest_w()); break; - case Bytecodes::_getstatic: do_field(true, true, - itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), - itr->bci()); break; + case Bytecodes::_getstatic: do_field(true, true, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; case Bytecodes::_putstatic: do_field(false, true, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; case Bytecodes::_getfield: do_field(true, false, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; case Bytecodes::_putfield: do_field(false, false, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/oops/instanceKlass.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/oops/instanceKlass.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/oops/instanceKlass.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ // // Walk the list of dependent nmethods searching for nmethods which -// are dependent on the klassOop that was passed in and mark them for +// are dependent on the changes that were passed in and mark them for // deoptimization. Returns the number of nmethods found. // int instanceKlass::mark_dependent_nmethods(DepChange& changes) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/block.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/block.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/block.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -80,35 +80,37 @@ uint Block::code_alignment() { // Check for Root block - if( _pre_order == 0 ) return CodeEntryAlignment; + if (_pre_order == 0) return CodeEntryAlignment; // Check for Start block - if( _pre_order == 1 ) return InteriorEntryAlignment; + if (_pre_order == 1) return InteriorEntryAlignment; // Check for loop alignment - if (has_loop_alignment()) return loop_alignment(); + if (has_loop_alignment()) return loop_alignment(); - return 1; // no particular alignment + return relocInfo::addr_unit(); // no particular alignment } uint Block::compute_loop_alignment() { Node *h = head(); - if( h->is_Loop() && h->as_Loop()->is_inner_loop() ) { + int unit_sz = relocInfo::addr_unit(); + if (h->is_Loop() && h->as_Loop()->is_inner_loop()) { // Pre- and post-loops have low trip count so do not bother with // NOPs for align loop head. The constants are hidden from tuning // but only because my "divide by 4" heuristic surely gets nearly // all possible gain (a "do not align at all" heuristic has a // chance of getting a really tiny gain). - if( h->is_CountedLoop() && (h->as_CountedLoop()->is_pre_loop() || - h->as_CountedLoop()->is_post_loop()) ) - return (OptoLoopAlignment > 4) ? (OptoLoopAlignment>>2) : 1; + if (h->is_CountedLoop() && (h->as_CountedLoop()->is_pre_loop() || + h->as_CountedLoop()->is_post_loop())) { + return (OptoLoopAlignment > 4*unit_sz) ? (OptoLoopAlignment>>2) : unit_sz; + } // Loops with low backedge frequency should not be aligned. Node *n = h->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl)->in(0); - if( n->is_MachIf() && n->as_MachIf()->_prob < 0.01 ) { - return 1; // Loop does not loop, more often than not! + if (n->is_MachIf() && n->as_MachIf()->_prob < 0.01) { + return unit_sz; // Loop does not loop, more often than not! } return OptoLoopAlignment; // Otherwise align loop head } - return 1; // no particular alignment + return unit_sz; // no particular alignment } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ int end_idx = _nodes.size()-1; // Check for ending goto - if ((end_idx > 0) && (_nodes[end_idx]->is_Goto())) { + if ((end_idx > 0) && (_nodes[end_idx]->is_MachGoto())) { success_result = empty_with_goto; end_idx--; } @@ -197,11 +199,11 @@ bool Block::has_uncommon_code() const { Node* en = end(); - if (en->is_Goto()) + if (en->is_MachGoto()) en = en->in(0); if (en->is_Catch()) en = en->in(0); - if (en->is_Proj() && en->in(0)->is_MachCall()) { + if (en->is_MachProj() && en->in(0)->is_MachCall()) { MachCallNode* call = en->in(0)->as_MachCall(); if (call->cnt() != COUNT_UNKNOWN && call->cnt() <= PROB_UNLIKELY_MAG(4)) { // This is true for slow-path stubs like new_{instance,array}, @@ -271,55 +273,55 @@ //------------------------------dump------------------------------------------- #ifndef PRODUCT -void Block::dump_bidx(const Block* orig) const { - if (_pre_order) tty->print("B%d",_pre_order); - else tty->print("N%d", head()->_idx); +void Block::dump_bidx(const Block* orig, outputStream* st) const { + if (_pre_order) st->print("B%d",_pre_order); + else st->print("N%d", head()->_idx); if (Verbose && orig != this) { // Dump the original block's idx - tty->print(" ("); - orig->dump_bidx(orig); - tty->print(")"); + st->print(" ("); + orig->dump_bidx(orig, st); + st->print(")"); } } -void Block::dump_pred(const Block_Array *bbs, Block* orig) const { +void Block::dump_pred(const Block_Array *bbs, Block* orig, outputStream* st) const { if (is_connector()) { for (uint i=1; i_idx]); - p->dump_pred(bbs, orig); + p->dump_pred(bbs, orig, st); } } else { - dump_bidx(orig); - tty->print(" "); + dump_bidx(orig, st); + st->print(" "); } } -void Block::dump_head( const Block_Array *bbs ) const { +void Block::dump_head( const Block_Array *bbs, outputStream* st ) const { // Print the basic block - dump_bidx(this); - tty->print(": #\t"); + dump_bidx(this, st); + st->print(": #\t"); // Print the incoming CFG edges and the outgoing CFG edges for( uint i=0; i<_num_succs; i++ ) { - non_connector_successor(i)->dump_bidx(_succs[i]); - tty->print(" "); + non_connector_successor(i)->dump_bidx(_succs[i], st); + st->print(" "); } - tty->print("<- "); + st->print("<- "); if( head()->is_block_start() ) { for (uint i=1; i_idx]; - p->dump_pred(bbs, p); + p->dump_pred(bbs, p, st); } else { while (!s->is_block_start()) s = s->in(0); - tty->print("N%d ", s->_idx ); + st->print("N%d ", s->_idx ); } } } else - tty->print("BLOCK HEAD IS JUNK "); + st->print("BLOCK HEAD IS JUNK "); // Print loop, if any const Block *bhead = this; // Head of self-loop @@ -330,24 +332,24 @@ while (bx->is_connector()) { bx = (*bbs)[bx->pred(1)->_idx]; } - tty->print("\tLoop: B%d-B%d ", bhead->_pre_order, bx->_pre_order); + st->print("\tLoop: B%d-B%d ", bhead->_pre_order, bx->_pre_order); // Dump any loop-specific bits, especially for CountedLoops. - loop->dump_spec(tty); + loop->dump_spec(st); } else if (has_loop_alignment()) { - tty->print(" top-of-loop"); + st->print(" top-of-loop"); } - tty->print(" Freq: %g",_freq); + st->print(" Freq: %g",_freq); if( Verbose || WizardMode ) { - tty->print(" IDom: %d/#%d", _idom ? _idom->_pre_order : 0, _dom_depth); - tty->print(" RegPressure: %d",_reg_pressure); - tty->print(" IHRP Index: %d",_ihrp_index); - tty->print(" FRegPressure: %d",_freg_pressure); - tty->print(" FHRP Index: %d",_fhrp_index); + st->print(" IDom: %d/#%d", _idom ? _idom->_pre_order : 0, _dom_depth); + st->print(" RegPressure: %d",_reg_pressure); + st->print(" IHRP Index: %d",_ihrp_index); + st->print(" FRegPressure: %d",_freg_pressure); + st->print(" FHRP Index: %d",_fhrp_index); } - tty->print_cr(""); + st->print_cr(""); } -void Block::dump() const { dump(0); } +void Block::dump() const { dump(NULL); } void Block::dump( const Block_Array *bbs ) const { dump_head(bbs); @@ -441,9 +443,9 @@ Block *bb = new (_bbs._arena) Block(_bbs._arena,p); _bbs.map(p->_idx,bb); _bbs.map(x->_idx,bb); - if( x != p ) // Only for root is x == p + if( x != p ) { // Only for root is x == p bb->_nodes.push((Node*)x); - + } // Now handle predecessors ++sum; // Count 1 for self block uint cnt = bb->num_preds(); @@ -837,7 +839,7 @@ // Make sure we TRUE branch to the target if( proj0->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse ) { - iff->negate(); + iff->as_MachIf()->negate(); } b->_nodes.pop(); // Remove IfFalse & IfTrue projections @@ -945,8 +947,8 @@ assert( bp, "last instruction must be a block proj" ); assert( bp == b->_nodes[j], "wrong number of successors for this block" ); if( bp->is_Catch() ) { - while( b->_nodes[--j]->Opcode() == Op_MachProj ) ; - assert( b->_nodes[j]->is_Call(), "CatchProj must follow call" ); + while( b->_nodes[--j]->is_MachProj() ) ; + assert( b->_nodes[j]->is_MachCall(), "CatchProj must follow call" ); } else if( bp->is_Mach() && bp->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_If ) { assert( b->_num_succs == 2, "Conditional branch must have two targets"); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/block.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/block.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/block.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -329,10 +329,10 @@ #ifndef PRODUCT // Debugging print of basic block - void dump_bidx(const Block* orig) const; - void dump_pred(const Block_Array *bbs, Block* orig) const; - void dump_head( const Block_Array *bbs ) const; - void dump( ) const; + void dump_bidx(const Block* orig, outputStream* st = tty) const; + void dump_pred(const Block_Array *bbs, Block* orig, outputStream* st = tty) const; + void dump_head( const Block_Array *bbs, outputStream* st = tty ) const; + void dump() const; void dump( const Block_Array *bbs ) const; #endif }; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/callGenerator.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/callGenerator.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/callGenerator.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "ci/bcEscapeAnalyzer.hpp" +#include "ci/ciCallSite.hpp" #include "ci/ciCPCache.hpp" #include "ci/ciMethodHandle.hpp" #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp" @@ -738,6 +739,34 @@ } +CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_invokedynamic_inline(ciCallSite* call_site, JVMState* jvms, + ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, ciCallProfile profile) { + assert(call_site->is_constant_call_site() || call_site->is_mutable_call_site(), "must be"); + ciMethodHandle* method_handle = call_site->get_target(); + + // Set the callee to have access to the class and signature in the + // MethodHandleCompiler. + method_handle->set_callee(callee); + method_handle->set_caller(caller); + method_handle->set_call_profile(profile); + + // Get an adapter for the MethodHandle. + ciMethod* target_method = method_handle->get_invokedynamic_adapter(); + if (target_method != NULL) { + Compile *C = Compile::current(); + CallGenerator* hit_cg = C->call_generator(target_method, -1, false, jvms, true, PROB_ALWAYS); + if (hit_cg != NULL && hit_cg->is_inline()) { + // Add a dependence for invalidation of the optimization. + if (call_site->is_mutable_call_site()) { + C->dependencies()->assert_call_site_target_value(C->env()->CallSite_klass(), call_site, method_handle); + } + return hit_cg; + } + } + return NULL; +} + + JVMState* PredictedDynamicCallGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms) { GraphKit kit(jvms); PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn(); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/callGenerator.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/callGenerator.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/callGenerator.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ static CallGenerator* for_dynamic_call(ciMethod* m); // invokedynamic static CallGenerator* for_virtual_call(ciMethod* m, int vtable_index); // virtual, interface - static CallGenerator* for_method_handle_inline(Node* method_handle, JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, ciCallProfile profile); + static CallGenerator* for_method_handle_inline(Node* method_handle, JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, ciCallProfile profile); + static CallGenerator* for_invokedynamic_inline(ciCallSite* call_site, JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, ciCallProfile profile); // How to generate a replace a direct call with an inline version static CallGenerator* for_late_inline(ciMethod* m, CallGenerator* inline_cg); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/callnode.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/callnode.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/callnode.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ const TypeTuple *_domain; StartNode( Node *root, const TypeTuple *domain ) : MultiNode(2), _domain(domain) { init_class_id(Class_Start); - init_flags(Flag_is_block_start); init_req(0,this); init_req(1,root); } @@ -513,7 +512,6 @@ _cnt(COUNT_UNKNOWN) { init_class_id(Class_Call); - init_flags(Flag_is_Call); } const TypeFunc* tf() const { return _tf; } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/cfgnode.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/cfgnode.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/cfgnode.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1349,17 +1349,9 @@ static void split_once(PhaseIterGVN *igvn, Node *phi, Node *val, Node *n, Node *newn) { igvn->hash_delete(n); // Remove from hash before hacking edges - Node* predicate_proj = NULL; uint j = 1; for (uint i = phi->req()-1; i > 0; i--) { if (phi->in(i) == val) { // Found a path with val? - if (n->is_Region()) { - Node* proj = PhaseIdealLoop::find_predicate(n->in(i)); - if (proj != NULL) { - assert(predicate_proj == NULL, "only one predicate entry expected"); - predicate_proj = proj; - } - } // Add to NEW Region/Phi, no DU info newn->set_req( j++, n->in(i) ); // Remove from OLD Region/Phi @@ -1371,11 +1363,6 @@ // entire Region/Phi conglomerate has been hacked as a single huge transform. igvn->register_new_node_with_optimizer( newn ); - // Clone loop predicates - if (predicate_proj != NULL) { - newn = igvn->clone_loop_predicates(predicate_proj, newn, !n->is_CountedLoop()); - } - // Now I can point to the new node. n->add_req(newn); igvn->_worklist.push(n); @@ -1404,13 +1391,18 @@ Node *val = phi->in(i); // Constant to split for uint hit = 0; // Number of times it occurs + Node *r = phi->region(); for( ; i < phi->req(); i++ ){ // Count occurrences of constant Node *n = phi->in(i); if( !n ) return NULL; if( phase->type(n) == Type::TOP ) return NULL; - if( phi->in(i) == val ) + if( phi->in(i) == val ) { hit++; + if (PhaseIdealLoop::find_predicate(r->in(i)) != NULL) { + return NULL; // don't split loop entry path + } + } } if( hit <= 1 || // Make sure we find 2 or more @@ -1420,7 +1412,6 @@ // Now start splitting out the flow paths that merge the same value. // Split first the RegionNode. PhaseIterGVN *igvn = phase->is_IterGVN(); - Node *r = phi->region(); RegionNode *newr = new (phase->C, hit+1) RegionNode(hit+1); split_once(igvn, phi, val, r, newr); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/cfgnode.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/cfgnode.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/cfgnode.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -217,9 +217,7 @@ // GotoNodes perform direct branches. class GotoNode : public Node { public: - GotoNode( Node *control ) : Node(control) { - init_flags(Flag_is_Goto); - } + GotoNode( Node *control ) : Node(control) {} virtual int Opcode() const; virtual bool pinned() const { return true; } virtual bool is_CFG() const { return true; } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -161,8 +161,10 @@ macro(MachProj) macro(MaxI) macro(MemBarAcquire) +macro(MemBarAcquireLock) macro(MemBarCPUOrder) macro(MemBarRelease) +macro(MemBarReleaseLock) macro(MemBarVolatile) macro(MergeMem) macro(MinI) @@ -194,6 +196,7 @@ macro(PopCountI) macro(PopCountL) macro(PowD) +macro(PrefetchAllocation) macro(PrefetchRead) macro(PrefetchWrite) macro(Proj) diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/coalesce.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/coalesce.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/coalesce.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Block *bcon = _cfg._bbs[con->_idx]; uint cindex = bcon->find_node(con); Node *con_next = bcon->_nodes[cindex+1]; - if( con_next->in(0) != con || con_next->Opcode() != Op_MachProj ) + if( con_next->in(0) != con || !con_next->is_MachProj() ) return false; // No MachProj's follow // Copy kills after the cloned constant @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ // parallel renaming effort. if( n->_idx < _unique ) break; uint idx = n->is_Copy(); - assert( idx || n->is_Con() || n->Opcode() == Op_MachProj, "Only copies during parallel renaming" ); + assert( idx || n->is_Con() || n->is_MachProj(), "Only copies during parallel renaming" ); if( idx && _phc.Find(n->in(idx)) == dst_name ) break; i--; } @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ // Check for end of virtual copies; this is also the end of the // parallel renaming effort. if( n->_idx < _unique ) break; - assert( n->is_Copy() || n->is_Con() || n->Opcode() == Op_MachProj, "Only copies during parallel renaming" ); + assert( n->is_Copy() || n->is_Con() || n->is_MachProj(), "Only copies during parallel renaming" ); if( _phc.Find(n) == src_name ) { kill_src_idx = i; break; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/compile.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/compile.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/compile.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -517,7 +517,20 @@ buf.stubs()->initialize_shared_locs( &locs_buf[lsize * 2], lsize); // Do the emission. + + Label fakeL; // Fake label for branch instructions. + Label* saveL = NULL; + uint save_bnum = 0; + bool is_branch = n->is_MachBranch(); + if (is_branch) { + MacroAssembler masm(&buf); + masm.bind(fakeL); + n->as_MachBranch()->save_label(&saveL, &save_bnum); + n->as_MachBranch()->label_set(&fakeL, 0); + } n->emit(buf, this->regalloc()); + if (is_branch) // Restore label. + n->as_MachBranch()->label_set(saveL, save_bnum); // End scratch_emit_size section. set_in_scratch_emit_size(false); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/compile.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/compile.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/compile.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -785,11 +785,14 @@ // Process an OopMap Element while emitting nodes void Process_OopMap_Node(MachNode *mach, int code_offset); + // Initialize code buffer + CodeBuffer* init_buffer(uint* blk_starts); + // Write out basic block data to code buffer - void Fill_buffer(); + void fill_buffer(CodeBuffer* cb, uint* blk_starts); // Determine which variable sized branches can be shortened - void Shorten_branches(Label *labels, int& code_size, int& reloc_size, int& stub_size); + void shorten_branches(uint* blk_starts, int& code_size, int& reloc_size, int& stub_size); // Compute the size of first NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign instructions // at the head of a loop. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/doCall.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/doCall.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/doCall.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ if (cg != NULL) return cg; } - // Do MethodHandle calls. + // Do method handle calls. // NOTE: This must happen before normal inlining logic below since // MethodHandle.invoke* are native methods which obviously don't // have bytecodes and so normal inlining fails. @@ -127,33 +127,25 @@ if (cg != NULL) { return cg; } - return CallGenerator::for_direct_call(call_method); } else { - // Get the MethodHandle from the CallSite. + // Get the CallSite object. ciMethod* caller_method = jvms->method(); ciBytecodeStream str(caller_method); str.force_bci(jvms->bci()); // Set the stream to the invokedynamic bci. - ciCallSite* call_site = str.get_call_site(); - ciMethodHandle* method_handle = call_site->get_target(); + ciCallSite* call_site = str.get_call_site(); - // Set the callee to have access to the class and signature in - // the MethodHandleCompiler. - method_handle->set_callee(call_method); - method_handle->set_caller(caller); - method_handle->set_call_profile(profile); - - // Get an adapter for the MethodHandle. - ciMethod* target_method = method_handle->get_invokedynamic_adapter(); - if (target_method != NULL) { - CallGenerator* hit_cg = this->call_generator(target_method, vtable_index, false, jvms, true, prof_factor); - if (hit_cg != NULL && hit_cg->is_inline()) { - CallGenerator* miss_cg = CallGenerator::for_dynamic_call(call_method); - return CallGenerator::for_predicted_dynamic_call(method_handle, miss_cg, hit_cg, prof_factor); + // Inline constant and mutable call sites. We don't inline + // volatile call sites optimistically since they are specified + // to change their value often and that would result in a lot of + // deoptimizations and recompiles. + if (call_site->is_constant_call_site() || call_site->is_mutable_call_site()) { + CallGenerator* cg = CallGenerator::for_invokedynamic_inline(call_site, jvms, caller, call_method, profile); + if (cg != NULL) { + return cg; } } - // If something failed, generate a normal dynamic call. return CallGenerator::for_dynamic_call(call_method); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/gcm.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/gcm.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/gcm.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ // No uses, just terminate if (self->outcnt() == 0) { - assert(self->Opcode() == Op_MachProj, "sanity"); + assert(self->is_MachProj(), "sanity"); continue; // Must be a dead machine projection } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/graphKit.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/graphKit.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/graphKit.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -2856,7 +2856,7 @@ // lock has no side-effects, sets few values set_predefined_output_for_runtime_call(lock, mem, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM); - insert_mem_bar(Op_MemBarAcquire); + insert_mem_bar(Op_MemBarAcquireLock); // Add this to the worklist so that the lock can be eliminated record_for_igvn(lock); @@ -2889,7 +2889,7 @@ } // Memory barrier to avoid floating things down past the locked region - insert_mem_bar(Op_MemBarRelease); + insert_mem_bar(Op_MemBarReleaseLock); const TypeFunc *tf = OptoRuntime::complete_monitor_exit_Type(); UnlockNode *unlock = new (C, tf->domain()->cnt()) UnlockNode(C, tf); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/idealGraphPrinter.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/idealGraphPrinter.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/idealGraphPrinter.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -426,9 +426,6 @@ if (flags & Node::Flag_is_Copy) { print_prop("is_copy", "true"); } - if (flags & Node::Flag_is_Call) { - print_prop("is_call", "true"); - } if (flags & Node::Flag_rematerialize) { print_prop("rematerialize", "true"); } @@ -444,27 +441,12 @@ if (flags & Node::Flag_is_cisc_alternate) { print_prop("is_cisc_alternate", "true"); } - if (flags & Node::Flag_is_Branch) { - print_prop("is_branch", "true"); - } - if (flags & Node::Flag_is_block_start) { - print_prop("is_block_start", "true"); - } - if (flags & Node::Flag_is_Goto) { - print_prop("is_goto", "true"); - } if (flags & Node::Flag_is_dead_loop_safe) { print_prop("is_dead_loop_safe", "true"); } if (flags & Node::Flag_may_be_short_branch) { print_prop("may_be_short_branch", "true"); } - if (flags & Node::Flag_is_safepoint_node) { - print_prop("is_safepoint_node", "true"); - } - if (flags & Node::Flag_is_pc_relative) { - print_prop("is_pc_relative", "true"); - } if (C->matcher() != NULL) { if (C->matcher()->is_shared(node)) { diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/ifnode.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/ifnode.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/ifnode.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -255,6 +255,14 @@ predicate_x = predicate_proj; } } + if (predicate_c != NULL && (req_c > 1)) { + assert(predicate_x == NULL, "only one predicate entry expected"); + predicate_c = NULL; // Do not clone predicate below merge point + } + if (predicate_x != NULL && ((len - req_c) > 2)) { + assert(predicate_c == NULL, "only one predicate entry expected"); + predicate_x = NULL; // Do not clone predicate below merge point + } // Register the new RegionNodes but do not transform them. Cannot // transform until the entire Region/Phi conglomerate has been hacked @@ -1009,6 +1017,13 @@ int prev_op = prev_dom->Opcode(); Node *top = igvn->C->top(); // Shortcut to top + // Loop predicates may have depending checks which should not + // be skipped. For example, range check predicate has two checks + // for lower and upper bounds. + ProjNode* unc_proj = proj_out(1 - prev_dom->as_Proj()->_con)->as_Proj(); + if (PhaseIdealLoop::is_uncommon_trap_proj(unc_proj, Deoptimization::Reason_predicate)) + prev_dom = idom; + // Now walk the current IfNode's projections. // Loop ends when 'this' has no more uses. for (DUIterator_Last imin, i = last_outs(imin); i >= imin; --i) { @@ -1019,9 +1034,9 @@ // or TOP if the dominating projection is of opposite type. // Data-target will be used as the new control edge for the non-CFG // nodes like Casts and Loads. - Node *data_target = (ifp->Opcode() == prev_op ) ? prev_dom : top; + Node *data_target = (ifp->Opcode() == prev_op) ? prev_dom : top; // Control-target is just the If's immediate dominator or TOP. - Node *ctrl_target = (ifp->Opcode() == prev_op ) ? idom : top; + Node *ctrl_target = (ifp->Opcode() == prev_op) ? idom : top; // For each child of an IfTrue/IfFalse projection, reroute. // Loop ends when projection has no more uses. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/lcm.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/lcm.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/lcm.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ // that also need to be hoisted. for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = val->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) { Node* n = val->fast_out(j); - if( n->Opcode() == Op_MachProj ) { + if( n->is_MachProj() ) { cfg->_bbs[n->_idx]->find_remove(n); this->add_inst(n); cfg->_bbs.map(n->_idx,this); @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ // Should be DU safe because no edge updates. for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = best->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) { Node* n = best->fast_out(j); - if( n->Opcode() == Op_MachProj ) { + if( n->is_MachProj() ) { cfg->_bbs[n->_idx]->find_remove(n); add_inst(n); cfg->_bbs.map(n->_idx,this); @@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ Node* m = this_call->fast_out(i); if( bbs[m->_idx] == this && // Local-block user m != this_call && // Not self-start node - m->is_Call() ) + m->is_MachCall() ) call = m; break; } @@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ // Collect all the defined registers. for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = mcall->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) { Node* n = mcall->fast_out(i); - assert( n->Opcode()==Op_MachProj, "" ); + assert( n->is_MachProj(), "" ); --ready_cnt[n->_idx]; assert( !ready_cnt[n->_idx], "" ); // Schedule next to call @@ -975,8 +975,8 @@ if( !_nodes[end]->is_Catch() ) return; // Start of region to clone uint beg = end; - while( _nodes[beg-1]->Opcode() != Op_MachProj || - !_nodes[beg-1]->in(0)->is_Call() ) { + while(!_nodes[beg-1]->is_MachProj() || + !_nodes[beg-1]->in(0)->is_MachCall() ) { beg--; assert(beg > 0,"Catch cleanup walking beyond block boundary"); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/loopPredicate.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/loopPredicate.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/loopPredicate.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -327,81 +327,20 @@ return new_predicate_proj; } -//--------------------------move_predicate----------------------- -// Cut predicate from old place and move it to new. -ProjNode* PhaseIdealLoop::move_predicate(ProjNode* predicate_proj, Node* new_entry, - Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason, - PhaseIdealLoop* loop_phase, - PhaseIterGVN* igvn) { - assert(new_entry != NULL, "must be"); - assert(predicate_proj->in(0)->in(1)->in(1)->Opcode()==Op_Opaque1, "must be"); - IfNode* iff = predicate_proj->in(0)->as_If(); - Node* old_entry = iff->in(0); - - // Cut predicate from old place. - Node* old = predicate_proj; - igvn->_worklist.push(old); - for (DUIterator_Last imin, i = old->last_outs(imin); i >= imin;) { - Node* use = old->last_out(i); // for each use... - igvn->hash_delete(use); - igvn->_worklist.push(use); - // Update use-def info - uint uses_found = 0; - for (uint j = 0; j < use->req(); j++) { - if (use->in(j) == old) { - use->set_req(j, old_entry); - uses_found++; - if (loop_phase != NULL) { - if (use->is_CFG()) { - // When called from beautify_loops() idom is not constructed yet. - if (loop_phase->_idom != NULL) - loop_phase->set_idom(use, old_entry, loop_phase->dom_depth(use)); - } else { - loop_phase->set_ctrl(use, old_entry); - } - } - } - } - i -= uses_found; // we deleted 1 or more copies of this edge - } - - // Move predicate. - igvn->hash_delete(iff); - iff->set_req(0, new_entry); - igvn->_worklist.push(iff); - - if (loop_phase != NULL) { - // Fix up idom and ctrl. - loop_phase->set_ctrl(iff->in(1), new_entry); - loop_phase->set_ctrl(iff->in(1)->in(1), new_entry); - // When called from beautify_loops() idom is not constructed yet. - if (loop_phase->_idom != NULL) - loop_phase->set_idom(iff, new_entry, loop_phase->dom_depth(iff)); - } - - return predicate_proj; -} //--------------------------clone_loop_predicates----------------------- // Interface from IGVN Node* PhaseIterGVN::clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check) { - return PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop_predicates(old_entry, new_entry, false, clone_limit_check, NULL, this); -} -Node* PhaseIterGVN::move_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check) { - return PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop_predicates(old_entry, new_entry, true, clone_limit_check, NULL, this); + return PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop_predicates(old_entry, new_entry, clone_limit_check, NULL, this); } // Interface from PhaseIdealLoop Node* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check) { - return clone_loop_predicates(old_entry, new_entry, false, clone_limit_check, this, &this->_igvn); -} -Node* PhaseIdealLoop::move_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check) { - return clone_loop_predicates(old_entry, new_entry, true, clone_limit_check, this, &this->_igvn); + return clone_loop_predicates(old_entry, new_entry, clone_limit_check, this, &this->_igvn); } // Clone loop predicates to cloned loops (peeled, unswitched, split_if). Node* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, - bool move_predicates, bool clone_limit_check, PhaseIdealLoop* loop_phase, PhaseIterGVN* igvn) { @@ -424,20 +363,13 @@ if (UseLoopPredicate) { ProjNode* predicate_proj = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_predicate); if (predicate_proj != NULL) { // right pattern that can be used by loop predication - if (move_predicates) { - new_entry = move_predicate(predicate_proj, new_entry, - Deoptimization::Reason_predicate, - loop_phase, igvn); - assert(new_entry == predicate_proj, "old predicate fall through projection"); - } else { - // clone predicate - new_entry = clone_predicate(predicate_proj, new_entry, - Deoptimization::Reason_predicate, - loop_phase, igvn); - assert(new_entry != NULL && new_entry->is_Proj(), "IfTrue or IfFalse after clone predicate"); - } + // clone predicate + new_entry = clone_predicate(predicate_proj, new_entry, + Deoptimization::Reason_predicate, + loop_phase, igvn); + assert(new_entry != NULL && new_entry->is_Proj(), "IfTrue or IfFalse after clone predicate"); if (TraceLoopPredicate) { - tty->print_cr("Loop Predicate %s: ", move_predicates ? "moved" : "cloned"); + tty->print("Loop Predicate cloned: "); debug_only( new_entry->in(0)->dump(); ) } } @@ -446,45 +378,18 @@ // Clone loop limit check last to insert it before loop. // Don't clone a limit check which was already finalized // for this counted loop (only one limit check is needed). - if (move_predicates) { - new_entry = move_predicate(limit_check_proj, new_entry, - Deoptimization::Reason_loop_limit_check, - loop_phase, igvn); - assert(new_entry == limit_check_proj, "old limit check fall through projection"); - } else { - new_entry = clone_predicate(limit_check_proj, new_entry, - Deoptimization::Reason_loop_limit_check, - loop_phase, igvn); - assert(new_entry != NULL && new_entry->is_Proj(), "IfTrue or IfFalse after clone limit check"); - } + new_entry = clone_predicate(limit_check_proj, new_entry, + Deoptimization::Reason_loop_limit_check, + loop_phase, igvn); + assert(new_entry != NULL && new_entry->is_Proj(), "IfTrue or IfFalse after clone limit check"); if (TraceLoopLimitCheck) { - tty->print_cr("Loop Limit Check %s: ", move_predicates ? "moved" : "cloned"); + tty->print("Loop Limit Check cloned: "); debug_only( new_entry->in(0)->dump(); ) } } return new_entry; } -//--------------------------eliminate_loop_predicates----------------------- -void PhaseIdealLoop::eliminate_loop_predicates(Node* entry) { - if (LoopLimitCheck) { - Node* predicate = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_loop_limit_check); - if (predicate != NULL) { - entry = entry->in(0)->in(0); - } - } - if (UseLoopPredicate) { - ProjNode* predicate_proj = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_predicate); - if (predicate_proj != NULL) { // right pattern that can be used by loop predication - Node* n = entry->in(0)->in(1)->in(1); - assert(n->Opcode()==Op_Opaque1, "must be"); - // Remove Opaque1 node from predicates list. - // IGVN will remove this predicate check. - _igvn.replace_node(n, n->in(1)); - } - } -} - //--------------------------skip_loop_predicates------------------------------ // Skip related predicates. Node* PhaseIdealLoop::skip_loop_predicates(Node* entry) { @@ -813,10 +718,14 @@ } CountedLoopNode *cl = NULL; - if (head->is_CountedLoop()) { + if (head->is_valid_counted_loop()) { cl = head->as_CountedLoop(); // do nothing for iteration-splitted loops if (!cl->is_normal_loop()) return false; + // Avoid RCE if Counted loop's test is '!='. + BoolTest::mask bt = cl->loopexit()->test_trip(); + if (bt != BoolTest::lt && bt != BoolTest::gt) + cl = NULL; } Node* entry = head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl); @@ -958,7 +867,7 @@ if (TraceLoopPredicate) tty->print_cr("lower bound check if: %d", lower_bound_iff->_idx); // Test the upper bound - Node* upper_bound_bol = rc_predicate(loop, ctrl, scale, offset, init, limit, stride, rng, true); + Node* upper_bound_bol = rc_predicate(loop, lower_bound_proj, scale, offset, init, limit, stride, rng, true); IfNode* upper_bound_iff = upper_bound_proj->in(0)->as_If(); _igvn.hash_delete(upper_bound_iff); upper_bound_iff->set_req(1, upper_bound_bol); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/loopTransform.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/loopTransform.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/loopTransform.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -509,14 +509,13 @@ // backedges) and then map to the new peeled iteration. This leaves // the pre-loop with only 1 user (the new peeled iteration), but the // peeled-loop backedge has 2 users. - Node* new_exit_value = old_new[head->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl)->_idx]; - new_exit_value = move_loop_predicates(entry, new_exit_value, !counted_loop); + Node* new_entry = old_new[head->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl)->_idx]; _igvn.hash_delete(head); - head->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl, new_exit_value); + head->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl, new_entry); for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = head->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) { Node* old = head->fast_out(j); if (old->in(0) == loop->_head && old->req() == 3 && old->is_Phi()) { - new_exit_value = old_new[old->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl)->_idx]; + Node* new_exit_value = old_new[old->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl)->_idx]; if (!new_exit_value ) // Backedge value is ALSO loop invariant? // Then loop body backedge value remains the same. new_exit_value = old->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl); @@ -2100,7 +2099,7 @@ if (!_head->is_CountedLoop()) return false; // Dead loop CountedLoopNode *cl = _head->as_CountedLoop(); - if (!cl->loopexit()) + if (!cl->is_valid_counted_loop()) return false; // Malformed loop if (!phase->is_member(this, phase->get_ctrl(cl->loopexit()->in(CountedLoopEndNode::TestValue)))) return false; // Infinite loop @@ -2256,7 +2255,7 @@ } CountedLoopNode *cl = _head->as_CountedLoop(); - if (!cl->loopexit()) return true; // Ignore various kinds of broken loops + if (!cl->is_valid_counted_loop()) return true; // Ignore various kinds of broken loops // Do nothing special to pre- and post- loops if (cl->is_pre_loop() || cl->is_post_loop()) return true; @@ -2637,7 +2636,7 @@ // Must have constant stride CountedLoopNode* head = lpt->_head->as_CountedLoop(); - if (!head->stride_is_con() || !head->is_normal_loop()) { + if (!head->is_valid_counted_loop() || !head->is_normal_loop()) { return false; } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/loopUnswitch.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/loopUnswitch.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/loopUnswitch.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ _igvn._worklist.push(head); // Slow (false) control - Node* ifslow_pred = move_loop_predicates(entry, ifslow, !counted_loop); + Node* ifslow_pred = clone_loop_predicates(entry, ifslow, !counted_loop); LoopNode* slow_head = old_new[head->_idx]->as_Loop(); _igvn.hash_delete(slow_head); slow_head->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl, ifslow_pred); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/loopnode.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/loopnode.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/loopnode.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -689,6 +689,7 @@ Node* PhaseIdealLoop::exact_limit( IdealLoopTree *loop ) { assert(loop->_head->is_CountedLoop(), ""); CountedLoopNode *cl = loop->_head->as_CountedLoop(); + assert(cl->is_valid_counted_loop(), ""); if (!LoopLimitCheck || ABS(cl->stride_con()) == 1 || cl->limit()->Opcode() == Op_LoopLimit) { @@ -1167,9 +1168,8 @@ outer = igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(outer, _head); phase->set_created_loop_node(); - Node* pred = phase->clone_loop_predicates(ctl, outer, true); // Outermost loop falls into '_head' loop - _head->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl, pred); + _head->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl, outer); _head->del_req(outer_idx); // Split all the Phis up between '_head' loop and 'outer' loop. for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = _head->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) { @@ -1609,14 +1609,13 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::replace_parallel_iv(IdealLoopTree *loop) { assert(loop->_head->is_CountedLoop(), ""); CountedLoopNode *cl = loop->_head->as_CountedLoop(); + if (!cl->is_valid_counted_loop()) + return; // skip malformed counted loop Node *incr = cl->incr(); if (incr == NULL) return; // Dead loop? Node *init = cl->init_trip(); Node *phi = cl->phi(); - // protect against stride not being a constant - if (!cl->stride_is_con()) - return; int stride_con = cl->stride_con(); PhaseGVN *gvn = &_igvn; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/loopnode.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/loopnode.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/loopnode.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -877,19 +877,13 @@ Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason, PhaseIdealLoop* loop_phase, PhaseIterGVN* igvn); - static ProjNode* move_predicate(ProjNode* predicate_proj, Node* new_entry, - Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason, - PhaseIdealLoop* loop_phase, - PhaseIterGVN* igvn); + static Node* clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, - bool move_predicates, bool clone_limit_check, PhaseIdealLoop* loop_phase, PhaseIterGVN* igvn); Node* clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check); - Node* move_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check); - void eliminate_loop_predicates(Node* entry); static Node* skip_loop_predicates(Node* entry); // Find a good location to insert a predicate @@ -1009,7 +1003,7 @@ Node *has_local_phi_input( Node *n ); // Mark an IfNode as being dominated by a prior test, // without actually altering the CFG (and hence IDOM info). - void dominated_by( Node *prevdom, Node *iff, bool flip = false ); + void dominated_by( Node *prevdom, Node *iff, bool flip = false, bool exclude_loop_predicate = false ); // Split Node 'n' through merge point Node *split_thru_region( Node *n, Node *region ); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/loopopts.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/loopopts.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/loopopts.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ // Replace the dominated test with an obvious true or false. Place it on the // IGVN worklist for later cleanup. Move control-dependent data Nodes on the // live path up to the dominating control. -void PhaseIdealLoop::dominated_by( Node *prevdom, Node *iff, bool flip ) { +void PhaseIdealLoop::dominated_by( Node *prevdom, Node *iff, bool flip, bool exclude_loop_predicate ) { #ifndef PRODUCT if (VerifyLoopOptimizations && PrintOpto) tty->print_cr("dominating test"); #endif @@ -228,7 +228,16 @@ // Make control-dependent data Nodes on the live path (path that will remain // once the dominated IF is removed) become control-dependent on the // dominating projection. - Node* dp = ((IfNode*)iff)->proj_out(pop == Op_IfTrue); + Node* dp = iff->as_If()->proj_out(pop == Op_IfTrue); + + // Loop predicates may have depending checks which should not + // be skipped. For example, range check predicate has two checks + // for lower and upper bounds. + ProjNode* unc_proj = iff->as_If()->proj_out(1 - dp->as_Proj()->_con)->as_Proj(); + if (exclude_loop_predicate && + is_uncommon_trap_proj(unc_proj, Deoptimization::Reason_predicate)) + return; // Let IGVN transformation change control dependence. + IdealLoopTree *old_loop = get_loop(dp); for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = dp->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) { @@ -859,7 +868,7 @@ // Replace the dominated test with an obvious true or false. // Place it on the IGVN worklist for later cleanup. C->set_major_progress(); - dominated_by( prevdom, n ); + dominated_by( prevdom, n, false, true ); #ifndef PRODUCT if( VerifyLoopOptimizations ) verify(); #endif diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/machnode.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/machnode.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/machnode.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -389,12 +389,6 @@ } -//------------------------------negate----------------------------------------- -// Negate conditional branches. Error for non-branch Nodes -void MachNode::negate() { - ShouldNotCallThis(); -} - //------------------------------peephole--------------------------------------- // Apply peephole rule(s) to this instruction MachNode *MachNode::peephole( Block *block, int block_index, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_, int &deleted, Compile* C ) { @@ -407,12 +401,6 @@ ShouldNotCallThis(); } -//------------------------------label_set-------------------------------------- -// Set the Label for a LabelOper, if an operand for this instruction -void MachNode::label_set( Label& label, uint block_num ) { - ShouldNotCallThis(); -} - //------------------------------method_set------------------------------------- // Set the absolute address of a method void MachNode::method_set( intptr_t addr ) { @@ -514,6 +502,12 @@ void MachNullCheckNode::emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const { // only emits entries in the null-pointer exception handler table } +void MachNullCheckNode::label_set(Label* label, uint block_num) { + // Nothing to emit +} +void MachNullCheckNode::save_label( Label** label, uint* block_num ) { + // Nothing to emit +} const RegMask &MachNullCheckNode::in_RegMask( uint idx ) const { if( idx == 0 ) return RegMask::Empty; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/machnode.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/machnode.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/machnode.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -185,9 +185,11 @@ virtual void use_cisc_RegMask(); // Support for short branches - virtual MachNode *short_branch_version(Compile* C) { return NULL; } bool may_be_short_branch() const { return (flags() & Flag_may_be_short_branch) != 0; } + // Avoid back to back some instructions on some CPUs. + bool avoid_back_to_back() const { return (flags() & Flag_avoid_back_to_back) != 0; } + // First index in _in[] corresponding to operand, or -1 if there is none int operand_index(uint operand) const; @@ -269,21 +271,12 @@ // Call "get_base_and_disp" to decide which category of memory is used here. virtual const class TypePtr *adr_type() const; - // Negate conditional branches. Error for non-branch Nodes - virtual void negate(); - // Apply peephole rule(s) to this instruction virtual MachNode *peephole( Block *block, int block_index, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_, int &deleted, Compile* C ); - // Check for PC-Relative addressing - bool is_pc_relative() const { return (flags() & Flag_is_pc_relative) != 0; } - // Top-level ideal Opcode matched virtual int ideal_Opcode() const { return Op_Node; } - // Set the branch inside jump MachNodes. Error for non-branch Nodes. - virtual void label_set( Label& label, uint block_num ); - // Adds the label for the case virtual void add_case_label( int switch_val, Label* blockLabel); @@ -514,24 +507,41 @@ #endif }; +//------------------------------MachBranchNode-------------------------------- +// Abstract machine branch Node +class MachBranchNode : public MachIdealNode { +public: + MachBranchNode() : MachIdealNode() { + init_class_id(Class_MachBranch); + } + virtual void label_set(Label* label, uint block_num) = 0; + virtual void save_label(Label** label, uint* block_num) = 0; + + // Support for short branches + virtual MachNode *short_branch_version(Compile* C) { return NULL; } + + virtual bool pinned() const { return true; }; +}; + //------------------------------MachNullChkNode-------------------------------- // Machine-dependent null-pointer-check Node. Points a real MachNode that is // also some kind of memory op. Turns the indicated MachNode into a // conditional branch with good latency on the ptr-not-null path and awful // latency on the pointer-is-null path. -class MachNullCheckNode : public MachIdealNode { +class MachNullCheckNode : public MachBranchNode { public: const uint _vidx; // Index of memop being tested - MachNullCheckNode( Node *ctrl, Node *memop, uint vidx ) : MachIdealNode(), _vidx(vidx) { + MachNullCheckNode( Node *ctrl, Node *memop, uint vidx ) : MachBranchNode(), _vidx(vidx) { init_class_id(Class_MachNullCheck); - init_flags(Flag_is_Branch | Flag_is_pc_relative); add_req(ctrl); add_req(memop); } + virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); } virtual void emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const; - virtual bool pinned() const { return true; }; + virtual void label_set(Label* label, uint block_num); + virtual void save_label(Label** label, uint* block_num); virtual void negate() { } virtual const class Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeTuple::IFBOTH; } virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return NotAMachineReg; } @@ -553,7 +563,9 @@ // occasional callbacks to the machine model for important info. class MachProjNode : public ProjNode { public: - MachProjNode( Node *multi, uint con, const RegMask &out, uint ideal_reg ) : ProjNode(multi,con), _rout(out), _ideal_reg(ideal_reg) {} + MachProjNode( Node *multi, uint con, const RegMask &out, uint ideal_reg ) : ProjNode(multi,con), _rout(out), _ideal_reg(ideal_reg) { + init_class_id(Class_MachProj); + } RegMask _rout; const uint _ideal_reg; enum projType { @@ -575,19 +587,30 @@ //------------------------------MachIfNode------------------------------------- // Machine-specific versions of IfNodes -class MachIfNode : public MachNode { +class MachIfNode : public MachBranchNode { virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); } // Size is bigger public: float _prob; // Probability branch goes either way float _fcnt; // Frequency counter - MachIfNode() : MachNode() { + MachIfNode() : MachBranchNode() { init_class_id(Class_MachIf); } + // Negate conditional branches. + virtual void negate() = 0; #ifndef PRODUCT virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const; #endif }; +//------------------------------MachGotoNode----------------------------------- +// Machine-specific versions of GotoNodes +class MachGotoNode : public MachBranchNode { +public: + MachGotoNode() : MachBranchNode() { + init_class_id(Class_MachGoto); + } +}; + //------------------------------MachFastLockNode------------------------------------- // Machine-specific versions of FastLockNodes class MachFastLockNode : public MachNode { @@ -630,14 +653,12 @@ MachSafePointNode() : MachReturnNode(), _oop_map(NULL), _jvms(NULL), _jvmadj(0) { init_class_id(Class_MachSafePoint); - init_flags(Flag_is_safepoint_node); } virtual JVMState* jvms() const { return _jvms; } void set_jvms(JVMState* s) { _jvms = s; } - bool is_safepoint_node() const { return (flags() & Flag_is_safepoint_node) != 0; } virtual const Type *bottom_type() const; virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const; @@ -701,7 +722,6 @@ MachCallNode() : MachSafePointNode() { init_class_id(Class_MachCall); - init_flags(Flag_is_Call); } virtual const Type *bottom_type() const; @@ -853,7 +873,7 @@ virtual MachOper *clone(Compile* C) const; - virtual Label *label() const { return _label; } + virtual Label *label() const { assert(_label != NULL, "need Label"); return _label; } virtual uint opcode() const; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/macro.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/macro.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/macro.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@ prefetch_adr = new (C, 4) AddPNode( old_pf_wm, new_pf_wmt, _igvn.MakeConX(distance) ); transform_later(prefetch_adr); - prefetch = new (C, 3) PrefetchWriteNode( i_o, prefetch_adr ); + prefetch = new (C, 3) PrefetchAllocationNode( i_o, prefetch_adr ); transform_later(prefetch); distance += step_size; i_o = prefetch; @@ -1611,13 +1611,14 @@ contended_phi_rawmem = pf_phi_rawmem; i_o = pf_phi_abio; } else if( UseTLAB && AllocatePrefetchStyle == 3 ) { - // Insert a prefetch for each allocation only on the fast-path + // Insert a prefetch for each allocation. + // This code is used for Sparc with BIS. Node *pf_region = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3); Node *pf_phi_rawmem = new (C, 3) PhiNode( pf_region, Type::MEMORY, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM ); - // Generate several prefetch instructions only for arrays. - uint lines = (length != NULL) ? AllocatePrefetchLines : 1; + // Generate several prefetch instructions. + uint lines = (length != NULL) ? AllocatePrefetchLines : AllocateInstancePrefetchLines; uint step_size = AllocatePrefetchStepSize; uint distance = AllocatePrefetchDistance; @@ -1634,7 +1635,7 @@ transform_later(cache_adr); // Prefetch - Node *prefetch = new (C, 3) PrefetchWriteNode( contended_phi_rawmem, cache_adr ); + Node *prefetch = new (C, 3) PrefetchAllocationNode( contended_phi_rawmem, cache_adr ); prefetch->set_req(0, needgc_false); transform_later(prefetch); contended_phi_rawmem = prefetch; @@ -1644,7 +1645,7 @@ prefetch_adr = new (C, 4) AddPNode( cache_adr, cache_adr, _igvn.MakeConX(distance) ); transform_later(prefetch_adr); - prefetch = new (C, 3) PrefetchWriteNode( contended_phi_rawmem, prefetch_adr ); + prefetch = new (C, 3) PrefetchAllocationNode( contended_phi_rawmem, prefetch_adr ); transform_later(prefetch); distance += step_size; contended_phi_rawmem = prefetch; @@ -1653,15 +1654,15 @@ // Insert a prefetch for each allocation only on the fast-path Node *prefetch_adr; Node *prefetch; - // Generate several prefetch instructions only for arrays. - uint lines = (length != NULL) ? AllocatePrefetchLines : 1; + // Generate several prefetch instructions. + uint lines = (length != NULL) ? AllocatePrefetchLines : AllocateInstancePrefetchLines; uint step_size = AllocatePrefetchStepSize; uint distance = AllocatePrefetchDistance; for ( uint i = 0; i < lines; i++ ) { prefetch_adr = new (C, 4) AddPNode( old_eden_top, new_eden_top, _igvn.MakeConX(distance) ); transform_later(prefetch_adr); - prefetch = new (C, 3) PrefetchWriteNode( i_o, prefetch_adr ); + prefetch = new (C, 3) PrefetchAllocationNode( i_o, prefetch_adr ); // Do not let it float too high, since if eden_top == eden_end, // both might be null. if( i == 0 ) { // Set control for first prefetch, next follows it @@ -1816,9 +1817,9 @@ // The input to a Lock is merged memory, so extract its RawMem input // (unless the MergeMem has been optimized away.) if (alock->is_Lock()) { - // Seach for MemBarAcquire node and delete it also. + // Seach for MemBarAcquireLock node and delete it also. MemBarNode* membar = fallthroughproj->unique_ctrl_out()->as_MemBar(); - assert(membar != NULL && membar->Opcode() == Op_MemBarAcquire, ""); + assert(membar != NULL && membar->Opcode() == Op_MemBarAcquireLock, ""); Node* ctrlproj = membar->proj_out(TypeFunc::Control); Node* memproj = membar->proj_out(TypeFunc::Memory); _igvn.replace_node(ctrlproj, fallthroughproj); @@ -1833,11 +1834,11 @@ } } - // Seach for MemBarRelease node and delete it also. + // Seach for MemBarReleaseLock node and delete it also. if (alock->is_Unlock() && ctrl != NULL && ctrl->is_Proj() && ctrl->in(0)->is_MemBar()) { MemBarNode* membar = ctrl->in(0)->as_MemBar(); - assert(membar->Opcode() == Op_MemBarRelease && + assert(membar->Opcode() == Op_MemBarReleaseLock && mem->is_Proj() && membar == mem->in(0), ""); _igvn.replace_node(fallthroughproj, ctrl); _igvn.replace_node(memproj_fallthrough, mem); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/matcher.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/matcher.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/matcher.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -826,6 +826,7 @@ switch (n->Opcode()) { case Op_PrefetchRead: case Op_PrefetchWrite: + case Op_PrefetchAllocation: nidx = Compile::AliasIdxRaw; nat = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM; break; @@ -2230,57 +2231,6 @@ } } - -// Used by the DFA in dfa_sparc.cpp. Check for a prior FastLock -// acting as an Acquire and thus we don't need an Acquire here. We -// retain the Node to act as a compiler ordering barrier. -bool Matcher::prior_fast_lock( const Node *acq ) { - Node *r = acq->in(0); - if( !r->is_Region() || r->req() <= 1 ) return false; - Node *proj = r->in(1); - if( !proj->is_Proj() ) return false; - Node *call = proj->in(0); - if( !call->is_Call() || call->as_Call()->entry_point() != OptoRuntime::complete_monitor_locking_Java() ) - return false; - - return true; -} - -// Used by the DFA in dfa_sparc.cpp. Check for a following FastUnLock -// acting as a Release and thus we don't need a Release here. We -// retain the Node to act as a compiler ordering barrier. -bool Matcher::post_fast_unlock( const Node *rel ) { - Compile *C = Compile::current(); - assert( rel->Opcode() == Op_MemBarRelease, "" ); - const MemBarReleaseNode *mem = (const MemBarReleaseNode*)rel; - DUIterator_Fast imax, i = mem->fast_outs(imax); - Node *ctrl = NULL; - while( true ) { - ctrl = mem->fast_out(i); // Throw out-of-bounds if proj not found - assert( ctrl->is_Proj(), "only projections here" ); - ProjNode *proj = (ProjNode*)ctrl; - if( proj->_con == TypeFunc::Control && - !C->node_arena()->contains(ctrl) ) // Unmatched old-space only - break; - i++; - } - Node *iff = NULL; - for( DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = ctrl->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++ ) { - Node *x = ctrl->fast_out(j); - if( x->is_If() && x->req() > 1 && - !C->node_arena()->contains(x) ) { // Unmatched old-space only - iff = x; - break; - } - } - if( !iff ) return false; - Node *bol = iff->in(1); - // The iff might be some random subclass of If or bol might be Con-Top - if (!bol->is_Bool()) return false; - assert( bol->req() > 1, "" ); - return (bol->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_FastUnlock); -} - // Used by the DFA in dfa_xxx.cpp. Check for a following barrier or // atomic instruction acting as a store_load barrier without any // intervening volatile load, and thus we don't need a barrier here. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/matcher.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/matcher.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/matcher.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ virtual int regnum_to_fpu_offset(int regnum); // Is this branch offset small enough to be addressed by a short branch? - bool is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int offset); + bool is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int br_size, int offset); // Optional scaling for the parameter to the ClearArray/CopyArray node. static const bool init_array_count_is_in_bytes; @@ -441,16 +441,6 @@ else { fatal("SoftMatchFailure is not allowed except in product"); } } - // Used by the DFA in dfa_sparc.cpp. Check for a prior FastLock - // acting as an Acquire and thus we don't need an Acquire here. We - // retain the Node to act as a compiler ordering barrier. - static bool prior_fast_lock( const Node *acq ); - - // Used by the DFA in dfa_sparc.cpp. Check for a following - // FastUnLock acting as a Release and thus we don't need a Release - // here. We retain the Node to act as a compiler ordering barrier. - static bool post_fast_unlock( const Node *rel ); - // Check for a following volatile memory barrier without an // intervening load and thus we don't need a barrier here. We // retain the Node to act as a compiler ordering barrier. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/memnode.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/memnode.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/memnode.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -925,8 +925,9 @@ // a synchronized region. while (current->is_Proj()) { int opc = current->in(0)->Opcode(); - if ((final && opc == Op_MemBarAcquire) || - opc == Op_MemBarRelease || opc == Op_MemBarCPUOrder) { + if ((final && (opc == Op_MemBarAcquire || opc == Op_MemBarAcquireLock)) || + opc == Op_MemBarRelease || opc == Op_MemBarCPUOrder || + opc == Op_MemBarReleaseLock) { Node* mem = current->in(0)->in(TypeFunc::Memory); if (mem->is_MergeMem()) { MergeMemNode* merge = mem->as_MergeMem(); @@ -2666,6 +2667,8 @@ switch (opcode) { case Op_MemBarAcquire: return new(C, len) MemBarAcquireNode(C, atp, pn); case Op_MemBarRelease: return new(C, len) MemBarReleaseNode(C, atp, pn); + case Op_MemBarAcquireLock: return new(C, len) MemBarAcquireLockNode(C, atp, pn); + case Op_MemBarReleaseLock: return new(C, len) MemBarReleaseLockNode(C, atp, pn); case Op_MemBarVolatile: return new(C, len) MemBarVolatileNode(C, atp, pn); case Op_MemBarCPUOrder: return new(C, len) MemBarCPUOrderNode(C, atp, pn); case Op_Initialize: return new(C, len) InitializeNode(C, atp, pn); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/memnode.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/memnode.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/memnode.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ // "Acquire" - no following ref can move before (but earlier refs can // follow, like an early Load stalled in cache). Requires multi-cpu -// visibility. Inserted after a volatile load or FastLock. +// visibility. Inserted after a volatile load. class MemBarAcquireNode: public MemBarNode { public: MemBarAcquireNode(Compile* C, int alias_idx, Node* precedent) @@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ // "Release" - no earlier ref can move after (but later refs can move // up, like a speculative pipelined cache-hitting Load). Requires -// multi-cpu visibility. Inserted before a volatile store or FastUnLock. +// multi-cpu visibility. Inserted before a volatile store. class MemBarReleaseNode: public MemBarNode { public: MemBarReleaseNode(Compile* C, int alias_idx, Node* precedent) @@ -897,6 +897,26 @@ virtual int Opcode() const; }; +// "Acquire" - no following ref can move before (but earlier refs can +// follow, like an early Load stalled in cache). Requires multi-cpu +// visibility. Inserted after a FastLock. +class MemBarAcquireLockNode: public MemBarNode { +public: + MemBarAcquireLockNode(Compile* C, int alias_idx, Node* precedent) + : MemBarNode(C, alias_idx, precedent) {} + virtual int Opcode() const; +}; + +// "Release" - no earlier ref can move after (but later refs can move +// up, like a speculative pipelined cache-hitting Load). Requires +// multi-cpu visibility. Inserted before a FastUnLock. +class MemBarReleaseLockNode: public MemBarNode { +public: + MemBarReleaseLockNode(Compile* C, int alias_idx, Node* precedent) + : MemBarNode(C, alias_idx, precedent) {} + virtual int Opcode() const; +}; + // Ordering between a volatile store and a following volatile load. // Requires multi-CPU visibility? class MemBarVolatileNode: public MemBarNode { @@ -1258,6 +1278,16 @@ virtual int Opcode() const; virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return NotAMachineReg; } virtual uint match_edge(uint idx) const { return idx==2; } + virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::ABIO; } +}; + +// Allocation prefetch which may fault, TLAB size have to be adjusted. +class PrefetchAllocationNode : public Node { +public: + PrefetchAllocationNode(Node *mem, Node *adr) : Node(0,mem,adr) {} + virtual int Opcode() const; + virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return NotAMachineReg; } + virtual uint match_edge(uint idx) const { return idx==2; } virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return ( AllocatePrefetchStyle == 3 ) ? Type::MEMORY : Type::ABIO; } }; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/mulnode.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/mulnode.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/mulnode.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ const Type *t12 = phase->type( mul1->in(2) ); if( t12->singleton() && t12 != Type::TOP) { // Left input is an add of a constant? // Compute new constant; check for overflow - const Type *tcon01 = mul1->as_Mul()->mul_ring(t2,t12); + const Type *tcon01 = ((MulNode*)mul1)->mul_ring(t2,t12); if( tcon01->singleton() ) { // The Mul of the flattened expression set_req(1, mul1->in(1)); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/mulnode.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/mulnode.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/mulnode.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -41,9 +41,7 @@ class MulNode : public Node { virtual uint hash() const; public: - MulNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ): Node(0,in1,in2) { - init_class_id(Class_Mul); - } + MulNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ): Node(0,in1,in2) {} // Handle algebraic identities here. If we have an identity, return the Node // we are equivalent to. We look for "add of zero" as an identity. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/node.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/node.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/node.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ class FastLockNode; class FastUnlockNode; class IfNode; +class IfFalseNode; +class IfTrueNode; class InitializeNode; class JVMState; class JumpNode; @@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ class LoadStoreNode; class LockNode; class LoopNode; +class MachBranchNode; class MachCallDynamicJavaNode; class MachCallJavaNode; class MachCallLeafNode; @@ -83,9 +86,11 @@ class MachCallStaticJavaNode; class MachConstantBaseNode; class MachConstantNode; +class MachGotoNode; class MachIfNode; class MachNode; class MachNullCheckNode; +class MachProjNode; class MachReturnNode; class MachSafePointNode; class MachSpillCopyNode; @@ -94,7 +99,6 @@ class MemBarNode; class MemNode; class MergeMemNode; -class MulNode; class MultiNode; class MultiBranchNode; class NeverBranchNode; @@ -127,9 +131,10 @@ class Type; class TypeNode; class UnlockNode; +class VectorNode; +class VectorLoadNode; +class VectorStoreNode; class VectorSet; -class IfTrueNode; -class IfFalseNode; typedef void (*NFunc)(Node&,void*); extern "C" { typedef int (*C_sort_func_t)(const void *, const void *); @@ -568,31 +573,16 @@ DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachCallDynamicJava, MachCallJava, 1) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachCallRuntime, MachCall, 1) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachCallLeaf, MachCallRuntime, 0) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachSpillCopy, Mach, 1) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachNullCheck, Mach, 2) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachIf, Mach, 3) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachTemp, Mach, 4) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachConstantBase, Mach, 5) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachConstant, Mach, 6) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachBranch, Mach, 1) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachIf, MachBranch, 0) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachGoto, MachBranch, 1) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachNullCheck, MachBranch, 2) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachSpillCopy, Mach, 2) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachTemp, Mach, 3) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachConstantBase, Mach, 4) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachConstant, Mach, 5) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Proj, Node, 2) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(CatchProj, Proj, 0) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(JumpProj, Proj, 1) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(IfTrue, Proj, 2) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(IfFalse, Proj, 3) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Parm, Proj, 4) - - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Region, Node, 3) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Loop, Region, 0) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Root, Loop, 0) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(CountedLoop, Loop, 1) - - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Sub, Node, 4) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Cmp, Sub, 0) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(FastLock, Cmp, 0) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(FastUnlock, Cmp, 1) - - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Type, Node, 5) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Type, Node, 2) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Phi, Type, 0) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(ConstraintCast, Type, 1) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(CheckCastPP, Type, 2) @@ -601,17 +591,37 @@ DEFINE_CLASS_ID(DecodeN, Type, 5) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(EncodeP, Type, 6) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Mem, Node, 6) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Proj, Node, 3) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(CatchProj, Proj, 0) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(JumpProj, Proj, 1) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(IfTrue, Proj, 2) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(IfFalse, Proj, 3) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Parm, Proj, 4) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MachProj, Proj, 5) + + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Mem, Node, 4) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Load, Mem, 0) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(VectorLoad, Load, 0) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Store, Mem, 1) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(VectorStore, Store, 0) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(LoadStore, Mem, 2) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Region, Node, 5) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Loop, Region, 0) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Root, Loop, 0) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(CountedLoop, Loop, 1) + + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Sub, Node, 6) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Cmp, Sub, 0) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(FastLock, Cmp, 0) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(FastUnlock, Cmp, 1) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(MergeMem, Node, 7) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Bool, Node, 8) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(AddP, Node, 9) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(BoxLock, Node, 10) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Add, Node, 11) - DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Mul, Node, 12) + DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Vector, Node, 12) DEFINE_CLASS_ID(ClearArray, Node, 13) _max_classes = ClassMask_ClearArray @@ -621,21 +631,15 @@ // Flags are sorted by usage frequency. enum NodeFlags { Flag_is_Copy = 0x01, // should be first bit to avoid shift - Flag_is_Call = Flag_is_Copy << 1, - Flag_rematerialize = Flag_is_Call << 1, + Flag_rematerialize = Flag_is_Copy << 1, Flag_needs_anti_dependence_check = Flag_rematerialize << 1, Flag_is_macro = Flag_needs_anti_dependence_check << 1, Flag_is_Con = Flag_is_macro << 1, Flag_is_cisc_alternate = Flag_is_Con << 1, - Flag_is_Branch = Flag_is_cisc_alternate << 1, - Flag_is_block_start = Flag_is_Branch << 1, - Flag_is_Goto = Flag_is_block_start << 1, - Flag_is_dead_loop_safe = Flag_is_Goto << 1, + Flag_is_dead_loop_safe = Flag_is_cisc_alternate << 1, Flag_may_be_short_branch = Flag_is_dead_loop_safe << 1, - Flag_is_safepoint_node = Flag_may_be_short_branch << 1, - Flag_is_pc_relative = Flag_is_safepoint_node << 1, - Flag_is_Vector = Flag_is_pc_relative << 1, - _max_flags = (Flag_is_Vector << 1) - 1 // allow flags combination + Flag_avoid_back_to_back = Flag_may_be_short_branch << 1, + _max_flags = (Flag_avoid_back_to_back << 1) - 1 // allow flags combination }; private: @@ -669,21 +673,6 @@ virtual uint size_of() const; // Other interesting Node properties - - // Special case: is_Call() returns true for both CallNode and MachCallNode. - bool is_Call() const { - return (_flags & Flag_is_Call) != 0; - } - - CallNode* isa_Call() const { - return is_Call() ? as_Call() : NULL; - } - - CallNode *as_Call() const { // Only for CallNode (not for MachCallNode) - assert((_class_id & ClassMask_Call) == Class_Call, "invalid node class"); - return (CallNode*)this; - } - #define DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(type) \ bool is_##type() const { \ return ((_class_id & ClassMask_##type) == Class_##type); \ @@ -703,6 +692,7 @@ DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(AllocateArray) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Bool) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(BoxLock) + DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Call) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(CallDynamicJava) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(CallJava) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(CallLeaf) @@ -732,6 +722,7 @@ DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Lock) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Loop) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Mach) + DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachBranch) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachCall) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachCallDynamicJava) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachCallJava) @@ -740,8 +731,10 @@ DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachCallStaticJava) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachConstantBase) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachConstant) + DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachGoto) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachIf) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachNullCheck) + DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachProj) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachReturn) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachSafePoint) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MachSpillCopy) @@ -749,7 +742,6 @@ DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Mem) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MemBar) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MergeMem) - DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Mul) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Multi) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(MultiBranch) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Parm) @@ -764,6 +756,9 @@ DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Store) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Sub) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Type) + DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Vector) + DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(VectorLoad) + DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(VectorStore) DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY(Unlock) #undef DEFINE_CLASS_QUERY @@ -774,7 +769,6 @@ } bool is_Con () const { return (_flags & Flag_is_Con) != 0; } - bool is_Goto() const { return (_flags & Flag_is_Goto) != 0; } // The data node which is safe to leave in dead loop during IGVN optimization. bool is_dead_loop_safe() const { return is_Phi() || (is_Proj() && in(0) == NULL) || @@ -795,9 +789,6 @@ // skip some other important test.) virtual bool depends_only_on_test() const { assert(!is_CFG(), ""); return true; }; - // defined for MachNodes that match 'If' | 'Goto' | 'CountedLoopEnd' - bool is_Branch() const { return (_flags & Flag_is_Branch) != 0; } - // When building basic blocks, I need to have a notion of block beginning // Nodes, next block selector Nodes (block enders), and next block // projections. These calls need to work on their machine equivalents. The @@ -806,7 +797,7 @@ if ( is_Region() ) return this == (const Node*)in(0); else - return (_flags & Flag_is_block_start) != 0; + return is_Start(); } // The Ideal control projection Nodes are IfTrue/IfFalse, JumpProjNode, Root, @@ -816,9 +807,6 @@ // The node is a "macro" node which needs to be expanded before matching bool is_macro() const { return (_flags & Flag_is_macro) != 0; } - // Value is a vector of primitive values - bool is_Vector() const { return (_flags & Flag_is_Vector) != 0; } - //----------------- Optimization // Get the worst-case Type output for this Node. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/output.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/output.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/output.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -128,6 +128,14 @@ if ( ZapDeadCompiledLocals ) Insert_zap_nodes(); # endif + uint* blk_starts = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,_cfg->_num_blocks+1); + blk_starts[0] = 0; + + // Initialize code buffer and process short branches. + CodeBuffer* cb = init_buffer(blk_starts); + + if (cb == NULL || failing()) return; + ScheduleAndBundle(); #ifndef PRODUCT @@ -152,7 +160,7 @@ if (failing()) return; - Fill_buffer(); + fill_buffer(cb, blk_starts); } bool Compile::need_stack_bang(int frame_size_in_bytes) const { @@ -325,22 +333,22 @@ } // if( MaxLoopPad < OptoLoopAlignment-1 ) } -//----------------------Shorten_branches--------------------------------------- +//----------------------shorten_branches--------------------------------------- // The architecture description provides short branch variants for some long // branch instructions. Replace eligible long branches with short branches. -void Compile::Shorten_branches(Label *labels, int& code_size, int& reloc_size, int& stub_size) { - - // fill in the nop array for bundling computations - MachNode *_nop_list[Bundle::_nop_count]; - Bundle::initialize_nops(_nop_list, this); +void Compile::shorten_branches(uint* blk_starts, int& code_size, int& reloc_size, int& stub_size) { // ------------------ // Compute size of each block, method size, and relocation information size - uint *jmp_end = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,_cfg->_num_blocks); - uint *blk_starts = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,_cfg->_num_blocks+1); - DEBUG_ONLY( uint *jmp_target = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,_cfg->_num_blocks); ) - DEBUG_ONLY( uint *jmp_rule = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,_cfg->_num_blocks); ) - blk_starts[0] = 0; + uint nblocks = _cfg->_num_blocks; + + uint* jmp_offset = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,nblocks); + uint* jmp_size = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,nblocks); + int* jmp_nidx = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(int ,nblocks); + DEBUG_ONLY( uint *jmp_target = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,nblocks); ) + DEBUG_ONLY( uint *jmp_rule = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,nblocks); ) + + bool has_short_branch_candidate = false; // Initialize the sizes to 0 code_size = 0; // Size in bytes of generated code @@ -350,28 +358,34 @@ reloc_size = 1; // Number of relocation entries // Make three passes. The first computes pessimistic blk_starts, - // relative jmp_end and reloc_size information. The second performs + // relative jmp_offset and reloc_size information. The second performs // short branch substitution using the pessimistic sizing. The // third inserts nops where needed. - Node *nj; // tmp - // Step one, perform a pessimistic sizing pass. - uint i; - uint min_offset_from_last_call = 1; // init to a positive value + uint last_call_adr = max_uint; + uint last_avoid_back_to_back_adr = max_uint; uint nop_size = (new (this) MachNopNode())->size(_regalloc); - for( i=0; i<_cfg->_num_blocks; i++ ) { // For all blocks + for (uint i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) { // For all blocks Block *b = _cfg->_blocks[i]; + // During short branch replacement, we store the relative (to blk_starts) + // offset of jump in jmp_offset, rather than the absolute offset of jump. + // This is so that we do not need to recompute sizes of all nodes when + // we compute correct blk_starts in our next sizing pass. + jmp_offset[i] = 0; + jmp_size[i] = 0; + jmp_nidx[i] = -1; + DEBUG_ONLY( jmp_target[i] = 0; ) + DEBUG_ONLY( jmp_rule[i] = 0; ) + // Sum all instruction sizes to compute block size uint last_inst = b->_nodes.size(); uint blk_size = 0; - for( uint j = 0; j_nodes[j]; - uint inst_size = nj->size(_regalloc); - blk_size += inst_size; + for (uint j = 0; j < last_inst; j++) { + Node* nj = b->_nodes[j]; // Handle machine instruction nodes - if( nj->is_Mach() ) { + if (nj->is_Mach()) { MachNode *mach = nj->as_Mach(); blk_size += (mach->alignment_required() - 1) * relocInfo::addr_unit(); // assume worst case padding reloc_size += mach->reloc(); @@ -388,32 +402,52 @@ } else if (mach->is_MachSafePoint()) { // If call/safepoint are adjacent, account for possible // nop to disambiguate the two safepoints. - if (min_offset_from_last_call == 0) { + // ScheduleAndBundle() can rearrange nodes in a block, + // check for all offsets inside this block. + if (last_call_adr >= blk_starts[i]) { + blk_size += nop_size; + } + } + if (mach->avoid_back_to_back()) { + // Nop is inserted between "avoid back to back" instructions. + // ScheduleAndBundle() can rearrange nodes in a block, + // check for all offsets inside this block. + if (last_avoid_back_to_back_adr >= blk_starts[i]) { blk_size += nop_size; } } + if (mach->may_be_short_branch()) { + if (!nj->is_MachBranch()) { +#ifndef PRODUCT + nj->dump(3); +#endif + Unimplemented(); + } + assert(jmp_nidx[i] == -1, "block should have only one branch"); + jmp_offset[i] = blk_size; + jmp_size[i] = nj->size(_regalloc); + jmp_nidx[i] = j; + has_short_branch_candidate = true; + } } - min_offset_from_last_call += inst_size; + blk_size += nj->size(_regalloc); // Remember end of call offset - if (nj->is_MachCall() && nj->as_MachCall()->is_safepoint_node()) { - min_offset_from_last_call = 0; + if (nj->is_MachCall() && !nj->is_MachCallLeaf()) { + last_call_adr = blk_starts[i]+blk_size; + } + // Remember end of avoid_back_to_back offset + if (nj->is_Mach() && nj->as_Mach()->avoid_back_to_back()) { + last_avoid_back_to_back_adr = blk_starts[i]+blk_size; } } - // During short branch replacement, we store the relative (to blk_starts) - // end of jump in jmp_end, rather than the absolute end of jump. This - // is so that we do not need to recompute sizes of all nodes when we compute - // correct blk_starts in our next sizing pass. - jmp_end[i] = blk_size; - DEBUG_ONLY( jmp_target[i] = 0; ) - // When the next block starts a loop, we may insert pad NOP // instructions. Since we cannot know our future alignment, // assume the worst. - if( i<_cfg->_num_blocks-1 ) { + if (i< nblocks-1) { Block *nb = _cfg->_blocks[i+1]; int max_loop_pad = nb->code_alignment()-relocInfo::addr_unit(); - if( max_loop_pad > 0 ) { + if (max_loop_pad > 0) { assert(is_power_of_2(max_loop_pad+relocInfo::addr_unit()), ""); blk_size += max_loop_pad; } @@ -424,124 +458,100 @@ } // Step two, replace eligible long jumps. - - // Note: this will only get the long branches within short branch - // range. Another pass might detect more branches that became - // candidates because the shortening in the first pass exposed - // more opportunities. Unfortunately, this would require - // recomputing the starting and ending positions for the blocks - for( i=0; i<_cfg->_num_blocks; i++ ) { - Block *b = _cfg->_blocks[i]; - - int j; - // Find the branch; ignore trailing NOPs. - for( j = b->_nodes.size()-1; j>=0; j-- ) { - nj = b->_nodes[j]; - if( !nj->is_Mach() || nj->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() != Op_Con ) - break; - } - - if (j >= 0) { - if( nj->is_Mach() && nj->as_Mach()->may_be_short_branch() ) { - MachNode *mach = nj->as_Mach(); + bool progress = true; + uint last_may_be_short_branch_adr = max_uint; + while (has_short_branch_candidate && progress) { + progress = false; + has_short_branch_candidate = false; + int adjust_block_start = 0; + for (uint i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) { + Block *b = _cfg->_blocks[i]; + int idx = jmp_nidx[i]; + MachNode* mach = (idx == -1) ? NULL: b->_nodes[idx]->as_Mach(); + if (mach != NULL && mach->may_be_short_branch()) { +#ifdef ASSERT + assert(jmp_size[i] > 0 && mach->is_MachBranch(), "sanity"); + int j; + // Find the branch; ignore trailing NOPs. + for (j = b->_nodes.size()-1; j>=0; j--) { + Node* n = b->_nodes[j]; + if (!n->is_Mach() || n->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() != Op_Con) + break; + } + assert(j >= 0 && j == idx && b->_nodes[j] == (Node*)mach, "sanity"); +#endif + int br_size = jmp_size[i]; + int br_offs = blk_starts[i] + jmp_offset[i]; + // This requires the TRUE branch target be in succs[0] uint bnum = b->non_connector_successor(0)->_pre_order; - uintptr_t target = blk_starts[bnum]; - if( mach->is_pc_relative() ) { - int offset = target-(blk_starts[i] + jmp_end[i]); - if (_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(mach->rule(), offset)) { - // We've got a winner. Replace this branch. - MachNode* replacement = mach->short_branch_version(this); - b->_nodes.map(j, replacement); - mach->subsume_by(replacement); - - // Update the jmp_end size to save time in our - // next pass. - jmp_end[i] -= (mach->size(_regalloc) - replacement->size(_regalloc)); - DEBUG_ONLY( jmp_target[i] = bnum; ); - DEBUG_ONLY( jmp_rule[i] = mach->rule(); ); + int offset = blk_starts[bnum] - br_offs; + if (bnum > i) { // adjust following block's offset + offset -= adjust_block_start; + } + // In the following code a nop could be inserted before + // the branch which will increase the backward distance. + bool needs_padding = ((uint)br_offs == last_may_be_short_branch_adr); + if (needs_padding && offset <= 0) + offset -= nop_size; + + if (_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(mach->rule(), br_size, offset)) { + // We've got a winner. Replace this branch. + MachNode* replacement = mach->as_MachBranch()->short_branch_version(this); + + // Update the jmp_size. + int new_size = replacement->size(_regalloc); + int diff = br_size - new_size; + assert(diff >= (int)nop_size, "short_branch size should be smaller"); + // Conservatively take into accound padding between + // avoid_back_to_back branches. Previous branch could be + // converted into avoid_back_to_back branch during next + // rounds. + if (needs_padding && replacement->avoid_back_to_back()) { + jmp_offset[i] += nop_size; + diff -= nop_size; } + adjust_block_start += diff; + b->_nodes.map(idx, replacement); + mach->subsume_by(replacement); + mach = replacement; + progress = true; + + jmp_size[i] = new_size; + DEBUG_ONLY( jmp_target[i] = bnum; ); + DEBUG_ONLY( jmp_rule[i] = mach->rule(); ); } else { -#ifndef PRODUCT - mach->dump(3); -#endif - Unimplemented(); + // The jump distance is not short, try again during next iteration. + has_short_branch_candidate = true; } + } // (mach->may_be_short_branch()) + if (mach != NULL && (mach->may_be_short_branch() || + mach->avoid_back_to_back())) { + last_may_be_short_branch_adr = blk_starts[i] + jmp_offset[i] + jmp_size[i]; } - } - } - - // Compute the size of first NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign instructions at head - // of a loop. It is used to determine the padding for loop alignment. - compute_loop_first_inst_sizes(); - - // Step 3, compute the offsets of all the labels - uint last_call_adr = max_uint; - for( i=0; i<_cfg->_num_blocks; i++ ) { // For all blocks - // copy the offset of the beginning to the corresponding label - assert(labels[i].is_unused(), "cannot patch at this point"); - labels[i].bind_loc(blk_starts[i], CodeBuffer::SECT_INSTS); - - // insert padding for any instructions that need it - Block *b = _cfg->_blocks[i]; - uint last_inst = b->_nodes.size(); - uint adr = blk_starts[i]; - for( uint j = 0; j_nodes[j]; - if( nj->is_Mach() ) { - int padding = nj->as_Mach()->compute_padding(adr); - // If call/safepoint are adjacent insert a nop (5010568) - if (padding == 0 && nj->is_MachSafePoint() && !nj->is_MachCall() && - adr == last_call_adr ) { - padding = nop_size; - } - if(padding > 0) { - assert((padding % nop_size) == 0, "padding is not a multiple of NOP size"); - int nops_cnt = padding / nop_size; - MachNode *nop = new (this) MachNopNode(nops_cnt); - b->_nodes.insert(j++, nop); - _cfg->_bbs.map( nop->_idx, b ); - adr += padding; - last_inst++; - } - } - adr += nj->size(_regalloc); - - // Remember end of call offset - if (nj->is_MachCall() && nj->as_MachCall()->is_safepoint_node()) { - last_call_adr = adr; - } - } - - if ( i != _cfg->_num_blocks-1) { - // Get the size of the block - uint blk_size = adr - blk_starts[i]; - - // When the next block is the top of a loop, we may insert pad NOP - // instructions. - Block *nb = _cfg->_blocks[i+1]; - int current_offset = blk_starts[i] + blk_size; - current_offset += nb->alignment_padding(current_offset); - // Save block size; update total method size - blk_starts[i+1] = current_offset; + blk_starts[i+1] -= adjust_block_start; } } #ifdef ASSERT - for( i=0; i<_cfg->_num_blocks; i++ ) { // For all blocks - if( jmp_target[i] != 0 ) { - int offset = blk_starts[jmp_target[i]]-(blk_starts[i] + jmp_end[i]); - if (!_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(jmp_rule[i], offset)) { - tty->print_cr("target (%d) - jmp_end(%d) = offset (%d), jmp_block B%d, target_block B%d", blk_starts[jmp_target[i]], blk_starts[i] + jmp_end[i], offset, i, jmp_target[i]); + for (uint i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) { // For all blocks + if (jmp_target[i] != 0) { + int br_size = jmp_size[i]; + int offset = blk_starts[jmp_target[i]]-(blk_starts[i] + jmp_offset[i]); + if (!_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(jmp_rule[i], br_size, offset)) { + tty->print_cr("target (%d) - jmp_offset(%d) = offset (%d), jump_size(%d), jmp_block B%d, target_block B%d", blk_starts[jmp_target[i]], blk_starts[i] + jmp_offset[i], offset, br_size, i, jmp_target[i]); } - assert(_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(jmp_rule[i], offset), "Displacement too large for short jmp"); + assert(_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(jmp_rule[i], br_size, offset), "Displacement too large for short jmp"); } } #endif + // Step 3, compute the offsets of all blocks, will be done in fill_buffer() + // after ScheduleAndBundle(). + // ------------------ // Compute size for code buffer - code_size = blk_starts[i-1] + jmp_end[i-1]; + code_size = blk_starts[nblocks]; // Relocation records reloc_size += 1; // Relo entry for exception handler @@ -550,7 +560,7 @@ // Min is 2 bytes, max is probably 6 or 8, with a tax up to 25% for // a relocation index. // The CodeBuffer will expand the locs array if this estimate is too low. - reloc_size *= 10 / sizeof(relocInfo); + reloc_size *= 10 / sizeof(relocInfo); } //------------------------------FillLocArray----------------------------------- @@ -1026,7 +1036,7 @@ -// helper for Fill_buffer bailout logic +// helper for fill_buffer bailout logic static void turn_off_compiler(Compile* C) { if (CodeCache::largest_free_block() >= CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace*10) { // Do not turn off compilation if a single giant method has @@ -1039,22 +1049,20 @@ } -//------------------------------Fill_buffer------------------------------------ -void Compile::Fill_buffer() { +//------------------------------init_buffer------------------------------------ +CodeBuffer* Compile::init_buffer(uint* blk_starts) { // Set the initially allocated size int code_req = initial_code_capacity; int locs_req = initial_locs_capacity; int stub_req = TraceJumps ? initial_stub_capacity * 10 : initial_stub_capacity; int const_req = initial_const_capacity; - bool labels_not_set = true; int pad_req = NativeCall::instruction_size; // The extra spacing after the code is necessary on some platforms. // Sometimes we need to patch in a jump after the last instruction, // if the nmethod has been deoptimized. (See 4932387, 4894843.) - uint i; // Compute the byte offset where we can store the deopt pc. if (fixed_slots() != 0) { _orig_pc_slot_offset_in_bytes = _regalloc->reg2offset(OptoReg::stack2reg(_orig_pc_slot)); @@ -1078,19 +1086,12 @@ _frame_slots += 8*(16/BytesPerInt); } #endif - assert( _frame_slots >= 0 && _frame_slots < 1000000, "sanity check" ); - - // Create an array of unused labels, one for each basic block - Label *blk_labels = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(Label, _cfg->_num_blocks+1); - - for( i=0; i <= _cfg->_num_blocks; i++ ) { - blk_labels[i].init(); - } + assert(_frame_slots >= 0 && _frame_slots < 1000000, "sanity check"); if (has_mach_constant_base_node()) { // Fill the constant table. - // Note: This must happen before Shorten_branches. - for (i = 0; i < _cfg->_num_blocks; i++) { + // Note: This must happen before shorten_branches. + for (uint i = 0; i < _cfg->_num_blocks; i++) { Block* b = _cfg->_blocks[i]; for (uint j = 0; j < b->_nodes.size(); j++) { @@ -1114,14 +1115,11 @@ // Initialize the space for the BufferBlob used to find and verify // instruction size in MachNode::emit_size() init_scratch_buffer_blob(const_req); - if (failing()) return; // Out of memory - - // If this machine supports different size branch offsets, then pre-compute - // the length of the blocks - if( _matcher->is_short_branch_offset(-1, 0) ) { - Shorten_branches(blk_labels, code_req, locs_req, stub_req); - labels_not_set = false; - } + if (failing()) return NULL; // Out of memory + + // Pre-compute the length of blocks and replace + // long branches with short if machine supports it. + shorten_branches(blk_starts, code_req, locs_req, stub_req); // nmethod and CodeBuffer count stubs & constants as part of method's code. int exception_handler_req = size_exception_handler(); @@ -1151,7 +1149,7 @@ // Have we run out of code space? if ((cb->blob() == NULL) || (!CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs())) { turn_off_compiler(this); - return; + return NULL; } // Configure the code buffer. cb->initialize_consts_size(const_req); @@ -1162,18 +1160,31 @@ MachNode *_nop_list[Bundle::_nop_count]; Bundle::initialize_nops(_nop_list, this); + return cb; +} + +//------------------------------fill_buffer------------------------------------ +void Compile::fill_buffer(CodeBuffer* cb, uint* blk_starts) { + // blk_starts[] contains offsets calculated during short branches processing, + // offsets should not be increased during following steps. + + // Compute the size of first NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign instructions at head + // of a loop. It is used to determine the padding for loop alignment. + compute_loop_first_inst_sizes(); + // Create oopmap set. _oop_map_set = new OopMapSet(); // !!!!! This preserves old handling of oopmaps for now debug_info()->set_oopmaps(_oop_map_set); + uint nblocks = _cfg->_num_blocks; // Count and start of implicit null check instructions uint inct_cnt = 0; - uint *inct_starts = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint, _cfg->_num_blocks+1); + uint *inct_starts = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint, nblocks+1); // Count and start of calls - uint *call_returns = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint, _cfg->_num_blocks+1); + uint *call_returns = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint, nblocks+1); uint return_offset = 0; int nop_size = (new (this) MachNopNode())->size(_regalloc); @@ -1181,14 +1192,22 @@ int previous_offset = 0; int current_offset = 0; int last_call_offset = -1; + int last_avoid_back_to_back_offset = -1; +#ifdef ASSERT + int block_alignment_padding = 0; + + uint* jmp_target = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,nblocks); + uint* jmp_offset = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,nblocks); + uint* jmp_size = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,nblocks); + uint* jmp_rule = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,nblocks); +#endif // Create an array of unused labels, one for each basic block, if printing is enabled #ifndef PRODUCT int *node_offsets = NULL; - uint node_offset_limit = unique(); - - - if ( print_assembly() ) + uint node_offset_limit = unique(); + + if (print_assembly()) node_offsets = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(int, node_offset_limit); #endif @@ -1199,11 +1218,19 @@ constant_table().emit(*cb); } + // Create an array of labels, one for each basic block + Label *blk_labels = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(Label, nblocks+1); + for (uint i=0; i <= nblocks; i++) { + blk_labels[i].init(); + } + // ------------------ // Now fill in the code buffer Node *delay_slot = NULL; - for( i=0; i < _cfg->_num_blocks; i++ ) { + for (uint i=0; i < nblocks; i++) { + guarantee(blk_starts[i] >= (uint)cb->insts_size(),"should not increase size"); + Block *b = _cfg->_blocks[i]; Node *head = b->head(); @@ -1211,23 +1238,38 @@ // If this block needs to start aligned (i.e, can be reached other // than by falling-thru from the previous block), then force the // start of a new bundle. - if( Pipeline::requires_bundling() && starts_bundle(head) ) + if (Pipeline::requires_bundling() && starts_bundle(head)) cb->flush_bundle(true); +#ifdef ASSERT + if (!b->is_connector()) { + stringStream st; + b->dump_head(&_cfg->_bbs, &st); + MacroAssembler(cb).block_comment(st.as_string()); + } + jmp_target[i] = 0; + jmp_offset[i] = 0; + jmp_size[i] = 0; + jmp_rule[i] = 0; + + // Maximum alignment padding for loop block was used + // during first round of branches shortening, as result + // padding for nodes (sfpt after call) was not added. + // Take this into account for block's size change check + // and allow increase block's size by the difference + // of maximum and actual alignment paddings. + int orig_blk_size = blk_starts[i+1] - blk_starts[i] + block_alignment_padding; +#endif + int blk_offset = current_offset; + // Define the label at the beginning of the basic block - if (labels_not_set) { - MacroAssembler(cb).bind(blk_labels[b->_pre_order]); - } else { - assert(blk_labels[b->_pre_order].loc_pos() == cb->insts_size(), - err_msg("label position does not match code offset: %d != %d", - blk_labels[b->_pre_order].loc_pos(), cb->insts_size())); - } + MacroAssembler(cb).bind(blk_labels[b->_pre_order]); uint last_inst = b->_nodes.size(); // Emit block normally, except for last instruction. // Emit means "dump code bits into code buffer". - for( uint j = 0; j_nodes[j]; @@ -1244,7 +1286,7 @@ // If this starts a new instruction group, then flush the current one // (but allow split bundles) - if( Pipeline::requires_bundling() && starts_bundle(n) ) + if (Pipeline::requires_bundling() && starts_bundle(n)) cb->flush_bundle(false); // The following logic is duplicated in the code ifdeffed for @@ -1253,25 +1295,32 @@ // Special handling for SafePoint/Call Nodes bool is_mcall = false; - if( n->is_Mach() ) { + if (n->is_Mach()) { MachNode *mach = n->as_Mach(); is_mcall = n->is_MachCall(); bool is_sfn = n->is_MachSafePoint(); // If this requires all previous instructions be flushed, then do so - if( is_sfn || is_mcall || mach->alignment_required() != 1) { + if (is_sfn || is_mcall || mach->alignment_required() != 1) { cb->flush_bundle(true); current_offset = cb->insts_size(); } + // A padding may be needed again since a previous instruction + // could be moved to delay slot. + // align the instruction if necessary int padding = mach->compute_padding(current_offset); // Make sure safepoint node for polling is distinct from a call's // return by adding a nop if needed. - if (is_sfn && !is_mcall && padding == 0 && current_offset == last_call_offset ) { + if (is_sfn && !is_mcall && padding == 0 && current_offset == last_call_offset) { padding = nop_size; } - assert( labels_not_set || padding == 0, "instruction should already be aligned"); + if (padding == 0 && mach->avoid_back_to_back() && + current_offset == last_avoid_back_to_back_offset) { + // Avoid back to back some instructions. + padding = nop_size; + } if(padding > 0) { assert((padding % nop_size) == 0, "padding is not a multiple of NOP size"); @@ -1295,20 +1344,20 @@ // Save the return address call_returns[b->_pre_order] = current_offset + mcall->ret_addr_offset(); - if (!mcall->is_safepoint_node()) { + if (mcall->is_MachCallLeaf()) { is_mcall = false; is_sfn = false; } } // sfn will be valid whenever mcall is valid now because of inheritance - if( is_sfn || is_mcall ) { + if (is_sfn || is_mcall) { // Handle special safepoint nodes for synchronization - if( !is_mcall ) { + if (!is_mcall) { MachSafePointNode *sfn = mach->as_MachSafePoint(); // !!!!! Stubs only need an oopmap right now, so bail out - if( sfn->jvms()->method() == NULL) { + if (sfn->jvms()->method() == NULL) { // Write the oopmap directly to the code blob??!! # ifdef ENABLE_ZAP_DEAD_LOCALS assert( !is_node_getting_a_safepoint(sfn), "logic does not match; false positive"); @@ -1328,31 +1377,78 @@ } // If this is a branch, then fill in the label with the target BB's label - else if ( mach->is_Branch() ) { - - if ( mach->ideal_Opcode() == Op_Jump ) { - for (uint h = 0; h < b->_num_succs; h++ ) { - Block* succs_block = b->_succs[h]; - for (uint j = 1; j < succs_block->num_preds(); j++) { - Node* jpn = succs_block->pred(j); - if ( jpn->is_JumpProj() && jpn->in(0) == mach ) { - uint block_num = succs_block->non_connector()->_pre_order; - Label *blkLabel = &blk_labels[block_num]; - mach->add_case_label(jpn->as_JumpProj()->proj_no(), blkLabel); - } + else if (mach->is_MachBranch()) { + // This requires the TRUE branch target be in succs[0] + uint block_num = b->non_connector_successor(0)->_pre_order; + + // Try to replace long branch if delay slot is not used, + // it is mostly for back branches since forward branch's + // distance is not updated yet. + bool delay_slot_is_used = valid_bundle_info(n) && + node_bundling(n)->use_unconditional_delay(); + if (!delay_slot_is_used && mach->may_be_short_branch()) { + assert(delay_slot == NULL, "not expecting delay slot node"); + int br_size = n->size(_regalloc); + int offset = blk_starts[block_num] - current_offset; + if (block_num >= i) { + // Current and following block's offset are not + // finilized yet, adjust distance by the difference + // between calculated and final offsets of current block. + offset -= (blk_starts[i] - blk_offset); + } + // In the following code a nop could be inserted before + // the branch which will increase the backward distance. + bool needs_padding = (current_offset == last_avoid_back_to_back_offset); + if (needs_padding && offset <= 0) + offset -= nop_size; + + if (_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(mach->rule(), br_size, offset)) { + // We've got a winner. Replace this branch. + MachNode* replacement = mach->as_MachBranch()->short_branch_version(this); + + // Update the jmp_size. + int new_size = replacement->size(_regalloc); + assert((br_size - new_size) >= (int)nop_size, "short_branch size should be smaller"); + // Insert padding between avoid_back_to_back branches. + if (needs_padding && replacement->avoid_back_to_back()) { + MachNode *nop = new (this) MachNopNode(); + b->_nodes.insert(j++, nop); + _cfg->_bbs.map(nop->_idx, b); + last_inst++; + nop->emit(*cb, _regalloc); + cb->flush_bundle(true); + current_offset = cb->insts_size(); + } +#ifdef ASSERT + jmp_target[i] = block_num; + jmp_offset[i] = current_offset - blk_offset; + jmp_size[i] = new_size; + jmp_rule[i] = mach->rule(); +#endif + b->_nodes.map(j, replacement); + mach->subsume_by(replacement); + n = replacement; + mach = replacement; + } + } + mach->as_MachBranch()->label_set( &blk_labels[block_num], block_num ); + } else if (mach->ideal_Opcode() == Op_Jump) { + for (uint h = 0; h < b->_num_succs; h++) { + Block* succs_block = b->_succs[h]; + for (uint j = 1; j < succs_block->num_preds(); j++) { + Node* jpn = succs_block->pred(j); + if (jpn->is_JumpProj() && jpn->in(0) == mach) { + uint block_num = succs_block->non_connector()->_pre_order; + Label *blkLabel = &blk_labels[block_num]; + mach->add_case_label(jpn->as_JumpProj()->proj_no(), blkLabel); } } - } else { - // For Branchs - // This requires the TRUE branch target be in succs[0] - uint block_num = b->non_connector_successor(0)->_pre_order; - mach->label_set( blk_labels[block_num], block_num ); } } #ifdef ASSERT // Check that oop-store precedes the card-mark - else if( mach->ideal_Opcode() == Op_StoreCM ) { + else if (mach->ideal_Opcode() == Op_StoreCM) { uint storeCM_idx = j; int count = 0; for (uint prec = mach->req(); prec < mach->len(); prec++) { @@ -1371,7 +1467,7 @@ } #endif - else if( !n->is_Proj() ) { + else if (!n->is_Proj()) { // Remember the beginning of the previous instruction, in case // it's followed by a flag-kill and a null-check. Happens on // Intel all the time, with add-to-memory kind of opcodes. @@ -1388,13 +1484,21 @@ // Save the offset for the listing #ifndef PRODUCT - if( node_offsets && n->_idx < node_offset_limit ) + if (node_offsets && n->_idx < node_offset_limit) node_offsets[n->_idx] = cb->insts_size(); #endif // "Normal" instruction case + DEBUG_ONLY( uint instr_offset = cb->insts_size(); ) n->emit(*cb, _regalloc); current_offset = cb->insts_size(); + +#ifdef ASSERT + if (n->size(_regalloc) < (current_offset-instr_offset)) { + n->dump(); + assert(false, "wrong size of mach node"); + } +#endif non_safepoints.observe_instruction(n, current_offset); // mcall is last "call" that can be a safepoint @@ -1408,8 +1512,13 @@ last_call_offset = current_offset; } + if (n->is_Mach() && n->as_Mach()->avoid_back_to_back()) { + // Avoid back to back some instructions. + last_avoid_back_to_back_offset = current_offset; + } + // See if this instruction has a delay slot - if ( valid_bundle_info(n) && node_bundling(n)->use_unconditional_delay()) { + if (valid_bundle_info(n) && node_bundling(n)->use_unconditional_delay()) { assert(delay_slot != NULL, "expecting delay slot node"); // Back up 1 instruction @@ -1417,15 +1526,15 @@ // Save the offset for the listing #ifndef PRODUCT - if( node_offsets && delay_slot->_idx < node_offset_limit ) + if (node_offsets && delay_slot->_idx < node_offset_limit) node_offsets[delay_slot->_idx] = cb->insts_size(); #endif // Support a SafePoint in the delay slot - if( delay_slot->is_MachSafePoint() ) { + if (delay_slot->is_MachSafePoint()) { MachNode *mach = delay_slot->as_Mach(); // !!!!! Stubs only need an oopmap right now, so bail out - if( !mach->is_MachCall() && mach->as_MachSafePoint()->jvms()->method() == NULL ) { + if (!mach->is_MachCall() && mach->as_MachSafePoint()->jvms()->method() == NULL) { // Write the oopmap directly to the code blob??!! # ifdef ENABLE_ZAP_DEAD_LOCALS assert( !is_node_getting_a_safepoint(mach), "logic does not match; false positive"); @@ -1449,12 +1558,14 @@ } } // End for all instructions in block + assert((uint)blk_offset <= blk_starts[i], "shouldn't increase distance"); + blk_starts[i] = blk_offset; // If the next block is the top of a loop, pad this block out to align // the loop top a little. Helps prevent pipe stalls at loop back branches. - if( i<_cfg->_num_blocks-1 ) { + if (i < nblocks-1) { Block *nb = _cfg->_blocks[i+1]; - uint padding = nb->alignment_padding(current_offset); + int padding = nb->alignment_padding(current_offset); if( padding > 0 ) { MachNode *nop = new (this) MachNopNode(padding / nop_size); b->_nodes.insert( b->_nodes.size(), nop ); @@ -1462,9 +1573,18 @@ nop->emit(*cb, _regalloc); current_offset = cb->insts_size(); } +#ifdef ASSERT + int max_loop_pad = nb->code_alignment()-relocInfo::addr_unit(); + block_alignment_padding = (max_loop_pad - padding); + assert(block_alignment_padding >= 0, "sanity"); +#endif } + // Verify that the distance for generated before forward + // short branches is still valid. + assert(orig_blk_size >= (current_offset - blk_offset), "shouldn't increase block size"); } // End of for all blocks + blk_starts[nblocks] = current_offset; non_safepoints.flush_at_end(); @@ -1472,13 +1592,26 @@ if (failing()) return; // Define a pseudo-label at the end of the code - MacroAssembler(cb).bind( blk_labels[_cfg->_num_blocks] ); + MacroAssembler(cb).bind( blk_labels[nblocks] ); // Compute the size of the first block _first_block_size = blk_labels[1].loc_pos() - blk_labels[0].loc_pos(); assert(cb->insts_size() < 500000, "method is unreasonably large"); +#ifdef ASSERT + for (uint i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) { // For all blocks + if (jmp_target[i] != 0) { + int br_size = jmp_size[i]; + int offset = blk_starts[jmp_target[i]]-(blk_starts[i] + jmp_offset[i]); + if (!_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(jmp_rule[i], br_size, offset)) { + tty->print_cr("target (%d) - jmp_offset(%d) = offset (%d), jump_size(%d), jmp_block B%d, target_block B%d", blk_starts[jmp_target[i]], blk_starts[i] + jmp_offset[i], offset, br_size, i, jmp_target[i]); + assert(false, "Displacement too large for short jmp"); + } + } + } +#endif + // ------------------ #ifndef PRODUCT @@ -1565,8 +1698,8 @@ uint call_return = call_returns[b->_pre_order]; #ifdef ASSERT assert( call_return > 0, "no call seen for this basic block" ); - while( b->_nodes[--j]->Opcode() == Op_MachProj ) ; - assert( b->_nodes[j]->is_Call(), "CatchProj must follow call" ); + while( b->_nodes[--j]->is_MachProj() ) ; + assert( b->_nodes[j]->is_MachCall(), "CatchProj must follow call" ); #endif // last instruction is a CatchNode, find it's CatchProjNodes int nof_succs = b->_num_succs; @@ -1743,11 +1876,6 @@ // Create a data structure for all the scheduling information Scheduling scheduling(Thread::current()->resource_area(), *this); - // Initialize the space for the BufferBlob used to find and verify - // instruction size in MachNode::emit_size() - init_scratch_buffer_blob(MAX_const_size); - if (failing()) return; // Out of memory - // Walk backwards over each basic block, computing the needed alignment // Walk over all the basic blocks scheduling.DoScheduling(); @@ -2028,7 +2156,7 @@ // the first instruction at the branch target is // copied to the delay slot, and the branch goes to // the instruction after that at the branch target - if ( n->is_Mach() && n->is_Branch() ) { + if ( n->is_MachBranch() ) { assert( !n->is_MachNullCheck(), "should not look for delay slot for Null Check" ); assert( !n->is_Catch(), "should not look for delay slot for Catch" ); @@ -2346,12 +2474,18 @@ // have their delay slots filled in the template expansions, so we don't // bother scheduling them. Node *last = bb->_nodes[_bb_end]; + // Ignore trailing NOPs. + while (_bb_end > 0 && last->is_Mach() && + last->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_Con) { + last = bb->_nodes[--_bb_end]; + } + assert(!last->is_Mach() || last->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() != Op_Con, ""); if( last->is_Catch() || // Exclude unreachable path case when Halt node is in a separate block. (_bb_end > 1 && last->is_Mach() && last->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_Halt) ) { // There must be a prior call. Skip it. - while( !bb->_nodes[--_bb_end]->is_Call() ) { - assert( bb->_nodes[_bb_end]->is_Proj(), "skipping projections after expected call" ); + while( !bb->_nodes[--_bb_end]->is_MachCall() ) { + assert( bb->_nodes[_bb_end]->is_MachProj(), "skipping projections after expected call" ); } } else if( last->is_MachNullCheck() ) { // Backup so the last null-checked memory instruction is @@ -2663,7 +2797,7 @@ for( uint i = _bb_end-1; i >= _bb_start; i-- ) { Node *n = b->_nodes[i]; int is_def = n->outcnt(); // def if some uses prior to adding precedence edges - if( n->Opcode() == Op_MachProj && n->ideal_reg() == MachProjNode::fat_proj ) { + if( n->is_MachProj() && n->ideal_reg() == MachProjNode::fat_proj ) { // Fat-proj kills a slew of registers // This can add edges to 'n' and obscure whether or not it was a def, // hence the is_def flag. @@ -2680,12 +2814,29 @@ anti_do_def( b, n, _regalloc->get_reg_second(n), is_def ); } + // Kill projections on a branch should appear to occur on the + // branch, not afterwards, so grab the masks from the projections + // and process them. + if (n->is_MachBranch() || n->is_Mach() && n->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_Jump) { + for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) { + Node* use = n->fast_out(i); + if (use->is_Proj()) { + RegMask rm = use->out_RegMask();// Make local copy + while( rm.is_NotEmpty() ) { + OptoReg::Name kill = rm.find_first_elem(); + rm.Remove(kill); + anti_do_def( b, n, kill, false ); + } + } + } + } + // Check each register used by this instruction for a following DEF/KILL // that must occur afterward and requires an anti-dependence edge. for( uint j=0; jreq(); j++ ) { Node *def = n->in(j); if( def ) { - assert( def->Opcode() != Op_MachProj || def->ideal_reg() != MachProjNode::fat_proj, "" ); + assert( !def->is_MachProj() || def->ideal_reg() != MachProjNode::fat_proj, "" ); anti_do_use( b, n, _regalloc->get_reg_first(def) ); anti_do_use( b, n, _regalloc->get_reg_second(def) ); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/parse3.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/parse3.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/parse3.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -100,6 +100,14 @@ } } + // Deoptimize on putfield writes to CallSite.target + if (!is_get && field->is_call_site_target()) { + uncommon_trap(Deoptimization::Reason_unhandled, + Deoptimization::Action_reinterpret, + NULL, "put to CallSite.target field"); + return; + } + assert(field->will_link(method()->holder(), bc()), "getfield: typeflow responsibility"); // Note: We do not check for an unloaded field type here any more. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/phaseX.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/phaseX.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/phaseX.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -473,7 +473,6 @@ // Clone loop predicates. Defined in loopTransform.cpp. Node* clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check); - Node* move_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check); // Create a new if below new_entry for the predicate to be cloned ProjNode* create_new_if_for_predicate(ProjNode* cont_proj, Node* new_entry, Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/reg_split.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/reg_split.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/reg_split.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ continue; } - if (UseFPUForSpilling && n->is_Call() && !uup && !dup ) { + if (UseFPUForSpilling && n->is_MachCall() && !uup && !dup ) { // The use at the call can force the def down so insert // a split before the use to allow the def more freedom. maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,dup,false, splits,slidx); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/superword.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/superword.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/superword.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ assert(lpt->_head->is_CountedLoop(), "must be"); CountedLoopNode *cl = lpt->_head->as_CountedLoop(); + if (!cl->is_valid_counted_loop()) return; // skip malformed counted loop + if (!cl->is_main_loop() ) return; // skip normal, pre, and post loops // Check for no control flow in body (other than exit) @@ -1167,7 +1169,7 @@ } else if (n->is_Store()) { // Promote value to be stored to vector - VectorNode* val = vector_opd(p, MemNode::ValueIn); + Node* val = vector_opd(p, MemNode::ValueIn); int opc = n->Opcode(); Node* ctl = n->in(MemNode::Control); @@ -1199,7 +1201,7 @@ //------------------------------vector_opd--------------------------- // Create a vector operand for the nodes in pack p for operand: in(opd_idx) -VectorNode* SuperWord::vector_opd(Node_List* p, int opd_idx) { +Node* SuperWord::vector_opd(Node_List* p, int opd_idx) { Node* p0 = p->at(0); uint vlen = p->size(); Node* opd = p0->in(opd_idx); @@ -1215,9 +1217,10 @@ } if (same_opd) { - if (opd->is_Vector()) { - return (VectorNode*)opd; // input is matching vector + if (opd->is_Vector() || opd->is_VectorLoad()) { + return opd; // input is matching vector } + assert(!opd->is_VectorStore(), "such vector is not expected here"); // Convert scalar input to vector. Use p0's type because it's container // maybe smaller than the operand's container. const Type* opd_t = velt_type(!in_bb(opd) ? p0 : opd); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/superword.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/superword.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/superword.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ // Convert packs into vector node operations void output(); // Create a vector operand for the nodes in pack p for operand: in(opd_idx) - VectorNode* vector_opd(Node_List* p, int opd_idx); + Node* vector_opd(Node_List* p, int opd_idx); // Can code be generated for pack p? bool implemented(Node_List* p); // For pack p, are all operands and all uses (with in the block) vector? diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/vectornode.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/vectornode.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/vectornode.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ // Return the vector version of a scalar store node. VectorStoreNode* VectorStoreNode::make(Compile* C, int opc, Node* ctl, Node* mem, - Node* adr, const TypePtr* atyp, VectorNode* val, + Node* adr, const TypePtr* atyp, Node* val, uint vlen) { int vopc = opcode(opc, vlen); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/opto/vectornode.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/opto/vectornode.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/opto/vectornode.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ friend class VectorStoreNode; // ditto. VectorNode(Node* n1, uint vlen) : Node(NULL, n1), _length(vlen) { - init_flags(Flag_is_Vector); + init_class_id(Class_Vector); } VectorNode(Node* n1, Node* n2, uint vlen) : Node(NULL, n1, n2), _length(vlen) { - init_flags(Flag_is_Vector); + init_class_id(Class_Vector); } virtual int Opcode() const; @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ public: VectorLoadNode(Node* c, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* at, const Type *rt) : LoadNode(c,mem,adr,at,rt) { - init_flags(Flag_is_Vector); + init_class_id(Class_VectorLoad); } virtual int Opcode() const; @@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ public: VectorStoreNode(Node* c, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* at, Node* val) : StoreNode(c,mem,adr,at,val) { - init_flags(Flag_is_Vector); + init_class_id(Class_VectorStore); } virtual int Opcode() const; @@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ static int opcode(int sopc, uint vlen); static VectorStoreNode* make(Compile* C, int opc, Node* ctl, Node* mem, - Node* adr, const TypePtr* atyp, VectorNode* val, + Node* adr, const TypePtr* atyp, Node* val, uint vlen); }; diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/prims/jvmtiTagMap.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/prims/jvmtiTagMap.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/prims/jvmtiTagMap.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1647,6 +1647,7 @@ // saved headers static GrowableArray* _saved_oop_stack; static GrowableArray* _saved_mark_stack; + static bool _needs_reset; // do we need to reset mark bits? public: static void init(); // initialize @@ -1654,10 +1655,14 @@ static inline void mark(oop o); // mark an object static inline bool visited(oop o); // check if object has been visited + + static inline bool needs_reset() { return _needs_reset; } + static inline void set_needs_reset(bool v) { _needs_reset = v; } }; GrowableArray* ObjectMarker::_saved_oop_stack = NULL; GrowableArray* ObjectMarker::_saved_mark_stack = NULL; +bool ObjectMarker::_needs_reset = true; // need to reset mark bits by default // initialize ObjectMarker - prepares for object marking void ObjectMarker::init() { @@ -1680,7 +1685,13 @@ // iterate over all objects and restore the mark bits to // their initial value RestoreMarksClosure blk; - Universe::heap()->object_iterate(&blk); + if (needs_reset()) { + Universe::heap()->object_iterate(&blk); + } else { + // We don't need to reset mark bits on this call, but reset the + // flag to the default for the next call. + set_needs_reset(true); + } // When sharing is enabled we need to restore the headers of the objects // in the readwrite space too. @@ -3023,7 +3034,8 @@ } -// collects all simple (non-stack) roots. +// Collects all simple (non-stack) roots except for threads; +// threads are handled in collect_stack_roots() as an optimization. // if there's a heap root callback provided then the callback is // invoked for each simple root. // if an object reference callback is provided then all simple @@ -3054,16 +3066,7 @@ return false; } - // Threads - for (JavaThread* thread = Threads::first(); thread != NULL ; thread = thread->next()) { - oop threadObj = thread->threadObj(); - if (threadObj != NULL && !thread->is_exiting() && !thread->is_hidden_from_external_view()) { - bool cont = CallbackInvoker::report_simple_root(JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_THREAD, threadObj); - if (!cont) { - return false; - } - } - } + // threads are now handled in collect_stack_roots() // Other kinds of roots maintained by HotSpot // Many of these won't be visible but others (such as instances of important @@ -3175,13 +3178,20 @@ } -// collects all stack roots - for each thread it walks the execution +// Collects the simple roots for all threads and collects all +// stack roots - for each thread it walks the execution // stack to find all references and local JNI refs. inline bool VM_HeapWalkOperation::collect_stack_roots() { JNILocalRootsClosure blk; for (JavaThread* thread = Threads::first(); thread != NULL ; thread = thread->next()) { oop threadObj = thread->threadObj(); if (threadObj != NULL && !thread->is_exiting() && !thread->is_hidden_from_external_view()) { + // Collect the simple root for this thread before we + // collect its stack roots + if (!CallbackInvoker::report_simple_root(JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_THREAD, + threadObj)) { + return false; + } if (!collect_stack_roots(thread, &blk)) { return false; } @@ -3235,8 +3245,20 @@ // the heap walk starts with an initial object or the heap roots if (initial_object().is_null()) { + // If either collect_stack_roots() or collect_simple_roots() + // returns false at this point, then there are no mark bits + // to reset. + ObjectMarker::set_needs_reset(false); + + // Calling collect_stack_roots() before collect_simple_roots() + // can result in a big performance boost for an agent that is + // focused on analyzing references in the thread stacks. + if (!collect_stack_roots()) return; + if (!collect_simple_roots()) return; - if (!collect_stack_roots()) return; + + // no early return so enable heap traversal to reset the mark bits + ObjectMarker::set_needs_reset(true); } else { visit_stack()->push(initial_object()()); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/prims/methodHandles.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/prims/methodHandles.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/prims/methodHandles.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ && CompilationPolicy::can_be_compiled(m)) { // Force compilation CompileBroker::compile_method(m, InvocationEntryBci, - CompLevel_initial_compile, + CompilationPolicy::policy()->initial_compile_level(), methodHandle(), 0, "MethodHandleNatives.getTarget", CHECK_NULL); } @@ -2713,7 +2713,7 @@ && CompilationPolicy::can_be_compiled(m)) { // Force compilation CompileBroker::compile_method(m, InvocationEntryBci, - CompLevel_initial_compile, + CompilationPolicy::policy()->initial_compile_level(), methodHandle(), 0, "StressMethodHandleWalk", CHECK); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/advancedThresholdPolicy.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/advancedThresholdPolicy.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/advancedThresholdPolicy.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -189,7 +189,8 @@ task = next_task; } - if (max_task->comp_level() == CompLevel_full_profile && is_method_profiled(max_method)) { + if (max_task->comp_level() == CompLevel_full_profile && TieredStopAtLevel > CompLevel_full_profile + && is_method_profiled(max_method)) { max_task->set_comp_level(CompLevel_limited_profile); if (PrintTieredEvents) { print_event(UPDATE_IN_QUEUE, max_method, max_method, max_task->osr_bci(), (CompLevel)max_task->comp_level()); @@ -321,77 +322,79 @@ */ // Common transition function. Given a predicate determines if a method should transition to another level. -CompLevel AdvancedThresholdPolicy::common(Predicate p, methodOop method, CompLevel cur_level) { - if (is_trivial(method)) return CompLevel_simple; - +CompLevel AdvancedThresholdPolicy::common(Predicate p, methodOop method, CompLevel cur_level, bool disable_feedback) { CompLevel next_level = cur_level; int i = method->invocation_count(); int b = method->backedge_count(); - switch(cur_level) { - case CompLevel_none: - // If we were at full profile level, would we switch to full opt? - if (common(p, method, CompLevel_full_profile) == CompLevel_full_optimization) { - next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; - } else if ((this->*p)(i, b, cur_level)) { - // C1-generated fully profiled code is about 30% slower than the limited profile - // code that has only invocation and backedge counters. The observation is that - // if C2 queue is large enough we can spend too much time in the fully profiled code - // while waiting for C2 to pick the method from the queue. To alleviate this problem - // we introduce a feedback on the C2 queue size. If the C2 queue is sufficiently long - // we choose to compile a limited profiled version and then recompile with full profiling - // when the load on C2 goes down. - if (CompileBroker::queue_size(CompLevel_full_optimization) > - Tier3DelayOn * compiler_count(CompLevel_full_optimization)) { - next_level = CompLevel_limited_profile; - } else { - next_level = CompLevel_full_profile; - } - } - break; - case CompLevel_limited_profile: - if (is_method_profiled(method)) { - // Special case: we got here because this method was fully profiled in the interpreter. - next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; - } else { - methodDataOop mdo = method->method_data(); - if (mdo != NULL) { - if (mdo->would_profile()) { - if (CompileBroker::queue_size(CompLevel_full_optimization) <= - Tier3DelayOff * compiler_count(CompLevel_full_optimization) && - (this->*p)(i, b, cur_level)) { - next_level = CompLevel_full_profile; - } + if (is_trivial(method)) { + next_level = CompLevel_simple; + } else { + switch(cur_level) { + case CompLevel_none: + // If we were at full profile level, would we switch to full opt? + if (common(p, method, CompLevel_full_profile, disable_feedback) == CompLevel_full_optimization) { + next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; + } else if ((this->*p)(i, b, cur_level)) { + // C1-generated fully profiled code is about 30% slower than the limited profile + // code that has only invocation and backedge counters. The observation is that + // if C2 queue is large enough we can spend too much time in the fully profiled code + // while waiting for C2 to pick the method from the queue. To alleviate this problem + // we introduce a feedback on the C2 queue size. If the C2 queue is sufficiently long + // we choose to compile a limited profiled version and then recompile with full profiling + // when the load on C2 goes down. + if (!disable_feedback && CompileBroker::queue_size(CompLevel_full_optimization) > + Tier3DelayOn * compiler_count(CompLevel_full_optimization)) { + next_level = CompLevel_limited_profile; } else { - next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; + next_level = CompLevel_full_profile; } } - } - break; - case CompLevel_full_profile: - { - methodDataOop mdo = method->method_data(); - if (mdo != NULL) { - if (mdo->would_profile()) { - int mdo_i = mdo->invocation_count_delta(); - int mdo_b = mdo->backedge_count_delta(); - if ((this->*p)(mdo_i, mdo_b, cur_level)) { + break; + case CompLevel_limited_profile: + if (is_method_profiled(method)) { + // Special case: we got here because this method was fully profiled in the interpreter. + next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; + } else { + methodDataOop mdo = method->method_data(); + if (mdo != NULL) { + if (mdo->would_profile()) { + if (disable_feedback || (CompileBroker::queue_size(CompLevel_full_optimization) <= + Tier3DelayOff * compiler_count(CompLevel_full_optimization) && + (this->*p)(i, b, cur_level))) { + next_level = CompLevel_full_profile; + } + } else { next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; } - } else { - next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; } } + break; + case CompLevel_full_profile: + { + methodDataOop mdo = method->method_data(); + if (mdo != NULL) { + if (mdo->would_profile()) { + int mdo_i = mdo->invocation_count_delta(); + int mdo_b = mdo->backedge_count_delta(); + if ((this->*p)(mdo_i, mdo_b, cur_level)) { + next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; + } + } else { + next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; + } + } + } + break; } - break; } - return next_level; + return MIN2(next_level, (CompLevel)TieredStopAtLevel); } // Determine if a method should be compiled with a normal entry point at a different level. CompLevel AdvancedThresholdPolicy::call_event(methodOop method, CompLevel cur_level) { CompLevel osr_level = MIN2((CompLevel) method->highest_osr_comp_level(), - common(&AdvancedThresholdPolicy::loop_predicate, method, cur_level)); + common(&AdvancedThresholdPolicy::loop_predicate, method, cur_level, true)); CompLevel next_level = common(&AdvancedThresholdPolicy::call_predicate, method, cur_level); // If OSR method level is greater than the regular method level, the levels should be @@ -406,13 +409,12 @@ } else { next_level = MAX2(osr_level, next_level); } - return next_level; } // Determine if we should do an OSR compilation of a given method. CompLevel AdvancedThresholdPolicy::loop_event(methodOop method, CompLevel cur_level) { - CompLevel next_level = common(&AdvancedThresholdPolicy::loop_predicate, method, cur_level); + CompLevel next_level = common(&AdvancedThresholdPolicy::loop_predicate, method, cur_level, true); if (cur_level == CompLevel_none) { // If there is a live OSR method that means that we deopted to the interpreter // for the transition. @@ -460,22 +462,9 @@ if (is_compilation_enabled()) { CompLevel next_osr_level = loop_event(imh(), level); CompLevel max_osr_level = (CompLevel)imh->highest_osr_comp_level(); - if (next_osr_level == CompLevel_limited_profile) { - next_osr_level = CompLevel_full_profile; // OSRs are supposed to be for very hot methods. - } - // At the very least compile the OSR version - if (!CompileBroker::compilation_is_in_queue(imh, bci)) { - // Check if there's a method like that already - nmethod* osr_nm = NULL; - if (max_osr_level >= next_osr_level) { - // There is an osr method already with the same - // or greater level, check if it has the bci we need - osr_nm = imh->lookup_osr_nmethod_for(bci, next_osr_level, false); - } - if (osr_nm == NULL) { - compile(imh, bci, next_osr_level, THREAD); - } + if (!CompileBroker::compilation_is_in_queue(imh, bci) && next_osr_level != level) { + compile(imh, bci, next_osr_level, THREAD); } // Use loop event as an opportunity to also check if there's been diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/advancedThresholdPolicy.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/advancedThresholdPolicy.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/advancedThresholdPolicy.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ bool call_predicate(int i, int b, CompLevel cur_level); bool loop_predicate(int i, int b, CompLevel cur_level); // Common transition function. Given a predicate determines if a method should transition to another level. - CompLevel common(Predicate p, methodOop method, CompLevel cur_level); + CompLevel common(Predicate p, methodOop method, CompLevel cur_level, bool disable_feedback = false); // Transition functions. // call_event determines if a method should be compiled at a different // level with a regular invocation entry. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/compilationPolicy.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/compilationPolicy.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/compilationPolicy.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ // Profiling elapsedTimer* accumulated_time() { return &_accumulated_time; } void print_time() PRODUCT_RETURN; + // Return initial compile level that is used with Xcomp + virtual CompLevel initial_compile_level() = 0; virtual int compiler_count(CompLevel comp_level) = 0; // main notification entry, return a pointer to an nmethod if the OSR is required, // returns NULL otherwise. @@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ void reset_counter_for_back_branch_event(methodHandle method); public: NonTieredCompPolicy() : _compiler_count(0) { } + virtual CompLevel initial_compile_level() { return CompLevel_initial_compile; } virtual int compiler_count(CompLevel comp_level); virtual void do_safepoint_work(); virtual void reprofile(ScopeDesc* trap_scope, bool is_osr); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1205,6 +1205,9 @@ product(bool, UseUnalignedLoadStores, false, \ "Use SSE2 MOVDQU instruction for Arraycopy") \ \ + product(bool, UseCBCond, false, \ + "Use compare and branch instruction on SPARC") \ + \ product(intx, FieldsAllocationStyle, 1, \ "0 - type based with oops first, 1 - with oops last, " \ "2 - oops in super and sub classes are together") \ @@ -2894,8 +2897,11 @@ product(intx, AllocatePrefetchDistance, -1, \ "Distance to prefetch ahead of allocation pointer") \ \ - product(intx, AllocatePrefetchLines, 1, \ - "Number of lines to prefetch ahead of allocation pointer") \ + product(intx, AllocatePrefetchLines, 3, \ + "Number of lines to prefetch ahead of array allocation pointer") \ + \ + product(intx, AllocateInstancePrefetchLines, 1, \ + "Number of lines to prefetch ahead of instance allocation pointer") \ \ product(intx, AllocatePrefetchStepSize, 16, \ "Step size in bytes of sequential prefetch instructions") \ diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/java.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/java.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/java.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ FlagSetting fs(DisplayVMOutput, DisplayVMOutput && PrintC1Statistics); Runtime1::print_statistics(); Deoptimization::print_statistics(); + SharedRuntime::print_statistics(); nmethod::print_statistics(); } #endif /* COMPILER1 */ @@ -254,8 +255,8 @@ #ifndef COMPILER1 Deoptimization::print_statistics(); nmethod::print_statistics(); + SharedRuntime::print_statistics(); #endif //COMPILER1 - SharedRuntime::print_statistics(); os::print_statistics(); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/javaCalls.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/javaCalls.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/javaCalls.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ assert(!thread->is_Compiler_thread(), "cannot compile from the compiler"); if (CompilationPolicy::must_be_compiled(method)) { CompileBroker::compile_method(method, InvocationEntryBci, - CompLevel_initial_compile, + CompilationPolicy::policy()->initial_compile_level(), methodHandle(), 0, "must_be_compiled", CHECK); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/os.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/os.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/os.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1232,6 +1232,17 @@ } #ifndef PRODUCT +void os::trace_page_sizes(const char* str, const size_t* page_sizes, int count) +{ + if (TracePageSizes) { + tty->print("%s: ", str); + for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { + tty->print(" " SIZE_FORMAT, page_sizes[i]); + } + tty->cr(); + } +} + void os::trace_page_sizes(const char* str, const size_t region_min_size, const size_t region_max_size, const size_t page_size, const char* base, const size_t size) @@ -1299,7 +1310,7 @@ size_t sz, i = 0; // read until EOF, EOL or buf is full - while ((sz = (int) read(fd, &buf[i], 1)) == 1 && i < (bsize-1) && buf[i] != '\n') { + while ((sz = (int) read(fd, &buf[i], 1)) == 1 && i < (bsize-2) && buf[i] != '\n') { ++i; } @@ -1320,7 +1331,7 @@ } // line is longer than size of buf, skip to EOL - int ch; + char ch; while (read(fd, &ch, 1) == 1 && ch != '\n') { // Do nothing } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/os.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/os.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/os.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -208,11 +208,13 @@ size_t region_max_size, uint min_pages); - // Method for tracing page sizes returned by the above method; enabled by + // Methods for tracing page sizes returned by the above method; enabled by // TracePageSizes. The region_{min,max}_size parameters should be the values // passed to page_size_for_region() and page_size should be the result of that // call. The (optional) base and size parameters should come from the // ReservedSpace base() and size() methods. + static void trace_page_sizes(const char* str, const size_t* page_sizes, + int count) PRODUCT_RETURN; static void trace_page_sizes(const char* str, const size_t region_min_size, const size_t region_max_size, const size_t page_size, diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/sharedRuntime.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/sharedRuntime.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/sharedRuntime.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -2130,9 +2130,9 @@ public: AdapterFingerPrint(int total_args_passed, BasicType* sig_bt) { // The fingerprint is based on the BasicType signature encoded - // into an array of ints with four entries per int. + // into an array of ints with eight entries per int. int* ptr; - int len = (total_args_passed + 3) >> 2; + int len = (total_args_passed + 7) >> 3; if (len <= (int)(sizeof(_value._compact) / sizeof(int))) { _value._compact[0] = _value._compact[1] = _value._compact[2] = 0; // Storing the signature encoded as signed chars hits about 98% @@ -2145,11 +2145,11 @@ ptr = _value._fingerprint; } - // Now pack the BasicTypes with 4 per int + // Now pack the BasicTypes with 8 per int int sig_index = 0; for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) { int value = 0; - for (int byte = 0; byte < 4; byte++) { + for (int byte = 0; byte < 8; byte++) { if (sig_index < total_args_passed) { value = (value << 4) | adapter_encoding(sig_bt[sig_index++]); } @@ -2190,8 +2190,9 @@ const char* as_string() { stringStream st; + st.print("0x"); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { - st.print(PTR_FORMAT, value(i)); + st.print("%08x", value(i)); } return st.as_string(); } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/simpleThresholdPolicy.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/simpleThresholdPolicy.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/simpleThresholdPolicy.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -206,11 +206,7 @@ // Check if the method can be compiled, change level if necessary void SimpleThresholdPolicy::compile(methodHandle mh, int bci, CompLevel level, TRAPS) { - // Take the given ceiling into the account. - // NOTE: You can set it to 1 to get a pure C1 version. - if ((CompLevel)TieredStopAtLevel < level) { - level = (CompLevel)TieredStopAtLevel; - } + assert(level <= TieredStopAtLevel, "Invalid compilation level"); if (level == CompLevel_none) { return; } @@ -227,10 +223,10 @@ if (bci != InvocationEntryBci && mh->is_not_osr_compilable()) { return; } - if (PrintTieredEvents) { - print_event(COMPILE, mh, mh, bci, level); - } if (!CompileBroker::compilation_is_in_queue(mh, bci)) { + if (PrintTieredEvents) { + print_event(COMPILE, mh, mh, bci, level); + } submit_compile(mh, bci, level, THREAD); } } @@ -288,40 +284,42 @@ // Common transition function. Given a predicate determines if a method should transition to another level. CompLevel SimpleThresholdPolicy::common(Predicate p, methodOop method, CompLevel cur_level) { - if (is_trivial(method)) return CompLevel_simple; - CompLevel next_level = cur_level; int i = method->invocation_count(); int b = method->backedge_count(); - switch(cur_level) { - case CompLevel_none: - // If we were at full profile level, would we switch to full opt? - if (common(p, method, CompLevel_full_profile) == CompLevel_full_optimization) { - next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; - } else if ((this->*p)(i, b, cur_level)) { - next_level = CompLevel_full_profile; - } - break; - case CompLevel_limited_profile: - case CompLevel_full_profile: - { - methodDataOop mdo = method->method_data(); - if (mdo != NULL) { - if (mdo->would_profile()) { - int mdo_i = mdo->invocation_count_delta(); - int mdo_b = mdo->backedge_count_delta(); - if ((this->*p)(mdo_i, mdo_b, cur_level)) { + if (is_trivial(method)) { + next_level = CompLevel_simple; + } else { + switch(cur_level) { + case CompLevel_none: + // If we were at full profile level, would we switch to full opt? + if (common(p, method, CompLevel_full_profile) == CompLevel_full_optimization) { + next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; + } else if ((this->*p)(i, b, cur_level)) { + next_level = CompLevel_full_profile; + } + break; + case CompLevel_limited_profile: + case CompLevel_full_profile: + { + methodDataOop mdo = method->method_data(); + if (mdo != NULL) { + if (mdo->would_profile()) { + int mdo_i = mdo->invocation_count_delta(); + int mdo_b = mdo->backedge_count_delta(); + if ((this->*p)(mdo_i, mdo_b, cur_level)) { + next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; + } + } else { next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; } - } else { - next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; } } + break; } - break; } - return next_level; + return MIN2(next_level, (CompLevel)TieredStopAtLevel); } // Determine if a method should be compiled with a normal entry point at a different level. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/simpleThresholdPolicy.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/simpleThresholdPolicy.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/simpleThresholdPolicy.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ if (is_c2_compile(comp_level)) return c2_count(); return 0; } + virtual CompLevel initial_compile_level() { return MIN2((CompLevel)TieredStopAtLevel, CompLevel_initial_compile); } virtual void do_safepoint_work() { } virtual void delay_compilation(methodOop method) { } virtual void disable_compilation(methodOop method) { } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/virtualspace.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/virtualspace.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/virtualspace.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 1997, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ assert(len >= required_size, "len too small"); const size_t s = size_t(addr); - const size_t beg_ofs = s + prefix_size & suffix_align - 1; + const size_t beg_ofs = (s + prefix_size) & (suffix_align - 1); const size_t beg_delta = beg_ofs == 0 ? 0 : suffix_align - beg_ofs; if (len < beg_delta + required_size) { @@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ assert(res >= raw, "alignment decreased start addr"); assert(res + prefix_size + suffix_size <= raw + reserve_size, "alignment increased end addr"); - assert((res & prefix_align - 1) == 0, "bad alignment of prefix"); - assert((res + prefix_size & suffix_align - 1) == 0, + assert((res & (prefix_align - 1)) == 0, "bad alignment of prefix"); + assert(((res + prefix_size) & (suffix_align - 1)) == 0, "bad alignment of suffix"); } #endif @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ assert(UseCompressedOops, "currently requested address used only for compressed oops"); if (PrintCompressedOopsMode) { tty->cr(); - tty->print_cr("Reserved memory at not requested address: " PTR_FORMAT " vs " PTR_FORMAT, base, requested_address); + tty->print_cr("Reserved memory not at requested address: " PTR_FORMAT " vs " PTR_FORMAT, base, requested_address); } // OS ignored requested address. Try different address. if (special) { @@ -162,11 +162,11 @@ assert(prefix_align != 0, "sanity"); assert(suffix_size != 0, "sanity"); assert(suffix_align != 0, "sanity"); - assert((prefix_size & prefix_align - 1) == 0, + assert((prefix_size & (prefix_align - 1)) == 0, "prefix_size not divisible by prefix_align"); - assert((suffix_size & suffix_align - 1) == 0, + assert((suffix_size & (suffix_align - 1)) == 0, "suffix_size not divisible by suffix_align"); - assert((suffix_align & prefix_align - 1) == 0, + assert((suffix_align & (prefix_align - 1)) == 0, "suffix_align not divisible by prefix_align"); // Assert that if noaccess_prefix is used, it is the same as prefix_align. @@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ if (addr == NULL) return; // Check whether the result has the needed alignment (unlikely unless - // prefix_align == suffix_align). - const size_t ofs = size_t(addr) + adjusted_prefix_size & suffix_align - 1; + // prefix_align < suffix_align). + const size_t ofs = (size_t(addr) + adjusted_prefix_size) & (suffix_align - 1); if (ofs != 0) { // Wrong alignment. Release, allocate more space and do manual alignment. // @@ -232,6 +232,15 @@ addr = reserve_and_align(size + suffix_align, adjusted_prefix_size, prefix_align, suffix_size, suffix_align); } + + if (requested_address != 0 && + failed_to_reserve_as_requested(addr, requested_address, size, false)) { + // As a result of the alignment constraints, the allocated addr differs + // from the requested address. Return back to the caller who can + // take remedial action (like try again without a requested address). + assert(_base == NULL, "should be"); + return; + } } _base = addr; @@ -245,13 +254,19 @@ const size_t noaccess_prefix, bool executable) { const size_t granularity = os::vm_allocation_granularity(); - assert((size & granularity - 1) == 0, + assert((size & (granularity - 1)) == 0, "size not aligned to os::vm_allocation_granularity()"); - assert((alignment & granularity - 1) == 0, + assert((alignment & (granularity - 1)) == 0, "alignment not aligned to os::vm_allocation_granularity()"); assert(alignment == 0 || is_power_of_2((intptr_t)alignment), "not a power of 2"); + alignment = MAX2(alignment, (size_t)os::vm_page_size()); + + // Assert that if noaccess_prefix is used, it is the same as alignment. + assert(noaccess_prefix == 0 || + noaccess_prefix == alignment, "noaccess prefix wrong"); + _base = NULL; _size = 0; _special = false; @@ -282,10 +297,8 @@ return; } // Check alignment constraints - if (alignment > 0) { - assert((uintptr_t) base % alignment == 0, - "Large pages returned a non-aligned address"); - } + assert((uintptr_t) base % alignment == 0, + "Large pages returned a non-aligned address"); _special = true; } else { // failed; try to reserve regular memory below @@ -321,7 +334,7 @@ if (base == NULL) return; // Check alignment constraints - if (alignment > 0 && ((size_t)base & alignment - 1) != 0) { + if ((((size_t)base + noaccess_prefix) & (alignment - 1)) != 0) { // Base not aligned, retry if (!os::release_memory(base, size)) fatal("os::release_memory failed"); // Reserve size large enough to do manual alignment and @@ -338,12 +351,21 @@ os::release_memory(extra_base, extra_size); base = os::reserve_memory(size, base); } while (base == NULL); + + if (requested_address != 0 && + failed_to_reserve_as_requested(base, requested_address, size, false)) { + // As a result of the alignment constraints, the allocated base differs + // from the requested address. Return back to the caller who can + // take remedial action (like try again without a requested address). + assert(_base == NULL, "should be"); + return; + } } } // Done _base = base; _size = size; - _alignment = MAX2(alignment, (size_t) os::vm_page_size()); + _alignment = alignment; _noaccess_prefix = noaccess_prefix; // Assert that if noaccess_prefix is used, it is the same as alignment. diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/vmStructs.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/vmStructs.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/vmStructs.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1281,7 +1281,6 @@ \ declare_toplevel_type(StubQueue) \ declare_toplevel_type(StubRoutines) \ - IA32_ONLY(declare_toplevel_type(StubRoutines::x86)) \ declare_toplevel_type(Stub) \ declare_type(InterpreterCodelet, Stub) \ \ diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/vm_version.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/vm_version.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/vm_version.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ const char* Abstract_VM_Version::_s_internal_vm_info_string = Abstract_VM_Version::internal_vm_info_string(); bool Abstract_VM_Version::_supports_cx8 = false; unsigned int Abstract_VM_Version::_logical_processors_per_package = 1U; +int Abstract_VM_Version::_reserve_for_allocation_prefetch = 0; #ifndef HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION #error HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION must be defined diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/runtime/vm_version.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/runtime/vm_version.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/runtime/vm_version.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ static bool _initialized; static int _parallel_worker_threads; static bool _parallel_worker_threads_initialized; + static int _reserve_for_allocation_prefetch; static unsigned int nof_parallel_worker_threads(unsigned int num, unsigned int dem, @@ -77,6 +78,12 @@ return _logical_processors_per_package; } + // Need a space at the end of TLAB for prefetch instructions + // which may fault when accessing memory outside of heap. + static int reserve_for_allocation_prefetch() { + return _reserve_for_allocation_prefetch; + } + // ARCH specific policy for the BiasedLocking static bool use_biased_locking() { return true; } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/services/gcNotifier.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/services/gcNotifier.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/services/gcNotifier.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ &args, CHECK_NH); return Handle(THREAD,(oop)result.get_jobject()); - } static Handle createGcInfo(GCMemoryManager *gcManager, GCStatInfo *gcStatInfo,TRAPS) { @@ -100,9 +99,16 @@ // Fill the arrays of MemoryUsage objects with before and after GC // per pool memory usage - klassOop muKlass = Management::java_lang_management_MemoryUsage_klass(CHECK_NH); objArrayOop bu = oopFactory::new_objArray( muKlass,MemoryService::num_memory_pools(), CHECK_NH); + klassOop mu_klass = Management::java_lang_management_MemoryUsage_klass(CHECK_NH); + instanceKlassHandle mu_kh(THREAD, mu_klass); + + // The array allocations below should use a handle containing mu_klass + // as the first allocation could trigger a GC, causing the actual + // klass oop to move, and leaving mu_klass pointing to the old + // location. + objArrayOop bu = oopFactory::new_objArray(mu_kh(), MemoryService::num_memory_pools(), CHECK_NH); objArrayHandle usage_before_gc_ah(THREAD, bu); - objArrayOop au = oopFactory::new_objArray(muKlass,MemoryService::num_memory_pools(), CHECK_NH); + objArrayOop au = oopFactory::new_objArray(mu_kh(), MemoryService::num_memory_pools(), CHECK_NH); objArrayHandle usage_after_gc_ah(THREAD, au); for (int i = 0; i < MemoryService::num_memory_pools(); i++) { @@ -126,7 +132,7 @@ // The type is 'I' objArrayOop extra_args_array = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Integer_klass(), 1, CHECK_NH); objArrayHandle extra_array (THREAD, extra_args_array); - klassOop itKlass= SystemDictionary::Integer_klass(); + klassOop itKlass = SystemDictionary::Integer_klass(); instanceKlassHandle intK(THREAD, itKlass); instanceHandle extra_arg_val = intK->allocate_instance_handle(CHECK_NH); @@ -147,7 +153,7 @@ extra_array->obj_at_put(0,extra_arg_val()); klassOop gcInfoklass = Management::com_sun_management_GcInfo_klass(CHECK_NH); - instanceKlassHandle ik (THREAD,gcInfoklass); + instanceKlassHandle ik(THREAD, gcInfoklass); Handle gcInfo_instance = ik->allocate_instance_handle(CHECK_NH); diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/shark/sharkContext.hpp --- a/src/share/vm/shark/sharkContext.hpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/shark/sharkContext.hpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ BasicType type) const { assert(type >= 0 && type < T_CONFLICT, "unhandled type"); const llvm::Type* result = table[type]; - assert(type != NULL, "unhandled type"); + assert(result != NULL, "unhandled type"); return result; } diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df src/share/vm/utilities/yieldingWorkgroup.cpp --- a/src/share/vm/utilities/yieldingWorkgroup.cpp Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/src/share/vm/utilities/yieldingWorkgroup.cpp Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df test/compiler/5091921/Test7005594.sh --- a/test/compiler/5091921/Test7005594.sh Thu Aug 25 17:17:59 2011 -0700 +++ b/test/compiler/5091921/Test7005594.sh Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -43,6 +43,45 @@ echo "TESTCLASSES=${TESTCLASSES}" echo "CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}" +# Amount of physical memory in megabytes +MEM=0 +if [ -f "/proc/meminfo" ]; then + # Linux, Windows/Cygwin + MEM=`cat /proc/meminfo |grep ^MemTotal: | awk '{print $2}'` + MEM="$(($MEM / 1024))" +elif [ -x "/usr/sbin/prtconf" ]; then + # Solaris + MEM=`/usr/sbin/prtconf | grep "^Memory size" | awk '{print $3}'` +elif [ -x "/usr/sbin/system_profiler" ]; then + # MacOS + MEMo=`/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep Memory:` + MEM=`echo "$MEMo" | awk '{print $2}'` + MEMu=`echo "$MEMo" | awk '{print $3}'` + case $MEMu in + GB) + MEM="$(($MEM * 1024))" + ;; + MB) + ;; + *) + echo "Unknown memory unit in system_profile output: $MEMu" + ;; + esac +elif [ -n "$ROOTDIR" -a -x "$ROOTDIR/mksnt/sysinf" ]; then + # Windows/MKS + MEM=`"$ROOTDIR/mksnt/sysinf" memory -v | grep "Total Physical Memory: " | sed 's/Total Physical Memory: *//g'` + MEM="$(($machine_memory / 1024))" +else + echo "Unable to determine amount of physical memory on the machine" +fi + +if [ $MEM -lt 2000 ]; then + echo "Test skipped due to low (or unknown) memory on the system: $MEM Mb" + exit 0 +fi + +echo "MEMORY=$MEM Mb" + set -x cp ${TESTSRC}/Test7005594.java . @@ -50,7 +89,7 @@ ${TESTJAVA}/bin/javac -d . Test7005594.java -${TESTJAVA}/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} -Xms1600m -Xcomp -XX:CompileOnly=Test7005594.test Test7005594 > test.out 2>&1 +${TESTJAVA}/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} -Xms1600m -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:-ZapUnusedHeapArea -Xcomp -XX:CompileOnly=Test7005594.test Test7005594 > test.out 2>&1 result=$? diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df test/compiler/7070134/Stemmer.java --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test/compiler/7070134/Stemmer.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ +/** + * @test + * @bug 7070134 + * @summary Hotspot crashes with sigsegv from PorterStemmer + * + * @run shell Test7070134.sh + */ + +/* + + Porter stemmer in Java. The original paper is in + + Porter, 1980, An algorithm for suffix stripping, Program, Vol. 14, + no. 3, pp 130-137, + + See also http://www.tartarus.org/~martin/PorterStemmer + + History: + + Release 1 + + Bug 1 (reported by Gonzalo Parra 16/10/99) fixed as marked below. + The words 'aed', 'eed', 'oed' leave k at 'a' for step 3, and b[k-1] + is then out outside the bounds of b. + + Release 2 + + Similarly, + + Bug 2 (reported by Steve Dyrdahl 22/2/00) fixed as marked below. + 'ion' by itself leaves j = -1 in the test for 'ion' in step 5, and + b[j] is then outside the bounds of b. + + Release 3 + + Considerably revised 4/9/00 in the light of many helpful suggestions + from Brian Goetz of Quiotix Corporation (brian@quiotix.com). + + Release 4 + +*/ + +import java.io.*; + +/** + * Stemmer, implementing the Porter Stemming Algorithm + * + * The Stemmer class transforms a word into its root form. The input + * word can be provided a character at time (by calling add()), or at once + * by calling one of the various stem(something) methods. + */ + +class Stemmer +{ private char[] b; + private int i, /* offset into b */ + i_end, /* offset to end of stemmed word */ + j, k; + private static final int INC = 50; + /* unit of size whereby b is increased */ + public Stemmer() + { b = new char[INC]; + i = 0; + i_end = 0; + } + + /** + * Add a character to the word being stemmed. When you are finished + * adding characters, you can call stem(void) to stem the word. + */ + + public void add(char ch) + { if (i == b.length) + { char[] new_b = new char[i+INC]; + for (int c = 0; c < i; c++) new_b[c] = b[c]; + b = new_b; + } + b[i++] = ch; + } + + + /** Adds wLen characters to the word being stemmed contained in a portion + * of a char[] array. This is like repeated calls of add(char ch), but + * faster. + */ + + public void add(char[] w, int wLen) + { if (i+wLen >= b.length) + { char[] new_b = new char[i+wLen+INC]; + for (int c = 0; c < i; c++) new_b[c] = b[c]; + b = new_b; + } + for (int c = 0; c < wLen; c++) b[i++] = w[c]; + } + + /** + * After a word has been stemmed, it can be retrieved by toString(), + * or a reference to the internal buffer can be retrieved by getResultBuffer + * and getResultLength (which is generally more efficient.) + */ + public String toString() { return new String(b,0,i_end); } + + /** + * Returns the length of the word resulting from the stemming process. + */ + public int getResultLength() { return i_end; } + + /** + * Returns a reference to a character buffer containing the results of + * the stemming process. You also need to consult getResultLength() + * to determine the length of the result. + */ + public char[] getResultBuffer() { return b; } + + /* cons(i) is true <=> b[i] is a consonant. */ + + private final boolean cons(int i) + { switch (b[i]) + { case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': return false; + case 'y': return (i==0) ? true : !cons(i-1); + default: return true; + } + } + + /* m() measures the number of consonant sequences between 0 and j. if c is + a consonant sequence and v a vowel sequence, and <..> indicates arbitrary + presence, + + gives 0 + vc gives 1 + vcvc gives 2 + vcvcvc gives 3 + .... + */ + + private final int m() + { int n = 0; + int i = 0; + while(true) + { if (i > j) return n; + if (! cons(i)) break; i++; + } + i++; + while(true) + { while(true) + { if (i > j) return n; + if (cons(i)) break; + i++; + } + i++; + n++; + while(true) + { if (i > j) return n; + if (! cons(i)) break; + i++; + } + i++; + } + } + + /* vowelinstem() is true <=> 0,...j contains a vowel */ + + private final boolean vowelinstem() + { int i; for (i = 0; i <= j; i++) if (! cons(i)) return true; + return false; + } + + /* doublec(j) is true <=> j,(j-1) contain a double consonant. */ + + private final boolean doublec(int j) + { if (j < 1) return false; + if (b[j] != b[j-1]) return false; + return cons(j); + } + + /* cvc(i) is true <=> i-2,i-1,i has the form consonant - vowel - consonant + and also if the second c is not w,x or y. this is used when trying to + restore an e at the end of a short word. e.g. + + cav(e), lov(e), hop(e), crim(e), but + snow, box, tray. + + */ + + private final boolean cvc(int i) + { if (i < 2 || !cons(i) || cons(i-1) || !cons(i-2)) return false; + { int ch = b[i]; + if (ch == 'w' || ch == 'x' || ch == 'y') return false; + } + return true; + } + + private final boolean ends(String s) + { int l = s.length(); + int o = k-l+1; + if (o < 0) return false; + for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) if (b[o+i] != s.charAt(i)) return false; + j = k-l; + return true; + } + + /* setto(s) sets (j+1),...k to the characters in the string s, readjusting + k. */ + + private final void setto(String s) + { int l = s.length(); + int o = j+1; + for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) b[o+i] = s.charAt(i); + k = j+l; + } + + /* r(s) is used further down. */ + + private final void r(String s) { if (m() > 0) setto(s); } + + /* step1() gets rid of plurals and -ed or -ing. e.g. + + caresses -> caress + ponies -> poni + ties -> ti + caress -> caress + cats -> cat + + feed -> feed + agreed -> agree + disabled -> disable + + matting -> mat + mating -> mate + meeting -> meet + milling -> mill + messing -> mess + + meetings -> meet + + */ + + private final void step1() + { if (b[k] == 's') + { if (ends("sses")) k -= 2; else + if (ends("ies")) setto("i"); else + if (b[k-1] != 's') k--; + } + if (ends("eed")) { if (m() > 0) k--; } else + if ((ends("ed") || ends("ing")) && vowelinstem()) + { k = j; + if (ends("at")) setto("ate"); else + if (ends("bl")) setto("ble"); else + if (ends("iz")) setto("ize"); else + if (doublec(k)) + { k--; + { int ch = b[k]; + if (ch == 'l' || ch == 's' || ch == 'z') k++; + } + } + else if (m() == 1 && cvc(k)) setto("e"); + } + } + + /* step2() turns terminal y to i when there is another vowel in the stem. */ + + private final void step2() { if (ends("y") && vowelinstem()) b[k] = 'i'; } + + /* step3() maps double suffices to single ones. so -ization ( = -ize plus + -ation) maps to -ize etc. note that the string before the suffix must give + m() > 0. */ + + private final void step3() { if (k == 0) return; /* For Bug 1 */ switch (b[k-1]) + { + case 'a': if (ends("ational")) { r("ate"); break; } + if (ends("tional")) { r("tion"); break; } + break; + case 'c': if (ends("enci")) { r("ence"); break; } + if (ends("anci")) { r("ance"); break; } + break; + case 'e': if (ends("izer")) { r("ize"); break; } + break; + case 'l': if (ends("bli")) { r("ble"); break; } + if (ends("alli")) { r("al"); break; } + if (ends("entli")) { r("ent"); break; } + if (ends("eli")) { r("e"); break; } + if (ends("ousli")) { r("ous"); break; } + break; + case 'o': if (ends("ization")) { r("ize"); break; } + if (ends("ation")) { r("ate"); break; } + if (ends("ator")) { r("ate"); break; } + break; + case 's': if (ends("alism")) { r("al"); break; } + if (ends("iveness")) { r("ive"); break; } + if (ends("fulness")) { r("ful"); break; } + if (ends("ousness")) { r("ous"); break; } + break; + case 't': if (ends("aliti")) { r("al"); break; } + if (ends("iviti")) { r("ive"); break; } + if (ends("biliti")) { r("ble"); break; } + break; + case 'g': if (ends("logi")) { r("log"); break; } + } } + + /* step4() deals with -ic-, -full, -ness etc. similar strategy to step3. */ + + private final void step4() { switch (b[k]) + { + case 'e': if (ends("icate")) { r("ic"); break; } + if (ends("ative")) { r(""); break; } + if (ends("alize")) { r("al"); break; } + break; + case 'i': if (ends("iciti")) { r("ic"); break; } + break; + case 'l': if (ends("ical")) { r("ic"); break; } + if (ends("ful")) { r(""); break; } + break; + case 's': if (ends("ness")) { r(""); break; } + break; + } } + + /* step5() takes off -ant, -ence etc., in context vcvc. */ + + private final void step5() + { if (k == 0) return; /* for Bug 1 */ switch (b[k-1]) + { case 'a': if (ends("al")) break; return; + case 'c': if (ends("ance")) break; + if (ends("ence")) break; return; + case 'e': if (ends("er")) break; return; + case 'i': if (ends("ic")) break; return; + case 'l': if (ends("able")) break; + if (ends("ible")) break; return; + case 'n': if (ends("ant")) break; + if (ends("ement")) break; + if (ends("ment")) break; + /* element etc. not stripped before the m */ + if (ends("ent")) break; return; + case 'o': if (ends("ion") && j >= 0 && (b[j] == 's' || b[j] == 't')) break; + /* j >= 0 fixes Bug 2 */ + if (ends("ou")) break; return; + /* takes care of -ous */ + case 's': if (ends("ism")) break; return; + case 't': if (ends("ate")) break; + if (ends("iti")) break; return; + case 'u': if (ends("ous")) break; return; + case 'v': if (ends("ive")) break; return; + case 'z': if (ends("ize")) break; return; + default: return; + } + if (m() > 1) k = j; + } + + /* step6() removes a final -e if m() > 1. */ + + private final void step6() + { j = k; + if (b[k] == 'e') + { int a = m(); + if (a > 1 || a == 1 && !cvc(k-1)) k--; + } + if (b[k] == 'l' && doublec(k) && m() > 1) k--; + } + + /** Stem the word placed into the Stemmer buffer through calls to add(). + * Returns true if the stemming process resulted in a word different + * from the input. You can retrieve the result with + * getResultLength()/getResultBuffer() or toString(). + */ + public void stem() + { k = i - 1; + if (k > 1) { step1(); step2(); step3(); step4(); step5(); step6(); } + i_end = k+1; i = 0; + } + + /** Test program for demonstrating the Stemmer. It reads text from a + * a list of files, stems each word, and writes the result to standard + * output. Note that the word stemmed is expected to be in lower case: + * forcing lower case must be done outside the Stemmer class. + * Usage: Stemmer file-name file-name ... + */ + public static void main(String[] args) + { + char[] w = new char[501]; + Stemmer s = new Stemmer(); + for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) + try + { + FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(args[i]); + + try + { while(true) + + { int ch = in.read(); + if (Character.isLetter((char) ch)) + { + int j = 0; + while(true) + { ch = Character.toLowerCase((char) ch); + w[j] = (char) ch; + if (j < 500) j++; + ch = in.read(); + if (!Character.isLetter((char) ch)) + { + /* to test add(char ch) */ + for (int c = 0; c < j; c++) s.add(w[c]); + + /* or, to test add(char[] w, int j) */ + /* s.add(w, j); */ + + s.stem(); + { String u; + + /* and now, to test toString() : */ + u = s.toString(); + + /* to test getResultBuffer(), getResultLength() : */ + /* u = new String(s.getResultBuffer(), 0, s.getResultLength()); */ + + System.out.print(u); + } + break; + } + } + } + if (ch < 0) break; + System.out.print((char)ch); + } + } + catch (IOException e) + { System.out.println("error reading " + args[i]); + break; + } + } + catch (FileNotFoundException e) + { System.out.println("file " + args[i] + " not found"); + break; + } + } +} diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df test/compiler/7070134/Test7070134.sh --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test/compiler/7070134/Test7070134.sh Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. +# +# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as +# published by the Free Software Foundation. +# +# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that +# accompanied this code). +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version +# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. +# +# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA +# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any +# questions. +# +# + +if [ "${TESTSRC}" = "" ] +then + echo "TESTSRC not set. Test cannot execute. Failed." + exit 1 +fi +echo "TESTSRC=${TESTSRC}" +if [ "${TESTJAVA}" = "" ] +then + echo "TESTJAVA not set. Test cannot execute. Failed." + exit 1 +fi +echo "TESTJAVA=${TESTJAVA}" +if [ "${TESTCLASSES}" = "" ] +then + echo "TESTCLASSES not set. Test cannot execute. Failed." + exit 1 +fi +echo "TESTCLASSES=${TESTCLASSES}" +echo "CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}" + +set -x + +cp ${TESTSRC}/Stemmer.java . +cp ${TESTSRC}/words . + +${TESTJAVA}/bin/javac -d . Stemmer.java + +${TESTJAVA}/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} -Xbatch Stemmer words > test.out 2>&1 + +exit $? + diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df test/compiler/7070134/words --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test/compiler/7070134/words Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -0,0 +1,97161 @@ +1080 +10-point +10th +11-point +12-point +16-point +18-point +1st +2 +20-point +2,4,5-t +2,4-d +2D +2nd +30-30 +3-D +3-d +3D +3M +3rd +48-point +4-D +4GL +4H +4th +5-point +5-T +5th +6-point +6th +7-point +7th +8-point +8th +9-point +9th +-a +A +A. +a +a' +a- +a. +A-1 +A1 +a1 +A4 +A5 +AA +aa +A.A.A. +AAA +aaa +AAAA +AAAAAA +AAAL +AAAS +Aaberg +Aachen +AAE +AAEE +AAF +AAG +aah +aahed +aahing +aahs +AAII +aal +Aalborg +Aalesund +aalii +aaliis +aals +Aalst +Aalto +AAM +aam +AAMSI +Aandahl +A-and-R +Aani +AAO +AAP +AAPSS +Aaqbiye +Aar +Aara +Aarau +AARC +aardvark +aardvarks +aardwolf +aardwolves +Aaren +Aargau +aargh +Aarhus +Aarika +Aaron +aaron +Aaronic +aaronic +Aaronical +Aaronite +Aaronitic +Aaron's-beard +Aaronsburg +Aaronson +AARP +aarrgh +aarrghh +Aaru +AAS +aas +A'asia +aasvogel +aasvogels +AAU +AAUP +AAUW +AAVSO +AAX +A-axes +A-axis +A.B. +AB +Ab +ab +ab- +A.B.A. +ABA +Aba +aba +Ababa +Ababdeh +Ababua +abac +abaca +abacas +abacate +abacaxi +abacay +abaci +abacinate +abacination +abacisci +abaciscus +abacist +aback +abacli +Abaco +abacot +abacterial +abactinal +abactinally +abaction +abactor +abaculi +abaculus +abacus +abacuses +Abad +abada +Abadan +Abaddon +abaddon +abadejo +abadengo +abadia +Abadite +abaff +abaft +Abagael +Abagail +Abagtha +Abailard +abaisance +abaised +abaiser +abaisse +abaissed +abaka +Abakan +abakas +Abakumov +abalation +abalienate +abalienated +abalienating +abalienation +abalone +abalones +Abama +abamp +abampere +abamperes +abamps +Abana +aband +abandon +abandonable +abandoned +abandonedly +abandonee +abandoner +abandoners +abandoning +abandonment +abandonments +abandons +abandum +abanet +abanga +Abanic +abannition +Abantes +abapical +abaptiston +abaptistum +Abarambo +Abarbarea +Abaris +abarthrosis +abarticular +abarticulation +Abas +abas +abase +abased +abasedly +abasedness +abasement +abasements +abaser +abasers +abases +Abasgi +abash +abashed +abashedly +abashedness +abashes +abashing +abashless +abashlessly +abashment +abashments +abasia +abasias +abasic +abasing +abasio +abask +abassi +Abassieh +Abassin +abastard +abastardize +abastral +abatable +abatage +Abate +abate +abated +abatement +abatements +abater +abaters +abates +abatic +abating +abatis +abatised +abatises +abatjour +abatjours +abaton +abator +abators +ABATS +abattage +abattis +abattised +abattises +abattoir +abattoirs +abattu +abattue +Abatua +abature +abaue +abave +abaxial +abaxile +abay +abayah +abaze +abb +Abba +abba +abbacies +abbacomes +abbacy +Abbadide +Abbai +abbandono +abbas +abbasi +Abbasid +abbasid +abbassi +Abbassid +Abbasside +Abbate +abbate +abbatial +abbatical +abbatie +abbaye +Abbe +abbe +abbes +abbess +abbesses +abbest +Abbevilean +Abbeville +Abbevillian +abbevillian +Abbey +abbey +abbeys +abbeystead +abbeystede +Abbi +Abbie +abboccato +abbogada +Abbot +abbot +abbotcies +abbotcy +abbotnullius +abbotric +abbots +Abbotsen +Abbotsford +abbotship +abbotships +Abbotson +Abbotsun +Abbott +abbott +Abbottson +Abbottstown +Abboud +abbozzo +ABBR +abbr +abbrev +abbreviatable +abbreviate +abbreviated +abbreviately +abbreviates +abbreviating +abbreviation +abbreviations +abbreviator +abbreviators +abbreviatory +abbreviature +abbroachment +Abby +abby +Abbye +Abbyville +ABC +abc +abcess +abcissa +abcoulomb +ABCs +abd +abdal +abdali +abdaria +abdat +Abdel +Abd-el-Kadir +Abd-el-Krim +Abdella +Abderhalden +Abderian +Abderite +Abderus +abdest +Abdias +abdicable +abdicant +abdicate +abdicated +abdicates +abdicating +abdication +abdications +abdicative +abdicator +Abdiel +abditive +abditory +abdom +abdomen +abdomens +abdomina +abdominal +Abdominales +abdominales +abdominalia +abdominalian +abdominally +abdominals +abdominoanterior +abdominocardiac +abdominocentesis +abdominocystic +abdominogenital +abdominohysterectomy +abdominohysterotomy +abdominoposterior +abdominoscope +abdominoscopy +abdominothoracic +abdominous +abdomino-uterotomy +abdominovaginal +abdominovesical +Abdon +Abdu +abduce +abduced +abducens +abducent +abducentes +abduces +abducing +abduct +abducted +abducting +abduction +abductions +abductor +abductores +abductors +abducts +Abdul +Abdul-Aziz +Abdul-baha +Abdulla +Abe +a-be +abeam +abear +abearance +Abebi +abecedaire +abecedaria +abecedarian +abecedarians +abecedaries +abecedarium +abecedarius +abecedary +abed +abede +abedge +Abednego +abegge +abeigh +ABEL +Abel +abel +Abelard +abele +abeles +Abelia +Abelian +abelian +Abelicea +Abelite +abelite +Abell +Abelmoschus +abelmosk +abelmosks +abelmusk +Abelonian +Abelson +abeltree +Abencerrages +abend +abends +Abenezra +abenteric +Abeokuta +abepithymia +ABEPP +Abercrombie +Abercromby +Aberdare +aberdavine +Aberdeen +aberdeen +Aberdeenshire +aberdevine +Aberdonian +aberduvine +Aberfan +Aberglaube +Aberia +Abernant +Abernathy +abernethy +Abernon +aberr +aberrance +aberrancies +aberrancy +aberrant +aberrantly +aberrants +aberrate +aberrated +aberrating +aberration +aberrational +aberrations +aberrative +aberrator +aberrometer +aberroscope +Abert +aberuncate +aberuncator +Aberystwyth +abesse +abessive +abet +abetment +abetments +abets +abettal +abettals +abetted +abetter +abetters +abetting +abettor +abettors +Abeu +abevacuation +Abey +abey +abeyance +abeyances +abeyancies +abeyancy +abeyant +abfarad +abfarads +ABFM +Abgatha +ABHC +abhenries +abhenry +abhenrys +abhinaya +abhiseka +abhominable +abhor +abhorred +abhorrence +abhorrences +abhorrency +abhorrent +abhorrently +abhorrer +abhorrers +abhorrible +abhorring +abhors +Abhorson +ABI +Abia +Abiathar +Abib +abib +abichite +abidal +abidance +abidances +abidden +abide +abided +abider +abiders +abides +abidi +abiding +abidingly +abidingness +Abidjan +Abie +abied +abiegh +abience +abient +Abies +abies +abietate +abietene +abietic +abietin +Abietineae +abietineous +abietinic +abietite +Abiezer +Abigael +Abigail +abigail +abigails +abigailship +Abigale +abigeat +abigei +abigeus +Abihu +Abijah +abilao +Abilene +abilene +abiliment +abilitable +abilities +-ability +ability +abilla +abilo +Abilyne +abime +Abimelech +Abineri +Abingdon +Abinger +Abington +Abinoam +Abinoem +abintestate +abiogeneses +abiogenesis +abiogenesist +abiogenetic +abiogenetical +abiogenetically +abiogenist +abiogenous +abiogeny +abiological +abiologically +abiology +abioses +abiosis +abiotic +abiotical +abiotically +abiotrophic +abiotrophy +Abipon +Abiquiu +abir +abirritant +abirritate +abirritated +abirritating +abirritation +abirritative +Abisag +Abisha +Abishag +Abisia +abiston +abit +Abitibi +Abiu +abiuret +Abixah +abject +abjectedness +abjection +abjections +abjective +abjectly +abjectness +abjectnesses +abjoint +abjudge +abjudged +abjudging +abjudicate +abjudicated +abjudicating +abjudication +abjudicator +abjugate +abjunct +abjunction +abjunctive +abjuration +abjurations +abjuratory +abjure +abjured +abjurement +abjurer +abjurers +abjures +abjuring +abkar +abkari +abkary +Abkhas +Abkhasia +Abkhasian +Abkhaz +Abkhazia +Abkhazian +abl +abl. +ablach +ablactate +ablactated +ablactating +ablactation +ablaqueate +ablare +A-blast +ablastemic +ablastin +ablastous +ablate +ablated +ablates +ablating +ablation +ablations +ablatitious +ablatival +ablative +ablatively +ablatives +ablator +ablaut +ablauts +ablaze +-able +able +able-bodied +able-bodiedness +ableeze +ablegate +ablegates +ablegation +able-minded +able-mindedness +ablend +ableness +ablepharia +ablepharon +ablepharous +Ablepharus +ablepsia +ablepsy +ableptical +ableptically +abler +ables +ablesse +ablest +ablet +ablewhackets +ablings +ablins +ablock +abloom +ablow +ABLS +ablude +abluent +abluents +ablush +ablute +abluted +ablution +ablutionary +ablutions +abluvion +-ably +ably +ABM +abmho +abmhos +abmodalities +abmodality +abn +Abnaki +Abnakis +abnegate +abnegated +abnegates +abnegating +abnegation +abnegations +abnegative +abnegator +abnegators +Abner +abner +abnerval +abnet +abneural +abnormal +abnormalcies +abnormalcy +abnormalise +abnormalised +abnormalising +abnormalism +abnormalist +abnormalities +abnormality +abnormalize +abnormalized +abnormalizing +abnormally +abnormalness +abnormals +abnormities +abnormity +abnormous +abnumerable +Abo +abo +aboard +aboardage +Abobra +abococket +abodah +abode +aboded +abodement +abodes +aboding +abody +abogado +abogados +abohm +abohms +aboideau +aboideaus +aboideaux +aboil +aboiteau +aboiteaus +aboiteaux +abolete +abolish +abolishable +abolished +abolisher +abolishers +abolishes +abolishing +abolishment +abolishments +abolition +abolitionary +abolitionise +abolitionised +abolitionising +abolitionism +abolitionist +abolitionists +abolitionize +abolitionized +abolitionizing +abolitions +abolla +abollae +aboma +abomas +abomasa +abomasal +abomasi +abomasum +abomasus +abomasusi +A-bomb +a-bomb +abominability +abominable +abominableness +abominably +abominate +abominated +abominates +abominating +abomination +abominations +abominator +abominators +abomine +abondance +Abongo +abonne +abonnement +aboon +aborad +aboral +aborally +abord +Aboriginal +aboriginal +aboriginality +aboriginally +aboriginals +aboriginary +Aborigine +aborigine +aborigines +Abor-miri +Aborn +a-borning +aborning +aborsement +aborsive +abort +aborted +aborter +aborters +aborticide +abortient +abortifacient +abortin +aborting +abortion +abortional +abortionist +abortionists +abortions +abortive +abortively +abortiveness +abortogenic +aborts +abortus +abortuses +abos +abote +Abott +abouchement +aboudikro +abought +Aboukir +aboulia +aboulias +aboulic +abound +abounded +abounder +abounding +aboundingly +abounds +Abourezk +about +about-face +about-faced +about-facing +abouts +about-ship +about-shipped +about-shipping +about-sledge +about-turn +above +above-board +aboveboard +above-cited +abovedeck +above-found +above-given +aboveground +above-mentioned +abovementioned +above-named +aboveproof +above-quoted +above-reported +aboves +above-said +abovesaid +abovestairs +above-water +above-written +abow +abox +Abp +abp +ABPC +Abqaiq +abr +abr. +Abra +abracadabra +abrachia +abrachias +abradable +abradant +abradants +abrade +abraded +abrader +abraders +abrades +abrading +Abraham +abraham +Abrahamic +Abrahamidae +Abrahamite +Abrahamitic +Abraham-man +abraham-man +Abrahams +Abrahamsen +Abrahan +abraid +Abram +Abramis +Abramo +Abrams +Abramson +Abran +abranchial +abranchialism +abranchian +Abranchiata +abranchiate +abranchious +abrasax +abrase +abrased +abraser +abrash +abrasing +abrasiometer +abrasion +abrasions +abrasive +abrasively +abrasiveness +abrasivenesses +abrasives +abrastol +abraum +abraxas +abray +abrazite +abrazitic +abrazo +abrazos +abreact +abreacted +abreacting +abreaction +abreactions +abreacts +abreast +abreed +abrege +abreid +abrenounce +abrenunciate +abrenunciation +abreption +abret +abreuvoir +abri +abrico +abricock +abricot +abridgable +abridge +abridgeable +abridged +abridgedly +abridgement +abridgements +abridger +abridgers +abridges +abridging +abridgment +abridgments +abrim +abrin +abrine +abris +abristle +abroach +abroad +Abrocoma +abrocome +abrogable +abrogate +abrogated +abrogates +abrogating +abrogation +abrogations +abrogative +abrogator +abrogators +Abroma +Abroms +Abronia +abronia +abrood +abrook +abrosia +abrosias +abrotanum +abrotin +abrotine +abrupt +abruptedly +abrupter +abruptest +abruptio +abruption +abruptiones +abruptly +abruptness +Abrus +Abruzzi +ABS +abs +abs- +Absa +Absalom +absampere +Absaraka +Absaroka +Absarokee +absarokite +ABSBH +abscam +abscess +abscessed +abscesses +abscessing +abscession +abscessroot +abscind +abscise +abscised +abscises +abscisin +abscising +abscisins +abscision +absciss +abscissa +abscissae +abscissas +abscisse +abscissin +abscission +abscissions +absconce +abscond +absconded +abscondedly +abscondence +absconder +absconders +absconding +absconds +absconsa +abscoulomb +abscound +Absecon +absee +abseil +abseiled +abseiling +abseils +absence +absences +absent +absentation +absented +absentee +absenteeism +absentees +absenteeship +absenter +absenters +absentia +absenting +absently +absentment +absent-minded +absentminded +absent-mindedly +absentmindedly +absent-mindedness +absentmindedness +absentmindednesses +absentness +absents +absey +absfarad +abshenry +Abshier +Absi +absinth +absinthe +absinthes +absinthial +absinthian +absinthiate +absinthiated +absinthiating +absinthic +absinthiin +absinthin +absinthine +absinthism +absinthismic +absinthium +absinthol +absinthole +absinths +absis +absist +absistos +absit +absmho +absohm +absoil +absolent +Absolute +absolute +absolutely +absoluteness +absoluter +absolutes +absolutest +absolution +absolutions +absolutism +absolutist +absolutista +absolutistic +absolutistically +absolutists +absolutive +absolutization +absolutize +absolutory +absolvable +absolvatory +absolve +absolved +absolvent +absolver +absolvers +absolves +absolving +absolvitor +absolvitory +absonant +absonous +absorb +absorbability +absorbable +absorbance +absorbancy +absorbant +absorbed +absorbedly +absorbedness +absorbefacient +absorbencies +absorbency +absorbent +absorbents +absorber +absorbers +absorbing +absorbingly +absorbition +absorbs +absorbtion +absorpt +absorptance +absorptiometer +absorptiometric +absorption +absorptional +absorptions +absorptive +absorptively +absorptiveness +absorptivity +absquatulate +absquatulation +abstain +abstained +abstainer +abstainers +abstaining +abstainment +abstains +abstemious +abstemiously +abstemiousness +abstention +abstentionism +abstentionist +abstentions +abstentious +absterge +absterged +abstergent +absterges +absterging +absterse +abstersion +abstersive +abstersiveness +abstertion +abstinence +abstinences +abstinency +abstinent +abstinential +abstinently +abstort +abstr +abstract +abstractable +abstracted +abstractedly +abstractedness +abstracter +abstracters +abstractest +abstracting +abstraction +abstractional +abstractionism +abstractionist +abstractionists +abstractions +abstractitious +abstractive +abstractively +abstractiveness +abstractly +abstractness +abstractnesses +abstractor +abstractors +abstracts +abstrahent +abstrict +abstricted +abstricting +abstriction +abstricts +abstrude +abstruse +abstrusely +abstruseness +abstrusenesses +abstruser +abstrusest +abstrusion +abstrusities +abstrusity +absume +absumption +absurd +absurder +absurdest +absurdism +absurdist +absurdities +absurdity +absurdly +absurdness +absurds +absurdum +absvolt +Absyrtus +abt +abterminal +abthain +abthainrie +abthainry +abthanage +abtruse +Abu +abu +abubble +Abu-Bekr +Abucay +abucco +abuilding +Abukir +abuleia +Abulfeda +abulia +abulias +abulic +abulomania +abulyeit +abumbral +abumbrellar +Abuna +abuna +abundance +abundances +abundancy +abundant +Abundantia +abundantly +abune +abura +aburabozu +aburagiri +aburban +aburst +aburton +Abury +abusable +abusage +abuse +abused +abusedly +abusee +abuseful +abusefully +abusefulness +abuser +abusers +abuses +abush +abusing +abusion +abusious +abusive +abusively +abusiveness +abusivenesses +abut +Abuta +Abutilon +abutilon +abutilons +abutment +abutments +abuts +abuttal +abuttals +abutted +abutter +abutters +abutting +abuzz +abv +abvolt +abvolts +abwab +abwatt +abwatts +aby +Abydos +abye +abyed +abyes +abying +Abyla +abys +abysm +abysmal +abysmally +abysms +Abyss +abyss +abyssa +abyssal +abysses +Abyssinia +abyssinia +Abyssinian +abyssinian +abyssinians +abyssobenthonic +abyssolith +abyssopelagic +abyssus +-ac +A.C. +A/C +AC +Ac +a-c +a.c. +a/c +ac +ac- +ACAA +Acacallis +acacatechin +acacatechol +Acacea +Acaceae +acacetin +Acacia +acacia +Acacian +acacias +acaciin +acacin +acacine +acad +academe +academes +academia +academial +academian +academias +Academic +academic +academical +academically +academicals +academician +academicians +academicianship +academicism +academics +academie +academies +academise +academised +academising +academism +academist +academite +academization +academize +academized +academizing +Academus +Academy +academy +Acadia +acadia +acadialite +Acadian +acadian +Acadie +Acaena +acaena +acajou +acajous +-acal +acalculia +acale +acaleph +Acalepha +acalepha +Acalephae +acalephae +acalephan +acalephe +acalephes +acalephoid +acalephs +Acalia +acalycal +acalycine +acalycinous +acalyculate +Acalypha +Acalypterae +Acalyptrata +Acalyptratae +acalyptrate +Acamar +Acamas +Acampo +acampsia +acana +acanaceous +acanonical +acanth +acanth- +acantha +Acanthaceae +acanthaceous +acanthad +Acantharia +acanthi +Acanthia +acanthial +acanthin +acanthine +acanthion +acanthite +acantho- +acanthocarpous +Acanthocephala +acanthocephalan +Acanthocephali +acanthocephalous +Acanthocereus +acanthocladous +Acanthodea +acanthodean +Acanthodei +Acanthodes +acanthodian +Acanthodidae +Acanthodii +Acanthodini +acanthoid +Acantholimon +acanthological +acanthology +acantholysis +acanthoma +acanthomas +Acanthomeridae +acanthon +Acanthopanax +Acanthophis +acanthophorous +acanthopod +acanthopodous +acanthopomatous +acanthopore +acanthopteran +Acanthopteri +acanthopterous +acanthopterygian +Acanthopterygii +acanthoses +acanthosis +acanthotic +acanthous +Acanthuridae +Acanthurus +acanthus +acanthuses +acanthuthi +acapnia +acapnial +acapnias +acappella +acapsular +acapu +Acapulco +acapulco +acara +Acarapis +acarari +acardia +acardiac +acardite +acari +acarian +acariasis +acariatre +acaricidal +acaricide +acarid +Acarida +acaridae +acaridan +acaridans +Acaridea +acaridean +acaridomatia +acaridomatium +acarids +acariform +Acarina +acarine +acarines +acarinosis +Acarnan +acarocecidia +acarocecidium +acarodermatitis +acaroid +acarol +acarologist +acarology +acarophilous +acarophobia +acarotoxic +acarpellous +acarpelous +acarpous +Acarus +acarus +ACAS +acast +Acastus +acatalectic +acatalepsia +acatalepsy +acataleptic +acatallactic +acatamathesia +acataphasia +acataposis +acatastasia +acatastatic +acate +acategorical +acater +acatery +acates +acatharsia +acatharsy +acatholic +acaudal +acaudate +acaudelescent +acaulescence +acaulescent +acauline +acaulose +acaulous +ACAWS +ACB +ACBL +ACC +acc +acc. +acca +accable +Accad +accademia +Accadian +accadian +Accalia +acce +accede +acceded +accedence +acceder +acceders +accedes +acceding +accel +accel. +accelerable +accelerando +accelerant +accelerate +accelerated +acceleratedly +accelerates +accelerating +acceleratingly +acceleration +accelerations +accelerative +accelerator +acceleratorh +accelerators +acceleratory +accelerograph +accelerometer +accelerometers +accend +accendibility +accendible +accensed +accension +accensor +accent +accented +accenting +accentless +accentor +accentors +accents +accentuable +accentual +accentuality +accentually +accentuate +accentuated +accentuates +accentuating +accentuation +accentuations +accentuator +accentus +accept +acceptabilities +acceptability +acceptable +acceptableness +acceptably +acceptance +acceptances +acceptancies +acceptancy +acceptant +acceptation +acceptavit +accepted +acceptedly +acceptee +acceptees +accepter +accepters +acceptilate +acceptilated +acceptilating +acceptilation +accepting +acceptingly +acceptingness +acception +acceptive +acceptor +acceptors +acceptress +accepts +accerse +accersition +accersitor +access +accessability +accessable +accessaries +accessarily +accessariness +accessary +accessaryship +accessed +accesses +accessibilities +accessibility +accessible +accessibleness +accessibly +accessing +accession +accessional +accessioned +accessioner +accessioning +accessions +accessit +accessive +accessively +accessless +accessor +accessorial +accessories +accessorii +accessorily +accessoriness +accessorius +accessoriusorii +accessorize +accessorized +accessorizing +accessors +accessory +acciaccatura +acciaccaturas +acciaccature +accidence +accidencies +accidency +accident +accidental +accidentalism +accidentalist +accidentality +accidentally +accidentalness +accidentals +accidentarily +accidentary +accidented +accidential +accidentiality +accidently +accident-prone +accidents +accidia +accidias +accidie +accidies +accinge +accinged +accinging +accipenser +accipient +Accipiter +accipiter +accipitral +accipitrary +Accipitres +accipitrine +accipter +accise +accismus +accite +Accius +acclaim +acclaimable +acclaimed +acclaimer +acclaimers +acclaiming +acclaims +acclamation +acclamations +acclamator +acclamatory +acclimatable +acclimatation +acclimate +acclimated +acclimatement +acclimates +acclimating +acclimation +acclimations +acclimatisable +acclimatisation +acclimatise +acclimatised +acclimatiser +acclimatising +acclimatizable +acclimatization +acclimatizations +acclimatize +acclimatized +acclimatizer +acclimatizes +acclimatizing +acclimature +acclinal +acclinate +acclivities +acclivitous +acclivity +acclivous +accloy +accoast +accoil +Accokeek +accolade +accoladed +accolades +accolated +accolent +accoll +accolle +accolled +accollee +Accomac +accombination +accommodable +accommodableness +accommodate +accommodated +accommodately +accommodateness +accommodates +accommodating +accommodatingly +accommodatingness +accommodation +accommodational +accommodationist +accommodations +accommodative +accommodatively +accommodativeness +accommodator +accommodators +accomodate +accompanable +accompanied +accompanier +accompanies +accompaniment +accompanimental +accompaniments +accompanist +accompanists +accompany +accompanying +accompanyist +accomplement +accompletive +accompli +accomplice +accomplices +accompliceship +accomplicity +accomplis +accomplish +accomplishable +accomplished +accomplisher +accomplishers +accomplishes +accomplishing +accomplishment +accomplishments +accomplisht +accompt +accord +accordable +accordance +accordances +accordancy +accordant +accordantly +accordatura +accordaturas +accordature +accorded +accorder +accorders +according +accordingly +accordion +accordionist +accordionists +accordions +accords +accorporate +accorporation +accost +accostable +accosted +accosting +accosts +accouche +accouchement +accouchements +accoucheur +accoucheurs +accoucheuse +accoucheuses +accounsel +account +accountabilities +accountability +accountable +accountableness +accountably +accountancies +accountancy +accountant +accountants +accountantship +accounted +accounter +accounters +accounting +accountings +accountment +accountrement +accounts +accouple +accouplement +accourage +accourt +accouter +accoutered +accoutering +accouterment +accouterments +accouters +accoutre +accoutred +accoutrement +accoutrements +accoutres +accoutring +Accoville +accoy +accoyed +accoying +ACCRA +Accra +accra +accrease +accredit +accreditable +accreditate +accreditation +accreditations +accredited +accreditee +accrediting +accreditment +accredits +accrementitial +accrementition +accresce +accrescence +accrescendi +accrescendo +accrescent +accretal +accrete +accreted +accretes +accreting +accretion +accretionary +accretions +accretive +accriminate +Accrington +accroach +accroached +accroaching +accroachment +accroides +accruable +accrual +accruals +accrue +accrued +accruement +accruer +accrues +accruing +ACCS +ACCT +acct +acct. +accts +accubation +accubita +accubitum +accubitus +accueil +accultural +acculturate +acculturated +acculturates +acculturating +acculturation +acculturational +acculturationist +acculturative +acculturize +acculturized +acculturizing +accum +accumb +accumbency +accumbent +accumber +accumulable +accumulate +accumulated +accumulates +accumulating +accumulation +accumulations +accumulativ +accumulative +accumulatively +accumulativeness +accumulator +accumulators +accupy +accur +accuracies +accuracy +accurate +accurately +accurateness +accuratenesses +accurre +accurse +accursed +accursedly +accursedness +accursing +accurst +accurtation +accus +accusable +accusably +accusal +accusals +accusant +accusants +accusation +accusations +accusatival +accusative +accusative-dative +accusatively +accusativeness +accusatives +accusator +accusatorial +accusatorially +accusatory +accusatrix +accusatrixes +accuse +accused +accuser +accusers +accuses +accusing +accusingly +accusive +accusor +accustom +accustomation +accustomed +accustomedly +accustomedness +accustoming +accustomize +accustomized +accustomizing +accustoms +Accutron +ACD +ACDA +AC-DC +AC/DC +ACE +Ace +ace +-acea +aceacenaphthene +-aceae +-acean +aceanthrene +aceanthrenequinone +acecaffin +acecaffine +aceconitic +aced +acedia +acediamin +acediamine +acedias +acediast +acedy +ace-high +aceite +aceituna +Aceldama +aceldama +aceldamas +acellular +Acemetae +Acemetic +acemila +acenaphthene +acenaphthenyl +acenaphthylene +acenesthesia +acensuada +acensuador +acentric +acentrous +aceologic +aceology +-aceous +acephal +Acephala +acephala +acephalan +Acephali +acephali +acephalia +Acephalina +acephaline +acephalism +acephalist +Acephalite +acephalocyst +acephalous +acephalus +acepots +acequia +acequiador +acequias +Acer +Aceraceae +aceraceous +Acerae +Acerata +acerate +acerated +Acerates +acerathere +Aceratherium +aceratosis +acerb +Acerbas +acerbate +acerbated +acerbates +acerbating +acerber +acerbest +acerbic +acerbically +acerbities +acerbitude +acerbity +acerbityacerose +acerbly +acerbophobia +acerdol +aceric +acerin +acerli +acerola +acerolas +acerose +acerous +acerra +acers +acertannin +acerval +acervate +acervately +acervatim +acervation +acervative +acervose +acervuli +acervuline +acervulus +aces +acescence +acescency +acescent +acescents +aceship +Acesius +acesodyne +acesodynous +Acessamenus +Acestes +acestoma +acet- +aceta +acetable +acetabula +acetabular +Acetabularia +acetabularia +acetabuliferous +acetabuliform +acetabulous +acetabulum +acetabulums +acetacetic +acetal +acetaldehydase +acetaldehyde +acetaldehydrase +acetaldol +acetalization +acetalize +acetals +acetamid +acetamide +acetamidin +acetamidine +acetamido +acetamids +acetaminol +Acetaminophen +acetaminophen +acetanilid +acetanilide +acetanion +acetaniside +acetanisidide +acetanisidine +acetannin +acetarious +acetars +acetarsone +acetary +acetate +acetated +acetates +acetation +acetazolamide +acetbromamide +acetenyl +Acetes +acethydrazide +acetiam +acetic +acetification +acetified +acetifier +acetifies +acetify +acetifying +acetimeter +acetimetric +acetimetry +acetin +acetine +acetins +acetite +acetize +acetla +acetmethylanilide +acetnaphthalide +aceto- +acetoacetanilide +acetoacetate +acetoacetic +acetoamidophenol +acetoarsenite +Acetobacter +acetobacter +acetobenzoic +acetobromanilide +acetochloral +acetocinnamene +acetoin +acetol +acetolysis +acetolytic +acetometer +acetometric +acetometrical +acetometrically +acetometry +acetomorphin +acetomorphine +acetonaemia +acetonaemic +acetonaphthone +acetonate +acetonation +acetone +acetonemia +acetonemic +acetones +acetonic +acetonitrile +acetonization +acetonize +acetonuria +acetonurometer +acetonyl +acetonylacetone +acetonylidene +acetophenetide +acetophenetidin +acetophenetidine +acetophenin +acetophenine +acetophenone +acetopiperone +acetopyrin +acetopyrine +acetosalicylic +acetose +acetosity +acetosoluble +acetostearin +acetothienone +acetotoluid +acetotoluide +acetotoluidine +acetous +acetoveratrone +acetoxim +acetoxime +acetoxyl +acetoxyls +acetoxyphthalide +acetphenetid +acetphenetidin +acetract +acettoluide +acetum +aceturic +acetyl +acetylacetonates +acetylacetone +acetylamine +acetylaminobenzene +acetylaniline +acetylasalicylic +acetylate +acetylated +acetylating +acetylation +acetylative +acetylator +acetylbenzene +acetylbenzoate +acetylbenzoic +acetylbiuret +acetylcarbazole +acetylcellulose +acetylcholine +acetylcholinesterase +acetylcholinic +acetylcyanide +acetylenation +acetylene +acetylenediurein +acetylenes +acetylenic +acetylenogen +acetylenyl +acetylfluoride +acetylglycin +acetylglycine +acetylhydrazine +acetylic +acetylid +acetylide +acetyliodide +acetylizable +acetylization +acetylize +acetylized +acetylizer +acetylizing +acetylmethylcarbinol +acetylperoxide +acetylphenol +acetylphenylhydrazine +acetylrosaniline +acetyls +acetylsalicylate +acetylsalicylic +acetylsalol +acetyltannin +acetylthymol +acetyltropeine +acetylurea +Acey +acey-deucy +ACF +ACGI +ac-globulin +ACH +ach +Achab +Achad +Achaea +Achaean +Achaemenes +Achaemenian +Achaemenid +Achaemenidae +Achaemenides +Achaemenidian +Achaemenids +achaenocarp +Achaenodon +Achaeta +achaetous +Achaeus +achafe +achage +Achagua +Achaia +Achaian +Achakzai +achalasia +Achamoth +Achan +Achango +achape +achaque +achar +Achariaceae +Achariaceous +acharne +acharnement +Acharnians +acharya +achate +Achates +achates +Achatina +Achatinella +Achatinidae +achatour +Achaz +ache +acheat +achech +acheck +ached +acheer +ACHEFT +acheilary +acheilia +acheilous +acheiria +acheirous +acheirus +Achelous +Achen +achene +achenes +achenia +achenial +achenium +achenocarp +achenodia +achenodium +acher +Acherman +Achernar +Acheron +acheron +Acheronian +acheronian +Acherontic +acherontic +Acherontical +aches +Acheson +achesoun +achete +Achetidae +Acheulean +acheulean +Acheulian +acheweed +achier +achiest +achievability +achievable +achieve +achieved +achievement +achievements +achiever +achievers +achieves +achieving +achigan +achilary +Achill +achill +Achille +Achillea +achillea +Achillean +achillean +achilleas +Achilleid +achillein +achilleine +Achilles +achilles +Achillize +achillize +achillobursitis +achillodynia +achilous +Achimaas +achime +Achimelech +Achimenes +achimenes +Achinese +achiness +achinesses +aching +achingly +achiote +achiotes +achira +achirite +Achish +Achitophel +achkan +achlamydate +Achlamydeae +achlamydeous +achlorhydria +achlorhydric +achlorophyllous +achloropsia +achluophobia +Achmed +Achmetha +achoke +acholia +acholias +acholic +Acholoe +acholous +acholuria +acholuric +Achomawi +achondrite +achondritic +achondroplasia +achondroplastic +achoo +achor +achordal +Achordata +achordate +Achorion +Achorn +Achras +achras +achree +achroacyte +Achroanthes +achrodextrin +achrodextrinase +achroglobin +achroiocythaemia +achroiocythemia +achroite +achroma +achromacyte +achromasia +achromat +achromat- +achromate +Achromatiaceae +achromatic +achromatically +achromaticity +achromatin +achromatinic +achromatisation +achromatise +achromatised +achromatising +achromatism +Achromatium +achromatizable +achromatization +achromatize +achromatized +achromatizing +achromatocyte +achromatolysis +achromatope +achromatophil +achromatophile +achromatophilia +achromatophilic +achromatopia +achromatopsia +achromatopsy +achromatosis +achromatous +achromats +achromaturia +achromia +achromic +Achromobacter +achromobacter +Achromobacterieae +achromoderma +achromophilous +achromotrichia +achromous +Achromycin +achronical +achronism +achronychous +achroo- +achroodextrin +achroodextrinase +achroous +achropsia +Achsah +achtehalber +achtel +achtelthaler +achter +achterveld +Achuas +achuete +achy +ach-y-fi +achylia +achylous +achymia +achymous +Achyranthes +Achyrodes +acichlorid +acichloride +acicula +aciculae +acicular +acicularity +acicularly +aciculas +aciculate +aciculated +aciculum +aciculums +acid +acidaemia +Acidalium +Acidanthera +acidanthera +Acidaspis +acid-binding +acidemia +acidemias +acider +acid-fast +acid-fastness +acid-forming +acid-head +acidhead +acidheads +acidic +acidiferous +acidifiable +acidifiant +acidific +acidification +acidified +acidifier +acidifiers +acidifies +acidify +acidifying +acidimeter +acidimetric +acidimetrical +acidimetrically +acidimetry +acidite +acidities +acidity +acidize +acidized +acidizing +acidly +acidness +acidnesses +acidogenic +acidoid +acidology +acidolysis +acidometer +acidometry +acidophil +acidophile +acidophilic +acidophilous +acidophilus +acidoproteolytic +acidoses +acidosis +acidosteophyte +acidotic +acidproof +acids +acid-treat +acidulant +acidulate +acidulated +acidulates +acidulating +acidulation +acidulent +acidulous +acidulously +acidulousness +aciduria +acidurias +aciduric +acidy +acidyl +Acie +acier +acierage +Acieral +acierate +acierated +acierates +acierating +acieration +acies +aciform +aciliate +aciliated +Acilius +Acima +acinaceous +acinaces +acinacifoliate +acinacifolious +acinaciform +acinacious +acinacity +acinar +acinarious +acinary +Acineta +Acinetae +acinetae +acinetan +Acinetaria +acinetarian +acinetic +acinetiform +Acinetina +acinetinan +acing +acini +acinic +aciniform +acinose +acinotubular +acinous +acinuni +acinus +-acious +Acipenser +acipenser +Acipenseres +acipenserid +Acipenseridae +acipenserine +acipenseroid +Acipenseroidei +Acis +-acitate +-acity +aciurgy +ACK +ack +ack-ack +ackee +ackees +Acker +acker +Ackerley +Ackerly +Ackerman +Ackermanville +ackey +ackeys +Ackler +Ackley +ackman +ackmen +acknew +acknow +acknowing +acknowledge +acknowledgeable +acknowledged +acknowledgedly +acknowledgement +acknowledgements +acknowledger +acknowledgers +acknowledges +acknowledging +acknowledgment +acknowledgments +acknown +ack-pirate +ackton +Ackworth +ACL +aclastic +acle +acleidian +acleistocardia +acleistous +Aclemon +aclidian +aclinal +aclinic +a-clock +acloud +ACLS +ACLU +aclu +aclydes +aclys +ACM +Acmaea +Acmaeidae +acmaesthesia +acmatic +acme +acmes +acmesthesia +acmic +Acmispon +acmite +Acmon +acne +acned +acneform +acneiform +acnemia +acnes +Acnida +acnodal +acnode +acnodes +ACO +acoasm +acoasma +a-coast +Acocanthera +acocantherin +acock +a-cock-bill +acockbill +a-cock-horse +acocotl +Acoela +Acoelomata +acoelomate +acoelomatous +Acoelomi +acoelomous +acoelous +Acoemetae +Acoemeti +Acoemetic +acoenaesthesia +ACOF +acoin +acoine +Acol +Acolapissa +acold +Acolhua +Acolhuan +acologic +acology +acolous +acoluthic +acolyctine +acolyte +acolytes +acolyth +acolythate +acolytus +Acoma +acoma +acomia +acomous +a-compass +aconative +Aconcagua +acondylose +acondylous +acone +aconelline +aconic +aconin +aconine +aconital +aconite +aconites +aconitia +aconitic +aconitin +aconitine +Aconitum +aconitum +aconitums +acontia +Acontias +acontium +Acontius +aconuresis +acool +acop +acopic +acopon +acopyrin +acopyrine +acor +acorea +acoria +acorn +acorned +acorns +acorn-shell +Acorus +acorus +acosmic +acosmism +acosmist +acosmistic +acost +Acosta +acotyledon +acotyledonous +acouasm +acouchi +acouchy +acoumeter +acoumetry +acounter +acouometer +acouophonia +acoup +acoupa +acoupe +acousma +acousmas +acousmata +acousmatic +acoustic +acoustical +acoustically +acoustician +acoustico- +acousticolateral +Acousticon +acousticophobia +acoustics +acoustoelectric +ACP +acpt +acpt. +Acquah +acquaint +acquaintance +acquaintances +acquaintanceship +acquaintanceships +acquaintancy +acquaintant +acquainted +acquaintedness +acquainting +acquaints +Acquaviva +acquent +acquereur +acquest +acquests +acquiesce +acquiesced +acquiescement +acquiescence +acquiescences +acquiescency +acquiescent +acquiescently +acquiescer +acquiesces +acquiescing +acquiescingly +acquiesence +acquiet +acquirability +acquirable +acquire +acquired +acquirement +acquirements +acquirenda +acquirer +acquirers +acquires +acquiring +acquisible +acquisita +acquisite +acquisited +acquisition +acquisitional +acquisitions +acquisitive +acquisitively +acquisitiveness +acquisitor +acquisitum +acquist +acquit +acquital +acquitment +acquits +acquittal +acquittals +acquittance +acquitted +acquitter +acquitting +acquophonia +acr- +Acra +Acrab +acracy +Acraea +acraein +Acraeinae +acraldehyde +Acrania +acrania +acranial +acraniate +acrasia +Acrasiaceae +Acrasiales +acrasias +Acrasida +Acrasieae +acrasin +acrasins +Acraspeda +acraspedote +acrasy +acratia +acraturesis +acrawl +acraze +Acre +acre +acreable +acreage +acreages +acreak +acream +acred +acre-dale +Acredula +acre-foot +acre-inch +acreman +acremen +Acres +acres +acrestaff +acrid +acridan +acridane +acrider +acridest +acridian +acridic +acridid +Acrididae +Acridiidae +acridin +acridine +acridines +acridinic +acridinium +acridities +acridity +Acridium +acridly +acridness +acridnesses +acridone +acridonium +acridophagus +acridyl +acriflavin +acriflavine +Acrilan +acrimonies +acrimonious +acrimoniously +acrimoniousness +acrimony +acrindolin +acrindoline +acrinyl +acrisia +Acrisius +acrisy +Acrita +acrita +acritan +acrite +acritical +acritochromacy +acritol +acritude +acrity +ACRNEMA +acro- +Acroa +acroaesthesia +acroama +acroamata +acroamatic +acroamatical +acroamatics +acroanesthesia +acroarthritis +acroasis +acroasphyxia +acroataxia +acroatic +acrobacies +acrobacy +acrobat +Acrobates +acrobatholithic +acrobatic +acrobatical +acrobatically +acrobatics +acrobatism +acrobats +acroblast +acrobryous +acrobystitis +Acrocarpi +acrocarpous +acrocentric +acrocephalia +acrocephalic +acrocephalous +acrocephaly +Acrocera +Acroceratidae +Acroceraunian +Acroceridae +Acrochordidae +Acrochordinae +acrochordon +acrock +Acroclinium +Acrocomia +acroconidium +acrocontracture +acrocoracoid +Acrocorinth +acrocyanosis +acrocyst +acrodactyla +acrodactylum +acrodermatitis +acrodont +acrodontism +acrodonts +acrodrome +acrodromous +Acrodus +acrodynia +acroesthesia +acrogamous +acrogamy +acrogen +acrogenic +acrogenous +acrogenously +acrogens +acrography +Acrogynae +acrogynae +acrogynous +acrolein +acroleins +acrolith +acrolithan +acrolithic +acroliths +acrologic +acrologically +acrologies +acrologism +acrologue +acrology +acromania +acromastitis +acromegalia +acromegalic +acromegalies +acromegaly +acromelalgia +acrometer +acromia +acromial +acromicria +acromimia +acromioclavicular +acromiocoracoid +acromiodeltoid +acromiohumeral +acromiohyoid +acromion +acromioscapular +acromiosternal +acromiothoracic +acromonogrammatic +acromphalus +Acromyodi +acromyodian +acromyodic +acromyodous +acromyotonia +acromyotonus +acron +acronal +acronarcotic +acroneurosis +acronic +acronical +acronically +acronichal +acronichally +acronomy +acronyc +acronycal +acronycally +acronych +acronychal +acronychally +acronychous +Acronycta +acronyctous +acronym +acronymic +acronymically +acronymize +acronymized +acronymizing +acronymous +acronyms +acronyx +acrook +acroparalysis +acroparesthesia +acropathology +acropathy +acropetal +acropetally +acrophobia +acrophonetic +acrophonic +acrophonically +acrophonies +acrophony +acropodia +acropodium +acropoleis +Acropolis +acropolis +acropolises +acropolitan +Acropora +acropore +acrorhagus +acrorrheuma +acrosarc +acrosarca +acrosarcum +acroscleriasis +acroscleroderma +acroscopic +acrose +acrosome +acrosomes +acrosphacelus +acrospire +acrospired +acrospiring +acrospore +acrosporous +across +across-the-board +acrostic +acrostical +acrostically +acrostichal +Acrosticheae +acrostichic +acrostichoid +Acrostichum +acrosticism +acrostics +acrostolia +acrostolion +acrostolium +acrotarsial +acrotarsium +acroteleutic +acroter +acroteral +acroteria +acroterial +acroteric +acroterion +acroterium +acroterteria +Acrothoracica +acrotic +acrotism +acrotisms +acrotomous +Acrotreta +Acrotretidae +acrotrophic +acrotrophoneurosis +Acrux +ACRV +a-cry +Acrydium +acryl +acrylaldehyde +acrylate +acrylates +acrylic +acrylics +acrylonitrile +acrylyl +ACS +ACSE +ACSNET +ACSU +ACT +act +Acta +acta +actability +actable +Actaea +Actaeaceae +Actaeon +actaeon +Actaeonidae +acted +actg +actg. +ACTH +Actiad +Actian +actification +actifier +actify +actin +actin- +actinal +actinally +actinautographic +actinautography +actine +actinenchyma +acting +acting-out +actings +Actinia +actinia +actiniae +actinian +actinians +Actiniaria +actiniarian +actinias +actinic +actinical +actinically +actinide +actinides +Actinidia +Actinidiaceae +actiniferous +actiniform +actinine +actiniochrome +actiniohematin +Actiniomorpha +actinism +actinisms +Actinistia +actinium +actiniums +actino- +actinobaccilli +actinobacilli +actinobacillosis +actinobacillotic +Actinobacillus +actinobacillus +actinoblast +actinobranch +actinobranchia +actinocarp +actinocarpic +actinocarpous +actinochemical +actinochemistry +actinocrinid +Actinocrinidae +actinocrinite +Actinocrinus +actinocutitis +actinodermatitis +actinodielectric +actinodrome +actinodromous +actinoelectric +actinoelectrically +actinoelectricity +actinogonidiate +actinogram +actinograph +actinographic +actinography +actinoid +Actinoida +Actinoidea +actinoids +actinolite +actinolitic +actinologous +actinologue +actinology +actinomere +actinomeric +actinometer +actinometers +actinometric +actinometrical +actinometricy +actinometry +actinomorphic +actinomorphous +actinomorphy +Actinomyces +actinomyces +actinomycese +actinomycesous +actinomycestal +Actinomycetaceae +actinomycetal +Actinomycetales +actinomycete +actinomycetous +actinomycin +actinomycoma +actinomycosis +actinomycosistic +actinomycotic +Actinomyxidia +Actinomyxidiida +actinon +Actinonema +actinoneuritis +actinons +actinophone +actinophonic +actinophore +actinophorous +actinophryan +Actinophrys +actinopod +Actinopoda +actinopraxis +actinopteran +Actinopteri +actinopterous +actinopterygian +Actinopterygii +actinopterygious +actinoscopy +actinosoma +actinosome +Actinosphaerium +actinost +actinostereoscopy +actinostomal +actinostome +actinotherapeutic +actinotherapeutics +actinotherapy +actinotoxemia +actinotrichium +actinotrocha +actinouranium +Actinozoa +actinozoal +actinozoan +actinozoon +actins +actinula +actinulae +action +actionability +actionable +actionably +actional +actionary +actioner +actiones +actionist +actionize +actionized +actionizing +actionless +actions +action-taking +actious +Actipylea +Actis +Actium +activable +activate +activated +activates +activating +activation +activations +activator +activators +active +active-bodied +active-limbed +actively +active-minded +activeness +actives +activin +activism +activisms +activist +activistic +activists +activital +activities +activity +activize +activized +activizing +actless +actomyosin +Acton +acton +Actor +actor +Actoridae +actorish +actor-manager +actor-proof +actors +actorship +actory +actos +ACTPU +actress +actresses +actressy +ACTS +Acts +acts +ACTU +actu +actual +actualisation +actualise +actualised +actualising +actualism +actualist +actualistic +actualities +actuality +actualization +actualizations +actualize +actualized +actualizes +actualizing +actually +actualness +actuals +actuarial +actuarially +actuarian +actuaries +actuary +actuaryship +actuate +actuated +actuates +actuating +actuation +actuator +actuators +actuose +ACTUP +acture +acturience +actus +actutate +act-wait +ACU +acuaesthesia +Acuan +acuate +acuating +acuation +Acubens +acuchi +acuclosure +acuductor +acuerdo +acuerdos +acuesthesia +acuities +acuity +aculea +aculeae +Aculeata +aculeate +aculeated +aculei +aculeiform +aculeolate +aculeolus +aculeus +acumble +acumen +acumens +acuminate +acuminated +acuminating +acumination +acuminose +acuminous +acuminulate +acupress +acupressure +acupunctuate +acupunctuation +acupuncturation +acupuncturator +acupuncture +acupunctured +acupunctures +acupuncturing +acupuncturist +acupuncturists +acurative +Acus +acus +acusection +acusector +acushla +Acushnet +acustom +acutance +acutances +acutangular +acutate +acute +acute-angled +acutely +acutenaculum +acuteness +acutenesses +acuter +acutes +acutest +acuti- +acutiator +acutifoliate +Acutilinguae +acutilingual +acutilobate +acutiplantar +acutish +acuto- +acutograve +acutonodose +acutorsion +ACV +ACW +ACWA +Acworth +ACWP +acxoyatl +-acy +acy +acyanoblepsia +acyanopsia +acyclic +acyclically +acyesis +acyetic +acyl +acylal +acylamido +acylamidobenzene +acylamino +acylase +acylate +acylated +acylates +acylating +acylation +acylogen +acyloin +acyloins +acyloxy +acyloxymethane +acyls +acyrological +acyrology +acystia +-ad +A.D. +AD +Ad +ad +ad- +ADA +Ada +Adabel +Adabelle +Adachi +adactyl +adactylia +adactylism +adactylous +Adad +adad +adage +adages +adagial +adagietto +adagiettos +adagio +adagios +adagissimo +adagy +Adah +Adaha +Adai +Adaiha +Adair +Adairsville +Adairville +Adaize +Adal +Adala +Adalai +Adalard +adalat +Adalbert +Adalheid +Adali +Adalia +Adaliah +adalid +Adalie +Adaline +Adall +Adallard +Adam +adam +Adama +adamance +adamances +adamancies +adamancy +Adam-and-Eve +Adam-and-eve +adam-and-eve +adamant +adamantean +adamantine +adamantinoma +adamantlies +adamantly +adamantness +adamantoblast +adamantoblastoma +adamantoid +adamantoma +adamants +Adamas +adamas +Adamastor +Adamawa +Adamawa-Eastern +adambulacral +Adamec +Adamek +adamellite +Adamello +Adamhood +Adamic +Adamical +Adamically +Adamik +Adamina +Adaminah +adamine +Adamis +Adamite +adamite +Adamitic +Adamitical +Adamitism +Adamo +Adamok +Adams +adams +Adamsbasin +Adamsburg +Adamsen +Adamsia +adamsite +adamsites +Adamski +Adam's-needle +Adamson +Adamstown +Adamsun +Adamsville +Adan +Adana +a-dance +adance +a-dangle +adangle +Adansonia +adansonia +Adao +Adapa +adapid +Adapis +adapt +adaptabilities +adaptability +adaptable +adaptableness +adaptably +adaptation +adaptational +adaptationally +adaptations +adaptative +adapted +adaptedness +adapter +adapters +adapting +adaption +adaptional +adaptionism +adaptions +adaptitude +adaptive +adaptively +adaptiveness +adaptivity +adaptometer +adaptor +adaptorial +adaptors +adapts +Adar +adar +Adara +adarbitrium +adarme +adarticulation +adat +adati +adatis +adatom +adaty +adaunt +Adaurd +adaw +adawe +adawlut +adawn +adaxial +A-day +Aday +aday +adays +adazzle +ADB +A.D.C. +ADC +adc +ADCCP +ADCI +adcon +adcons +adcraft +ADD +add +add. +Adda +adda +addability +addable +add-add +Addam +Addams +addax +addaxes +ADDCP +addda +addebted +added +addedly +addeem +addend +addenda +addends +addendum +addendums +adder +adderbolt +adderfish +adders +adder's-grass +adder's-meat +adder's-mouth +adder's-mouths +adderspit +adder's-tongue +adders-tongue +adderwort +Addi +Addia +addibility +addible +addice +addicent +addict +addicted +addictedness +addicting +addiction +addictions +addictive +addictively +addictiveness +addictives +addicts +Addie +Addiego +Addiel +Addieville +addiment +adding +Addington +addio +Addis +addis +Addison +addison +Addisonian +Addisoniana +addita +additament +additamentary +additiment +addition +additional +additionally +additionary +additionist +additions +addititious +additive +additively +additives +additivity +additory +additum +additur +addle +addlebrain +addlebrained +addled +addlehead +addleheaded +addleheadedly +addleheadedness +addlement +addleness +addlepate +addlepated +addlepatedness +addleplot +addles +addling +addlings +addlins +addn +addnl +addoom +addorsed +addossed +addr +address +addressability +addressable +addressed +addressee +addressees +addresser +addressers +addresses +addressful +addressing +Addressograph +addressor +addrest +adds +Addu +adduce +adduceable +adduced +adducent +adducer +adducers +adduces +adducible +adducing +adduct +adducted +adducting +adduction +adductive +adductor +adductors +adducts +addulce +Addy +Addyston +-ade +Ade +ade +a-dead +adead +Adebayo +Adee +adeem +adeemed +adeeming +adeems +a-deep +adeep +Adel +Adela +Adelaida +Adelaide +Adelaja +adelantado +adelantados +adelante +Adelanto +Adelarthra +Adelarthrosomata +adelarthrosomatous +adelaster +Adelbert +Adele +Adelea +Adeleidae +Adelges +Adelheid +Adelia +Adelice +Adelina +Adelind +Adeline +adeling +adelite +Adeliza +Adell +Adella +Adelle +adelocerous +Adelochorda +adelocodonic +adelomorphic +adelomorphous +adelopod +Adelops +Adelphe +Adelphi +-adelphia +Adelphia +Adelphian +adelphic +Adelpho +adelphogamy +Adelphoi +adelpholite +adelphophagy +-adelphous +adelphous +Adelric +ademonist +adempt +adempted +ademption +Aden +aden +aden- +Adena +adenalgia +adenalgy +Adenanthera +adenase +adenasthenia +Adenauer +adendric +adendritic +adenectomies +adenectomy +adenectopia +adenectopic +adenemphractic +adenemphraxis +adenia +adeniform +adenin +adenine +adenines +adenitis +adenitises +adenization +adeno- +adenoacanthoma +adenoblast +adenocancroid +adenocarcinoma +adenocarcinomas +adenocarcinomata +adenocarcinomatous +adenocele +adenocellulitis +adenochondroma +adenochondrosarcoma +adenochrome +adenocyst +adenocystoma +adenocystomatous +adenodermia +adenodiastasis +adenodynia +adenofibroma +adenofibrosis +adenogenesis +adenogenous +adenographer +adenographic +adenographical +adenography +adenohypersthenia +adenohypophyseal +adenohypophysial +adenohypophysis +adenoid +adenoidal +adenoidectomies +adenoidectomy +adenoidism +adenoiditis +adenoids +adenoliomyofibroma +adenolipoma +adenolipomatosis +adenologaditis +adenological +adenology +adenolymphocele +adenolymphoma +adenoma +adenomalacia +adenomas +adenomata +adenomatome +adenomatous +adenomeningeal +adenometritis +adenomycosis +adenomyofibroma +adenomyoma +adenomyxoma +adenomyxosarcoma +adenoncus +adenoneural +adenoneure +adenopathy +adenopharyngeal +adenopharyngitis +adenophlegmon +Adenophora +adenophore +adenophoreus +adenophorous +adenophthalmia +adenophyllous +adenophyma +adenopodous +adenosarcoma +adenosarcomas +adenosarcomata +adenosclerosis +adenose +adenoses +adenosine +adenosis +adenostemonous +Adenostoma +adenotome +adenotomic +adenotomy +adenotyphoid +adenotyphus +adenous +adenoviral +adenovirus +adenoviruses +adenyl +adenylic +adenylpyrophosphate +adenyls +Adeodatus +Adeona +Adephaga +adephaga +adephagan +adephagia +adephagous +adeps +adept +adepter +adeptest +adeption +adeptly +adeptness +adeptnesses +adepts +adeptship +adequacies +adequacy +adequate +adequately +adequateness +adequation +adequative +Ader +adermia +adermin +adermine +adesmy +adespota +adespoton +Adessenarian +adessenarian +adessive +Adest +adeste +adet +adeuism +adevism +ADEW +Adey +ADF +adfected +adffroze +adffrozen +adfiliate +adfix +adfluxion +adfreeze +adfreezing +ADFRF +adfroze +adfrozen +Adger +adglutinate +Adhafera +adhaka +Adham +adhamant +Adhamh +Adhara +adharma +adherant +adhere +adhered +adherence +adherences +adherency +adherend +adherends +adherent +adherently +adherents +adherer +adherers +adheres +adherescence +adherescent +adhering +Adhern +adhesion +adhesional +adhesions +adhesive +adhesively +adhesivemeter +adhesiveness +adhesives +adhibit +adhibited +adhibiting +adhibition +adhibits +adhocracy +adhort +ADI +Adi +adiabat +adiabatic +adiabatically +adiabolist +adiactinic +adiadochokinesia +adiadochokinesis +adiadokokinesi +adiadokokinesia +adiagnostic +adiamorphic +adiamorphism +Adiana +adiantiform +Adiantum +adiantum +adiaphanous +adiaphanousness +adiaphon +adiaphonon +adiaphora +adiaphoral +adiaphoresis +adiaphoretic +adiaphorism +adiaphorist +adiaphoristic +adiaphorite +adiaphoron +adiaphorous +adiaphory +adiapneustia +adiate +adiated +adiathermal +adiathermancy +adiathermanous +adiathermic +adiathetic +adiating +adiation +Adib +adibasi +Adi-buddha +Adicea +adicity +Adie +Adiel +Adiell +adience +adient +adieu +adieus +adieux +Adige +Adigei +Adighe +adighe +adight +Adigranth +adigranth +Adigun +Adila +Adim +Adin +Adina +Adine +Adinida +adinidan +adinole +adinvention +adion +adios +adipate +adipescent +adiphenine +adipic +adipinic +adipocele +adipocellulose +adipocere +adipoceriform +adipocerite +adipocerous +adipocyte +adipofibroma +adipogenic +adipogenous +adipoid +adipolysis +adipolytic +adipoma +adipomata +adipomatous +adipometer +adiponitrile +adipopectic +adipopexia +adipopexic +adipopexis +adipose +adiposeness +adiposes +adiposis +adiposities +adiposity +adiposogenital +adiposuria +adipous +adipsia +adipsic +adipsous +adipsy +adipyl +Adirondack +Adirondacks +Adis +adit +adital +aditio +adits +aditus +Aditya +Adivasi +ADIZ +adj +adj. +adjacence +adjacencies +adjacency +adjacent +adjacently +adjag +adject +adjection +adjectional +adjectitious +adjectival +adjectivally +adjective +adjectively +adjectives +adjectivism +adjectivitis +adjiga +adjiger +adjoin +adjoinant +adjoined +adjoinedly +adjoiner +adjoining +adjoiningness +adjoins +adjoint +adjoints +adjourn +adjournal +adjourned +adjourning +adjournment +adjournments +adjourns +adjoust +adjt +adjt. +adjudge +adjudgeable +adjudged +adjudger +adjudges +adjudging +adjudgment +adjudicata +adjudicate +adjudicated +adjudicates +adjudicating +adjudication +adjudications +adjudicative +adjudicator +adjudicators +adjudicatory +adjudicature +adjugate +adjument +adjunct +adjunction +adjunctive +adjunctively +adjunctly +adjuncts +Adjuntas +adjuration +adjurations +adjuratory +adjure +adjured +adjurer +adjurers +adjures +adjuring +adjuror +adjurors +adjust +adjustability +adjustable +adjustable-pitch +adjustably +adjustage +adjustation +adjusted +adjuster +adjusters +adjusting +adjustive +adjustment +adjustmental +adjustments +adjustor +adjustores +adjustoring +adjustors +adjusts +adjutage +adjutancies +adjutancy +adjutant +adjutant-general +adjutants +adjutantship +adjutator +adjute +adjutor +adjutorious +adjutory +adjutrice +adjutrix +adjuvant +adjuvants +adjuvate +Adkins +Adlai +Adlar +Adlare +Adlay +adlay +Adlee +adlegation +adlegiare +Adlei +Adler +Adlerian +adlerian +adless +adlet +Adley +ad-lib +ad-libbed +ad-libber +ad-libbing +Adlumia +adlumidin +adlumidine +adlumin +adlumine +ADM +Adm +Adm. +adm +Admah +adman +admarginate +admass +admaxillary +ADMD +admeasure +admeasured +admeasurement +admeasurer +admeasuring +admedial +admedian +admen +admensuration +admerveylle +Admete +Admetus +admetus +admi +admin +adminicle +adminicula +adminicular +adminiculary +adminiculate +adminiculation +adminiculum +administer +administerd +administered +administerial +administering +administerings +administers +administrable +administrant +administrants +administrate +administrated +administrates +administrating +administration +administrational +administrationist +administrations +administrative +administratively +administrator +administrators +administratorship +administratress +administratrices +administratrix +adminstration +adminstrations +admirability +admirable +admirableness +admirably +Admiral +admiral +admirals +admiralship +admiralships +Admiralties +admiralties +admiralty +admirance +admiration +admirations +admirative +admiratively +admirator +admire +admired +admiredly +admirer +admirers +admires +admiring +admiringly +admissability +admissable +admissibilities +admissibility +admissible +admissibleness +admissibly +admission +admissions +admissive +admissively +admissory +admit +admits +admittable +admittance +admittances +admittatur +admitted +admittedly +admittee +admitter +admitters +admittible +admitting +admitty +admix +admixed +admixes +admixing +admixt +admixtion +admixture +admixtures +admonish +admonished +admonisher +admonishes +admonishing +admonishingly +admonishment +admonishments +admonition +admonitioner +admonitionist +admonitions +admonitive +admonitively +admonitor +admonitorial +admonitorily +admonitory +admonitrix +admortization +admov +admove +admrx +ADN +Adna +Adnah +Adnan +adnascence +adnascent +adnate +adnation +adnations +Adne +adnephrine +adnerval +adnescent +adneural +adnex +adnexa +adnexal +adnexed +adnexitis +adnexopexy +adnominal +adnominally +adnomination +Adnopoz +adnoun +adnouns +adnumber +-ado +Ado +ado +adobe +adobes +adobo +adobos +adod +adolesce +adolesced +adolescence +adolescences +adolescency +adolescent +adolescently +adolescents +adolescing +Adolf +adolf +Adolfo +Adolph +adolph +Adolphe +Adolpho +Adolphus +Adon +adon +Adona +Adonai +adonai +Adonais +Adonean +Adonia +Adoniad +Adonian +Adonias +Adonic +adonic +Adonica +adonidin +Adonijah +adonin +Adoniram +Adonis +adonis +adonises +adonist +adonite +adonitol +adonize +adonized +adonizing +Adonoy +a-doors +adoors +adoperate +adoperation +adopt +adoptabilities +adoptability +adoptable +adoptant +adoptative +adopted +adoptedly +adoptee +adoptees +adopter +adopters +adoptian +adoptianism +adoptianist +adopting +adoption +adoptional +adoptionism +adoptionist +adoptions +adoptious +adoptive +adoptively +adopts +ador +Adora +adorability +adorable +adorableness +adorably +adoral +adorally +adorant +Adorantes +adoration +adorations +adoratory +Adore +adore +adored +Adoree +adorer +adorers +adores +Adoretus +adoring +adoringly +Adorl +adorn +adornation +Adorne +adorned +adorner +adorners +adorning +adorningly +adornment +adornments +adorno +adornos +adorns +adorsed +ados +adosculation +adossed +adossee +Adoula +adoulie +Adowa +adown +Adoxa +Adoxaceae +adoxaceous +adoxies +adoxography +adoxy +adoze +ADP +adp +adp- +adpao +ADPCM +adposition +adpress +adpromission +adpromissor +adq- +adrad +adradial +adradially +adradius +Adramelech +Adrammelech +Adrastea +Adrastos +Adrastus +Adrea +adread +adream +adreamed +adreamt +adrectal +Adrell +adren- +adrenal +adrenalcortical +adrenalectomies +adrenalectomize +adrenalectomized +adrenalectomizing +adrenalectomy +Adrenalin +adrenalin +adrenaline +adrenalize +adrenally +adrenalone +adrenals +adrench +adrenergic +adrenin +adrenine +adrenitis +adreno +adrenochrome +adrenocortical +adrenocorticosteroid +adrenocorticotrophic +adrenocorticotrophin +adrenocorticotropic +adrenolysis +adrenolytic +adrenomedullary +adrenosterone +adrenotrophin +adrenotropic +adrent +Adrestus +adret +Adria +Adriaen +Adriaens +Adrial +adriamycin +Adrian +Adriana +Adriane +Adrianna +Adrianne +Adriano +Adrianople +Adrianopolis +Adriatic +adriatic +Adriel +Adriell +Adrien +Adriena +Adriene +Adrienne +adrift +adrip +adrogate +adroit +adroiter +adroitest +adroitly +adroitness +adroitnesses +Adron +adroop +adrop +adrostal +adrostral +adrowse +adrue +adry +ADS +ads +adsbud +adscendent +adscititious +adscititiously +adscript +adscripted +adscription +adscriptitious +adscriptitius +adscriptive +adscripts +adsessor +adsheart +adsignification +adsignify +adsmith +adsmithing +adsorb +adsorbability +adsorbable +adsorbate +adsorbates +adsorbed +adsorbent +adsorbents +adsorbing +adsorbs +adsorption +adsorptive +adsorptively +adsorptiveness +ADSP +adspiration +ADSR +adstipulate +adstipulated +adstipulating +adstipulation +adstipulator +adstrict +adstringe +adsum +ADT +adterminal +adtevac +aduana +adular +adularescence +adularescent +adularia +adularias +adulate +adulated +adulates +adulating +adulation +adulator +adulators +adulatory +adulatress +adulce +Adullam +Adullamite +adullamite +adult +adulter +adulterant +adulterants +adulterate +adulterated +adulterately +adulterateness +adulterates +adulterating +adulteration +adulterations +adulterator +adulterators +adulterer +adulterers +adulteress +adulteresses +adulteries +adulterine +adulterize +adulterous +adulterously +adulterousness +adultery +adulthood +adulthoods +adulticidal +adulticide +adultlike +adultly +adultness +adultoid +adultress +adults +adumbral +adumbrant +adumbrate +adumbrated +adumbrates +adumbrating +adumbration +adumbrations +adumbrative +adumbratively +adumbrellar +adunation +adunc +aduncate +aduncated +aduncity +aduncous +Adur +adure +adurent +Adurol +adusk +adust +adustion +adustiosis +adustive +Aduwa +adv +adv. +Advaita +advance +advanceable +advanced +advancedness +advancement +advancements +advancer +advancers +advances +advancing +advancingly +advancive +advantage +advantaged +advantageous +advantageously +advantageousness +advantages +advantaging +advect +advected +advecting +advection +advectitious +advective +advects +advehent +advena +advenae +advene +advenience +advenient +Advent +advent +advential +Adventism +adventism +Adventist +adventist +adventists +adventitia +adventitial +adventitious +adventitiously +adventitiousness +adventitiousnesses +adventive +adventively +adventry +advents +adventual +adventure +adventured +adventureful +adventurement +adventurer +adventurers +adventures +adventureship +adventuresome +adventuresomely +adventuresomeness +adventuresomes +adventuress +adventuresses +adventuring +adventurish +adventurism +adventurist +adventuristic +adventurous +adventurously +adventurousness +adverb +adverbial +adverbiality +adverbialize +adverbially +adverbiation +adverbless +adverbs +adversa +adversant +adversaria +adversarial +adversaries +adversariness +adversarious +adversary +adversative +adversatively +adverse +adversed +adversely +adverseness +adversifoliate +adversifolious +adversing +adversion +adversities +adversity +adversive +adversus +advert +adverted +advertence +advertency +advertent +advertently +adverting +advertisable +advertise +advertised +advertisee +advertisement +advertisements +advertiser +advertisers +advertises +advertising +advertisings +advertizable +advertize +advertized +advertizement +advertizer +advertizes +advertizing +adverts +advice +adviceful +advices +advisabilities +advisability +advisable +advisableness +advisably +advisal +advisatory +advise +advised +advisedly +advisedness +advisee +advisees +advisement +advisements +adviser +advisers +advisership +advises +advising +advisive +advisiveness +adviso +advisor +advisories +advisorily +advisors +advisory +advisy +advitant +advocaat +advocacies +advocacy +advocate +advocated +advocates +advocateship +advocatess +advocating +advocation +advocative +advocator +advocatory +advocatress +advocatrice +advocatrix +advoke +advolution +advoteresse +advowee +advowry +advowsance +advowson +advowsons +advoyer +advt +advt. +adward +adwesch +ady +Adyge +Adygei +Adyghe +adynamia +adynamias +adynamic +adynamy +adyta +adyton +adytta +adytum +adz +adze +adzer +adzes +Adzharia +Adzharistan +adzooks +-ae +AE +ae +ae- +ae. +AEA +Aeacidae +Aeacides +Aeacus +Aeaea +Aeaean +AEC +Aechmagoras +Aechmophorus +aecia +aecial +aecidia +Aecidiaceae +aecidial +aecidioform +Aecidiomycetes +aecidiospore +aecidiostage +aecidium +aeciospore +aeciostage +aeciotelia +aecioteliospore +aeciotelium +aecium +aedeagal +aedeagi +aedeagus +aedegi +Aedes +aedes +aedicula +aediculae +aedicule +Aedilberct +aedile +aediles +aedileship +aedilian +aedilic +aedilitian +aedilities +aedility +aedine +aedoeagi +aedoeagus +aedoeology +Aedon +Aeetes +AEF +aefald +aefaldness +aefaldy +aefauld +Aegaeon +aegagri +aegagropila +aegagropilae +aegagropile +aegagropiles +aegagrus +Aegates +Aegean +aegean +aegemony +aeger +Aegeria +aegerian +aegeriid +Aegeriidae +Aegesta +Aegeus +Aegia +Aegiale +Aegialeus +Aegialia +Aegialitis +Aegicores +aegicrania +aegilops +Aegimius +Aegina +Aeginaea +Aeginetan +Aeginetic +Aegiochus +Aegipan +Aegir +aegir +aegirine +aegirinolite +aegirite +AEGIS +aegis +aegises +Aegisthus +aegisthus +Aegithalos +Aegithognathae +aegithognathism +aegithognathous +Aegium +Aegle +aegophony +Aegopodium +Aegospotami +aegritude +aegrotant +aegrotat +aegyptilla +Aegyptus +aegyrite +aeipathy +Aekerly +Aelber +Aelbert +Aella +Aello +aelodicon +aeluroid +Aeluroidea +aelurophobe +aelurophobia +aeluropodous +-aemia +aenach +Aenea +aenean +Aeneas +aeneas +Aeneid +aeneid +Aeneolithic +aeneolithic +aeneous +Aeneus +aeneus +Aeniah +aenigma +aenigmatite +Aenius +Aenneea +aeolharmonica +Aeolia +Aeolian +aeolian +Aeolic +aeolic +Aeolicism +aeolid +Aeolidae +Aeolides +Aeolididae +aeolight +aeolina +aeoline +aeolipile +aeolipyle +Aeolis +Aeolism +Aeolist +aeolist +aeolistic +aeolo- +aeolodicon +aeolodion +aeolomelodicon +aeolopantalon +aeolotropic +aeolotropism +aeolotropy +aeolsklavier +Aeolus +aeolus +aeon +aeonial +aeonian +aeonic +aeonicaeonist +aeonist +aeons +Aepyceros +Aepyornis +aepyornis +Aepyornithidae +Aepyornithiformes +Aepytus +aeq +Aequi +Aequian +Aequiculi +Aequipalpia +aequor +aequoreal +aequorin +aequorins +aer +aer- +aerage +aeraria +aerarian +aerarium +aerate +aerated +aerates +aerating +aeration +aerations +aerator +aerators +aerenchyma +aerenterectasia +aeri- +Aeria +aerial +aerialist +aerialists +aeriality +aerially +aerialness +aerials +aeric +aerical +Aerides +aerides +aerie +aeried +Aeriel +Aeriela +Aeriell +aerier +aeries +aeriest +aerifaction +aeriferous +aerification +aerified +aerifies +aeriform +aerify +aerifying +aerily +aeriness +aero +aero- +aeroacoustic +Aerobacter +aerobacter +aerobacteriological +aerobacteriologically +aerobacteriologist +aerobacteriology +aerobacters +aeroballistic +aeroballistics +aerobate +aerobated +aerobatic +aerobatics +aerobating +aerobe +aerobee +aerobes +aerobia +aerobian +aerobic +aerobically +aerobics +aerobiologic +aerobiological +aerobiologically +aerobiologist +aerobiology +aerobion +aerobiont +aerobioscope +aerobiosis +aerobiotic +aerobiotically +aerobious +aerobium +aeroboat +Aerobranchia +aerobranchiate +aerobus +aerocamera +aerocar +aerocartograph +aerocartography +Aerocharidae +aerocolpos +aerocraft +aerocurve +aerocyst +aerodermectasia +aerodone +aerodonetic +aerodonetics +aerodontalgia +aerodontia +aerodontic +aerodrome +aerodromes +aerodromics +aeroduct +aeroducts +aerodynamic +aerodynamical +aerodynamically +aerodynamicist +aerodynamics +aerodyne +aerodynes +aeroelastic +aeroelasticity +aeroelastics +aeroembolism +aeroenterectasia +Aeroflot +aerofoil +aerofoils +aerogel +aerogels +aerogen +aerogene +aerogenes +aerogenesis +aerogenic +aerogenically +aerogenous +aerogeography +aerogeologist +aerogeology +aerognosy +aerogram +aerogramme +aerograms +aerograph +aerographer +aerographic +aerographical +aerographics +aerographies +aerography +aerogun +aerohydrodynamic +aerohydropathy +aerohydroplane +aerohydrotherapy +aerohydrous +aeroides +Aerojet +Aerol +aerolite +aerolites +aerolith +aerolithology +aeroliths +aerolitic +aerolitics +aerologic +aerological +aerologies +aerologist +aerologists +aerology +aeromaechanic +aeromagnetic +aeromancer +aeromancy +aeromantic +aeromarine +aeromechanic +aeromechanical +aeromechanics +aeromedical +aeromedicine +aerometeorograph +aerometer +aerometric +aerometry +aeromotor +aeron +aeron. +aeronat +aeronaut +aeronautic +aeronautical +aeronautically +aeronautics +aeronautism +aeronauts +aeronef +aeroneurosis +aeronomer +aeronomic +aeronomical +aeronomics +aeronomies +aeronomist +aeronomy +aero-otitis +aeropathy +aeropause +Aerope +aeroperitoneum +aeroperitonia +aerophagia +aerophagist +aerophagy +aerophane +aerophilatelic +aerophilatelist +aerophilately +aerophile +aerophilia +aerophilic +aerophilous +aerophobia +aerophobic +aerophone +aerophor +aerophore +aerophoto +aerophotography +aerophotos +aerophysical +aerophysicist +aerophysics +aerophyte +aeroplane +aeroplaner +aeroplanes +aeroplanist +aeroplankton +aeropleustic +aeroporotomy +aeropulse +aerosat +aerosats +aeroscepsis +aeroscepsy +aeroscope +aeroscopic +aeroscopically +aeroscopy +aerose +aerosiderite +aerosiderolite +aerosinusitis +Aerosol +aerosol +aerosolization +aerosolize +aerosolized +aerosolizing +aerosols +aerospace +aerosphere +aerosporin +aerostat +aerostatic +aerostatical +aerostatics +aerostation +aerostats +aerosteam +aerotactic +aerotaxis +aerotechnical +aerotechnics +aerotherapeutics +aerotherapy +aerothermodynamic +aerothermodynamics +aerotonometer +aerotonometric +aerotonometry +aerotow +aerotropic +aerotropism +aeroview +aeroyacht +aeruginous +aerugo +aerugos +aery +AES +aes +Aesacus +aesc +Aeschines +Aeschylean +aeschylean +Aeschylus +aeschylus +Aeschynanthus +aeschynite +Aeschynomene +aeschynomenous +Aesculaceae +aesculaceous +Aesculapian +aesculapian +Aesculapius +aesculapius +aesculetin +aesculin +Aesculus +Aesepus +Aeshma +Aesir +aesir +Aesop +aesop +Aesopian +aesopian +Aesopic +Aestatis +aestethic +aesthesia +aesthesics +aesthesio- +aesthesis +aesthesodic +aesthete +aesthetes +aesthetic +aesthetical +aesthetically +aesthetician +aestheticism +aestheticist +aestheticize +aesthetics +aesthiology +aestho-physiology +aesthophysiology +Aestii +aestival +aestivate +aestivated +aestivates +aestivating +aestivation +aestivator +aestive +aestuary +aestuate +aestuation +aestuous +aesture +aestus +Aesyetes +AET +aet +aet. +aetat +aethalia +Aethalides +aethalioid +aethalium +Aethelbert +aetheling +aetheogam +aetheogamic +aetheogamous +aether +aethereal +aethered +Aetheria +aetheric +aethers +Aethionema +aethogen +aethon +Aethra +aethrioscope +Aethusa +Aethylla +Aetian +aetiogenic +aetiological +aetiologically +aetiologies +aetiologist +aetiologue +aetiology +aetiophyllin +aetiotropic +aetiotropically +aetites +Aetna +Aetobatidae +Aetobatus +Aetolia +Aetolian +Aetolus +Aetomorphae +aetosaur +aetosaurian +Aetosaurus +aettekees +AEU +aevia +aeviternal +aevum +A.F. +A/F +AF +Af +Af. +a.f. +af +af- +AFA +aface +afaced +afacing +AFACTS +AFADS +afaint +A.F.A.M. +AFAM +Afar +afar +afara +afars +AFATDS +AFB +afb +AFC +AFCAC +AFCC +afd +afdecho +afear +afeard +afeared +afebrile +Afenil +afer +afernan +afetal +aff +affa +affabilities +affability +affable +affableness +affably +affabrous +affair +affaire +affaires +affairs +affaite +affamish +affatuate +affect +affectability +affectable +affectate +affectation +affectationist +affectations +affected +affectedly +affectedness +affecter +affecters +affectibility +affectible +affecting +affectingly +affection +affectional +affectionally +affectionate +affectionately +affectionateness +affectioned +affectionless +affections +affectious +affective +affectively +affectivity +affectless +affectlessness +affector +affects +affectual +affectum +affectuous +affectus +affeeble +affeer +affeerer +affeerment +affeeror +affeir +affenpinscher +affenspalte +Affer +affere +afferent +afferently +affettuoso +affettuosos +affiance +affianced +affiancer +affiances +affiancing +affiant +affiants +affich +affiche +affiches +afficionado +affidare +affidation +affidavit +affidavits +affidavy +affied +affies +affile +affiliable +affiliate +affiliated +affiliates +affiliating +affiliation +affiliations +affinage +affinal +affination +affine +affined +affinely +affines +affing +affinitative +affinitatively +affinite +affinities +affinition +affinitive +affinity +affirm +affirmable +affirmably +affirmance +affirmant +affirmation +affirmations +affirmative +affirmative-action +affirmatively +affirmativeness +affirmatives +affirmatory +affirmed +affirmer +affirmers +affirming +affirmingly +affirmly +affirms +affix +affixable +affixal +affixation +affixed +affixer +affixers +affixes +affixial +affixing +affixion +affixment +affixt +affixture +afflate +afflated +afflation +afflatus +afflatuses +afflict +afflicted +afflictedness +afflicter +afflicting +afflictingly +affliction +afflictionless +afflictions +afflictive +afflictively +afflicts +affloof +afflue +affluence +affluences +affluency +affluent +affluently +affluentness +affluents +afflux +affluxes +affluxion +affodill +afforce +afforced +afforcement +afforcing +afford +affordable +afforded +affording +affords +afforest +afforestable +afforestation +afforestational +afforested +afforesting +afforestment +afforests +afformative +Affra +affranchise +affranchised +affranchisement +affranchising +affrap +affray +affrayed +affrayer +affrayers +affraying +affrays +affreight +affreighter +affreightment +affret +affrettando +affreux +Affrica +affricate +affricated +affricates +affrication +affricative +affriended +affright +affrighted +affrightedly +affrighter +affrightful +affrightfully +affrighting +affrightingly +affrightment +affrights +affront +affronted +affrontedly +affrontedness +affrontee +affronter +affronting +affrontingly +affrontingness +affrontive +affrontiveness +affrontment +affronts +affronty +afft +affuse +affusedaffusing +affusion +affusions +affy +affydavy +affying +Afg +AFGE +Afgh +Afghan +afghan +afghanets +Afghani +afghani +afghanis +Afghanistan +afghanistan +afghans +afgod +AFI +afibrinogenemia +aficionada +aficionadas +aficionado +aficionados +afield +Afifi +afikomen +AFIPS +afire +AFL +aflagellar +aflame +aflare +A-flat +aflat +aflatoxin +aflatus +aflaunt +AFL-CIO +AFLCIO +Aflex +afley +a-flicker +aflicker +aflight +afloat +aflow +aflower +afluking +aflush +aflutter +AFM +AFNOR +afoam +afocal +afoot +afore +afore-acted +afore-cited +afore-coming +afore-decried +afore-given +afore-going +aforegoing +afore-granted +aforehand +afore-heard +afore-known +afore-mentioned +aforementioned +aforenamed +afore-planned +afore-quoted +afore-running +aforesaid +afore-seeing +afore-seen +afore-spoken +afore-stated +aforethought +aforetime +aforetimes +afore-told +aforeward +afortiori +afoul +afounde +AFP +Afr +afr- +Afra +afraid +afraidness +A-frame +Aframerican +Afrasia +Afrasian +afray +afreet +afreets +afresca +afresh +afret +afrete +Afric +Africa +africa +Africah +African +african +Africana +Africander +africander +Africanderism +Africanism +Africanist +africanist +Africanization +Africanize +Africanized +Africanizing +Africanoid +africans +Africanthropus +Afridi +afright +Afrika +Afrikaans +afrikaans +Afrikah +Afrikander +Afrikanderdom +Afrikanderism +Afrikaner +afrikaner +Afrikanerdom +Afrikanerize +afrit +afrite +afrits +Afro +Afro- +afro +Afro-American +Afro-american +afro-american +Afro-Asian +Afro-Asiatic +Afro-asiatic +Afroasiatic +Afro-chain +Afro-comb +Afro-Cuban +Afro-european +Afrogaea +Afrogaean +afront +afrormosia +afros +Afro-semitic +afrown +AFS +AFSC +AFSCME +Afshah +Afshar +AFSK +AFT +aft +aftaba +after +after- +after-acquired +afteract +afterage +afterattack +afterband +afterbay +afterbeat +afterbirth +afterbirths +afterblow +afterbodies +afterbody +after-born +afterbrain +afterbreach +afterbreast +afterburner +afterburners +afterburning +aftercare +aftercareer +aftercast +aftercataract +aftercause +afterchance +afterchrome +afterchurch +afterclap +afterclause +aftercome +aftercomer +aftercoming +aftercooler +aftercost +after-course +aftercourse +aftercrop +aftercure +afterdamp +afterdate +afterdated +afterdays +afterdeal +afterdeath +afterdeck +afterdecks +after-described +after-designed +after-dinner +afterdinner +afterdischarge +afterdrain +afterdrops +aftereffect +aftereffects +afterend +aftereye +afterfall +afterfame +afterfeed +afterfermentation +afterform +afterfriend +afterfruits +afterfuture +after-game +aftergame +aftergas +afterglide +afterglow +afterglows +aftergo +aftergood +after-grass +aftergrass +aftergrave +aftergrief +aftergrind +aftergrowth +after-guard +afterguard +afterguns +afterhand +afterharm +afterhatch +afterheat +afterhelp +afterhend +afterhold +afterhope +afterhours +after-image +afterimage +afterimages +afterimpression +afterings +afterking +afterknowledge +after-life +afterlife +afterlifes +afterlifetime +afterlight +afterlives +afterloss +afterlove +aftermark +aftermarket +aftermarriage +aftermass +aftermast +aftermath +aftermaths +aftermatter +aftermeal +after-mentioned +aftermilk +aftermost +after-named +afternight +afternoon +afternoons +afternose +afternote +afteroar +after-pain +afterpain +afterpains +afterpart +afterpast +afterpeak +afterpiece +afterplanting +afterplay +afterpotential +afterpressure +afterproof +afterrake +afterreckoning +afterrider +afterripening +afterroll +afters +afterschool +aftersend +aftersensation +aftershaft +aftershafted +aftershave +aftershaves +aftershine +aftership +aftershock +aftershocks +aftersong +aftersound +after-specified +afterspeech +afterspring +afterstain +after-stampable +afterstate +afterstorm +afterstrain +afterstretch +afterstudy +after-supper +aftersupper +afterswarm +afterswarming +afterswell +aftertan +aftertask +aftertaste +aftertastes +aftertax +after-theater +after-theatre +afterthinker +afterthought +afterthoughted +afterthoughts +afterthrift +aftertime +aftertimes +aftertouch +aftertreatment +aftertrial +afterturn +aftervision +afterwale +afterwar +afterward +afterwards +afterwash +afterwhile +afterwisdom +afterwise +after-wit +afterwit +afterwitted +afterword +afterwork +afterworking +afterworld +afterwort +afterwrath +afterwrist +after-written +afteryears +aftmost +Afton +Aftonian +aftosa +aftosas +AFTRA +aftward +aftwards +afunction +afunctional +AFUU +afwillite +Afyon +Afzelia +A.G. +AG +Ag +ag +ag- +aga +agabanee +Agabus +agacant +agacante +Agace +agacella +agacerie +Agaces +Agacles +agad +agada +Agade +agadic +Agadir +Agag +Agagianian +again +again- +againbuy +againsay +against +againstand +againward +agal +agalactia +agalactic +agalactous +agal-agal +agalawood +agalaxia +agalaxy +Agalena +Agalenidae +Agalinis +agalite +agalloch +agallochs +agallochum +agallop +agalma +agalmatolite +agalwood +agalwoods +Agama +agama +Agamae +agamas +a-game +Agamede +Agamedes +Agamemnon +agamemnon +agamete +agametes +agami +agamian +agamic +agamically +agamid +Agamidae +agamis +agamist +agammaglobulinemia +agammaglobulinemic +agamobia +agamobium +agamogenesis +agamogenetic +agamogenetically +agamogony +agamoid +agamont +agamospermy +agamospore +agamous +agamy +Agan +Agana +aganglionic +Aganice +Aganippe +aganippe +Aganus +Agao +Agaonidae +agapae +agapai +Agapanthus +agapanthus +agapanthuses +Agape +agape +agapeic +agapeically +Agapemone +Agapemonian +Agapemonist +Agapemonite +agapetae +agapeti +agapetid +Agapetidae +agaphite +Agapornis +Agar +agar +agar-agar +agaric +agaricaceae +agaricaceous +Agaricales +agaricic +agariciform +agaricin +agaricine +agaricinic +agaricoid +agarics +Agaricus +Agaristidae +agarita +agaroid +agarose +agaroses +agars +Agartala +Agarum +agarwal +agas +agasp +Agassiz +agast +Agastache +Agastreae +agastric +agastroneuria +Agastrophus +Agastya +Agata +agata +Agate +agate +agatelike +agates +agateware +Agatha +Agathaea +Agatharchides +Agathaumas +Agathe +agathin +Agathis +agathism +agathist +Agatho +agatho- +Agathocles +agathodaemon +agathodaemonic +agathodemon +agathokakological +agathology +Agathon +Agathosma +Agathy +Agathyrsus +agatiferous +agatiform +agatine +agatize +agatized +agatizes +agatizing +agatoid +agaty +Agau +Agave +agave +agaves +agavose +Agawam +Agaz +agaze +agazed +agba +Agbogla +AGC +AGCA +AGCT +agcy +agcy. +AGD +Agdistis +-age +AGE +AgE +age +ageable +age-adorning +age-bent +age-coeval +age-cracked +aged +age-despoiled +age-dispelling +agedly +agedness +agednesses +Agee +agee +agee-jawed +age-encrusted +age-enfeebled +age-group +age-harden +age-honored +ageing +ageings +ageism +ageisms +ageist +ageists +Agelacrinites +Agelacrinitidae +Agelaius +agelast +age-lasting +Agelaus +ageless +agelessly +agelessness +age-long +agelong +Agen +agen +Agena +Agenais +agencies +agency +agend +agenda +agendaless +agendas +agendum +agendums +agene +agenes +ageneses +agenesia +agenesias +agenesic +agenesis +agenetic +agenize +agenized +agenizes +agenizing +agennesis +agennetic +Agenois +Agenor +agent +agentess +agent-general +agential +agenting +agentival +agentive +agentives +agentries +agentry +agents +agentship +age-old +ageometrical +age-peeled +ager +agerasia +Ageratum +ageratum +ageratums +agers +ages +age-struck +aget +agete +ageusia +ageusic +ageustia +age-weary +age-weathered +age-worn +Aggada +Aggadah +Aggadic +aggadic +Aggadoth +Aggappe +Aggappera +Aggappora +Aggarwal +aggelation +aggenerate +agger +aggerate +aggeration +aggerose +aggers +aggest +Aggeus +Aggi +Aggie +aggie +aggies +aggiornamenti +aggiornamento +agglomerant +agglomerate +agglomerated +agglomerates +agglomeratic +agglomerating +agglomeration +agglomerations +agglomerative +agglomerator +agglutinability +agglutinable +agglutinant +agglutinate +agglutinated +agglutinates +agglutinating +agglutination +agglutinationist +agglutinations +agglutinative +agglutinatively +agglutinator +agglutinin +agglutinins +agglutinize +agglutinogen +agglutinogenic +agglutinoid +agglutinoscope +agglutogenic +aggrace +aggradation +aggradational +aggrade +aggraded +aggrades +aggrading +aggrammatism +aggrandise +aggrandised +aggrandisement +aggrandiser +aggrandising +aggrandizable +aggrandize +aggrandized +aggrandizement +aggrandizements +aggrandizer +aggrandizers +aggrandizes +aggrandizing +aggrate +aggravable +aggravate +aggravated +aggravates +aggravating +aggravatingly +aggravation +aggravations +aggravative +aggravator +aggregable +aggregant +Aggregata +Aggregatae +aggregate +aggregated +aggregately +aggregateness +aggregates +aggregating +aggregation +aggregational +aggregations +aggregative +aggregatively +aggregato- +aggregator +aggregatory +aggrege +aggress +aggressed +aggresses +aggressing +aggression +aggressionist +aggressions +aggressive +aggressively +aggressiveness +aggressivenesses +aggressivity +aggressor +aggressors +Aggri +aggrievance +aggrieve +aggrieved +aggrievedly +aggrievedness +aggrievement +aggrieves +aggrieving +aggro +aggros +aggroup +aggroupment +aggry +aggur +Aggy +Agh +agha +Aghan +aghanee +aghas +aghast +aghastness +Aghlabite +Aghorapanthi +Aghori +Agialid +Agib +agible +Agiel +agilawood +agile +agilely +agileness +agilities +agility +agillawood +agilmente +agin +Agincourt +aging +agings +aginner +aginners +agio +agios +agiotage +agiotages +agism +agisms +agist +agistator +agisted +agister +agisting +agistment +agistor +agists +agit +agitability +agitable +agitant +agitate +agitated +agitatedly +agitates +agitating +agitation +agitational +agitationist +agitations +agitative +agitato +agitator +agitatorial +agitators +agitatrix +agitprop +agitpropist +agitprops +agitpunkt +Agkistrodon +agkistrodon +AGL +agla +Aglaia +aglaia +aglance +Aglaonema +Aglaos +aglaozonia +aglare +Aglaspis +Aglauros +Aglaus +Agle +agleaf +agleam +aglee +Agler +aglet +aglethead +aglets +agley +a-glimmer +aglimmer +aglint +Aglipayan +Aglipayano +aglisten +aglitter +aglobulia +aglobulism +Aglossa +aglossal +aglossate +aglossia +aglow +aglucon +aglucone +a-glucosidase +aglutition +agly +aglycon +aglycone +aglycones +aglycons +aglycosuric +Aglypha +aglyphodont +Aglyphodonta +Aglyphodontia +aglyphous +AGM +AGMA +agma +agmas +agmatine +agmatology +agminate +agminated +AGN +Agna +agnail +agnails +agname +agnamed +agnat +agnate +agnates +Agnatha +agnathia +agnathic +Agnathostomata +agnathostomatous +agnathous +agnatic +agnatical +agnatically +agnation +agnations +agnean +agneau +agneaux +agnel +Agnella +Agnes +Agnese +Agness +Agnesse +Agneta +Agnew +Agni +agnification +agnition +agnize +agnized +agnizes +agnizing +Agnoetae +Agnoete +Agnoetism +agnoiology +Agnoite +agnoites +Agnola +agnomen +agnomens +agnomical +agnomina +agnominal +agnomination +agnosia +agnosias +agnosis +agnostic +agnostical +agnostically +agnosticism +agnostics +Agnostus +agnosy +Agnotozoic +agnus +agnuses +ago +agog +agoge +agogic +agogics +-agogue +agoho +agoing +agomensin +agomphiasis +agomphious +agomphosis +Agon +agon +agonal +agone +agones +agonia +agoniada +agoniadin +agoniatite +Agoniatites +agonic +agonied +agonies +agonise +agonised +agonises +agonising +agonisingly +agonist +Agonista +agonistarch +agonistic +agonistical +agonistically +agonistics +agonists +agonium +agonize +agonized +agonizedly +agonizer +agonizes +agonizing +agonizingly +agonizingness +Agonostomus +agonothet +agonothete +agonothetic +agons +agony +a-good +agora +agorae +Agoraea +Agoraeus +agoramania +agoranome +agoranomus +agoraphobia +agoraphobiac +agoraphobic +agoras +a-gore-blood +agorot +agoroth +agos +agostadero +Agostini +Agostino +Agosto +agouara +agouta +agouti +agouties +agoutis +agouty +agpaite +agpaitic +AGR +agr +agr. +Agra +agrace +Agraeus +agrafe +agrafes +agraffe +agraffee +agraffes +agrah +agral +Agram +agramed +agrammaphasia +agrammatica +agrammatical +agrammatism +agrammatologia +Agrania +agranulocyte +agranulocytosis +agranuloplastic +Agrapha +agrapha +agraphia +agraphias +agraphic +agraria +agrarian +agrarianism +agrarianisms +agrarianize +agrarianly +agrarians +Agrauleum +Agraulos +agravic +agre +agreat +agreation +agreations +agree +agreeability +agreeable +agreeableness +agreeablenesses +agreeable-sounding +agreeably +agreed +agreeing +agreeingly +agreement +agreements +agreer +agreers +agrees +agregation +agrege +agreges +agreing +agremens +agrement +agrements +agrest +agrestal +agrestial +agrestian +agrestic +agrestical +agrestis +Agretha +agria +agrias +agribusiness +agribusinesses +agric +agric. +agricere +Agricola +agricole +agricolist +agricolite +agricolous +agricultor +agricultural +agriculturalist +agriculturalists +agriculturally +agriculture +agriculturer +agricultures +agriculturist +agriculturists +agrief +Agrigento +Agrilus +Agrimonia +agrimonies +agrimony +agrimotor +agrin +Agrinion +Agriochoeridae +Agriochoerus +agriological +agriologist +agriology +Agrionia +agrionid +Agrionidae +Agriope +agriot +Agriotes +agriotype +Agriotypidae +Agriotypus +Agripina +Agrippa +Agrippina +agrise +agrised +agrising +agrito +agritos +Agrius +agro- +agroan +agrobacterium +agrobiologic +agrobiological +agrobiologically +agrobiologist +agrobiology +agrodolce +agrogeological +agrogeologically +agrogeology +agrologic +agrological +agrologically +agrologies +agrologist +agrology +agrom +agromania +Agromyza +agromyzid +Agromyzidae +agron +agron. +agronome +agronomial +agronomic +agronomical +agronomically +agronomics +agronomies +agronomist +agronomists +agronomy +agroof +agrope +Agropyron +Agrostemma +agrosteral +agrosterol +Agrostis +agrostis +agrostographer +agrostographic +agrostographical +agrostographies +agrostography +agrostologic +agrostological +agrostologist +agrostology +agrote +agrotechny +Agrotera +Agrotis +agrotype +aground +agrufe +agruif +agrypnia +agrypniai +agrypnias +agrypnode +agrypnotic +AGS +agsam +agst +Agt +agt +agtbasic +AGU +agua +aguacate +Aguacateca +Aguada +aguada +Aguadilla +aguador +Aguadulce +aguaji +aguamas +aguamiel +Aguanga +aguara +aguardiente +Aguascalientes +aguavina +Aguayo +Agudist +ague +Agueda +ague-faced +aguelike +ague-plagued +agueproof +ague-rid +agues +ague-sore +ague-struck +agueweed +agueweeds +aguey +aguglia +Aguie +Aguijan +Aguila +Aguilar +aguilarite +aguilawood +aguilt +Aguinaldo +aguinaldo +aguinaldos +aguirage +Aguirre +aguise +aguish +aguishly +aguishness +Aguistin +agujon +Agulhas +agunah +Agung +agura +aguroth +agush +agust +Aguste +Agustin +Agway +agy +Agyieus +agyiomania +agynarious +agynary +agynic +agynous +agyrate +agyria +agyrophobia +A.H. +AH +Ah +ah +AHA +aha +ahaaina +Ahab +ahab +ahamkara +ahankara +Ahantchuyuk +Aharon +ahartalav +Ahasuerus +ahaunch +Ahaz +Ahaziah +ahchoo +Ahders +AHE +ahead +aheap +Ahearn +a-height +aheight +ahem +ahems +Ahepatokla +Ahern +Ahet +a-hey +ahey +Ahgwahching +Ahhiyawa +ahi +Ahidjo +Ahiezer +a-high +a-high-lone +Ahimaaz +Ahimelech +ahimsa +ahimsas +ahind +ahint +Ahir +Ahira +Ahisar +Ahishar +ahistoric +ahistorical +Ahithophel +AHL +Ahl +Ahlgren +ahluwalia +Ahmad +Ahmadabad +Ahmadi +ahmadi +Ahmadiya +Ahmadnagar +Ahmadou +Ahmadpur +Ahmar +Ahmed +Ahmedabad +ahmedi +Ahmednagar +Ahmeek +Ahnfeltia +aho +Ahola +Aholah +a-hold +ahold +aholds +Aholla +aholt +Ahom +ahong +a-horizon +ahorse +a-horseback +ahorseback +Ahoskie +Ahoufe +Ahouh +Ahousaht +ahoy +ahoys +AHQ +Ahrendahronon +Ahrendt +Ahrens +Ahriman +Ahrimanian +Ahron +ahs +AHSA +Ahsahka +ahsan +Aht +Ahtena +ahu +ahuaca +ahuatle +ahuehuete +ahull +ahum +ahungered +ahungry +a-hunt +ahunt +ahura +Ahura-mazda +ahurewa +ahush +ahuula +Ahuzzath +Ahvaz +Ahvenanmaa +Ahwahnee +ahwal +Ahwaz +ahypnia +A.I. +AI +ai +A.I.A. +AIA +Aia +AIAA +Aias +Aiawong +aiblins +Aibonito +AIC +AICC +aichmophobia +A.I.D. +AID +aid +Aida +aidable +Aidan +aidance +aidant +AIDDE +aid-de-camp +aide +aided +aide-de-camp +aide-de-campship +aide-memoire +aide-mmoire +Aiden +Aidenn +aider +aiders +Aides +aides +aides-de-camp +aidful +Aidin +aiding +Aidit +aidless +aidman +aidmanmen +aidmen +Aidoneus +Aidos +AIDS +aids +aids-de-camp +Aiea +AIEEE +aiel +Aiello +aiery +AIF +aiger +aigialosaur +Aigialosauridae +Aigialosaurus +aiglet +aiglets +aiglette +Aigneis +aigre +aigre-doux +aigremore +aigret +aigrets +aigrette +aigrettes +aiguelle +aiguellette +aigue-marine +aiguiere +aiguille +aiguilles +aiguillesque +aiguillette +aiguilletted +AIH +aik +aikane +Aiken +aikido +aikidos +aikinite +aikona +aikuchi +ail +Aila +ailantery +ailanthic +Ailanthus +ailanthus +ailanthuses +ailantine +ailanto +Ailbert +Aile +aile +ailed +Ailee +Aileen +Ailene +aileron +ailerons +ailette +Ailey +Aili +Ailie +Ailin +Ailina +ailing +Ailis +Ailleret +aillt +ailment +ailments +ails +Ailsa +Ailssa +Ailsun +ailsyte +Ailuridae +ailuro +ailuroid +Ailuroidea +ailuromania +ailurophile +ailurophilia +ailurophilic +ailurophobe +ailurophobia +ailurophobic +Ailuropoda +Ailuropus +Ailurus +ailweed +Ailyn +AIM +aim +aimable +Aimak +aimak +aimara +AIME +Aime +aimed +Aimee +aimer +aimers +aimful +aimfully +Aimil +aiming +aimless +aimlessly +aimlessness +aimlessnesses +Aimo +Aimore +AIMS +aims +Aimwell +aimworthiness +Ain +ain +ainaleh +AInd +Aindrea +aine +ainee +ainhum +ainoi +ains +ainsell +ainsells +Ainslee +Ainsley +Ainslie +Ainsworth +ain't +aint +Aintab +Ainu +ainu +Ainus +ainus +AIOD +aioli +aiolis +aion +aionial +AIPS +AIR +Air +air +Aira +airable +airampo +airan +airbag +airbags +air-balloon +airbill +airbills +air-bind +air-blasted +air-blown +airboat +airboats +air-born +airborn +air-borne +airborne +air-bound +airbound +airbrained +air-braked +airbrasive +air-braving +air-breathe +air-breathed +air-breather +air-breathing +air-bred +airbrick +airbrush +airbrushed +airbrushes +airbrushing +air-built +airburst +airbursts +airbus +airbuses +airbusses +air-chambered +aircheck +airchecks +air-cheeked +air-clear +aircoach +aircoaches +air-condition +aircondition +air-conditioned +airconditioned +air-conditioning +airconditioning +airconditions +air-conscious +air-conveying +air-cool +air-cooled +air-core +aircraft +aircraftman +aircraftmen +aircrafts +aircraftsman +aircraftsmen +aircraftswoman +aircraftswomen +aircraftwoman +aircrew +aircrewman +aircrewmen +aircrews +air-cure +air-cured +airdate +airdates +air-defiling +airdock +air-drawn +Airdrie +air-dried +air-driven +airdrome +airdromes +airdrop +airdropped +airdropping +airdrops +air-dry +air-drying +Aire +aire +aired +Airedale +airedale +airedales +Airel +air-embraced +airer +airers +Aires +airest +air-express +airfare +airfares +air-faring +airfield +airfields +air-filled +air-floated +airflow +airflows +airfoil +airfoils +air-formed +airframe +airframes +airfreight +airfreighter +airglow +airglows +airgraph +airgraphics +air-hardening +airhead +airheads +air-heating +airier +airiest +airiferous +airified +airify +airily +airiness +airinesses +airing +airings +air-insulated +air-intake +airish +Airla +air-lance +air-lanced +air-lancing +Airlee +airle-penny +airless +airlessly +airlessness +Airlia +Airliah +Airlie +airlift +airlifted +airlifting +airlifts +airlight +airlike +air-line +airline +airliner +airliners +airlines +airling +airlock +airlocks +air-logged +air-mail +airmail +airmailed +airmailing +airmails +airman +airmanship +airmark +airmarker +airmass +airmen +air-minded +air-mindedness +airmobile +airmonger +airn +airns +airohydrogen +airometer +airpark +airparks +air-pervious +airphobia +airplane +airplaned +airplaner +airplanes +airplaning +airplanist +airplay +airplays +airplot +airport +airports +airpost +airposts +airproof +airproofed +airproofing +airproofs +air-raid +airs +airscape +airscapes +airscrew +airscrews +air-season +air-seasoned +airshed +airsheds +airsheet +airship +airships +air-shy +airsick +airsickness +air-slake +air-slaked +air-slaking +airsome +airspace +airspaces +airspeed +airspeeds +air-spray +air-sprayed +air-spun +air-stirring +airstream +airstrip +airstrips +air-swallowing +airt +airted +airth +airthed +airthing +air-threatening +airths +airtight +airtightly +airtightness +airtime +airtimes +airting +air-to-air +air-to-ground +air-to-surface +air-trampling +airts +air-twisted +air-vessel +airview +Airville +airward +airwards +airwash +airwave +airwaves +airway +airwaybill +airwayman +airways +air-wise +airwise +air-wiseness +airwoman +airwomen +airworthier +airworthiest +airworthiness +airworthy +Airy +airy +airy-fairy +AIS +ais +aischrolatreia +aiseweed +Aisha +AISI +aisle +aisled +aisleless +aisles +aisling +Aisne +Aisne-Marne +Aissaoua +Aissor +aisteoir +aistopod +Aistopoda +Aistopodes +ait +aitch +aitch-bone +aitchbone +aitches +aitchless +aitchpiece +aitesis +aith +aithochroi +aitiology +aition +aitiotropic +aitis +Aitken +Aitkenite +Aitkin +aits +Aitutakian +aiver +aivers +aivr +aiwain +aiwan +AIX +Aix +Aix-en-Provence +Aix-la-Chapelle +Aix-la-chapelle +Aix-les-Bains +aizle +Aizoaceae +aizoaceous +Aizoon +AJ +AJA +Ajaccio +Ajaja +ajaja +ajangle +Ajani +Ajanta +ajar +ajari +Ajatasatru +ajava +Ajax +ajax +Ajay +AJC +ajee +ajenjo +ajhar +ajimez +Ajit +ajitter +ajiva +ajivas +Ajivika +ajivika +Ajmer +Ajo +Ajodhya +ajog +ajoint +ajonjoli +ajoure +ajourise +ajowan +ajowans +Ajuga +ajuga +ajugas +ajutment +AK +ak +AKA +Aka +aka +akaakai +Akaba +Akademi +Akal +akala +Akali +akalimba +akamai +akamatsu +Akamnik +Akan +akan +Akanekunik +Akania +Akaniaceae +Akanke +akaroa +akasa +akasha +Akaska +Akas-mukhi +Akawai +akazga +akazgin +akazgine +Akbar +AKC +akcheh +ake +akeake +akebi +Akebia +aked +akee +akees +akehorne +akeki +Akel +Akela +akela +akelas +Akeldama +Akeley +akeley +akemboll +akenbold +akene +akenes +akenobeite +akepiro +akepiros +Aker +aker +Akerboom +akerite +Akerley +Akers +aketon +akey +Akeyla +Akeylah +Akh +Akha +Akhaia +akhara +Akhenaten +Akhetaton +Akhisar +Akhissar +Akhlame +Akhmatova +Akhmimic +Akhnaton +akhoond +akhrot +akhund +akhundzada +akhyana +Akhziv +akia +Akiachak +Akiak +Akiba +Akihito +Akili +Akim +akimbo +Akimovsky +Akin +akin +akindle +akinesia +akinesic +akinesis +akinete +akinetic +aking +Akins +Akira +Akiskemikinik +Akita +Akiyenik +Akka +Akkad +Akkadian +akkadian +Akkadist +Akkerman +Akkra +Aklog +akmite +Akmolinsk +akmudar +akmuddar +aknee +aknow +ako +akoasm +akoasma +akolouthia +akoluthia +akonge +Akontae +Akoulalion +akov +akpek +Akra +akra +Akrabattine +akre +akroasis +akrochordite +Akron +akron +akroter +akroteria +akroterial +akroterion +akrteria +Aksel +Aksoyn +Aksum +aktiebolag +Aktiengesellschaft +Aktistetae +Aktistete +Aktivismus +Aktivist +Aktyubinsk +aku +akuammin +akuammine +akule +akund +Akure +Akutagawa +Akutan +akvavit +akvavits +Akwapim +Akyab +-al +A.L. +AL +Al +al +al- +al. +ALA +Ala +Ala. +ala +Alabama +alabama +Alabaman +Alabamian +alabamian +alabamians +alabamide +alabamine +alabandine +alabandite +alabarch +Alabaster +alabaster +alabasters +alabastoi +alabastos +alabastra +alabastrian +alabastrine +alabastrites +alabastron +alabastrons +alabastrum +alabastrums +alablaster +alacha +alachah +Alachua +alack +alackaday +alacran +alacreatine +alacreatinin +alacreatinine +alacrify +alacrious +alacriously +alacrities +alacritous +alacrity +Alactaga +alada +Aladdin +aladdin +Aladdinize +Aladfar +Aladinist +alae +alagao +alagarto +alagau +Alage +Alagez +Alagoas +Alagoz +alahee +Alai +alai +alaihi +Alain +Alaine +Alain-Fournier +Alair +alaite +Alakanuk +Alake +Alaki +Alala +alala +Alalcomeneus +alalia +alalite +alaloi +alalonga +alalunga +alalus +Alamance +Alamanni +Alamannian +Alamannic +alambique +Alameda +alameda +alamedas +Alamein +Alaminos +alamiqui +alamire +Alamo +alamo +alamodality +alamode +alamodes +Alamogordo +alamonti +alamort +alamos +Alamosa +alamosite +Alamota +alamoth +Alan +alan +Alana +Alan-a-dale +Alanah +Alanbrooke +Aland +aland +alands +Alane +alane +alang +alang-alang +alange +Alangiaceae +alangin +alangine +Alangium +alani +alanin +alanine +alanines +alanins +Alanna +alannah +Alano +Alanreed +Alans +alans +Alansen +Alanson +alant +alantic +alantin +alantol +alantolactone +alantolic +alants +alanyl +alanyls +ALAP +alap +alapa +Alapaha +Alar +alar +Alarbus +Alarcon +Alard +alares +alarge +Alaria +Alaric +Alarice +Alarick +Alarise +alarm +alarmable +alarmclock +alarmed +alarmedly +alarming +alarmingly +alarmingness +alarmism +alarmisms +alarmist +alarmists +alarms +Alarodian +alarum +alarumed +alaruming +alarums +alary +Alas +Alas. +alas +alasas +Alascan +Alasdair +Alaska +alaska +alaskaite +Alaskan +alaskan +alaskans +alaskas +alaskite +Alastair +Alasteir +Alaster +Alastor +alastor +alastors +alastrim +alate +Alatea +alated +alatern +alaternus +alates +Alathia +alation +alations +Alauda +Alaudidae +alaudine +alaund +Alaunian +alaunt +Alawi +alay +Alayne +alazor +Alb +Alb. +alb +Alba +alba +albacea +Albacete +albacora +albacore +albacores +albahaca +Albainn +Albamycin +Alban +alban +Albana +Albanenses +Albanensian +Albanese +Albania +albania +Albanian +albanian +albanians +albanite +Albany +albany +albarco +albardine +albarelli +albarello +albarellos +albarium +Albarran +albas +albaspidin +albata +albatas +Albategnius +albation +Albatros +albatross +albatrosses +Albay +albe +albedo +albedoes +albedograph +albedometer +albedos +Albee +albee +albeit +Albemarle +Alben +Albeniz +Alber +alberca +Alberene +albergatrice +alberge +alberghi +albergo +Alberic +Alberich +alberich +Alberik +Alberoni +Albers +Albert +albert +Alberta +alberta +Alberti +albertin +Albertina +Albertine +Albertinian +Albertist +albertite +Albertlea +Alberto +Alberton +Albertson +albert-type +alberttype +albertustaler +Albertville +albertype +albescence +albescent +albespine +albespyne +albeston +albetad +Albi +Albia +Albian +albicans +albicant +albication +albicore +albicores +albiculi +Albie +albification +albificative +albified +albiflorous +albify +albifying +Albigenses +albigenses +Albigensian +Albigensianism +Albin +albin +Albina +albinal +albines +albiness +albinic +albinism +albinisms +albinistic +albino +albinoism +Albinoni +albinos +albinotic +albinuria +Albinus +Albion +albion +Albireo +albite +albites +albitic +albitical +albitite +albitization +albitophyre +albizia +albizias +Albizzia +albizzia +albizzias +ALBM +Albniz +ALBO +albocarbon +albocinereous +Albococcus +albocracy +Alboin +albolite +albolith +albopannin +albopruinose +alborada +alborak +Alboran +alboranite +Alborn +Albrecht +Albric +albricias +Albright +Albrightsville +albronze +Albruna +albs +Albuca +Albuginaceae +albuginea +albugineous +albugines +albuginitis +albugo +album +albumean +albumen +albumeniizer +albumenisation +albumenise +albumenised +albumeniser +albumenising +albumenization +albumenize +albumenized +albumenizer +albumenizing +albumenoid +albumens +albumimeter +albumin +albuminate +albuminaturia +albuminiferous +albuminiform +albuminimeter +albuminimetry +albuminiparous +albuminise +albuminised +albuminising +albuminization +albuminize +albuminized +albuminizing +albumino- +albuminocholia +albuminofibrin +albuminogenous +albuminoid +albuminoidal +albuminolysis +albuminometer +albuminometry +albuminone +albuminorrhea +albuminoscope +albuminose +albuminosis +albuminous +albuminousness +albumins +albuminuria +albuminuric +albuminurophobia +albumoid +albumoscope +albumose +albumoses +albumosuria +albums +Albuna +Albunea +Albuquerque +albuquerque +Albur +Alburg +Alburga +alburn +Alburnett +alburnous +alburnum +alburnums +Alburtis +Albury +albus +albutannin +Alby +Albyn +ALC +alc +Alca +Alcaaba +alcabala +alcade +alcades +Alcae +Alcaeus +alcahest +alcahests +Alcaic +alcaic +alcaiceria +Alcaics +alcaics +alcaid +alcaide +alcaides +Alcaids +Alcalde +alcalde +alcaldes +alcaldeship +alcaldia +alcali +Alcaligenes +alcaligenes +alcalizate +Alcalzar +alcamine +Alcandre +alcanna +Alcantara +alcantara +Alcantarines +alcapton +alcaptonuria +alcargen +alcarraza +Alcathous +alcatras +Alcatraz +alcavala +alcayde +alcaydes +alcazaba +Alcazar +alcazar +alcazars +alcazava +alce +Alcedines +Alcedinidae +Alcedininae +Alcedo +alcelaphine +Alcelaphus +Alces +Alceste +Alcester +Alcestis +alcestis +alchem +alchemic +alchemical +alchemically +alchemies +Alchemilla +alchemise +alchemised +alchemising +alchemist +alchemister +alchemistic +alchemistical +alchemistry +alchemists +alchemize +alchemized +alchemizing +alchemy +alchera +alcheringa +alchim- +alchimy +alchitran +alchochoden +Alchornea +alchornea +Alchuine +alchym- +alchymies +alchymy +Alcibiadean +Alcibiades +alcibiades +Alcicornium +alcid +Alcidae +Alcide +Alcides +Alcidice +alcidine +alcids +Alcimede +Alcimedes +Alcimedon +Alcina +Alcine +alcine +Alcinia +Alcinous +Alcippe +Alcis +Alcithoe +alclad +Alcmaeon +Alcman +Alcmaon +Alcmena +Alcmene +alcmene +Alco +alco +Alcoa +alcoate +Alcock +alcogel +alcogene +alcohate +alcohol +alcoholate +alcoholature +alcoholdom +alcoholemia +alcoholic +alcoholically +alcoholicity +alcoholics +alcoholimeter +alcoholisation +alcoholise +alcoholised +alcoholising +alcoholism +alcoholisms +alcoholist +alcoholizable +alcoholization +alcoholize +alcoholized +alcoholizing +alcoholmeter +alcoholmetric +alcoholomania +alcoholometer +alcoholometric +alcoholometrical +alcoholometry +alcoholophilia +alcohols +alcoholuria +alcoholysis +alcoholytic +Alcolu +Alcon +alconde +alco-ometer +alco-ometric +alco-ometrical +alco-ometry +alcoothionic +Alcor +Alcoran +alcoran +Alcoranic +Alcoranist +alcornoco +alcornoque +alcosol +Alcot +Alcotate +Alcott +Alcova +alcove +alcoved +alcoves +alcovinometer +Alcuin +Alcuinian +alcumy +Alcus +alcyon +Alcyonacea +alcyonacean +Alcyonaria +alcyonarian +Alcyone +alcyone +Alcyones +Alcyoneus +Alcyoniaceae +alcyonic +alcyoniform +Alcyonium +alcyonium +alcyonoid +Ald +Ald. +ald +Alda +Aldabra +aldamin +aldamine +Aldan +aldane +Aldarcie +Aldarcy +Aldas +alday +aldazin +aldazine +aldea +aldeament +Aldebaran +aldebaran +aldebaranium +Alded +aldehol +aldehydase +aldehyde +aldehydes +aldehydic +aldehydine +aldehydrol +aldeia +Alden +alden +Aldenville +Alder +alder +alder- +Alderamin +Aldercy +alderflies +alderfly +alder-leaved +alderliefest +alderling +Alderman +alderman +aldermanate +aldermancy +aldermaness +aldermanic +aldermanical +aldermanity +aldermanlike +aldermanly +aldermanries +aldermanry +aldermanship +Aldermaston +aldermen +aldern +Alderney +alders +Aldershot +Alderson +alderwoman +alderwomen +Aldhafara +Aldhafera +aldide +Aldie +aldim +aldime +aldimin +aldimine +Aldin +Aldine +aldine +Aldington +Aldis +alditol +Aldm +aldm +Aldo +aldoheptose +aldohexose +aldoketene +aldol +aldolase +aldolases +aldolization +aldolize +aldolized +aldolizing +aldols +Aldon +aldononose +aldopentose +Aldora +Aldos +aldose +aldoses +aldoside +aldosterone +aldosteronism +Aldous +aldovandi +aldoxime +Aldred +Aldredge +Aldric +Aldrich +Aldridge +Aldridge-Brownhills +Aldrin +aldrin +aldrins +Aldrovanda +Alduino +Aldus +Aldwin +Aldwon +ale +Alea +aleak +Aleardi +aleatoric +aleatory +alebench +aleberry +Alebion +ale-blown +ale-born +alebush +Alec +alec +Alecia +alecithal +alecithic +alecize +Aleck +aleconner +alecost +alecs +Alecto +Alectoria +alectoria +alectoriae +Alectorides +alectoridine +alectorioid +Alectoris +alectoromachy +alectoromancy +Alectoromorphae +alectoromorphous +Alectoropodes +alectoropodous +Alectrion +Alectrionidae +alectryomachy +alectryomancy +Alectryon +alectryon +alecup +Aleda +Aledo +alee +Aleece +Aleedis +Aleen +Aleetha +alef +ale-fed +alefnull +alefs +aleft +alefzero +alegar +alegars +aleger +Alegre +Alegrete +alehoof +alehouse +alehouses +Aleichem +aleikoum +aleikum +aleiptes +aleiptic +Aleixandre +Alejandra +Alejandrina +Alejandro +Alejo +Alejoa +Alek +Alekhine +Aleknagik +aleknight +Aleksandr +Aleksandropol +Aleksandrov +Aleksandrovac +Aleksandrovsk +Alekseyevska +Aleksin +Alem +alem +Aleman +alemana +Alemanni +Alemannian +Alemannic +alemannic +Alemannish +Alembert +alembic +alembicate +alembicated +alembics +alembroth +Alemite +alemite +alemmal +alemonger +alen +Alena +Alencon +alencon +alencons +Alene +alenge +alength +Alenson +Alentejo +alentours +alenu +Aleochara +Alep +aleph +aleph-null +alephs +aleph-zero +alephzero +alepidote +alepine +alepole +alepot +Aleppine +Aleppo +Aleras +alerce +alerion +Aleris +Aleron +alerse +alert +alerta +alerted +alertedly +alerter +alerters +alertest +alerting +alertly +alertness +alertnesses +alerts +-ales +Ales +ales +alesan +Alesandrini +aleshot +Alesia +Alessandra +Alessandri +Alessandria +Alessandro +alestake +ale-swilling +Aleta +aletap +aletaster +Aletes +Aletha +Alethea +Alethia +alethic +alethiologic +alethiological +alethiologist +alethiology +alethopteis +alethopteroid +alethoscope +aletocyte +Aletris +Aletta +Alette +alette +aleucaemic +aleucemic +aleukaemic +aleukemic +Aleurites +aleuritic +Aleurobius +Aleurodes +Aleurodidae +aleuromancy +aleurometer +aleuron +aleuronat +aleurone +aleurones +aleuronic +aleurons +aleuroscope +Aleus +Aleut +aleut +Aleutian +aleutian +Aleutians +aleutians +Aleutic +aleutite +alevin +alevins +Alevitsa +alew +ale-washed +alewhap +ale-wife +alewife +alewives +Alex +Alexa +Alexander +alexander +alexanders +Alexanderson +Alexandr +Alexandra +Alexandre +Alexandreid +Alexandretta +Alexandria +alexandria +Alexandrian +alexandrian +Alexandrianism +Alexandrina +Alexandrine +alexandrine +alexandrines +Alexandrinus +alexandrite +Alexandro +Alexandropolis +Alexandros +Alexandroupolis +Alexas +Alexei +Alexi +Alexia +alexia +Alexian +Alexiares +alexias +alexic +Alexicacus +alexin +Alexina +Alexine +alexine +alexines +alexinic +alexins +Alexio +alexipharmacon +alexipharmacum +alexipharmic +alexipharmical +alexipyretic +ALEXIS +Alexis +Alexishafen +alexiteric +alexiterical +Alexius +Aley +aleyard +Aleydis +Aleyrodes +aleyrodid +Aleyrodidae +alezan +Alf +alf +ALFA +alfa +Alfadir +alfaje +alfaki +alfakis +alfalfa +alfalfas +alfaqui +alfaquin +alfaquins +alfaquis +Alfarabius +alfarga +alfas +ALFE +Alfedena +alfenide +Alfeo +alferes +alferez +alfet +Alfeus +Alfheim +Alfi +Alfie +Alfieri +alfilaria +alfileria +alfilerilla +alfilerillo +alfin +alfiona +alfione +Alfirk +alfoncino +Alfons +Alfonse +alfonsin +Alfonso +alfonso +Alfonson +Alfonzo +Alford +alforge +alforja +alforjas +Alfraganus +Alfred +alfred +Alfreda +Alfredo +alfresco +Alfric +alfridaric +alfridary +Alfur +Alfurese +Alfuro +al-Fustat +Alfy +Alg +Alg. +alg +alg- +alg. +alga +algae +algaecide +algaeological +algaeologist +algaeology +algaesthesia +algaesthesis +algal +algal-algal +Algalene +algalia +Algar +algarad +algarde +algaroba +algarobas +algarot +Algaroth +algarroba +algarrobilla +algarrobin +Algarsife +Algarsyf +Algarve +algas +algate +algates +Al-Gazel +algazel +Algebar +algebra +algebraic +algebraical +algebraically +algebraist +algebraists +algebraization +algebraize +algebraized +algebraizing +algebras +algebrization +Algeciras +Algedi +algedo +algedonic +algedonics +algefacient +Algenib +Alger +Algeria +algeria +Algerian +algerian +algerians +algerienne +Algerine +algerine +algerines +algerita +algerite +Algernon +algesia +algesic +algesimeter +algesiometer +algesireceptor +algesis +algesthesis +algetic +Alghero +-algia +Algic +algic +algicidal +algicide +algicides +algid +algidities +algidity +algidness +Algie +Algieba +Algiers +algiers +algific +algin +alginate +alginates +algine +alginic +algins +alginuresis +algiomuscular +algist +algivorous +algo- +algocyan +algodon +algodoncillo +algodonite +algoesthesiometer +algogenic +algoid +ALGOL +Algol +algol +algolagnia +algolagnic +algolagnist +algolagny +algological +algologically +algologies +algologist +algology +Algoma +Algoman +algometer +algometric +algometrical +algometrically +algometry +Algomian +Algomic +Algona +Algonac +Algonkian +algonkian +Algonkin +Algonkins +Algonquian +algonquian +Algonquians +algonquians +Algonquin +algonquin +Algonquins +algonquins +algophagous +algophilia +algophilist +algophobia +algor +Algorab +Algores +algorism +algorismic +algorisms +algorist +algoristic +algorithm +algorithmic +algorithmically +algorithms +algors +algosis +algous +algovite +algraphic +algraphy +Algren +alguacil +alguazil +alguifou +Alguire +algum +algums +Algy +alhacena +Alhagi +alhagi +Alhambra +alhambra +Alhambraic +Alhambresque +alhambresque +alhandal +Alhazen +Alhena +alhenna +alhet +ALI +Ali +ali- +Alia +alia +Aliacensis +aliamenta +alias +aliased +aliases +aliasing +Alibamu +alibangbang +Aliber +alibi +alibied +alibies +alibiing +alibility +alibis +alible +Alic +Alica +Alicant +alicant +Alicante +Alice +alice +Alicea +Alice-in-Wonderland +Aliceville +alichel +Alichino +Alicia +Alick +alicoche +alictisal +alicula +aliculae +alicyclic +Alida +alidad +alidada +alidade +alidades +alidads +Alidia +Alidis +Alids +Alidus +Alie +Alief +alien +alienabilities +alienability +alienable +alienage +alienages +alienate +alienated +alienates +alienating +alienation +alienations +alienator +aliency +aliene +aliened +alienee +alienees +aliener +alieners +alienicola +alienicolae +alienigenate +aliening +alienism +alienisms +alienist +alienists +alienize +alienly +alienness +alienor +alienors +aliens +alienship +aliesterase +aliet +aliethmoid +aliethmoidal +alif +Alifanfaron +alife +aliferous +aliform +alifs +Aligarh +aligerous +alight +alighted +alighten +alighting +alightment +alights +align +aligned +aligner +aligners +aligning +alignment +alignments +aligns +aligreek +alii +aliipoe +Alika +alike +Alikee +alikeness +alikewise +Alikuluf +Alikulufan +alilonghi +alima +alimenation +aliment +alimental +alimentally +alimentariness +alimentary +alimentation +alimentative +alimentatively +alimentativeness +alimented +alimenter +alimentic +alimenting +alimentive +alimentiveness +alimentotherapy +aliments +alimentum +alimonied +alimonies +alimony +alin +Alina +alinasal +A-line +Aline +aline +alineation +alined +alinement +aliner +aliners +alines +alingual +alining +alinit +Alinna +alinota +alinotum +alintatao +aliofar +Alioth +alioth +alipata +aliped +alipeds +aliphatic +alipin +aliptae +alipteria +alipterion +aliptes +aliptic +aliptteria +aliquant +aliquid +Aliquippa +aliquot +aliquots +Alis +Alisa +Alisan +Alisander +alisanders +Alisen +aliseptal +alish +Alisha +Alisia +alisier +Al-Iskandariyah +Alisma +alisma +Alismaceae +alismaceous +alismad +alismal +Alismales +Alismataceae +alismoid +aliso +Alison +alison +alisonite +alisos +alisp +alispheno +alisphenoid +alisphenoidal +Alissa +alist +Alistair +Alister +Alisun +ALIT +alit +Alita +Alitalia +alite +aliter +Alitha +Alithea +Alithia +alitrunk +Alitta +aliturgic +aliturgical +ality +aliunde +Alius +alive +aliveness +alives +alivincular +Alix +aliya +aliyah +aliyahaliyahs +aliyahs +aliyas +aliyos +aliyot +aliyoth +Aliza +alizarate +alizari +alizarin +alizarine +alizarins +aljama +aljamado +aljamia +aljamiado +aljamiah +aljoba +aljofaina +alk +alk. +Alkabo +alkahest +alkahestic +alkahestica +alkahestical +alkahests +Alkaid +alkalamide +alkalemia +alkalescence +alkalescency +alkalescent +alkali +alkalic +alkalies +alkaliferous +alkalifiable +alkalified +alkalifies +alkalify +alkalifying +alkaligen +alkaligenous +alkalimeter +alkalimetric +alkalimetrical +alkalimetrically +alkalimetry +alkalin +alkaline +alkalinisation +alkalinise +alkalinised +alkalinising +alkalinities +alkalinity +alkalinization +alkalinize +alkalinized +alkalinizes +alkalinizing +alkalinuria +alkalis +alkalisable +alkalisation +alkalise +alkalised +alkaliser +alkalises +alkalising +alkalizable +alkalizate +alkalization +alkalize +alkalized +alkalizer +alkalizes +alkalizing +alkaloid +alkaloidal +alkaloids +alkalometry +alkalosis +alkalous +Alkalurops +alkamin +alkamine +alkanal +alkane +alkanes +alkanet +alkanethiol +alkanets +Alkanna +alkanna +alkannin +alkanol +Alkaphrah +alkapton +alkaptone +alkaptonuria +alkaptonuric +alkargen +alkarsin +alkarsine +Alka-Seltzer +alkatively +alkedavy +alkekengi +alkene +alkenes +alkenna +alkenyl +alkermes +Alkes +Alkhimovo +alkide +alkies +alkin +alkine +alkines +alkitran +Alkmaar +Alkol +alkool +Alkoran +Alkoranic +alkoxid +alkoxide +alkoxy +alkoxyl +alky +alkyd +alkyds +alkyl +alkylamine +alkylamino +alkylarylsulfonate +alkylate +alkylated +alkylates +alkylating +alkylation +alkylbenzenesulfonate +alkylbenzenesulfonates +alkylene +alkylic +alkylidene +alkylize +alkylogen +alkylol +alkyloxy +alkyls +alkyne +alkynes +all +all- +Alla +all-abhorred +all-able +all-absorbing +allabuta +all-accomplished +allachesthesia +all-acting +allactite +all-admired +all-admiring +all-advised +allaeanthus +all-affecting +all-afflicting +all-aged +allagite +allagophyllous +allagostemonous +Allah +allah +Allahabad +Allain +all-air +allalinite +Allamanda +all-amazed +All-american +all-American +all-american +allamonti +all-a-mort +allamoth +allamotti +Allamuchy +Allan +allan +Allana +Allan-a-Dale +allanite +allanites +allanitic +Allanson +allantiasis +all'antica +allantochorion +allantoic +allantoid +allantoidal +Allantoidea +allantoidean +allantoides +allantoidian +allantoin +allantoinase +allantoinuria +allantois +allantoxaidin +allanturic +all-appaled +all-appointing +all-approved +all-approving +Allard +Allardt +Allare +allargando +all-armed +all-around +all-arraigning +all-arranging +Allasch +all-assistless +allassotonic +al-Lat +allative +all-atoning +allatrate +all-attempting +all-availing +allay +allayed +allayer +allayers +allaying +allayment +Allayne +allays +all-bearing +all-beauteous +all-beautiful +Allbee +all-beholding +all-bestowing +all-binding +all-bitter +all-black +all-blasting +all-blessing +allbone +all-bounteous +all-bountiful +all-bright +all-brilliant +All-british +All-caucasian +all-changing +all-cheering +all-collected +all-colored +all-comfortless +all-commander +all-commanding +all-compelling +all-complying +all-composing +all-comprehending +all-comprehensive +all-comprehensiveness +all-concealing +all-conceiving +all-concerning +all-confounding +all-conquering +all-conscious +all-considering +all-constant +all-constraining +all-consuming +all-content +all-controlling +all-convincing +all-convincingly +Allcot +all-covering +all-creating +all-creator +all-curing +all-daring +all-day +all-dazzling +all-deciding +all-defiance +all-defying +all-depending +all-designing +all-desired +all-despising +all-destroyer +all-destroying +all-devastating +all-devouring +all-dimming +all-directing +all-discerning +all-discovering +all-disgraced +all-dispensing +all-disposer +all-disposing +all-divine +all-divining +all-dreaded +all-dreadful +all-drowsy +Alle +all-earnest +all-eating +allecret +allect +allectory +Alledonia +Alleen +Alleene +all-efficacious +all-efficient +Allegan +Allegany +allegata +allegate +allegation +allegations +allegator +allegatum +allege +allegeable +alleged +allegedly +allegement +alleger +allegers +alleges +Alleghanian +Alleghany +Alleghenian +Alleghenies +Allegheny +allegheny +allegiance +allegiances +allegiancy +allegiant +allegiantly +allegiare +alleging +allegoric +allegorical +allegorically +allegoricalness +allegories +allegorisation +allegorise +allegorised +allegoriser +allegorising +allegorism +allegorist +allegorister +allegoristic +allegorists +allegorization +allegorize +allegorized +allegorizer +allegorizing +allegory +Allegra +Allegre +allegresse +allegretto +allegrettos +allegro +allegros +allele +alleles +alleleu +allelic +allelism +allelisms +allelocatalytic +allelomorph +allelomorphic +allelomorphism +allelopathy +all-eloquent +allelotropic +allelotropism +allelotropy +Alleluia +alleluia +alleluiah +alleluias +alleluiatic +alleluja +allelvia +Alleman +allemand +allemande +allemandes +allemands +all-embracing +all-embracingness +allemontite +Allen +allen +allenarly +Allenby +all-encompasser +all-encompassing +Allendale +Allende +all-ending +Allendorf +all-enduring +Allene +allene +all-engrossing +all-engulfing +Allenhurst +alleniate +all-enlightened +all-enlightening +Allenport +all-enraged +Allensville +allentando +allentato +Allentiac +Allentiacan +Allenton +Allentown +all-envied +Allenwood +Alleppey +aller +Alleras +allergen +allergenic +allergenicity +allergens +allergia +allergic +allergies +allergin +allergins +allergist +allergists +allergology +allergy +Allerie +allerion +Alleris +aller-retour +Allerton +Allerus +all-essential +allesthesia +allethrin +alleve +alleviant +alleviate +alleviated +alleviater +alleviaters +alleviates +alleviating +alleviatingly +alleviation +alleviations +alleviative +alleviator +alleviators +alleviatory +all-evil +all-excellent +all-expense +all-expenses-paid +Alley +alley +all-eyed +alleyed +alleyite +Alleyn +Alleyne +alley-oop +alleys +alleyway +alleyways +allez +allez-vous-en +all-fair +All-father +All-fatherhood +All-fatherly +all-filling +all-fired +all-firedest +all-firedly +all-flaming +all-flotation +all-flower-water +all-foreseeing +all-forgetful +all-forgetting +all-forgiving +all-forgotten +all-fullness +all-gas +all-giver +all-glorious +all-golden +Allgood +allgood +all-governing +allgovite +all-gracious +all-grasping +all-great +all-guiding +Allhallow +all-hallow +all-hallowed +Allhallowmas +Allhallows +allhallows +Allhallowtide +all-happy +allheal +all-healing +allheals +all-hearing +all-heeding +all-helping +all-hiding +all-holy +all-honored +all-hoping +all-hurting +Alli +alliable +alliably +Alliaceae +alliaceous +alliage +Alliance +alliance +allianced +alliancer +alliances +alliancing +Allianora +alliant +Alliaria +Alliber +allicampane +allice +allicholly +alliciency +allicient +allicin +allicins +allicit +all-idolizing +Allie +Allied +allied +Allier +Allies +allies +alligate +alligated +alligating +alligation +alligations +alligator +alligatored +alligatorfish +alligatorfishes +alligatoring +alligators +all-illuminating +all-imitating +all-important +all-impressive +Allin +all-in +Allina +all-including +all-inclusive +all-inclusiveness +All-india +allineate +allineation +all-infolding +all-informing +all-in-one +all-interesting +all-interpreting +all-invading +all-involving +Allionia +Allioniaceae +Allis +allis +Allisan +allision +Allison +Allissa +Allista +Allister +Allistir +all'italiana +alliteral +alliterate +alliterated +alliterates +alliterating +alliteration +alliterational +alliterationist +alliterations +alliterative +alliteratively +alliterativeness +alliterator +allituric +Allium +allium +alliums +allivalite +Allix +all-jarred +all-judging +all-just +all-justifying +all-kind +all-knavish +all-knowing +all-knowingness +all-land +all-lavish +all-licensed +all-lovely +all-loving +all-maintaining +all-maker +all-making +all-maturing +all-meaningness +all-merciful +all-metal +all-might +all-miscreative +Allmon +allmouth +allmouths +all-murdering +allness +all-night +all-noble +all-nourishing +allo +allo- +Alloa +alloantibody +allobar +allobaric +allobars +all-obedient +all-obeying +all-oblivious +Allobroges +allobrogical +all-obscuring +allocability +allocable +allocaffeine +allocatable +allocate +allocated +allocatee +allocates +allocating +allocation +allocations +allocator +allocators +allocatur +allocheiria +allochetia +allochetite +allochezia +allochiral +allochirally +allochiria +allochlorophyll +allochroic +allochroite +allochromatic +allochroous +allochthon +allochthonous +allocinnamic +Allock +alloclase +alloclasite +allocochick +allocrotonic +allocryptic +allocthonous +allocute +allocution +allocutive +allocyanine +allod +allodelphite +allodesmism +allodge +allodia +allodial +allodialism +allodialist +allodiality +allodially +allodian +allodiaries +allodiary +allodies +allodification +allodium +allods +allody +alloeosis +alloeostropha +alloeotic +alloerotic +alloerotism +allogamies +allogamous +allogamy +allogene +allogeneic +allogeneity +allogeneous +allogenic +allogenically +allograft +allograph +allographic +all-oil +alloimmune +alloiogenesis +alloiometric +alloiometry +alloisomer +alloisomeric +alloisomerism +allokinesis +allokinetic +allokurtic +allolalia +allolalic +allomerism +allomerization +allomerize +allomerized +allomerizing +allomerous +allometric +allometry +allomorph +allomorphic +allomorphism +allomorphite +allomucic +allonge +allonges +allonomous +Allons +allonym +allonymous +allonymously +allonyms +alloo +allo-octaploid +allopalladium +allopath +allopathetic +allopathetically +allopathic +allopathically +allopathies +allopathist +allopaths +allopathy +allopatric +allopatrically +allopatry +allopelagic +allophanamid +allophanamide +allophanate +allophanates +allophane +allophanic +allophite +allophone +allophones +allophonic +allophonically +allophore +allophyle +allophylian +allophylic +Allophylus +allophytoid +alloplasm +alloplasmatic +alloplasmic +alloplast +alloplastic +alloplasty +alloploidy +allopolyploid +allopolyploidy +allopsychic +allopurinol +alloquial +alloquialism +alloquy +all-ordering +allorhythmia +all-or-none +allorrhyhmia +allorrhythmic +allosaur +Allosaurus +allose +allosematic +allosome +allosteric +allosterically +allosyndesis +allosyndetic +allot +alloted +allotee +allotelluric +allotheism +allotheist +allotheistic +Allotheria +allothigene +allothigenetic +allothigenetically +allothigenic +allothigenous +allothimorph +allothimorphic +allothogenic +allothogenous +allotment +allotments +allotransplant +allotransplantation +allotriodontia +Allotriognathi +allotriomorphic +allotriophagia +allotriophagy +allotriuria +allotrope +allotropes +allotrophic +allotropic +allotropical +allotropically +allotropicity +allotropies +allotropism +allotropize +allotropous +allotropy +allotrylic +allots +allottable +all'ottava +allotted +allottee +allottees +allotter +allotters +allottery +allotting +allotype +allotypes +allotypic +allotypical +allotypically +allotypies +allotypy +Allouez +all-out +all-over +allover +all-overish +all-overishness +all-overpowering +all-overs +allovers +all-overtopping +allow +allowable +allowableness +allowably +allowance +allowanced +allowances +allowancing +Alloway +allowed +allowedly +allower +allowing +allows +alloxan +alloxanate +alloxanic +alloxans +alloxantin +alloxuraemia +alloxuremia +alloxuric +alloxy +alloxyproteic +alloy +alloyage +alloyed +alloying +alloys +allozooid +all-panting +all-parent +all-pass +all-patient +all-peaceful +all-penetrating +all-peopled +all-perceptive +all-perfect +all-perfection +all-perfectness +all-perficient +all-persuasive +all-pervading +all-pervadingness +all-pervasive +all-pervasiveness +all-piercing +all-pitiless +all-pitying +all-pondering +Allport +all-possessed +all-potency +all-potent +all-potential +all-power +all-powerful +all-powerfully +all-powerfulness +all-praised +all-praiseworthy +all-presence +all-present +all-prevailing +all-prevailingness +all-prevalency +all-prevalent +all-preventing +all-prolific +all-protecting +all-provident +all-providing +all-puissant +all-pure +all-purpose +all-quickening +all-rail +all-rapacious +all-reaching +Allred +all-red +all-redeeming +all-relieving +all-rending +all-righteous +all-round +allround +all-roundedness +all-rounder +all-rubber +Allrud +all-ruling +All-russia +All-russian +alls +all-sacred +all-sanctifying +all-satiating +all-satisfying +all-saving +all-sayer +all-sea +all-searching +allseed +allseeds +all-seeing +all-seeingly +all-seeingness +all-seer +all-shaking +all-shamed +all-shaped +all-shrouding +all-shunned +all-sided +all-silent +all-sized +all-sliming +all-soothing +Allsopp +all-sorts +all-soul +All-southern +allspice +allspices +all-spreading +all-star +all-stars +Allstate +all-steel +Allston +all-strangling +all-subduing +all-submissive +all-substantial +all-sufficiency +all-sufficient +all-sufficiently +all-sufficing +Allsun +all-surpassing +all-surrounding +all-surveying +all-sustainer +all-sustaining +all-swallowing +all-swaying +all-telling +all-terrible +allthing +allthorn +all-thorny +all-time +all-tolerating +all-transcending +all-triumphing +all-truth +alltud +all-turned +all-turning +allude +alluded +alludes +alluding +allumette +allumine +alluminor +all-understanding +all-unwilling +all-upholder +all-upholding +allurance +allure +allured +allurement +allurements +allurer +allurers +allures +alluring +alluringly +alluringness +allusion +allusions +allusive +allusively +allusiveness +allusivenesses +allusory +allutterly +alluvia +alluvial +alluvials +alluviate +alluviation +alluvio +alluvion +alluvions +alluvious +alluvium +alluviums +alluvivia +alluviviums +Allvar +all-various +all-vast +Allveta +all-watched +all-water +all-weak +all-weather +all-weight +Allwein +allwhere +allwhither +all-whole +all-wisdom +all-wise +all-wisely +all-wiseness +all-wondrous +all-wood +all-wool +allwork +all-working +all-worshiped +Allworthy +all-worthy +all-wrongness +Allx +-ally +Ally +ally +Allyce +all-year +allyic +allying +allyl +allylamine +allylate +allylation +allylene +allylic +allyls +allylthiourea +Allyn +Allyne +allyou +Allys +Allyson +ALM +Alma +alma +Alma-Ata +almacantar +almacen +almacenista +Almach +almaciga +almacigo +Almad +Almada +Almaden +almadia +almadie +Almagest +almagest +almagests +almagra +almah +almahs +Almain +almain +almaine +almain-rivets +Almallah +alma-materism +al-Mamoun +Alman +almanac +almanacs +almander +almandine +almandines +almandite +almanner +Almanon +almas +Alma-Tadema +alme +Almeda +Almeeta +almeh +almehs +Almeida +almeidina +Almelo +almemar +almemars +almemor +Almena +almendro +almendron +Almera +Almeria +Almerian +Almeric +almeries +almeriite +almery +almes +Almeta +almice +almicore +Almida +almight +almightily +almightiness +Almighty +almighty +almique +Almira +almirah +Almire +almistry +Almita +almner +almners +Almo +almochoden +almocrebe +almogavar +Almohad +almohad +Almohade +Almohades +almoign +almoin +Almon +almon +almonage +Almond +almond +almond-eyed +almond-furnace +almond-leaved +almondlike +almonds +almond-shaped +almondy +almoner +almoners +almonership +almoning +almonries +almonry +Almont +Almoravid +Almoravide +Almoravides +almose +almost +almous +alms +alms-dealing +almsdeed +alms-fed +almsfolk +almsful +almsgiver +almsgiving +alms-house +almshouse +almshouses +almsman +almsmen +almsmoney +almswoman +almswomen +almucantar +almuce +almuces +almud +almude +almudes +almuds +almuerzo +almug +almugs +Almund +Almuredin +almury +almuten +Almyra +aln +Alna +alnage +alnager +alnagership +Alnaschar +Alnascharism +alnath +alnein +Alnico +alnico +alnicoes +Alnilam +alniresinol +Alnitak +Alnitham +alniviridol +alnoite +alnuin +Alnus +alnus +Alo +alo +Aloadae +Alocasia +alocasia +alochia +alod +aloddia +Alodee +Alodi +alodia +alodial +alodialism +alodialist +alodiality +alodially +alodialty +alodian +alodiaries +alodiary +Alodie +alodies +alodification +alodium +alody +aloe +aloed +aloedary +aloe-emodin +aloelike +aloemodin +aloeroot +aloes +aloesol +aloeswood +aloetic +aloetical +Aloeus +aloewood +aloft +Alogi +alogia +Alogian +alogian +alogical +alogically +alogism +alogotrophy +alogy +Aloha +aloha +alohas +aloid +Aloidae +Aloin +aloin +aloins +Alois +Aloise +Aloisia +aloisiite +Aloisius +Aloke +aloma +alomancy +Alon +alone +alonely +aloneness +along +alongships +alongshore +alongshoreman +alongside +alongst +Alonso +Alonsoa +Alonzo +aloof +aloofe +aloofly +aloofness +aloose +alop +alopathic +Alope +alopecia +Alopecias +alopecias +alopecic +alopecist +alopecoid +Alopecurus +Alopecus +alopekai +alopeke +alophas +Alopias +Alopiidae +alorcinic +Alorton +Alosa +alose +Alost +Alouatta +alouatte +aloud +Alouette +alouette +alouettes +alout +alow +alowe +Aloxe-Corton +Aloxite +aloyau +Aloys +Aloysia +aloysia +Aloysius +A.L.P. +ALP +alp +alpaca +alpacas +alpargata +alpasotes +Alpaugh +Alpax +alpax +alpeen +Alpen +alpen +Alpena +alpenglow +alpenhorn +alpenhorns +alpenstock +alpenstocker +alpenstocks +Alper +Alpers +Alpert +Alpes-de-Haute-Provence +Alpes-Maritimes +alpestral +alpestrian +alpestrine +Alpetragius +Alpha +alpha +alpha-amylase +alphabet +alphabetarian +alphabetary +alphabeted +alphabetic +alphabetical +alphabetically +alphabetics +alphabetiform +alphabeting +alphabetisation +alphabetise +alphabetised +alphabetiser +alphabetising +alphabetism +alphabetist +alphabetization +alphabetize +alphabetized +alphabetizer +alphabetizers +alphabetizes +alphabetizing +alphabetology +alphabets +alpha-cellulose +Alphaea +alpha-eucaine +alpha-hypophamine +alphameric +alphamerical +alphamerically +alpha-naphthol +alpha-naphthylamine +alpha-naphthylthiourea +alphanumeric +alphanumerical +alphanumerically +alphanumerics +Alphard +Alpharetta +alphas +alpha-tocopherol +alphatoluic +alpha-truxilline +Alphatype +Alphean +Alphecca +alphenic +Alpheratz +Alphesiboea +Alpheus +alpheus +alphin +alphitomancy +alphitomorphous +alphol +Alphonist +Alphons +Alphonsa +Alphonse +alphonsin +Alphonsine +alphonsine +Alphonsism +Alphonso +Alphonsus +alphorn +alphorns +alphos +alphosis +alphosises +alphyl +alphyls +alphyn +Alpian +Alpid +alpieu +alpigene +Alpine +alpine +alpinely +alpinery +alpines +alpinesque +Alpinia +alpinia +Alpiniaceae +Alpinism +alpinism +alpinisms +Alpinist +alpinist +alpinists +alpist +alpiste +ALPO +Alpoca +Alps +alps +Alpujarra +alqueire +alquier +alquifou +alraun +alreadiness +already +Alric +Alrich +Alrick +alright +alrighty +Alroi +alroot +Alroy +ALRU +alruna +alrune +AlrZc +ALS +als +Alsace +Alsace-Lorraine +Alsace-lorrainer +al-Sahih +Alsatia +alsatia +Alsatian +alsatian +alsbachite +Alsea +Alsen +Alsey +Alshain +alsifilm +alsike +alsikes +Alsinaceae +alsinaceous +Alsine +Alsip +alsmekill +Also +also +Alson +alsoon +Alsop +Alsophila +also-ran +Alstead +Alston +Alstonia +alstonidine +alstonine +alstonite +Alstroemeria +alsweill +alswith +Alsworth +alt +alt. +Alta +Alta. +Altadena +Altaf +Altai +Altaian +altaian +Altaic +altaic +Altaid +Altair +altair +altaite +Altaloma +altaltissimo +Altamahaw +Altamira +Altamont +altar +altarage +altared +altarist +altarlet +altarpiece +altarpieces +altars +altarwise +Altavista +Altay +altazimuth +Altdorf +Altdorfer +Alten +Altenburg +alter +alterability +alterable +alterableness +alterably +alterant +alterants +alterate +alteration +alterations +alterative +alteratively +altercate +altercated +altercating +altercation +altercations +altercative +altered +alteregoism +alteregoistic +alterer +alterers +altering +alterity +alterius +alterman +altern +alternacy +alternamente +alternance +alternant +Alternanthera +Alternaria +alternariose +alternat +alternate +alternated +alternate-leaved +alternately +alternateness +alternater +alternates +alternating +alternatingly +alternation +alternationist +alternations +alternative +alternatively +alternativeness +alternatives +alternativity +alternativo +alternator +alternators +alterne +alterni- +alternifoliate +alternipetalous +alternipinnate +alternisepalous +alternity +alternize +alterocentric +alters +alterum +Altes +altesse +alteza +altezza +Altgeld +Altha +Althaea +althaea +althaeas +althaein +Althaemenes +Althea +althea +altheas +Althee +Altheimer +althein +altheine +Altheta +Althing +althing +althionic +altho +althorn +althorns +although +alti- +Altica +Alticamelus +altify +altigraph +altilik +altiloquence +altiloquent +altimeter +altimeters +altimetrical +altimetrically +altimetry +altimettrically +altin +altincar +Altingiaceae +altingiaceous +altininck +altiplanicie +Altiplano +altiplano +alti-rilievi +Altis +altiscope +altisonant +altisonous +altissimo +altitonant +altitude +altitudes +altitudinal +altitudinarian +altitudinous +Altman +Altmar +alto +alto- +alto-cumulus +altocumulus +alto-cumulus-castellatus +altogether +altogetherness +altoist +altoists +altometer +Alton +Altona +Altoona +alto-relievo +alto-relievos +alto-rilievo +altos +alto-stratus +altostratus +altoun +altrices +altricial +Altrincham +Altro +altropathy +altrose +altruism +altruisms +altruist +altruistic +altruistically +altruists +alts +altschin +altumal +altun +Altura +Alturas +alture +Altus +altus +ALU +Aluco +Aluconidae +Aluconinae +aludel +aludels +Aludra +Aluin +Aluino +alula +alulae +alular +alulet +Alulim +alum +alum. +Alumbank +alumbloom +alumbrado +Alumel +alumen +alumetize +alumian +alumic +alumiferous +alumin +alumina +aluminaphone +aluminas +aluminate +alumine +alumines +aluminic +aluminide +aluminiferous +aluminiform +aluminio- +aluminise +aluminised +aluminish +aluminising +aluminite +aluminium +aluminize +aluminized +aluminizes +aluminizing +alumino- +aluminoferric +aluminographic +aluminography +aluminose +aluminosilicate +aluminosis +aluminosity +aluminothermic +aluminothermics +aluminothermy +aluminotype +aluminous +alumins +aluminum +aluminums +aluminyl +alumish +alumite +alumium +alumna +alumnae +alumnal +alumni +alumniate +Alumnol +alumnus +alumohydrocalcite +alumroot +alumroots +alums +alumstone +alun-alun +Alundum +alundum +aluniferous +alunite +alunites +alunogen +alupag +Alur +Alurd +alure +alurgite +Alurta +alushtite +aluta +alutaceous +al-Uzza +Alva +Alvada +Alvadore +Alvah +Alvan +Alvar +alvar +Alvarado +Alvarez +Alvaro +Alvaton +alvearies +alvearium +alveary +alveated +alvelos +alveloz +alveola +alveolae +alveolar +alveolariform +alveolarly +alveolars +alveolary +alveolate +alveolated +alveolation +alveole +alveolectomy +alveoli +alveoliform +alveolite +Alveolites +alveolitis +alveolo- +alveoloclasia +alveolocondylean +alveolodental +alveololabial +alveololingual +alveolonasal +alveolosubnasal +alveolotomy +alveolus +Alver +Alvera +Alverda +Alverson +Alverta +Alverton +Alves +Alveta +alveus +alvia +Alviani +alviducous +Alvie +Alvin +Alvina +alvine +Alvinia +Alvino +Alvira +Alvis +Alviso +Alviss +Alvissmal +Alvita +alvite +Alvito +Alvo +Alvord +Alvordton +alvus +Alvy +alw +alway +always +Alwin +alwise +alwite +Alwitt +Alwyn +aly +Alya +Alyattes +Alyce +alycompaine +Alyda +Alydar +Alyeska +alymphia +alymphopotent +Alyose +Alyosha +alypin +alypine +alypum +Alys +Alysa +Alyse +Alysia +Alyson +Alysoun +Alyss +Alyssa +alysson +Alyssum +alyssum +alyssums +alytarch +Alytes +Alyworth +Alzada +alzheimer +A&M +A.M. +AM +Am +Am. +a.m. +am +A.M.A. +AMA +Ama +ama +amaas +Amabel +Amabella +Amabelle +Amabil +amabile +amability +amable +amacratic +amacrinal +amacrine +AMACS +amadan +Amadas +amadavat +amadavats +amadelphous +Amadeo +Amadeus +Amadi +Amadis +Amado +Amador +amadou +amadous +Amadus +Amaethon +Amafingo +amaga +Amagansett +Amagasaki +Amagon +amah +amahs +Amahuaca +Amaigbo +amain +amaine +amaist +amaister +amakebe +Amakosa +Amal +amal +amala +amalaita +amalaka +Amalbena +Amalberga +Amalbergas +Amalburga +Amalea +Amalee +Amalek +Amalekite +amalekite +Amaleta +amalett +Amalfian +Amalfitan +amalg +amalgam +amalgamable +amalgamate +amalgamated +amalgamater +amalgamates +amalgamating +amalgamation +amalgamationist +amalgamations +amalgamative +amalgamatize +amalgamator +amalgamators +amalgamist +amalgamization +amalgamize +amalgams +Amalia +amalic +Amalie +Amalings +Amalita +Amalle +Amalrician +amaltas +Amalthaea +Amalthea +Amaltheia +amamau +Amampondo +Aman +Amana +Amand +Amanda +amande +Amandi +Amandie +amandin +amandine +Amando +Amandus +Amandy +amang +amani +amania +Amanist +Amanita +amanita +amanitas +amanitin +amanitine +amanitins +Amanitopsis +Amann +amanori +amanous +amant +amantadine +amante +amantillo +amanuenses +amanuensis +Amap +Amapa +amapa +Amapondo +Amar +amar +Amara +amaracus +Amara-kosha +Amaral +Amarant +amarant +Amarantaceae +amarantaceous +amaranth +Amaranthaceae +amaranthaceous +amaranthine +amaranthoid +amaranth-purple +amaranths +Amaranthus +amarantine +amarantite +Amarantus +Amaras +AMARC +amarelle +amarelles +Amarette +amaretto +amarettos +amarevole +Amargo +amargosa +amargoso +amargosos +Amari +Amarillas +Amarillis +Amarillo +amarillo +amarillos +amarin +amarine +Amaris +amaritude +amarity +Amarna +amarna +amaroid +amaroidal +amarthritis +amarvel +Amary +Amaryl +amaryllid +Amaryllidaceae +amaryllidaceous +amaryllideous +Amaryllis +amaryllis +amaryllises +Amarynceus +amas +Amasa +AMASE +amasesis +Amasias +amass +amassable +amassed +amasser +amassers +amasses +amassette +amassing +amassment +amassments +Amasta +amasthenic +amastia +amasty +AMAT +Amata +amate +amated +Amatembu +Amaterasu +amaterialistic +amateur +amateurish +amateurishly +amateurishness +amateurism +amateurisms +amateurs +amateurship +Amathi +Amathist +Amathiste +amathophobia +Amati +amati +amating +amatito +amative +amatively +amativeness +Amato +amatol +amatols +amatorial +amatorially +amatorian +amatories +amatorio +amatorious +amatory +AMATPS +amatrice +Amatruda +Amatsumara +amatungula +Amaty +amaurosis +amaurotic +amaut +Amawalk +amaxomania +amay +Amaya +amaze +amazed +amazedly +amazedness +amazeful +amazement +amazements +amazer +amazers +amazes +amazia +Amaziah +Amazilia +amazing +amazingly +Amazon +amazon +Amazona +Amazonas +Amazonia +Amazonian +amazonian +Amazonis +Amazonism +amazonite +Amazonomachia +amazons +amazonstone +Amazulu +Amb +amb +AMBA +amba +ambach +ambage +ambages +ambagiosity +ambagious +ambagiously +ambagiousness +ambagitory +Ambala +ambalam +amban +ambar +ambaree +ambarella +ambari +ambaries +ambaris +ambary +ambas +ambash +ambassade +Ambassadeur +ambassador +ambassador-at-large +ambassadorial +ambassadorially +ambassadors +ambassadors-at-large +ambassadorship +ambassadorships +ambassadress +ambassage +ambassiate +ambassy +ambatch +ambatoarinite +ambay +ambe +Ambedkar +ambeer +ambeers +Amber +amber +amber-clear +amber-colored +amber-days +amber-dropping +amberfish +amberfishes +Amberg +ambergrease +ambergris +ambergrises +amber-headed +amber-hued +amberies +amberiferous +amberina +amberite +amberjack +amberjacks +Amberley +amberlike +amber-locked +Amberly +amberoid +amberoids +amberous +ambers +Amberson +Ambert +amber-tinted +amber-tipped +amber-weeping +amber-white +ambery +amber-yielding +ambi- +Ambia +ambiance +ambiances +ambicolorate +ambicoloration +ambidexter +ambidexterities +ambidexterity +ambidexterous +ambidextral +ambidextrous +ambidextrously +ambidextrousness +Ambie +ambience +ambiences +ambiency +ambiens +ambient +ambients +ambier +ambigenal +ambigenous +ambigu +ambiguities +ambiguity +ambiguous +ambiguously +ambiguousness +ambilaevous +ambil-anak +ambilateral +ambilateralaterally +ambilaterality +ambilaterally +ambilevous +ambilian +ambilogy +ambiopia +ambiparous +ambisextrous +ambisexual +ambisexualities +ambisexuality +ambisinister +ambisinistrous +ambisporangiate +ambisyllabic +ambit +ambital +ambitendencies +ambitendency +ambitendent +ambition +ambitioned +ambitioning +ambitionist +ambitionless +ambitionlessly +ambitions +ambitious +ambitiously +ambitiousness +ambits +ambitty +ambitus +ambivalence +ambivalences +ambivalency +ambivalent +ambivalently +ambiversion +ambiversive +ambivert +ambiverts +Amble +amble +ambled +ambleocarpus +Ambler +ambler +amblers +ambles +ambling +amblingly +amblosis +amblotic +amblyacousia +amblyaphia +Amblycephalidae +Amblycephalus +amblychromatic +Amblydactyla +amblygeusia +amblygon +amblygonal +amblygonite +amblyocarpous +Amblyomma +amblyope +amblyopia +amblyopic +Amblyopsidae +Amblyopsis +amblyoscope +amblypod +Amblypoda +amblypodous +Amblyrhynchus +amblystegite +Amblystoma +ambo +amboceptoid +amboceptor +Ambocoelia +ambodexter +Amboina +amboina +amboinas +Amboinese +Amboise +ambolic +ambomalleal +Ambon +ambon +ambones +ambonite +Ambonnay +ambos +ambosexous +ambosexual +Amboy +amboyna +amboynas +ambracan +ambrain +ambreate +ambreic +ambrein +ambrette +ambrettolide +Ambrica +ambries +ambrite +Ambrogino +Ambrogio +ambroid +ambroids +Ambroise +ambrology +Ambros +Ambrosane +Ambrose +ambrose +Ambrosi +Ambrosia +ambrosia +ambrosiac +Ambrosiaceae +ambrosiaceous +ambrosial +ambrosially +Ambrosian +ambrosian +ambrosias +ambrosiate +ambrosin +Ambrosine +ambrosine +Ambrosio +Ambrosius +ambrosterol +ambrotype +ambry +ambs-ace +ambsace +ambsaces +ambulacra +ambulacral +ambulacriform +ambulacrum +ambulance +ambulanced +ambulancer +ambulances +ambulancing +ambulant +ambulante +ambulantes +ambulate +ambulated +ambulates +ambulating +ambulatio +ambulation +ambulative +ambulator +Ambulatoria +ambulatoria +ambulatorial +ambulatories +ambulatorily +ambulatorium +ambulatoriums +ambulators +ambulatory +ambulia +ambuling +ambulomancy +Ambur +amburbial +Amburgey +ambury +ambuscade +ambuscaded +ambuscader +ambuscades +ambuscading +ambuscado +ambuscadoed +ambuscados +ambush +ambushed +ambusher +ambushers +ambushes +ambushing +ambushlike +ambushment +ambustion +Amby +Ambystoma +Ambystomidae +AMC +Amchitka +amchoor +AMD +amdahl +A.M.D.G. +AMDG +amdt +AME +Ame +ame +Ameagle +ameba +amebae +ameban +amebas +amebean +amebian +amebiasis +amebic +amebicidal +amebicide +amebid +amebiform +amebobacter +amebocyte +ameboid +ameboidism +amebous +amebula +Amedeo +AMEDS +ameed +ameen +ameer +ameerate +ameerates +ameers +ameiosis +ameiotic +Ameiuridae +Ameiurus +Ameiva +Ameizoeira +amel +Amelanchier +amelanchier +ameland +amelcorn +amelcorns +amelet +Amelia +amelia +Amelie +amelification +Amelina +Ameline +ameliorable +ameliorableness +ameliorant +ameliorate +ameliorated +ameliorates +ameliorating +amelioration +ameliorations +ameliorativ +ameliorative +amelioratively +ameliorator +amelioratory +Amelita +amellus +ameloblast +ameloblastic +amelu +amelus +Amen +amen +Amena +amenability +amenable +amenableness +amenably +amenage +amenance +Amend +amend +amendable +amendableness +amendatory +amende +amended +amende-honorable +amender +amenders +amending +amendment +amendments +amends +amene +Amenia +amenia +Amenism +Amenite +amenities +amenity +amenorrhea +amenorrheal +amenorrheic +amenorrho +amenorrhoea +amenorrhoeal +amenorrhoeic +Amen-Ra +Amen-ra +amens +ament +amenta +amentaceous +amental +Amenti +amentia +amentias +Amentiferae +amentiferous +amentiform +aments +amentula +amentulum +amentum +amenty +amenuse +Amer +Amer. +Amerada +amerce +amerceable +amerced +amercement +amercements +amercer +amercers +amerces +amerciable +amerciament +amercing +America +america +American +american +Americana +americana +Americanese +Americanisation +Americanise +Americanised +Americaniser +Americanising +Americanism +americanism +americanisms +Americanist +americanist +Americanistic +Americanitis +Americanization +americanization +Americanize +americanize +Americanized +americanized +Americanizer +americanizes +Americanizing +americanizing +Americanly +Americano +Americano-european +Americanoid +Americanos +americans +americanum +americanumancestors +americas +Americaward +Americawards +americium +americo- +Americomania +Americophobe +Americus +Amerigo +Amerika +amerikani +Amerimnon +AmerInd +Amerind +amerind +Amerindian +amerindian +amerindians +Amerindic +amerinds +amerism +ameristic +AMERITECH +Amero +Amersfoort +Amersham +AmerSp +amerveil +Amery +Ames +ames-ace +amesace +amesaces +Amesbury +amesite +Ameslan +amess +Amesville +Ametabola +ametabola +ametabole +ametabolia +ametabolian +ametabolic +ametabolism +ametabolous +ametaboly +ametallous +Amethi +Amethist +amethodical +amethodically +Amethyst +amethyst +amethystine +amethystlike +amethysts +ametoecious +ametria +ametrometer +ametrope +ametropia +ametropic +ametrous +AMEX +Amex +amex +Amfortas +amgarn +amhar +Amhara +Amharic +amharic +Amherst +Amherstdale +amherstite +amhran +AMI +Ami +ami +Amia +amia +amiabilities +amiability +amiable +amiableness +amiably +amiant +amianth +amianthiform +amianthine +Amianthium +amianthoid +amianthoidal +amianthus +amiantus +amiantuses +Amias +amias +amic +amicabilities +amicability +amicable +amicableness +amicably +amical +AMICE +Amice +amice +amiced +amices +AMIChemE +amici +amicicide +Amick +amicous +amicrobic +amicron +amicronucleate +amictus +amicus +amid +amid- +Amida +Amidah +amidase +amidases +amidate +amidated +amidating +amidation +amide +amides +amidic +amidid +amidide +amidin +amidine +amidines +amidins +Amidism +Amidist +amidmost +amido +amido- +amidoacetal +amidoacetic +amidoacetophenone +amidoaldehyde +amidoazo +amidoazobenzene +amidoazobenzol +amidocaffeine +amidocapric +amidocyanogen +amidofluorid +amidofluoride +amidogen +amidogens +amidoguaiacol +amidohexose +amidoketone +Amidol +amidol +amidols +amidomyelin +Amidon +amidon +amidone +amidones +amidophenol +amidophosphoric +amidoplast +amidoplastid +amidopyrine +amidosuccinamic +amidosulphonal +amidothiazole +amido-urea +amidoxime +amidoxy +amidoxyl +amidrazone +amids +amidship +amidships +amidst +amidstream +amidulin +amidward +Amie +amie +Amiel +Amiens +amies +Amieva +amiga +amigas +Amigen +amigo +amigos +Amii +Amiidae +Amil +amil +Amilcare +amildar +Amiles +Amiloun +AMIMechE +amimia +amimide +Amin +amin +amin- +aminase +aminate +aminated +aminating +amination +aminded +-amine +amine +amines +amini +aminic +aminish +aminities +aminity +aminization +aminize +amino +amino- +aminoacetal +aminoacetanilide +aminoacetic +aminoacetone +aminoacetophenetidine +aminoacetophenone +aminoacidemia +aminoaciduria +aminoanthraquinone +aminoazo +aminoazobenzene +aminobarbituric +aminobenzaldehyde +aminobenzamide +aminobenzene +aminobenzine +aminobenzoic +aminocaproic +aminodiphenyl +aminoethionic +aminoformic +aminogen +aminoglutaric +aminoguanidine +aminoid +aminoketone +aminolipin +aminolysis +aminolytic +aminomalonic +aminomyelin +amino-oxypurin +aminopeptidase +aminophenol +aminopherase +aminophylline +aminoplast +aminoplastic +aminopolypeptidase +aminopropionic +aminopurine +aminopyrine +aminoquin +aminoquinoline +aminosis +aminosuccinamic +aminosulphonic +aminothiophen +aminotransferase +aminotriazole +aminovaleric +aminoxylol +amins +Aminta +Amintor +Amintore +Amioidei +Amir +amir +amiral +Amiranha +amirate +amirates +amiray +amire +Amiret +amirs +amirship +Amis +amis +Amish +amish +Amishgo +amiss +amissibility +amissible +amissing +amission +amissness +Amissville +Amistad +amit +Amita +Amitabha +amitate +Amite +Amitie +amitie +amities +amitoses +amitosis +amitotic +amitotically +amitriptyline +amitrole +amitroles +Amittai +amitular +Amity +amity +Amityville +amixia +Amizilis +amla +amlacra +amlet +amli +amlikar +Amlin +Amling +amlong +AMLS +Amma +amma +Ammadas +Ammadis +Ammamaria +Amman +amman +Ammanati +Ammanite +Ammann +ammelide +ammelin +ammeline +ammeos +ammer +Ammerman +ammeter +ammeters +Ammi +ammi +Ammiaceae +ammiaceous +Ammianus +AmMIEE +ammine +ammines +ammino +amminochloride +amminolysis +amminolytic +ammiolite +ammiral +Ammisaddai +Ammishaddai +ammites +ammo +ammo- +Ammobium +ammobium +ammocete +ammocetes +ammochaeta +ammochaetae +ammochryse +ammocoete +ammocoetes +ammocoetid +Ammocoetidae +ammocoetiform +ammocoetoid +ammodyte +Ammodytes +Ammodytidae +ammodytoid +Ammon +ammonal +ammonals +ammonate +ammonation +Ammonea +ammonia +ammoniac +ammoniacal +ammoniaco- +ammoniacs +ammoniacum +ammoniaemia +ammonias +ammoniate +ammoniated +ammoniating +ammoniation +ammonic +ammonical +ammoniemia +ammonification +ammonified +ammonifier +ammonifies +ammonify +ammonifying +ammonio- +ammoniojarosite +ammonion +ammonionitrate +Ammonite +ammonite +Ammonites +ammonites +Ammonitess +ammonitic +ammoniticone +ammonitiferous +Ammonitish +ammonitoid +Ammonitoidea +ammonium +ammoniums +ammoniuret +ammoniureted +ammoniuria +ammonization +ammono +ammonobasic +ammonocarbonic +ammonocarbonous +ammonoid +Ammonoidea +ammonoidean +ammonoids +ammonolitic +ammonolyses +ammonolysis +ammonolytic +ammonolyze +ammonolyzed +ammonolyzing +Ammophila +ammophilous +ammoresinol +ammoreslinol +ammos +ammotherapy +ammu +ammunition +ammunitions +amnemonic +amnesia +amnesiac +amnesiacs +amnesias +amnesic +amnesics +amnestic +amnestied +amnesties +amnesty +amnestying +amnia +amniac +amniatic +amnic +Amnigenia +amninia +amninions +amnioallantoic +amniocentesis +amniochorial +amnioclepsis +amniomancy +amnion +Amnionata +amnionate +amnionia +amnionic +amnions +amniorrhea +amnios +Amniota +amniota +amniote +amniotes +amniotic +amniotin +amniotitis +amniotome +amn't +Amo +Amoakuh +amobarbital +amober +amobyr +Amoco +amoeba +amoebae +Amoebaea +amoebaea +amoebaean +amoebaeum +amoebalike +amoeban +amoebas +amoebean +amoebeum +amoebian +amoebiasis +amoebic +amoebicidal +amoebicide +amoebid +Amoebida +Amoebidae +amoebiform +Amoebobacter +Amoebobacterieae +amoebocyte +Amoebogeniae +amoeboid +amoeboidism +amoebous +amoebula +amoibite +amoinder +amok +amoke +amoks +amole +amoles +amolilla +amolish +amollish +amomal +Amomales +Amomis +amomum +Amon +Amonate +among +amongst +Amon-Ra +amontillado +amontillados +Amopaon +Amor +amor +Amora +amora +amorado +amoraic +amoraim +amoral +amoralism +amoralist +amorality +amoralize +amorally +AMORC +Amores +Amoret +amoret +Amoreta +Amorete +Amorette +Amoretti +amoretti +amoretto +amorettos +Amoreuxia +Amorgos +amorini +amorino +amorism +amorist +amoristic +amorists +Amorita +Amorite +amorite +Amoritic +Amoritish +Amoritta +amornings +amorosa +amorosity +amoroso +amorous +amorously +amorousness +amorousnesses +amorph +Amorpha +amorpha +amorphi +amorphia +amorphic +amorphinism +amorphism +amorpho- +Amorphophallus +amorphophyte +amorphotae +amorphous +amorphously +amorphousness +amorphozoa +amorphus +amorphy +a-morrow +amort +amortisable +amortise +amortised +amortises +amortising +amortissement +amortisseur +amortizable +amortization +amortizations +amortize +amortized +amortizement +amortizes +amortizing +Amorua +Amory +Amos +amos +amosite +Amoskeag +amotion +amotions +amotus +Amou +amouli +amount +amounted +amounter +amounters +amounting +amounts +amour +amouret +amourette +amourist +amour-propre +amours +amovability +amovable +amove +amoved +amoving +amowt +Amoy +Amoyan +Amoyese +AMP +Amp +amp +amp. +ampalaya +ampalea +ampangabeite +amparo +AMPAS +ampasimenite +ampassy +Ampelidaceae +ampelidaceous +Ampelidae +ampelideous +Ampelis +ampelite +ampelitic +ampelographist +ampelography +ampelograpny +ampelopsidin +ampelopsin +Ampelopsis +ampelopsis +Ampelos +Ampelosicyos +ampelotherapy +amper +amperage +amperages +Ampere +ampere +ampere-foot +ampere-hour +amperemeter +ampere-minute +amperes +ampere-second +ampere-turn +Amperian +amperometer +amperometric +ampersand +ampersands +ampery +Ampex +amphanthia +amphanthium +ampheclexis +ampherotokous +ampherotoky +amphetamine +amphetamines +amphi +amphi- +Amphiaraus +amphiarthrodial +amphiarthroses +amphiarthrosis +amphiaster +amphib +amphibali +amphibalus +Amphibia +amphibia +amphibial +amphibian +amphibians +amphibichnite +amphibiety +amphibiological +amphibiology +amphibion +amphibiontic +amphibiotic +Amphibiotica +amphibious +amphibiously +amphibiousness +amphibium +amphiblastic +amphiblastula +amphiblestritis +Amphibola +amphibole +amphiboles +amphibolia +amphibolic +amphibolies +amphiboliferous +amphiboline +amphibolite +amphibolitic +amphibological +amphibologically +amphibologies +amphibologism +amphibology +amphibolostylous +amphibolous +amphiboly +amphibrach +amphibrachic +amphibryous +Amphicarpa +Amphicarpaea +amphicarpia +amphicarpic +amphicarpium +amphicarpogenous +amphicarpous +amphicarpus +amphicentric +amphichroic +amphichrom +amphichromatic +amphichrome +amphichromy +amphicoelian +amphicoelous +amphicome +Amphicondyla +amphicondylous +amphicrania +amphicreatinine +amphicribral +Amphictyon +amphictyon +amphictyonian +amphictyonic +amphictyonies +amphictyons +amphictyony +Amphicyon +Amphicyonidae +amphicyrtic +amphicyrtous +amphicytula +amphid +Amphidamas +amphide +amphidesmous +amphidetic +amphidiarthrosis +amphidiploid +amphidiploidy +amphidisc +Amphidiscophora +amphidiscophoran +amphidisk +amphidromia +amphidromic +amphierotic +amphierotism +Amphigaea +amphigaean +amphigam +Amphigamae +amphigamous +amphigastria +amphigastrium +amphigastrula +amphigean +amphigen +amphigene +amphigenesis +amphigenetic +amphigenous +amphigenously +amphigonia +amphigonic +amphigonium +amphigonous +amphigony +amphigoric +amphigories +amphigory +amphigouri +amphigouris +amphikaryon +amphikaryotic +Amphilochus +amphilogism +amphilogy +amphimacer +Amphimachus +Amphimarus +amphimictic +amphimictical +amphimictically +amphimixes +amphimixis +amphimorula +amphimorulae +Amphinesian +Amphineura +amphineurous +Amphinome +Amphinomus +amphinucleus +Amphion +amphion +Amphionic +Amphioxi +amphioxi +Amphioxidae +Amphioxides +Amphioxididae +amphioxis +amphioxus +amphioxuses +amphipeptone +amphiphithyra +amphiphloic +amphiplatyan +Amphipleura +amphiploid +amphiploidy +amphipneust +Amphipneusta +amphipneustic +Amphipnous +amphipod +Amphipoda +amphipoda +amphipodal +amphipodan +amphipodiform +amphipodous +amphipods +amphiprostylar +amphiprostyle +amphiprotic +amphipyrenin +Amphirhina +amphirhinal +amphirhine +amphisarca +amphisbaena +amphisbaenae +amphisbaenas +amphisbaenian +amphisbaenic +amphisbaenid +Amphisbaenidae +amphisbaenoid +amphisbaenous +amphiscians +amphiscii +Amphisile +Amphisilidae +amphispermous +amphisporangiate +amphispore +Amphissa +Amphissus +Amphistoma +amphistomatic +amphistome +amphistomoid +amphistomous +Amphistomum +amphistylar +amphistylic +amphistyly +amphitene +amphithalami +amphithalamus +amphithalmi +amphitheater +amphitheatered +amphitheaters +amphitheatral +amphitheatre +amphitheatric +amphitheatrical +amphitheatrically +amphitheccia +amphithecia +amphithecial +amphithecium +amphithect +Amphithemis +amphithere +amphithura +amphithuron +amphithurons +amphithurthura +amphithyra +amphithyron +amphithyrons +amphitokal +amphitokous +amphitoky +amphitriaene +amphitricha +amphitrichate +amphitrichous +Amphitrite +amphitrite +amphitron +amphitropal +amphitropous +Amphitruo +Amphitryon +amphitryon +Amphiuma +amphiuma +Amphiumidae +Amphius +amphivasal +amphivorous +Amphizoidae +amphodarch +amphodelite +amphodiplopia +amphogenic +amphogenous +amphogeny +ampholyte +ampholytic +amphopeptone +amphophil +amphophile +amphophilic +amphophilous +amphora +amphorae +amphoral +amphoras +amphore +amphorette +amphoric +amphoricity +amphoriloquy +amphoriskoi +amphoriskos +amphorophony +amphorous +amphoteric +amphotericin +Amphoterus +Amphrysian +ampicillin +ampitheater +ample +amplect +amplectant +ampleness +ampler +amplest +amplex +amplexation +amplexicaudate +amplexicaul +amplexicauline +amplexifoliate +amplexus +amplexuses +ampliate +ampliation +ampliative +amplication +amplicative +amplidyne +amplifiable +amplificate +amplification +amplifications +amplificative +amplificator +amplificatory +amplified +amplifier +amplifiers +amplifies +amplify +amplifying +amplitude +amplitudes +amplitudinous +amply +ampollosity +ampongue +ampoule +ampoules +AMPS +amps +ampul +ampulate +ampulated +ampulating +ampule +ampules +ampulla +ampullaceous +ampullae +ampullar +Ampullaria +Ampullariidae +ampullary +ampullate +ampullated +ampulliform +ampullitis +ampullosity +ampullula +ampullulae +ampuls +ampus-and +amputate +amputated +amputates +amputating +amputation +amputational +amputations +amputative +amputator +amputee +amputees +ampyces +Ampycides +Ampycus +Ampyx +ampyx +ampyxes +Amr +amra +AMRAAM +Amram +Amratian +Amravati +amreeta +amreetas +amrelle +Amri +amrit +Amrita +amrita +amritas +Amritsar +Amroati +AMROC +AMS +AMSAT +amsath +Amschel +Amsden +amsel +Amsha-spand +Amsha-spend +Amsonia +amsonia +Amsterdam +amsterdam +Amsterdamer +Amston +AMSW +AMT +amt +amt. +amtman +amtmen +Amtorg +amtrac +amtrack +amtracks +amtracs +Amtrak +amtrak +AMU +amu +Amuchco +amuck +amucks +Amueixa +amugis +amuguis +amula +amulae +amulas +amulet +amuletic +amulets +Amulius +amulla +amunam +Amund +Amundsen +Amur +amurca +amurcosity +amurcous +Amurru +amus +amusable +amuse +amused +amusedly +amusee +amusement +amusements +amuser +amusers +amuses +amusette +Amusgo +amusia +amusias +amusing +amusingly +amusingness +amusive +amusively +amusiveness +amutter +amuyon +amuyong +amuze +amuzzle +AMVET +amvis +Amvrakikos +Amy +amy +Amyas +amyatonic +Amyclaean +Amyclas +amyctic +Amycus +amydon +Amye +amyelencephalia +amyelencephalic +amyelencephalous +amyelia +amyelic +amyelinic +amyelonic +amyelotrophy +amyelous +amygdal +amygdala +Amygdalaceae +amygdalaceous +amygdalae +amygdalase +amygdalate +amygdale +amygdalectomy +amygdales +amygdalic +amygdaliferous +amygdaliform +amygdalin +amygdaline +amygdalinic +amygdalitis +amygdaloid +amygdaloidal +amygdalolith +amygdaloncus +amygdalopathy +amygdalothripsis +amygdalotome +amygdalotomy +amygdalo-uvular +Amygdalus +amygdonitrile +amygdophenin +amygdule +amygdules +amyl +amyl- +amylaceous +amylamine +amylan +amylase +amylases +amylate +amylemia +amylene +amylenes +amylenol +amylic +amylidene +amyliferous +amylin +amylo +amylo- +amylocellulose +amyloclastic +amylocoagulase +amylodextrin +amylodyspepsia +amylogen +amylogenesis +amylogenic +amylogens +amylohydrolysis +amylohydrolytic +amyloid +amyloidal +amyloidoses +amyloidosis +amyloids +amyloleucite +amylolysis +amylolytic +amylom +amylome +amylometer +amylon +amylopectin +amylophagia +amylophosphate +amylophosphoric +amyloplast +amyloplastic +amyloplastid +amylopsase +amylopsin +amylose +amyloses +amylosis +amylosynthesis +amyls +amylum +amylums +amyluria +Amymone +Amynodon +amynodont +Amyntor +amyosthenia +amyosthenic +amyotaxia +amyotonia +amyotrophia +amyotrophic +amyotrophy +amyous +Amyraldism +Amyraldist +Amyridaceae +amyrin +Amyris +amyris +amyrol +amyroot +Amytal +Amythaon +amyxorrhea +amyxorrhoea +amzel +-an +A.N. +AN +An +an +an- +an. +-ana +ANA +Ana +an'a +ana +ana- +Anabaena +anabaena +anabaenas +Anabal +anabantid +Anabantidae +Anabaptism +anabaptism +Anabaptist +anabaptist +Anabaptistic +Anabaptistical +Anabaptistically +Anabaptistry +anabaptists +anabaptize +anabaptized +anabaptizing +Anabas +anabas +Anabase +anabases +anabasin +anabasine +anabasis +anabasse +anabata +anabathmoi +anabathmos +anabathrum +anabatic +Anabel +Anabella +Anabelle +anaberoga +anabia +anabibazon +anabiosis +anabiotic +Anablepidae +Anableps +anableps +anablepses +anabo +anabohitsite +anabolic +anabolin +anabolism +anabolite +anabolitic +anabolize +anaboly +anabong +anabranch +anabrosis +anabrotic +ANAC +anacahuita +anacahuite +anacalypsis +anacampsis +anacamptic +anacamptically +anacamptics +anacamptometer +anacanth +anacanthine +Anacanthini +anacanthous +anacara +anacard +Anacardiaceae +anacardiaceous +anacardic +Anacardium +anacatadidymus +anacatharsis +anacathartic +anacephalaeosis +anacephalize +Anaces +Anacharis +anacharis +anachoret +anachorism +anachromasis +anachronic +anachronical +anachronically +anachronism +anachronismatical +anachronisms +anachronist +anachronistic +anachronistical +anachronistically +anachronize +anachronous +anachronously +anachueta +anacid +anacidity +Anacin +anack +anaclasis +anaclastic +anaclastics +Anaclete +anaclete +anacletica +anacleticum +Anacletus +anaclinal +anaclisis +anaclitic +Anacoco +anacoenoses +anacoenosis +anacolutha +anacoluthia +anacoluthic +anacoluthically +anacoluthon +anacoluthons +anacoluttha +Anaconda +anaconda +anacondas +Anacortes +Anacostia +anacoustic +Anacreon +Anacreontic +anacreontic +Anacreontically +anacrisis +Anacrogynae +anacrogynae +anacrogynous +anacromyodian +anacrotic +anacrotism +anacruses +anacrusis +anacrustic +anacrustically +anaculture +anacusia +anacusic +anacusis +Anacyclus +Anadarko +anadem +anadems +anadenia +anadesm +anadicrotic +anadicrotism +anadidymus +anadiplosis +anadipsia +anadipsic +anadrom +anadromous +Anadyomene +Anadyr +anaematosis +anaemia +anaemias +anaemic +anaemotropy +anaeretic +anaerobation +anaerobe +anaerobes +anaerobia +anaerobian +anaerobic +anaerobically +anaerobies +anaerobion +anaerobiont +anaerobiosis +anaerobiotic +anaerobiotically +anaerobious +anaerobism +anaerobium +anaerophyte +anaeroplastic +anaeroplasty +anaesthatic +anaesthesia +anaesthesiant +anaesthesiologist +anaesthesiology +anaesthesis +anaesthetic +anaesthetically +anaesthetics +anaesthetist +anaesthetization +anaesthetize +anaesthetized +anaesthetizer +anaesthetizing +anaesthyl +anaetiological +anagalactic +Anagallis +anagap +anagenesis +anagenetic +anagenetical +anagennesis +anagep +anagignoskomena +anaglyph +anaglyphic +anaglyphical +anaglyphics +anaglyphoscope +anaglyphs +anaglyphy +anaglypta +anaglyptic +anaglyptical +anaglyptics +anaglyptograph +anaglyptographic +anaglyptography +anaglypton +Anagni +anagnorises +anagnorisis +Anagnos +anagnost +anagnostes +anagoge +anagoges +anagogic +anagogical +anagogically +anagogics +anagogies +anagogy +anagram +anagrammatic +anagrammatical +anagrammatically +anagrammatise +anagrammatised +anagrammatising +anagrammatism +anagrammatist +anagrammatization +anagrammatize +anagrammatized +anagrammatizing +anagrammed +anagramming +anagrams +anagraph +anagua +anagyrin +anagyrine +Anagyris +anahao +anahau +Anaheim +anaheim +Anahita +Anahola +Anahuac +Anaitis +Anakes +Anakim +anakinesis +anakinetic +anakinetomer +anakinetomeric +anakoluthia +anakrousis +anaktoron +anal +anal. +analabos +analagous +analav +analcime +analcimes +analcimic +analcimite +analcite +analcites +analcitite +analecta +analectic +analects +analemma +analemmas +analemmata +analemmatic +analepses +analepsis +analepsy +analeptic +analeptical +analgen +analgene +analgesia +analgesic +analgesics +Analgesidae +analgesis +analgesist +analgetic +analgia +analgias +analgic +analgize +Analiese +Analise +analities +anality +analkalinity +anallagmatic +anallagmatis +anallantoic +Anallantoidea +anallantoidean +anallergic +Anallese +Anallise +anally +analog +analoga +analogal +analogia +analogic +analogical +analogically +analogicalness +analogice +analogies +analogion +analogions +analogise +analogised +analogising +analogism +analogist +analogistic +analogize +analogized +analogizing +analogon +analogous +analogously +analogousness +analogs +analogue +analogues +analogy +Analomink +analphabet +analphabete +analphabetic +analphabetical +analphabetism +analysability +analysable +analysand +analysands +analysation +analyse +analysed +analyser +analysers +analyses +analysing +analysis +analyst +analysts +analyt +analytic +analytical +analytically +analyticities +analyticity +analytico-architectural +analytics +analytique +analyzability +analyzable +analyzation +analyze +analyzed +analyzer +analyzers +analyzes +analyzing +Anam +anam +anama +Anambra +Anamelech +anamesite +anametadromous +Anamirta +anamirtin +Anamite +anamite +Anammelech +anammonid +anammonide +anamneses +Anamnesis +anamnesis +anamnestic +anamnestically +Anamnia +Anamniata +Anamnionata +anamnionic +Anamniota +anamniote +anamniotic +Anamoose +anamorphic +anamorphism +anamorphoscope +anamorphose +anamorphoses +anamorphosis +anamorphote +anamorphous +Anamosa +anan +Anana +anana +ananaplas +ananaples +ananas +Anand +Ananda +ananda +anandrarious +anandria +anandrious +anandrous +ananepionic +anangioid +anangular +Ananias +ananias +Ananism +Ananite +anankastic +ananke +anankes +Ananna +Anansi +Ananta +ananter +anantherate +anantherous +ananthous +ananthropism +ananym +anapaest +anapaestic +anapaestical +anapaestically +anapaests +anapaganize +anapaite +anapanapa +anapeiratic +anapes +anapest +anapestic +anapestically +anapests +anaphalantiasis +Anaphalis +anaphase +anaphases +anaphasic +Anaphe +anaphia +anaphora +anaphoral +anaphoras +anaphoria +anaphoric +anaphorical +anaphorically +anaphrodisia +anaphrodisiac +anaphroditic +anaphroditous +anaphylactic +anaphylactically +anaphylactin +anaphylactogen +anaphylactogenic +anaphylactoid +anaphylatoxin +anaphylaxis +anaphyte +anaplasia +anaplasis +anaplasm +Anaplasma +anaplasmoses +anaplasmosis +anaplastic +anaplasty +anapleroses +anaplerosis +anaplerotic +anapnea +anapneic +anapnoeic +anapnograph +anapnoic +anapnometer +anapodeictic +Anapolis +anapophyses +anapophysial +anapophysis +anapsid +Anapsida +anapsidan +Anapterygota +anapterygote +anapterygotism +anapterygotous +Anaptomorphidae +Anaptomorphus +anaptotic +anaptychi +anaptychus +anaptyctic +anaptyctical +anaptyxes +anaptyxis +Anapurna +anaqua +anarcestean +Anarcestes +anarch +anarchal +anarchial +anarchic +anarchical +anarchically +anarchies +anarchism +anarchisms +anarchist +anarchistic +anarchists +anarchize +anarcho +anarchoindividualist +anarchosocialist +anarcho-syndicalism +anarchosyndicalism +anarcho-syndicalist +anarchosyndicalist +anarchs +anarchy +anarcotin +anareta +anaretic +anaretical +anargyroi +anargyros +anarithia +anarithmia +anarthria +anarthric +anarthropod +Anarthropoda +anarthropodous +anarthrosis +anarthrous +anarthrously +anarthrousness +anartismos +anarya +Anaryan +Anas +anas +Anasa +anasarca +anasarcas +anasarcous +Anasazi +Anasazis +anaschistic +Anasco +anaseismic +Anasitch +anaspadias +anaspalin +anaspid +Anaspida +Anaspidacea +Anaspides +anastalsis +anastaltic +Anastas +Anastase +anastases +Anastasia +Anastasian +Anastasie +anastasimon +anastasimos +Anastasio +anastasis +Anastasius +Anastassia +anastate +anastatic +Anastatica +Anastatius +Anastatus +Anastice +anastigmat +anastigmatic +anastomos +anastomose +anastomosed +anastomoses +anastomosing +anastomosis +anastomotic +Anastomus +Anastos +anastrophe +Anastrophia +anastrophy +Anat +anat +anat. +anatabine +anatase +anatases +anatexes +anatexis +anathem +anathema +anathemas +anathemata +anathematic +anathematical +anathematically +anathematisation +anathematise +anathematised +anathematiser +anathematising +anathematism +anathematization +anathematize +anathematized +anathematizer +anathematizes +anathematizing +anatheme +anathemize +Anatherum +Anatidae +anatifa +Anatifae +anatifae +anatifer +anatiferous +Anatinacea +Anatinae +anatine +anatira +anatman +anatocism +Anatol +Anatola +Anatole +Anatolia +Anatolian +anatolian +Anatolic +Anatolio +Anatollo +anatomic +anatomical +anatomically +anatomicals +anatomico- +anatomicobiological +anatomicochirurgical +anatomicomedical +anatomicopathologic +anatomicopathological +anatomicophysiologic +anatomicophysiological +anatomicosurgical +anatomies +anatomiless +anatomisable +anatomisation +anatomise +anatomised +anatomiser +anatomising +anatomism +anatomist +anatomists +anatomizable +anatomization +anatomize +anatomized +anatomizer +anatomizes +anatomizing +anatomopathologic +anatomopathological +anatomy +Anatone +anatopism +anatosaurus +anatox +anatoxin +anatoxins +anatreptic +anatripsis +anatripsology +anatriptic +anatron +anatropal +anatropia +anatropous +anatta +anatto +anattos +Anatum +anaudia +anaudic +anaunter +anaunters +anauxite +Anawalt +Anax +Anaxagoras +Anaxagorean +anaxagorean +Anaxagorize +anaxagorize +Anaxarete +anaxial +Anaxibia +Anaximander +Anaximandrian +anaximandrian +Anaximenes +Anaxo +anaxon +anaxone +Anaxonia +anay +anazoturia +anba +anbury +ANC +anc +Ancaeus +Ancalin +-ance +Ancel +Ancelin +Anceline +Ancell +Ancerata +ancestor +ancestorial +ancestorially +ancestors +ancestral +ancestrally +ancestress +ancestresses +ancestrial +ancestrian +ancestries +ancestry +Ancha +Anchat +Anchesmius +Anchiale +Anchie +Anchietea +anchietin +anchietine +anchieutectic +anchimonomineral +Anchinoe +Anchisaurus +Anchises +anchises +Anchistea +Anchistopoda +anchithere +anchitherioid +anchoic +Anchong-Ni +anchor +anchorable +Anchorage +anchorage +anchorages +anchorate +anchored +anchorer +anchoress +anchoresses +anchoret +anchoretic +anchoretical +anchoretish +anchoretism +anchorets +anchorhold +anchoring +anchorite +anchorites +anchoritess +anchoritic +anchoritical +anchoritically +anchoritish +anchoritism +anchorless +anchorlike +anchorman +anchormen +anchors +anchor-shaped +Anchorville +anchorwise +anchory +anchoveta +anchovies +anchovy +Anchtherium +Anchusa +anchusa +anchusas +anchusin +anchusine +anchusins +anchylose +anchylosed +anchylosing +anchylosis +anchylotic +ancien +ancience +anciency +anciennete +anciens +ancient +ancienter +ancientest +ancientism +anciently +ancientness +ancientry +ancients +ancienty +Ancier +ancile +ancilia +Ancilin +ancilla +ancillae +ancillaries +ancillary +ancillas +ancille +ancipital +ancipitous +Ancistrocladaceae +ancistrocladaceous +Ancistrocladus +ancistrodon +ancistroid +Ancius +ancle +Anco +ancodont +Ancohuma +ancoly +ancome +Ancon +ancon +Ancona +ancona +anconad +anconagra +anconal +anconas +ancone +anconeal +anconei +anconeous +ancones +anconeus +anconitis +anconoid +ancony +ancor +ancora +ancoral +Ancram +Ancramdale +ancraophobia +ancre +ancress +ancresses +-ancy +Ancyloceras +Ancylocladus +Ancylodactyla +ancylopod +Ancylopoda +ancylose +Ancylostoma +ancylostome +ancylostomiasis +Ancylostomum +Ancylus +Ancyrean +Ancyrene +ancyroid +-and +And +and +and- +anda +anda-assu +andabata +andabatarian +andabatism +Andale +Andalusia +Andalusian +andalusite +Andaman +Andamanese +andamenta +andamento +andamentos +andante +andantes +andantini +andantino +andantinos +Andaqui +Andaquian +Andarko +Andaste +Ande +Andean +andean +anded +Andee +Andeee +Andel +Andelee +Ander +Anderea +Anderegg +Anderer +Anderlecht +Anders +anders +Andersen +Anderson +anderson +Andersonville +Anderssen +Anderstorp +Andert +anderun +Andes +andes +Andesic +andesine +andesinite +andesite +andesites +andesitic +andesyte +andesytes +Andevo +ANDF +Andhra +Andi +andia +Andian +Andie +Andikithira +Andine +anding +Andira +andirin +andirine +andiroba +andiron +andirons +Andizhan +Ando +Andoche +Andoke +Andonis +and/or +andor +andorite +andoroba +Andorobo +Andorra +andorra +Andorran +Andorre +andouille +andouillet +andouillette +Andover +Andr +andr- +Andra +Andrade +andradite +andragogy +andranatomy +andrarchy +Andras +Andrassy +Andre +andre +Andrea +Andreaea +Andreaeaceae +Andreaeales +Andreana +Andreas +Andree +Andrei +Andrej +Andrel +Andrena +andrena +andrenid +Andrenidae +Andreotti +Andres +Andrew +andrew +andrewartha +Andrewes +Andrews +andrewsite +Andrey +Andreyev +Andreyevka +Andri +Andria +Andriana +Andrias +Andric +andric +Andrien +Andriette +Andrija +Andris +andrite +andro- +androcentric +androcephalous +androcephalum +androclclinia +Androclea +Androcles +androcles +androclinia +androclinium +Androclus +androclus +androconia +androconium +androcracy +Androcrates +androcratic +androcyte +androdioecious +androdioecism +androdynamous +androeccia +androecia +androecial +androecium +androgametangium +androgametophore +androgamone +androgen +androgenesis +androgenetic +androgenic +androgenous +androgens +Androgeus +androginous +androgone +androgonia +androgonial +androgonidium +androgonium +Andrographis +andrographolide +androgyn +androgynal +androgynary +androgyne +androgyneity +androgynia +androgynic +androgynies +androgynism +androgynous +androgynus +androgyny +android +androidal +androides +androids +androkinin +androl +androlepsia +androlepsy +Andromache +andromache +Andromada +andromania +Andromaque +andromed +Andromeda +andromeda +Andromede +andromedotoxin +andromonoecious +andromonoecism +andromorphous +Andron +andron +Andronicus +andronitis +andropetalar +andropetalous +androphagous +androphobia +androphonomania +Androphonos +androphore +androphorous +androphorum +androphyll +Andropogon +Andros +Androsace +Androscoggin +androseme +androsin +androsphinges +androsphinx +androsphinxes +androsporangium +androspore +androsterone +androtauric +androtomy +Androuet +-androus +Androw +Andrsy +Andrus +-andry +Andryc +ands +Andvar +Andvare +Andvari +andvari +Andy +Andy-over +-ane +ane +Aneale +anear +aneared +anearing +anears +aneath +anecdota +anecdotage +anecdotal +anecdotalism +anecdotalist +anecdotally +anecdote +anecdotes +anecdotic +anecdotical +anecdotically +anecdotist +anecdotists +anecdysis +anechoic +anelace +anelastic +anelasticity +anele +anelectric +anelectrode +anelectrotonic +anelectrotonus +aneled +aneles +aneling +anelytrous +anem- +anematize +anematized +anematizing +anematosis +Anemia +anemia +anemias +anemic +anemically +anemious +anemo- +anemobiagraph +anemochord +anemochore +anemochoric +anemochorous +anemoclastic +anemogram +anemograph +anemographic +anemographically +anemography +anemologic +anemological +anemology +anemometer +anemometers +anemometric +anemometrical +anemometrically +anemometrograph +anemometrographic +anemometrographically +anemometry +anemonal +anemone +Anemonella +anemones +anemonin +anemonol +anemony +anemopathy +anemophile +anemophilous +anemophily +Anemopsis +anemoscope +anemoses +anemosis +anemotactic +anemotaxis +Anemotis +anemotropic +anemotropism +anencephalia +anencephalic +anencephalotrophia +anencephalous +anencephalus +anencephaly +an-end +anend +anenergia +anenst +anent +anenterous +anepia +anepigraphic +anepigraphous +anepiploic +anepithymia +anerethisia +aneretic +anergia +anergias +anergic +anergies +anergy +anerly +aneroid +aneroidograph +aneroids +anerotic +anerythroplasia +anerythroplastic +anes +Anesidora +anesis +anesone +Anestassia +anesthesia +anesthesiant +anesthesias +anesthesimeter +anesthesiologies +anesthesiologist +anesthesiologists +anesthesiology +anesthesiometer +anesthesis +anesthetic +anesthetically +anesthetics +anesthetist +anesthetists +anesthetization +anesthetize +anesthetized +anesthetizer +anesthetizes +anesthetizing +anesthyl +anestri +anestrous +anestrus +Anet +anet +Aneta +Aneth +anethene +anethol +anethole +anetholes +anethols +Anethum +anetic +anetiological +Aneto +Anett +Anetta +Anette +aneuch +aneuploid +aneuploidy +aneuria +aneuric +aneurilemmic +Aneurin +aneurin +aneurine +aneurins +aneurism +aneurismal +aneurismally +aneurismatic +aneurisms +aneurysm +aneurysmal +aneurysmally +aneurysmatic +aneurysms +anew +Aney +Anezeh +ANF +anfeeld +anfract +anfractuose +anfractuosity +anfractuous +anfractuousness +anfracture +Anfuso +ANG +anga +Angadreme +Angadresma +angakok +angakoks +angakut +Angami +Angami-naga +Angang +Angara +angaralite +angareb +angareeb +angarep +angaria +angarias +angariation +angaries +Angarsk +Angarstroi +angary +angas +Angdistis +Ange +angekkok +angekok +angekut +Angel +angel +Angela +angelate +angel-borne +angel-bright +angel-builded +angeldom +Angele +angeled +angeleen +Angeleno +Angelenos +Angeles +angeles +angelet +angel-eyed +angeleyes +angel-faced +angelfish +angelfishes +angel-guarded +angel-heralded +angelhood +Angeli +Angelia +Angelic +angelic +Angelica +angelica +Angelical +angelical +angelically +angelicalness +Angelican +angelica-root +angelicas +angelicic +angelicize +angelicness +Angelico +angelico +Angelika +angelim +angelin +Angelina +angelina +Angeline +angeline +angelinformal +angeling +Angelique +angelique +Angelis +Angelita +angelito +angelize +angelized +angelizing +Angell +Angelle +angellike +angel-noble +Angelo +angelocracy +angelographer +angelolater +angelolatry +angelologic +angelological +angelology +angelomachy +angelon +Angelonia +angelophanic +angelophany +angelot +angels +angel-seeming +angelship +angels-on-horseback +angel's-trumpet +Angelus +angelus +angeluses +angel-warned +Angelyn +anger +Angerboda +angered +angering +angerless +angerly +Angerona +Angeronalia +Angeronia +Angers +angers +Angetenar +Angevin +angevin +Angevine +angeyok +Angi +angi- +angia +angiasthenia +angico +Angie +angiectasis +angiectopia +angiemphraxis +Angier +angiitis +Angil +angild +angili +angilo +angina +anginal +anginas +anginiform +anginoid +anginophobia +anginose +anginous +angio- +angioasthenia +angioataxia +angioblast +angioblastic +angiocardiographic +angiocardiographies +angiocardiography +angiocarditis +angiocarp +angiocarpian +angiocarpic +angiocarpous +angiocarpy +angiocavernous +angiocholecystitis +angiocholitis +angiochondroma +angioclast +angiocyst +angiodermatitis +angiodiascopy +angioelephantiasis +angiofibroma +angiogenesis +angiogenic +angiogeny +angioglioma +angiogram +angiograph +angiographic +angiography +angiohemophilia +angiohyalinosis +angiohydrotomy +angiohypertonia +angiohypotonia +angioid +angiokeratoma +angiokinesis +angiokinetic +angioleucitis +angiolipoma +angiolith +angiology +angiolymphitis +angiolymphoma +angioma +angiomalacia +angiomas +angiomata +angiomatosis +angiomatous +angiomegaly +angiometer +angiomyocardiac +angiomyoma +angiomyosarcoma +angioneoplasm +angioneurosis +angioneurotic +angionoma +angionosis +angioparalysis +angioparalytic +angioparesis +angiopathy +angiophorous +angioplany +angioplasty +angioplerosis +angiopoietic +angiopressure +angiorrhagia +angiorrhaphy +angiorrhea +angiorrhexis +angiosarcoma +angiosclerosis +angiosclerotic +angioscope +angiosis +angiospasm +angiospastic +angiosperm +Angiospermae +angiospermal +angiospermatous +angiospermic +angiospermous +angiosperms +angiosporous +angiostegnosis +angiostenosis +angiosteosis +angiostomize +angiostomy +angiostrophy +angiosymphysis +angiotasis +angiotelectasia +angiotenosis +angiotensin +angiotensinase +angiothlipsis +angiotome +angiotomy +angiotonase +angiotonic +angiotonin +angiotribe +angiotripsy +angiotrophic +angiport +Angka +ang-khak +angkhak +Angkor +Angl +Angl. +anglaise +Angle +angle +angleberry +angled +angledog +Angledozer +angledozer +angled-toothed +anglehook +Angleinlet +anglemeter +angle-off +anglepod +anglepods +angler +anglers +Angles +angles +Anglesey +anglesite +anglesmith +Angleton +angletouch +angletwitch +anglewing +anglewise +angleworm +angleworms +Anglia +angliae +Anglian +anglian +anglians +Anglic +Anglican +anglican +Anglicanism +anglicanism +anglicanisms +Anglicanize +Anglicanly +anglicans +Anglicanum +Anglice +anglice +Anglicisation +anglicisation +Anglicise +Anglicised +Anglicising +Anglicism +anglicism +anglicisms +Anglicist +anglicist +Anglicization +anglicization +Anglicize +anglicize +Anglicized +anglicized +anglicizes +Anglicizing +anglicizing +Anglification +Anglified +Anglify +anglify +Anglifying +Anglim +anglimaniac +angling +anglings +Anglish +anglish +Anglist +Anglistics +Anglo +Anglo- +anglo +anglo- +Anglo-abyssinian +Anglo-afghan +Anglo-african +Anglo-america +Anglo-American +Anglo-american +Anglo-Americanism +Anglo-americanism +Anglo-asian +Anglo-asiatic +Anglo-australian +Anglo-austrian +Anglo-belgian +Anglo-boer +Anglo-brazilian +Anglo-canadian +Anglo-Catholic +Anglo-catholic +anglo-catholic +Anglo-Catholicism +Anglo-catholicism +AngloCatholicism +Anglo-chinese +Anglo-danish +Anglo-dutch +Anglo-dutchman +Anglo-ecclesiastical +Anglo-ecuadorian +Anglo-egyptian +Anglo-French +Anglo-french +anglo-french +Anglogaea +Anglogaean +Anglo-Gallic +Anglo-german +Anglo-greek +Anglo-hibernian +angloid +Anglo-Indian +Anglo-indian +anglo-indian +Anglo-Irish +Anglo-irish +Anglo-irishism +Anglo-israel +Anglo-israelism +Anglo-israelite +Anglo-italian +Anglo-japanese +Anglo-jewish +Anglo-judaic +Anglo-latin +Anglo-maltese +Angloman +angloman +Anglomane +Anglomania +anglomania +Anglomaniac +Anglomaniacal +Anglo-manx +Anglo-mexican +Anglo-mohammedan +Anglo-Norman +Anglo-norman +anglo-norman +Anglo-norwegian +Anglo-nubian +Anglo-persian +Anglophil +anglophil +Anglophile +anglophile +anglophiles +Anglophilia +anglophilia +Anglophiliac +anglophiliac +Anglophilic +anglophilic +anglophilism +anglophily +Anglophobe +anglophobe +anglophobes +Anglophobia +anglophobia +Anglophobiac +Anglophobic +anglophobic +Anglophobist +Anglophone +Anglo-portuguese +Anglo-russian +Anglos +anglos +Anglo-Saxon +Anglo-saxon +anglo-saxon +Anglo-saxondom +Anglo-saxonic +Anglo-saxonism +Anglo-scottish +Anglo-serbian +Anglo-soviet +Anglo-spanish +Anglo-swedish +Anglo-swiss +Anglo-teutonic +Anglo-turkish +Anglo-venetian +ango +angoise +Angola +angola +angolan +angolans +angolar +Angolese +angor +Angora +angora +angoras +Angostura +angostura +Angouleme +Angoumian +Angoumois +Angraecum +Angrbodha +angrier +angriest +angrily +angriness +Angrist +angrite +angry +angry-eyed +angry-looking +angst +angster +Angstrom +angstrom +angstroms +angsts +anguid +Anguidae +Anguier +anguiform +Anguilla +Anguillaria +anguille +Anguillidae +anguilliform +anguilloid +Anguillula +anguillule +Anguillulidae +Anguimorpha +anguine +anguineal +anguineous +Anguinidae +anguiped +Anguis +anguis +anguish +anguished +anguishes +anguishful +anguishing +anguishous +anguishously +angula +angular +angulare +angularia +angularities +angularity +angularization +angularize +angularly +angularness +angular-toothed +angulate +angulated +angulately +angulateness +angulates +angulating +angulation +angulato- +angulatogibbous +angulatosinuous +angule +anguliferous +angulinerved +angulo- +Anguloa +angulodentate +angulometer +angulose +angulosity +anguloso- +angulosplenial +angulous +angulus +Angurboda +anguria +Angus +angus +anguses +angust +angustate +angusti- +angustia +angusticlave +angustifoliate +angustifolious +angustirostrate +angustisellate +angustiseptal +angustiseptate +angustura +angwantibo +angwich +Angwin +Angy +Anh +anhaematopoiesis +anhaematosis +anhaemolytic +anhalamine +anhaline +anhalonidine +anhalonin +anhalonine +Anhalonium +anhalouidine +Anhalt +anhang +Anhanga +anharmonic +anhedonia +anhedonic +anhedral +anhedron +anhelation +anhele +anhelose +anhelous +anhematopoiesis +anhematosis +anhemitonic +anhemolytic +Anheuser +anhidrosis +anhidrotic +anhima +Anhimae +Anhimidae +anhinga +anhingas +anhistic +anhistous +anhungered +anhungry +Anhwei +anhyd +anhydraemia +anhydraemic +anhydrate +anhydrated +anhydrating +anhydration +anhydremia +anhydremic +anhydric +anhydride +anhydrides +anhydridization +anhydridize +anhydrite +anhydrization +anhydrize +anhydro- +anhydroglocose +anhydromyelia +anhydrosis +anhydrotic +anhydrous +anhydrously +anhydroxime +anhysteretic +ANI +ani +Ania +Aniak +Aniakchak +Aniakudo +Aniba +Anica +anicca +Anice +Anicetus +aniconic +aniconism +anicular +anicut +anidian +anidiomatic +anidiomatical +anidrosis +Aniela +Aniellidae +aniente +anientise +ANIF +anigh +anight +anights +Anil +anil +anilao +anilau +anile +anileness +anilic +anilid +anilide +anilidic +anilidoxime +aniliid +anilin +anilinctus +aniline +anilines +anilingus +anilinism +anilino +anilinophile +anilinophilous +anilins +anilities +anility +anilla +anilopyrin +anilopyrine +anils +anim +anim. +anima +animability +animable +animableness +animacule +animadversal +animadversion +animadversional +animadversions +animadversive +animadversiveness +animadvert +animadverted +animadverter +animadverting +animadverts +animal +animala +animalcula +animalculae +animalcular +animalcule +animalcules +animalculine +animalculism +animalculist +animalculous +animalculum +animalhood +Animalia +animalian +animalic +animalier +animalillio +animalisation +animalise +animalised +animalish +animalising +animalism +animalist +animalistic +animalities +animality +Animalivora +animalivore +animalivorous +animalization +animalize +animalized +animalizing +animallike +animally +animalness +animals +animal-sized +animando +animant +Animas +animas +animastic +animastical +animate +animated +animatedly +animately +animateness +animater +animaters +animates +animating +animatingly +animation +animations +animatism +animatist +animatistic +animative +animato +animatograph +animator +animators +anime +animes +animetta +animi +Animikean +animikite +animine +animis +animism +animisms +animist +animistic +animists +animize +animized +animo +animose +animoseness +animosities +animosity +animoso +animotheism +animous +animus +animuses +anion +anionic +anionically +anionics +anions +aniridia +Anis +anis +anis- +anisado +anisal +anisalcohol +anisaldehyde +anisaldoxime +anisamide +anisandrous +anisanilide +anisanthous +anisate +anisated +anischuria +anise +aniseed +aniseeds +aniseikonia +aniseikonic +aniselike +aniseroot +anises +anisette +anisettes +anisic +anisidin +anisidine +anisidino +anisil +anisilic +aniso- +anisobranchiate +anisocarpic +anisocarpous +anisocercal +anisochromatic +anisochromia +anisocoria +anisocotyledonous +anisocotyly +anisocratic +anisocycle +anisocytosis +anisodactyl +Anisodactyla +anisodactyle +Anisodactyli +anisodactylic +anisodactylous +anisodont +anisogamete +anisogametes +anisogametic +anisogamic +anisogamous +anisogamy +anisogenous +anisogeny +anisognathism +anisognathous +anisogynous +anisoiconia +anisoin +anisokonia +anisol +anisole +anisoles +anisoleucocytosis +Anisomeles +anisomelia +anisomelus +anisomeric +anisomerous +anisometric +anisometrope +anisometropia +anisometropic +anisomyarian +Anisomyodi +anisomyodian +anisomyodous +anisopetalous +anisophyllous +anisophylly +anisopia +anisopleural +anisopleurous +anisopod +Anisopoda +anisopodal +anisopodous +anisopogonous +Anisoptera +anisopteran +anisopterous +anisosepalous +anisospore +anisostaminous +anisostemonous +anisosthenic +anisostichous +Anisostichus +anisostomous +anisotonic +anisotropal +anisotrope +anisotropic +anisotropical +anisotropically +anisotropies +anisotropism +anisotropous +anisotropy +anisoyl +Anissa +anisum +anisuria +anisyl +anisylidene +Anita +anither +anitinstitutionalism +anitos +Anitra +anitrogenous +Anius +Aniwa +Aniweta +Anjali +anjan +Anjanette +Anjela +Anjou +Ankara +ankara +ankaramite +ankaratrite +ankee +Ankeny +anker +ankerhold +ankerite +ankerites +ankh +ankhs +Anking +ankle +anklebone +anklebones +ankled +ankle-deep +anklejack +ankle-jacked +ankles +anklet +anklets +ankling +anklong +anklung +Ankney +Ankoli +Ankou +ankus +ankuses +ankush +ankusha +ankushes +ankylenteron +ankyloblepharon +ankylocheilia +ankylodactylia +ankylodontia +ankyloglossia +ankylomele +ankylomerism +ankylophobia +ankylopodia +ankylopoietic +ankyloproctia +ankylorrhinia +ankylos +ankylosaur +Ankylosaurus +ankylosaurus +ankylose +ankylosed +ankyloses +ankylosing +ankylosis +ankylostoma +ankylostomiasis +ankylotia +ankylotic +ankylotome +ankylotomy +ankylurethria +ankyroid +ANL +anlace +anlaces +Anlage +anlage +anlagen +anlages +anlas +anlases +anlaut +anlaute +anlet +anlia +anmia +Anmoore +Ann +ann +ann. +Anna +anna +Annaba +Annabal +Annabel +Annabela +Annabell +Annabella +Annabelle +annabergite +Annada +Anna-Diana +Annadiana +Anna-Diane +Annadiane +annal +Annale +annale +Annalee +Annalen +annalia +Annaliese +annaline +Annalise +annalism +annalist +annalistic +annalistically +annalists +annalize +annals +annaly +Annam +Anna-Maria +Annamaria +Annamarie +Annamese +annamese +Annamite +Annamitic +Annam-Muong +Annam-muong +Annandale +Annapolis +annapolis +Annapurna +Annarbor +annary +annas +annat +annates +Annatol +annats +annatto +annattos +Annawan +Anne +anne +anneal +annealed +annealer +annealers +annealing +anneals +Anne-Corinne +Annecorinne +annect +annectant +annectent +annection +Annecy +annelid +Annelida +annelida +annelidan +Annelides +annelidian +annelidous +annelids +Anneliese +Annelise +annelism +Annellata +anneloid +Annemanie +Anne-Marie +Annemarie +Annenski +Annensky +annerodite +annerre +Anneslia +annet +Annetta +Annette +annex +annexa +annexable +annexal +annexation +annexational +annexationism +annexationist +annexations +annexe +annexed +annexer +annexes +annexing +annexion +annexionist +annexitis +annexive +annexment +annexure +Annfwn +Anni +anni +Annia +Annibale +Annice +annicut +annidalin +Annie +annie +Anniellidae +annihil +annihilability +annihilable +annihilate +annihilated +annihilates +annihilating +annihilation +annihilationism +annihilationist +annihilationistic +annihilationistical +annihilations +annihilative +annihilator +annihilators +annihilatory +Anniken +Annis +Annissa +Annist +annist +Anniston +annite +anniv +anniversalily +anniversaries +anniversarily +anniversariness +anniversary +anniverse +Annmaria +Ann-Marie +Annmarie +Annnora +anno +annodated +annominate +annomination +Annona +annona +Annonaceae +annonaceous +annonce +Annora +Annorah +annot +annotate +annotated +annotater +annotates +annotating +annotation +annotations +annotative +annotatively +annotativeness +annotator +annotators +annotatory +annotine +annotinous +annotto +announce +announceable +announced +announcement +announcements +announcer +announcers +announces +announcing +annoy +annoyance +annoyancer +annoyances +annoyed +annoyer +annoyers +annoyful +annoying +annoyingly +annoyingness +annoyment +annoyous +annoyously +annoys +annual +annualist +annualize +annualized +annually +annuals +annuary +annuation +annueler +annueller +annuent +annuisance +annuitant +annuitants +annuities +annuity +annul +annular +Annularia +annularity +annularly +annulary +Annulata +annulata +annulate +annulated +annulately +annulation +annulations +annule +annuler +annulet +annulets +annulettee +annuli +annulism +annullable +annullate +annullation +annulled +annuller +annulli +annulling +annulment +annulments +annuloid +Annuloida +annuloida +Annulosa +annulosa +annulosan +annulose +annuls +annulus +annuluses +annum +annumerate +annunciable +annunciade +Annunciata +annunciate +annunciated +annunciates +annunciating +Annunciation +annunciation +annunciations +annunciative +annunciator +annunciators +annunciatory +Annunziata +annus +Annville +Annwfn +Annwn +Anny +ano- +anoa +anoas +Anobiidae +anobing +anocarpous +anocathartic +anociassociation +anociation +anocithesia +anococcygeal +anodal +anodally +anode +anodendron +anodes +anodic +anodically +anodine +anodization +anodize +anodized +anodizes +anodizing +Anodon +anodon +Anodonta +anodontia +anodos +anodyne +anodynes +anodynia +anodynic +anodynous +anoegenetic +anoesia +anoesis +anoestrous +anoestrum +anoestrus +anoetic +anogenic +anogenital +Anogra +anoia +anoil +anoine +anoint +anointed +anointer +anointers +anointing +anointment +anointments +anoints +Anoka +anole +anoles +anoli +anolian +Anolis +Anolympiad +anolyte +anolytes +anomal +Anomala +anomalies +anomaliflorous +anomaliped +anomalipod +anomalism +anomalist +anomalistic +anomalistical +anomalistically +anomalo- +anomalocephalus +anomaloflorous +Anomalogonatae +anomalogonatous +Anomalon +anomalonomy +Anomalopteryx +anomaloscope +anomalotrophy +anomalous +anomalously +anomalousness +anomalure +Anomaluridae +Anomalurus +anomaly +Anomatheca +anomer +Anomia +anomia +Anomiacea +anomic +anomie +anomies +Anomiidae +anomite +anomo- +anomocarpous +anomodont +Anomodontia +Anomoean +Anomoeanism +anomoeomery +anomophyllous +anomorhomboid +anomorhomboidal +anomouran +anomphalous +Anomura +anomural +anomuran +anomurous +anomy +anon +anon. +anonaceous +anonad +anonang +anoncillo +anonol +anonychia +anonym +anonyma +anonyme +anonymities +anonymity +anonymous +anonymously +anonymousness +anonyms +anonymuncule +anoopsia +anoopsias +anoperineal +anophele +Anopheles +anopheles +Anophelinae +anopheline +anophoria +anophthalmia +anophthalmos +Anophthalmus +anophyte +anopia +anopias +anopisthograph +anopisthographic +anopisthographically +Anopla +Anoplanthus +anoplocephalic +anoplonemertean +Anoplonemertini +anoplothere +Anoplotheriidae +anoplotherioid +Anoplotherium +anoplotheroid +Anoplura +anopluriform +anopsia +anopsias +anopsy +anopubic +Anora +anorak +anoraks +anorchi +anorchia +anorchism +anorchous +anorchus +anorectal +anorectic +anorectous +anoretic +anorexia +anorexiant +anorexias +anorexic +anorexics +anorexies +anorexigenic +anorexy +anorgana +anorganic +anorganism +anorganology +anormal +anormality +anorn +anorogenic +anorth +anorthic +anorthite +anorthite-basalt +anorthitic +anorthitite +anorthoclase +anorthographic +anorthographical +anorthographically +anorthography +anorthophyre +anorthopia +anorthoscope +anorthose +anorthosite +anoscope +anoscopy +Anosia +anosmatic +anosmia +anosmias +anosmic +anosognosia +anosphrasia +anosphresia +anospinal +anostosis +Anostraca +anoterite +Another +another +another-gates +another-guess +anotherguess +another-guise +anotherkins +anotia +anotropia +anotta +anotto +anotus +Anouilh +anounou +anour +anoura +anoure +anourous +Anous +ANOVA +anova +anovesical +anovulant +anovular +anovulatory +anoxaemia +anoxaemic +anoxemia +anoxemias +anoxemic +anoxia +anoxias +anoxic +anoxidative +anoxybiosis +anoxybiotic +anoxyscope +anp- +ANPA +anquera +anre +ans +ansa +ansae +Ansar +ansar +Ansarian +ansarian +Ansarie +ansate +ansated +ansation +Anschauung +anschauung +Anschluss +anschluss +Anse +Anseis +Ansel +Ansela +Ansell +Anselm +Anselma +Anselme +Anselmi +Anselmian +Anselmo +Anser +anserated +Anseres +Anseriformes +anserin +Anserinae +anserine +anserines +Ansermet +anserous +Ansgarius +Anshan +Anshar +ANSI +ansi +Ansilma +Ansilme +Ansley +Anson +Ansonia +Ansonville +anspessade +Ansted +Anstice +anstoss +anstosse +Anstus +ansu +ansulate +answer +answerability +answerable +answerableness +answerably +answer-back +answered +answerer +answerers +answering +answeringly +answerless +answerlessly +answers +-ant +an't +ant +ant- +ant. +ANTA +Anta +anta +Antabus +Antabuse +antacid +antacids +antacrid +antadiform +antae +Antaea +Antaean +antaean +Antaeus +antaeus +antagonisable +antagonisation +antagonise +antagonised +antagonising +antagonism +antagonisms +antagonist +antagonistic +antagonistical +antagonistically +antagonists +antagonizable +antagonization +antagonize +antagonized +antagonizer +antagonizes +antagonizing +antagony +Antagoras +Antaimerina +Antaios +Antaiva +Antakiya +Antakya +Antal +antal +antalgesic +antalgic +antalgics +antalgol +antalkali +antalkalies +antalkaline +antalkalis +Antalya +antambulacral +antanacathartic +antanaclasis +antanagoge +Antananarivo +Antanandro +antanemic +antapex +antapexes +antaphrodisiac +antaphroditic +antapices +antapocha +antapodosis +antapology +antapoplectic +Antar +Antara +antarala +antaranga +antarchism +antarchist +antarchistic +antarchistical +antarchy +Antarctalia +Antarctalian +Antarctic +antarctic +Antarctica +antarctica +antarctical +antarctically +Antarctogaea +Antarctogaean +Antares +antares +antarthritic +antas +antasphyctic +antasthenic +antasthmatic +antatrophic +antbird +antdom +ante +ante- +anteact +ante-acted +anteal +anteambulate +anteambulation +ante-ambulo +ant-eater +anteater +anteaters +Ante-babylonish +antebaptismal +antebath +ante-bellum +antebellum +Antebi +antebrachia +antebrachial +antebrachium +antebridal +antecabinet +antecaecal +antecardium +antecavern +antecedal +antecedaneous +antecedaneously +antecede +anteceded +antecedence +antecedency +antecedent +antecedental +antecedently +antecedents +antecedes +anteceding +antecell +antecessor +antechamber +antechambers +ante-chapel +antechapel +Antechinomys +antechoir +antechoirs +Ante-christian +ante-Christum +antechurch +anteclassical +antecloset +antecolic +antecommunion +anteconsonantal +antecornu +antecourt +antecoxal +antecubital +antecurvature +Ante-cuvierian +anted +antedate +antedated +antedates +antedating +antedawn +antediluvial +antediluvially +antediluvian +Antedon +antedonin +antedorsal +ante-ecclesiastical +anteed +ante-eternity +antefact +antefebrile +antefix +antefixa +antefixal +antefixes +anteflected +anteflexed +anteflexion +antefurca +antefurcae +antefurcal +antefuture +antegarden +Ante-gothic +antegrade +antehall +Ante-hieronymian +antehistoric +antehuman +antehypophysis +anteing +anteinitial +antejentacular +antejudiciary +antejuramentum +Ante-justinian +antelabium +antelation +antelegal +antelocation +antelope +antelopes +antelopian +antelopine +antelucan +antelude +anteluminary +antemarginal +antemarital +antemask +antemedial +antemeridian +antemetallic +antemetic +antemillennial +antemingent +antemortal +ante-mortem +antemortem +Ante-mosaic +Ante-mosaical +antemundane +antemural +antenarial +antenatal +antenatalitial +antenati +antenatus +antenave +ante-Nicaean +Ante-nicene +ante-Nicene +antenna +antennae +antennal +Antennaria +antennariid +Antennariidae +Antennarius +antennary +antennas +Antennata +antennate +antennifer +antenniferous +antenniform +antennula +antennular +antennulary +antennule +antenodal +antenoon +Antenor +Ante-norman +antenumber +antenuptial +anteoccupation +anteocular +anteopercle +anteoperculum +ante-orbital +anteorbital +Antep +antepagment +antepagmenta +antepagments +antepalatal +ante-partum +antepartum +antepaschal +antepaschel +antepast +antepasts +antepatriarchal +antepectoral +antepectus +antependia +antependium +antependiums +antepenuit +antepenult +antepenultima +antepenultimate +antepenults +antephialtic +antepileptic +antepirrhema +antepone +anteporch +anteport +anteportico +anteporticoes +anteporticos +anteposition +anteposthumous +anteprandial +antepredicament +antepredicamental +antepreterit +antepretonic +anteprohibition +anteprostate +anteprostatic +antepyretic +antequalm +antereformation +antereformational +anteresurrection +anterethic +anterevolutional +anterevolutionary +antergic +anteri +anteriad +anterin +anterior +anteriority +anteriorly +anteriorness +anteriors +anterioyancer +antero- +anteroclusion +anterodorsal +anteroexternal +anterofixation +anteroflexion +anterofrontal +anterograde +anteroinferior +anterointerior +anterointernal +anterolateral +anterolaterally +anteromedial +anteromedian +ante-room +anteroom +anterooms +anteroparietal +anteroposterior +anteroposteriorly +anteropygal +Anteros +anterospinal +anterosuperior +anteroventral +anteroventrally +Anterus +antes +antescript +Antesfort +antesignani +antesignanus +antespring +antestature +antesternal +antesternum +antesunrise +antesuperior +ante-temple +antetemple +antethem +antetype +antetypes +Anteva +antevenient +anteversion +antevert +anteverted +anteverting +anteverts +Ante-victorian +antevocalic +Antevorta +antewar +anth- +Anthas +anthdia +Anthe +Anthea +anthecological +anthecologist +anthecology +Antheia +Antheil +anthela +anthelae +anthelia +anthelices +anthelion +anthelions +anthelix +Anthelme +anthelminthic +anthelmintic +anthem +anthema +anthemas +anthemata +anthemed +anthemene +anthemia +Anthemideae +antheming +anthemion +Anthemis +anthemis +anthems +anthemwise +anthemy +anther +Antheraea +antheral +Anthericum +antherid +antheridia +antheridial +antheridiophore +antheridium +antherids +antheriferous +antheriform +antherine +antherless +antherogenous +antheroid +antherozoid +antherozoidal +antherozooid +antherozooidal +anthers +antheses +anthesis +Anthesteria +Anthesteriac +anthesterin +Anthesterion +anthesterol +Antheus +antheximeter +Anthia +Anthiathia +Anthicidae +Anthidium +anthill +anthills +Anthinae +anthine +antho- +anthobian +anthobiology +anthocarp +anthocarpous +anthocephalous +Anthoceros +Anthocerotaceae +Anthocerotales +anthocerote +anthochlor +anthochlorine +anthoclinium +anthocyan +anthocyanidin +anthocyanin +anthodia +anthodium +anthoecological +anthoecologist +anthoecology +anthogenesis +anthogenetic +anthogenous +anthography +anthoid +anthokyan +anthol +antholite +anthological +anthologically +anthologies +anthologion +anthologise +anthologised +anthologising +anthologist +anthologists +anthologize +anthologized +anthologizer +anthologizes +anthologizing +anthology +antholysis +Antholyza +anthomania +anthomaniac +Anthomedusae +anthomedusan +Anthomyia +anthomyiid +Anthomyiidae +Anthon +Anthonin +Anthonomus +Anthony +anthony +anthood +anthophagous +anthophagy +Anthophila +anthophile +anthophilian +anthophilous +anthophobia +Anthophora +anthophore +Anthophoridae +anthophorous +anthophyllite +anthophyllitic +Anthophyta +anthophyte +anthorine +anthos +anthosiderite +Anthospermum +anthotaxis +anthotaxy +anthotropic +anthotropism +anthoxanthin +Anthoxanthum +Anthozoa +anthozoa +anthozoan +anthozoic +anthozooid +anthozoon +anthra- +anthracaemia +anthracemia +anthracene +anthraceniferous +anthraces +anthrachrysone +anthracia +anthracic +anthraciferous +anthracin +anthracite +anthracites +anthracitic +anthracitiferous +anthracitious +anthracitism +anthracitization +anthracitous +anthracnose +anthracnosis +anthracocide +anthracoid +anthracolithic +anthracomancy +Anthracomarti +anthracomartian +Anthracomartus +anthracometer +anthracometric +anthraconecrosis +anthraconite +Anthracosaurus +anthracosilicosis +anthracosis +anthracothere +Anthracotheriidae +Anthracotherium +anthracotic +anthracoxen +anthracyl +anthradiol +anthradiquinone +anthraflavic +anthragallol +anthrahydroquinone +anthralin +anthramin +anthramine +anthranil +anthranilate +anthranilic +anthranol +anthranone +anthranoyl +anthranyl +anthraphenone +anthrapurpurin +anthrapyridine +anthraquinol +anthraquinone +anthraquinonyl +anthrarufin +anthrasilicosis +anthratetrol +anthrathiophene +anthratriol +anthrax +anthraxolite +anthraxylon +Anthrenus +anthribid +Anthribidae +Anthriscus +anthrohopobiological +anthroic +anthrol +anthrone +anthrop +anthrop- +anthrop. +anthrophore +anthropic +anthropical +Anthropidae +anthropo- +anthropobiologist +anthropobiology +anthropocentric +anthropocentrically +anthropocentricity +anthropocentrism +anthropoclimatologist +anthropoclimatology +anthropocosmic +anthropodeoxycholic +Anthropodus +anthropogenesis +anthropogenetic +anthropogenic +anthropogenist +anthropogenous +anthropogeny +anthropogeographer +anthropogeographic +anthropogeographical +anthropogeography +anthropoglot +anthropogony +anthropographic +anthropography +anthropoid +anthropoidal +Anthropoidea +anthropoidea +anthropoidean +anthropoids +anthropol +anthropol. +anthropolater +anthropolatric +anthropolatry +anthropolite +anthropolith +anthropolithic +anthropolitic +anthropologic +anthropological +anthropologically +anthropologies +anthropologist +anthropologists +anthropology +anthropomancy +anthropomantic +anthropomantist +anthropometer +anthropometric +anthropometrical +anthropometrically +anthropometrist +anthropometry +anthropomophitism +anthropomorph +Anthropomorpha +anthropomorphic +anthropomorphical +anthropomorphically +Anthropomorphidae +anthropomorphisation +anthropomorphise +anthropomorphised +anthropomorphising +anthropomorphism +anthropomorphisms +anthropomorphist +anthropomorphite +anthropomorphitic +anthropomorphitical +anthropomorphitism +anthropomorphization +anthropomorphize +anthropomorphized +anthropomorphizing +anthropomorphological +anthropomorphologically +anthropomorphology +anthropomorphosis +anthropomorphotheist +anthropomorphous +anthropomorphously +anthroponomical +anthroponomics +anthroponomist +anthroponomy +anthroponym +anthropopathia +anthropopathic +anthropopathically +anthropopathism +anthropopathite +anthropopathy +anthropophagi +anthropophagic +anthropophagical +anthropophaginian +anthropophagism +anthropophagist +anthropophagistic +anthropophagit +anthropophagite +anthropophagize +anthropophagous +anthropophagously +anthropophagus +anthropophagy +anthropophilous +anthropophobia +anthropophuism +anthropophuistic +anthropophysiography +anthropophysite +Anthropopithecus +anthropopsychic +anthropopsychism +Anthropos +anthroposcopy +anthroposociologist +anthroposociology +anthroposomatology +anthroposophic +anthroposophical +anthroposophist +anthroposophy +anthropoteleoclogy +anthropoteleological +anthropotheism +anthropotheist +anthropotheistic +anthropotomical +anthropotomist +anthropotomy +anthropotoxin +Anthropozoic +anthropozoic +anthropurgic +anthroropolith +anthroxan +anthroxanic +anthryl +anthrylene +anththeridia +Anthurium +anthurium +Anthus +Anthyllis +anthypnotic +anthypophora +anthypophoretic +Anti +anti +anti- +Antia +antiabolitionist +antiabortion +antiabrasion +antiabrin +antiabsolutist +antiacademic +anti-acid +antiacid +antiadiaphorist +antiaditis +antiadministration +antiae +antiaesthetic +antiager +antiagglutinant +antiagglutinating +antiagglutination +antiagglutinative +antiagglutinin +antiaggression +antiaggressionist +antiaggressive +antiaggressively +antiaggressiveness +anti-aircraft +antiaircraft +antialbumid +antialbumin +antialbumose +antialcoholic +antialcoholism +antialcoholist +antialdoxime +antialexin +antialien +Anti-allied +Anti-ally +antiamboceptor +Anti-american +anti-American +Anti-americanism +antiamusement +antiamylase +antianaphylactogen +antianaphylaxis +antianarchic +antianarchist +Anti-anglican +antiangular +antiannexation +antiannexationist +antianopheline +antianthrax +antianthropocentric +antianthropomorphism +antiantibody +antiantidote +antiantienzyme +antiantitoxin +antianxiety +antiapartheid +antiaphrodisiac +antiaphthic +antiapoplectic +antiapostle +antiaquatic +antiar +Anti-arab +anti-Arab +Antiarcha +Antiarchi +Anti-arian +antiarin +antiarins +Antiaris +antiaristocracies +antiaristocracy +antiaristocrat +antiaristocratic +antiaristocratical +antiaristocratically +Anti-aristotelian +anti-Aristotelian +anti-Aristotelianism +Anti-armenian +Anti-arminian +Anti-arminianism +antiarrhythmic +antiars +antiarthritic +antiascetic +antiasthmatic +antiastronomical +Anti-athanasian +antiatheism +antiatheist +antiatheistic +antiatheistical +antiatheistically +Anti-athenian +antiatom +antiatoms +antiatonement +anti-attrition +antiattrition +anti-Australian +anti-Austria +Anti-austrian +anti-Austrian +antiauthoritarian +antiauthoritarianism +antiautolysin +antiauxin +Anti-babylonianism +antibacchic +antibacchii +antibacchius +antibacterial +antibacteriolytic +antiballistic +antiballooner +antibalm +antibank +Anti-bartholomew +antibaryon +antibasilican +antibenzaldoxime +antiberiberin +Antibes +antibias +anti-Bible +Anti-biblic +Anti-biblical +anti-Biblical +anti-Biblically +antibibliolatry +antibigotry +antibilious +antibiont +antibiosis +antibiotic +antibiotically +antibiotics +Anti-birmingham +anti-birmingham +antibishop +antiblack +antiblackism +antiblastic +antiblennorrhagic +antiblock +antiblue +antibodies +antibody +Anti-bohemian +Anti-bolshevik +anti-Bolshevik +anti-Bolshevism +Anti-bolshevist +anti-Bolshevist +anti-Bolshevistic +Anti-bonapartist +antiboss +antibourgeois +antiboxing +antiboycott +antibrachial +antibreakage +antibridal +Anti-british +anti-British +Anti-britishism +antibromic +antibubonic +antibug +antibureaucratic +Antiburgher +antiburgher +antiburglar +antiburglary +antibusiness +antibusing +antic +antica +anticachectic +Anti-caesar +antical +anticalcimine +anticalculous +anticalligraphic +antically +Anti-calvinism +anti-Calvinism +Anti-calvinist +anti-Calvinist +Anti-calvinistic +anti-Calvinistic +anti-Calvinistical +Anti-calvinistically +anticamera +anticancer +anticancerous +anticapital +anticapitalism +anticapitalist +anticapitalistic +anticapitalistically +anticapitalists +anticar +anticardiac +anticardium +anticarious +anticarnivorous +anticaste +anticatalase +anticatalyst +anticatalytic +anticatalytically +anticatalyzer +anticatarrhal +Anti-cathedralist +anticathexis +anticathode +Anti-catholic +anti-Catholic +anticatholic +anti-Catholicism +anticausotic +anticaustic +anticensorial +anticensorious +anticensoriously +anticensoriousness +anticensorship +anticentralism +anticentralist +anticentralization +anticephalalgic +anticeremonial +anticeremonialism +anticeremonialist +anticeremonially +anticeremonious +anticeremoniously +anticeremoniousness +antichamber +antichance +anticheater +antichlor +antichlorine +antichloristic +antichlorotic +anticholagogue +anticholinergic +anticholinesterase +antichoromanic +antichorus +antichreses +antichresis +antichretic +Antichrist +antichrist +Anti-christian +anti-christian +antichristian +Anti-christianism +antichristianism +Anti-christianity +antichristianity +Anti-christianize +Anti-christianly +antichristianly +antichrists +antichrome +antichronical +antichronically +antichronism +antichthon +antichthones +antichurch +antichurchian +antichymosin +anticigarette +anticipant +anticipatable +anticipate +anticipated +anticipates +anticipating +anticipatingly +anticipation +anticipations +anticipative +anticipatively +anticipator +anticipatorily +anticipators +anticipatory +anticity +anticivic +anticivil +anticivilian +anticivism +anticize +antick +anticked +anticker +anticking +anticks +antickt +anticlactic +anticlassical +anticlassicalism +anticlassicalist +anticlassically +anticlassicalness +anticlassicism +anticlassicist +anticlastic +Anticlea +anticlergy +anticlerical +anticlericalism +anticlericalist +anticlimactic +anticlimactical +anticlimactically +anticlimax +anticlimaxes +anticlinal +anticline +anticlines +anticlinoria +anticlinorium +anticlnoria +anticlockwise +anticlogging +anticly +anticnemion +anticness +anticoagulan +anticoagulant +anticoagulants +anticoagulate +anticoagulating +anticoagulation +anticoagulative +anticoagulator +anticoagulin +anticodon +anticogitative +anticoincidence +anticold +anticolic +anticollision +anticolonial +anticombination +anticomet +anticomment +anticommercial +anticommercialism +anticommercialist +anticommercialistic +anticommerciality +anticommercially +anticommercialness +anticommunism +anticommunist +anticommunistic +anticommunistical +anticommunistically +anticommunists +anticommutative +anticompetitive +anticomplement +anticomplementary +anticomplex +anticonceptionist +anticonductor +anticonfederationism +anticonfederationist +anticonfederative +anticonformist +anticonformities +anticonformity +anticonscience +anticonscription +anticonscriptive +anticonservation +anticonservationist +anticonservatism +anticonservative +anticonservatively +anticonservativeness +anticonstitution +anticonstitutional +anticonstitutionalism +anticonstitutionalist +anticonstitutionally +anticonsumer +anticontagion +anticontagionist +anticontagious +anticontagiously +anticontagiousness +anticonvellent +anticonvention +anticonventional +anticonventionalism +anticonventionalist +anticonventionally +anticonvulsant +anticonvulsive +anticor +anticorn +anticorona +anticorrosion +anticorrosive +anticorrosively +anticorrosiveness +anticorrosives +anticorruption +anticorset +anticosine +anticosmetic +anticosmetics +Anticosti +anticouncil +anticourt +anticourtier +anticous +anticovenanter +anticovenanting +anticreation +anticreational +anticreationism +anticreationist +anticreative +anticreatively +anticreativeness +anticreativity +anticreator +anticreep +anticreeper +anticreeping +anticrepuscular +anticrepuscule +anticrime +anticrisis +anticritic +anticritical +anticritically +anticriticalness +anticritique +anticrochet +anticrotalic +anticruelty +anticryptic +anticryptically +antics +anticularia +anticult +anticultural +anticum +anticus +anticyclic +anticyclical +anticyclically +anticyclogenesis +anticyclolysis +anticyclone +anticyclones +anticyclonic +anticyclonically +anticynic +anticynical +anticynically +anticynicism +anticytolysin +anticytotoxin +antidactyl +antidancing +antidandruff +anti-Darwin +Anti-darwinian +anti-Darwinian +Anti-darwinism +anti-Darwinism +anti-Darwinist +antidecalogue +antideflation +antidemocracies +antidemocracy +antidemocrat +antidemocratic +antidemocratical +antidemocratically +antidemoniac +anti-depressant +antidepressant +antidepressants +antidepressive +antiderivative +antidetonant +antidetonating +antidiabetic +antidiastase +Antidicomarian +Antidicomarianite +antidicomarianite +antidictionary +antidiffuser +antidinic +antidiphtheria +antidiphtheric +antidiphtherin +antidiphtheritic +antidisciplinarian +antidiscrimination +antidisestablishmentarian +antidisestablishmentarianism +antidiuretic +antidivine +antidivorce +Antido +Anti-docetae +antidogmatic +antidogmatical +antidogmatically +antidogmatism +antidogmatist +antidomestic +antidomestically +antidominican +antidora +Antidorcas +antidoron +antidotal +antidotally +antidotary +antidote +antidoted +antidotes +antidotical +antidotically +antidoting +antidotism +antidraft +antidrag +Anti-dreyfusard +antidromal +antidromic +antidromically +antidromous +antidromy +antidrug +antiduke +antidumping +antidynamic +antidynastic +antidynastical +antidynastically +antidynasty +antidyscratic +antidysenteric +antidysuric +antieavesdropping +antiecclesiastic +antiecclesiastical +antiecclesiastically +antiecclesiasticism +antiedemic +antieducation +antieducational +antieducationalist +antieducationally +antieducationist +antiegoism +antiegoist +antiegoistic +antiegoistical +antiegoistically +antiegotism +antiegotist +antiegotistic +antiegotistical +antiegotistically +antiejaculation +antielectron +antielectrons +anti-emetic +antiemetic +antiemetics +antiemperor +antiempiric +antiempirical +antiempirically +antiempiricism +antiempiricist +antiendotoxin +antiendowment +antienergistic +Anti-english +anti-English +antient +Anti-entente +antienthusiasm +antienthusiast +antienthusiastic +antienthusiastically +antienvironmentalism +antienvironmentalist +antienvironmentalists +antienzymatic +antienzyme +antienzymic +antiepicenter +antiepileptic +antiepiscopal +antiepiscopist +antiepithelial +antierosion +antierosive +antierysipelas +antiestablishment +Antietam +anti-ethmc +antiethnic +antieugenic +anti-Europe +Anti-european +anti-European +anti-Europeanism +antievangelical +antievolution +antievolutional +antievolutionally +antievolutionary +antievolutionist +antievolutionistic +antiexpansion +antiexpansionism +antiexpansionist +antiexporting +antiexpressionism +antiexpressionist +antiexpressionistic +antiexpressive +antiexpressively +antiexpressiveness +antiextreme +antieyestrain +antiface +antifaction +antifame +antifanatic +Anti-fascism +antifascism +Anti-fascist +antifascist +Anti-fascisti +antifascists +antifat +antifatigue +antifebrile +antifebrin +antifederal +Antifederalism +antifederalism +Antifederalist +anti-federalist +antifederalist +antifelon +antifelony +antifemale +antifeminine +antifeminism +antifeminist +antifeministic +antiferment +antifermentative +antiferroelectric +antiferromagnet +antiferromagnetic +antiferromagnetism +antifertility +antifertilizer +antifeudal +antifeudalism +antifeudalist +antifeudalistic +antifeudalization +antifibrinolysin +antifibrinolysis +antifideism +antifire +antiflash +antiflattering +antiflatulent +antiflux +antifoam +antifoaming +antifoggant +antifogmatic +antiforeign +antiforeigner +antiforeignism +antiformant +antiformin +antifouler +antifouling +Anti-fourierist +antifowl +anti-France +antifraud +antifreeze +antifreezes +antifreezing +Anti-french +anti-French +anti-Freud +Anti-freudian +anti-Freudian +anti-Freudianism +antifriction +antifrictional +antifrost +antifundamentalism +antifundamentalist +antifungal +antifungin +antifungus +antigalactagogue +antigalactic +anti-gallic +Anti-gallican +anti-gallican +anti-gallicanism +antigambling +antiganting +antigay +antigen +antigene +antigenes +antigenic +antigenically +antigenicity +antigens +Anti-german +anti-German +anti-Germanic +Anti-germanism +anti-Germanism +anti-Germanization +antighostism +antigigmanic +antiglare +antiglobulin +antiglyoxalase +Anti-gnostic +antignostic +antignostical +Antigo +anti-god +antigod +Antigone +antigone +antigonococcic +Antigonon +antigonorrheal +antigonorrheic +Antigonus +antigorite +Anti-gothicist +antigovernment +antigovernmental +antigovernmentally +antigraft +antigrammatical +antigrammatically +antigrammaticalness +antigraph +antigraphy +antigravitate +antigravitation +antigravitational +antigravitationally +antigravity +anti-Greece +anti-Greek +antigropelos +antigrowth +Antigua +Antiguan +antiguerilla +anti-guggler +antiguggler +antigun +antigyrous +antihalation +Anti-hanoverian +antiharmonist +antihectic +antihelices +antihelix +antihelixes +antihelminthic +antihemagglutinin +antihemisphere +antihemoglobin +antihemolysin +antihemolytic +antihemophilic +antihemorrhagic +antihemorrheidal +anti-hero +antihero +antiheroes +anti-heroic +antiheroic +antiheroism +antiheterolysin +antihidrotic +antihierarchal +antihierarchic +antihierarchical +antihierarchically +antihierarchies +antihierarchism +antihierarchist +antihierarchy +antihijack +antihistamine +antihistamines +antihistaminic +antihistorical +anti-hog-cholera +antiholiday +antihomosexual +antihormone +antihuff +antihum +antihuman +antihumanism +antihumanist +antihumanistic +antihumanity +antihumbuggist +antihunting +antihydrophobic +antihydropic +antihydropin +antihygienic +antihygienically +antihylist +antihypertensive +antihypertensives +antihypnotic +antihypnotically +antihypochondriac +antihypophora +antihysteric +Anti-ibsenite +anti-icer +anti-icteric +anti-idealism +anti-idealist +anti-idealistic +anti-idealistically +anti-idolatrous +anti-immigration +anti-immigrationist +anti-immune +anti-imperialism +anti-imperialist +anti-imperialistic +anti-incrustator +anti-indemnity +anti-induction +anti-inductive +anti-inductively +anti-inductiveness +anti-infallibilist +anti-infantal +antiinflammatories +antiinflammatory +anti-innovationist +antiinstitutionalist +antiinstitutionalists +antiinsurrectionally +antiinsurrectionists +anti-intellectual +anti-intellectualism +anti-intellectualist +anti-intellectuality +anti-intermediary +anti-Irish +Anti-irishism +anti-isolation +anti-isolationism +anti-isolationist +anti-isolysin +Anti-italian +anti-Italian +anti-Italianism +anti-jacobin +anti-jacobinism +antijam +antijamming +Anti-jansenist +Anti-japanese +anti-Japanese +Anti-japanism +Anti-jesuit +anti-Jesuit +anti-Jesuitic +anti-Jesuitical +anti-Jesuitically +anti-Jesuitism +anti-Jesuitry +Anti-jewish +anti-Jewish +Anti-judaic +anti-Judaic +Anti-judaism +anti-Judaism +anti-Judaist +anti-Judaistic +Antikamnia +antikathode +antikenotoxin +antiketogen +antiketogenesis +antiketogenic +antikinase +antiking +antikings +Anti-klan +Anti-klanism +antiknock +antiknocks +Antikythera +antilabor +antilaborist +antilacrosse +antilacrosser +antilactase +anti-laissez-faire +Anti-lamarckian +antilapsarian +antilapse +Anti-latin +anti-Latin +anti-Latinism +Anti-laudism +antileague +anti-leaguer +antileak +Anti-Lebanon +anti-lecomption +anti-lecomptom +antileft +antilegalist +antilegomena +antilemic +antilens +antilepsis +antileptic +antilepton +antilethargic +antileukemic +antileveling +antilevelling +Antilia +Anti-liberal +antiliberal +antiliberalism +antiliberalist +antiliberalistic +antiliberally +antiliberalness +antiliberals +antilibration +antilife +antilift +antilipase +antilipoid +antiliquor +antilithic +antilitter +antilittering +antiliturgic +antiliturgical +antiliturgically +antiliturgist +antiliturgy +Antillean +Antilles +antilles +antilobium +Antilocapra +Antilocapridae +Antilochus +antiloemic +antilog +antilogarithm +antilogarithmic +antilogarithms +antilogic +antilogical +antilogies +antilogism +antilogistic +antilogistically +antilogous +antilogs +antilogy +antiloimic +Antilope +Antilopinae +antilopine +antiloquy +antilottery +antiluetic +antiluetin +antilynching +antilysin +antilysis +antilyssic +antilytic +antimacassar +antimacassars +Anti-macedonian +Anti-macedonianism +antimachination +antimachine +antimachinery +Antimachus +antimagistratical +antimagnetic +antimalaria +antimalarial +antimale +antimallein +Anti-malthusian +anti-Malthusian +anti-Malthusianism +antiman +antimanagement +antimaniac +anti-maniacal +antimaniacal +Antimarian +antimark +antimartyr +antimask +antimasker +antimasks +Anti-Mason +Antimason +antimason +Anti-Masonic +Antimasonic +Anti-Masonry +Antimasonry +antimasque +antimasquer +antimasquerade +antimaterialism +antimaterialist +antimaterialistic +antimaterialistically +antimatrimonial +antimatrimonialist +antimatter +antimechanism +antimechanist +antimechanistic +antimechanistically +antimechanization +antimediaeval +antimediaevalism +antimediaevalist +antimediaevally +antimedical +antimedically +antimedication +antimedicative +antimedicine +antimedieval +antimedievalism +antimedievalist +antimedievally +antimelancholic +antimellin +antimeningococcic +antimensia +antimension +antimensium +antimephitic +antimere +antimeres +antimerger +antimerging +antimeric +Antimerina +antimerism +antimeristem +antimesia +antimeson +Anti-messiah +antimetabole +antimetabolite +antimetathesis +antimetathetic +antimeter +antimethod +antimethodic +antimethodical +antimethodically +antimethodicalness +antimetrical +antimetropia +antimetropic +Anti-mexican +anti-Mexican +antimiasmatic +antimicrobial +antimicrobic +antimilitarism +antimilitarist +antimilitaristic +antimilitaristically +antimilitary +antiministerial +antiministerialist +antiministerially +antiminsia +antiminsion +antimiscegenation +antimissile +antimission +antimissionary +antimissioner +antimitotic +antimixing +antimnemonic +antimodel +antimodern +antimodernism +antimodernist +antimodernistic +antimodernization +antimodernly +antimodernness +Anti-mohammedan +antimonarch +antimonarchal +antimonarchally +antimonarchial +antimonarchic +antimonarchical +antimonarchically +antimonarchicalness +antimonarchism +antimonarchist +antimonarchistic +antimonarchists +antimonarchy +antimonate +Anti-mongolian +antimonial +antimoniate +antimoniated +antimonic +antimonid +antimonide +antimonies +antimoniferous +antimonioso- +antimonious +antimonite +antimonium +antimoniuret +antimoniureted +antimoniuretted +antimonopolism +antimonopolist +antimonopolistic +antimonopolization +antimonopoly +antimonous +antimonsoon +antimony +antimonyl +anti-mony-yellow +antimoral +antimoralism +antimoralist +antimoralistic +antimorality +Anti-mosaical +antimosquito +antimusical +antimusically +antimusicalness +antimycotic +antimystic +antimystical +antimystically +antimysticalness +antimysticism +antimythic +antimythical +Antin +antinarcotic +antinarcotics +antinarrative +antinational +antinationalism +Anti-nationalist +antinationalist +antinationalistic +antinationalistically +antinationalists +antinationalization +antinationally +antinatural +antinaturalism +antinaturalist +antinaturalistic +antinaturally +antinaturalness +anti-nebraska +anti-Negro +antinegro +anti-Negroes +anti-Negroism +antinegroism +antineologian +antineoplastic +antinephritic +antinepotic +antineuralgic +antineuritic +antineurotoxin +antineutral +antineutralism +antineutrality +antineutrally +antineutrino +antineutrinos +antineutron +antineutrons +anting +antinganting +antings +antinial +anti-nicaean +antinicotine +antinihilism +Anti-nihilist +antinihilist +antinihilistic +antinion +Anti-noahite +antinodal +antinode +antinodes +antinoise +antinome +antinomian +antinomianism +antinomians +antinomic +antinomical +antinomies +antinomist +antinomy +antinoness +Anti-nordic +anti-Nordic +antinormal +antinormality +antinormalness +Antinos +antinosarian +Antinous +anti-novel +antinovel +anti-novelist +antinovelist +antinovels +antinucleon +antinucleons +antinuke +antiobesity +Antioch +Antiochene +Antiochian +Antiochianism +Antiochus +antiodont +anti-odontalgic +antiodontalgic +Antiope +antiopelmous +anti-open-shop +antiophthalmic +antiopium +antiopiumist +antiopiumite +antioptimism +antioptimist +antioptimistic +antioptimistical +antioptimistically +antioptionist +anti-orgastic +antiorgastic +Anti-oriental +anti-Oriental +anti-Orientalism +anti-Orientalist +antiorthodox +antiorthodoxly +antiorthodoxy +anti-over +antioxidant +antioxidants +antioxidase +antioxidizer +antioxidizing +antioxygen +antioxygenating +antioxygenation +antioxygenator +antioxygenic +antiozonant +antipacifism +antipacifist +antipacifistic +antipacifists +antipapacy +antipapal +antipapalist +antipapism +antipapist +antipapistic +antipapistical +antiparabema +antiparabemata +antiparagraphe +antiparagraphic +antiparallel +antiparallelogram +antiparalytic +antiparalytical +antiparasitic +antiparasitical +antiparasitically +antiparastatitis +antiparliament +antiparliamental +antiparliamentarian +antiparliamentarians +antiparliamentarist +antiparliamentary +antiparliamenteer +antipart +antiparticle +antiparticles +Antipas +Antipasch +Antipascha +antipass +antipasti +antipastic +antipasto +antipastos +Antipater +Antipatharia +antipatharian +antipathetic +antipathetical +antipathetically +antipatheticalness +antipathic +Antipathida +antipathies +antipathist +antipathize +antipathogen +antipathogene +antipathogenic +antipathy +antipatriarch +antipatriarchal +antipatriarchally +antipatriarchy +antipatriot +antipatriotic +antipatriotically +antipatriotism +Anti-paul +Anti-pauline +antipedal +Antipedobaptism +Antipedobaptist +antipeduncular +Anti-pelagian +antipellagric +antipendium +antipepsin +antipeptone +antiperiodic +antiperistalsis +antiperistaltic +antiperistasis +antiperistatic +antiperistatical +antiperistatically +antipersonnel +antiperspirant +antiperspirants +antiperthite +antipestilence +antipestilent +antipestilential +antipestilently +antipetalous +antipewism +antiphagocytic +antipharisaic +antipharmic +Antiphas +antiphase +Antiphates +Anti-philippizing +antiphilosophic +antiphilosophical +antiphilosophically +antiphilosophies +antiphilosophism +antiphilosophy +antiphlogistian +antiphlogistic +antiphlogistin +antiphon +antiphona +antiphonal +antiphonally +antiphonaries +antiphonary +antiphoner +antiphonetic +antiphonic +antiphonical +antiphonically +antiphonies +antiphonon +antiphons +antiphony +antiphrases +antiphrasis +antiphrastic +antiphrastical +antiphrastically +antiphthisic +antiphthisical +Antiphus +antiphylloxeric +antiphysic +antiphysical +antiphysically +antiphysicalness +antiphysician +antipill +antiplague +antiplanet +antiplastic +antiplatelet +anti-Plato +Anti-platonic +anti-Platonic +anti-Platonically +anti-Platonism +anti-Platonist +antipleion +antiplenist +antiplethoric +antipleuritic +antiplurality +antipneumococcic +antipodagric +antipodagron +antipodal +antipode +antipodean +antipodeans +Antipodes +antipodes +antipodic +antipodism +antipodist +Antipoenus +antipoetic +antipoetical +antipoetically +antipoints +antipolar +antipole +antipolemist +antipoles +antipolice +Anti-polish +anti-Polish +antipolitical +antipolitically +antipolitics +antipollution +antipolo +antipolygamy +antipolyneuritic +antipool +antipooling +antipope +antipopery +antipopes +antipopular +antipopularization +antipopulationist +antipopulism +anti-Populist +antipornographic +antipornography +antiportable +antiposition +antipot +antipoverty +antipragmatic +antipragmatical +antipragmatically +antipragmaticism +antipragmatism +antipragmatist +antiprecipitin +antipredeterminant +anti-pre-existentiary +antiprelate +antiprelatic +antiprelatism +antiprelatist +antipreparedness +antiprestidigitation +antipriest +antipriestcraft +antipriesthood +antiprime +antiprimer +antipriming +antiprinciple +antiprism +antiproductionist +antiproductive +antiproductively +antiproductiveness +antiproductivity +antiprofiteering +antiprogressive +antiprohibition +antiprohibitionist +antiprojectivity +antiprophet +antiprostate +antiprostatic +antiprostitution +antiprotease +antiproteolysis +Anti-protestant +anti-Protestant +anti-Protestantism +antiproton +antiprotons +antiprotozoal +antiprudential +antipruritic +antipsalmist +antipsoric +antipsychiatry +antipsychotic +antiptosis +antipudic +anti-Puritan +antipuritan +anti-Puritanism +Antipus +antiputrefaction +antiputrefactive +antiputrescent +antiputrid +antipyic +antipyics +antipyonin +antipyresis +antipyretic +antipyretics +antipyrin +Antipyrine +antipyrine +antipyrotic +antipyryl +antiq +antiq. +antiqua +antiquarian +antiquarianism +antiquarianize +antiquarianly +antiquarians +antiquaries +antiquarism +antiquarium +antiquartan +antiquary +antiquate +antiquated +antiquatedness +antiquates +antiquating +antiquation +antique +antiqued +antiquely +antiqueness +antiquer +antiquers +antiques +antiquing +antiquist +antiquitarian +antiquities +antiquity +antiquum +antirabic +antirabies +antiracemate +antiracer +antirachitic +antirachitically +antiracial +antiracially +antiracing +antiracism +antiracketeering +antiradiant +antiradiating +antiradiation +antiradical +antiradicalism +antiradically +antiradicals +antirailwayist +antirape +antirational +antirationalism +antirationalist +antirationalistic +antirationality +antirationally +antirattler +antireacting +antireaction +antireactionaries +antireactionary +antireactive +antirealism +antirealist +antirealistic +antirealistically +antireality +antirebating +antirecession +antirecruiting +antired +antiredeposition +antireducer +antireducing +antireduction +antireductive +antireflexive +antireform +antireformer +antireforming +antireformist +antireligion +antireligionist +antireligiosity +antireligious +antireligiously +Antiremonstrant +antiremonstrant +antirennet +antirennin +antirent +antirenter +antirentism +Anti-republican +antirepublican +antirepublicanism +antireservationist +antiresonance +antiresonator +antirestoration +antireticular +antirevisionist +antirevolution +antirevolutionaries +antirevolutionary +antirevolutionist +antirheumatic +antiricin +antirickets +antiriot +antiritual +antiritualism +antiritualist +antiritualistic +antirobbery +antirobin +antiroll +Anti-roman +anti-Roman +anti-roman +antiromance +Anti-romanist +anti-Romanist +antiromantic +antiromanticism +antiromanticist +antiroyal +antiroyalism +antiroyalist +Antirrhinum +antirrhinum +antirumor +antirun +Anti-ruskinian +anti-Russia +Anti-russian +anti-Russian +antirust +antirusts +antis +Anti-sabbatarian +antisabbatarian +Anti-sabian +antisacerdotal +antisacerdotalist +antisag +antisaloon +antisalooner +Antisana +antisavage +Anti-saxonism +antiscabious +antiscale +anti-Scandinavia +antisceptic +antisceptical +antiscepticism +antischolastic +antischolastically +antischolasticism +antischool +antiscia +antiscians +antiscience +antiscientific +antiscientifically +antiscii +antiscion +antiscolic +antiscorbutic +antiscorbutical +Anti-scriptural +antiscriptural +anti-Scripture +Anti-scripturism +antiscripturism +Anti-scripturist +anti-Scripturist +antiscrofulous +antisegregation +antiseismic +antiselene +Anti-semite +anti-Semite +anti-semite +antisemite +Anti-semitic +anti-Semitic +antisemitic +Anti-semitically +Anti-semitism +anti-Semitism +antisemitism +antisensitivity +antisensitizer +antisensitizing +antisensuality +antisensuous +antisensuously +antisensuousness +antisepalous +antisepsin +antisepsis +antiseptic +antiseptical +antiseptically +antisepticise +antisepticised +antisepticising +antisepticism +antisepticist +antisepticize +antisepticized +antisepticizing +antiseptics +antiseption +antiseptize +antisera +Anti-serb +anti-Serb +antiserum +antiserums +antiserumsera +antisex +antisexist +antisexual +Anti-shelleyan +Anti-shemite +Anti-shemitic +Anti-shemitism +antiship +antishipping +antishoplifting +Antisi +antisialagogue +antisialic +antisiccative +antisideric +antisilverite +antisimoniacal +antisine +antisiphon +antisiphonal +antiskeptic +antiskeptical +antiskepticism +antiskid +antiskidding +Anti-slav +anti-Slav +antislavery +antislaveryism +anti-Slavic +antislickens +antislip +Anti-slovene +antismog +antismoking +antismuggling +antismut +antisnapper +antisnob +antisocial +antisocialist +antisocialistic +antisocialistically +antisociality +antisocially +Anti-socinian +anti-Socrates +anti-Socratic +antisolar +antisophism +antisophist +antisophistic +antisophistication +antisophistry +antisoporific +Anti-soviet +anti-Soviet +antispace +antispadix +anti-Spain +Anti-spanish +anti-Spanish +antispasis +antispasmodic +antispasmodics +antispast +antispastic +antispectroscopic +antispeculation +antispending +antispermotoxin +antispiritual +antispiritualism +antispiritualist +antispiritualistic +antispiritually +antispirochetic +antisplasher +antisplenetic +antisplitting +antispreader +antispreading +antisquama +antisquatting +antistadholder +antistadholderian +antistalling +antistaphylococcic +antistat +antistate +antistater +antistatic +antistatism +antistatist +antisteapsin +antisterility +antistes +Antisthenes +antistimulant +antistimulation +antistock +antistreptococcal +antistreptococcic +antistreptococcin +antistreptococcus +antistrike +antistriker +antistrophal +antistrophe +antistrophic +antistrophically +antistrophize +antistrophon +antistrumatic +antistrumous +antistudent +antisubmarine +antisubstance +antisubversion +antisubversive +antisudoral +antisudorific +antisuffrage +antisuffragist +antisuicide +antisun +antisupernatural +antisupernaturalism +antisupernaturalist +antisupernaturalistic +antisurplician +anti-Sweden +anti-Swedish +antisymmetric +antisymmetrical +antisymmetry +antisyndicalism +antisyndicalist +antisyndication +antisynod +antisyphilitic +antisyphillis +antitabetic +antitabloid +antitangent +antitank +antitarnish +antitarnishing +antitartaric +antitax +antitaxation +antitechnological +antitechnology +antiteetotalism +antitegula +antitemperance +antiterrorism +antiterrorist +antitetanic +antitetanolysin +Anti-teuton +anti-Teuton +Anti-teutonic +anti-Teutonic +antithalian +antitheft +antitheism +antitheist +antitheistic +antitheistical +antitheistically +antithenar +antitheologian +antitheological +antitheologizing +antitheology +antithermic +antithermin +antitheses +antithesis +antithesism +antithesize +antithet +antithetic +antithetical +antithetically +antithetics +antithrombic +antithrombin +antithyroid +antitintinnabularian +antitobacco +antitobacconal +antitobacconist +antitonic +antitorpedo +antitotalitarian +antitoxic +antitoxin +antitoxine +antitoxins +anti-trade +antitrade +antitrades +antitradition +antitraditional +antitraditionalist +antitraditionally +antitragal +antitragi +antitragic +antitragicus +antitragus +Anti-tribonian +Anti-trinitarian +anti-Trinitarian +antitrinitarian +anti-Trinitarianism +antitrismus +antitrochanter +antitropal +antitrope +antitropic +antitropical +antitropous +antitropy +antitrust +antitruster +antitrypsin +antitryptic +antitubercular +antituberculin +antituberculosis +antituberculotic +antituberculous +antitumor +antitumoral +Anti-turkish +anti-Turkish +antiturnpikeism +antitussive +antitwilight +antitypal +antitype +antitypes +antityphoid +antitypic +antitypical +antitypically +antitypous +antitypy +antityrosinase +antiuating +antiulcer +antiunemployment +antiunion +antiunionist +Anti-unitarian +antiuniversity +antiuratic +antiurban +antiurease +antiusurious +antiutilitarian +antiutilitarianism +antivaccination +antivaccinationist +antivaccinator +antivaccinist +antivandalism +antivariolous +antivenefic +antivenene +antivenereal +antivenin +antivenine +antivenins +Anti-venizelist +antivenom +antivenomous +antivermicular +antivibrating +antivibrator +antivibratory +antivice +antiviolence +antiviral +antivirotic +antivirus +antivitalist +antivitalistic +antivitamin +antivivisection +antivivisectionist +antivivisectionists +antivolition +Anti-volstead +Anti-volsteadian +antiwar +antiwarlike +antiwaste +antiwear +antiwedge +antiweed +Anti-whig +antiwhite +antiwhitism +antiwiretapping +antiwit +antiwoman +antiworld +anti-worlds +Anti-wycliffist +Anti-wycliffite +antixerophthalmic +antizealot +Anti-zionism +anti-Zionism +Anti-zionist +anti-Zionist +antizoea +Anti-zwinglian +antizymic +antizymotic +antjar +antler +antlered +antlerite +antlerless +Antlers +antlers +Antlia +antlia +Antliae +antliate +Antlid +antlike +antling +antlion +antlions +antlophobia +antluetic +Antntonioni +antocular +antodontalgic +antoeci +antoecian +antoecians +Antofagasta +Antoine +Antoinetta +Antoinette +antoinette +Anton +Antonchico +Antone +Antonella +Antonescu +Antonet +Antonetta +Antoni +Antonia +Antonie +Antonietta +Antonin +Antonina +antoniniani +antoninianus +Antonino +Antoninus +Antonio +antonio +Antonito +Antonius +antonomasia +antonomastic +antonomastical +antonomastically +antonomasy +Antonovich +antonovics +Antons +Antony +antony +antonym +antonymic +antonymies +antonymous +antonyms +antonymy +Antony-over +antorbital +antozone +antozonite +ant-pipit +antproof +antra +antral +antralgia +antre +antrectomy +antres +Antrim +antrin +antritis +antrocele +antronasal +antrophore +antrophose +antrorse +antrorsely +antroscope +antroscopy +Antrostomus +antrotome +antrotomy +antrotympanic +antrotympanitis +antroversion +antrovert +antrum +antrums +antrustion +antrustionship +ants +antship +antshrike +antsier +antsiest +antsigne +Antsirane +antsy +antsy-pantsy +ant-thrush +antthrush +ANTU +Antu +antu +Antum +Antung +Antwerp +antwerp +Antwerpen +antwise +ANU +Anu +anubin +anubing +Anubis +anucleate +anucleated +anukabiet +Anukit +anuloma +Anunaki +anunder +Anunnaki +Anura +anura +Anuradhapura +Anurag +anural +anuran +anurans +anureses +anuresis +anuretic +anuria +anurias +anuric +anurous +anury +anus +anuses +anusim +Anuska +anusvara +anutraminosa +anvasser +Anvers +Anvik +anvil +anvil-drilling +anviled +anvil-faced +anvil-facing +anvil-headed +anviling +anvilled +anvilling +anvils +anvilsmith +anviltop +anviltops +anxieties +anxietude +anxiety +anxiolytic +anxious +anxiously +anxiousness +Any +any +Anya +Anyah +Anyang +anybodies +anybody +anybody'd +anybodyd +Anychia +anyhow +any-kyn +anymore +anyone +anyplace +Anystidae +anything +anythingarian +anythingarianism +anythings +anytime +anyway +anyways +anywhen +anywhence +anywhere +anywhereness +anywheres +anywhither +anywhy +anywise +anywither +Anza +Anzac +anzac +Anzanian +Anzanite +Anzengruber +Anzio +Anzovin +ANZUS +A/O +AO +Ao +AOA +aob +AOCS +Aoede +aogiri +Aoide +Aoife +A-OK +Aoki +AOL +aoli +Aomori +aonach +A-one +Aonian +aonian +AOP +AOPA +AOQ +aor +Aorangi +aorist +aoristic +aoristically +aorists +Aornis +Aornum +aorta +aortae +aortal +aortarctia +aortas +aortectasia +aortectasis +aortic +aorticorenal +aortism +aortitis +aortoclasia +aortoclasis +aortographic +aortographies +aortography +aortoiliac +aortolith +aortomalacia +aortomalaxis +aortopathy +aortoptosia +aortoptosis +aortorrhaphy +aortosclerosis +aortostenosis +aortotomy +AOS +aosmic +AOSS +Aosta +Aotea +Aotearoa +Aotes +Aotus +AOU +aouad +aouads +aoudad +aoudads +Aouellimiden +Aoul +AOW +A&P +A/P +AP +Ap +a.p. +ap +ap- +APA +apa +apabhramsa +apace +Apache +apache +Apaches +apaches +Apachette +apachism +apachite +apadana +apaesthesia +apaesthetic +apaesthetize +apaestically +apagoge +apagoges +apagogic +apagogical +apagogically +apagogue +apaid +apair +apaise +Apalachee +Apalachicola +Apalachin +apalit +Apama +apanage +apanaged +apanages +apanaging +apandry +Apanteles +Apantesis +apanthropia +apanthropy +apar +apar- +Aparai +aparaphysate +aparavidya +apardon +aparejo +aparejos +Apargia +aparithmesis +Aparri +apart +apartado +Apartheid +apartheid +apartheids +aparthrosis +apartment +apartmental +apartments +apartness +apasote +apass +apast +apastra +apastron +apasttra +apatan +Apatela +apatetic +apathaton +apatheia +apathetic +apathetical +apathetically +apathia +apathic +apathies +apathism +apathist +apathistical +apathize +apathogenic +Apathus +apathy +apatite +apatites +Apatornis +Apatosaurus +apatosaurus +Apaturia +apay +Apayao +APB +APC +APDA +APDU +APE +ape +apeak +apectomy +aped +apedom +apeek +ape-headed +apehood +apeiron +apeirophobia +apel- +Apeldoorn +apelet +apelike +apeling +Apelles +apelles +apellous +ape-man +apeman +Apemantus +ape-men +Apemius +Apemosyne +apen- +Apennine +Apennines +apennines +apenteric +Apepi +apepsia +apepsinia +apepsy +apeptic +aper +aper- +aperch +apercu +apercus +aperea +aperient +aperients +aperies +aperiodic +aperiodically +aperiodicity +aperispermic +aperistalsis +aperitif +aperitifs +aperitive +apers +apersee +apert +apertion +apertly +apertness +apertometer +apertum +apertural +aperture +apertured +apertures +Aperu +aperu +aperulosid +apery +apes +apesthesia +apesthetic +apesthetize +apet- +Apetalae +apetalies +apetaloid +apetalose +apetalous +apetalousness +apetaly +apex +apexed +apexes +apexing +Apfel +Apfelstadt +APG +Apgar +aph +aph- +aphacia +aphacial +aphacic +aphaeresis +aphaeretic +aphagia +aphagias +aphakia +aphakial +aphakic +Aphanapteryx +Aphanes +aphanesite +Aphaniptera +aphaniptera +aphanipterous +aphanisia +aphanisis +aphanite +aphanites +aphanitic +aphanitism +Aphanomyces +aphanophyre +aphanozygous +Aphareus +Apharsathacites +aphasia +aphasiac +aphasiacs +aphasias +aphasic +aphasics +aphasiology +Aphelandra +Aphelenchus +aphelia +aphelian +aphelilia +aphelilions +Aphelinus +aphelion +apheliotropic +apheliotropically +apheliotropism +Aphelops +aphemia +aphemic +aphengescope +aphengoscope +aphenoscope +apheresis +apheretic +apheses +aphesis +Aphesius +apheta +aphetic +aphetically +aphetism +aphetize +aphicidal +aphicide +aphid +Aphidas +aphides +aphidian +aphidians +aphidicide +aphidicolous +aphidid +Aphididae +Aphidiinae +aphidious +Aphidius +aphidivorous +aphid-lion +aphidlion +aphidolysin +aphidophagous +aphidozer +aphids +aphilanthropy +Aphis +aphis +aphis-lion +aphislion +aphizog +aphlaston +aphlebia +aphlogistic +aphnology +aphodal +aphodi +aphodian +Aphodius +aphodus +apholate +apholates +aphonia +aphonias +aphonic +aphonics +aphonous +aphony +aphoria +aphorise +aphorised +aphoriser +aphorises +aphorising +aphorism +aphorismatic +aphorismer +aphorismic +aphorismical +aphorismos +aphorisms +aphorist +aphoristic +aphoristical +aphoristically +aphorists +aphorize +aphorized +aphorizer +aphorizes +aphorizing +Aphoruridae +aphotaxis +aphotic +aphototactic +aphototaxis +aphototropic +aphototropism +Aphra +aphrasia +aphrite +aphrizite +aphrodesiac +aphrodisia +aphrodisiac +aphrodisiacal +aphrodisiacs +aphrodisian +aphrodisiomania +aphrodisiomaniac +aphrodisiomaniacal +Aphrodision +Aphrodistic +Aphrodite +aphrodite +Aphroditeum +aphroditic +Aphroditidae +aphroditous +Aphrogeneia +aphrolite +aphronia +aphronitre +aphrosiderite +aphtha +aphthae +Aphthartodocetae +Aphthartodocetic +Aphthartodocetism +aphthic +aphthitalite +aphthoid +aphthong +aphthongal +aphthongia +aphthonite +aphthous +aphydrotropic +aphydrotropism +aphyllies +aphyllose +aphyllous +aphylly +aphyric +API +Apia +Apiaca +Apiaceae +apiaceous +Apiales +apian +Apianus +apiararies +apiarian +apiarians +apiaries +apiarist +apiarists +apiary +apiator +apicad +apical +apically +apicals +Apicella +apices +apicial +Apician +apician +apicifixed +apicilar +apicillary +apicitis +apickaback +apickback +apickpack +apico-alveolar +apico-dental +apicoectomy +apicolysis +APICS +apicula +apicular +apiculate +apiculated +apiculation +apiculi +apicultural +apiculture +apiculturist +apiculus +Apidae +apiece +a-pieces +apieces +Apiezon +apigenin +apii +apiin +apikores +apikoros +apikorsim +apilary +apili +apimania +apimanias +Apina +Apinae +Apinage +a-pinch +apinch +aping +apinoid +apio +Apioceridae +apiocrinite +apioid +apioidal +apiol +apiole +apiolin +apiologies +apiologist +apiology +apionol +Apios +apiose +Apiosoma +apiphobia +Apis +apis +apish +apishamore +apishly +apishness +apism +Apison +apitong +apitpat +Apium +apium +apivorous +APJ +apjohnite +Apl +apl +aplace +aplacental +Aplacentalia +Aplacentaria +Aplacophora +aplacophoran +aplacophorous +aplanat +aplanatic +aplanatically +aplanatism +Aplanobacter +aplanogamete +aplanospore +aplasia +aplasias +aplastic +Aplectrum +a-plenty +aplenty +Aplington +aplite +aplites +aplitic +aplobasalt +aplodiorite +Aplodontia +Aplodontiidae +aplomb +aplombs +aplome +Aplopappus +aploperistomatous +aplostemonous +aplotaxene +aplotomy +Apluda +aplustra +aplustre +aplustria +Aplysia +APM +apnea +apneal +apneas +apneic +apneumatic +apneumatosis +Apneumona +apneumonous +apneusis +apneustic +apnoea +apnoeal +apnoeas +apnoeic +APO +Apo +apo- +apoaconitine +apoapsides +apoapsis +apoatropine +apobiotic +apoblast +Apoc +Apoc. +apocaffeine +Apocalypse +apocalypse +apocalypses +apocalypst +apocalypt +apocalyptic +apocalyptical +apocalyptically +apocalypticism +apocalyptism +apocalyptist +apocamphoric +apocarp +apocarpies +apocarpous +apocarps +apocarpy +apocatastasis +apocatastatic +apocatharsis +apocathartic +apocenter +apocentre +apocentric +apocentricity +apocha +apochae +apocholic +apochromat +apochromatic +apochromatism +apocinchonine +apocodeine +apocopate +apocopated +apocopating +apocopation +apocope +apocopes +apocopic +Apocr +apocrenic +apocrine +apocrisiary +Apocrita +apocrustic +apocryph +Apocrypha +apocrypha +apocryphal +apocryphalist +apocryphally +apocryphalness +apocryphate +apocryphon +Apocynaceae +apocynaceous +apocyneous +apocynthion +apocynthions +Apocynum +apocyte +apod +Apoda +apodal +apodan +apodedeipna +apodeictic +apodeictical +apodeictically +apodeipna +apodeipnon +apodeixis +apodema +apodemal +apodemas +apodemata +apodematal +apodeme +Apodes +Apodia +apodia +apodiabolosis +apodictic +apodictical +apodictically +apodictive +Apodidae +apodioxis +Apodis +apodixis +apodoses +apodosis +apodous +apods +apodyteria +apodyterium +apoembryony +apoenzyme +apofenchene +apoferritin +apogaeic +apogaic +apogalacteum +apogamic +apogamically +apogamies +apogamous +apogamously +apogamy +apogeal +apogean +apogee +apogees +apogeic +apogenous +apogeny +apogeotropic +apogeotropically +apogeotropism +Apogon +apogonid +Apogonidae +apograph +apographal +apographic +apographical +apoharmine +apohyal +Apoidea +apoikia +apoious +apoise +apojove +apokatastasis +apokatastatic +apokrea +apokreos +apolar +apolarity +apolaustic +A-pole +apolegamic +Apolista +Apolistan +apolitical +apolitically +Apollinaire +Apollinarian +apollinarian +Apollinarianism +Apollinaris +Apolline +apollinian +Apollo +apollo +Apollon +Apollonia +Apollonian +apollonian +Apollonic +apollonicon +Apollonistic +Apollonius +Apollos +apollos +Apolloship +Apollus +Apollyon +apollyon +apolog +apologal +apologer +apologete +apologetic +apologetical +apologetically +apologetics +apologia +apologiae +apologias +apological +apologies +apologise +apologised +apologiser +apologising +apologist +apologists +apologize +apologized +apologizer +apologizers +apologizes +apologizing +apologs +apologue +apologues +apology +apolousis +apolune +apolunes +apolusis +Apolysin +apolysis +apolytikion +apomecometer +apomecometry +apometabolic +apometabolism +apometabolous +apometaboly +apomict +apomictic +apomictical +apomictically +apomicts +apomixes +apomixis +apomorphia +apomorphin +apomorphine +Apomyius +aponeurology +aponeurorrhaphy +aponeuroses +aponeurosis +aponeurositis +aponeurotic +aponeurotome +aponeurotomy +aponia +aponic +Aponogeton +Aponogetonaceae +aponogetonaceous +a-poop +apoop +apopemptic +apopenptic +apopetalous +apophantic +apophasis +apophatic +Apophis +apophlegm +apophlegmatic +apophlegmatism +apophonia +apophonic +apophonies +apophony +apophorometer +apophthegm +apophthegmatic +apophthegmatical +apophthegmatist +apophyeeal +apophyge +apophyges +apophylactic +apophylaxis +apophyllite +apophyllous +apophysary +apophysate +apophyseal +apophyses +apophysial +apophysis +apophysitis +Apopka +apoplasmodial +apoplastogamous +apoplectic +apoplectical +apoplectically +apoplectiform +apoplectoid +apoplex +apoplexies +apoplexious +apoplexy +apopyle +apoquinamine +apoquinine +aporetic +aporetical +aporhyolite +aporia +aporiae +aporias +Aporobranchia +aporobranchian +Aporobranchiata +Aporocactus +Aporosa +aporose +aporphin +aporphine +Aporrhaidae +Aporrhais +aporrhaoid +aporrhea +aporrhegma +aporrhiegma +aporrhoea +aport +aportlast +aportoise +aposafranine +aposaturn +aposaturnium +aposelene +aposematic +aposematically +aposepalous +aposia +aposiopeses +aposiopesis +aposiopestic +aposiopetic +apositia +apositic +aposoro +aposporic +apospories +aposporogony +aposporous +apospory +apostacies +apostacize +apostacy +apostasies +apostasis +apostasy +apostate +apostates +apostatic +apostatical +apostatically +apostatise +apostatised +apostatising +apostatism +apostatize +apostatized +apostatizes +apostatizing +apostaxis +apostem +apostemate +apostematic +apostemation +apostematous +aposteme +aposteriori +aposthia +aposthume +apostil +apostille +apostils +apostle +apostlehood +Apostles +apostles +apostleship +apostleships +apostoile +apostolate +apostoless +apostoli +Apostolian +apostolian +Apostolic +apostolic +apostolical +apostolically +apostolicalness +Apostolici +apostolicism +apostolicity +apostolize +Apostolos +apostrophal +apostrophation +apostrophe +apostrophes +apostrophi +Apostrophia +apostrophic +apostrophied +apostrophise +apostrophised +apostrophising +apostrophize +apostrophized +apostrophizes +apostrophizing +apostrophus +apostume +Apotactic +Apotactici +apotactite +apotelesm +apotelesmatic +apotelesmatical +apothec +apothecal +apothecarcaries +apothecaries +apothecary +apothecaryship +apothece +apotheces +apothecia +apothecial +apothecium +apothegm +apothegmatic +apothegmatical +apothegmatically +apothegmatist +apothegmatize +apothegms +apothem +apothems +apotheose +apotheoses +apotheosis +apotheosise +apotheosised +apotheosising +apotheosize +apotheosized +apotheosizing +apothesine +apothesis +apothgm +apotihecal +apotome +apotracheal +apotropaic +apotropaically +apotropaion +apotropaism +apotropous +apoturmeric +apotype +apotypic +apout +apoxesis +Apoxyomenos +apozem +apozema +apozemical +apozymase +APP +app +app. +appair +appal +Appalachia +appalachia +Appalachian +appalachian +Appalachians +appalachians +appale +appall +appalled +appalling +appallingly +appallingness +appallment +appalls +appalment +Appaloosa +appaloosa +appaloosas +appals +appalto +appanage +appanaged +appanages +appanaging +appanagist +appar +apparail +apparance +apparat +apparatchik +apparatchiki +apparatchiks +apparation +apparats +apparatus +apparatuses +apparel +appareled +appareling +apparelled +apparelling +apparelment +apparels +apparence +apparencies +apparency +apparens +apparent +apparentation +apparentement +apparentements +apparently +apparentness +apparition +apparitional +apparitions +apparitor +appartement +appassionata +appassionatamente +appassionate +appassionato +appast +appaume +appaumee +appay +APPC +appd +appeach +appeacher +appeachment +appeal +appealability +appealable +appealed +appealer +appealers +appealing +appealingly +appealingness +appeals +appear +appearance +appearanced +appearances +appeared +appearer +appearers +appearing +appears +appeasable +appeasableness +appeasably +appease +appeased +appeasement +appeasements +appeaser +appeasers +appeases +appeasing +appeasingly +appeasive +Appel +appel +appellability +appellable +appellancy +appellant +appellants +appellate +appellation +appellational +appellations +appellative +appellatived +appellatively +appellativeness +appellatory +appellee +appellees +appellor +appellors +appels +appenage +append +appendage +appendaged +appendages +appendalgia +appendance +appendancy +appendant +appendectomies +appendectomy +appended +appendence +appendency +appendent +appender +appenders +appendical +appendicalgia +appendicate +appendice +appendiceal +appendicectasis +appendicectomies +appendicectomy +appendices +appendicial +appendicious +appendicitis +appendicle +appendicocaecostomy +appendico-enterostomy +appendicostomy +appendicular +Appendicularia +appendicularian +Appendiculariidae +Appendiculata +appendiculate +appendiculated +appending +appenditious +appendix +appendixed +appendixes +appendixing +appendorontgenography +appendotome +appends +appennage +appense +appentice +Appenzell +appenzell +apperceive +apperceived +apperceiving +apperception +apperceptionism +apperceptionist +apperceptionistic +apperceptive +apperceptively +appercipient +appere +apperil +appersonation +appersonification +appert +appertain +appertained +appertaining +appertainment +appertains +appertinent +appertise +appestat +appestats +appet +appete +appetence +appetencies +appetency +appetent +appetently +appetibility +appetible +appetibleness +appetiser +appetising +appetisse +appetit +appetite +appetites +appetition +appetitional +appetitious +appetitive +appetitiveness +appetitost +appetize +appetized +appetizement +appetizer +appetizers +appetizing +appetizingly +Appia +Appian +appinite +Appius +appl +applanate +applanation +applaud +applaudable +applaudably +applauded +applauder +applauders +applauding +applaudingly +applauds +applause +applauses +applausive +applausively +Apple +apple +appleberry +appleblossom +Appleby +applecart +apple-cheeked +appled +Appledorf +appledrane +appledrone +apple-eating +apple-faced +apple-fallow +Applegate +applegrower +applejack +applejacks +apple-john +applejohn +applemonger +applenut +apple-pie +apple-polish +apple-polisher +apple-polishing +appleringie +appleringy +appleroot +apples +applesauce +apple-scented +Appleseed +apple-shaped +applesnits +apple-stealing +Appleton +apple-twig +applewife +applewoman +applewood +appliable +appliableness +appliably +appliance +appliances +appliant +applicabilities +applicability +applicable +applicableness +applicably +applicancies +applicancy +applicant +applicants +applicate +application +applications +applicative +applicatively +applicator +applicatorily +applicators +applicatory +applied +appliedly +applier +appliers +applies +Appling +appling +applique +appliqued +appliqueing +appliques +applosion +applosive +applot +applotment +apply +applying +applyingly +applyment +appmt +appoggiatura +appoggiaturas +appoggiature +appoint +appointable +appointe +appointed +appointee +appointees +appointer +appointers +appointing +appointive +appointively +appointment +appointments +appointor +appoints +Appolonia +Appomatox +Appomattoc +Appomattox +appomattox +apport +apportion +apportionable +apportionate +apportioned +apportioner +apportioning +apportionment +apportionments +apportions +apposability +apposable +appose +apposed +apposer +apposers +apposes +apposing +apposiopestic +apposite +appositely +appositeness +apposition +appositional +appositionally +appositions +appositive +appositively +apppetible +appraisable +appraisal +appraisals +appraise +appraised +appraisement +appraiser +appraisers +appraises +appraising +appraisingly +appraisive +apprecate +appreciable +appreciably +appreciant +appreciate +appreciated +appreciates +appreciating +appreciatingly +appreciation +appreciational +appreciations +appreciativ +appreciative +appreciatively +appreciativeness +appreciator +appreciatorily +appreciators +appreciatory +appredicate +apprehend +apprehendable +apprehended +apprehender +apprehending +apprehendingly +apprehends +apprehensibility +apprehensible +apprehensibly +apprehension +apprehensions +apprehensive +apprehensively +apprehensiveness +apprehensivenesses +apprend +apprense +apprentice +apprenticed +apprenticehood +apprenticement +apprentices +apprenticeship +apprenticeships +apprenticing +appress +appressed +appressor +appressoria +appressorial +appressorium +apprest +appreteur +appreve +apprise +apprised +appriser +apprisers +apprises +apprising +apprizal +apprize +apprized +apprizement +apprizer +apprizers +apprizes +apprizing +appro +approach +approachability +approachabl +approachable +approachableness +approached +approacher +approachers +approaches +approaching +approachless +approachment +approbate +approbated +approbating +approbation +approbations +approbative +approbativeness +approbator +approbatory +apprompt +approof +appropinquate +appropinquation +appropinquity +appropre +appropriable +appropriament +appropriate +appropriated +appropriately +appropriateness +appropriates +appropriating +appropriation +Appropriations +appropriations +appropriative +appropriativeness +appropriator +appropriators +approvability +approvable +approvableness +approvably +approval +approvals +approvance +approve +approved +approvedly +approvedness +approvement +approver +approvers +approves +approving +approvingly +approx +approx. +approximable +approximal +approximant +approximants +approximate +approximated +approximately +approximates +approximating +approximation +approximations +approximative +approximatively +approximativeness +approximator +Apps +appt +apptd +appui +appulse +appulses +appulsion +appulsive +appulsively +appunctuation +appurtenance +appurtenances +appurtenant +APR +Apr +Apr. +apr +APRA +apractic +apraxia +apraxias +apraxic +aprendiz +apres +Apresoline +apreynte +apricate +aprication +aprickle +apricot +apricot-kernal +apricots +April +april +Aprile +Aprilesque +Aprilette +April-gowk +Apriline +Aprilis +apriori +apriorism +apriorist +aprioristic +aprioristically +apriority +apritif +Aprocta +aproctia +aproctous +apron +aproned +aproneer +apronful +aproning +apronless +apronlike +aprons +apron-squire +apron-string +apronstring +apropos +aprosexia +aprosopia +aprosopous +aproterodont +aprowl +APS +APSA +Apsaras +Apsarases +APSE +apse +apselaphesia +apselaphesis +apses +apsid +apsidal +apsidally +apsides +apsidiole +apsinthion +apsis +Apsu +apsychia +apsychical +Apsyrtus +APT +apt +apt. +Aptal +aptate +Aptenodytes +apter +Aptera +apteral +apteran +apteria +apterial +apterium +apteroid +apterous +Apteryges +apterygial +Apterygidae +Apterygiformes +Apterygogenea +Apterygota +apterygote +apterygotous +apteryla +Apteryx +apteryx +apteryxes +aptest +Apthorp +Aptian +Aptiana +aptitude +aptitudes +aptitudinal +aptitudinally +aptly +aptness +aptnesses +Aptos +aptote +aptotic +apts +aptyalia +aptyalism +aptychus +APU +Apul +Apuleius +Apulia +Apulian +apulmonic +apulse +Apure +Apurimac +apurpose +Apus +apx +apyonin +apyrase +apyrases +apyrene +apyretic +apyrexia +apyrexial +apyrexy +apyrotype +apyrous +AQ +Aq +aq +Aqaba +AQL +aqua +aquabelle +aquabib +aquacade +aquacades +aquacultural +aquaculture +aquadag +aquaduct +aquaducts +aquae +aquaemanale +aquaemanalia +aquafer +aquafortis +aquafortist +aquage +aquagreen +aquake +Aqua-Lung +aqualung +aqualunger +aquamanale +aquamanalia +aquamanile +aquamaniles +aquamanilia +aquamarine +aquamarines +aquameter +aquanaut +aquanauts +aquaphobia +aquaplane +aquaplaned +aquaplaner +aquaplanes +aquaplaning +aquapuncture +aquaregia +aquarelle +aquarelles +aquarellist +aquaria +aquarial +Aquarian +aquarian +aquarians +Aquarid +Aquarii +aquariia +aquariist +aquariiums +aquarist +aquarists +aquarium +aquariums +Aquarius +aquarius +a-quarter +aquarter +aquas +Aquasco +aquascope +aquascutum +Aquashicola +aquashow +aquate +aquatic +aquatical +aquatically +aquatics +aquatile +aquatint +aquatinta +aquatinted +aquatinter +aquatinting +aquatintist +aquatints +aquation +aquativeness +aquatone +aquatones +aquavalent +aquavit +aqua-vitae +aquavits +Aquebogue +aqueduct +aqueducts +aqueity +aquench +aqueo- +aqueoglacial +aqueoigneous +aqueomercurial +aqueous +aqueously +aqueousness +aquerne +Aqueus +aquiclude +aquicolous +aquicultural +aquiculture +aquiculturist +aquifer +aquiferous +aquifers +Aquifoliaceae +aquifoliaceous +aquiform +aquifuge +Aquila +aquila +Aquilae +Aquilaria +aquilawood +aquilege +Aquilegia +aquilegia +Aquileia +aquilia +Aquilian +Aquilid +aquiline +aquiline-nosed +aquilinity +aquilino +Aquilla +Aquilo +aquilon +Aquinas +aquinas +aquincubital +aquincubitalism +Aquinist +aquintocubital +aquintocubitalism +aquiparous +Aquitaine +Aquitania +Aquitanian +a-quiver +aquiver +aquo +aquocapsulitis +aquocarbonic +aquocellolitis +aquo-ion +Aquone +aquopentamminecobaltic +aquose +aquosity +aquotization +aquotize +-ar +AR +Ar +Ar. +a.r. +ar +ar- +ar. +ARA +Ara +ara +Arab +Arab. +arab +araba +araban +arabana +Arabeila +Arabel +Arabela +Arabele +Arabella +Arabelle +arabesk +arabesks +Arabesque +arabesque +arabesquely +arabesquerie +arabesques +Arabi +Arabia +arabia +Arabian +arabian +Arabianize +arabians +Arabic +arabic +arabica +Arabicism +Arabicize +arabicize +Arabidopsis +arability +arabin +arabine +arabinic +arabinose +arabinosic +arabinoside +Arabis +arabis +Arabism +Arabist +arabist +arabit +arabite +arabitol +arabiyeh +Arabize +arabize +arabized +arabizes +arabizing +arable +arables +Arabo-byzantine +Arabophil +arabs +Araby +araby +araca +Aracaj +Aracaju +Aracana +aracanga +aracari +Aracatuba +arace +Araceae +araceous +arach +arache +arachic +arachide +arachidic +arachidonic +arachin +Arachis +arachis +arachnactis +Arachne +arachne +arachnean +arachnephobia +arachnid +Arachnida +arachnidan +arachnidial +arachnidism +arachnidium +arachnids +arachnism +Arachnites +arachnitis +arachnoid +arachnoidal +Arachnoidea +arachnoidea +arachnoidean +arachnoiditis +arachnological +arachnologist +arachnology +Arachnomorphae +arachnophagous +arachnopia +Arad +arad +aradid +Aradidae +arado +Arae +araeometer +araeostyle +araeosystyle +araeotic +Arafat +Arafura +Aragallus +Aragats +arage +Arago +Aragon +Aragonese +Aragonian +aragonite +aragonitic +aragonspath +Araguaia +araguane +Araguari +araguato +Araguaya +araignee +arain +Arains +araire +araise +Arak +arak +Arakan +Arakanese +Arakawa +arakawaite +a-rake +arake +Araks +araks +Aralac +Araldo +Arales +Aralia +aralia +Araliaceae +araliaceous +araliad +Araliaephyllum +aralie +Araliophyllum +aralkyl +aralkylated +Arallu +Aralu +Aram +Aramaean +aramaean +Aramaic +aramaic +Aramaicize +Aramaism +Aramanta +aramayoite +Aramburu +Aramean +Aramen +Aramenta +aramid +Aramidae +aramids +aramina +Araminta +ARAMIS +Aramis +Aramitess +Aramu +Aramus +Aran +Arand +Aranda +Arandas +Aranea +Araneae +araneid +Araneida +araneidal +araneidan +araneids +araneiform +Araneiformes +Araneiformia +aranein +Araneina +Araneoidea +araneologist +araneology +araneose +araneous +aranga +arango +arangoes +Aranha +arank +Arany +Aranyaka +Aranyaprathet +aranzada +arapahite +Arapaho +arapaho +Arapahoe +Arapahoes +Arapahos +arapahos +arapaima +arapaimas +Arapesh +Arapeshes +araphorostic +araphostic +araponga +arapunga +Araquaju +arar +Arara +arara +araracanga +ararao +Ararat +ararauna +arariba +araroba +ararobas +araru +Aras +arase +Arathorn +arati +aratinga +aration +aratory +Aratus +Araua +Arauan +Araucan +Araucania +Araucanian +araucanian +Araucano +Araucaria +araucaria +Araucariaceae +araucarian +Araucarioxylon +Araujia +Arauna +Arawa +Arawak +arawak +Arawakan +arawakan +Arawakian +Arawaks +Arawn +Araxa +Araxes +arayne +arb +arba +Arbacia +arbacia +arbacin +arbalest +arbalester +arbalestre +arbalestrier +arbalests +arbalist +arbalister +arbalists +arbalo +arbalos +Arbe +Arbela +Arbela-Gaugamela +arbelest +Arber +arber +Arbil +arbinose +arbiter +arbiters +arbith +arbitrable +arbitrage +arbitrager +arbitragers +arbitrages +arbitrageur +arbitragist +arbitral +arbitrament +arbitraments +arbitraries +arbitrarily +arbitrariness +arbitrarinesses +arbitrary +arbitrate +arbitrated +arbitrates +arbitrating +arbitration +arbitrational +arbitrationist +arbitrations +arbitrative +arbitrator +arbitrators +arbitratorship +arbitratrix +arbitre +arbitrement +arbitrer +arbitress +arbitry +arblast +Arblay +Arboles +arboloco +Arbon +arbor +arboraceous +arboral +arborary +arborator +arborea +arboreal +arboreally +arborean +arbored +arboreous +arborer +arbores +arborescence +arborescent +arborescently +arboresque +arboret +arboreta +arboretum +arboretums +arborical +arboricole +arboricoline +arboricolous +arboricultural +arboriculture +arboriculturist +arboriform +arborise +arborist +arborists +arborization +arborize +arborized +arborizes +arborizing +arboroid +arborolater +arborolatry +arborous +arbors +arborvitae +arborvitaes +arborway +arbory +arbota +arbour +arboured +arbours +Arbovale +arbovirus +Arbroath +arbs +arbtrn +Arbuckle +arbuscle +arbuscles +arbuscula +arbuscular +arbuscule +arbust +arbusta +arbusterin +arbusterol +arbustum +arbutase +arbute +arbutean +arbutes +Arbuthnot +arbutin +arbutinase +arbutus +arbutuses +Arbyrd +ARC +arc +arca +arcabucero +Arcacea +arcade +arcaded +arcades +Arcadia +arcadia +Arcadian +arcadian +Arcadianism +Arcadianly +arcadians +arcadias +Arcadic +arcading +arcadings +Arcady +arcady +arcae +arcana +arcanal +arcane +Arcangelo +arcanist +arcanite +Arcanum +arcanum +arcanums +Arcaro +Arcas +Arcata +arcate +arcato +arcature +arcatures +arc-back +arc-boutant +arcboutant +arccos +arccosine +Arce +arced +Arcella +arcella +arces +Arcesilaus +Arcesius +Arceuthobium +arceuthobium +arcform +-arch +Arch +Arch. +arch +arch- +arch. +archabomination +archae +archae- +Archaean +archaean +archaecraniate +archaeo- +Archaeoceti +Archaeocyathid +Archaeocyathidae +Archaeocyathus +archaeocyte +archaeogeology +archaeographic +archaeographical +archaeography +archaeohippus +archaeol +archaeol. +archaeolater +archaeolatry +archaeolith +archaeolithic +archaeologer +archaeologian +archaeologic +archaeological +archaeologically +archaeologies +archaeologist +archaeologists +archaeology +archaeomagnetism +Archaeopithecus +Archaeopteris +Archaeopterygiformes +Archaeopteryx +archaeopteryx +Archaeornis +archaeornis +Archaeornithes +archaeostoma +Archaeostomata +archaeostomatous +archaeotherium +Archaeozoic +archaeus +archagitator +archai +Archaic +archaic +archaical +archaically +archaicism +archaicness +Archaimbaud +archaise +archaised +archaiser +archaises +archaising +archaism +archaisms +archaist +archaistic +archaists +archaize +archaized +archaizer +archaizes +archaizing +Archambault +Ar-chang +Archangel +archangel +archangelic +Archangelica +archangelical +archangels +archangelship +archantagonist +archanthropine +archantiquary +archapostate +archapostle +archarchitect +archarios +archartist +Archbald +archbanc +archbancs +archband +archbeacon +archbeadle +archbishop +archbishopess +archbishopric +archbishoprics +archbishopry +archbishops +Archbold +archbotcher +archboutefeu +Archbp +arch-brahman +archbuffoon +archbuilder +arch-butler +arch-buttress +Archcape +archchampion +arch-chanter +archchaplain +archcharlatan +archcheater +archchemic +archchief +arch-christendom +arch-christianity +archchronicler +archcity +archconfraternities +archconfraternity +archconsoler +archconspirator +archcorrupter +archcorsair +archcount +archcozener +archcriminal +archcritic +archcrown +archcupbearer +Archd +archd +archdapifer +archdapifership +archdeacon +archdeaconate +archdeaconess +archdeaconries +archdeaconry +archdeacons +archdeaconship +archdean +archdeanery +archdeceiver +archdefender +archdemon +archdepredator +archdespot +archdetective +archdevil +archdiocesan +archdiocese +archdioceses +archdiplomatist +archdissembler +archdisturber +archdivine +archdogmatist +archdolt +archdruid +archducal +archduchess +archduchesses +archduchies +archduchy +archduke +archdukedom +archdukes +archduxe +arche +archeal +Archean +archean +archearl +archebanc +archebancs +archebiosis +archecclesiastic +archecentric +arched +archegay +Archegetes +archegone +archegonia +archegonial +Archegoniata +Archegoniatae +archegoniate +archegoniophore +archegonium +archegony +Archegosaurus +archeion +Archelaus +Archelenis +Archelochus +archelogy +Archelon +archelon +archemastry +Archemorus +archemperor +Archencephala +archencephalic +archenemies +arch-enemy +archenemy +archengineer +archenia +archenteric +archenteron +archeocyte +archeol +archeolithic +archeologian +archeologic +archeological +archeologically +archeologies +archeologist +archeology +archeopteryx +archeostome +Archeozoic +archeozoic +Archeptolemus +Archer +archer +archeress +archerfish +archerfishes +archeries +archers +archership +archery +Arches +arches +arches-court +archespore +archespores +archesporia +archesporial +archesporium +archespsporia +archest +archetto +archettos +archetypal +archetypally +archetype +archetypes +archetypic +archetypical +archetypically +archetypist +archeunuch +archeus +archexorcist +archfelon +Archfiend +arch-fiend +archfiend +archfiends +archfire +arch-flamen +archflamen +archflatterer +arch-foe +archfoe +archfool +archform +archfounder +archfriend +archgenethliac +archgod +archgomeral +archgovernor +archgunner +archhead +archheart +archheresy +arch-heretic +archheretic +archhost +archhouse +archhumbug +archhypocrisy +archhypocrite +archi- +Archiannelida +Archias +archiater +Archibald +Archibaldo +archibenthal +archibenthic +archibenthos +archiblast +archiblastic +archiblastoma +archiblastula +Archibold +Archibuteo +archical +archicantor +archicarp +archicerebra +archicerebrum +Archichlamydeae +archichlamydeous +archicleistogamous +archicleistogamy +archicoele +archicontinent +archicyte +archicytula +Archidamus +Archidiaceae +archidiaconal +archidiaconate +archididascalian +archididascalos +Archidiskodon +Archidium +archidome +archidoxis +Archie +archie +archiepiscopacy +archiepiscopal +archiepiscopality +archiepiscopally +archiepiscopate +archiereus +archigaster +archigastrula +archigenesis +archigonic +archigonocyte +archigony +archiheretical +archikaryon +archil +archilithic +archilla +Archilochian +archilochian +Archilochus +archilowe +archils +archilute +archimage +Archimago +archimagus +archimandrite +archimandrites +Archimedean +archimedean +Archimedes +archimedes +archimime +archimorphic +archimorula +archimperial +archimperialism +archimperialist +archimperialistic +archimpressionist +Archimycetes +archin +archine +archines +archineuron +archinfamy +archinformer +arching +archings +archipallial +archipallium +archipelagian +archipelagic +archipelago +archipelagoes +archipelagos +Archipenko +archiphoneme +archipin +archiplasm +archiplasmic +Archiplata +archiprelatical +archipresbyter +archipterygial +archipterygium +archisperm +Archispermae +archisphere +archispore +archistome +archisupreme +archisymbolical +archisynagogue +archit +archit. +architect +architective +architectonic +Architectonica +architectonically +architectonics +architectress +architects +architectural +architecturalist +architecturally +architecture +architectures +architecturesque +Architeuthis +architis +architraval +architrave +architraved +architraves +architricline +architypographer +archival +archivault +archive +archived +archiver +archivers +archives +archiving +archivist +archivists +archivolt +archizoic +archjockey +archking +archknave +Archle +archleader +archlecher +archlet +archleveler +archlexicographer +archliar +archlute +archly +archmachine +archmagician +archmagirist +archmarshal +archmediocrity +archmessenger +archmilitarist +archmime +archminister +archmock +archmocker +archmockery +archmonarch +archmonarchist +archmonarchy +archmugwump +archmurderer +archmystagogue +archness +archnesses +archocele +archocystosyrinx +archology +archon +archons +archonship +archonships +archont +archontate +Archontia +archontic +archoplasm +archoplasma +archoplasmic +archoptoma +archoptosis +archorrhagia +archorrhea +archostegnosis +archostenosis +archosyrinx +archoverseer +archpall +archpapist +archpastor +archpatriarch +archpatron +archphilosopher +archphylarch +archpiece +archpilferer +archpillar +archpirate +archplagiarist +archplagiary +archplayer +archplotter +archplunderer +archplutocrat +arch-poet +archpoet +archpolitician +archpontiff +archpractice +arch-prelate +archprelate +archprelatic +archprelatical +arch-presbyter +archpresbyter +archpresbyterate +archpresbytery +archpretender +archpriest +archpriesthood +archpriestship +archprimate +archprince +archprophet +arch-protestant +archprotopope +archprototype +archpublican +archpuritan +archradical +archrascal +archreactionary +archrebel +archregent +archrepresentative +archrobber +archrogue +archruler +archsacrificator +archsacrificer +archsaint +archsatrap +archscoundrel +arch-sea +archseducer +archsee +archsewer +archshepherd +archsin +archsnob +archspirit +archspy +archsteward +archswindler +archsynagogue +archt +archt. +archtempter +archthief +arch-traitor +archtraitor +archtreasurer +archtreasurership +archturncoat +archtyrant +archurger +archvagabond +archvampire +archvestryman +arch-villain +archvillain +archvillainy +archvisitor +archwag +archway +archways +archwench +arch-whig +archwife +archwise +archworker +archworkmaster +-archy +Archy +archy +Archytas +Arcidae +Arcifera +arciferous +arcifinious +arciform +Arcimboldi +arcing +Arciniegas +Arcite +arcked +arcking +arclength +arclike +ARCM +ARCNET +ARCO +Arco +arco +arcocentrous +arcocentrum +arcograph +Arcola +Arcos +arcose +arcosolia +arcosoliulia +arcosolium +arc-over +A.R.C.S. +ARCS +arcs +arcs-boutants +arc-shaped +arcsin +arcsine +arcsines +Arctalia +Arctalian +Arctamerican +arctan +arctangent +arctation +Arctia +arctian +Arctic +arctic +arctically +arctician +arcticize +arcticized +arcticizing +arctico-altaic +arcticologist +arcticology +arctics +arcticward +arcticwards +arctiid +Arctiidae +Arctisca +arctitude +Arctium +Arctocephalus +Arctogaea +Arctogaeal +arctogaeal +Arctogaean +Arctogaeic +Arctogea +Arctogean +Arctogeic +arctoid +Arctoidea +arctoidean +Arctomys +Arctos +Arctosis +Arctostaphylos +Arcturia +Arcturian +Arcturus +arcturus +arcual +arcuale +arcualia +arcuate +arcuated +arcuately +arcuation +arcubalist +arcubalister +arcubos +arcula +arculite +arcus +arcuses +-ard +Ard +Arda +Ardara +ardass +ardassine +Ardath +Arde +Ardea +Ardeae +ardeb +ardebs +Ardeche +Ardeen +Ardeha +Ardehs +ardeid +Ardeidae +Ardel +Ardelia +ardelio +Ardelis +Ardell +Ardella +ardella +ardellae +Ardelle +Arden +ardencies +ardency +Ardene +Ardenia +Ardennes +ardennite +ardent +ardently +ardentness +Ardenvoir +arder +Ardeth +Ardhamagadhi +Ardhanari +Ardie +Ardi-ea +ardilla +Ardin +Ardine +Ardis +ardish +Ardisia +ardisia +Ardisiaceae +Ardisj +Ardith +arditi +ardito +Ardme +Ardmore +Ardmored +Ardoch +ardoise +Ardolino +ardor +ardors +ardour +ardours +Ardra +Ardrey +ardri +ardrigh +Ardsley +ardu +arduinite +arduous +arduously +arduousness +arduousnesses +ardure +ardurous +Ardussi +Ardy +Ardyce +Ardys +Ardyth +ARE +are +area +areach +aread +aready +areae +areal +areality +areally +Arean +arear +areas +areason +areasoner +areaway +areaways +areawide +Areca +areca +Arecaceae +arecaceous +arecaidin +arecaidine +arecain +arecaine +Arecales +arecas +areche +Arecibo +arecolidin +arecolidine +arecolin +arecoline +Arecuna +ared +Aredale +areek +areel +arefact +arefaction +arefy +areg +aregenerative +aregeneratory +areic +Areithous +areito +Areius +Arel +Arela +Arelia +Arella +Arelus +aren +ARENA +arena +arenaceo- +arenaceous +arenae +Arenaria +arenaria +arenariae +arenarious +arenas +arenation +arend +arendalite +arendator +Arends +Arendt +Arendtsville +Arene +areng +Arenga +Arenicola +arenicole +arenicolite +arenicolor +arenicolous +Arenig +arenilitic +arenite +arenites +arenoid +arenose +arenosity +arenoso- +arenous +Arensky +aren't +arent +arenulous +Arenzville +areo- +areocentric +areographer +areographic +areographical +areographically +areography +areola +areolae +areolar +areolas +areolate +areolated +areolation +areole +areoles +areolet +areologic +areological +areologically +areologies +areologist +areology +areometer +areometric +areometrical +areometry +Areopagist +areopagist +Areopagite +areopagite +Areopagitic +areopagitic +Areopagitica +Areopagus +areopagus +areopagy +areostyle +areosystyle +areotectonics +Arequipa +arere +arerola +areroscope +Ares +ares +Areskutan +arest +Aret +aret +Areta +aretaics +aretalogy +Arete +arete +aretes +Aretha +Arethusa +arethusa +arethusas +Arethuse +Aretina +Aretinian +Aretino +Aretta +Arette +arette +Aretus +Areus +arew +Arezzini +Arezzo +ARF +arf +arfillite +arfs +arfvedsonite +Arg +Arg. +arg +Argades +argaile +argal +argala +argalas +argali +argalis +Argall +argals +argan +argand +argans +Argante +Argas +argasid +Argasidae +Argean +argeers +Argeiphontes +argel +Argelander +argema +Argemone +argemone +argemony +argenol +Argent +argent +Argenta +argental +argentamid +argentamide +argentamin +argentamine +argentan +argentarii +argentarius +argentate +argentation +argenteous +argenter +Argenteuil +argenteum +Argentia +argentic +argenticyanide +argentide +argentiferous +argentin +Argentina +argentina +Argentine +argentine +Argentinean +argentinean +argentineans +argentines +Argentinian +Argentinidae +argentinitrate +Argentinize +Argentino +argentino +argention +argentite +argento- +argentojarosite +argentol +argentometer +argentometric +argentometrically +argentometry +argenton +argentoproteinum +argentose +argentous +argentry +argents +argentum +argentums +argent-vive +Arges +Argestes +argh +arghan +arghel +arghool +arghoul +Argia +Argid +argify +argil +Argile +argillaceo- +argillaceous +argillic +argilliferous +Argillite +argillite +argillitic +argillo- +argilloarenaceous +argillocalcareous +argillocalcite +argilloferruginous +argilloid +argillomagnesian +argillous +argils +argin +arginase +arginases +argine +arginine +argininephosphoric +arginines +Argiope +Argiopidae +Argiopoidea +Argiphontes +Argive +argive +argle +argle-bargie +argle-bargle +arglebargle +arglebargled +arglebargling +argled +argles +argling +Argo +argo +Argoan +argol +argolet +argoletier +Argolian +Argolic +Argolid +Argolis +argols +argon +Argonaut +argonaut +Argonauta +Argonautic +argonautic +argonautid +argonauts +Argonia +Argonne +argonon +argons +Argos +argos +argosies +argosine +Argostolion +argosy +argot +argotic +argots +Argovian +Argovie +arguable +arguably +argue +argue-bargue +argued +Arguedas +arguendo +arguer +arguers +argues +argufied +argufier +argufiers +argufies +argufy +argufying +arguing +arguitively +Argulus +argument +argumenta +argumental +argumentation +argumentatious +argumentative +argumentatively +argumentativeness +argumentator +argumentatory +argumentive +argumentMaths +arguments +argumentum +Argus +argus +arguses +Argus-eyed +argus-eyed +argusfish +argusfishes +Argusianus +Arguslike +Argusville +arguta +argutation +argute +argutely +arguteness +argy-bargied +argy-bargies +argy-bargy +argy-bargying +Argyle +argyle +argyles +Argyll +argyll +argylls +Argyllshire +Argynnis +argyr- +Argyra +argyranthemous +argyranthous +Argyraspides +Argyres +argyria +argyric +argyrite +argyrocephalous +argyrodite +Argyrol +Argyroneta +Argyropelecus +argyrose +argyrosis +Argyrosomus +Argyrotoxus +argyrythrose +arh- +arhar +Arhat +arhat +arhats +Arhatship +arhatship +Arhauaco +Arhna +arhythmia +arhythmic +arhythmical +arhythmically +Ari +Aria +aria +Ariadaeus +Ariadna +Ariadne +ariadne +-arian +Arian +arian +Ariana +Ariane +Arianie +Arianism +arianism +arianist +Arianistic +Arianistical +arianists +Arianize +Arianizer +Arianna +Arianne +Arianrhod +arias +aribin +aribine +ariboflavinosis +Aribold +Aric +Arica +Arician +aricin +aricine +Arick +arid +Aridatha +Arided +arider +aridest +aridge +aridian +aridities +aridity +aridly +aridness +aridnesses +Arie +Ariege +ariegite +Ariel +ariel +Ariela +Ariella +Arielle +ariels +arienzo +Aries +aries +arietate +arietation +Arietid +arietinous +Arietis +arietta +ariettas +ariette +ariettes +Ariew +aright +arightly +arigue +Ariidae +Arikara +ariki +aril +ariled +arillary +arillate +arillated +arilled +arilli +arilliform +arillode +arillodes +arillodium +arilloid +arillus +arils +Arimasp +Arimaspian +Arimaspians +Arimathaea +Arimathaean +Arimathea +Arimathean +Ariminum +Arimo +Arin +Ario +Ariocarpus +Arioi +Arioian +ariolate +ariole +Arion +ariose +ariosi +arioso +ariosos +Ariosto +a-riot +ariot +-arious +Ariovistus +Aripeka +a-ripple +aripple +ARIS +Arisaema +arisaid +arisard +Arisbe +arise +arised +arisen +ariser +arises +arish +arising +arisings +Arispe +Arissa +arist +Arista +arista +aristae +Aristaeus +Aristarch +aristarch +Aristarchian +aristarchies +Aristarchus +aristarchy +aristas +aristate +ariste +Aristeas +aristeia +Aristes +Aristida +Aristide +Aristides +Aristillus +Aristippus +aristippus +Aristo +aristo +aristo- +aristocracies +aristocracy +aristocrat +aristocratic +aristocratical +aristocratically +aristocraticalness +aristocraticism +aristocraticness +aristocratism +aristocrats +aristodemocracies +aristodemocracy +aristodemocratical +Aristodemus +aristogenesis +aristogenetic +aristogenic +aristogenics +aristoi +Aristol +Aristolochia +aristolochia +Aristolochiaceae +aristolochiaceous +Aristolochiales +aristolochin +aristolochine +aristological +aristologist +aristology +Aristomachus +aristomonarchy +Aristophanes +Aristophanic +aristorepublicanism +aristos +Aristotelean +aristotelean +Aristoteles +Aristotelian +aristotelian +Aristotelianism +Aristotelic +Aristotelism +Aristotle +aristotle +aristotype +aristulate +Arita +arite +arith +arithmancy +arithmetic +arithmetical +arithmetically +arithmetician +arithmeticians +arithmetico-geometric +arithmetico-geometrical +arithmetics +arithmetization +arithmetizations +arithmetize +arithmetized +arithmetizes +arithmic +arithmo- +arithmocracy +arithmocratic +arithmogram +arithmograph +arithmography +arithmomancy +arithmomania +arithmometer +arithromania +Ariton +-arium +Arius +Arivaca +Arivaipa +Ariz +Ariz. +Arizona +arizona +Arizonan +arizonan +arizonans +Arizonian +arizonian +arizonians +arizonite +Arjan +Arjay +Arjun +arjun +Arjuna +Ark +Ark. +ark +Arkab +Arkabutla +Arkadelphia +Arkansan +arkansan +arkansans +Arkansas +arkansas +Arkansaw +Arkansawyer +arkansawyer +Arkansian +arkansite +Arkdale +Arkhangelsk +Arkie +arkie +Arkite +arkite +Arkoma +arkose +arkoses +arkosic +Arkport +arks +arksutite +Arkville +Arkwright +arkwright +Arlan +Arlana +Arlberg +arle +Arlee +Arleen +Arlen +Arlena +Arlene +Arleng +arlequinade +Arles +arles +arless +Arleta +Arlette +Arley +Arleyne +Arlie +Arliene +Arlin +Arlina +Arlinda +Arline +arling +Arlington +arlington +Arlis +Arliss +Arlo +Arlon +arloup +Arluene +Arly +Arlyn +Arlyne +Arlynne +ARM +ArM +Arm +Arm. +arm +Arma +Armada +armada +armadas +armadilla +Armadillididae +Armadillidium +armadillo +armadillos +Armado +Armageddon +armageddon +Armageddonist +Armagh +Armagnac +armagnac +armagnacs +Armalda +Armalla +Armallas +armament +armamentaria +armamentarium +armamentary +armaments +Arman +Armand +Armanda +Armando +armangite +armaria +armarian +armaries +armariolum +armarium +armariumaria +armary +Armata +Armatoles +Armatoli +armature +armatured +armatures +armaturing +Armavir +armband +armbands +armbone +Armbrecht +Armbrust +Armbruster +arm-chair +armchair +armchaired +armchairs +Armco +armed +Armelda +Armen +Armenia +armenia +armeniaceous +Armenian +armenian +armenians +Armenic +armenite +Armenize +Armenoid +Armeno-turkish +Armenti +Armentieres +armer +Armeria +Armeriaceae +armers +armet +armets +armful +armfuls +armgaunt +arm-great +armguard +arm-headed +arm-hole +armhole +armholes +armhoop +Armida +armied +armies +armiferous +armiger +armigeral +armigeri +armigero +armigeros +armigerous +armigers +Armil +armil +Armilda +armill +Armilla +armilla +armillae +Armillaria +armillaria +armillary +Armillas +armillas +armillate +armillated +Armillda +Armillia +Armin +Armina +arm-in-arm +armine +arming +armings +Armington +Arminian +arminian +Arminianism +Arminianize +Arminianizer +Arminius +armipotence +armipotent +armisonant +armisonous +armistice +armistices +armit +Armitage +armitas +armless +armlessly +armlessness +armlet +armlets +armlike +arm-linked +armload +armloads +armlock +armlocks +armoire +armoires +armomancy +Armona +Armond +armoniac +armonica +armonicas +Armonk +armor +Armoracia +armor-bearer +armorbearer +armor-clad +armored +Armorel +armorer +armorers +armorial +armorially +armorials +Armoric +Armorica +armorica +Armorican +armorican +Armorician +armoried +armories +armoring +armorist +armorless +armor-piercing +armor-plate +armor-plated +armorplated +armorproof +armors +armorwise +armory +Armouchiquois +Armour +armour +armour-bearer +armourbearer +armour-clad +armoured +armourer +armourers +armouries +armouring +armour-piercing +armour-plate +armours +armoury +armozeen +armozine +armpad +armpiece +armpit +armpits +armplate +armrack +armrest +armrests +arms +armscye +armseye +armsful +arm-shaped +armsize +Armstrong +armstrong +Armstrong-Jones +Armuchee +armure +armures +army +Armyn +armyworm +armyworms +arn +arna +Arnaeus +Arnaldo +arnatta +arnatto +arnattos +Arnaud +Arnaudville +Arnaut +arnberry +Arndt +Arne +Arneb +Arnebia +arnee +Arnegard +Arnel +Arnelle +arnement +Arnett +Arney +Arnhem +Arni +arni +arnica +arnicas +Arnie +Arnim +Arno +Arnold +arnold +Arnoldist +Arnoldo +Arnoldsburg +Arnoldson +Arnoldsville +Arnon +Arnoseris +Arnot +arnotta +arnotto +arnottos +Arnst +ar'n't +Arnuad +Arnulf +Arnulfo +Arnusian +arnut +Arny +ARO +Aro +a-roar +aroar +aroast +Arock +arock +Aroda +aroeira +aroid +aroideous +Aroides +aroids +aroint +arointed +arointing +aroints +Arola +arolia +arolium +arolla +aroma +aromacity +aromadendrin +aromal +Aromas +aromas +aromata +aromatic +aromatical +aromatically +aromaticity +aromaticness +aromatics +aromatise +aromatised +aromatiser +aromatising +aromatitae +aromatite +aromatites +aromatization +aromatize +aromatized +aromatizer +aromatizing +aromatophor +aromatophore +aromatous +Aron +Arona +Arondel +Arondell +Aronia +Aronoff +Aronow +Aronson +a-room +aroon +Aroostook +a-root +aroph +Aroras +Arosaguntacook +arose +around +around-the-clock +arousable +arousal +arousals +arouse +aroused +arousement +arouser +arousers +arouses +arousing +a-row +arow +aroxyl +aroynt +aroynted +aroynting +aroynts +ARP +Arp +ARPA +ARPANET +arpanet +arpeggiando +arpeggiated +arpeggiation +arpeggio +arpeggioed +arpeggios +arpen +arpens +arpent +arpenteur +arpents +Arpin +ARQ +arquated +arquebus +arquebuses +arquebusier +arquerite +arquifoux +Arquit +arr +arr. +arracach +arracacha +Arracacia +arrace +arrach +arrack +arracks +arrage +Arragon +arragonite +arrah +arraign +arraignability +arraignable +arraignableness +arraigned +arraigner +arraigning +arraignment +arraignments +arraigns +arrame +Arran +arrand +arrange +arrangeable +arranged +arrangement +arrangements +arranger +arrangers +arranges +arranging +arrant +arrantly +arrantness +Arras +arras +arrased +arrasene +arrases +arrastra +arrastre +arras-wise +arratel +Arratoon +Arrau +arrau +array +arrayal +arrayals +arrayan +arrayed +arrayer +arrayers +arraying +arrayment +arrays +arrear +arrearage +arrearages +arrear-guard +arrears +arrear-ward +arrect +arrectary +arrector +arrendation +arrendator +arrenotokous +arrenotoky +arrent +arrentable +arrentation +Arrephoria +Arrephoroi +Arrephoros +arreption +arreptitious +arrest +arrestable +arrestant +arrestation +arrested +arrestee +arrestees +arrester +arresters +arresting +arrestingly +arrestive +arrestment +arrestor +arrestors +arrests +arret +arretez +Arretine +Arretium +Arrey +arrgt +arrha +arrhal +arrhenal +Arrhenatherum +Arrhenius +arrhenoid +arrhenotokous +arrhenotoky +Arrhephoria +arrhinia +arrhizal +arrhizous +arrhythmia +arrhythmias +arrhythmic +arrhythmical +arrhythmically +arrhythmous +arrhythmy +Arri +arri +Arria +arriage +Arriba +arriba +arribadas +arricci +arricciati +arricciato +arricciatos +arriccio +arriccioci +arriccios +arride +arrided +arridge +arriding +arrie +arriere +arriere-ban +arriere-pensee +arriero +Arries +Arriet +Arrigny +Arrigo +arrimby +Arrington +Arrio +arris +arrises +arrish +arrisways +arriswise +arrivage +arrival +arrivals +arrivance +arrive +arrived +arrivederci +arrivederla +arriver +arrivers +arrives +arriving +arrivism +arrivisme +arrivist +arriviste +arrivistes +ARRL +arroba +arrobas +arrode +arrogance +arrogances +arrogancy +arrogant +arrogantly +arrogantness +arrogate +arrogated +arrogates +arrogating +arrogatingly +arrogation +arrogations +arrogative +arrogator +arrojadite +Arron +arrondi +arrondissement +arrondissements +arrope +arrosion +arrosive +arround +arrouse +arrow +arrow-back +arrow-bearing +arrowbush +arrowed +arrow-grass +arrow-head +arrowhead +arrowheaded +arrowheads +arrowing +arrowleaf +arrow-leaved +arrowless +arrowlet +arrowlike +arrowplate +arrow-root +arrowroot +arrowroots +arrows +arrow-shaped +arrow-slain +Arrowsmith +arrowsmith +arrow-smitten +arrowstone +arrow-toothed +arrowweed +arrow-wood +arrowwood +arrowworm +arrow-wounded +arrowy +arroya +arroyo +arroyos +arroyuelo +arroz +arrtez +Arruague +Arry +Arryish +arrythmia +arrythmic +arrythmical +arrythmically +ARS +ars +ARSA +Arsacid +Arsacidan +arsanilic +ARSB +arse +arsedine +arsefoot +arsehole +arsen- +arsenal +arsenals +arsenate +arsenates +arsenation +arseneted +arsenetted +arsenfast +arsenferratose +arsenhemol +arseniasis +arseniate +arsenic +arsenic- +arsenical +arsenicalism +arsenicate +arsenicated +arsenicating +arsenicism +arsenicize +arsenicked +arsenicking +arsenicophagy +arsenics +arsenide +arsenides +arseniferous +arsenillo +arsenio- +arseniopleite +arseniosiderite +arsenious +arsenism +arsenite +arsenites +arsenium +arseniuret +arseniureted +arseniuretted +arsenization +arseno +arseno- +arsenobenzene +arsenobenzol +arsenobismite +arsenoferratin +arsenofuran +arsenohemol +arsenolite +arsenophagy +arsenophen +arsenophenol +arsenophenylglycin +arsenopyrite +arsenostyracol +arsenotherapy +arsenotungstates +arsenotungstic +arsenous +arsenoxide +Arseny +arsenyl +arses +arsesmart +arsheen +Arshile +arshin +arshine +arshins +arsine +arsines +arsinic +arsino +Arsinoe +Arsinoitherium +Arsinous +Arsippe +arsis +arsle +ARSM +arsmetik +arsmetrik +arsmetrike +arsmetry +arsnicker +arsoite +arson +arsonate +arsonation +arsonic +arsonist +arsonists +arsonite +arsonium +arsono +arsonous +arsons +arsonvalization +arsphenamine +Arst +arsyl +arsylene +arsy-varsiness +arsy-varsy +arsy-versy +arsyversy +-art +ART +Art +art +art. +Arta +artaba +artabe +Artacia +Artair +artal +Artamas +Artamidae +Artamus +artar +artarin +artarine +Artas +Artaud +ARTCC +art-colored +art-conscious +artcraft +Arte +arte +artefac +artefact +artefacts +artel +artels +Artema +Artemas +Artemia +artemia +ARTEMIS +Artemis +artemis +Artemisa +Artemisia +artemisia +artemisic +artemisin +Artemision +Artemisium +artemon +Artemovsk +Artemus +arter +arteri- +arteria +arteriac +arteriae +arteriagra +arterial +arterialisation +arterialise +arterialised +arterialising +arterialization +arterialize +arterialized +arterializing +arterially +arterials +arteriarctia +arteriasis +arteriectasia +arteriectasis +arteriectomy +arteriectopia +arteried +arteries +arterin +arterio- +arterioarctia +arteriocapillary +arteriococcygeal +arteriodialysis +arteriodiastasis +arteriofibrosis +arteriogenesis +arteriogram +arteriograph +arteriographic +arteriography +arteriolar +arteriole +arterioles +arteriolith +arteriology +arterioloscleroses +arteriolosclerosis +arteriomalacia +arteriometer +arteriomotor +arterionecrosis +arteriopalmus +arteriopathy +arteriophlebotomy +arterioplania +arterioplasty +arteriopressor +arteriorenal +arteriorrhagia +arteriorrhaphy +arteriorrhexis +arterioscleroses +arteriosclerosis +arteriosclerotic +arteriospasm +arteriostenosis +arteriostosis +arteriostrepsis +arteriosympathectomy +arteriotome +arteriotomies +arteriotomy +arteriotrepsis +arterious +arteriovenous +arterioversion +arterioverter +arteritis +artery +arterying +Artesia +Artesian +artesian +artesonado +artesonados +Arteveld +Artevelde +artful +artfully +artfulness +artfulnesses +Artgum +Artha +artha +Arthaud +arthel +arthemis +Arther +arthogram +arthr- +arthra +arthragra +arthral +arthralgia +arthralgic +arthrectomies +arthrectomy +arthredema +arthrempyesis +arthresthesia +arthritic +arthritical +arthritically +arthriticine +arthritics +arthritides +arthritis +arthritism +arthro- +Arthrobacter +arthrobacterium +arthrobranch +arthrobranchia +arthrocace +arthrocarcinoma +arthrocele +arthrochondritis +arthroclasia +arthrocleisis +arthroclisis +arthroderm +arthrodesis +arthrodia +arthrodiae +arthrodial +arthrodic +Arthrodira +arthrodiran +arthrodire +arthrodirous +Arthrodonteae +arthrodymic +arthrodynia +arthrodynic +arthroempyema +arthroempyesis +arthroendoscopy +Arthrogastra +arthrogastran +arthrogenous +arthrography +arthrogryposis +arthrolite +arthrolith +arthrolithiasis +arthrology +arthromeningitis +arthromere +arthromeric +arthrometer +arthrometry +arthron +arthroncus +arthroneuralgia +arthropathic +arthropathology +arthropathy +arthrophlogosis +arthrophyma +arthroplastic +arthroplasty +arthropleura +arthropleure +arthropod +Arthropoda +arthropodal +arthropodan +arthropodous +arthropods +arthropody +Arthropomata +arthropomatous +arthropterous +arthropyosis +arthrorheumatism +arthrorrhagia +arthrosclerosis +arthroses +arthrosia +arthrosis +arthrospore +arthrosporic +arthrosporous +arthrosteitis +arthrosterigma +arthrostome +arthrostomy +Arthrostraca +arthrosynovitis +arthrosyrinx +arthrotome +arthrotomies +arthrotomy +arthrotrauma +arthrotropic +arthrotyphoid +arthrous +arthroxerosis +Arthrozoa +arthrozoan +arthrozoic +Arthur +arthur +Arthurdale +Arthurian +arthurian +Arthuriana +artiad +artic +artichoke +artichokes +article +articled +articles +articling +Articodactyla +articulability +articulable +articulacy +articulant +articular +articulare +articularly +articulars +articulary +Articulata +articulata +articulate +articulated +articulately +articulateness +articulatenesses +articulates +articulating +articulation +articulationes +articulationist +articulations +articulative +articulator +articulatorily +articulators +articulatory +articulite +articulus +Artie +artier +artiest +artifact +artifactitious +artifacts +artifactual +artifactually +artifex +artifice +artificer +artificers +artificership +artifices +artificial +artificialism +artificialities +artificiality +artificialize +artificially +artificialness +artificialnesses +artificious +Artigas +artilize +artiller +artilleries +artillerist +artillerists +artillery +artilleryman +artillerymen +artilleryship +artily +Artima +Artimas +Artina +artiness +artinesses +artinite +Artinskian +artiodactyl +Artiodactyla +artiodactylous +artiphyllous +artisan +artisanal +artisanry +artisans +artisanship +artist +artistdom +artiste +artiste-peintre +artistes +artistess +artistic +artistical +artistically +artist-in-residence +artistries +artistry +artists +artize +artless +artlessly +artlessness +artlessnesses +artlet +art-like +artlike +artly +art-minded +artmobile +Artocarpaceae +artocarpad +artocarpeous +artocarpous +Artocarpus +Artois +artolater +artolatry +artophagous +artophophoria +artophoria +artophorion +artotype +artotypy +Artotyrite +artotyrite +artou +arts +artsier +artsiest +arts-man +artsman +arts-master +artsy +Artsybashev +artsy-craftsiness +artsy-craftsy +Artukovic +Artur +Arturo +Artus +artus +artware +artwork +artworks +Arty +arty +arty-craftiness +arty-crafty +Artzybasheff +Artzybashev +ARU +aru +Aruabea +Aruac +Aruba +arugola +arugolas +arugula +arugulas +arui +aruke +Arulo +Arum +arum +arumin +arumlike +arums +Arun +Aruncus +Arundel +Arundell +arundiferous +arundinaceous +Arundinaria +arundineous +Arundo +Aruns +Arunta +Aruntas +arupa +Aruru +arusa +Arusha +arusha +aruspex +aruspice +aruspices +aruspicy +arustle +Arutiunian +Aruwimi +ARV +Arv +Arva +Arvad +Arvada +Arval +arval +Arvales +ArvArva +arvejon +arvel +Arvell +Arverni +Arvicola +arvicole +Arvicolinae +arvicoline +arvicolous +arviculture +Arvid +Arvida +Arvie +Arvilla +Arvin +Arvind +Arvo +arvo +Arvol +Arvonia +Arvonio +arvos +Arvy +arx +-ary +Ary +ary +Arya +Aryaman +Aryan +aryan +Aryanise +Aryanised +Aryanising +Aryanism +Aryanization +Aryanize +aryanize +Aryanized +Aryanizing +aryans +aryballi +aryballoi +aryballoid +aryballos +aryballus +arybballi +aryepiglottic +aryepiglottidean +aryl +arylamine +arylamino +arylate +arylated +arylating +arylation +arylide +aryls +Aryn +Aryo-dravidian +Aryo-indian +aryteno- +aryteno-epiglottic +arytenoepiglottic +arytenoid +arytenoidal +arythmia +arythmias +arythmic +arythmical +arythmically +Arzachel +arzan +Arzava +Arzawa +arzrunite +arzun +AS +As +as +as- +ASA +Asa +Asabi +ASA/BS +asaddle +Asael +asafetida +asafoetida +Asag +Asahel +Asahi +Asahigawa +Asahikawa +ASAIGAC +asak +a-sale +asale +asamblea +asana +Asante +Asantehene +ASAP +asap +Asaph +asaphia +Asaphic +asaphid +Asaphidae +Asaphus +asaprol +Asapurna +Asar +asarabacca +Asaraceae +Asare +Asarh +asarin +asarite +asaron +asarone +asarota +asarotum +asarta +Asarum +asarum +asarums +Asat +asb +Asben +asbest +asbestic +asbestiform +asbestine +asbestinize +asbestoid +asbestoidal +asbestos +asbestos-coated +asbestos-corrugated +asbestos-covered +asbestoses +Asbestosis +asbestosis +asbestos-packed +asbestos-protected +asbestos-welded +asbestous +asbestus +asbestuses +Asbjornsen +asbolan +asbolane +asbolin +asboline +asbolite +Asbury +ASC +Asc +asc- +Ascabart +Ascalabota +Ascalabus +Ascalaphus +ascan +Ascanian +Ascanius +ASCAP +Ascapart +ascape +ascare +ascared +ascariasis +ascaricidal +ascaricide +ascarid +Ascaridae +ascarides +Ascaridia +ascaridiasis +ascaridol +ascaridole +ascarids +Ascaris +ascaris +ascaron +ASCC +ascebc +Ascella +ascelli +ascellus +ascence +ascend +ascendable +ascendance +ascendancies +ascendancy +ascendant +ascendantly +ascendants +ascended +ascendence +ascendency +ascendent +ascender +ascenders +ascendible +ascending +ascendingly +ascends +Ascenez +ascenseur +Ascension +ascension +ascensional +ascensionist +ascensions +Ascensiontide +ascensive +ascensor +ascent +ascents +ascertain +ascertainability +ascertainable +ascertainableness +ascertainably +ascertained +ascertainer +ascertaining +ascertainment +ascertains +ascescency +ascescent +asceses +ascesis +ascetic +ascetical +ascetically +asceticism +asceticisms +ascetics +Ascetta +Asch +Aschaffenburg +aschaffite +Ascham +ascham +Aschelminthes +ascher +Aschim +aschistic +asci +ascian +ascians +ascicidia +Ascidia +ascidia +Ascidiacea +Ascidiae +ascidian +ascidians +ascidiate +ascidicolous +ascidiferous +ascidiform +ascidiia +ascidioid +Ascidioida +Ascidioidea +Ascidiozoa +ascidiozooid +ascidium +asciferous +ascigerous +ASCII +ascii +ascill +ascitan +ascitb +ascite +ascites +ascitic +ascitical +ascititious +asclent +Asclepi +Asclepiad +asclepiad +Asclepiadaceae +asclepiadaceous +Asclepiadae +Asclepiade +Asclepiadean +asclepiadeous +Asclepiadic +Asclepian +Asclepias +asclepias +asclepidin +asclepidoid +Asclepieion +asclepin +Asclepius +asclepius +Asco +asco- +ascocarp +ascocarpous +ascocarps +Ascochyta +ascogenous +ascogone +ascogonia +ascogonial +ascogonidia +ascogonidium +ascogonium +ascolichen +Ascolichenes +ascoma +ascomata +ascomycetal +ascomycete +Ascomycetes +ascomycetes +ascomycetous +ascon +Ascones +asconia +asconoid +A-scope +ascophore +ascophorous +Ascophyllum +ascorbate +ascorbic +ascospore +ascosporic +ascosporous +Ascot +ascot +Ascothoracica +ascots +ASCQ +ascribable +ascribe +ascribed +ascribes +ascribing +ascript +ascription +ascriptions +ascriptitii +ascriptitious +ascriptitius +ascriptive +ascrive +ascry +ascula +asculae +Ascupart +Ascus +ascus +Ascutney +ascyphous +Ascyrum +ASDIC +asdic +asdics +ASDSP +-ase +Ase +ase +a-sea +asea +ASEAN +asearch +asecretory +a-seethe +aseethe +aseismatic +aseismic +aseismicity +aseitas +a-seity +aseity +Asel +aselar +aselgeia +asellate +Aselli +Asellidae +Aselline +aselline +Asellus +asellus +asem +asemasia +asemia +asemic +Asenath +Aseneth +asepalous +asepses +asepsis +aseptate +aseptic +aseptically +asepticism +asepticize +asepticized +asepticizing +aseptify +aseptol +aseptolin +Aser +asexual +asexualisation +asexualise +asexualised +asexualising +asexuality +asexualization +asexualize +asexualized +asexualizing +asexually +asexuals +Aseyev +asfast +asfetida +ASG +asg +Asgard +asgard +Asgardhr +Asgarth +asgd +Asgeir +Asgeirsson +asgmt +Ash +ash +Asha +Ashab +a-shake +ashake +ashame +ashamed +ashamedly +ashamedness +ashamnu +Ashangos +Ashantee +Ashanti +ashanti +A-shaped +Asharasi +A-sharp +Ashaway +Ashbaugh +ash-bellied +ashberry +Ashbey +ash-blond +ash-blue +Ashburn +Ashburnham +Ashburton +Ashby +ashcake +ashcan +ashcans +Ashchenaz +ash-colored +Ashcroft +Ashdod +Ashdown +Ashe +Asheboro +ashed +Ashelman +Ashely +ashen +ashen-hued +Asher +asher +Asherah +asherah +Asherahs +asherahs +asheries +Asherim +asherim +Asherite +Asherites +Asherton +ashery +Ashes +ashes +ashet +Asheville +ashfall +Ashfield +Ashford +ash-free +ash-gray +Ashia +Ashien +ashier +ashiest +Ashikaga +Ashil +ashily +ashimmer +a-shine +ashine +ashiness +ashing +a-shipboard +ashipboard +Ashippun +Ashir +a-shiver +ashiver +Ashjian +Ashkenaz +Ashkenazi +ashkenazi +Ashkenazic +Ashkenazim +ashkey +Ashkhabad +ashkoko +Ashkum +Ashla +Ashlan +Ashland +ashlar +ashlared +ashlaring +ashlars +ash-leaved +Ashlee +Ashleigh +Ashlen +ashler +ashlered +ashlering +ashlers +ashless +Ashley +Ashli +Ashlie +Ashlin +Ashling +ashling +ash-looking +Ashluslay +Ashly +Ashman +ashman +Ashmead +ashmen +Ashmolean +Ashmore +Ashochimi +Ashok +ashore +ashot +ashpan +ashpit +ashplant +ashplants +ASHRAE +Ashraf +ashraf +ashrafi +ashram +ashrama +ashrams +ash-staved +ashstone +Ashtabula +ashthroat +ash-throated +Ashti +Ashton +Ashton-under-Lyne +Ashtoreth +ashtoreth +ashtray +ashtrays +Ashuelot +Ashur +ashur +Ashurbanipal +ashvamedha +Ashville +ash-wednesday +ashweed +Ashwell +ash-white +Ashwin +Ashwood +ashwort +ashy +ASI +Asia +asia +asialia +Asian +asian +Asianic +Asianism +asians +Asiarch +asiarch +Asiarchate +Asiatic +asiatic +Asiatical +Asiatically +Asiatican +Asiaticism +asiaticism +Asiaticization +Asiaticize +Asiatize +ASIC +aside +asidehand +asiden +asideness +asiderite +asides +asideu +asiento +asilid +Asilidae +Asilomar +Asilus +asimen +Asimina +a-simmer +asimmer +Asine +asinego +asinegoes +asinine +asininely +asininities +asininity +ASIO +Asio +asiphonate +asiphonogama +Asir +-asis +asitia +Asius +ASK +Ask +ask +askable +askance +askant +askapart +askar +askarel +Askari +askari +askaris +asked +Askelon +asker +askers +askeses +askesis +askew +askewgee +askewness +askile +asking +askingly +askings +askip +Askja +asklent +Asklepios +askoi +askos +Askov +askoye +Askr +asks +Askwith +aslake +Aslam +aslant +aslantwise +aslaver +asleep +ASLEF +aslop +aslope +a-slug +aslumber +ASM +asmack +asmalte +Asmara +ASME +a-smear +asmear +asmile +Asmodeus +asmodeus +asmoke +asmolder +Asmonaean +Asmonean +a-smoulder +ASN +ASN1 +Asni +Asnieres +asniffle +a-snort +asnort +Aso +a-soak +asoak +ASOC +asocial +asok +Asoka +asoka +asomatophyte +asomatous +asonant +asonia +asop +Asopus +asor +Asosan +Asotin +a-south +asouth +ASP +Asp +asp +Aspa +ASPAC +aspace +aspalathus +Aspalax +aspalax +asparagic +asparagin +asparagine +asparaginic +asparaginous +asparagus +asparaguses +asparagyl +asparamic +a-sparkle +asparkle +Aspartame +aspartame +aspartate +aspartic +aspartokinase +aspartyl +Aspasia +Aspatia +ASPCA +aspca +aspect +aspectable +aspectant +aspection +aspects +aspectual +ASPEN +Aspen +aspen +aspens +asper +asperate +asperated +asperates +asperating +asperation +aspergation +asperge +asperger +Asperges +asperges +asperggilla +asperggilli +aspergil +aspergill +aspergilla +Aspergillaceae +Aspergillales +aspergilli +aspergilliform +aspergillin +aspergilloses +aspergillosis +aspergillum +aspergillums +aspergillus +Asperifoliae +asperifoliate +asperifolious +asperite +asperities +asperity +asperly +aspermatic +aspermatism +aspermatous +aspermia +aspermic +Aspermont +aspermous +aspern +asperness +asperous +asperously +Aspers +aspers +asperse +aspersed +asperser +aspersers +asperses +aspersing +aspersion +aspersions +aspersive +aspersively +aspersoir +aspersor +aspersoria +aspersorium +aspersoriums +aspersors +aspersory +Asperugo +Asperula +asperuloside +asperulous +Asphalius +asphalt +asphalt-base +asphalted +asphaltene +asphalter +asphaltic +asphalting +asphaltite +asphaltlike +asphalts +asphaltum +asphaltums +asphaltus +aspheric +aspherical +aspheterism +aspheterize +asphodel +Asphodelaceae +Asphodeline +asphodels +Asphodelus +asphyctic +asphyctous +asphyxia +asphyxial +asphyxiant +asphyxias +asphyxiate +asphyxiated +asphyxiates +asphyxiating +asphyxiation +asphyxiations +asphyxiative +asphyxiator +asphyxied +asphyxies +asphyxy +Aspia +aspic +aspics +aspiculate +aspiculous +aspidate +aspide +aspidiaria +aspidinol +Aspidiotus +Aspidiske +Aspidistra +aspidistra +aspidistras +aspidium +Aspidobranchia +Aspidobranchiata +aspidobranchiate +Aspidocephali +Aspidochirota +Aspidoganoidei +aspidomancy +Aspidosperma +aspidospermine +Aspinwall +aspiquee +aspirant +aspirants +aspirata +aspiratae +aspirate +aspirated +aspirates +aspirating +aspiration +aspirations +aspirator +aspirators +aspiratory +aspire +aspired +aspiree +aspirer +aspirers +aspires +aspirin +aspiring +aspiringly +aspiringness +aspirins +aspis +aspises +aspish +asplanchnic +Asplenieae +asplenioid +Asplenium +asplenium +asporogenic +asporogenous +asporous +asport +asportation +asporulate +a-spout +aspout +a-sprawl +asprawl +a-spread +aspread +Aspredinidae +Aspredo +asprete +aspring +a-sprout +asprout +asps +aspy +asquare +a-squat +asquat +asqueal +asquint +a-squirm +asquirm +Asquith +ASR +asrama +asramas +ASRM +Asroc +ASRS +ASS +ass +assacu +Assad +assafetida +assafoetida +assagai +assagaied +assagaiing +assagais +assahy +assai +assail +assailability +assailable +assailableness +assailant +assailants +assailed +assailer +assailers +assailing +assailment +assails +assais +assalto +Assam +assam +Assama +assamar +Assamese +assamese +Assamites +assapan +assapanic +assapanick +Assaracus +Assaria +assarion +assart +assary +Assassin +assassin +assassinate +assassinated +assassinates +assassinating +assassination +assassinations +assassinative +assassinator +assassinatress +assassinist +assassins +assate +assation +assaugement +assault +assaultable +assaulted +assaulter +assaulters +assaulting +assaultive +assaults +assausive +assaut +Assawoman +assay +assayable +assayed +assayer +assayers +assaying +assays +assbaa +ass-backwards +ass-chewing +asse +asseal +ass-ear +assecuration +assecurator +assecure +assecution +assedat +assedation +assegai +assegaied +assegaiing +assegaing +assegais +asseize +asself +assembl +assemblable +assemblage +assemblages +assemblagist +assemblance +assemble +assembled +assemblee +assemblement +assembler +assemblers +assembles +assemblies +assembling +Assembly +assembly +assemblyman +assemblymen +assemblywoman +assemblywomen +Assen +assent +assentaneous +assentation +assentatious +assentator +assentatorily +assentatory +assented +assenter +assenters +assentient +assenting +assentingly +assentive +assentiveness +assentor +assentors +assents +asseour +Asser +assert +asserta +assertable +assertative +asserted +assertedly +asserter +asserters +assertible +asserting +assertingly +assertion +assertional +assertions +assertive +assertively +assertiveness +assertivenesses +assertor +assertorial +assertorially +assertoric +assertorical +assertorically +assertorily +assertors +assertory +assertress +assertrix +asserts +assertum +asserve +asservilize +asses +assess +assessable +assessably +assessed +assessee +assesses +assessing +assession +assessionary +assessment +assessments +assessor +assessorial +assessors +assessorship +assessory +asset +asseth +assets +asset-stripping +assever +asseverate +asseverated +asseverates +asseverating +asseveratingly +asseveration +asseverations +asseverative +asseveratively +asseveratory +assewer +ass-head +asshead +ass-headed +assheadedness +asshole +assholes +Asshur +assi +assibilate +assibilated +assibilating +assibilation +Assidaean +assidaean +Assidean +assident +assidual +assidually +assiduate +assiduities +assiduity +assiduous +assiduously +assiduousness +assiduousnesses +assiege +assientist +assiento +assiette +assify +assign +assignability +assignable +assignably +assignat +assignation +assignations +assignats +assigned +assignee +assignees +assigneeship +assigner +assigners +assigning +assignment +assignments +assignor +assignors +assigns +assilag +assimilability +assimilable +assimilate +assimilated +assimilates +assimilating +assimilation +assimilationist +assimilations +assimilative +assimilativeness +assimilator +assimilatory +assimulate +assinego +Assiniboin +Assiniboine +Assiniboins +assinuate +assis +assisa +Assisan +assise +assish +assishly +assishness +Assisi +assisi +assist +assistance +assistances +assistant +assistanted +assistants +assistantship +assistantships +assisted +assistency +assister +assisters +assistful +assisting +assistive +assistless +assistor +assistors +assists +assith +Assiut +assize +assized +assizement +assizer +assizes +assizing +ass-kisser +ass-kissing +ass-licker +ass-licking +asslike +assman +Assmannshausen +Assmannshauser +assmanship +Assn +assn +assn. +assobre +assoc +assoc. +associability +associable +associableness +associate +associated +associatedness +associates +associateship +associating +association +associational +associationalism +associationalist +associationism +associationist +associationistic +associations +associative +associatively +associativeness +associativity +associator +associators +associatory +associe +assoil +assoiled +assoiling +assoilment +assoils +assoilzie +assoin +assoluto +assonance +assonanced +assonances +assonant +assonantal +assonantic +assonantly +assonants +assonate +Assonet +Assonia +assoria +assort +assortative +assortatively +assorted +assortedness +assorter +assorters +assorting +assortive +assortment +assortments +assorts +assot +Assouan +ASSR +ass-reaming +asssembler +ass-ship +asst +asst. +assuade +assuagable +assuage +assuaged +assuagement +assuagements +assuager +assuages +assuaging +Assuan +assuasive +assubjugate +assuefaction +Assuerus +assuetude +assumable +assumably +assume +assumed +assumedly +assument +assumer +assumers +assumes +assuming +assumingly +assumingness +assummon +assumpsit +assumpt +Assumption +assumption +Assumptionist +assumptions +assumptious +assumptiousness +assumptive +assumptively +assumptiveness +Assur +assurable +assurance +assurances +assurant +assurate +Assurbanipal +assurd +assure +assured +assuredly +assuredness +assureds +assurer +assurers +assures +assurge +assurgency +assurgent +assuring +assuringly +assuror +assurors +asswage +asswaged +asswages +asswaging +assyntite +Assyr +Assyr. +Assyria +assyria +Assyrian +assyrian +Assyrianize +assyrians +Assyriological +Assyriologist +assyriologist +Assyriologue +Assyriology +assyriology +Assyro-Babylonian +Assyro-babylonian +Assyroid +assyth +assythment +Assyut +-ast +AST +ast +Asta +asta +astable +astacian +Astacidae +Astacus +Astaire +Astakiwi +astalk +a-starboard +astarboard +a-stare +astare +a-start +astart +Astarte +astarte +Astartian +Astartidae +astasia +astasia-abasia +astasias +astate +astatic +astatically +astaticism +astatine +astatines +astatize +astatized +astatizer +astatizing +Astatula +a-stay +astay +a-stays +asteam +asteatosis +asteep +asteer +asteism +astel +astelic +astely +-aster +aster +Astera +Asteraceae +asteraceous +Asterales +Asterella +astereognosis +Asteria +asteria +asteriae +asterial +Asterias +asterias +asteriated +Asteriidae +asterikos +asterin +Asterina +Asterinidae +asterioid +Asterion +asterion +Asterionella +asteriscus +asteriscuses +asterisk +asterisked +asterisking +asteriskless +asteriskos +asterisks +asterism +asterismal +asterisms +asterite +Asterius +asterixis +astern +asternal +Asternata +asternia +Asterochiton +Asterodia +asteroid +asteroidal +Asteroidea +asteroidean +asteroids +Asterolepidae +Asterolepis +Asteropaeus +Asterope +asterophyllite +Asterophyllites +Asterospondyli +asterospondylic +asterospondylous +Asteroxylaceae +Asteroxylon +Asterozoa +asters +astert +asterwort +asthamatic +asthenia +asthenias +asthenic +asthenical +asthenics +asthenies +asthenobiosis +asthenobiotic +asthenolith +asthenology +asthenope +asthenophobia +asthenopia +asthenopic +asthenosphere +astheny +asthma +asthmas +asthmatic +asthmatical +asthmatically +asthmatics +asthmatoid +asthmogenic +asthore +asthorin +Asti +Astian +astichous +astigmat +astigmatic +astigmatical +astigmatically +astigmatism +astigmatisms +astigmatizer +astigmatometer +astigmatometry +astigmatoscope +astigmatoscopies +astigmatoscopy +astigmia +astigmias +astigmic +astigmism +astigmometer +astigmometry +astigmoscope +Astilbe +astilbe +astint +astipulate +astipulation +astir +Astispumante +astite +ASTM +ASTMS +astogeny +Astolat +astomatal +astomatous +astomia +astomous +Aston +astond +astone +astoned +astonied +astonies +astonish +astonished +astonishedly +astonisher +astonishes +astonishing +astonishingly +astonishingness +astonishment +astonishments +astony +astonying +astoop +Astor +astor +astore +Astoria +astound +astoundable +astounded +astounding +astoundingly +astoundment +astounds +astr +astr- +astr. +Astra +Astrabacus +Astrachan +astrachan +astracism +a-straddle +astraddle +Astraea +astraea +Astraean +astraean +astraeid +Astraeidae +astraeiform +Astraeus +astragal +astragalar +astragalectomy +astragali +astragalocalcaneal +astragalocentral +astragalomancy +astragalonavicular +astragaloscaphoid +astragalotibial +astragals +Astragalus +astragalus +Astrahan +a-strain +astrain +astrakanite +Astrakhan +astrakhan +astral +astrally +astrals +a-strand +astrand +Astrangia +Astrantia +astraphobia +astrapophobia +Astrateia +astray +astre +Astrea +astream +astrean +Astred +astrer +Astri +astrict +astricted +astricting +astriction +astrictive +astrictively +astrictiveness +astricts +Astrid +astride +astrier +astriferous +astrild +astringe +astringed +astringence +astringencies +astringency +astringent +astringently +astringents +astringer +astringes +astringing +astrion +astrionics +Astrix +astro- +astroalchemist +astrobiological +astrobiologically +astrobiologies +astrobiologist +astrobiologists +astrobiology +astroblast +astrobotany +Astrocaryum +astrochemist +astrochemistry +astrochronological +astrocompass +astrocyte +astrocytic +astrocytoma +astrocytomas +astrocytomata +astrodiagnosis +astrodome +astrodynamic +astrodynamics +astrofel +astrofell +astrogate +astrogated +astrogating +astrogation +astrogational +astrogator +astrogeny +astrogeologist +astrogeology +astroglia +astrognosy +astrogonic +astrogony +astrograph +astrographer +astrographic +astrography +astrohatch +astroid +astroite +astrol +astrol. +astrolabe +astrolabes +astrolabical +astrolater +astrolatry +astrolithology +astrolog +astrologaster +astrologe +astrologer +astrologers +astrologian +astrologic +astrological +astrologically +astrologies +astrologist +astrologistic +astrologists +astrologize +astrologous +astrology +astromancer +astromancy +astromantic +astromeda +astrometeorological +astrometeorologist +astro-meteorology +astrometeorology +astrometer +astrometric +astrometrical +astrometry +astron +astronaut +Astronautarum +astronautic +astronautical +astronautically +astronautics +Astronauts +astronauts +astronavigation +astronavigator +astronomer +astronomers +astronomic +astronomical +astronomically +astronomics +astronomien +astronomize +astronomy +Astropecten +Astropectinidae +astrophel +astrophil +astrophobia +astrophotographer +astrophotographic +astrophotography +astrophotometer +astrophotometrical +astrophotometry +astrophyllite +astrophysical +astrophysicist +astrophysicists +astrophysics +Astrophyton +astroscope +Astroscopus +astroscopy +astrose +astrospectral +astrospectroscopic +astrosphere +astrospherecentrosomic +astrotheology +Astroturf +astructive +a-strut +astrut +Astto +astucious +astuciously +astucity +Astur +Asturian +Asturias +astute +astutely +astuteness +astutious +Astyanax +astyanax +Astydamia +astylar +astyllen +Astylospongia +Astylosternus +ASU +asuang +a-sudden +asudden +Asunci +Asuncion +asunder +Asur +Asura +Asuri +ASV +Asvins +ASW +aswail +Aswan +a-swarm +aswarm +a-swash +aswash +a-sway +asway +a-sweat +asweat +aswell +asweve +a-swim +aswim +a-swing +aswing +aswirl +aswithe +a-swoon +aswoon +aswooned +aswough +As-yakh +asyla +asylabia +asyle +asyllabia +asyllabic +asyllabical +asylum +asylums +asymbiotic +asymbolia +asymbolic +asymbolical +asymmetral +asymmetranthous +asymmetric +asymmetrical +asymmetrically +asymmetries +asymmetrocarpous +Asymmetron +asymmetry +asymptomatic +asymptomatically +asymptote +asymptotes +asymptotic +asymptotical +asymptotically +asymtote +asymtotes +asymtotic +asymtotically +asynapsis +asynaptic +asynartete +asynartetic +async +asynchronism +asynchronisms +asynchronous +asynchronously +asynchrony +asyndesis +asyndeta +asyndetic +asyndetically +asyndeton +asyndetons +asynergia +asynergy +asyngamic +asyngamy +Asynjur +asyntactic +asyntrophy +asystematic +asystole +asystolic +asystolism +Asyut +asyzygetic +Asz +AT +At +at +at- +at. +ATA +Ata +atabal +Atabalipa +atabals +atabeg +atabek +Atabrine +atabrine +Atabyrian +Atacaman +Atacamenan +Atacamenian +Atacameno +atacamite +ATACC +atactic +atactiform +Ataentsic +atafter +ataghan +ataghans +Atahualpa +Ataigal +Ataiyal +Atakapa +Atakapas +atake +Atal +Atalan +Atalanta +atalanta +Atalante +Atalanti +atalantis +Atalaya +atalaya +Atalayah +atalayas +Atalee +Ataliah +Atalie +Atalissa +Atalya +ataman +atamans +atamasco +atamascos +atame +Atamosco +atangle +atap +ataps +atar +ataractic +Atarax +ataraxia +ataraxias +ataraxic +ataraxics +ataraxies +ataraxy +Atascadero +Atascosa +Atat +atatschite +Ataturk +ataunt +ataunto +atavi +atavic +atavism +atavisms +atavist +atavistic +atavistically +atavists +atavus +ataxaphasia +ataxia +ataxiagram +ataxiagraph +ataxiameter +ataxiaphasia +ataxias +ataxic +ataxics +ataxies +ataxinomic +ataxite +ataxonomic +ataxophemia +ataxy +atazir +ATB +Atbara +atbash +ATC +Atcheson +Atchison +atchison +Atcliffe +Atco +ATDA +ATDRS +-ate +ATE +Ate +ate +ate- +Ateba +atebrin +atechnic +atechnical +atechny +-ated +ated +atees +ateeter +atef +atef-crown +ateknia +atelectasis +atelectatic +ateleiosis +atelene +ateleological +Ateles +atelestite +atelets +atelic +atelier +ateliers +ateliosis +ateliotic +Atellan +atellan +atelo +atelo- +atelocardia +atelocephalous +ateloglossia +atelognathia +atelomitic +atelomyelia +atelophobia +atelopodia +ateloprosopia +atelorachidia +atelostomia +ately +atemoya +a-temporal +atemporal +Aten +Atenism +Atenist +A-tent +ater- +Aterian +aterian +ates +Ateste +Atestine +ateuchi +ateuchus +ATF +Atfalati +Atglen +ATH +Athabasca +Athabascan +Athabaska +Athabaskan +Athal +athalamous +Athalee +Athalia +Athaliah +Athalie +Athalla +Athallia +athalline +Athamantid +athamantin +Athamas +athamaunte +athanasia +Athanasian +athanasian +Athanasianism +Athanasianist +athanasies +Athanasius +athanasy +athanor +Athapascan +Athapaskan +athapaskan +athar +Atharvan +Atharva-Veda +athbash +Athecae +Athecata +athecate +atheism +atheisms +atheist +atheistic +atheistical +atheistically +atheisticalness +atheisticness +atheists +atheize +atheizer +Athel +athel +Athelbert +athelia +atheling +athelings +Athelred +Athelstan +Athelstane +athematic +Athena +athena +Athenaea +Athenaeum +athenaeum +athenaeums +Athenaeus +Athenagoras +Athenai +Athene +athenee +atheneum +atheneums +Athenian +athenian +Athenianly +athenians +Athenienne +athenor +Athens +athens +atheological +atheologically +atheology +atheous +Athericera +athericeran +athericerous +atherine +Atherinidae +Atheriogaea +Atheriogaean +Atheris +athermancy +athermanous +athermic +athermous +atherogenesis +atherogenic +atheroma +atheromas +atheromasia +atheromata +atheromatosis +atheromatous +atheroscleroses +atherosclerosis +atherosclerotic +atherosclerotically +Atherosperma +Atherton +Atherurus +athetesis +atheticize +athetize +athetized +athetizing +athetoid +athetoids +athetosic +athetosis +athetotic +Athey +Athie +athing +athink +athirst +Athiste +athlete +athletehood +athletes +athletic +athletical +athletically +athleticism +athletics +athletism +athletocracy +athlothete +athlothetes +athodyd +athodyds +athogen +Athol +athold +at-home +at-homeish +at-homeishness +at-homeness +athonite +athort +Athos +athrepsia +athreptic +a-thrill +athrill +athrive +a-throb +athrob +athrocyte +athrocytosis +athrogenic +a-throng +athrong +athrough +athumia +athwart +athwarthawse +athwartship +athwartships +athwartwise +athymia +athymic +athymy +athyreosis +athyria +athyrid +Athyridae +Athyris +Athyrium +athyroid +athyroidism +athyrosis +ATI +Ati +Atiana +-atic +Atik +Atikokania +Atila +-atile +atilt +atimon +atimy +ating +atinga +atingle +atinkle +-ation +atip +a-tiptoe +atiptoe +ATIS +atis +-ative +ATK +Atka +Atkins +Atkinson +Atlanta +atlanta +atlantad +atlantal +Atlante +Atlantean +atlantean +atlantes +Atlantic +atlantic +Atlantica +Atlantid +Atlantides +Atlantis +atlantis +atlantite +atlanto- +atlantoaxial +atlantodidymus +atlantomastoid +Atlanto-mediterranean +atlantoodontoid +Atlantosaurus +atlantosaurus +at-large +ATLAS +Atlas +atlas +Atlas-Agena +Atlasburg +Atlas-Centaur +atlases +Atlaslike +Atlas-Score +atlatl +atlatls +atle +Atlee +atlee +Atli +atli +atlo- +atloaxoid +atloid +atloidean +atloidoaxoid +atloido-occipital +atlo-odontoid +ATM +At/m +atm +atm. +atma +Atman +atman +atmans +atmas +atmiatrics +atmiatry +atmid +atmidalbumin +atmidometer +atmidometry +atmo +atmo- +atmocausis +atmocautery +atmoclastic +atmogenic +atmograph +atmologic +atmological +atmologist +atmology +atmolyses +atmolysis +atmolyzation +atmolyze +atmolyzer +atmometer +atmometric +atmometry +atmophile +Atmore +atmos +atmosphere +atmosphered +atmosphereful +atmosphereless +atmospheres +atmospheric +atmospherical +atmospherically +atmospherics +atmospherium +atmospherology +atmostea +atmosteal +atmosteon +ATMS +ATN +Atnah +ATO +atocha +atocia +Atoka +atokal +atoke +atokous +atole +atoll +atolls +a-tolyl +atom +atomatic +atom-bomb +atom-chipping +atomechanics +atomerg +atomic +atomical +atomically +atomician +atomicism +atomicity +atomics +atomies +atomiferous +atomisation +atomise +atomised +atomises +atomising +atomism +atomisms +atomist +atomistic +atomistical +atomistically +atomistics +atomists +atomity +atomization +atomize +atomized +atomizer +atomizers +atomizes +atomizing +atomology +atom-rocket +ATOMS +atoms +atom-smashing +atom-tagger +atom-tagging +atomy +Aton +atonable +atonal +atonalism +atonalist +atonalistic +atonality +atonally +atone +atoneable +atoned +atonement +atonements +atoneness +atoner +atoners +atones +atonia +atonic +atonicity +atonics +atonies +atoning +atoningly +Atonsah +atony +atop +atopen +Atophan +atophan +atopic +atopies +atopite +atopy +-ator +Atorai +-atory +Atossa +atour +atoxic +Atoxyl +atoxyl +ATP +ATP2 +ATPCO +atpoints +ATR +atrabilaire +atrabilar +atrabilarian +atrabilarious +atrabile +atrabiliar +atrabiliarious +atrabiliary +atrabilious +atrabiliousness +atracheate +Atractaspis +Atragene +atragene +Atrahasis +atrail +atrament +atramental +atramentary +atramentous +atraumatic +Atrax +atrazine +atrazines +Atrebates +atrede +Atremata +atremate +atrematous +a-tremble +atremble +atren +atrenne +atrepsy +atreptic +atresia +atresias +atresic +atresy +atretic +Atreus +atreus +atria +atrial +atrible +Atrice +atrichia +atrichic +atrichosis +atrichous +atrickle +Atridae +Atridean +atrienses +atriensis +atriocoelomic +atrioporal +atriopore +atrioventricular +a-trip +atrip +Atriplex +atrium +atriums +atro- +atroce +atroceruleous +atroceruleus +atrocha +atrochal +atrochous +atrocious +atrociously +atrociousness +atrociousnesses +atrocities +atrocity +atrocoeruleus +atrolactic +Atronna +Atropa +atropaceous +atropal +atropamine +Atropatene +atrophia +atrophias +atrophiated +atrophic +atrophied +atrophies +atrophoderma +atrophous +atrophy +atrophying +atropia +atropic +Atropidae +atropin +atropine +atropines +atropinism +atropinization +atropinize +atropins +atropism +atropisms +Atropos +atropos +atropous +atrorubent +atrosanguineous +atroscine +atrous +ATRS +a-try +atry +Atrypa +atrypoid +ATS +atsara +Atsugi +AT&T +ATT +att +att. +Atta +atta +attababy +attabal +attaboy +Attacapan +attacca +attacco +attach +attachable +attachableness +attache +attached +attachedly +attacher +attachers +attaches +attacheship +attaching +attachment +attachments +attack +attackable +attacked +attacker +attackers +attacking +attackingly +attackman +attacks +attacolite +Attacus +attacus +attagal +attagen +attaghan +attagirl +Attah +attain +attainabilities +attainability +attainable +attainableness +attainably +attainder +attainders +attained +attainer +attainers +attaining +attainment +attainments +attainor +attains +attaint +attainted +attainting +attaintment +attaints +attainture +attal +Attalanta +Attalea +attaleh +Attalid +Attalie +Attalla +attame +attapulgite +Attapulgus +attar +attargul +attars +attask +attaste +attatched +attatches +ATTC +ATTCOM +atte +atteal +attemper +attemperament +attemperance +attemperate +attemperately +attemperation +attemperator +attempered +attempering +attempers +attempre +attempt +attemptability +attemptable +attempted +attempter +attempters +attempting +attemptive +attemptless +attempts +Attenborough +attend +attendance +attendances +attendancy +attendant +attendantly +attendants +attended +attendee +attendees +attender +attenders +attending +attendingly +attendings +attendment +attendress +attends +attensity +attent +attentat +attentate +attention +attentional +attentionality +attention-getting +attentions +attentive +attentively +attentiveness +attentivenesses +attently +attenuable +attenuant +attenuate +attenuated +attenuates +attenuating +attenuation +attenuations +attenuative +attenuator +attenuators +Attenweiler +atter +Atterbury +attercop +attercrop +atterminal +attermine +attermined +atterminement +attern +atterr +atterrate +attery +attest +attestable +attestant +attestation +attestations +attestative +attestator +attested +attester +attesters +attesting +attestive +attestor +attestors +attests +Atthia +Attic +attic +Attica +Attical +attice +Atticise +Atticised +Atticising +Atticism +atticism +atticisms +Atticist +atticist +atticists +Atticize +atticize +Atticized +atticized +Atticizing +atticizing +atticomastoid +attics +attid +Attidae +attidae +Attila +attila +attinge +attingence +attingency +attingent +attirail +attire +attired +attirement +attirer +attires +attiring +ATTIS +Attis +attitude +attitudes +attitudinal +attitudinarian +attitudinarianism +attitudinise +attitudinised +attitudiniser +attitudinising +attitudinize +attitudinized +attitudinizer +attitudinizes +attitudinizing +attitudist +Attius +Attiwendaronk +attle +Attleboro +Attlee +attn +attntrp +atto- +attollent +attomy +attorn +attornare +attorned +attorney +attorney-at-law +attorneydom +attorney-generalship +attorney-in-fact +attorneyism +attorneys +attorneys-at-law +attorneyship +attorneys-in-fact +attorning +attornment +attorns +attouchement +attour +attourne +attract +attractability +attractable +attractableness +attractance +attractancy +attractant +attractants +attracted +attracted-disk +attracter +attractile +attracting +attractingly +attraction +attractionally +attractions +attractive +attractively +attractiveness +attractivenesses +attractivity +attractor +attractors +attracts +attrahent +attrap +attrectation +attrib +attrib. +attributable +attributal +attribute +attributed +attributer +attributes +attributing +attribution +attributional +attributions +attributive +attributively +attributiveness +attributives +attributor +attrist +attrite +attrited +attriteness +attriting +attrition +attritional +attritive +attritus +attriutively +attroopment +attroupement +attry +Attu +attune +attuned +attunely +attunement +attunes +attuning +atturn +Attwood +atty +atty. +atua +Atuami +Atul +atule +Atum +a-tumble +atumble +atune +ATV +atveen +a-twain +atwain +Atwater +At/Wb +atweel +atween +Atwekk +atwin +atwind +atwirl +a-twist +atwist +atwitch +atwite +a-twitter +atwitter +atwixt +a-two +atwo +Atwood +Atworth +Atymnius +atypic +atypical +atypicality +atypically +atypy +Atys +A.U. +AU +Au +AUA +auantic +aubade +aubades +aubain +aubaine +Aubanel +Aubarta +Aube +aube +aubepine +Auber +Auberbach +Auberge +auberge +auberges +aubergine +aubergiste +aubergistes +Auberon +Auberry +Aubert +Auberta +Aubervilliers +Aubigny +Aubin +aubin +Aubine +Aubree +Aubreir +aubretia +aubretias +Aubrette +Aubrey +Aubrie +aubrieta +aubrietas +Aubrietia +aubrietia +aubrite +Aubry +Auburn +auburn +Auburndale +auburn-haired +auburns +Auburntown +Auburta +Aubusson +aubusson +Aubyn +A.U.C. +AUC +Auca +auca +Aucan +Aucaner +Aucanian +Auchenia +auchenia +auchenium +Auchincloss +Auchinleck +auchlet +aucht +Auckland +auckland +auctary +auction +auctionary +auctioned +auctioneer +auctioneers +auctioning +auctions +auctor +auctorial +auctorizate +auctors +Aucuba +aucuba +aucubas +aucupate +aud +aud. +audace +audacious +audaciously +audaciousness +audacities +audacity +audad +audads +Audaean +Aude +Auden +Audette +Audhumbla +Audhumla +Audi +Audian +Audibertia +audibility +audible +audibleness +audibles +audibly +Audie +audience +audience-proof +audiencer +audiences +audiencia +audiencier +audient +audients +audile +audiles +auding +audings +audio +audio- +audioemission +audio-frequency +audiogenic +audiogram +audiograms +audiological +audiologies +audiologist +audiologists +audiology +audiometer +audiometers +audiometric +audiometrically +audiometries +audiometrist +audiometry +Audion +audion +audiophile +audiophiles +audios +audiotape +audiotapes +audiotypist +audio-visual +audiovisual +audio-visually +audiovisuals +audiphone +audit +auditable +audited +auditing +audition +auditioned +auditioning +auditions +auditive +auditives +auditor +auditor-general +auditoria +auditorial +auditorially +auditories +auditorily +auditorium +auditoriums +auditors +auditors-general +auditorship +auditory +auditotoria +auditress +audits +auditual +audivise +audiviser +audivision +AUDIX +Audley +Audly +Audra +Audras +Audre +Audres +Audrey +Audri +Audrie +Audris +Audrit +Audry +Audrye +Audsley +Audubon +audubon +Audubonistic +Audun +Audwen +Audwin +Audy +Auer +Auerbach +Aueto +AUEW +auf +aufait +aufgabe +Aufklarung +aufklarung +Aufklrung +Aufmann +auftakt +Aug +Aug. +aug +aug. +auganite +Auge +auge +Augean +augean +Augeas +augelite +Augelot +augen +augend +augends +augen-gabbro +augen-gneiss +auger +augerer +auger-nose +augers +auger-type +auget +augh +aught +aughtlins +aughts +Augie +Augier +augite +augite-porphyrite +augite-porphyry +augites +augitic +augitite +augitophyre +augment +augmentable +augmentation +augmentationer +augmentations +augmentative +augmentatively +augmented +augmentedly +augmenter +augmenters +augmenting +augmentive +augmentor +augments +Augres +augrim +Augsburg +augur +augural +augurate +auguration +augure +augured +augurer +augurers +augurial +auguries +auguring +augurous +augurs +augurship +augury +August +august +Augusta +augusta +augustal +Augustales +Augustan +augustan +Auguste +auguste +auguster +augustest +Augusti +Augustin +augustin +Augustina +Augustine +augustine +Augustinian +augustinian +Augustinianism +Augustinism +augustly +augustness +Augusto +Augustus +Augy +auh +auhuhu +AUI +Auk +auk +auklet +auklets +auks +auksinai +auksinas +auksinu +aul +aula +aulacocarpous +Aulacodus +Aulacomniaceae +Aulacomnium +aulae +Aulander +Aulard +aularian +aulas +auld +aulder +auldest +auld-farran +auld-farrand +auld-farrant +auldfarrantlike +auld-warld +Aulea +auletai +aulete +auletes +auletic +auletrides +auletris +aulic +aulical +aulicism +Auliffe +Aulis +aullay +auln- +auloi +aulophobia +aulophyte +aulos +Aulostoma +Aulostomatidae +Aulostomi +aulostomid +Aulostomidae +Aulostomus +Ault +Aultman +aulu +AUM +Aum +aum +aumaga +aumail +aumakua +aumbries +aumbry +aumery +aumil +aumildar +aummbulatory +aumoniere +aumous +aumrie +Aumsville +Aun +aunc- +auncel +Aundrea +aune +Aunjetitz +Aunson +aunt +aunter +aunters +aunthood +aunthoods +auntie +aunties +auntish +auntlier +auntliest +auntlike +auntly +auntre +auntrous +aunts +auntsary +auntship +aunty +AUP +aupaka +aur- +AURA +Aura +aura +aurae +Aural +aural +aurally +auramin +auramine +aurang +Aurangzeb +aurantia +Aurantiaceae +aurantiaceous +Aurantium +aurantium +aurar +auras +aurata +aurate +aurated +Aurea +aureal +aureate +aureately +aureateness +aureation +aurei +aureity +Aurel +Aurelea +Aurelia +aurelia +Aurelian +aurelian +Aurelie +Aurelio +Aurelius +aurene +Aureocasidium +aureola +aureolae +aureolas +aureole +aureoled +aureoles +aureolin +aureoline +aureoling +Aureomycin +aureomycin +aureous +aureously +Aures +aures +auresca +aureus +Auria +auribromide +Auric +auric +aurichalcite +aurichalcum +aurichloride +aurichlorohydric +auricle +auricled +auricles +auricomous +Auricula +auricula +auriculae +auricular +auriculare +auriculares +Auricularia +auricularia +Auriculariaceae +auriculariae +Auriculariales +auricularian +auricularias +auricularis +auricularly +auriculars +auriculas +auriculate +auriculated +auriculately +Auriculidae +auriculo +auriculocranial +auriculoid +auriculo-infraorbital +auriculo-occipital +auriculoparietal +auriculotemporal +auriculoventricular +auriculovertical +auricyanhydric +auricyanic +auricyanide +auride +Aurie +auriferous +aurifex +aurific +aurification +aurified +auriflamme +auriform +aurify +aurifying +Auriga +auriga +Aurigae +aurigal +aurigation +aurigerous +Aurigid +Aurignac +Aurignacian +aurignacian +aurigo +aurigraphy +auri-iodide +aurilave +Aurilia +aurin +aurinasal +aurine +Auriol +auriphone +auriphrygia +auriphrygiate +auripigment +auripuncture +aurir +auris +auriscalp +auriscalpia +auriscalpium +auriscope +auriscopic +auriscopically +auriscopy +aurist +aurists +Aurita +aurite +aurited +aurivorous +Aurlie +auro- +auroauric +aurobromide +auroch +aurochloride +aurochs +aurochses +aurocyanide +aurodiamine +auronal +Auroora +aurophobia +aurophore +Aurora +aurora +aurorae +auroral +aurorally +auroras +Aurore +aurore +aurorean +Aurorian +aurorium +aurotellurite +aurothiosulphate +aurothiosulphuric +aurous +aurrescu +Aurthur +aurulent +Aurum +aurum +aurums +aurung +Aurungzeb +aurure +auryl +AUS +Aus +Aus. +Ausable +Auschwitz +auscult +auscultascope +auscultate +auscultated +auscultates +auscultating +auscultation +auscultations +auscultative +auscultator +auscultatory +Auscultoscope +auscultoscope +Ause +ausform +ausformed +ausforming +ausforms +ausgespielt +Ausgleich +Ausgleiche +Aushar +Auslander +auslander +auslaut +auslaute +Auslese +Ausones +Ausonian +Ausonius +auspex +auspicate +auspicated +auspicating +auspice +auspices +auspicial +auspicious +auspiciously +auspiciousness +auspicy +Aussie +aussie +aussies +Aust +Aust. +Austafrican +austausch +Austell +austemper +Austen +austenite +austenitic +austenitize +austenitized +austenitizing +Auster +auster +austere +austerely +austereness +austerer +austerest +austerities +austerity +Austerlitz +austerus +Austin +austin +Austina +Austinburg +Austine +Austinville +Auston +austr- +Austral +Austral. +austral +Australanthropus +Australasia +Australasian +australasian +Australe +australene +Austral-english +Australia +australia +Australian +australian +Australiana +Australianism +Australianize +Australian-oak +australians +Australic +Australioid +Australis +australis +australite +Australoid +australoid +Australopithecinae +Australopithecine +australopithecine +Australopithecus +Australorp +australorp +australs +Austrasia +Austrasian +Austreng +Austria +austria +Austria-Hungary +Austrian +austrian +Austrianize +austrians +Austric +austrine +austringer +austrium +Austro- +Austro-Asiatic +Austroasiatic +austroasiatic +Austro-columbia +Austro-columbian +Austrogaea +Austrogaean +Austro-Hungarian +Austro-hungarian +Austro-malayan +austromancy +Austronesia +Austronesian +austronesian +Austrophil +Austrophile +Austrophilism +Austroriparian +Austro-swiss +Austwell +ausu +ausubo +ausubos +aut- +autacoid +autacoidal +autacoids +autaesthesy +autallotriomorphic +autantitypy +autarch +autarchic +autarchical +autarchically +autarchies +autarchist +Autarchoglossa +autarchy +autarkic +autarkical +autarkically +autarkies +autarkik +autarkikal +autarkist +autarky +Autaugaville +aute +autechoscope +autecious +auteciously +auteciousness +autecism +autecisms +autecologic +autecological +autecologically +autecologist +autecology +autecy +autem +autere +Auteuil +auteur +auteurism +auteurs +autexousy +auth +auth. +authentic +authentical +authentically +authenticalness +authenticatable +authenticate +authenticated +authenticates +authenticating +authentication +authentications +authenticator +authenticators +authenticities +authenticity +authenticly +authenticness +authigene +authigenetic +authigenic +authigenous +Authon +author +authorcraft +author-created +authored +author-entry +authoress +authoresses +authorhood +authorial +authorially +authoring +authorisable +authorisation +authorise +authorised +authoriser +authorish +authorising +authorism +authoritarian +authoritarianism +authoritarianisms +authoritarians +authoritative +authoritatively +authoritativeness +authorities +authority +authorizable +authorization +authorizations +authorize +authorized +authorizer +authorizers +authorizes +authorizing +authorless +authorling +authorly +author-publisher +author-ridden +authors +authorship +authorships +authotype +autism +autisms +autist +autistic +auto +auto- +auto. +autoabstract +autoactivation +autoactive +autoaddress +autoagglutinating +autoagglutination +autoagglutinin +auto-alarm +autoalarm +autoalkylation +autoallogamous +autoallogamy +autoanalysis +autoanalytic +autoantibody +autoanticomplement +autoantitoxin +autoasphyxiation +autoaspiration +autoassimilation +auto-audible +Autobahn +autobahn +autobahnen +autobahns +autobasidia +Autobasidiomycetes +autobasidiomycetous +autobasidium +Autobasisii +autobiographal +autobiographer +autobiographers +autobiographic +autobiographical +autobiographically +autobiographies +autobiographist +autobiography +autobiology +autoblast +autoboat +autoboating +autobolide +autobus +autobuses +autobusses +autocab +autocade +autocades +autocall +autocamp +autocamper +autocamping +autocar +autocarist +autocarp +autocarpian +autocarpic +autocarpous +autocatalepsy +autocatalyses +autocatalysis +autocatalytic +autocatalytically +autocatalyze +autocatharsis +autocatheterism +autocephalia +autocephalic +autocephality +autocephalous +autocephaly +autoceptive +autochanger +autochemical +autocholecystectomy +autochrome +autochromy +autochronograph +autochthon +autochthonal +autochthones +autochthonic +autochthonism +autochthonous +autochthonously +autochthonousness +autochthons +autochthony +autochton +autocide +autocinesis +autoclasis +autoclastic +autoclave +autoclaved +autoclaves +autoclaving +autocoder +autocoenobium +autocoherer +autocoid +autocoids +autocollimate +autocollimation +autocollimator +autocollimators +autocolony +autocombustible +autocombustion +autocomplexes +autocondensation +autoconduction +autoconvection +autoconverter +autocopist +autocoprophagous +autocorrelate +autocorrelation +autocorrosion +autocosm +autocracies +autocracy +autocrat +autocratic +autocratical +autocratically +autocraticalness +autocrator +autocratoric +autocratorical +autocratrix +autocrats +autocratship +autocremation +autocriticism +autocross +autocue +autocycle +autocystoplasty +autocytolysis +autocytolytic +auto-da-f +auto-da-fe +auto-dafe +autodecomposition +autodecrement +autodecremented +autodecrements +autodepolymerization +autodermic +autodestruction +autodetector +autodiagnosis +autodiagnostic +autodiagrammatic +autodial +autodialed +autodialer +autodialers +autodialing +autodialled +autodialling +autodials +autodidact +autodidactic +autodidactically +autodidacts +autodifferentiation +autodiffusion +autodigestion +autodigestive +AUTODIN +autodrainage +autodrome +autodynamic +autodyne +autodynes +autoecholalia +autoecic +autoecious +autoeciously +autoeciousness +autoecism +autoecous +autoecy +autoed +autoeducation +autoeducative +autoelectrolysis +autoelectrolytic +autoelectronic +autoelevation +autoepigraph +autoepilation +autoerotic +autoerotically +autoeroticism +autoerotism +autoette +autoexcitation +autofecundation +autofermentation +autofluorescence +autoformation +autofrettage +autogamic +autogamies +autogamous +autogamy +autogauge +autogeneal +autogeneses +autogenesis +autogenetic +autogenetically +autogenic +autogenies +autogenous +autogenously +autogenuous +autogeny +Autogiro +autogiro +autogiros +autognosis +autognostic +autograft +autografting +autogram +autograph +autographal +autographed +autographer +autographic +autographical +autographically +autographing +autographism +autographist +autographometer +autographs +autography +autogravure +autogyro +autogyros +Autoharp +autoharp +autoheader +autohemic +autohemolysin +autohemolysis +autohemolytic +autohemorrhage +autohemotherapy +autoheterodyne +autoheterosis +autohexaploid +autohybridization +autohypnosis +autohypnotic +autohypnotically +autohypnotism +autohypnotization +autoicous +autoignition +autoimmune +autoimmunities +autoimmunity +autoimmunization +autoimmunize +autoimmunized +autoimmunizing +autoincrement +autoincremented +autoincrements +autoindex +autoindexing +autoinduction +autoinductive +auto-infection +autoinfection +autoinfusion +autoing +autoinhibited +auto-inoculability +auto-inoculable +autoinoculable +auto-inoculation +autoinoculation +autointellectual +autointoxicant +autointoxication +autoionization +autoirrigation +autoist +autojigger +autojuggernaut +autokinesis +autokinesy +autokinetic +autokrator +autolaryngoscope +autolaryngoscopic +autolaryngoscopy +autolater +autolatry +autolavage +autolesion +autolimnetic +autolith +autolithograph +autolithographer +autolithographic +autolithography +autoloader +autoloaders +autoloading +autological +autologist +autologous +autology +autoluminescence +autoluminescent +Autolycus +autolysate +autolysate-precipitate +autolyse +autolysin +autolysis +autolytic +Autolytus +autolyzate +autolyze +autolyzed +autolyzes +autolyzing +automa +automacy +automaker +automan +automania +automanipulation +automanipulative +automanual +automat +automata +automatable +automate +automateable +automated +automates +automatic +automatical +automatically +automaticity +automatics +automatictacessing +automating +automation +automations +automatism +automatist +automative +automatization +automatize +automatized +automatizes +automatizing +automatograph +automaton +automatonlike +automatons +automatonta +automatontons +automatous +automats +automechanical +automechanism +Automedon +automelon +automen +autometamorphosis +autometric +autometry +automobile +automobiled +automobiles +automobiling +automobilism +automobilist +automobilistic +automobilists +automobility +automolite +automonstration +automorph +automorphic +automorphically +automorphic-granular +automorphism +automotive +automotor +automower +autompne +automysophobia +autonavigator +autonavigators +autonegation +autonephrectomy +autonephrotoxin +autonetics +autoneurotoxin +autonitridation +Autonoe +autonoetic +autonomasy +autonomic +autonomical +autonomically +autonomies +autonomist +autonomize +autonomous +autonomously +autonomousness +autonomy +autonym +auto-objective +auto-observation +auto-omnibus +auto-ophthalmoscope +auto-ophthalmoscopy +auto-oxidation +autooxidation +auto-oxidize +autoparasitism +autopathic +autopathography +autopathy +autopelagic +autopepsia +autophagi +autophagia +autophagous +autophagy +autophobia +autophoby +autophon +autophone +autophonoscope +autophonous +autophony +autophotoelectric +autophotograph +autophotometry +autophthalmoscope +autophyllogeny +autophyte +autophytic +autophytically +autophytograph +autophytography +autopilot +autopilots +autopista +autoplagiarism +autoplasmotherapy +autoplast +autoplastic +autoplastically +autoplasties +autoplasty +autopneumatic +autopoint +autopoisonous +autopolar +autopolo +autopoloist +autopolyploid +autopolyploidy +autopore +autoportrait +autoportraiture +Autopositive +autopositive +autopotamic +autopotent +autoprogressive +autoproteolysis +autoprothesis +autopsic +autopsical +autopsied +autopsies +autopsist +autopsy +autopsychic +autopsychoanalysis +autopsychology +autopsychorhythmia +autopsychosis +autopsying +autoptic +autoptical +autoptically +autopticity +autoput +autopyotherapy +autor +autoracemization +autoradiogram +autoradiograph +autoradiographic +autoradiography +autorail +autoreduction +autoreflection +autoregenerator +autoregressive +autoregulation +autoregulative +autoregulatory +autoreinfusion +autoretardation +autorhythmic +autorhythmus +auto-rickshaw +auto-rifle +autoriser +autorotate +autorotation +autorotational +autoroute +autorrhaphy +autos +Autosauri +Autosauria +autoschediasm +autoschediastic +autoschediastical +autoschediastically +autoschediaze +autoscience +autoscope +autoscopic +autoscopy +autosender +autosensitization +autosensitized +autosepticemia +autoserotherapy +autoserum +autosexing +autosight +autosign +autosite +autositic +autoskeleton +autosled +autoslip +autosomal +autosomally +autosomatognosis +autosomatognostic +autosome +autosomes +autosoteric +autosoterism +autospore +autosporic +autospray +autostability +autostage +autostandardization +autostarter +autostethoscope +autostoper +autostrada +autostradas +autostylic +autostylism +autostyly +autosuggest +autosuggestibility +autosuggestible +autosuggestion +autosuggestionist +autosuggestions +autosuggestive +autosuppression +autosymbiontic +autosymbolic +autosymbolical +autosymbolically +autosymnoia +Autosyn +autosyn +autosyndesis +autota +autotelegraph +autotelic +autotelism +autotetraploid +autotetraploidy +autothaumaturgist +autotheater +autotheism +autotheist +autotherapeutic +autotherapy +autothermy +autotimer +autotomic +autotomies +autotomise +autotomised +autotomising +autotomize +autotomized +autotomizing +autotomous +autotomy +autotoxaemia +autotoxemia +autotoxic +autotoxication +autotoxicity +autotoxicosis +autotoxin +autotoxis +autotractor +autotransformer +autotransfusion +autotransplant +autotransplantation +autotrepanation +autotriploid +autotriploidy +autotroph +autotrophic +autotrophically +autotrophy +autotropic +autotropically +autotropism +autotruck +autotuberculin +autoturning +autotype +autotypes +autotyphization +autotypic +autotypies +autotypography +autotypy +autourine +autovaccination +autovaccine +autovalet +autovalve +autovivisection +AUTOVON +autoxeny +autoxidation +autoxidation-reduction +autoxidator +autoxidizability +autoxidizable +autoxidize +autoxidizer +autozooid +Autrain +Autrans +autre +autrefois +Autrey +Autry +Autryville +Autum +Autumn +autumn +autumnal +autumnally +autumn-brown +Autumni +autumnian +autumnity +autumns +autumn-spring +Autun +Autunian +autunite +autunites +auturgy +Auvergne +Auvil +Auwers +AUX +aux +aux. +auxamylase +auxanogram +auxanology +auxanometer +auxeses +auxesis +auxetic +auxetical +auxetically +auxetics +AUXF +Auxier +auxil +auxiliar +auxiliaries +auxiliarly +auxiliary +auxiliate +auxiliation +auxiliator +auxiliatory +auxilium +auxillary +auxilytic +auximone +auxin +auxinic +auxinically +auxins +Auxo +auxoaction +auxoamylase +auxoblast +auxobody +auxocardia +auxochrome +auxochromic +auxochromism +auxochromous +auxocyte +auxoflore +auxofluor +auxograph +auxographic +auxohormone +auxology +auxometer +auxospore +auxosubstance +auxotonic +auxotox +auxotroph +auxotrophic +auxotrophy +Auxvasse +Auzout +A.V. +A/V +AV +Av +a-v +av +av- +av. +Ava +ava +avadana +avadavat +avadavats +avadhuta +avahi +avail +availabile +availabilities +availability +available +availableness +availably +availed +availer +availers +availing +availingly +availment +avails +aval +avalanche +avalanched +avalanches +avalanching +avale +avalent +Avallon +Avalokita +Avalokitesvara +Avalon +avalon +avalvular +Avan +avance +Avanguardisti +avania +avanious +Avant +avant +avant- +avantage +avant-courier +avanters +avant-garde +avantgarde +avant-gardism +avant-gardist +Avanti +avantlay +avant-propos +avanturine +avanyu +Avar +Avaradrano +avaram +avaremotemo +Avaria +Avarian +avarice +avarices +avaricious +avariciously +avariciousness +Avarish +avaritia +Avars +avascular +avast +avatar +avatara +avatars +avaunt +Avawam +AVC +AVD +avdp +avdp. +Ave +Ave. +ave +Avebury +Aveiro +Avelin +Avelina +Aveline +avell +Avella +avellan +avellane +Avellaneda +avellaneous +avellano +Avellino +avelonge +aveloz +Avena +avenaceous +avenage +Avenal +avenalin +avenant +avenary +Avenel +avener +avenery +avenge +avenged +avengeful +avengement +avenger +avengeress +avengers +avenges +avenging +avengingly +avenida +aveniform +avenin +avenine +avenolith +avenous +avens +avenses +aventail +aventails +aventayle +Aventine +aventine +aventre +aventure +aventurin +aventurine +avenue +avenues +aveny +aver +aver- +Avera +avera +average +averaged +averagely +averageness +averager +averages +averaging +averah +Averell +Averi +averia +Averil +averil +Averill +averin +Averir +averish +averment +averments +avern +Avernal +avernal +Averno +Avernus +avernus +averrable +averral +averred +averrer +Averrhoa +Averrhoism +Averrhoist +Averrhoistic +averring +Averroes +Averroism +Averroist +averroist +Averroistic +averruncate +averruncation +averruncator +avers +aversant +aversation +averse +aversely +averseness +aversion +aversions +aversive +avert +avertable +averted +avertedly +averter +avertible +avertiment +Avertin +avertin +averting +avertive +averts +Avery +Averyl +Aves +aves +Avesta +avesta +Avestan +avestan +avestruz +aveugle +Aveyron +avg +avg. +avgas +avgases +avgasses +Avi +aviador +avian +avianization +avianize +avianized +avianizes +avianizing +avians +aviararies +aviaries +aviarist +aviarists +aviary +aviate +aviated +aviates +aviatic +aviating +aviation +aviational +aviations +aviator +aviatorial +aviatoriality +aviators +aviatory +aviatress +aviatrice +aviatrices +aviatrix +aviatrixes +Avice +Avicebron +Avicenna +Avicennia +Avicenniaceae +Avicennism +avichi +avicide +avick +avicolous +Avictor +Avicula +avicular +Avicularia +avicularia +avicularian +Aviculariidae +Avicularimorphae +avicularium +Aviculidae +aviculture +aviculturist +avid +avidin +avidins +avidious +avidiously +avidities +avidity +avidly +avidness +avidnesses +avidous +avidya +Avie +avie +Aviemore +aview +avifauna +avifaunae +avifaunal +avifaunally +avifaunas +avifaunistic +avigate +avigation +avigator +avigators +Avigdor +Avignon +Avignonese +avijja +Avikom +Avila +avilaria +avile +avilement +Avilion +avilion +Avilla +avine +Avinger +aviolite +avion +avion-canon +avionic +avionics +avions +avirulence +avirulent +Avis +avis +Avisco +avision +aviso +avisos +Aviston +avital +avitaminoses +avitaminosis +avitaminotic +avitic +Avitzur +Aviv +Aviva +Avivah +avives +avizandum +AVLIS +Avlona +AVM +avn +avn. +Avner +Avo +avo +Avoca +avocado +avocadoes +avocados +avocat +avocate +avocation +avocational +avocationally +avocations +avocative +avocatory +avocet +avocets +avodire +avodires +avogadrite +Avogadro +avogadro +avogram +avoid +avoidable +avoidably +avoidance +avoidances +avoidant +avoided +avoider +avoiders +avoiding +avoidless +avoidment +avoids +avoidupois +avoidupoises +avoir +avoir. +avoirdupois +avoke +avolate +avolation +avolitional +Avon +Avondale +avondbloem +Avonmore +Avonne +avos +avoset +avosets +avouch +avouchable +avouched +avoucher +avouchers +avouches +avouching +avouchment +avoue +avour +avoure +avourneen +avouter +avoutry +avow +avowable +avowableness +avowably +avowal +avowals +avowance +avowant +avowe +avowed +avowedly +avowedness +avower +avowers +avowing +avowries +avowry +avows +avowter +avoy +avoyer +avoyership +Avra +Avraham +Avram +Avril +Avrit +Avrom +Avron +Avruch +Avshar +avulse +avulsed +avulses +avulsing +avulsion +avulsions +avuncular +avunculate +avunculize +avyayibhava +avys +AW +a.w. +aw +aw- +awa +Awabakal +awabi +AWACS +awacs +Awad +Awadhi +awaft +awag +await +awaited +awaiter +awaiters +awaiting +Awaitlala +awaits +awakable +awake +awakeable +awaked +awaken +awakenable +awakened +awakener +awakeners +awakening +awakeningly +awakenings +awakenment +awakens +awakes +awaking +awakings +awald +awalim +awalt +Awan +awane +awanting +awanyu +awapuhi +A-war +award +awardable +awarded +awardee +awardees +awarder +awarders +awarding +awardment +awards +aware +awaredom +awareness +awarn +awarrant +awaruite +awash +awaste +awat +awatch +awater +awave +away +away-going +awayness +awaynesses +aways +AWB +awber +awd +awe +AWEA +A-weapons +awearied +aweary +a-weather +aweather +awe-awakening +awe-band +aweband +awe-bound +awe-commanding +awe-compelling +awed +awedly +awedness +awee +a-week +aweek +aweel +awe-filled +aweigh +aweing +awe-inspired +awe-inspiring +awe-inspiringly +aweless +awelessness +Awellimiden +Awendaw +awes +awesome +awesomely +awesomeness +a-west +awest +awe-stricken +awestricken +awe-strike +awestrike +awe-struck +awestruck +aweto +awfu +awful +awful-eyed +awful-gleaming +awfuller +awfullest +awful-looking +awfully +awfulness +awful-voiced +AWG +awhape +awheel +a-wheels +awheft +a-whet +awhet +awhile +a-whiles +a-whir +awhir +a-whirl +awhirl +awide +awiggle +awikiwiki +awin +a-wing +awing +awingly +a-wink +awink +awiwi +AWK +awk +awkly +awkward +awkwarder +awkwardest +awkwardish +awkwardly +awkwardness +awkwardnesses +AWL +awl +awless +awlessness +awl-fruited +awl-leaved +awls +awl-shaped +awlwort +awlworts +awm +awmbrie +awmous +awn +awned +awner +awning +awninged +awnings +awnless +awnlike +awns +awny +a-wobble +awoke +awoken +A.W.O.L. +AWOL +Awol +awol +Awolowo +awols +awonder +a-work +awork +aworry +aworth +a-wrack +a-wreak +awreak +awreck +awrist +awrong +awry +Awshar +AWST +AWU +awunctive +Ax +ax +ax. +Axa +ax-adz +AXAF +axal +axanthopsia +axbreaker +Axe +axe +axe-breaker +axebreaker +axed +Axel +axel +axels +axeman +axemaster +axemen +axenic +axenically +axer +axerophthol +axers +axes +axfetch +axhammer +axhammered +axhead +axial +axial-flow +axialities +axiality +axially +axiate +axiation +Axifera +axiferous +axiform +axifugal +axil +axile +axilemma +axilemmas +axilemmata +axilla +axillae +axillant +axillar +axillaries +axillars +axillary +axillas +axils +axin +axine +axing +axiniform +axinite +axinomancy +axiolite +axiolitic +axiological +axiologically +axiologies +axiologist +axiology +axiom +axiomatic +axiomatical +axiomatically +axiomatization +axiomatizations +axiomatize +axiomatized +axiomatizes +axiomatizing +axioms +axion +axiopisty +Axiopoenus +Axis +axis +axised +axises +axisymmetric +axisymmetrical +axisymmetrically +axisymmetry +axite +axites +axle +axle-bending +axle-boring +axle-centering +axled +axle-forging +axles +axlesmith +axle-tooth +axle-tree +axletree +axletrees +axlike +axmaker +axmaking +axman +axmanship +axmaster +axmen +Axminster +axminster +axodendrite +axofugal +axogamy +axoid +axoidean +axolemma +axolotl +axolotls +axolysis +axometer +axometric +axometry +axon +axonal +axone +axonemal +axoneme +axonemes +axones +axoneure +axoneuron +Axonia +axonic +Axonolipa +axonolipous +axonometric +axonometry +Axonophora +axonophorous +Axonopus +axonost +axons +axopetal +axophyte +axoplasm +axoplasmic +axoplasms +axopodia +axopodium +axospermous +axostyle +axotomous +axseed +axseeds +ax-shaped +Axson +axstone +Axtel +Axtell +Axton +axtree +Axum +Axumite +axunge +axweed +axwise +axwort +AY +Ay +ay +ay- +ayacahuite +Ayacucho +ayah +ayahausca +ayahs +ayahuasca +Ayahuca +Ayala +ayapana +ayatollah +ayatollahs +Aycliffe +Aydelotte +Ayden +Aydendron +Aydin +Aydlett +aye +a-year +aye-aye +aye-ceaseless +aye-during +aye-dwelling +ayegreen +aye-lasting +aye-living +a-yelp +ayelp +ayen +ayenbite +ayens +ayenst +Ayer +ayer-ayer +aye-remaining +aye-renewed +aye-restless +aye-rolling +Ayers +aye-running +ayes +Ayesha +aye-sought +aye-troubled +aye-turning +aye-varied +aye-welcome +ay-green +AYH +ayield +ayin +Ayina +ayins +Aylesbury +ayless +aylet +Aylett +ayllu +Aylmar +Aylmer +Aylsworth +Aylward +Aym +Aymara +aymara +Aymaran +Aymaras +Ayme +ayme +Aymer +Aymoro +Ayn +Aynat +ayne +Aynor +Ayntab +Ayo +ayond +ayont +ayous +Ayr +ayre +Ayres +Ayrshire +ayrshire +ays +Aythya +ayu +Ayubite +ayudante +Ayudhya +ayuntamiento +ayuntamientos +Ayurveda +ayurveda +ayurvedas +Ayurvedic +Ayuthea +Ayuthia +Ayutthaya +ayuyu +aywhere +Ayyubid +AZ +az +az- +aza- +azadirachta +azadrachta +azafran +azafrin +Azal +Azalea +azalea +Azaleah +azaleamum +azaleas +Azalia +Azan +azan +Azana +Azande +azans +Azar +Azarcon +Azaria +Azariah +azarole +Azarria +azaserine +azathioprine +Azazel +azazel +Azbine +azedarac +azedarach +Azeglio +Azeito +azelaic +azelate +Azelea +Azelfafage +azeotrope +azeotropic +azeotropism +azeotropy +Azerbaidzhan +Azerbaijan +Azerbaijanese +Azerbaijani +Azerbaijanian +Azerbaijanis +Azeria +Azha +Azide +azide +azides +azido +aziethane +Azikiwe +Azilian +Azilian-tardenoisian +azilut +Azimech +azimene +azimethylene +azimide +azimin +azimine +azimino +aziminobenzene +azimuth +azimuthal +azimuthally +azimuths +azine +azines +azinphosmethyl +aziola +Aziza +azlactone +Azle +azlon +azlons +Aznavour +azo +azo- +azobacter +azobenzene +azobenzil +azobenzoic +azobenzol +azoblack +azoch +azocochineal +azocoralline +azocorinth +azocyanide +azocyclic +azodicarboxylic +azodiphenyl +azodisulphonic +azoeosin +azoerythrin +Azof +azofication +azofier +azoflavine +azoformamide +azoformic +azofy +azogallein +azogreen +azogrenadine +azohumic +azoic +azoimide +azoisobutyronitrile +azole +azoles +azolitmin +Azolla +azomethine +azon +azonal +azonaphthalene +azonic +azonium +azons +azoology +azo-orange +azo-orchil +azo-orseilline +azoospermia +azoparaffin +azophen +azophenetole +azophenine +azophenol +azophenyl +azophenylene +Azophi +azophosphin +azophosphore +azoprotein +Azor +Azores +azores +Azorian +Azorin +azorite +azorubine +azosulphine +azosulphonic +azotaemia +azotate +azote +azotea +azoted +azotemia +azotemias +azotemic +azotenesis +azotes +azotetrazole +azoth +azothionium +azoths +azotic +azotin +azotine +azotise +azotised +azotises +azotising +azotite +azotize +azotized +azotizes +azotizing +Azotobacter +azotobacter +Azotobacterieae +azotoluene +azotometer +azotorrhea +azotorrhoea +Azotos +azotous +azoturia +azoturias +Azov +azovernine +azox +azoxazole +azoxime +azoxine +azoxonium +azoxy +azoxyanisole +azoxybenzene +azoxybenzoic +azoxynaphthalene +azoxyphenetole +azoxytoluidine +Azpurua +Azrael +azrael +Azral +Azriel +Aztec +aztec +Azteca +azteca +Aztecan +aztecan +aztecs +azthionium +Azuela +Azuero +azulejo +azulejos +azulene +azuline +azulite +azulmic +azumbre +azure +azurean +azure-blazoned +azure-blue +azure-canopied +azure-circled +azure-colored +azured +azure-domed +azure-eyed +azure-footed +azure-inlaid +azure-mantled +azureness +azureous +azure-penciled +azure-plumed +azures +azure-tinted +azure-vaulted +azure-veined +azurine +azurite +azurites +azurmalachite +azurous +azury +Azusa +azygo- +Azygobranchia +Azygobranchiata +azygobranchiate +azygomatous +azygos +azygoses +azygosperm +azygospore +azygote +azygous +azyme +azymite +azymous +B +B- +b +B911 +B.A. +BA +Ba +ba +B.A.A. +BAA +baa +baaed +baahling +baaing +Baal +baal +Baalath +Baalbeer +Baalbek +Baal-berith +Baalim +baalim +Baalish +Baalism +baalism +baalisms +Baalist +Baalistic +Baalite +Baalitical +Baalize +Baalized +Baalizing +Baalman +baals +Baalshem +baar +baas +baases +baaskaap +baaskaaps +baaskap +Baastan +Bab +bab +Baba +baba +babacoote +babai +babajaga +baba-koto +babakoto +Babar +Babara +babas +babasco +babassu +babassus +babasu +babaylan +babaylanes +Babb +Babbage +babbage +Babbette +Babbie +babbie +babbishly +babbit +babbit-metal +Babbitry +Babbitt +babbitt +babbitted +babbitter +Babbittess +Babbittian +babbitting +Babbittish +Babbittism +Babbittry +babbittry +babbitts +babblative +babble +babbled +babblement +babbler +babblers +babbles +babblesome +babbling +babblingly +babblings +babblish +babblishly +babbly +babbool +babbools +Babby +babby +Babcock +babcock +Babe +babe +babe-faced +babehood +Babel +babel +Babeldom +babelet +Babelic +babelike +Babelisation +Babelise +Babelised +Babelish +Babelising +Babelism +Babelization +Babelize +Babelized +Babelizing +babels +Baber +babery +babes +babeship +Babesia +babesia +babesias +babesiasis +babesiosis +Babette +Babeuf +Babhan +Babi +Babiana +babiche +babiches +babied +babies +babies'-breath +Babiism +babillard +Babine +babingtonite +babion +babirousa +babiroussa +babirusa +babirusas +babirussa +babis +babish +babished +babishly +babishness +Babism +Babist +Babita +Babite +Babits +babka +babkas +bablah +bable +babloh +baboen +Babol +Babongo +baboo +baboodom +babooism +babool +babools +baboon +baboonery +baboonish +baboonroot +baboons +baboos +baboosh +baboot +babouche +Babouvism +Babouvist +babracot +babroot +Babs +Babson +babu +Babua +babudom +babuina +babuism +babul +babuls +Babuma +Babungera +Babur +baburd +babus +babushka +babushkas +baby +baby-blue-eyes +Baby-bouncer +baby-browed +baby-doll +babydom +baby-face +baby-faced +baby-featured +babyfied +babyhood +babyhoods +babyhouse +babying +babyish +babyishly +babyishness +babyism +baby-kissing +babylike +Babylon +babylon +Babylonia +babylonia +Babylonian +babylonian +babylonians +Babylonic +Babylonish +babylonish +Babylonism +Babylonite +Babylonize +babyolatry +baby-sat +babysat +baby's-breath +babyship +baby-sit +babysit +baby-sitter +babysitter +baby-sitting +babysitting +baby-sized +baby-snatching +baby's-slippers +baby-tears +Baby-walker +Bac +bac +bacaba +bacach +bacalao +bacalaos +bacao +Bacardi +Bacau +bacauan +bacbakiri +BAcc +bacca +baccaceous +baccae +baccalaurean +baccalaureat +baccalaureate +baccalaureates +baccalaureus +baccar +baccara +baccaras +baccarat +baccarats +baccare +baccate +baccated +Bacchae +bacchae +bacchanal +Bacchanalia +bacchanalia +bacchanalian +bacchanalianism +bacchanalianly +Bacchanalias +bacchanalias +bacchanalism +bacchanalization +bacchanalize +bacchanals +bacchant +bacchante +bacchantes +bacchantic +bacchants +bacchar +baccharis +baccharoid +baccheion +Bacchelli +bacchiac +bacchian +Bacchic +bacchic +Bacchical +Bacchides +bacchii +bacchiuchii +bacchius +Bacchus +bacchus +Bacchuslike +Bacchylides +baccies +bacciferous +bacciform +baccilla +baccilli +baccillla +baccillum +Baccio +baccivorous +baccy +BACH +Bach +bach +Bacharach +bacharach +Bache +bache +bached +bachel +Bacheller +bachelor +bachelor-at-arms +bachelordom +bachelorette +bachelorhood +bachelorhoods +bachelorism +bachelorize +bachelorlike +bachelorly +bachelors +bachelors-at-arms +bachelor's-button +bachelor's-buttons +bachelorship +bachelorwise +bachelry +baches +Bachichi +baching +Bachman +bacilary +bacile +Bacillaceae +bacillar +Bacillariaceae +bacillariaceous +Bacillariales +Bacillarieae +Bacillariophyta +bacillary +bacillemia +bacilli +bacillian +bacillicidal +bacillicide +bacillicidic +bacilliculture +bacilliform +bacilligenic +bacilliparous +bacillite +bacillogenic +bacillogenous +bacillophobia +bacillosis +bacilluria +bacillus +bacin +Bacis +bacitracin +back +back- +backache +backaches +backaching +backachy +back-acting +backadation +backage +back-alley +back-and-forth +back-angle +backare +backarrow +backarrows +backband +backbar +backbear +backbearing +backbeat +backbeats +back-bencher +backbencher +backbenchers +backbend +backbends +backberand +back-berend +backberend +backbit +backbite +backbiter +backbiters +backbites +back-biting +backbiting +backbitingly +backbitten +back-blocker +backblocks +backblow +back-blowing +back-board +backboard +backboards +backbone +backboned +backboneless +backbonelessness +backbones +backbrand +backbreaker +back-breaking +backbreaking +back-breathing +back-broken +back-burner +backcap +backcast +backcasts +backchain +backchat +backchats +back-check +back-cloth +backcloth +back-cloths +backcomb +back-coming +back-connected +back-country +backcountry +backcourt +backcourtman +backcross +backdate +backdated +backdates +backdating +back-door +backdoor +backdown +back-drawing +back-drawn +backdrop +backdrops +backed +backed-off +backen +back-end +backened +backening +Backer +backer +backers +backers-up +backer-up +backet +back-face +back-facing +backfall +back-fanged +backfatter +backfield +backfields +backfill +backfilled +backfiller +back-filleted +backfilling +backfills +back-fire +backfire +backfired +backfires +backfiring +backflap +backflash +backflip +backflow +back-flowing +backflowing +back-flung +back-focused +backfold +back-formation +backframe +backfriend +backfurrow +backgame +backgammon +backgammons +back-geared +backgeared +back-glancing +back-going +background +backgrounds +back-hand +backhand +back-handed +backhanded +backhandedly +backhandedness +back-hander +backhander +backhanding +backhands +backhatch +backhaul +backhauled +backhauling +backhauls +Backhaus +backheel +backhoe +backhoes +backhooker +backhouse +backhouses +backie +backiebird +backing +backing-off +backings +backjaw +backjoint +backland +backlands +back-lash +backlash +backlashed +backlasher +backlashers +backlashes +backlashing +back-leaning +Backler +backless +backlet +backliding +back-light +back-lighted +back-lighting +backlighting +backlings +backlins +back-list +backlist +backlists +back-lit +backlit +back-log +backlog +backlogged +backlogging +backlogs +back-looking +backlotter +back-lying +back-making +backmost +back-number +backoff +backorder +backout +backouts +backpack +backpacked +backpacker +backpackers +backpacking +backpacks +back-paddle +back-paint +back-palm +back-pedal +backpedal +back-pedaled +backpedaled +back-pedaling +backpedaling +back-pedalled +back-pedalling +back-piece +backpiece +backplane +backplanes +back-plaster +back-plate +backplate +backpointer +backpointers +back-pulling +back-putty +back-racket +back-raking +backrest +backrests +backrope +backropes +backrun +backrush +backrushes +Backs +backs +backsaw +backsaws +backscatter +backscattered +backscattering +backscatters +backscraper +back-scratcher +backscratcher +back-scratching +backscratching +backseat +backseats +back-set +backset +backsets +backsetting +back-settler +backsettler +back-sey +backsey +backsheesh +backshift +backshish +backside +backsides +backsight +backsite +back-slang +back-slanging +backslap +backslapped +backslapper +backslappers +back-slapping +backslapping +backslaps +backslash +backslashes +backslid +backslidden +backslide +backslided +backslider +backsliders +backslides +backsliding +backslidingness +backspace +backspaced +backspacefile +backspacer +backspaces +backspacing +backspang +backspear +backspeer +backspeir +backspier +backspierer +back-spiker +backspin +backspins +backsplice +backspliced +backsplicing +backspread +backspringing +backstab +backstabbed +backstabber +backstabbing +back-staff +backstaff +backstage +backstair +backstairs +backstamp +back-starting +backstay +backstays +Backstein +back-stepping +backster +backstick +back-stitch +backstitch +backstitched +backstitches +backstitching +backstone +backstop +back-stope +backstopped +backstopping +backstops +backstrap +back-strapped +backstrapped +backstreet +back-streeter +backstretch +backstretches +backstring +backstrip +back-stroke +backstroke +backstroked +backstrokes +backstroking +backstromite +back-surging +backswept +backswimmer +backswing +back-sword +backsword +backswording +backswordman +backswordmen +backswordsman +backtack +back-talk +backtalk +back-tan +backtender +backtenter +back-titrate +back-titration +back-to-back +back-to-front +backtrace +backtrack +backtracked +backtracker +backtrackers +backtracking +backtracks +backtrail +back-trailer +backtrick +back-trip +back-up +backup +backups +Backus +backus +backveld +backvelder +backwall +back-ward +backward +backwardation +backwardly +backwardness +backwardnesses +backwards +backwash +backwashed +backwasher +backwashes +backwashing +backwater +backwatered +backwaters +back-way +backway +backwind +backwinded +backwinding +backwood +backwoods +backwoodser +backwoodsiness +backwoodsman +backwoodsmen +backwoodsy +backword +backworm +backwort +backwrap +backwraps +backy +backyard +backyarder +backyards +baclava +Bacliff +baclin +Baco +Bacolod +Bacon +bacon +bacon-and-eggs +baconer +Baconian +baconian +Baconianism +Baconic +Baconism +Baconist +baconize +bacons +Baconton +baconweed +bacony +Bacopa +Bacova +bacquet +bact +bact. +bacteraemia +bacteremia +bacteremic +bacteri- +bacteria +Bacteriaceae +bacteriaceous +bacteriaemia +bacterial +bacterially +bacterian +bacteric +bactericholia +bactericidal +bactericidally +bactericide +bactericides +bactericidin +bacterid +bacteriemia +bacteriform +bacterin +bacterins +bacterio- +bacterioagglutinin +bacterioblast +bacteriochlorophyll +bacteriocidal +bacteriocin +bacteriocyte +bacteriodiagnosis +bacteriofluorescin +bacteriogenic +bacteriogenous +bacteriohemolysin +bacterioid +bacterioidal +bacteriol +bacteriol. +bacteriologic +bacteriological +bacteriologically +bacteriologies +bacteriologist +bacteriologists +bacteriology +bacteriolysin +bacteriolysis +bacteriolytic +bacteriolyze +bacterio-opsonic +bacterio-opsonin +bacteriopathology +bacteriophage +bacteriophages +bacteriophagia +bacteriophagic +bacteriophagous +bacteriophagy +bacteriophobia +bacterioprecipitin +bacterioprotein +bacteriopsonic +bacteriopsonin +bacteriopurpurin +bacteriorhodopsin +bacterioscopic +bacterioscopical +bacterioscopically +bacterioscopist +bacterioscopy +bacteriosis +bacteriosolvent +bacteriostasis +bacteriostat +bacteriostatic +bacteriostatically +bacteriotherapeutic +bacteriotherapy +bacteriotoxic +bacteriotoxin +bacteriotropic +bacteriotropin +bacteriotrypsin +bacterious +bacteririum +bacteritic +bacterium +bacteriuria +bacterization +bacterize +bacterized +bacterizing +bacteroid +bacteroidal +Bacteroideae +Bacteroides +bacteroides +bactetiophage +Bactra +Bactria +Bactrian +Bactris +Bactrites +bactriticone +bactritoid +bacubert +bacula +bacule +baculere +baculi +baculiferous +baculiform +baculine +baculite +Baculites +baculitic +baculiticone +baculoid +baculo-metry +baculum +baculums +baculus +bacury +bad +Badacsonyi +Badaga +Badajoz +Badakhshan +Badalona +badan +Badarian +badarrah +badass +badassed +badasses +badaud +Badawi +Badaxe +badaxe +Badb +badchan +baddeleyite +badder +badderlocks +baddest +baddie +baddies +baddish +baddishly +baddishness +baddock +baddy +bade +Baden +Baden-Baden +badenite +Baden-Powell +Baden-Wtemberg +badge +badged +badgeless +badgeman +badgemen +Badger +badger +badgerbrush +badgered +badgerer +badgering +badgeringly +badger-legged +badgerlike +badgerly +badgers +badgerweed +badges +badging +badgir +badhan +bad-headed +bad-hearted +bad-humored +badiaga +badian +badigeon +Badin +badinage +badinaged +badinages +badinaging +badiner +badinerie +badineur +badious +badju +badland +badlands +badling +bad-looking +badly +badman +badmash +badmen +BAdmEng +bad-minded +badminton +badmintons +bad-mouth +badmouth +badmouthed +badmouthing +badmouths +badness +badnesses +Badoeng +Badoglio +Badon +Badr +badrans +bads +bad-smelling +bad-tempered +Baduhenna +BAE +bae +bae- +Baecher +BAEd +Baeda +Baedeker +baedeker +Baedekerian +baedekers +Baekeland +Bael +bael +Baelbeer +Baer +Baeria +Baerl +Baerman +Baese +baetuli +baetulus +baetyl +baetylic +baetylus +baetzner +Baeyer +Baez +bafaro +baff +baffed +baffeta +baffies +Baffin +baffing +baffle +baffled +bafflement +bafflements +baffleplate +baffler +bafflers +baffles +baffling +bafflingly +bafflingness +baffs +baffy +BAFO +baft +bafta +baftah +Bafyot +BAg +bag +baga +Baganda +bagani +bagass +bagasse +bagasses +bagataway +bagatelle +bagatelles +Bagatha +bagatine +bagattini +bagattino +Bagaudae +bag-bearing +bag-bedded +bag-bundling +bag-cheeked +bag-closing +bag-cutting +Bagdad +Bagdi +BAgE +Bagehot +bagel +bagels +bag-filling +bag-flower +bag-folding +bagful +bagfuls +baggage +baggageman +baggagemaster +baggager +baggages +baggage-smasher +baggala +bagganet +Baggara +bagge +bagged +Bagger +bagger +baggers +Baggett +baggie +baggier +baggies +baggiest +baggily +bagginess +bagging +baggings +baggit +Baggott +Baggs +baggy +baggyrinkle +baggywrinkle +bagh +Baghdad +baghdad +Bagheera +Bagheli +baghla +Baghlan +baghouse +bagie +Baginda +bagio +bagios +Bagirmi +bagle +bagleaves +Bagley +baglike +bagmaker +bagmaking +bagman +bagmen +bagne +Bagnes +bagnes +bagnet +bagnette +bagnio +bagnios +bagnut +bago +Bagobo +bagonet +bagong +bagoong +bagpipe +bagpiped +bagpiper +bagpipers +bagpipes +bagpiping +bagplant +bagpod +bag-printing +bagpudding +Bagpuize +BAgr +Bagram +bagrationite +bagre +bag-reef +bagreef +Bagritski +bagroom +bags +BAgSc +bag-sewing +bagsful +bag-shaped +bagtikan +baguet +baguets +baguette +baguettes +Baguio +baguio +baguios +bagwash +Bagwell +bag-wig +bagwig +bagwigged +bagwigs +bagwoman +bagwomen +bagwork +bagworm +bagworms +bagwyn +bah +bahada +bahadur +bahadurs +Baha'i +Bahai +bahai +Bahaism +Bahaist +Baham +Bahama +Bahamas +bahamas +Bahamian +bahamian +bahamians +bahan +bahar +Baha'ullah +Bahaullah +Bahawalpur +bahawder +bahay +bahera +Bahia +bahiaite +Bahima +bahisti +Bahmani +Bahmanid +Bahner +bahnung +baho +bahoe +bahoo +Bahr +Bahrain +Bahrein +baht +bahts +Bahuma +bahur +bahut +bahuts +Bahutu +bahuvrihi +bahuvrihis +Bai +bai +Baiae +Baianism +baidak +baidar +baidarka +baidarkas +Baidya +Baiel +Baiera +baiginet +baign +baignet +baigneuse +baigneuses +baignoire +Baikal +baikalite +baikerinite +baikerite +baikie +Baikonur +Bail +bail +bailable +bailage +Bailar +bail-dock +baile +bailed +bailee +bailees +bailer +bailers +Bailey +bailey +baileys +Baileyton +Baileyville +bailiaries +bailiary +Bailie +bailie +bailieries +bailiery +bailies +bailieship +bailiff +bailiffry +bailiffs +bailiffship +bailiffwick +bailing +bailiwick +bailiwicks +Baillaud +bailli +bailliage +Baillie +baillie +Baillieu +baillone +Baillonella +Bailly +bailment +bailments +bailo +bailor +bailors +bail-out +bailout +bailouts +bailpiece +bails +bailsman +bailsmen +bailwood +Baily +Bain +bain +Bainbridge +Bainbrudge +bainie +Baining +bainite +bain-marie +Bains +bains-marie +Bainter +Bainville +baioc +baiocchi +baiocco +bairagi +Bairam +bairam +Baird +Bairdford +bairdi +bairn +bairnie +bairnish +bairnishness +bairnlier +bairnliest +bairnliness +bairnly +bairns +Bairnsfather +bairnteam +bairnteem +bairntime +bairnwort +Bairoil +Bais +Baisakh +Baisden +baisemain +Baiss +baister +bait +baited +baiter +baiters +baitfish +baith +baiting +baits +baittle +baitylos +baiza +baizas +baize +baized +baizes +baizing +Baja +baja +bajada +Bajadero +Bajaj +Bajan +bajan +Bajardo +bajarigar +Bajau +Bajer +bajocco +bajochi +Bajocian +bajoire +bajonado +BAJour +bajra +bajree +bajri +bajulate +bajury +Bak +baka +Bakairi +bakal +Bakalai +Bakalei +Bakatan +bake +bakeapple +bakeboard +baked +baked-apple +bakehead +bakehouse +bakehouses +Bakelite +bakelite +bakelize +Bakeman +bake-meat +bakemeat +bakemeats +Bakemeier +baken +bake-off +bakeout +bakeoven +bakepan +Baker +baker +bakerdom +bakeress +bakeries +bakerite +baker-knee +baker-kneed +baker-leg +baker-legged +bakerless +bakerlike +bakerly +Bakerman +bakers +Bakersfield +bakersfield +bakership +Bakerstown +Bakersville +Bakerton +bakery +Bakes +bakes +bakeshop +bakeshops +bakestone +bakeware +Bakewell +Bakhmut +Bakhtiari +bakie +baking +bakingly +bakings +Bakke +Bakki +baklava +baklavas +baklawa +baklawas +bakli +Bakongo +bakra +Bakshaish +baksheesh +baksheeshes +bakshi +bakshis +bakshish +bakshished +bakshishes +bakshishing +Bakst +baktun +Baku +baku +Bakuba +bakula +Bakunda +Bakunin +Bakuninism +Bakuninist +bakupari +Bakutu +Bakwiri +BAL +Bal +bal +bal. +Bala +Balaam +balaam +Balaamite +Balaamitical +balabos +Balac +balachan +balachong +Balaclava +balaclava +balada +baladine +Balaena +Balaenicipites +balaenid +Balaenidae +balaenoid +Balaenoidea +balaenoidean +Balaenoptera +Balaenopteridae +balafo +balagan +balaghat +balaghaut +balai +Balaic +Balak +Balakirev +Balaklava +balalaika +balalaikas +Balan +Balance +balance +balanceable +balanced +balancedness +balancelle +balanceman +balancement +balancer +balancers +balances +balancewise +Balanchine +balancing +balander +balandra +balandrana +balaneutics +Balanga +balangay +balanic +balanid +Balanidae +balaniferous +balanism +balanite +Balanites +balanitis +balanoblennorrhea +balanocele +Balanoglossida +Balanoglossus +balanoid +Balanophora +Balanophoraceae +balanophoraceous +balanophore +balanophorin +balanoplasty +balanoposthitis +balanopreputial +Balanops +balanops +Balanopsidaceae +Balanopsidales +balanorrhagia +balant +Balanta +Balante +balantidial +balantidiasis +balantidic +balantidiosis +Balantidium +Balanus +Balao +balao +balaos +balaphon +Balarama +balarao +Balas +balas +balases +balat +balata +balatas +balate +Balaton +balatong +balatron +balatronic +balatte +balau +balausta +balaustine +balaustre +Balawa +Balawu +balayeuse +Balbinder +Balbo +Balboa +balboa +balboas +balbriggan +Balbuena +Balbur +balbusard +balbutiate +balbutient +balbuties +Balcer +Balch +balche +Balcke +balcon +balcone +balconet +balconette +balconied +balconies +balcony +Bald +bald +baldacchini +baldacchino +baldachin +baldachined +baldachini +baldachino +baldachinos +baldachins +Baldad +baldakin +baldaquin +Baldassare +baldberry +baldcrown +balded +balden +Balder +balder +balder-brae +balderdash +balderdashes +balder-herb +baldest +bald-faced +baldfaced +baldhead +bald-headed +baldheaded +bald-headedness +baldheads +baldicoot +Baldie +baldies +balding +baldish +baldling +baldly +baldmoney +baldmoneys +baldness +baldnesses +Baldomero +baldoquin +baldpate +bald-pated +baldpated +bald-patedness +baldpatedness +baldpates +Baldr +baldrib +baldric +baldrick +baldricked +baldricks +baldrics +baldricwise +Baldridge +balds +balducta +balductum +Balduin +Baldur +Baldwin +Baldwinsville +Baldwinville +Baldwyn +baldy +Bale +bale +baleare +Baleares +Balearian +Balearic +Balearica +balebos +baled +baleen +baleens +bale-fire +balefire +balefires +baleful +balefully +balefulness +balei +baleise +baleless +Balenciaga +Baler +baler +balers +bales +balestra +balete +Balewa +balewort +baleys +Balf +Balfore +Balfour +Bali +bali +balian +balibago +balibuntal +balibuntl +Balija +Balikpapan +Balilla +balimbing +baline +Balinese +balinese +baling +balinger +balinghasay +Baliol +balisaur +balisaurs +balisier +balistarii +balistarius +balister +Balistes +balistid +Balistidae +balistraria +balita +balitao +baliti +Balius +balize +balk +Balkan +balkan +Balkanic +Balkanise +Balkanised +Balkanising +Balkanism +Balkanite +Balkanization +balkanization +Balkanize +balkanize +Balkanized +balkanized +Balkanizing +balkanizing +balkans +Balkar +balked +balker +balkers +Balkh +Balkhash +balkier +balkiest +balkily +Balkin +balkiness +balking +balkingly +Balkis +balkish +balkline +balklines +Balko +balks +balky +Ball +ball +Balla +ballad +ballade +balladeer +balladeers +ballader +balladeroyal +ballades +balladic +balladical +balladier +balladise +balladised +balladising +balladism +balladist +balladize +balladized +balladizing +balladlike +balladling +balladmonger +balladmongering +balladries +balladromic +balladry +ballads +balladwise +ballahoo +ballahou +ballam +ballan +Ballance +ballant +Ballantine +ballarag +Ballarat +Ballard +ballard +ballas +ballast +ballastage +ballast-cleaning +ballast-crushing +ballasted +ballaster +ballastic +ballasting +ballast-loading +ballasts +ballat +ballata +ballate +ballaton +ballatoon +ball-bearing +ballbuster +ball-carrier +ballcarrier +balldom +balldress +balled +balled-up +Ballengee +Ballentine +baller +ballerina +ballerinas +ballerine +ballers +ballet +balletic +balletically +balletomane +balletomanes +balletomania +ballets +ballett +ballfield +ball-flower +ballflower +ballgame +ballgames +ballgown +ballgowns +Ballhausplatz +ballhawk +ballhawks +ball-hooter +ballhooter +balli +balliage +Ballico +ballies +Balliett +Balling +balling +Ballinger +Ballington +Balliol +ballised +ballism +ballismus +ballist +ballista +ballistae +ballistic +ballistically +ballistician +ballisticians +ballistics +Ballistite +ballistite +ballistocardiogram +ballistocardiograph +ballistocardiographic +ballistocardiography +ballistophobia +ballium +ball-jasper +Ballman +ballmine +ballo +ballock +ballocks +balloen +ballogan +ballon +ballone +ballones +ballonet +ballonets +ballonette +ballonne +ballonnes +ballons +ballon-sonde +balloon +balloonation +balloon-berries +balloon-berry +ballooned +ballooner +ballooners +balloonery +balloonet +balloonfish +balloonfishes +balloonflower +balloonful +ballooning +balloonish +balloonist +balloonists +balloonlike +balloons +ballot +Ballota +ballotade +ballotage +ballote +balloted +balloter +balloters +balloting +ballotist +ballots +ballottable +ballottement +ballottine +ballottines +Ballou +Ballouville +ballow +ball-park +ballpark +ballparks +ball-planting +Ballplatz +ballplayer +ballplayers +ball-point +ballpoint +ballpoints +ballproof +ballroom +ballrooms +balls +ball-shaped +ballsier +ballsiest +ballstock +balls-up +ballsy +ball-thrombus +ballup +ballute +ballutes +ballweed +Ballwin +Bally +bally +ballyhack +ballyhoo +ballyhooed +ballyhooer +ballyhooing +ballyhoos +Ballyllumford +ballyrag +ballyragged +ballyragging +ballyrags +ballywack +ballywrack +balm +balmacaan +Balmain +balm-apple +Balmarcodes +Balmat +Balmawhapple +balm-breathing +balm-cricket +balmier +balmiest +balmily +balminess +balminesses +balm-leaved +balmlike +balmonies +Balmont +balmony +Balmoral +balmoral +balmorals +Balmorhea +balms +balm-shed +Balmunc +Balmung +Balmuth +balmy +balnea +balneae +balneal +balneary +balneation +balneatory +balneographer +balneography +balneologic +balneological +balneologist +balneology +balneophysiology +balneotechnics +balneotherapeutics +balneotherapia +balneotherapy +balneum +Balnibarbi +Baloch +Balochi +Balochis +Baloghia +Balolo +balon +balonea +baloney +baloneys +baloo +Balopticon +balopticon +Balor +Baloskion +Baloskionaceae +balotade +Balough +balourdise +balow +BALPA +balr +bals +balsa +Balsam +balsam +balsamaceous +balsamation +Balsamea +Balsameaceae +balsameaceous +balsamed +balsamer +balsamic +balsamical +balsamically +balsamiferous +balsamina +Balsaminaceae +balsaminaceous +balsamine +balsaming +balsamitic +balsamiticness +balsamize +balsamo +Balsamodendron +Balsamorrhiza +balsamous +balsamroot +balsams +balsamum +balsamweed +balsamy +balsas +balsawood +Balshem +Balt +Balt. +Balta +Baltassar +baltei +balter +baltetei +balteus +Balthasar +Balthazar +baltheus +Balti +Baltic +baltic +Baltimore +baltimore +Baltimorean +baltimorite +Baltis +Balto-slav +Balto-Slavic +Balto-slavic +balto-slavic +Balto-Slavonic +Balto-slavonic +balu +Baluba +Baluch +Baluchi +baluchi +Baluchis +Baluchistan +baluchithere +baluchitheria +Baluchitherium +baluchitherium +Baluga +BALUN +balun +Balunda +balushai +baluster +balustered +balusters +balustrade +balustraded +balustrades +balustrading +balut +balwarra +balza +Balzac +Balzacian +balzarine +BAM +bam +BAMAF +bamah +Bamako +Bamalip +Bamangwato +bambacciata +bamban +Bambara +Bamberg +Bamberger +Bambi +Bambie +bambini +bambino +bambinos +bambocciade +bambochade +bamboche +bamboo +bamboos +bamboozle +bamboozled +bamboozlement +bamboozler +bamboozlers +bamboozles +bamboozling +Bambos +bamboula +Bambuba +bambuco +bambuk +Bambusa +bambusa +Bambuseae +Bambute +Bamby +Bamford +Bamian +Bamileke +bammed +bamming +bamoth +bams +BAMusEd +Ban +ban +Bana +banaba +Banach +banago +banagos +banak +banakite +banal +banalities +banality +banalize +banally +banalness +banana +Bananaland +Bananalander +bananaquit +bananas +Banande +bananist +bananivorous +Banaras +Banares +Banat +banat +Banate +banate +banatite +banausic +Banba +Banbury +banbury +banc +banca +bancal +bancales +bancha +banchi +Banco +banco +bancos +Bancroft +BANCS +bancus +band +Banda +banda +bandage +bandaged +bandager +bandagers +bandages +bandaging +bandagist +Band-Aid +band-aid +bandaid +bandaite +bandaka +bandala +bandalore +Bandana +bandana +bandanaed +bandanas +bandanna +bandannaed +bandannas +bandar +Bandaranaike +Bandar-log +bandar-log +bandarlog +bandbox +bandboxes +bandboxical +bandboxy +bandcase +bandcutter +bande +bandeau +bandeaus +bandeaux +banded +Bandeen +bandel +bandelet +bandelette +Bandello +bandeng +Bander +bander +Bandera +banderilla +banderillas +banderillero +banderilleros +banderlog +Banderma +banderol +banderole +banderoled +banderoles +banderoling +banderols +banders +bandersnatch +bandfile +bandfiled +bandfiling +bandfish +band-gala +bandgap +bandh +bandhava +bandhook +Bandhor +bandhu +bandi +bandicoot +bandicoots +bandicoy +bandido +bandidos +bandie +bandied +bandies +bandikai +Bandinelli +bandiness +banding +bandit +banditism +banditries +banditry +bandits +banditti +Bandjarmasin +Bandjermasin +Bandkeramik +bandle +bandleader +Bandler +bandless +bandlessly +bandlessness +bandlet +bandlimit +bandlimited +bandlimiting +bandlimits +bandman +bandmaster +bandmasters +bando +bandobust +Bandoeng +bandog +bandogs +bandoleer +bandoleered +bandoleers +bandolerismo +bandolero +bandoleros +bandolier +bandoliered +bandoline +Bandon +bandon +bandonion +Bandor +bandora +bandoras +bandore +bandores +bandos +bandpass +bandrol +bands +bandsaw +bandsawed +band-sawing +bandsawing +bandsawn +band-sawyer +band-shaped +bandsman +bandsmen +bandspreading +bandstand +bandstands +bandster +bandstop +bandstring +band-tailed +Bandundu +Bandung +Bandur +bandura +bandurria +bandurrias +Bandusia +Bandusian +bandwagon +bandwagons +bandwidth +bandwidths +bandwork +bandworm +bandy +bandyball +bandy-bandy +bandying +bandy-legged +bandylegged +bandyman +Bandytown +bane +baneberries +baneberry +Banebrudge +Banecroft +baned +baneful +banefully +banefulness +Banerjea +Banerjee +banes +banewort +Banff +Banffshire +Bang +bang +banga +Bangala +bangalay +Bangall +Bangalore +bangalow +Bangash +bang-bang +bangboard +bange +banged +banged-up +banger +bangers +banghy +Bangia +Bangiaceae +bangiaceous +Bangiales +banging +Bangka +Bangkok +bangkok +bangkoks +Bangladesh +bangladesh +bangle +bangled +bangles +bangling +Bangor +bangos +Bangs +bangs +bangster +bang-tail +bangtail +bangtailed +bangtails +Bangui +bang-up +bangup +Bangwaketsi +Bangweulu +bangy +bani +bania +banian +banians +Banias +banig +banilad +baning +banish +banished +banisher +banishers +banishes +banishing +banishment +banishments +banister +banister-back +banisterine +banisters +Baniva +baniwa +baniya +banjara +Banjermasin +banjo +banjoes +banjoist +banjoists +banjo-picker +banjore +banjorine +banjos +banjo-uke +banjo-ukulele +banjo-zither +banjuke +Banjul +banjulele +Bank +bank +Banka +bankable +Bankalachi +bank-bill +bank-book +bankbook +bankbooks +bankcard +bankcards +banked +banker +bankera +bankerdom +bankeress +banker-mark +banker-out +bankers +banket +bank-full +bankfull +Bankhead +bank-high +Banking +banking +banking-house +bankings +bankman +bankmen +bank-note +banknote +banknotes +bankrider +bank-riding +bankroll +bankrolled +bankroller +bankrolling +bankrolls +bankrupcy +bankrupt +bankruptcies +bankruptcy +bankrupted +bankrupting +bankruptism +bankruptlike +bankruptly +bankrupts +bankruptship +bankrupture +Banks +banks +bankshall +Banksia +banksia +Banksian +banksias +Bankside +bank-side +bankside +bank-sided +banksides +banksman +banksmen +Bankston +bankweed +bank-wound +Banky +banky +banlieu +banlieue +Banlon +Bann +Banna +bannack +Bannasch +bannat +banned +Banner +banner +bannered +bannerer +banneret +bannerets +bannerette +banner-fashioned +bannerfish +bannerless +bannerlike +bannerline +Bannerman +bannerman +bannermen +bannerol +bannerole +bannerols +banners +banner-shaped +bannerwise +bannet +bannets +bannimus +Banning +banning +Bannister +bannister +bannisters +bannition +Bannock +bannock +Bannockburn +bannocks +Bannon +banns +bannut +Banon +banovina +banque +Banquer +banquet +Banquete +banqueted +banqueteer +banqueteering +banqueter +banqueters +banqueting +banquetings +banquets +banquette +banquettes +Banquo +banquo +bans +bansalague +bansela +banshee +banshees +banshie +banshies +Banstead +banstickle +bant +Bantam +bantam +bantamize +bantams +bantamweight +bantamweights +bantay +bantayan +banteng +banter +bantered +banterer +banterers +bantering +banteringly +banters +bantery +Banthine +banties +bantin +Banting +banting +Bantingism +bantingize +bantings +bantling +bantlings +Bantoid +Bantry +Bantu +bantu +Bantus +bantus +Bantustan +banty +banus +banuyo +Banville +Banwell +banxring +banya +Banyai +banyan +banyans +Banyoro +Banyuls +banzai +banzais +BAO +baobab +baobabs +BAOR +Bap +bap +BAPCO +BAPCT +Baphia +Baphomet +baphomet +Baphometic +bapistery +BAppArts +Bapt +bapt +Baptanodon +baptise +baptised +baptises +Baptisia +baptisia +baptisias +baptising +baptism +baptismal +baptismally +baptisms +Baptist +baptist +Baptista +Baptiste +baptisteries +baptistery +Baptistic +baptistic +Baptistown +baptistries +baptistry +baptists +baptizable +baptize +baptized +baptizee +baptizement +baptizer +baptizers +baptizes +baptizing +Baptlsta +Baptornis +BAR +BAr +Bar +bar +bar- +bar. +Bara +bara +barabara +Barabas +Barabbas +barabbas +Baraboo +barabora +Barabra +Barac +Baraca +Barack +Baracoa +barad +baradari +Baraga +baragnosis +baragouin +baragouinish +Barahona +baraita +Baraithas +Barajas +barajillo +Barak +baraka +Baralipton +baralipton +Baram +Baramika +baramin +bar-and-grill +barandos +barangay +barani +Baranov +Barany +bara-picklet +bararesque +bararite +Baras +Barashit +barasingha +barat +Barataria +barathea +baratheas +barathra +barathron +barathrum +barato +baratte +barauna +Baray +Barayon +baraza +Barb +barb +barba +Barbabas +Barbabra +barbacan +Barbacoa +Barbacoan +barbacou +Barbadian +barbadoes +Barbados +barbados +barbal +barbaloin +barbar +Barbara +barbara +Barbara-Anne +Barbaraanne +barbaralalia +Barbarea +Barbaresco +Barbarese +Barbaresi +barbaresque +Barbarian +barbarian +barbarianism +barbarianize +barbarianized +barbarianizing +barbarians +barbaric +barbarical +barbarically +barbarious +barbariousness +barbarisation +barbarise +barbarised +barbarising +barbarism +barbarisms +barbarities +barbarity +barbarization +barbarize +barbarized +barbarizes +barbarizing +Barbarossa +barbarous +barbarously +barbarousness +Barbary +barbary +barbas +barbasco +barbascoes +barbascos +barbastel +barbastelle +barbate +barbated +barbatimao +Barbe +barbe +Barbeau +barbeau +barbecue +barbecued +barbecueing +barbecuer +barbecues +barbecuing +barbed +barbedness +Barbee +barbeiro +barbel +barbeled +barbell +barbellate +barbells +barbellula +barbellulae +barbellulate +barbels +barbeque +barbequed +barbequing +Barber +barber +Barbera +barbera +barbered +barberess +barberfish +barbering +barberish +barberite +barbermonger +barbero +barberries +barberry +barbers +barbershop +barbershops +barber-surgeon +Barberton +Barberville +barbery +barbes +barbet +barbets +Barbette +barbette +barbettes +Barbey +Barbeyaceae +Barbi +Barbica +barbican +barbicanage +barbicans +barbicel +barbicels +Barbie +barbierite +barbigerous +barbing +barbion +Barbirolli +barbita +barbital +barbitalism +barbitals +barbiton +barbitone +barbitos +barbituism +barbiturate +barbiturates +barbituric +barbiturism +Barbizon +barble +barbless +barblet +barbola +barbone +barbotine +barbotte +barbouillage +Barbour +Barboursville +Barbourville +barboy +Barboza +Barbra +barbre +barbs +barbu +Barbuda +barbudo +barbudos +Barbula +barbula +barbulate +barbule +barbules +barbulyie +Barbur +Barbusse +barbut +barbute +Barbuto +barbuts +barbwire +barbwires +Barby +Barca +Barcan +barcarole +barcaroles +barcarolle +barcas +Barce +barcella +Barcellona +Barcelona +barcelona +barcelonas +Barceloneta +B.Arch. +BArch +barchan +barchans +BArchE +barche +Barclay +Barco +barcolongo +barcone +Barcoo +Barcot +Barcroft +Barcus +Bard +bard +bardane +bardash +bardcraft +Barde +barde +barded +bardee +Bardeen +bardel +bardelle +Barden +bardes +Bardesanism +Bardesanist +Bardesanite +bardess +Bardia +bardic +bardie +bardier +bardiest +bardiglio +bardily +bardiness +barding +bardings +bardish +bardism +bardlet +bardlike +bardling +Bardo +bardo +bardocucullus +Bardolater +bardolater +Bardolatry +bardolatry +Bardolino +Bardolph +Bardolphian +Bardot +bards +bardship +Bardstown +Bardulph +Bardwell +bardy +Bare +bare +Barea +bare-ankled +bare-armed +bare-ass +bare-assed +bareback +bare-backed +barebacked +bare-bitten +bareboat +bareboats +barebone +bare-boned +bareboned +barebones +bare-bosomed +bare-branched +bare-breasted +bareca +bare-chested +bare-clawed +bared +bare-faced +barefaced +barefacedly +barefacedness +bare-fingered +barefisted +barefit +Barefoot +barefoot +barefooted +barege +bareges +bare-gnawn +bare-handed +barehanded +barehead +bare-headed +bareheaded +bareheadedness +Bareilly +bareka +bare-kneed +bareknuckle +bareknuckled +bare-legged +barelegged +Bareli +barely +Barenboim +bare-necked +barenecked +bareness +barenesses +Barents +bare-picked +barer +bare-ribbed +bares +baresark +baresarks +bare-skinned +bare-skulled +baresma +barest +baresthesia +baret +bare-throated +bare-toed +baretta +bare-walled +bare-worn +barf +barfed +barff +barfing +barfish +barflies +barfly +barfs +barful +Barfuss +barfy +bargain +bargainable +bargain-basement +bargain-counter +bargained +bargainee +bargainer +bargainers +bargain-hunting +bargaining +bargainor +bargains +bargainwise +bargander +barge +barge-board +bargeboard +barge-couple +barge-course +barged +bargee +bargeer +bargees +bargeese +bargehouse +barge-laden +bargelike +bargelli +bargello +bargellos +bargeload +bargeman +bargemaster +bargemen +bargepole +Barger +barger +barge-rigged +Bargersville +barges +barge-stone +bargestone +bargh +bargham +barghest +barghests +barging +bargir +bar-goose +bargoose +barguest +barguests +barhal +Barhamsville +barhop +barhopped +barhopping +barhops +Bari +bari +baria +bariatrician +bariatrics +baric +barid +barie +barih +barile +barilla +barillas +Bariloche +Barimah +Barina +Barinas +Baring +baring +bariolage +baris +barish +barit +barit. +barite +baritenor +barites +baritonal +baritone +baritones +barium +bariums +bark +barkan +barkantine +barkary +bark-bared +barkbound +barkcutter +bark-cutting +barked +barkeep +barkeeper +barkeepers +barkeeps +barken +barkened +barkening +barkentine +barkentines +Barker +barker +barkers +barkery +barkevikite +barkevikitic +barkey +bark-formed +bark-galled +bark-galling +bark-grinding +barkhan +barkier +barkiest +Barking +barking +barkingly +Barkinji +Barkla +barkle +Barkleigh +barkless +Barkley +barklyite +barkometer +barkpeel +barkpeeler +barkpeeling +barks +Barksdale +bark-shredding +barksome +barkstone +bark-tanned +barky +Barlach +barlafumble +barlafummil +Bar-le-duc +barleduc +barleducs +barless +Barletta +barley +barleybird +barleybrake +barley-break +barleybreak +barley-bree +barley-broo +barley-cap +barley-clipping +Barleycorn +barley-corn +barleycorn +barley-fed +barley-grinding +barley-hood +barleyhood +barley-hulling +barleymow +barleys +barleysick +barley-sugar +Barling +barling +barlock +Barlow +barlow +barlows +barly +barm +barmaid +barmaids +barman +barmaster +barmbrack +barmcloth +Barmecidal +barmecidal +Barmecide +barmecide +Barmen +barmen +barmfel +barmie +barmier +barmiest +barming +barmkin +barmote +barms +barmskin +barmy +barmybrained +Barn +barn +Barna +Barnaba +Barnabas +barnabas +Barnabe +Barnabite +barnabite +Barna-brahman +Barnaby +barnaby +barnacle +barnacle-back +barnacled +barnacle-eater +barnacles +barnacling +barnage +Barnaise +Barnard +barnard +Barnardo +Barnardsville +Barnaul +barn-brack +barnbrack +Barnburner +Barncard +barn-door +barndoor +Barnebas +Barnegat +Barnes +Barnesboro +Barneston +Barnesville +Barnet +Barnett +Barneveld +Barneveldt +Barney +barney +barney-clapper +barneys +barnful +Barnhard +barnhardtite +Barnhart +Barnie +barnier +barniest +barnlike +barnman +barnmen +barn-raising +barns +barns-breaking +Barnsdall +Barnsley +Barnstable +Barnstead +Barnstock +barnstorm +barnstormed +barnstormer +barnstormers +barnstorming +barnstorms +Barnum +Barnumesque +Barnumism +Barnumize +barnumize +Barnwell +Barny +barny +barnyard +barnyards +baro- +Barocchio +barocco +Barocius +baroclinicity +baroclinity +Baroco +barocyclonometer +Baroda +barodynamic +barodynamics +barognosis +barogram +barograms +barograph +barographic +barographs +baroi +Baroja +baroko +Barolet +Barolo +barolo +barology +Barolong +baromacrometer +barometer +barometers +barometric +barometrical +barometrically +barometrograph +barometrography +barometry +barometz +baromotor +Baron +baron +baronage +baronages +baronduki +baroness +baronesses +baronet +baronetage +baronetcies +baronetcy +baroneted +baronethood +baronetical +baroneting +baronetise +baronetised +baronetising +baronetize +baronetized +baronetizing +baronets +baronetship +barong +Baronga +barongs +baroni +baronial +baronies +baronize +baronized +baronizing +baronne +baronnes +baronries +baronry +barons +baronship +barony +barophobia +Baroque +baroque +baroquely +baroqueness +baroques +baroreceptor +baroscope +baroscopic +baroscopical +barosinusitis +barosinusitus +Barosma +barosmin +barostat +baroswitch +barotactic +barotaxis +barotaxy +barothermogram +barothermograph +barothermohygrogram +barothermohygrograph +baroto +barotrauma +barotraumas +barotraumata +barotropic +barotropy +Barotse +Barotseland +barouche +barouches +barouchet +barouchette +Barouni +baroxyton +Barozzi +barpost +barquantine +barque +barquentine +Barquero +barques +barquest +barquette +Barquisimeto +Barr +barr +Barra +barra +barrabkie +barrable +barrabora +barracan +barrace +barrack +barracked +barracker +barracking +barracks +Barrackville +barraclade +barracoon +barracouta +barracoutas +barracuda +barracudas +barracudina +barrad +Barrada +barragan +barrage +barraged +barrages +barraging +barragon +Barram +barramunda +barramundas +barramundi +barramundies +barramundis +barranca +Barrancabermeja +barrancas +barranco +barrancos +barrandite +Barranquilla +Barranquitas +barras +barrat +barrater +barraters +barrator +barrators +barratries +barratrous +barratrously +barratry +Barrault +Barraza +Barre +barre +barred +Barree +barrel +barrelage +barrel-bellied +barrel-boring +barrel-branding +barrel-chested +barrel-driving +barreled +barreler +barrelet +barreleye +barreleyes +barrelfish +barrelfishes +barrelful +barrelfuls +barrelhead +barrel-heading +barrelhouse +barrelhouses +barreling +barrelled +barrelling +barrelmaker +barrelmaking +barrel-packing +barrel-roll +barrels +barrelsful +barrel-shaped +barrel-vaulted +barrelwise +Barren +barren +barrener +barrenest +barrenly +barrenness +barrennesses +barrens +barrenwort +barrer +barrera +barrer-off +Barres +barres +Barret +barret +barretor +barretors +barretries +barretry +barrets +Barrett +barrette +barretter +barrettes +Barri +barricade +barricaded +barricader +barricaders +barricades +barricading +barricado +barricadoed +barricadoes +barricadoing +barricados +barrico +barricoes +barricos +Barrie +Barrientos +barrier +barriers +barriguda +barrigudo +barrigudos +barrikin +barriness +barring +barringer +Barrington +Barringtonia +barrio +barrio-dwellers +Barrios +barrios +Barris +barrister +barrister-at-law +barristerial +barristers +barristership +barristress +BARRNET +Barron +Barronett +barroom +barrooms +Barros +Barrow +barrow +barrow-boy +barrowcoat +barrowful +Barrow-in-Furness +Barrowist +barrowist +barrow-man +barrowman +barrow-men +barrows +barrulee +barrulet +barrulety +barruly +Barrus +Barry +barry +barry-bendy +Barrymore +barry-nebuly +barry-pily +Barryton +Barrytown +Barryville +barry-wavy +bars +Barsac +barse +Barsky +barsom +barspoon +barstool +barstools +Barstow +Bart +Bart. +bart +Barta +bar-tailed +Bartel +Bartelso +bartend +bartended +bartender +bartenders +bartending +bartends +barter +bartered +barterer +barterers +bartering +barters +Barth +barth +Barthel +Barthelemy +Barthian +barthian +Barthianism +barthite +Barthol +Barthold +Bartholdi +Bartholemy +bartholinitis +Bartholomean +Bartholomeo +Bartholomeus +Bartholomew +bartholomew +Bartholomewtide +Bartholomite +Barthou +Bartie +bartisan +bartisans +bartizan +bartizaned +bartizans +Bartko +Bartle +Bartlemy +Bartlesville +Bartlet +Bartlett +bartlett +bartletts +Bartley +Barto +Bartok +Bartolemo +Bartolome +Bartolomeo +Bartolommeo +Bartolozzi +Barton +barton +Bartonella +Bartonia +Bartonsville +Bartonville +Bartosch +Bartow +Bartram +bartram +Bartramia +Bartramiaceae +Bartramian +bartree +Bartsia +bartsia +Barty +baru +Baruch +barukhzy +Barundi +baruria +barvel +barvell +Barvick +barwal +barware +barwares +barway +barways +Barwick +barwin +barwing +barwise +barwood +bar-wound +Bary +barycenter +barycentre +barycentric +Barye +barye +baryecoia +baryes +baryglossia +barylalia +barylite +baryon +baryonic +baryons +baryphonia +baryphonic +baryphony +Baryram +barysilite +barysphere +baryta +barytas +baryte +barytes +barythymia +barytic +barytine +baryto- +barytocalcite +barytocelestine +barytocelestite +baryton +barytone +barytones +barytons +barytophyllite +barytostrontianite +barytosulphate +Barzani +BAS +bas +basad +basal +basale +basalia +basally +basal-nerved +basalt +basaltes +basaltic +basaltiform +basaltine +basaltoid +basalt-porphyry +basalts +basaltware +basan +basanite +basaree +basat +BASc +bascinet +Bascio +Basco +Bascology +Bascom +Bascomb +basculation +bascule +bascules +bascunan +Base +base +base-ball +baseball +baseballdom +baseballer +baseballs +baseband +base-begged +base-begot +baseboard +baseboards +base-born +baseborn +basebred +base-burner +baseburner +basecoat +base-court +basecourt +based +base-forming +basehearted +baseheartedness +Basehor +Basel +baselard +Baseler +baseless +baselessly +baselessness +baselevel +baselike +baseline +baseliner +baselines +Basella +basella +Basellaceae +basellaceous +Basel-Land +Basel-Mulhouse +Basel-Stadt +basely +baseman +basemen +basement +basementless +basements +basementward +base-mettled +base-minded +base-mindedly +base-mindedness +basename +baseness +basenesses +basenet +Basenji +basenji +basenjis +baseplate +baseplug +basepoint +baser +baserunning +bases +base-souled +base-spirited +base-spiritedness +basest +base-witted +bas-fond +BASH +bash +bashalick +Basham +Bashan +bashara +bashaw +bashawdom +bashawism +bashaws +bashawship +bashed +Bashee +Bashemath +Bashemeth +basher +bashers +bashes +bashful +bashfully +bashfulness +bashfulnesses +bashi-bazouk +bashibazouk +bashi-bazoukery +Bashilange +-bashing +bashing +Bashkir +Bashkiria +bashless +bashlik +bashlyk +bashlyks +bashment +Bashmuric +Basho +Bashuk +bashyle +basi- +Basia +basial +basialveolar +basiarachnitis +basiarachnoiditis +basiate +basiated +basiating +basiation +Basibracteolate +basibranchial +basibranchiate +basibregmatic +BASIC +Basic +basic +basically +basicerite +basichromatic +basichromatin +basichromatinic +basichromiole +basicities +basicity +basic-lined +basicranial +basics +basicytoparaplastin +basidia +basidial +basidigital +basidigitale +basidigitalia +basidiocarp +basidiogenetic +basidiolichen +Basidiolichenes +basidiomycete +Basidiomycetes +basidiomycetes +basidiomycetous +basidiophore +basidiospore +basidiosporous +basidium +basidorsal +Basie +basifacial +basification +basified +basifier +basifiers +basifies +basifixed +basifugal +basify +basifying +basigamous +basigamy +basigenic +basigenous +basiglandular +basigynium +basihyal +basihyoid +Basil +basil +Basilan +basilar +Basilarchia +basilard +basilary +basilateral +Basildon +Basile +basilect +basileis +basilemma +basileus +Basilian +basilian +basilic +Basilica +basilica +Basilicae +basilicae +basilical +basilicalike +basilican +basilicas +Basilicata +basilicate +basilicock +basilicon +Basilics +basilics +basilidan +Basilidian +Basilidianism +Basiliensis +basilinna +Basilio +basiliscan +basiliscine +Basiliscus +basilisk +basilisks +basilissa +Basilius +Basilosauridae +Basilosaurus +basils +basilweed +basilysis +basilyst +basimesostasis +basin +basinal +basinasal +basinasial +basined +basinerved +basinet +basinets +basinful +basing +Basingstoke +basinlike +basins +basioccipital +basion +basions +basiophitic +basiophthalmite +basiophthalmous +basiotribe +basiotripsy +basiparachromatin +basiparaplastin +basipetal +basipetally +basiphobia +basipodite +basipoditic +basipterygial +basipterygium +basipterygoid +Basir +basiradial +basirhinal +basirostral +basis +basiscopic +basisidia +basisolute +basisphenoid +basisphenoidal +basitemporal +basitting +basiventral +basivertebral +bask +baske +basked +basker +Baskerville +basket +basket-ball +basketball +basketballer +basketballs +basket-bearing +basketful +basketfuls +basket-hilted +basketing +basketlike +basketmaker +basketmaking +basket-of-gold +basketries +basketry +baskets +basket-star +Baskett +basketware +basketweaving +basketwoman +basketwood +basketwork +basketworm +Baskin +basking +Baskish +Baskonize +basks +Basle +basnat +basnet +Basoche +basocyte +Basoga +basoid +Basoko +Basom +Basommatophora +basommatophorous +bason +Basonga-mina +Basongo +basophil +basophile +basophilia +basophilic +basophilous +basophils +basophobia +basos +basote +Basotho +basotho +Basotho-Qwaqwa +Basov +Basque +basque +basqued +basques +basquine +Basra +bas-relief +Bas-Rhin +Bass +bass +Bassa +Bassalia +Bassalian +bassan +bassanello +bassanite +Bassano +bassara +bassarid +Bassaris +Bassariscus +bassarisk +bass-bar +Bassein +Basse-Normandie +Bassenthwaite +basses +Basses-Alpes +Basses-Pyrn +Basset +basset +basse-taille +basseted +Basse-Terre +Basseterre +basset-horn +basseting +bassetite +bassets +Bassett +bassetta +bassette +bassetted +bassetting +Bassetts +Bassfield +bass-horn +bassi +Bassia +bassia +bassie +bassine +bassinet +bassinets +bassing +bassi-rilievi +bassirilievi +bassist +bassists +bassly +bassness +bassnesses +Basso +basso +basson +bassoon +bassoonist +bassoonists +bassoons +basso-relievo +basso-relievos +basso-rilievo +bassorin +bassos +bass-relief +bassus +bass-viol +bass-wood +basswood +basswoods +bassy +Bast +bast +basta +Bastaard +Bastad +bastant +Bastard +bastard +bastarda +bastard-cut +bastardice +bastardies +bastardisation +bastardise +bastardised +bastardising +bastardism +bastardization +bastardizations +bastardize +bastardized +bastardizes +bastardizing +bastardliness +bastardly +bastardry +bastards +bastard-saw +bastard-sawed +bastard-sawing +bastard-sawn +bastardy +baste +basted +bastel-house +basten +baster +basters +bastes +basti +Bastia +Bastian +bastian +bastide +Bastien +bastile +bastiles +Bastille +bastille +bastilles +bastillion +bastiment +bastinade +bastinaded +bastinades +bastinading +bastinado +bastinadoed +bastinadoes +bastinadoing +basting +bastings +bastion +bastionary +bastioned +bastionet +bastions +bastite +bastnaesite +bastnasite +basto +Bastogne +baston +bastonet +bastonite +Bastrop +basts +basural +basurale +Basuto +basuto +Basutoland +Basutos +Basye +basyl +Bat +bat +Bataan +bataan +Bataan-Corregidor +batable +batad +Batak +batakan +bataleur +batamote +Batan +Batanes +Batangas +batara +batarde +batardeau +batata +Batatas +batatilla +Batavi +Batavia +Batavian +batavian +batboy +batboys +batch +batched +Batchelder +Batchelor +batcher +batchers +batches +batching +Batchtown +Bate +bate +batea +bat-eared +bateau +bateaux +bated +bateful +Batekes +batel +bateleur +batell +Bateman +bateman +batement +Baten +bater +Bates +bates +Batesburg +Batesland +Batesville +batete +Batetela +batfish +batfishes +bat-fowl +batfowl +batfowled +batfowler +batfowling +batfowls +batful +Bath +bath +bath- +Batha +Bathala +bathe +batheable +bathed +Bathelda +bather +bathers +bathes +Bathesda +bathetic +bathetically +bathflower +bathhouse +bathhouses +bathic +Bathilda +Bathinette +bathinette +bathing +bathing-machine +bathkol +bathless +bath-loving +bathman +bathmat +bathmats +bathmic +bathmism +bathmotropic +bathmotropism +batho- +bathochromatic +bathochromatism +bathochrome +bathochromic +bathochromy +bathoflore +bathofloric +batholite +batholith +batholithic +batholiths +batholitic +Batholomew +bathomania +bathometer +bathometry +Bathonian +bathool +bathophobia +bathorse +bathos +bathoses +bathrobe +bathrobes +bathroom +bathroomed +bathrooms +bathroot +baths +Bathsheb +Bath-sheba +Bathsheba +Bathsheeb +bathtub +bathtubful +bathtubs +bathukolpian +bathukolpic +Bathulda +Bathurst +bathvillite +bathwater +bathwort +bathy- +bathyal +bathyanesthesia +bathybian +bathybic +bathybius +bathycentesis +bathychrome +bathycolpian +bathycolpic +bathycurrent +bathyesthesia +bathygraphic +bathyhyperesthesia +bathyhypesthesia +bathyl +bathylimnetic +bathylite +bathylith +bathylithic +bathylitic +bathymeter +bathymetric +bathymetrical +bathymetrically +bathymetry +bathyorographical +bathypelagic +bathyplankton +bathyscape +bathyscaph +bathyscaphe +bathyscaphes +bathyseism +bathysmal +bathysophic +bathysophical +bathysphere +bathyspheres +bathythermogram +bathythermograph +Batia +Batidaceae +batidaceous +batik +batiked +batiker +batiking +batiks +Batilda +bating +batino +Batis +Batish +Batista +batiste +batistes +batitinan +batlan +batler +batlet +Batley +batlike +batling +batlon +Batman +batman +batmen +bat-minded +bat-mindedness +bat-mule +Batna +Batocrinidae +Batocrinus +Batodendron +batoid +Batoidei +Batoka +Baton +baton +batoneer +Batonga +batonist +batonistic +batonne +batonnier +batons +batoon +batophobia +Bator +Batory +Batrachia +batrachia +batrachian +batrachians +batrachiate +Batrachidae +batrachite +Batrachium +batracho- +batrachoid +Batrachoididae +batrachophagous +Batrachophidia +batrachophobia +batrachoplasty +Batrachospermum +batrachotoxin +Batruk +bats +BATSE +Batsheva +bats-in-the-belfry +batsman +batsmanship +batsmen +Batson +batster +batswing +batt +Batta +batta +battable +battailant +battailous +Battak +Battakhin +battalia +battalias +battalion +battalions +Battambang +battarism +battarismus +Battat +batteau +batteaux +batted +battel +batteled +batteler +batteling +Battelle +Battelmatt +battels +battement +battements +batten +Battenburg +battened +battener +batteners +battening +battens +batter +batterable +battercake +batterdock +battered +batterer +batterfang +batterie +batteried +batteries +battering +battering-ram +batterman +batter-out +batters +Battersea +Battery +battery +battery-charging +batteryman +battery-powered +battery-testing +batteuse +Batticaloa +battier +batties +Battiest +battiest +battik +battiks +battiness +batting +battings +Battipaglia +battish +Battista +Battiste +battle +battle-ax +battle-axe +Battleboro +battled +battledore +battledored +battledores +battledoring +battle-fallen +battlefield +battlefields +battlefront +battlefronts +battleful +battleground +battlegrounds +battlement +battlemented +battlements +battlepiece +battleplane +battler +battlers +battles +battle-scarred +battleship +battleships +battle-slain +battlesome +battle-spent +battlestead +Battletown +battlewagon +battleward +battlewise +battle-writhen +battling +battological +battologise +battologised +battologising +battologist +battologize +battologized +battologizing +battology +batton +batts +battu +battue +battues +batture +Battus +battuta +battutas +battute +battuto +battutos +Batty +batty +battycake +batukite +batule +Batum +Batumi +batuque +Batussi +Batwa +batwing +batwoman +batwomen +batyphone +batz +batzen +BAU +Bau +baubee +baubees +bauble +baublery +baubles +baubling +Baubo +bauch +Bauchi +bauchle +Baucis +bauckie +bauckiebird +baud +baudekin +baudekins +Baudelaire +baudery +Baudette +Baudin +Baudoin +Baudouin +baudrons +baudronses +bauds +Bauer +Bauera +Bauernbrot +baufrey +bauge +Baugh +Baughman +Bauhaus +Bauhinia +bauhinia +bauhinias +bauk +Baul +baul +bauld +baulea +bauleah +baulk +baulked +baulkier +baulkiest +baulking +baulks +baulky +Baum +Baumann +Baumbaugh +Baume +baume +Baumeister +baumhauerite +baumier +Baun +baun +bauno +Baure +Bauru +Bausch +Bauske +Bausman +bauson +bausond +bauson-faced +bauta +Bautain +Bautista +Bautram +bautta +Bautzen +bauxite +bauxites +bauxitic +bauxitite +Bav +bavardage +Bavaria +Bavarian +bavarian +bavarois +bavaroise +bavaroy +bavary +bavenite +bavette +baviaantje +Bavian +bavian +baviere +bavin +Bavius +Bavon +bavoso +baw +bawarchi +bawbee +bawbees +bawble +bawcock +bawcocks +bawd +bawdier +bawdies +bawdiest +bawdily +bawdiness +bawdinesses +bawdric +bawdrick +bawdrics +bawdries +bawdry +bawds +bawdship +bawdstrot +bawdy +bawdyhouse +bawdyhouses +bawhorse +bawke +bawl +bawled +bawler +bawlers +bawley +bawling +bawling-out +bawls +bawly +bawn +bawneen +Bawra +bawrel +bawsint +baws'nt +bawsunt +bawtie +bawties +bawty +Bax +B-axes +Baxie +B-axis +Baxley +Baxter +baxter +Baxterian +Baxterianism +baxtone +Baxy +Bay +bay +Baya +baya +bayadeer +bayadeers +bayadere +bayaderes +bayal +Bayam +Bayamo +bayamo +Bayamon +bayamos +bayano +Bayar +Bayard +bayard +bayardly +bayards +bay-bay +bayberries +bayberry +baybolt +Bayboro +bay-breasted +baybush +bay-colored +baycuru +Bayda +Bayeau +bayed +Bayer +Bayern +Bayesian +bayesian +bayeta +bayete +Bayfield +baygall +Bayh +bayhead +baying +bayish +bayldonite +Bayle +Bayless +baylet +Bayley +baylike +Baylis +Baylor +Bayly +bayman +baymen +Bayminette +Baynebridge +bayness +Bayogoula +bayok +bayonet +bayoneted +bayoneteer +bayoneting +bayonets +bayonetted +bayonetting +bayong +Bayonne +bayou +Bayougoula +bayous +Baypines +Bayport +Bayreuth +Bays +bays +bay-salt +Bayshore +Bayside +baysmelt +baysmelts +Baytown +Bayview +Bayville +bay-window +bay-winged +baywood +baywoods +bayz +bazaar +bazaars +Bazaine +Bazar +bazar +bazars +Bazatha +baze +Bazigar +Bazil +Bazin +Bazine +Baziotes +Bazluke +bazoo +bazooka +bazookaman +bazookamen +bazookas +bazooms +bazoos +bazzite +B/B +BB +bb +BBA +BBB +B.B.C. +BBC +BBL +bbl +bbl. +bbls +BBN +bbs +BBXRT +B.C. +B/C +BC +BCBS +BCC +BCD +bcd +BCDIC +B.C.E. +BCE +BCerE +bcf +B.Ch. +BCh +bch +Bchar +BChE +bchs +B.C.L. +BCL +BCM +BCom +BComSc +BCP +BCPL +BCR +BCS +BCWP +BCWS +B.D. +B/D +BD +bd +bd. +BDA +BDC +BDD +Bde +bde +bdellatomy +bdellid +Bdellidae +bdellium +bdelliums +bdelloid +Bdelloida +bdellometer +Bdellostoma +Bdellostomatidae +Bdellostomidae +bdellotomy +Bdelloura +Bdellouridae +bdellovibrio +BDes +BDF +bdft +bdl +bdl. +bdle +bdls +bdrm +B.D.S. +BDS +bds +BDSA +BDT +B.E. +B/E +BE +Be +be +be- +BEA +Bea +Beach +beach +Beacham +beachboy +Beachboys +beachboys +beachcomb +beachcomber +beachcombers +beachcombing +beachdrops +beached +beacher +beaches +beachfront +beachhead +beachheads +beachie +beachier +beachiest +beaching +Beach-la-Mar +Beach-la-mar +beach-la-mar +beachlamar +beachless +beachman +beachmaster +beachmen +beach-sap +beachside +beachward +beachwear +Beachwood +beachy +beacon +beaconage +beaconed +beaconing +beaconless +beacons +Beaconsfield +beaconwise +bead +beaded +beaded-edge +beader +beadeye +bead-eyed +beadeyes +beadflush +bead-hook +beadhouse +beadhouses +beadier +beadiest +beadily +beadiness +beading +beadings +Beadle +beadle +beadledom +beadlehood +beadleism +beadlery +beadles +beadleship +beadlet +bead-like +beadlike +beadman +beadmen +bead-roll +beadroll +beadrolls +beadrow +bead-rubies +bead-ruby +beads +bead-shaped +beadsman +beadsmen +beadswoman +beadswomen +beadwork +beadworks +beady +beady-eyed +Beagle +beagle +beagles +beagling +beak +beak-bearing +beaked +beaker +beakerful +beakerman +beakermen +beakers +beakful +beak-head +beakhead +beakier +beakiest +beak-iron +beakiron +beakless +beak-like +beaklike +beak-nosed +beaks +beak-shaped +beaky +Beal +beal +beala +bealach +Beale +Bealeton +bealing +Beall +be-all +beallach +Bealle +Beallsville +Beals +bealtared +Bealtine +Bealtuinn +beam +beamage +Beaman +beam-bending +beambird +beamed +beam-end +beam-ends +beamer +beamers +beamfilling +beamful +beamhouse +beamier +beamiest +beamily +beaminess +beaming +beamingly +beamish +beamishly +beamless +beamlet +beamlike +beamman +beamroom +beams +beamsman +beamsmen +beamster +beam-straightening +beam-tree +beamwork +beamy +Bean +bean +bean-bag +beanbag +beanbags +beanball +beanballs +bean-cleaning +beancod +bean-crushing +Beane +beaned +Beaner +beaner +beaneries +beaners +beanery +bean-feast +beanfeast +beanfeaster +bean-fed +beanfest +beanfield +beanie +beanier +beanies +beaniest +beaning +beanlike +beano +beanos +bean-planting +beanpole +beanpoles +bean-polishing +beans +beansetter +bean-shaped +beanshooter +beanstalk +beanstalks +beant +beanweed +beany +beaproned +Bear +bear +bearability +bearable +bearableness +bearably +bearance +bearbaiter +bear-baiting +bearbaiting +bearbane +bearberries +bearberry +bearbind +bearbine +bearbush +bearcat +bearcats +Bearce +bearcoot +Beard +beard +bearded +beardedness +Bearden +bearder +beardfish +beardfishes +beardie +bearding +beardless +beardlessness +beardlike +beardom +beards +Beardsley +Beardstown +beardtongue +beardy +Beare +beared +bearer +bearer-off +bearers +bearess +bearfoot +bearfoots +bearherd +bearhide +bearhound +bearhug +bearhugs +bearing +bearings +bearish +bearishly +bearishness +bear-lead +bear-leader +bearleap +bearlet +bearlike +bearm +Bearnaise +bearnaise +Bearnard +bearpaw +bears +bear's-breech +bear's-ear +bear's-foot +bear's-foots +bearship +bearskin +bearskins +bear's-paw +Bearsville +beartongue +bear-tree +bearward +bearwood +bearwoods +bearwort +Beasley +Beason +beast +beastbane +beastdom +beasthood +beastie +beasties +beastily +beastings +beastish +beastishness +beastlier +beastliest +beastlike +beastlily +beastliness +beastlinesses +beastling +beastlings +beastly +beastman +Beaston +beasts +beastship +beat +Beata +beata +beatable +beatably +beatae +beatas +beat-beat +beatee +beaten +beater +beaterman +beatermen +beater-out +beaters +beaters-up +beater-up +beath +beati +beatific +beatifical +beatifically +beatificate +beatification +beatifications +beatified +beatifies +beatify +beatifying +beatille +beatinest +beating +beatings +beating-up +Beatitude +beatitude +beatitudes +Beatles +beatles +beatless +beatnik +beatnikism +beatniks +Beaton +Beatrice +beatrice +Beatrisa +Beatrix +Beatriz +beats +beatster +Beattie +Beatty +Beattyville +beat-up +beatus +beatuti +Beau +beau +Beauchamp +Beauclerc +beauclerk +beaucoup +Beaudoin +beaued +beauetry +Beaufert +beaufet +beaufin +Beauford +Beaufort +beaufort +beaugregories +beaugregory +Beauharnais +beau-ideal +beau-idealize +beauing +beauish +beauism +Beaujolais +beaujolais +Beaujolaises +Beaulieu +Beaumarchais +beaume +beau-monde +Beaumont +beaumont +Beaumontia +Beaune +beaupere +beaupers +beau-pleader +beau-pot +Beauregard +beaus +beauseant +beauship +beausire +beaut +beauteous +beauteously +beauteousness +beauti +beautician +beauticians +beautied +beauties +beautification +beautifications +beautified +beautifier +beautifiers +beautifies +beautiful +beautifully +beautifulness +beautify +beautifying +beautihood +beautiless +beauts +beauty +beauty-beaming +beauty-berry +beauty-blind +beauty-blooming +beauty-blushing +beauty-breathing +beauty-bright +beauty-bush +beauty-clad +beautydom +beauty-fruit +beauty-loving +beauty-proof +beautyship +beauty-waning +Beauvais +Beauvoir +beaux +Beaux-Arts +beaux-arts +beaux-esprits +beauxite +BEAV +Beaver +beaver +Beaverboard +beaverboard +Beaverbrook +Beaverdale +beavered +beaverette +beaveries +beavering +beaverish +beaverism +beaverite +beaverize +Beaverkill +beaverkin +Beaverlett +beaverlike +beaverpelt +beaverroot +beavers +beaverskin +beaverteen +Beaverton +Beavertown +beaver-tree +Beaverville +beaverwood +beavery +beback +bebait +beballed +bebang +bebannered +bebar +bebaron +bebaste +bebat +bebathe +bebatter +bebay +Bebe +bebeast +bebed +bebeerin +bebeerine +bebeeru +bebeerus +Bebel +bebelted +Beberg +bebilya +Bebington +bebite +bebization +beblain +beblear +bebled +bebleed +bebless +beblister +beblood +beblooded +beblooding +bebloods +bebloom +beblot +beblotch +beblubber +beblubbered +bebog +bebop +bebopper +beboppers +bebops +beboss +bebotch +bebothered +bebouldered +bebrave +bebreech +bebrine +bebrother +bebrush +Bebryces +bebump +Bebung +bebusy +bebuttoned +bec +becafico +becall +becalm +becalmed +becalming +becalmment +becalms +became +becap +becapped +becapping +becaps +becard +becarpet +becarpeted +becarpeting +becarpets +becarve +becasse +becassine +becassocked +becater +because +Becca +beccabunga +beccaccia +beccafico +beccaficoes +beccaficos +Beccaria +becchi +becco +becense +bechained +bechalk +bechalked +bechalking +bechalks +bechamel +bechamels +bechance +bechanced +bechances +bechancing +becharm +becharmed +becharming +becharms +bechase +bechatter +bechauffeur +beche +becheck +Beche-de-Mer +beche-de-mer +beche-le-mar +becher +bechern +Bechet +bechic +bechignoned +bechirp +Bechler +Becht +Bechtel +Bechtelsville +Bechtler +Bechuana +Bechuanaland +Bechuanas +becircled +becivet +Beck +beck +Becka +becked +beckelite +Beckemeyer +Becker +becker +Beckerman +Becket +becket +beckets +Beckett +beckett +Beckford +Becki +Beckie +becking +beckiron +Beckley +Beckman +Beckmann +beckon +beckoned +beckoner +beckoners +beckoning +beckoningly +beckons +becks +Beckville +Beckwith +Becky +beclad +beclamor +beclamored +beclamoring +beclamors +beclamour +beclang +beclap +beclart +beclasp +beclasped +beclasping +beclasps +beclatter +beclaw +beclip +becloak +becloaked +becloaking +becloaks +beclog +beclogged +beclogging +beclogs +beclose +beclothe +beclothed +beclothes +beclothing +becloud +beclouded +beclouding +beclouds +beclout +beclown +beclowned +beclowning +beclowns +becluster +becobweb +becoiffed +becollier +becolme +becolor +becombed +become +becomed +becomes +becometh +becoming +becomingly +becomingness +becomings +becomma +becompass +becompliment +becoom +becoresh +becost +becousined +becovet +becoward +becowarded +becowarding +becowards +Becquer +Becquerel +becquerelite +becram +becramp +becrampon +becrawl +becrawled +becrawling +becrawls +becreep +becrime +becrimed +becrimes +becriming +becrimson +becrinolined +becripple +becrippled +becrippling +becroak +becross +becrowd +becrowded +becrowding +becrowds +becrown +becrush +becrust +becrusted +becrusting +becrusts +becry +becudgel +becudgeled +becudgeling +becudgelled +becudgelling +becudgels +becuffed +becuiba +becumber +becuna +becurl +becurry +becurse +becursed +becurses +becursing +becurst +becurtained +becushioned +becut +B.Ed. +BED +BEd +bed +bedabble +bedabbled +bedabbles +bedabbling +Bedad +bedad +bedaff +bedaggered +bedaggle +bedamn +bedamned +bedamning +bedamns +bedamp +bedangled +bedare +bedark +bedarken +bedarkened +bedarkening +bedarkens +bedash +bedaub +bedaubed +bedaubing +bedaubs +bedawee +bedawn +beday +bedaze +bedazed +bedazement +bedazzle +bedazzled +bedazzlement +bedazzles +bedazzling +bedazzlingly +bedboard +bedbug +bedbugs +bedcap +bedcase +bedchair +bedchairs +bedchamber +bed-clothes +bedclothes +bedclothing +bedcord +bedcover +bedcovers +beddable +bed-davenport +bedded +bedder +bedders +bedding +beddingroll +beddings +Beddoes +beddy-bye +Bede +bede +bedead +bedeaf +bedeafen +bedeafened +bedeafening +bedeafens +bedebt +bedeck +bedecked +bedecking +bedecks +bedecorate +bedeen +bedegar +bedeguar +bedehouse +bedehouses +bedel +Bedelia +Bedell +bedell +bedells +bedels +bedelve +bedeman +bedemen +beden +bedene +bedesman +bedesmen +bedeswoman +bedeswomen +bedevil +bedeviled +bedeviling +bedevilled +bedevilling +bedevilment +bedevils +bedew +bedewed +bedewer +bedewing +bedewoman +bedews +bedfast +bedfellow +bedfellows +bedfellowship +bed-fere +bedflower +bedfoot +Bedford +Bedfordshire +bedfordshire +bedframe +bedframes +bedgery +bedgoer +bedgown +bedgowns +bed-head +bediademed +bediamonded +bediaper +bediapered +bediapering +bediapers +Bedias +bedight +bedighted +bedighting +bedights +bedikah +bedim +bedimmed +bedimming +bedimple +bedimpled +bedimples +bedimplies +bedimpling +bedims +bedin +bedip +bedirt +bedirter +bedirtied +bedirties +bedirty +bedirtying +bedismal +Bedivere +bedivere +bedizen +bedizened +bedizening +bedizenment +bedizens +bedkey +bedlam +bedlamer +Bedlamic +bedlamise +bedlamised +bedlamising +bedlamism +bedlamite +bedlamitish +bedlamize +bedlamized +bedlamizing +bedlamp +bedlamps +bedlams +bedlar +bedless +bedlids +bedlight +bedlike +Bedlington +Bedlingtonshire +bed-maker +bedmaker +bedmakers +bedmaking +bedman +bedmate +bedmates +Bedminster +bednighted +bednights +bedoctor +bedog +bedolt +bedot +bedote +bedotted +Bedouin +bedouin +Bedouinism +Bedouins +bedouins +bedouse +bedown +bedoyo +bedpad +bedpan +bedpans +bedplate +bedplates +bedpost +bedposts +bedquilt +bedquilts +bedrabble +bedrabbled +bedrabbling +bedraggle +bedraggled +bedragglement +bedraggles +bedraggling +bedrail +bedrails +bedral +bedrape +bedraped +bedrapes +bedraping +bedravel +bedread +bedrel +bedrench +bedrenched +bedrenches +bedrenching +bedress +bedribble +bedrid +bedridden +bedriddenness +bedrift +bedright +bedrip +bedrite +bedrivel +bedriveled +bedriveling +bedrivelled +bedrivelling +bedrivels +bedrizzle +bedrock +bedrocks +bedroll +bedrolls +bedroom +bedrooms +bedrop +bedrown +bedrowse +bedrug +bedrugged +bedrugging +bedrugs +Beds +beds +bedscrew +bedsheet +bedsheets +bedsick +bedside +bedsides +bedsit +bedsite +bed-sitter +bedsitter +bed-sitting-room +bedsock +bedsonia +bedsonias +bedsore +bedsores +bedspread +bedspreads +bedspring +bedsprings +bedstaff +bedstand +bedstands +bedstaves +bedstead +bedsteads +bedstock +bedstraw +bedstraws +bedstring +bedswerver +bedtick +bedticking +bedticks +bedtime +bedtimes +bedub +beduchess +beduck +Beduin +beduin +Beduins +beduins +beduke +bedull +bedumb +bedumbed +bedumbing +bedumbs +bedunce +bedunced +bedunces +bedunch +beduncing +bedung +bedur +bedusk +bedust +bedward +bedwards +bedwarf +bedwarfed +bedwarfing +bedwarfs +bedwarmer +bedway +bedways +Bedwell +bedwell +bed-wetting +Bedworth +bedye +BEE +Bee +bee +beearn +be-east +Beeb +beeball +Beebe +beebee +beebees +beebread +beebreads +bee-butt +beech +Beecham +Beechbottom +beechdrops +beechen +Beecher +beecher +beeches +beech-green +beechier +beechiest +Beechmont +beechnut +beechnuts +beechwood +beechwoods +beechy +Beeck +Beedeville +beedged +beedi +beedom +Beedon +bee-eater +beef +beefalo +beefaloes +beefalos +beef-brained +beefburger +beefburgers +beefcake +beefcakes +beefeater +beefeaters +beef-eating +beefed +beefed-up +beefer +beefers +beef-faced +beefhead +beefheaded +beefier +beefiest +beefily +beefin +beefiness +beefing +beefing-up +beefish +beefishness +beefless +beeflower +beefs +beef-steak +beefsteak +beefsteaks +beeftongue +beef-witted +beef-wittedly +beef-wittedness +beef-wood +beefwood +beefwoods +beefy +beegerite +beehead +bee-headed +beeheaded +beeherd +Beehive +beehive +beehives +beehive-shaped +Beehouse +beehouse +beeish +beeishness +beek +beekeeper +beekeepers +beekeeping +beekite +Beekman +Beekmantown +beelbow +beele +Beeler +beelike +beeline +beelines +beelol +bee-loud +Beelzebub +beelzebub +Beelzebubian +Beelzebul +beeman +beemaster +beemen +Beemer +been +beennut +beent +beento +beep +beeped +beeper +beepers +beeping +beeps +Beer +beer +Beera +beerage +beerbachite +beerbelly +beerbibber +Beerbohm +beeregar +beerhouse +beerhouses +beerier +beeriest +beerily +beeriness +beerish +beerishly +beermaker +beermaking +beermonger +Beernaert +beerocracy +Beerothite +beerpull +Beers +beers +Beersheba +Beersheeba +beer-up +beery +bees +Beesley +Beeson +beest +beesting +beestings +beestride +bees-wax +beeswax +beeswaxes +beeswing +beeswinged +beeswings +beet +beetewk +beetfly +beeth +Beethoven +beethoven +Beethovenian +Beethovenish +Beethovian +beetiest +beetle +beetle-browed +beetle-crusher +beetled +beetle-green +beetlehead +beetle-headed +beetleheaded +beetleheadedness +beetler +beetlers +beetles +beetlestock +beetlestone +beetleweed +beetlike +beetling +beetmister +Beetner +Beetown +beetrave +beet-red +beetroot +beetroots +beetrooty +beets +beety +beeve +beeves +Beeville +beevish +beeware +beeway +beeweed +beewinged +beewise +beewort +beeyard +beezer +beezers +B.E.F. +BEF +bef +befall +befallen +befalling +befalls +befame +befamilied +befamine +befan +befancy +befanned +befathered +befavor +befavour +befeather +befell +beferned +befetished +befetter +befezzed +Beffrey +beffroy +befiddle +befilch +befile +befilleted +befilmed +befilth +Befind +befinger +befingered +befingering +befingers +befire +befist +befit +befits +befitted +befitting +befittingly +befittingness +beflag +beflagged +beflagging +beflags +beflannel +beflap +beflatter +beflea +befleaed +befleaing +befleas +befleck +beflecked +beflecking +beflecks +beflounce +beflour +beflout +beflower +beflowered +beflowering +beflowers +beflum +befluster +befoam +befog +befogged +befogging +befogs +befool +befoolable +befooled +befooling +befoolment +befools +befop +before +before-cited +before-created +before-delivered +before-going +beforehand +beforehandedness +before-known +before-mentioned +beforementioned +before-named +beforeness +before-noticed +before-recited +before-said +beforesaid +beforested +before-tasted +before-thought +beforetime +beforetimes +before-told +before-warned +before-written +befortune +befoul +befouled +befouler +befoulers +befoulier +befouling +befoulment +befouls +befountained +befraught +befreckle +befreeze +befreight +befret +befrets +befretted +befretting +befriend +befriended +befriender +befriending +befriendment +befriends +befrill +befrilled +befringe +befringed +befringes +befringing +befriz +befrocked +befrogged +befrounce +befrumple +befuddle +befuddled +befuddlement +befuddlements +befuddler +befuddlers +befuddles +befuddling +befume +befur +befurbelowed +befurred +beg +Bega +begabled +begad +begall +begalled +begalling +begalls +began +begani +begar +begari +begarie +begarlanded +begarnish +begartered +begary +begash +begass +begat +begats +begattal +begaud +begaudy +begay +begaze +begazed +begazes +begazing +begeck +begem +begemmed +begemming +beget +begets +begettal +begetter +begetters +begetting +Begga +beggable +beggar +beggardom +beggared +beggarer +beggaress +beggarhood +beggaries +beggaring +beggarism +beggar-lice +beggarlice +beggarlike +beggarliness +beggarly +beggarman +beggar-my-neighbor +beggar-my-neighbour +beggar-patched +beggars +beggar's-lice +beggar's-tick +beggar's-ticks +beggar-tick +beggar-ticks +beggarweed +beggarwise +beggarwoman +beggary +begged +begger +Beggiatoa +Beggiatoaceae +beggiatoaceous +begging +beggingly +beggingwise +Beggs +Beghard +beghard +Beghtol +begift +begiggle +begild +Begin +begin +beginger +beginner +beginners +beginning +beginnings +begins +begird +begirded +begirding +begirdle +begirdled +begirdles +begirdling +begirds +begirt +beglad +begladded +begladding +beglads +beglamour +beglare +beglerbeg +beglerbeglic +beglerbeglik +beglerbegluc +beglerbegship +beglerbey +beglew +beglic +beglide +beglitter +beglobed +begloom +begloomed +beglooming +beglooms +begloze +begluc +beglue +begnaw +begnawed +begnawn +bego +begob +begobs +begod +begoggled +begohm +begone +begonia +Begoniaceae +begoniaceous +Begoniales +begonias +begorah +begorra +begorrah +begorry +begot +begotten +begottenness +begoud +begowk +begowned +begrace +begrain +begrave +begray +begrease +begreen +begrett +begrim +begrime +begrimed +begrimer +begrimes +begriming +begrimmed +begrimming +begrims +begripe +begroan +begroaned +begroaning +begroans +begrown +begrudge +begrudged +begrudger +begrudges +begrudging +begrudgingly +begruntle +begrutch +begrutten +begs +begster +beguard +beguess +beguile +beguiled +beguileful +beguilement +beguilements +beguiler +beguilers +beguiles +beguiling +beguilingly +beguilingness +Beguin +beguin +Beguine +beguine +beguines +begulf +begulfed +begulfing +begulfs +begum +begummed +begumming +begums +begun +begunk +begut +Behah +Behaim +behale +behalf +behallow +behalves +behammer +Behan +behang +behap +Behar +behatted +behav +behave +behaved +behaver +behavers +behaves +behaving +behavior +behavioral +behaviorally +behaviored +behaviorism +behaviorist +behavioristic +behavioristically +behaviorists +behaviors +behaviour +behavioural +behaviourally +behaviourism +behaviourist +behaviours +behead +beheadal +beheaded +beheader +beheading +beheadlined +beheads +behear +behears +behearse +behedge +beheira +beheld +behelp +behemoth +behemothic +behemoths +behen +behenate +behenic +behest +behests +behew +behight +behind +behinder +behindhand +behinds +behindsight +behint +Behistun +behither +Behka +Behl +Behlau +Behlke +Behm +Behmen +Behmenism +Behmenist +Behmenite +Behn +behn +Behnken +behold +beholdable +beholden +beholder +beholders +beholding +beholdingness +beholds +behoney +behoof +behooped +behoot +behoove +behooved +behooveful +behoovefully +behoovefulness +behooves +behooving +behoovingly +behorn +behorror +behove +behoved +behovely +behoves +behoving +behowl +behowled +behowling +behowls +Behre +Behrens +Behring +Behrman +behung +behusband +behymn +behypocrite +Beica +beice +Beichner +Beid +Beiderbecke +beige +beigel +beiges +beignet +beignets +beigy +Beijing +beild +Beilul +Bein +bein +being +beingless +beingness +beings +beinked +beinly +beinness +Beira +beira +Beirne +Beirut +beirut +beisa +beisance +Beisel +Beitch +Beitnes +Beitris +Beitz +Beja +beja +bejabbers +bejabers +bejade +bejan +bejant +bejape +bejaundice +bejazz +bejel +bejeled +bejeling +bejelled +bejelling +bejesuit +bejesus +bejewel +bejeweled +bejeweling +bejewelled +bejewelling +bejewels +bejezebel +bejig +Bejou +bejuco +bejuggle +bejumble +bejumbled +bejumbles +bejumbling +Beka +Bekaa +Bekah +bekah +Bekelja +Beker +bekerchief +Bekha +bekick +bekilted +beking +bekinkinite +bekiss +bekissed +bekisses +bekissing +Bekki +bekko +beknave +beknight +beknighted +beknighting +beknights +beknit +beknived +beknot +beknots +beknotted +beknottedly +beknottedness +beknotting +beknow +beknown +Bel +bel +Bela +bela +belabor +belabored +belaboring +belabors +belabour +belaboured +belabouring +belabours +bel-accoil +belace +belaced +beladied +beladies +beladle +belady +beladying +Belafonte +belage +belah +Belair +Belait +Belaites +Belak +Belalton +belam +Belamcanda +Bel-ami +belamour +Belamy +belamy +belanda +belander +Belanger +belap +belar +belard +Belasco +belash +belast +belat +belate +belated +belatedly +belatedness +belating +Belatrix +belatticed +belaud +belauded +belauder +belauding +belauds +Belaunde +belavendered +belay +belayed +belayer +belaying +Belayneh +belays +belch +belched +Belcher +belcher +belchers +Belchertown +belches +belching +Belcourt +beld +Belda +beldam +beldame +beldames +beldams +beldamship +Belden +Beldenville +belder +belderroot +Belding +belduque +beleaf +beleaguer +beleaguered +beleaguerer +beleaguering +beleaguerment +beleaguers +beleap +beleaped +beleaping +beleaps +beleapt +beleave +belection +belecture +beledgered +belee +beleed +beleft +Belem +belemnid +belemnite +Belemnites +belemnitic +Belemnitidae +belemnoid +Belemnoidea +Belen +beleper +bel-esprit +belesprit +beletter +beleve +Belfair +Belfast +belfast +belfather +Belfield +Belford +Belfort +belfried +belfries +belfry +Belg +Belg. +belga +Belgae +belgae +belgard +belgas +Belgaum +Belgian +belgian +belgians +Belgic +Belgique +Belgium +belgium +Belgophile +Belgorod-Dnestrovski +Belgrade +belgrade +Belgrano +Belgravia +Belgravian +Belia +Belial +belial +Belialic +Belialist +belibel +belibeled +belibeling +Belicia +belick +belicoseness +belie +belied +belief +beliefful +belieffulness +beliefless +beliefs +Belier +belier +beliers +belies +believability +believable +believableness +believably +belie-ve +believe +believed +believer +believers +believes +believeth +believing +believingly +belight +beliing +belike +beliked +belikely +Belili +belime +belimousined +Belinda +Belington +Belinuridae +Belinurus +belion +beliquor +beliquored +beliquoring +beliquors +Belis +Belisarius +Belita +belite +Belitoeng +Belitong +belitter +belittle +belittled +belittlement +belittler +belittlers +belittles +belittling +Belitung +belive +Belize +Belk +belk +Belknap +belknap +Bell +bell +Bella +Bellabella +Bellacoola +belladonna +belladonnas +Bellaghy +Bellaire +Bellamy +Bellanca +bellarmine +Bellarthur +Bellatrix +Bellaude +Bellay +bell-bearer +bellbind +bellbinder +bellbine +bell-bird +bellbird +bellbirds +bellbottle +bell-bottom +bell-bottomed +bell-bottoms +bellboy +bellboys +Bellbrook +Bellbuckle +BELLCORE +bell-cranked +bell-crowned +Bellda +Belldame +Belldas +Belle +belle +Bellechasse +belled +belledom +Belleek +belleek +belleeks +Bellefonte +bellehood +Bellelay +Bellemead +Bellemina +Belleplaine +Beller +belleric +Bellerive +Bellerophon +bellerophon +Bellerophontes +Bellerophontic +Bellerophontidae +Bellerose +belles +belles-lettres +belleter +belletrist +belletristic +belletrists +Bellevernon +Belleview +Belleville +Bellevue +bellevue +Bellew +bell-faced +Bellflower +bell-flower +bellflower +bell-flowered +bellhanger +bellhanging +bell-hooded +bellhop +bellhops +bell-house +bellhouse +belli +bellibone +bellic +bellical +bellicism +bellicist +bellicose +bellicosely +bellicoseness +bellicosities +bellicosity +bellied +bellies +belliferous +belligerence +belligerences +belligerencies +belligerency +belligerent +belligerently +belligerents +Bellina +belling +Bellingham +Bellini +Bellinzona +bellipotent +Bellis +bellite +bell-less +bell-like +bell-magpie +bellmaker +bellmaking +bellman +bellmanship +bellmaster +Bellmead +bellmen +bell-metal +Bellmont +Bellmore +bellmouth +bell-mouthed +bellmouthed +bell-nosed +Bello +bello +Belloc +Belloir +bellon +Bellona +bellona +Bellonian +bellonion +belloot +Bellot +bellota +bellote +Bellotto +Bellovaci +Bellow +bellow +bellowed +bellower +bellowers +bellowing +Bellows +bellows +bellowsful +bellowslike +bellowsmaker +bellowsmaking +bellowsman +Bellport +bellpull +bellpulls +bellrags +bell-ringer +Bells +bells +bell-shaped +belltail +bell-tongue +belltopper +belltopperdom +belluine +bellum +bell-up +Bellvale +Bellville +Bellvue +bellware +bellwaver +bellweather +bellweed +bell-wether +bellwether +bellwethers +bellwind +bellwine +Bellwood +bellwood +bellwort +bellworts +belly +bellyache +bellyached +bellyacher +bellyaches +bellyaching +belly-band +bellyband +belly-beaten +belly-blind +belly-bound +belly-bumper +bellybutton +bellybuttons +belly-cheer +belly-devout +bellyer +belly-fed +bellyfish +bellyflaught +belly-flop +belly-flopped +belly-flopping +belly-ful +bellyful +bellyfull +bellyfulls +bellyfuls +belly-god +belly-gulled +belly-gun +belly-helve +bellying +belly-laden +belly-land +bellyland +belly-landing +bellylike +bellyman +belly-naked +belly-piece +bellypiece +bellypinch +belly-pinched +belly-proud +belly-sprung +belly-timber +belly-wash +belly-whop +belly-whopped +belly-whopping +belly-worshiping +Belmar +Bel-Merodach +Belmond +Belmondo +Belmont +Belmonte +Belmopan +beloam +belock +beloeilite +beloid +Beloit +belomancy +Belone +belonephobia +belonesite +belong +belonged +belonger +belonging +belongings +belongs +belonid +Belonidae +belonite +belonoid +belonosphaerite +belook +belord +Belorussia +Belorussian +belorussian +Belostok +Belostoma +Belostomatidae +Belostomidae +belotte +belouke +belout +belove +beloved +beloveds +Belovo +below +belowdecks +belowground +belows +belowstairs +belozenged +Belpre +Bel-Ridge +bels +Belsano +Belsen +Belshazzar +belshazzar +Belshazzaresque +Belshin +belsire +Belsky +belswagger +belt +Beltane +beltane +belt-coupled +beltcourse +belt-cutting +belt-driven +belted +Beltene +Belter +belter +belter-skelter +Belteshazzar +belt-folding +Beltian +beltie +beltine +belting +beltings +Beltir +Beltis +beltless +beltline +beltlines +beltmaker +beltmaking +beltman +beltmen +Belton +belton +Beltrami +Beltran +belt-repairing +belts +belt-sanding +belt-sewing +Beltsville +belt-tightening +Beltu +beltway +beltways +beltwise +Beluchi +Belucki +belue +beluga +belugas +belugite +Belus +belute +Belva +belve +Belvedere +belvedere +belvedered +belvederes +Belverdian +Belvia +Belvidere +belvidere +Belview +Belvue +Bely +bely +belying +belyingly +belzebub +belzebuth +Belzoni +B.E.M. +BEM +BEMA +bema +bemad +bemadam +bemadamed +bemadaming +bemadams +bemadden +bemaddened +bemaddening +bemaddens +bemail +bemaim +bemajesty +beman +bemangle +bemantle +bemar +bemartyr +bemas +bemask +bemaster +bemat +bemata +bemaul +bemazed +Bemba +Bembas +Bembecidae +Bemberg +Bembex +beme +bemeal +bemean +bemeaned +bemeaning +bemeans +bemedaled +bemedalled +bemeet +Bemelmans +Bement +bementite +bemercy +bemete +Bemidji +bemingle +bemingled +bemingles +bemingling +beminstrel +bemire +bemired +bemirement +bemires +bemiring +bemirror +bemirrorment +Bemis +bemist +bemisted +bemisting +bemistress +bemists +bemitered +bemitred +bemix +bemixed +bemixes +bemixing +bemixt +bemoan +bemoanable +bemoaned +bemoaner +bemoaning +bemoaningly +bemoans +bemoat +bemock +bemocked +bemocking +bemocks +bemoil +bemoisten +bemol +bemole +bemolt +bemonster +bemoon +bemotto +bemoult +bemourn +bemouth +bemuck +bemud +bemuddle +bemuddled +bemuddlement +bemuddles +bemuddling +bemuddy +bemuffle +bemurmur +bemurmure +bemurmured +bemurmuring +bemurmurs +bemuse +bemused +bemusedly +bemusement +bemuses +bemusing +bemusk +bemuslined +bemuzzle +bemuzzled +bemuzzles +bemuzzling +Ben +ben +Bena +bena +benab +Benacus +Benadryl +benadryl +bename +benamed +benamee +benames +benami +benamidar +benaming +Benares +Benarnold +benasty +Benavides +benben +Benbow +Benbrook +bench +benchboard +benched +bencher +benchers +benchership +benches +benchfellow +benchful +bench-hardened +benching +bench-kneed +benchland +bench-legged +benchless +benchlet +Benchley +bench-made +benchman +benchmar +bench-mark +benchmark +benchmarked +benchmarking +benchmarks +benchmen +bench-warmer +benchwarmer +benchwork +benchy +Bencion +bencite +Benco +Bend +bend +Benda +benda +bendability +bendable +benday +bendayed +bendaying +bendays +bended +bendee +bendees +Bendel +bendel +bendell +Bendena +Bender +bender +benders +Bendersville +Bendick +Bendict +Bendicta +Bendicty +bendies +Bendigo +bending +bendingly +Bendite +Bendix +bendlet +bends +bendsome +bendways +bendwise +bendy +bendys +bendy-wavy +Bene +bene +beneaped +beneath +beneception +beneceptive +beneceptor +Benedetta +Benedetto +Benedic +Benedicite +benedicite +Benedick +benedick +benedicks +Benedict +benedict +Benedicta +Benedictine +benedictine +Benedictinism +benediction +benedictional +benedictionale +benedictionary +benedictions +benedictive +benedictively +Benedicto +benedictory +benedicts +Benedictus +benedictus +benedight +Benedikt +Benedikta +Benediktov +Benedix +benefact +benefaction +benefactions +benefactive +benefactor +benefactors +benefactorship +benefactory +benefactress +benefactresses +benefactrices +benefactrix +benefactrixes +benefic +benefice +beneficed +benefice-holder +beneficeless +beneficence +beneficences +beneficency +beneficent +beneficential +beneficently +benefices +beneficiaire +beneficial +beneficially +beneficialness +beneficiaries +beneficiary +beneficiaryship +beneficiate +beneficiated +beneficiating +beneficiation +beneficience +beneficient +beneficing +beneficium +benefit +benefited +benefiter +benefiting +benefits +benefitted +benefitting +benegro +beneighbored +BENELUX +Benelux +beneme +Benemid +benempt +benempted +Benenson +beneplacit +beneplacito +beneplacity +Benes +benes +Benet +benet +Benet-Mercie +Benetnasch +Benetta +benetted +benetting +benettle +beneurous +Beneventan +Beneventana +Benevento +benevolence +benevolences +benevolency +benevolent +benevolently +benevolentness +benevolist +Benezett +Benfleet +BEng +Beng +Beng. +beng +Bengal +bengal +Bengalese +Bengali +bengali +Bengalic +bengaline +bengals +Bengasi +Benge +Benghazi +Bengkalis +Bengola +Bengt +Benguela +Ben-Gurion +Benham +Benhur +Beni +beni +Benia +Beniamino +benic +Benicia +benight +benighted +benightedly +benightedness +benighten +benighter +benighting +benightmare +benightment +benign +benignancies +benignancy +benignant +benignantly +benignities +benignity +benignly +benignness +Beni-israel +Benil +Benilda +Benildas +Benildis +benim +Benin +benin +Benincasa +Benioff +Benis +Benisch +beniseed +benison +benisons +Benita +benitier +Benito +benitoite +benj +Benjamen +Benjamin +benjamin +benjamin-bush +Benjamin-Constant +Benjaminite +benjaminite +benjamins +Benjamite +Benji +Benjie +benjoin +Benjy +benjy +Benkelman +Benkley +Benkulen +Benld +Benlomond +benmost +Benn +benn +benne +bennel +bennes +Bennet +bennet +bennets +Bennett +Bennettitaceae +bennettitaceous +Bennettitales +Bennettites +Bennettsville +bennetweed +Benni +benni +Bennie +bennies +Bennington +Bennink +Bennion +Bennir +bennis +benniseed +Bennu +Benny +benny +Beno +beno +Benoit +Benoite +benomyl +benomyls +Ben-oni +Benoni +benorth +benote +bens +bensail +Bensalem +bensall +bensel +bensell +Bensen +Bensenville +bensh +benshea +benshee +benshi +bensil +Bensky +Benson +Bent +bent +bentang +ben-teak +bentgrass +benthal +Bentham +Benthamic +Benthamism +benthamism +Benthamite +benthic +benthon +benthonic +benthopelagic +benthos +benthoscope +benthoses +Bentinck +bentinck +Bentincks +bentiness +benting +Bentlee +bentlet +Bentley +Bentleyville +Bently +Benton +Bentonia +bentonite +bentonitic +Bentonville +Bentree +bents +bentstar +bent-taildog +bentwood +bentwoods +benty +Benu +Benue +Benue-Congo +benumb +benumbed +benumbedness +benumbing +benumbingly +benumbment +benumbs +Benvenuto +benvenuto +benward +benweed +Benwood +Benyamin +Benz +benz- +benzacridine +benzal +benzalacetone +benzalacetophenone +benzalaniline +benzalazine +benzalcohol +benzalcyanhydrin +benzaldehyde +benzaldiphenyl +benzaldoxime +benzalethylamine +benzalhydrazine +benzalphenylhydrazone +benzalphthalide +benzamide +benzamido +benzamine +benzaminic +benzamino +benzanalgen +benzanilide +benzanthracene +benzanthrone +benzantialdoxime +benzazide +benzazimide +benzazine +benzazole +benzbitriazole +benzdiazine +benzdifuran +benzdioxazine +benzdioxdiazine +benzdioxtriazine +Benzedrine +benzedrine +benzein +Benzel +benzene +benzeneazobenzene +benzenediazonium +benzenes +benzenoid +benzenyl +benzhydrol +benzhydroxamic +benzidin +benzidine +benzidino +benzidins +benzil +benzilic +benzimidazole +benziminazole +benzin +benzinduline +benzine +benzines +benzins +benzo +benzo- +benzoate +benzoated +benzoates +benzoazurine +benzobis +benzocaine +benzocoumaran +benzodiazine +benzodiazole +benzoflavine +benzofluorene +benzofulvene +benzofuran +benzofuroquinoxaline +benzofuryl +benzoglycolic +benzoglyoxaline +benzohydrol +benzoic +benzoid +benzoin +benzoinated +benzoins +benzoiodohydrin +benzol +benzolate +benzole +benzoles +benzoline +benzolize +benzols +benzomorpholine +benzonaphthol +Benzonia +benzonitrile +benzonitrol +benzoperoxide +benzophenanthrazine +benzophenanthroline +benzophenazine +benzophenol +benzophenone +benzophenothiazine +benzophenoxazine +benzophloroglucinol +benzophosphinic +benzophthalazine +benzopinacone +benzopyran +benzopyranyl +benzopyrazolone +benzopyrene +benzopyrylium +benzoquinoline +benzoquinone +benzoquinoxaline +benzosulfimide +benzosulphimide +benzotetrazine +benzotetrazole +benzothiazine +benzothiazole +benzothiazoline +benzothiodiazole +benzothiofuran +benzothiophene +benzothiopyran +benzotoluide +benzotriazine +benzotriazole +benzotrichloride +benzotrifluoride +benzotrifuran +benzoxate +benzoxy +benzoxyacetic +benzoxycamphor +benzoxyphenanthrene +benzoyl +benzoylate +benzoylated +benzoylating +benzoylation +benzoylformic +benzoylglycine +benzoyls +benzpinacone +benzpyrene +benzthiophen +benztrioxazine +Ben-Zvi +benzyl +benzylamine +benzylic +benzylidene +benzylpenicillin +benzyls +beode +Beograd +Beora +Beore +Beothuk +Beothukan +Beowawe +Beowulf +beowulf +BEP +bepaid +Bepaint +bepaint +bepainted +bepainting +bepaints +bepale +bepaper +beparch +beparody +beparse +bepart +bepaste +bepastured +bepat +bepatched +bepaw +bepearl +bepelt +bepen +bepepper +beperiwigged +bepester +bepewed +bephilter +bephrase +bepicture +bepiece +bepierce +bepile +bepill +bepillared +bepimple +bepimpled +bepimples +bepimpling +bepinch +bepistoled +bepity +beplague +beplaided +beplaster +beplumed +bepommel +bepowder +bepraise +bepraisement +bepraiser +beprank +bepranked +bepray +bepreach +bepress +bepretty +bepride +beprose +bepuddle +bepuff +bepuffed +bepun +bepurple +bepuzzle +bepuzzlement +Beqaa +bequalm +bequeath +bequeathable +bequeathal +bequeathed +bequeather +bequeathing +bequeathment +bequeaths +bequest +bequests +bequirtle +bequote +beqwete +BER +Ber +ber +berain +berairou +berakah +berake +beraked +berakes +beraking +berakot +berakoth +Beranger +berapt +Berar +Berard +Berardo +berascal +berascaled +berascaling +berascals +berat +berate +berated +berates +berating +berattle +beraunite +beray +berbamine +Berber +berber +Berbera +Berberi +berberia +Berberian +berberid +Berberidaceae +berberidaceous +berberin +berberine +berberins +Berberis +berberis +berberry +berbers +berbery +berceau +berceaunette +bercelet +berceuse +berceuses +Berchemia +Berchta +Berchtesgaden +Berck +Berclair +Bercovici +Bercy +berdache +berdaches +berdash +Berdichev +Berdyaev +Berdyayev +bere +Berea +Berean +bereareft +bereason +bereave +bereaved +bereavement +bereavements +bereaven +bereaver +bereavers +bereaves +bereaving +Berecyntia +berede +bereft +berend +berendo +Berengaria +Berengarian +Berengarianism +berengelite +berengena +Berenice +Berenices +Berenson +Beresford +Bereshith +beresite +Beret +beret +berets +Beretta +beretta +berettas +berewick +Berey +Berezina +Berezniki +Berfield +Berg +berg +Berga +bergalith +bergall +Bergama +bergamasca +bergamasche +Bergamask +bergamask +Bergamee +bergamiol +Bergamo +Bergamos +Bergamot +bergamot +bergamots +bergander +bergaptene +Bergdama +Bergeman +Bergen +Bergen-Belsen +Bergenfield +Berger +berger +Bergerac +bergere +bergeres +bergeret +bergerette +Bergeron +Bergess +Berget +bergfall +berggylt +Bergh +bergh +berghaan +Berghoff +Bergholz +Bergin +berginization +berginize +Bergius +Bergland +berglet +Berglund +Bergman +bergman +Bergmann +bergmannite +Bergmans +bergomask +Bergoo +Bergquist +Bergren +bergs +bergschrund +Bergsma +Bergson +Bergsonian +Bergsonism +Bergstein +Bergstrom +Bergton +bergut +Bergwall +bergy +bergylt +Berhley +berhyme +berhymed +berhymes +berhyming +Beri +Beria +beribanded +beribbon +beribboned +beriber +beriberi +beriberic +beriberis +beribers +beride +berigora +berime +berimed +berimes +beriming +Bering +bering +beringed +beringite +beringleted +berinse +Berio +Beriosova +Berit +Berith +berith +Berk +berk +Berke +Berkeleian +berkeleian +Berkeleianism +Berkeley +berkeley +Berkeleyism +Berkeleyite +berkelium +Berkey +Berkie +Berkin +Berkley +Berkly +Berkman +berkovets +berkovtsi +Berkow +Berkowitz +berkowitz +Berks +Berkshire +berkshire +Berkshires +Berky +Berl +Berlauda +Berlen +berley +Berlichingen +Berlin +berlin +berlina +Berlinda +berline +berline-landaulet +Berliner +berliner +berliners +berlines +Berlinguer +berlinite +Berlinize +berlin-landaulet +berlins +Berlioz +Berlitz +Berlon +berloque +Berlyn +Berlyne +berm +Berman +berme +Bermejo +bermensch +bermes +berms +Bermuda +bermuda +Bermudan +Bermudas +bermudas +Bermudian +bermudian +bermudians +bermudite +Bern +Berna +bernacle +Bernadene +Bernadette +Bernadina +Bernadine +Bernadotte +Bernal +Bernalillo +Bernanos +Bernard +bernard +Bernardi +Bernardina +Bernardine +bernardine +Bernardino +Bernardo +Bernardston +Bernardsville +Bernarr +Bernat +Berne +berne +Bernelle +Berner +Berners +Bernese +Bernet +Berneta +Bernete +Bernetta +Bernette +Bernhard +Bernhardi +Bernhardt +Berni +Bernice +Bernicia +bernicle +bernicles +Bernie +Berniece +Bernina +Berninesque +Bernini +Bernis +Bernita +Bernj +Bernkasteler +bernoo +Bernouilli +Bernoulli +Bernoullian +Berns +Bernstein +bernstein +Bernstorff +Bernt +Bernville +Berny +berob +berobed +Beroe +beroe +berogue +Beroida +Beroidae +beroll +Berossos +Berosus +berouged +Beroun +beround +Berra +berreave +berreaved +berreaves +berreaving +Berrellez +berrendo +berret +berretta +berrettas +berrettino +Berri +berri +berrichon +berrichonne +Berrie +berried +berrier +berries +berrigan +Berriman +berrugate +Berry +berry +berry-bearing +berry-brown +berrybush +berry-formed +berrying +berryless +berrylike +Berryman +berryman +berry-on-bone +berrypicker +berrypicking +Berrysburg +berry-shaped +Berryton +Berryville +bersagliere +bersaglieri +berseem +berseems +berserk +berserker +berserks +Bersiamite +Bersil +bersim +berskin +berstel +Berstine +BERT +Bert +Berta +Bertasi +Bertat +Bertaud +Berte +Bertelli +Bertero +Berteroa +berth +Bertha +bertha +berthage +berthas +Berthe +berthed +berther +berthierite +berthing +Berthold +Bertholletia +Berthoud +berths +Berti +Bertie +Bertila +Bertilla +Bertillon +bertillonage +bertin +Bertina +Bertine +Bertle +Bertoia +Bertold +Bertolde +Bertolonia +Bertolt +Bertolucci +Berton +Bertram +bertram +Bertrand +bertrandite +Bertrando +Bertrant +bertrum +Bertsche +Berty +beruffed +beruffled +berun +berust +bervie +Berwick +berwick +Berwickshire +Berwick-upon-Tweed +Berwind +Berwyn +berycid +Berycidae +beryciform +berycine +berycoid +Berycoidea +berycoidean +Berycoidei +Berycomorphi +Beryl +beryl +berylate +beryl-blue +Beryle +beryl-green +beryline +beryllate +beryllia +berylline +berylliosis +beryllium +berylloid +beryllonate +beryllonite +beryllosis +beryls +Berytidae +Beryx +beryx +berzelianite +berzeliite +Berzelius +BES +Bes +bes +bes- +besa +besagne +besague +besaiel +besaile +besaint +besan +Besancon +besanctify +besand +Besant +besant +bes-antler +besauce +besayle +bescab +bescarf +bescatter +bescent +bescorch +bescorched +bescorches +bescorching +bescorn +bescoundrel +bescour +bescoured +bescourge +bescouring +bescours +bescramble +bescrape +bescratch +bescrawl +bescreen +bescreened +bescreening +bescreens +bescribble +bescribbled +bescribbling +bescurf +bescurvy +bescutcheon +beseam +besee +beseech +beseeched +beseecher +beseechers +beseeches +beseeching +beseechingly +beseechingness +beseechment +beseek +beseem +beseemed +beseeming +beseemingly +beseemingness +beseemliness +beseemly +beseems +beseen +beseige +Beseleel +beset +besetment +besets +besetter +besetters +besetting +besew +beshackle +beshade +beshadow +beshadowed +beshadowing +beshadows +beshag +beshake +beshame +beshamed +beshames +beshaming +beshawled +beshear +beshell +beshield +beshine +beshiver +beshivered +beshivering +beshivers +beshlik +beshod +Beshore +beshout +beshouted +beshouting +beshouts +beshow +beshower +beshrew +beshrewed +beshrewing +beshrews +beshriek +beshrivel +beshroud +beshrouded +beshrouding +beshrouds +BeShT +besiclometer +beside +besides +besiege +besieged +besiegement +besieger +besiegers +besieges +besieging +besiegingly +Besier +besigh +besilver +besin +besing +besiren +besit +beslab +beslabber +beslap +beslash +beslave +beslaved +beslaver +besleeve +beslime +beslimed +beslimer +beslimes +besliming +beslings +beslipper +beslobber +beslow +beslubber +besluit +beslur +beslushed +besmear +besmeared +besmearer +besmearing +besmears +besmell +besmile +besmiled +besmiles +besmiling +besmirch +besmirched +besmircher +besmirchers +besmirches +besmirching +besmirchment +besmoke +besmoked +besmokes +besmoking +besmooth +besmoothed +besmoothing +besmooths +besmother +besmottered +besmouch +besmudge +besmudged +besmudges +besmudging +be-smut +besmut +be-smutch +besmutch +besmuts +besmutted +besmutting +Besnard +besnare +besneer +besnivel +besnow +besnowed +besnowing +besnows +besnuff +besodden +besogne +besognier +besoil +besoin +besom +besomer +besoms +besonio +besonnet +besoot +besoothe +besoothed +besoothement +besoothes +besoothing +besort +besot +besotment +besots +besotted +besottedly +besottedness +besotter +besotting +besottingly +besought +besoul +besour +besouth +bespake +bespangle +bespangled +bespangles +bespangling +bespate +bespatter +bespattered +bespatterer +bespattering +bespatterment +bespatters +bespawl +bespeak +bespeakable +bespeaker +bespeaking +bespeaks +bespecked +bespeckle +bespeckled +bespecklement +bespectacled +besped +bespeech +bespeed +bespell +bespelled +bespend +bespete +bespew +bespice +bespill +bespin +bespirit +bespit +besplash +besplatter +besplit +bespoke +bespoken +bespot +bespotted +bespottedness +bespotting +bespouse +bespoused +bespouses +bespousing +bespout +bespray +bespread +bespreading +bespreads +bespreng +besprent +bespring +besprinkle +besprinkled +besprinkler +besprinkles +besprinkling +besprizorni +bespurred +bespurt +besputter +bespy +besqueeze +besquib +besquirt +besra +Bess +bess +Bessarabia +Bessarabian +Bessarion +Besse +Bessel +bessel +Besselian +Bessemer +bessemer +Bessemerize +bessemerize +bessemerized +bessemerizing +Bessera +besses +Bessi +Bessie +Bessy +Bessye +BEST +Best +best +bestab +best-able +best-abused +best-accomplished +bestad +best-agreeable +bestain +bestamp +bestand +bestar +bestare +best-armed +bestarve +bestatued +bestay +bestayed +best-ball +best-beloved +best-bred +best-built +best-clad +best-conditioned +best-conducted +best-considered +best-consulted +best-cultivated +best-dressed +bestead +besteaded +besteading +besteads +besteal +bested +besteer +bestench +bester +best-established +best-esteemed +best-formed +best-graced +best-grounded +best-hated +best-humored +bestial +bestialise +bestialised +bestialising +bestialism +bestialist +bestialities +bestiality +bestialize +bestialized +bestializes +bestializing +bestially +bestials +bestian +bestiarian +bestiarianism +bestiaries +bestiarist +bestiary +bestick +besticking +bestill +best-informed +besting +bestink +best-intentioned +bestir +bestirred +bestirring +bestirs +best-known +best-laid +best-learned +best-liked +best-loved +best-made +best-managed +best-meaning +best-meant +best-minded +best-natured +bestness +best-nourishing +bestock +bestore +bestorm +bestove +bestow +bestowable +bestowage +bestowal +bestowals +bestowed +bestower +bestowing +bestowment +bestows +best-paid +best-paying +best-pleasing +best-preserved +best-principled +bestraddle +bestraddled +bestraddling +bestrapped +bestraught +bestraw +best-read +bestreak +bestream +best-resolved +bestrew +bestrewed +bestrewing +bestrewment +bestrewn +bestrews +bestrid +bestridden +bestride +bestrided +bestrides +bestriding +bestripe +bestrode +bestrow +bestrowed +bestrowing +bestrown +bestrows +bestrut +bests +bestseller +bestsellerdom +bestsellers +best-selling +bestselling +best-sighted +best-skilled +best-tempered +best-trained +bestubble +bestubbled +bestuck +bestud +bestudded +bestudding +bestuds +bestuur +besugar +besugo +besuit +besully +beswarm +beswarmed +beswarming +beswarms +besweatered +besweeten +beswelter +beswim +beswinge +beswink +beswitch +bet +bet. +Beta +beta +beta-amylase +betacaine +betacism +betacismus +beta-eucaine +betafite +betag +beta-glucose +betail +betailor +betain +betaine +betaines +betainogen +betake +betaken +betakes +betaking +betalk +betallow +beta-naphthol +betanaphthol +beta-naphthyl +beta-naphthylamine +Betancourt +betangle +betanglement +beta-orcin +beta-orcinol +betas +betask +betassel +betatron +betatrons +betatter +betattered +betattering +betatters +betaxed +bete +beteach +betear +beteela +beteem +betel +Betelgeuse +betelgeuse +Betelgeux +betell +betelnut +betelnuts +betels +beterschap +betes +Beth +beth +bethabara +Bethalto +Bethania +bethank +bethanked +bethanking +bethankit +bethanks +Bethanna +Bethanne +Bethany +Bethe +Bethel +bethel +bethels +Bethena +Bethera +Bethesda +bethesda +bethesdas +Bethesde +Bethezel +bethflower +Bethina +bethink +bethinking +bethinks +Bethlehem +bethlehem +Bethlehemite +bethlehemite +bethorn +bethorned +bethorning +bethorns +bethought +Bethpage +bethrall +bethreaten +bethroot +beths +Bethsabee +Bethsaida +Bethuel +bethumb +bethump +bethumped +bethumping +bethumps +bethunder +Bethune +bethwack +bethwine +bethylid +Bethylidae +betide +betided +betides +betiding +betimber +betime +betimes +betinge +betipple +betire +betis +betise +betises +betitle +Betjeman +betocsin +betoil +betoken +betokened +betokener +betokening +betokenment +betokens +beton +betone +betongue +Betonica +betonica +betonies +betons +betony +betook +betorcin +betorcinol +betorn +betoss +betowel +betowered +Betoya +Betoyan +betrace +betrail +betraise +betrample +betrap +betravel +betray +betrayal +betrayals +betrayed +betrayer +betrayers +betra'ying +betraying +betrayment +betrays +betread +betrend +betrim +betrinket +betroth +betrothal +betrothals +betrothed +betrotheds +betrothing +betrothment +betroths +betrough +betrousered +BETRS +betrumpet +betrunk +betrust +bets +Betsey +Betsi +Betsileos +Betsimisaraka +betso +Betsy +Bett +Betta +betta +bettas +Bette +Bette-Ann +Betteann +Betteanne +betted +Bettencourt +Bettendorf +better +better-advised +better-affected +better-balanced +better-becoming +better-behaved +better-born +better-bred +better-considered +better-disposed +better-dressed +bettered +betterer +bettergates +better-humored +better-informed +bettering +better-knowing +better-known +better-liked +better-liking +betterly +better-meant +betterment +betterments +bettermost +better-natured +betterness +better-omened +better-principled +better-regulated +betters +better-seasoned +better-taught +Betterton +better-witted +Betthel +Betthezel +Betthezul +Betti +betties +Bettina +Bettine +betting +Bettinus +bettong +bettonga +Bettongia +bettor +bettors +Bettsville +Betty +betty +Bettye +Bettzel +betuckered +Betula +Betulaceae +betulaceous +betulin +betulinamaric +betulinic +betulinol +Betulites +betumbled +beturbaned +betusked +betutor +betutored +betwattled +between +betweenbrain +between-deck +between-decks +betweenity +between-maid +betweenmaid +betweenness +betweens +betweentimes +between-whiles +betweenwhiles +betwine +betwit +betwixen +betwixt +Betz +beudanite +beudantite +Beulah +beulah +Beulaville +beuncled +beuniformed +beurre +Beuthel +Beuthen +Beutler +Beutner +BeV +Bev +Bevan +bevaring +Bevash +bevatron +bevatrons +beveil +bevel +beveled +bevel-edged +beveler +bevelers +beveling +bevelled +beveller +bevellers +bevelling +bevelment +bevels +bevenom +Bever +bever +beverage +beverages +Beveridge +Beverie +Beverle +Beverlee +Beverley +Beverlie +Beverly +Bevers +beverse +bevesseled +bevesselled +beveto +Bevier +bevies +bevil +bevillain +bevilled +Bevin +bevined +Bevington +Bevinsville +Bevis +bevoiled +bevomit +bevomited +bevomiting +bevomits +Bevon +bevor +bevors +bevue +Bevus +Bevvy +bevvy +bevy +BEW +bewail +bewailable +bewailed +bewailer +bewailers +bewailing +bewailingly +bewailment +bewails +bewaitered +bewake +bewall +beware +bewared +bewares +bewaring +bewary +bewash +bewaste +bewater +bewearied +bewearies +beweary +bewearying +beweep +beweeper +beweeping +beweeps +bewelcome +bewelter +bewend +bewept +bewest +bewet +bewhig +bewhisker +bewhiskered +bewhisper +bewhistle +bewhite +bewhiten +bewhore +Bewick +bewidow +bewield +bewig +bewigged +bewigging +bewigs +bewilder +bewildered +bewilderedly +bewilderedness +bewildering +bewilderingly +bewilderment +bewilderments +bewilders +bewimple +bewinged +bewinter +bewired +bewit +bewitch +bewitched +bewitchedness +bewitcher +bewitchery +bewitches +bewitchful +bewitching +bewitchingly +bewitchingness +bewitchment +bewitchments +bewith +bewizard +bewonder +bework +beworm +bewormed +beworming +beworms +beworn +beworried +beworries +beworry +beworrying +beworship +bewpers +bewrap +bewrapped +bewrapping +bewraps +bewrapt +bewrathed +bewray +bewrayed +bewrayer +bewrayers +bewraying +bewrayingly +bewrayment +bewrays +bewreak +bewreath +bewreck +bewrite +bewrought +bewry +bewwept +Bexar +Bexhill-on-Sea +Bexley +bey +beydom +Beyer +beyerite +Beyle +Beylic +beylic +beylical +beylics +beylik +beyliks +Beyo +Beyoglu +beyond +beyondness +beyonds +beyrichite +Beyrouth +beys +beyship +Bezae +Bezaleel +Bezaleelian +bezan +Bezanson +bezant +bezante +bezantee +bez-antler +bezants +bezanty +bezazz +bezazzes +bezel +bezels +bezesteen +bezetta +bezette +Beziers +bezil +bezils +bezique +beziques +bezoar +bezoardic +bezoars +bezonian +Bezpopovets +Bezwada +bezzant +bezzants +bezzi +bezzle +bezzled +bezzling +bezzo +B/F +BF +b.f. +bf +BFA +BFAMus +BFD +BFDC +BFHD +B-flat +BFR +BFS +BFT +BG +bg +BGE +BGeNEd +B-girl +Bglr +BGP +BH +BHA +bhabar +Bhabha +Bhadgaon +Bhadon +Bhaga +Bhagalpur +bhagat +Bhagavad-Gita +bhagavat +bhagavata +Bhai +bhaiachara +bhaiachari +Bhairava +Bhairavi +bhaiyachara +bhajan +bhakta +Bhaktapur +bhaktas +bhakti +bhaktimarga +bhaktis +bhalu +bhandar +bhandari +bhang +bhangi +bhangs +Bhar +bhara +bharal +Bharat +Bharata +Bharatiya +bharti +bhat +Bhatpara +Bhatt +Bhaunagar +bhava +Bhavabhuti +bhavan +Bhavani +Bhave +Bhavnagar +Bhayani +BHC +bhd +bheestie +bheesties +bheesty +bhikhari +Bhikku +bhikku +Bhikkuni +Bhikshu +bhikshu +Bhil +Bhili +Bhima +bhindi +bhishti +bhisti +bhistie +bhisties +BHL +Bhojpuri +bhokra +Bhola +Bhoodan +bhoosa +bhoot +bhoots +Bhopal +b-horizon +Bhotia +Bhotiya +Bhowani +b'hoy +bhoy +BHP +bhp +BHT +Bhubaneswar +Bhudan +Bhudevi +Bhumibol +bhumidar +Bhumij +bhunder +bhungi +bhungini +bhut +Bhutan +bhutan +Bhutanese +bhutanese +Bhutani +Bhutatathata +bhutatathata +bhut-bali +Bhutia +bhuts +Bhutto +BI +Bi +bi +bi- +Bia +biabo +biacetyl +biacetylene +biacetyls +biacid +biacromial +biacuminate +biacuru +Biadice +Biafra +Biafran +Biagi +Biagio +biajaiba +Biak +bialate +biali +Bialik +bialis +biallyl +bialveolar +bialy +bialys +Bialystok +bialystoker +Biamonte +Bianca +Biancha +Bianchi +Bianchini +bianchite +Bianco +bianco +biangular +biangulate +biangulated +biangulous +bianisidine +Bianka +biannual +biannually +biannulate +biarchy +biarcuate +biarcuated +Biarritz +biarticular +biarticulate +biarticulated +Bias +bias +biased +biasedly +biases +biasing +biasness +biasnesses +biassed +biassedly +biasses +biassing +biasteric +biasways +biaswise +biathlon +biathlons +biatomic +biaural +biauricular +biauriculate +biaxal +biaxial +biaxiality +biaxially +biaxillary +Biayenda +Bib +Bib. +bib +bibacious +bibaciousness +bibacity +bibasic +bibasilar +bibation +bibb +bibbed +bibber +bibberies +bibbers +bibbery +Bibbie +Bibbiena +bibbing +bibble +bibble-babble +bibbled +bibbler +bibbling +bibbons +bibbs +Bibby +bibby +Bibbye +bibcock +bibcocks +Bibeau +bibelot +bibelots +bibenzyl +biberon +Bibi +bibi +Bibiena +Bibio +bibionid +Bibionidae +bibiri +bibiru +bibitory +bi-bivalent +Bibl +Bibl. +bibl +bibl. +Bible +bible +Bible-basher +bible-christian +bible-clerk +bibles +bibless +BiblHeb +Biblic +Biblical +biblical +Biblicality +Biblically +biblically +Biblicism +biblicism +Biblicist +biblicist +Biblicistic +biblico- +Biblicolegal +Biblicoliterary +Biblicopsychological +biblike +biblio- +biblioclasm +biblioclast +bibliofilm +bibliog +bibliog. +bibliogenesis +bibliognost +bibliognostic +bibliogony +bibliograph +bibliographer +bibliographers +bibliographic +bibliographical +bibliographically +bibliographies +bibliographize +bibliography +bibliokelpt +biblioklept +bibliokleptomania +bibliokleptomaniac +bibliolater +bibliolatrist +bibliolatrous +bibliolatry +bibliological +bibliologies +bibliologist +bibliology +bibliomancy +bibliomane +bibliomania +bibliomaniac +bibliomaniacal +bibliomanian +bibliomanianism +bibliomanism +bibliomanist +bibliopegic +bibliopegically +bibliopegist +bibliopegistic +bibliopegistical +bibliopegy +bibliophage +bibliophagic +bibliophagist +bibliophagous +bibliophil +bibliophile +bibliophiles +bibliophilic +bibliophilism +bibliophilist +bibliophilistic +bibliophily +bibliophobe +bibliophobia +bibliopolar +bibliopole +bibliopolery +bibliopolic +bibliopolical +bibliopolically +bibliopolism +bibliopolist +bibliopolistic +bibliopoly +bibliosoph +bibliotaph +bibliotaphe +bibliotaphic +bibliothec +bibliotheca +bibliothecae +bibliothecaire +bibliothecal +bibliothecarial +bibliothecarian +bibliothecary +bibliothecas +bibliotheke +bibliotheque +bibliotherapeutic +bibliotherapies +bibliotherapist +bibliotherapy +bibliothetic +bibliothque +bibliotic +bibliotics +bibliotist +Biblism +Biblist +biblist +biblists +biblos +biblus +biborate +bibracteate +bibracteolate +bibs +bibulosities +bibulosity +bibulous +bibulously +bibulousness +Bibulus +Bicakci +bicalcarate +bicalvous +bicameral +bicameralism +bicameralist +bicamerist +bicapitate +bicapsular +bicarb +bicarbide +bicarbonate +bicarbonates +bicarbs +bicarbureted +bicarburetted +bicarinate +bicarpellary +bicarpellate +bicaudal +bicaudate +bicched +Bice +bice +bicellular +bicentenaries +bicentenarnaries +bicentenary +bicentennial +bicentennially +bicentennials +bicentral +bicentric +bicentrically +bicentricity +bicep +bicephalic +bicephalous +biceps +bicepses +bices +bicetyl +Bichat +Biche-la-mar +Bichelamar +bichir +bichloride +bichlorides +bichord +bichos +bichromate +bichromated +bichromatic +bichromatize +bichrome +bichromic +bichy +biciliate +biciliated +bicipital +bicipitous +bicircular +bicirrose +Bick +bick +Bickart +bicker +bickered +bickerer +bickerers +bickering +bickern +bickers +bick-iron +bickiron +Bickleton +Bickmore +Bicknell +biclavate +biclinia +biclinium +Bicol +bicollateral +bicollaterality +bicolligate +bicolor +bicolored +bicolorous +bicolors +bicolour +bicoloured +bicolourous +bicolours +Bicols +bicompact +biconcave +biconcavities +biconcavity +biconditional +bicondylar +bicone +biconic +biconical +biconically +biconjugate +biconnected +biconsonantal +biconvex +biconvexities +biconvexity +Bicorn +bicorn +bicornate +bicorne +bicorned +bicornes +bicornous +bicornuate +bicornuous +bicornute +bicorporal +bicorporate +bicorporeal +bicostate +bicrenate +bicrescentic +bicrofarad +bicron +bicrons +bicrural +BICS +bicuculline +bicultural +biculturalism +bicursal +bicuspid +bicuspidal +bicuspidate +bicuspids +bicyanide +bicycle +bicycle-built-for-two +bicycled +bicycler +bicyclers +bicycles +bicyclic +bicyclical +bicycling +bicyclism +bicyclist +bicyclists +bicyclo +bicycloheptane +bicycular +bicylindrical +BID +bid +Bida +bid-a-bid +bidactyl +bidactyle +bidactylous +bid-ale +bidar +bidarka +bidarkas +bidarkee +bidarkees +Bidault +bidcock +biddability +biddable +biddableness +biddably +biddance +Biddeford +Biddelian +bidden +bidder +bidders +biddery +Biddick +Biddie +biddie +biddies +bidding +biddings +Biddle +Biddulphia +Biddulphiaceae +Biddy +biddy +biddy-bid +biddy-biddy +bide +bided +bidene +Bidens +bident +bidental +bidentalia +bidentate +bidented +bidential +bidenticulate +bider +biders +bidery +bides +bidet +bidets +bidgee-widgee +Bidget +bidget +bidi +bidiagonal +bidialectal +bidialectalism +bidigitate +bidimensional +biding +bidirectional +bidirectionally +bidiurnal +Bidle +bidonville +Bidpai +bidree +bidri +bidry +bids +bidstand +biduous +Bidwell +BIE +Biebel +Bieber +bieberite +Biedermann +Biedermeier +bieennia +Biegel +Biel +Biela +bielbrief +bielby +bield +bielded +bielding +bields +bieldy +bielectrolysis +Bielefeld +bielenite +Bielersee +Bielid +Bielka +Bielorouss +Bielo-russian +Bielsko-Biala +bien +bienly +biennale +biennales +Bienne +bienne +bienness +biennia +biennial +biennially +biennials +biennium +bienniums +biens +bienseance +bientt +bienvenu +bienvenue +Bienville +bier +bierbalk +Bierce +bierkeller +Bierman +Biernat +biers +bierstube +bierstuben +bierstubes +biestings +biethnic +bietle +biface +bifaces +bifacial +bifanged +bifara +bifarious +bifariously +bifer +biferous +biff +Biffar +biffed +biffies +biffin +biffing +biffins +biffs +biffy +bifid +bifidate +bifidated +bifidities +bifidity +bifidly +bifilar +bifilarly +bifistular +biflabellate +biflagelate +biflagellate +biflecnode +biflected +biflex +biflorate +biflorous +bifluorid +bifluoride +bifocal +bifocals +bifoil +bifold +bifolia +bifoliate +bifoliolate +bifolium +bifollicular +biforate +biforin +biforine +biforked +biforking +biform +biformed +biformity +biforous +bifront +bifrontal +bifronted +Bifrost +bifrost +bifteck +bifunctional +bifurcal +bifurcate +bifurcated +bifurcately +bifurcates +bifurcating +bifurcation +bifurcations +bifurcous +big +biga +bigae +bigam +bigamic +bigamies +bigamist +bigamistic +bigamistically +bigamists +bigamize +bigamized +bigamizing +bigamous +bigamously +bigamy +big-antlered +bigarade +bigarades +big-armed +bigaroon +bigaroons +Bigarreau +bigarreau +bigas +bigate +big-bearded +big-bellied +bigbloom +big-bodied +big-boned +big-bosomed +big-breasted +big-bulked +bigbury +big-chested +big-eared +Bigelow +bigemina +bigeminal +bigeminate +bigeminated +bigeminies +bigeminum +bigeminy +Big-endian +big-endian +bigener +bigeneric +bigential +bigeye +big-eyed +bigeyes +bigfeet +bigfoot +big-footed +bigfoots +Bigford +big-framed +Bigg +bigg +biggah +big-gaited +bigged +biggen +biggened +biggening +bigger +biggest +biggety +biggie +biggies +biggin +bigging +biggings +biggins +biggish +biggishness +biggity +biggonet +Biggs +biggy +bigha +big-handed +bighead +big-headed +bigheaded +bigheads +big-hearted +bighearted +bigheartedly +bigheartedness +big-hoofed +Bighorn +bighorn +Bighorns +bighorns +bight +bighted +bighting +bights +big-jawed +big-laden +biglandular +big-league +big-leaguer +big-leaved +biglenoid +Bigler +big-looking +biglot +bigly +bigmitt +bigmouth +big-mouthed +bigmouthed +bigmouths +big-name +Bigner +bigness +bignesses +Bignonia +bignonia +Bignoniaceae +bignoniaceous +bignoniad +bignonias +big-nosed +big-note +bignou +Bigod +bigoniac +bigonial +Bigot +bigot +bigoted +bigotedly +bigotedness +bigothero +bigotish +bigotries +bigotry +bigots +bigotty +bigram +big-rich +bigroot +big-souled +big-sounding +big-swollen +Bigtha +bigthatch +big-ticket +big-time +big-timer +biguanide +biguttate +biguttulate +bi-guy +big-voiced +big-waisted +bigwig +bigwigged +bigwiggedness +bigwiggery +bigwiggism +bigwigs +Bihai +bihalve +Biham +bihamate +Bihar +Bihari +bihari +biharmonic +bihourly +bihydrazine +Bihzad +bi-iliac +bi-ischiadic +bi-ischiatic +Biisk +bija +Bijapur +bijasal +bijection +bijections +bijective +bijectively +bijou +bijous +bijouterie +bijoux +bijugate +bijugous +bijugular +bijwoner +Bik +Bikales +Bikaner +bike +biked +biker +bikers +bikes +bikeway +bikeways +bikh +bikhaconitine +bikie +bikies +Bikila +biking +Bikini +bikini +bikinied +bikinis +bikkurim +Bikol +Bikols +Bikram +Bikukulla +Bil +Bilaan +bilabe +bilabial +bilabials +bilabiate +Bilac +bilaciniate +bilalo +bilamellar +bilamellate +bilamellated +bilaminar +bilaminate +bilaminated +biland +bilander +bilanders +bilateral +bilateralism +bilateralistic +bilateralities +bilaterality +bilaterally +bilateralness +Bilati +bilayer +bilayers +Bilbao +Bilbe +bilberries +bilberry +bilbi +bilbie +bilbies +bilbo +bilboa +bilboas +bilboes +bilboquet +bilbos +bilby +bilch +bilcock +Bildad +bildar +bilder +bilders +Bildungsroman +bile +bilection +Bilek +bilertinned +Biles +biles +bilestone +bileve +bilewhit +bilge +bilged +bilge-hoop +bilge-keel +bilges +bilge-water +bilgewater +bilgeway +bilgier +bilgiest +bilging +bilgy +Bilhah +Bilharzia +bilharzia +bilharzial +bilharziasis +bilharzic +bilharziosis +Bili +bili- +bilianic +biliary +biliate +biliation +bilic +Bilicki +bilicyanin +bilifaction +biliferous +bilification +bilifuscin +bilify +bilihumin +bilimbi +bilimbing +bilimbis +biliment +Bilin +bilinear +bilineate +bilineated +bilingual +bilingualism +bilinguality +bilingually +bilinguar +bilinguist +bilinigrin +bilinite +bilio +bilious +biliously +biliousness +biliousnesses +biliprasin +bilipurpurin +bilipyrrhin +bilirubin +bilirubinemia +bilirubinic +bilirubinuria +biliteral +biliteralism +bilith +bilithon +biliverdic +biliverdin +bilixanthin +bilk +bilked +bilker +bilkers +bilking +bilkis +bilks +Bill +bill +billa +billable +billabong +billage +bill-and-cooers +billard +Billat +billback +billbeetle +Billbergia +billbergia +billboard +billboards +bill-broker +billbroking +billbug +billbugs +Bille +billed +Billen +biller +Billerica +billers +billet +billet-doux +billete +billeted +billeter +billeters +billethead +billeting +billets +billets-doux +billette +billetty +billetwood +billety +billfish +billfishes +billfold +billfolds +billhead +billheading +billheads +billholder +bill-hook +billhook +billhooks +Billi +billian +billiard +billiardist +billiardly +billiards +Billie +billie +billies +Billiken +billikin +billing +Billings +billings +Billingsgate +billingsgate +Billingsley +billion +billionaire +billionaires +billionism +billions +billionth +billionths +Billiton +billitonite +Billjim +bill-like +billman +billmen +Billmyre +billon +billons +billot +billow +billowed +billowier +billowiest +billowiness +billowing +Billows +billows +billowy +bill-patched +billposter +billposting +Billroth +Bills +bills +bill-shaped +billsticker +billsticking +billtong +Billy +billy +billyboy +billy-button +billycan +billycans +billycock +Billye +billyer +billy-goat +billyhood +billyo +billywix +bilo +bilobate +bilobated +bilobe +bilobed +bilobiate +bilobular +bilocation +bilocellate +bilocular +biloculate +Biloculina +biloculine +bilophodont +biloquist +bilos +Bilow +Biloxi +bilsh +Bilski +Bilskirnir +bilsted +bilsteds +Biltmore +biltong +biltongs +biltongue +BIM +Bim +bim +BIMA +bima +bimaculate +bimaculated +bimah +bimahs +bimalar +Bimana +bimana +bimanal +bimane +bimanous +bimanual +bimanually +bimarginate +bimarine +bimas +bimastic +bimastism +bimastoid +bimasty +bimaxillary +bimbashi +bimbil +Bimbisara +Bimble +bimbo +bimboes +bimbos +bimeby +bimedial +bimensal +bimester +bimesters +bimestrial +bimetal +bimetalic +bimetalism +bimetallic +bimetallism +bimetallist +bimetallistic +bimetallists +bimetals +bimethyl +bimethyls +bimillenary +bimillenial +bimillenium +bimillennia +bimillennium +bimillenniums +bimillionaire +bimilllennia +Bimini +Biminis +Bimmeler +bimodal +bimodality +bimodule +bimodulus +bimolecular +bimolecularly +bimong +bimonthlies +bimonthly +bimorph +bimorphemic +bimorphs +bimotor +bimotored +bimotors +bimucronate +bimuscular +bin +bin- +Bina +Binah +binal +Binalonen +binaphthyl +binapthyl +binaries +binarium +binary +binate +binately +bination +binational +binationalism +binationalisms +binaural +binaurally +binauricular +binbashi +bin-burn +Binchois +BIND +bind +bindable +bind-days +BIndEd +binder +binderies +binders +bindery +bindheimite +bindi +bindi-eye +binding +bindingly +bindingness +bindings +bindis +bindle +bindles +bindlet +Bindman +bindoree +binds +bindweb +bindweed +bindweeds +bindwith +bindwood +bine +binervate +bines +Binet +Binetta +Binette +bineweed +Binford +binful +Bing +bing +binge +binged +bingee +bingeing +Bingen +Binger +binges +bingey +bingeys +Bingham +Binghamton +binghi +bingies +binging +bingle +bingo +bingos +bingy +binh +Binhdinh +Bini +biniodide +biniou +binit +Binitarian +Binitarianism +binits +Bink +bink +Binky +binman +binmen +binna +binnacle +binnacles +binned +Binni +Binnie +binning +Binnings +binnite +binnogue +Binny +binny +bino +binocle +binocles +binocs +binocular +binocularity +binocularly +binoculars +binoculate +binodal +binode +binodose +binodous +binomen +binomenclature +binomial +binomialism +binomially +binomials +binominal +binominated +binominous +binomy +binormal +binotic +binotonous +binous +binoxalate +binoxide +bins +bint +bintangor +bints +binturong +binuclear +binucleate +binucleated +binucleolate +binukau +Binyon +Binzuru +bio +bio- +bioaccumulation +bioacoustics +bioactivities +bioactivity +bio-aeration +bio-assay +bioassay +bioassayed +bioassaying +bioassays +bioastronautical +bioastronautics +bioavailability +biobibliographer +biobibliographic +biobibliographical +biobibliographies +biobibliography +bioblast +bioblastic +BIOC +biocatalyst +biocatalytic +biocellate +biocenology +biocenosis +biocenotic +biocentric +biochemic +biochemical +biochemically +biochemicals +biochemics +biochemist +biochemistries +biochemistry +biochemists +biochemy +biochore +biochron +biocidal +biocide +biocides +bioclean +bioclimatic +bioclimatician +bioclimatological +bioclimatologically +bioclimatologies +bioclimatologist +bioclimatology +biocoenose +biocoenoses +biocoenosis +biocoenotic +biocontrol +biocycle +biocycles +biod +biodegradabilities +biodegradability +biodegradable +biodegradation +biodegradations +biodegrade +biodegraded +biodegrades +biodegrading +biodynamic +biodynamical +biodynamics +biodyne +bioecologic +bioecological +bioecologically +bioecologies +bioecologist +bioecology +bio-economic +bio-electric +bioelectric +bioelectrical +bioelectricities +bioelectricity +bio-electrogenesis +bioelectrogenesis +bioelectrogenetic +bioelectrogenetically +bioelectronics +bio-energetics +bioenergetics +bioengineering +bioenvironmental +bioenvironmentaly +bioethic +bioethics +biofeedback +bioflavinoid +bioflavonoid +biofog +biog +biog. +biogas +biogases +biogasses +biogen +biogenase +biogenesis +biogenesist +biogenetic +biogenetical +biogenetically +biogenetics +biogenic +biogenies +biogenous +biogens +biogeny +biogeochemical +biogeochemistry +biogeographer +biogeographers +biogeographic +biogeographical +biogeographically +biogeography +biognosis +biograph +biographee +biographer +biographers +biographic +biographical +biographically +biographies +biographist +biographize +biography +biohazard +bioherm +bioherms +bioinstrument +bioinstrumentation +biokinetics +biol +biol. +Biola +biolinguistics +biolite +biolith +biologese +biologic +biological +biologically +biologicohumanistic +biologics +biologies +biologism +biologist +biologistic +biologists +biologize +biology +bioluminescence +bioluminescent +biolyses +biolysis +biolytic +biomagnetic +biomagnetism +biomass +biomasses +biomaterial +biomathematics +biome +biomechanical +biomechanics +biomedical +biomedicine +biomes +biometeorology +biometer +biometric +biometrical +biometrically +biometrician +biometricist +biometrics +biometries +Biometrika +biometrist +biometry +biomicroscope +biomicroscopies +biomicroscopy +biomorphic +Bion +bion +bionditional +Biondo +bionergy +bionic +bionics +bionomic +bionomical +bionomically +bionomics +bionomies +bionomist +bionomy +biont +biontic +bionts +bio-osmosis +bio-osmotic +biophagism +biophagous +biophagy +biophilous +biophor +biophore +biophotometer +biophotophone +biophysic +biophysical +biophysically +biophysicist +biophysicists +biophysicochemical +biophysics +biophysiography +biophysiological +biophysiologist +biophysiology +biophyte +biopic +bioplasm +bioplasmic +bioplasms +bioplast +bioplastic +biopoesis +biopoiesis +biopotential +bioprecipitation +biopsic +biopsies +biopsy +biopsychic +biopsychical +biopsychological +biopsychologies +biopsychologist +biopsychology +bioptic +biopyribole +bioral +biorbital +biordinal +bioreaction +bioresearch +biorgan +biorhythm +biorhythmic +biorhythmicities +biorhythmicity +biorythmic +BIOS +bios +Biosatellite +biosatellite +biosatellites +bioscience +biosciences +bioscientific +bioscientist +bioscope +bioscopes +bioscopic +bioscopies +bioscopy +biose +biosensor +bioseston +-biosis +biosis +biosocial +biosociological +biosociology +biosome +biospeleology +biosphere +biospheres +biostatic +biostatical +biostatics +biostatistic +biostatistics +biosterin +biosterol +biostratigraphy +biostrome +biosyntheses +biosynthesis +biosynthesize +biosynthetic +biosynthetically +biosystematic +biosystematics +biosystematist +biosystematy +Biot +Biota +biota +biotas +biotaxy +biotech +biotechnics +biotechnological +biotechnologically +biotechnologicaly +biotechnologies +biotechnology +biotechs +biotelemetric +biotelemetries +biotelemetry +biotherapy +-biotic +biotic +biotical +biotically +biotics +biotin +biotins +biotite +biotites +biotitic +biotome +biotomy +biotope +biotopes +biotoxin +biotoxins +biotransformation +biotron +biotrons +biotype +biotypes +biotypic +biotypology +biovular +biovulate +bioxalate +bioxide +biozone +bipack +bipacks +bipaleolate +Bipaliidae +Bipalium +bipalmate +biparasitic +biparental +biparentally +biparietal +biparous +biparted +bipartible +bipartient +bipartile +bipartisan +bipartisanism +bipartisanship +bipartite +bipartitely +bipartition +bipartizan +biparty +bipaschal +bipectinate +bipectinated +biped +bipedal +bipedality +bipedism +bipeds +bipeltate +bipennate +bipennated +bipenniform +biperforate +bipersonal +bipetalous +biphase +biphasic +biphenol +biphenyl +biphenylene +biphenyls +bipinnaria +bipinnariae +bipinnarias +bipinnate +bipinnated +bipinnately +bipinnatifid +bipinnatiparted +bipinnatipartite +bipinnatisect +bipinnatisected +biplace +biplanal +biplanar +biplane +biplanes +biplicate +biplicity +biplosion +biplosive +bipod +bipods +bipolar +bipolarity +bipolarization +bipolarize +Bipont +bipont +Bipontine +biporose +biporous +bipotentialities +bipotentiality +Bippus +biprism +biprong +bipropellant +bipunctal +bipunctate +bipunctual +bipupillate +bipyramid +bipyramidal +bipyridine +bipyridyl +biquadrantal +biquadrate +biquadratic +biquarterly +biquartz +biquintile +biracial +biracialism +biracially +biradial +biradiate +biradiated +biramose +biramous +birational +Birch +birch +Birchard +birchbark +Birchdale +birched +birchen +Bircher +bircher +birchers +Birches +birches +birching +Birchism +birchism +Birchite +Birchleaf +birchman +Birchrunville +Birchtree +Birchwood +birchwood +Birck +Bird +bird +birdbander +birdbanding +birdbath +birdbaths +bird-batting +birdberry +birdbrain +bird-brained +birdbrained +birdbrains +bird-cage +birdcage +birdcages +birdcall +birdcalls +birdcatcher +birdcatching +birdclapper +birdcraft +bird-dog +bird-dogged +bird-dogging +birddom +birde +birded +birdeen +Birdell +Birdella +birder +birders +Birdeye +birdeye +bird-eyed +bird-faced +birdfarm +birdfarms +bird-fingered +bird-foot +bird-foots +birdglue +birdhood +birdhouse +birdhouses +Birdie +birdie +birdieback +birdied +birdieing +birdies +birdikin +birding +birdings +Birdinhand +bird-in-the-bush +birdland +birdless +birdlet +birdlife +birdlike +bird-lime +birdlime +birdlimed +birdlimes +birdliming +birdling +birdlore +birdman +birdmen +birdmouthed +bird-nest +birdnest +birdnester +bird-nesting +bird-ridden +Birds +birds +birdsall +Birdsboro +birdseed +birdseeds +Birdseye +bird's-eye +birdseye +bird's-eyes +birdseyes +bird's-foot +bird's-foots +birdshot +birdshots +birds-in-the-bush +bird's-nest +birdsnest +birdsong +birdstone +Birdt +bird-watch +birdwatch +bird-watcher +birdweed +birdwise +bird-witted +birdwitted +birdwoman +birdwomen +birdy +birdyback +Birecree +birectangular +birefracting +birefraction +birefractive +birefringence +birefringent +bireme +biremes +biretta +birettas +birgand +Birgit +Birgitta +Birgus +biri +biriani +biriba +birimose +Birk +birk +Birkbeck +birken +Birkenhead +Birkenia +Birkeniidae +Birkett +Birkhoff +birkie +birkies +Birkle +Birkner +birkremite +birks +birky +birl +birle +birled +birler +birlers +birles +birlie +birlieman +birling +birlings +birlinn +birls +birma +Birmingham +birmingham +Birminghamize +birn +Birnamwood +birne +Birney +birny +Biro +Birobidzhan +Birobijan +Birobizhan +birodo +Birome +Biron +birostrate +birostrated +birota +birotation +birotatory +birr +birred +Birrell +birretta +birrettas +birri +birring +birrotch +birrs +birrus +birse +birses +birsit +birsle +birsy +Birt +birt +birth +birthbed +birthdate +birthdates +birthday +birthdays +birthdom +birthed +birthing +birthland +birthless +birthmark +birthmarks +birthmate +birthnight +birthplace +birthplaces +birthrate +birthrates +birthright +birthrights +birthroot +births +birthstone +birthstones +birthstool +birthwort +birthy +Birtwhistle +Birzai +BIS +bis +bis- +bisabol +bisaccate +bisacromial +bisagre +bisalt +Bisaltae +bisannual +bisantler +bisaxillary +Bisayan +bisayan +Bisayans +Bisayas +Bisbee +bisbeeite +biscacha +Biscanism +Biscay +Biscayan +biscayan +Biscayanism +biscayen +Biscayner +bischofite +Biscoe +biscot +biscotin +biscuit +biscuit-brained +biscuit-colored +biscuit-fired +biscuiting +biscuitlike +biscuitmaker +biscuitmaking +biscuitroot +biscuitry +biscuits +biscuit-shaped +biscutate +bisdiapason +bisdimethylamino +BISDN +bise +bisect +bisected +bisecting +bisection +bisectional +bisectionally +bisections +bisector +bisectors +bisectrices +bisectrix +bisects +bisegment +bisellia +bisellium +biseptate +biserial +biserially +biseriate +biseriately +biserrate +bises +biset +bisetose +bisetous +bisexed +bisext +bisexual +bisexualism +bisexuality +bisexually +bisexuals +bisexuous +bisglyoxaline +Bish +bish +Bishareen +Bishari +Bisharin +Bishop +bishop +bishopbird +bishopdom +bishoped +bishopess +bishopful +bishophood +bishoping +bishopless +bishoplet +bishoplike +bishopling +bishopric +bishoprics +bishops +bishop's-cap +bishopscap +bishopship +bishopstool +bishop's-weed +Bishopville +bishopweed +bishydroxycoumarin +bisie +bisiliac +bisilicate +bisiliquous +bisimine +bisinuate +bisinuation +bisischiadic +bisischiatic +Bisitun +Bisk +bisk +biskop +Biskra +bisks +Bisley +bislings +bismanol +bismar +Bismarck +bismarck +Bismarckian +Bismarckianism +bismarine +Bismark +bismark +bisme +bismer +bismerpund +bismethyl +bismillah +bismite +Bismosol +bismuth +bismuthal +bismuthate +bismuthic +bismuthide +bismuthiferous +bismuthine +bismuthinite +bismuthite +bismuthous +bismuths +bismuthyl +bismutite +bismutoplagionite +bismutosmaltite +bismutosphaerite +bisnaga +bisnagas +bisognio +bison +bisonant +bisons +bisontine +BISP +bisphenoid +bispinose +bispinous +bispore +bisporous +bisque +bisques +bisquette +bissabol +Bissau +Bissell +bissellia +Bisset +bissext +bissextile +bissextus +bisso +bisson +bissonata +bist +bistable +bistate +bistephanic +bister +bistered +bisters +bistetrazole +bisti +bistipular +bistipulate +bistipuled +bistort +Bistorta +bistorts +bistouries +bistournage +bistoury +bistratal +bistratose +bistre +bistred +bistres +bistriate +bistriazole +bistro +bistroic +bistros +bisubstituted +bisubstitution +bisulc +bisulcate +bisulcated +bisulfate +bisulfid +bisulfide +bisulfite +bisulphate +bisulphide +bisulphite +Bisutun +bisyllabic +bisyllabism +bisymmetric +bisymmetrical +bisymmetrically +bisymmetry +BISYNC +bisync +BIT +bit +bitable +bitake +bitangent +bitangential +bitanhol +bitartrate +bitbrace +Bitburg +bit-by-bit +bitch +bitched +bitcheries +bitchery +bitches +bitchier +bitchiest +bitchily +bitchiness +bitching +bitch-kitty +bitchy +bite +biteable +biteche +bited +biteless +Bitely +bitemporal +bitentaculate +biter +biternate +biternately +biters +bites +bite-sheep +bitesheep +bite-tongue +bitewing +bitewings +bitheism +Bithia +Bithynia +Bithynian +biti +biting +bitingly +bitingness +Bitis +bitless +bitmap +bitmapped +BITNET +bitnet +bito +Bitolj +bitolyl +Biton +bitonal +bitonalities +bitonality +bitore +bitreadle +bi-tri- +bitripartite +bitripinnatifid +bitriseptate +bitrochanteric +BITS +bits +bitser +bitstalk +bitstock +bitstocks +bitstone +bitsy +bitt +bittacle +bitte +bitted +bitten +Bittencourt +bitter +bitter- +bitterbark +bitter-biting +bitterblain +bitterbloom +bitterbrush +bitterbump +bitterbur +bitterbush +bittered +bitter-end +bitter-ender +bitterender +bitter-enderism +bitter-endism +bitterer +bitterest +bitterful +bitterhead +bitterhearted +bitterheartedness +bittering +bitterish +bitterishness +bitterless +bitterling +bitterly +bittern +bitterness +bitternesses +bitterns +bitternut +bitter-rinded +bitterroot +bitters +bitter-sweet +bittersweet +bitter-sweeting +bittersweetly +bittersweetness +bittersweets +bitter-tasting +bitter-tongued +bitterweed +bitterwood +bitterworm +bitterwort +bitthead +Bitthia +bittie +bittier +bittiest +bitting +Bittinger +bittings +Bittium +Bittner +Bitto +bittock +bittocks +bittor +bitts +bitty +bitubercular +bituberculate +bituberculated +Bitulithic +bitulithic +bitume +bitumed +bitumen +bitumens +bituminate +bituminiferous +bituminisation +bituminise +bituminised +bituminising +bituminization +bituminize +bituminized +bituminizing +bituminoid +bituminosis +bituminous +bit-wise +bitwise +bityite +bitypic +BIU +biune +biunial +biunique +biuniquely +biuniqueness +biunity +biunivocal +biurate +biurea +biuret +bivalence +bivalencies +bivalency +bivalent +bivalents +bivalve +bivalved +bivalves +Bivalvia +bivalvian +bivalvous +bivalvular +bivane +bivariant +bivariate +bivascular +bivaulted +bivector +biventer +biventral +biverb +biverbal +bivial +Bivins +bivinyl +bivinyls +bivious +bivittate +bivium +bivocal +bivocalized +bivoltine +bivoluminous +bivouac +bivouaced +bivouacked +bivouacking +bivouacks +bivouacs +bivvy +biw- +biwa +Biwabik +biweeklies +biweekly +biwinter +BIX +Bixa +bixa +Bixaceae +bixaceous +Bixby +bixbyite +bixin +Bixler +biyearly +Biysk +biz +bizant +bizardite +bizarre +bizarrely +bizarreness +bizarrerie +bizarres +bizcacha +bize +bizel +Bizen +Bizerta +Bizerte +bizes +Bizet +bizet +biznaga +biznagas +bizonal +bizone +bizones +Bizonia +Biztha +bizygomatic +bizz +bizzarro +Bjart +Bjneborg +Bjoerling +Bjork +Bjorn +Bjornson +Bk +bk +bk. +bkbndr +bkcy +bkcy. +bkg +bkg. +bkgd +bklr +bkpr +bkpt +bks +bks. +bkt +B.L. +B/L +BL +b/l +bl +bl. +BLA +blaasop +blab +blabbed +blabber +blabbered +blabberer +blabbering +blabbermouth +blabbermouths +blabbers +blabbing +blabby +blabmouth +blabs +Blacher +Blachly +blachong +Black +black +blackacre +blackamoor +blackamoors +black-and-blue +black-and-tan +black-and-white +black-aproned +blackarm +black-a-viced +black-a-visaged +black-a-vised +blackback +black-backed +black-ball +blackball +blackballed +blackballer +blackballing +blackballs +blackband +black-banded +Blackbeard +black-bearded +blackbeetle +black-bellied +blackbelly +black-belt +black-berried +blackberries +blackberry +blackberrylike +black-billed +blackbine +blackbird +blackbirder +blackbirding +blackbirds +black-blooded +black-blue +blackboard +blackboards +black-bodied +black-boding +blackbody +black-bordered +black-boughed +blackboy +blackboys +blackbreast +black-breasted +black-browed +black-brown +blackbrush +blackbuck +Blackburn +blackbush +blackbutt +blackcap +black-capped +blackcaps +black-chinned +black-clad +blackcoat +black-coated +blackcock +blackcod +blackcods +black-colored +black-cornered +black-crested +black-crowned +blackcurrant +blackdamp +Blackduck +black-eared +black-ears +blacked +black-edged +blacken +blackened +blackener +blackeners +blackening +blackens +blacker +blackest +blacketeer +Blackett +Blackey +blackey +blackeye +black-eyed +blackeyes +blackface +black-faced +black-favored +black-feathered +Blackfeet +blackfeet +blackfellow +blackfellows +black-figure +black-figured +blackfigured +blackfin +blackfins +blackfire +blackfish +blackfisher +blackfishes +blackfishing +blackflies +blackfly +Blackfoot +blackfoot +black-footed +Blackford +Blackfriars +black-fruited +black-gowned +blackguard +blackguardism +blackguardize +blackguardly +blackguardry +blackguards +blackgum +blackgums +black-hafted +black-haired +Blackhander +blackhander +Blackhawk +black-head +blackhead +black-headed +blackheads +blackheart +black-hearted +blackhearted +blackheartedly +blackheartedness +black-hilted +black-hole +black-hooded +black-hoofed +blackie +blackies +blacking +blackings +Blackington +blackish +blackishly +blackishness +blackit +blackjack +blackjacked +blackjacking +blackjacks +blackland +blacklead +black-leg +blackleg +black-legged +blacklegged +blackleggery +blacklegging +blacklegism +blacklegs +black-letter +Blacklick +black-lidded +blacklight +black-lipped +blacklist +blacklisted +blacklister +blacklisting +blacklists +black-locked +black-looking +blackly +blackmail +blackmailed +blackmailer +blackmailers +blackmailing +blackmails +Blackman +blackman +black-maned +black-margined +black-market +black-marketeer +Blackmore +black-mouth +black-mouthed +Blackmun +Blackmur +black-neb +blackneb +blackneck +black-necked +blackness +blacknesses +blacknob +black-nosed +black-out +blackout +blackouts +blackpatch +black-peopled +blackplate +black-plumed +blackpoll +Blackpool +black-pot +blackpot +blackprint +blackrag +black-red +black-robed +blackroot +black-rooted +blacks +black-sander +Blacksburg +blackseed +Blackshear +Blackshirt +blackshirt +blackshirted +black-shouldered +black-skinned +blacksmith +blacksmithing +blacksmiths +black-snake +blacksnake +black-spotted +blackstick +Blackstock +black-stoled +Blackstone +blackstrap +Blacksville +black-tail +blacktail +black-tailed +black-thorn +blackthorn +blackthorns +black-throated +black-tie +black-toed +blacktongue +black-tongued +blacktop +blacktopped +blacktopping +blacktops +blacktree +black-tressed +black-tufted +black-veiled +Blackville +black-visaged +blackware +black-wash +blackwash +blackwasher +blackwashing +Blackwater +blackwater +blackweed +Blackwell +black-whiskered +Blackwood +black-wood +blackwood +blackwork +blackwort +blacky +blad +bladder +bladderet +bladderless +bladderlike +bladdernose +bladdernut +bladderpod +bladders +bladderseed +bladderweed +bladderwort +bladderwrack +bladdery +blade +bladebone +bladed +bladeless +bladelet +bladelike +Bladen +Bladenboro +Bladensburg +blade-point +Blader +blader +blades +bladesmith +bladewise +blading +bladish +Bladon +blady +bladygrass +blae +blaeberries +blaeberry +blaeness +Blaeu +Blaeuw +Blaew +blaewort +blaff +blaffert +blaflum +Blagg +blaggard +Blagonravov +Blagoveshchensk +blague +blagueur +blah +blah-blah +blahlaut +blahs +Blain +blain +Blaine +Blainey +blains +Blair +blair +Blaire +blairmorite +Blairs +Blairsburg +Blairsden +Blairstown +Blairsville +Blaisdell +Blaise +Blake +blake +blakeberyed +blakeite +Blakelee +Blakeley +Blakely +Blakemore +Blakesburg +Blakeslee +Blalock +blam +blamability +blamable +blamableness +blamably +blame +blameable +blameableness +blameably +blamed +blameful +blamefully +blamefulness +blameless +blamelessly +blamelessness +blamer +blamers +blames +blame-shifting +blameworthiness +blameworthinesses +blameworthy +Blamey +blaming +blamingly +blams +blan +Blanc +blanc +Blanca +blanca +Blancanus +blancard +Blanch +blanch +Blancha +Blanchard +Blanchardville +Blanche +blanche +blanched +blancher +blanchers +blanches +Blanchester +Blanchette +blanchi +blanchimeter +blanching +blanchingly +Blanchinus +blancmange +blancmanger +blancmanges +Blanco +blanco +blancs +Bland +bland +blanda +BLandArch +blandation +Blandburg +blander +blandest +Blandford +Blandfordia +blandiloquence +blandiloquious +blandiloquous +Blandina +Blanding +Blandinsville +blandish +blandished +blandisher +blandishers +blandishes +blandishing +blandishingly +blandishment +blandishments +blandly +blandness +blandnesses +Blandon +Blandville +Blandy-les-Tours +Blane +Blanford +Blank +blank +Blanka +blankard +blankbook +blanked +blankeel +Blankenship +blanker +blankest +blanket +blanketed +blanketeer +blanketer +blanketers +blanket-flower +blanketflower +blanketing +blanketless +blanketlike +blanketmaker +blanketmaking +blanketry +blankets +blanket-stitch +blanketweed +blankety +blankety-blank +blank-eyed +blanking +blankish +Blankit +blankite +blank-looking +blankly +blank-minded +blankminded +blankmindedness +blankness +blanknesses +Blanks +blanks +blanky +blanque +blanquette +blanquillo +blanquillos +Blantyre +Blantyre-Limbe +blaoner +blaoners +blare +blared +blares +Blarina +blarina +blaring +blarney +blarneyed +blarneyer +blarneying +blarneys +blarnid +blarny +blart +BLAS +Blas +blas +Blasdell +Blase +blase +Blaseio +blaseness +blash +blashy +Blasia +Blasien +Blasius +blason +blaspheme +blasphemed +blasphemer +blasphemers +blasphemes +blasphemies +blaspheming +blasphemous +blasphemously +blasphemousness +blasphemy +-blast +BLAST +blast +blast- +blastaea +blast-borne +blasted +blastema +blastemal +blastemas +blastemata +blastematic +blastemic +blaster +blasters +blast-freeze +blast-freezing +blast-frozen +blastful +blast-furnace +blasthole +-blastic +blastid +blastide +blastie +blastier +blasties +blastiest +blasting +blastings +blastman +blastment +blasto- +blastocarpous +blastocele +blastocheme +blastochyle +blastocoel +blastocoele +blastocoelic +blastocolla +blastocyst +blastocyte +blastoderm +blastodermatic +blastodermic +blastodisc +blastodisk +blast-off +blastoff +blastoffs +blastogenesis +blastogenetic +blastogenic +blastogeny +blastogranitic +blastoid +Blastoidea +blastoma +blastomas +blastomata +blastomere +blastomeric +Blastomyces +blastomycete +Blastomycetes +blastomycetic +blastomycetous +blastomycin +blastomycosis +blastomycotic +blastoneuropore +Blastophaga +blastophitic +blastophoral +blastophore +blastophoric +blastophthoria +blastophthoric +blastophyllum +blastoporal +blastopore +blastoporic +blastoporphyritic +blastosphere +blastospheric +blastostylar +blastostyle +blastozooid +blastplate +blasts +blastula +blastulae +blastular +blastulas +blastulation +blastule +blasty +blat +blatancies +blatancy +blatant +blatantly +blatch +blatchang +blate +blately +blateness +blateration +blateroon +blather +blathered +blatherer +blathering +blathers +blatherskite +blatherskites +blathery +blatiform +blatjang +Blatman +blats +Blatt +Blatta +blatta +Blattariae +blatted +blatter +blattered +blatterer +blattering +blatters +blatti +blattid +Blattidae +blattiform +blatting +Blattodea +blattoid +Blattoidea +Blatz +Blau +blaubok +blauboks +Blaugas +blaunner +blautok +Blauvelt +blauwbok +Blavatsky +blaver +blaw +blawed +Blawenburg +blawing +blawn +blawort +blaws +blay +Blaydon +blayk +Blayne +Blayze +Blaze +blaze +blazed +blazer +blazers +blazes +blazing +blazingly +blazon +blazoned +blazoner +blazoners +blazoning +blazonment +blazonries +blazonry +blazons +blazy +Blcher +bld +bldg +bldg. +BldgE +bldr +BLDS +-ble +BLE +blea +bleaberry +bleach +bleachability +bleachable +bleached +bleached-blond +bleacher +bleacheries +bleacherite +bleacherman +bleachers +bleachery +bleaches +bleachfield +bleachground +bleachhouse +bleaching +bleachman +bleachs +bleachworks +bleachyard +bleak +bleaker +bleakest +bleakish +bleakly +bleakness +bleaknesses +bleaks +bleaky +blear +bleared +blearedness +bleareye +blear-eyed +bleareyed +blear-eyedness +blearier +bleariest +blearily +bleariness +blearing +blearness +blears +blear-witted +bleary +bleary-eyed +blearyeyedness +bleat +bleated +bleater +bleaters +bleating +bleatingly +bleats +bleaty +bleaunt +bleb +blebby +blebs +blechnoid +Blechnum +bleck +bled +Bledsoe +blee +bleed +bleeder +bleeders +bleeding +bleedings +bleeds +bleekbok +Bleeker +bleep +bleeped +bleeping +bleeps +bleery +bleeze +bleezy +Bleiblerville +Bleier +bleinerite +blellum +blellums +blemish +blemished +blemisher +blemishes +blemishing +blemishment +blemmatrope +Blemmyes +Blen +blench +blenched +blencher +blenchers +blenches +blenching +blenchingly +Blencoe +blencorn +blend +Blenda +blendcorn +blende +blended +blender +blenders +blendes +blending +blendor +blends +blendure +blendwater +blend-word +Blenheim +blenheim +blenk +Blenker +blennadenitis +blennemesis +blennenteria +blennenteritis +blennies +blenniid +Blenniidae +blenniiform +Blenniiformes +blennioid +Blennioidea +blenno- +blennocele +blennocystitis +blennoemesis +blennogenic +blennogenous +blennoid +blennoma +blennometritis +blennophlogisma +blennophlogosis +blennophobia +blennophthalmia +blennoptysis +blennorhea +blennorrhagia +blennorrhagic +blennorrhea +blennorrheal +blennorrhinia +blennorrhoea +blennosis +blennostasis +blennostatic +blennothorax +blennotorrhea +blennuria +blenny +blennymenitis +blens +blent +bleo +bleomycin +blephar- +blephara +blepharadenitis +blepharal +blepharanthracosis +blepharedema +blepharelcosis +blepharemphysema +Blephariglottis +blepharism +blepharitic +blepharitis +blepharo- +blepharoadenitis +blepharoadenoma +blepharoatheroma +blepharoblennorrhea +blepharocarcinoma +Blepharocera +Blepharoceridae +blepharochalasis +blepharochromidrosis +blepharoclonus +blepharocoloboma +blepharoconjunctivitis +blepharodiastasis +blepharodyschroia +blepharohematidrosis +blepharolithiasis +blepharomelasma +blepharoncosis +blepharoncus +blepharophimosis +blepharophryplasty +blepharophthalmia +blepharophyma +blepharoplast +blepharoplastic +blepharoplasty +blepharoplegia +blepharoptosis +blepharopyorrhea +blepharorrhaphy +blepharospasm +blepharospath +blepharosphincterectomy +blepharostat +blepharostenosis +blepharosymphysis +blepharosyndesmitis +blepharosynechia +blepharotomy +blepharydatis +Blephillia +BLER +blere +Bleriot +BLERT +bles-bok +blesbok +blesboks +blesbuck +blesbucks +blesmol +bless +blesse +blessed +blesseder +blessedest +blessedly +blessedness +blessednesses +blesser +blessers +blesses +Blessing +blessing +blessingly +blessings +Blessington +blest +blet +blethe +blether +bletheration +blethered +blethering +blethers +bletherskate +Bletia +Bletilla +bletonism +blets +bletted +bletting +bleu +Bleuler +Blevins +blew +blewits +bleymes +BLF +BLFE +BLI +bliaut +blibe +blick +blickey +blickeys +blickie +blickies +blicky +Blida +blier +bliest +Bligh +Blighia +Blight +blight +blightbird +blighted +blighter +blighters +blighties +blighting +blightingly +blights +Blighty +blighty +blijver +Blim +blimbing +blimey +Blimp +blimp +blimpish +blimpishly +blimpishness +blimps +blimy +blin +blind +blindage +blindages +blind-alley +blindball +blindcat +blinded +blindedly +blinder +blinders +blindest +blindeyes +blindfast +blindfish +blindfishes +blindfold +blindfolded +blindfoldedly +blindfoldedness +blindfolder +blindfolding +blindfoldly +blindfolds +blind-head +Blindheim +blinding +blindingly +blindish +blindism +blindless +blindling +blind-loaded +blindly +blindman +blind-man's-buff +blind-nail +blindness +blindnesses +blind-nettle +blind-pigger +blind-pigging +blind-punch +blinds +blind-stamp +blind-stamped +blindstitch +blindstorey +blindstories +blindstory +blind-tool +blind-tooled +blindweed +blind-worm +blindworm +blind-your-eyes +blinger +blini +blinis +blink +blinkard +blinkards +blinked +blinker +blinkered +blinkering +blinkers +blink-eyed +blinking +blinkingly +blinks +blinky +Blinn +Blinni +Blinnie +Blinny +blinter +blintz +blintze +blintzes +bliny +blip +blipped +blippers +blipping +blips +blirt +Bliss +bliss +Blisse +blissed +blisses +Blissfield +blissful +blissfully +blissfulness +blissing +blissless +blissom +blist +blister +blistered +blistering +blisteringly +blisterous +blisters +blisterweed +blisterwort +blistery +BLit +blit +blite +blites +Blithe +blithe +blithebread +blitheful +blithefully +blithehearted +blithelike +blithe-looking +blithely +blithemeat +blithen +blitheness +blither +blithered +blithering +blithers +blithesome +blithesomely +blithesomeness +blithest +B.Litt. +BLitt +blitter +Blitum +Blitz +blitz +blitzbuggy +blitzed +blitzes +blitzing +blitzkrieg +blitzkrieged +blitzkrieging +blitzkriegs +Blitzstein +Blixen +blizz +blizzard +blizzardly +blizzardous +blizzards +blizzardy +blk +blk. +blksize +BLL +BLM +blo +bloat +bloated +bloatedness +bloater +bloaters +bloating +bloats +blob +blobbed +blobber +blobber-lipped +blobbier +blobbiest +blobbiness +blobbing +blobby +BLOBS +blobs +bloc +blocage +Bloch +Block +block +blockade +blockaded +blockader +blockaders +blockade-runner +blockade-running +blockaderunning +blockades +blockading +blockage +blockages +blockboard +block-book +blockbuster +blockbusters +blockbusting +block-caving +blocked +blocked-out +Blocker +blocker +blocker-out +blockers +blockhead +blockheaded +blockheadedly +blockheadedness +blockheadish +blockheadishness +blockheadism +blockheads +blockhole +blockholer +blockhouse +blockhouses +blockier +blockiest +blockiness +blocking +blockish +blockishly +blockishness +blocklayer +blocklike +blockline +blockmaker +blockmaking +blockman +blockout +blockpate +block-printed +blocks +block-saw +Blocksburg +block-serifed +blockship +Blockton +Blockus +blockwood +blocky +blocs +Blodenwedd +Blodget +Blodgett +blodite +bloedite +Bloem +Bloemfontein +Blois +Blok +blok +bloke +blokes +blolly +bloman +Blomberg +Blomkest +Blomquist +blomstrandine +blond +blonde +Blondel +Blondell +Blondelle +blondeness +blonder +blondes +blondest +blond-haired +blond-headed +Blondie +blondine +blondish +blondness +blonds +Blondy +Blood +blood +bloodalley +bloodalp +blood-and-guts +blood-and-thunder +bloodbath +bloodbeat +blood-bedabbled +bloodberry +blood-bespotted +blood-besprinkled +bloodbird +blood-boltered +blood-bought +blood-cemented +blood-colored +blood-consuming +bloodcurdler +bloodcurdling +bloodcurdlingly +blood-defiled +blood-discolored +blood-drenched +blooddrop +blooddrops +blood-drunk +blood-dyed +blooded +bloodedness +blood-extorting +blood-faced +blood-filled +bloodfin +bloodfins +blood-fired +blood-flecked +bloodflower +blood-frozen +bloodguilt +bloodguiltiness +bloodguiltless +blood-guilty +bloodguilty +blood-gushing +blood-heat +blood-hot +bloodhound +bloodhounds +blood-hued +bloodied +bloodier +bloodies +bloodiest +bloodily +bloodiness +blooding +bloodings +bloodleaf +bloodless +bloodlessly +bloodlessness +blood-letter +bloodletter +blood-letting +bloodletting +bloodlettings +bloodlike +bloodline +bloodlines +blood-loving +bloodlust +bloodlusting +blood-mad +bloodmobile +bloodmobiles +blood-money +bloodmonger +bloodnoun +blood-plashed +blood-polluted +blood-polluting +blood-raw +blood-red +bloodred +blood-relation +bloodripe +bloodripeness +blood-root +bloodroot +bloodroots +bloods +blood-scrawled +blood-shaken +bloodshed +bloodshedder +bloodshedding +bloodsheds +blood-shot +bloodshot +blood-shotten +bloodshotten +blood-sized +blood-spattered +blood-spavin +bloodspiller +bloodspilling +blood-stain +bloodstain +bloodstained +bloodstainedness +bloodstains +bloodstanch +blood-stirring +blood-stirringness +bloodstock +blood-stone +bloodstone +bloodstones +blood-strange +bloodstream +bloodstreams +bloodstroke +blood-suck +bloodsuck +blood-sucker +bloodsucker +bloodsuckers +bloodsucking +bloodsuckings +blood-swelled +blood-swoln +bloodtest +bloodthirst +bloodthirster +bloodthirstier +bloodthirstiest +bloodthirstily +bloodthirstiness +bloodthirstinesses +bloodthirsting +bloodthirsty +blood-tinctured +blood-type +blood-vascular +blood-vessel +blood-warm +bloodweed +bloodwit +blood-wite +bloodwite +blood-won +bloodwood +blood-worm +bloodworm +blood-wort +bloodwort +bloodworthy +bloody +bloody-back +bloody-bones +bloodybones +bloody-eyed +bloody-faced +bloody-handed +bloody-hearted +bloodying +bloody-minded +bloody-mindedness +bloody-mouthed +bloody-nosed +bloody-red +bloody-sceptered +bloody-veined +blooey +blooie +Bloom +bloom +bloomage +Bloomburg +bloom-colored +Bloomdale +bloomed +Bloomer +bloomer +Bloomeria +bloomeries +bloomerism +bloomers +Bloomery +bloomery +bloom-fell +bloomfell +Bloomfield +Bloomfieldian +bloomier +bloomiest +blooming +Bloomingburg +Bloomingdale +bloomingly +bloomingness +Bloomingrose +Bloomington +bloomkin +bloomless +blooms +Bloomsburg +Bloomsburian +Bloomsbury +Bloomsdale +bloom-shearing +Bloomville +bloomy +bloomy-down +bloop +blooped +blooper +bloopers +blooping +bloops +blooth +blore +blosmy +Blossburg +Blossom +blossom +blossom-bearing +blossombill +blossom-billed +blossom-bordered +blossom-crested +blossomed +blossom-faced +blossomhead +blossom-headed +blossoming +blossom-laden +blossomless +blossom-nosed +blossomry +blossoms +blossomtime +blossomy +Blossvale +blot +blotch +blotched +blotches +blotchier +blotchiest +blotchily +blotchiness +blotching +blotch-shaped +blotchy +blote +blotless +blotlessness +blots +blotted +blotter +blotters +blottesque +blottesquely +blottier +blottiest +blotting +blottingly +blotto +blottto +blotty +bloubiskop +Blount +Blountstown +Blountsville +Blountville +blouse +bloused +blouselike +blouses +blousier +blousiest +blousily +blousing +blouson +blousons +blousy +blout +bloviate +bloviated +bloviates +bloviating +Blow +blow +blow- +blowback +blowbacks +blowball +blowballs +blow-bies +blow-by +blowby +blow-by-blow +blowbys +blowcase +blowcock +blowdown +blow-dry +blowed +blowen +blower +blowers +blower-up +blowess +blowfish +blowfishes +blowflies +blow-fly +blowfly +blowgun +blowguns +blow-hard +blowhard +blowhards +blow-hole +blowhole +blowholes +blowie +blowier +blowiest +blow-in +blowiness +blowing +blowings +blow-iron +blowiron +blowjob +blowjobs +blowlamp +blowline +blow-molded +blown +blown-in-the-bottle +blown-mold +blown-molded +blown-out +blown-up +blowoff +blowoffs +blowout +blowouts +blow-pipe +blowpipe +blowpipes +blowpit +blowpoint +blowproof +blows +blowse +blowsed +blowsier +blowsiest +blowsily +blowspray +blowsy +blowth +blow-through +blowtorch +blowtorches +blowtube +blowtubes +blow-up +blowup +blowups +blow-wave +blowy +blowze +blowzed +blowzier +blowziest +blowzily +blowziness +blowzing +blowzy +Bloxberg +Bloxom +Blriot +BLS +bls +BLT +blub +blubbed +blubber +blubber-cheeked +blubbered +blubberer +blubberers +blubber-fed +blubberhead +blubbering +blubberingly +blubberman +blubberous +blubbers +blubbery +blubbing +Blucher +blucher +bluchers +bludge +bludged +bludgeon +bludgeoned +bludgeoneer +bludgeoner +bludgeoning +bludgeons +bludger +bludging +Blue +blue +blue-annealed +blue-aproned +blueback +blue-backed +Blueball +blueball +blueballs +blue-banded +bluebead +Bluebeard +bluebeard +Bluebeardism +Bluebell +bluebell +bluebelled +blue-bellied +bluebells +blue-belt +blue-berried +blueberries +blueberry +bluebill +blue-billed +bluebills +blue-bird +bluebird +bluebirds +blue-black +blueblack +blue-blackness +blueblaw +blue-blind +blueblood +blue-blooded +blue-blossom +blueblossom +blue-bloused +bluebonnet +bluebonnets +bluebook +bluebooks +blue-bottle +bluebottle +bluebottles +bluebreast +blue-breasted +bluebuck +bluebush +bluebutton +blue-cap +bluecap +bluecaps +blue-checked +blue-cheeked +blue-chip +bluecoat +blue-coated +bluecoated +bluecoats +blue-collar +blue-colored +blue-crested +blue-cross +bluecup +blue-curls +bluecurls +blued +blue-devilage +blue-devilism +blue-eared +Blueeye +blue-eye +blue-eyed +blue-faced +Bluefarb +Bluefield +Bluefields +bluefin +bluefins +blue-fish +bluefish +bluefishes +blue-flowered +blue-footed +blue-fronted +bluegill +bluegills +blue-glancing +blue-glimmering +bluegown +bluegrass +blue-gray +blue-green +bluegum +bluegums +blue-haired +bluehead +blue-headed +blueheads +bluehearted +blue-hearts +bluehearts +Bluehole +blue-hot +blueing +blueings +blueish +bluejack +bluejacket +bluejackets +bluejacks +Bluejay +bluejay +bluejays +blue-john +bluejoint +blue-leaved +blueleg +bluelegs +blueline +blue-lined +bluelines +bluely +blue-mantled +blue-molded +blue-molding +Bluemont +blue-mottled +blue-mouthed +blueness +bluenesses +blue-nose +bluenose +blue-nosed +bluenosed +Bluenoser +bluenoses +blue-pencil +blue-penciled +blue-penciling +blue-pencilled +blue-pencilling +bluepoint +bluepoints +blueprint +blueprinted +blueprinter +blueprinting +blueprints +bluer +blue-rayed +blue-red +blue-ribbon +blue-ribboner +blue-ribbonism +blue-ribbonist +blue-roan +blue-rolled +blues +blue-sailors +bluesides +bluesier +blue-sighted +blue-sky +blue-slate +bluesman +bluesmen +blue-spotted +bluest +blue-stained +blue-starry +bluestem +blue-stemmed +bluestems +blue-stocking +bluestocking +bluestockingish +bluestockingism +bluestockings +bluestone +bluestoner +blue-striped +bluesy +Bluet +bluet +blue-tailed +blueth +bluethroat +blue-throated +bluetick +blue-tinted +bluetit +bluetongue +blue-tongued +bluetop +bluetops +bluets +blue-veined +blue-washed +Bluewater +blue-water +blue-wattled +blueweed +blueweeds +blue-white +bluewing +blue-winged +bluewood +bluewoods +Bluey +bluey +blue-yellow +blue-yellow-blind +blueys +bluff +bluffable +bluff-bowed +Bluffdale +bluffed +bluffer +bluffers +bluffest +bluff-headed +bluffing +bluffly +bluffness +Bluffs +bluffs +Bluffton +bluffy +Bluford +blufter +bluggy +Bluh +Bluhm +bluing +bluings +bluish +bluish-green +bluishness +bluism +bluisness +Blum +Bluma +blume +Blumea +blumed +Blumenfeld +Blumenthal +blumes +bluming +blunder +Blunderbore +blunderbuss +blunderbusses +blundered +blunderer +blunderers +blunderful +blunderhead +blunderheaded +blunderheadedness +blundering +blunderingly +blunderings +blunders +blundersome +blunge +blunged +blunger +blungers +blunges +blunging +Blunk +blunk +blunker +blunket +blunks +blunnen +Blunt +blunt +blunt-angled +blunted +blunt-edged +blunt-ended +blunter +bluntest +blunt-faced +blunthead +blunt-headed +blunthearted +bluntie +blunting +bluntish +bluntishness +blunt-leaved +blunt-lobed +bluntly +bluntness +bluntnesses +blunt-nosed +blunt-pointed +blunts +blunt-spoken +blunt-witted +blup +blur +blurb +blurbed +blurbing +blurbist +blurbs +blurping +blurred +blurredly +blurredness +blurrer +blurrier +blurriest +blurrily +blurriness +blurring +blurringly +blurry +blurs +blurt +blurted +blurter +blurters +blurting +blurts +Blus +blush +blush-colored +blush-compelling +blushed +blusher +blushers +blushes +blushet +blush-faced +blushful +blushfully +blushfulness +blushiness +blushing +blushingly +blushless +blush-suffused +blusht +blush-tinted +blushwort +blushy +bluster +blusteration +blustered +blusterer +blusterers +blustering +blusteringly +blusterous +blusterously +blusters +blustery +blutwurst +BLV +Blvd +blvd +Bly +Blynn +blype +blypes +Blyth +Blythe +Blythedale +Blytheville +Blythewood +B.M. +BM +bm +BMA +BMarE +BME +Bme +BMEd +BMet +BMetE +BMEWS +BMG +BMgtE +BMI +BMJ +BMO +BMOC +BMP +BMR +BMS +BMT +B.Mus. +BMus +BMV +BMW +BN +Bn +Bn. +bn +BNC +BNET +BNF +bnf +BNFL +BNS +BNSC +BNU +B.O. +B/O +B/o +BO +Bo +b.o. +bo +boa +Boabdil +BOAC +boa-constrictor +Boadicea +Boaedon +boagane +Boak +Boalsburg +Boanbura +boanergean +Boanerges +boanerges +boanergism +boanthropy +Boar +boar +boarcite +board +boardable +board-and-roomer +board-and-shingle +boardbill +boarded +boarder +boarders +boarder-up +boarding +boardinghouse +boardinghouses +boardings +boardlike +boardly +Boardman +boardman +boardmanship +boardmen +boardroom +boards +board-school +boardsmanship +board-wages +boardwalk +boardwalks +boardy +Boarer +boar-fish +boarfish +boarfishes +boarhound +boar-hunting +boarish +boarishly +boarishness +boars +boarship +boarskin +boarspear +boarstaff +boart +boarts +boarwood +Boas +boas +boast +boasted +boaster +boasters +boastful +boastfully +boastfulness +boasting +boastingly +boastings +boastive +boastless +boasts +boat +boatable +boatage +boat-bill +boatbill +boatbills +boatbuilder +boatbuilding +boated +boatel +boatels +Boaten +boater +boaters +boatfalls +boat-fly +boatful +boat-green +boat-handler +boathead +boatheader +boathook +boathouse +boathouses +boatie +boating +boatings +boation +boatkeeper +boatless +boatlike +boatlip +boatload +boatloader +boatloading +boatloads +boat-lowering +boatly +boatman +boatmanship +boatmaster +boatmen +boatowner +boat-race +boats +boatsetter +boat-shaped +boatshop +boatside +boatsman +boatsmanship +boatsmen +boatsteerer +boatswain +boatswains +boattail +boat-tailed +boatward +boatwise +boat-woman +boatwoman +Boatwright +boatwright +boatyard +boatyards +Boaz +Bob +bob +boba +bobac +bobache +bobachee +Bobadil +bobadil +Bobadilian +Bobadilish +Bobadilism +Bobadilla +bobance +Bobbe +bobbed +Bobbee +bobbejaan +bobber +bobberies +bobbers +bobbery +Bobbette +Bobbi +Bobbie +bobbie +Bobbielee +bobbies +bobbin +bobbiner +bobbinet +bobbinets +bobbing +Bobbinite +bobbin-net +bobbins +bobbinwork +bobbish +bobbishly +bobble +bobbled +bobbles +bobbling +Bobby +bobby +bobby-dazzler +Bobbye +bobby-socker +bobbysocks +bobby-soxer +bobbysoxer +bobbysoxers +bobcat +bobcats +bob-cherry +bobcoat +bobeche +bobeches +bobet +Bobette +bobflies +bobfloat +bobfly +bob-haired +bobierrite +Bobina +Bobine +Bobinette +bobization +bobjerom +Bobker +boblet +Bo-Bo +Bobo +bobo +Bobo-Dioulasso +bobol +bobolink +bobolinks +bobooti +bobotee +bobotie +bobowler +bobs +Bobseine +bob-sled +bobsled +bobsledded +bobsledder +bobsledders +bobsledding +bobsleded +bobsleding +bobsleds +bobsleigh +bobstay +bobstays +bobsy-die +bob-tail +bobtail +bobtailed +bobtailing +bobtails +Bobtown +Bobwhite +bob-white +bobwhite +bobwhites +bob-wig +bobwood +BOC +boc +Boca +boca +bocaccio +bocaccios +bocage +bocal +bocardo +bocasin +bocasine +bocca +Boccaccio +boccaccio +boccale +boccarella +boccaro +bocce +bocces +Boccherini +bocci +boccia +boccias +boccie +boccies +Boccioni +boccis +Bocconia +bocconia +boce +bocedization +Boche +boche +bocher +boches +Bochism +bochism +Bochum +bochur +Bock +bock +bockerel +bockeret +bockey +bocking +bocklogged +bocks +Bockstein +Bocock +bocoy +bocstaff +B.O.D. +BOD +bod +bodach +bodacious +bodaciously +Bodanzky +Bodb +bodd- +boddagh +boddhisattva +boddle +Bode +bode +boded +bodeful +bodefully +bodefulness +Bodega +bodega +bodegas +bodegon +bodegones +bodement +bodements +boden +bodenbenderite +Bodenheim +Bodensee +boder +bodes +bodewash +bodeword +Bodfish +bodge +bodger +bodgery +bodgie +bodhi +Bodhidharma +bodhisat +Bodhisattva +bodhisattva +bodhisattwa +Bodi +bodice +bodiced +bodicemaker +bodicemaking +bodices +-bodied +bodied +bodier +bodieron +bodies +bodikin +bodiless +bodilessness +bodiliness +bodilize +bodily +bodiment +Bodine +boding +bodingly +bodings +bodken +Bodkin +bodkin +bodkins +bodkinwise +bodle +Bodleian +bodleian +Bodley +Bodmin +Bodnar +Bodo +bodock +Bodoni +bodoni +bodonid +bodrag +bodrage +Bodrogi +bods +bodstick +Bodwell +bodword +Body +body +bodybending +body-breaking +body-build +bodybuild +bodybuilder +bodybuilders +bodybuilding +body-centered +body-centred +bodycheck +body-guard +bodyguard +bodyguards +bodyhood +bodying +body-killing +bodykins +bodyless +body-line +bodymaker +bodymaking +body-mind +bodyplate +bodyshirt +body-snatching +bodysuit +bodysuits +bodysurf +bodysurfed +bodysurfer +bodysurfing +bodysurfs +bodywear +bodyweight +bodywise +bodywood +bodywork +bodyworks +boe +Boebera +Boece +Boedromion +Boedromius +Boehike +Boehme +Boehmenism +boehmenism +Boehmenist +Boehmenite +Boehmer +Boehmeria +Boehmian +Boehmist +Boehmite +boehmite +boehmites +Boeing +boeing +Boeke +Boelter +Boelus +boeotarch +Boeotia +boeotia +Boeotian +boeotian +Boeotic +Boeotus +Boer +boer +Boerdom +Boerhavia +Boerne +boers +Boesch +Boeschen +Boethian +Boethius +Boethusian +Boetius +Boettiger +boettner +BOF +Boff +boff +Boffa +boffin +boffins +boffo +boffola +boffolas +boffos +boffs +Bofors +bog +boga +bogach +Bogalusa +Bogan +bogan +bogans +Bogard +bogard +Bogarde +Bogart +bogart +Bogata +bogatyr +bogbean +bogbeans +bogberries +bogberry +bog-bred +bog-down +boget +Bogey +bogey +bog-eyed +bogeyed +bogey-hole +bogeying +bogeyman +bogeymen +bogeys +bogfern +boggard +boggart +bogged +Boggers +boggier +boggiest +boggin +bogginess +bogging +boggish +boggishness +boggle +bogglebo +boggled +boggle-dy-botch +boggler +bogglers +boggles +boggling +bogglingly +bogglish +Boggs +Boggstown +boggy +Boghazkeui +Boghazkoy +boghole +bog-hoose +Bogie +bogie +bogieman +bogier +bogies +Bogijiab +bogland +boglander +bogle +bogled +bogledom +bogles +boglet +bogman +bogmire +Bogo +bogo +Bogoch +Bogomil +Bogomile +Bogomilian +Bogomilism +bogong +Bogor +Bogosian +Bogot +Bogota +bogota +bogotana +bog-rush +bogs +bogsucker +bog-trot +bogtrot +bog-trotter +bogtrotter +bogtrotting +Bogue +bogue +Boguechitto +bogued +boguing +bogum +bogus +Boguslawsky +bogusness +Bogusz +bogway +bogwood +bogwoods +bogwort +bogy +bogydom +bogyism +bogyisms +bogyland +bogyman +bogymen +bogys +boh +Bohairic +Bohannon +Bohaty +bohawn +Bohea +bohea +boheas +Bohemia +bohemia +Bohemia-Moravia +Bohemian +bohemian +Bohemianism +bohemianism +bohemians +Bohemian-tartar +bohemias +bohemium +bohereen +Bohi +bohireen +Bohlen +Bohlin +Bohm +Bohman +Bohme +Bohmerwald +bohmite +Bohnenberger +Bohner +boho +Bohol +Bohon +bohor +bohora +bohorok +Bohr +Bohrer +Bohs +Bohun +bohunk +bohunks +Bohuslav +Boiardo +Boice +Boiceville +boid +Boidae +Boieldieu +boiette +boigid +Boigie +boiguacu +Boii +Boiko +boil +boilable +boildown +Boileau +boiled +boiler +boiler-cleaning +boilerful +boilerhouse +boilerless +boilermaker +boilermakers +boilermaking +boilerman +boiler-off +boiler-out +boilerplate +boilers +boilersmith +boiler-testing +boiler-washing +boilerworks +boilery +boiling +boiling-house +boilinglike +boilingly +boil-off +boiloff +boiloffs +boilover +boils +boily +Boiney +boing +Bois +bois-brl +Boisdarc +Boise +boise +boiserie +boiseries +Bois-le-Duc +boisseau +boisseaux +Boissevain +boist +boisterous +boisterously +boisterousness +boistous +boistously +boistousness +boite +boites +boithrin +Boito +Bojardo +Bojer +Bojig-ngiji +bojite +bojo +Bok +bokadam +bokard +bokark +Bokchito +boke +Bokeelia +Bokhara +Bokharan +Bokm' +bokmakierie +boko +bokom +bokos +Bokoshe +Bokoto +Bol +Bol. +bol +bola +Bolag +Bolan +Boland +Bolanger +bolar +bolas +bolases +bolbanac +bolbonac +Bolboxalis +Bolckow +bold +boldacious +bold-beating +bolded +bolden +bolder +Bolderian +boldest +bold-face +boldface +bold-faced +boldfaced +bold-facedly +boldfacedly +bold-facedness +boldfacedness +boldfaces +boldfacing +bold-following +boldhearted +boldheartedly +boldheartedness +boldin +boldine +bolding +bold-looking +boldly +bold-minded +boldness +boldnesses +boldo +boldoine +boldos +bold-spirited +Boldu +bole +bolection +bolectioned +boled +boleite +Bolelia +bolelike +Bolen +bolero +boleros +Boles +boles +Boleslaw +Boletaceae +boletaceous +bolete +boletes +boleti +boletic +Boletus +boletus +boletuses +boleweed +bolewort +Boley +Boleyn +Bolger +boliche +bolide +bolides +Boligee +bolimba +Bolinas +Boling +Bolingbroke +Bolinger +bolis +bolita +Bolitho +Bolivar +bolivar +bolivares +bolivarite +bolivars +Bolivia +bolivia +Bolivian +bolivian +boliviano +bolivianos +bolivians +bolivias +bolk +Boll +boll +Bolland +Bollandist +bollandist +Bollandus +bollard +bollards +Bollay +bolled +Bollen +bollen +boller +bollies +Bolling +bolling +Bollinger +bollito +bollix +bollixed +bollixes +bollixing +bollock +bollocks +bollox +bolloxed +bolloxes +bolloxing +bolls +bollworm +bollworms +bolly +Bolme +Bolo +bolo +boloball +bolo-bolo +boloed +Bologna +bologna +Bolognan +bolognas +Bologne +Bolognese +bolograph +bolographic +bolographically +bolography +boloing +Boloism +boloism +boloman +bolomen +bolometer +bolometric +bolometrically +boloney +boloneys +boloroot +bolos +Bolshevik +bolshevik +Bolsheviki +Bolshevikian +Bolshevikism +Bolsheviks +bolsheviks +Bolshevism +bolshevism +Bolshevist +bolshevist +Bolshevistic +bolshevistic +Bolshevistically +bolshevistically +bolshevists +Bolshevization +Bolshevize +bolshevize +Bolshevized +bolshevized +Bolshevizing +bolshevizing +Bolshie +bolshie +Bolshies +bolshies +Bolshoi +Bolshy +bolshy +bolson +bolsons +bolster +bolstered +bolsterer +bolsterers +bolstering +bolsters +bolsterwork +Bolt +bolt +bolt-action +boltage +boltant +boltcutter +bolt-cutting +Bolte +bolted +boltel +Bolten +bolter +bolter-down +bolters +bolters-down +bolters-up +bolter-up +bolt-forging +bolt-head +bolthead +boltheader +boltheading +boltheads +bolt-hole +bolthole +boltholes +bolti +boltin +bolting +boltings +boltless +boltlike +boltmaker +boltmaking +Bolton +Boltonia +boltonia +boltonias +boltonite +bolt-pointing +bolt-rope +boltrope +boltropes +bolts +bolt-shaped +boltsmith +boltspreet +boltstrake +bolt-threading +bolt-turning +boltuprightness +boltwork +bolty +Boltzmann +bolus +boluses +Bolyai +Bolyaian +Bolzano +BOM +bom +Boma +boma +Bomarc +Bomarea +bomb +bombable +Bombacaceae +bombacaceous +bombace +bombard +bombarde +bombarded +bombardelle +bombarder +bombardier +bombardiers +bombarding +bombardman +bombardmen +bombardment +bombardments +bombardo +bombardon +bombards +bombasine +bombast +bombaster +bombastic +bombastical +bombastically +bombasticness +bombastry +bombasts +Bombax +bombax +Bombay +bombay +bombazeen +bombazet +bombazette +bombazine +bombe +bombed +bomber +bombernickel +bombers +bombes +bombesin +bombesins +bombic +bombiccite +Bombidae +bombilate +bombilation +bombilla +bombillas +Bombinae +bombinate +bombinating +bombination +bombing +bombings +bomb-ketch +bomble +bombline +bombload +bombloads +bombo +bombola +bombonne +bombora +bombous +bomb-proof +bombproof +bombs +bomb-shell +bombshell +bombshells +bombsight +bombsights +bomb-throwing +Bombus +bombus +bombycid +Bombycidae +bombycids +bombyciform +Bombycilla +Bombycillidae +Bombycina +bombycine +bombycinous +Bombyliidae +bombylious +Bombyx +bombyx +bombyxes +BOMFOG +bomi +Bomke +Bomont +bomos +Bomoseen +Bomu +Bon +bon +Bona +bona +Bonacci +bon-accord +bonace +bonaci +bonacis +Bonadoxin +bona-fide +bonagh +bonaght +bonailie +Bonair +bonair +Bonaire +bonaire +bonairly +bonairness +bonally +bonamano +bonang +bonanza +bonanzas +Bonaparte +Bonapartean +Bonapartism +bonapartism +Bonapartist +bonapartist +Bonaqua +Bonar +bona-roba +Bonasa +bonassus +bonasus +bonaught +bonav +Bonaventura +Bonaventure +bonaventure +Bonaventurism +Bonaveria +bonavist +Bonbo +bon-bon +bonbon +bonbonniere +bonbonnieres +bonbons +Boncarbo +bonce +bonchief +Bond +bond +bondable +bondage +bondager +bondages +bondar +bonded +Bondelswarts +bonder +bonderize +bonderman +bonders +Bondes +bondfolk +bondhold +bondholder +bondholders +bondholding +Bondie +bondieuserie +bonding +bondings +bond-land +bondland +bondless +bondmaid +bondmaids +bondman +bondmanship +bondmen +bondminder +bondoc +Bondon +bondon +bonds +bond-servant +bondservant +bondship +bondslave +bondsman +bondsmen +bondstone +Bondsville +bondswoman +bondswomen +bonduc +bonducnut +bonducs +Bonduel +Bondurant +Bondville +bondwoman +bondwomen +Bondy +Bone +bone +bone-ace +boneache +bonebinder +boneblack +bonebreaker +bone-breaking +bone-bred +bone-bruising +bone-carving +bone-crushing +boned +bonedog +bone-dry +bonedry +bone-dryness +bone-eater +boneen +bonefish +bonefishes +boneflower +bone-grinding +bone-hard +bonehead +boneheaded +boneheadedness +boneheads +bone-idle +bone-lace +bone-laced +bone-lazy +boneless +bonelessly +bonelessness +bonelet +bonelike +Bonellia +bonemeal +bone-piercing +boner +bone-rotting +boners +bones +boneset +bonesets +bone-setter +bonesetter +bonesetting +boneshaker +boneshave +boneshaw +Bonesteel +bonetail +bonete +bone-tired +bonetta +Boneville +bone-weary +bone-white +bonewood +bonework +bone-wort +bonewort +Boney +boney +boneyard +boneyards +Bonfield +bonfire +bonfires +bong +bongar +bonged +bonging +Bongo +bongo +bongoes +bongoist +bongoists +bongos +bongrace +bongs +Bonham +Bonheur +bonheur-du-jour +bonheurs-du-jour +Bonhoeffer +bonhomie +bonhomies +Bonhomme +bonhomme +bonhommie +bonhomous +bonhomously +Boni +boniata +bonier +boniest +Boniface +boniface +bonifaces +Bonifay +bonification +boniform +bonify +bonilass +Bonilla +Bonina +Bonine +boniness +boninesses +boning +Bonington +boninite +Bonis +bonism +Bonita +bonita +bonitarian +bonitary +bonitas +bonito +bonitoes +bonitos +bonity +bonjour +bonk +bonked +bonkers +bonking +bonks +Bonlee +Bonn +Bonnard +Bonnaz +bonnaz +Bonne +bonne +Bonneau +Bonnee +Bonnell +Bonner +Bonnerdale +bonnering +Bonnes +bonnes +Bonnesbosq +Bonnet +bonnet +bonneted +bonneter +Bonneterre +bonnethead +bonnet-headed +bonnetiere +bonnetieres +bonneting +bonnetless +bonnetlike +bonnetman +bonnetmen +bonnets +Bonnette +Bonneville +Bonney +Bonni +bonnibel +Bonnibelle +Bonnice +Bonnie +bonnie +bonnier +bonniest +Bonnieville +bonnily +bonniness +bonnive +bonnne +bonnnes +bonnock +bonnocks +Bonns +bonnwis +Bonny +bonny +bonny-clabber +bonnyclabber +bonnyish +Bonnyman +bonnyvis +Bono +bono +Bononcini +Bononian +bonorum +bonos +Bonpa +Bonpland +bons +bonsai +Bonsall +Bonsecour +bonsela +bonser +bonsoir +bonspell +bonspells +bonspiel +bonspiels +bontebok +bonteboks +bontebuck +bontebucks +bontee +Bontempelli +bontequagga +Bontoc +Bontocs +Bontok +Bontoks +bon-ton +Bonucci +bonum +bonus +bonuses +bon-vivant +Bonwier +bonxie +bony +bonyfish +bonytail +bonze +bonzer +bonzery +bonzes +bonzian +boo +boob +boobed +boobery +boobialla +boobie +boobies +boobily +boobing +boobish +boobishness +booboisie +boo-boo +booboo +boobook +boo-boos +booboos +boobs +booby +boobyalla +boobyish +boobyism +booby-trap +booby-trapped +booby-trapping +bood +boodh +boodie +Boodin +boodle +boodled +boodledom +boodleism +boodleize +boodler +boodlers +boodles +boodling +Boody +boody +booed +boof +boogaloo +booger +boogerman +boogers +boogeyman +boogeymen +boogie +boogied +boogies +boogie-woogie +boogiewoogie +boogum +boogy +boogying +boogyman +boogymen +boohoo +boohooed +boohooing +boohoos +booing +boojum +Book +book +bookable +bookbind +bookbinder +bookbinderies +bookbinders +bookbindery +bookbinding +bookboard +book-case +bookcase +bookcases +book-craft +bookcraft +bookdealer +bookdom +booked +bookend +bookends +Booker +booker +bookers +bookery +bookfair +book-fed +book-fell +book-flat +bookfold +book-folder +bookful +bookfuls +bookholder +bookhood +bookie +bookies +bookiness +booking +bookings +bookish +bookishly +bookishness +bookism +bookit +bookkeep +book-keeper +bookkeeper +bookkeepers +book-keeping +bookkeeping +bookkeepings +bookkeeps +bookland +book-latin +booklear +book-learned +book-learning +bookless +booklet +booklets +booklice +booklift +booklike +book-lined +bookling +booklists +book-lore +booklore +booklores +booklouse +booklover +book-loving +book-maker +bookmaker +bookmakers +bookmaking +bookmakings +Bookman +bookman +bookmark +bookmarker +bookmarks +book-match +bookmate +bookmen +book-minded +bookmobile +bookmobiles +bookmonger +book-plate +bookplate +bookplates +bookpress +bookrack +bookracks +book-read +bookrest +bookrests +bookroom +books +bookseller +booksellerish +booksellerism +booksellers +bookselling +book-sewer +book-sewing +bookshelf +bookshelfs +bookshelves +bookshop +bookshops +bookstack +bookstall +bookstand +book-stealer +book-stitching +bookstore +bookstores +booksy +book-taught +bookward +bookwards +book-ways +bookways +book-wing +book-wise +bookwise +book-work +bookwork +book-worm +bookworm +bookworms +bookwright +booky +bool +Boole +boolean +booleans +booley +booleys +Boolian +boolies +booly +boolya +boom +Booma +boomable +boomage +boomah +boom-and-bust +boomboat +boombox +boomboxes +boomdas +boomed +boom-ended +Boomer +boomer +boomerang +boomeranged +boomeranging +boomerangs +boomers +boomier +boomiest +boominess +booming +boomingly +boomkin +boomkins +boomless +boomlet +boomlets +boomorah +booms +boomslang +boomslange +boomster +boomtown +boomtowns +boomy +boon +boondock +boondocker +boondocks +boondoggle +boondoggled +boondoggler +boondogglers +boondoggles +boondoggling +Boone +Booneville +boonfellow +boong +boongary +Boonie +boonies +boonk +boonless +boons +Boonsboro +Boonton +Boonville +Boony +Boophilus +boopic +boopis +Boor +boor +boordly +Boorer +boorga +boorish +boorishly +boorishness +Boorman +boors +boort +boos +boose +boosies +boost +boosted +booster +boosterism +boosters +boosting +boosts +boosy +Boot +boot +bootable +bootblack +bootblacks +bootboy +boot-cleaning +Boote +booted +bootee +bootees +booter +booteries +bootery +Bootes +bootes +bootful +Booth +booth +boothage +boot-hale +boothale +Boothe +bootheel +boother +boothes +Boothia +Boothian +boothite +Boothman +bootholder +boothose +booths +Boothville +Bootid +bootie +bootied +booties +bootikin +bootikins +booting +bootjack +bootjacks +bootlace +bootlaces +Bootle +bootle +bootle-blade +boot-leg +bootleg +bootleger +bootlegged +bootlegger +bootleggers +bootlegging +bootlegs +bootless +bootlessly +bootlessness +bootlick +bootlicked +bootlicker +bootlickers +bootlicking +bootlicks +bootloader +bootmaker +bootmaking +bootman +bootprint +Boots +boots +bootstrap +bootstrapped +bootstrapping +bootstraps +boottop +boot-topping +boottopping +booty +bootyless +Booz +Booze +booze +boozed +boozehound +boozer +boozers +boozes +booze-up +boozier +booziest +boozify +boozily +booziness +boozing +boozy +Bop +bop +Bo-peep +Bopeep +bo-peep +bopeep +Bophuthatswana +Bopp +bopped +bopper +boppers +bopping +boppist +bops +bopster +bopyrid +Bopyridae +bopyridian +Bopyrus +BOQ +Boqueron +BOR +Bor +Bor' +bor +bor- +bor. +Bora +bora +borable +boraces +borachio +boracic +boraciferous +boracite +boracites +boracium +boracous +borage +borages +Boraginaceae +boraginaceous +boragineous +Borago +Borah +Borak +borak +boral +borals +Boran +Borana +borane +boranes +Borani +boras +borasca +borasco +borasque +borasqueborate +Borassus +borassus +borate +borated +borates +borating +borax +boraxes +borazon +borazons +Borboridae +Borborus +borborygm +borborygmatic +borborygmi +borborygmic +borborygmies +borborygmus +Borchers +Borchert +Bord +bord +Borda +bordage +bord-and-pillar +bordar +bordarius +Bordeaux +bordeaux +bordel +Bordelais +Bordelaise +bordelaise +bordello +bordellos +Bordelonville +bordels +Borden +Bordentown +Border +border +bordereau +bordereaux +bordered +borderer +borderers +Borderies +bordering +borderings +borderism +border-land +borderland +borderlander +borderlands +borderless +borderlight +borderline +borderlines +bordermark +borders +Borderside +Bordet +Bordie +Bordiuk +bord-land +bord-lode +bordman +bordrag +bordrage +bordroom +Bordulac +bordun +bordure +bordured +bordures +Bordy +Bore +bore +boreable +boread +Boreadae +Boreades +Boreal +boreal +Borealis +borealis +borean +Boreas +boreas +borecole +borecoles +bored +boredness +boredom +boredoms +boree +boreen +boreens +boregat +borehole +boreholes +Boreiad +boreism +Borek +Borel +borel +borele +Borer +borer +borers +Bores +bores +boresight +boresome +boresomely +boresomeness +Boreum +Boreus +Borg +borg +Borger +Borgerhout +Borges +Borgeson +borgh +borghalpenny +Borghese +borghi +Borghild +Borgholm +Borgia +Borglum +borh +Bori +bori +boric +borickite +borid +boride +borides +borine +Boring +boring +boringly +boringness +borings +Borinqueno +Boris +borish +Borislav +borism +borith +borities +bority +borize +Bork +Borlase +borlase +borley +Borlow +Borman +Born +born +bornan +bornane +borne +Bornean +Borneo +borneo +borneol +borneols +Bornholm +Bornie +borning +bornite +bornites +bornitic +Bornstein +Bornu +bornyl +Boro +boro +boro- +Borocaine +borocalcite +borocarbide +borocitrate +Borodankov +Borodin +Borodino +borofluohydric +borofluoric +borofluoride +borofluorin +boroglycerate +boroglyceride +boroglycerine +borohydride +borolanite +boron +boronatrocalcite +Borongan +Boronia +boronia +boronic +borons +borophenol +borophenylic +Bororo +Bororoan +borosalicylate +borosalicylic +borosilicate +borosilicic +Borotno +borotungstate +borotungstic +borough +Borough-english +borough-English +borough-english +borough-holder +boroughlet +borough-man +borough-master +boroughmaster +boroughmonger +boroughmongering +boroughmongery +borough-reeve +boroughs +boroughship +borough-town +boroughwide +borowolframic +borracha +borrachio +Borras +borrasca +borrel +Borrelia +borrelia +Borrell +Borrelomycetaceae +Borreri +Borreria +Borrichia +Borries +Borroff +Borromean +Borromini +Borroughs +Borrovian +Borrow +borrow +borrowable +borrowed +borrower +borrowers +borrowing +borrows +Bors +bors +Borsalino +borsch +borsches +borscht +borschts +borsholder +borsht +borshts +borstal +borstall +borstals +Borszcz +bort +Bortman +borts +bortsch +borty +Bortz +bortz +bortzes +Boru +Boruca +Borup +Borussian +borwort +boryl +Borzicactus +borzoi +borzois +BOS +Bos +bos +Bosanquet +Bosc +boscage +boscages +Bosch +bosch +boschbok +boschboks +Boschneger +boschvark +boschveld +Boscobel +Boscovich +Bose +bose +Boselaphus +Boser +boser +bosey +bosh +Boshas +boshbok +boshboks +bosher +boshes +boshvark +boshvarks +BOSIX +Bosjesman +bosjesman +bosk +boskage +boskages +bosker +bosket +boskets +boskier +boskiest +boskiness +Boskop +boskopoid +bosks +bosky +Bosler +bo's'n +bos'n +bosn +Bosnia +Bosniac +Bosniak +Bosnian +Bosnisch +bosom +bosom-breathing +bosom-deep +bosomed +bosomer +bosom-felt +bosom-folded +bosominess +bosoming +bosoms +bosom-stricken +bosomy +boson +Bosone +bosonic +bosons +Bosphorus +Bosporan +Bosporanic +Bosporian +Bosporus +bosporus +Bosque +bosque +bosques +bosquet +bosquets +BOSS +boss +bossa +bossage +bossboy +bossdom +bossdoms +bossed +bosselated +bosselation +bosser +bosses +bosset +boss-eyed +bosseyed +bossier +bossies +bossiest +bossily +bossiness +bossing +bossism +bossisms +bosslet +Bosson +bossship +Bossuet +bossy +bostal +bostangi +bostanji +bosthoon +Bostic +Boston +boston +Bostonese +Bostonian +bostonian +bostonians +bostonite +bostons +Bostow +bostrychid +Bostrychidae +bostrychoid +bostrychoidal +bostryx +Bostwick +bosun +bosuns +Boswall +Boswell +boswell +Boswellia +Boswellian +boswellian +Boswelliana +Boswellism +boswellism +Boswellize +boswellize +boswellized +boswellizing +Bosworth +BOT +BoT +bot +bot. +bota +botan +botanic +botanica +botanical +botanically +botanicas +botanics +botanies +botanise +botanised +botaniser +botanises +botanising +botanist +botanists +botanize +botanized +botanizer +botanizes +botanizing +botano- +botanomancy +botanophile +botanophilist +botany +botargo +botargos +botas +Botaurinae +Botaurus +botch +botched +botchedly +botched-up +botcher +botcheries +botcherly +botchers +botchery +botches +botchier +botchiest +botchily +botchiness +botching +botchka +botchwork +botchy +bote +Botein +botel +boteler +botella +botels +boterol +boteroll +Botes +botete +botflies +botfly +both +Botha +Bothe +Bothell +bother +botheration +bothered +botherer +botherheaded +bothering +botherment +bothers +bothersome +bothersomely +bothersomeness +both-handed +both-handedness +both-hands +bothie +bothies +bothlike +Bothnia +Bothnian +Bothnic +bothrenchyma +bothria +bothridia +bothridium +bothridiums +Bothriocephalus +Bothriocidaris +Bothriolepis +bothriolepis +bothrium +bothriums +Bothrodendron +bothroi +bothropic +Bothrops +bothros +bothsided +bothsidedness +boththridia +bothway +Bothwell +bothy +boti +Botkin +Botkins +botling +Botnick +Botocudo +botone +botonee +botong +botonn +botonnee +botonny +botony +botoyan +bo-tree +botry +Botrychium +botrycymose +Botrydium +botrylle +Botryllidae +Botryllus +botryogen +botryoid +botryoidal +botryoidally +botryolite +Botryomyces +botryomycoma +botryomycosis +botryomycotic +Botryopteriaceae +botryopterid +Botryopteris +botryose +botryotherapy +Botrytis +botrytis +botrytises +bots +Botsares +Botsford +Botswana +botswana +bott +Bottali +botte +bottega +bottegas +botteghe +bottekin +Bottger +Botti +Botticelli +botticelli +Botticellian +bottier +bottine +Bottineau +bottle +bottle-bellied +bottlebird +bottle-blowing +bottle-brush +bottlebrush +bottle-butted +bottle-capping +bottle-carrying +bottle-cleaning +bottle-corking +bottled +bottle-fed +bottle-feed +bottle-filling +bottleflower +bottleful +bottlefuls +bottle-green +bottle-head +bottlehead +bottle-holder +bottleholder +bottlelike +bottlemaker +bottlemaking +bottleman +bottleneck +bottlenecks +bottlenest +bottle-nose +bottlenose +bottle-nosed +bottle-o +bottler +bottle-rinsing +bottlers +bottles +bottlesful +bottle-shaped +bottle-soaking +bottle-sterilizing +bottlestone +bottle-tailed +bottle-tight +bottle-washer +bottle-washing +bottling +bottom +bottomchrome +bottomed +bottomer +bottomers +bottoming +bottomland +bottomless +bottomlessly +bottomlessness +bottommost +bottomried +bottomries +bottomry +bottomrying +bottoms +bottom-set +bottonhook +Bottrop +botts +bottstick +bottu +botuliform +botulin +botulinal +botulins +botulinum +botulinus +botulinuses +botulism +botulisms +botulismus +Botvinnik +Botzow +Bouak +Bouake +Bouar +boubas +boubou +boubous +boucan +bouch +bouchal +bouchaleen +Bouchard +boucharde +Bouche +bouche +bouchee +bouchees +Boucher +boucher +boucherism +boucherize +Bouches-du-Rh +bouchette +Bouchier +bouchon +bouchons +Boucicault +Bouckville +boucl +boucle +boucles +boud +bouderie +boudeuse +Boudicca +boudin +boudoir +boudoiresque +boudoirs +Boudreaux +bouet +Boufarik +bouffage +bouffancy +bouffant +bouffante +bouffants +bouffe +bouffes +bouffon +Bougainvillaea +bougainvillaea +bougainvillaeas +Bougainville +Bougainvillea +bougainvillea +Bougainvillia +Bougainvilliidae +bougar +bouge +bougee +bougeron +bouget +Bough +bough +boughed +boughless +bough-pot +boughpot +boughpots +boughs +bought +boughten +boughy +bougie +bougies +Bouguer +Bouguereau +bouillabaisse +bouilli +bouillon +bouillone +bouillons +bouk +boukit +boul +Boulanger +boulanger +boulangerite +Boulangism +Boulangist +Boulder +boulder +bouldered +boulderhead +bouldering +boulders +boulder-stone +boulder-strewn +bouldery +Bouldon +Boule +boule +Boule-de-suif +boules +bouleuteria +bouleuterion +boulevard +boulevardier +boulevardiers +boulevardize +boulevards +bouleverse +bouleversement +boulework +Bouley +Boulez +boulimia +boulimy +boulle +boulles +boullework +Boulogne +Boulogne-Billancourt +Boulogne-sur-Mer +Boulogne-sur-Seine +Boult +boult +boultel +boultell +boulter +boulterer +Boumdienne +boun +bounce +bounceable +bounceably +bounceback +bounced +bouncer +bouncers +bounces +bouncier +bounciest +bouncily +bounciness +bouncing +bouncingly +bouncy +Bound +bound +boundable +boundaries +boundary +boundary-marking +Boundbrook +bounded +boundedly +boundedness +bounden +bounder +bounderish +bounderishly +bounders +bounding +boundingly +boundless +boundlessly +boundlessness +boundlessnesses +boundly +boundness +Bounds +bounds +boundure +bounteous +bounteously +bounteousness +bountied +bounties +Bountiful +bountiful +bountifully +bountifulness +bountihead +bountiousness +bountith +bountree +Bounty +bounty +bounty-fed +bountyless +Bouphonia +bouquet +bouquetiere +bouquetin +bouquets +bouquiniste +bour +bourage +bourasque +Bourbaki +Bourbon +bourbon +Bourbonesque +Bourbonian +Bourbonic +Bourbonism +bourbonism +Bourbonist +bourbonize +Bourbonnais +bourbons +bourd +bourder +bourdis +bourdon +bourdons +bourette +Bourg +bourg +bourgade +Bourgeois +bourgeois +bourgeoise +bourgeoises +bourgeoisie +bourgeoisies +bourgeoisify +bourgeoisitic +bourgeon +bourgeoned +bourgeoning +bourgeons +Bourges +Bourget +Bourgogne +bourgs +Bourguiba +bourguignonne +Bourignian +Bourignianism +Bourignianist +Bourignonism +Bourignonist +Bourke +bourkha +bourlaw +Bourn +bourn +Bourne +bourne +Bournemouth +bournes +Bourneville +bournless +bournonite +bournous +bourns +bourock +Bourout +Bourque +bourr +bourran +bourrasque +bourre +bourreau +bourree +bourrees +bourrelet +bourride +bourrides +Bourse +bourse +bourses +Boursin +bourtree +bourtrees +Bouse +bouse +boused +bouser +bouses +bousing +bousouki +bousoukia +bousoukis +Boussingault +Boussingaultia +boussingaultite +boustrophedon +boustrophedonic +bousy +bout +boutade +boutefeu +boutel +boutell +Bouteloua +bouteria +bouteselle +boutique +boutiques +Boutis +bouto +Bouton +bouton +boutonniere +boutonnieres +boutons +boutre +bouts +bouts-rimes +Boutte +Boutwell +boutylka +Bouvard +Bouvardia +bouvardia +bouvier +bouviers +Bouvines +bouw +bouzouki +bouzoukia +bouzoukis +Bouzoun +Bovard +bovarism +bovarist +bovaristic +bovarysm +bovate +Bove +bove +bovenland +Bovensmilde +Bovet +Bovey +bovey +Bovgazk +bovicide +boviculture +bovid +Bovidae +bovids +boviform +Bovill +Bovina +bovine +bovinely +bovines +bovinities +bovinity +Bovista +bovld +bovoid +bovovaccination +bovovaccine +Bovril +bovver +Bow +bow +bowable +bow-back +bowback +bow-backed +bow-beaked +bow-bearer +Bow-bell +bow-bell +Bowbells +bowbells +bow-bending +bowbent +bowboy +bow-compass +Bowden +bowden +Bowdichia +Bowditch +bowditch +Bowdle +bowdlerisation +bowdlerise +bowdlerised +bowdlerising +bowdlerism +bowdlerization +bowdlerizations +bowdlerize +bowdlerized +bowdlerizer +bowdlerizes +bowdlerizing +Bowdoin +Bowdoinham +Bowdon +bow-draught +bowdrill +bow-dye +bow-dyer +Bowe +bowe +bowed +bowed-down +bowedness +bowel +boweled +boweling +Bowell +bowelled +bowelless +bowellike +bowelling +bowels +Bowen +bowenite +Bower +bower +bower-bird +bowerbird +bowered +boweries +bowering +bowerlet +bowerlike +bowerly +bowermaiden +Bowerman +bowermay +Bowers +bowers +Bowerston +Bowersville +bowerwoman +Bowery +bowery +Boweryish +Bowes +bowess +bowet +bowfin +bowfins +bowfront +bowge +bowgrace +bow-hand +bowhead +bowheads +bow-houghd +Bowie +bowie +bowieful +bowie-knife +bowing +bowingly +bowings +bow-iron +bowk +bowkail +bowker +bowknot +bowknots +bowl +bowla +bowlder +bowlderhead +bowldering +bowlders +bowldery +Bowlds +bowle +bowled +bowleg +bow-legged +bowlegged +bowleggedness +Bowlegs +bowlegs +Bowler +bowler +bowlers +Bowles +bowles +bow-less +bowless +bowlful +bowlfuls +bowlike +bowlin +bowline +bowlines +bowling +bowlings +bowllike +bowlmaker +bowls +bowl-shaped +Bowlus +bowly +bowmaker +bowmaking +Bowman +bowman +Bowmansdale +Bowmanstown +Bowmansville +bowmen +bown +Bowne +bowne +bow-necked +bow-net +bowpin +bowpot +bowpots +Bowra +Bowrah +bowralite +Bowring +bows +bowsaw +bowse +bowsed +bowser +bowsery +bowses +bow-shaped +bowshot +bowshots +bowsie +bowsing +bowsman +bowsprit +bowsprits +bowssen +bowstaff +bowstave +bow-street +bow-string +bowstring +bowstringed +bowstringing +bowstrings +bowstrung +bowtel +bowtell +bowtie +bow-window +bow-windowed +bowwoman +bowwood +bowwort +bow-wow +bowwow +bowwowed +bowwows +bowyang +bowyangs +Bowyer +bowyer +bowyers +Box +box +boxball +boxberries +boxberry +boxboard +boxboards +box-bordered +box-branding +boxbush +box-calf +boxcar +boxcars +box-cleating +box-covering +boxed +box-edged +boxed-in +Boxelder +boxen +Boxer +boxer +Boxerism +boxer-off +boxers +boxer-up +boxes +boxfish +boxfishes +Boxford +boxful +boxfuls +box-haul +boxhaul +boxhauled +boxhauling +boxhauls +boxhead +boxholder +Boxholm +boxiana +boxier +boxiest +boxiness +boxinesses +boxing +boxing-day +boxing-in +boxings +boxkeeper +box-leaved +boxlike +box-locking +boxmaker +boxmaking +boxman +box-nailing +box-office +box-plaited +boxroom +box-shaped +box-strapping +boxthorn +boxthorns +boxtop +boxtops +box-tree +boxtree +box-trimming +box-turning +boxty +boxwallah +boxwood +boxwoods +boxwork +boxy +Boy +boy +boyang +boyar +boyard +boyardism +boyardom +boyards +boyarism +boyarisms +boyars +boyau +boyaus +boyaux +Boyce +Boyceville +Boycey +boychick +boychicks +boychik +boychiks +Boycie +boycott +boycottage +boycotted +boycotter +boycotting +boycottism +boycotts +Boyd +boydekyn +Boyden +boydom +Boyds +Boydton +Boyer +boyer +Boyers +Boyertown +Boyes +boyfriend +boyfriends +boyg +boyhood +boyhoods +boyish +boyishly +boyishness +boyishnesses +boyism +Boykin +Boykins +boyla +Boylan +boylas +Boyle +boylike +boylikeness +Boylston +boy-meets-girl +Boyne +Boynton +boyo +boyology +boyos +Boys +boys +Boyse +boysenberries +boysenberry +boyship +Boystown +Boyt +boyuna +Boz +boza +bozal +Bozcaada +Bozeman +Bozen +bozine +Bozman +bozo +Bozoo +bozos +Bozovich +Bozrah +Bozuwa +Bozzaris +bozze +bozzetto +B.P. +B/P +BP +b.p. +bp +bp. +BPA +BPC +BPDPA +BPE +BPetE +BPH +BPh +BPharm +B.Phil. +BPhil +BPI +bpi +BPOC +BPOE +BPPS +BPS +bps +BPSS +bpt +B/R +BR +Br +Br. +br +br. +Bra +bra +Braasch +braata +brab +brabagious +Brabancon +Brabant +brabant +Brabanter +Brabantine +Brabazon +brabble +brabbled +brabblement +brabbler +brabblers +brabbles +brabbling +brabblingly +Brabejum +Braca +braca +bracae +braccae +braccate +Bracci +braccia +bracciale +braccianite +braccio +Brace +brace +braced +bracelet +braceleted +bracelets +bracer +bracero +braceros +bracers +bracery +braces +Braceville +Bracey +brach +brache +Brachelytra +brachelytrous +bracherer +brachering +braches +brachet +brachets +brachia +brachial +brachialgia +brachialis +brachials +Brachiata +brachiate +brachiated +brachiating +brachiation +brachiator +brachiferous +brachigerous +Brachinus +brachio- +brachio-cephalic +brachiocephalic +brachiocrural +brachiocubital +brachiocyllosis +brachiofacial +brachiofaciolingual +brachioganoid +Brachioganoidei +brachiolaria +brachiolarian +brachiopod +Brachiopoda +brachiopode +brachiopodist +brachiopodous +brachioradial +brachioradialis +brachiorrhachidian +brachiorrheuma +brachiosaur +Brachiosaurus +brachiosaurus +brachiostrophosis +brachiotomy +brachisto- +brachistocephali +brachistocephalic +brachistocephalous +brachistocephaly +brachistochrone +brachistochronic +brachistochronous +brachium +brachman +brachs +brachtmema +brachy- +brachyaxis +brachycardia +brachycatalectic +brachycephal +brachycephales +brachycephali +brachycephalic +brachycephalies +brachycephalism +brachycephalization +brachycephalize +brachycephalous +brachycephaly +Brachycera +brachyceral +brachyceric +brachycerous +brachychronic +brachycnemic +Brachycome +brachycranial +brachycranic +brachycrany +brachydactyl +brachydactylia +brachydactylic +brachydactylism +brachydactylous +brachydactyly +brachydiagonal +brachydodrome +brachydodromous +brachydomal +brachydomatic +brachydome +brachydont +brachydontism +brachyfacial +brachyglossal +brachygnathia +brachygnathism +brachygnathous +brachygrapher +brachygraphic +brachygraphical +brachygraphy +brachyhieric +brachylogies +brachylogy +brachymetropia +brachymetropic +Brachyoura +brachyphalangia +Brachyphyllum +brachypinacoid +brachypinacoidal +brachypleural +brachypnea +brachypodine +brachypodous +brachyprism +brachyprosopic +brachypterous +brachypyramid +brachyrrhinia +brachysclereid +brachyskelic +brachysm +brachystaphylic +Brachystegia +brachystochrone +Brachystomata +brachystomatous +brachystomous +brachytic +brachytmema +brachytypous +Brachyura +brachyural +brachyuran +brachyuranic +brachyure +brachyurous +Brachyurus +bracing +bracingly +bracingness +bracings +braciola +braciolas +braciole +bracioles +brack +brackebuschite +bracked +Brackely +bracken +brackened +Brackenridge +brackens +bracker +bracket +bracketed +bracketing +brackets +Brackett +bracketted +Brackettville +bracketwise +bracking +brackish +brackishness +brackmard +Bracknell +Brackney +bracky +Bracon +braconid +Braconidae +braconids +braconniere +bracozzo +bract +bractea +bracteal +bracteate +bracted +bracteiform +bracteolate +bracteole +bracteose +bractless +bractlet +bractlets +bracts +Brad +brad +Bradan +bradawl +bradawls +Bradbury +Bradburya +bradded +bradding +Braddock +Braddyville +Brade +Braden +bradenhead +Bradenton +Bradenville +Bradeord +Brader +Bradford +Bradfordsville +Bradlee +Bradleianism +Bradleigh +Bradley +Bradleyville +Bradly +bradmaker +Bradman +Bradner +Bradney +bradoon +bradoons +brads +Bradshaw +Bradski +bradsot +Bradstreet +Bradway +Bradwell +Brady +brady- +bradyacousia +bradyauxesis +bradyauxetic +bradyauxetically +bradycardia +bradycardic +bradycauma +bradycinesia +bradycrotic +bradydactylia +bradyesthesia +bradyglossia +bradykinesia +bradykinesis +bradykinetic +bradykinin +bradylalia +bradylexia +bradylogia +bradynosus +bradypepsia +bradypepsy +bradypeptic +bradyphagia +bradyphasia +bradyphemia +bradyphrasia +bradyphrenia +bradypnea +bradypnoea +bradypod +bradypode +Bradypodidae +bradypodoid +Bradypus +bradyseism +bradyseismal +bradyseismic +bradyseismical +bradyseismism +bradyspermatism +bradysphygmia +bradystalsis +bradyteleocinesia +bradyteleokinesis +bradytelic +bradytely +bradytocia +bradytrophic +bradyuria +Bradyville +brae +braeface +braehead +braeman +braes +braeside +Braeunig +Brag +brag +Braga +bragas +Bragdon +Brage +brager +Bragg +braggadocian +braggadocianism +Braggadocio +braggadocio +braggadocios +braggardism +braggart +braggartism +braggartly +braggartry +braggarts +braggat +bragged +bragger +braggers +braggery +braggest +bragget +braggier +braggiest +bragging +braggingly +braggish +braggishly +braggite +braggle +Braggs +braggy +Bragi +bragi +bragite +bragless +bragly +bragozzo +brags +braguette +bragwort +Braham +Brahe +Brahear +Brahm +brahm +Brahma +brahma +brahmachari +Brahmahood +Brahmaic +Brahmajnana +Brahmaloka +Brahman +brahman +Brahmana +Brahmanaspati +Brahmanda +Brahmanee +Brahmaness +Brahmanhood +Brahmani +Brahmanic +Brahmanical +Brahmanis +Brahmanism +brahmanism +Brahmanist +brahmanist +Brahmanistic +brahmanists +Brahmanize +Brahmans +brahmans +Brahmany +brahmapootra +Brahmaputra +brahmas +Brahmi +Brahmic +brahmic +Brahmin +brahmin +brahminee +Brahminic +Brahminical +Brahminism +brahminism +Brahminist +brahminist +brahminists +Brahmins +brahmins +brahmism +Brahmoism +Brahms +brahms +Brahmsian +Brahmsite +Brahui +braid +braided +braider +braiders +braiding +braidings +Braidism +braidism +Braidist +braids +Braidwood +braies +brail +Braila +brailed +brailing +Braille +braille +Brailled +brailled +brailler +brailles +Braillewriter +braillewriter +Brailling +brailling +Braillist +Brailowsky +brails +brain +brainache +Brainard +Brainardsville +brain-begot +brain-born +brain-breaking +brain-bred +braincap +braincase +brain-child +brainchild +brainchildren +brain-cracked +braincraft +brain-crazed +brain-crumpled +brain-damaged +brained +brainer +Brainerd +brainfag +brain-fevered +brain-fretting +brainge +brainier +brainiest +brainily +braininess +braining +brain-injured +brainish +brainless +brainlessly +brainlessness +brainlike +brainpan +brainpans +brainpower +brain-purging +brains +brainsick +brainsickly +brainsickness +brain-smoking +brain-spattering +brain-spun +brainstem +brainstems +brainstone +brainstorm +brainstormer +brainstorming +brainstorms +brain-strong +brain-teaser +brainteaser +brainteasers +brain-tire +Braintree +brain-trust +brainward +brain-wash +brainwash +brainwashed +brainwasher +brainwashers +brainwashes +brain-washing +brainwashing +brainwashjng +brainwater +brainwave +brainwood +brainwork +brainworker +brainy +braird +brairded +brairding +braireau +brairo +braise +braised +braises +braising +Braithwaite +braize +braizes +brake +brakeage +brakeages +braked +brakehand +brakehead +brakeless +brakeload +brakemaker +brakemaking +brakeman +brakemen +braker +brakeroot +brakes +brakesman +brakesmen +brake-testing +brake-van +brakie +brakier +brakiest +braking +Brakpan +braky +Brale +braless +Bram +Bramah +bramah +Braman +Bramante +Bramantesque +Bramantip +bramantip +bramble +brambleberries +brambleberry +bramblebush +brambled +brambles +bramblier +brambliest +brambling +brambly +brambrack +brame +Bramia +Bramley +Bramwell +Bran +bran +Brana +Branca +brancard +brancardier +-branch +Branch +branch +branchage +branch-bearing +branch-building +branch-charmed +branch-climber +Branchdale +branched +branchedness +Branchellion +branch-embellished +brancher +branchery +branches +branchful +branchi +branchia +branchiae +branchial +Branchiata +branchiate +branchicolous +branchier +branchiest +branchiferous +branchiform +branchihyal +branchiness +branching +branchings +branchio- +Branchiobdella +branchiocardiac +branchiogenous +branchiomere +branchiomeric +branchiomerism +branchiopallial +branchiopneustic +branchiopod +Branchiopoda +branchiopodan +branchiopodous +branchiopoo +Branchiopulmonata +branchiopulmonate +branchiosaur +Branchiosauria +branchiosaurian +Branchiosaurus +branchiostegal +branchiostegan +branchiostege +Branchiostegidae +branchiostegite +branchiostegous +Branchiostoma +branchiostomid +Branchiostomidae +branchiostomous +Branchipodidae +Branchipus +branchireme +Branchiura +branchiurous +Branchland +branchless +branchlet +branchlike +branchling +branchman +Branchport +branch-rent +branchstand +branch-strewn +Branchton +Branchus +Branchville +branchway +branchy +Brancusi +Brand +brand +brandade +Brandais +Brandamore +Brande +Brandea +branded +bran-deer +Brandeis +Branden +Brandenburg +Brandenburger +brandenburgh +brandenburgs +Brander +brander +brandering +branders +Brandes +brand-goose +Brandi +Brandice +Brandie +brandied +brandies +brandify +branding +brandiron +Brandise +brandise +brandish +brandished +brandisher +brandishers +brandishes +brandishing +brandisite +brandle +brandless +brandling +brand-mark +brand-new +brand-newness +Brando +Brandon +brandon +Brandonville +brandreth +brandrith +brands +brandsolder +Brandsville +Brandt +Brandtr +Brandwein +Brandy +brandy +brandyball +brandy-bottle +brandy-burnt +brandy-faced +brandying +brandyman +Brandyn +brandy-pawnee +Brandywine +brandywine +Branen +Branford +Branger +brangle +brangled +branglement +brangler +brangling +Brangus +Branguses +Branham +branial +Braniff +brank +brankie +brankier +brankiest +brank-new +branks +brank-ursine +brankursine +branky +branle +branles +branned +branner +brannerite +branners +bran-new +brannier +branniest +brannigan +branniness +branning +Brannon +branny +Brans +brans +Branscum +Bransford +bransle +bransles +bransolder +Branson +Branstock +Brant +brant +Branta +brantail +brantails +brantcorn +Brantford +brant-fox +Branting +Brantingham +brantle +Brantley +brantness +brants +Brantsford +Brantwood +branular +Branwen +Braque +braquemard +brarow +bras +Brasca +bras-dessus-bras-dessous +Braselton +brasen +Brasenia +brasero +braseros +brash +Brashear +brasher +brashes +brashest +brashier +brashiest +brashiness +brashly +brashness +brashy +Brasia +brasier +brasiers +Brasil +brasil +brasilein +brasilete +brasiletto +Brasilia +brasilia +brasilin +brasilins +brasils +Brasov +brasque +brasqued +brasquing +Brass +brass +brassage +brassages +brassard +brassards +brass-armed +brassart +brassarts +brassate +Brassavola +brass-bold +brassbound +brassbounder +brass-browed +brass-cheeked +brass-colored +brasse +brassed +brasser +brasserie +brasseries +brasses +brasset +brassey +brass-eyed +brasseys +brass-finishing +brass-fitted +brass-footed +brass-fronted +brass-handled +brass-headed +brass-hilted +brass-hooved +Brassia +brassic +Brassica +brassica +Brassicaceae +brassicaceous +brassicas +brassidic +brassie +brassier +brassiere +brassieres +brassies +brassiest +brassily +brassiness +brassing +brassish +brasslike +brass-lined +brass-melting +brass-mounted +Brasso +brass-plated +brass-renting +brass-shapen +brass-smith +brass-tipped +Brasstown +brass-visaged +brassware +brasswork +brassworker +brass-working +brassworks +brassy +brassylic +brast +Braswell +BRAT +brat +bratchet +Brathwaite +Bratianu +bratina +Bratislava +bratling +brats +bratstva +bratstvo +brattach +Brattain +brattice +bratticed +bratticer +brattices +bratticing +brattie +brattier +brattiest +brattiness +brattish +brattishing +brattle +Brattleboro +brattled +brattles +brattling +Bratton +bratty +Bratwurst +bratwurst +Brauhaus +Brauhauser +braula +Braun +brauna +Brauneberger +Brauneria +Braunfels +braunite +braunites +Braunschweig +Braunschweiger +braunschweiger +Braunstein +Brauronia +Brauronian +Brause +Brautlied +Brava +brava +bravade +bravado +bravadoed +bravadoes +bravadoing +bravadoism +bravados +Bravar +bravas +brave +braved +bravehearted +brave-horsed +brave-looking +bravely +brave-minded +braveness +braver +braveries +bravers +bravery +braves +brave-sensed +brave-showing +brave-souled +brave-spirited +brave-spiritedness +bravest +bravi +Bravin +braving +bravish +bravissimo +bravo +bravoed +bravoes +bravoing +bravoite +bravos +bravura +bravuraish +bravuras +bravure +braw +brawer +brawest +brawl +brawled +brawler +brawlers +Brawley +brawlie +brawlier +brawliest +brawling +brawlingly +brawlis +brawls +brawlsome +brawly +brawlys +brawn +brawned +brawnedness +Brawner +brawner +brawnier +brawniest +brawnily +brawniness +brawns +brawny +braws +braxies +Braxton +braxy +Bray +bray +braye +brayed +brayer +brayera +brayerin +brayers +brayette +braying +Brayley +Braymer +Braynard +brays +braystone +Brayton +Braz +Braz. +braza +brazas +braze +Brazeau +brazed +Brazee +brazee +braze-jointed +brazen +brazen-barking +brazen-browed +brazen-clawed +brazen-colored +brazened +brazen-face +brazenface +brazen-faced +brazenfaced +brazen-facedly +brazenfacedly +brazenfacedness +brazen-fisted +brazen-floored +brazen-footed +brazen-fronted +brazen-gated +brazen-headed +brazen-hilted +brazen-hoofed +brazen-imaged +brazening +brazen-leaved +brazen-lunged +brazenly +brazen-mailed +brazen-mouthed +brazenness +brazennesses +brazen-pointed +brazens +brazer +brazera +brazers +brazes +brazier +braziers +braziery +Brazil +brazil +brazilein +brazilette +braziletto +Brazilian +brazilian +brazilianite +brazilians +brazilin +brazilins +brazilite +Brazil-nut +brazils +brazilwood +brazing +Brazoria +Brazos +Brazzaville +BRC +BRCA +B.R.C.S. +BRCS +BRE +Bre +Brea +breach +breached +breacher +breachers +breaches +breachful +breaching +breachy +bread +bread-and-butter +bread-baking +bread-basket +breadbasket +breadbaskets +breadberry +breadboard +breadboards +breadbox +breadboxes +bread-corn +bread-crumb +bread-crumbing +bread-cutting +breadearner +breadearning +bread-eating +breaded +breaden +bread-faced +bread-fruit +breadfruit +breadfruits +breading +breadless +breadlessness +breadline +bread-liner +breadmaker +breadmaking +breadman +breadness +breadnut +breadnuts +breadroot +breads +breadseller +bread-stitch +breadstitch +bread-stuff +breadstuff +breadstuffs +breadth +breadthen +breadthless +breadthriders +breadths +breadthways +breadthwise +bread-tree +bread-winner +breadwinner +breadwinners +breadwinning +bread-wrapping +breaghe +break +break- +breakability +breakable +breakableness +breakables +breakably +breakage +breakages +breakaway +breakax +breakaxe +break-back +breakback +breakbone +breakbones +break-circuit +break-down +breakdown +breakdowns +breaker +breaker-down +breakerman +breakermen +breaker-off +breakers +breaker-up +break-even +breakfast +breakfasted +breakfaster +breakfasters +breakfasting +breakfastless +breakfasts +break-front +breakfront +breakfronts +break-in +breaking +breaking-in +breakings +breakless +breaklist +break-neck +breakneck +break-off +breakoff +breakout +breakouts +breakover +breakpoint +breakpoints +break-promise +Breaks +breaks +breakshugh +breakstone +break-through +breakthrough +breakthroughes +breakthroughs +break-up +breakup +breakups +breakwater +breakwaters +breakweather +breakwind +Bream +bream +breamed +breaming +breams +Breana +Breanne +Brear +breards +breast +breastband +breast-beam +breastbeam +breast-beater +breast-beating +breast-board +breastbone +breastbones +breast-deep +Breasted +breasted +breaster +breastfast +breast-fed +breast-feed +breast-feeding +breastfeeding +breastful +breastheight +breast-high +breast-hook +breasthook +breastie +breasting +breastless +breastmark +breastpiece +breastpin +breast-plate +breastplate +breastplates +breast-plough +breastplough +breastplow +breastrail +breast-rending +breastrope +breasts +breaststroke +breaststroker +breaststrokes +breastsummer +breastweed +breast-wheel +breastwise +breastwood +breastwork +breastworks +breath +breathability +breathable +breathableness +breathalyse +Breathalyzer +breath-bereaving +breath-blown +breathe +breatheableness +breathed +breather +breathers +breathes +breathful +breath-giving +breathier +breathiest +breathily +breathiness +breathing +breathingly +Breathitt +breathless +breathlessly +breathlessness +breaths +breathseller +breath-stopping +breath-sucking +breath-tainted +breath-taking +breathtaking +breathtakingly +breathy +breba +Breban +Brebner +breccia +breccial +breccias +brecciate +brecciated +brecciating +brecciation +brecham +brechams +brechan +brechans +Brecher +Brechites +Brecht +brecht +Brechtel +brechtian +brecia +breck +brecken +Breckenridge +Breckinridge +Brecknockshire +Brecksville +Brecon +Breconshire +Bred +bred +Breda +bredbergite +brede +bredes +bredestitch +bredi +bred-in-the-bone +bredstitch +Bree +bree +Breech +breech +breechblock +breechcloth +breechcloths +breechclout +breeched +breeches +breechesflower +breechesless +breeching +breechless +breech-loader +breechloader +breech-loading +breechloading +Breed +breed +breedable +breedbate +Breeden +breeder +breeders +breediness +Breeding +breeding +breedings +breedling +breeds +Breedsville +breedy +breek +breekless +breeks +breekums +Breen +Breena +breenge +breenger +brees +Breese +Breesport +Breeze +breeze +breeze-borne +breezed +breeze-fanned +breezeful +breezeless +breeze-lifted +breezelike +breezes +breeze-shaken +breeze-swept +breezeway +breezeways +Breezewood +breeze-wooing +breezier +breeziest +breezily +breeziness +breezing +breezy +Bregenz +Breger +bregma +bregmata +bregmate +bregmatic +brehon +brehonia +brehonship +brei +Breinigsville +breird +Breislak +breislakite +Breithablik +breithauptite +brekkle +brekky +brelan +brelaw +Brelje +breloque +brember +Bremble +breme +bremely +Bremen +bremeness +Bremer +Bremerhaven +Bremerton +Bremia +Bremond +Bremser +bremsstrahlung +Bren +bren +Brena +Brenan +Brenda +Brendan +brended +Brendel +Brenden +brendice +Brendin +Brendis +Brendon +Brengun +Brenham +Brenk +Brenn +Brenna +brennage +Brennan +Brennen +Brenner +Brennschluss +brennschluss +brens +Brent +brent +Brentano +Brentford +Brenthis +brent-new +Brenton +brents +Brentt +Brentwood +Brenza +brephic +brepho- +br'er +brerd +brere +Bres +Brescia +Brescian +Bresee +Breshkovsky +Breskin +Breslau +Bress +bressomer +Bresson +bressummer +Brest +brest +Bret +bret +Bretagne +bretelle +bretesse +bret-full +breth +brethel +brethren +brethrenism +Breton +breton +Bretonian +bretons +Bretschneideraceae +Brett +brett +Bretta +brettice +Bretwalda +bretwalda +Bretwaldadom +Bretwaldaship +Bretz +breu- +Breuer +Breugel +Breughel +breunnerite +brev +breva +Brevard +breve +breves +brevet +brevetcies +brevetcy +brevete +breveted +breveting +brevets +brevetted +brevetting +brevi +brevi- +breviaries +breviary +breviate +breviature +brevicauda +brevicaudate +brevicipitid +Brevicipitidae +brevicomis +breviconic +brevier +breviers +brevifoliate +breviger +brevilingual +breviloquence +breviloquent +breviped +brevipen +brevipennate +breviradiate +brevirostral +brevirostrate +Brevirostrines +brevis +brevit +brevities +brevity +Brew +brew +brewage +brewages +brewed +Brewer +brewer +breweries +brewers +brewership +Brewerton +brewery +brewhouse +brewhouses +brewing +brewings +brewis +brewises +brewmaster +brews +brewst +Brewster +brewster +brewsterite +Brewton +Brey +brey +Brezhnev +brezhnev +Brezin +BRG +BRI +Bria +Brian +brian +Briana +Briand +Brianhead +Brianna +Brianne +Briano +Briant +briar +briarberry +Briard +briard +briards +Briarean +briared +Briareus +briareus +briar-hopper +briarroot +briars +briarwood +briary +bribability +bribable +bribe +bribeability +bribeable +bribed +bribe-devouring +bribee +bribees +bribe-free +bribegiver +bribegiving +bribeless +bribemonger +briber +briberies +bribers +bribery +bribes +bribetaker +bribetaking +bribeworthy +bribing +Bribri +bric-a-brac +bric-a-brackery +Brice +Bricelyn +Briceville +brichen +brichette +Brick +brick +brick-barred +brickbat +brickbats +brickbatted +brickbatting +brick-bound +brick-building +brick-built +brick-burning +brick-colored +brickcroft +brick-cutting +brick-drying +brick-dust +brick-earth +bricked +brickel +bricken +Bricker +bricker +Brickeys +brick-field +brickfield +brickfielder +brick-fronted +brick-grinding +brick-hemmed +brickhood +brickier +brickiest +bricking +brickish +brick-kiln +brickkiln +bricklay +bricklayer +bricklayers +bricklaying +bricklayings +brickle +brickleness +brickles +bricklike +brickliner +bricklining +brickly +brickmaker +brickmaking +brickmason +brick-nogged +brick-paved +brick-red +brickred +bricks +brickset +bricksetter +brick-testing +bricktimber +bricktop +brickwall +brick-walled +brickwise +brickwork +bricky +brickyard +bricole +bricoles +brid +bridal +bridale +bridaler +bridally +bridals +bridalty +Bridalveil +Bride +bride +bride-ale +bridebed +bridebowl +bridecake +bridechamber +bride-cup +bridecup +bridegod +bridegroom +bridegrooms +bridegroomship +bridehead +bridehood +bridehouse +brideknot +bride-lace +bridelace +brideless +bridelike +bridelope +bridely +bridemaid +bridemaiden +bridemaidship +brideman +brides +brideship +bridesmaid +bridesmaiding +bridesmaids +bridesman +bridesmen +bridestake +bride-to-be +bridewain +brideweed +bridewell +bridewort +Bridey +Bridge +bridge +bridgeable +bridgeables +bridgeboard +bridgebote +bridgebuilder +bridgebuilding +bridged +Bridgehampton +bridgehead +bridgeheads +bridge-house +bridgekeeper +Bridgeland +bridgeless +bridgelike +bridgemaker +bridgemaking +bridgeman +bridgemaster +bridgemen +Bridgeport +bridgeport +bridgepot +Bridger +bridger +Bridges +bridges +Bridget +bridgetin +Bridgeton +Bridgetown +bridgetree +Bridgette +Bridgeville +bridgewall +bridgeward +bridgewards +Bridgewater +bridgewater +bridgeway +bridgework +Bridgid +bridging +bridgings +Bridgman +Bridgton +Bridgwater +Bridie +bridie +bridle +bridled +bridleless +bridleman +bridler +bridlers +bridles +bridle-wise +bridlewise +bridling +bridoon +bridoons +Bridport +Bridwell +Brie +brie +BRIEF +brief +briefcase +briefcases +briefed +briefer +briefers +briefest +briefing +briefings +briefless +brieflessly +brieflessness +briefly +briefness +briefnesses +briefs +Brielle +Brien +Brier +brier +brierberry +briered +Brierfield +brierroot +briers +brierwood +briery +bries +Brieta +Brietta +Brieux +brieve +Brig +Brig. +brig +brigade +brigaded +brigades +brigadier +brigadiers +brigadiership +brigading +brigalow +brigand +brigandage +brigander +brigandine +brigandish +brigandishly +brigandism +brigands +Brigantes +Brigantia +Brigantine +brigantine +brigantinebrigantines +brigantines +brigatry +brigbote +Brigette +brigetty +Brigg +Briggs +Briggsdale +Briggsian +Briggsville +Brigham +Brighella +Brighid +Brighouse +Bright +bright +bright-bloomed +bright-cheeked +bright-colored +bright-dyed +brighten +brightened +brightener +brighteners +brightening +brightens +brighter +brightest +bright-eyed +Brighteyes +brighteyes +bright-faced +bright-featured +bright-field +bright-flaming +bright-haired +bright-headed +bright-hued +brightish +bright-leaved +brightly +Brightman +bright-minded +brightness +brightnesses +Brighton +bright-robed +brights +brightsmith +brightsome +brightsomeness +bright-spotted +bright-striped +bright-studded +bright-tinted +Brightwaters +bright-witted +Brightwood +brightwork +Brigid +Brigida +Brigit +Brigitta +Brigitte +Brigittine +brigous +brig-rigged +brigs +brigsail +brigue +brigued +briguer +briguing +Brihaspati +brike +Brill +brill +brillante +Brillat-Savarin +brilliance +brilliances +brilliancies +brilliancy +brilliandeer +Brilliant +brilliant +brilliant-cut +brilliantine +brilliantined +brilliantly +brilliantness +brilliants +brilliantwise +brilliolette +Brillion +brillolette +Brillouin +brills +brim +brimborion +brimborium +Brimfield +brimful +brimfull +brimfullness +brimfully +brimfulness +Brimhall +briming +brimless +Brimley +brimly +brimmed +brimmer +brimmered +brimmering +brimmers +brimmimg +brimming +brimmingly +Brimo +brims +brimse +Brimson +brimstone +brimstones +brimstonewort +brimstony +brin +Brina +brince +brinded +Brindell +Brindisi +brindisi +Brindle +brindle +brindled +brindles +brindlish +Brine +brine +brine-bound +brine-cooler +brine-cooling +brined +brine-dripping +brinehouse +brineless +brineman +brine-pumping +briner +briners +brines +brine-soaked +Briney +Bring +bring +bringal +bringall +bringdown +bringed +bringela +bringer +bringers +bringer-up +bringeth +Bringhurst +bringing +bringing-up +brings +bringsel +brinie +brinier +brinies +briniest +brininess +brininesses +brining +brinish +brinishness +brinjal +brinjaree +brinjarries +brinjarry +brinjaul +Brinje +Brink +brink +Brinkema +brinkless +Brinkley +Brinklow +brinkmanship +brinks +brinksmanship +Brinktown +Brinn +Brinna +Brinnon +brinny +brins +brinsell +Brinsmade +Brinson +brinston +Briny +briny +brio +brioche +brioches +briolet +briolette +briolettes +Brion +Brioni +brionies +brionine +briony +brios +Brioschi +brique +briquet +briquets +briquette +briquetted +briquettes +briquetting +bris +brisa +brisance +brisances +brisant +Brisbane +brisbane +Brisbin +Briscoe +briscola +brise +Briseis +briseis +brisement +brises +brise-soleil +Briseus +Brisingamen +brisk +brisked +brisken +briskened +briskening +brisker +briskest +brisket +briskets +brisking +briskish +briskly +briskness +brisknesses +brisks +brisky +brisling +brislings +brisque +briss +brisses +Brissotin +Brissotine +brist +bristle +bristlebird +bristlecone +bristled +bristle-faced +bristle-grass +bristleless +bristlelike +bristlemouth +bristlemouths +bristle-pointed +bristler +bristles +bristle-stalked +bristletail +bristle-tailed +bristle-thighed +bristle-toothed +bristlewort +bristlier +bristliest +bristliness +bristling +bristly +Bristo +Bristol +bristol +bristols +Bristolville +Bristow +brisure +Brit +Brit. +brit +Brita +Britain +britain +Britannia +britannia +Britannian +Britannic +britannic +Britannica +britannica +Britannically +Britannicus +britany +britchel +britches +britchka +brite +Brith +brith +brither +Briticism +briticism +British +british +Britisher +britisher +britishers +Britishhood +Britishism +British-israel +Britishly +Britishness +Britney +Britni +Brito-icelandic +Britomartis +Briton +briton +Britoness +britons +brits +britska +britskas +Britt +britt +Britta +Brittain +Brittan +Brittaney +Brittani +Brittany +Britte +Britten +britten +Britteny +brittle +brittlebush +brittled +brittlely +brittleness +brittler +brittles +brittlest +brittle-star +brittlestem +brittlewood +brittlewort +brittling +brittly +Brittne +Brittnee +Brittney +Brittni +Britton +Brittonic +brittonic +britts +britzka +britzkas +britzska +britzskas +Brix +Brixey +Briza +briza +Brize +Brizo +brizz +BRL +brl +BRM +BRN +Brnaba +Brnaby +Brno +Bro +bro +broach +broached +broacher +broachers +broaches +broaching +Broad +broad +broadacre +Broadalbin +broad-arrow +broadax +broad-axe +broadaxe +broadaxes +broad-backed +broadband +broad-based +broad-beamed +Broadbent +broadbill +broad-billed +broad-bladed +broad-blown +broad-bodied +broad-bosomed +broad-bottomed +broad-boughed +broad-bowed +broad-breasted +Broadbrim +broad-brim +broadbrim +broad-brimmed +Broadbrook +broad-built +broadcast +broadcasted +broadcaster +broadcasters +broadcasting +broadcastings +broadcasts +broad-chested +broad-chinned +broadcloth +broadcloths +broad-crested +Broaddus +broad-eared +broaden +broadened +broadener +broadeners +broadening +broadenings +broadens +broader +broadest +broad-eyed +broad-faced +broad-flapped +Broadford +broad-fronted +broad-gage +broadgage +broad-gaged +broad-gauge +broad-gauged +broad-guage +broad-handed +broadhead +broad-headed +broadhearted +broad-hoofed +broadhorn +broad-horned +broadish +broad-jump +Broadlands +Broadleaf +broadleaf +broad-leafed +broad-leaved +broadleaves +broad-limbed +broadling +broadlings +broad-lipped +broad-listed +broadloom +broadlooms +broadly +broad-margined +broad-minded +broad-mindedly +broadmindedly +broad-mindedness +Broadmoor +broadmouth +broad-mouthed +broadness +broadnesses +broad-nosed +broad-piece +broadpiece +broad-ribbed +broad-roomed +Broadrun +Broads +broads +broad-set +broadshare +broadsheet +broad-shouldered +broadside +broadsided +broadsider +broadsides +broadsiding +broad-skirted +broad-souled +broad-spectrum +broad-spoken +broadspread +broad-spreading +broad-sterned +broad-striped +broadsword +broadswords +broadtail +broad-tailed +broad-thighed +broadthroat +broad-tired +broad-toed +broad-toothed +Broadus +Broadview +Broadwater +Broadway +broadway +broad-wayed +Broadwayite +broadways +Broadwell +broad-wheeled +broadwife +broad-winged +broadwise +broadwives +brob +Brobdingnag +brobdingnag +Brobdingnagian +brobdingnagian +Broca +brocade +brocaded +brocades +brocading +brocage +brocard +brocardic +brocatel +brocatelle +brocatello +brocatels +Broccio +broccoli +broccolis +broch +brochan +brochant +brochantite +broche +brochette +brochettes +brochidodromous +brocho +brochophony +brocht +brochure +brochures +Brock +brock +brockage +brockages +brocked +Brocken +Brocket +brocket +brockets +brock-faced +Brockie +brockish +brockle +Brocklin +Brockport +brocks +Brockton +Brockway +Brockwell +Brocky +brocoli +brocolis +Brocton +Brod +brod +brodder +Broddie +broddle +Broddy +brodee +brodeglass +Brodehurst +brodekin +Brodench +brodequin +Broder +broderer +Broderic +Broderick +broderie +Brodeur +Brodhead +Brodheadsville +Brodiaea +Brodie +brodie +Brodnax +Brodsky +Brody +brodyaga +brodyagi +broeboe +Broeder +Broederbond +Broek +Broeker +brog +Brogan +brogan +brogans +brogger +broggerite +broggle +brogh +Brogle +Broglie +Brogue +brogue +brogued +brogueful +brogueneer +broguer +brogueries +broguery +brogues +broguing +broguish +Brohard +Brohman +broid +Broida +broiden +broider +broidered +broiderer +broideress +broideries +broidering +broiders +broidery +broigne +broil +broiled +broiler +broilers +broilery +broiling +broilingly +broils +Brok +brokage +brokages +Brokaw +broke +broken +broken-arched +broken-backed +broken-bellied +Brokenbow +broken-check +broken-down +broken-ended +broken-footed +broken-fortuned +broken-handed +broken-headed +broken-hearted +brokenhearted +broken-heartedly +brokenheartedly +broken-heartedness +brokenheartedness +broken-hipped +broken-hoofed +broken-in +broken-kneed +broken-legged +brokenly +broken-minded +broken-mouthed +brokenness +broken-nosed +broken-paced +broken-record +broken-shanked +broken-spirited +broken-winded +broken-winged +broker +brokerage +brokerages +brokered +brokeress +brokerly +brokers +brokership +brokery +brokes +broking +broletti +broletto +brolga +broll +brollies +brolly +brolly-hop +Brom +brom- +broma +bromacetanilide +bromacetate +bromacetic +bromacetone +bromal +bromalbumin +bromals +bromamide +bromargyrite +bromate +bromated +bromates +bromating +bromatium +bromatology +bromaurate +bromauric +brombenzamide +brombenzene +brombenzyl +Bromberg +bromcamphor +bromcresol +Brome +brome +bromegrass +bromeigon +Bromeikon +bromeikon +Bromelia +Bromeliaceae +bromeliaceous +bromeliad +bromelin +bromelins +bromellite +bromeosin +bromes +bromethyl +bromethylene +Bromfield +bromgelatin +bromhidrosis +bromhydrate +bromhydric +Bromian +bromic +bromid +bromide +bromides +bromidic +bromidically +bromidrosiphobia +bromidrosis +bromids +bromin +brominate +brominated +brominating +bromination +bromindigo +bromine +bromines +brominism +brominize +bromins +bromiodide +Bromios +bromisation +bromise +bromised +bromising +bromism +bromisms +bromite +Bromius +bromization +bromize +bromized +bromizer +bromizes +bromizing +Bromleigh +Bromley +bromlite +bromo +bromo- +bromoacetone +bromoaurate +bromoaurates +bromoauric +bromobenzene +bromobenzyl +bromocamphor +bromochloromethane +bromochlorophenol +bromocresol +bromocyanid +bromocyanidation +bromocyanide +bromocyanogen +bromodeoxyuridine +bromoethylene +bromoform +bromogelatin +bromohydrate +bromohydrin +bromoil +bromoiodid +bromoiodide +bromoiodism +bromoiodized +bromoketone +bromol +bromomania +bromomenorrhea +bromomethane +bromometric +bromometrical +bromometrically +bromometry +bromonaphthalene +bromophenol +bromopicrin +bromopikrin +bromopnea +bromoprotein +bromos +bromothymol +bromouracil +bromous +bromphenol +brompicrin +Bromsgrove +bromthymol +bromuret +Bromus +bromvoel +bromvogel +bromyrite +Bron +Bronaugh +bronc +bronch- +bronchadenitis +bronchi +bronchia +bronchial +bronchially +bronchiarctia +bronchiectasis +bronchiectatic +bronchiloquy +bronchio- +bronchiocele +bronchiocrisis +bronchiogenic +bronchiolar +bronchiole +bronchioles +bronchioli +bronchiolitis +bronchiolus +bronchiospasm +bronchiostenosis +bronchitic +bronchitis +bronchium +broncho +broncho- +bronchoadenitis +bronchoalveolar +bronchoaspergillosis +bronchoblennorrhea +bronchobuster +bronchocavernous +bronchocele +bronchocephalitis +bronchoconstriction +bronchoconstrictor +bronchodilatation +bronchodilator +bronchoegophony +bronchoesophagoscopy +bronchogenic +bronchographic +bronchography +bronchohemorrhagia +broncholemmitis +broncholith +broncholithiasis +bronchomotor +bronchomucormycosis +bronchomycosis +bronchopathy +bronchophonic +bronchophony +bronchophthisis +bronchoplasty +bronchoplegia +bronchopleurisy +bronchopneumonia +bronchopneumonic +bronchopulmonary +bronchorrhagia +bronchorrhaphy +bronchorrhea +bronchos +bronchoscope +bronchoscopic +bronchoscopically +bronchoscopist +Bronchoscopy +bronchoscopy +bronchospasm +bronchostenosis +bronchostomies +bronchostomy +bronchotetany +bronchotome +bronchotomist +bronchotomy +bronchotracheal +bronchotyphoid +bronchotyphus +bronchovesicular +bronchus +bronco +broncobuster +broncobusters +broncobusting +broncos +broncs +Bronder +Bronez +brongniardite +Bronislaw +Bronk +bronk +Bronnie +Bronny +Bronson +Bronston +bronstrops +Bront +Bronte +Bronteana +bronteon +brontephobia +Brontes +Brontesque +bronteum +brontide +brontides +brontogram +brontograph +brontolite +brontolith +brontology +brontometer +brontophobia +Brontops +brontops +brontosaur +brontosauri +brontosaurs +Brontosaurus +brontosaurus +brontosauruses +brontoscopy +brontothere +Brontotherium +Brontozoum +Bronwen +Bronwood +Bronwyn +Bronx +bronx +Bronxite +Bronxville +bronze +bronze-bearing +bronze-bound +bronze-brown +bronze-casting +bronze-clad +bronze-colored +bronze-covered +bronzed +bronze-foreheaded +bronze-gilt +bronze-gleaming +bronze-golden +bronze-haired +bronzelike +bronzen +bronze-purple +bronzer +bronzers +bronzes +bronze-shod +bronzesmith +bronzewing +bronze-winged +bronze-yellow +bronzier +bronziest +bronzify +bronzine +bronzing +bronzings +Bronzino +bronzite +bronzitite +bronzy +broo +brooch +brooched +brooches +brooching +brood +brooded +brooder +brooders +broodier +broodiest +broodily +broodiness +brooding +broodingly +broodless +broodlet +broodling +broodmare +broods +broodsac +broody +Brook +brook +brookable +Brookdale +Brooke +brooked +Brookeland +Brooker +Brookes +Brookesmith +Brookeville +Brookfield +brookflower +Brookhaven +Brookhouse +brookie +brookier +brookiest +Brooking +brooking +Brookings +brookite +brookites +Brookland +Brooklandville +Brooklawn +brookless +Brooklet +brooklet +brooklets +brooklike +brooklime +Brooklin +Brookline +brookline +Brooklyn +brooklyn +Brooklynese +Brooklynite +Brookneal +Brookner +Brookport +Brooks +brooks +Brookshire +brookside +Brookston +Brooksville +Brookton +Brooktondale +Brookview +Brookville +brookweed +Brookwood +brooky +brool +broom +Broomall +broomball +broomballer +broombush +broomcorn +Broome +broomed +broomer +Broomfield +broomier +broomiest +brooming +broom-leaved +broommaker +broommaking +broomrape +broomroot +brooms +broom-sewing +broomshank +broomsquire +broomstaff +broomstick +broomsticks +broomstraw +broomtail +broomweed +broomwood +broomwort +broomy +broon +Broonzy +broos +broose +Brooten +broozled +broquery +broquineer +Bros +bros +bros. +Brose +brose +Broseley +broses +Brosimum +Brosine +brosot +brosse +Brost +Brosy +brosy +brot +brotan +brotany +brotchen +Brote +Broteas +brotel +broth +brothe +brothel +brotheler +brothellike +brothelry +brothels +Brother +brother +brothered +brother-german +brotherhood +brotherhoods +brother-in-arms +brothering +brother-in-law +brotherless +brotherlike +brotherliness +brotherlinesses +brotherly +brotherred +Brothers +brothers +brothership +brothers-in-law +Brotherson +Brotherton +brotherwort +brothier +brothiest +broths +brothy +brotocrystal +Brott +brott +Brottman +Brotula +brotula +brotulid +Brotulidae +brotuliform +Broucek +brouette +brough +brougham +brougham-landaulet +broughams +brought +broughta +broughtas +Broughton +brouhaha +brouhahas +brouille +brouillon +Broun +Broussard +Broussonetia +Brout +Brouwer +brouze +brow +browache +Browallia +browallia +browband +browbands +browbeat +browbeaten +browbeater +browbeating +browbeats +brow-bent +browbound +browd +browden +Browder +browed +Brower +Browerville +browet +browis +browless +browman +Brown +brown +brown-armed +brownback +brown-backed +brown-banded +brown-barreled +brown-bearded +brown-berried +brown-colored +brown-complexioned +Browne +browned +browned-off +Brownell +browner +brownest +brown-eyed +brown-faced +Brownfield +brown-green +brown-haired +brown-headed +Brownian +brownian +Brownie +brownie +brownier +brownies +browniest +browniness +Browning +browning +Browningesque +brownish +brownishness +brownish-red +brownish-yellow +Brownism +brownism +Brownist +Brownistic +Brownistical +brown-leaved +Brownlee +Brownley +brown-locked +brownly +brownness +brown-nose +brownnose +brown-nosed +brown-noser +brownnoser +brown-nosing +brownout +brownouts +brownprint +brown-purple +brown-red +brown-roofed +Browns +browns +brown-sailed +Brownsboro +Brownsburg +Brownsdale +brownshirt +brown-skinned +brown-sleeve +Brownson +brown-spotted +brown-state +brown-stemmed +brownstone +brownstones +Brownstown +brown-strained +Brownsville +browntail +brown-tailed +Brownton +browntop +Browntown +Brownville +brown-washed +brownweed +Brownwood +brownwort +browny +browpiece +browpost +brows +browsability +browsage +browse +browsed +browser +browsers +browses +browsick +browsing +browst +brow-wreathed +browzer +Broxton +Broz +Brozak +brr +brrr +BRS +BRT +bruang +Bruant +Brubaker +Brubeck +brubru +brubu +Bruce +bruce +Brucella +brucella +brucellae +brucellas +brucellosis +Bruceton +Brucetown +Bruceville +Bruch +bruchid +Bruchidae +Bruchus +bruchus +brucia +Brucie +brucin +brucina +brucine +brucines +brucins +brucite +bruckle +bruckled +bruckleness +Bruckner +Bructeri +Bruegel +Brueghel +Bruell +bruet +Brufsky +Bruges +bruges +Brugge +brugh +brughs +brugnatellite +Bruhn +Bruin +bruin +Bruington +bruins +Bruis +bruise +bruised +bruiser +bruisers +bruises +bruisewort +bruising +bruisingly +bruit +bruited +bruiter +bruiters +bruiting +bruits +bruja +brujas +brujeria +brujo +brujos +bruke +Brule +brule +brulee +brules +brulot +brulots +brulyie +brulyiement +brulyies +brulzie +brulzies +brum +Brumaire +brumaire +brumal +Brumalia +brumbee +brumbie +brumbies +brumby +brume +brumes +Brumidi +Brumley +Brummagem +brummagem +brummagen +Brummell +brummer +Brummie +brummy +brumous +brumstane +brumstone +Brunanburh +brunch +brunched +brunches +brunching +brunch-word +Brundidge +Brundisium +brune +Bruneau +Brunei +Brunel +brunel +Brunell +Brunella +Brunelle +Brunelleschi +Brunellesco +Brunellia +Brunelliaceae +brunelliaceous +Bruner +brunet +Brunetiere +brunetness +brunets +brunette +brunetteness +brunettes +Brunfelsia +Brunhild +brunhild +Brunhilda +Brunhilde +Bruni +Bruning +brunion +brunissure +Brunistic +brunizem +brunizems +Brunk +Brunn +brunneous +Brunner +Brunnhilde +Brunnichia +Bruno +Brunonia +Brunoniaceae +Brunonian +brunonian +Brunonism +Bruns +Brunson +Brunsville +Brunswick +brunswick +brunt +brunts +Brusa +bruscha +bruscus +Brusett +Brush +brush +brushability +brushable +brushback +brushball +brushbird +brush-breaking +brushbush +brushcut +brushed +brusher +brusher-off +brushers +brusher-up +brushes +brushet +brush-fire +brushfire +brushfires +brush-footed +brushful +brushier +brushiest +brushiness +brushing +brushite +brushland +brushless +brushlessness +brushlet +brushlike +brushmaker +brushmaking +brushman +brushmen +brush-off +brushoff +brushoffs +brushpopper +brushproof +brush-shaped +brush-tail +brush-tailed +Brushton +brush-tongued +brush-treat +brushup +brushups +brushwood +brushwork +brushy +brusk +brusker +bruskest +bruskly +bruskness +Brusly +brusque +brusquely +brusqueness +brusquer +brusquerie +brusquest +Brussel +brussel +Brussels +brussels +brustle +brustled +brustling +brusure +Brut +brut +Bruta +brutage +brutal +brutalisation +brutalise +brutalised +brutalising +brutalism +brutalist +brutalitarian +brutalitarianism +brutalities +brutality +brutalization +brutalize +brutalized +brutalizes +brutalizing +brutally +brutalness +brute +bruted +brutedom +brutelike +brutely +bruteness +brutes +brutification +brutified +brutifies +brutify +brutifying +bruting +brutish +brutishly +brutishness +brutism +brutisms +brutter +Brutus +brutus +Bruxelles +bruxism +bruxisms +bruyere +Bruyeres +Bruyn +bruzz +bry- +Bryaceae +bryaceous +Bryales +Bryan +bryan +Bryana +Bryanism +Bryanite +Bryansk +Bryant +Bryanthus +Bryantown +Bryantsville +Bryantville +Bryanty +Bryce +Bryceland +Bryceville +Bryn +Bryna +Brynathyn +bryndza +Bryner +Brynhild +brynhild +Brynmawr +Brynn +Brynna +Brynne +Brynza +brynza +bryogenin +bryological +bryologies +bryologist +bryology +Bryon +bryon +Bryonia +bryonia +bryonidin +bryonies +bryonin +bryony +Bryophyllum +Bryophyta +bryophyta +bryophyte +bryophytes +bryophytic +Bryozoa +bryozoa +bryozoan +bryozoans +bryozoon +bryozoum +brys- +Bryson +Brython +brython +Brythonic +brythonic +Bryum +Brzegiem +B.S. +B/S +BS +b.s. +b/s +bs +BSA +BSAA +BSAdv +BSAE +BSAeE +BSAgE +BSAgr +BSArch +BSArchE +BSArchEng +BSBA +BSBH +BSBus +BSBusMgt +B.Sc. +BSC +BSc +BSCE +BSCh +BSChE +BSchMusic +BSCM +BSCom +B-scope +BSCP +BSD +BSDes +BSDHyg +BSE +BSEc +BSEd +BSEE +BSEEngr +BSElE +BSEM +BSEng +BSEP +BSES +BSF +bsf +BSFM +BSFMgt +BSFS +BSFT +BSGE +BSGeNEd +BSGeolE +BSGMgt +BSGph +bsh +BSHA +B-shaped +BSHE +BSHEc +BSHEd +BSHyg +BSI +BSIE +BSIndEd +BSIndEngr +BSIndMgt +BSIR +BSIT +BSJ +bskt +BSL +Bs/L +BSLabRel +BSLArch +BSLM +BSLS +BSM +BSME +BSMedTech +BSMet +BSMetE +BSMin +BSMT +BSMTP +BSMusEd +BSN +BSNA +BSO +BSOC +BSOrNHort +BSOT +BSP +BSPA +BSPE +BSPH +BSPhar +BSPharm +BSPHN +BSPhTh +BSPT +BSRec +BSRet +BSRFS +BSRT +B.S.S. +BSS +BSSA +BSSc +BSSE +BSSS +BST +BSTIE +BSTJ +BSTrans +BSW +BT +Bt +Bt. +bt +BTAM +BTCh +BTE +BTh +BTHU +BThU +btise +BTL +btl +btl. +BTN +BTO +BTOL +btry +btry. +BTS +B.T.U. +BTU +Btu +btu +BTW +B-type +BU +Bu +bu +bu. +BuAer +bual +buat +Buatti +buaze +Bub +bub +buba +bubal +bubale +bubales +bubaline +Bubalis +bubalis +bubalises +Bubalo +bubals +bubas +Bubastid +Bubastite +Bubb +Bubba +bubba +bubber +bubbies +bubble +bubble-and-squeak +bubble-bow +bubblebow +bubbled +bubbleless +bubblelike +bubblement +bubbler +bubblers +bubbles +bubbletop +bubbletops +bubblier +bubblies +bubbliest +bubbliness +bubbling +bubblingly +bubblish +bubbly +bubbly-jock +bubby +bubbybush +Bube +Buber +bubinga +bubingas +Bubo +bubo +buboed +buboes +Bubona +bubonalgia +bubonic +Bubonidae +bubonocele +bubonoceze +bubos +bubs +bubukle +Bucaramanga +bucare +bucayo +bucca +buccal +buccally +buccan +buccaned +buccaneer +buccaneering +buccaneerish +buccaneers +buccaning +buccanned +buccanning +buccaro +buccate +Buccellarius +bucchero +buccheros +buccin +buccina +buccinae +buccinal +buccinator +buccinatory +Buccinidae +bucciniform +buccinoid +Buccinum +buccinum +Bucco +buccobranchial +buccocervical +buccogingival +buccolabial +buccolingual +bucconasal +Bucconidae +Bucconinae +buccopharyngeal +buccula +bucculae +Bucculatrix +Bucelas +Bucella +bucellas +bucentaur +bucentur +Bucephala +Bucephalus +bucephalus +Buceros +Bucerotes +Bucerotidae +Bucerotinae +Buch +Buchalter +Buchan +Buchanan +buchanan +Buchanite +Bucharest +bucharest +Buchbinder +Buchenwald +Bucher +Buchheim +buchite +Buchloe +Buchman +Buchmanism +Buchmanite +Buchner +Buchnera +buchnerite +buchonite +Buchtel +buchu +Buchwald +Buck +buck +buck-and-wing +buckaroo +buckaroos +buckass +Buckatunna +buckayro +buckayros +buck-bean +buckbean +buckbeans +buckberry +buckboard +buckboards +buckbrush +buckbush +Buckden +bucked +buckeen +buckeens +Buckels +bucker +buckeroo +buckeroos +buckers +bucker-up +bucket +bucketed +bucketeer +bucketer +bucket-eyed +bucketful +bucketfull +bucketfuls +bucketing +bucketmaker +bucketmaking +bucketman +buckets +bucketsful +bucket-shaped +bucket-shop +bucketshop +buckety +buck-eye +buckeye +buck-eyed +buckeyed +buckeyes +Buckeystown +Buckfield +Buckhannon +Buckhead +Buckholts +buck-horn +buckhorn +buck-hound +buckhound +buckhounds +Buckie +buckie +bucking +Buckingham +Buckinghamshire +buckish +buckishly +buckishness +buckism +buck-jump +buckjump +buckjumper +Buckland +buckland +bucklandite +Buckle +buckle +buckle-beggar +buckled +buckleless +Buckler +buckler +bucklered +buckler-fern +buckler-headed +bucklering +bucklers +buckler-shaped +buckles +Buckley +Buckleya +Bucklin +buckling +bucklum +Buckman +buck-mast +Bucknell +Buckner +bucko +buckoes +buck-one +buckone +buck-passing +buckplate +buckpot +buckra +buckram +buckramed +buckraming +buckrams +buckras +Bucks +bucks +bucksaw +bucksaws +bucks-beard +buckshee +buckshees +buck's-horn +buck-shot +buckshot +buckshots +buckskin +buckskinned +buckskins +Bucksport +buck-stall +buckstall +buckstay +buckstone +bucktail +bucktails +buckteeth +buckthorn +buck-tooth +bucktooth +buck-toothed +bucktoothed +bucktooths +bucku +buckwagon +buckwash +buckwasher +buck-washing +buckwashing +buckwheat +buckwheater +buckwheatlike +buckwheats +Bucky +bucky +Bucoda +bucoliast +bucolic +bucolical +bucolically +bucolicism +Bucolics +bucolics +Bucolion +Bucorvinae +Bucorvus +Bucovina +bucrane +bucrania +bucranium +bucrnia +Bucure +Bucuresti +Bucyrus +Bud +bud +Buda +buda +Budapest +budapest +budbreak +Budd +buddage +buddah +Budde +budded +Buddenbrooks +budder +budders +Buddh +Buddha +buddha +Buddha-field +Buddhahood +buddhahood +Buddhaship +buddhi +Buddhic +Buddhism +buddhism +Buddhist +buddhist +Buddhistic +Buddhistical +Buddhistically +buddhists +Buddhological +Buddhology +Buddie +buddie +buddied +buddies +Budding +budding +buddings +buddle +buddled +Buddleia +buddleia +buddleias +buddleman +buddler +buddles +buddling +Buddy +buddy +buddy-boy +buddy-buddy +buddying +Bude +bude +Budennovsk +Budenny +Buderus +Budge +budge +budge-barrel +budged +budger +budgeree +budgereegah +budgerigah +budgerigar +budgerigars +budgero +budgerow +budgers +budgerygah +budges +Budget +budget +budgetary +budgeted +budgeteer +budgeter +budgeters +budgetful +budgeting +budgets +budgie +budgies +budging +budgy +Budh +budless +budlet +budlike +budling +budmash +Budorcas +buds +budtime +Budukha +Buduma +Budweis +Budweiser +Budwig +budwood +budworm +budworms +Budworth +budzart +budzat +Bueche +Buehler +Buehrer +Buell +Buellton +Buena +buenas +Buenaventura +Bueno +bueno +Buenos +buenos +Buerger +Bueschel +Buettneria +Buettneriaceae +Bueyeros +BUF +bufagin +Buff +buff +buffa +buffability +buffable +Buffalo +buffalo +buffaloback +buffaloed +buffaloes +buffalofish +buffalofishes +buffalo-headed +buffaloing +buffalos +buff-backed +buffball +buffbar +buff-bare +buff-breasted +buff-citrine +buffcoat +buff-colored +buffe +buffed +buffer +buffered +Bufferin +buffering +bufferrer +bufferrers +buffers +Buffet +buffet +buffeted +buffeter +buffeters +buffeting +buffetings +buffets +buffi +buffier +buffiest +buffin +buffing +buffle +bufflehead +buffle-headed +buffleheaded +bufflehorn +Buffo +buffo +Buffon +buffone +buffont +buffoon +buffooneries +buffoonery +buffoonesque +buffoonish +buffoonishness +buffoonism +buffoons +buff-orange +buffos +buffs +buff-tipped +Buffum +buffware +buff-washed +Buffy +buffy +buff-yellow +bufidin +bufo +bufonid +Bufonidae +bufonite +Buford +bufotalin +bufotenin +bufotenine +bufotoxin +Bug +bug +bugaboo +bugaboos +bugala +bugan +Buganda +bugara +Bugas +Bugayev +bugbane +bugbanes +bugbear +bugbeardom +bugbearish +bugbears +Bugbee +bugbite +bugdom +bugeye +bug-eyed +bugeyed +bug-eyes +bugeyes +bugfish +buggane +bugged +bugger +buggered +buggeries +buggering +buggers +buggery +buggess +buggier +buggies +buggiest +bugginess +bugging +buggy +buggyman +buggymen +bughead +bughouse +bughouses +bught +Bugi +Buginese +Buginvillaea +bug-juice +bugle +bugled +bugle-horn +bugler +buglers +bugles +buglet +bugle-weed +bugleweed +buglewort +bugling +bugloss +buglosses +bugologist +bugology +bugong +bugout +bugproof +bugre +bugs +bugseed +bugseeds +bugsha +bugshas +bugweed +bug-word +bugwort +Buhl +buhl +buhlbuhl +Buhler +buhls +buhlwork +buhlworks +buhr +buhrmill +buhrs +buhrstone +Bui +Buia +buibui +Buick +buick +buicks +build +buildable +builded +builder +builders +building +buildingless +buildings +buildress +builds +build-up +buildup +buildups +built +built-in +builtin +built-up +Buine +buirdly +Buiron +Buisson +buisson +buist +Buitenzorg +Bujumbura +Buka +Bukat +Bukavu +Buke +Bukeyef +bukh +Bukhara +Bukharin +Bukidnon +Bukittinggi +bukk- +Bukovina +bukshee +bukshi +Bukum +Bul +bul +bul. +Bula +Bulacan +bulak +Bulan +Bulanda +Bulawayo +bulb +bulbaceous +bulbar +bulbed +bulbel +bulbels +bulbier +bulbiest +bulbiferous +bulbiform +bulbil +Bulbilis +bulbilla +bulbils +bulbine +bulbless +bulblet +bulblets +bulblike +bulbo- +bulbocapnin +bulbocapnine +bulbocavernosus +bulbocavernous +Bulbochaete +Bulbocodium +bulbomedullary +bulbomembranous +bulbonuclear +Bulbophyllum +bulborectal +bulbose +bulbospinal +bulbotuber +bulbo-urethral +bulbourethral +bulbous +bulbously +bulbous-rooted +bulbs +bulb-tee +bulbul +bulbule +bulbuls +bulbus +bulby +bulchin +bulder +Bulfinch +Bulg +Bulg. +Bulganin +Bulgar +bulgar +Bulgari +Bulgaria +bulgaria +Bulgarian +bulgarian +bulgarians +Bulgaric +Bulgarophil +Bulge +bulge +bulged +Bulger +bulger +bulgers +bulges +bulgier +bulgiest +bulginess +bulging +bulgingly +bulgur +bulgurs +bulgy +bulies +bulimia +bulimiac +bulimias +bulimic +bulimiform +bulimoid +Bulimulidae +Bulimus +bulimus +bulimy +bulk +bulkage +bulkages +bulked +bulker +bulkhead +bulkheaded +bulkheading +bulkheads +bulkier +bulkiest +bulkily +bulkin +bulkiness +bulking +bulkish +bulk-pile +bulks +bulky +Bull +bull +bull- +bull. +bulla +bullace +bullaces +bullae +bullalaria +bullamacow +bullan +Bullard +bullaria +bullaries +bullarium +bullary +bullate +bullated +bullation +bullback +bull-bait +bull-baiter +bull-baiting +bullbaiting +bullbat +bullbats +bull-bearing +bull-beggar +bullbeggar +bullberry +bullbird +bull-bitch +bullboat +bull-bragging +bull-browed +bullcart +bullcomber +bull-dog +bulldog +bulldogged +bulldoggedness +bulldogger +bulldogging +bulldoggish +bulldoggishly +bulldoggishness +bulldoggy +bulldogism +bulldogs +bull-dose +bulldoze +bulldozed +bulldozer +bulldozers +bulldozes +bulldozing +bulldust +bulled +Bullen +bullen-bullen +Buller +buller +bullescene +bullet +bulleted +bullet-head +bullethead +bulletheaded +bulletheadedness +bullet-hole +bulletin +bulletined +bulleting +bulletining +bulletins +bulletless +bulletlike +bulletmaker +bulletmaking +bulletproof +bulletproofed +bulletproofing +bulletproofs +bullets +bulletwood +bullety +Bulley +bull-faced +bullfeast +bullfice +bull-fight +bullfight +bullfighter +bullfighters +bullfighting +bullfights +bullfinch +bullfinches +bullfist +bullflower +bullfoot +bull-frog +bullfrog +bullfrogs +bull-fronted +bullgine +bull-god +bull-grip +bullhead +bull-headed +bullheaded +bullheadedly +bullheadedness +bullheads +bullhide +bullhoof +bull-horn +bullhorn +bullhorns +Bullialdus +Bullidae +bullied +bullier +bullies +bulliest +bulliform +bullimong +bulling +Bullion +bullion +bullionism +bullionist +bullionless +bullions +Bullis +bullish +bullishly +bullishness +bullism +bullit +bullition +Bullitt +Bullivant +bull-like +bulllike +bull-man +bull-mastiff +bull-mouthed +bullneck +bull-necked +bullnecked +bullnecks +bullnose +bull-nosed +bullnoses +bullnut +Bullock +bullock +bullocker +Bullockite +bullockman +bullocks +bullock's-heart +bullocky +Bullom +bullose +Bullough +bullous +bullpates +bullpen +bullpens +bullpoll +bullpout +bullpouts +Bullpup +bullpup +bullragged +bullragging +bullring +bullrings +bull-roarer +bullroarer +bull-roaring +bull-run +bull-running +bullrush +bullrushes +bulls +bull's-eye +bullseye +bull's-eyed +bull's-eyes +bullshit +bullshits +bullshitted +bullshitting +Bullshoals +bullshot +bullshots +bullskin +bullsnake +bullsticker +bullsucker +bullswool +bull-terrier +bullterrier +bulltoad +bull-tongue +bull-tongued +bull-tonguing +bull-trout +bullule +Bullville +bull-voiced +bullweed +bullweeds +bull-whack +bullwhack +bullwhacker +bull-whip +bullwhip +bullwhipped +bullwhipping +bullwhips +bullwork +bullwort +Bully +bully +bullyable +bullyboy +bullyboys +bullydom +bullyhuff +bullying +bullyingly +bullyism +bully-off +bullyrag +bullyragged +bullyragger +bullyragging +bullyrags +bully-rock +bullyrock +bullyrook +Bulmer +bulnbuln +Bulolo +Bulow +Bulpitt +bulreedy +bulrush +bulrushes +bulrushlike +bulrushy +bulse +bult +bultell +bulten +bulter +bultey +Bultman +Bultmann +bultong +bultow +bulwand +bulwark +bulwarked +bulwarking +bulwarks +Bulwer +Bulwer-Lytton +Bum +bum +bum- +bumaloe +bumaree +bumbailiff +bumbailiffship +bumbard +bumbarge +bumbass +bumbaste +bumbaze +bumbee +bumbelo +bumbershoot +bumble +bumble-bee +bumblebee +bumblebeefish +bumblebeefishes +bumblebees +bumbleberry +bumblebomb +bumbled +Bumbledom +bumbledom +bumblefoot +bumblekite +bumble-puppy +bumblepuppy +bumbler +bumblers +bumbles +bumbling +bumblingly +bumblingness +bumblings +bumbo +bumboat +bumboatman +bumboatmen +bumboats +bumboatwoman +bumclock +Bumelia +bumf +bumfeg +bumfs +bumfuzzle +Bumgardner +bumicky +bumkin +bumkins +bummack +bummalo +bummalos +bummaree +bummed +bummel +bummer +bummerish +bummers +bummery +bummest +bummie +bummil +bumming +bummle +bummler +bummock +bump +bumped +bumpee +bumper +bumpered +bumperette +bumpering +bumpers +bumph +bumphs +bumpier +bumpiest +bumpily +bumpiness +bumping +bumpingly +bumping-off +bumpity +bumpkin +bumpkinet +bumpkinish +bumpkinly +bumpkins +bump-off +bumpoff +bumpology +bumps +bump-start +bumpsy +bumptious +bumptiously +bumptiousness +bumpy +bums +bumsucking +bumtrap +bumwood +bun +Buna +buna +Bunaea +buncal +Bunce +bunce +Bunceton +Bunch +bunch +bunch-backed +bunchbacked +bunchberries +bunchberry +Bunche +bunched +buncher +bunches +bunchflower +bunchier +bunchiest +bunchily +bunchiness +bunching +bunch-word +bunchy +bunco +buncoed +buncoing +Buncombe +buncombe +buncombes +buncos +Bund +bund +Bunda +Bundaberg +Bundahish +Bunde +Bundeli +Bundelkhand +Bunder +bunder +Bundesrat +Bundesrath +Bundestag +bundh +bundies +Bundist +bundist +bundists +bundle +bundled +bundler +bundle-rooted +bundlerooted +bundlers +bundles +bundlet +bundling +bundlings +bundobust +bundoc +bundocks +bundook +Bundoora +bunds +bundt +bundts +Bundu +bundu +bundweed +Bundy +bundy +bunemost +bung +Bunga +bungaloid +bungalow +bungalows +bungarum +Bungarus +bunged +bungee +bunger +bungerly +bungey +bungfu +bung-full +bungfull +bunghole +bungholes +bunging +bungle +bungled +bungler +bunglers +bungles +bunglesome +bungling +bunglingly +bunglings +bungmaker +bungo +bungos +bungs +bungstarter +bungtown +bungwall +bungy +Bunia +Bunin +Buninahua +bunion +bunions +bunjara +bunji-bunji +bunk +bunked +Bunker +bunker +bunkerage +bunkered +bunkering +bunkerman +bunkermen +bunkers +Bunkerville +bunkery +bunkhouse +bunkhouses +Bunkie +bunkie +bunking +bunkload +bunkmate +bunkmates +bunko +bunkoed +bunkoing +bunkos +bunks +bunkum +bunkums +Bunky +bunky +Bunn +bunn +Bunnell +bunnell +Bunni +bunnia +Bunnie +bunnies +bunning +Bunns +bunns +Bunny +bunny +bunnymouth +bunodont +Bunodonta +Bunola +bunolophodont +Bunomastodontidae +bunoselenodont +Bunow +bunraku +bunrakus +buns +Bunsen +bunsen +bunsenite +bunt +buntal +bunted +Bunter +bunter +bunters +buntine +Bunting +bunting +buntings +buntline +buntlines +bunton +bunts +bunty +Bunuel +bunuelo +Bunus +bunya +bunya-bunya +bunyah +Bunyan +bunyan +Bunyanesque +bunyas +bunyip +Bunyoro +buonamani +buonamano +Buonaparte +Buonarroti +Buonomo +Buononcini +Buote +buoy +buoyage +buoyages +buoyance +buoyances +buoyancies +buoyancy +buoyant +buoyantly +buoyantness +buoyed +buoyed-up +buoying +buoys +buoy-tender +Buphaga +Buphagus +Buphonia +buphthalmia +buphthalmic +buphthalmos +Buphthalmum +bupleurol +Bupleurum +buplever +buprestid +Buprestidae +buprestidan +Buprestis +buprestis +buqsha +buqshas +BUR +Bur +Bur. +bur +bura +Burack +Buran +buran +burans +burao +Buraq +Buras +buras +Burayan +Buraydah +Burbage +Burbank +burbank +burbankian +Burbankism +burbark +Burberries +Burberry +burberry +burble +burbled +burbler +burblers +burbles +burblier +burbliest +burbling +burbly +burbolt +burbot +burbots +burbs +burbush +Burch +Burchard +Burchett +Burchfield +Burck +Burckhardt +Burd +burd +burd-alone +burdalone +burdash +Burdelle +burden +burdenable +burdened +burdener +burdeners +burdening +burdenless +burdenous +burdens +burdensome +burdensomely +burdensomeness +Burdett +Burdette +Burdick +burdie +burdies +Burdigalian +Burdine +burdock +burdocks +burdon +burds +Bure +bure +bureau +bureaucracies +bureaucracy +bureaucrat +bureaucratese +bureaucratic +bureaucratical +bureaucratically +bureaucratism +bureaucratist +bureaucratization +bureaucratize +bureaucratized +bureaucratizes +bureaucratizing +bureaucrats +bureaus +bureaux +burel +burelage +burele +burelle +burelly +burely +Buren +buret +burets +burette +burettes +burez +burfish +Burford +Burfordville +Burg +burg +burga +burgage +burgages +burgality +burgall +burgamot +burganet +Burgas +burgau +burgaudine +Burgaw +burg-bryce +burge +burgee +burgees +Burgener +Burgenland +burgensic +burgeon +burgeoned +burgeoning +burgeons +Burger +burger +burgers +Burgess +burgess +burgessdom +burgesses +burgess-ship +Burget +Burgettstown +burggrave +burgh +burghal +burghal-penny +burghalpenny +burghbote +burghemot +burgh-english +burgher +burgherage +burgherdom +burgheress +burgherhood +burgheristh +burghermaster +burghers +burghership +Burghley +burghmaster +burghmoot +burghmote +burghs +Burgin +burglar +burglaries +burglarious +burglariously +burglarise +burglarised +burglarising +burglarize +burglarized +burglarizes +burglarizing +burglarproof +burglarproofed +burglarproofing +burglarproofs +burglars +burglary +burgle +burgled +burgles +burgling +burgomaster +burgomasters +burgomastership +burgonet +burgonets +burgoo +Burgoon +burgoos +Burgos +burgout +burgouts +Burgoyne +burgoyne +burgrave +burgraves +burgraviate +burgs +burgul +burgullian +Burgundian +burgundian +Burgundies +burgundies +Burgundy +burgundy +burgus +burgware +Burgwell +burgwere +burh +Burhans +burhead +burhel +Burhinidae +Burhinus +burhmoot +Buri +buri +buriable +burial +burial-ground +burial-place +burials +burian +Buriat +buried +buriels +burier +buriers +buries +burin +burinist +burins +burion +buriti +Burk +burk +burka +Burkburnett +Burke +burke +burked +burkei +burker +burkers +burkes +Burkesville +Burket +Burkett +Burkettsville +Burkeville +burkha +Burkhard +Burkhardt +Burkhart +burking +burkite +burkites +Burkitt +Burkittsville +Burkle +Burkley +burkundauze +burkundaz +Burkville +Burl +burl +burlace +burladero +burlap +burlaps +burlecue +burled +Burleigh +burler +burlers +burlesk +burlesks +Burleson +burlesque +burlesqued +burlesquely +burlesquer +burlesques +burlesquing +burlet +burletta +Burley +burley +burleycue +burleys +Burlie +burlier +burlies +burliest +burlily +burliness +burling +Burlingame +Burlingham +Burlington +Burlison +burls +burly +burly-boned +burly-faced +burly-headed +Burma +burma +Burman +Burmannia +Burmanniaceae +burmanniaceous +Burmans +Burmese +burmese +burmite +Burmo-chinese +Burn +burn +burn- +Burna +burnable +Burnaby +Burnard +burn-beat +burnbeat +Burne +burned +burned-out +burned-over +Burne-Jones +Burner +burner +burner-off +burners +Burnet +burnet +burnetize +burnets +Burnett +burnettize +burnettized +burnettizing +Burnettsville +burnewin +Burney +Burneyville +burnfire +Burnham +Burnie +burnie +burniebee +burnies +Burnight +burning +burning-bush +burning-glass +burningly +burnings +burning-wood +Burnips +burnish +burnishable +burnished +burnished-gold +burnisher +burnishers +burnishes +burnishing +burnishment +Burnley +burn-nose +burnoose +burnoosed +burnooses +burnous +burnoused +burnouses +burnout +burnouts +burnover +Burns +burns +Burnsed +Burnsian +Burnside +burnside +burnsides +Burnsville +burnt +burnt-child +Burntcorn +burn-the-wind +burntly +burntness +burnt-out +burnt-umber +burnt-up +burntweed +burn-up +burnup +burnut +burnweed +Burnwell +burnwood +Burny +burny +buro +Buroker +buroo +BURP +burp +burped +burping +burps +Burr +burr +Burra +burrah +burras-pipe +burratine +burrawang +burrbark +burred +burree +bur-reed +burrel +burrel-fly +Burrell +burrel-shot +burrer +burrers +burrfish +burrfishes +burrgrailer +burrhead +burrheaded +burrheadedness +burrhel +burrier +burriest +Burrill +burring +burrio +Burris +burrish +burrito +burritos +burrknot +burro +burro-back +burrobrush +burrock +burros +Burroughs +burroughs +Burrow +burrow +burrow-duck +burrowed +burroweed +burrower +burrowers +burrowing +Burrows +burrows +burrows-town +burrowstown +burr-pump +burrs +burr-stone +burrstone +Burrton +Burrus +burry +burs +Bursa +bursa +bursae +bursal +bursar +bursarial +bursaries +bursars +bursarship +bursary +bursas +bursate +bursati +bursattee +bursautee +bursch +Burschenschaft +Burschenschaften +burse +bursectomy +burseed +burseeds +Bursera +bursera +Burseraceae +Burseraceous +burseraceous +burses +bursicle +bursiculate +bursiform +bursitis +bursitises +bursitos +Burson +burst +burst-cow +bursted +burster +bursters +burstiness +bursting +burstone +burstones +bursts +burstwort +bursty +bursula +Burt +burt +Burta +burthen +burthened +burthening +burthenman +burthens +burthensome +Burtie +Burtis +Burton +burton +burtonization +burtonize +burtons +Burtonsville +Burton-upon-Trent +burtree +Burtrum +Burtt +Burty +burucha +Burundi +burundi +burundians +Burushaski +Burut +burweed +burweeds +Burwell +Bury +bury +Buryat +Buryats +burying +burying-ground +burying-place +burys +BUS +bus +bus. +Busaos +busbar +busbars +busbies +busboy +busboys +Busby +busby +buscarl +buscarle +Busch +Buschi +Busching +Buseck +bused +busera +buses +Busey +Bush +bush +bushbaby +bushbashing +bushbeater +bushbeck +bushbodies +bushbody +bushboy +bushbuck +bushbucks +bushcraft +bushed +Bushel +bushel +bushelage +bushelbasket +busheled +busheler +bushelers +bushelful +bushelfuls +busheling +bushelled +busheller +bushelling +bushelman +bushelmen +bushels +bushelwoman +busher +bushers +bushes +bushet +Bushey +bush-fighter +bushfighter +bushfighting +bushfire +bushfires +bushful +bushgoat +bushgoats +bushgrass +bush-grown +bush-haired +bush-hammer +bushhammer +bush-harrow +bush-head +bush-headed +bushi +Bushido +bushido +bushidos +bushie +bushier +bushiest +bushily +bushiness +bushing +bushings +Bushire +Bushkill +Bushland +bushland +bushlands +bush-league +bushless +bushlet +bushlike +bushmaker +bushmaking +Bushman +bushman +bushmanship +bushmaster +bushmasters +bushmen +bushment +Bushnell +Bushongo +Bushore +bushpig +bush-ranger +bushranger +bushranging +bush-rope +bushrope +bush-shrike +bush-skirted +bush-tailed +bushtit +bushtits +Bushton +Bushveld +bushveld +bushwa +bushwack +bushwah +bushwahs +bushwalking +bushwas +Bushweller +bushwhack +bushwhacked +bushwhacker +bushwhackers +bushwhacking +bushwhacks +bushwife +bushwoman +Bushwood +bushwood +bushy +bushy-bearded +bushy-browed +bushy-eared +bushy-haired +bushy-headed +bushy-legged +bushy-tailed +bushy-whiskered +bushy-wigged +busied +Busiek +busier +busies +busiest +busily +busine +business +businesses +businessese +businesslike +businesslikeness +businessman +businessmen +businesswoman +businesswomen +busing +busings +Busiris +busk +busked +busker +buskers +busket +buskin +buskined +busking +buskins +Buskirk +buskle +busks +Buskus +busky +busload +busman +busmen +Busoni +Busra +Busrah +buss +bussed +busser +busser-in +busses +Bussey +bussing +bussings +bussock +bussu +Bussy +bussy +Bust +bust +bustard +bustards +busted +bustee +Buster +buster +busters +busthead +busti +bustian +bustic +busticate +bustics +bustier +bustiers +bustiest +busting +bustle +bustled +bustler +bustlers +bustles +bustling +bustlingly +busto +busts +bust-up +busty +busulfan +busulfans +busuuti +busway +busy +busybodied +busybodies +busybody +busybodyish +busybodyism +busybodyness +busy-brained +Busycon +busy-fingered +busyhead +busy-headed +busy-idle +busying +busyish +busyness +busynesses +busy-tongued +busywork +busyworks +BUT +but +but- +butacaine +butadiene +butadiyne +butanal +but-and-ben +butane +butanes +butanoic +butanol +butanolid +butanolide +butanols +butanone +butanones +butat +Butazolidin +Butch +butch +butcha +Butcher +butcher +butcher-bird +butcherbird +butcherbroom +butcherdom +butchered +butcherer +butcheress +butcheries +butchering +butcherless +butcherliness +butcherly +butcherous +butcher-row +butchers +butcher's-broom +butchery +butches +Bute +Butea +butein +Butenandt +but-end +butene +butenes +butenyl +Buteo +buteo +buteonine +buteos +Butes +Buteshire +butic +butin +butine +butle +butled +Butler +butler +butlerage +butlerdom +butleress +butleries +butlerism +butlerlike +butlers +butlership +Butlerville +butlery +butles +butling +butment +Butner +butolism +Butomaceae +butomaceous +Butomus +butoxy +butoxyl +buts +buts-and-bens +Butsu +butsudan +Butt +butt +Butta +buttal +buttals +Buttaro +Butte +butte +butted +butter +butteraceous +butter-and-eggs +butterback +butterball +butterbill +butter-billed +butterbird +butterboat-bill +butterboat-billed +butterbough +butter-box +butterbox +butter-bump +butterbump +butterbur +butterburr +butterbush +butter-colored +buttercup +buttercups +butter-cutting +buttered +butterer +butterers +butterfat +butterfats +Butterfield +butter-fingered +butterfingered +butterfingers +butterfish +butterfishes +butterflied +butterflies +butterflower +butterfly +butterflyer +butterflyfish +butterflyfishes +butterfly-flower +butterflying +butterflylike +butterfly-pea +butterhead +butterier +butteries +butteriest +butterine +butteriness +buttering +butteris +butterjags +butterless +butterlike +buttermaker +buttermaking +butterman +Buttermere +buttermilk +buttermonger +buttermouth +butter-mouthed +butternose +butter-nut +butternut +butternuts +butterpaste +butter-print +butter-rigged +butterroot +butter-rose +Butters +butters +butterscotch +butterscotches +butter-smooth +butter-toothed +butterweed +butterwife +butterwoman +butterworker +butterwort +Butterworth +butterwright +buttery +butteryfingered +buttes +buttgenbachite +butt-headed +butties +butt-in +butting +butting-in +butting-joint +buttinski +buttinskies +buttinsky +buttle +buttled +buttling +buttock +buttocked +buttocker +buttocks +Button +button +buttonball +buttonbur +buttonbush +button-covering +button-down +button-eared +buttoned +buttoner +buttoners +buttoner-up +button-fastening +button-headed +button-hold +buttonhold +button-holder +buttonholder +button-hole +buttonhole +buttonholed +buttonholer +buttonholes +buttonholing +buttonhook +buttoning +buttonless +buttonlike +buttonmold +buttonmould +buttons +button-sewing +button-shaped +button-slitting +button-tufting +buttonweed +Buttonwillow +buttonwood +buttony +buttress +buttressed +buttresses +buttressing +buttressless +buttresslike +Buttrick +butts +butt-stock +buttstock +buttstrap +buttstrapped +buttstrapping +buttwoman +buttwomen +buttwood +butty +buttyman +Buttzville +Butung +butut +bututs +Butyl +butyl +butylamine +butylate +butylated +butylates +butylating +butylation +butyl-chloral +butylene +butylenes +butylic +butyls +Butyn +butyne +butyr +butyr- +butyraceous +butyral +butyraldehyde +butyrals +butyrate +butyrates +butyric +butyrically +butyrin +butyrinase +butyrins +butyro- +butyrochloral +butyrolactone +butyrometer +butyrometric +butyrone +butyrous +butyrousness +butyryl +butyryls +Butzbach +buvette +Buxaceae +buxaceous +Buxbaumia +Buxbaumiaceae +buxeous +buxerries +buxerry +buxine +buxom +buxomer +buxomest +buxomly +buxomness +Buxtehude +Buxton +Buxus +buy +buyable +buyback +buybacks +Buyer +buyer +Buyers +buyers +Buyides +buying +buyout +buyouts +buys +Buyse +buz +buzane +buzuki +buzukia +buzukis +buzylene +Buzz +buzz +Buzzard +buzzard +buzzardlike +buzzardly +buzzards +buzzbomb +buzzed +Buzzell +buzzer +buzzerphone +buzzers +buzzes +buzzgloak +buzzier +buzzies +buzziest +buzzing +buzzingly +buzzle +buzzsaw +buzzwig +buzzwigs +buzzword +buzzwords +buzzy +B.V. +BV +bv +BVA +BVC +BVD +BVDs +BVE +B.V.M. +BVM +bvt +BVY +B/W +BW +bwana +bwanas +BWC +BWG +BWI +BWM +BWR +BWT +BWTS +BWV +BX +bx +bx. +bxs +-by +by +by- +by-alley +by-altar +Byam +by-and-by +by-and-large +byard +Byars +Bybee +by-bid +by-bidder +by-bidding +Byblidaceae +Byblis +Byblos +by-blow +by-boat +by-channel +by-child +by-chop +by-cock +bycoket +by-common +by-corner +by-day +by-dependency +by-design +Bydgoszcz +by-doing +by-doingby-drinking +by-drinking +by-dweller +bye +bye-blow +bye-bye +bye-byes +byee +bye-election +by-effect +byegaein +byelaw +byelaws +by-election +Byelgorod-Dnestrovski +Byelorussia +byelorussia +Byelorussian +byelorussian +byelorussians +Byelostok +Byelovo +bye-low +byeman +by-end +byepath +byerite +byerlite +Byers +byes +bye-stake +byestreet +Byesville +bye-turn +bye-water +bye-wood +byeworker +byeworkman +by-fellow +by-fellowship +Byfield +by-form +bygane +byganging +bygo +bygoing +by-gold +bygone +bygones +Byhalia +byhand +by-hour +by-interest +by-issue +by-job +by-land +byland +bylander +by-lane +Bylas +by-law +bylaw +bylawman +bylaws +by-lead +Byler +bylina +by-line +byline +bylined +byliner +byliners +bylines +bylining +byliny +by-live +by-matter +by-motive +by-name +byname +bynames +bynedestin +Byng +Bynin +bynin +Bynum +BYO +by-office +byon +byordinar +byordinary +byous +byously +byp +by-pass +bypass +by-passage +by-passed +bypassed +by-passer +bypasser +bypasses +by-passing +bypassing +by-past +bypast +by-path +bypath +by-paths +bypaths +by-place +byplace +by-play +byplay +byplays +by-plot +Bypro +by-product +byproduct +byproducts +by-purpose +Byram +Byran +Byrann +Byrd +Byrdie +Byrdstown +byre +by-reaction +byre-man +byreman +byre-men +byres +by-respect +by-result +byrewards +byrewoman +Byrgius +Byrl +byrl +byrlady +byrlakin +byrlaw +byrlawman +byrlawmen +Byrle +byrled +byrling +byrls +Byrn +Byrne +Byrnedale +Byrnes +byrnie +byrnies +by-road +byroad +byroads +Byrom +Byromville +Byron +byron +Byronesque +Byronian +Byroniana +Byronic +byronic +Byronically +Byronics +Byronish +Byronism +Byronist +Byronite +Byronize +by-room +by-route +Byrrh +byrri +byrrus +Byrsonima +byrthynsak +bys +Bysacki +bysen +by-sitter +bysmalith +by-speech +by-spel +byspell +byss +byssaceous +byssal +Bysshe +byssi +byssiferous +byssin +byssine +Byssinosis +byssinosis +byssogenous +byssoid +byssolite +byssus +byssuses +by-stake +bystander +bystanders +by-street +bystreet +bystreets +by-stroke +by-talk +bytalk +bytalks +byte +by-term +bytes +byth +by-the-bye +by-the-way +by-thing +by-throw +by-thrust +by-time +bytime +Bytom +by-tone +bytownite +bytownitite +by-track +by-trail +by-turning +BYU +by-view +by-walk +bywalk +bywalker +by-walking +bywalking +byward +by-wash +by-water +Bywaters +by-way +byway +byways +by-west +by-wipe +bywoner +by-wood +Bywoods +by-word +byword +bywords +by-work +bywork +byworks +by-your-leave +Byz +Byz. +byzant +Byzantian +byzantian +Byzantine +byzantine +Byzantinesque +Byzantinism +Byzantinize +Byzantium +byzantium +byzants +Byzas +Bz +bz +Bziers +&c +C +C. +c +c. +c/- +C3 +C.A. +C/A +CA +Ca +ca +ca' +ca. +CAA +Caaba +caaba +caam +caama +caaming +Caanthus +caapeba +caatinga +CAB +cab +caba +cabaa +cabaan +caback +Cabaeus +cabaho +Cabal +cabal +cabala +cabalas +cabalassou +cabaletta +cabalic +cabalism +cabalisms +cabalist +cabalistic +cabalistical +cabalistically +cabalists +Caball +caball +caballed +caballer +caballeria +caballero +caballeros +caballine +caballing +Caballo +caballo +caballos +cabals +caban +cabana +cabanas +Cabanatuan +cabane +Cabanis +cabaret +cabaretier +cabarets +cabas +cabasa +cabasset +cabassou +Cabazon +cabbage +cabbaged +cabbagehead +cabbageheaded +cabbageheadedness +cabbagelike +cabbages +cabbagetown +cabbage-tree +cabbagewood +cabbageworm +cabbaging +cabbagy +cabbala +cabbalah +cabbalahs +cabbalas +cabbalism +cabbalist +cabbalistic +cabbalistical +cabbalistically +cabbalize +cabbed +cabber +cabbie +cabbies +cabbing +cabble +cabbled +cabbler +cabbling +cabby +cabda +cabdriver +cabdriving +Cabe +cabecera +cabecudo +Cabeiri +cabeliau +Cabell +cabellerote +caber +Cabernet +cabernet +cabernets +cabers +Cabery +cabestro +cabestros +Cabet +cabezon +cabezone +cabezones +cabezons +cabful +cabiai +cabildo +cabildos +cabilliau +Cabimas +cabin +cabin-class +Cabinda +cabined +cabinet +cabineted +cabineting +cabinetmake +cabinet-maker +cabinetmaker +cabinetmakers +cabinetmaking +cabinetmakings +cabinetry +cabinets +cabinetted +cabinetwork +cabinetworker +cabinetworking +cabinetworks +cabining +cabinlike +Cabins +cabins +cabio +Cabirean +Cabiri +Cabiria +Cabirian +Cabiric +Cabiritic +Cable +cable +cable-car +cablecast +cabled +cablegram +cablegrams +cable-laid +cablelaid +cableless +cablelike +cableman +cablemen +cabler +cables +cablese +cable-stitch +cablet +cablets +cableway +cableways +cabling +cablish +cabman +cabmen +cabob +cabobs +caboceer +caboche +caboched +cabochon +cabochons +cabocle +caboclo +caboclos +Cabomba +cabomba +Cabombaceae +cabombas +caboodle +caboodles +cabook +Cabool +caboose +cabooses +Caborojo +caboshed +cabossed +Cabot +cabot +cabotage +cabotages +cabotin +cabotinage +cabots +cabouca +Cabral +cabre +cabree +Cabrera +cabrerite +cabresta +cabrestas +cabresto +cabrestos +cabret +cabretta +cabrettas +cabreuva +cabrie +cabrilla +cabrillas +Cabrini +cabriole +cabrioles +cabriolet +cabriolets +cabrit +cabrito +CABS +cabs +cabstand +cabstands +cabuja +cabulla +cabureiba +caburn +cabuya +cabuyas +CAC +cac- +Caca +ca-ca +caca +cacaesthesia +cacafuego +cacafugo +Cacajao +Cacak +Cacalia +cacam +Cacan +Cacana +cacanapa +ca'canny +cacanthrax +cacao +cacaos +Cacara +cacas +Cacatua +Cacatuidae +Cacatuinae +cacaxte +Caccabis +caccagogue +caccia +caccias +cacciatora +cacciatore +Caccini +Cacciocavallo +cace +cacei +cacemphaton +cacesthesia +cacesthesis +cachaca +cachaemia +cachaemic +cachalot +cachalote +cachalots +cachaza +cache +cache-cache +cachectic +cachectical +cached +cachemia +cachemic +cachepot +cachepots +caches +cachespell +cachet +cacheted +cachetic +cacheting +cachets +cachexia +cachexias +cachexic +cachexies +cachexy +cachibou +cachila +cachimailla +cachina +cachinate +caching +cachinnate +cachinnated +cachinnating +cachinnation +cachinnator +cachinnatory +cachoeira +cacholong +cachot +cachou +cachous +cachrys +cachua +cachucha +cachuchas +cachucho +cachunde +caci +Cacia +Cacicus +cacidrosis +Cacie +Cacilia +Cacilie +cacimbo +cacimbos +caciocavallo +cacique +caciques +caciqueship +caciquism +cack +Cacka +cacked +cackerel +cack-handed +cacking +cackle +cackled +cackler +cacklers +cackles +cackling +cacks +CACM +caco- +cacocholia +cacochroia +cacochylia +cacochymia +cacochymic +cacochymical +cacochymy +cacocnemia +cacodaemon +cacodaemoniac +cacodaemonial +cacodaemonic +cacodemon +cacodemonia +cacodemoniac +cacodemonial +cacodemonic +cacodemonize +cacodemonomania +cacodontia +cacodorous +cacodoxian +cacodoxical +cacodoxy +cacodyl +cacodylate +cacodylic +cacodyls +cacoeconomy +cacoenthes +cacoepist +cacoepistic +cacoepy +cacoethes +cacoethic +cacogalactia +cacogastric +cacogenesis +cacogenic +cacogenics +cacogeusia +cacoglossia +cacographer +cacographic +cacographical +cacography +cacolet +cacolike +cacological +cacology +cacomagician +cacomelia +cacomistle +cacomixl +cacomixle +cacomixls +cacomorphia +cacomorphosis +caconychia +caconym +caconymic +cacoon +cacopathy +cacopharyngia +cacophonia +cacophonic +cacophonical +cacophonically +cacophonies +cacophonist +cacophonists +cacophonize +cacophonous +cacophonously +cacophony +cacophthalmia +cacoplasia +cacoplastic +cacoproctia +cacorhythmic +cacorrhachis +cacorrhinia +cacosmia +cacospermia +cacosplanchnia +cacostomia +cacothansia +cacothelin +cacotheline +cacothes +cacothesis +cacothymia +cacotopia +cacotrichia +cacotrophia +cacotrophic +cacotrophy +cacotype +cacoxene +cacoxenite +caco-zeal +cacozeal +cacozealous +cacozyme +cacqueteuse +cacqueteuses +Cactaceae +cactaceous +cactal +Cactales +cacti +cactiform +cactoid +Cactus +cactus +cactuses +cactuslike +cacumen +cacuminal +cacuminate +cacumination +cacuminous +cacur +Cacus +CAD +Cad +cad +Cadal +cadalene +cadamba +cadaster +cadasters +cadastral +cadastrally +cadastration +cadastre +cadastres +cadaver +cadaveric +cadaverin +cadaverine +cadaverize +cadaverous +cadaverously +cadaverousness +cadavers +cadbait +cadbit +cadbote +CADD +Caddaric +cadded +caddesse +caddice +caddiced +caddicefly +caddices +Caddie +caddie +caddied +caddies +caddiing +cadding +caddis +caddised +caddises +caddisflies +caddisfly +caddish +caddishly +caddishness +caddishnesses +caddisworm +caddle +Caddo +Caddoan +caddow +Caddric +caddy +caddying +-cade +Cade +cade +cadeau +cadee +Cadel +Cadell +cadelle +cadelles +Cadena +Cadence +cadence +cadenced +cadences +cadencies +cadencing +cadency +cadenette +cadent +cadential +Cadenza +cadenza +cadenzas +cader +caderas +cadere +Cades +cades +cadesse +Cadet +cadet +cadetcy +cadets +cadetship +cadette +cadettes +cadew +cadge +cadged +cadger +cadgers +cadges +cadgily +cadginess +cadging +cadgy +cadi +cadie +cadilesker +Cadillac +cadillac +cadillacs +cadillo +cadinene +cadis +cadish +cadism +cadiueio +Cadiz +cadjan +cadlock +Cadman +Cadmann +Cadmar +Cadmarr +Cadmean +cadmean +cadmia +cadmic +cadmide +cadmiferous +cadmium +cadmiumize +cadmiums +Cadmopone +Cadmus +cadmus +Cadogan +Cadorna +cados +Cadott +cadouk +cadrans +cadre +cadres +cads +cadua +caduac +caduca +caducary +caducean +caducecaducean +caducecei +caducei +caduceus +caduciaries +caduciary +caducibranch +Caducibranchiata +caducibranchiate +caducicorn +caducities +caducity +caducous +caduke +cadus +CADV +Cadwal +Cadwallader +cadweed +Cadwell +cadwell +Cady +cady +cadying +Cadyville +Cadzand +CAE +cae- +caeca +caecal +caecally +caecectomy +caecias +caeciform +Caecilia +Caeciliae +caecilian +Caeciliidae +caecitis +caecity +caecocolic +caecostomy +caecotomy +caecum +Caedmon +Caedmonian +Caedmonic +Caeli +Caelian +caelometer +Caelum +caelum +Caelus +Caen +caen- +Caeneus +Caenis +Caenogaea +Caenogaean +caenogenesis +caenogenetic +caenogenetically +Caenolestes +caenostylic +caenostyly +Caenozoic +caenozoic +caen-stone +caeoma +caeomas +caeremoniarius +Caerleon +Caernarfon +Caernarvon +Caernarvonshire +Caerphilly +Caesalpinia +Caesalpiniaceae +caesalpiniaceous +Caesar +caesar +Caesaraugusta +Caesardom +Caesarea +Caesarean +caesarean +Caesareanize +caesareans +Caesaria +Caesarian +caesarian +Caesarism +caesarism +Caesarist +caesarists +Caesarize +caesaropapacy +caesaropapism +caesaropapist +caesaropopism +Caesarotomy +caesars +Caesarship +caesious +caesium +caesiums +caespitose +caespitosely +caestus +caestuses +caesura +caesurae +caesural +caesuras +caesuric +Caetano +C.A.F. +CAF +caf +cafard +cafardise +CAFE +cafe +cafeneh +cafenet +cafes +cafe-society +cafetal +cafeteria +cafeterias +cafetiere +cafetorium +caff +caffa +caffeate +caffeic +caffein +caffeina +caffeine +caffeines +caffeinic +caffeinism +caffeins +caffeism +caffeol +caffeone +caffetannic +caffetannin +caffiaceous +caffiso +caffle +caffled +caffling +caffoline +caffoy +caffre +Caffrey +cafh +Cafiero +cafila +cafiz +cafoy +caftan +caftaned +caftans +cafuso +cag +Cagayan +cagayan +cagayans +Cage +cage +caged +cageful +cagefuls +cageless +cagelike +cageling +cagelings +cageman +cageot +cager +cager-on +cagers +cages +cagester +cagework +cagey +cageyness +caggy +cag-handed +cagier +cagiest +cagily +caginess +caginesses +caging +cagit +Cagle +Cagliari +Cagliostro +cagmag +Cagn +Cagney +cagot +Cagoulard +Cagoulards +cagoule +CAGR +Caguas +cagui +cagy +Cahan +Cahenslyism +cahier +cahiers +Cahill +cahill +Cahilly +cahincic +Cahita +cahiz +Cahn +Cahnite +Cahokia +Cahone +cahoot +cahoots +Cahors +cahot +cahow +cahows +Cahra +Cahuapana +Cahuilla +cahuita +cahuy +CAI +Cai +cai +Caia +Caiaphas +caiarara +caic +caickle +Caicos +caid +caids +cailcedra +Cailean +caille +Cailleac +cailleach +cailliach +Cailly +caimacam +caimakam +caiman +caimans +caimitillo +caimito +Cain +cain +Cain-colored +-caine +Caine +Caines +Caingang +Caingangs +caingin +Caingua +ca'ing-whale +Cainian +Cainish +Cainism +Cainite +Cainitic +cainogenesis +Cainozoic +cainozoic +cains +Cainsville +caiper-callie +caique +caiquejee +caiques +cair +Cairba +Caird +caird +cairds +Cairene +cairene +Cairistiona +cairn +Cairnbrook +cairned +cairngorm +cairngorum +cairn-headed +Cairns +cairns +cairny +Cairo +cairo +CAIS +caisse +caisson +caissoned +caissons +Caitanyas +Caite +Caithness +caitif +caitiff +caitiffs +caitifty +Caitlin +Caitrin +Caius +caixinha +Cajan +cajan +cajang +Cajanus +cajaput +cajaputs +cajava +cajeput +cajeputol +cajeputole +cajeputs +cajeta +cajole +cajoled +cajolement +cajolements +cajoler +cajoleries +cajolers +cajolery +cajoles +cajoling +cajolingly +cajon +cajones +cajou +cajuela +Cajun +cajun +cajuns +cajuput +cajuputene +cajuputol +cajuputs +Cakavci +Cakchikel +cake +cakebox +cakebread +caked +cake-eater +cakehouse +cakemaker +cakemaking +cake-mixing +caker +cakes +cakette +cakewalk +cakewalked +cakewalker +cakewalking +cakewalks +cakey +cakier +cakiest +Cakile +caking +cakra +cakravartin +caky +Cal +Cal. +cal +cal. +calaba +Calabar +calabar +calabar-bean +Calabari +Calabasas +calabash +calabashes +calabaza +calabazilla +calaber +calaboose +calabooses +calabozo +calabrasella +Calabrese +calabrese +Calabresi +Calabria +Calabrian +calabrian +calabrians +calabur +calade +Caladium +caladium +caladiums +Calah +calahan +Calais +calais +calaite +Calakmul +calalu +Calama +Calamagrostis +calamanco +calamancoes +calamancos +calamander +calamansi +calamar +calamari +Calamariaceae +calamariaceous +Calamariales +calamarian +calamaries +calamarioid +calamarmar +calamaroid +calamars +calamary +calambac +calambour +calami +calamiferious +calamiferous +calamiform +calaminaris +calaminary +calamine +calamined +calamines +calamining +calamint +Calamintha +calamints +calamistral +calamistrate +calamistrum +calamite +calamitean +Calamites +calamites +calamities +calamitoid +calamitous +calamitously +calamitousness +calamitousnesses +calamity +Calamodendron +calamondin +Calamopitys +Calamospermae +Calamostachys +calamumi +calamus +Calan +calander +calando +Calandra +calandre +Calandria +calandria +Calandridae +Calandrinae +Calandrinia +calangay +calanid +calanque +calantas +Calantha +Calanthe +calanthe +Calapan +calapite +calapitte +Calappa +Calappidae +Calas +calascione +calash +calashes +calastic +Calathea +calathea +calathi +calathian +calathidia +calathidium +calathiform +calathisci +calathiscus +calathos +calaththi +calathus +Calatrava +calavance +calaverite +Calbert +calbroben +calc +calc- +calcaemia +calcaire +calcanea +calcaneal +calcanean +calcanei +calcaneoastragalar +calcaneoastragaloid +calcaneocuboid +calcaneofibular +calcaneonavicular +calcaneoplantar +calcaneoscaphoid +calcaneotibial +calcaneum +calcaneus +calcannea +calcannei +calc-aphanite +calcar +calcarate +calcarated +Calcarea +calcareo- +calcareoargillaceous +calcareobituminous +calcareocorneous +calcareosiliceous +calcareosulphurous +calcareous +calcareously +calcareousness +calcaria +calcariferous +calcariform +calcarine +calcarium +calcars +calcate +calcavella +calceate +calced +calcedon +calcedony +calceiform +calcemia +Calceolaria +calceolaria +calceolate +calceolately +calces +calce-scence +calceus +Calchaqui +Calchaquian +Calchas +calchas +calche +calci +calci- +calcic +calciclase +calcicole +calcicolous +calcicosis +calciferol +Calciferous +calciferous +calcific +calcification +calcifications +calcified +calcifies +calciform +calcifugal +calcifuge +calcifugous +calcify +calcifying +calcigenous +calcigerous +calcimeter +calcimine +calcimined +calciminer +calcimines +calcimining +calcinable +calcinate +calcination +calcinator +calcinatory +calcine +calcined +calciner +calcines +calcining +calcinize +calcino +calcinosis +calcio- +calciobiotite +calciocarnotite +calcioferrite +calcioscheelite +calciovolborthite +calcipexy +calciphile +calciphilia +calciphilic +calciphilous +calciphobe +calciphobic +calciphobous +calciphylactic +calciphylactically +calciphylaxis +calciphyre +calciprivic +calcisponge +Calcispongiae +calcite +calcites +calcitestaceous +calcitic +calcitonin +calcitrant +calcitrate +calcitration +calcitreation +calcium +calciums +calcivorous +calco- +calcographer +calcographic +calcography +calcomp +calcrete +calc-sinter +calcsinter +calc-spar +calcspar +calcspars +calc-tufa +calctufa +calctufas +calc-tuff +calctuff +calctuffs +calculabilities +calculability +calculable +calculableness +calculably +Calculagraph +calcular +calculary +calculate +calculated +calculatedly +calculatedness +calculates +calculating +calculatingly +calculation +calculational +calculations +calculative +calculator +calculators +calculatory +calculer +calculi +calculiform +calculifrage +calculist +calculous +calculus +calculuses +Calcutta +calcutta +Calcydon +caldadaria +caldaria +caldarium +Caldeira +calden +Calder +Caldera +caldera +calderas +Calderca +calderium +Calderon +calderon +CaldoraCaldwell +caldron +caldrons +Caldwell +Cale +calean +Caleb +Calebite +calebite +calebites +caleche +caleches +Caledonia +Caledonian +caledonian +caledonite +calef +calefacient +calefaction +calefactive +calefactor +calefactories +calefactory +calefy +calelectric +calelectrical +calelectricity +calembour +Calemes +Calen +calenda +calendal +calendar +calendared +calendarer +calendarial +calendarian +calendaric +calendaring +calendarist +calendar-making +calendars +calendas +Calender +calender +calendered +calenderer +calendering +calenders +Calendra +Calendre +calendric +calendrical +calendry +calends +Calendula +calendula +calendulas +calendulin +calentural +calenture +calentured +calenturing +calenturish +calenturist +calepin +Calera +calesa +calesas +calescence +calescent +calesero +calesin +Calesta +Caletor +Calexico +calf +calfbound +calfdozer +calfhood +calfish +calfkill +calfless +calflike +calfling +calfret +calfs +calf's-foot +calf-skin +calfskin +calfskins +Calgary +calgary +calgon +Calhan +Calhoun +Cali +cali- +Calia +Caliban +caliban +Calibanism +caliber +calibered +calibers +calibogus +calibrate +calibrated +calibrater +calibrates +calibrating +calibration +calibrations +calibrator +calibrators +calibre +calibred +calibres +Caliburn +caliburn +Caliburno +calic +Calica +calicate +calices +caliche +caliches +caliciform +calicle +calicles +calico +calicoback +calicoed +calicoes +calicos +calicular +caliculate +caliculi +caliculus +Calicut +calid +Calida +calidity +caliduct +Calie +Caliente +Calif +Calif. +calif +califate +califates +Califon +California +california +Californian +californian +californiana +californians +californicus +californite +Californium +californium +califs +caliga +caligate +caligated +caligation +caliginosity +caliginous +caliginously +caliginousness +caligo +caligrapher +caligraphy +Caligula +caligulism +calili +calimanco +calimancos +Calimere +Calimeris +calin +calina +Calinago +calinda +calindas +caline +Calinog +calinut +Calio +caliological +caliologist +caliology +Calion +calipash +calipashes +Calipatria +calipee +calipees +caliper +calipered +caliperer +calipering +calipers +calipeva +caliph +caliphal +caliphate +caliphates +caliphs +caliphship +calippic +Calippus +Calisa +calisaya +calisayas +Calise +Calista +calistheneum +calisthenic +calisthenical +calisthenics +Calistoga +Calite +caliver +calix +Calixtin +calixtin +Calixtine +Calixto +Calixtus +calk +calkage +calked +calker +calkers +calkin +calking +Calkins +calkins +calks +Call +call +Calla +calla +calla- +callable +callaesthetic +Callaghan +Callahan +callainite +callais +callaloo +callaloos +Callan +callan +Callands +callans +callant +callants +Callao +Callas +callas +callat +callate +Callaway +callback +callbacks +call-board +callboy +callboys +call-down +Calle +Callean +called +Callender +Callensburg +caller +callers +Callery +Calles +calles +callet +callets +Calley +call-fire +Calli +calli +calli- +Callianassa +Callianassidae +Calliandra +Callicarpa +Callicebus +Callicoon +Callicrates +callid +Callida +Callidice +callidity +callidness +Callie +calligram +calligraph +calligrapha +calligrapher +calligraphers +calligraphic +calligraphical +calligraphically +calligraphist +calligraphy +Calliham +Callimachus +calling +calling-down +calling-over +callings +Callionymidae +Callionymus +Calliope +calliope +calliopean +calliopes +calliophone +Calliopsis +calliopsis +callipash +callipee +callipees +calliper +callipered +calliperer +callipering +callipers +Calliphora +calliphorid +Calliphoridae +calliphorine +Callipolis +callippic +Callippus +Callipus +callipygian +callipygous +Callirrhoe +Callisaurus +callisection +callis-sand +Callista +Calliste +callisteia +Callistemon +Callistephus +callisthenic +callisthenics +Callisto +callisto +Callithrix +callithrix +callithump +callithumpian +Callitrichaceae +callitrichaceous +Callitriche +callitriche +Callitrichidae +Callitris +callitype +callityped +callityping +callo +call-off +calloo +callop +Callorhynchidae +Callorhynchus +callosal +callose +calloses +callosities +callosity +callosomarginal +callosum +Callot +callot +callous +calloused +callouses +callousing +callously +callousness +callousnesses +call-out +callout +call-over +Callovian +callow +Calloway +callower +callowest +callowman +callowness +callownesses +calls +Callum +callum +Calluna +Calluori +call-up +callus +callused +calluses +callusing +Cally +Callynteria +calm +calmant +Calmar +Calmas +calmative +calmato +calmecac +calmed +calmer +calmest +calm-eyed +calmier +calmierer +calmiest +calming +calmingly +calmly +calm-minded +calmness +calmnesses +calms +calm-throated +calmy +calo- +Calocarpum +Calochortaceae +Calochortus +calodaemon +calodemon +calodemonial +calogram +calography +calomba +calombigas +calombo +calomel +calomels +calomorphic +Calondra +Calonectria +Calon-segur +Calonyction +calool +Calophyllum +Calopogon +calor +Calore +caloreceptor +calorescence +calorescent +caloric +calorically +caloricity +calorics +caloriduct +Calorie +calorie +calorie-counting +calories +calorifacient +calorific +calorifical +calorifically +calorification +calorifics +calorifier +calorify +calorigenic +calorimeter +calorimeters +calorimetric +calorimetrical +calorimetrically +calorimetry +calorimotor +caloris +calorisator +calorist +Calorite +calorize +calorized +calorizer +calorizes +calorizing +calory +Calosoma +calosoma +Calotermes +calotermitid +Calotermitidae +Calothrix +calotin +calotte +calottes +calotype +calotypic +calotypist +caloyer +caloyers +calp +calpac +calpack +calpacked +calpacks +calpacs +Calpe +calpolli +calpul +calpulli +Calpurnia +calque +calqued +calques +calquing +CALRS +CALS +cals +calsouns +Caltanissetta +Caltech +Caltha +caltha +calthrop +calthrops +caltrap +caltraps +caltrop +caltrops +calumba +Calumet +calumet +calumets +calumnia +calumniate +calumniated +calumniates +calumniating +calumniation +calumniations +calumniative +calumniator +calumniators +calumniatory +calumnies +calumnious +calumniously +calumniousness +calumny +caluptra +Calusa +calusar +calutron +calutrons +Calv +Calva +Calvados +calvados +calvadoses +calvaire +Calvano +calvaria +calvarial +calvarias +Calvaries +calvaries +calvarium +Calvary +calvary +Calvatia +Calve +calve +calved +calver +Calvert +Calverton +calves +Calvin +calvin +Calvina +calving +Calvinian +calvinian +Calvinism +calvinism +Calvinist +calvinist +Calvinistic +calvinistic +Calvinistical +Calvinistically +calvinists +Calvinize +calvinize +Calvinna +calvish +calvities +calvity +Calvo +calvous +calvus +calx +calxes +calybite +calycanth +Calycanthaceae +calycanthaceous +calycanthemous +calycanthemy +calycanthin +calycanthine +Calycanthus +calycanthus +calycate +Calyce +calyceal +Calyceraceae +calyceraceous +calyces +calyciferous +calycifloral +calyciflorate +calyciflorous +calyciform +calycinal +calycine +calycle +calycled +calycles +calycli +Calycocarpum +calycoid +calycoideous +Calycophora +Calycophorae +calycophoran +Calycozoa +calycozoan +calycozoic +calycozoon +calycular +calyculate +calyculated +calycule +calyculi +calyculus +Calydon +Calydonian +Calymene +calymma +calyon +calyphyomy +calypsist +Calypso +calypso +calypsoes +calypsonian +Calypsos +calypsos +calypter +Calypterae +calypters +Calyptoblastea +calyptoblastic +Calyptorhynchus +calyptra +Calyptraea +Calyptranthes +calyptras +Calyptrata +Calyptratae +calyptrate +calyptriform +calyptrimorphous +calyptro +calyptrogen +Calyptrogyne +Calysta +Calystegia +calyx +calyxes +calzada +calzone +calzoneras +calzones +calzoons +CAM +Cam +cam +CAMA +CAMAC +camaca +Camacan +camacey +camachile +Camacho +Camag +camagon +Camaguey +camaieu +camail +camaile +camailed +camails +Camak +camaka +Camala +Camaldolensian +Camaldolese +Camaldolesian +Camaldolite +camaldolite +Camaldule +Camaldulian +camalig +camalote +caman +camanay +camanchaca +Camanche +camansi +camara +camarada +camarade +camaraderie +camaraderies +Camarasaurus +camarasaurus +Camarata +camarera +Camargo +camarilla +camarillas +Camarillo +camarin +camarine +camaron +Camas +camas +camases +camass +camasses +Camassia +camata +camatina +camauro +camauros +Camaxtli +camay +Camb +Camb. +camb +Camball +Cambalo +Cambarus +Cambay +cambaye +camber +cambered +cambering +camber-keeled +cambers +Camberwell +Cambeva +cambia +cambial +cambiata +cambibia +cambiform +cambio +cambiogenetic +cambion +cambism +cambisms +cambist +cambistry +cambists +cambium +cambiums +camblet +Cambodia +cambodia +Cambodian +cambodian +cambodians +camboge +cambogia +cambogias +Cambon +camboose +Camborne-Redruth +cambouis +Cambra +Cambrai +cambrel +cambresine +Cambria +Cambrian +cambrian +Cambric +cambric +cambricleaf +cambrics +Cambridge +cambridge +Cambridgeport +Cambridgeshire +Cambro-briton +Cambs +cambuca +Cambuscan +Camby +Cambyses +Cambyuskan +Camden +camden +Camdenton +Came +came +cameist +Camel +camel +camelback +camel-backed +cameleer +cameleers +cameleon +camel-faced +camel-grazing +camel-hair +camelhair +camel-haired +camelia +camelias +Camelid +Camelidae +Camelina +cameline +camelion +camelish +camelishness +camelkeeper +camel-kneed +Camella +Camellia +camellia +Camelliaceae +camellias +camellike +camellin +Camellus +camelman +cameloid +Cameloidea +camelopard +Camelopardalis +camelopardel +Camelopardid +Camelopardidae +camelopards +Camelopardus +Camelot +camelot +camelry +camels +camel's-hair +camel-shaped +Camelus +camel-yarn +Camembert +camembert +Camena +Camenae +Camenes +camenes +Cameo +cameo +cameoed +cameograph +cameography +cameoing +cameos +camera +camerae +camera-eye +cameral +cameralism +cameralist +cameralistic +cameralistics +cameraman +cameramen +cameras +camera-shy +Camerata +camerate +camerated +cameration +camerawork +camerier +cameriera +camerieri +Camerina +camerine +Camerinidae +camerist +camerlengo +camerlengos +camerlingo +camerlingos +Cameron +Cameronian +cameronian +cameronians +Cameroon +cameroon +cameroonian +cameroonians +Cameroons +Cameroun +camery +cames +Camestres +camestres +Camey +Camfort +Cami +camias +Camiguin +camiknickers +Camila +Camile +Camilia +Camilla +camilla +Camille +Camillo +Camillus +camillus +Camilo +Camino +camino +camion +camions +Camirus +camis +camisa +camisade +camisades +camisado +camisadoes +camisados +Camisard +camisard +camisas +camiscia +camise +camises +camisia +camisias +camisole +camisoles +camister +camize +camla +camlet +camleted +camleteen +camletine +camleting +camlets +camletted +camletting +CAMM +Camm +Cammaerts +Cammal +Cammarum +cammas +cammed +Cammi +Cammie +cammock +cammocky +Cammy +camoca +Camoens +camogie +camois +camomile +camomiles +camooch +camoodi +camoodie +Camorist +Camorra +camorra +camorras +Camorrism +camorrism +Camorrist +Camorrista +camorrista +camorristi +camote +camoudie +camouflage +camouflageable +camouflaged +camouflager +camouflagers +camouflages +camouflagic +camouflaging +camouflet +camoufleur +camoufleurs +CAMP +Camp +camp +Campa +campagi +Campagna +campagna +Campagne +campagne +campagnol +campagnols +campagus +campaign +campaigned +campaigner +campaigners +campaigning +campaigns +campal +campana +campane +campanella +campanero +Campania +campania +Campanian +campaniform +campanile +campaniles +campanili +campaniliform +campanilla +campanini +campanist +campanistic +campanologer +campanological +campanologically +campanologist +campanologists +campanology +Campanula +campanula +Campanulaceae +campanulaceous +Campanulales +campanular +Campanularia +Campanulariae +campanularian +Campanularidae +Campanulatae +campanulate +campanulated +campanulous +Campanus +Campari +Campaspe +Campball +Campbell +campbell +Campbell-Bannerman +Campbellism +campbellism +campbellisms +Campbellite +campbellite +campbellites +Campbellsburg +Campbellsville +Campbellton +Campbelltown +Campbeltown +campcraft +Campe +Campeche +campeche +camped +campement +Campephagidae +campephagine +Campephilus +camper +campers +campership +campesino +campesinos +campestral +campestrian +camp-fight +campfight +campfire +campfires +campground +campgrounds +camph- +camphane +camphanic +camphanone +camphanyl +camphene +camphenes +camphine +camphines +camphire +camphires +campho +camphocarboxylic +camphoid +camphol +campholic +campholide +camphols +campholytic +camphor +camphoraceous +camphorate +camphorated +camphorates +camphorating +camphoric +camphorize +camphorone +camphoronic +camphoroyl +camphorphorone +camphors +camphorweed +camphorwood +camphory +camphoryl +camphylene +campi +campier +campiest +Campignian +campilan +campily +campimeter +campimetrical +campimetry +Campinas +Campine +campiness +camping +campings +Campion +campion +campions +campit +cample +Campman +campman +campmaster +camp-meeting +Campney +Campo +campo +Campobello +Campodea +campodean +campodeid +Campodeidae +campodeiform +campodeoid +campody +Campoformido +campong +campongs +Camponotus +campoo +campoody +Camporeale +camporee +camporees +Campos +campos +camp-out +campout +camps +campshed +camp-shedding +campshedding +campsheeting +camp-shot +campshot +camp-site +campsite +campsites +campstool +campstools +Campti +camptodrome +Campton +camptonite +Camptonville +Camptosorus +Camptown +campulitropal +campulitropous +campus +campused +campuses +campusses +campward +Campwood +Campy +campy +campylite +campylodrome +campylometer +Campyloneuron +campylospermous +campylotropal +campylotropous +CAMRA +cams +camshach +camshachle +camshaft +camshafts +camstane +camsteary +camsteery +camstone +camstrary +camuning +Camus +camus +camuse +camused +camuses +Camuy +cam-wood +camwood +CAN +Can +Can. +can +can. +Cana +Canaan +canaan +Canaanite +canaanite +canaanites +Canaanitess +Canaanitic +Canaanitish +canaba +canabae +Canace +Canacee +canacuas +Canad +Canad. +Canada +canada +Canadensis +Canadian +canadian +Canadianism +canadianisms +Canadianization +Canadianize +Canadianized +Canadianizing +canadians +canadine +canadite +canadol +Canadys +canafistola +canafistolo +canafistula +canafistulo +canaglia +canaigre +canaille +canailles +Canajoharie +canajong +canakin +canakins +Canakkale +canal +canalage +canalatura +canalboat +canal-bone +canal-built +Canale +canale +canaled +canaler +canales +canalete +Canaletto +canali +canalicular +canaliculate +canaliculated +canaliculation +canaliculi +canaliculization +canaliculus +canaliferous +canaliform +canaling +canalis +canalisation +canalise +canalised +canalises +canalising +canalization +canalizations +canalize +canalized +canalizes +canalizing +canalla +canalled +canaller +canallers +canalling +canalman +Canalou +canals +canalside +Canamary +canamo +Cananaean +Canandaigua +Canandelabrum +Cananea +Cananean +Cananga +Canangium +canap +canape +canapes +canapina +Canara +canard +canards +Canarese +Canari +canari +Canarian +Canaries +canaries +canarin +canarine +Canariote +Canarium +Canarsee +Canary +canary +canary-bird +canary-yellow +Canaseraga +canasta +canastas +canaster +Canastota +canaut +Canavali +Canavalia +canavalin +Canaveral +can-beading +Canberra +canberra +can-boxing +can-buoy +can-burnishing +Canby +canc +canc. +can-can +cancan +cancans +can-capping +canccelli +cancel +cancelability +cancelable +cancelation +canceled +canceleer +canceler +cancelers +cancelier +canceling +cancellability +cancellable +cancellarian +cancellarius +cancellate +cancellated +cancellation +cancellations +cancelled +canceller +cancelli +cancelling +cancellous +cancellus +cancelment +cancels +Cancer +cancer +cancerate +cancerated +cancerating +canceration +cancerdrops +cancered +cancerigenic +cancerin +cancerism +cancerite +cancerization +cancerlog +cancerogenic +cancerophobe +cancerophobia +cancerous +cancerously +cancerousness +cancerphobia +cancerroot +cancers +cancerweed +cancerwort +canch +cancha +canchalagua +canchas +Canchi +canchito +cancion +cancionero +canciones +can-cleaning +can-closing +Cancri +Cancrid +cancrid +cancriform +can-crimping +cancrine +cancrinite +cancrinite-syenite +cancrisocial +cancrivorous +cancrizans +cancroid +cancroids +cancrophagous +cancrum +cancrums +Cancun +Cand +cand +Candace +candareen +Candee +candela +candelabra +candelabras +candelabrum +candelabrums +candelas +candelilla +candency +candent +candescence +candescent +candescently +Candi +Candia +Candice +candid +Candida +candida +candidacies +candidacy +candidas +candidate +candidated +candidates +candidateship +candidating +candidature +candidatures +Candide +candide +candider +candidest +candidiasis +candidly +candidness +candidnesses +candids +Candie +candied +candiel +candier +candies +candify +candil +Candiot +Candiote +candiru +Candis +candite +candle +candleball +candle-beam +candlebeam +candle-bearing +candleberries +candleberry +candlebomb +candlebox +candle-branch +candled +candle-dipper +candle-end +candlefish +candlefishes +candle-foot +candle-holder +candleholder +candle-hour +candlelight +candlelighted +candle-lighter +candlelighter +candlelighting +candlelights +candlelit +candlemaker +candlemaking +Candlemas +candlemas +candle-meter +candlenut +candlepin +candlepins +candlepower +Candler +candler +candle-rent +candlerent +candlers +candles +candle-shaped +candleshine +candleshrift +candle-snuff +candlesnuffer +Candless +candlestand +candlestick +candlesticked +candlesticks +candlestickward +candle-tapering +candle-tree +candle-waster +candlewaster +candlewasting +candlewick +candlewicking +candlewicks +candle-wood +candlewood +candlewright +candling +Cando +can-dock +candock +Candolle +Candollea +Candolleaceae +candolleaceous +Candor +candor +candors +candour +candours +Candra +candroy +candroys +canduc +Candy +candy +Candyce +candyfloss +candyh +candying +candylike +candymaker +candymaking +candys +candystick +candy-striped +candytuft +candyweed +cane +Canea +Caneadea +cane-backed +cane-bottomed +Canebrake +canebrake +canebrakes +caned +Caneghem +canel +canela +canelas +canelike +canell +canella +Canellaceae +canellaceous +canellas +canelle +Canelo +canelo +canelos +Canens +caneology +canephor +canephora +canephorae +canephore +canephori +canephoroe +canephoroi +canephoros +canephors +cane-phorus +canephorus +canephroi +canepin +caner +caners +canes +canescence +canescene +canescent +cane-seated +Canestrato +caneton +canette +caneva +Canevari +caneware +canewares +canewise +canework +Caney +Caneyville +canezou +CanF +Canfield +canfield +canfieldite +canfields +can-filling +can-flanging +canful +canfuls +cangan +cangenet +cangia +cangica-wood +cangle +cangler +cangue +cangues +cangy +canham +can-heading +can-hook +canhoop +Canica +Canice +Canichana +Canichanan +canicide +canicola +Canicula +canicula +canicular +canicule +canid +Canidae +Canidia +canids +Caniff +canikin +canikins +canille +caninal +canine +canines +caning +caniniform +caninities +caninity +caninus +canion +canioned +canions +Canis +Canisiana +canistel +Canisteo +canister +canisters +Canistota +canities +canjac +Canjilon +cank +canker +cankerberry +cankerbird +canker-bit +canker-bitten +cankereat +canker-eaten +cankered +cankeredly +cankeredness +cankerflower +cankerfret +canker-hearted +cankering +canker-mouthed +cankerous +cankerroot +cankers +canker-toothed +cankerweed +cankerworm +cankerworms +cankerwort +cankery +can-labeling +can-lacquering +canli +can-lining +canmaker +canmaking +canman +can-marking +Canmer +Cann +cann +Canna +canna +cannabic +cannabidiol +cannabin +Cannabinaceae +cannabinaceous +cannabine +cannabinol +cannabins +Cannabis +cannabis +cannabises +cannabism +Cannaceae +cannaceous +cannach +canna-down +Cannae +cannaled +cannalling +Cannanore +cannas +cannat +canned +cannel +cannelated +cannel-bone +Cannelburg +cannele +Cannell +cannellate +cannellated +cannelle +cannelloni +cannelon +cannelons +cannels +Cannelton +cannelure +cannelured +cannequin +canner +canneries +canners +cannery +Cannes +cannet +cannetille +cannibal +cannibalean +cannibalic +cannibalish +cannibalism +cannibalisms +cannibalistic +cannibalistically +cannibality +cannibalization +cannibalize +cannibalized +cannibalizes +cannibalizing +cannibally +cannibals +Cannice +cannie +cannier +canniest +cannikin +cannikins +cannily +canniness +canninesses +Canning +canning +cannings +cannister +cannisters +Cannizzaro +Cannock +cannoli +Cannon +cannon +cannonade +cannonaded +cannonades +cannonading +cannonarchy +cannon-ball +cannonball +cannonballed +cannonballing +cannonballs +cannoned +cannoneer +cannoneering +cannoneers +cannonier +cannoning +Cannonism +cannonism +cannon-proof +cannonproof +cannonries +cannon-royal +cannonry +cannons +Cannonsburg +cannon-shot +Cannonville +cannophori +cannot +Cannstatt +cannula +cannulae +cannular +cannulas +Cannulate +cannulate +cannulated +cannulating +cannulation +canny +canoe +canoed +canoeing +Canoeiro +canoeist +canoeists +canoeload +canoeman +canoes +canoewood +Canoga +canoing +Canon +canon +canoncito +Canones +canones +canoness +canonesses +canonic +canonical +canonicalization +canonicalize +canonicalized +canonicalizes +canonicalizing +canonically +canonicalness +canonicals +canonicate +canonici +canonicity +canonics +canonisation +canonise +canonised +canoniser +canonises +canonising +canonist +canonistic +canonistical +canonists +canonizant +canonization +canonizations +canonize +canonized +canonizer +canonizes +canonizing +canonlike +canonries +canonry +canons +Canonsburg +canonship +canoodle +canoodled +canoodler +canoodles +canoodling +can-opener +can-opening +Canopic +canopic +canopid +canopied +canopies +Canopus +canopus +canopy +canopying +canorous +canorously +canorousness +canos +Canossa +Canotas +canotier +Canova +Canovanas +can-polishing +can-quaffing +canreply +Canrobert +canroy +canroyer +cans +can-salting +can-scoring +can-sealing +can-seaming +cansful +can-slitting +Canso +canso +can-soldering +cansos +can-squeezing +canst +can-stamping +can-sterilizing +canstick +Cant +Cant. +can't +cant +Cantab +cantab +cantabank +cantabile +Cantabri +Cantabrian +Cantabrigian +cantabrigian +Cantabrize +Cantacuzene +cantador +Cantal +cantala +cantalas +cantalever +cantalite +cantaliver +cantaloup +cantaloupe +cantaloupes +cantando +cantankerous +cantankerously +cantankerousness +cantankerousnesses +cantar +cantara +cantare +cantaro +cantata +cantatas +Cantate +cantate +cantation +cantative +cantator +cantatory +cantatrice +cantatrices +cantatrici +cantboard +cantdog +cantdogs +canted +canteen +canteens +cantefable +cantel +Canter +canter +Canterburian +canterburian +Canterburianism +canterburies +Canterbury +canterbury +cantered +canterelle +canterer +cantering +canters +can-testing +canthal +Cantharellus +canthari +cantharic +Cantharidae +cantharidal +cantharidate +cantharidated +cantharidating +cantharidean +cantharides +cantharidian +cantharidin +cantharidism +cantharidize +cantharidized +cantharidizing +cantharis +cantharophilous +cantharus +canthathari +canthectomy +canthi +canthitis +cantholysis +canthoplasty +canthorrhaphy +canthotomy +Canthus +canthus +canthuthi +cantic +canticle +Canticles +canticles +cantico +cantiga +Cantigny +Cantil +cantil +cantilated +cantilating +cantilena +cantilene +cantilenes +cantilever +cantilevered +cantilevering +cantilevers +cantillate +cantillated +cantillating +cantillation +Cantillon +cantily +cantina +cantinas +cantiness +canting +cantingly +cantingness +cantinier +cantino +cantion +cantish +cantle +cantles +cantlet +cantline +cantling +Cantlon +canto +Canton +canton +cantonal +cantonalism +Cantone +cantoned +cantoner +Cantonese +cantonese +cantoning +cantonize +Cantonment +cantonment +cantonments +cantons +cantoon +Cantor +cantor +cantoral +cantoria +cantorial +Cantorian +cantoris +cantorous +cantors +cantorship +Cantos +cantos +cantraip +cantraips +Cantrall +cantrap +cantraps +cantred +cantref +Cantril +cantrip +cantrips +cants +Cantu +Cantuar +cantus +cantut +cantuta +cantwise +Canty +canty +Canuck +canuck +canula +canulae +canular +canulas +canulate +canulated +canulates +canulating +canun +Canute +Canutillo +canvas +canvasado +canvas-back +canvasback +canvasbacks +canvas-covered +canvased +canvaser +canvasers +canvases +canvasing +canvaslike +canvasman +canvass +canvassed +canvasser +canvassers +canvasses +canvassing +canvassy +can-washing +can-weighing +can-wiping +can-wrapping +cany +Canyon +canyon +canyons +canyonside +Canyonville +canzo +canzon +canzona +canzonas +canzone +canzones +canzonet +canzonets +canzonetta +canzoni +canzos +caoba +Caodaism +Caodaist +caoine +caon +caoutchin +caoutchouc +caoutchoucin +CAP +cap +cap. +capa +capabilities +capability +Capablanca +capable +capableness +capabler +capablest +capably +Capac +capacify +capacious +capaciously +capaciousness +capacitance +capacitances +capacitate +capacitated +capacitates +capacitating +capacitation +capacitations +capacitative +capacitativly +capacitator +capacities +capacitive +capacitively +capacitor +capacitors +capacity +Capaneus +capanna +capanne +cap-a-pie +caparison +caparisoned +caparisoning +caparisons +capataces +capataz +capax +cap-case +capcase +Cape +cape +capeador +capeadores +capeadors +caped +Capefair +Capek +capel +capelan +capelans +capelet +capelets +capelin +capeline +capelins +Capella +capella +capellane +capellet +capelline +Capello +capelocracy +Capels +Capemay +cape-merchant +Capeneddick +caper +caperbush +capercaillie +capercailye +capercailzie +capercally +caper-cut +capercut +caperdewsie +capered +caperer +caperers +capering +caperingly +Capernaism +Capernaite +capernaite +Capernaitic +Capernaitical +Capernaitically +Capernaitish +Capernaum +capernoited +capernoitie +capernoity +capernutie +capers +capersome +capersomeness +caperwort +capes +capeskin +capeskins +Capet +Capetian +capetian +Capetonian +Capetown +capetown +capette +Capeville +capeweed +capewise +capework +capeworks +cap-flash +capful +capfuls +Caph +caph +Cap-Haitien +caphar +capharnaism +Caphaurus +caphite +caphs +Caphtor +Caphtorim +capias +capiases +capiatur +capibara +capicha +capilaceous +capillaceous +capillaire +capillament +capillarectasia +capillaries +capillarily +capillarimeter +capillariness +capillariomotor +capillarities +capillaritis +capillarity +capillary +capillation +capillatus +capilli +capilliculture +capilliform +capillitia +capillitial +capillitium +capillose +capillus +capilotade +caping +cap-in-hand +Capistrano +capistrate +capita +capital +capitaldom +capitaled +capitaling +capitalisable +capitalise +capitalised +capitaliser +capitalising +capitalism +capitalist +capitalistic +capitalistically +capitalists +capitalizable +capitalization +capitalizations +capitalize +capitalized +capitalizer +capitalizers +capitalizes +capitalizing +capitally +capitalness +capitals +Capitan +capitan +capitana +capitano +capitare +capitasti +capitate +capitated +capitatim +capitation +capitations +capitative +capitatum +capite +capiteaux +capitella +capitellar +capitellate +capitelliform +capitellum +capitle +Capito +Capitol +capitol +Capitola +Capitolian +Capitoline +capitoline +Capitolium +capitols +Capitonidae +Capitoninae +capitoul +capitoulate +capitula +capitulant +capitular +capitularies +capitularly +capitulars +capitulary +capitulate +capitulated +capitulates +capitulating +capitulation +capitulations +capitulator +capitulatory +capituliform +capitulum +capiturlary +capivi +Capiz +capkin +Caplan +caplan +capless +caplet +caplets +caplin +capling +caplins +caplock +capmaker +capmakers +capmaking +capman +capmint +Cap'n +Capnodium +Capnoides +capnomancy +capnomor +capo +capoc +capocchia +capoche +Capodacqua +capomo +Capon +capon +caponata +caponatas +Capone +capone +caponette +caponier +caponiere +caponiers +caponisation +caponise +caponised +caponiser +caponising +caponization +caponize +caponized +caponizer +caponizes +caponizing +caponniere +capons +caporal +caporals +Caporetto +capos +capot +capotasto +capotastos +Capote +capote +capotes +capouch +capouches +CAPP +Capp +cappadine +cappadochio +Cappadocia +Cappadocian +cappae +cappagh +cap-paper +capparid +Capparidaceae +capparidaceous +Capparis +capped +cappelenite +Cappella +cappella +cappelletti +Cappello +capper +cappers +cappie +cappier +cappiest +capping +cappings +capple +capple-faced +Cappotas +Capps +cappuccino +cappy +Capra +caprate +Caprella +Caprellidae +caprelline +capreol +capreolar +capreolary +capreolate +capreoline +Capreolus +capreomycin +capretto +Capri +capric +capriccetto +capriccettos +capricci +capriccio +capriccios +capriccioso +Caprice +caprice +caprices +capricious +capriciously +capriciousness +Capricorn +capricorn +Capricorni +Capricornid +capricorns +Capricornus +caprid +caprificate +caprification +caprificator +caprifig +caprifigs +caprifoil +caprifole +Caprifoliaceae +caprifoliaceous +Caprifolium +caprifolium +capriform +caprigenous +Caprimulgi +Caprimulgidae +Caprimulgiformes +caprimulgine +Caprimulgus +caprin +caprine +caprinic +Capriola +capriole +caprioled +caprioles +caprioling +Capriote +capriped +capripede +Capris +capris +caprizant +caproate +caprock +caprocks +caproic +caproin +Capromys +Capron +capron +caprone +capronic +capronyl +caproyl +capryl +caprylate +caprylene +caprylic +caprylin +caprylone +caprylyl +caps +caps. +capsa +capsaicin +Capsella +Capshaw +capsheaf +capshore +Capsian +capsian +capsicin +capsicins +Capsicum +capsicum +capsicums +capsid +Capsidae +capsidal +capsids +capsizable +capsizal +capsize +capsized +capsizes +capsizing +capsomer +capsomere +capsomers +capstan +capstan-headed +capstans +cap-stone +capstone +capstones +capsula +capsulae +capsular +capsulate +capsulated +capsulation +capsule +capsulectomy +capsuled +capsuler +capsules +capsuli- +capsuliferous +capsuliform +capsuligerous +capsuling +capsulitis +capsulize +capsulized +capsulizing +capsulociliary +capsulogenous +capsulolenticular +capsulopupillary +capsulorrhaphy +capsulotome +capsulotomy +capsumin +Capt +Capt. +captacula +captaculum +CAPTAIN +captain +captaincies +Captaincook +captaincy +captained +captainess +captain-generalcy +captaining +captain-lieutenant +captainly +captainries +captainry +captains +captainship +captainships +captan +captance +captandum +captans +captate +captation +caption +captioned +captioning +captionless +captions +captious +captiously +captiousness +Captiva +captivance +captivate +captivated +captivately +captivates +captivating +captivatingly +captivation +captivations +captivative +captivator +captivators +captivatrix +captive +captived +captives +captiving +captivities +captivity +captor +captors +captress +capturable +capture +captured +capturer +capturers +captures +capturing +Capua +Capuan +Capuanus +capuche +capuched +capuches +Capuchin +capuchin +capuchins +capucine +Capulet +capulet +capuli +Capulin +capulin +caput +Caputa +caputium +Caputo +Caputto +Capuzzo +Capwell +capybara +capybaras +Capys +caque +Caquet +caquet +caqueterie +caqueteuse +caqueteuses +Caquetio +caquetoire +caquetoires +CAR +Car +car +Cara +Carabancel +carabao +carabaos +carabeen +carabid +Carabidae +carabidan +carabideous +carabidoid +carabids +carabin +carabine +carabineer +carabiner +carabinero +carabineros +carabines +Carabini +carabinier +carabiniere +carabinieri +carabins +caraboa +caraboid +Carabus +carabus +caracal +Caracalla +caracals +caracara +caracaras +Caracas +caracas +carack +caracks +caraco +caracoa +caracol +caracole +caracoled +caracoler +caracoles +caracoli +caracoling +caracolite +caracolled +caracoller +caracolling +caracols +caracora +caracore +caract +Caractacus +caracter +caracul +caraculs +Caradoc +Caradon +carafe +carafes +carafon +Caragana +caragana +caraganas +carageen +carageens +caragheen +Caraguata +caraguata +Caraho +caraibe +Caraipa +caraipe +caraipi +Caraja +Carajas +carajo +carajura +Caralie +caramba +carambola +carambole +caramboled +caramboling +caramel +caramelan +caramelen +caramelin +caramelisation +caramelise +caramelised +caramelising +caramelization +caramelize +caramelized +caramelizes +caramelizing +caramels +caramoussal +Caramuel +carancha +carancho +caranda +Carandas +caranday +carane +Caranga +carangid +Carangidae +carangids +carangin +carangoid +Carangus +caranna +Caranx +caranx +carap +Carapa +carapa +carapace +carapaced +carapaces +Carapache +Carapacho +carapacial +carapacic +carapato +carapax +carapaxes +Carapidae +carapine +carapo +Carapus +Carara +Caras +carassow +carassows +carat +caratacus +caratch +carate +carates +Caratinga +carats +Caratunk +carauna +caraunda +Caravaggio +caravan +caravaned +caravaneer +caravaner +caravaning +caravanist +caravanned +caravanner +caravanning +caravans +caravansaries +caravansary +caravanserai +caravanserial +caravel +caravelle +caravels +Caravette +Caraviello +caraway +caraways +Carayan +Caraz +carb +carb- +carbachol +carbacidometer +carbamate +carbamic +carbamide +carbamidine +carbamido +carbamine +carbamino +carbamoyl +carbamyl +carbamyls +carbanil +carbanilic +carbanilid +carbanilide +carbanion +carbarn +carbarns +carbaryl +carbaryls +carbasus +carbazic +carbazide +carbazin +carbazine +carbazole +carbazylic +carbeen +carbene +Carberry +carberry +carbethoxy +carbethoxyl +carbide +carbides +carbimide +carbin +carbine +carbineer +carbineers +carbines +carbinol +carbinols +carbinyl +Carbo +carbo +carbo- +carboazotine +carbocer +carbocinchomeronic +carbocyclic +carbodiimide +carbodynamite +carbogelatin +carbohemoglobin +carbohydrase +carbo-hydrate +carbohydrate +carbohydrates +carbohydraturia +carbohydrazide +carbohydride +carbohydrogen +carbolate +carbolated +carbolating +carbolfuchsin +carbolic +carbolics +carboline +carbolineate +Carbolineum +carbolise +carbolised +carbolising +carbolize +carbolized +carbolizes +carbolizing +Carboloy +carboluria +carbolxylol +carbomethene +carbomethoxy +carbomethoxyl +carbomycin +carbon +Carbona +carbona +carbonaceous +carbonade +Carbonado +carbonado +carbonadoed +carbonadoes +carbonadoing +carbonados +Carbonari +carbonari +Carbonarism +Carbonarist +Carbonaro +carbonatation +carbonate +carbonated +carbonates +carbonating +carbonation +carbonations +carbonatization +carbonator +carbonators +Carboncliff +Carbondale +carbondale +Carbone +carbone +carboned +carbonemia +carbonero +carbones +Carboni +carbonic +carbonide +Carboniferous +carboniferous +carbonification +carbonify +carbonigenous +carbonimeter +carbonimide +carbonisable +carbonisation +carbonise +carbonised +carboniser +carbonising +carbonite +carbonitride +carbonium +carbonizable +carbonization +carbonize +carbonized +carbonizer +carbonizers +carbonizes +carbonizing +carbonless +Carbonnieux +carbonometer +carbonometry +carbonous +carbons +carbonuria +carbonyl +carbonylate +carbonylated +carbonylating +carbonylation +carbonylene +carbonylic +carbonyls +carbophilous +carbora +carboras +car-borne +Carborundum +carborundum +carbosilicate +carbostyril +carboxide +carboxy +Carboxydomonas +carboxyhemoglobin +carboxyl +carboxylase +carboxylate +carboxylated +carboxylating +carboxylation +carboxylic +carboxyls +carboxypeptidase +carboy +carboyed +carboys +Carbrey +carbro +carbromal +carbs +carbuilder +carbuncle +carbuncled +carbuncles +carbuncular +carbunculation +carbungi +carburan +carburant +carburate +carburated +carburating +carburation +carburator +carbure +carburet +carburetant +carbureted +carbureter +carburetest +carbureting +carburetion +carburetor +carburetors +carburets +carburetted +carburetter +carburetting +carburettor +carburisation +carburise +carburised +carburiser +carburising +carburization +carburize +carburized +carburizer +carburizes +carburizing +carburometer +carby +carbyl +carbylamine +carcajou +carcajous +carcake +carcan +carcanet +carcaneted +carcanets +carcanetted +Carcas +carcase +carcased +carcases +carcasing +carcass +carcassed +carcasses +carcassing +carcassless +Carcassonne +Carcavelhos +Carce +carceag +carcel +carcels +carcer +carceral +carcerate +carcerated +carcerating +carceration +carcerist +Carcharhinus +Carcharias +carchariid +Carchariidae +carcharioid +Carcharodon +carcharodont +Carchemish +carcin- +carcinemia +carcinogen +carcinogeneses +carcinogenesis +carcinogenic +carcinogenicity +carcinogenics +carcinogens +carcinoid +carcinological +carcinologist +carcinology +carcinolysin +carcinolytic +carcinoma +carcinomas +carcinomata +carcinomatoid +carcinomatosis +carcinomatous +carcinomorphic +carcinophagous +carcinophobia +carcinopolypus +carcinosarcoma +carcinosarcomas +carcinosarcomata +Carcinoscorpius +carcinosis +carcinus +carcoon +Card +Card. +card +cardaissin +Cardale +Cardamine +cardamine +cardamom +cardamoms +cardamon +cardamons +cardamum +cardamums +Cardanic +cardanol +Cardanus +cardboard +cardboards +card-carrier +card-carrying +cardcase +cardcases +cardcastle +card-counting +card-cut +card-cutting +card-devoted +Cardea +cardecu +carded +cardel +Cardenas +Carder +carder +carders +Cardew +cardholder +cardholders +cardhouse +cardi- +-cardia +cardia +cardiac +cardiacal +Cardiacea +cardiacean +cardiacle +cardiacs +cardiae +cardiagra +cardiagram +cardiagraph +cardiagraphy +cardial +cardialgia +cardialgic +cardialgy +cardiameter +cardiamorphia +cardianesthesia +cardianeuria +cardiant +cardiaplegia +cardiarctia +cardias +cardiasthenia +cardiasthma +cardiataxia +cardiatomy +cardiatrophia +cardiauxe +Cardiazol +cardicentesis +Cardie +cardiectasis +cardiectomize +cardiectomy +cardielcosis +cardiemphraxia +Cardiff +cardiform +Cardiga +Cardigan +cardigan +cardigans +Cardiganshire +Cardiidae +Cardijn +Cardin +cardin +Cardinal +cardinal +cardinalate +cardinalated +cardinalates +cardinal-bishop +cardinal-deacon +cardinalfish +cardinalfishes +cardinal-flower +cardinalic +Cardinalis +cardinalism +cardinalist +cardinalitial +cardinalitian +cardinalities +cardinality +cardinally +cardinal-priest +cardinal-red +cardinals +cardinalship +Cardinas +card-index +cardines +carding +cardings +Cardington +cardio- +cardioaccelerator +cardio-aortic +cardioarterial +cardioblast +cardiocarpum +cardiocele +cardiocentesis +cardiocirrhosis +cardioclasia +cardioclasis +cardiod +cardiodilator +cardiodynamics +cardiodynia +cardiodysesthesia +cardiodysneuria +cardiogenesis +cardiogenic +cardiogram +cardiograms +cardiograph +cardiographer +cardiographic +cardiographies +cardiographs +cardiography +cardiohepatic +cardioid +cardioids +cardio-inhibitory +cardiokinetic +cardiolith +cardiologic +cardiological +cardiologies +cardiologist +cardiologists +cardiology +cardiolysis +cardiomalacia +cardiomegalia +cardiomegaly +cardiomelanosis +cardiometer +cardiometric +cardiometry +cardiomotility +cardiomyoliposis +cardiomyomalacia +cardiomyopathy +cardioncus +cardionecrosis +cardionephric +cardioneural +cardioneurosis +cardionosus +cardioparplasis +cardiopath +cardiopathic +cardiopathy +cardiopericarditis +cardiophobe +cardiophobia +cardiophrenia +cardioplasty +cardioplegia +cardiopneumatic +cardiopneumograph +cardioptosis +cardiopulmonary +cardiopuncture +cardiopyloric +cardiorenal +cardiorespiratory +cardiorrhaphy +cardiorrheuma +cardiorrhexis +cardioschisis +cardiosclerosis +cardioscope +cardiospasm +Cardiospermum +cardiosphygmogram +cardiosphygmograph +cardiosymphysis +cardiotherapies +cardiotherapy +cardiotomy +cardiotonic +cardiotoxic +cardiotoxicities +cardiotoxicity +cardiotrophia +cardiotrophotherapy +cardiovascular +cardiovisceral +cardipaludism +cardipericarditis +cardisophistical +cardita +carditic +carditis +carditises +Cardito +Cardium +cardlike +cardmaker +cardmaking +cardo +cardol +Cardon +cardon +cardona +cardoncillo +cardooer +cardoon +cardoons +cardophagus +cardosanto +Cardozo +card-perforating +cardplayer +cardplaying +card-printing +cardroom +cards +cardshark +cardsharp +cardsharper +cardsharping +cardsharps +card-sorting +cardstock +Carduaceae +carduaceous +Carducci +cardueline +Carduelis +car-dumping +Carduus +carduus +Cardville +Cardwell +CARE +Care +care +Careaga +care-bewitching +care-bringing +care-charming +care-cloth +carecloth +care-crazed +care-crossed +cared +care-defying +care-dispelling +care-eluding +careen +careenage +care-encumbered +careened +careener +careeners +careening +careens +career +careered +careerer +careerers +careering +careeringly +careerism +careerist +careeristic +careers +carefox +care-fraught +carefree +carefreeness +careful +carefull +carefuller +carefullest +carefully +carefulness +carefulnesses +care-killing +Carel +care-laden +careless +carelessly +carelessness +carelessnesses +care-lined +careme +Caren +Carena +Carencro +carene +Carenton +carer +carers +cares +Caresa +care-scorched +caress +Caressa +caressable +caressant +Caresse +caressed +caresser +caressers +caresses +caressing +caressingly +caressive +caressively +carest +caret +caretake +caretaken +care-taker +caretaker +caretakers +caretakes +caretaking +care-tired +caretook +carets +Caretta +Carettochelydidae +care-tuned +Carew +careworn +care-wounded +Carex +carex +Carey +carey +careys +Careywood +carf +carfare +carfares +carfax +carfloat +carfour +carfuffle +carfuffled +carfuffling +carful +carfuls +carga +cargador +cargadores +cargason +Cargian +Cargill +cargo +cargoes +cargoose +cargos +cargued +Carhart +carhop +carhops +carhouse +Cari +Caria +cariacine +Cariacus +cariama +Cariamae +Carian +Carib +carib +Caribal +Cariban +cariban +Caribbean +caribbean +caribbeans +Caribbee +Caribbees +caribe +caribed +Caribees +caribes +Caribi +caribing +Caribisi +Caribou +caribou +Caribou-eater +caribous +Caribs +Carica +Caricaceae +caricaceous +caricatura +caricaturable +caricatural +caricature +caricatured +caricatures +caricaturing +caricaturist +caricaturists +carices +caricetum +caricographer +caricography +caricologist +caricology +caricous +carid +Carida +Caridea +caridean +carideer +caridoid +Caridomorpha +Carie +caried +carien +caries +cariform +CARIFTA +Carignan +Carijona +Caril +Carilla +carillon +carilloneur +carillonned +carillonneur +carillonneurs +carillonning +carillons +Carilyn +Carin +Carina +carina +carinae +carinal +Carinaria +carinaria +carinas +Carinatae +carinate +carinated +carination +Carine +caring +Cariniana +cariniform +Carinthia +Carinthian +carinula +carinulate +carinule +Carioca +carioca +Cariocan +cariocas +cariogenic +cariole +carioles +carioling +cariosity +Cariotta +carious +cariousness +caripeta +Caripuna +Cariri +Caririan +Carisa +carisoprodol +Carissa +Carissimi +Carita +caritas +caritative +carites +caritive +Caritta +carity +Carius +Cariyo +cark +carked +carking +carkingly +carkled +carks +Carl +carl +Carla +carlage +Carland +carle +Carlee +Carleen +Carlen +Carlene +carles +carless +carlet +Carleta +Carleton +Carley +Carli +carli +Carlick +Carlie +carlie +Carlile +Carlin +carlin +Carlina +carlina +Carline +carline +carlines +Carling +carling +carlings +Carlini +carlino +carlins +Carlinville +carlish +carlishness +Carlisle +Carlism +carlism +Carlist +carlist +Carlita +Carlo +carlo +carload +carloading +carloadings +carloads +Carlock +carlock +Carlos +carlot +Carlota +Carlotta +Carlovingian +carlovingian +Carlow +carls +Carlsbad +Carlsborg +Carlson +Carlstadt +Carlstrom +Carlton +Carludovica +Carly +Carlye +Carlyle +Carlylean +Carlyleian +Carlylese +Carlylesque +Carlylian +Carlylism +carlylism +Carlyn +Carlyne +Carlynn +Carlynne +Carma +carmagnole +carmagnoles +carmaker +carmakers +carmalum +Carman +carman +Carmania +Carmanians +Carmanor +Carmarthen +Carmarthenshire +Carme +Carmel +carmel +Carmela +carmele +Carmelia +Carmelina +Carmelita +Carmelite +carmelite +Carmelitess +Carmella +Carmelle +Carmelo +carmeloite +Carmen +carmen +Carmena +Carmencita +Carmenta +Carmentis +carmetta +Carmi +Carmichael +Carmichaels +car-mile +Carmina +carminate +carminative +carminatives +Carmine +carmine +carmines +carminette +carminic +carminite +carminophilous +Carmita +carmoisin +Carmon +carmot +Carn +carn +Carnac +carnac +Carnacian +carnage +carnaged +carnages +Carnahan +carnal +carnalism +carnalite +carnalities +carnality +carnalize +carnalized +carnalizing +carnallite +carnally +carnal-minded +carnal-mindedness +carnalness +Carnap +carnaptious +Carnaria +Carnarvon +Carnarvonshire +carnary +carnassial +carnate +Carnatic +Carnation +carnation +carnationed +carnationist +carnation-red +carnations +carnauba +carnaubas +carnaubic +carnaubyl +Carnay +carne +Carneades +carneau +Carnegie +carnegie +Carnegiea +carnel +carnelian +carnelians +carneol +carneole +carneous +Carnes +Carnesville +carnet +carnets +Carneus +Carney +carney +carneyed +carneys +carnic +carnie +carnied +carnies +carniferous +carniferrin +carnifex +carnifexes +carnification +carnifices +carnificial +carnified +carnifies +carniform +carnify +carnifying +Carniola +Carniolan +carnitine +Carnival +carnival +carnivaler +carnivalesque +carnivaller +carnivallike +carnivals +Carnivora +carnivora +carnivoracity +carnivoral +carnivore +carnivores +carnivorism +carnivority +carnivorous +carnivorously +carnivorousness +carnivorousnesses +carnose +carnosin +carnosine +carnosities +carnosity +carnoso- +Carnot +carnotite +carnous +Carnoustie +Carnovsky +carns +Carnus +Carny +carny +Caro +caroa +caroach +caroaches +carob +caroba +carobs +caroch +caroche +caroches +Caroid +caroigne +Carol +carol +Carola +Carolan +Carolann +Carole +carole +Carolean +carolean +caroled +Carolee +Caroleen +caroler +carolers +caroli +Carolin +carolin +Carolina +carolina +carolinas +Caroline +caroline +carolines +Caroling +caroling +Carolingian +carolingian +Carolinian +carolinian +carolinians +carolitic +Carol-Jean +Caroljean +Carolle +carolled +caroller +carollers +carolling +carols +Carolus +carolus +caroluses +Carolyn +carolyn +Carolyne +Carolynn +Carolynne +carom +carombolette +caromed +caromel +caroming +caroms +Caron +Carona +carone +caronic +caroome +caroon +carosella +carosse +CAROT +carot +caroteel +carotene +carotenes +carotenoid +Carothers +carotic +carotid +carotidal +carotidean +carotids +carotin +carotinaemia +carotinemia +carotinoid +carotins +carotol +carotte +carouba +caroubier +carousal +carousals +carouse +caroused +carousel +carousels +carouser +carousers +carouses +carousing +carousingly +-carp +carp +carp- +Carpaccio +carpaine +carpal +carpale +carpalia +carpals +Carpathia +Carpathian +Carpathians +Carpatho-russian +Carpatho-ruthenian +Carpatho-Ukraine +carpe +Carpeaux +carped +carpel +carpellary +carpellate +carpellum +carpels +carpent +Carpentaria +Carpenter +carpenter +carpentered +Carpenteria +carpentering +carpenters +carpentership +Carpentersville +carpenterworm +Carpentier +carpentries +carpentry +Carper +carper +carpers +Carpet +carpet +carpet-bag +carpetbag +carpetbagged +carpet-bagger +carpetbagger +carpetbaggers +carpetbaggery +carpetbagging +carpetbaggism +carpetbagism +carpetbags +carpetbeater +carpet-covered +carpet-cut +carpeted +carpeting +carpet-knight +carpetlayer +carpetless +carpetmaker +carpetmaking +carpetmonger +carpets +carpet-smooth +carpet-sweeper +carpetweb +carpetweed +carpetwork +carpetwoven +Carphiophiops +carpholite +carphology +Carphophis +carphosiderite +carpi +-carpic +carpid +carpidium +carpincho +carping +carpingly +carpings +Carpinteria +carpintero +Carpinus +Carpio +Carpiodes +carpitis +carpium +Carpo +carpo- +carpocace +Carpocapsa +carpocarpal +carpocephala +carpocephalum +carpocerite +carpocervical +Carpocratian +carpocratian +Carpodacus +Carpodetus +carpogam +carpogamy +carpogenic +carpogenous +carpognia +carpogone +carpogonia +carpogonial +carpogonium +Carpoidea +carpolite +carpolith +carpological +carpologically +carpologist +carpology +carpomania +carpometacarpal +carpometacarpi +carpometacarpus +carpompi +carpool +carpo-olecranal +carpools +carpopedal +Carpophaga +carpophagous +carpophalangeal +carpophore +Carpophorus +carpophyl +carpophyll +carpophyte +carpopodite +carpopoditic +carpoptosia +carpoptosis +carport +carports +carpos +carposperm +carposporangia +carposporangial +carposporangium +carpospore +carposporic +carposporous +carpostome +-carpous +carps +carpsucker +carpus +carpuspi +carquaise +Carr +carr +Carrabelle +Carracci +carrack +carracks +carrageen +carrageenan +carrageenin +carragheen +carragheenin +Carranza +Carrara +Carraran +carrat +carraway +carraways +Carrboro +carreau +Carree +carree +carrefour +Carrel +carrel +carrell +Carrelli +carrells +carrels +car-replacing +Carrere +carreta +carretela +carretera +carreton +carretta +Carrew +Carri +carri +carriable +carriage +carriageable +carriage-free +carriageful +carriageless +carriages +carriagesmith +carriageway +Carrick +carrick +Carrie +carried +Carrier +carrier +Carriere +carrier-free +carrier-pigeon +carriers +carries +carrigeen +Carrillo +Carrington +carriole +carrioles +carrion +carrions +Carrissa +carritch +carritches +carriwitchet +Carrizo +carrizo +Carrizozo +Carrnan +Carrobili +carrocci +carroccio +carroch +carroches +Carrol +Carroll +carroll +carrollite +Carrolls +Carrollton +Carrolltown +carrom +carromata +carromatas +carromed +carroming +carroms +carronade +carroon +carrosserie +carrot +carrotage +carrot-colored +carroter +carrot-head +carrot-headed +Carrothers +carrotier +carrotiest +carrotin +carrotiness +carroting +carrotins +carrot-pated +carrots +carrot-shaped +carrot-top +carrottop +carrotweed +carrotwood +carroty +carrousel +carrousels +carrow +carrozza +carrs +Carrsville +carrus +Carruthers +Carry +carry +carryable +carry-all +carryall +carryalls +carry-back +carrycot +carryed +carry-forward +carry-in +carrying +carrying-on +carrying-out +carryings +carryings-on +carryke +carry-log +carry-on +carryon +carryons +carryout +carryouts +carry-over +carryover +carryovers +carrys +carry-tale +carrytale +cars +carse +carses +carshop +carshops +carsick +carsickness +carsmith +Carson +carson +Carsonville +Carstensz +carstone +CART +Cart +cart +cartable +cartaceous +cartage +Cartagena +cartages +Cartago +Cartan +cartboot +cartbote +Carte +carte +carted +carte-de-visite +cartel +cartelism +cartelist +cartelistic +cartelization +cartelize +cartelized +cartelizing +cartellist +cartels +Carter +carter +Carteret +carterly +carters +Cartersburg +Cartersville +Carterville +cartes +Cartesian +cartesian +Cartesianism +cartful +Carthage +Carthaginian +Carthal +carthame +carthamic +carthamin +Carthamus +carthamus +carthorse +Carthusian +carthusian +Carthy +Cartie +Cartier +cartier +Cartier-Bresson +cartiest +cartilage +cartilages +cartilaginean +Cartilaginei +cartilagineous +Cartilagines +cartilaginification +cartilaginoid +cartilaginous +carting +cartisane +Cartist +cartload +cartloads +cartmaker +cartmaking +cartman +cartobibliography +cartogram +cartograph +cartographer +cartographers +cartographic +cartographical +cartographically +cartographies +cartography +cartomancies +cartomancy +carton +cartoned +cartoner +cartonful +cartoning +cartonnage +cartonnier +cartonniers +carton-pierre +cartons +cartoon +cartooned +cartooning +cartoonist +cartoonists +cartoons +cartop +cartopper +cartouch +cartouche +cartouches +cartridge +cartridges +cart-rutted +carts +cartsale +cartularies +cartulary +cartware +cartway +Cartwell +cart-wheel +cartwheel +cartwheeler +cartwheels +cartwhip +Cartwright +cartwright +cartwrighting +carty +carua +caruage +carucage +carucal +carucarius +carucate +carucated +Carum +caruncle +caruncles +caruncula +carunculae +caruncular +carunculate +carunculated +carunculous +Carupano +carus +Caruso +Caruthers +Caruthersville +carvacrol +carvacryl +carvage +carval +carve +carved +carvel +carvel-built +carvel-planked +carvels +carven +carvene +Carver +carver +carvers +carvership +Carversville +carves +carvestrene +Carvey +Carville +carving +carvings +carvist +carvoeira +carvoepra +carvol +carvomenthene +carvone +carvy +carvyl +carwash +carwashes +carwitchet +Cary +cary- +Carya +caryatic +caryatid +caryatidal +caryatidean +caryatides +caryatidic +caryatids +Caryatis +Caryl +caryl +Caryll +Caryn +caryo- +Caryocar +Caryocaraceae +caryocaraceous +Caryophyllaceae +caryophyllaceous +caryophyllene +caryophylleous +caryophyllin +caryophyllous +Caryophyllus +caryopilite +caryopses +caryopsides +caryopsis +Caryopteris +Caryota +caryotin +caryotins +Caryville +carzey +CAS +Cas +Casa +casa +casaba +casabas +casabe +Casabianca +Casablanca +casablanca +Casabonne +Casadesus +Casady +casal +Casaleggio +Casals +casalty +Casamarca +Casandra +Casanova +casanova +Casanovanic +casanovas +casaque +casaques +casaquin +Casar +casas +Casasia +casate +Casatus +Casaubon +casaun +casava +Casavant +casavas +casave +casavi +Casbah +casbah +casbahs +cascabel +cascabels +cascable +cascables +cascadable +cascade +cascade-connect +cascaded +cascades +Cascadia +Cascadian +cascading +cascadite +cascado +Cascais +cascalho +cascalote +cascan +cascara +cascaras +cascarilla +cascaron +cascavel +caschielawis +caschrom +Cascilla +Casco +casco +cascol +cascrom +cascrome +CASE +Case +case +Casearia +casease +caseases +caseate +caseated +caseates +caseating +caseation +case-bearer +casebearer +casebook +casebooks +case-bound +casebound +casebox +caseconv +cased +casefied +casefies +caseful +casefy +casefying +case-harden +caseharden +case-hardened +casehardened +casehardening +casehardens +caseic +casein +caseinate +caseine +caseinogen +caseins +casekeeper +case-knife +Casel +caseless +caselessly +caseload +caseloads +caselty +casemaker +casemaking +casemate +casemated +casemates +Casement +casement +casemented +casements +caseolysis +caseose +caseoses +caseous +caser +caser-in +caserio +caserios +casern +caserne +casernes +caserns +Caserta +cases +case-shot +casette +casettes +caseum +Caseville +case-weed +caseweed +casewood +casework +case-worker +caseworker +caseworkers +caseworks +case-worm +caseworm +caseworms +Casey +Caseyville +Cash +cash +casha +cashable +cashableness +cash-and-carry +cashaw +cashaws +cash-book +cashbook +cashbooks +cashbox +cashboxes +cashboy +cashcuttee +cashdrawer +cashed +casheen +cashel +casher +cashers +cashes +cashew +cashews +cashgirl +Cashibo +cashier +cashiered +cashierer +cashiering +cashierment +Cashiers +cashiers +cashing +Cashion +cashkeeper +cashless +cashment +Cashmere +cashmere +cashmeres +cashmerette +Cashmerian +Cashmirian +cashoo +cashoos +cashou +Cashton +Cashtown +Casi +Casia +Casie +Casilda +Casilde +casimere +casimeres +Casimir +Casimire +casimire +casimires +Casimiroa +casina +casinet +casing +casing-in +casings +casini +casino +casinos +casiri +casita +casitas +cask +caskanet +casked +casket +casketed +casketing +casketlike +caskets +casking +casklike +casks +cask-shaped +casky +Caslon +Casmalia +Casmey +Casnovia +Cason +Caspar +Casparian +Casper +casper +Caspian +caspian +casque +casqued +casques +casquet +casquetel +casquette +Cass +cass +cassaba +cassabanana +cassabas +cassabully +cassada +Cassadaga +Cassady +cassady +cassalty +cassan +Cassander +Cassandra +cassandra +Cassandra-like +Cassandran +cassandras +Cassandre +Cassandrian +Cassandry +cassapanca +cassare +cassareep +cassata +cassatas +cassate +cassation +Cassatt +Cassaundra +cassava +cassavas +Casscoe +casse +Cassegrain +Cassegrainian +Cassel +Casselberry +Cassell +Cassella +Casselton +casselty +cassena +casserole +casseroled +casseroles +casseroling +casse-tete +cassette +cassettes +Cassey +casshe +Cassi +Cassia +cassia +Cassiaceae +Cassian +Cassiani +cassias +cassican +Cassicus +Cassida +cassideous +cassidid +Cassididae +Cassidinae +cassidoine +cassidony +Cassidulina +cassiduloid +Cassiduloidea +Cassidy +Cassie +cassie +Cassiepea +Cassiepean +Cassiepeia +Cassil +Cassilda +cassimere +cassina +cassine +Cassinese +cassinette +Cassini +Cassinian +cassinian +Cassino +cassino +cassinoid +cassinos +cassioberry +Cassiodorus +Cassiope +Cassiopea +Cassiopean +Cassiopeia +cassiopeia +Cassiopeiae +Cassiopeian +cassiopeian +Cassiopeid +cassiopeium +cassique +Cassirer +cassiri +CASSIS +Cassis +cassis +cassises +Cassite +cassiterite +cassites +Cassius +cassius +cassock +cassocked +cassocks +Cassoday +cassolette +casson +cassonade +Cassondra +cassone +cassoni +cassons +cassoon +Cassopolis +cassoulet +cassowaries +cassowary +Casstown +cassumunar +cassumuniar +Cassville +Cassy +cassy +Cassytha +Cassythaceae +cast +Casta +castable +castagnole +Castalia +castalia +Castalian +Castalides +Castalio +Castana +castana +castane +Castanea +castanean +castaneous +castanet +castanets +castanian +castano +Castanopsis +Castanospermum +Castara +castaway +castaways +cast-back +cast-by +caste +Casteau +casted +Casteel +casteism +casteisms +casteless +castelet +Castell +Castella +castellan +castellanies +castellano +Castellanos +castellans +castellanship +castellanus +castellany +castellar +castellate +castellated +castellation +castellatus +castellet +castelli +Castellna +castellum +Castelnuovo-Tedesco +Castelvetro +casten +Caster +caster +Castera +caste-ridden +casterless +caster-off +casters +castes +casteth +casthouse +castice +castigable +castigate +castigated +castigates +castigating +castigation +castigations +castigative +castigator +castigatories +castigators +castigatory +Castiglione +Castile +castile +Castilian +castilian +Castilla +Castilleja +Castillo +castillo +Castilloa +Castine +casting +castings +cast-iron +cast-iron-plant +Castle +castle +Castleberry +castle-builder +castle-building +castle-built +castle-buttressed +castle-crowned +castled +Castledale +Castleford +castle-guard +castle-guarded +castlelike +Castlereagh +castlery +castles +castlet +Castleton +castleward +castlewards +castlewise +Castlewood +castling +cast-me-down +castock +cast-off +castoff +castoffs +Castor +castor +Castora +castor-bean +Castores +castoreum +castorial +Castoridae +castorin +Castorina +castorite +castorized +Castorland +Castoroides +castors +castory +Castra +castra +castral +castrametation +castrate +castrated +castrater +castrates +castrati +castrating +castration +castrations +castrato +castrator +castrators +castratory +castrensial +castrensian +Castries +Castro +castro +Castroism +Castroist +Castroite +Castrop-Rauxel +Castroville +castrum +casts +cast-steel +castuli +cast-weld +CASU +casual +casualism +casualist +casuality +casually +casualness +casualnesses +casuals +casualties +casualty +Casuariidae +Casuariiformes +Casuarina +casuarina +Casuarinaceae +casuarinaceous +Casuarinales +Casuarius +casuary +casuist +casuistess +casuistic +casuistical +casuistically +casuistries +casuistry +casuists +casula +casule +casus +casusistry +Caswell +caswellite +Casziel +CAT +Cat +cat +cat. +cata- +catabaptist +catabases +catabasion +catabasis +catabatic +catabibazon +catabiotic +catabolic +catabolically +catabolin +catabolism +catabolite +catabolize +catabolized +catabolizing +catacaustic +catachreses +catachresis +catachresti +catachrestic +catachrestical +catachrestically +catachthonian +catachthonic +cataclasis +cataclasm +cataclasmic +cataclastic +cataclinal +cataclysm +cataclysmal +cataclysmatic +cataclysmatist +cataclysmic +cataclysmically +cataclysmist +cataclysms +catacomb +catacombic +catacombs +catacorner +catacorolla +catacoustics +catacromyodian +catacrotic +catacrotism +catacumba +catacumbal +catacylsmic +catadicrotic +catadicrotism +catadioptric +catadioptrical +catadioptrics +catadrome +catadromous +catadupe +Cataebates +catafalco +catafalque +catafalques +catagenesis +catagenetic +catagmatic +catagories +Cataian +cataian +catakinesis +catakinetic +catakinetomer +catakinomeric +Catalan +catalan +Catalanganes +Catalanist +catalase +catalases +catalatic +Catalaunian +Cataldo +catalecta +catalectic +catalecticant +catalects +catalepsies +catalepsis +catalepsy +cataleptic +cataleptically +cataleptics +cataleptiform +cataleptize +cataleptoid +catalexes +catalexis +Catalin +catalin +Catalina +catalina +catalineta +catalinite +catallactic +catallactically +catallactics +catallum +catalo +cataloes +catalog +cataloged +cataloger +catalogers +catalogia +catalogic +catalogical +cataloging +catalogist +catalogistic +catalogize +catalogs +catalogue +catalogued +cataloguer +cataloguers +catalogues +cataloguing +cataloguish +cataloguist +cataloguize +Catalonia +Catalonian +cataloon +catalos +catalowne +Catalpa +catalpa +catalpas +catalufa +catalufas +catalyse +catalyses +catalysis +catalyst +catalysts +catalyte +catalytic +catalytical +catalytically +catalyzator +catalyze +catalyzed +catalyzer +catalyzers +catalyzes +catalyzing +catamaran +catamarans +Catamarca +Catamarcan +Catamarenan +catamenia +catamenial +catamite +catamited +catamites +catamiting +Catamitus +catamneses +catamnesis +catamnestic +catamount +cat-a-mountain +catamountain +catamounts +catan +catanadromous +Catananche +cat-and-dog +cat-and-doggish +Catania +Catano +Catanzaro +catapan +catapasm +catapetalous +cataphasia +cataphatic +cataphonic +cataphonics +cataphora +cataphoresis +cataphoretic +cataphoretically +cataphoria +cataphoric +cataphract +Cataphracta +cataphracted +Cataphracti +cataphractic +cataphrenia +cataphrenic +Cataphrygian +cataphrygian +cataphrygianism +cataphyll +cataphylla +cataphyllary +cataphyllum +cataphysic +cataphysical +cataplane +cataplasia +cataplasis +cataplasm +cataplastic +catapleiite +cataplexy +catapuce +catapult +catapulted +catapultic +catapultier +catapulting +catapults +cataract +cataractal +cataracted +cataracteg +cataractine +cataractous +cataracts +cataractwise +cataria +Catarina +catarinite +catarrh +catarrhal +catarrhally +catarrhed +Catarrhina +catarrhine +catarrhinian +catarrhous +catarrhs +catasarka +Catasauqua +Catasetum +cataspilite +catasta +catastaltic +catastases +catastasis +catastate +catastatic +catasterism +catastrophal +catastrophe +catastrophes +catastrophic +catastrophical +catastrophically +catastrophism +catastrophist +catathymic +catatonia +catatoniac +catatonias +catatonic +catatonics +catatony +Cataula +Cataumet +Catavi +catawampous +catawampously +catawamptious +catawamptiously +catawampus +Catawba +catawba +catawbas +Catawissa +cat-bed +catberry +catbird +catbirds +catboat +catboats +catbrier +catbriers +cat-built +catcall +catcalled +catcaller +catcalling +catcalls +catch +catch- +catch-22 +catchable +catch-all +catchall +catchalls +catch-as-catch-can +catch-cord +catchcry +catched +catcher +catchers +catches +catchflies +catchfly +catchie +catchier +catchiest +catchiness +catching +catchingly +catchingness +catchland +catchlight +catchline +catchment +catchments +cat-chop +catchpennies +catchpenny +catchphrase +catchplate +catchpole +catchpoled +catchpolery +catchpoleship +catchpoling +catchpoll +catchpolled +catchpollery +catchpolling +catch-up +catchup +catchups +catchwater +catchweed +catchweight +catchword +catchwords +catchwork +catchy +catclaw +cat-clover +catdom +Cate +cate +catecheses +catechesis +catechetic +catechetical +catechetically +catechin +catechins +catechisable +catechisation +catechise +catechised +catechiser +catechising +Catechism +catechism +catechismal +catechisms +catechist +catechistic +catechistical +catechistically +catechists +catechizable +catechization +catechize +catechized +catechizer +catechizes +catechizing +catechol +catecholamine +catecholamines +catechols +catechu +catechumen +catechumenal +catechumenate +catechumenical +catechumenically +catechumenism +catechumens +catechumenship +catechus +catechutannic +categorem +categorematic +categorematical +categorematically +categorial +categoric +categorical +categorically +categoricalness +categories +categorisation +categorise +categorised +categorising +categorist +categorization +categorizations +categorize +categorized +categorizer +categorizers +categorizes +categorizing +category +catel +catelectrode +catelectrotonic +catelectrotonus +catella +catena +catenae +catenane +catenarian +catenaries +catenary +catenas +catenate +catenated +catenates +catenating +catenation +catenative +catenoid +catenoids +catenulate +catepuce +cater +cateran +caterans +caterbrawl +catercap +cater-corner +catercorner +cater-cornered +catercornered +catercornerways +cater-cousin +catercousin +cater-cousinship +catered +caterer +caterers +caterership +cateress +cateresses +Caterina +catering +cateringly +Caterpillar +caterpillar +caterpillared +caterpillarlike +caterpillars +caters +caterva +caterwaul +caterwauled +caterwauler +caterwauling +caterwauls +catery +Cates +cates +Catesbaea +catesbeiana +Catesby +cateye +cat-eyed +catface +catfaced +catfaces +catfacing +catfall +catfalls +catfight +cat-fish +catfish +catfishes +cat-foot +catfoot +catfooted +catgut +catguts +Cath +Cath. +cath +cath- +Catha +cat-hammed +Cathar +cathar +catharan +Cathari +Catharina +Catharine +catharine +Catharism +Catharist +catharist +Catharistic +catharization +catharize +catharized +catharizing +Catharpin +cat-harpin +cat-harpings +Cathars +catharses +catharsis +Catharsius +Cathartae +Cathartes +cathartic +cathartical +cathartically +catharticalness +cathartics +Cathartidae +Cathartides +cathartin +Cathartolinum +Cathay +Cathayan +Cathe +cat-head +cathead +catheads +cathect +cathected +cathectic +cathecting +cathection +cathects +cathedra +cathedrae +cathedral +cathedraled +cathedralesque +cathedralic +cathedral-like +cathedrallike +cathedrals +cathedralwise +cathedras +cathedrated +cathedratic +cathedratica +cathedratical +cathedratically +cathedraticum +Cathee +cathepsin +catheptic +Cather +catheretic +Catherin +Catherina +Catherine +catherine +cathern +Catherwood +Catheryn +catheter +catheterisation +catheterise +catheterised +catheterising +catheterism +catheterization +catheterize +catheterized +catheterizes +catheterizing +catheters +catheti +cathetometer +cathetometric +cathetus +cathetusti +cathexes +cathexion +cathexis +Cathey +Cathi +cathidine +Cathie +cathin +cathine +cathinine +cathion +cathisma +cathismata +Cathlamet +Cathleen +Cathlene +cathodal +cathode +cathodegraph +cathodes +cathodic +cathodical +cathodically +cathodofluorescence +cathodograph +cathodography +cathodoluminescence +cathodo-luminescent +cathodoluminescent +cathograph +cathography +cat-hole +cathole +Catholic +catholic +catholical +catholically +catholicalness +catholicate +catholici +catholicisation +catholicise +catholicised +catholiciser +catholicising +Catholicism +catholicism +catholicist +Catholicity +catholicity +catholicization +catholicize +catholicized +catholicizer +catholicizing +catholicly +catholicness +catholico- +catholicoi +catholicon +catholicos +catholicoses +catholics +catholicus +catholyte +Cathomycin +cathood +cathop +cathouse +cathouses +Cathrin +Cathrine +ca'-thro' +cathro +Cathryn +cathud +Cathy +cathy +Cathyleen +Cati +Catie +Catilinarian +Catiline +catiline +Catima +Catina +cating +cation +cation-active +cationic +cationically +cations +CATIS +cativo +catjang +catkin +catkinate +catkins +Catlaina +cat-lap +catlap +CATLAS +Catlee +Catlett +Catlettsburg +cat-like +catlike +Catlin +catlin +catline +catling +catlings +catlinite +catlins +cat-locks +catmalison +catmint +catmints +catnache +catnap +catnaper +catnapers +catnapped +catnapper +catnapping +catnaps +catnep +catnip +catnips +Cato +catoblepas +Catocala +catocalid +catocarthartic +catocathartic +catochus +Catoctin +catoctin +Catodon +catodont +catogene +catogenic +Catoism +cat-o'-mountain +Caton +Catonian +catonian +Catonic +Catonically +cat-o'-nine-tails +cat-o-nine-tails +Catonism +Catonsville +Catoosa +catoptric +catoptrical +catoptrically +catoptrics +catoptrite +catoptromancy +catoptromantic +Catoquina +catostomid +Catostomidae +catostomoid +Catostomus +catouse +catpiece +catpipe +catproof +Catreus +cat-rigged +catrigged +Catrina +Catriona +Catron +cats +cat's-claw +cat's-cradle +cat's-ear +cat's-eye +cat's-eyes +cat's-feet +cat's-foot +cat's-head +Catskill +catskill +Catskills +catskin +catskinner +catslide +catso +catsos +cat's-paw +catspaw +catspaws +cat's-tail +catstane +catstep +cat-stick +catstick +catstitch +catstitcher +catstone +catsup +catsups +Catt +cattabu +cattail +cattails +cattalo +cattaloes +cattalos +Cattan +cattan +Cattaraugus +catted +Cattegat +Cattell +catter +catteries +cattery +Catti +cattie +Cattier +cattier +catties +cattiest +cattily +Cattima +cattimandoo +cattiness +cattinesses +catting +cattish +cattishly +cattishness +cattle +cattlebush +cattlefold +cattlegate +cattle-grid +cattle-guard +cattlehide +cattleless +cattleman +cattlemen +cattle-plague +cattle-ranching +cattleship +cattle-specked +Cattleya +cattleya +cattleyak +cattleyas +Catto +Catton +cat-train +Catty +catty +catty-co +catty-corner +cattycorner +catty-cornered +cattycornered +cattyman +cattyphoid +Catullian +Catullus +catur +CATV +catvine +catwalk +catwalks +cat-whistles +catwise +cat-witted +catwood +catwort +Caty +catydid +catzerie +CAU +caubeen +cauboge +Cauca +Caucasia +Caucasian +caucasian +caucasians +Caucasic +Caucasoid +caucasoid +caucasoids +Caucasus +caucasus +Caucete +cauch +cauchemar +cauchillo +caucho +Cauchy +Caucon +caucus +caucused +caucuses +caucusing +caucussed +caucusses +caucussing +cauda +caudad +caudae +caudaite +caudal +caudally +caudalward +Caudata +caudata +caudate +caudated +caudates +caudation +caudatolenticular +caudatory +caudatum +Caudebec +caudebeck +caudex +caudexes +caudices +caudicle +caudiform +caudillism +Caudillo +caudillo +caudillos +caudle +caudles +caudocephalad +caudodorsal +caudofemoral +caudolateral +caudotibial +caudotibialis +cauf +caufle +Caughey +Caughnawaga +caught +cauk +cauked +cauking +caul +cauld +cauldrife +cauldrifeness +cauldron +cauldrons +caulds +Caulerpa +Caulerpaceae +caulerpaceous +caules +caulescent +Caulfield +cauli +caulicle +caulicles +caulicole +caulicolous +caulicule +cauliculi +cauliculus +cauliferous +cauliflorous +cauliflory +cauliflower +cauliflower-eared +cauliflowers +cauliform +cauligenous +caulinar +caulinary +cauline +caulis +Caulite +caulivorous +caulk +caulked +caulker +caulkers +caulking +caulkings +caulks +caulo- +caulocarpic +caulocarpous +caulome +caulomer +caulomic +Caulonia +caulophylline +Caulophyllum +Caulopteris +caulopteris +caulosarc +caulotaxis +caulotaxy +caulote +cauls +caum +cauma +caumatic +caunch +Caundra +Caunos +caunter +Caunus +caup +caupo +cauponate +cauponation +caupones +cauponize +Cauquenes +Cauqui +caurale +Caurus +caus +caus. +causa +causability +causable +causae +causal +causaless +causalgia +causalities +causality +causally +causals +causans +causata +causate +causation +causational +causationism +causationist +causations +causative +causatively +causativeness +causativity +causator +causatum +cause +cause-and-effect +caused +causeful +causeless +causelessly +causelessness +causer +causerie +causeries +causers +causes +causeur +causeuse +causeuses +causeway +causewayed +causewaying +causewayman +causeways +Causey +causey +causeys +causidical +causing +causingness +causon +causse +causson +caustic +caustical +caustically +causticiser +causticism +causticity +causticization +causticize +causticized +causticizer +causticizing +causticly +causticness +caustics +caustification +caustified +caustify +caustifying +Causus +cautel +cautela +cautelous +cautelously +cautelousness +cauter +cauterant +cauteries +cauterisation +cauterise +cauterised +cauterising +cauterism +cauterization +cauterizations +cauterize +cauterized +cauterizer +cauterizes +cauterizing +cautery +Cauthornville +cautio +caution +cautionaries +cautionary +cautioned +cautioner +cautioners +cautiones +cautioning +cautionings +cautionry +cautions +cautious +cautiously +cautiousness +cautiousnesses +cautivo +Cauvery +CAV +Cav +Cav. +cav +cava +cavae +cavaedia +cavaedium +Cavafy +caval +cavalcade +cavalcaded +cavalcades +cavalcading +Cavalerius +cavalero +cavaleros +Cavalier +cavalier +cavaliere +cavaliered +cavalieres +Cavalieri +cavalieri +cavaliering +cavalierish +cavalierishness +cavalierism +cavalierly +cavalierness +cavaliernesses +cavaliero +cavaliers +cavaliership +cavalla +Cavallaro +cavallas +cavallies +cavally +cavalries +cavalry +cavalryman +cavalrymen +Cavan +Cavanagh +Cavanaugh +cavascope +cavate +cavated +cavatina +cavatinas +cavatine +cavayard +cavdia +Cave +cave +cavea +caveae +caveat +caveated +caveatee +caveating +caveator +caveators +caveats +caved +cavefish +cavefishes +cave-guarded +cave-in +cavekeeper +cave-keeping +cavel +cavelet +cavelike +Cavell +cave-lodged +cave-loving +caveman +cavemen +Cavendish +cavendish +caver +cavern +cavernal +caverned +cavernicolous +caverning +cavernitis +cavernlike +cavernoma +cavernous +cavernously +caverns +cavernulous +cavers +Caves +caves +cavesson +Cavetown +cavetti +cavetto +cavettos +cavey +Cavia +caviar +caviare +caviares +caviars +cavicorn +Cavicornia +Cavidae +cavie +cavies +Cavil +cavil +caviled +caviler +cavilers +caviling +cavilingly +cavilingness +Cavill +cavillation +cavillatory +cavilled +caviller +cavillers +cavilling +cavillingly +cavillingness +cavillous +cavils +cavin +Cavina +Caviness +caving +cavings +cavi-relievi +cavi-rilievi +cavish +Cavit +cavitary +cavitate +cavitated +cavitates +cavitating +cavitation +cavitations +Cavite +caviteno +cavitied +cavities +cavity +caviya +cavo-relievo +cavo-relievos +cavo-rilievo +cavort +cavorted +cavorter +cavorters +cavorting +cavorts +Cavour +CAVU +cavu +cavum +Cavuoto +cavus +cavy +cavyyard +caw +Cawdrey +cawed +cawing +cawk +cawker +cawky +cawl +Cawley +cawney +cawnie +Cawnpore +cawny +Cawood +cawquaw +caws +c-axes +Caxias +caxiri +c-axis +caxon +Caxton +caxton +Caxtonian +cay +Cayapa +Cayapo +Cayce +Caye +Cayenne +cayenne +cayenned +cayennes +Cayes +Cayey +Cayla +Cayley +Cayleyan +cayleyan +Caylor +cayman +caymans +caynard +cayos +cays +Cayser +Cayubaba +Cayubaban +cayuca +cayuco +Cayucos +Cayuga +cayuga +Cayugan +Cayugas +cayugas +Cayuse +cayuse +cayuses +Cayuta +Cayuvava +Caz +caza +Cazadero +Cazenovia +cazibi +cazimi +cazique +caziques +Cazzie +C.B. +CB +Cb +cb +CBC +C.B.D. +CBD +CBDS +C.B.E. +CBE +CBEL +CBEMA +CBI +C-bias +CBR +CBS +CBW +CBX +C.C. +CC +Cc +cc +cc. +CCA +CCAFS +CCC +CCCCM +CCCI +CCD +CCDS +Cceres +ccesser +CCF +CCH +Cchaddie +cchaddoorck +Cchakri +CCI +ccid +CCIM +CCIP +CCIR +CCIS +CCITT +ccitt +cckw +CCL +CCls +ccm +CCNC +CCNY +Ccoya +CCP +CCR +CCRP +CCS +CCSA +CCT +CCTA +CCTAC +CCTV +CCU +Ccuta +CCV +CCW +ccw +ccws +C.D. +C/D +CD +Cd +c.d. +c/d +cd +cd. +CDA +CDAR +CDB +CDC +CDCF +Cdenas +CDEV +CDF +cdf +cdg +CDI +CDIAC +Cdiz +CDN +Cdn +CDO +Cdoba +CDP +CDPR +CDR +Cdr +Cdr. +cdr +Cdre +CDROM +CDS +CDSF +CDT +CDU +C.E. +CE +Ce +ce +CEA +Ceanothus +ceanothus +Cear +Ceara +cearin +cease +ceased +cease-fire +ceaseless +ceaselessly +ceaselessness +ceases +ceasing +ceasmic +Ceausescu +Ceb +Cebalrai +Cebatha +cebell +cebian +cebid +Cebidae +cebids +cebil +cebine +ceboid +ceboids +Cebolla +cebollite +Cebriones +Cebu +cebur +Cebus +cebus +CEC +ceca +cecal +cecally +cecca +cecchine +Cece +Cecelia +Cechy +cecidiologist +cecidiology +cecidium +cecidogenous +cecidologist +cecidology +cecidomyian +cecidomyiid +Cecidomyiidae +cecidomyiidous +Cecil +cecil +Cecile +Ceciley +Cecilia +Cecilio +cecilite +Cecilius +Cecilla +Cecillia +cecils +Cecilton +Cecily +cecitis +cecity +cecograph +Cecomorphae +cecomorphic +cecopexy +cecostomy +cecotomy +Cecropia +cecropia +Cecrops +cecum +cecums +cecutiency +Cecyle +CED +Ced +Cedalion +Cedar +cedar +cedarbird +Cedarbrook +cedar-brown +Cedarburg +cedar-colored +Cedarcrest +cedared +Cedaredge +Cedarhurst +Cedarkey +Cedarlane +cedarn +Cedars +cedars +Cedartown +Cedarvale +Cedarville +cedarware +cedarwood +cedary +cede +ceded +Cedell +cedens +cedent +ceder +ceders +cedes +cedi +cedilla +cedillas +ceding +cedis +cedr- +cedrat +cedrate +cedre +Cedreatis +Cedrela +cedrela +cedrene +Cedric +cedrin +cedrine +cedriret +cedrium +cedrol +cedron +Cedrus +cedry +cedula +cedulas +cedule +ceduous +cee +ceennacuelum +CEERT +cees +Ceevah +Ceevee +CEF +Cefis +CEGB +CEI +Ceiba +ceiba +ceibas +ceibo +ceibos +Ceil +ceil +ceile +ceiled +ceiler +ceilers +ceilidh +ceilidhe +ceiling +ceilinged +ceilings +ceilingward +ceilingwards +ceilometer +ceils +ceint +ceinte +ceinture +ceintures +ceja +Cela +Celadon +celadon +celadonite +celadons +Celaeno +celandine +celandines +Celanese +Celarent +celarent +Celastraceae +celastraceous +Celastrus +celation +celative +celature +Celaya +-cele +Cele +cele +celeb +celebe +Celebes +celebes +Celebesian +celebrant +celebrants +celebrate +celebrated +celebratedly +celebratedness +celebrater +celebrates +celebrating +celebration +celebrationis +celebrations +celebrative +celebrator +celebrators +celebratory +celebre +celebres +celebret +Celebrezze +celebrious +celebrities +celebrity +celebs +celemin +celemines +Celene +celeomorph +Celeomorphae +celeomorphic +celeriac +celeriacs +celeries +celerities +celerity +celery +celery-leaved +celery-topped +Celeski +Celesta +celesta +celestas +Celeste +celeste +celestes +Celestia +celestial +celestiality +celestialize +celestialized +celestially +celestialness +celestify +Celestina +celestina +Celestine +celestine +Celestinian +celestite +celestitude +Celestyn +Celestyna +celeusma +Celeuthea +Celia +celiac +celiacs +celiadelphus +celiagra +celialgia +celibacies +celibacy +celibataire +celibatarian +celibate +celibates +celibatic +celibatist +celibatory +celidographer +celidography +Celie +celiectasia +celiectomy +celiemia +celiitis +Celik +Celin +Celina +Celinda +Celine +Celinka +Celio +celiocele +celiocentesis +celiocolpotomy +celiocyesis +celiodynia +celioelytrotomy +celioenterotomy +celiogastrotomy +celiohysterotomy +celiolymph +celiomyalgia +celiomyodynia +celiomyomectomy +celiomyomotomy +celiomyositis +celioncus +celioparacentesis +celiopyosis +celiorrhaphy +celiorrhea +celiosalpingectomy +celiosalpingotomy +celioschisis +celioscope +celioscopy +celiotomies +celiotomy +Celisse +celite +Celka +cell +cella +cellae +cellager +cellar +cellarage +cellared +cellarer +cellarers +cellaress +cellaret +cellarets +cellarette +cellaring +cellarless +cellarman +cellarmen +cellarous +cellars +cellarway +cellarwoman +cellated +cellblock +cell-blockade +cellblocks +Celle +celled +Cellepora +cellepore +Cellfalcicula +celli +celliferous +celliform +cellifugal +celling +Cellini +cellipetal +cellist +cellists +Cellite +cell-like +cellmate +cellmates +Cello +cello +cellobiose +cellocut +celloid +celloidin +celloist +cellophane +cellophanes +cellos +cellose +cells +cell-shaped +Cellucotton +cellular +cellularity +cellularly +cellulase +cellulate +cellulated +cellulating +cellulation +cellule +cellules +cellulicidal +celluliferous +cellulifugal +cellulifugally +cellulin +cellulipetal +cellulipetally +cellulitis +cellulo- +cellulocutaneous +cellulofibrous +Celluloid +celluloid +celluloided +cellulolytic +Cellulomonadeae +Cellulomonas +cellulose +cellulosed +celluloses +cellulosic +cellulosing +cellulosities +cellulosity +cellulotoxic +cellulous +Cellvibrio +Cel-o-Glass +celom +celomata +celoms +celo-navigation +Celoron +celoscope +Celosia +celosia +celosias +Celotex +celotomies +celotomy +Cels +Celsia +celsian +celsitude +Celsius +celsius +CELSS +Celt +Celt. +celt +Celtdom +Celtiberi +Celtiberian +Celtic +celtic +Celtically +Celtic-Germanic +Celticism +Celticist +celticist +Celticize +Celtidaceae +celtiform +Celtillyrians +Celtis +Celtish +Celtism +Celtist +celtium +Celtization +celto- +Celto-Germanic +Celto-ligyes +Celtologist +Celtologue +Celtomaniac +Celtophil +Celtophobe +Celtophobia +Celto-roman +Celto-slavic +Celto-thracians +celts +celtuce +celure +Cemal +cembali +cembalist +cembalo +cembalon +cembalos +cement +cementa +cemental +cementation +cementations +cementatory +cement-coated +cement-covered +cement-drying +cemented +cementer +cementers +cement-faced +cement-forming +cementification +cementing +cementite +cementitious +cementless +cementlike +cement-lined +cement-lining +cementmaker +cementmaking +cementoblast +cementoma +Cementon +cements +cement-temper +cementum +cementwork +cemetaries +cemetary +cemeterial +cemeteries +cemetery +CEN +cen +cen- +cen. +Cenac +cenacle +cenacles +cenaculum +Cenaean +Cenaeum +cenanthous +cenanthy +cenation +cenatory +Cence +cencerro +cencerros +Cenchrias +Cenchrus +Cenci +cendre +-cene +cene +cenesthesia +cenesthesis +cenesthetic +Cenis +cenizo +cenobe +cenobian +cenobies +cenobite +cenobites +cenobitic +cenobitical +cenobitically +cenobitism +cenobium +cenoby +cenogamy +cenogenesis +cenogenetic +cenogenetically +cenogonous +Cenomanian +cenosite +cenosity +cenospecies +cenospecific +cenospecifically +cenotaph +cenotaphic +cenotaphies +cenotaphs +cenotaphy +cenote +cenotes +Cenozoic +cenozoic +cenozoology +CENS +cense +censed +censer +censerless +censers +censes +censing +censitaire +censive +censor +censorable +censorate +censored +censorial +censorian +censoring +Censorinus +censorious +censoriously +censoriousness +censoriousnesses +censors +censorship +censorships +censual +censurability +censurable +censurableness +censurably +censure +censured +censureless +censurer +censurers +censures +censureship +censuring +census +censused +censuses +censusing +cent +cent. +centage +centai +cental +centals +centare +centares +centas +centaur +centaurdom +Centaurea +centaurea +centauress +Centauri +centauri +centaurial +centaurian +centauric +Centaurid +Centauridium +centauries +Centaurium +centauromachia +centauromachy +centauro-triton +centaurs +Centaurus +centaurus +centaury +centavo +centavos +centena +centenar +centenarian +centenarianism +centenarians +centenaries +Centenary +centenary +centenier +centenionales +centenionalis +centennia +centennial +centennially +centennials +centennium +Centeno +Center +center +centerable +centerboard +centerboards +centered +centeredly +centeredness +centerer +center-fire +centerfold +centerfolds +centering +centerless +centerline +centermost +centerpiece +centerpieces +centerpunch +centers +center-sawed +center-second +centervelic +Centerville +centerward +centerwise +centeses +centesimal +centesimally +centesimate +centesimation +centesimi +centesimo +centesimos +centesis +centesm +Centetes +centetid +Centetidae +centgener +centgrave +centi +centi- +centiar +centiare +centiares +centibar +centiday +centifolious +centigrade +centigrado +centigram +centigramme +centigrams +centile +centiles +centiliter +centiliters +centilitre +centillion +centillions +centillionth +Centiloquy +centiloquy +Centimani +centime +centimes +centimeter +centimeter-gram +centimeter-gram-second +centimeters +centimetre +centimetre-gramme-second +centimetre-gram-second +centimetres +centimo +centimolar +centimos +centinel +centinody +centinormal +centipedal +centipede +centipedes +centiplume +centipoise +centistere +centistoke +centner +centners +CENTO +cento +centon +centones +centonical +centonism +centonization +Centonze +centos +centr- +centra +centrad +Centrahoma +central +centrale +centraler +Centrales +centrales +centralest +central-fire +Centralia +centralia +centralisation +centralise +centralised +centraliser +centralising +centralism +centralist +centralistic +centralists +centralities +centrality +centralization +centralizations +centralize +centralized +centralizer +centralizers +centralizes +centralizing +centrally +centralness +centrals +centranth +Centranthus +centrarchid +Centrarchidae +centrarchoid +centration +Centraxonia +centraxonial +Centre +centre +centreboard +Centrechinoida +centred +centref +centre-fire +centrefold +Centrehall +centreless +centremost +centrepiece +centrer +centres +centrev +Centreville +centrex +centri- +-centric +centric +Centricae +centrical +centricality +centrically +centricalness +centricipital +centriciput +centricity +centriffed +centrifugal +centrifugalisation +centrifugalise +centrifugalization +centrifugalize +centrifugalized +centrifugalizing +centrifugaller +centrifugally +centrifugate +centrifugation +centrifuge +centrifuged +centrifugence +centrifuges +centrifuging +centring +centrings +centriole +centripetal +centripetalism +centripetally +centripetence +centripetency +centriscid +Centriscidae +centrisciform +centriscoid +Centriscus +centrism +centrisms +centrist +centrists +centro +centro- +centroacinar +centrobaric +centrobarical +centroclinal +centrode +centrodesmose +centrodesmus +centrodorsal +centrodorsally +centroid +centroidal +centroids +centrolecithal +Centrolepidaceae +centrolepidaceous +centrolinead +centrolineal +centromere +centromeric +centronote +centronucleus +centroplasm +Centropomidae +Centropomus +Centrosema +centrosome +centrosomic +Centrosoyus +Centrospermae +centrosphere +centrosymmetric +centrosymmetrical +centrosymmetry +Centrotus +centrum +centrums +centrutra +centry +cents +centum +centums +centumvir +centumviral +centumvirate +Centunculus +centuple +centupled +centuples +centuplicate +centuplicated +centuplicating +centuplication +centupling +centuply +centure +Centuria +centuria +centurial +centuriate +centuriation +centuriator +centuried +centuries +centurion +centurions +centurist +Century +century +CEO +ceonocyte +ceorl +ceorlish +ceorls +cep +cepa +cepaceous +cepe +cepes +cephadia +cephaeline +Cephaelis +cephal- +cephala +Cephalacanthidae +Cephalacanthus +cephalad +cephalagra +cephalalgia +cephalalgic +cephalalgy +cephalanthium +cephalanthous +Cephalanthus +Cephalaspis +cephalaspis +Cephalata +cephalate +cephaldemae +cephalemia +cephaletron +Cephaleuros +cephalexin +cephalhematoma +cephalhydrocele +-cephalic +cephalic +cephalically +cephalin +Cephalina +cephaline +cephalins +cephalism +cephalitis +cephalization +cephalo- +cephaloauricular +cephalob +Cephalobranchiata +cephalobranchiate +cephalocathartic +cephalocaudal +cephalocele +cephalocentesis +cephalocercal +Cephalocereus +cephalochord +Cephalochorda +cephalochordal +Cephalochordata +cephalochordate +cephaloclasia +cephaloclast +cephalocone +cephaloconic +cephalocyst +cephalodia +cephalodiscid +Cephalodiscida +Cephalodiscus +cephalodium +cephalodymia +cephalodymus +cephalodynia +cephalofacial +cephalogenesis +cephalogram +cephalograph +cephalohumeral +cephalohumeralis +cephaloid +cephalology +cephalom +cephalomancy +cephalomant +cephalomelus +cephalomenia +cephalomeningitis +cephalomere +cephalometer +cephalometric +cephalometry +cephalomotor +cephalomyitis +cephalon +cephalonasal +Cephalonia +cephalopagus +cephalopathy +cephalopharyngeal +cephalophine +cephalophorous +Cephalophus +cephalophyma +cephaloplegia +cephaloplegic +cephalopod +Cephalopoda +cephalopoda +cephalopodan +cephalopodic +cephalopodous +Cephalopterus +cephalorachidian +cephalorhachidian +cephaloridine +cephalosome +cephalospinal +cephalosporin +Cephalosporium +cephalostyle +Cephalotaceae +cephalotaceous +Cephalotaxus +cephalotheca +cephalothecal +cephalothoraces +cephalothoracic +cephalothoracopagus +cephalothorax +cephalothoraxes +cephalotome +cephalotomy +cephalotractor +cephalotribe +cephalotripsy +cephalotrocha +Cephalotus +cephalous +-cephalus +Cephalus +Cephas +Cephei +Cepheid +cepheid +cepheids +cephen +Cepheus +cepheus +cephid +Cephidae +Cephus +Cepolidae +Ceporah +cepous +ceps +cepter +ceptor +CEQ +cequi +cera +ceraceous +cerago +ceral +Cerallua +Ceram +ceramal +ceramals +Cerambus +cerambycid +Cerambycidae +Ceramiaceae +ceramiaceous +ceramic +ceramicist +ceramicists +ceramicite +ceramics +ceramidium +ceramist +ceramists +Ceramium +ceramium +ceramographic +ceramography +cerargyrite +ceras +cerasein +cerasin +cerastes +Cerastium +Cerasus +cerat +cerat- +cerata +cerate +ceratectomy +cerated +cerates +ceratiasis +ceratiid +Ceratiidae +ceratin +ceratinous +ceratins +ceratioid +ceration +ceratite +Ceratites +ceratitic +Ceratitidae +Ceratitis +ceratitoid +Ceratitoidea +Ceratium +ceratium +cerato- +Ceratobatrachinae +ceratoblast +ceratobranchial +ceratocricoid +ceratocystis +Ceratodidae +Ceratodontidae +Ceratodus +ceratodus +ceratoduses +ceratofibrous +ceratoglossal +ceratoglossus +ceratohyal +ceratohyoid +ceratoid +ceratomandibular +ceratomania +Ceratonia +Ceratophrys +Ceratophyllaceae +ceratophyllaceous +Ceratophyllum +Ceratophyta +ceratophyte +Ceratops +Ceratopsia +ceratopsian +ceratopsid +Ceratopsidae +Ceratopteridaceae +ceratopteridaceous +Ceratopteris +ceratorhine +Ceratosa +Ceratosaurus +ceratosaurus +Ceratospongiae +ceratospongian +Ceratostomataceae +Ceratostomella +ceratotheca +ceratothecae +ceratothecal +Ceratozamia +ceraunia +ceraunics +ceraunite +ceraunogram +ceraunograph +ceraunomancy +ceraunophone +ceraunoscope +ceraunoscopy +Cerbberi +Cerberean +cerberean +Cerberi +Cerberic +Cerberus +cerberus +Cerberuses +-cercal +cercal +cercaria +cercariae +cercarial +cercarian +cercarias +cercariform +cercelee +cerci +Cercidiphyllaceae +Cercis +cercis +cercises +cercis-leaf +cercle +Cercocebus +Cercolabes +Cercolabidae +cercomonad +Cercomonadidae +Cercomonas +Cercopes +cercopid +Cercopidae +cercopithecid +Cercopithecidae +Cercopithecoid +cercopithecoid +Cercopithecus +cercopithecus +cercopod +Cercospora +Cercosporella +cercus +Cercyon +Cerdonian +CerE +cere +cereal +cerealian +cerealin +cerealism +cerealist +cerealose +cereals +cerebbella +cerebella +cerebellar +cerebellifugal +cerebellipetal +cerebellitis +cerebellocortex +cerebello-olivary +cerebellopontile +cerebellopontine +cerebellorubral +cerebellospinal +cerebellum +cerebellums +cerebr- +cerebra +cerebral +cerebralgia +cerebralism +cerebralist +cerebralization +cerebralize +cerebrally +cerebrals +cerebrasthenia +cerebrasthenic +cerebrate +cerebrated +cerebrates +cerebrating +cerebration +cerebrational +cerebrations +Cerebratulus +cerebri +cerebric +cerebricity +cerebriform +cerebriformly +cerebrifugal +cerebrin +cerebripetal +cerebritis +cerebrize +cerebro- +cerebrocardiac +cerebrogalactose +cerebroganglion +cerebroganglionic +cerebroid +cerebrology +cerebroma +cerebromalacia +cerebromedullary +cerebromeningeal +cerebromeningitis +cerebrometer +cerebron +cerebronic +cerebro-ocular +cerebroparietal +cerebropathy +cerebropedal +cerebrophysiology +cerebropontile +cerebropsychosis +cerebrorachidian +cerebrosclerosis +cerebroscope +cerebroscopy +cerebrose +cerebrosensorial +cerebroside +cerebrosis +cerebro-spinal +cerebrospinal +cerebrospinant +cerebrosuria +cerebrotomy +cerebrotonia +cerebrotonic +cerebrovascular +cerebrovisceral +cerebrum +cerebrums +cerecloth +cerecloths +cered +Ceredo +cereless +Cerelia +Cerell +Cerellia +Cerelly +cerement +cerements +ceremonial +ceremonialism +ceremonialist +ceremonialists +ceremonialize +ceremonially +ceremonialness +ceremonials +ceremoniary +ceremonies +ceremonious +ceremoniously +ceremoniousness +ceremony +Cerenkov +cerenkov +cereous +cerer +cererite +Ceres +ceres +Ceresco +ceresin +ceresine +Cereus +cereus +cereuses +cerevis +cerevisial +cereza +Cerf +cerfoil +ceria +Cerialia +cerianthid +Cerianthidae +cerianthoid +Cerianthus +cerias +ceric +ceride +ceriferous +cerigerous +Cerigo +cerilla +cerillo +ceriman +cerimans +cerin +cerine +cering +Cerinthe +Cerinthian +cerinthian +Ceriomyces +Cerion +Cerionidae +ceriops +Ceriornis +ceriph +ceriphs +cerise +cerises +cerite +cerites +Cerithiidae +cerithioid +Cerithium +cerium +ceriums +CERMET +cermet +cermets +CERN +Cern +cern +Cernauti +cerned +cerning +cerniture +Cernuda +cernuous +cero +cero- +cerograph +cerographer +cerographic +cerographical +cerographies +cerographist +cerography +ceroid +ceroline +cerolite +ceroma +ceromancy +ceromez +ceroon +cerophilous +ceroplast +ceroplastic +ceroplastics +ceroplasty +ceros +cerosin +ceroso- +cerotate +cerote +cerotene +cerotic +cerotin +cerotype +cerotypes +cerous +ceroxyle +Ceroxylon +Cerracchio +cerrero +cerre-tree +cerrial +Cerrillos +cerris +Cerritos +Cerro +Cerrogordo +CERT +cert +cert. +certain +certainer +certainest +certainly +certainness +certainties +certainty +certes +Certhia +Certhiidae +Certie +certie +certif +certifiability +certifiable +certifiableness +certifiably +certificate +certificated +certificates +certificating +certification +certifications +certificative +certificator +certificatory +certified +certifier +certifiers +certifies +certify +certifying +certiorari +certiorate +certiorating +certioration +certis +certitude +certitudes +certosa +certose +certosina +certosino +certy +cerule +cerulean +ceruleans +cerulein +ceruleite +ceruleo- +ceruleolactite +ceruleous +cerulescent +ceruleum +cerulific +cerulignol +cerulignone +ceruloplasmin +cerumen +cerumens +ceruminal +ceruminiferous +ceruminous +cerumniparous +ceruse +ceruses +cerusite +cerusites +cerussite +cervalet +Cervantes +cervantes +cervantic +Cervantist +cervantite +cervelas +cervelases +cervelat +cervelats +cerveliere +cervelliere +Cerveny +cervical +Cervicapra +cervicaprine +cervicectomy +cervices +cervicicardiac +cervicide +cerviciplex +cervicispinal +cervicitis +cervico- +cervicoauricular +cervicoaxillary +cervicobasilar +cervicobrachial +cervicobregmatic +cervicobuccal +cervicodorsal +cervicodynia +cervicofacial +cervicohumeral +cervicolabial +cervicolingual +cervicolumbar +cervicomuscular +cerviconasal +cervico-occipital +cervico-orbicular +cervicorn +cervicoscapular +cervicothoracic +cervicovaginal +cervicovesical +cervid +Cervidae +Cervin +Cervinae +cervine +cervisia +cervisial +cervix +cervixes +cervoid +cervuline +Cervulus +Cervus +Cery +ceryl +Cerynean +Cerys +Ceryx +Cesar +cesar +Cesare +cesare +Cesarean +cesarean +cesareans +cesarevitch +Cesaria +Cesarian +cesarian +cesarians +Cesaro +cesarolite +Cesena +cesious +cesium +cesiums +cespititious +cespititous +cespitose +cespitosely +cespitulose +cess +cessant +cessantly +cessation +cessations +cessative +cessavit +cessed +cesser +cesses +cessible +cessing +cessio +cession +cessionaire +cessionaries +cessionary +cessionee +cessions +cessment +Cessna +cessor +cesspipe +cesspit +cesspits +cesspool +cesspools +cest +cesta +Cestar +cestas +ceste +Cesti +cesti +Cestida +Cestidae +Cestoda +Cestodaria +cestode +cestodes +cestoi +cestoid +Cestoidea +cestoidean +cestoids +ceston +cestos +Cestracion +cestraciont +Cestraciontes +Cestraciontidae +cestraction +Cestrian +cestrian +Cestrinus +Cestrum +cestrum +cestui +cestus +cestuses +cestuy +cesura +cesurae +cesural +cesuras +cesure +Cesya +CET +cet- +Ceta +Cetacea +cetacea +cetacean +cetaceans +cetaceous +cetaceum +cetane +cetanes +Cete +cete +cetene +ceteosaur +cetera +ceterach +cetes +Ceti +ceti +cetic +ceticide +Cetid +cetin +Cetinje +Cetiosauria +cetiosaurian +Cetiosaurus +cetiosaurus +Ceto +cetological +cetologies +cetologist +cetology +Cetomorpha +cetomorphic +Cetonia +cetonian +Cetoniides +Cetoniinae +cetorhinid +Cetorhinidae +cetorhinoid +Cetorhinus +cetotolite +Cetraria +cetraric +cetrarin +Cetura +Cetus +cetus +cetyl +cetylene +cetylic +Ceuta +CEV +cevadilla +cevadilline +cevadine +Cevdet +Cevennes +Cevennian +Cevenol +Cevenole +CEVI +cevian +ceviche +ceviches +cevine +cevitamic +ceylanite +Ceylon +ceylon +Ceylonese +ceylonese +ceylonite +ceyssatite +Ceyx +Cezanne +Cezannesque +C.F. +CF +Cf +c/f +cf +cf. +CFA +CFB +CFC +CFCA +CFD +cfd +CFE +CFF +cfh +CFHT +CFI +cfi +CFL +cfm +CFO +CFP +CFR +cfs +C.G. +CG +c.g. +cg +cg. +CGA +CGCT +CGE +CGI +CGIAR +CGM +cgm +CGN +CGS +cgs +CGX +CH +Ch +c.h. +ch +ch. +CHA +Cha +cha +chaa +Cha'ah +chab +chabasie +chabasite +chabazite +chaber +Chabichou +Chablis +chablis +Chabot +chabot +chabouk +chabouks +Chabrier +Chabrol +chabuk +chabuks +chabutra +Chac +chacate +chac-chac +chaccon +Chace +chace +Cha-cha +cha-cha +cha-cha-cha +cha-chaed +cha-chaing +chachalaca +chachalakas +Chachapuya +cha-chas +chack +chack-bird +Chackchiuma +chacker +chackle +chackled +chackler +chackling +chacma +chacmas +Chac-mool +Chaco +chaco +chacoli +Chacon +chacona +chaconne +chaconnes +chacra +chacte +chacun +Chad +chad +Chadabe +chadacryst +chadar +chadarim +chadars +Chadbourn +Chadbourne +Chadburn +Chadd +Chadderton +Chaddie +Chaddsford +Chaddy +chadelle +Chader +Chadic +chadless +chadlock +chador +chadors +chadri +Chadron +chads +Chadwick +Chadwicks +Chae +Chaenactis +Chaenolobus +Chaenomeles +Chaeronea +chaeta +chaetae +chaetal +Chaetangiaceae +Chaetangium +Chaetetes +Chaetetidae +Chaetifera +chaetiferous +Chaetites +Chaetitidae +Chaetochloa +Chaetodon +chaetodon +chaetodont +chaetodontid +Chaetodontidae +chaetognath +Chaetognatha +chaetognathan +chaetognathous +chaetophobia +Chaetophora +Chaetophoraceae +chaetophoraceous +Chaetophorales +chaetophorous +chaetopod +Chaetopoda +chaetopodan +chaetopodous +chaetopterin +Chaetopterus +chaetosema +Chaetosoma +Chaetosomatidae +Chaetosomidae +chaetotactic +chaetotaxy +Chaetura +chafe +chafed +Chafee +chafer +chaferies +chafers +chafery +chafes +chafe-wax +chafewax +chafeweed +chaff +chaffcutter +chaffed +Chaffee +chaffer +chaffered +chafferer +chafferers +chaffering +chaffers +chaffery +chaffeur-ship +chaff-flower +chaffier +chaffiest +Chaffin +Chaffinch +chaffinch +chaffinches +chaffiness +chaffing +chaffingly +chaffless +chafflike +chaffman +chaffron +chaffs +chaffseed +chaffwax +chaff-weed +chaffweed +chaffy +chafing +chaft +chafted +Chaga +chagal +Chagall +chagan +Chagatai +Chagga +chagigah +chagoma +Chagres +chagrin +chagrined +chagrining +chagrinned +chagrinning +chagrins +chaguar +chagul +Chahab +Chahar +chahar +chahars +chai +Chaiken +Chaikovski +Chaille +Chailletiaceae +Chaillot +Chaim +Chain +chain +chainage +chain-bag +chainbearer +chainbreak +chain-bridge +chain-driven +chain-drooped +chaine +chained +chainer +chaines +chainette +Chainey +Chaing +Chaingy +chaining +chainless +chainlet +chainlike +chainmaker +chainmaking +chainman +chainmen +chainomatic +chainon +chainplate +chain-pump +chain-react +chain-reacting +chains +chain-shaped +chain-shot +chainsman +chainsmen +chainsmith +chain-smoke +chain-smoked +chain-smoker +chain-smoking +chain-spotted +chain-stitch +chainstitch +chain-stitching +chain-swung +chain-testing +chain-wale +chainwale +chain-welding +chain-work +chainwork +chair +chairborne +chaired +chairer +chair-fast +chairing +chairladies +chairlady +chairless +chairlift +chairmaker +chairmaking +chairman +chairmaned +chairmaning +chairmanned +chairmanning +chairmans +chairmanship +chairmanships +chairmen +chairmender +chairmending +chair-mortising +chairperson +chairpersons +chairs +chair-shaped +chair-warmer +chairwarmer +chairway +chairwoman +chairwomen +chais +chaise +chaiseless +chaise-longue +chaise-marine +chaises +Chait +chaitra +chaitya +chaityas +chaja +Chak +chaka +Chakales +chakar +chakari +Chakavski +chakazi +chakdar +Chaker +chakobu +chakra +chakram +chakras +chakravartin +chaksi +Chal +chal +chalaco +chalah +chalahs +chalana +chalastic +Chalastogastra +chalaza +chalazae +chalazal +chalazas +chalaze +chalazia +chalazian +chalaziferous +chalazion +chalazium +chalazogam +chalazogamic +chalazogamy +chalazoidite +chalazoin +chalcanth +chalcanthite +Chalcedon +Chalcedonian +chalcedonian +chalcedonic +chalcedonies +chalcedonous +chalcedony +chalcedonyx +chalchihuitl +chalchuite +chalcid +Chalcidian +chalcidian +Chalcidic +chalcidica +Chalcidice +chalcidicum +chalcidid +Chalcididae +chalcidiform +chalcidoid +Chalcidoidea +chalcids +Chalcioecus +Chalciope +Chalcis +chalcites +chalco- +chalcocite +chalcogen +chalcogenide +chalcograph +chalcographer +chalcographic +chalcographical +chalcographist +chalcography +chalcolite +Chalcolithic +chalcolithic +chalcomancy +chalcomenite +chalcon +chalcone +chalcophanite +chalcophile +chalcophyllite +chalcopyrite +chalcosiderite +chalcosine +chalcostibite +chalcotrichite +chalcotript +chalcus +Chald +Chaldaei +Chaldae-pahlavi +Chaldaic +chaldaic +Chaldaical +Chaldaism +Chaldea +Chaldean +chaldean +Chaldee +chaldee +chalder +chaldese +chaldron +chaldrons +chaleh +chalehs +chalet +chalets +Chalfont +Chaliapin +chalice +chaliced +chalices +chalicosis +chalicothere +chalicotheriid +Chalicotheriidae +chalicotherioid +Chalicotherium +Chalina +Chalinidae +chalinine +Chalinitis +chalk +chalkboard +chalkboards +chalkcutter +chalk-eating +chalked +chalker +chalk-eyed +chalkier +chalkiest +chalkiness +chalking +chalklike +chalkline +chalkography +chalkone +chalkos +chalkosideric +chalkotheke +chalkpit +chalkrail +chalks +chalk-stone +chalkstone +chalkstony +chalk-talk +chalk-white +chalkworker +chalky +challa +challah +challahs +challas +challengable +challenge +challengeable +challenged +challengee +challengeful +challenger +challengers +challenges +challenging +challengingly +challie +challies +challiho +challihos +Challis +challis +challises +challot +challote +challoth +Chally +chally +Chalmer +chalmer +Chalmers +Chalmette +chalon +chalone +chalones +Chalonnais +Chalons +Chalons-sur-Marne +Chalon-sur-Sa +chalot +chaloth +chaloupe +chalque +chalta +chaluka +Chalukya +Chalukyan +chalumeau +chalumeaux +chalutz +chalutzim +Chalybean +chalybean +chalybeate +chalybeous +Chalybes +chalybite +Cham +cham +Chama +chama +Chamacea +Chamacoco +chamade +chamades +Chamaebatia +Chamaecistus +chamaecranial +Chamaecrista +Chamaecyparis +Chamaedaphne +Chamaeleo +Chamaeleon +Chamaeleontidae +Chamaeleontis +Chamaelirium +Chamaenerion +Chamaepericlymenum +chamaephyte +chamaeprosopic +Chamaerops +chamaerops +chamaerrhine +Chamaesaura +Chamaesiphon +Chamaesiphonaceae +Chamaesiphonaceous +Chamaesiphonales +Chamaesyce +chamal +Chamar +chamar +chambellan +chamber +chamber-deacon +chamberdeacon +chambered +chamberer +chamberfellow +chambering +Chamberino +Chamberlain +chamberlain +chamberlainry +chamberlains +chamberlainship +chamberlet +chamberleted +chamberletted +Chamberlin +chambermaid +chambermaids +chamber-master +Chambers +chambers +Chambersburg +Chambersville +Chambertin +chambertin +chamberwoman +Chambery +Chambioa +Chamblee +Chambord +chambranle +chambray +chambrays +chambre +chambrel +Chambry +chambul +Chamdo +chamecephalic +chamecephalous +chamecephalus +chamecephaly +chameleon +chameleonic +chameleonize +chameleonlike +chameleons +chametz +chamfer +chamfered +chamferer +chamfering +chamfers +chamfrain +chamfron +chamfrons +Chamian +Chamicuro +Chamidae +Chaminade +Chamisal +chamisal +chamise +chamises +chamiso +chamisos +Chamite +chamite +Chamizal +Chamkanni +Chamkis +chamlet +chamm +chamma +chammied +chammies +chammy +chammying +chamois +chamoised +chamoises +Chamoisette +chamoising +chamoisite +chamoix +chamoline +chamomile +Chamomilla +Chamonix +Chamorro +Chamorros +Chamos +chamosite +chamotte +Chamouni +Champ +champ +Champa +champac +champaca +champacol +champacs +Champagne +champagne +Champagne-Ardenne +champagned +champagneless +champagnes +champagning +champagnize +champagnized +champagnizing +Champaign +champaign +Champaigne +champain +champak +champaka +champaks +champart +champe +champed +Champenois +champer +champerator +champers +champert +champerties +champertor +champertous +champerty +champian +champignon +champignons +Champigny-sur-Marne +champine +champing +champion +championed +championess +championing +championize +championless +championlike +champions +championship +championships +Champlain +Champlainic +champlev +champleve +Champlin +Champollion +champs +champy +chams +Cham-selung +chamsin +Chamuel +Chamyne +Ch'an +Chan +chan +Chana +Chanaan +Chanabal +Chanc +Chanca +Chancay +Chance +chance +chanceable +chanceably +chanced +chance-dropped +chanceful +chancefully +chancefulness +chance-hit +chance-hurt +chancel +chanceled +chanceless +chancelled +chancelleries +chancellery +Chancellor +chancellor +chancellorate +chancelloress +chancellories +chancellorism +chancellors +chancellorship +chancellorships +Chancellorsville +chancellory +Chancelor +chancelor +chancelry +chancels +chanceman +chance-medley +chancemen +chance-met +chance-poised +chancer +chancered +chanceries +chancering +chancery +chances +chance-shot +chance-sown +chance-taken +chancewise +chance-won +Chancey +chancey +Chan-chan +chanche +chanchito +chancier +chanciest +chancily +chanciness +chancing +chancito +chanco +chancre +chancres +chancriform +chancroid +chancroidal +chancroids +chancrous +chancy +Chanda +Chandal +chandala +chandam +Chandarnagar +chandelier +chandeliers +chandelle +chandelled +chandelles +chandelling +Chandernagor +Chandernagore +Chandi +chandi +Chandigarh +Chandler +chandler +chandleress +chandleries +chandlering +chandlerly +chandlers +Chandlersville +Chandlerville +chandlery +Chandless +chandoo +Chandos +Chandra +Chandragupta +chandrakanta +chandrakhi +chandry +chandu +chandui +chandul +chanduy +Chane +Chanel +chaneled +chaneling +chanelled +Chaney +chanfrin +chanfron +chanfrons +Chang +chang +changa +changable +Changan +changar +Changaris +Changchiakow +Changchow +Changchowfu +Changchun +change +changeability +changeable +changeableness +changeably +changeabout +changed +changedale +changedness +changeful +changefully +changefulness +change-house +changeless +changelessly +changelessness +changeling +changelings +changemaker +changement +change-over +changeover +changeovers +changepocket +changer +change-ringing +changer-off +changers +changes +change-up +Changewater +changing +Changoan +Changos +changs +Changsha +Changteh +Changuina +Changuinan +Chanhassen +Chanidae +chank +chankings +Channa +Channahon +Channel +channel +channelbill +channeled +channeler +channeling +channelization +channelize +channelized +channelizes +channelizing +channelled +channeller +channellers +channelling +channelly +channels +channelure +channelwards +channer +Channing +chanoyu +chanson +chansonette +chansonnette +chansonnier +chansonniers +chansons +Chansoo +chanst +chant +chantable +chantage +chantages +Chantal +Chantalle +chantant +chantecler +chanted +chante-fable +chantefable +chante-fables +chantepleure +chanter +chanterelle +chanters +chantership +chanteur +chanteuse +chanteuses +chantey +chanteyman +chanteys +chanticleer +chanticleers +chantier +chanties +Chantilly +chantilly +chanting +chantingly +chantlate +chantment +chantor +chantors +chantress +chantries +chantry +chants +chanty +Chanukah +chanukah +Chanute +Chany +Chao +chao +Chaoan +Chaochow +Chaochowfu +chaogenous +chaology +Chaon +chaori +chaos +chaoses +chaotic +chaotical +chaotically +chaoticness +chaoua +Chaouia +Chaource +chaoush +CHAP +Chap +chap +chap. +Chapa +Chapacura +Chapacuran +chapah +Chapanec +chapapote +chaparajos +chaparejos +chaparral +chaparrals +chaparraz +chaparro +chapati +chapaties +chapatis +chapatti +chapatties +chapattis +chapatty +chap-book +chapbook +chapbooks +chape +chapeau +chapeaus +chapeaux +chaped +Chapei +Chapel +chapel +chapeled +chapeless +chapelet +chapelgoer +chapelgoing +chapeling +chapelize +Chapell +chapellage +chapellany +chapelled +chapelling +chapelman +chapelmaster +chapelries +chapelry +chapels +chapelward +Chapen +chaperno +chaperon +chaperonage +chaperonages +chaperone +chaperoned +chaperones +chaperoning +chaperonless +chaperons +chapes +chap-fallen +chapfallen +chapfallenly +Chapin +chapin +chapiter +chapiters +chapitle +chapitral +chaplain +chaplaincies +chaplaincy +chaplainry +chaplains +chaplainship +Chapland +chaplanry +chapless +chaplet +chapleted +chaplets +Chaplin +chaplin +Chapman +chapman +Chapmansboro +chapmanship +Chapmanville +chapmen +chap-money +Chapnick +chapon +chapote +chapourn +chapournet +chapournetted +chappal +Chappaqua +Chappaquiddick +chappaul +chappe +chapped +Chappelka +Chappell +Chappells +chapper +Chappie +chappie +chappies +chappin +chapping +chappow +Chappy +chappy +chaprasi +chaprassi +chaps +chapstick +chapt +chaptalization +chaptalize +chaptalized +chaptalizing +chapter +chapteral +chaptered +chapterful +chapterhouse +chaptering +chapters +Chaptico +chaptrel +Chapultepec +chapwoman +chaqueta +chaquetas +Char +char +char- +CHARA +Chara +chara +char-a-banc +charabanc +charabancer +char-a-bancs +charabancs +charac +Characeae +characeous +characetum +characid +characids +characin +characine +characinid +Characinidae +characinoid +characins +charact +character +charactered +characterful +characterial +characterical +characteries +charactering +characterisable +characterisation +characterise +characterised +characteriser +characterising +characterism +characterist +characteristic +characteristical +characteristically +characteristicalness +characteristicness +characteristics +characterizable +characterization +characterizations +characterize +characterized +characterizer +characterizers +characterizes +characterizing +characterless +characterlessness +characterological +characterologically +characterologist +characterology +characters +characterstring +charactery +charactonym +charade +charades +Charadrii +Charadriidae +charadriiform +Charadriiformes +charadrine +charadrioid +Charadriomorphae +Charadrius +Charales +charango +charangos +chararas +charas +charases +charbocle +charbon +Charbonneau +Charbonnier +charbonnier +charbroil +charbroiled +charbroiling +charbroils +Charca +Charcas +Charchemish +charcia +charco +charcoal +charcoal-burner +charcoaled +charcoal-gray +charcoaling +charcoalist +charcoals +charcoaly +Charcot +charcuterie +charcuteries +charcutier +charcutiers +Chard +chard +Chardin +chardock +Chardon +Chardonnay +Chardonnet +chards +chare +chared +charely +Charente +Charente-Maritime +Charenton +charer +chares +charet +chareter +charette +chargable +charga-plate +charge +chargeability +chargeable +chargeableness +chargeably +chargeant +charge-a-plate +charged +chargedness +chargee +chargeful +charge-house +chargehouse +chargeless +chargeling +chargeman +CHARGEN +charge-off +charger +chargers +charges +chargeship +chargfaires +charging +Chari +Charicleia +Chariclo +Charie +charier +chariest +Charil +charily +Charin +chariness +charing +Chari-Nile +Chariot +chariot +charioted +chariotee +charioteer +charioteers +charioteership +charioting +chariotlike +chariotman +chariotry +chariots +chariot-shaped +chariotway +Charis +charism +charisma +charismas +charismata +charismatic +charisms +Charissa +Charisse +charisticary +Charita +charitable +charitableness +charitably +charitative +Charites +charities +Chariton +Charity +charity +charityless +charivan +charivari +charivaried +charivariing +charivaris +chark +charka +charkas +charked +charkha +charkhana +charkhas +charking +charks +Charla +charladies +charlady +charlatan +charlatanic +charlatanical +charlatanically +charlatanish +charlatanism +charlatanistic +charlatanries +charlatanry +charlatans +charlatanship +Charlean +Charlee +Charleen +Charlemagne +charlemagne +Charlemont +Charlena +Charlene +Charleroi +Charleroy +Charles +charles +Charleston +charleston +charlestons +Charlestown +charlesworth +Charlet +charlet +Charleton +Charleville-Mzi +Charlevoix +Charley +charley +charleys +Charlie +charlie +charlies +Charline +Charlo +charlock +charlocks +Charlot +Charlotta +Charlotte +charlotte +Charlottenburg +Charlottesville +charlottesville +Charlottetown +Charlotteville +Charlton +Charlye +Charlyn +Charlyne +charm +Charmain +Charmaine +Charmane +charm-bound +charm-built +Charmco +charmed +charmedly +charmel +charm-engirdled +charmer +charmers +Charmeuse +charmeuse +charmful +charmfully +charmfulness +Charmian +Charminar +Charmine +charming +charminger +charmingest +charmingly +charmingness +Charmion +charmless +charmlessly +charmonium +charms +charm-struck +charmwise +charneco +charnel +charnels +charnockite +charnockites +charnu +Charo +Charolais +Charollais +Charon +charon +Charonian +Charonic +Charontas +Charophyta +Charops +charoses +charoset +charoseth +charpai +charpais +Charpentier +charpie +charpit +charpoy +charpoys +charque +charqued +charqui +charquid +charquis +charr +charras +charre +charred +charrette +charrier +charriest +charring +charro +Charron +charros +charrs +Charruan +Charruas +Charry +charry +chars +charshaf +charsingha +chart +Charta +charta +chartable +chartaceous +chartae +charted +charter +charterable +charterage +chartered +charterer +charterers +Charterhouse +charterhouse +Charterhouses +chartering +Charteris +charterism +Charterist +charterless +chartermaster +charter-party +Charters +charters +charthouse +charting +chartings +Chartism +chartism +Chartist +chartist +chartists +chartless +chartlet +Chartley +chartographer +chartographic +chartographical +chartographically +chartographist +chartography +chartology +chartometer +chartophylacia +chartophylacium +chartophylax +chartophylaxes +Chartres +Chartreuse +chartreuse +chartreuses +Chartreux +chartreux +chartroom +charts +chartula +chartulae +chartularies +chartulary +chartulas +charuk +Charvaka +charvet +charwoman +charwomen +chary +Charybdian +Charybdis +charybdis +Charyl +Chas +chasable +Chase +chase +chaseable +Chaseburg +chased +chase-hooped +chase-hooping +Chaseley +chase-mortised +chaser +chasers +chases +chashitsu +Chasid +chasid +Chasidic +Chasidim +Chasidism +chasing +chasings +Chaska +Chasles +chasm +chasma +chasmal +chasmed +chasmic +chasmogamic +chasmogamous +chasmogamy +chasmophyte +chasms +chasmy +chass +Chasse +chasse +chassed +chasseing +Chasselas +chasselas +Chassell +chasse-maree +chassepot +chassepots +chasses +chasseur +chasseurs +chassignite +Chassin +chassis +Chastacosta +Chastain +chaste +chastelain +chastely +chasten +chastened +chastener +chasteners +chasteness +chastenesses +chastening +chasteningly +chastenment +chastens +chaster +chastest +chasteweed +chastiment +chastisable +chastise +chastised +chastisement +chastisements +chastiser +chastisers +chastises +chastising +chastities +Chastity +chastity +chastize +chastizer +chasty +chasuble +chasubled +chasubles +chat +Chataignier +chataka +Chatav +Chatawa +chatchka +chatchkas +chatchke +chatchkes +Chateau +chateau +Chateaubriand +chateaubriand +Chateaugay +chateaugray +Chateauneuf-du-Pape +Chateauroux +chateaus +Chateau-Thierry +chateaux +chatelain +chatelaine +chatelaines +chatelainry +chatelains +chatelet +chatellany +chateus +Chatfield +Chatham +chathamite +chathamites +chati +Chatillon +Chatino +Chatom +chaton +chatons +Chatot +chatoyance +chatoyancy +chatoyant +chats +chatsome +Chatsworth +chatta +chattable +chattack +chattah +Chattahoochee +Chattanooga +chattanooga +Chattanoogan +Chattanoogian +Chattaroy +chattation +chatted +chattel +chattelhood +chattelism +chattelization +chattelize +chattelized +chattelizing +chattels +chattelship +chatter +chatteration +chatterbag +chatterbox +chatterboxes +chattered +chatterer +chatterers +chattererz +chattering +chatteringly +Chatterjee +chattermag +chattermagging +chatters +Chatterton +Chattertonian +chattery +Chatti +chattier +chatties +chattiest +chattily +chattiness +chatting +chattingly +chatty +Chatwin +chatwood +Chaucer +chaucer +Chaucerian +chaucerian +Chauceriana +Chaucerianism +Chaucerism +Chauchat +chaud-froid +chaudfroid +chaud-melle +Chaudoin +chaudron +chaufer +chaufers +chauffage +chauffer +chauffers +chauffeur +chauffeured +chauffeuring +chauffeurs +chauffeurship +chauffeuse +chauffeuses +Chaui +chauk +chaukidari +chauldron +chaule +Chauliodes +chaulmaugra +chaulmoogra +chaulmoograte +chaulmoogric +chaulmugra +chaum +chaumer +chaumiere +Chaumont +chaumontel +Chaumont-en-Bassigny +chaun- +Chauna +Chaunce +Chauncey +chaunoprockt +chaunt +chaunted +chaunter +chaunters +chaunting +chaunts +chauri +chaus +chausse +chaussee +chausseemeile +chaussees +chausses +Chausson +chaussure +chaussures +Chautauqua +chautauqua +Chautauquan +chaute +Chautemps +chauth +chauve +Chauvin +chauvin +chauvinism +chauvinisms +chauvinist +chauvinistic +chauvinistically +chauvinists +Chavannes +Chavante +Chavantean +Chavaree +chave +chavel +chavender +chaver +Chaves +Chavey +Chavez +chavibetol +chavicin +chavicine +chavicol +Chavies +Chavignol +Chavin +chavish +chaw +chawan +chaw-bacon +chawbacon +chawbone +chawbuck +chawdron +chawed +chawer +chawers +Chawia +chawing +chawk +chawl +chawle +chawn +Chaworth +chaws +chaw-stick +chawstick +chay +chaya +chayaroot +Chayefsky +Chayma +Chayota +chayote +chayotes +chayroot +chays +chazan +chazanim +chazans +chazanut +Chazy +chazzan +chazzanim +chazzans +chazzanut +chazzen +chazzenim +chazzens +Ch.B. +ChB +Ch.E. +ChE +Che +che +Cheadle +Cheam +cheap +cheapen +cheapened +cheapener +cheapening +cheapens +cheaper +cheapery +cheapest +cheapie +cheapies +cheaping +cheapish +cheapishly +Cheap-jack +cheap-jack +cheapjack +cheap-john +cheaply +cheapness +cheapnesses +cheapo +cheapos +cheaps +Cheapside +cheapskate +cheapskates +cheare +cheat +cheatable +cheatableness +cheated +cheatee +cheater +cheateries +cheaters +cheatery +Cheatham +cheating +cheatingly +cheatrie +cheatry +cheats +Cheb +Chebacco +chebacco +Chebanse +chebec +chebeck +chebecs +chebel +chebog +Cheboksary +Cheboygan +chebule +chebulic +chebulinic +Checani +chechako +chechakos +Chechehet +chechem +Chechen +chechia +che-choy +check +check- +checkable +checkage +checkback +checkbird +checkbit +checkbite +checkbits +checkbook +checkbooks +check-canceling +checke +checked +checked-out +check-endorsing +checker +checkerbellies +checkerbelly +checkerberries +checker-berry +checkerberry +checkerbloom +checkerboard +checkerboarded +checkerboarding +checkerboards +checkerbreast +checker-brick +checkered +checkering +checkerist +checker-roll +checkers +checkerspot +checker-up +checkerwise +checkerwork +checkery +check-flood +checkhook +check-in +checking +checklaton +checkle +checkless +checkline +checklist +checklists +checkman +checkmark +checkmate +checkmated +checkmates +checkmating +checkoff +checkoffs +check-out +checkout +checkouts +check-over +check-perforating +checkpoint +checkpointed +checkpointing +checkpoints +checkrack +checkrail +checkrein +check-roll +checkroll +checkroom +checkrooms +checkrope +checkrow +checkrowed +checkrower +checkrowing +checkrows +checks +check-stone +checkstone +checkstrap +check-string +checkstring +checksum +checksummed +checksumming +checksums +checkup +checkups +checkweigher +checkweighman +checkweighmen +checkwork +checkwriter +check-writing +checky +Checotah +chedar +Cheddar +cheddar +cheddaring +cheddars +cheddite +cheddites +cheder +cheders +chedite +chedites +chedlock +chedreux +CheE +Chee +chee +cheecha +cheechaco +cheechako +cheechakos +chee-chee +cheeful +cheefuller +cheefullest +cheek +cheekbone +cheekbones +cheek-by-jowl +cheeked +cheeker +cheekful +cheekfuls +cheekier +cheekiest +cheekily +cheekiness +cheeking +cheekish +cheekless +cheekpiece +cheeks +Cheektowaga +cheeky +cheeney +cheep +cheeped +cheeper +cheepers +cheepier +cheepiest +cheepily +cheepiness +cheeping +cheeps +cheepy +cheer +cheered +cheerer +cheerers +cheerful +cheerfulize +cheerfuller +cheerfullest +cheerfully +cheerfulness +cheerfulnesses +cheerfulsome +cheerier +cheeriest +cheerily +cheeriness +cheerinesses +cheering +cheeringly +cheerio +cheerios +cheerlead +cheerleader +cheerleaders +cheerleading +cheerled +cheerless +cheerlessly +cheerlessness +cheerlessnesses +cheerly +cheero +cheeros +cheers +cheer-up +cheery +cheese +cheeseboard +cheesebox +cheeseburger +cheeseburgers +cheesecake +cheesecakes +cheesecloth +cheesecloths +cheesecurd +cheesecutter +cheesed +cheeseflower +cheese-head +cheese-headed +cheeselep +cheeselip +cheesemaker +cheesemaking +cheesemonger +cheesemongering +cheesemongerly +cheesemongery +cheeseparer +cheese-paring +cheeseparing +cheeser +cheesery +cheeses +cheesewood +cheesier +cheesiest +cheesily +cheesiness +cheesing +cheesy +cheet +cheetah +cheetahs +cheetal +cheeter +cheetie +cheetul +cheewink +cheezit +chef +Chefang +chef-d' +chef-d'oeuvre +chefdom +chefdoms +cheffed +Cheffetz +cheffing +Chefoo +Chefornak +Chefrinia +chefs +chefs-d'oeuvre +chego +chegoe +chegoes +chegre +Chehalis +cheiceral +cheil- +Cheilanthes +cheilion +cheilitis +Cheilodipteridae +Cheilodipterus +cheiloplasties +cheiloplasty +Cheilostomata +cheilostomatous +cheilotomies +cheilotomy +cheimaphobia +cheimatophobia +cheir +cheir- +cheiragra +Cheiranthus +cheiro- +Cheirogaleus +Cheiroglossa +cheirognomy +cheirography +cheirolin +cheiroline +cheirology +cheiromancy +cheiromegaly +Cheiron +cheiropatagium +cheiropod +cheiropodist +cheiropody +cheiropompholyx +Cheiroptera +cheiroptera +cheiropterygium +cheirosophy +cheirospasm +Cheirotherium +cheirotherium +Cheju +Cheka +cheka +chekan +Cheke +cheke +cheken +Chekhov +chekhov +Chekhovian +cheki +Chekiang +Chekist +chekker +chekmak +chela +chelae +Chelan +chelas +chelaship +chelatable +chelate +chelated +chelates +chelating +chelation +chelator +chelators +chelem +chelerythrin +chelerythrine +chelicer +chelicera +chelicerae +cheliceral +chelicerate +chelicere +chelide +Chelidon +chelidon +chelidonate +chelidonian +chelidonic +chelidonin +chelidonine +Chelidonium +Chelidosaurus +chelifer +Cheliferidea +cheliferous +cheliform +chelinga +chelingas +chelingo +chelingos +cheliped +Chellean +chellean +Chellman +chello +Chelmno +Chelmsford +Chelodina +chelodine +cheloid +cheloids +chelone +Chelonia +chelonian +chelonid +Chelonidae +cheloniid +Cheloniidae +chelonin +chelophore +chelp +Chelsae +Chelsea +Chelsey +Chelsie +Chelsy +Cheltenham +Chelton +Chelura +Chelyabinsk +Chelydidae +Chelydra +chelydre +Chelydridae +chelydroid +chelys +Chelyuskin +Chem +chem +chem- +chem. +Chema +Chemakuan +Chemar +Chemaram +Chemarin +Chemash +chemasthenia +chemawinite +ChemE +Chemehuevi +Chemesh +chemesthesis +chemiatric +chemiatrist +chemiatry +chemic +chemical +chemicalization +chemicalize +chemically +chemicals +chemick +chemicked +chemicker +chemicking +chemico- +chemicoastrological +chemicobiologic +chemicobiological +chemicobiology +chemicocautery +chemicodynamic +chemicoengineering +chemicoluminescence +chemicoluminescent +chemicomechanical +chemicomineralogical +chemicopharmaceutical +chemicophysical +chemicophysics +chemicophysiological +chemicovital +chemics +chemiculture +chemigraph +chemigrapher +chemigraphic +chemigraphically +chemigraphy +chemiloon +chemiluminescence +chemiluminescent +chemin +cheminee +chemins +chemiotactic +chemiotaxic +chemiotaxis +chemiotropic +chemiotropism +chemiphotic +chemis +chemise +chemises +chemisette +chemism +chemisms +chemisorb +chemisorption +chemisorptive +chemist +chemistries +chemistry +chemists +chemitype +chemitypies +chemitypy +chemizo +chemmy +Chemnitz +chemo- +chemoautotrophic +chemoautotrophically +chemoautotrophy +chemoceptor +chemokinesis +chemokinetic +chemolysis +chemolytic +chemolyze +chemonite +chemopallidectomies +chemopallidectomy +chemopause +chemophysiological +chemophysiology +chemoprophyalctic +chemoprophylactic +chemoprophylaxis +chemoreception +chemoreceptive +chemoreceptivities +chemoreceptivity +chemoreceptor +chemoreflex +chemoresistance +chemosensitive +chemosensitivities +chemosensitivity +chemoserotherapy +chemoses +Chemosh +chemosis +chemosmoic +chemosmoses +chemosmosis +chemosmotic +chemosorb +chemosorption +chemosorptive +chemosphere +chemospheric +chemostat +chemosterilant +chemosterilants +chemosurgery +chemosurgical +chemosynthesis +chemosynthetic +chemosynthetically +chemotactic +chemotactically +chemotaxis +chemotaxonomic +chemotaxonomically +chemotaxonomist +chemotaxonomy +chemotaxy +chemotherapeutic +chemotherapeutical +chemotherapeutically +chemotherapeuticness +chemotherapeutics +chemotherapies +chemotherapist +chemotherapists +chemotherapy +chemotic +chemotroph +chemotrophic +chemotropic +chemotropically +chemotropism +chempaduk +Chemstrand +Chemulpo +Chemult +Chemung +chemurgic +chemurgical +chemurgically +chemurgies +chemurgy +Chemush +Chen +chena +Chenab +chenar +Chenay +chende +cheneau +cheneaus +cheneaux +Chenee +chenet +chenevixite +Cheney +Cheneyville +chenfish +Cheng +cheng +chengal +Chengchow +Chengteh +Chengtu +chenica +Chenier +chenier +chenille +cheniller +chenilles +Chennault +Chenoa +chenopod +Chenopodiaceae +chenopodiaceous +Chenopodiales +Chenopodium +chenopods +Chenoweth +cheongsam +cheoplastic +Cheops +Chepachet +Chephren +chepster +cheque +chequebook +chequeen +chequer +chequerboard +chequer-chamber +chequered +chequering +Chequers +chequers +chequer-wise +chequerwise +chequer-work +chequerwork +cheques +chequin +chequinn +chequy +Cher +cher +Chera +Cheraw +Cherbourg +cherchez +chercock +Chere +chere +cherely +cherem +Cheremis +Cheremiss +Cheremissian +Cheremkhovo +Cherenkov +cherenkov +Cherey +chergui +Cheri +Cheria +Cherian +Cherianne +Cheribon +Cherice +Cherida +Cherie +cherie +Cheries +cheries +Cherilyn +Cherilynn +cherimolla +cherimoya +cherimoyer +Cherin +Cherise +Cherish +cherish +cherishable +cherished +cherisher +cherishers +cherishes +cherishing +cherishingly +cherishment +Cheriton +Cherkess +Cherkesser +Cherlyn +Chermes +chermes +Chermidae +Chermish +cherna +chernites +Chernobyl +Chernomorish +Chernovtsy +Chernow +chernozem +chernozemic +cherogril +Cherokee +cherokee +Cherokees +cherokees +cheroot +cheroots +Cherri +cherried +cherries +Cherrita +Cherry +cherry +cherryblossom +cherry-bob +cherry-cheeked +cherry-colored +cherry-crimson +Cherryfield +cherry-flavored +cherrying +cherrylike +cherry-lipped +Cherrylog +cherry-merry +cherry-pie +cherry-red +cherry-ripe +cherry-rose +cherrystone +cherrystones +Cherrytree +Cherryvale +Cherryville +cherry-wood +chersonese +Chersydridae +chert +cherte +chertier +chertiest +cherts +Chertsey +cherty +cherub +cherubfish +cherubfishes +cherubic +cherubical +cherubically +Cherubicon +Cherubikon +cherubim +cherubimic +cherubimical +cherubin +Cherubini +cherublike +cherubs +cherup +Cherusci +Chervante +chervil +chervils +chervonei +chervonets +chervonetz +chervontsi +Chery +Cherye +Cheryl +Cherylene +Ches +Chesaning +Chesapeake +chesapeake +chesboil +chesboll +chese +cheselip +Cheshire +cheshire +Cheshunt +Cheshvan +chesil +cheskey +cheskeys +cheslep +Cheslie +Chesna +Chesnee +Chesney +Chesnut +cheson +chesoun +chess +Chessa +chess-apple +chessart +chessboard +chessboards +chessdom +chessel +chesser +chesses +chesset +chessist +chessman +chess-men +chessmen +chessner +chessom +chessplayer +chessplayers +chess-tree +chesstree +Chessy +chessylite +chest +chest-deep +chested +chesteine +Chester +chester +chesterbed +Chesterfield +chesterfield +Chesterfieldian +chesterfields +Chesterland +chesterlite +Chesterton +Chestertown +Chesterville +chest-foundered +chestful +chestfuls +chestier +chestiest +chestily +chestiness +chestnut +chestnut-backed +chestnut-bellied +chestnut-brown +chestnut-collared +chestnut-colored +chestnut-crested +chestnut-crowned +chestnut-red +chestnut-roan +chestnuts +chestnut-sided +chestnutty +chestnut-winged +Cheston +chest-on-chest +chests +chesty +Cheswick +Cheswold +Chet +chetah +chetahs +Chetek +cheth +cheths +chetif +chetive +Chetnik +Chetopa +chetopod +chetrum +chetrums +chettik +chetty +Chetumal +chetverik +chetvert +Cheung +cheung +Cheux +Chev +chevachee +chevachie +chevage +Chevak +cheval +cheval-de-frise +chevalet +chevalets +cheval-glass +Chevalier +chevalier +Chevalier-Montrachet +chevaliers +chevaline +Chevallier +chevance +chevaux +chevaux-de-frise +cheve +chevee +chevelure +cheven +chevener +cheventayn +cheverel +cheveret +cheveril +Cheverly +cheveron +cheverons +Cheves +chevesaile +chevesne +chevet +chevetaine +cheveys +chevied +chevies +cheville +chevin +Cheviot +cheviot +cheviots +chevisance +chevise +chevon +chevre +chevres +Chevret +chevret +chevrette +chevreuil +Chevrier +Chevrolet +chevrolet +chevrolets +chevron +chevrone +chevroned +chevronel +chevronelly +chevronny +chevrons +chevron-shaped +chevronwise +chevrony +chevrotain +Chevrotin +chevvy +Chevy +chevy +chevying +Chew +chew +Chewa +chewable +Chewalla +chewbark +chewed +Chewelah +cheweler +chewer +chewers +chewet +chewie +chewier +chewiest +chewing +chewing-out +chewink +chewinks +chews +chewstick +Chewsville +chewy +Cheyenne +cheyenne +Cheyennes +cheyennes +Cheyne +Cheyney +cheyney +cheyneys +chez +chg +chg. +chhatri +Chhnang +CHI +Chi +chi +chia +Chia-Chia +chiack +Chiaki +Chiam +Chian +chian +Chiang +Chiangling +Chiangmai +Chianti +chianti +chiao +Chiapanec +Chiapanecan +Chiapas +Chiaretto +Chiari +chiarooscurist +chiarooscuro +chiarooscuros +chiaroscurist +chiaroscuro +chiaroscuros +Chiarra +chias +chiasm +chiasma +chiasmal +chiasmas +chiasmata +chiasmatic +chiasmatype +chiasmatypy +chiasmi +chiasmic +Chiasmodon +chiasmodontid +Chiasmodontidae +chiasms +chiasmus +Chiasso +chiastic +chiastolite +chiastoneural +chiastoneurous +chiastoneury +chiaus +chiauses +chiave +chiavetta +Chiayi +Chiba +chiba +Chibcha +chibcha +Chibchan +chibchan +Chibchas +chibinite +chibol +chibouk +chibouks +chibouque +chibrit +Chic +chic +chica +chicadee +Chicago +chicago +Chicagoan +chicagoan +chicagoans +chicalote +chicane +chicaned +chicaner +chicaneries +chicaners +chicanery +chicanes +chicaning +Chicano +chicano +Chicanos +chicanos +chicaric +chicayote +chiccories +chiccory +chicer +chicest +chich +Chicha +chicha +chicharra +Chichester +chichevache +Chichewa +chichi +chichicaste +Chichihaerh +Chichihar +chichili +Chichimec +chichimecan +chichipate +chichipe +chichis +chichituna +Chichivache +chichling +Chick +chick +chickabiddy +chickadee +chickadees +Chickahominy +Chickamauga +chickaree +Chickasaw +chickasaw +Chickasaws +chickasaws +Chickasha +chickee +chickees +chickell +chicken +chickenberry +chickenbill +chicken-billed +chicken-brained +chicken-breasted +chickenbreasted +chicken-breastedness +chickened +chicken-farming +chicken-hazard +chicken-hearted +chickenhearted +chicken-heartedly +chickenheartedly +chicken-heartedness +chickenheartedness +chickenhood +chickening +chicken-livered +chicken-liveredness +chicken-meat +chickenpox +chickens +chickenshit +chicken-spirited +chickens-toes +chicken-toed +chickenweed +chickenwort +chicker +chickery +chickhood +Chickie +chickies +chickling +chickories +chickory +chick-pea +chickpea +chickpeas +chicks +chickstone +chickweed +chickweeds +chickwit +Chicky +chicky +Chiclayo +chicle +chiclero +chicles +chicly +chicness +chicnesses +Chico +chico +Chicoine +Chicomecoatl +Chicopee +Chicora +chicories +chicory +chicos +chicot +Chicota +chicote +chicqued +chicquer +chicquest +chicquing +chics +chid +chidden +chide +chided +chider +chiders +chides +Chidester +chiding +chidingly +chidingness +chidra +chief +chiefage +chiefdom +chiefdoms +chiefer +chiefery +chiefess +chiefest +chiefish +chief-justiceship +Chiefland +chiefless +chiefling +chiefly +chief-pledge +chiefry +chiefs +chiefship +chieftain +chieftaincies +chieftaincy +chieftainess +chieftainries +chieftainry +chieftains +chieftainship +chieftainships +chieftess +chiefty +chiel +chield +chields +chiels +Chiemsee +Chien +chien +Chiengmai +Chiengrai +chierete +chievance +chieve +chiff-chaff +chiffchaff +chiffer +chifferobe +chiffon +chiffonade +chiffonier +chiffoniers +chiffonnier +chiffonnieres +chiffonniers +chiffons +chiffony +chifforobe +chifforobes +chiffre +chiffrobe +Chifley +chigetai +chigetais +chigga +chiggak +chigger +chiggers +chiggerweed +Chignik +chignon +chignoned +chignons +chigoe +chigoe-poison +chigoes +Chigwell +chih +chihfu +Chihli +Chihuahua +chihuahua +chihuahuas +Chikamatsu +chikara +chikee +Chikmagalur +Chil +chil +chilacavote +chilacayote +chilalgia +chilaria +chilarium +chilblain +chilblained +chilblains +Chilcat +Chilcats +Chilcoot +Chilcote +Child +child +childage +childbear +child-bearing +childbearing +childbed +childbeds +child-bereft +child-birth +childbirth +childbirths +childcrowing +Childe +childe +childed +Childermas +childermas +Childers +Childersburg +childes +child-fashion +child-god +child-hearted +child-heartedness +childhood +childhoods +childing +childish +childishly +childishness +childishnesses +childkind +childless +childlessness +childlessnesses +childlier +childliest +childlike +childlikeness +child-loving +childly +child-minded +child-mindedness +childminder +childness +childproof +childre +children +childrenite +Childress +childridden +Childs +childship +childward +childwife +childwite +Childwold +Chile +chile +Chilean +chilean +Chileanization +Chileanize +chileans +chilectropion +chilenite +Chiles +chiles +Chilhowee +Chilhowie +chili +chiliad +chiliadal +chiliadic +chiliadron +chiliads +chiliaedron +chiliagon +chiliahedron +chiliarch +chiliarchia +chiliarchy +chiliasm +chiliasms +chiliast +chiliastic +chiliasts +chilicote +chilicothe +chilidium +chilidog +chilidogs +chilies +Chi-lin +chi-lin +Chilina +chilindre +Chilinidae +chilio- +chiliomb +Chilion +chilipepper +chilitis +Chilkat +Chilkats +Chill +chill +chilla +chillagite +Chillan +chill-cast +chilled +chiller +chillers +chillest +chilli +Chillicothe +chillier +chillies +chilliest +chillily +chilliness +chillinesses +chilling +chillingly +chillis +chillish +Chilliwack +chillness +chillo +chilloes +Chillon +chillroom +chills +chillsome +chillum +chillumchee +chillums +chilly +Chilmark +Chilo +chilo- +chilodon +chilognath +Chilognatha +chilognathan +chilognathous +chilogrammo +chiloma +Chilomastix +chilomata +Chilomonas +Chilon +chiloncus +chiloplasty +chilopod +Chilopoda +chilopodan +chilopodous +chilopods +Chilopsis +Chiloquin +Chilostoma +Chilostomata +chilostomatous +chilostome +chilotomies +chilotomy +Chilpancingo +Chilson +Chilt +chilte +Chiltern +chiltern +Chilton +Chilung +chilver +chimachima +Chimacum +chimaera +chimaeras +chimaerid +Chimaeridae +chimaeroid +Chimaeroidei +Chimakuan +Chimakum +Chimalakwe +Chimalapa +Chimane +chimango +Chimaphila +chimar +Chimarikan +Chimariko +chimars +Chimayo +chimb +chimbe +chimble +chimbley +chimbleys +chimblies +chimbly +Chimborazo +Chimbote +chimbs +chime +chimed +Chimene +chimer +chimera +chimeral +chimeras +chimere +chimeres +chimeric +chimerical +chimerically +chimericalness +chimerism +chimers +chimes +chimesmaster +chimin +chiminage +chiming +Chimique +Chimkent +chimla +chimlas +chimley +chimleys +Chimmesyan +chimney +chimneyed +chimneyhead +chimneying +chimneyless +chimneylike +chimneyman +chimney-piece +chimneypiece +chimneypot +chimneys +Chimonanthus +chimopeelagic +chimopelagic +chimp +chimpanzee +chimpanzees +chimps +Chimu +Chimus +Ch'in +Chin +Chin. +ch'in +chin +China +china +chinaberries +chinaberry +chinafish +chinafy +Chinagraph +chinalike +Chinaman +chinaman +china-mania +chinamania +chinamaniac +Chinamen +chinamen +chinampa +Chinan +chinanta +Chinantecan +Chinantecs +chinaphthol +chinar +chinaroot +chinas +Chinatown +chinatown +chinaware +chinawoman +chinband +chinbeak +chin-bearded +chin-bone +chinbone +chinbones +chincapin +chinch +chincha +Chinchasuyu +chinchayote +chinche +chincher +chincherinchee +chincherinchees +chinches +chinchier +chinchiest +chinchilla +chinchillas +chinchillette +chin-chin +chinchiness +chinching +chin-chinned +chin-chinning +chinchona +Chin-Chou +chinchy +chincloth +chincof +chincona +Chincoteague +chincough +chindee +chin-deep +chindi +Chindit +Chindwin +chine +chined +Chinee +chinela +chinenses +chines +Chinese +chinese +Chinese-houses +Chinesery +chinfest +Ch'ing +Ching +ching +Chinghai +chingma +Chingpaw +Chingtao +Ching-t'u +Ching-tu +Ch'ing-yan +chin-high +Chin-Hsien +Chinhwan +chinik +chiniks +chinin +chining +chiniofon +Chink +chink +chinkapin +chinkara +chink-backed +chinked +chinker +chinkerinchee +chinkers +Chinkiang +chinkier +chinkiest +chinking +chinkle +chinks +chinky +Chinle +chinles +chinless +chinnam +Chinnampo +chinned +chinner +chinners +chinnier +chinniest +chinning +chinny +Chino +Chino- +chino +chino- +chinoa +chinoidin +chinoidine +chinois +chinoiserie +Chino-japanese +chinol +chinoleine +chinoline +chinologist +chinone +chinones +Chinook +chinook +Chinookan +chinookan +Chinooks +chinooks +chinos +chinotoxine +chinotti +chinotto +chinovnik +chinpiece +chinquapin +chins +chinse +chinsed +chinsing +chint +chints +chintses +chintz +chintze +chintzes +chintzier +chintziest +chintziness +chintzy +Chinua +chin-up +chin-wag +chinwag +chinwood +Chiococca +chiococcine +Chiogenes +chiolite +chionablepsia +Chionanthus +Chionaspis +Chione +Chionididae +Chionis +Chionodoxa +chionodoxa +chionophobia +chiopin +Chios +Chiot +chiotilla +Chiou +Chip +chip +chipboard +chipchap +chipchop +Chipewyan +chiplet +Chipley +chipling +Chipman +chipmuck +chipmucks +chipmunk +chipmunks +chipolata +chippable +chippage +chipped +Chippendale +chippendale +chipper +chippered +chippering +chippers +chipper-up +Chippewa +chippewa +Chippewas +chippewas +Chippeway +Chippeways +chippie +chippier +chippies +chippiest +chipping +chippings +chip-proof +chipproof +chippy +chips +chipwood +chipyard +chiquero +chiquest +Chiquia +Chiquinquira +Chiquita +Chiquitan +Chiquito +chir- +Chirac +chiragra +chiragrical +chiral +chiralgia +chirality +Chiran +chirapsia +chirarthritis +chirata +Chirau +chirayta +Chireno +Chi-Rho +chi-rho +Chi-Rhos +Chiriana +Chiricahua +Chirico +Chiriguano +Chirikof +chirimen +chirimia +chirimoya +chirimoyer +Chirino +chirinola +chiripa +Chiriqui +chirivita +chirk +chirked +chirker +chirkest +chirking +chirks +chirl +Chirlin +chirm +chirmed +chirming +chirms +chiro +chiro- +chirocosmetics +chirogale +chirognomic +chirognomically +chirognomist +chirognomy +chirognostic +chirograph +chirographary +chirographer +chirographers +chirographic +chirographical +chirography +chirogymnast +chirolas +chirological +chirologically +chirologies +chirologist +chirology +chiromance +chiromancer +chiromancist +chiromancy +chiromant +chiromantic +chiromantical +Chiromantis +chiromegaly +chirometer +Chiromyidae +Chiromys +Chiron +chironomic +chironomid +Chironomidae +Chironomus +chironomy +chironym +chiropatagium +chiroplasty +chiropod +chiropodial +chiropodic +chiropodical +chiropodies +chiropodist +chiropodistry +chiropodists +chiropodous +chiropody +chiropompholyx +chiropractic +chiropractics +chiropractor +chiropractors +chiropraxis +chiropter +Chiroptera +chiropteran +chiropterite +chiropterophilous +chiropterous +chiropterygian +chiropterygious +chiropterygium +chiros +chirosophist +chirospasm +Chirotes +chirotherian +Chirotherium +chirothesia +chirotonsor +chirotonsory +chirotony +chirotype +chirp +chirped +chirper +chirpers +chirpier +chirpiest +chirpily +chirpiness +chirping +chirpingly +chirpling +chirps +chirpy +chirr +chirre +chirred +chirres +chirring +chirrs +chirrup +chirruped +chirruper +chirruping +chirrupper +chirrups +chirrupy +chirt +chiru +chirurgeon +chirurgeonly +chirurgery +chirurgic +chirurgical +chirurgy +chis +Chisedec +chisel +chisel-cut +chiseled +chisel-edged +chiseler +chiselers +chiseling +chiselled +chiseller +chisellers +chisellike +chiselling +chiselly +chiselmouth +chisel-pointed +chisels +chisel-shaped +Chishima +Chisholm +Chisimaio +Chisin +chisled +chi-square +chistera +chistka +chit +Chita +chitak +chital +chitarra +chitarrino +chitarrone +chitarroni +chit-chat +chitchat +chitchats +chitchatted +chitchatting +chitchatty +chithe +Chitimacha +Chitimachan +chitin +Chitina +chitinization +chitinized +chitino-arenaceous +chitinocalcareous +chitinogenous +chitinoid +chitinous +chitins +Chitkara +chitlin +chitling +chitlings +chitlins +chiton +chitons +chitosamine +chitosan +chitosans +chitose +chitra +Chitragupta +Chitrali +chits +Chi-tse +chittack +Chittagong +chittak +chittamwood +chitted +Chittenango +Chittenden +chitter +chitter-chatter +chittered +chittering +chitterling +chitterlings +chitters +chitties +chitting +chitty +chitty-face +Chi-tzu +chiule +chiurm +Chiusi +chiv +chivachee +chivage +chivalresque +chivalric +chivalries +chivalrous +chivalrously +chivalrousness +chivalrousnesses +chivalry +chivaree +chivareed +chivareeing +chivarees +chivareing +chivari +chivaried +chivariing +chivaring +chivaris +chivarra +chivarras +chivarro +chive +chiver +chiveret +Chivers +chives +chivey +chiviatite +chivied +chivies +Chivington +chivvied +chivvies +chivvy +chivvying +chivw +chivy +chivying +Chiwere +chizz +chizzel +chkalik +Chkalov +chkfil +chkfile +Chladek +Chladni +chladnite +chlamyd +chlamydate +chlamydeous +chlamydes +Chlamydia +Chlamydobacteriaceae +chlamydobacteriaceous +Chlamydobacteriales +Chlamydomonadaceae +Chlamydomonadidae +Chlamydomonas +chlamydomonas +chlamydophore +Chlamydosaurus +Chlamydoselachidae +Chlamydoselachus +chlamydospore +chlamydosporic +Chlamydozoa +chlamydozoan +chlamyphore +Chlamyphorus +chlamys +chlamyses +Chleuh +Chlidanope +Chlo +chloanthite +chloasma +chloasmata +Chlodwig +Chloe +chloe +Chloette +Chlons-sur-Marne +chlor +chlor- +chloracetate +chloracne +chloraemia +chloragen +chloragogen +chloragogue +chloral +chloralformamide +chloralide +chloralism +chloralization +chloralize +chloralized +chloralizing +chloralose +chloralosed +chlorals +chloralum +chlorambucil +chloramide +chloramin +chloramine +chloramine-T +chloramphenicol +chloranaemia +chloranemia +chloranemic +chloranhydride +chloranil +Chloranthaceae +chloranthaceous +Chloranthus +chloranthus +chloranthy +chlorapatite +chlorargyrite +Chloras +chlorastrolite +chlorate +chlorates +chlorazide +chlorcosane +chlordan +chlordane +chlordans +chlordiazepoxide +chlore +chlored +Chlorella +chlorella +Chlorellaceae +chlorellaceous +chloremia +chloremic +chlorenchyma +Chlores +chlorguanide +chlorhexidine +chlorhydrate +chlorhydric +Chlori +chloriamb +chloriambus +chloric +chlorid +chloridate +chloridated +chloridation +chloride +Chloridella +Chloridellidae +chlorider +chlorides +chloridic +chloridize +chloridized +chloridizing +chlorids +chlorimeter +chlorimetric +chlorimetry +chlorin +chlorinate +chlorinated +chlorinates +chlorinating +chlorination +chlorinations +chlorinator +chlorinators +chlorine +chlorines +chlorinity +chlorinize +chlorinous +chlorins +chloriodide +Chlorion +Chlorioninae +Chloris +chlorite +chlorites +chloritic +chloritization +chloritize +chloritoid +chlorize +chlormethane +chlormethylic +chlornal +chloro +chloro- +chloroacetate +chloroacetic +chloroacetone +chloroacetophenone +chloroamide +chloroamine +chloroanaemia +chloroanemia +chloroaurate +chloroauric +chloroaurite +chlorobenzene +chlorobromide +chlorobromomethane +chlorocalcite +chlorocarbon +chlorocarbonate +chlorochromates +chlorochromic +chlorochrous +Chlorococcaceae +Chlorococcales +Chlorococcum +Chlorococcus +chlorocresol +chlorocruorin +chlorodize +chlorodized +chlorodizing +chlorodyne +chloroethene +chloroethylene +chlorofluorocarbon +chlorofluoromethane +chloroform +chloroformate +chloroformed +chloroformic +chloroforming +chloroformism +chloroformist +chloroformization +chloroformize +chloroforms +chlorogenic +chlorogenine +chloroguanide +chlorohydrin +chlorohydrocarbon +chlorohydroquinone +chloroid +chloroiodide +chloroleucite +chloroma +chloromata +chloromelanite +chlorometer +chloromethane +chlorometric +chlorometry +Chloromycetin +chloromycetin +chloronaphthalene +chloronitrate +chloropal +chloropalladates +chloropalladic +chlorophaeite +chlorophane +chlorophenol +chlorophenothane +chlorophoenicite +Chlorophora +Chlorophyceae +chlorophyceous +chlorophyl +chlorophyll +chlorophyllaceous +chlorophyllan +chlorophyllase +chlorophyllian +chlorophyllide +chlorophylliferous +chlorophylligenous +chlorophylligerous +chlorophyllin +chlorophyllite +chlorophylloid +chlorophyllose +chlorophyllous +chlorophylls +chloropia +chloropicrin +chloroplast +chloroplastic +chloroplastid +chloroplasts +chloroplatinate +chloroplatinic +chloroplatinite +chloroplatinous +chloroprene +chloropsia +chloroquine +chlorosilicate +chlorosis +chlorospinel +chlorosulphonic +chlorothiazide +chlorotic +chlorotically +chlorotrifluoroethylene +chlorotrifluoromethane +chlorous +chlorozincate +chlorpheniramine +chlorphenol +chlorpicrin +chlorpikrin +chlorpromazine +chlorpropamide +chlorprophenpyridamine +chlorsalol +chlortetracycline +Chlor-Trimeton +chloryl +ChM +chm +chm. +Chmielewski +chmn +chn +Chnier +Chnuphis +Cho +cho +choachyte +choak +choana +choanae +choanate +Choanephora +choanite +choanocytal +choanocyte +Choanoflagellata +choanoflagellate +Choanoflagellida +Choanoflagellidae +choanoid +choanophorous +choanosomal +choanosome +Choapas +Choate +choate +choaty +chob +chobdar +chobie +Chobot +choca +chocalho +chocard +Choccolocco +Chocho +chocho +chochos +choc-ice +chock +chock-a-block +chockablock +chocked +chocker +chockful +chock-full +chockfull +chocking +chockler +chockman +chocks +chockstone +Choco +choco +Chocoan +chocolate +chocolate-box +chocolate-brown +chocolate-coated +chocolate-colored +chocolate-flower +chocolate-red +chocolates +chocolatey +chocolatier +chocolatiere +chocolaty +Chocorua +Chocowinity +Choctaw +choctaw +choctaw-root +Choctaws +choctaws +choel +choenix +Choephori +Choeropsis +Choes +choffer +choga +chogak +chogset +Chogyal +Choiak +choice +choice-drawn +choiceful +choiceless +choicelessness +choicely +choiceness +choicer +choices +choicest +choicier +choiciest +choicy +choil +choile +choiler +choir +choirboy +choirboys +choired +choirgirl +choiring +choirlike +choirman +choirmaster +choirmasters +choirs +choirwise +choise +Choiseul +Choisya +chok +chokage +choke +choke- +chokeable +chokeberries +chokeberry +choke-bore +chokebore +chokecherries +chokecherry +choked +chokedamp +choke-full +choker +chokered +chokerman +chokers +chokes +chokestrap +chokeweed +chokey +chokeys +chokidar +chokier +chokies +chokiest +choking +chokingly +Chokio +choko +Chokoloskee +chokra +choky +Chol +chol +chol- +Chola +chola +cholaemia +cholagogic +cholagogue +cholalic +cholam +Cholame +cholane +cholangiographic +cholangiography +cholangioitis +cholangitis +cholanic +cholanthrene +cholate +cholates +chold +chole- +choleate +cholecalciferol +cholecyanin +cholecyanine +cholecyst +cholecystalgia +cholecystectasia +cholecystectomies +cholecystectomized +cholecystectomy +cholecystenterorrhaphy +cholecystenterostomy +cholecystgastrostomy +cholecystic +cholecystis +cholecystitis +cholecystnephrostomy +cholecystocolostomy +cholecystocolotomy +cholecystoduodenostomy +cholecystogastrostomy +cholecystogram +cholecystography +cholecystoileostomy +cholecystojejunostomy +cholecystokinin +cholecystolithiasis +cholecystolithotripsy +cholecystonephrostomy +cholecystopexy +cholecystorrhaphy +cholecystostomies +cholecystostomy +cholecystotomies +cholecystotomy +choledoch +choledochal +choledochectomy +choledochitis +choledochoduodenostomy +choledochoenterostomy +choledocholithiasis +choledocholithotomy +choledocholithotripsy +choledochoplasty +choledochorrhaphy +choledochostomies +choledochostomy +choledochotomies +choledochotomy +choledography +cholee +cholehematin +choleic +choleine +choleinic +cholelith +cholelithiasis +cholelithic +cholelithotomy +cholelithotripsy +cholelithotrity +cholemia +cholent +cholents +choleokinase +cholepoietic +choler +cholera +choleraic +choleras +choleric +cholerically +cholericly +cholericness +choleriform +cholerigenous +cholerine +choleroid +choleromania +cholerophobia +cholerrhagia +cholers +cholestane +cholestanol +cholesteatoma +cholesteatomatous +cholestene +cholesterate +cholesteremia +cholesteric +cholesterin +cholesterinemia +cholesterinic +cholesterinuria +cholesterol +cholesterolemia +cholesterols +cholesteroluria +cholesterosis +cholesteryl +choletelin +choletherapy +choleuria +choli +choliamb +choliambic +choliambist +cholic +cholick +choline +cholinergic +cholines +cholinesterase +cholinic +cholinolytic +cholla +chollas +choller +chollers +Cholo +cholo +cholo- +cholochrome +cholocyanine +Choloepus +chologenetic +choloid +choloidic +choloidinic +chololith +chololithic +Cholon +Cholonan +Cholones +cholophaein +cholophein +cholorrhea +Cholos +cholos +choloscopy +cholralosed +cholterheaded +choltry +Cholula +cholum +choluria +Choluteca +chomage +chomer +chomp +chomped +chomper +chompers +chomping +chomps +Chomsky +Chon +chon +chonchina +chondr- +chondral +chondralgia +chondrarsenite +chondre +chondrectomy +chondrenchyma +chondri +chondria +chondric +Chondrichthyes +chondrification +chondrified +chondrify +chondrigen +chondrigenous +Chondrilla +chondrin +chondrinous +chondriocont +chondrioma +chondriome +chondriomere +chondriomite +chondriosomal +chondriosome +chondriosomes +chondriosphere +chondrite +chondrites +chondritic +chondritis +chondro- +chondroadenoma +chondroalbuminoid +chondroangioma +chondroarthritis +chondroblast +chondroblastoma +chondrocarcinoma +chondrocele +chondroclasis +chondroclast +chondrocoracoid +chondrocostal +chondrocranial +chondrocranium +chondrocyte +chondrodite +chondroditic +chondrodynia +chondrodystrophia +chondrodystrophy +chondroendothelioma +chondroepiphysis +chondrofetal +chondrofibroma +chondrofibromatous +Chondroganoidei +chondrogen +chondrogenesis +chondrogenetic +chondrogenous +chondrogeny +chondroglossal +chondroglossus +chondrography +chondroid +chondroitic +chondroitin +chondroitin-sulphuric +chondrolipoma +chondrology +chondroma +chondromalacia +chondromas +chondromata +chondromatous +chondromucoid +Chondromyces +chondromyoma +chondromyxoma +chondromyxosarcoma +chondro-osseous +chondropharyngeal +chondropharyngeus +chondrophore +chondrophyte +chondroplast +chondroplastic +chondroplasty +chondroprotein +chondropterygian +Chondropterygii +chondropterygious +chondrosamine +chondrosarcoma +chondrosarcomas +chondrosarcomata +chondrosarcomatous +chondroseptum +chondrosin +chondrosis +chondroskeleton +chondrostean +Chondrostei +chondrosteoma +chondrosteous +chondrosternal +chondrotome +chondrotomy +chondroxiphoid +chondrule +chondrules +chondrus +Chong +Chongjin +chonicrite +Chonju +chonk +chonolith +chonta +Chontal +Chontalan +Chontaquiro +chontawood +Choo +choo-choo +choochoo +choo-chooed +choo-chooing +chook +chookie +chookies +chooky +choom +Choong +choop +choora +choosable +choosableness +choose +chooseable +chooser +choosers +chooses +choosey +choosier +choosiest +choosiness +choosing +choosingly +choosy +chop +chopa +chopas +chopboat +chop-cherry +chop-chop +chop-church +chopdar +chop-fallen +chopfallen +chop-house +chophouse +chophouses +Chopin +chopin +chopine +chopines +chopins +chop-logic +choplogic +choplogical +chopped +chopped-off +chopper +choppered +choppers +choppier +choppiest +choppily +choppin +choppiness +choppinesses +chopping +choppy +chops +chop-stick +chopstick +Chopsticks +chopsticks +chop-suey +Chopunnish +Chor +Chora +choragi +choragic +choragion +choragium +choragus +choraguses +choragy +Chorai +choral +choralcelo +chorale +choraleon +chorales +choralist +chorally +chorals +Chorasmian +chord +chorda +Chordaceae +chordacentrous +chordacentrum +chordaceous +chordal +chordally +chordamesoderm +chordamesodermal +chordamesodermic +Chordata +chordata +chordate +chordates +chorded +chordee +Chordeiles +chording +chorditis +chordoid +chordomesoderm +chordophone +chordotomy +chordotonal +chords +-chore +chore +chorea +choreal +choreas +choreatic +chored +choree +choregi +choregic +choregrapher +choregraphic +choregraphically +choregraphy +choregus +choreguses +choregy +chorei +choreic +choreiform +choreman +choremen +choreo- +choreodrama +choreograph +choreographed +choreographer +choreographers +choreographic +choreographical +choreographically +choreographies +choreographing +choreographs +choreography +choreoid +choreomania +chorepiscopal +chorepiscope +chorepiscopus +chores +choreus +choreutic +chorgi +chori- +chorial +choriamb +choriambi +choriambic +choriambize +choriambs +choriambus +choriambuses +choribi +choric +chorically +chorine +chorines +choring +chorio +chorioadenoma +chorioallantoic +chorioallantoid +chorioallantois +choriocapillaris +choriocapillary +choriocarcinoma +choriocarcinomas +choriocarcinomata +choriocele +chorioepithelioma +chorioepitheliomas +chorioepitheliomata +chorioid +chorioidal +chorioiditis +chorioidocyclitis +chorioidoiritis +chorioidoretinitis +chorioids +chorioma +choriomas +choriomata +chorion +chorionepithelioma +chorionic +chorions +Chorioptes +chorioptic +chorioretinal +chorioretinitis +Choripetalae +choripetalous +choriphyllous +chorisepalous +chorisis +chorism +choriso +chorisos +chorist +choristate +chorister +choristers +choristership +choristic +choristoblastoma +choristoma +choristoneura +choristry +chorization +chorizo +c-horizon +chorizont +chorizontal +chorizontes +chorizontic +chorizontist +chorizos +Chorley +chorobates +chorogi +chorograph +chorographer +chorographic +chorographical +chorographically +chorographies +chorography +choroid +choroidal +choroidea +choroiditis +choroidocyclitis +choroidoiritis +choroidoretinitis +choroids +chorological +chorologist +chorology +choromania +choromanic +chorometry +chorook +Chorotega +Choroti +chorous +chort +chorten +Chorti +chortle +chortled +chortler +chortlers +chortles +chortling +chortosterol +chorus +chorused +choruser +choruses +chorusing +choruslike +chorusmaster +chorussed +chorusses +chorussing +Chorwat +Chorwon +choryos +Chorz +Chorzow +chose +Chosen +chosen +choses +chosing +Chosn +Chosunilbo +Choteau +CHOTS +chott +chotts +Chou +chou +Chouan +chouan +Chouanize +choucroute +Choudrant +Chouest +chouette +chou-fleur +choufleur +chough +choughs +chouka +Choukoutien +choule +choultries +choultry +chounce +choup +choupic +chouquette +chous +chouse +choused +chouser +chousers +chouses +choush +choushes +chousing +chousingha +chout +Chouteau +choux +Chow +chow +Chowanoc +Chowchilla +chow-chow +chowchow +chowchows +chowder +chowdered +chowderhead +chowderheaded +chowderheadedness +chowdering +chowders +chowed +chowhound +chowing +chowk +chowries +chowry +chows +chowse +chowsed +chowses +chowsing +chowtime +chowtimes +choy +choya +choyaroot +choyroot +Chozar +CHP +CHQ +Chr +Chr. +chrematheism +chrematist +chrematistic +chrematistics +chremsel +chremzel +chremzlach +chreotechnics +chresard +chresards +chresmology +chrestomathic +chrestomathics +chrestomathies +chrestomathy +Chretien +chria +Chriesman +chrimsel +Chris +chrism +chrisma +chrismal +chrismale +Chrisman +chrismary +chrismatine +chrismation +chrismatite +chrismatize +chrismatories +chrismatory +chrismon +chrismons +chrisms +Chrisney +chrisom +chrisomloosing +chrisoms +Chrisoula +chrisroot +Chrissa +Chrisse +Chrissie +Chrissy +Christ +christ +Christa +Christabel +Christabella +Christabelle +Christadelphian +Christadelphianism +Christal +Christalle +Christan +Christ-borne +Christchurch +Christ-confessing +christ-cross +christcross +christ-cross-row +christcross-row +Christdom +christdom +Christean +Christed +christed +Christel +Christen +christen +Christendie +Christendom +christendom +christened +christener +christeners +christenhead +christening +christenings +Christenmas +christens +Christensen +Christenson +Christ-given +Christhood +christhood +Christ-hymning +Christi +Christiaan +Christiad +Christian +christian +Christiana +Christiane +Christiania +christiania +Christianiadeal +Christianisation +Christianise +Christianised +Christianiser +Christianising +Christianism +christianism +christianite +Christianities +Christianity +christianity +Christianization +christianization +Christianize +christianize +Christianized +christianized +Christianizer +christianizes +Christianizing +christianizing +Christianlike +Christianly +Christianna +Christianness +Christiano +christiano- +Christianogentilism +Christianography +Christianomastix +Christianopaganism +Christiano-platonic +christians +Christiansand +Christiansburg +Christiansen +Christian-socialize +Christianson +Christiansted +Christicide +Christie +christie +Christies +christies +Christiform +Christ-imitating +Christin +Christina +Christine +christine +Christ-inspired +Christis +Christless +christless +Christlessness +Christlike +christ-like +christlike +Christlikeness +Christliness +Christly +christly +Christmann +Christmas +christmas +Christmasberries +Christmasberry +christmases +Christmasing +Christmastide +christmastide +Christmastime +Christmasy +Christo- +christo- +Christocentric +Christocentrism +Christoff +Christoffel +Christoffer +Christoforo +Christogram +Christolatry +Christological +christological +Christologies +Christologist +Christology +christology +Christoper +Christoph +Christophanic +Christophanies +Christophany +christophany +Christophe +Christopher +christopher +Christophorus +Christos +Christoval +Christ-professing +christs +Christ's-thorn +christ's-thorn +Christ-taught +christ-tide +christward +Christy +christy +Christye +Christyna +Chrisy +chroatol +Chrobat +chrom- +chroma +chroma-blind +chromaffin +chromaffinic +chromamamin +chromammine +chromaphil +chromaphore +chromas +chromascope +chromat- +chromate +chromates +chromatic +chromatical +chromatically +chromatician +chromaticism +chromaticity +chromaticness +chromatics +chromatid +chromatin +chromatinic +Chromatioideae +chromatism +chromatist +Chromatium +chromatize +chromato- +chromatocyte +chromatodysopia +chromatogenous +chromatogram +chromatograph +chromatographic +chromatographically +chromatography +chromatoid +chromatologies +chromatology +chromatolysis +chromatolytic +chromatometer +chromatone +chromatopathia +chromatopathic +chromatopathy +chromatophil +chromatophile +chromatophilia +chromatophilic +chromatophilous +chromatophobia +chromatophore +chromatophoric +chromatophorous +chromatoplasm +chromatopsia +chromatoptometer +chromatoptometry +chromatoscope +chromatoscopy +chromatosis +chromatosphere +chromatospheric +chromatrope +chromaturia +chromatype +chromazurine +chromdiagnosis +-chrome +chrome +chromed +Chromel +chromene +chrome-nickel +chromeplate +chromeplated +chromeplating +chromes +chromesthesia +chrome-tanned +chrometophobia +chromhidrosis +chromic +chromicize +chromicizing +chromid +Chromidae +chromide +Chromides +chromides +chromidial +Chromididae +chromidiogamy +chromidiosome +chromidium +chromidrosis +chromiferous +chrominance +chroming +chromiole +chromism +chromite +chromites +chromitite +chromium +chromium-plate +chromium-plated +chromiums +chromize +chromized +chromizes +chromizing +Chromo +chromo +chromo- +chromo-arsenate +Chromobacterieae +Chromobacterium +chromoblast +chromocenter +chromocentral +chromochalcographic +chromochalcography +chromocollograph +chromocollographic +chromocollography +chromocollotype +chromocollotypy +chromocratic +chromoctye +chromocyte +chromocytometer +chromodermatosis +chromodiascope +chromogen +chromogene +chromogenesis +chromogenetic +chromogenic +chromogenous +chromogram +chromograph +chromoisomer +chromoisomeric +chromoisomerism +chromoleucite +chromolipoid +chromolith +chromolithic +chromolithograph +chromolithographer +chromolithographic +chromolithography +chromolysis +chromomere +chromomeric +chromometer +chromone +chromonema +chromonemal +chromonemata +chromonematal +chromonematic +chromonemic +chromoparous +chromophage +chromophane +chromophil +chromophile +chromophilia +chromophilic +chromophilous +chromophobe +chromophobia +chromophobic +chromophor +chromophore +chromophoric +chromophorous +chromophotograph +chromophotographic +chromophotography +chromophotolithograph +chromophyl +chromophyll +chromoplasm +chromoplasmic +chromoplast +chromoplastid +chromoprotein +chromopsia +chromoptometer +chromoptometrical +chromos +chromosantonin +chromoscope +chromoscopic +chromoscopy +chromosomal +chromosomally +chromosome +chromosomes +chromosomic +chromosphere +chromospheres +chromospheric +chromotherapist +chromotherapy +chromotrope +chromotropic +chromotropism +chromotropy +chromotype +chromotypic +chromotypographic +chromotypography +chromotypy +chromous +chromoxylograph +chromoxylography +chromule +chromy +chromyl +chromyls +Chron +Chron. +chron +chron- +chron. +chronal +chronanagram +chronaxia +chronaxie +chronaxies +chronaxy +chroncmeter +chronic +chronica +chronical +chronically +chronicity +chronicle +chronicled +chronicler +chroniclers +Chronicles +chronicles +chronicling +chronicon +chronics +chronique +chronisotherm +chronist +Chronium +chrono- +chronobarometer +chronobiology +chronocarator +chronocinematography +chronocrator +chronocyclegraph +chronodeik +chronogeneous +chronogenesis +chronogenetic +chronogram +chronogrammatic +chronogrammatical +chronogrammatically +chronogrammatist +chronogrammic +chronograph +chronographer +chronographic +chronographical +chronographically +chronographs +chronography +chronoisothermal +chronol +chronologer +chronologic +chronological +chronologically +chronologies +chronologist +chronologists +chronologize +chronologizing +chronology +chronomancy +chronomantic +chronomastix +chronometer +chronometers +chronometric +chronometrical +chronometrically +chronometry +chronon +chrononomy +chronons +chronopher +chronophotograph +chronophotographic +chronophotography +Chronos +chronoscope +chronoscopic +chronoscopically +chronoscopv +chronoscopy +chronosemic +chronostichon +chronothermal +chronothermometer +Chronotron +chronotropic +chronotropism +Chroococcaceae +chroococcaceous +Chroococcales +chroococcoid +Chroococcus +-chroous +Chrosperma +Chrotoem +chrotta +chry +chrys- +Chrysa +chrysal +chrysalid +chrysalida +chrysalidal +chrysalides +chrysalidian +chrysaline +chrysalis +chrysalises +chrysaloid +chrysamine +chrysammic +chrysamminic +Chrysamphora +chrysanilin +chrysaniline +chrysanisic +chrysanthemin +chrysanthemum +chrysanthemums +chrysanthous +Chrysaor +chrysarobin +chrysatropic +chrysazin +chrysazol +Chryseis +chryseis +chryselectrum +chryselephantine +Chrysemys +chrysene +chrysenic +Chryses +chrysid +Chrysidella +chrysidid +Chrysididae +chrysin +Chrysippus +Chrysis +Chrysler +chrysler +chryslers +chryso- +chrysoaristocracy +Chrysobalanaceae +Chrysobalanus +chrysoberyl +chrysobull +chrysocale +chrysocarpous +chrysochlore +Chrysochloridae +Chrysochloris +chrysochlorous +chrysochrous +chrysocolla +chrysocracy +chrysoeriol +chrysogen +chrysograph +chrysographer +chrysography +chrysohermidin +chrysoidine +chrysolite +chrysolitic +chrysology +Chrysolophus +chrysome +chrysomelid +Chrysomelidae +chrysomonad +Chrysomonadales +Chrysomonadina +chrysomonadine +Chrysomyia +Chrysopa +chrysopal +chrysopee +chrysophan +chrysophane +chrysophanic +Chrysophanus +chrysophenin +chrysophenine +chrysophilist +chrysophilite +Chrysophlyctis +chrysophyll +Chrysophyllum +chrysophyte +chrysopid +Chrysopidae +chrysopoeia +chrysopoetic +chrysopoetics +chrysoprase +chrysoprasus +Chrysops +Chrysopsis +chrysorin +chrysosperm +Chrysosplenium +Chrysostom +chrysostomic +Chrysostomus +Chrysothamnus +Chrysothemis +chrysotherapy +Chrysothrix +chrysotile +Chrysotis +Chryssee +Chrystal +Chryste +Chrystel +chrystocrene +chs +chs. +Chtaura +chteau +Chteauroux +Chteau-Thierry +chthonian +chthonic +Chthonius +chthonophagia +chthonophagy +Chu +Chuadanga +Chuah +Chualar +chuana +Chuanchow +chub +chubasco +chubascos +Chubb +chubb +chubbed +chubbedness +chubbier +chubbiest +chubbily +chubbiness +chubbinesses +chubby +chubby-faced +chub-faced +chubs +chubsucker +Chuch +Chuchchi +Chuchchis +Chucho +Chuchona +Chuck +chuck +chuck-a-luck +chuckawalla +Chuckchi +Chuckchis +chucked +chucker +chucker-out +chuckers-out +Chuckey +chuck-farthing +chuckfarthing +chuck-full +chuckfull +chuckhole +chuckholes +chuckie +chuckies +chucking +chuckingly +chuckle +chuckled +chucklehead +chuckleheaded +chuckleheadedness +chuckler +chucklers +chuckles +chucklesome +chuckling +chucklingly +chuck-luck +chuckram +chuckrum +chucks +chuckstone +chuckwalla +chuck-will's-widow +chucky +chucky-chuck +chucky-chucky +Chud +chuddah +chuddahs +chuddar +chuddars +chudder +chudders +Chude +Chudic +chuet +Chueta +chufa +chufas +chuff +chuffed +chuffer +chuffest +chuffier +chuffiest +chuffily +chuffiness +chuffing +chuffs +chuffy +chug +chug-a-lug +chugalug +chugalugged +chugalugging +chugalugs +chug-chug +chugged +chugger +chuggers +chugging +chughole +Chugiak +chugs +Chugwater +chuhra +Chui +Chuipek +Chuje +chukar +chukars +Chukchee +Chukchees +Chukchi +Chukchis +chukka +chukkar +chukkars +chukkas +chukker +chukkers +chukor +Chula +chulan +chulha +chullo +chullpa +chulpa +chultun +chum +chumar +Chumash +Chumashan +Chumashim +Chumawi +chumble +Chumley +chummage +chummed +chummer +chummery +chummier +chummies +chummiest +chummily +chumminess +chumming +chummy +chump +chumpa +chumpaka +chumped +chumpiness +chumping +chumpish +chumpishness +Chumpivilca +chumps +chumpy +chums +chumship +chumships +Chumulu +Chun +chun +chunam +chunari +Chuncho +Chunchula +chundari +chunder +chunderous +Chung +chung +chunga +Chungking +chungking +Chunichi +chunk +chunked +chunkhead +chunkier +chunkiest +chunkily +chunkiness +chunking +chunks +chunky +Chunnel +chunner +chunnia +chunter +chuntered +chuntering +chunters +chupa-chupa +chupak +chupatti +chupatty +chupon +chuppah +chuppahs +chuppoth +chuprassi +chuprassie +chuprassy +Chuquicamata +Chur +Chura +churada +Church +church +church-ale +churchanity +church-chopper +churchcraft +churchdom +church-door +churched +churches +churchful +church-gang +church-garth +churchgo +churchgoer +churchgoers +churchgoing +churchgoings +church-government +churchgrith +churchianity +churchier +churchiest +churchified +Churchill +churchill +Churchillian +churchiness +churching +churchish +churchism +churchite +churchless +churchlet +churchlier +churchliest +churchlike +churchliness +churchly +Churchman +churchman +churchmanly +churchmanship +churchmaster +churchmen +church-papist +churchreeve +church-scot +churchscot +churchshot +church-soken +Churchton +Churchville +church-ward +churchward +churchwarden +churchwardenism +churchwardenize +churchwardens +churchwardenship +churchwards +churchway +churchwise +churchwoman +churchwomen +churchy +churchyard +churchyards +Churdan +churel +churidars +churinga +churingas +churl +churled +churlhood +churlier +churliest +churlish +churlishly +churlishness +churls +churly +churm +churn +churnability +churnable +churn-butted +churned +churner +churners +churnful +churning +churnings +churnmilk +churns +churnstaff +Churoya +Churoyan +churr +churrasco +churred +churrigueresco +Churrigueresque +churrigueresque +churring +churrip +churro +churr-owl +churrs +churruck +churrus +churr-worm +churrworm +Churubusco +chuse +chuser +chusite +chut +Chute +chute +chuted +chuter +chutes +chute-the-chute +chute-the-chutes +chuting +chutist +chutists +chutnee +chutnees +chutney +chutneys +chuttie +chutzpa +chutzpadik +chutzpah +chutzpahs +chutzpanik +chutzpas +Chuu +chuumnapm +Chuvash +chuvashes +Chuvashi +chuzwi +Chwana +Chwang-tse +chwas +chyack +chyak +chyazic +chylaceous +chylangioma +chylaqueous +chyle +chylemia +chyles +chylidrosis +chylifaction +chylifactive +chylifactory +chyliferous +chylific +chylification +chylificatory +chylified +chyliform +chylify +chylifying +chylo- +chylocaulous +chylocaulously +chylocauly +chylocele +chylocyst +chyloid +chylomicron +chylopericardium +chylophyllous +chylophyllously +chylophylly +chylopoetic +chylopoiesis +chylopoietic +chylosis +chylothorax +chylous +chyluria +chym- +chymaqueous +chymase +chyme +chymes +chymia +chymic +chymics +chymiferous +chymification +chymified +chymify +chymifying +chymist +chymistry +chymists +chymo- +chymosin +chymosinogen +chymosins +chymotrypsin +chymotrypsinogen +chymous +chyometer +Chyou +chypre +chytra +chytrid +Chytridiaceae +chytridiaceous +chytridial +Chytridiales +chytridiose +chytridiosis +Chytridium +Chytroi +C.I. +CI +Ci +ci- +CIA +Cia +cia +CIAC +Ciales +Ciampino +Cianca +Ciano +ciao +Ciapas +Ciapha +Ciaphus +Ciardi +CIB +cibaria +cibarial +cibarian +cibaries +cibarious +cibarium +cibation +cibbaria +Cibber +cibboria +Cibis +cibol +Cibola +Cibolan +cibolero +Cibolo +cibols +Ciboney +cibophobia +cibophobiafood +ciboria +ciborium +cibory +ciboule +ciboules +CIC +CICA +cicad +cicada +cicadae +cicadas +Cicadellidae +cicadid +Cicadidae +cicala +cicalas +cicale +cicatrice +cicatrices +cicatricial +cicatricle +cicatricose +cicatricula +cicatriculae +cicatricule +cicatrisant +cicatrisate +cicatrisation +cicatrise +cicatrised +cicatriser +cicatrising +cicatrisive +cicatrix +cicatrixes +cicatrizant +cicatrizate +cicatrization +cicatrize +cicatrized +cicatrizer +cicatrizing +cicatrose +Ciccia +cicelies +Cicely +cicely +Cicenia +cicer +Cicero +cicero +ciceronage +cicerone +cicerones +ciceroni +Ciceronian +ciceronian +Ciceronianism +ciceronianism +ciceronianisms +ciceronianist +ciceronianists +Ciceronianize +ciceronians +Ciceronic +Ciceronically +ciceroning +ciceronism +ciceronize +ciceros +cichar +cichlid +Cichlidae +cichlidae +cichlids +cichloid +Cichocki +cichoraceous +Cichoriaceae +cichoriaceous +Cichorium +cich-pea +Cichus +Cicily +Cicindela +cicindelid +cicindelidae +cicisbei +cicisbeism +cicisbeo +ciclatoun +Ciclo +cicone +Cicones +Ciconia +Ciconiae +ciconian +Ciconians +ciconiform +ciconiid +Ciconiidae +ciconiiform +Ciconiiformes +ciconine +ciconioid +cicoree +cicorees +cicrumspections +CICS +CICSVS +cicurate +Cicuta +cicuta +cicutoxin +CID +Cid +cid +Cida +-cidal +cidarid +Cidaridae +cidaris +Cidaroida +-cide +cider +ciderish +ciderist +ciderkin +ciderlike +ciders +ci-devant +CIDIN +Cidney +Cidra +CIE +Cie +cie +Ciel +cienaga +cienega +Cienfuegos +cierge +cierzo +cierzos +CIF +cif +cig +cigala +cigale +cigar +cigaresque +cigaret +cigarets +cigarette +cigarettes +cigarette-smoker +cigarfish +cigar-flower +cigarillo +cigarillos +cigarito +cigaritos +cigarless +cigar-loving +cigars +cigar-shaped +cigar-smoker +CIGS +cigua +ciguatera +CII +Ciitroen +Cila +cilantro +cilantros +cilectomy +cilery +cilia +ciliary +Ciliata +ciliata +ciliate +ciliated +ciliate-leaved +ciliately +ciliates +ciliate-toothed +ciliation +cilice +cilices +Cilicia +Cilician +cilicious +Cilicism +cilicism +ciliectomy +ciliella +ciliferous +ciliform +ciliiferous +ciliiform +ciliium +Cilioflagellata +cilioflagellate +ciliograde +ciliola +ciliolate +ciliolum +Ciliophora +cilioretinal +cilioscleral +ciliospinal +ciliotomy +Cilissa +cilium +Cilix +Cilka +cill +Cilla +cillosis +Cillus +Cilo +cilo-spinal +Cilurzo +CIM +CIMA +Cima +cima +Cimabue +Cimah +cimaise +cimaroon +Cimarosa +Cimarron +cimbal +cimbalom +cimbaloms +cimbia +cimborio +Cimbri +Cimbrian +Cimbric +Cimbura +cimcumvention +cimelia +cimeliarch +cimelium +cimeter +cimex +cimices +cimicid +Cimicidae +cimicide +cimiciform +Cimicifuga +cimicifugin +cimicoid +cimier +ciminite +cimline +cimmaron +Cimmeria +Cimmerian +cimmerian +Cimmerianism +Cimmerium +cimnel +cimolite +Cimon +C-in-C +cinch +cincha +cinched +cincher +cinches +cinching +cincholoipon +cincholoiponic +cinchomeronic +Cinchona +cinchona +Cinchonaceae +cinchonaceous +cinchonamin +cinchonamine +cinchonas +cinchonate +Cinchonero +cinchonia +cinchonic +cinchonicin +cinchonicine +cinchonidia +cinchonidine +cinchonin +cinchonine +cinchoninic +cinchonisation +cinchonise +cinchonised +cinchonising +cinchonism +cinchonization +cinchonize +cinchonized +cinchonizing +cinchonology +cinchophen +cinchotine +cinchotoxine +cincinatti +cincinnal +Cincinnati +cincinnati +Cincinnatia +Cincinnatian +Cincinnatus +cincinni +cincinnus +Cinclidae +cinclides +Cinclidotus +cinclis +Cinclus +cinct +cincture +cinctured +cinctures +cincturing +Cinda +Cindee +Cindelyn +cinder +cindered +Cinderella +cinderella +cindering +cinderlike +cinderman +cinderous +cinders +cindery +Cindi +Cindie +Cindra +Cindy +Cindylou +cine +cine- +cineangiocardiographic +cineangiocardiography +cineangiographic +cineangiography +cineast +cineaste +cineastes +cineasts +Cinebar +cinecamera +cinefaction +cinefilm +cinel +Cinelli +cinema +cinemactic +cinemagoer +cinemagoers +cinemas +CinemaScope +Cinemascope +CinemaScopic +cinematheque +cinematheques +cinematic +cinematical +cinematically +cinematics +cinematize +cinematized +cinematizing +cinematograph +cinematographer +cinematographers +cinematographic +cinematographical +cinematographically +cinematographies +cinematographist +cinematography +cinemelodrama +cinemese +cinemize +cinemograph +cinenchym +cinenchyma +cinenchymatous +cinene +cinenegative +cineol +cineole +cineoles +cineolic +cineols +cinephone +cinephotomicrography +cineplastics +cineplasty +cineraceous +cineradiography +Cinerama +cinerama +cinerararia +Cineraria +cineraria +cinerarias +cinerarium +cinerary +cineration +cinerator +cinerea +cinereal +cinereous +cinerin +cinerins +cineritious +cinerous +cines +cinevariety +Cingalese +cingalese +cingle +cingula +cingular +cingulate +cingulated +cingulectomies +cingulectomy +cingulum +Cini +ciniphes +Cinna +cinnabar +cinnabaric +cinnabarine +cinnabars +cinnamal +cinnamaldehyde +cinnamate +cinnamein +cinnamene +cinnamenyl +cinnamic +Cinnamodendron +cinnamol +cinnamomic +Cinnamomum +Cinnamon +cinnamon +cinnamoned +cinnamonic +cinnamonlike +cinnamonroot +cinnamons +cinnamonwood +cinnamoyl +cinnamyl +cinnamylidene +cinnamyls +cinnolin +cinnoline +cinnyl +cinofoil +cinquain +cinquains +cinquanter +cinque +cinquecentism +cinquecentist +cinquecento +cinquedea +cinquefoil +cinquefoiled +cinquefoils +cinquepace +cinques +cinque-spotted +cinter +cintre +Cinura +cinuran +cinurous +Cinyras +Cinzano +C.I.O. +CIO +Cioban +Cioffred +cion +cionectomy +cionitis +cionocranial +cionocranian +cionoptosis +cionorrhaphia +cionotome +cionotomy +cions +cioppino +cioppinos +CIP +Cipango +cipaye +cipher +cipherable +cipherdom +ciphered +cipherer +cipherhood +ciphering +ciphers +ciphertext +ciphertexts +ciphonies +ciphony +cipo +cipolin +cipolins +cipollino +cippi +cippus +Ciprian +Cipus +cir +cir. +circ +CIRCA +circa +circadian +Circaea +Circaeaceae +Circaean +Circaetus +circar +Circassia +Circassian +circassian +Circassic +Circe +circe +Circean +Circensian +circensian +circinal +circinate +circinately +circination +Circini +Circinus +circinus +circiter +circle +circle-branching +circled +circle-in +circle-out +circler +circlers +circles +circle-shearing +circle-squaring +circlet +circleting +circlets +Circleville +circle-wise +circlewise +circline +circling +circling-in +circling-out +Circlorama +circocele +Circosta +circovarian +circs +circue +circuit +circuitable +circuital +circuited +circuiteer +circuiter +circuities +circuiting +circuition +circuitman +circuitmen +circuitor +circuitous +circuitously +circuitousness +circuit-riding +circuitries +circuitry +circuits +circuituously +circuity +circulable +circulant +circular +circular-cut +circularisation +circularise +circularised +circulariser +circularising +circularism +circularities +circularity +circularization +circularizations +circularize +circularized +circularizer +circularizers +circularizes +circularizing +circular-knit +circularly +circularness +circulars +circularwise +circulatable +circulate +circulated +circulates +circulating +circulation +circulations +circulative +circulator +circulatories +circulators +circulatory +circule +circulet +circuli +circulin +circulus +circum +circum- +circumaction +circumadjacent +circumagitate +circumagitation +circumambages +circumambagious +circumambience +circumambiencies +circumambiency +circumambient +circumambiently +circumambulate +circumambulated +circumambulates +circumambulating +circumambulation +circumambulations +circumambulator +circumambulatory +circumanal +circumantarctic +circumarctic +Circum-arean +circumarticular +circumaviate +circumaviation +circumaviator +circumaxial +circumaxile +circumaxillary +circumbasal +circumbendibus +circumbendibuses +circumboreal +circumbuccal +circumbulbar +circumcallosal +Circumcellion +circumcellion +circumcenter +circumcentral +circumcinct +circumcincture +circumcircle +circumcise +circumcised +circumciser +circumcises +circumcising +circumcision +circumcisions +circumcission +circumclude +circumclusion +circumcolumnar +circumcone +circumconic +circumcorneal +circumcrescence +circumcrescent +Circum-cytherean +circumdate +circumdenudation +circumdiction +circumduce +circumducing +circumduct +circumducted +circumduction +circumesophagal +circumesophageal +circumfer +circumference +circumferences +circumferent +circumferential +circumferentially +circumferentor +circumflant +circumflect +circumflex +circumflexes +circumflexion +circumfluence +circumfluent +circumfluous +circumforaneous +circumfulgent +circumfuse +circumfused +circumfusile +circumfusing +circumfusion +circumgenital +circumgestation +circumgyrate +circumgyration +circumgyratory +circumhorizontal +circumincession +circuminsession +circuminsular +circumintestinal +circumitineration +circumjacence +circumjacencies +circumjacency +circumjacent +Circum-jovial +circumjovial +circumlental +circumlitio +circumlittoral +circumlocute +circumlocution +circumlocutional +circumlocutionary +circumlocutionist +circumlocutions +circumlocutory +circumlunar +Circum-mercurial +circum-meridian +circummeridian +circummeridional +circummigrate +circummigration +circummundane +circummure +circummured +circummuring +circumnatant +circumnavigable +circumnavigate +circumnavigated +circumnavigates +circumnavigating +circumnavigation +circumnavigations +circumnavigator +circumnavigatory +Circum-neptunian +circumneutral +circumnuclear +circumnutate +circumnutated +circumnutating +circumnutation +circumnutatory +circumocular +circumoesophagal +circumoral +circumorbital +circumpacific +circumpallial +circumparallelogram +circumpentagon +circumplanetary +circumplect +circumplicate +circumplication +circumpolar +circumpolygon +circumpose +circumposition +circumquaque +circumradii +circumradius +circumradiuses +circumrenal +circumrotate +circumrotated +circumrotating +circumrotation +circumrotatory +circumsail +Circum-saturnal +Circum-saturnian +circumsaturnian +circumsciss +circumscissile +circumscribable +circumscribe +circumscribed +circumscriber +circumscribes +circumscribing +circumscript +circumscription +circumscriptions +circumscriptive +circumscriptively +circumscriptly +circumscrive +circumsession +circumsinous +circumsolar +circumspangle +circumspatial +circumspect +circumspection +circumspections +circumspective +circumspectively +circumspectly +circumspectness +circumspheral +circumsphere +circumstance +circumstanced +circumstances +circumstancing +circumstant +circumstantiability +circumstantiable +circumstantial +circumstantialities +circumstantiality +circumstantially +circumstantialness +circumstantiate +circumstantiated +circumstantiates +circumstantiating +circumstantiation +circumstantiations +circumstellar +circumtabular +circumterraneous +circumterrestrial +circumtonsillar +circumtropical +circumumbilical +circumundulate +circumundulation +Circum-uranian +circumvallate +circumvallated +circumvallating +circumvallation +circumvascular +circumvent +circumventable +circumvented +circumventer +circumventing +circumvention +circumventions +circumventive +circumventor +circumvents +circumvest +circumviate +circumvoisin +circumvolant +circumvolute +circumvolution +circumvolutory +circumvolve +circumvolved +circumvolving +circumzenithal +circus +circuses +circusy +circut +circuted +circuting +circuts +cire +Cirenaica +Cirencester +cire-perdue +cires +Ciri +Cirilla +Cirillo +Cirilo +cirl +cirmcumferential +Ciro +Cirone +cirque +cirque-couchant +cirques +cirr- +cirrate +cirrated +Cirratulidae +Cirratulus +cirrh- +Cirrhopetalum +cirrhopod +cirrhose +cirrhosed +cirrhoses +cirrhosis +cirrhotic +cirrhous +cirrhus +Cirri +cirri +cirribranch +cirriferous +cirriform +cirrigerous +cirrigrade +cirriped +cirripede +Cirripedia +cirripedial +cirripeds +CIRRIS +cirro- +cirro-cumular +cirrocumular +cirro-cumulative +cirrocumulative +cirro-cumulous +cirrocumulous +cirro-cumulus +cirrocumulus +cirro-fillum +cirro-filum +cirrolite +cirro-macula +cirro-nebula +cirropodous +cirrose +cirrosely +cirro-stome +cirrostome +Cirrostomi +cirro-strative +cirrostrative +cirro-stratous +cirro-stratus +cirrostratus +cirrous +cirro-velum +cirrus +cirsectomies +cirsectomy +Cirsium +cirsocele +cirsoid +cirsomphalos +cirsophthalmia +cirsotome +cirsotomies +cirsotomy +cirterion +ciruela +cirurgian +ciruses +CIS +Cis +cis +cis- +Cisalpine +cisalpine +Cisalpinism +cisandine +cisatlantic +CISC +Ciscaucasia +Cisco +cisco +ciscoes +ciscos +cise +ciseaux +cisele +ciseleur +ciseleurs +cis-Elizabethan +ciselure +ciselures +cis-elysian +cisgangetic +cising +cisium +cisjurane +Ciskei +cisleithan +cislunar +cismarine +Cismontane +cismontane +Cismontanism +Cisne +cisoceanic +cispadane +cisplatine +cispontine +Cis-reformation +cisrhenane +Cissaea +Cissampelos +Cissie +Cissiee +cissies +cissing +cissoid +cissoidal +cissoids +Cissus +Cissy +cissy +cist +cista +Cistaceae +cistaceous +cistae +cisted +Cistercian +cistercian +Cistercianism +cistern +cisterna +cisternae +cisternal +cisterns +cistic +cistophori +cistophoric +cistophorus +cistori +cis-trans +cistron +cistronic +cistrons +cists +Cistudo +Cistus +cistus +cistuses +cistvaen +Ciszek +CIT +cit +cit. +Cita +citable +citadel +citadels +cital +Citarella +Citation +citation +citational +citations +citator +citators +citatory +citatum +cite +citeable +cited +citee +Citellus +citer +citers +cites +citess +Cithaeron +Cithaeronian +cithara +citharas +Citharexylum +citharist +citharista +citharoedi +citharoedic +citharoedus +cither +cithern +citherns +cithers +cithren +cithrens +citicism +citicorp +citied +cities +citification +citified +citifies +citify +citifying +Citigradae +citigrade +citing +citizen +citizendom +citizeness +citizenhood +citizenish +citizenism +citizenize +citizenized +citizenizing +citizenly +citizenries +citizenry +citizens +citizenship +citizenships +Citlaltepetl +Citlaltpetl +citola +citolas +citole +citoler +citolers +citoles +citoyen +citoyenne +citoyens +citr- +Citra +citra- +citraconate +citraconic +citral +citrals +citramide +citramontane +citrange +citrangeade +citrate +citrated +citrates +citrean +citrene +citreous +citric +citriculture +citriculturist +citril +citrin +citrination +citrine +citrines +citrinin +citrinins +citrinous +citrins +citrocola +Citroen +citrometer +Citromyces +Citron +citron +citronade +citronalis +citron-colored +citronella +citronellal +Citronelle +citronelle +citronellic +citronellol +citronin +citronize +citrons +citronwood +citron-yellow +Citropsis +citropten +citrous +citrul +citrullin +citrulline +Citrullus +Citrus +citrus +citruses +citrylidene +cittern +citternhead +citterns +Cittticano +citua +City +city +city-born +city-bound +city-bred +citybuster +citycism +city-commonwealth +citydom +cityfied +cityfolk +cityful +city-god +cityish +cityless +citylike +cityness +citynesses +cityscape +cityscapes +city-state +cityward +citywards +city-wide +citywide +CIU +Ciudad +ciudad +civ +civ. +cive +civet +civet-cat +civetlike +civetone +civets +Civia +civic +civical +civically +civicism +civicisms +civic-minded +civic-mindedly +civic-mindedness +civics +civie +civies +civil +civile +civiler +civilest +civilian +civilianization +civilianize +civilians +civilisable +civilisation +civilisational +civilisations +civilisatory +civilise +civilised +civilisedness +civiliser +civilises +civilising +civilist +civilite +civilities +civility +civilizable +civilizade +civilization +civilizational +civilizationally +civilizations +civilizatory +civilize +civilized +civilizedness +civilizee +civilizer +civilizers +civilizes +civilizing +civil-law +civilly +civilness +civil-rights +civism +civisms +Civitan +civitas +civite +civory +civvies +civvy +civy +ciwies +cixiid +Cixiidae +Cixo +cizar +cize +CJ +ck +ckw +C/L +CL +Cl +cl +cl. +clabber +clabbered +clabbering +clabbers +clabbery +clablaria +Clabo +clabularia +clabularium +clach +clachan +clachans +clachs +clack +Clackama +Clackamas +clackdish +clacked +clacker +clackers +clacket +clackety +clacking +Clackmannan +Clackmannanshire +clacks +Clacton +Clactonian +clactonian +clad +cladanthous +cladautoicous +cladding +claddings +clade +cladine +cladistic +clado- +cladocarpous +Cladocera +cladoceran +cladocerans +cladocerous +cladode +cladodes +cladodial +cladodium +cladodont +cladodontid +Cladodontidae +Cladodus +cladogenesis +cladogenetic +cladogenetically +cladogenous +Cladonia +Cladoniaceae +cladoniaceous +cladonioid +Cladophora +cladophora +Cladophoraceae +cladophoraceous +Cladophorales +cladophyll +cladophyllum +cladoptosis +cladose +Cladoselache +Cladoselachea +cladoselachian +Cladoselachidae +cladosiphonic +Cladosporium +Cladothrix +Cladrastis +clads +cladus +claes +Claflin +clag +clagged +clagging +claggum +claggy +clags +Claiborn +Claiborne +Claibornian +claik +claim +claimable +claimant +claimants +claimed +claimer +claimers +claiming +claim-jumper +claim-jumping +claimless +claims +claimsman +claimsmen +Clair +clair +clairaudience +clairaudient +clairaudiently +Clairaut +clairce +Claire +claire +clairecole +clairecolle +claires +Clairfield +clair-obscure +clairschach +clairschacher +clairseach +clairseacher +clairsentience +clairsentient +Clairton +clairvoyance +clairvoyances +clairvoyancies +clairvoyancy +clairvoyant +clairvoyantly +clairvoyants +claith +claithes +claiver +clake +Clallam +clam +Claman +clamant +clamantly +clamaroo +clamation +clamative +Clamatores +clamatorial +clamatory +clamb +clambake +clambakes +clamber +clambered +clamberer +clambering +clambers +clamcracker +clame +clamehewit +clamer +clamflat +clamjamfery +clamjamfry +clamjamphrie +clamlike +clammed +clammer +clammers +clammersome +clammier +clammiest +clammily +clamminess +clamminesses +clamming +clammish +clammy +clammyweed +clamor +clamored +clamorer +clamorers +clamoring +clamorist +clamorous +clamorously +clamorousness +clamors +clamorsome +clamour +clamoured +clamourer +clamouring +clamourist +clamourous +clamours +clamoursome +clamp +clampdown +clamped +clamper +clampers +clamping +clamps +clams +clamshell +clamshells +clamworm +clamworms +clan +Clance +clancular +clancularly +Clancy +clandestine +clandestinely +clandestineness +clandestinity +clanfellow +clang +clanged +clanger +clangers +clangful +clanging +clangingly +clangor +clangored +clangoring +clangorous +clangorously +clangorousness +clangors +clangour +clangoured +clangouring +clangours +clangs +Clangula +clanjamfray +clanjamfrey +clanjamfrie +clanjamphrey +clank +clanked +clankety +clanking +clankingly +clankingness +clankless +clanks +clankum +clanless +clanned +clanning +clannish +clannishly +clannishness +clannishnesses +clans +clansfolk +clanship +clansman +clansmanship +clansmen +clanswoman +clanswomen +Clanton +Claosaurus +clap +clapboard +clapboarding +clapboards +clapbread +clapcake +clapdish +clape +Clapeyron +clapholt +clapmatch +clapnest +clap-net +clapnet +clapotis +Clapp +clappe +clapped +Clapper +clapper +clapperboard +clapper-claw +clapperclaw +clapperclawer +clapperdudgeon +clappered +clappering +clappermaclaw +clappers +clapping +claps +clap-stick +clapstick +clapt +Clapton +claptrap +claptraps +clapwort +claque +claquer +claquers +claques +claqueur +claqueurs +clar +Clara +clarabella +Clarabelle +clarain +Claramae +Clarance +Clarcona +Clardy +Clare +clare +Claremont +Claremore +Clarence +clarence +clarences +Clarenceux +clarenceux +Clarenceuxship +Clarencieux +Clarendon +clarendon +clare-obscure +clares +Claresta +claret +Clareta +Claretian +claretian +clarets +Claretta +Clarette +Clarey +Clarhe +Clari +Claribel +claribel +claribella +Clarice +clarichord +Clarie +claries +clarifiable +clarifiant +clarificant +clarification +clarifications +clarified +clarifier +clarifiers +clarifies +clarify +clarifying +clarigate +clarigation +clarigold +clarin +clarina +Clarinda +Clarine +clarine +clarinet +clarinetist +clarinetists +clarinets +clarinettist +clarinettists +Clarington +clarini +clarino +clarinos +Clarion +clarion +clarioned +clarionet +clarioning +clarions +clarion-voiced +Clarisa +Clarise +Clarissa +Clarisse +clarissimo +Clarist +Clarita +clarities +claritude +clarity +Clark +clark +Clarkdale +Clarke +clarke +Clarkedale +clarkeite +clarkeites +Clarkesville +Clarkfield +Clarkia +clarkia +clarkias +Clarkin +Clarks +Clarksboro +Clarksburg +Clarksdale +Clarkson +Clarkston +Clarksville +clarksville +Clarkton +claro +claroes +Claromontane +Claromontanus +claros +clarre +clarsach +clarseach +clarsech +clarseth +clarshech +clart +clartier +clartiest +clarts +clarty +Clary +clary +Claryville +-clase +clash +clashed +clashee +clasher +clashers +clashes +clashing +clashingly +clashy +clasmatocyte +clasmatocytic +clasmatosis +CLASP +clasp +clasped +clasper +claspers +clasping +clasping-leaved +clasps +claspt +CLASS +class +class. +classable +classbook +class-cleavage +class-conscious +classed +classer +classers +classes +classfellow +classic +classical +classicalism +classicalist +classicalities +classicality +classicalize +classically +classicalness +classicise +classicised +classicising +classicism +classicisms +classicist +classicistic +classicists +classicize +classicized +classicizing +classico +classico- +classicolatry +classico-lombardic +classics +classier +classiest +classifiable +classific +classifically +classification +classificational +classifications +classificator +classificatory +classified +classifier +classifiers +classifies +classify +classifying +classily +classiness +classing +classis +classism +classisms +classist +classists +classless +classlessness +classman +classmanship +classmate +classmates +classmen +classroom +classrooms +classwise +classwork +classy +clast +clastic +clastics +clasts +clat +clatch +clatchy +Clathraceae +clathraceous +Clathraria +clathrarian +clathrate +Clathrina +Clathrinidae +clathroid +clathrose +clathrulate +Clathrus +Clatonia +Clatskanie +Clatsop +clatter +clattered +clatterer +clattering +clatteringly +clatters +clattertrap +clattertraps +clattery +clatty +clauber +claucht +Claud +Clauddetta +Claude +Claudel +Claudell +Claudelle +claudent +claudetite +claudetites +Claudetta +Claudette +Claudia +Claudian +Claudianus +claudicant +claudicate +claudication +Claudie +Claudina +Claudine +Claudio +Claudius +claudius +Claudville +Claudy +claught +claughted +claughting +claughts +Claunch +Claus +claus +clausal +clause +Clausen +clauses +Clausewitz +Clausilia +Clausiliidae +Clausius +clauster +clausthalite +claustra +claustral +claustration +claustrophilia +claustrophobe +claustrophobia +claustrophobiac +claustrophobias +claustrophobic +claustrum +clausula +clausulae +clausular +clausule +clausum +clausure +claut +Clava +clava +clavacin +clavae +claval +Clavaria +Clavariaceae +clavariaceous +clavate +clavated +clavately +clavatin +clavation +clave +clavecin +clavecinist +clavel +clavelization +clavelize +clavellate +clavellated +claver +Claverack +clavered +clavering +clavers +claves +clavi +clavial +claviature +clavicembali +clavicembalist +clavicembalo +Claviceps +clavichord +clavichordist +clavichordists +clavichords +clavicithern +clavicittern +clavicle +clavicles +clavicor +clavicorn +clavicornate +Clavicornes +Clavicornia +clavicotomy +clavicular +clavicularium +claviculate +claviculo-humeral +claviculus +clavicylinder +clavicymbal +clavicytheria +clavicytherium +clavicythetheria +clavier +clavierist +clavieristic +clavierists +claviers +claviform +claviger +clavigerous +claviharp +clavilux +claviol +claviole +clavipectoral +clavis +clavises +Clavius +clavodeltoid +clavodeltoideus +clavola +clavolae +clavolet +clavus +clavuvi +clavy +claw +clawback +clawed +clawer +clawers +claw-footed +clawhammer +clawing +clawk +clawker +clawless +clawlike +claws +clawsick +Clawson +claw-tailed +claxon +claxons +Claxton +Clay +clay +claybank +claybanks +Clayberg +Clayborn +Clayborne +clay-bound +Claybourne +claybrained +clay-built +clay-cold +clay-colored +clay-digging +clay-dimmed +clay-drying +claye +clayed +clayen +clayer +clayey +clay-faced +clay-filtering +clay-forming +clay-grinding +Clayhole +clayier +clayiest +clayiness +claying +clayish +claylike +clay-lined +clayman +clay-mixing +Claymont +claymore +claymores +Clayoquot +claypan +claypans +Claypool +clays +Claysburg +Clayson +claystone +Claysville +clay-tempering +Clayton +Claytonia +claytonia +Claytonville +clayver-grass +Clayville +clayware +claywares +clay-washing +clayweed +clay-wrapped +CLDN +-cle +Clea +cleach +clead +cleaded +cleading +cleam +cleamer +clean +clean- +cleanable +clean-appearing +clean-armed +clean-boled +clean-bred +clean-built +clean-complexioned +clean-cut +cleaned +cleaner +cleaner-off +cleaner-out +cleaners +cleaner-up +cleanest +clean-faced +clean-feeding +clean-fingered +clean-grained +clean-handed +cleanhanded +cleanhandedness +cleanhearted +cleaning +cleanings +cleanish +clean-legged +cleanlier +cleanliest +cleanlily +clean-limbed +cleanliness +cleanlinesses +clean-lived +clean-living +clean-looking +cleanly +clean-made +clean-minded +clean-moving +cleanness +cleannesses +cleanout +cleans +cleansable +clean-sailing +clean-saying +cleanse +cleansed +clean-seeming +cleanser +cleansers +cleanses +clean-shanked +clean-shaped +clean-shaved +clean-shaven +cleansing +clean-skin +cleanskin +clean-skinned +cleanskins +clean-smelling +clean-souled +clean-speaking +clean-sweeping +Cleanth +Cleantha +Cleanthes +clean-thinking +clean-timbered +cleanup +cleanups +clean-washed +clear +clearable +clearage +clearance +clearances +clear-boled +Clearbrook +Clearchus +clear-cole +clearcole +clear-complexioned +clear-crested +clear-cut +clear-cutness +clear-cutting +cleared +clearedness +clearer +clearers +clearest +clear-eye +clear-eyed +clear-eyes +clear-faced +clear-featured +Clearfield +clear-headed +clearheaded +clearheadedly +clearheadedness +clearhearted +clearing +clearinghouse +clearinghouses +clearings +clearish +clearly +clear-minded +clearminded +clear-mindedness +Clearmont +clearness +clearnesses +clear-obscure +clears +clear-sighted +clearsighted +clear-sightedly +clear-sightedness +clearsightedness +Clearsite +clear-skinned +clearskins +clear-spirited +clear-starch +clearstarch +clear-starcher +clearstarcher +clear-stemmed +clearstoried +clearstories +clear-story +clearstory +clear-sunned +clear-throated +clear-tinted +clear-toned +clear-up +Clearview +Clearville +clear-visioned +clear-voiced +clear-walled +Clearwater +clearwater +clearway +clearweed +clearwing +clear-witted +Cleary +Cleasta +cleat +cleated +cleating +Cleaton +cleats +cleavability +cleavable +cleavage +cleavages +Cleave +cleave +cleaved +cleaveful +cleavelandite +cleaver +cleavers +cleaverwort +Cleaves +cleaves +cleaving +cleavingly +Cleavland +Cleburne +cleche +clechee +clechy +cleck +cled +cledde +cledge +cledgy +cledonism +clee +cleech +cleek +cleeked +cleeking +cleeks +cleeky +Cleelum +Cleethorpes +CLEF +clef +clefs +cleft +clefted +cleft-footed +cleft-graft +clefting +clefts +cleg +Cleghorn +CLEI +cleidagra +cleidarthritis +cleidocostal +cleidocranial +cleidohyoid +cleidoic +cleidomancy +cleido-mastoid +cleidomastoid +cleido-occipital +cleidorrhexis +cleidoscapular +cleidosternal +cleidotomy +cleidotripsy +Clein +Cleisthenes +cleistocarp +cleistocarpous +cleistogamic +cleistogamically +cleistogamous +cleistogamously +cleistogamy +cleistogene +cleistogenous +cleistogeny +cleistotcia +cleistothecia +cleistothecium +Cleistothecopsis +cleithral +cleithrum +Clela +Cleland +Clellan +Clem +clem +Clematis +clematis +clematises +clematite +Clemclemalats +Clemen +Clemence +clemence +Clemenceau +clemencies +Clemency +clemency +Clemens +Clement +clement +Clementas +Clemente +Clementi +Clementia +Clementina +Clementine +clementine +Clementis +Clementius +clemently +clementness +Clementon +Clements +clements +clemmed +Clemmie +clemming +Clemmons +Clemmy +Clemon +Clemons +Clemson +clench +clench-built +clenched +clencher +clenchers +clenches +clenching +Clendenin +Cleo +Cleobis +Cleobulus +Cleodaeus +Cleodal +Cleodel +Cleodell +cleoid +Cleome +cleome +cleomes +Cleon +Cleone +Cleopatra +cleopatra +Cleopatre +Cleostratus +Cleota +Cleothera +clep +clepe +cleped +clepes +cleping +Clepsine +clepsydra +clepsydrae +clepsydras +clept +cleptobioses +cleptobiosis +cleptobiotic +cleptomania +cleptomaniac +Clerc +Clercq +Clere +Cleres +clerestoried +clerestories +clerestory +clerete +clergess +clergies +clergion +clergy +clergyable +clergylike +clergyman +clergymen +clergywoman +clergywomen +cleric +clerical +clericalism +clericalist +clericalists +clericality +clericalize +clerically +clericals +clericate +clericature +clericism +clericity +clerico- +clerico-political +clerics +clericum +clerid +Cleridae +clerids +clerihew +clerihews +clerisies +Clerissa +clerisy +Clerk +clerk +clerkage +clerk-ale +clerkdom +clerkdoms +clerked +clerkery +clerkess +clerkhood +clerking +clerkish +clerkless +clerklier +clerkliest +clerklike +clerkliness +clerkly +clerks +clerkship +clerkships +Clermont +Clermont-Ferrand +clernly +clero- +Clerodendron +cleromancy +cleronomy +clerstory +cleruch +cleruchial +cleruchic +cleruchies +cleruchy +clerum +Clerus +Clervaux +Cleta +cletch +Clete +Clethra +clethra +Clethraceae +clethraceous +clethrionomys +Cleti +Cletis +Cletus +cleuch +cleuk +cleuks +Cleva +Cleve +cleve +cleveite +cleveites +Cleveland +cleveland +Clevenger +clever +cleverality +clever-clever +Cleverdale +cleverer +cleverest +clever-handed +cleverish +cleverishly +cleverly +cleverness +clevernesses +Cleves +Clevey +Clevie +clevis +clevises +clew +clewed +clewgarnet +clewing +Clewiston +clews +CLI +cli +cliack +clianthus +clich +cliche +cliched +cliche-ridden +cliches +Clichy +Clichy-la-Garenne +click +click-clack +clicked +clicker +clickers +clicket +clickety-clack +clickety-click +clicking +clickless +clicks +clicky +CLID +Clidastes +Clide +Clie +cliency +client +clientage +cliental +cliented +clientelage +clientele +clienteles +clientless +clientry +clients +clientship +Cliff +cliff +cliff-bound +cliff-chafed +cliffed +Cliffes +cliff-girdled +cliffhang +cliff-hanger +cliffhanger +cliffhangers +cliff-hanging +cliffhanging +cliffier +cliffiest +cliffing +cliffless +clifflet +clifflike +cliff-marked +Clifford +cliffs +cliffside +cliffsman +cliffweed +Cliffwood +cliff-worn +cliffy +Clift +clift +Clifton +Cliftonia +cliftonite +clifts +Clifty +clifty +Clim +clima +Climaciaceae +climaciaceous +Climacium +climacter +climacterial +climacteric +climacterical +climacterically +climacterics +climactery +climactic +climactical +climactically +climacus +climant +climata +climatal +climatarchic +climate +climates +climath +climatic +climatical +climatically +Climatius +climatize +climatographical +climatography +climatologic +climatological +climatologically +climatologist +climatologists +climatology +climatometer +climatotherapeutics +climatotherapies +climatotherapy +climature +climax +climaxed +climaxes +climaxing +climb +climbable +climb-down +climbed +climber +climbers +climbing +climbingfish +climbingfishes +climbs +clime +climes +climograph +clin +clin- +clinah +-clinal +clinal +clinally +clinamen +clinamina +clinandrdria +clinandria +clinandrium +clinanthia +clinanthium +clinch +clinch-built +Clinchco +clinched +clincher +clincher-built +clinchers +clinches +Clinchfield +clinching +clinchingly +clinchingness +clinchpoop +-cline +Cline +cline +clines +cling +Clingan +clinged +clinger +clingers +clingfish +clingfishes +clingier +clingiest +clinginess +clinging +clingingly +clingingness +cling-rascal +clings +clingstone +clingstones +clingy +clinia +-clinic +clinic +clinical +clinically +clinician +clinicians +clinicist +clinicopathologic +clinicopathological +clinicopathologically +clinics +clinid +Clinis +clinium +clink +clinkant +clink-clank +clinked +clinker +clinker-built +clinkered +clinkerer +clinkering +clinkers +clinkery +clinkety-clink +clinking +clinks +clinkstone +clinkum +clino- +clinoaxis +clinocephalic +clinocephalism +clinocephalous +clinocephalus +clinocephaly +clinochlore +clinoclase +clinoclasite +clinodiagonal +clinodomatic +clinodome +clinograph +clinographic +clinohedral +clinohedrite +clinohumite +clinoid +clinologic +clinology +clinometer +clinometria +clinometric +clinometrical +clinometry +clinophobia +clinopinacoid +clinopinacoidal +Clinopodium +clinoprism +clinopyramid +clinopyroxene +clinorhombic +clinospore +clinostat +-clinous +clinquant +Clint +clint +clinting +Clintock +Clinton +Clintondale +Clintonia +clintonia +clintonite +Clintonville +clints +Clintwood +clinty +Clio +clio +Cliona +Clione +clip +clipboard +clipboards +clip-clop +clip-edged +clipei +clipeus +clip-fed +clip-marked +clip-on +clippable +Clippard +clipped +clipper +clipper-built +clipperman +clippers +clippety-clop +clippie +clipping +clippingly +clippings +clips +clipse +clipsheet +clipsheets +clipsome +clipt +clip-winged +clique +cliqued +cliquedom +cliqueier +cliqueiest +cliqueless +cliques +cliquey +cliqueyness +cliquier +cliquiest +cliquing +cliquish +cliquishly +cliquishness +cliquism +cliquy +cliseometer +clisere +clish-clash +clish-ma-claver +clishmaclaver +Clisiocampa +Clisthenes +clistocarp +clistocarpous +Clistogastra +clistothcia +clistothecia +clistothecium +clit +clitch +Clite +clite +clitella +clitellar +clitelliferous +clitelline +clitellum +clitellus +clites +clithe +Clitherall +clithral +clithridiate +clitia +clitic +clition +Clitocybe +clitoral +Clitoria +clitoric +clitoridauxe +clitoridean +clitoridectomies +clitoridectomy +clitoriditis +clitoridotomy +clitoris +clitorises +clitorism +clitoritis +clitoromania +clitoromaniac +clitoromaniacal +clitter +clitterclatter +Clitus +cliv +clival +Clive +clive +cliver +clivers +Clivia +clivia +clivias +clivis +clivises +clivus +clk +CLLI +Cllr +CLNP +Clo +clo +cloaca +cloacae +cloacal +cloacaline +cloacas +cloacean +cloacinal +cloacinean +cloacitis +cloak +cloakage +cloak-and-dagger +cloak-and-suiter +cloak-and-sword +cloaked +cloakedly +cloak-fashion +cloaking +cloakless +cloaklet +cloakmaker +cloakmaking +cloak-room +cloakroom +cloakrooms +cloaks +cloakwise +cloam +cloamen +cloamer +Cloanthus +clobber +clobbered +clobberer +clobbering +clobbers +clochan +clochard +clochards +cloche +clocher +cloches +clochette +clock +clockbird +clockcase +clocked +clocker +clockers +clockface +clock-hour +clockhouse +clocking +clockings +clockkeeper +clockless +clocklike +clockmaker +clock-making +clockmaking +clock-minded +clockmutch +clockroom +clocks +clocksmith +Clockville +clock-watcher +clockwatcher +clock-watching +clockwise +clock-work +clockwork +clockworked +clockworks +clod +clodbreaker +clod-brown +clodded +clodder +cloddier +cloddiest +cloddily +cloddiness +clodding +cloddish +cloddishly +cloddishness +cloddy +clodhead +clod-hopper +clodhopper +clodhopperish +clodhoppers +clodhopping +clodknocker +clodlet +clodlike +clod-pate +clodpate +clodpated +clodpates +clodpole +clodpoles +clod-poll +clodpoll +clodpolls +clods +clod-tongued +Cloe +Cloelia +cloes +Cloete +clof +cloff +clofibrate +clog +clogdogdo +clogged +clogger +cloggier +cloggiest +cloggily +clogginess +clogging +cloggy +cloghad +cloghaun +cloghead +cloglike +clogmaker +clogmaking +clogs +clogwheel +clogwood +clogwyn +cloine +cloiochoanitic +Clois +cloison +cloisonless +cloisonn +cloisonne +cloisonnism +Cloisonnisme +Cloisonnist +cloister +cloisteral +cloistered +cloisterer +cloistering +cloisterless +cloisterlike +cloisterliness +cloisterly +cloisters +cloisterwise +cloistral +cloistress +cloit +cloke +clokies +cloky +clomb +clomben +clomiphene +clomp +clomped +clomping +clomps +clon +clonal +clonally +clone +cloned +cloner +cloners +clones +clong +clonic +clonicity +clonicotonic +cloning +clonings +clonism +clonisms +clonk +clonked +clonking +clonks +clonorchiasis +Clonorchis +clonos +Clonothrix +clons +Clontarf +clonus +clonuses +cloof +cloop +cloot +clootie +Cloots +cloots +clop +clop-clop +clopped +clopping +clops +Clopton +cloque +cloques +Cloquet +cloragen +clorargyrite +clorinator +Clorinda +Clorinde +cloriodid +Cloris +Clorox +CLOS +clos +closable +Close +close +closeable +close-annealed +close-at-hand +close-banded +close-barred +close-bitten +close-bodied +close-bred +close-buttoned +close-by +close-clad +close-clapped +close-clipped +close-coifed +close-compacted +close-connected +close-couched +close-coupled +close-cropped +closecross +close-curled +close-curtained +close-cut +closed +closed-circuit +closed-coil +closed-door +closed-end +closed-in +closed-minded +closed-out +closedown +close-drawn +close-eared +close-fertilization +close-fertilize +close-fibered +close-fights +close-fisted +closefisted +closefistedly +closefistedness +close-fitting +closefitting +close-gleaning +close-grain +close-grained +close-grated +close-handed +closehanded +close-haul +close-hauled +closehauled +close-headed +closehearted +close-herd +close-hooded +close-in +close-jointed +close-kept +close-knit +close-latticed +close-legged +close-lipped +closelipped +closely +close-lying +close-meshed +close-minded +closemouth +close-mouthed +closemouthed +closen +closeness +closenesses +close-out +closeout +closeouts +close-packed +close-partnered +close-pent +close-piled +close-pressed +closer +close-reef +close-reefed +close-ribbed +close-rounded +closers +closes +close-set +close-shanked +close-shaven +close-shut +close-soled +closest +close-standing +close-sticking +close-stool +closestool +closet +closeted +close-tempered +close-textured +closetful +close-thinking +closeting +close-tongued +closets +close-up +closeup +closeups +close-visaged +close-winded +closewing +close-woven +close-written +closh +closing +closings +closish +closkey +closky +Closplint +Closter +closter +Closterium +clostridia +clostridial +clostridian +Clostridium +clostridium +closure +closured +closures +closuring +clot +clot-bird +clot-bur +clotbur +clote +cloth +cloth-backed +clothbound +cloth-calendering +cloth-covered +cloth-cropping +cloth-cutting +cloth-drying +cloth-dyeing +clothe +cloth-eared +clothed +clothes +clothesbag +clothesbasket +clothesbrush +clothes-conscious +clothes-consciousness +clothes-drier +clothes-drying +clotheshorse +clotheshorses +clothesless +clothesline +clotheslines +clothesman +clothesmen +clothesmonger +clothes-peg +clothespin +clothespins +clothes-press +clothespress +clothespresses +clothes-washing +clothesyard +cloth-faced +cloth-finishing +cloth-folding +clothier +clothiers +clothify +Clothilda +Clothilde +clothing +clothings +cloth-inserted +cloth-laying +clothlike +cloth-lined +cloth-maker +clothmaker +clothmaking +cloth-measuring +Clotho +clotho +cloth-of-gold +cloths +cloth-shearing +cloth-shrinking +cloth-smoothing +cloth-sponger +cloth-spreading +cloth-stamping +cloth-testing +cloth-weaving +cloth-winding +clothworker +clothy +cloth-yard +Clotilda +Clotilde +clot-poll +clots +clottage +clotted +clottedness +clotter +clotting +clotty +cloture +clotured +clotures +cloturing +clotweed +clou +CLOUD +cloud +cloudage +cloud-ascending +cloud-barred +cloudberries +cloudberry +cloud-born +cloud-built +cloudburst +cloudbursts +cloudcap +cloud-capped +cloud-compacted +cloud-compeller +cloud-compelling +cloud-covered +cloud-crammed +Cloudcroft +cloud-crossed +Cloud-cuckoo-land +Cloudcuckooland +cloud-cuckoo-land +cloud-curtained +cloud-dispelling +cloud-dividing +cloud-drowned +cloud-eclipsed +clouded +cloud-enveloped +cloud-flecked +cloudful +cloud-girt +cloud-headed +cloud-hidden +cloudier +cloudiest +cloudily +cloudiness +cloudinesses +clouding +cloud-kissing +cloud-laden +cloudland +cloud-led +cloudless +cloudlessly +cloudlessness +cloudlet +cloudlets +cloudlike +cloudling +cloudology +cloud-piercing +cloud-rocked +Clouds +clouds +cloud-scaling +cloudscape +cloud-seeding +cloud-shaped +cloudship +cloud-surmounting +cloud-surrounded +cloud-topped +cloud-touching +cloudward +cloudwards +cloud-woven +cloud-wrapped +cloudy +clouee +Clouet +Clough +clough +Clougher +cloughs +clour +cloured +clouring +clours +clout +clouted +clouter +clouterly +clouters +Cloutierville +clouting +Cloutman +clouts +clout-shoe +clouty +Clova +Clovah +clove +clove-gillyflower +cloven +clovene +cloven-footed +cloven-footedness +cloven-hoofed +Clover +clover +Cloverdale +clovered +clover-grass +cloverlay +cloverleaf +cloverleafs +cloverleaves +cloverley +cloveroot +Cloverport +cloverroot +clovers +clover-sick +clover-sickness +clovery +cloves +clove-strip +clovewort +Clovis +clow +clowder +clowders +Clower +clower +clow-gilofre +clown +clownade +clownage +clowned +clowneries +clownery +clownheal +clowning +clownish +clownishly +clownishness +clownishnesses +clowns +clownship +clowre +clowring +cloxacillin +cloy +cloyed +cloyedness +cloyer +cloying +cloyingly +cloyingness +cloyless +cloyment +cloyne +cloys +cloysome +cloze +clozes +CLR +clr +CLRC +CLS +CLTP +CLU +club +clubability +clubable +club-armed +Clubb +clubbability +clubbable +clubbed +clubber +clubbers +clubbier +clubbiest +clubbily +clubbiness +clubbing +clubbish +clubbishness +clubbism +clubbist +clubby +clubdom +club-ended +clubfeet +clubfellow +club-fist +clubfist +clubfisted +club-foot +clubfoot +club-footed +clubfooted +clubhand +clubhands +club-haul +clubhaul +clubhauled +clubhauling +clubhauls +club-headed +club-high +clubhouse +clubhouses +clubionid +Clubionidae +clubland +club-law +club-man +clubman +clubmate +clubmen +clubmobile +clubmonger +club-moss +clubridden +club-riser +clubroom +clubrooms +clubroot +clubroots +club-rush +clubs +club-shaped +clubstart +clubster +clubweed +clubwoman +clubwomen +clubwood +cluck +clucked +clucking +clucks +clucky +cludder +clue +clued +clueing +clueless +clues +cluff +cluing +Cluj +clum +clumber +clumbers +clump +clumped +clumper +clumpier +clumpiest +clumping +clumpish +clumpishness +clumplike +clumproot +clumps +clumpst +clumpy +clumse +clumsier +clumsiest +clumsily +clumsiness +clumsinesses +clumsy +clumsy-fisted +clunch +Clune +clung +Cluniac +cluniac +Cluniacensian +Clunisian +Clunist +clunk +clunked +clunker +clunkers +clunkier +clunking +clunks +clunky +clunter +Cluny +clupanodonic +Clupea +clupeid +Clupeidae +clupeids +clupeiform +clupein +clupeine +clupeiod +Clupeodei +clupeoid +clupeoids +clupien +cluppe +cluricaune +Clurman +Clusia +Clusiaceae +clusiaceous +Clusium +cluster +clusterberry +clustered +clusterfist +clustering +clusteringly +clusterings +clusters +clustery +CLUT +clutch +clutched +clutcher +clutches +clutching +clutchingly +clutchman +clutchy +Clute +cluther +Clutier +clutter +cluttered +clutterer +cluttering +clutterment +clutters +cluttery +CLV +Clwyd +Cly +cly +Clyde +Clydebank +Clydesdale +clydesdale +Clydeside +Clydesider +clyer +clyers +clyfaker +clyfaking +Clyman +Clymene +Clymenia +Clymenus +Clymer +Clynes +Clyo +clype +clypeal +Clypeaster +clypeaster +Clypeastridea +Clypeastrina +clypeastroid +Clypeastroida +Clypeastroidea +clypeate +clypeated +clypei +clypeiform +clypeo- +clypeola +clypeolar +clypeolate +clypeole +clypeus +clyses +clysis +clysma +clysmian +clysmic +clyssus +clyster +clysterize +clysters +Clytaemnesra +Clyte +Clytemnestra +clytemnestra +Clytia +Clytie +Clytius +Clyve +Clywd +CM +Cm +c.m. +c/m +cm +CMA +CMAC +CMC +CMCC +CMD +cmd +CMDF +cmdg +Cmdr +Cmdr. +cmdr +CMDS +CMF +C.M.G. +CMG +CM-glass +CMH +CMI +CMIP +CMIS +CMISE +c-mitosis +CML +cml +cml. +CMMU +Cmon +CMOS +CMOT +CMRR +CMS +CMSGT +CMT +CMTC +CMU +CMW +CMYK +C/N +CN +cn- +CNA +CNAA +CNAB +CNC +CNCC +CND +cnemapophysis +cnemial +cnemic +cnemides +cnemidium +Cnemidophorus +cnemis +Cneoraceae +cneoraceous +Cneorum +CNES +CNI +cnibophore +cnicin +Cnicus +cnida +cnidae +Cnidaria +cnidarian +Cnidean +Cnidia +Cnidian +cnidoblast +cnidocell +cnidocil +cnidocyst +cnidogenous +cnidophobia +cnidophore +cnidophorous +cnidopod +cnidosac +Cnidoscolus +cnidosis +Cnidus +CNM +CNMS +CNN +CNO +Cnossian +Cnossus +C-note +CNR +CNS +CNSR +Cnut +C.O. +C/O +C/o +CO +Co +Co. +c/o +co +co- +coabode +coabound +coabsume +coacceptor +coacervate +coacervated +coacervating +coacervation +coach +coachability +coachable +coach-and-four +coach-box +coachbuilder +coachbuilding +coach-built +coached +coachee +Coachella +coacher +coachers +coaches +coachfellow +coachful +coaching +coachlet +coachmaker +coachmaking +coachman +coachmanship +coachmaster +coachmen +coachs +coachsmith +coachsmithing +coachway +coach-whip +coachwhip +coachwise +coachwoman +coachwood +coachwork +coachwright +coachy +coact +coacted +coacting +coaction +coactions +coactive +coactively +coactivity +coactor +coactors +coacts +Coad +coadamite +coadapt +co-adaptation +coadaptation +coadaptations +coadapted +coadapting +coadequate +coadjacence +coadjacency +coadjacent +coadjacently +coadjudicator +coadjument +co-adjust +coadjust +coadjustment +coadjutant +coadjutator +coadjute +coadjutement +coadjutive +coadjutor +coadjutors +coadjutorship +coadjutress +coadjutrice +coadjutrices +coadjutrix +coadjuvancy +coadjuvant +coadjuvate +coadminister +coadministration +coadministrator +coadministratrix +coadmiration +coadmire +coadmired +coadmires +coadmiring +coadmit +coadmits +coadmitted +coadmitting +coadnate +coadore +coadsorbent +coadunate +coadunated +coadunating +coadunation +coadunative +coadunatively +coadunite +co-adventure +coadventure +coadventured +coadventurer +coadventuress +coadventuring +coadvice +Coady +coae- +coaeval +coaevals +coaffirmation +co-afforest +coafforest +coaged +coagel +coagencies +co-agency +coagency +coagent +coagents +coaggregate +coaggregated +coaggregation +coagitate +coagitator +coagment +coagmentation +coagonize +coagriculturist +coagula +coagulability +coagulable +coagulant +coagulants +coagulase +coagulate +coagulated +coagulates +coagulating +coagulation +coagulations +coagulative +coagulator +coagulators +coagulatory +coagule +coagulin +coaguline +coagulometer +coagulose +coagulum +coagulums +Coahoma +Coahuila +Coahuiltecan +coaid +coaita +coak +coakum +coal +coala +coalas +coalbag +coalbagger +coal-bearing +coalbin +coalbins +coal-black +coal-blue +coal-boring +coalbox +coalboxes +coal-breaking +coal-burning +coal-cutting +Coaldale +coal-dark +coaldealer +coal-dumping +coaled +coal-elevating +coaler +coalers +coalesce +coalesced +coalescence +coalescency +coalescent +coalesces +coalescing +coal-eyed +coalface +coal-faced +Coalfield +coalfield +coalfields +coal-fired +coal-fish +coalfish +coalfishes +coalfitter +coal-gas +Coalgood +coal-handling +coalheugh +coalhole +coalholes +coal-house +coalier +coaliest +coalification +coalified +coalifies +coalify +coalifying +Coaling +coaling +Coalinga +Coalisland +Coalite +coalite +coalition +coalitional +coalitioner +coalitionist +coalitions +coalize +coalized +coalizer +coalizing +coal-laden +coalless +coal-leveling +co-allied +coal-loading +co-ally +coal-man +coal-measure +coal-meter +coalmonger +Coalmont +coalmouse +coal-picking +coal-pit +coalpit +coalpits +Coalport +coal-producing +coal-pulverizing +coalrake +coals +Coalsack +coal-sack +coalsack +coalsacks +coal-scuttle +coalshed +coalsheds +coal-sifting +coal-stone +coal-tar +coalternate +coalternation +coalternative +coal-tester +coal-tit +coaltitude +Coalton +Coalville +coal-whipper +coal-whipping +Coalwood +coal-works +coaly +coalyard +coalyards +COAM +coambassador +coambulant +coamiable +coaming +coamings +Coamo +Coan +Coanda +coanimate +coannex +coannexed +coannexes +coannexing +coannihilate +coapostate +coapparition +co-appear +coappear +coappearance +coappeared +coappearing +coappears +coappellee +coapprehend +coapprentice +coappriser +coapprover +coapt +coaptate +coaptation +coapted +coapting +coapts +co-aration +coaration +coarb +coarbiter +coarbitrator +coarct +coarctate +coarctation +coarcted +coarcting +coardent +coarrange +coarrangement +coarse +coarse-featured +coarse-fibered +Coarsegold +coarse-grained +coarse-grainedness +coarse-haired +coarse-handed +coarse-lipped +coarsely +coarse-minded +coarsen +coarsened +coarseness +coarsenesses +coarsening +coarsens +coarser +coarse-skinned +coarse-spoken +coarse-spun +coarsest +coarse-textured +coarse-tongued +coarse-toothed +coarse-wrought +coarsish +coart +coarticulate +coarticulation +coascend +coassert +coasserter +coassession +co-assessor +coassessor +coassignee +co-assist +coassist +coassistance +coassistant +coassisted +coassisting +coassists +coassume +coassumed +coassumes +coassuming +coast +coastal +coastally +coasted +coaster +coasters +coast-fishing +Coastguard +coastguard +coastguardman +coastguardsman +coastguardsmen +coasting +coastings +coastland +coastline +coastlines +coastman +coastmen +coasts +coastside +coastwaiter +coastward +coastwards +coastways +coastwise +coat +coat-armour +Coatbridge +coat-card +coatdress +coated +coatee +coatees +coater +coaters +Coates +Coatesville +coathangers +coati +coatie +coati-mondi +coatimondie +coati-mundi +coatimundi +coating +coatings +coation +coatis +coatless +coat-money +coatrack +coatracks +coatroom +coatrooms +Coats +coats +Coatsburg +Coatsville +Coatsworth +coat-tail +coattail +coattailed +coattails +coattend +coattended +coattending +coattends +co-attest +coattest +coattestation +coattestator +coattested +coattesting +coattests +coaudience +coauditor +coaugment +coauthered +coauthor +coauthored +coauthoring +coauthority +coauthors +coauthorship +coauthorships +coawareness +co-ax +coax +coaxal +coaxation +coaxed +coaxer +coaxers +coaxes +coaxial +coaxially +coaxing +coaxingly +coaxy +coazervate +coazervation +COB +Cob +cob +cobaea +cobalamin +cobalamine +cobalt +cobaltamine +cobaltammine +cobalti- +cobaltic +cobalticyanic +cobalticyanides +cobaltiferous +cobaltine +cobaltinitrite +cobaltite +cobalto- +cobaltocyanic +cobaltocyanide +cobaltous +cobalts +Coban +cobang +Cobb +cobb +cobbed +cobber +cobberer +cobbers +Cobbett +Cobbie +cobbier +cobbiest +cobbin +cobbing +cobble +cobbled +cobbler +cobblerfish +cobblerism +cobblerless +cobblers +cobblership +cobblery +cobbles +cobble-stone +cobblestone +cobblestoned +cobblestones +cobbling +cobbly +cobbra +cobbs +Cobbtown +Cobby +cobby +cobcab +Cobden +Cobdenism +cobdenism +Cobdenite +COBE +cobego +cobelief +cobeliever +cobelligerent +Coben +cobenignity +coberger +cobewail +Cobh +Cobham +cobhead +cobhouse +cobia +cobias +cob-iron +cobiron +co-bishop +cobishop +Cobitidae +Cobitis +coble +cobleman +Coblentzian +Coblenz +cobles +Cobleskill +cobless +cobloaf +cob-nut +cobnut +cobnuts +COBOL +Cobol +cobol +cobola +coboss +coboundless +cobourg +Cobra +cobra +cobra-hooded +cobras +cobreathe +cobridgehead +cobriform +co-brother +cobrother +cobs +cobstone +cob-swan +Coburg +coburg +coburgess +coburgher +coburghership +Coburn +Cobus +cobweb +cobwebbed +cobwebbery +cobwebbier +cobwebbiest +cobwebbing +cobwebby +cobwebs +cobwork +COC +coca +cocaceous +Coca-Cola +cocaigne +cocain +cocaine +cocaines +cocainisation +cocainise +cocainised +cocainising +cocainism +cocainist +cocainization +cocainize +cocainized +cocainizing +cocainomania +cocainomaniac +cocains +Cocalus +Cocama +Cocamama +cocamine +Cocanucos +cocao +cocaptain +cocaptains +cocarboxylase +cocarde +cocas +cocash +cocashweed +cocause +cocautioner +Coccaceae +coccaceous +coccagee +coccal +Cocceian +cocceian +Cocceianism +coccerin +cocci +coccic +coccid +Coccidae +coccidia +coccidial +coccidian +Coccidiidea +coccidioidal +Coccidioides +coccidioidomycosis +Coccidiomorpha +coccidiosis +coccidium +coccidology +coccids +cocciferous +cocciform +coccigenic +coccin +coccinella +coccinellid +Coccinellidae +coccineous +coccionella +cocco +coccobaccilli +coccobacilli +coccobacillus +coccochromatic +Coccogonales +coccogone +Coccogoneae +coccogonium +coccoid +coccoidal +coccoids +coccolite +coccolith +coccolithophorid +Coccolithophoridae +Coccoloba +Coccolobis +Coccomyces +coccosphere +coccostean +coccosteid +Coccosteidae +Coccosteus +Coccothraustes +coccothraustine +Coccothrinax +coccous +coccule +cocculiferous +Cocculus +cocculus +-coccus +coccus +coccy- +coccydynia +coccygalgia +coccygeal +coccygean +coccygectomy +coccygeo-anal +coccygeo-mesenteric +coccygerector +coccyges +coccygeus +coccygine +Coccygius +coccygo- +coccygodynia +coccygomorph +Coccygomorphae +coccygomorphic +coccygotomy +coccyodynia +coccyx +coccyxes +Coccyzus +cocentric +coch +Cochabamba +cochair +cochaired +cochairing +cochairman +cochairmanship +cochairmen +cochairs +cochal +cochampion +cochampions +Cochard +Cochecton +cocher +cochero +cochief +Cochin +cochin +Cochin-China +cochin-china +Cochinchine +cochineal +cochins +Cochise +cochlea +cochleae +cochlear +cochleare +Cochlearia +cochlearifoliate +cochleariform +cochleary +cochleas +cochleate +cochleated +cochleiform +cochleitis +cochleleae +cochleleas +cochleous +cochlidiid +Cochlidiidae +cochliodont +Cochliodontidae +Cochliodus +cochlite +cochlitis +Cochlospermaceae +cochlospermaceous +Cochlospermum +cochon +Cochran +Cochrane +Cochranea +Cochranton +Cochranville +cochromatography +cochurchwarden +cochylis +cocillana +cocin +cocinera +cocineras +cocinero +cocircular +cocircularity +cocitizen +cocitizenship +Cock +cock +cock-a +cockabondy +cockade +cockaded +cockades +cock-a-doodle +cock-a-doodle-doo +cockadoodledoo +cock-a-doodle--dooed +cock-a-doodle--dooing +cock-a-doodle-doos +cock-a-hoop +cock-a-hooping +cock-a-hoopish +cock-a-hoopness +Cockaigne +cockaigne +cockal +cockalan +cock-a-leekie +cockaleekie +cockalorum +cockamamie +cockamamy +cockamaroo +cock-and-bull +cock-and-bull-story +cock-and-pinch +cockandy +cockapoo +cockapoos +cockard +cockarouse +cock-as-hoop +cockateel +cockatiel +cockatoo +cockatoos +cockatrice +cockatrices +cockawee +cock-a-whoop +cock-awhoop +Cockayne +cockbell +cock-bill +cockbill +cockbilled +cockbilling +cockbills +cockbird +cock-boat +cockboat +cockboats +cock-brain +cockbrain +cock-brained +Cockburn +cockchafer +Cockcroft +cock-crow +cockcrow +cockcrower +cock-crowing +cockcrowing +cockcrows +Cocke +cocked +Cocker +cocker +cockered +cockerel +cockerels +cockerie +cockering +cockermeg +cockernonnie +cockernony +cockerouse +cockers +cocket +cocketed +cocketing +cock-eye +cockeye +cock-eyed +cockeyed +cockeyedly +cockeyedness +cockeyes +Cockeysville +cock-feathered +cock-feathering +cock-fight +cockfight +cockfighter +cock-fighting +cockfighting +cockfights +cockhead +cock-horse +cockhorse +cockhorses +cockie +cockie-leekie +cockieleekie +cockier +cockies +cockiest +cockily +cockiness +cockinesses +cocking +cockish +cockishly +cockishness +cock-laird +cockle +cockleboat +cockle-bread +cocklebur +cockled +cockle-headed +cockler +cockles +cockle-shell +cockleshell +cockleshells +cocklet +cocklewife +cocklight +cocklike +cockling +cockloche +cock-loft +cockloft +cocklofts +cockly +cock-master +cockmaster +cock-match +cockmatch +cockmate +cockneian +cockneity +cock-nest +Cockney +cockney +cockneybred +cockneydom +cockneyese +cockneyess +cockneyfication +cockneyfied +cockneyfy +cockneyfying +cockneyish +cockneyishly +cockneyism +cockneyize +cockneyland +cockneylike +cockneys +cockneyship +cock-of-the-rock +cock-paddle +cockpaddle +cock-penny +cockpit +cockpits +cockroach +cockroaches +cock-road +Cocks +cocks +cock's-comb +cockscomb +cockscombed +cockscombs +cock's-foot +cocksfoot +cock's-head +cockshead +cockshies +cockshoot +cockshot +cock-shut +cockshut +cockshuts +cock-shy +cockshy +cockshying +cocks-of-the-rock +cocksparrow +cock-sparrowish +cockspur +cockspurs +cockstone +cock-stride +cock-sure +cocksure +cocksuredom +cocksureism +cocksurely +cocksureness +cocksurety +cockswain +cocksy +cocktail +cock-tailed +cocktailed +cocktailing +cocktails +cock-throppled +cockthrowing +cock-up +cockup +cockups +cockweed +cocky +cocky-leeky +cockyolly +co-clause +Cocle +coclea +Cocles +Coco +coco +cocoa +cocoa-brown +cocoach +cocoa-colored +cocoanut +cocoanuts +cocoas +cocoawood +cocobola +cocobolas +cocobolo +cocobolos +cocodette +Cocolalla +Cocolamus +COCOM +CoComanchean +cocomat +cocomats +cocomposer +cocomposers +cocona +Coconino +coconnection +coconqueror +coconscious +coconsciously +coconsciousness +coconsecrator +co-conspirator +coconspirator +coconspirators +coconstituent +cocontractor +Coconucan +Coconuco +coconut +coconuts +cocoon +cocooned +cocooneries +cocoonery +cocooning +cocoons +cocopan +cocopans +coco-plum +cocorico +cocoroot +Cocos +cocos +COCOT +cocotte +cocottes +cocovenantor +cocowood +cocowort +cocoyam +cocozelle +cocreate +cocreated +cocreates +cocreating +cocreator +cocreators +cocreatorship +cocreditor +cocrucify +coct +Cocteau +coctile +coction +coctoantigen +coctoprecipitin +cocuisa +cocuiza +cocullo +cocurator +cocurrent +cocurricular +cocus +cocuswood +cocuyo +Cocytean +Cocytus +cocytus +C.O.D. +COD +Cod +cod +coda +codable +Codacci-Pisanelli +codal +codamin +codamine +codas +CODASYL +cod-bait +codbank +CODCF +Codd +codded +codder +codders +Codding +codding +Coddington +coddle +coddled +coddler +coddlers +coddles +coddling +coddy +coddy-moddy +code +codebook +codebooks +codebreak +codebreaker +codebtor +codebtors +CODEC +codec +codeclination +codecree +codecs +coded +Codee +co-defendant +codefendant +codefendants +codeia +codeias +codein +codeina +codeinas +codeine +codeines +codeins +Codel +codeless +codelight +codelinquency +codelinquent +Codell +Coden +coden +codenization +codens +codeposit +coder +coderive +coderived +coderives +coderiving +coders +codes +codescendant +codesign +codesigned +codesigner +codesigners +codesigning +codesigns +codespairer +codetermination +codetermine +codetta +codettas +codette +codevelop +codeveloped +codeveloper +codevelopers +codeveloping +codevelops +codeword +codewords +codex +cod-fish +codfish +codfisher +codfisheries +codfishery +codfishes +codfishing +codger +codgers +codhead +codheaded +Codi +Codiaceae +codiaceous +Codiaeum +Codiales +codical +codices +codicil +codicilic +codicillary +codicils +codicology +codictatorship +Codie +codifiability +codification +codifications +codified +codifier +codifiers +codifies +codify +codifying +codilla +codille +coding +codings +codiniac +codirect +codirected +codirecting +codirectional +codirector +codirectors +codirectorship +codirects +codiscoverer +codiscoverers +codisjunct +codist +Codium +codivine +codlin +codline +codling +codlings +codlins +codlins-and-cream +codman +codo +codol +codomain +codomestication +codominant +codon +codons +Codorus +cod-piece +codpiece +codpieces +codpitchings +codrive +codriven +co-driver +codriver +codrives +codrove +Codrus +cods +codshead +cod-smack +codswallop +codworm +Cody +COE +Coe +coe +Coeburn +coecal +coecum +co-ed +coed +coedit +coedited +coediting +coeditor +coeditors +coeditorship +coedits +coeds +coeducate +co-education +coeducation +coeducational +coeducationalism +coeducationalize +coeducationally +coeducations +COEES +coef +coeff +co-effect +coeffect +coeffects +co-efficacy +coefficacy +coefficient +coefficiently +coefficients +coeffluent +coeffluential +coehorn +coel- +coelacanth +coelacanthid +Coelacanthidae +coelacanthine +Coelacanthini +coelacanthoid +coelacanthous +coelanaglyphic +coelar +coelarium +Coelastraceae +coelastraceous +Coelastrum +Coelata +coelder +coeldership +-coele +Coelebogyne +coelect +coelection +coelector +coelectron +coelelminth +Coelelminthes +coelelminthic +Coelentera +coelentera +Coelenterata +coelenterata +coelenterate +coelenterates +coelenteric +coelenteron +coelestial +coelestine +coelevate +coelho +coelia +coeliac +coelialgia +coelian +Coelicolae +Coelicolist +coeligenous +coelin +coeline +coelio- +coeliomyalgia +coeliorrhea +coeliorrhoea +coelioscopy +coeliotomy +Coello +coelo- +coeloblastic +coeloblastula +Coelococcus +coelodont +coelogastrula +Coeloglossum +Coelogyne +coelom +coeloma +Coelomata +coelomata +coelomate +coelomatic +coelomatous +coelome +coelomes +coelomesoblast +coelomic +Coelomocoela +coelomopore +coeloms +coelonavigation +coelongated +coeloplanula +coeloscope +coelosperm +coelospermous +coelostat +coelozoic +coeltera +coemanate +coembedded +coembodied +coembodies +coembody +coembodying +coembrace +coeminency +coemperor +coemploy +coemployed +coemployee +coemploying +coemployment +coemploys +coempt +coempted +coempting +coemptio +coemption +coemptional +coemptionator +coemptive +coemptor +coempts +coen- +coenacle +coenact +coenacted +coenacting +coenactor +coenacts +coenacula +coenaculous +coenaculum +coenaesthesis +coenamor +coenamored +coenamoring +coenamorment +coenamors +coenamourment +coenanthium +coendear +Coendidae +Coendou +coendure +coendured +coendures +coenduring +coenenchym +coenenchyma +coenenchymal +coenenchymata +coenenchymatous +coenenchyme +coenesthesia +coenesthesis +coenflame +coengage +coengager +coenjoy +coenla +coeno +coeno- +coenobe +coenobiar +coenobic +coenobiod +coenobioid +coenobite +coenobitic +coenobitical +coenobitism +coenobium +coenoblast +coenoblastic +coenoby +coenocentrum +coenocyte +coenocytic +coenodioecism +coenoecial +coenoecic +coenoecium +coenogamete +coenogenesis +coenogenetic +coenomonoecism +coenosarc +coenosarcal +coenosarcous +coenosite +coenospecies +coenospecific +coenospecifically +coenosteal +coenosteum +coenotrope +coenotype +coenotypic +coenthrone +coenunuri +coenure +coenures +coenuri +coenurus +coenzymatic +coenzymatically +coenzyme +coenzymes +coequal +coequality +coequalize +coequally +coequalness +coequals +co-equate +coequate +coequated +coequates +coequating +coequation +COER +coerce +coerceable +coerced +coercement +coercend +coercends +coercer +coercers +coerces +coercibility +coercible +coercibleness +coercibly +coercing +coercion +coercionary +coercionist +coercions +coercitive +coercive +coercively +coerciveness +coercivity +Coerebidae +coerect +coerected +coerecting +coerects +coeruleolactite +coes +coesite +coesites +coessential +coessentiality +coessentially +coessentialness +co-establishment +coestablishment +co-estate +coestate +coetanean +coetaneity +coetaneous +coetaneously +coetaneousness +coeternal +coeternally +coeternity +coetus +Coeus +coeval +coevality +coevally +coevalneity +coevalness +coevals +coevolution +coevolutionary +coevolve +coevolved +coevolvedcoevolves +coevolves +coevolving +coexchangeable +coexclusive +coexecutant +co-executor +coexecutor +coexecutors +coexecutrices +coexecutrix +coexert +coexerted +coexerting +coexertion +coexerts +co-exist +coexist +coexisted +coexistence +coexistences +coexistency +coexistent +coexisting +coexists +coexpand +coexpanded +coexperiencer +coexpire +coexplosion +coextend +coextended +coextending +coextends +coextension +coextensive +coextensively +coextensiveness +coextent +Coeymans +cofactor +cofactors +Cofane +cofaster +cofather +cofathership +cofeature +cofeatures +co-feoffee +cofeoffee +coferment +cofermentation +COFF +coff +Coffea +Coffee +coffee +coffee-and +coffeeberries +coffeeberry +coffee-blending +coffee-brown +coffeebush +coffeecake +coffeecakes +coffee-cleaning +coffee-color +coffee-colored +coffeecup +coffee-faced +coffee-grading +coffee-grinding +coffeegrower +coffeegrowing +coffee-house +coffeehouse +coffeehoused +coffeehouses +coffeehousing +coffee-imbibing +coffee-klatsch +coffeeleaf +coffee-making +coffeeman +Coffeen +coffee-planter +coffee-planting +coffee-polishing +coffeepot +coffeepots +coffee-roasting +coffee-room +coffeeroom +coffees +coffee-scented +coffeetime +Coffeeville +coffeeweed +coffeewood +Coffeng +coffer +coffer-dam +cofferdam +cofferdams +coffered +cofferer +cofferfish +coffering +cofferlike +coffers +coffer-work +cofferwork +Coffey +Coffeyville +coff-fronted +Coffin +coffin +coffined +coffin-fashioned +coffing +coffin-headed +coffining +coffinite +coffinless +coffinmaker +coffinmaking +coffins +coffin-shaped +coffle +coffled +coffles +coffling +Coffman +coffret +coffrets +coffs +Cofield +cofighter +cofinal +cofinance +cofinanced +cofinances +cofinancing +coforeknown +coformulator +cofound +cofounded +cofounder +cofounders +cofounding +cofoundress +cofounds +cofreighter +Cofsky +coft +cofunction +cog +cog. +Cogan +cogboat +Cogen +cogence +cogences +cogencies +cogency +cogener +cogeneration +cogeneric +cogenial +cogent +cogently +Coggan +cogged +cogger +coggers +coggie +cogging +coggle +coggledy +cogglety +coggly +Coggon +coghle +cogida +cogie +cogit +cogitability +cogitable +cogitabund +cogitabundity +cogitabundly +cogitabundous +cogitant +cogitantly +cogitate +cogitated +cogitates +cogitating +cogitatingly +cogitation +cogitations +cogitative +cogitatively +cogitativeness +cogitativity +cogitator +cogitators +cogito +cogitos +coglorify +coglorious +cogman +cogmen +Cognac +cognac +cognacs +cognate +cognately +cognateness +cognates +cognati +cognatic +cognatical +cognation +cognatus +cognisability +cognisable +cognisableness +cognisably +cognisance +cognisant +cognise +cognised +cogniser +cognises +cognising +cognition +cognitional +cognitions +cognitive +cognitively +cognitives +cognitivity +Cognitum +cognitum +cognizability +cognizable +cognizableness +cognizably +cognizance +cognizances +cognizant +cognize +cognized +cognizee +cognizer +cognizers +cognizes +cognizing +cognizor +cognomen +cognomens +cognomina +cognominal +cognominally +cognominate +cognominated +cognomination +cognosce +cognoscent +cognoscente +cognoscenti +cognoscibility +cognoscible +cognoscing +cognoscitive +cognoscitively +cognovit +cognovits +cogon +cogonal +cogons +cogovernment +cogovernor +cogracious +cograil +cogrediency +cogredient +cogroad +cogs +Cogswell +Cogswellia +coguarantor +co-guardian +coguardian +cogue +cogware +cogway +cogways +cogweel +cogweels +cog-wheel +cogwheel +cogwheels +cog-wood +cogwood +Coh +cohabit +cohabitancy +cohabitant +cohabitate +cohabitation +cohabitations +cohabited +cohabiter +cohabiting +cohabits +Cohagen +Cohan +Cohanim +cohanim +cohanims +coharmonious +coharmoniously +coharmonize +Cohasset +Cohbath +Cohberg +Cohbert +Cohby +Cohdwell +Cohe +cohead +coheaded +coheading +coheads +coheartedness +coheir +coheiress +coheiresses +coheirs +coheirship +cohelper +cohelpership +Coheman +Cohen +cohen +cohenite +Cohens +cohens +coherald +cohere +cohered +coherence +coherences +coherency +coherent +coherently +coherer +coherers +coheres +coheretic +cohering +coheritage +coheritor +cohert +cohesibility +cohesible +cohesion +cohesionless +cohesions +cohesive +cohesively +cohesiveness +Cohette +cohibit +cohibition +cohibitive +cohibitor +Cohin +cohitre +Cohl +Cohla +Cohleen +Cohlette +Cohlier +Cohligan +Cohn +coho +cohob +cohoba +cohobate +cohobated +cohobates +cohobating +cohobation +cohobator +Cohoctah +Cohocton +Cohoes +cohog +cohogs +cohol +coholder +coholders +cohomology +Co-hong +cohorn +cohort +cohortation +cohortative +cohorts +cohos +cohosh +cohoshes +cohost +cohosted +cohostess +cohostesses +cohosting +cohosts +cohow +cohue +cohune +cohunes +cohusband +Cohutta +COI +Coibita +coidentity +coif +coifed +coiffe +coiffed +coiffes +coiffeur +coiffeurs +coiffeuse +coiffeuses +coiffing +coiffure +coiffured +coiffures +coiffuring +coifing +coifs +coign +coigne +coigned +coignes +coigning +coigns +coigny +coigue +coil +Coila +coilability +coiled +coiler +coilers +coil-filling +coiling +coillen +coils +coilsmith +coil-testing +coil-winding +coilyear +Coimbatore +Coimbra +coimmense +coimplicant +coimplicate +coimplore +coin +coinable +coinage +coinages +coincide +coincided +coincidence +coincidences +coincidency +coincident +coincidental +coincidentally +coincidently +coincidents +coincider +coincides +coinciding +coinclination +coincline +coin-clipper +coin-clipping +coinclude +coin-controlled +coincorporate +coin-counting +coindicant +coindicate +coindication +coindwelling +coined +coiner +coiners +coinfeftment +coinfer +coinferred +coinferring +coinfers +co-infinite +coinfinite +coinfinity +coing +co-inhabit +coinhabit +coinhabitant +coinhabitor +co-inhere +coinhere +coinhered +coinherence +coinherent +coinheres +coinhering +coinheritance +co-inheritor +coinheritor +coining +coinitial +Coinjock +coin-made +coinmaker +coinmaking +coinmate +coinmates +coin-op +coin-operated +coin-operating +coinquinate +coins +coin-separating +coin-shaped +coinspire +coinstantaneity +coinstantaneous +coinstantaneously +coinstantaneousness +coinsurable +coinsurance +coinsure +coinsured +coinsurer +coinsures +coinsuring +cointense +cointension +cointensity +cointer +cointerest +cointerred +cointerring +cointers +cointersecting +cointise +Cointon +Cointreau +coinvent +coinventor +coinventors +coinvestigator +coinvestigators +coinvolve +coin-weighing +coiny +coir +Coire +coirs +coislander +coisns +coistrel +coistrels +coistril +coistrils +Coit +coit +coital +coitally +coition +coitional +coitions +coitophobia +coiture +coitus +coituses +Coix +cojoin +cojoined +cojoins +cojones +cojudge +cojudices +cojuror +cojusticiar +Cokato +Coke +coke +Cokeburg +coked +Cokedale +cokelike +cokeman +cokeney +Coker +coker +cokernut +cokers +coker-sack +cokery +cokes +Cokeville +cokewold +cokey +cokie +coking +cokneyfy +cokuloris +coky +Col +Col. +col +col- +col. +COLA +Cola +cola +colaborer +co-labourer +colacobioses +colacobiosis +colacobiotic +Colada +colage +colalgia +colament +Colan +colander +colanders +colane +colaphize +Colares +colarin +Colas +colas +colascione +colasciones +colascioni +colat +colate +colation +co-latitude +colatitude +colatorium +colature +colauxe +Colaxais +colazione +Colb +colback +Colbaith +Colbert +colberter +colbertine +Colbertism +Colburn +Colby +Colbye +colcannon +Colchester +Colchian +Colchicaceae +colchicia +colchicin +colchicine +Colchicum +colchicum +Colchis +colchyte +Colcine +Colcord +colcothar +Cold +cold +coldblood +cold-blooded +coldblooded +cold-bloodedly +cold-bloodedness +coldbloodedness +cold-braving +Coldbrook +cold-catching +cold-chisel +cold-chiseled +cold-chiseling +cold-chiselled +cold-chiselling +coldcock +cold-complexioned +cold-cream +cold-draw +cold-drawing +cold-drawn +cold-drew +Colden +cold-engendered +colder +coldest +cold-faced +cold-finch +coldfinch +cold-flow +cold-forge +cold-hammer +cold-hammered +cold-head +cold-hearted +coldhearted +cold-heartedly +coldheartedly +cold-heartedness +coldheartedness +coldish +coldly +cold-natured +coldness +coldnesses +cold-nipped +coldong +cold-pack +cold-patch +cold-pated +cold-press +cold-producing +coldproof +cold-roll +cold-rolled +colds +cold-saw +cold-short +cold-shortness +cold-shoulder +cold-shut +cold-slain +coldslaw +cold-spirited +cold-storage +cold-store +Coldstream +Cold-streamers +cold-swage +cold-sweat +cold-taking +coldturkey +cold-type +Coldwater +cold-water +cold-weld +cold-white +cold-work +cold-working +Cole +cole +colead +coleader +coleads +Colebrook +colecannon +colectomies +colectomy +coled +Coleen +colegatee +colegislator +cole-goose +Coleman +colemanite +colemouse +Colen +colen +colen-bell +Colene +colent +Coleochaetaceae +coleochaetaceous +Coleochaete +Coleophora +Coleophoridae +coleopter +Coleoptera +coleoptera +coleopteral +coleopteran +coleopterist +coleopteroid +coleopterological +coleopterology +coleopteron +coleopterous +coleoptile +coleoptilum +coleopttera +coleorhiza +coleorhizae +Coleosporiaceae +Coleosporium +coleplant +cole-prophet +colera +Colerain +Coleraine +cole-rake +Coleridge +Coleridge-Taylor +Coleridgian +Coles +coles +Colesburg +coleseed +coleseeds +cole-slaw +coleslaw +coleslaws +co-lessee +colessee +colessees +colessor +colessors +cole-staff +Colet +colet +Coleta +cole-tit +coletit +Coletta +Colette +coleur +Coleus +coleus +coleuses +Coleville +colewort +coleworts +coley +Colfax +Colfin +colfox +Colgate +coli +coliander +Colias +colibacillosis +colibacterin +colibert +colibertus +colibri +colic +colical +colichemarde +colicin +colicine +colicines +colicins +colicker +colicky +colicolitis +colicroot +colics +colicweed +colicwort +colicystitis +colicystopyelitis +Colier +colies +co-life +coliform +coliforms +Coligni +Coligny +Coliidae +Coliiformes +colilysin +Colima +colima +Colin +colin +colinear +colinearity +colinephritis +Colinette +coling +colins +Colinson +Colinus +coliphage +coliplication +colipuncture +colipyelitis +colipyuria +Colis +colisepsis +Coliseum +coliseum +coliseums +colistin +colistins +colitic +colitis +colitises +colitoxemia +coliuria +Colius +colk +coll +coll- +coll. +Colla +colla +collab +collabent +collaborate +collaborated +collaborates +collaborateur +collaborating +collaboration +collaborationism +collaborationist +collaborationists +collaborations +collaborative +collaboratively +collaborativeness +collaborator +collaborators +collada +colladas +collage +collaged +collagen +collagenase +collagenic +collagenous +collagens +collages +collagist +collapsability +collapsable +collapsar +collapse +collapsed +collapses +collapsibility +collapsible +collapsing +Collar +collar +collarband +collarbird +collar-bone +collarbone +collarbones +collar-bound +collar-cutting +collard +collards +collare +collared +collaret +collarets +collarette +collaring +collarino +collarinos +collarless +collarman +collars +collar-shaping +collar-to-collar +collar-wearing +collat +collat. +collatable +collate +collated +collatee +collateral +collaterality +collateralize +collateralized +collateralizing +collaterally +collateralness +collaterals +collates +collating +collation +collational +collationer +collations +collatitious +collative +collator +collators +collatress +collaud +collaudation +Collayer +Collbaith +Collbran +colleague +colleagued +colleagues +colleagueship +colleaguesmanship +colleaguing +Collect +collect +collectability +collectable +collectables +collectanea +collectarium +collected +collectedly +collectedness +collectibility +collectible +collectibles +collecting +collection +collectional +collectioner +collections +collective +collectively +collectiveness +collectives +collectivise +collectivism +collectivist +collectivistic +collectivistically +collectivists +collectivities +collectivity +collectivization +collectivize +collectivized +collectivizes +collectivizing +collectivum +collector +collectorate +collectors +collectorship +collectress +collects +Colleen +colleen +colleens +collegatary +college +college-bred +college-preparatory +colleger +collegers +colleges +collegese +collegia +collegial +collegialism +collegiality +collegially +collegian +collegianer +collegians +Collegiant +collegiate +collegiately +collegiateness +collegiation +collegiugia +collegium +collegiums +Collembola +collembolan +collembole +collembolic +collembolous +Collen +collen +collenchyma +collenchymatic +collenchymatous +collenchyme +collencytal +collencyte +Colleri +Colleries +Collery +collery +collet +colletarium +Collete +colleted +colleter +colleterial +colleterium +Colletes +Colletia +colletic +Colletidae +colleting +Colletotrichum +collets +colletside +Collette +Collettsville +Colley +colley +Colleyville +collibert +collicle +colliculate +colliculus +collide +collided +collides +collidin +collidine +colliding +Collie +collie +collied +collielike +Collier +collier +collieries +Colliers +colliers +Colliersville +Collierville +colliery +collies +collieshangie +colliflower +colliform +Colligan +colligance +colligate +colligated +colligating +colligation +colligative +colligible +collimate +collimated +collimates +collimating +collimation +collimator +collimators +Collimore +Collin +collin +collinal +Colline +colline +collinear +collinearity +collinearly +collineate +collineation +colling +collingly +Collingswood +collingual +Collingwood +Collins +collins +collinses +Collinsia +collinsia +collinsite +Collinsonia +Collinston +Collinsville +Collinwood +colliquable +colliquament +colliquate +colliquation +colliquative +colliquativeness +colliquefaction +Collis +collis +collision +collisional +collision-proof +collisions +collisive +Collison +collo- +colloblast +collobrierite +collocal +Collocalia +collocate +collocated +collocates +collocating +collocation +collocationable +collocational +collocations +collocative +collocatory +collochemistry +collochromate +collock +collocution +collocutor +collocutory +Collodi +collodio- +collodiochloride +collodion +collodionization +collodionize +collodiotype +collodium +collogen +collogue +collogued +collogues +colloguing +colloid +colloidal +colloidality +colloidally +colloider +colloidize +colloidochemical +colloids +Collomia +collomia +collop +colloped +collophane +collophanite +collophore +collops +Colloq +colloq +colloq. +colloque +colloquia +colloquial +colloquialism +colloquialisms +colloquialist +colloquiality +colloquialize +colloquializer +colloquially +colloquialness +colloquies +colloquiquia +colloquiquiums +colloquist +colloquium +colloquiums +colloquize +colloquized +colloquizing +colloququia +colloquy +collossians +collothun +collotype +collotyped +collotypic +collotyping +collotypy +collow +colloxylin +colluctation +collude +colluded +colluder +colluders +colludes +colluding +Collum +collum +collumelliaceous +collun +collunaria +collunarium +collusion +collusions +collusive +collusively +collusiveness +collusory +collut +collution +collutoria +collutories +collutorium +collutory +colluvia +colluvial +colluvies +colluvium +colluviums +Colly +colly +collyba +Collybia +collybist +Collyer +collying +collylyria +collyr +collyria +Collyridian +collyridian +collyrie +collyrite +collyrium +collyriums +collywest +collyweston +collywobbles +Colman +Colmar +colmar +colmars +Colmer +Colmesneil +colmose +Coln +colnaria +Colner +Colo +Colo. +colo- +colob +colobi +colobin +colobium +coloboma +Colobus +colobus +Colocasia +colocate +colocated +colocates +colocating +colocentesis +Colocephali +colocephalous +coloclysis +colocola +colocolic +colocolo +colocynth +colocynthin +colodyspepsia +coloenteritis +colog +cologarithm +Cologne +cologne +cologned +colognes +cologs +colola +cololite +Coloma +colomb +Colomb-Bchar +Colombes +Colombi +Colombia +colombia +Colombian +colombian +colombians +colombier +colombin +Colombina +Colombo +colombo +Colome +colometric +colometrically +colometry +Colon +colon +Colona +colonaded +colonalgia +colonate +colone +colonel +colonelcies +colonel-commandantship +colonelcy +colonels +colonelship +colonelships +coloner +colones +colonette +colongitude +coloni +colonial +colonialise +colonialised +colonialising +colonialism +colonialist +colonialistic +colonialists +colonialization +colonialize +colonialized +colonializing +colonially +colonialness +colonials +colonic +colonical +colonics +Colonie +Colonies +colonies +colonisability +colonisable +colonisation +colonisationist +colonise +colonised +coloniser +colonises +colonising +colonist +colonists +colonitis +colonizability +colonizable +colonization +colonizationist +colonizations +colonize +colonized +colonizer +colonizers +colonizes +colonizing +colonnade +colonnaded +colonnades +colonnette +colonopathy +colonopexy +colonoscope +colonoscopy +colons +Colonsay +colonus +colony +colopexia +colopexotomy +colopexy +coloph- +colophan +colophane +colophany +colophene +colophenic +Colophon +colophon +colophonate +Colophonian +colophonic +colophonist +colophonite +colophonium +colophons +colophony +coloplication +coloppe +coloproctitis +coloptosis +colopuncture +coloquies +coloquintid +coloquintida +color +Colora +colorability +colorable +colorableness +colorably +Coloradan +coloradan +coloradans +Colorado +colorado +Coloradoan +coloradoite +colorant +colorants +colorate +coloration +colorational +colorationally +colorations +colorative +coloratura +coloraturas +colorature +color-bearer +colorbearer +color-blind +colorblind +colorblindness +colorbreed +colorcast +colorcasted +colorcaster +colorcasting +colorcasts +colorectitis +colorectostomy +colored +coloreds +colorer +colorers +color-fading +colorfast +colorfastness +color-free +colorful +colorfully +colorfulness +color-grinding +colorific +colorifics +colorimeter +colorimetric +colorimetrical +colorimetrically +colorimetrics +colorimetrist +colorimetry +colorin +coloring +colorings +colorism +colorisms +colorist +coloristic +coloristically +colorists +colorization +colorize +colorless +colorlessly +colorlessness +colormaker +colormaking +colorman +color-matching +coloroto +colorrhaphy +colors +color-sensitize +color-testing +colortype +Colorum +color-washed +colory +coloslossi +coloslossuses +coloss +Colossae +colossal +colossality +colossally +colossean +Colosseum +colosseum +colossi +Colossian +colossian +Colossians +colossians +colosso +Colossochelys +colossus +colossuses +Colossuswise +colostomies +colostomy +colostral +colostration +colostric +colostrous +colostrum +colotomies +colotomy +colotyphoid +colour +colourability +colourable +colourableness +colourably +colouration +colourational +colourationally +colourative +colour-blind +colour-box +Coloured +coloured +colourer +colourers +colourfast +colourful +colourfully +colourfulness +colourific +colourifics +colouring +colourist +colouristic +colourize +colourless +colourlessly +colourlessness +colourman +colours +colourtype +coloury +-colous +colove +Colp +colp +colpenchyma +colpeo +colpeurynter +colpeurysis +colpheg +Colpin +colpindach +colpitis +colpitises +colpo- +colpocele +colpocystocele +Colpoda +colpohyperplasia +colpohysterotomy +colpoperineoplasty +colpoperineorrhaphy +colpoplastic +colpoplasty +colpoptosis +colporrhagia +colporrhaphy +colporrhea +colporrhexis +colport +colportage +colporter +colporteur +colporteurs +colposcope +colposcopy +colpostat +colpotomies +colpotomy +colpus +Colquitt +Colrain +cols +Colson +colstaff +Colston +Colstrip +COLT +Colt +colt +Coltee +colter +colters +colt-herb +colthood +Coltin +coltish +coltishly +coltishness +coltlike +Colton +coltoria +colt-pixie +coltpixie +coltpixy +Coltrane +colts +coltsfoot +coltsfoots +coltskin +Coltson +colt's-tail +Coltun +Coltwood +colubaria +Coluber +coluber +colubrid +Colubridae +colubrids +colubriform +Colubriformes +Colubriformia +Colubrina +Colubrinae +colubrine +colubroid +colugo +colugos +Colum +Columba +columba +columbaceous +Columbae +Columban +Columbanian +columbaria +columbaries +columbarium +columbary +columbate +columbeia +columbeion +Columbella +Columbia +columbia +columbiad +Columbian +columbian +Columbiana +Columbiaville +columbic +Columbid +Columbidae +columbier +columbiferous +Columbiformes +columbin +Columbine +columbine +columbines +columbite +columbium +columbo +columboid +columbotantalate +columbotitanate +columbous +Columbus +columbus +Columbyne +columel +columella +columellae +columellar +columellate +Columellia +Columelliaceae +columelliform +columels +column +columna +columnal +columnar +columnarian +columnarity +columnarized +columnate +columnated +columnates +columnating +columnation +columnea +columned +columner +columniation +columniferous +columniform +columning +columnist +columnistic +columnists +columnization +columnize +columnized +columnizes +columnizing +columns +columnwise +colunar +colure +colures +Colusa +colusite +Colutea +colutea +Colver +Colvert +Colville +Colvin +Colwell +Colwen +Colwich +Colwin +Colwyn +coly +colyba +Colyer +Colymbidae +colymbiform +colymbion +Colymbriformes +Colymbus +colyone +colyonic +colytic +colyum +colyumist +colza +colzas +COM +Com +Com. +com +com- +com. +coma +comacine +comade +comae +Comaetho +comagistracy +comagmatic +comake +comaker +comakers +comakes +comaking +comal +comales +comals +comamie +Coman +comanage +comanagement +comanagements +comanager +comanagers +Comanche +comanche +Comanchean +comanchean +Comanches +comanches +comandante +comandantes +comandanti +Comandra +Comaneci +comanic +comarca +co-mart +comart +co-martyr +Comarum +comarum +COMAS +comas +co-mate +comate +comates +comatic +comatik +comatiks +comatose +comatosely +comatoseness +comatosity +comatous +comatula +comatulae +comatulid +comb +comb. +combaron +combasou +combat +combatable +combatant +combatants +combated +combater +combaters +combating +combative +combatively +combativeness +combativity +combats +combattant +combattants +combatted +combatter +combatting +comb-back +comb-broach +comb-brush +comb-building +Combe +combe +Combe-Capelle +Combe-capelle +combed +comber +combers +Combes +combes +combfish +combfishes +combflower +comb-footed +comb-grained +combinability +combinable +combinableness +combinably +combinant +combinantive +combinate +combination +combinational +combinations +combinative +combinator +combinatorial +combinatorially +combinatoric +combinatorics +combinators +combinatory +combind +combine +combined +combinedly +combinedness +combinement +combiner +combiners +combines +combing +combings +combining +combite +comble +combless +comblessness +comblike +combmaker +combmaking +combo +comboloio +combos +comb-out +comboy +combre +Combretaceae +combretaceous +Combretum +Combs +combs +comb-shaped +combure +comburendo +comburent +comburgess +comburimeter +comburimetry +comburivorous +combust +combusted +combustibilities +combustibility +combustible +combustibleness +combustibles +combustibly +combusting +combustion +combustions +combustious +combustive +combustively +combustor +combusts +combwise +combwright +comby +comd +COMDEX +comdg +comdg. +comdia +Comdr +Comdr. +comdr +Comdt +Comdt. +comdt +come +come-all-ye +come-along +come-at-ability +come-at-able +comeatable +come-at-ableness +come-back +comeback +comebacker +comebacks +come-between +come-by-chance +Comecon +Comecrudo +comeddle +comedia +comedial +comedian +comedians +comediant +comedic +comedical +comedically +comedienne +comediennes +comedies +comedietta +comediettas +comediette +comedist +comedo +comedones +comedos +come-down +comedown +comedowns +comedy +come-hither +come-hithery +comelier +comeliest +comelily +comeliness +comeling +comely +comely-featured +comendite +comenic +Comenius +come-off +come-on +come-out +come-outer +comephorous +Comer +comer +Comerio +comers +comes +comessation +comestible +comestibles +comestion +comet +cometaria +cometarium +cometary +Cometes +cometh +comether +comethers +cometic +cometical +cometlike +cometographer +cometographical +cometography +cometoid +cometology +comets +cometwise +comeupance +comeuppance +comeuppances +comfier +comfiest +comfily +comfiness +comfit +comfits +comfiture +Comfort +comfort +comfortabilities +comfortability +comfortable +comfortableness +comfortably +comfortation +comfortative +comforted +Comforter +comforter +comforters +comfortful +comforting +comfortingly +comfortless +comfortlessly +comfortlessness +comfortress +comfortroot +comforts +Comfrey +comfrey +comfreys +comfy +Comiakin +comic +comical +comicality +comically +comicalness +comices +comic-iambic +comico- +comicocratic +comicocynical +comicodidactic +comicography +comicoprosaic +comicotragedy +comicotragic +comicotragical +comicry +comics +Comid +comida +comiferous +Comilla +COMINCH +Comines +Cominform +Cominformist +cominformist +cominformists +coming +coming-forth +comingle +coming-on +comings +comino +Comins +Comintern +comintern +comique +comism +Comiso +Comitadji +comitadji +comital +comitant +comitatensian +comitative +comitatus +comite +comites +comitia +comitial +comities +Comitium +comitiva +comitje +comitragedy +comity +comix +coml +COMM +comm +comm. +comma +Commack +commaes +Commager +commaing +command +commandable +commandant +commandants +commandatory +commanded +commandedness +commandeer +commandeered +commandeering +commandeers +commander +commanderies +commanders +commandership +commandery +commanding +commandingly +commandingness +commandite +commandless +commandment +commandments +commando +commandoes +commandoman +commandos +commandress +commandrie +commandries +commandry +commands +commark +commas +commassation +commassee +commata +commaterial +commatic +commation +commatism +comme +commeasurable +commeasure +commeasured +commeasuring +commeddle +Commelina +Commelinaceae +commelinaceous +commem +commemorable +commemorate +commemorated +commemorates +commemorating +commemoration +commemorational +commemorations +commemorative +commemoratively +commemorativeness +commemorator +commemorators +commemoratory +commemorize +commemorized +commemorizing +commence +commenceable +commenced +commencement +commencements +commencer +commences +commencing +commend +commenda +commendable +commendableness +commendably +commendador +commendam +commendatary +commendation +commendations +commendator +commendatories +commendatorily +commendatory +commended +commender +commending +commendingly +commendment +commends +commensal +commensalism +commensalist +commensalistic +commensality +commensally +commensals +commensurability +commensurable +commensurableness +commensurably +commensurate +commensurated +commensurately +commensurateness +commensurating +commensuration +commensurations +comment +commentable +commentarial +commentarialism +commentaries +commentary +commentate +commentated +commentating +commentation +commentative +commentator +commentatorial +commentatorially +commentators +commentatorship +commented +commenter +commenting +commentitious +comments +Commerce +commerce +commerced +commerceless +commercer +commerces +commercia +commerciable +commercial +commercialisation +commercialise +commercialised +commercialising +commercialism +commercialist +commercialistic +commercialists +commerciality +commercialization +commercializations +commercialize +commercialized +commercializes +commercializing +commercially +commercialness +commercials +commercing +commercium +commerge +commers +commesso +commie +commies +commigration +commilitant +comminate +comminated +comminating +commination +comminative +comminator +comminatory +Commines +commingle +commingled +comminglement +commingler +commingles +commingling +comminister +comminuate +comminute +comminuted +comminuting +comminution +comminutor +Commiphora +commis +commisce +commise +commiserable +commiserate +commiserated +commiserates +commiserating +commiseratingly +commiseration +commiserations +commiserative +commiseratively +commiserator +Commiskey +commissar +commissarial +commissariat +commissariats +commissaries +commissars +commissary +commissaryship +commission +commissionaire +commissional +commissionary +commissionate +commissionated +commissionating +commissioned +commissioner +commissioner-general +commissioners +commissionership +commissionerships +commissioning +commissions +commissionship +commissive +commissively +commissoria +commissural +commissure +commissurotomies +commissurotomy +commistion +commit +commitment +commitments +commits +committable +committal +committals +committed +committedly +committedness +committee +committeeism +committeeman +committeemen +committees +committeeship +committeewoman +committeewomen +committent +committer +committible +committing +committitur +committment +committor +commix +commixed +commixes +commixing +commixt +commixtion +commixture +commo +commodata +commodatary +commodate +commodation +commodatum +commode +commoderate +commodes +commodious +commodiously +commodiousness +commoditable +commodities +commodity +commodore +commodores +Commodus +commoigne +commolition +common +commonable +commonage +commonalities +commonality +commonalties +commonalty +commonance +commoned +commonefaction +commoner +commoners +commonership +commonest +commoney +commoning +commonish +commonition +commonize +common-law +commonly +commonness +commonplace +commonplaceism +commonplacely +commonplaceness +commonplacer +commonplaces +common-room +Commons +commons +commonsense +commonsensible +commonsensibly +commonsensical +commonsensically +commonty +common-variety +commonweal +commonweals +Commonwealth +commonwealth +commonwealthism +commonwealths +commorancies +commorancy +commorant +commorient +commorse +commorth +commos +commot +commote +commotion +commotional +commotions +commotive +commove +commoved +commoves +commoving +commulation +commulative +communa +communal +communalisation +communalise +communalised +communaliser +communalising +communalism +communalist +communalistic +communality +communalization +communalize +communalized +communalizer +communalizing +communally +Communard +communard +communbus +Commune +commune +communed +communer +communes +communicability +communicable +communicableness +communicably +communicant +communicants +communicate +communicated +communicatee +communicates +communicating +communication +communicational +communications +communicative +communicatively +communicativeness +communicator +communicators +communicatory +communing +Communion +communion +communionable +communional +communionist +communions +communiqu +communique +communiques +communis +communisation +communise +communised +communising +communism +Communist +communist +communisteries +communistery +communistic +communistical +communistically +communists +communital +communitarian +communitarianism +communitary +communities +communitive +communitorium +community +communitywide +communization +communize +communized +communizing +commutability +commutable +commutableness +commutant +commutate +commutated +commutating +commutation +commutations +commutative +commutatively +commutativity +commutator +commutators +commute +commuted +commuter +commuters +commutes +commuting +commutual +commutuality +commy +Comnenian +Comnenus +Como +comodato +comodo +comoedia +comoedus +comoid +comolecule +comonomer +comonte +comoquer +comorado +Comorin +comortgagee +comose +comourn +comourner +comournful +comous +Comox +comp +comp. +compaa +COMPACT +compact +compactability +compactable +compacted +compactedly +compactedness +compacter +compactest +compactible +compactification +compactify +compactile +compacting +compaction +compactions +compactly +compactness +compactnesses +compactor +compactors +compacts +compacture +compadre +compadres +compage +compages +compaginate +compagination +Compagnie +compagnie +compagnies +companable +companage +companator +compander +companero +companeros +compania +companiable +companias +companied +companies +companion +companionability +companionable +companionableness +companionably +companionage +companionate +companioned +companioning +companionize +companionized +companionizing +companionless +companions +companionship +companionships +companionway +companionways +company +companying +companyless +compar +compar. +comparability +comparable +comparableness +comparably +comparascope +comparate +comparatist +comparatival +comparative +comparatively +comparativeness +comparatives +comparativist +comparator +comparators +comparcioner +compare +compared +comparer +comparers +compares +comparing +comparison +comparisons +comparition +comparograph +comparsa +compart +comparted +compartimenti +compartimento +comparting +compartition +compartment +compartmental +compartmentalization +compartmentalize +compartmentalized +compartmentalizes +compartmentalizing +compartmentally +compartmentation +compartmented +compartmentize +compartments +compartner +comparts +compass +compassability +compassable +compassed +compasser +Compasses +compasses +compass-headed +compassing +compassion +compassionable +compassionate +compassionated +compassionately +compassionateness +compassionating +compassionless +compassions +compassive +compassivity +compassless +compassment +compatability +compatable +compaternity +compathy +compatibilities +compatibility +compatible +compatibleness +compatibles +compatibly +compatience +compatient +compatriot +compatriotic +compatriotism +compatriots +Compazine +compd +compear +compearance +compearant +comped +compeer +compeered +compeering +compeers +compel +compellability +compellable +compellably +compellation +compellative +compelled +compellent +compeller +compellers +compelling +compellingly +compels +compend +compendency +compendent +compendia +compendiary +compendiate +compendious +compendiously +compendiousness +compendium +compendiums +compends +compenetrate +compenetration +compensability +compensable +compensate +compensated +compensates +compensating +compensatingly +compensation +compensational +compensations +compensative +compensatively +compensativeness +compensator +compensators +compensatory +compense +compenser +compere +compered +comperes +compering +compert +compesce +compester +compete +competed +competence +competences +competencies +competency +competent +competently +competentness +competer +competes +competible +competing +competingly +competition +competitioner +competitions +competitive +competitively +competitiveness +competitor +competitors +competitorship +competitory +competitress +competitrix +Compi +Compiegne +compilable +compilation +compilations +compilator +compilatory +compile +compileable +compiled +compilement +compiler +compilers +compiles +compiling +comping +compinge +compital +Compitalia +compitum +complacence +complacences +complacencies +complacency +complacent +complacential +complacentially +complacently +complain +complainable +complainant +complainants +complained +complainer +complainers +complaining +complainingly +complainingness +complains +complaint +complaintful +complaintive +complaintiveness +complaints +complaisance +complaisant +complaisantly +complaisantness +complanar +complanate +complanation +complant +compleat +compleated +complect +complected +complecting +complection +complects +complement +complemental +complementally +complementalness +complementaries +complementarily +complementariness +complementarism +complementarity +complementary +complementation +complementative +complement-binding +complemented +complementer +complementers +complement-fixing +complementing +complementizer +complementoid +complements +completable +complete +completed +completedness +completely +completement +completeness +completenesses +completer +completers +completes +completest +completing +completion +completions +completive +completively +completories +completory +complex +complexation +complexed +complexedness +complexer +complexes +complexest +complexification +complexify +complexing +complexion +complexionably +complexional +complexionally +complexionary +complexioned +complexionist +complexionless +complexions +complexities +complexity +complexive +complexively +complexly +complexness +complexometric +complexometry +complexus +compliable +compliableness +compliably +compliance +compliances +compliancies +compliancy +compliant +compliantly +complicacies +complicacy +complicant +complicate +complicated +complicatedly +complicatedness +complicates +complicating +complication +complications +complicative +complicator +complicators +complice +complices +complicities +complicitous +complicity +complied +complier +compliers +complies +compliment +complimentable +complimental +complimentally +complimentalness +complimentarily +complimentariness +complimentarity +complimentary +complimentation +complimentative +complimented +complimenter +complimenters +complimenting +complimentingly +compliments +complin +compline +complines +complins +complish +complot +complotment +complots +complotted +complotter +complotting +Complutensian +complutensian +compluvia +compluvium +comply +complying +compo +Compoboard +compoed +compoer +compoing +compole +compone +componed +componency +componendo +component +componental +componented +componential +componentry +components +componentwise +compony +comport +comportable +comportance +comported +comporting +comportment +comportments +comports +compos +composable +composal +Composaline +composant +compose +composed +composedly +composedness +composer +composers +composes +composing +composit +composita +Compositae +compositae +composite +composite-built +composited +compositely +compositeness +composites +compositing +composition +compositional +compositionally +compositions +compositive +compositively +compositor +compositorial +compositors +compositous +compositure +composograph +compossibility +compossible +compost +composted +Compostela +composting +composts +composture +composure +compot +compotation +compotationship +compotator +compotatory +compote +compotes +compotier +compotiers +compotor +compound +compoundable +compound-complex +compounded +compoundedness +compounder +compounders +compounding +compoundness +compounds +compound-wound +comprachico +comprachicos +comprador +compradore +comprecation +compreg +compregnate +comprehend +comprehended +comprehender +comprehendible +comprehending +comprehendingly +comprehends +comprehense +comprehensibility +comprehensible +comprehensibleness +comprehensibly +comprehension +comprehensions +comprehensive +comprehensively +comprehensiveness +comprehensivenesses +comprehensives +comprehensor +comprend +compresbyter +compresbyterial +compresence +compresent +compress +compressed +compressedly +compresses +compressibilities +compressibility +compressible +compressibleness +compressibly +compressing +compressingly +compression +compressional +compression-ignition +compressions +compressive +compressively +compressometer +compressor +compressors +compressure +comprest +compriest +comprint +comprisable +comprisal +comprise +comprised +comprises +comprising +comprizable +comprizal +comprize +comprized +comprizes +comprizing +comprobate +comprobation +comproduce +compromis +compromisable +compromise +compromised +compromiser +compromisers +compromises +compromising +compromisingly +compromissary +compromission +compromissorial +compromit +compromitment +compromitted +compromitting +comprovincial +comps +Compsilura +Compsoa +Compsognathus +compsognathus +Compsothlypidae +compt +Comptche +Compte +compte +Comptean +compted +COMPTEL +compter +comptible +comptie +compting +comptly +comptness +comptoir +Comptom +Comptometer +comptometer +Compton +Compton-Burnett +Comptonia +comptonite +comptrol +comptroller +comptrollers +comptrollership +compts +compulsative +compulsatively +compulsatorily +compulsatory +compulse +compulsed +compulsion +compulsions +compulsitor +compulsive +compulsively +compulsiveness +compulsives +compulsivity +compulsorily +compulsoriness +compulsory +compunct +compunction +compunctionary +compunctionless +compunctions +compunctious +compunctiously +compunctive +compupil +compurgation +compurgator +compurgatorial +compurgatory +compursion +computability +computable +computably +computate +computation +computational +computationally +computations +computative +computatively +computativeness +compute +computed +computer +computerese +computerise +computerite +computerizable +computerization +computerize +computerized +computerizes +computerizing +computerlike +computernik +computers +computes +computing +computist +computus +Comr +Comr. +comr +comrade +comrade-in-arms +comradeliness +comradely +comradery +comrades +comradeship +comradeships +comrado +Comras +comrogue +COMS +coms +COMSAT +Comsat +comsat +Comsomol +Comstock +comstock +comstockeries +comstockery +comsymp +comsymps +Comte +comte +comtemplate +comtemplated +comtemplates +comtemplating +comtes +Comtesse +comtesse +comtesses +Comtian +comtian +Comtism +Comtist +comunidad +comurmurer +Comus +comus +comvia +Comyns +Con +Con. +con +con- +con. +conable +conacaste +conacre +Conah +Conakry +Conal +conal +conalbumin +Conall +conamarin +conamed +Conan +conand +Conant +Conard +conarial +conario- +conarium +Conasauga +conation +conational +conationalistic +conations +conative +conatural +conatus +Conaway +conaxial +conbinas +conc +conc. +concactenated +concamerate +concamerated +concameration +Concan +concanavalin +concannon +concaptive +concarnation +Concarneau +concassation +concatenary +concatenate +concatenated +concatenates +concatenating +concatenation +concatenations +concatenator +concatervate +concaulescence +concausal +concause +concavation +concave +concaved +concavely +concaveness +concaver +concaves +concaving +concavities +concavity +concavo +concavo- +concavo-concave +concavo-convex +conceal +concealable +concealed +concealedly +concealedness +concealer +concealers +concealing +concealingly +concealment +concealments +conceals +concede +conceded +concededly +conceder +conceders +concedes +conceding +conceit +conceited +conceitedly +conceitedness +conceiting +conceitless +conceits +conceity +conceivability +conceivable +conceivableness +conceivably +conceive +conceived +conceiver +conceivers +conceives +conceiving +concelebrate +concelebrated +concelebrates +concelebrating +concelebration +concelebrations +concent +concenter +concentered +concentering +concentive +concento +concentralization +concentralize +concentrate +concentrated +concentrates +concentrating +concentration +concentrations +concentrative +concentrativeness +concentrator +concentrators +concentre +concentred +concentric +concentrical +concentrically +concentricate +concentricity +concentring +concents +concentual +concentus +Concepci +Concepcion +concept +conceptacle +conceptacular +conceptaculum +conceptible +conception +conceptional +conceptionist +conceptions +conceptism +conceptive +conceptiveness +concepts +conceptual +conceptualisation +conceptualise +conceptualised +conceptualising +conceptualism +conceptualist +conceptualistic +conceptualistically +conceptualists +conceptuality +conceptualization +conceptualizations +conceptualize +conceptualized +conceptualizer +conceptualizes +conceptualizing +conceptually +conceptus +concern +concernancy +concerned +concernedly +concernedness +concerning +concerningly +concerningness +concernment +concerns +concert +concertante +concertantes +concertanti +concertanto +concertati +concertation +concertato +concertatos +concerted +concertedly +concertedness +Concertgebouw +concertgoer +concerti +concertina +concertinas +concerting +concertini +concertinist +concertino +concertinos +concertion +concertise +concertised +concertiser +concertising +concertist +concertize +concertized +concertizer +concertizes +concertizing +concertmaster +concertmasters +concertmeister +concertment +concerto +concertos +concerts +concertstck +concertstuck +Concesio +concessible +concession +concessionaire +concessionaires +concessional +concessionaries +concessionary +concessioner +concessionist +concessions +concessit +concessive +concessively +concessiveness +concessor +concessory +concetti +Concettina +concettism +concettist +concetto +conch +conch- +Concha +concha +conchae +conchal +conchate +conche +conched +concher +conches +conchfish +conchfishes +conchie +conchies +Conchifera +conchiferous +conchiform +conchinin +conchinine +conchiolin +Conchita +conchite +conchitic +conchitis +Concho +concho +Conchobar +Conchobor +conchoid +conchoidal +conchoidally +conchoids +conchol +conchological +conchologically +conchologist +conchologize +conchology +conchometer +conchometry +conchospiral +Conchostraca +conchotome +conchs +Conchubar +Conchucu +conchuela +conchy +conchyle +conchylia +conchyliated +conchyliferous +conchylium +conciator +concierge +concierges +concile +conciliable +conciliabule +conciliabulum +conciliar +conciliarism +conciliarly +conciliate +conciliated +conciliates +conciliating +conciliatingly +conciliation +conciliationist +conciliations +conciliative +conciliator +conciliatorily +conciliatoriness +conciliators +conciliatory +concilium +concinnate +concinnated +concinnating +concinnities +concinnity +concinnous +concinnously +concio +concion +concional +concionary +concionate +concionator +concionatory +conciousness +concipiency +concipient +concise +concisely +conciseness +concisenesses +conciser +concisest +concision +concitation +concite +concitizen +conclamant +conclamation +conclave +conclaves +conclavist +concludable +conclude +concluded +concludence +concludency +concludendi +concludent +concludently +concluder +concluders +concludes +concludible +concluding +concludingly +conclusible +conclusion +conclusional +conclusionally +conclusions +conclusive +conclusively +conclusiveness +conclusory +conclusum +concn +concoagulate +concoagulation +concoct +concocted +concocter +concocting +concoction +concoctions +concoctive +concoctor +concocts +Concoff +concolor +concolorous +concolour +concomitance +concomitancy +concomitant +concomitantly +concomitants +concomitate +concommitant +concommitantly +conconscious +Conconully +Concord +concord +concordable +concordably +concordal +concordance +concordancer +concordances +concordancy +concordant +concordantial +concordantly +concordat +concordatory +concordats +concordatum +Concorde +concorder +Concordia +concordial +concordist +concordity +concordly +concords +Concordville +concorporate +concorporated +concorporating +concorporation +Concorrezanes +concours +concourse +concourses +concreate +concredit +concremation +concrement +concresce +concrescence +concrescences +concrescent +concrescible +concrescive +concrete +concreted +concretely +concreteness +concreter +concretes +concreting +concretion +concretional +concretionary +concretions +concretism +concretist +concretive +concretively +concretization +concretize +concretized +concretizing +concretor +concrew +concrfsce +concubinage +concubinal +concubinarian +concubinaries +concubinary +concubinate +concubine +concubinehood +concubines +concubitancy +concubitant +concubitous +concubitus +conculcate +conculcation +concumbency +concupiscence +concupiscent +concupiscible +concupiscibleness +concupy +concur +concurbit +concurred +concurrence +concurrences +concurrencies +concurrency +concurrent +concurrently +concurrentness +concurring +concurringly +concurs +concursion +concurso +concursus +concuss +concussant +concussation +concussed +concusses +concussing +concussion +concussional +concussions +concussive +concussively +concutient +concyclic +concyclically +Cond +cond +Conda +Condalia +Condamine +Conde +condecent +condemn +condemnable +condemnably +condemnate +condemnation +condemnations +condemnatory +condemned +condemner +condemners +condemning +condemningly +condemnor +condemns +condensability +condensable +condensance +condensaries +condensary +condensate +condensates +condensation +condensational +condensations +condensative +condensator +condense +condensed +condensedly +condensedness +condenser +condenseries +condensers +condensery +condenses +condensible +condensing +condensity +conder +condescend +condescended +condescendence +condescendent +condescender +condescending +condescendingly +condescendingness +condescends +condescension +condescensions +condescensive +condescensively +condescensiveness +condescent +condiction +condictious +condiddle +condiddled +condiddlement +condiddling +condign +condigness +condignity +condignly +condignness +Condillac +condiment +condimental +condimentary +condiments +condisciple +condistillation +Condit +condite +condition +conditionable +conditional +conditionalism +conditionalist +conditionalities +conditionality +conditionalize +conditionally +conditionals +conditionate +conditione +conditioned +conditioner +conditioners +conditioning +conditions +condititivia +conditivia +conditivium +conditoria +conditorium +conditory +conditotoria +condivision +condo +condoes +condog +condolatory +condole +condoled +condolement +condolence +condolences +condolent +condoler +condolers +condoles +condoling +condolingly +condom +condominate +condominial +condominiia +condominiiums +condominium +condominiums +condoms +Condon +condonable +condonance +condonation +condonations +condonative +condone +condoned +condonement +condoner +condoners +condones +condoning +condor +Condorcet +condores +condors +condos +condottiere +condottieri +conduce +conduceability +conduced +conducement +conducent +conducer +conducers +conduces +conducible +conducibleness +conducibly +conducing +conducingly +conducive +conduciveness +conduct +conducta +conductance +conductances +conducted +conductibility +conductible +conductility +conductimeter +conductimetric +conducting +conductio +conduction +conductional +conductions +conductitious +conductive +conductively +conductivities +conductivity +conduct-money +conductometer +conductometric +conductor +conductorial +conductorless +conductors +conductorship +conductory +conductress +conducts +conductus +condue +conduit +conduits +conduplicate +conduplicated +conduplication +condurangin +condurango +condurrite +condylar +condylarth +Condylarthra +condylarthrosis +condylarthrous +condyle +condylectomy +condyles +condylion +condyloid +condyloma +condylomas +condylomata +condylomatous +condylome +condylopod +Condylopoda +condylopodous +condylos +condylotomy +Condylura +condylura +condylure +cone +cone-billed +coned +coneen +coneflower +Conehatta +conehead +cone-headed +coneighboring +cone-in-cone +coneine +Conejos +conelet +conelike +Conelrad +conelrad +conelrads +conemaker +conemaking +Conemaugh +conenchyma +cone-nose +conenose +conenoses +conepate +conepates +conepatl +conepatls +coner +cones +cone-shaped +conessine +Conestee +Conestoga +conestoga +Conesus +Conesville +Conetoe +Coney +coney +coneys +conf +conf. +confab +confabbed +confabbing +confabs +confabular +confabulate +confabulated +confabulates +confabulating +confabulation +confabulations +confabulator +confabulatory +confact +confarreate +confarreated +confarreation +confated +confect +confected +confecting +confection +confectionaries +confectionary +confectioner +confectioneries +confectioners +confectionery +confectiones +confections +confectory +confects +confecture +Confed +confeder +confederacies +Confederacy +confederacy +confederal +confederalist +Confederate +confederate +confederated +confederater +confederates +confederating +confederatio +Confederation +confederation +confederationism +confederationist +confederations +confederatism +confederative +confederatize +confederator +confelicity +confer +conferee +conferees +conference +conferences +conferencing +conferential +conferment +conferrable +conferral +conferred +conferree +conferrence +conferrer +conferrers +conferring +conferruminate +confers +conferted +Conferva +conferva +Confervaceae +confervaceous +confervae +conferval +Confervales +confervalike +confervas +confervoid +Confervoideae +confervous +confess +confessable +confessant +confessarius +confessary +confessed +confessedly +confesser +confesses +confessing +confessingly +confession +confessional +confessionalian +confessionalism +confessionalist +confessionally +confessionals +confessionaries +confessionary +confessionist +confessions +confessor +confessors +confessorship +confessory +confest +confetti +confetto +conficient +confidant +confidante +confidantes +confidants +confide +confided +confidence +confidences +confidency +confident +confidente +confidential +confidentiality +confidentially +confidentialness +confidentiary +confidently +confidentness +confider +confiders +confides +confiding +confidingly +confidingness +configurable +configural +configurate +configurated +configurating +configuration +configurational +configurationally +configurationism +configurationist +configurations +configurative +configure +configured +configures +configuring +confinable +confine +confineable +confined +confinedly +confinedness +confineless +confinement +confinements +confiner +confiners +confines +confining +confinity +confirm +confirmability +confirmable +confirmand +confirmation +confirmational +confirmations +confirmative +confirmatively +confirmatorily +confirmatory +confirmed +confirmedly +confirmedness +confirmee +confirmer +confirming +confirmingly +confirmity +confirmment +confirmor +confirms +confiscable +confiscatable +confiscate +confiscated +confiscates +confiscating +confiscation +confiscations +confiscator +confiscators +confiscatory +confiserie +confisk +confisticating +confit +confitent +Confiteor +confiteor +confiture +confix +confixed +confixing +conflab +conflagrant +conflagrate +conflagrated +conflagrating +conflagration +conflagrations +conflagrative +conflagrator +conflagratory +conflate +conflated +conflates +conflating +conflation +conflexure +conflict +conflicted +conflictful +conflicting +conflictingly +confliction +conflictive +conflictless +conflictory +conflicts +conflictual +conflow +Confluence +confluence +confluences +confluent +confluently +conflux +confluxes +confluxibility +confluxible +confluxibleness +confocal +confocally +conforbably +conform +conformability +conformable +conformableness +conformably +conformal +conformance +conformant +conformate +conformation +conformational +conformationally +conformations +conformator +conformed +conformer +conformers +conforming +conformingly +conformism +conformist +conformists +conformities +conformity +conforms +confort +confound +confoundable +confounded +confoundedly +confoundedness +confounder +confounders +confounding +confoundingly +confoundment +confounds +confr +confract +confraction +confragose +confrater +confraternal +confraternities +confraternity +confraternization +confrere +confreres +confrerie +confriar +confricamenta +confricamentum +confrication +confront +confrontal +confrontation +confrontational +confrontationism +confrontationist +confrontations +confronte +confronted +confronter +confronters +confronting +confrontment +confronts +Confucian +confucian +Confucianism +confucianism +Confucianist +confucians +Confucius +confucius +confusability +confusable +confusably +confuse +confused +confusedly +confusedness +confuser +confusers +confuses +confusing +confusingly +confusion +confusional +confusions +confusive +confusticate +confustication +confutability +confutable +confutation +confutations +confutative +confutator +confute +confuted +confuter +confuters +confutes +confuting +Cong +Cong. +cong +cong. +conga +congaed +congaing +congas +Congdon +conge +congeable +congeal +congealability +congealable +congealableness +congealed +congealedness +congealer +congealing +congealment +congeals +conged +congee +congeed +congeeing +congees +congeing +congelation +congelative +congelifract +congelifraction +congeliturbate +congeliturbation +congenator +congener +congeneracy +congeneric +congenerical +congenerous +congenerousness +congeners +congenetic +congenial +congenialities +congeniality +congenialize +congenially +congenialness +congenital +congenitally +congenitalness +congenite +congeon +Conger +conger +congeree +conger-eel +congerie +congeries +Congers +congers +Congerville +congery +conges +congession +congest +congested +congestedness +congestible +congesting +congestion +congestions +congestive +congests +congestus +congiaries +congiary +congii +congius +conglaciate +conglobate +conglobated +conglobately +conglobating +conglobation +conglobe +conglobed +conglobes +conglobing +conglobulate +conglomerate +conglomerated +conglomerates +conglomeratic +conglomerating +conglomeration +conglomerations +conglomerative +conglomerator +conglomeritic +conglutin +conglutinant +conglutinate +conglutinated +conglutinating +conglutination +conglutinative +conglution +Congo +congo +congoes +Congoese +Congolese +congolese +Congoleum +Congonhas +congoni +congos +congou +congous +congrats +congratulable +congratulant +congratulate +congratulated +congratulates +congratulating +congratulation +congratulational +congratulations +congratulator +congratulatory +congredient +congree +congreet +congregable +congreganist +congregant +congregants +congregate +congregated +congregates +congregating +congregation +congregational +Congregationalism +congregationalism +Congregationalist +congregationalist +congregationalists +congregationalize +congregationally +Congregationer +congregationist +congregations +congregative +congregativeness +congregator +congresional +Congreso +Congress +congress +congressed +congresser +congresses +congressing +congressional +congressionalist +congressionally +congressionist +congressist +congressive +Congressman +congressman +congressman-at-large +congressmen +congressmen-at-large +Congresso +congresswoman +congresswomen +Congreve +congreve +congrid +Congridae +congrio +congroid +congrue +congruence +congruences +congruencies +congruency +congruent +congruential +congruently +congruism +congruist +congruistic +congruities +congruity +congruous +congruously +congruousness +congustable +conhydrin +conhydrine +coni +conia +Coniacian +Coniah +Conias +conic +conical +conicality +conically +conicalness +conical-shaped +conicein +coniceine +conichalcite +conicine +conicities +conicity +conicle +conico- +conico-cylindrical +conico-elongate +conico-hemispherical +conicoid +conico-ovate +conico-ovoid +conicopoly +conico-subhemispherical +conico-subulate +conics +Conidae +conidia +conidial +conidian +conidiiferous +conidioid +conidiophore +conidiophorous +conidiospore +conidium +conies +conifer +Coniferae +coniferin +coniferophyte +coniferous +conifers +conification +coniform +coniine +coniines +Conilurus +conima +conimene +conin +conine +conines +coning +coninidia +conins +Coniogramme +coniology +coniomycetes +Coniophora +Coniopterygidae +Conioselinum +conioses +coniosis +coniospermous +Coniothyrium +coniroster +conirostral +Conirostres +conisance +conite +Conium +conium +coniums +conj +conj. +conject +conjective +conjecturable +conjecturableness +conjecturably +conjectural +conjecturalist +conjecturality +conjecturally +conjecture +conjectured +conjecturer +conjectures +conjecturing +conjee +conjegates +conjobble +conjoin +conjoined +conjoinedly +conjoiner +conjoining +conjoins +conjoint +conjointly +conjointment +conjointness +conjoints +conjon +conjubilant +conjuctiva +conjugable +conjugably +conjugacy +conjugal +Conjugales +conjugality +conjugally +conjugant +conjugata +Conjugatae +conjugate +conjugated +conjugately +conjugateness +conjugates +conjugating +conjugation +conjugational +conjugationally +conjugations +conjugative +conjugato- +conjugato-palmate +conjugato-pinnate +conjugator +conjugators +conjugial +conjugium +conjunct +conjuncted +conjunction +conjunctional +conjunctionally +conjunction-reduction +conjunctions +conjunctiva +conjunctivae +conjunctival +conjunctivas +conjunctive +conjunctively +conjunctiveness +conjunctives +conjunctivitis +conjunctly +conjuncts +conjunctur +conjunctural +conjuncture +conjunctures +conjuration +conjurations +conjurator +conjure +conjured +conjurement +conjurer +conjurers +conjurership +conjures +conjuring +conjurison +conjuror +conjurors +conjury +conk +conkanee +conked +conker +conkers +conking +Conklin +conks +conky +Conlan +Conlee +Conlen +Conley +conli +Conlin +Conlon +CONN +Conn +Conn. +conn +connach +Connacht +connaisseur +Connally +Connaraceae +connaraceous +connarite +Connarus +connascency +connascent +connatal +connate +connately +connateness +connate-perfoliate +connation +connatural +connaturality +connaturalize +connaturally +connaturalness +connature +Connaught +connaught +Conneaut +Conneautville +connect +connectable +connectant +connected +connectedly +connectedness +connecter +connecters +connectibility +connectible +connectibly +Connecticut +connecticut +connecting +connection +connectional +connectionism +connectionless +connections +connectival +connective +connectively +connectives +connectivity +connector +connectors +connects +conned +Connee +Connel +Connell +Connelley +connellite +Connellsville +Connelly +Connemara +Conner +conner +Conners +conners +Connersville +Connerville +Connett +connex +connexes +connexion +connexional +connexionalism +connexities +connexity +connexiva +connexive +connexivum +connexure +connexus +Conney +Conni +Connie +connie +connies +conning +conniption +conniptions +connivance +connivances +connivancy +connivant +connivantly +connive +connived +connivence +connivent +connivently +conniver +connivers +connivery +connives +conniving +connivingly +connixation +Connochaetes +connoissance +connoisseur +connoisseurs +connoisseurship +Connolly +Connor +Connors +connotate +connotation +connotational +connotations +connotative +connotatively +connote +connoted +connotes +connoting +connotive +connotively +conns +connu +connubial +connubialism +connubiality +connubially +connubiate +connubium +connumerate +connumeration +connusable +Conny +conny +conocarp +Conocarpus +Conocephalum +Conocephalus +conoclinium +conocuneus +conodont +conodonts +conoid +conoidal +conoidally +conoidic +conoidical +conoidically +conoido-hemispherical +conoido-rotundate +conoids +Conolophus +co-nominee +conominee +Conon +cononintelligent +Conopholis +conopid +Conopidae +conoplain +conopodium +Conopophaga +Conopophagidae +Conor +Conorhinus +conormal +conoscente +conoscenti +conoscope +conoscopic +conourish +Conover +Conowingo +Conoy +conphaseolin +conplane +conquassate +conquedle +conquer +conquerable +conquerableness +conquered +conquerer +conquerers +conqueress +conquering +conqueringly +conquerment +Conqueror +conqueror +conquerors +conquers +Conquest +conquest +conquests +conquian +conquians +conquinamine +conquinine +conquisition +conquistador +conquistadores +conquistadors +Conrad +Conrade +Conrado +Conrail +conrail +Conral +Conran +Conrath +conrector +conrectorship +conred +conrey +Conringia +Conroe +Conroy +CONS +Cons +Cons. +cons +cons. +consacre +Consalve +consanguine +consanguineal +consanguinean +consanguineous +consanguineously +consanguinities +consanguinity +consarcinate +consarn +consarned +conscience +conscienceless +consciencelessly +consciencelessness +conscience-proof +consciences +conscience-smitten +conscience-stricken +conscience-striken +consciencewise +conscient +conscientious +conscientiously +conscientiousness +conscionable +conscionableness +conscionably +conscious +consciously +consciousness +consciousnesses +consciousness-expanding +consciousness-expansion +conscive +conscribe +conscribed +conscribing +conscript +conscripted +conscripting +conscription +conscriptional +conscriptionist +conscriptions +conscriptive +conscripts +conscripttion +consderations +consecrate +consecrated +consecratedness +consecrater +consecrates +consecrating +Consecration +consecration +consecrations +consecrative +consecrator +consecratory +consectary +consecute +consecution +consecutive +consecutively +consecutiveness +consecutives +consence +consenescence +consenescency +consension +consensual +consensually +consensus +consensuses +consent +consentable +consentaneity +consentaneous +consentaneously +consentaneousness +consentant +consented +consenter +consenters +consentful +consentfully +consentience +consentient +consentiently +consenting +consentingly +consentingness +consentive +consentively +consentment +consents +consequence +consequences +consequency +consequent +consequential +consequentialities +consequentiality +consequentially +consequentialness +consequently +consequents +consertal +consertion +conservable +conservacy +conservancies +conservancy +conservant +conservate +conservation +conservational +conservationism +conservationist +conservationists +conservations +Conservatism +conservatism +conservatisms +conservatist +Conservative +conservative +conservatively +conservativeness +conservatives +conservatize +conservatoire +conservatoires +conservator +conservatorial +conservatories +conservatorio +conservatorium +conservators +conservatorship +conservatory +conservatrix +conserve +conserved +conserver +conservers +conserves +conserving +Consett +Conshohocken +consider +considerability +considerable +considerableness +considerably +considerance +considerate +considerately +considerateness +consideratenesses +consideration +considerations +considerative +consideratively +considerativeness +considerator +considered +considerer +considering +consideringly +considers +consign +consignable +consignataries +consignatary +consignation +consignatory +consigne +consigned +consignee +consignees +consigneeship +consigner +consignificant +consignificate +consignification +consignificative +consignificator +consignified +consignify +consignifying +consigning +consignment +consignments +consignor +consignors +consigns +consiliary +consilience +consilient +consimilar +consimilarity +consimilate +consimilated +consimilating +consimile +consisently +consist +consisted +consistence +consistences +consistencies +consistency +consistent +consistently +consistible +consisting +consistorial +consistorian +consistories +consistory +consists +consition +consitutional +consociate +consociated +consociating +consociation +consociational +consociationism +consociative +consocies +consol +consolable +consolableness +consolably +Consolamentum +consolan +Consolata +consolate +consolation +consolations +Consolato +consolator +consolatorily +consolatoriness +consolatory +consolatrix +console +consoled +consolement +consoler +consolers +consoles +consolette +consolidant +consolidate +consolidated +consolidates +consolidating +consolidation +consolidationist +consolidations +consolidative +consolidator +consolidators +consoling +consolingly +consolitorily +consolitoriness +consols +consolute +consomm +consomme +consommes +consonance +consonances +consonancy +consonant +consonantal +consonantalize +consonantalized +consonantalizing +consonantally +consonantic +consonantise +consonantised +consonantising +consonantism +consonantize +consonantized +consonantizing +consonantly +consonantness +consonants +consonate +consonous +consopite +consort +consortable +consorted +consorter +consortia +consortial +consorting +consortion +consortism +consortitia +consortium +consortiums +consorts +consortship +consoude +consound +conspecies +conspecific +conspecifics +conspect +conspection +conspectuity +conspectus +conspectuses +consperg +consperse +conspersion +conspicuity +conspicuous +conspicuously +conspicuousness +conspiracies +conspiracy +conspirant +conspiration +conspirational +conspirative +conspirator +conspiratorial +conspiratorially +conspirators +conspiratory +conspiratress +conspire +conspired +conspirer +conspirers +conspires +conspiring +conspiringly +conspissate +conspue +conspurcate +Const +const +Constable +constable +constablery +constables +constableship +constabless +Constableville +constablewick +constabular +constabularies +constabulary +Constance +constance +constances +Constancia +constancies +Constancy +constancy +Constant +constant +Constanta +constantan +Constantia +Constantin +Constantina +Constantine +Constantinian +constantinian +Constantino +Constantinople +constantinople +Constantinopolitan +constantinopolitan +constantly +constantness +constants +constat +constatation +constatations +constate +constative +constatory +constellate +constellated +constellating +constellation +constellations +constellatory +conster +consternate +consternated +consternating +consternation +consternations +constipate +constipated +constipates +constipating +constipation +constipations +constituencies +constituency +constituent +constituently +constituents +constitute +constituted +constituter +constitutes +constituting +constitution +constitutional +constitutionalism +constitutionalist +constitutionality +constitutionalization +constitutionalize +constitutionally +constitutionals +constitutionary +constitutioner +constitutionist +constitutionless +constitutions +constitutive +constitutively +constitutiveness +constitutor +constr +constr. +constrain +constrainable +constrained +constrainedly +constrainedness +constrainer +constrainers +constraining +constrainingly +constrainment +constrains +constraint +constraints +constrict +constricted +constricting +constriction +constrictions +constrictive +constrictor +constrictors +constricts +constringe +constringed +constringency +constringent +constringing +construability +construable +construal +construct +constructable +constructed +constructer +constructibility +constructible +constructing +construction +constructional +constructionally +constructionism +constructionist +constructionists +constructions +constructive +constructively +constructiveness +Constructivism +constructivism +Constructivist +constructivist +constructor +constructors +constructorship +constructs +constructure +construe +construed +construer +construers +construes +construing +constuctor +constuprate +constupration +consubsist +consubsistency +consubstantial +consubstantialism +consubstantialist +consubstantiality +consubstantially +consubstantiate +consubstantiated +consubstantiating +consubstantiation +consubstantiationist +consubstantive +Consuela +Consuelo +consuete +consuetitude +consuetude +consuetudinal +consuetudinary +consul +consulage +consular +consularity +consulary +consulate +consulated +consulates +consulating +consuls +consulship +consulships +consult +consulta +consultable +consultancy +consultant +consultants +consultantship +consultary +consultation +consultations +consultative +consultatively +consultatory +consulted +consultee +consulter +consulting +consultive +consultively +consulto +consultor +consultory +consults +consumable +consumables +consumate +consumated +consumating +consumation +consume +consumed +consumedly +consumeless +consumer +consumerism +consumerist +consumers +consumership +consumes +consuming +consumingly +consumingness +consummate +consummated +consummately +consummates +consummating +consummation +consummations +consummative +consummatively +consummativeness +consummator +consummatory +consumo +consumpt +consumpted +consumptible +consumption +consumptional +consumptions +consumptive +consumptively +consumptiveness +consumptives +consumptivity +Consus +consute +consy +Cont +cont +cont. +contabescence +contabescent +CONTAC +contact +contactant +contacted +contactile +contacting +contaction +contactor +contacts +contactual +contactually +contadino +contaggia +contagia +contagion +contagioned +contagionist +contagions +contagiosity +contagious +contagiously +contagiousness +contagium +contain +containable +contained +containedly +container +containerboard +containerization +containerize +containerized +containerizes +containerizing +containerport +containers +containership +containerships +containing +containment +containments +contains +contakia +contakion +contakionkia +contam +contaminable +contaminant +contaminants +contaminate +contaminated +contaminates +contaminating +contamination +contaminations +contaminative +contaminator +contaminous +contangential +contango +contangoes +contangos +contchar +contd +contd. +Conte +conte +conteck +conte-crayon +contect +contection +contek +conteke +contemn +contemned +contemner +contemnible +contemnibly +contemning +contemningly +contemnor +contemns +contemp +contemp. +contemper +contemperate +contemperature +contemplable +contemplamen +contemplance +contemplant +contemplate +contemplated +contemplatedly +contemplates +contemplating +contemplatingly +contemplation +contemplations +contemplatist +contemplative +contemplatively +contemplativeness +contemplator +contemplators +contemplature +contemple +contemporanean +contemporaneity +contemporaneous +contemporaneously +contemporaneousness +contemporaries +contemporarily +contemporariness +contemporary +contemporise +contemporised +contemporising +contemporize +contemporized +contemporizing +contempt +contemptful +contemptibility +contemptible +contemptibleness +contemptibly +contempts +contemptuous +contemptuously +contemptuousness +contend +contended +contendent +contender +contendere +contenders +contending +contendingly +contendress +contends +contenement +content +contentable +contentation +contented +contentedly +contentedness +contentednesses +contentful +contenting +contention +contentional +contentions +contentious +contentiously +contentiousness +contentless +contently +contentment +contentments +contentness +contents +contenu +conter +conterminable +conterminal +conterminant +conterminate +contermine +conterminous +conterminously +conterminousness +conterraneous +contes +contessa +contesseration +contest +contestability +contestable +contestableness +contestably +contestant +contestants +contestate +contestation +contested +contestee +contester +contesters +contesting +contestingly +contestless +contests +conteur +contex +context +contextive +contexts +contextual +contextualize +contextually +contextural +contexture +contextured +contg +Conti +conticent +contignate +contignation +contiguate +contiguities +contiguity +contiguous +contiguously +contiguousness +contin +continence +continences +continency +Continent +continent +Continental +continental +Continentaler +continentalism +continentalist +continentality +Continentalize +continentally +continentals +continently +continents +continent-wide +contineu +contingence +contingencies +contingency +contingent +contingential +contingentialness +contingentiam +contingently +contingentness +contingents +continua +continuable +continual +continuality +continually +continualness +continuance +continuances +continuancy +continuando +continuant +continuantly +continuate +continuately +continuateness +continuation +continuations +continuative +continuatively +continuativeness +continuator +continue +continued +continuedly +continuedness +continuer +continuers +continues +continuing +continuingly +continuist +continuities +continuity +continuo +continuos +continuous +continuousities +continuousity +continuously +continuousness +continuua +continuum +continuums +contise +cont-line +contline +conto +contoid +contoise +Contoocook +contorniate +contorniates +contorno +contorsion +contorsive +contort +contorta +Contortae +contorted +contortedly +contortedness +contorting +contortion +contortional +contortionate +contortioned +contortionist +contortionistic +contortionists +contortions +contortive +contortively +contorts +contortuplicate +contos +contour +contoured +contouring +contourne +contours +contr +contr. +contra +contra- +contra-acting +contra-approach +contraband +contrabandage +contrabandery +contrabandism +contrabandist +contrabandista +contrabands +contrabass +contrabassist +contrabasso +contrabassoon +contrabassoonist +contracapitalist +contraception +contraceptionist +contraceptions +contraceptive +contraceptives +contracivil +contraclockwise +contract +contractable +contractant +contractation +contracted +contractedly +contractedness +contractee +contracter +contractibility +contractible +contractibleness +contractibly +contractile +contractility +contracting +contraction +contractional +contractionist +contractions +contractive +contractively +contractiveness +contractly +contractor +contractors +contracts +contractu +contractual +contractually +contracture +contractured +contractus +contracyclical +contrada +contra-dance +contradance +contrade +contradebt +contradict +contradictable +contradicted +contradictedness +contradicter +contradicting +contradiction +contradictional +contradictions +contradictious +contradictiously +contradictiousness +contradictive +contradictively +contradictiveness +contradictor +contradictories +contradictorily +contradictoriness +contradictory +contradicts +contradiscriminate +contradistinct +contradistinction +contradistinctions +contradistinctive +contradistinctively +contradistinctly +contradistinguish +contradivide +contrafacture +contrafagotto +contrafissura +contrafissure +contraflexure +contraflow +contrafocal +contragredience +contragredient +contrahent +contrail +contrails +contra-indicant +contraindicant +contra-indicate +contraindicate +contraindicated +contraindicates +contraindicating +contra-indication +contraindication +contraindications +contraindicative +contra-ion +contrair +contraire +contralateral +contra-lode +contralti +contralto +contraltos +contramarque +contramure +contranatural +contrantiscion +contraoctave +contraorbital +contraorbitally +contraparallelogram +contrapletal +contraplete +contraplex +contrapolarization +contrapone +contraponend +Contraposaune +contrapose +contraposed +contraposing +contraposit +contraposita +contraposition +contrapositive +contrapositives +contrapposto +contrappostos +contraprogressist +contraprop +contraproposal +contraprops +contraprovectant +contraption +contraptions +contraptious +contrapuntal +contrapuntalist +contrapuntally +contrapuntist +contrapunto +contrarational +contraregular +contraregularity +contra-related +contraremonstrance +contra-remonstrant +contraremonstrant +contrarevolutionary +contrariant +contrariantly +contraries +contrarieties +contrariety +contrarily +contrariness +contrarious +contrariously +contrariousness +contrariwise +contra-rotation +contrarotation +contrary +contrary-minded +contras +contrascriptural +contrast +contrastable +contrastably +contraste +contrasted +contrastedly +contraster +contrasters +contrastimulant +contrastimulation +contrastimulus +contrasting +contrastingly +contrastive +contrastively +contrastiveness +contrastment +contrasts +contrasty +contrasuggestible +contratabular +contrate +contratempo +contratenor +contratulations +contravalence +contravallation +contravariant +contravene +contravened +contravener +contravenes +contravening +contravention +contraversion +contravindicate +contravindication +contrawise +contrayerva +contre- +contrecoup +contrectation +contre-dance +contredanse +contredanses +contreface +contrefort +contre-partie +contrepartie +contretemps +contrib +contrib. +contributable +contributary +contribute +contributed +contributes +contributing +contribution +contributional +contributions +contributive +contributively +contributiveness +contributor +contributorial +contributories +contributorily +contributors +contributorship +contributory +contrist +contrite +contritely +contriteness +contrition +contritions +contriturate +contrivable +contrivance +contrivances +contrivancy +contrive +contrived +contrivedly +contrivement +contriver +contrivers +contrives +contriving +control +controled +controling +controllability +controllable +controllableness +controllable-pitch +controllably +controlled +controller +controllers +controllership +controlless +controlling +controllingly +controlment +controls +controversal +controverse +controversed +controversial +controversialism +controversialist +controversialists +controversialize +controversially +controversies +controversion +controversional +controversionalism +controversionalist +controversy +controvert +controverted +controverter +controvertibility +controvertible +controvertibly +controverting +controvertist +controverts +contrude +conttinua +contubernal +contubernial +contubernium +contumaceous +contumacies +contumacious +contumaciously +contumaciousness +contumacities +contumacity +contumacy +contumax +contumelies +contumelious +contumeliously +contumeliousness +contumely +contund +contune +conturb +conturbation +contuse +contused +contuses +contusing +contusion +contusioned +contusions +contusive +conubium +Conularia +conule +conumerary +conumerous +conundrum +conundrumize +conundrums +conurbation +conurbations +conure +Conuropsis +Conurus +CONUS +conus +conusable +conusance +conusant +conusee +conuses +conusor +conutrition +conuzee +conuzor +conv +Convair +convalesce +convalesced +convalescence +convalescences +convalescency +convalescent +convalescently +convalescents +convalesces +convalescing +convallamarin +Convallaria +Convallariaceae +convallariaceous +convallarin +convally +convect +convected +convecting +convection +convectional +convections +convective +convectively +convector +convects +convell +convenable +convenably +convenance +convenances +convene +convened +convenee +convener +conveneries +conveners +convenership +convenery +convenes +convenience +convenienced +conveniences +conveniencies +conveniency +conveniens +convenient +conveniently +convenientness +convening +convenor +convent +convented +conventical +conventically +conventicle +conventicler +conventicles +conventicular +conventing +convention +conventional +conventionalisation +conventionalise +conventionalised +conventionalising +conventionalism +conventionalist +conventionalities +conventionality +conventionalization +conventionalize +conventionalized +conventionalizes +conventionalizing +conventionally +conventionary +conventioneer +conventioneers +conventioner +conventionism +conventionist +conventionize +conventions +convento +convents +Conventual +conventual +conventually +converge +converged +convergement +convergence +convergences +convergencies +convergency +convergent +convergently +converges +convergescence +converginerved +converging +conversable +conversableness +conversably +conversance +conversancy +conversant +conversantly +conversation +conversationable +conversational +conversationalism +conversationalist +conversationalists +conversationally +conversationism +conversationist +conversationize +conversations +conversative +conversazione +conversaziones +conversazioni +Converse +converse +conversed +conversely +converser +converses +conversi +conversibility +conversible +conversing +conversion +conversional +conversionary +conversionism +conversionist +conversions +conversive +converso +conversus +conversusi +convert +convertable +convertaplane +converted +convertend +converter +converters +convertibility +convertible +convertibleness +convertibles +convertibly +converting +convertingness +convertiplane +convertise +convertism +convertite +convertive +convertoplane +convertor +convertors +converts +Convery +conveth +convex +convex-concave +convexed +convexedly +convexedness +convexes +convexities +convexity +convexly +convexness +convexo +convexo- +convexo-concave +convexoconcave +convexo-convex +convexo-plane +convey +conveyability +conveyable +conveyal +conveyance +conveyancer +conveyances +conveyancing +conveyed +conveyer +conveyers +conveying +conveyor +conveyorization +conveyorize +conveyorized +conveyorizer +conveyorizing +conveyors +conveys +conviciate +convicinity +convict +convictable +convicted +convictfish +convictfishes +convictible +convicting +conviction +convictional +convictions +convictism +convictive +convictively +convictiveness +convictment +convictor +convicts +convince +convinced +convincedly +convincedness +convincement +convincer +convincers +convinces +convincibility +convincible +convincing +convincingly +convincingness +convite +convito +convival +convive +convives +convivial +convivialist +convivialities +conviviality +convivialize +convivially +convivio +convocant +convocate +convocated +convocating +convocation +convocational +convocationally +convocationist +convocations +convocative +convocator +convoke +convoked +convoker +convokers +convokes +convoking +Convoluta +convolute +convoluted +convolutedly +convolutedness +convolutely +convoluting +convolution +convolutional +convolutionary +convolutions +convolutive +convolve +convolved +convolvement +convolves +convolving +Convolvulaceae +convolvulaceous +convolvulad +convolvuli +convolvulic +convolvulin +convolvulinic +convolvulinolic +Convolvulus +convolvulus +convolvuluses +convoy +convoyed +convoying +convoys +convulsant +convulse +convulsed +convulsedly +convulses +convulsibility +convulsible +convulsing +convulsion +convulsional +convulsionaries +convulsionary +convulsionism +convulsionist +convulsions +convulsive +convulsively +convulsiveness +Conway +Cony +cony +cony-catch +conycatcher +Conyers +conyger +conylene +conynge +Conyngham +conyrin +conyrine +conyza +COO +Coo +coo +cooba +coobah +co-obligant +co-oblige +co-obligor +cooboo +cooboos +co-occupant +co-occupy +co-occurrence +cooch +cooches +coo-coo +coocoo +coodle +Cooe +cooed +cooee +cooeed +cooeeing +cooees +cooer +cooers +cooey +cooeyed +cooeying +cooeys +coof +coofs +cooghneiorvlt +Coohee +cooing +cooingly +cooja +Cook +cook +cookable +cookbook +cookbooks +cookdom +Cooke +cooked +cooked-up +cookee +cookeite +cooker +cookeries +cookers +cookery +Cookeville +cookey +cookeys +cook-general +cookhouse +cookhouses +Cookie +cookie +cookies +cooking +cooking-range +cookings +cookish +cookishly +cookless +cookmaid +cook-out +cookout +cookouts +cookroom +Cooks +cooks +Cooksburg +cooks-general +cookshack +cookshop +cookshops +Cookson +cookstove +Cookstown +Cooksville +Cookville +cookware +cookwares +Cooky +cooky +cool +coolabah +coolaman +coolamon +coolant +coolants +cooled +Cooleemee +coolen +cooler +coolerman +coolers +coolest +Cooley +cooley +cool-headed +coolheaded +cool-headedly +coolheadedly +cool-headedness +coolheadedness +coolhouse +coolibah +Coolidge +coolidge +coolie +coolies +cooliman +Coolin +cooling +cooling-card +coolingly +coolingness +cooling-off +coolish +coolly +coolness +coolnesses +cools +coolth +coolths +coolung +Coolville +coolweed +coolwort +cooly +coom +coomb +coombe +coombes +Coombs +coombs +coom-ceiled +co-omnipotent +co-omniscient +coomy +coon +Coonan +cooncan +cooncans +cooner +coonhound +coonhounds +coonier +cooniest +coonily +cooniness +coonjine +coonroot +coons +coonskin +coonskins +coontah +coontail +coontie +coonties +coony +Coop +co-op +coop +coop. +cooped +cooped-in +coopee +Cooper +cooper +co-operable +cooperage +co-operancy +cooperancy +co-operant +cooperant +co-operate +cooperate +cooperated +cooperates +cooperating +cooperatingly +co-operation +cooperation +co-operationist +cooperationist +cooperations +co-operative +cooperative +co-operatively +cooperatively +co-operativeness +cooperativeness +cooperatives +co-operator +cooperator +cooperators +co-operculum +coopered +Cooperia +cooperies +coopering +cooperite +Cooperman +coopers +Coopersburg +Coopersmith +Cooperstein +Cooperstown +Coopersville +cooper's-wood +coopery +cooping +coops +co-opt +coopt +co-optate +cooptate +co-optation +cooptation +co-optative +cooptative +coopted +coopting +co-option +cooption +cooptions +co-optive +cooptive +coopts +co-ordain +coordain +co-ordainer +co-order +co-ordinacy +co-ordinal +coordinal +co-ordinance +co-ordinancy +co-ordinate +coordinate +coordinated +co-ordinately +coordinately +co-ordinateness +coordinateness +coordinates +coordinating +co-ordination +coordination +coordinations +co-ordinative +coordinative +co-ordinator +coordinator +coordinators +co-ordinatory +coordinatory +cooree +Coorg +co-organize +coorie +cooried +coorieing +coories +co-origin +co-original +co-originality +Coors +co-orthogonal +co-orthotomic +cooruptibly +Coos +coos +Coosa +Coosada +cooser +coosers +coosify +co-ossification +co-ossify +coost +Coosuc +coot +cootch +Cooter +cooter +cootfoot +coot-footed +cooth +coothay +cootie +cooties +coots +cooty +co-owner +co-ownership +COP +Cop +cop +copa +copable +copacetic +copaene +copaiba +copaibas +copaibic +Copaifera +copain +Copaiva +copaiva +copaivic +copaiye +Copake +copal +copalche +copalchi +copalcocote +copaliferous +copaline +copalite +copaljocote +copalm +copalms +copals +Copan +coparallel +coparcenar +coparcenary +coparcener +coparceny +coparenary +coparent +coparents +copart +copartaker +copartiment +copartner +copartners +copartnership +copartnerships +copartnery +coparty +copasetic +copassionate +copastor +copastorate +copastors +copatain +copataine +copatentee +co-patriot +copatriot +copatron +copatroness +copatrons +Cope +cope +copeck +copecks +coped +Copehan +copei +copeia +Copeland +Copelata +Copelatae +copelate +copelidine +copellidine +copeman +copemate +copemates +Copemish +copen +copending +copenetrate +Copenhagen +copenhagen +copens +Copeognatha +copepod +Copepoda +copepodan +copepodous +copepods +coper +coperception +coperiodic +Copernican +copernican +Copernicanism +copernicans +Copernicia +Copernicus +copernicus +coperose +copers +coperta +copes +copesetic +copesettic +copesman +copesmate +cope-stone +copestone +copetitioner +Copeville +cophasal +Cophetua +cophosis +cophouse +Copht +copia +copiability +copiable +Copiague +copiapite +Copiapo +copied +copier +copiers +copies +copihue +copihues +copilot +copilots +coping +copings +copingstone +copintank +copiopia +copiopsia +copiosity +copious +copiously +copiousness +copiousnesses +copis +copist +copita +coplaintiff +coplanar +coplanarities +coplanarity +coplanation +Copland +Coplay +copleased +Copley +Coplin +coplot +coplots +coplotted +coplotter +coplotting +coploughing +coplowing +copolar +copolymer +copolymeric +copolymerism +copolymerization +copolymerizations +copolymerize +copolymerized +copolymerizing +copolymerous +copolymers +copopoda +copopsia +coportion +cop-out +copout +copouts +Copp +coppa +coppaelite +Coppard +coppas +copped +Coppelia +Coppell +copper +copperah +copperahs +copper-alloyed +copperas +copperases +copper-bearing +copper-bellied +copper-belly +copperbottom +copper-bottomed +copper-coated +copper-colored +copper-covered +coppered +copperer +copper-faced +copper-fastened +Copperfield +copperhead +copper-headed +Copperheadism +copperheadism +copperheads +coppering +copperish +copperization +copperize +copper-leaf +copperleaf +copper-leaves +copper-lined +copper-melting +Coppermine +coppernose +coppernosed +Copperopolis +copper-plate +copperplate +copperplated +copperproof +copper-red +coppers +coppersidesman +copperskin +copper-skinned +copper-smelting +copper-smith +coppersmith +coppersmithing +copper-toed +copperware +copperwing +copperworks +copper-worm +coppery +coppery-tailed +copperytailed +coppet +coppice +coppiced +coppice-feathered +coppices +coppice-topped +coppicing +coppin +copping +Coppinger +Coppins +copple +copple-crown +copplecrown +copple-crowned +coppled +copple-stone +coppling +Coppock +Coppola +coppra +coppras +copps +coppy +copr +copr- +copra +copraemia +copraemic +coprah +coprahs +copras +coprecipitate +coprecipitated +coprecipitating +coprecipitation +copremia +copremias +copremic +copresbyter +co-presence +copresence +copresent +copresident +copresidents +Copreus +Coprides +Coprinae +coprince +coprincipal +coprincipals +coprincipate +Coprinus +coprinus +coprisoner +coprisoners +copro- +coprocessing +coprocessor +coprocessors +coprodaeum +coproduce +coproduced +coproducer +coproducers +coproduces +coproducing +coproduct +coproduction +coproductions +coproite +coprojector +coprolagnia +coprolagnist +coprolalia +coprolaliac +coprolite +coprolith +coprolitic +coprology +copromisor +copromote +copromoted +copromoter +copromoters +copromotes +copromoting +coprophagan +coprophagia +coprophagist +coprophagous +coprophagy +coprophilia +coprophiliac +coprophilic +coprophilism +coprophilous +coprophobia +coprophobic +coprophyte +coproprietor +coproprietors +coproprietorship +coproprietorships +cop-rose +coprose +Coprosma +coprosma +coprostanol +coprostasia +coprostasis +coprostasophobia +coprosterol +coprozoic +COPS +cops +copse +copse-clad +copse-covered +copses +copsewood +copsewooded +copsing +copsole +copsy +Copt +copt +copter +copters +Coptic +coptic +coptine +Coptis +copublish +copublished +copublisher +copublishers +copublishes +copublishing +copula +copulable +copulae +copular +copularium +copulas +copulate +copulated +copulates +copulating +copulation +copulations +copulative +copulatively +copulatives +copulatory +copunctal +copurchaser +copurify +copus +copy +copybook +copybooks +copyboy +copyboys +copycat +copycats +copycatted +copycatting +copycutter +copydesk +copydesks +copy-edit +copyedit +copyfitter +copyfitting +copygraph +copygraphed +copyhold +copyholder +copyholders +copyholding +copyholds +copying +copyism +copyist +copyists +copyman +copyread +copyreader +copyreaders +copyreading +copyright +copyrightable +copyrighted +copyrighter +copyrighting +copyrights +copywise +copywriter +copywriters +copywriting +COQ +coque +coquecigrue +coquelicot +Coquelin +coqueluche +coquet +coquetoon +coquetries +coquetry +coquets +coquette +coquetted +coquettes +coquetting +coquettish +coquettishly +coquettishness +coquicken +Coquilhatville +coquilla +coquillage +Coquille +coquille +coquilles +coquimbite +Coquimbo +coquin +coquina +coquinas +coquita +Coquitlam +coquito +coquitos +Cor +Cor. +cor +cor- +cor. +Cora +cora +Corabeca +Corabecan +Corabel +Corabella +Corabelle +corach +Coraciae +coracial +Coracias +Coracii +Coraciidae +coraciiform +Coraciiformes +coracine +coracle +coracler +coracles +coraco- +coracoacromial +coracobrachial +coracobrachialis +coracoclavicular +coracocostal +coracohumeral +coracohyoid +coracoid +coracoidal +coracoids +coracomandibular +coracomorph +Coracomorphae +coracomorphic +coracopectoral +coracoprocoracoid +coracoradialis +coracoscapular +coracosteon +coracovertebral +coradical +co-radicate +coradicate +corage +coraggio +coragio +corah +coraise +coraji +Coral +coral +coral-beaded +coralbells +coralberries +coralberry +coral-bound +coral-built +coralbush +coral-buttoned +coral-colored +coraled +coralene +coral-fishing +coralflower +coral-girt +Coralie +Coraline +coralist +coralita +coralla +corallet +Corallian +corallic +Corallidae +corallidomous +coralliferous +coralliform +Coralligena +coralligenous +coralligerous +corallike +corallin +Corallina +Corallinaceae +corallinaceous +coralline +corallita +corallite +Corallium +coralloid +coralloidal +Corallorhiza +corallum +Corallus +coral-making +coral-plant +coral-producing +coral-red +coralroot +coral-rooted +corals +coral-secreting +coral-snake +coral-tree +Coralville +coral-wood +coralwort +Coralye +Coralyn +Coram +coram +Corambis +Coramine +coran +corance +coranoch +Corantijn +coranto +corantoes +corantos +Coraopolis +Corapeake +coraveca +Coray +corban +corbans +corbe +corbeau +corbed +Corbeil +corbeil +corbeille +corbeilles +corbeils +corbel +corbeled +corbeling +corbelled +corbelling +corbels +Corbet +corbet +Corbett +Corbettsville +corbicula +corbiculae +corbiculate +corbiculum +Corbie +corbie +corbies +corbie-step +corbiestep +Corbin +corbina +corbinas +corbleu +corblimey +corblimy +corbovinum +corbula +Corbusier +Corby +corby +corcass +corchat +Corchorus +corchorus +corcir +corcle +corcopali +Corcoran +Corcovado +Corcyra +Corcyraean +Cord +cord +cordage +cordages +Cordaitaceae +cordaitaceous +cordaitalean +Cordaitales +cordaitean +Cordaites +cordal +Cordalia +cordant +cordate +cordate-amplexicaul +cordate-lanceolate +cordately +cordate-oblong +cordate-sagittate +cordax +Corday +Cordeau +corded +Cordeelia +cordel +Cordele +Cordelia +Cordelie +Cordelier +cordelier +cordeliere +Cordeliers +Cordell +cordelle +cordelled +cordelling +Corder +corder +corders +Cordery +Cordesville +cordewane +Cordey +Cordi +Cordia +cordia +cordial +cordialities +cordiality +cordialize +cordially +cordialness +cordials +cordiceps +cordicole +Cordie +Cordier +cordierite +cordies +cordiform +cordigeri +cordillera +Cordilleran +cordilleran +Cordilleras +cordilleras +cordinar +cordiner +cording +cordings +cordis +cordite +cordites +corditis +Cordle +cordleaf +cordless +cordlessly +cordlike +cordmaker +Cordoba +cordoba +cordoban +cordobas +cordon +cordonazo +cordonazos +cordoned +cordoning +cordonnet +cordons +Cordova +Cordovan +cordovan +cordovans +cords +Cordula +corduroy +corduroyed +corduroying +corduroys +cordwain +cordwainer +cordwainery +cordwains +cordwood +cordwoods +Cordy +cordy +cordycepin +Cordyceps +cordyl +Cordylanthus +Cordyline +cordyline +CORE +Core +core +core- +Corea +core-baking +corebel +corebox +coreceiver +corecipient +corecipients +coreciprocal +corectome +corectomy +corector +core-cutting +cored +coredeem +coredeemed +coredeemer +coredeeming +coredeems +coredemptress +core-drying +coreductase +Coree +Coreen +coreflexed +coregence +coregency +co-regent +coregent +coregnancy +coregnant +coregonid +Coregonidae +coregonine +coregonoid +Coregonus +coreid +Coreidae +coreign +coreigner +coreigns +core-jarring +corejoice +Corel +corelate +corelated +corelates +corelating +co-relation +corelation +corelational +corelative +corelatively +coreless +co-religionist +coreligionist +Corell +Corella +corella +Corelli +corelysis +Corema +coremaker +coremaking +coremia +coremium +coremiumia +coremorphosis +Corena +Corenda +Corene +corenounce +coreometer +Coreopsis +coreopsis +coreplastic +coreplasty +corepressor +corequisite +corer +corers +cores +coresidence +coresident +coresidents +coresidual +coresign +coresonant +coresort +corespect +corespondency +co-respondent +corespondent +corespondents +Coresus +coretomy +Coretta +Corette +coreveler +coreveller +corevolve +Corey +corf +Corfam +Corfiote +Corflambo +Corfu +corge +corgi +corgis +Cori +coria +coriaceous +corial +coriamyrtin +coriander +corianders +coriandrol +Coriandrum +Coriaria +Coriariaceae +coriariaceous +coriaus +Coricidin +Coridon +Corie +coriin +Corilla +Corimelaena +Corimelaenidae +Corin +Corina +corindon +Corine +Corineus +coring +Corinna +Corinne +corinne +Corinth +corinth +corinthes +corinthiac +Corinthian +corinthian +Corinthianesque +Corinthianism +Corinthianize +Corinthians +corinthians +Corinthus +Coriolanus +coriparian +Coriss +Corissa +corita +corium +co-rival +Corixa +Corixidae +Cork +cork +corkage +corkages +cork-barked +cork-bearing +corkboard +cork-boring +cork-cutting +corke +corked +corker +corkers +cork-forming +cork-grinding +cork-heeled +Corkhill +corkier +corkiest +corkiness +corking +corking-pin +corkir +corkish +corkite +corklike +corkline +cork-lined +corkmaker +corkmaking +corks +corkscrew +corkscrewed +corkscrewing +corkscrews +corkscrewy +cork-tipped +corkwing +corkwood +corkwoods +corky +corky-headed +corky-winged +Corley +Corliss +Corly +corm +Cormac +Cormack +cormel +cormels +Cormick +cormidium +Cormier +cormlike +cormo- +cormogen +cormoid +Cormophyta +cormophyte +cormophytic +cormorant +cormorants +cormous +corms +cormus +CORN +Corn +corn +Cornaceae +cornaceous +cornada +cornage +Cornall +cornamute +cornball +cornballs +corn-beads +cornbell +cornberry +cornbin +cornbind +cornbinks +cornbird +cornbole +cornbottle +cornbrash +cornbread +corncake +corncakes +corn-cob +corncob +corncobs +corncockle +corn-colored +corn-cracker +corncracker +corn-crake +corncrake +corncrib +corncribs +corncrusher +corncutter +corncutting +corn-devouring +corndodger +cornea +corneagen +corneal +corneas +corn-eater +corned +Corneille +cornein +corneine +corneitis +Cornel +cornel +Cornela +Cornelia +cornelian +Cornelie +Cornelis +Cornelius +Cornell +cornell +Cornelle +cornels +cornemuse +corneo- +corneocalcareous +corneosclerotic +corneosiliceous +corneous +Corner +corner +cornerback +cornerbind +cornercap +cornered +cornerer +cornering +corner-man +cornerman +cornerpiece +corners +corner-stone +cornerstone +cornerstones +Cornersville +cornerways +cornerwise +CORNET +cornet +cornet-a-pistons +cornetcies +cornetcy +corneter +cornetfish +cornetfishes +cornetist +cornetists +cornets +cornett +cornette +cornetter +cornetti +cornettino +cornettist +cornetto +Cornettsville +corneule +corneum +Cornew +corn-exporting +Corney +cornfactor +corn-fed +cornfed +corn-feeding +cornfield +cornfields +corn-flag +cornflag +cornflakes +cornfloor +corn-flour +cornflour +corn-flower +cornflower +cornflowers +corngrower +corn-growing +cornhole +cornhouse +corn-husk +cornhusk +cornhusker +cornhusking +cornhusks +Cornia +cornic +cornice +corniced +cornices +corniche +corniches +Cornichon +cornichon +cornicing +cornicle +cornicles +cornicular +corniculate +corniculer +corniculum +Cornie +cornier +corniest +Corniferous +corniferous +cornific +cornification +cornified +corniform +cornify +cornigeous +cornigerous +cornily +cornin +corniness +Corning +corning +corniplume +Cornish +cornish +Cornishman +cornishman +Cornishmen +cornix +Cornland +cornland +corn-law +Cornlea +cornless +cornloft +corn-master +cornmaster +cornmeal +cornmeals +cornmonger +cornmuse +Corno +corno +cornopean +Cornopion +corn-picker +cornpipe +corn-planting +corn-producing +corn-rent +cornrick +cornroot +cornrow +cornrows +corns +cornsack +corn-salad +corn-snake +Cornstalk +corn-stalk +cornstalk +cornstalks +cornstarch +cornstarches +cornstone +cornstook +cornu +cornua +cornual +cornuate +cornuated +cornubianite +cornucopia +Cornucopiae +cornucopian +cornucopias +cornucopiate +cornule +cornulite +Cornulites +cornupete +Cornus +cornus +cornuses +cornute +cornuted +cornutin +cornutine +cornuting +cornuto +cornutos +cornutus +Cornville +Cornwall +cornwall +Cornwallis +cornwallis +cornwallises +cornwallite +Cornwallville +Cornwell +Corny +corny +Coro +coro- +coroa +Coroado +corocleisis +corodiary +corodiastasis +corodiastole +corodies +corody +Coroebus +corojo +corol +corolitic +coroll +Corolla +corolla +corollaceous +corollarial +corollarially +corollaries +corollary +corollas +corollate +corollated +corollet +corolliferous +corollifloral +corolliform +corollike +corolline +corollitic +coromandel +coromell +corometer +corona +coronach +coronachs +coronad +coronadite +Coronado +coronado +coronados +coronae +coronagraph +coronagraphic +coronal +coronale +coronaled +coronalled +coronally +coronals +coronamen +coronaries +coronary +coronas +coronate +coronated +coronation +coronations +coronatorial +coronavirus +corone +Coronel +coronel +coronels +coronene +coroner +coroners +coronership +coronet +coroneted +coronetlike +coronets +coronetted +coronettee +coronetty +coroniform +Coronilla +coronillin +coronillo +coronion +Coronis +coronis +coronitis +coronium +coronize +coronobasilar +coronofacial +coronofrontal +coronograph +coronographic +coronoid +Coronopus +coronule +Coronus +coroparelcysis +coroplast +coroplasta +coroplastae +coroplastic +coroplasty +Coropo +coroscopy +corosif +Corot +corotate +corotated +corotates +corotating +corotation +corotomy +Corotto +coroun +coroutine +coroutines +Corozal +corozo +corozos +Corp +corp +corp. +Corpl +corpl +corpn +corpora +corporacies +corporacy +Corporal +corporal +corporalcy +corporale +corporales +corporalism +corporalities +corporality +corporally +corporals +corporalship +corporas +corporate +corporately +corporateness +corporation +corporational +corporationer +corporationism +corporations +corporatism +corporatist +corporative +corporatively +corporativism +corporator +corporature +corpore +corporeal +corporealist +corporeality +corporealization +corporealize +corporeally +corporealness +corporeals +corporeity +corporeous +corporification +corporify +corporosity +corposant +corps +corpsbruder +corpse +corpse-candle +corpselike +corpselikeness +corpses +corpsman +corpsmen +corpsy +corpulence +corpulences +corpulencies +corpulency +corpulent +corpulently +corpulentness +corpus +corpuscle +corpuscles +corpuscular +corpuscularian +corpuscularity +corpusculated +corpuscule +corpusculous +corpusculum +Corr +corr +corr. +corrade +corraded +corrades +corradial +corradiate +corradiated +corradiating +corradiation +corrading +Corrado +corral +Corrales +corralled +corralling +corrals +corrasion +corrasive +Correa +correal +correality +correct +correctable +correctant +corrected +correctedness +correcter +correctest +correctible +correctify +correcting +correctingly +correction +correctional +correctionalist +correctioner +corrections +Correctionville +correctitude +corrective +correctively +correctiveness +correctives +correctly +correctness +correctnesses +corrector +correctorship +correctory +correctress +correctrice +corrects +Correggio +Corregidor +corregidor +corregidores +corregidors +corregimiento +corregimientos +correl +correl. +correlatable +correlate +correlated +correlates +correlating +correlation +correlational +correlations +correlative +correlatively +correlativeness +correlatives +correlativism +correlativity +correligionist +Correll +correllated +correllation +correllations +Correna +corrente +correo +correption +corresol +corresp +correspond +corresponded +correspondence +correspondences +correspondencies +correspondency +correspondent +correspondential +correspondentially +correspondently +correspondents +correspondentship +corresponder +corresponding +correspondingly +corresponds +corresponsion +corresponsive +corresponsively +Correy +Correze +Corri +Corrianne +corrida +corridas +corrido +corridor +corridored +corridors +Corrie +corrie +Corriedale +corriedale +Corrientes +corries +Corrigan +Corriganville +corrige +corrigenda +corrigendum +corrigent +corrigibility +corrigible +corrigibleness +corrigibly +Corrigiola +Corrigiolaceae +Corrina +Corrine +Corrinne +corrival +corrivality +corrivalry +corrivals +corrivalship +corrivate +corrivation +corrive +corrobboree +corrober +corroborant +corroborate +corroborated +corroborates +corroborating +corroboration +corroborations +corroborative +corroboratively +corroborator +corroboratorily +corroborators +corroboratory +corroboree +corroboreed +corroboreeing +corroborees +corrobori +corrodant +corrode +corroded +corrodent +Corrodentia +corroder +corroders +corrodes +corrodiary +corrodibility +corrodible +corrodier +corrodies +corroding +corrodingly +corrody +Corron +corrosibility +corrosible +corrosibleness +corrosion +corrosional +corrosionproof +corrosions +corrosive +corrosived +corrosively +corrosiveness +corrosives +corrosiving +corrosivity +corrugant +corrugate +corrugated +corrugates +corrugating +corrugation +corrugations +corrugator +corrugators +corrugent +corrump +corrumpable +corrup +corrupable +corrupt +corrupted +corruptedly +corruptedness +corrupter +corruptest +corruptful +corruptibilities +corruptibility +corruptible +corruptibleness +corruptibly +corrupting +corruptingly +corruption +corruptionist +corruptions +corruptious +corruptive +corruptively +corruptless +corruptly +corruptness +corruptor +corruptress +corrupts +Corry +Corryton +corsac +corsacs +corsage +corsages +corsaint +corsair +corsairs +corsak +Corse +corse +corselet +corseleted +corseleting +corselets +corselette +corsepresent +corseque +corser +corses +corsesque +corset +corseted +corsetier +corsetiere +corseting +corsetless +corsetry +corsets +Corsetti +Corsica +Corsican +Corsicana +corsie +Corsiglia +corsite +corslet +corslets +corsned +Corso +corso +Corson +corsos +corsy +Cort +cort +corta +Cortaderia +Cortaillod +Cortaro +cortaro +cortege +corteges +corteise +Cortelyou +Cortemadera +Cortes +cortes +Cortese +cortex +cortexes +Cortez +cortez +Corti +cortian +cortical +cortically +corticate +corticated +corticating +cortication +cortices +corticiferous +corticiform +corticifugal +corticifugally +corticin +corticine +corticipetal +corticipetally +Corticium +cortico- +corticoafferent +corticoefferent +corticoid +corticole +corticoline +corticolous +corticopeduncular +corticose +corticospinal +corticosteroid +corticosteroids +corticosterone +corticostriate +corticotrophin +corticotropin +corticous +Cortie +cortile +cortin +cortina +cortinae +cortinarious +Cortinarius +cortinate +cortine +cortins +cortisol +cortisols +cortisone +cortisones +Cortland +cortlandtite +Cortney +Corton +Cortona +Cortot +Corty +coruco +coruler +Corum +Corumba +Coruminacan +Coruna +corundophilite +corundum +corundums +Corunna +corupay +coruscant +coruscate +coruscated +coruscates +coruscating +coruscation +coruscations +coruscative +corv +Corvallis +corve +corved +corvee +corvees +corven +corver +corves +Corvese +corvet +corvets +corvette +corvettes +corvetto +Corvi +Corvidae +corviform +corvillosum +Corvin +corvina +Corvinae +corvinas +corvine +corviser +corvisor +corvktte +Corvo +corvo +corvoid +corvorant +Corvus +corvus +Corwin +Corwith +Corwun +Cory +cory +Coryat +Coryate +Corybant +corybant +Corybantes +Corybantian +corybantiasm +Corybantic +corybantic +Corybantine +corybantish +Corybants +corybulbin +corybulbine +corycavamine +corycavidin +corycavidine +corycavine +Corycia +Corycian +corydalin +corydaline +Corydalis +corydalis +Coryden +corydine +Corydon +corydon +corydora +Coryell +coryl +Corylaceae +corylaceous +corylet +corylin +Corylopsis +Corylus +corymb +corymbed +corymbiate +corymbiated +corymbiferous +corymbiform +corymblike +corymbose +corymbosely +corymbous +corymbs +corynebacteria +corynebacterial +Corynebacterium +corynebacterium +coryneform +Corynetes +Coryneum +corynid +corynine +corynite +Corynne +Corynocarpaceae +corynocarpaceous +Corynocarpus +corynteria +coryph +Corypha +Coryphaea +coryphaei +Coryphaena +coryphaenid +Coryphaenidae +coryphaenoid +Coryphaenoididae +coryphaeus +Coryphasia +coryphee +coryphees +coryphene +Coryphodon +coryphodon +coryphodont +coryphylly +corypphaei +corystoid +Corythus +corytuberine +coryza +coryzal +coryzas +COS +Cos +cos +cosalite +cosaque +cosavior +Cosby +coscet +Coscinodiscaceae +Coscinodiscus +coscinomancy +Coscob +coscoroba +coscript +cose +coseasonal +coseat +cosec +cosecant +cosecants +cosech +cosecs +cosectarian +cosectional +cosed +cosegment +coseier +coseiest +coseism +coseismal +coseismic +cosen +cosenator +cosentiency +co-sentient +cosentient +Cosenza +coservant +coses +cosession +coset +cosets +Cosetta +Cosette +cosettler +cosey +coseys +Cosgrave +Cosgrove +cosh +cosharer +cosheath +coshed +cosher +coshered +cosherer +cosheries +coshering +coshers +coshery +coshes +coshing +Coshocton +Coshow +cosie +cosied +cosier +cosies +cosiest +cosign +cosignatories +co-signatory +cosignatory +cosigned +co-signer +cosigner +cosigners +cosignificative +cosigning +cosignitary +cosigns +cosily +Cosimo +cosin +cosinage +COSINE +cosine +cosines +cosiness +cosinesses +cosing +cosingular +cosins +cosinusoid +Cosma +Cosmati +Cosme +cosmecology +cosmesis +Cosmetas +cosmete +cosmetic +cosmetical +cosmetically +cosmetician +cosmeticize +cosmetics +cosmetiste +cosmetological +cosmetologist +cosmetologists +cosmetology +COSMIC +cosmic +cosmical +cosmicality +cosmically +cosmico-natural +cosmine +cosmism +cosmisms +cosmist +cosmists +Cosmo +cosmo +cosmo- +cosmochemical +cosmochemistry +cosmocracy +cosmocrat +cosmocratic +cosmodrome +cosmogenesis +cosmogenetic +cosmogenic +cosmogeny +cosmognosis +cosmogonal +cosmogoner +cosmogonic +cosmogonical +cosmogonies +cosmogonist +cosmogonists +cosmogonize +cosmogony +cosmographer +cosmographic +cosmographical +cosmographically +cosmographies +cosmographist +cosmography +cosmoid +cosmolabe +cosmolatry +cosmoline +cosmolined +cosmolining +cosmologic +cosmological +cosmologically +cosmologies +cosmologist +cosmologists +cosmology +cosmologygy +cosmometry +cosmonaut +cosmonautic +cosmonautical +cosmonautically +cosmonautics +cosmonauts +cosmopathic +cosmoplastic +cosmopoietic +cosmopolicy +Cosmopolis +cosmopolis +cosmopolises +cosmopolitan +cosmopolitanisation +cosmopolitanise +cosmopolitanised +cosmopolitanising +cosmopolitanism +cosmopolitanization +cosmopolitanize +cosmopolitanized +cosmopolitanizing +cosmopolitanly +cosmopolitans +cosmopolite +cosmopolitic +cosmopolitical +cosmopolitics +cosmopolitism +cosmorama +cosmoramic +cosmorganic +COSMOS +Cosmos +cosmos +cosmoscope +cosmoses +cosmosophy +cosmosphere +cosmotellurian +cosmotheism +cosmotheist +cosmotheistic +cosmothetic +Cosmotron +cosmotron +cosmozoan +cosmozoans +cosmozoic +cosmozoism +cosonant +cosounding +co-sovereign +cosovereign +cosovereignty +COSPAR +cospecies +cospecific +cosphered +cosplendor +cosplendour +cosponsor +cosponsored +cosponsoring +cosponsors +cosponsorship +cosponsorships +coss +Cossack +cossack +cossacks +Cossaean +cossas +Cossayuna +cosse +cosset +cosseted +cosseting +cossets +cossette +cossetted +cossetting +cosshen +cossic +cossid +Cossidae +cossie +cossnent +cossyrite +Cost +cost +Costa +costa +cost-account +costae +Costaea +costage +Costain +costal +costalgia +costally +costal-nerved +costander +Costanoan +Costanza +Costanzia +COSTAR +co-star +costar +costard +costard-monger +costards +co-starred +costarred +co-starring +costarring +costars +Costata +costate +costated +costean +costeaning +costectomies +costectomy +costed +costeen +cost-effective +Coste-Floret +costellate +Costello +Costen +Coster +coster +costerdom +Costermansville +costermonger +costers +cost-free +costful +costicartilage +costicartilaginous +costicervical +costiferous +costiform +Costigan +Costilla +Costin +costing +costing-out +costious +costipulator +costispinal +costive +costively +costiveness +costless +costlessly +costlessness +costlew +costlier +costliest +costliness +costlinesses +costly +costmaries +costmary +costo- +costoabdominal +costoapical +costocentral +costochondral +costoclavicular +costocolic +costocoracoid +costodiaphragmatic +costogenic +costoinferior +costophrenic +costopleural +costopneumopexy +costopulmonary +costoscapular +costosternal +costosuperior +costothoracic +costotome +costotomies +costotomy +costotrachelian +costotransversal +costotransverse +costovertebral +costoxiphoid +cost-plus +costraight +costrel +costrels +costs +costula +costulation +costume +costumed +costumer +costumers +costumery +costumes +costumey +costumic +costumier +costumiere +costumiers +costuming +costumire +costumist +costusroot +cosubject +co-subordinate +cosubordinate +cosuffer +cosufferer +cosuggestion +cosuitor +co-supreme +co-sureties +co-surety +cosurety +cosuretyship +cosustain +coswearer +cosy +cosying +cosymmedian +Cosyra +COT +Cot +cot +Cotabato +cotabulate +cotan +cotangent +cotangential +cotangents +cotans +cotarius +cotarnin +cotarnine +Cotati +cotbetty +cotch +Cote +cote +Coteau +coteau +coteaux +coted +coteen +coteful +cote-hardie +cotehardie +cotele +coteline +coteller +cotemporane +cotemporanean +cotemporaneous +cotemporaneously +cotemporaries +cotemporarily +cotemporary +cotenancy +co-tenant +cotenant +cotenants +cotenure +coterell +coterie +coteries +coterminal +coterminous +coterminously +coterminousness +cotery +cotes +Cotesfield +Cotesian +cotesian +coth +cotham +cothamore +cothe +cotheorist +Cotherstone +cothish +cothon +cothouse +cothurn +cothurnal +cothurnate +cothurned +cothurni +cothurnian +cothurnni +cothurns +cothurnus +cothy +cotice +coticed +coticing +coticular +co-tidal +cotidal +cotillage +cotillion +cotillions +cotillon +cotillons +coting +Cotinga +cotinga +cotingid +Cotingidae +cotingoid +Cotinus +cotise +cotised +cotising +cotitular +cotland +Cotman +cotman +coto +cotoin +Cotolaurel +Cotonam +Cotoneaster +cotoneaster +cotonia +cotonier +Cotonou +Cotopaxi +cotorment +cotoro +cotoros +cotorture +Cotoxo +cotquean +cotqueans +cotraitor +cotransduction +cotransfuse +cotranslator +cotranspire +cotransubstantiate +cotrespasser +cotrine +cotripper +co-trustee +cotrustee +COTS +cots +Cotsen +cotset +cotsetla +cotsetland +cotsetle +Cotswold +cotswold +Cotswolds +Cott +cott +cotta +cottabus +cottae +cottage +cottaged +cottager +cottagers +cottages +Cottageville +cottagey +cottar +cottars +cottas +Cottbus +cotte +cotted +Cottekill +Cottenham +Cotter +cotter +cottered +cotterel +Cotterell +cottering +cotterite +cotters +cotterway +cottid +Cottidae +cottier +cottierism +cottiers +cottiest +cottiform +cottise +Cottle +Cottleville +cottoid +Cotton +cotton +cottonade +cotton-backed +cotton-baling +cotton-bleaching +cottonbush +cotton-clad +cotton-covered +Cottondale +cotton-dyeing +cottoned +cottonee +cottoneer +cottoner +cotton-ginning +cotton-growing +Cottonian +cottoning +cottonization +cottonize +cotton-knitting +cottonless +cottonmouth +cottonmouths +cottonocracy +Cottonopolis +cottonopolis +cottonpickin' +cotton-picking +cottonpicking +cotton-planting +Cottonport +cotton-printing +cotton-producing +cottons +cotton-sampling +cottonseed +cottonseeds +cotton-sick +cotton-spinning +cottontail +cottontails +Cottonton +cottontop +Cottontown +cotton-weaving +cottonweed +cottonwick +cotton-wicked +cottonwood +cottonwoods +cottony +cottrel +Cottrell +Cottus +cotty +Cotuit +cotuit +cotula +Cotulla +cotunnite +Coturnix +cotutor +cotwal +cotwin +cotwinned +cotwist +Coty +-cotyl +cotyl- +cotyla +cotylar +cotyle +cotyledon +cotyledonal +cotyledonar +cotyledonary +cotyledonoid +cotyledonous +cotyledons +Cotyleus +cotyliform +cotyligerous +cotyliscus +cotyloid +cotyloidal +Cotylophora +cotylophorous +cotylopubic +cotylosacral +cotylosaur +Cotylosauria +cotylosaurian +cotype +cotypes +Cotys +Cotyttia +couac +coucal +couch +couchancy +couchant +couchantly +couche +couched +couchee +Coucher +coucher +couchers +couches +couchette +couching +couchings +couchmaker +couchmaking +Couchman +couchmate +couchy +cou-cou +coud +coude +coudee +Couderay +Coudersport +Coue +coue +Coueism +coueism +cougar +cougars +cough +coughed +cougher +coughers +coughing +Coughlin +coughroot +coughs +coughweed +coughwort +cougnar +couhage +coul +coulage +could +couldest +couldn +couldna +couldn't +couldnt +couldron +couldst +coulee +coulees +couleur +coulibiaca +coulie +coulier +coulis +coulisse +coulisses +couloir +couloirs +Coulomb +coulomb +Coulombe +coulombic +coulombmeter +coulombs +coulometer +coulometric +coulometrically +coulometry +Coulommiers +Coulson +Coulter +coulter +coulterneb +Coulters +coulters +Coulterville +coulthard +coulure +couma +coumalic +coumalin +coumaphos +coumara +coumaran +coumarane +coumarate +coumaric +coumarilic +coumarin +coumarinic +coumarins +coumarone +coumarone-indene +coumarou +Coumarouna +coumarous +Coumas +coumbite +Counce +council +councilist +councillary +councillor +councillors +councillorship +councilman +councilmanic +councilmen +councilor +councilors +councilorship +councils +councilwoman +councilwomen +counderstand +co-une +co-unite +counite +couniversal +counsel +counselable +counseled +counselee +counselful +counseling +counsel-keeper +counsellable +counselled +counselling +counsellor +counsellors +counsellorship +counselor +counselor-at-law +counselors +counselors-at-law +counselorship +counsels +counsinhood +Count +count +countability +countable +countableness +countably +countdom +countdown +countdowns +counted +Countee +countenance +countenanced +countenancer +countenances +countenancing +counter +counter- +counterabut +counteraccusation +counteraccusations +counter-acquittance +counteracquittance +counteract +counteractant +counteracted +counteracter +counteracting +counteractingly +counteraction +counteractions +counteractive +counteractively +counteractivity +counteractor +counteracts +counteraddress +counteradvance +counteradvantage +counteradvice +counteradvise +counteraffirm +counteraffirmation +counter-agency +counteragency +counteragent +counteraggression +counteraggressions +counteragitate +counteragitation +counteralliance +counterambush +counterannouncement +counteranswer +counterappeal +counterappellant +counter-approach +counterapproach +counterapse +counter-arch +counterarch +counterargue +counterargued +counterargues +counterarguing +counterargument +counterartillery +counterassault +counterassaults +counterassertion +counterassociation +counterassurance +counterattack +counterattacked +counterattacker +counterattacking +counterattacks +counterattestation +counterattired +counter-attraction +counterattraction +counterattractive +counterattractively +counteraverment +counteravouch +counteravouchment +counterbalance +counterbalanced +counterbalances +counterbalancing +counterband +counterbarrage +counter-barry +counterbase +counter-battery +counterbattery +counter-beam +counterbeating +counterbend +counterbewitch +counterbid +counterbids +counter-bill +counterblast +counterblockade +counterblockades +counterblow +counterblows +counterbond +counterborder +counter-bore +counterbore +counterbored +counterborer +counterboring +counter-boulle +counterboulle +counterboycott +counter-brace +counterbrace +counterbracing +counterbranch +counterbrand +counterbreastwork +counterbuff +counterbuilding +countercampaign +countercampaigns +counter-carte +countercarte +counter-cast +counter-caster +countercathexis +countercause +counterchallenge +counterchallenges +counterchange +counterchanged +counterchanging +countercharge +countercharged +countercharges +countercharging +countercharm +countercheck +countercheer +counter-chevroned +counter-claim +counterclaim +counterclaimant +counterclaimed +counterclaiming +counterclaims +counterclassification +counterclassifications +counter-clockwise +counterclockwise +countercolored +counter-coloured +countercommand +counter-company +countercompany +countercompetition +countercomplaint +countercomplaints +countercompony +countercondemnation +counterconditioning +counterconquest +counterconversion +counter-couchant +countercouchant +countercoup +countercoupe +countercoups +countercourant +countercraft +countercriticism +countercriticisms +countercross +countercry +countercultural +counter-culture +counterculture +countercultures +counterculturist +counter-current +countercurrent +countercurrently +countercurrentwise +counterdance +counterdash +counterdecision +counterdeclaration +counterdecree +counter-deed +counterdefender +counterdemand +counterdemands +counterdemonstrate +counterdemonstration +counterdemonstrations +counterdemonstrator +counterdemonstrators +counterdeputation +counterdesire +counterdevelopment +counterdifficulty +counterdigged +counterdike +counterdiscipline +counter-disengage +counterdisengage +counterdisengagement +counterdistinct +counterdistinction +counterdistinguish +counterdoctrine +counterdogmatism +counterdraft +counter-drain +counterdrain +counter-draw +counterdrive +counter-earth +counterearth +countered +countereffect +countereffects +counterefficiency +countereffort +counterefforts +counterembargo +counterembargos +counter-embattled +counterembattled +counter-embowed +counterembowed +counterenamel +counterend +counterenergy +counterengagement +counterengine +counterenthusiasm +counterentry +counterequivalent +counter-ermine +counterermine +counterespionage +counterestablishment +counter-evidence +counterevidence +counterevidences +counterexaggeration +counterexample +counterexamples +counterexcitement +counterexcommunication +counterexercise +counterexplanation +counterexposition +counterexpostulation +counterextend +counter-extension +counterextension +counter-faced +counterfact +counterfactual +counterfactually +counterfallacy +counter-faller +counterfaller +counterfeisance +counterfeit +counterfeited +counterfeiter +counterfeiters +counterfeiting +counterfeitly +counterfeitment +counterfeitness +counterfeits +counterferment +counter-fessed +counterfessed +counterfire +counter-fissure +counterfix +counterflange +counterflashing +counterfleury +counterflight +counterflory +counterflow +counterflux +counterfoil +counter-force +counterforce +counterformula +counterfort +counterfugue +countergabble +countergabion +countergage +countergager +countergambit +countergarrison +counter-gauge +countergauge +countergauger +counter-gear +countergift +countergirded +counterglow +counter-guard +counterguard +counterguerilla +counterguerrila +counterguerrilla +counterhaft +counterhammering +counter-hem +counterhypothesis +counteridea +counterideal +counterimagination +counterimitate +counterimitation +counterimpulse +counterindentation +counterindented +counterindicate +counter-indication +counterindication +counterindoctrinate +counterindoctrination +counterinflationary +counter-influence +counterinfluence +counterinfluences +countering +counterinsult +counterinsurgencies +counterinsurgency +counterinsurgent +counterinsurgents +counterintelligence +counterinterest +counterinterpretation +counterintrigue +counterintrigues +counterintuitive +counterinvective +counterinvestment +counter-ion +counterion +counter-irritant +counterirritant +counterirritate +counterirritation +counterjudging +counter-jumper +counterjumper +counter-lath +counterlath +counterlathed +counterlathing +counterlatration +counterlaw +counterleague +counterlegislation +counter-letter +counterlife +counterlight +counterlighted +counterlighting +counterlilit +counterlit +counterlocking +counter-lode +counterlode +counterlove +counterly +countermachination +countermaid +counterman +countermand +countermandable +countermanded +countermanding +countermands +countermaneuver +countermanifesto +countermanifestoes +countermarch +countermarching +countermark +counter-marque +countermarriage +countermeasure +countermeasures +countermeet +countermen +countermessage +countermigration +countermine +countermined +countermining +countermissile +countermission +counter-motion +countermotion +countermount +counter-move +countermove +countermoved +countermovement +countermovements +countermoves +countermoving +countermure +countermutiny +counter-naiant +counternaiant +counternarrative +counternatural +counter-nebule +counternecromancy +counternoise +counternotice +counterobjection +counterobligation +counter-off +counteroffensive +counteroffensives +counteroffer +counteroffers +counter-opening +counteropening +counteropponent +counteropposite +counterorator +counterorder +counterorganization +counterpace +counter-paled +counterpaled +counterpaly +counterpane +counterpaned +counterpanes +counter-parade +counterparadox +counterparallel +counter-parole +counterparole +counterparry +counterpart +counterparts +counter-party +counter-passant +counterpassant +counterpassion +counter-pawn +counter-penalty +counterpenalty +counterpendent +counterpetition +counterpetitions +counterphobic +counterpicture +counterpillar +counterplan +counterplay +counterplayer +counterplea +counterplead +counterpleading +counterplease +counterplot +counterplotted +counterplotter +counterplotting +counterploy +counterploys +counterpoint +counterpointe +counterpointed +counterpointing +counterpoints +counterpoise +counterpoised +counterpoises +counterpoising +counterpoison +counter-pole +counterpole +counterpoles +counterponderate +counterpose +counterposition +counterposting +counterpotence +counterpotency +counter-potent +counterpotent +counterpower +counterpowers +counterpractice +counterpray +counterpreach +counterpreparation +counter-pressure +counterpressure +counterpressures +counter-price +counterprick +counterprinciple +counterprocess +counterproductive +counterproductively +counterproductiveness +counterproductivity +counterprogramming +counterproject +counterpronunciamento +counter-proof +counterproof +counterpropaganda +counterpropagandize +counterpropagation +counterpropagations +counterprophet +counterproposal +counterproposals +counterproposition +counterprotection +counterprotest +counterprotests +counterprove +counterpull +counterpunch +counterpuncher +counterpuncture +counterpush +counter-quartered +counterquartered +counterquarterly +counterquery +counterquestion +counterquestions +counterquip +counterradiation +counter-raguled +counterraid +counterraids +counterraising +counterrallies +counterrally +counter-rampant +counterrampant +counterrate +counterreaction +counterreason +counterrebuttal +counterrebuttals +counterreckoning +counterrecoil +counterreconnaissance +counterrefer +counterreflected +counterreform +Counter-Reformation +counter-reformation +counterreformation +counterreforms +counterreligion +counterremonstrant +counterreplied +counterreplies +counterreply +counterreplying +counterreprisal +counterresolution +counterresponse +counterresponses +counterrestoration +counterretaliation +counterretaliations +counterretreat +counter-revolution +counterrevolution +counterrevolutionaries +counter-revolutionary +counterrevolutionary +counterrevolutionist +counterrevolutionize +counterrevolutions +counter-riposte +counterriposte +counter-roll +counterroll +counterrotating +counter-round +counterround +counterruin +counters +countersale +counter-salient +countersalient +countersank +counter-scale +counterscale +counterscalloped +counterscarp +counterscoff +countersconce +counterscrutiny +counter-scuffle +counter-sea +countersea +counter-seal +counterseal +counter-secure +countersecure +countersecurity +counterselection +countersense +counterservice +countershade +countershading +countershaft +countershafting +countershear +countershine +countershock +countershout +counterside +countersiege +countersign +countersignal +countersignature +countersignatures +countersigned +countersigning +countersigns +countersink +countersinking +countersinks +countersleight +counterslope +countersmile +countersnarl +counter-spell +counterspies +counterspy +counterspying +counterstain +counterstamp +counterstand +counterstatant +counter-statement +counterstatement +counterstatute +counter-step +counterstep +counterstimulate +counterstimulation +counterstimulus +counterstock +counterstratagem +counterstrategies +counterstrategy +counterstream +counterstrike +counterstroke +counterstruggle +counterstyle +counterstyles +countersubject +countersue +countersued +countersues +countersuggestion +countersuggestions +countersuing +countersuit +countersuits +countersun +countersunk +countersunken +countersurprise +countersway +counterswing +countersworn +countersympathy +countersynod +countertack +countertail +countertally +counter-taste +countertaste +countertechnicality +countertendencies +counter-tendency +countertendency +counter-tenor +countertenor +countertenors +counterterm +counterterror +counterterrorism +counterterrorisms +counterterrorist +counterterrorists +counterterrors +countertheme +countertheory +counterthought +counterthreat +counterthreats +counterthrust +counterthrusts +counterthwarting +counter-tide +counter-tierce +countertierce +counter-time +countertime +countertouch +countertraction +countertrades +countertransference +countertranslation +countertraverse +countertreason +countertree +counter-trench +countertrench +countertrend +countertrends +countertrespass +countertrippant +counter-tripping +countertripping +countertruth +countertug +counter-turn +counterturn +counterturned +countertype +countervail +countervailed +countervailing +countervails +countervair +countervairy +countervallation +countervalue +countervaunt +countervene +countervengeance +countervenom +countervibration +counterview +countervindication +countervolition +countervolley +counter-vote +countervote +counterwager +counter-wait +counter-wall +counterwall +counterwarmth +counterwave +counterweigh +counterweighed +counterweighing +counter-weight +counterweight +counterweighted +counterweights +counterwheel +counterwill +counterwilling +counterwind +counterwitness +counterword +counterwork +counter-worker +counterworker +counterworking +counterwrite +Countess +countess +countesses +countfish +countian +countians +counties +counting +countinghouse +countless +countlessly +countlessness +countor +countour +countre- +countree +countreeman +countrie +countrieman +countries +countrification +countrified +countrifiedness +countrify +country +country-and-western +country-born +country-bred +country-dance +country-fashion +countryfied +countryfiedness +countryfolk +countryish +country-made +countryman +countrymen +countrypeople +countryseat +countryside +countrysides +country-style +countryward +country-wide +countrywide +countrywoman +countrywomen +counts +countship +county +countys +county-wide +countywide +coup +coupage +coup-cart +coupe +couped +coupee +coupe-gorge +coupelet +couper +Couperin +Couperus +coupes +Coupeville +couping +Coupland +couple +couple-beggar +couple-close +coupled +couplement +coupler +coupleress +couplers +couples +couplet +coupleteer +couplets +coupling +couplings +coupon +couponed +couponless +coupons +coups +coupstick +coupure +courage +courageous +courageously +courageousness +courager +courages +courant +courante +courantes +couranto +courantoes +courantos +courants +Courantyne +courap +couratari +courb +courbache +courbaril +courbash +courbe +Courbet +courbette +courbettes +Courbevoie +courche +Courcy +courge +courgette +courida +courie +Courier +courier +couriers +couril +courlan +Courland +courlans +Cournand +couronne +Cours +course +coursed +courser +coursers +courses +coursey +coursing +coursings +coursy +Court +court +courtage +courtal +court-baron +court-bouillon +courtbred +courtby +courtcraft +court-cupboard +court-customary +court-dress +courted +Courtelle +Courtenay +Courteney +courteous +courteously +courteousness +courtepy +courter +courters +courtesan +courtesanry +courtesans +courtesanship +courtesied +courtesies +courtesy +courtesying +courtezan +courtezanry +courtezanship +court-house +courthouse +courthouses +courtier +courtierism +courtierly +courtiers +courtiership +courtiery +courtin +courting +Courtland +court-leet +courtless +courtlet +courtlier +courtliest +courtlike +courtliness +courtling +courtly +courtman +court-mantle +court-martial +court-martials +Courtnay +Courtney +courtnoll +court-noue +Courtois +court-plaster +Courtrai +courtroll +courtroom +courtrooms +courts +courtship +courtship-and-matrimony +courtships +courtside +courts-martial +court-tialed +court-tialing +court-tialled +court-tialling +Courtund +courty +court-yard +courtyard +courtyards +courtzilite +Cousance-les-Forges +couscous +couscouses +couscousou +co-use +couseranite +Coushatta +Cousin +cousin +cousinage +cousiness +cousin-german +cousinhood +cousin-in-law +cousinly +cousinries +cousinry +Cousins +cousins +cousins-german +cousinship +cousiny +coussinet +Coussoule +Cousteau +coustumier +Cousy +couteau +couteaux +coutel +coutelle +couter +couters +Coutet +couth +couthe +couther +couthest +couthie +couthier +couthiest +couthily +couthiness +couthless +couthly +couths +couthy +coutil +coutille +coutumier +Couture +couture +coutures +couturier +couturiere +couturieres +couturiers +couturire +couvade +couvades +couve +couvert +couverte +couveuse +couvre-feu +couxia +couxio +covado +covalence +covalences +covalency +covalent +covalently +Covarecan +Covarecas +covariable +covariables +covariance +covariant +covariate +covariates +covariation +Covarrubias +covary +covassal +cove +coved +Covel +Covell +covelline +covellite +Covelo +coven +Covena +covenable +covenably +covenance +Covenant +covenant +covenantal +covenantally +covenanted +covenantee +Covenanter +covenanter +covenanting +Covenant-israel +covenantor +covenants +Coveney +covens +covent +coventrate +coven-tree +coventries +coventrize +Coventry +coventry +cover +coverable +coverage +coverages +coverall +coveralled +coveralls +coverchief +covercle +Coverdale +covered +coverer +coverers +covering +coverings +coverless +coverlet +coverlets +Coverley +coverlid +coverlids +cover-point +covers +co-versed +coversed +cover-shame +cover-shoulder +coverside +coversine +coverslip +cover-slut +coverslut +covert +covert-baron +covertical +covertly +covertness +coverts +coverture +cover-up +coverup +coverups +coves +Covesville +covet +covetable +coveted +coveter +coveters +coveting +covetingly +covetise +covetiveness +covetous +covetously +covetousness +covets +covey +coveys +covibrate +covibration +covid +covido +Coviello +covillager +Covillea +covin +Covina +covine +coving +covings +Covington +covinous +covinously +covins +covin-tree +covisit +covisitor +covite +covolume +covotary +cow +cowage +cowages +cowal +co-walker +Cowan +cowan +Cowanesque +Cowansville +Coward +coward +cowardice +cowardices +cowardish +cowardliness +cowardly +cowardness +cowards +cowardy +Cowarts +cow-bane +cowbane +cowbanes +cowbarn +cowbell +cowbells +cowberries +cowberry +cowbind +cowbinds +cowbird +cowbirds +cow-boy +cowboy +cowboys +cowbrute +cowbyre +cowcatcher +cowcatchers +Cowden +cowdie +Cowdrey +cowed +cowedly +coween +Cowell +Cowen +Cower +cower +cowered +cowerer +cowerers +cowering +coweringly +cowers +Cowes +Coweta +Cowey +cow-eyed +cow-fat +cow-fish +cowfish +cowfishes +cowflap +cowflaps +cowflop +cowflops +cowgate +Cowgill +cowgirl +cowgirls +cow-goddess +cowgram +cowgrass +cowhage +cowhages +cowhand +cowhands +cow-headed +cowheart +cowhearted +cowheel +cowherb +cowherbs +cowherd +cowherds +cow-hide +cowhide +cowhided +cowhides +cowhiding +cow-hitch +cow-hocked +cowhorn +cowhouse +Cowichan +Cowiche +co-widow +Cowie +cowier +cowiest +co-wife +cowing +co-winner +cowinner +cowinners +cowish +cowishness +cow-itch +cowitch +cowk +cowkeeper +cowkine +Cowl +cowl +cowle +cowled +cowleech +cowleeching +Cowles +Cowlesville +Cowley +cow-lice +cowlick +cowlicks +cowlike +cowling +cowlings +Cowlitz +cowls +cowl-shaped +cowlstaff +cowman +cowmen +cow-mumble +Cown +cow-nosed +co-work +co-worker +coworker +coworkers +co-working +coworking +co-worship +cowpat +cowpath +cowpats +cowpea +cowpeas +cowpen +Cowper +cowper +Cowperian +cowperian +cowperitis +cowpie +cowpies +cowplop +cowplops +cowpock +cowpoke +cowpokes +cowpony +cow-pox +cowpox +cowpoxes +cowpunch +cowpuncher +cowpunchers +cowquake +cowrie +cowries +cowrite +cowrites +cowroid +cowrote +cowry +cows +cowshard +cowsharn +cowshed +cowsheds +cowshot +cowshut +cowskin +cowskins +cowslip +cowslip'd +cowslipped +cowslips +cowson +cow-stealing +cowsucker +cowtail +cowthwort +cow-tongue +cowtongue +cowtown +cowweed +cowwheat +cowy +cowyard +Cox +cox +coxa +coxae +coxal +coxalgia +coxalgias +coxalgic +coxalgies +coxalgy +coxankylometer +coxarthritis +coxarthrocace +coxarthropathy +coxbones +coxcomb +coxcombess +coxcombhood +coxcombic +coxcombical +coxcombicality +coxcombically +coxcombity +coxcombries +coxcombry +coxcombs +coxcomby +coxcomical +coxcomically +coxed +coxendix +coxes +Coxey +coxier +coxiest +coxing +coxite +coxitis +coxocerite +coxoceritic +coxodynia +coxo-femoral +coxofemoral +coxopodite +Coxsackie +coxswain +coxswained +coxswaining +coxswains +coxwain +coxwaining +coxwains +coxy +Coxyde +Coy +coy +coyan +Coyanosa +coydog +coydogs +coyed +coyer +coyest +coying +coyish +coyishness +Coyle +coyly +coyn +coyness +coynesses +coynye +coyo +coyol +Coyolxauhqui +coyos +coyote +coyote-brush +coyote-bush +Coyotero +coyotes +coyotillo +coyotillos +coyoting +coypou +coypous +coypu +coypus +coys +Coysevox +coystrel +coyure +Coyville +coz +Cozad +coze +cozed +cozeier +cozeiest +cozen +cozenage +cozenages +cozened +cozener +cozeners +cozening +cozeningly +Cozens +cozens +cozes +cozey +cozeys +cozie +cozied +cozier +cozies +coziest +cozily +coziness +cozinesses +cozing +Cozmo +Cozumel +cozy +cozying +Cozza +Cozzens +cozzes +C.P. +CP +c.p. +cp +cp. +CPA +CPC +CPCU +CPD +cpd +cpd. +CPE +CPFF +CPH +CPI +cpi +CPIO +CPL +Cpl +cpl +CPM +cpm +CPMP +CPO +cpo +CPP +CPR +CPS +cps +CPSR +CPSU +CPT +cpt +CPU +cpu +cpus +cputime +CPW +CQ +cq +C.R. +CR +Cr +cr +cr. +craal +craaled +craaling +craals +Crab +crab +crabapple +Crabb +Crabbe +crabbed +crabbedly +crabbedness +crabber +crabbers +crabbery +crabbier +crabbiest +crabbily +crabbiness +crabbing +crabbish +crabbit +crabby +crabcatcher +crabeater +crab-eating +crabeating +craber +crab-faced +crab-fish +crabfish +crab-grass +crabgrass +crab-harrow +crabhole +crabier +crabit +crablet +crablike +crabman +crabmeat +crabmill +Craborchard +crab-plover +crabs +crab-shed +crab-sidle +crabsidle +crabstick +Crabtree +crabut +crabweed +crabwise +crabwood +Cracca +craccus +crachoir +Cracidae +Cracinae +crack +crack- +crackability +crackable +crackableness +crackajack +crackback +crackbrain +crackbrained +crackbrainedness +crackdown +crackdowns +cracked +crackedness +cracker +cracker-barrel +crackerberries +crackerberry +crackerjack +crackerjacks +cracker-off +cracker-on +cracker-open +crackers +crackers-on +cracket +crackhemp +crackiness +cracking +crackings +crackjaw +crackle +crackled +crackles +crackless +crackleware +cracklier +crackliest +crackling +cracklings +crack-loo +crackly +crackmans +cracknel +cracknels +crack-off +crackpot +crackpotism +crackpots +crackpottedness +crackrope +cracks +crackskull +cracksman +cracksmen +crack-the-whip +crack-up +crackup +crackups +crack-willow +cracky +cracovienne +Cracow +cracowe +-cracy +Craddock +Craddockville +craddy +cradge +cradle +cradleboard +cradlechild +cradled +cradlefellow +cradleland +cradlelike +cradlemaker +cradlemaking +cradleman +cradlemate +cradlemen +cradler +cradlers +cradles +cradle-shaped +cradleside +cradlesong +cradlesongs +cradletime +cradling +Cradock +CRAF +craft +crafted +crafter +craftier +craftiest +craftily +craftiness +craftinesses +crafting +Craftint +craftless +craftly +craftmanship +Crafton +crafts +Craftsbury +craftsman +craftsmanlike +craftsmanly +craftsmanship +craftsmanships +craftsmaster +craftsmen +craftsmenship +craftsmenships +craftspeople +craftsperson +craftswoman +craftwork +craftworker +crafty +Craftype +Crag +crag +crag-and-tail +crag-bound +crag-built +crag-carven +crag-covered +crag-fast +Cragford +craggan +cragged +craggedly +craggedness +Craggie +craggier +craggiest +craggily +cragginess +Craggy +craggy +craglike +crags +cragsman +cragsmen +Cragsmoor +cragwork +craichy +craie +Craig +craig +Craigavon +craighle +Craigie +Craigmont +craigmontite +Craigsville +Craigville +Craik +craik +Crailsheim +Crain +crain +Craiova +craisey +craizey +crajuru +crake +craked +crakefeet +crake-needles +craker +crakes +craking +crakow +Craley +Cralg +CRAM +Cram +cram +cramasie +crambambulee +crambambuli +Crambe +crambe +cramberry +crambes +crambid +Crambidae +Crambinae +cramble +crambly +crambo +cramboes +crambos +Crambus +cramel +Cramer +Cramerton +cram-full +crammed +crammel +crammer +crammers +cramming +crammingly +cramoisie +cramoisies +cramoisy +cramp +crampbit +cramped +crampedness +cramper +crampet +crampette +crampfish +crampfishes +cramping +crampingly +cramp-iron +crampish +crampit +crampits +crampon +cramponnee +crampons +crampoon +crampoons +cramps +crampy +crams +Cran +cran +Cranach +cranage +Cranaus +cranberries +cranberry +Cranbury +crance +crancelin +cranch +cranched +cranches +cranching +Crandale +Crandall +crandall +crandallite +Crandell +Crandon +Crane +crane +cranebill +craned +crane-fly +cranelike +cranely +craneman +cranemanship +cranemen +Craner +craner +cranes +crane's-bill +cranesbill +cranesman +Cranesville +cranet +craneway +craney +Cranford +crang +crani- +Crania +crania +craniacromial +craniad +cranial +cranially +cranian +Craniata +craniata +craniate +craniates +cranic +craniectomy +craning +craninia +craniniums +cranio- +cranio-acromial +cranio-aural +craniocele +craniocerebral +cranioclasis +cranioclasm +cranioclast +cranioclasty +craniodidymus +craniofacial +craniognomic +craniognomy +craniognosy +craniograph +craniographer +craniography +cranioid +craniol +craniological +craniologically +craniologist +craniology +craniom +craniomalacia +craniomaxillary +craniometer +craniometric +craniometrical +craniometrically +craniometrist +craniometry +craniopagus +craniopathic +craniopathy +craniopharyngeal +craniopharyngioma +craniophore +cranioplasty +craniopuncture +craniorhachischisis +craniosacral +cranioschisis +cranioscopical +cranioscopist +cranioscopy +craniospinal +craniostenosis +craniostosis +Craniota +craniota +craniotabes +craniotome +craniotomies +craniotomy +craniotopography +craniotympanic +craniovertebral +cranium +craniums +crank +crankbird +crankcase +crankcases +crankdisk +crank-driven +cranked +cranker +crankery +crankest +crankier +crankiest +crankily +crankiness +cranking +crankish +crankism +crankle +crankled +crankles +crankless +crankling +crankly +crankman +crankness +Cranko +crankous +crankpin +crankpins +crankplate +Cranks +cranks +crankshaft +crankshafts +crank-sided +crankum +cranky +Cranmer +crannage +crannel +crannequin +crannia +crannied +crannies +crannock +crannog +crannoge +crannoger +crannoges +crannogs +cranny +crannying +cranreuch +cransier +Cranston +crantara +crants +Cranwell +crany +crap +crapaud +crapaudine +crape +craped +crape-fish +crapefish +crapehanger +crapelike +crapes +crapette +craping +Crapo +crapon +crapped +crapper +crappers +crappie +crappier +crappies +crappiest +crappin +crappiness +crapping +crappit-head +crapple +crappo +crappy +craps +crapshooter +crapshooters +crapshooting +crapula +crapulate +crapulence +crapulency +crapulent +crapulous +crapulously +crapulousness +crapwa +crapy +craquelure +craquelures +crare +Crary +Craryville +CRAS +crases +crash +Crashaw +crash-dive +crash-dived +crash-diving +crash-dove +crashed +crasher +crashers +crashes +crashing +crashingly +crash-land +crash-landing +crashproof +crashworthiness +crashworthy +crasis +craspedal +craspedodromous +craspedon +Craspedota +craspedotal +craspedote +craspedum +crass +crassament +crassamentum +crasser +crassest +crassier +crassilingual +Crassina +crassis +crassities +crassitude +crassly +crassness +Crassula +crassula +Crassulaceae +crassulaceous +Crassus +-crat +Crataegus +Crataeis +Crataeva +cratch +cratchens +cratches +cratchins +crate +crated +crateful +cratemaker +cratemaking +crateman +cratemen +Crater +crater +crateral +cratered +Craterellus +Craterid +crateriform +cratering +Crateris +crateris +craterkin +craterless +craterlet +craterlike +craterous +craters +crater-shaped +crates +craticular +Cratinean +crating +cratometer +cratometric +cratometry +craton +cratonic +cratons +cratsmanship +Cratus +craunch +craunched +craunches +craunching +craunchingly +cravat +cravats +cravatted +cravatting +crave +craved +Craven +craven +cravened +Cravenette +cravenette +Cravenetted +Cravenetting +cravenhearted +cravening +cravenly +cravenness +cravens +craver +cravers +craves +craving +cravingly +cravingness +cravings +cravo +Craw +craw +crawberry +craw-craw +crawdad +crawdads +crawfish +crawfished +crawfishes +crawfishing +crawfoot +crawfoots +Crawford +Crawfordsville +Crawfordville +crawful +crawl +crawl-a-bottom +crawled +crawler +crawlerize +crawlers +Crawley +crawley +crawleyroot +crawlie +crawlier +crawliest +crawling +crawlingly +crawls +crawlsome +crawlspace +crawl-up +crawlway +crawlways +crawly +crawm +craws +crawtae +Crawthumper +Crax +cray +craye +crayer +crayfish +crayfishes +crayfishing +craylet +Crayne +Craynor +crayon +crayoned +crayoning +crayonist +crayonists +crayons +crayonstone +craythur +craze +crazed +crazed-headed +crazedly +crazedness +crazes +crazier +crazies +craziest +crazily +craziness +crazinesses +crazing +crazingmill +crazy +crazycat +crazy-drunk +crazy-headed +crazy-looking +crazy-mad +crazy-pate +crazy-paving +crazyweed +crazy-work +CRB +CRC +crc +crcao +crche +Crcy +CRD +cre +crea +creach +creachy +cread +creagh +creaght +creak +creaked +creaker +creakier +creakiest +creakily +creakiness +creaking +creakingly +creaks +creaky +cream +creambush +creamcake +cream-cheese +cream-color +cream-colored +creamcup +creamcups +creamed +Creamer +creamer +creameries +creamers +creamery +creameryman +creamerymen +cream-faced +cream-flowered +creamfruit +creamier +creamiest +creamily +creaminess +creaming +creamlaid +creamless +creamlike +creammaker +creammaking +creamometer +creams +creamsacs +cream-slice +creamware +cream-white +creamy +cream-yellow +Crean +creance +creancer +creant +crease +creased +creaseless +creaser +crease-resistant +creasers +creases +creashaks +creasier +creasiest +creasing +creasol +creasot +creasy +creat +creatable +create +created +createdness +creates +Creath +creatic +creatin +creatine +creatinephosphoric +creatines +creating +creatinin +creatinine +creatininemia +creatins +creatinuria +Creation +creation +creational +creationary +creationism +creationist +creationistic +creations +creative +creatively +creativeness +creativities +creativity +creatophagous +Creator +creator +creatorhood +creatorrhea +creators +creatorship +creatotoxism +creatress +creatrix +creatural +creature +creaturehood +creatureless +creatureliness +creatureling +creaturely +creatures +creatureship +creaturize +creaze +crebri- +crebricostate +crebrisulcate +crebrity +crebrous +creche +creches +Crecy +creda +credal +creddock +credence +credences +credencive +credenciveness +credenda +credendum +credens +credensive +credensiveness +credent +credential +credentialed +credentialism +credentials +credently +credenza +credenzas +credere +credibilities +credibility +credible +credibleness +credibly +credit +creditabilities +creditability +creditable +creditableness +creditably +credited +crediting +creditive +creditless +creditor +creditors +creditorship +creditress +creditrix +credits +crednerite +Credo +credo +credos +credulities +credulity +credulous +credulously +credulousness +Cree +cree +creed +creedal +creedalism +creedalist +creedbound +Creede +creeded +creedist +creedite +creedless +creedlessness +Creedmoor +creedmore +Creedon +creeds +creedsman +Creek +creek +creeker +creekfish +creekfishes +Creeks +creeks +creekside +creekstuff +creeky +Creel +creel +creeled +creeler +creeling +creels +creem +creen +creep +creepage +creepages +creeper +creepered +creeperless +creepers +creep-fed +creep-feed +creep-feeding +creephole +creepie +creepie-peepie +creepier +creepies +creepiest +creepily +creepiness +creeping +creepingly +creepmouse +creepmousy +creeps +creepy +creepy-crawly +Crees +crees +creese +creeses +creesh +creeshed +creeshes +creeshie +creeshing +creeshy +Crefeld +CREG +Creigh +Creight +Creighton +Creil +creirgist +Crelin +Crellen +cremaillere +cremains +cremant +cremaster +cremasterial +cremasteric +cremate +cremated +cremates +cremating +cremation +cremationism +cremationist +cremations +cremator +crematoria +crematorial +crematories +crematoriria +crematoririums +crematorium +crematoriums +cremators +crematory +crembalum +creme +Cremer +cremerie +cremes +Cremini +cremnophobia +cremocarp +cremometer +Cremona +cremona +cremone +cremor +cremorne +cremosin +cremule +CREN +crena +crenae +crenallation +crenate +crenated +crenate-leaved +crenately +crenate-toothed +crenation +crenato- +crenature +crenel +crenelate +crenelated +crenelates +crenelating +crenelation +crenelations +crenele +creneled +crenelee +crenelet +creneling +crenellate +crenellated +crenellating +crenellation +crenelle +crenelled +crenelles +crenelling +crenels +crengle +crenic +crenitic +crenology +crenotherapy +Crenothrix +Crenshaw +crenula +crenulate +crenulated +crenulation +creodont +Creodonta +creodonts +Creola +Creole +creole +creole-fish +creole-fishes +creoleize +creoles +creolian +Creolin +creolism +creolite +creolization +creolize +creolized +creolizing +Creon +creophagia +creophagism +creophagist +creophagous +creophagy +creosol +creosols +creosote +creosoted +creosoter +creosotes +creosotic +creosoting +crepance +crepe +crepe-backed +creped +crepehanger +crepeier +crepeiest +crepe-paper +crepes +crepey +crepidoma +crepidomata +Crepidula +crepier +crepiest +Crepin +crepine +crepiness +creping +Crepis +crepis +crepitacula +crepitaculum +crepitant +crepitate +crepitated +crepitating +crepitation +crepitous +crepitus +creply +crepon +crepons +crept +crepuscle +crepuscular +crepuscule +crepusculine +crepusculum +Crepy +crepy +Cres +cres +Cresa +cresamine +Cresbard +cresc +Crescantia +Crescas +Crescen +crescence +crescendi +Crescendo +crescendo +crescendoed +crescendoing +crescendos +Crescent +crescent +crescentade +crescentader +crescented +crescent-formed +Crescentia +crescentic +crescentiform +crescenting +crescentlike +crescent-lit +crescentoid +crescent-pointed +crescents +crescent-shaped +crescentwise +Crescin +Crescint +crescive +crescively +Cresco +crescograph +crescographic +cresegol +Cresida +Cresius +cresive +cresol +cresolin +cresoline +cresols +cresorcin +cresorcinol +cresotate +cresotic +cresotinate +cresotinic +cresoxid +cresoxide +cresoxy +Cresphontes +cresphontes +Crespi +Crespo +cress +cressed +cresselle +cresses +cresset +cressets +Cressey +Cressi +Cressida +cressida +Cressie +cressier +cressiest +Cresskill +Cressler +Cresson +cresson +Cressona +cressweed +cresswort +Cressy +cressy +crest +crestal +crested +crest-fallen +crestfallen +crestfallenly +crestfallenness +crestfallens +crestfish +cresting +crestings +crestless +Crestline +crestline +crestmoreite +Creston +Crestone +crests +Crestview +Crestwood +Creswell +cresyl +cresylate +cresylene +cresylic +cresylite +cresyls +Creta +creta +cretaceo- +Cretaceous +cretaceous +cretaceously +Cretacic +Cretan +Crete +crete +cretefaction +Cretheis +Cretheus +Cretic +cretic +creticism +cretics +cretification +cretify +cretin +cretinic +cretinism +cretinistic +cretinization +cretinize +cretinized +cretinizing +cretinoid +cretinous +cretins +cretion +cretionary +Cretism +cretize +Creto-mycenaean +cretonne +cretonnes +cretoria +Creusa +Creuse +Creusois +Creusot +creutzer +crevalle +crevalles +crevass +crevasse +crevassed +crevasses +crevassing +Crevecoeur +crevet +crevette +crevice +creviced +crevices +crevis +crew +crew-cropped +crewcut +Crewe +crewe +crewed +crewel +crewelist +crewellery +crewels +crewel-work +crewelwork +crewer +crewet +crewing +crewless +crewman +crewmanship +crewmen +crewneck +crew-necked +crews +Crex +CRFC +CRFMP +CR-glass +CRI +criance +criant +crib +cribbage +cribbages +cribbed +cribber +cribbers +cribbing +cribbings +crib-bit +crib-bite +crib-biter +cribbiter +crib-biting +cribbiting +crib-bitten +cribble +cribbled +cribbling +cribella +cribellum +crible +cribo +cribose +cribral +cribrate +cribrately +cribration +cribriform +cribriformity +cribrose +cribrosity +cribrous +cribs +cribwork +cribworks +cric +cricetid +Cricetidae +cricetids +cricetine +Cricetus +Crichton +Crick +crick +crick-crack +cricke +cricked +cricket +cricketed +cricketer +cricketers +cricketing +cricketings +cricketlike +crickets +crickety +crickey +cricking +crickle +cricks +crico- +cricoarytenoid +cricoid +cricoidectomy +cricoids +cricopharyngeal +cricothyreoid +cricothyreotomy +cricothyroid +cricothyroidean +cricotomy +cricotracheotomy +Cricotus +criddle +Criders +cried +crier +criers +cries +criey +Crifasi +crig +crikey +Crile +crile +Crim +crim +crim. +crimble +crime +Crimea +crimea +Crimean +crimean +crimeful +crimeless +crimelessness +crimeproof +crimes +criminal +criminaldom +criminalese +criminalism +criminalist +criminalistic +criminalistician +criminalistics +criminalities +criminality +criminally +criminalness +criminaloid +criminals +criminate +criminated +criminating +crimination +criminative +criminator +criminatory +crimine +crimini +criminis +criminogenesis +criminogenic +criminol +criminologic +criminological +criminologically +criminologies +criminologist +criminologists +criminology +criminosis +criminous +criminously +criminousness +crimison +crimmer +crimmers +crimmy +crimogenic +Crimora +crimp +crimpage +crimped +crimper +crimpers +crimpier +crimpiest +crimpiness +crimping +crimple +crimpled +Crimplene +crimples +crimpling +crimpness +crimps +crimpy +crimpy-haired +crimson +crimson-banded +crimson-barred +crimson-billed +crimson-carmine +crimson-colored +crimson-dyed +crimsoned +crimson-fronted +crimsoning +crimson-lined +crimsonly +crimsonness +crimson-petaled +crimson-purple +crimsons +crimson-scarfed +crimson-spotted +crimson-tipped +crimson-veined +crimson-violet +crimsony +CRIN +Crin +crin +crinal +crinanite +crinate +crinated +crinatory +crinc- +crinch +crine +crined +crinel +crinet +cringe +cringed +cringeling +cringer +cringers +cringes +cringing +cringingly +cringingness +cringle +cringle-crangle +cringles +crini- +crinicultural +criniculture +crinid +criniere +criniferous +Criniger +crinigerous +crinion +criniparous +crinital +crinite +crinites +crinitory +crinivorous +crink +crinkle +crinkle-crankle +crinkled +crinkleroot +crinkles +crinklier +crinkliest +crinkliness +crinkling +crinkly +crinkly-haired +crinkum +crinkum-crankum +crinogenic +crinoid +crinoidal +Crinoidea +crinoidean +crinoids +crinolette +crinoline +crinolines +crinose +crinosity +crinula +Crinum +crinum +crinums +crio- +criobolium +crioboly +criocephalus +Crioceras +crioceratite +crioceratitic +Crioceris +criolla +criollas +criollo +criollos +criophore +Criophoros +Criophorus +criosphinges +criosphinx +criosphinxes +crip +cripe +cripes +Crippen +crippied +crippingly +cripple +crippled +crippledom +crippleness +crippler +cripplers +cripples +crippling +cripplingly +cripply +Cripps +crips +CRIS +Cris +cris +Crises +crises +Crisey +Criseyde +Crisfield +crisic +crisis +Crisium +crisle +CRISP +crisp +Crispa +Crispas +crispate +crispated +crispation +crispature +crispbread +crisped +crisped-leaved +Crispen +crispen +crispened +crispening +crispens +crisper +crispers +crispest +Crispi +crispier +crispiest +crispily +Crispin +crispin +crispine +crispiness +crisping +Crispinian +crispins +crisp-leaved +crisply +crispness +crispnesses +crisps +crispy +criss +crissa +crissal +criss-cross +crisscross +crisscrossed +crisscrosses +crisscrossing +crisscross-row +crisset +Crissie +crissum +Crissy +Crist +Crista +crista +Cristabel +cristae +Cristal +cristate +cristated +Cristatella +Cristen +Cristi +Cristian +Cristiano +Cristie +cristiform +Cristin +Cristina +Cristine +Cristineaux +Cristino +Cristiona +Cristionna +Cristispira +Cristivomer +Cristobal +cristobalite +Cristoforo +Cristophe +Cristy +cristy +Criswell +crit +crit. +critch +Critchfield +critchfield +criteria +criteriia +criteriions +criteriology +criterion +criterional +criterions +criterium +crith +Crithidia +crithmene +crithomancy +critic +critical +criticality +critically +criticalness +criticaster +criticasterism +criticastry +criticisable +criticise +criticised +criticiser +criticises +criticising +criticisingly +criticism +criticisms +criticist +criticizable +criticize +criticized +criticizer +criticizers +criticizes +criticizing +criticizingly +critickin +critico- +critico-analytically +critico-historical +critico-poetical +critico-theological +critics +criticship +criticsm +criticule +critique +critiqued +critiques +critiquing +critism +critize +critling +Critta +Crittenden +critter +critteria +critters +crittur +critturs +Critz +Crius +crivetz +Crivitz +crizzel +crizzle +crizzled +crizzling +CRL +crl +CRLF +cro +croak +croaked +Croaker +croaker +croakers +croakier +croakiest +croakily +croakiness +croaking +croaks +croaky +croape +Croat +croat +Croatan +Croatia +Croatian +croatian +croc +Crocanthemum +crocard +Croce +Croceatas +croceic +crocein +croceine +croceines +croceins +croceous +crocetin +croceus +croche +Crocheron +crochet +crocheted +crocheter +crocheters +crocheteur +crocheting +crochets +croci +crociary +crociate +crocidolite +Crocidura +crocin +crocine +crock +crockard +crocked +Crocker +crocker +crockeries +crockery +crockeryware +crocket +crocketed +crocketing +crockets +Crockett +Crocketville +Crockford +crocking +crocko +crocks +crocky +crocodile +crocodilean +crocodiles +Crocodilia +crocodilian +Crocodilidae +crocodiline +crocodilite +crocodility +crocodiloid +Crocodilus +Crocodylidae +Crocodylus +crocoisite +crocoite +crocoites +croconate +croconic +Crocosmia +crocs +Crocus +crocus +crocused +crocuses +crocuta +Croesi +Croesus +Croesuses +Croesusi +Crofoot +Croft +croft +crofter +crofterization +crofterize +crofters +crofting +croftland +Crofton +crofts +Croghan +croh +croighle +croiik +crois +croisad +croisade +croisard +croise +croisee +croises +croisette +croissant +croissante +croissants +Croix +crojack +crojik +crojiks +croker +Crokinole +Crom +Cro-Magnon +Cro-magnon +cro-magnon +cromaltite +crombec +crome +Cromer +Cromerian +cromfordite +cromlech +cromlechs +cromme +crommel +Crommelin +Cromona +cromorna +cromorne +Crompton +cromster +Cromwell +cromwell +Cromwellian +cromwellian +Cronartium +crone +croneberry +cronel +Croner +crones +cronet +Cronia +Cronian +cronian +CRONIC +cronie +cronied +cronies +Cronin +cronish +cronk +cronkness +Cronos +cronstedtite +Cronus +cronus +crony +cronying +cronyism +cronyisms +Cronyn +crooch +crood +croodle +crooisite +crook +crookback +crook-backed +crookbacked +crookbill +crookbilled +crooked +crooked-backed +crookedbacked +crooked-billed +crooked-branched +crooked-clawed +crookeder +crookedest +crooked-eyed +crooked-foot +crooked-legged +crooked-limbed +crooked-lined +crooked-lipped +crookedly +crookedness +crookednesses +crooked-nosed +crooked-pated +crooked-shouldered +crooked-stemmed +crooked-toothed +crooked-winged +crooked-wood +crooken +crookeries +crookery +Crookes +crookesite +crookfingered +crookheaded +crooking +crookkneed +crookle +crooklegged +crookneck +crooknecked +crooknecks +crooknosed +Crooks +crooks +crookshouldered +crooksided +crooksterned +Crookston +Crooksville +crooktoothed +crool +Croom +Croomia +croon +crooned +crooner +crooners +crooning +crooningly +croons +croose +crop +crop-bound +crop-dust +crop-duster +crop-dusting +crop-ear +crop-eared +crop-farming +crop-full +crop-haired +crophead +crop-headed +cropland +croplands +cropless +cropman +crop-nosed +croppa +cropped +cropper +croppers +croppie +croppies +cropping +cropplecrown +crop-producing +croppy +crops +Cropsey +Cropseyville +crop-shaped +cropshin +crop-sick +cropsick +cropsickness +crop-tailed +cropweed +Cropwell +croquet +croqueted +croqueting +croquets +croquette +croquettes +croquignole +croquis +crore +crores +crosa +Crosby +crosby +Crosbyton +crose +croset +crosette +croshabell +crosier +crosiered +crosiers +croslet +Crosley +crosne +crosnes +Cross +cross +cross- +crossability +crossable +cross-adoring +cross-aisle +cross-appeal +crossarm +cross-armed +crossarms +crossband +cross-banded +crossbanded +cross-banding +crossbanding +cross-bar +crossbar +crossbarred +crossbarring +crossbars +crossbbred +cross-beak +crossbeak +cross-beam +crossbeam +crossbeams +cross-bearer +crossbearer +cross-bearing +cross-bearings +cross-bedded +cross-bedding +crossbelt +cross-bench +crossbench +cross-benched +cross-benchedness +cross-bencher +crossbencher +cross-bias +cross-biased +cross-biassed +cross-bill +crossbill +cross-bind +crossbirth +crossbite +crossbolt +crossbolted +cross-bombard +cross-bond +cross-bones +crossbones +Crossbow +cross-bow +crossbow +crossbowman +crossbowmen +crossbows +cross-bred +crossbred +crossbreds +cross-breed +crossbreed +crossbreeded +crossbreeding +crossbreeds +cross-bridge +cross-brush +cross-bun +cross-buttock +cross-buttocker +cross-carve +cross-channel +cross-check +crosscheck +cross-church +cross-claim +cross-cloth +cross-compound +cross-connect +cross-country +cross-course +crosscourt +cross-cousin +cross-crosslet +crosscrosslet +cross-crosslets +crosscurrent +crosscurrented +crosscurrents +cross-curve +cross-cut +crosscut +crosscuts +crosscutter +crosscutting +cross-datable +cross-date +cross-dating +cross-days +cross-disciplinary +cross-division +cross-drain +cross-dye +cross-dyeing +Crosse +crosse +crossed +crossed-h +crossed-out +cross-elbowed +crosser +crossers +crosses +crossest +Crossett +crossette +cross-examination +cross-examine +cross-examined +cross-examiner +cross-examining +cross-eye +cross-eyed +cross-eyedness +cross-eyes +cross-face +cross-fade +cross-faded +cross-fading +crossfall +cross-feed +cross-ferred +cross-ferring +cross-fertile +cross-fertilizable +crossfertilizable +cross-fertilization +cross-fertilize +cross-fertilized +cross-fertilizing +cross-fiber +cross-file +cross-filed +cross-filing +cross-finger +cross-fingered +cross-fire +crossfire +crossfired +cross-firing +crossfiring +cross-fish +crossfish +cross-fissured +cross-fixed +crossflow +cross-flower +crossflower +cross-folded +crossfoot +cross-fox +cross-fur +cross-gagged +cross-garnet +cross-gartered +cross-grain +cross-grained +cross-grainedly +cross-grainedness +crossgrainedness +crosshackle +crosshair +crosshairs +crosshand +cross-handed +cross-handled +cross-hatch +crosshatch +crosshatched +cross-hatcher +crosshatcher +crosshatches +cross-hatching +crosshatching +crosshaul +crosshauling +cross-head +crosshead +cross-headed +cross-hilted +cross-immunity +cross-immunization +cross-index +crossing +crossing-out +crossing-over +crossings +cross-interrogate +cross-interrogation +cross-interrogator +cross-interrogatory +cross-invite +crossite +cross-jack +crossjack +cross-joined +cross-jostle +cross-laced +cross-laminated +cross-land +cross-lap +crosslap +cross-latticed +cross-leaved +cross-legged +cross-leggedly +cross-leggedness +crosslegs +crosslet +crossleted +crosslets +cross-level +crossley +cross-license +cross-licensed +cross-licensing +cross-lift +cross-light +crosslight +crosslighted +crosslike +crossline +cross-link +crosslink +cross-locking +cross-lots +crossly +cross-marked +cross-mate +cross-mated +cross-mating +cross-multiplication +crossness +Crossnore +crossopodia +crossopt +crossopterygian +Crossopterygii +Crossosoma +Crossosomataceae +crossosomataceous +cross-out +cross-over +crossover +crossovers +cross-patch +crosspatch +crosspatches +crosspath +cross-pawl +cross-peal +cross-piece +crosspiece +crosspieces +cross-piled +cross-plough +cross-plow +cross-ply +cross-point +crosspoint +crosspoints +cross-pollen +cross-pollenize +cross-pollinate +cross-pollinated +cross-pollinating +cross-pollination +cross-pollinize +cross-post +crosspost +cross-purpose +cross-purposes +cross-question +cross-questionable +cross-questioner +cross-questioning +crossrail +cross-ratio +cross-reaction +cross-reading +cross-refer +cross-reference +cross-remainder +cross-road +crossroad +crossroading +Crossroads +crossroads +cross-row +crossrow +cross-ruff +crossruff +cross-sail +cross-section +cross-sectional +cross-shaped +cross-shave +cross-slide +cross-spale +cross-spall +cross-springer +cross-staff +cross-staffs +cross-star +cross-staves +cross-sterile +cross-sterility +cross-stitch +cross-stitching +cross-stone +cross-stratification +cross-stratified +cross-striated +cross-string +cross-stringed +cross-stringing +cross-striped +cross-strung +cross-sue +cross-surge +cross-tail +crosstail +crosstalk +crosstie +crosstied +crossties +cross-tine +crosstoes +cross-town +crosstown +crosstrack +cross-tree +crosstree +crosstrees +cross-validation +cross-vault +cross-vaulted +cross-vaulting +cross-vein +cross-veined +cross-ventilate +cross-ventilation +Crossville +cross-vine +cross-voting +crosswalk +crosswalks +cross-way +crossway +crossways +crossweb +crossweed +Crosswicks +cross-wind +crosswind +crosswise +crosswiseness +crossword +cross-worder +crossworder +crosswords +crosswort +cross-wrapped +crost +crostarie +Croswell +crotal +Crotalaria +crotalaria +crotalic +crotalid +Crotalidae +crotaliform +crotalin +Crotalinae +crotaline +crotalism +crotalo +crotaloid +crotalum +Crotalus +crotalus +crotaphic +crotaphion +crotaphite +crotaphitic +Crotaphytus +crotch +crotched +crotches +crotchet +crotcheted +crotcheteer +crotchetiness +crotcheting +crotchets +crotchety +crotching +crotchwood +crotchy +Croteau +crotesco +Crothersville +Crotia +crotin +Croton +croton +crotonaldehyde +crotonate +croton-bug +crotonbug +Crotone +crotonic +crotonization +Croton-on-Hudson +crotons +crotonyl +crotonylene +Crotophaga +Crotopus +crottal +crottels +crottle +Crotty +Crotus +crotyl +crouch +crouchant +crouchback +crouche +crouched +croucher +crouches +crouchie +crouching +crouchingly +crouchmas +crouch-ware +crouke +crounotherapy +croup +croupade +croupal +croupe +crouperbush +croupes +croupier +croupiers +croupiest +croupily +croupiness +croupon +croupous +croups +croupy +Crouse +crouse +crousely +Crouseville +croustade +crout +croute +crouth +crouton +croutons +Crow +crow +crowbait +crow-bar +crowbar +crowbars +crowbell +crowberries +crowberry +crow-bill +crowbill +crowboot +crowd +crowded +crowdedly +crowdedness +Crowder +crowder +crowders +crowdie +crowdies +crowding +crowdle +crowds +crowdweed +crowdy +Crowe +crowed +Crowell +crower +crowers +crowfeet +crow-flower +crowflower +crowfoot +crowfooted +crowfoots +crow-garlic +Crowheart +crowhop +crowhopper +crowing +crowingly +crowkeeper +crowl +crow-leek +Crowley +Crown +crown +crownal +crownation +crownband +crownbeard +crowncapping +crowned +crowner +crowners +crownet +crownets +crown-glass +crowning +crown-land +crownland +crownless +crownlet +crownlike +crownling +crownmaker +crownment +crown-of-jewels +crown-of-thorns +crown-paper +crown-piece +crownpiece +crown-post +Crowns +crowns +crown-scab +crown-shaped +Crownsville +crown-wheel +crown-work +crownwork +crownwort +crow-pheasant +crow-quill +crows +crow's-feet +crow's-foot +crowshay +crow-silk +crow's-nest +crow-soap +crow-step +crowstep +crowstepped +crowsteps +crowstick +crow-stone +crowstone +crow-toe +crowtoe +crow-tread +crow-victuals +Crowville +croy +croyden +Croydon +croydon +croyl +croze +crozed +crozer +crozers +crozes +Crozet +Crozier +crozier +croziers +crozing +crozle +crozzle +crozzly +CRP +crpe +CRRES +CRS +crs +CRSAB +CRT +CRTC +crts +cru +crub +crubeen +Cruce +cruce +cruces +crucethouse +cruche +crucial +cruciality +crucially +crucialness +crucian +Crucianella +crucians +cruciate +cruciated +cruciately +cruciating +cruciation +cruciato- +crucible +crucibles +Crucibulum +crucifer +Cruciferae +cruciferous +crucifers +crucificial +crucified +crucifier +crucifies +crucifige +crucifix +crucifixes +Crucifixion +crucifixion +crucifixions +cruciform +cruciformity +cruciformly +crucify +crucifyfied +crucifyfying +crucifying +crucigerous +crucilly +crucily +Crucis +crucis +cruck +crucks +crud +crudded +Crudden +cruddier +crudding +cruddle +cruddy +crude +crudelity +crudely +crudeness +cruder +crudes +crudest +crudites +crudities +crudity +crudle +cruds +crudwort +crudy +cruel +crueler +cruelest +cruel-hearted +cruelhearted +cruelize +crueller +cruellest +cruelly +cruelness +cruels +cruelties +cruelty +cruent +cruentate +cruentation +cruentous +cruet +cruets +cruety +Cruger +Cruickshank +Cruikshank +cruise +cruised +cruiser +cruisers +cruiserweight +cruises +cruiseway +cruising +cruisingly +cruiskeen +cruisken +cruive +crull +cruller +crullers +Crum +crum +crumb +crumbable +crumbcloth +crumbed +crumber +crumbers +crumbier +crumbiest +crumbing +crumble +crumbled +crumblement +crumbles +crumblet +crumblier +crumbliest +crumbliness +crumbling +crumblingness +crumblings +crumbly +crumbs +crumbum +crumbums +crumby +crumen +crumena +crumenal +crumhorn +crumlet +crummable +crummed +crummer +crummie +crummier +crummies +crummiest +crumminess +crumming +crummock +crummy +crump +crumped +crumper +crumpet +crumpets +crumping +crumple +crumpled +Crumpler +crumpler +crumples +crumpling +crumply +crumps +Crumpton +crumpy +Crumrod +crumster +crunch +crunchable +crunched +cruncher +crunchers +crunches +crunchier +crunchiest +crunchily +crunchiness +crunching +crunchingly +crunchingness +crunchweed +crunchy +crunk +crunkle +crunodal +crunode +crunodes +crunt +cruor +cruorin +cruors +crup +cruppen +crupper +cruppered +cruppering +cruppers +crura +crural +crureus +crurogenital +cruroinguinal +crurotarsal +crus +crusade +crusaded +crusader +crusaders +Crusades +crusades +crusading +crusado +crusadoes +crusados +Crusca +cruse +cruses +cruset +crusets +crush +crushability +crushable +crushableness +crushed +crusher +crushers +crushes +crushing +crushingly +crushproof +crusie +crusile +crusilee +crusily +crusily-fitchy +Crusoe +crust +crusta +Crustacea +crustacea +crustaceal +crustacean +crustaceans +crustaceological +crustaceologist +crustaceology +crustaceorubrin +crustaceous +crustade +crustal +crustalogical +crustalogist +crustalogy +crustate +crustated +crustation +crusted +crustedly +cruster +crust-hunt +crust-hunter +crust-hunting +crustier +crustiest +crustific +crustification +crustily +crustiness +crusting +crustless +crustose +crustosis +crusts +crusty +crut +crutch +crutch-cross +crutched +Crutcher +crutcher +crutches +crutching +crutchlike +crutch-stick +cruth +crutter +Crux +crux +cruxes +Cruyff +Cruz +cruzado +cruzadoes +cruzados +cruzeiro +cruzeiros +cruziero +cruzieros +crwd +crwth +crwths +CRY +cry +cry- +cryable +cryaesthesia +cryal +cryalgesia +Cryan +cryanesthesia +crybabies +crybaby +cryesthesia +crying +cryingly +crymoanesthesia +crymodynia +crymotherapy +cryo- +cryo-aerotherapy +cryobiological +cryobiologically +cryobiologist +cryobiology +cryocautery +cryochore +cryochoric +cryoconite +cryogen +cryogenic +cryogenically +cryogenics +cryogenies +cryogens +cryogeny +cryohydrate +cryohydric +cryolite +cryolites +cryological +cryology +cryometer +cryometry +cryonic +cryonics +cryopathy +cryophile +cryophilic +cryophoric +cryophorus +cryophyllite +cryophyte +cryoplankton +cryoprobe +cryoprotective +cryo-pump +cryoscope +cryoscopic +cryoscopies +cryoscopy +cryosel +cryosphere +cryospheric +cryostase +cryostat +cryostats +cryosurgeon +cryosurgery +cryosurgical +cryotherapies +cryotherapy +cryotron +cryotrons +crypt +crypt- +crypta +cryptaesthesia +cryptal +cryptamnesia +cryptamnesic +cryptanalysis +cryptanalyst +cryptanalytic +cryptanalytical +cryptanalytically +cryptanalytics +cryptanalyze +cryptanalyzed +cryptanalyzing +cryptarch +cryptarchy +crypted +Crypteronia +Crypteroniaceae +cryptesthesia +cryptesthetic +cryptic +cryptical +cryptically +crypticness +crypto +crypto- +cryptoagnostic +cryptoanalysis +cryptoanalyst +cryptoanalytic +cryptoanalytically +cryptoanalytics +cryptobatholithic +cryptobranch +Cryptobranchia +Cryptobranchiata +cryptobranchiate +Cryptobranchidae +Cryptobranchus +Crypto-calvinism +Crypto-calvinist +Crypto-calvinistic +cryptocarp +cryptocarpic +cryptocarpous +Cryptocarya +Crypto-catholic +Crypto-catholicism +Cryptocephala +cryptocephalous +Cryptocerata +cryptocerous +Crypto-christian +cryptoclastic +Cryptocleidus +cryptoclimate +cryptoclimatology +cryptococcal +cryptococci +cryptococcic +cryptococcosis +Cryptococcus +cryptococcus +cryptocommercial +cryptocrystalline +cryptocrystallization +cryptodeist +Cryptodira +cryptodiran +cryptodire +cryptodirous +cryptodouble +cryptodynamic +Crypto-fenian +cryptogam +cryptogame +Cryptogamia +cryptogamia +cryptogamian +cryptogamic +cryptogamical +cryptogamist +cryptogamous +cryptogamy +cryptogenetic +cryptogenic +cryptogenous +Cryptoglaux +cryptoglioma +cryptogram +Cryptogramma +cryptogrammatic +cryptogrammatical +cryptogrammatist +cryptogrammic +cryptograms +cryptograph +cryptographal +cryptographer +cryptographers +cryptographic +cryptographical +cryptographically +cryptographies +cryptographist +cryptography +cryptoheresy +cryptoheretic +cryptoinflationist +Crypto-jesuit +Crypto-jew +Crypto-jewish +cryptolite +cryptolith +cryptologic +cryptological +cryptologist +cryptology +cryptolunatic +cryptomere +Cryptomeria +cryptomeria +cryptomerous +cryptometer +cryptomnesia +cryptomnesic +cryptomonad +Cryptomonadales +Cryptomonadina +cryptonema +Cryptonemiales +cryptoneurous +cryptonym +cryptonymic +cryptonymous +cryptopapist +cryptoperthite +Cryptophagidae +cryptophthalmos +Cryptophyceae +cryptophyte +cryptophytic +cryptopin +cryptopine +cryptoporticus +Cryptoprocta +cryptoproselyte +cryptoproselytism +Crypto-protestant +cryptopyic +cryptopyrrole +cryptorchid +cryptorchidism +cryptorchis +cryptorchism +Cryptorhynchus +Crypto-royalist +cryptorrhesis +cryptorrhetic +cryptos +cryptoscope +cryptoscopy +Crypto-socinian +cryptosplenetic +Cryptostegia +cryptostoma +Cryptostomata +cryptostomate +cryptostome +Cryptotaenia +cryptous +cryptovalence +cryptovalency +cryptovolcanic +cryptovolcanism +cryptoxanthin +Cryptozoic +cryptozoic +cryptozoite +cryptozonate +Cryptozonia +Cryptozoon +cryptozygosity +cryptozygous +cryptozygy +crypts +Crypturi +Crypturidae +cryst +cryst. +Crysta +Crystal +crystal +crystal-clear +crystal-clearness +crystal-dropping +crystaled +crystal-flowing +crystal-gazer +crystal-girded +crystaling +Crystalite +crystalitic +crystalize +crystall +crystal-leaved +crystalled +crystallic +crystalliferous +crystalliform +crystalligerous +crystallike +crystallin +crystalline +crystalling +crystallinity +crystallisability +crystallisable +crystallisation +crystallise +crystallised +crystallising +crystallite +crystallites +crystallitic +crystallitis +crystallizability +crystallizable +crystallization +crystallizations +crystallize +crystallized +crystallizer +crystallizes +crystallizing +crystallo- +crystalloblastic +crystallochemical +crystallochemistry +crystallod +crystallogenesis +crystallogenetic +crystallogenic +crystallogenical +crystallogeny +crystallogram +crystallograph +crystallographer +crystallographers +crystallographic +crystallographical +crystallographically +crystallography +crystallogy +crystalloid +crystalloidal +crystallology +crystalloluminescence +crystallomagnetic +crystallomancy +crystallometric +crystallometry +crystallophobia +crystallophyllian +Crystallose +crystallose +crystallurgy +crystal-producing +crystals +crystal-smooth +crystal-streaming +crystal-winged +crystalwort +cryste +crystic +Crystie +crystograph +crystoleum +Crystolon +crystosphene +crzette +C.S. +CS +Cs +cS +cs +cs. +CSA +CSAB +CSACC +CSACS +CSAR +csardas +CSB +CSC +csc +csch +C-scroll +CSD +CSDC +CSE +csect +csects +Csel +CSF +C-shaped +C-sharp +CSI +csi +CSIRO +CSIS +csk +CSL +CSM +CSMA +CSMACA +CSMACD +csmp +CSN +CSNET +csnet +CSO +CSOC +CSP +csp +CSPAN +CSR +CSRG +CSRI +CSRS +CSS +CST +cst +C-star +CSTC +CSU +csw +C.T. +CT +Ct +ct +ct. +CTA +CTC +CTD +cte +Cteatus +ctelette +Ctenacanthus +ctene +ctenidia +ctenidial +ctenidium +cteniform +ctenii +cteninidia +ctenizid +cteno- +Ctenocephalus +ctenocyst +ctenodactyl +Ctenodipterini +ctenodont +Ctenodontidae +Ctenodus +ctenoid +ctenoidean +Ctenoidei +ctenoidian +ctenolium +Ctenophora +ctenophora +ctenophoral +ctenophoran +ctenophore +ctenophoric +ctenophorous +Ctenoplana +Ctenostomata +ctenostomatous +ctenostome +CTERM +Ctesiphon +Ctesippus +Ctesius +ctetology +ctf +ctg +ctge +Cthrine +ctimo +CTIO +CTM +CTMS +ctn +CTNE +CTO +cto +ctr +ctr. +ctrl +CTS +cts +cts. +CTSS +CTT +CTTC +CTTN +CTV +CU +Cu +cu +CUA +cuadra +cuadrilla +cuadrillas +cuadrillero +Cuailnge +Cuajone +cuamuchil +cuapinole +cuarenta +cuarta +cuartel +cuarteron +cuartilla +cuartillo +cuartino +cuarto +Cub +cub +Cuba +cuba +Cubage +cubage +cubages +cubalaya +Cuban +cuban +cubane +cubangle +cubanite +Cubanize +cubans +cubas +cubation +cubatory +cubature +cubatures +cubbies +cubbing +cubbish +cubbishly +cubbishness +cubby +cubbyhole +cubbyholes +cubbyhouse +cubbyu +cubbyyew +cubdom +cub-drawn +cube +cubeb +cubebs +cubed +cubehead +cubelet +Cubelium +cuber +cubera +Cubero +cubers +cubes +cube-shaped +cubhood +cub-hunting +cubi +cubi- +cubic +cubica +cubical +cubically +cubicalness +cubicities +cubicity +cubicle +cubicles +cubicly +cubicone +cubicontravariant +cubicovariant +cubics +cubicula +cubicular +cubiculary +cubiculo +cubiculum +cubiform +cubing +Cubism +cubism +cubisms +cubist +cubistic +cubistically +cubists +cubit +cubital +cubitale +cubitalia +cubited +cubiti +cubitiere +cubito +cubito- +cubitocarpal +cubitocutaneous +cubitodigital +cubitometacarpal +cubitopalmar +cubitoplantar +cubitoradial +cubits +cubitus +cubla +cubmaster +cubo- +cubocalcaneal +cuboctahedron +cubocube +cubocuneiform +cubododecahedral +cuboid +cuboidal +cuboides +cuboids +cubomancy +Cubomedusae +cubomedusan +cubometatarsal +cubonavicular +cubo-octahedral +cubo-octahedron +Cu-bop +Cubrun +cubs +cubti +cuca +cucaracha +Cuchan +cuchia +Cuchillo +Cuchulain +Cuchulainn +Cuchullain +cuck +cuckhold +cucking +cucking-stool +cuckold +cuckolded +cuckolding +cuckoldize +cuckoldly +cuckoldom +cuckoldry +cuckolds +cuckoldy +cuckoo +cuckoo-babies +cuckoo-bread +cuckoo-bud +cuckoo-button +cuckooed +cuckoo-flower +cuckooflower +cuckoo-fly +cuckoo-fool +cuckooing +cuckoomaid +cuckoomaiden +cuckoomate +cuckoo-meat +cuckoo-pint +cuckoopint +cuckoo-pintle +cuckoopintle +cuckoos +cuckoo-shrike +cuckoo-spit +cuckoo-spittle +cuckquean +cuck-stool +cuckstool +cucoline +CUCRIT +Cucujid +Cucujidae +Cucujus +cucularis +cucule +Cuculi +Cuculidae +cuculiform +Cuculiformes +cuculine +cuculla +cucullaris +cucullate +cucullated +cucullately +cuculle +cuculliform +cucullus +cuculoid +Cuculus +Cucumaria +Cucumariidae +cucumber +cucumbers +cucumiform +Cucumis +cucupha +cucurb +cucurbit +Cucurbita +Cucurbitaceae +cucurbitaceous +cucurbital +cucurbite +cucurbitine +cucurbits +Cucuta +cucuy +cucuyo +cud +Cuda +cuda +Cudahy +cudava +cudbear +cudbears +cud-chewing +Cuddebackville +cudden +cuddie +cuddies +cuddle +cuddleable +cuddled +cuddles +cuddlesome +cuddlier +cuddliest +cuddling +cuddly +Cuddy +cuddy +cuddyhole +cudeigh +cudgel +cudgeled +cudgeler +cudgelers +cudgeling +cudgelled +cudgeller +cudgelling +cudgels +cudgerie +Cudlip +cuds +cudweed +cudweeds +cudwort +cue +cueball +cue-bid +cue-bidden +cue-bidding +cueca +cuecas +cued +cueing +cueist +cueman +cuemanship +cuemen +Cuenca +cue-owl +cuerda +Cuernavaca +Cuero +cuerpo +Cuervo +cues +cuesta +cuestas +Cueva +cuff +cuffed +cuffer +cuffin +cuffing +cuffle +cuffless +cufflink +cufflinks +cuffs +cuffy +cuffyism +Cufic +cufic +cuggermugger +Cui +Cuiaba +cuichunchulli +Cuicuilco +cuidado +cuiejo +cuiejos +cuif +cuifs +cuinage +cuinfo +cuing +cuir +cuirass +cuirassed +cuirasses +cuirassier +cuirassing +cuir-bouilli +cuirie +cuish +cuishes +cuisinary +cuisine +cuisines +cuisinier +cuissard +cuissart +cuisse +cuissen +cuisses +cuisten +cuit +Cuitlateco +cuitle +cuitled +cuitling +cuittikin +cuittle +cuittled +cuittles +cuittling +cui-ui +cuj +Cujam +cuke +cukes +Cukor +CUL +cul +-cula +culation +Culavamsa +Culberson +Culbert +culbert +Culbertson +culbut +culbute +culbuter +culch +culches +Culdee +culdee +cul-de-four +cul-de-lampe +Culdesac +cul-de-sac +-cule +Culebra +culebra +culerage +culet +culets +culett +culeus +Culex +culex +culgee +Culhert +Culiac +Culiacan +culices +culicid +Culicidae +culicidal +culicide +culicids +culiciform +culicifugal +culicifuge +Culicinae +culicine +culicines +Culicoides +culilawan +culinarian +culinarily +culinary +Culion +Cull +cull +culla +cullage +Cullan +cullas +cullay +cullays +culled +Cullen +cullender +Culleoka +culler +cullers +cullet +cullets +Culley +cullibility +cullible +Cullie +cullied +cullies +Cullin +culling +cullion +cullionly +cullionry +cullions +cullis +cullisance +cullises +Culliton +Cullman +Culloden +Cullom +Cullowhee +culls +Cully +cully +cullying +Culm +culm +culmed +culmen +culmicolous +culmiferous +culmigenous +culminal +culminant +culminatation +culminatations +culminate +culminated +culminates +culminating +culmination +culminations +culminative +culming +culms +culmy +Culosio +culot +culotte +culottes +culottic +culottism +culp +culpa +culpabilis +culpability +culpable +culpableness +culpably +culpae +culpas +culpate +culpatory +culpeo +Culpeper +culpon +culpose +culprit +culprits +culrage +culsdesac +cult +cultch +cultches +cultellation +cultelli +cultellus +culter +culteranismo +culti +cultic +cultigen +cultigens +cultirostral +Cultirostres +cultish +cultism +cultismo +cultisms +cultist +cultistic +cultists +cultivability +cultivable +cultivably +cultivar +cultivars +cultivatability +cultivatable +cultivatation +cultivatations +cultivate +cultivated +cultivates +cultivating +cultivation +cultivations +cultivative +cultivator +cultivators +cultive +cultrate +cultrated +cultriform +cultrirostral +Cultrirostres +cults +culttelli +cult-title +cultual +culturable +cultural +culturalist +culturally +cultural-nomadic +culture +cultured +cultureless +cultures +culturine +culturing +culturist +culturization +culturize +culturological +culturologically +culturologist +culturology +cultus +cultus-cod +cultuses +-culus +Culver +culver +culverfoot +culverhouse +culverin +culverineer +culveriner +culverins +culverkey +culverkeys +culvers +culvert +culvertage +culverts +culverwort +cum +Cumacea +cumacean +cumaceous +Cumae +Cumaean +cumal +cumaldehyde +Cuman +Cumana +Cumanagoto +cumaphyte +cumaphytic +cumaphytism +Cumar +cumara +cumarin +cumarins +cumarone +cumaru +cumay +cumbent +cumber +cumbered +cumberer +cumberers +cumbering +Cumberland +cumberland +cumberlandite +cumberless +cumberment +Cumbernauld +cumbers +cumbersome +cumbersomely +cumbersomeness +cumberworld +cumbha +cumble +cumbly +Cumbola +cumbraite +cumbrance +cumbre +Cumbria +Cumbrian +cumbrous +cumbrously +cumbrousness +cumbu +Cumby +cumene +cumengite +cumenyl +cumflutter +cumhal +cumic +cumidin +cumidine +cumin +cuminal +Cumine +Cumings +cuminic +cuminoin +cuminol +cuminole +cumins +cuminseed +cuminyl +cumly +Cummaquid +cummer +cummerbund +cummerbunds +cummers +cummin +Cummine +Cumming +Cummings +Cummington +cummingtonite +Cummins +cummins +cummock +cumol +cump +cumquat +cumquats +cumsha +cumshaw +cumshaws +cumu-cirro-stratus +cumul- +cumulant +cumular +cumular-spherulite +cumulate +cumulated +cumulately +cumulates +cumulating +cumulation +cumulatist +cumulative +cumulatively +cumulativeness +cumulato- +cumulene +cumulet +cumuli +cumuliform +cumulite +cumulo- +cumulo-cirro-stratus +cumulo-cirrus +cumulocirrus +cumulo-nimbus +cumulonimbus +cumulophyric +cumulose +cumulo-stratus +cumulostratus +cumulous +cumulo-volcano +cumulus +cumyl +cun +Cuna +cunabula +cunabular +Cunan +Cunard +Cunarder +Cunas +Cunaxa +cunctation +cunctatious +cunctative +cunctator +cunctatorship +cunctatory +cunctatury +cunctipotent +cund +cundeamor +Cundiff +cundite +cundum +cundums +cundurango +cundy +cunea +cuneal +cuneate +cuneated +cuneately +cuneatic +cuneator +cunei +cuneiform +cuneiformist +cunenei +Cuneo +cuneo- +cuneocuboid +cuneonavicular +cuneoscaphoid +cunette +cuneus +Cuney +Cung +cungeboi +cungevoi +cunicular +cuniculi +cuniculus +cuniform +cuniforms +cunila +cunili +Cunina +cunit +cunjah +cunjer +cunjevoi +cunner +cunners +cunni +cunnilinctus +cunnilinguism +cunnilingus +cunning +cunningaire +cunninger +cunningest +Cunningham +Cunninghamia +cunningly +cunningness +cunnings +cunny +Cunonia +Cunoniaceae +cunoniaceous +cunt +cunts +CUNY +cunye +cunyie +Cunza +cunzie +Cuon +cuorin +cup +Cupania +Cupavo +cupay +cup-bearer +cupbearer +cupbearers +cupboard +cupboards +cupcake +cupcakes +cupel +cupeled +cupeler +cupelers +cupeling +cupellation +cupelled +cupeller +cupellers +cupelling +cupels +Cupertino +cupflower +cupful +cupfulfuls +cupfuls +Cuphea +cuphead +cup-headed +cupholder +Cupid +cupid +cupidinous +cupidities +cupidity +cupidon +cupidone +cupids +cupid's-bow +Cupid's-dart +cupiuba +cupless +cuplike +cupmaker +cupmaking +cupman +cup-mark +cup-marked +cupmate +cup-moss +Cupo +cupola +cupola-capped +cupolaed +cupolaing +cupolaman +cupolar +cupola-roofed +cupolas +cupolated +cuppa +cuppas +cupped +cuppen +cupper +cuppers +cuppier +cuppiest +cuppin +cupping +cuppings +cuppy +cuprammonia +cuprammonium +cuprate +cuprein +cupreine +cuprene +cupreo- +cupreous +Cupressaceae +cupressineous +Cupressinoxylon +Cupressus +cupric +cupride +cupriferous +cuprite +cuprites +cupro- +cuproammonium +cuprobismutite +cuprocyanide +cuprodescloizite +cuproid +cuproiodargyrite +cupromanganese +cupronickel +cuproplumbite +cuproscheelite +cuprose +cuprosilicon +cuproso- +cuprotungstite +cuprous +cuprum +cuprums +cups +cupseed +cupsful +cup-shake +cup-shaped +cup-shot +cupstone +cup-tied +cup-tossing +cupula +cupulae +cupular +cupulate +cupule +cupules +Cupuliferae +cupuliferous +cupuliform +cur +cur. +cura +Curaao +curability +curable +curableness +curably +Curacao +curacao +curacaos +curace +curacies +curacoa +curacoas +curacy +curage +curagh +curaghs +curara +curaras +Curare +curare +curares +curari +curarine +curarines +curaris +curarization +curarize +curarized +curarizes +curarizing +curassow +curassows +curat +curatage +curate +curatel +curates +curateship +curatess +curatial +curatic +curatical +curation +curative +curatively +curativeness +curatives +curatize +curatolatry +curator +curatorial +curatorium +curators +curatorship +curatory +curatrices +curatrix +Curavecan +curb +curbable +curbash +curbed +curber +curbers +curbing +curbings +curbless +curblike +curbline +curb-plate +curb-roof +curbs +curb-sending +curbside +curb-stone +curbstone +curbstoner +curbstones +curby +curcas +curch +curchef +curches +curchy +Curcio +curcuddoch +Curculio +curculio +curculionid +Curculionidae +curculionist +curculios +Curcuma +curcuma +curcumas +curcumin +curd +curded +curdier +curdiest +curdiness +curding +curdle +curdled +curdler +curdlers +curdles +curdling +curdly +curdoo +curds +Curdsville +curdwort +curdy +cure +cure-all +cured +cureless +curelessly +curelessness +curemaster +curer +curers +cures +curet +Curetes +curets +curettage +curette +curetted +curettement +curettes +curetting +curf +curfew +curfewed +curfewing +curfews +curfs +Curhan +Curia +curia +curiae +curiage +curial +curialism +curialist +curialistic +curialities +curiality +curiam +curiara +curiate +Curiatii +curiboca +Curie +curie +curiegram +curies +curiescopy +curiet +curietherapy +curin +curine +curing +curio +curiolofic +curiologic +curiological +curiologically +curiologics +curiology +curiomaniac +curios +curiosa +curiosi +curiosities +curiosity +curioso +curiosos +curious +curiouser +curiousest +curiously +curiousness +curiousnesses +curite +curites +Curitiba +Curitis +Curityba +curium +curiums +Curkell +curl +curled +curled-leaved +curledly +curledness +curler +curlers +curlew +curlewberry +curlews +Curley +curl-flowered +curlicue +curlicued +curlicues +curlicuing +curlier +curliest +curlie-wurlie +curliewurlie +curliewurly +curlike +curlily +curliness +curling +curlingly +curlings +Curllsville +curlpaper +curls +curly +curly-coated +curlycue +curlycues +curly-haired +curlyhead +curly-headed +curlyheads +curly-locked +curlylocks +curly-pate +curly-pated +curly-polled +curly-toed +curmudgeon +curmudgeonery +curmudgeonish +curmudgeonly +curmudgeons +curmurging +curmurring +curn +curney +curneys +curnie +curnies +Curnin +curnock +curns +curpel +curpin +curple +Curr +curr +currach +currachs +currack +curragh +curraghs +currajong +Curran +curran +currance +currane +currans +currant +currant-leaf +currants +currantworm +curratow +currawang +currawong +curred +Curren +currencies +currency +current +currently +currentness +currents +currentwise +Currer +Currey +curricla +curricle +curricled +curricles +curricling +curricula +curricular +curricularization +curricularize +curriculum +curriculums +Currie +currie +curried +Currier +currier +currieries +curriers +curriery +curries +curriing +currijong +curring +currish +currishly +currishness +Currituck +currock +currs +Curry +curry +curry-comb +currycomb +currycombed +currycombing +currycombs +curry-favel +curryfavel +curryfavour +currying +Curryville +curs +Cursa +cursal +cursaro +curse +cursed +curseder +cursedest +cursedly +cursedness +cursement +cursen +curser +cursers +curses +curship +cursillo +cursing +cursitate +cursitor +cursive +cursively +cursiveness +cursives +Curson +cursor +cursorary +Cursores +cursores +Cursoria +cursorial +Cursoriidae +cursorily +cursoriness +cursorious +Cursorius +cursors +cursory +curst +curstful +curstfully +curstly +curstness +cursus +Curt +curt +curtail +curtailed +curtailedly +curtailer +curtailing +curtailment +curtailments +curtails +curtail-step +curtain +curtained +curtaining +curtainless +curtain-raiser +curtains +curtainwise +curtal +curtal-ax +curtalax +curtalaxes +curtals +Curtana +curtana +curtate +curtation +curtaxe +curtays +curted +curtein +curtelace +curteous +curter +curtesies +curtest +curtesy +Curt-hose +curt-hose +Curtice +curtilage +Curtin +Curtis +Curtise +Curtiss +Curtisville +Curtius +curtlax +curtly +curtness +curtnesses +curtsey +curtseyed +curtseying +curtseys +curtsied +curtsies +curtsy +curtsying +curua +curuba +Curucaneca +Curucanecan +curucucu +curucui +curule +Curuminaca +Curuminacan +curupay +curupays +curupey +Curupira +cururo +cururos +Curuzu-Cuatia +curvaceous +curvaceously +curvaceousness +curvacious +curval +curvant +curvate +curvated +curvation +curvative +curvature +curvatures +curve +curve-ball +curveball +curve-billed +curved +curved-fruited +curved-horned +curvedly +curvedness +curved-veined +curve-fruited +curver +curves +curvesome +curvesomeness +curvet +curveted +curveting +curvets +curvette +curvetted +curvetting +curve-veined +curvey +curvi- +curvicaudate +curvicostate +curvidentate +curvier +curviest +curvifoliate +curviform +curvilinead +curvilineal +curvilinear +curvilinearity +curvilinearly +curvimeter +curvinervate +curvinerved +curviness +curving +curvirostral +Curvirostres +curviserial +curvital +curvities +curvity +curvle +curvograph +curvometer +curvous +curvulate +curvy +Curwensville +curwhibble +curwillet +cury +curying +Curzon +Cusack +Cusanus +Cusco +cusco-bark +cuscohygrin +cuscohygrine +cusconin +cusconine +Cuscus +cuscus +cuscuses +Cuscuta +Cuscutaceae +cuscutaceous +cusec +cusecs +cuselite +Cush +cush +cushag +cushat +cushats +cushaw +cushaws +cush-cush +cushew-bird +cushewbird +cushie +cushier +cushiest +cushily +cushiness +Cushing +cushing +cushion +cushioncraft +cushioned +cushionet +cushionflower +cushion-footed +cushioniness +cushioning +cushionless +cushionlike +cushions +cushion-shaped +cushion-tired +cushiony +Cushite +Cushitic +cushitic +cushlamochree +Cushman +cushy +Cusick +cusie +cusinero +cusk +cusk-eel +cusk-eels +cusks +CUSO +Cusp +cusp +cuspal +cusparia +cusparidine +cusparine +cuspate +cuspated +cusped +cuspid +cuspidal +cuspidate +cuspidated +cuspidation +cuspides +cuspidine +cuspidor +cuspidors +cuspids +cusping +cuspis +cusps +cusp-shaped +cuspule +cuss +cussed +cussedly +cussedness +cusser +cussers +cusses +Cusseta +cussing +cussing-out +cusso +cussos +cussword +cusswords +cust +Custar +custard +custard-cups +custards +Custer +custerite +custode +custodee +custodes +custodia +custodial +custodiam +custodian +custodians +custodianship +custodier +custodies +custody +custom +customable +customableness +customably +customance +customaries +customarily +customariness +customary +custom-built +custom-cut +customed +customer +customers +custom-house +customhouse +customhouses +customing +customizable +customization +customizations +customize +customized +customizer +customizers +customizes +customizing +customly +custom-made +customs +customs-exempt +customs-house +customshouse +custom-tailored +custos +custrel +custron +custroun +custumal +custumals +Cut +cut +cutability +Cutaiar +cut-and-cover +cut-and-dried +cut-and-dry +cut-and-try +cutaneal +cutaneous +cutaneously +cut-away +cutaway +cutaways +cut-back +cutback +cutbacks +Cutbank +cutbank +cutbanks +Cutch +cutch +cutcha +Cutcheon +cutcher +cutcheries +cutcherries +cutcherry +cutchery +cutches +Cutchogue +Cutcliffe +cut-down +cutdown +cutdowns +cute +cutely +cuteness +cutenesses +cuter +Cuterebra +cutes +cutesie +cutesier +cutesiest +cutest +cutesy +cutey +cuteys +cut-finger +cut-glass +cut-grass +cutgrass +cutgrasses +Cuthbert +Cuthbertson +Cuthburt +cutheal +cuticle +cuticles +cuticolor +cuticula +cuticulae +cuticular +cuticularization +cuticularize +cuticulate +cutidure +cutiduris +cutie +cuties +cutification +cutify +cutigeral +cutikin +cut-in +cutin +cutinisation +cutinise +cutinised +cutinises +cutinising +cutinization +cutinize +cutinized +cutinizes +cutinizing +cutins +cutireaction +cutis +cutisector +cutises +Cutiterebra +cutitis +cutization +CUTK +cutlas +cutlases +cutlash +cutlass +cutlasses +cutlassfish +cutlassfishes +cut-leaf +cut-leaved +Cutler +cutler +cutleress +Cutleria +Cutleriaceae +cutleriaceous +Cutleriales +cutleries +Cutlerr +cutlers +cutlery +cutlet +cutlets +cutline +cutlines +cutling +cutlings +Cutlip +cutlips +Cutlor +cutocellulose +cut-off +cutoff +cutoffs +cutose +cut-out +cutout +cutouts +cutover +cutovers +cut-paper +cut-price +cutpurse +cutpurses +cut-rate +CUTS +cuts +cutset +Cutshin +cuttable +Cuttack +cuttage +cuttages +cuttail +cuttanee +cutted +Cutter +cutter +cutter-built +cutter-down +cutter-gig +cutterhead +cutterman +cutter-off +cutter-out +cutter-rigged +cutters +cutter-up +cutthroat +cutthroats +cut-through +Cuttie +cutties +cuttikin +cutting +cuttingly +cuttingness +cuttings +Cuttingsville +cuttle +cuttle-bone +cuttlebone +cuttlebones +cuttled +cuttle-fish +cuttlefish +cuttlefishes +Cuttler +cuttler +cuttles +cuttling +cuttoe +cuttoo +cuttoos +cut-toothed +Cutty +cutty +Cuttyhunk +cuttyhunk +cutty-stool +cut-under +Cutuno +cutup +cutups +cutwal +cutwater +cutwaters +cutweed +cut-work +cutwork +cutworks +cutworm +cutworms +cuvage +cuve +cuvee +cuvette +cuvettes +Cuvier +Cuvierian +cuvies +cuvy +Cuxhaven +cuya +Cuyab +Cuyaba +Cuyama +Cuyapo +cuyas +Cuyler +Cuyp +Cuzceno +cuzceno +Cuzco +Cuzzart +CV +cv +CVA +CVCC +Cvennes +C.V.O. +CVO +CVR +CVT +CW +CWA +CWC +CWI +cwierc +Cwikielnik +Cwlth +cwm +Cwmbran +cwms +CWO +c.w.o. +cwo +cwrite +CWRU +cwt +cwt. +CXI +-cy +CY +Cy +cy +cya- +cyaathia +cyamelid +cyamelide +cyamid +cyamoid +Cyamus +cyan +cyan- +cyanacetic +Cyanamid +cyanamid +cyanamide +cyanamids +cyananthrol +Cyanastraceae +Cyanastrum +cyanate +cyanates +cyanaurate +cyanauric +cyanbenzyl +cyan-blue +cyancarbonic +Cyane +Cyanea +cyanea +cyanean +Cyanee +cyanemia +cyaneous +cyanephidrosis +cyanformate +cyanformic +cyanhidrosis +cyanhydrate +cyanhydric +cyanhydrin +cyanic +cyanicide +cyanid +cyanidation +cyanide +cyanided +cyanides +cyanidin +cyanidine +cyaniding +cyanidrosis +cyanids +cyanimide +cyanin +cyanine +cyanines +cyanins +cyanite +cyanites +cyanitic +cyanize +cyanized +cyanizing +cyanmethemoglobin +cyano +cyano- +cyanoacetate +cyanoacetic +cyanoacrylate +cyanoaurate +cyanoauric +cyanobenzene +cyanocarbonic +cyanochlorous +cyanochroia +cyanochroic +Cyanocitta +cyanocobalamin +cyanocobalamine +cyanocrystallin +cyanoderma +cyanoethylate +cyanoethylation +cyanogen +cyanogenamide +cyanogenesis +cyanogenetic +cyanogenic +cyanogens +cyanoguanidine +cyanohermidin +cyanohydrin +cyanol +cyanole +cyanomaclurin +cyanometer +cyanomethaemoglobin +cyanomethemoglobin +cyanometric +cyanometries +cyanometry +cyanopathic +cyanopathy +cyanophil +cyanophile +cyanophilous +cyanophoric +cyanophose +Cyanophyceae +cyanophycean +cyanophyceous +cyanophycin +cyanopia +cyanoplastid +cyanoplatinite +cyanoplatinous +cyanopsia +cyanose +cyanosed +cyanoses +cyanosis +cyanosite +Cyanospiza +cyanotic +cyanotrichite +cyanotype +cyans +cyanuramide +cyanurate +cyanuret +cyanuric +cyanurin +cyanurine +cyanus +cyaphenine +cyath +Cyathaspis +Cyathea +Cyatheaceae +cyatheaceous +cyathi +cyathia +cyathiform +cyathium +cyathoid +cyatholith +Cyathophyllidae +cyathophylline +cyathophylloid +Cyathophyllum +cyathos +cyathozooid +cyathus +Cyb +Cybebe +Cybele +cybele +cybercultural +cyberculture +cybernate +cybernated +cybernating +cybernation +cybernetic +cybernetical +cybernetically +cybernetician +cyberneticist +cyberneticists +cybernetics +cybernion +Cybil +Cybill +Cybister +cyborg +cyborgs +cyc +cycad +Cycadaceae +cycadaceous +Cycadales +cycadean +cycadeoid +Cycadeoidea +cycadeous +cycadiform +cycadite +cycadlike +cycadofilicale +Cycadofilicales +cycadofilicales +Cycadofilices +cycadofilicinean +Cycadophyta +cycadophyte +cycads +Cycas +cycas +cycases +cycasin +cycasins +Cychosz +Cychreus +cycl +cycl- +Cyclades +cyclades +Cycladic +cyclamate +cyclamates +cyclamen +cyclamens +cyclamin +cyclamine +cyclammonium +Cyclamycin +cyclane +Cyclanthaceae +cyclanthaceous +Cyclanthales +Cyclanthus +cyclar +cyclarthrodial +cyclarthrosis +cyclarthrsis +cyclas +cyclase +cyclases +cyclazocine +cycle +cyclecar +cyclecars +cycled +cycledom +cyclene +cycler +cyclers +cyclery +cycles +cyclesmith +Cycliae +cyclian +cyclic +cyclical +cyclicality +cyclically +cyclicalness +cyclicism +cyclicity +cyclicly +cyclide +cyclindroid +cycling +cyclings +cyclism +cyclist +cyclistic +cyclists +cyclitic +cyclitis +cyclitol +cyclitols +cyclization +cyclize +cyclized +cyclizes +cyclizing +cyclo +cyclo- +cycloacetylene +cycloaddition +cycloaliphatic +cycloalkane +Cyclobothra +cyclobutane +cyclocephaly +cyclocoelic +cyclocoelous +Cycloconium +cyclo-cross +cyclode +cyclodiene +cyclodiolefin +cyclodiolefine +cycloganoid +Cycloganoidei +cyclogenesis +cyclogram +cyclograph +cyclographer +cycloheptane +cycloheptanone +cyclohexadienyl +cyclohexane +cyclohexanol +cyclohexanone +cyclohexatriene +cyclohexene +cycloheximide +cyclohexyl +cyclohexylamine +cycloid +cycloidal +cycloidally +cycloidean +Cycloidei +cycloidian +cycloidotrope +cycloids +cyclolith +Cycloloma +cyclolysis +cyclomania +cyclometer +cyclometers +cyclometric +cyclometrical +cyclometries +cyclometry +Cyclomyaria +cyclomyarian +cyclonal +cyclone +cyclone-proof +cyclones +cyclonic +cyclonical +cyclonically +cyclonist +cyclonite +cyclonologist +cyclonology +cyclonometer +cyclonoscope +cycloolefin +cycloolefine +cycloolefinic +cyclop +cyclopaedia +cyclopaedias +cyclopaedic +cyclopaedically +cyclopaedist +cycloparaffin +cyclope +Cyclopean +cyclopean +cyclopedia +cyclopedias +cyclopedic +cyclopedical +cyclopedically +cyclopedist +cyclopentadiene +cyclopentane +cyclopentanone +cyclopentene +Cyclopes +cyclopes +cyclophoria +cyclophoric +Cyclophorus +cyclophosphamide +cyclophosphamides +cyclophrenia +cyclopia +Cyclopic +cyclopic +cyclopism +cyclopite +cycloplegia +cycloplegic +cyclopoid +cyclopropane +Cyclops +cyclops +Cyclopteridae +cyclopteroid +cyclopterous +cyclopy +cyclorama +cycloramas +cycloramic +Cyclorrhapha +cyclorrhaphous +cyclos +cycloscope +cyclose +cycloserine +cycloses +cyclosilicate +cyclosis +cyclospermous +Cyclospondyli +cyclospondylic +cyclospondylous +Cyclosporales +Cyclosporeae +Cyclosporinae +cyclosporous +Cyclostoma +Cyclostomata +cyclostomate +Cyclostomatidae +cyclostomatous +cyclostome +Cyclostomes +Cyclostomi +Cyclostomidae +cyclostomous +cyclostrophic +cyclostylar +cyclostyle +Cyclotella +cyclothem +cyclothure +cyclothurine +Cyclothurus +cyclothyme +cyclothymia +cyclothymiac +cyclothymic +cyclotome +cyclotomic +cyclotomies +cyclotomy +Cyclotosaurus +cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine +cyclotron +cyclotrons +cyclovertebral +cyclus +Cycnus +Cyd +cyder +cyders +Cydippe +cydippe +cydippian +cydippid +Cydippida +Cydnus +cydon +Cydonia +Cydonian +cydonium +cyeses +cyesiology +cyesis +cyetic +cygneous +Cygnet +cygnet +cygnets +Cygni +Cygnid +Cygninae +cygnine +Cygnus +cygnus +Cykana +cyke +cyl +cyl. +Cyler +cylices +cylinder +cylinder-bored +cylinder-boring +cylinder-dried +cylindered +cylinderer +cylinder-grinding +cylindering +cylinderlike +cylinders +cylinder-shaped +cylindraceous +cylindrarthrosis +Cylindrella +cylindrelloid +cylindrenchema +cylindrenchyma +cylindric +cylindrical +cylindricality +cylindrically +cylindricalness +cylindric-campanulate +cylindric-fusiform +cylindricity +cylindric-oblong +cylindric-ovoid +cylindric-subulate +cylindricule +cylindriform +cylindrite +cylindro- +cylindrocellular +cylindrocephalic +cylindroconical +cylindroconoidal +cylindrocylindric +cylindrodendrite +cylindrograph +cylindroid +cylindroidal +cylindroma +cylindromata +cylindromatous +cylindrometric +cylindroogival +Cylindrophis +Cylindrosporium +cylindruria +cylix +Cyllene +Cyllenian +Cyllenius +cylloses +cyllosis +Cylvia +Cym +Cyma +cyma +cymae +cymagraph +cymaise +cymaphen +cymaphyte +cymaphytic +cymaphytism +cymar +cymarin +cymarose +cymars +cymas +cymatia +cymation +cymatium +cymba +cymbaeform +cymbal +Cymbalaria +cymbaled +cymbaleer +cymbaler +cymbalers +cymbaline +cymbalist +cymbalists +cymballed +cymballike +cymballing +cymbalo +cymbalom +cymbalon +cymbals +cymbate +cymbel +Cymbeline +Cymbella +cymbid +cymbidia +cymbidium +cymbiform +Cymbium +cymblin +cymbling +cymblings +cymbocephalic +cymbocephalous +cymbocephaly +Cymbopogon +Cymbre +cyme +cymelet +cymene +cymenes +cymes +cymiferous +cymlin +cymling +cymlings +cymlins +cymobotryose +Cymodoce +Cymodoceaceae +cymogene +cymogenes +cymograph +cymographic +cymoid +Cymoidium +cymol +cymols +cymometer +cymophane +cymophanous +cymophenol +cymophobia +cymoscope +cymose +cymosely +cymotrichous +cymotrichy +cymous +Cymraeg +Cymric +cymric +cymrite +Cymry +cymry +cymtia +cymule +cymulose +Cyn +Cyna +cynanche +Cynanchum +cynanthropy +Cynar +Cynara +cynaraceous +cynarctomachy +cynareous +cynaroid +Cynarra +Cynde +Cyndi +Cyndia +Cyndie +Cyndy +cyne- +cynebot +cynegetic +cynegetics +cynegild +Cynera +Cynewulf +cynghanedd +cynhyena +Cynias +cyniatria +cyniatrics +Cynic +cynic +Cynical +cynical +cynically +cynicalness +Cynicism +cynicism +cynicisms +cynicist +cynics +cynipid +Cynipidae +cynipidous +cynipoid +Cynipoidea +Cynips +cynips +cynism +cyno- +cynocephalic +cynocephalous +cynocephalus +cynoclept +Cynocrambaceae +cynocrambaceous +Cynocrambe +cynodictis +Cynodon +cynodon +cynodont +Cynodontia +Cynogale +cynogenealogist +cynogenealogy +Cynoglossum +Cynognathus +cynography +cynoid +Cynoidea +cynology +cynomolgus +Cynomoriaceae +cynomoriaceous +Cynomorium +Cynomorpha +cynomorphic +cynomorphous +Cynomys +cynophile +cynophilic +cynophilist +cynophobe +cynophobia +Cynopithecidae +cynopithecoid +cynopodous +cynorrhoda +cynorrhodon +Cynortes +Cynosarges +Cynoscephalae +Cynoscion +Cynosura +cynosural +cynosure +cynosures +Cynosurus +cynotherapy +Cynoxylon +Cynth +Cynthea +Cynthia +cynthia +Cynthian +Cynthiana +Cynthie +Cynthiidae +Cynthius +Cynthla +Cynthy +Cynurus +Cynwulf +Cynwyd +CYO +cyp +Cyparissia +Cyparissus +Cyperaceae +cyperaceous +Cyperus +cyperus +cyphella +cyphellae +cyphellate +cypher +cyphered +cyphering +cyphers +Cyphomandra +cyphonautes +cyphonism +cyphosis +Cypraea +cypraea +cypraeid +Cypraeidae +cypraeiform +cypraeoid +cypre +cypres +cypreses +cypress +cypressed +cypresses +Cypressinn +cypressroot +Cypria +Cyprian +cyprian +cyprians +cyprid +Cyprididae +Cypridina +Cypridinidae +cypridinoid +Cyprina +cyprine +cyprinid +Cyprinidae +cyprinids +cypriniform +cyprinin +cyprinine +cyprinodont +Cyprinodontes +Cyprinodontidae +cyprinodontoid +cyprinoid +Cyprinoidea +cyprinoidean +Cyprinus +Cyprio +Cypriot +cypriot +Cypriote +cypriote +cypriotes +cypriots +cypripedin +Cypripedium +cypripedium +Cypris +cypris +Cypro +cyproheptadine +Cypro-Minoan +Cypro-phoenician +cyproterone +Cyprus +cyprus +cypruses +cypsela +cypselae +Cypseli +Cypselid +Cypselidae +cypseliform +Cypseliformes +cypseline +cypseloid +cypselomorph +Cypselomorphae +cypselomorphic +cypselous +Cypselus +cyptozoic +Cyra +Cyrano +Cyrena +Cyrenaic +cyrenaic +Cyrenaica +Cyrenaicism +Cyrene +Cyrenian +Cyrie +Cyril +Cyrill +Cyrilla +Cyrillaceae +cyrillaceous +Cyrille +Cyrillian +Cyrillianism +Cyrillic +cyrillic +Cyrillus +cyriologic +cyriological +Cyrtandraceae +Cyrtidae +cyrto- +cyrtoceracone +Cyrtoceras +cyrtoceratite +cyrtoceratitic +cyrtograph +cyrtolite +cyrtometer +Cyrtomium +cyrtopia +cyrtosis +cyrtostyle +Cyrus +cyrus +Cysatus +-cyst +cyst +cyst- +cystadenoma +cystadenosarcoma +cystal +cystalgia +cystamine +cystaster +cystathionine +cystatrophia +cystatrophy +cysteamine +cystectasia +cystectasy +cystectomies +cystectomy +cysted +cystein +cysteine +cysteines +cysteinic +cysteins +cystelcosis +cystenchyma +cystenchymatous +cystenchyme +cystencyte +cysterethism +cysti- +cystic +cysticarpic +cysticarpium +cysticercerci +cysticerci +cysticercoid +cysticercoidal +cysticercosis +cysticercus +cysticerus +cysticle +cysticolous +cystid +Cystidea +cystidean +cystidia +cystidicolous +cystidium +cystidiums +cystiferous +cystiform +cystigerous +Cystignathidae +cystignathine +cystin +cystine +cystines +cystinosis +cystinuria +cystirrhea +cystis +cystitides +cystitis +cystitome +cysto- +cystoadenoma +cystocarcinoma +cystocarp +cystocarpic +cystocele +cystocolostomy +cystocyte +cystodynia +cystoelytroplasty +cystoenterocele +cystoepiplocele +cystoepithelioma +cystofibroma +Cystoflagellata +cystoflagellate +cystogenesis +cystogenous +cystogram +cystoid +Cystoidea +cystoidean +cystoids +cystolith +cystolithectomy +cystolithiasis +cystolithic +cystoma +cystomas +cystomata +cystomatous +cystometer +cystomorphous +cystomyoma +cystomyxoma +Cystonectae +cystonectous +cystonephrosis +cystoneuralgia +cystoparalysis +Cystophora +cystophore +cystophotography +cystophthisis +cystoplasty +cystoplegia +cystoproctostomy +Cystopteris +cystoptosis +Cystopus +cystopyelitis +cystopyelography +cystopyelonephritis +cystoradiography +cystorrhagia +cystorrhaphy +cystorrhea +cystosarcoma +cystoschisis +cystoscope +cystoscopic +cystoscopies +cystoscopy +cystose +cystospasm +cystospastic +cystospore +cystostomies +cystostomy +cystosyrinx +cystotome +cystotomies +cystotomy +cystotrachelotomy +cystoureteritis +cystourethritis +cystourethrography +cystous +cysts +cyt- +cytase +cytasic +cytaster +cytasters +-cyte +Cythera +cythera +Cytherea +cytherea +Cytherean +cytherean +Cytherella +Cytherellidae +cytidine +cytidines +Cytinaceae +cytinaceous +Cytinus +cytioderm +cytioderma +cytisine +Cytissorus +Cytisus +cytisus +cytitis +cyto- +cytoanalyzer +cytoarchitectural +cytoarchitecturally +cytoarchitecture +cytoblast +cytoblastema +cytoblastemal +cytoblastematous +cytoblastemic +cytoblastemous +cytocentrum +cytochalasin +cytochemical +cytochemistry +cytochrome +cytochylema +cytocide +cytoclasis +cytoclastic +cytococci +cytococcus +cytocyst +cytode +cytodendrite +cytoderm +cytodiagnosis +cytodieresis +cytodieretic +cytodifferentiation +cytoecology +cytogamy +cytogene +cytogenesis +cytogenetic +cytogenetical +cytogenetically +cytogeneticist +cytogenetics +cytogenic +cytogenies +cytogenous +cytogeny +cytoglobin +cytoglobulin +cytohyaloplasm +cytoid +cytokinesis +cytokinetic +cytokinin +cytol +cytolist +cytologic +cytological +cytologically +cytologies +cytologist +cytologists +cytology +cytolymph +cytolysin +cytolysis +cytolytic +cytoma +cytome +cytomegalic +cytomegalovirus +cytomere +cytometer +cytomicrosome +cytomitome +cytomorphological +cytomorphology +cytomorphosis +cyton +cytone +cytons +cytopahgous +cytoparaplastin +cytopathic +cytopathogenic +cytopathogenicity +cytopathologic +cytopathological +cytopathologically +cytopathology +cytopenia +Cytophaga +cytophagic +cytophagous +cytophagy +cytopharynges +cytopharynx +cytopharynxes +cytophil +cytophilic +cytophysics +cytophysiology +cytoplasm +cytoplasmic +cytoplasmically +cytoplast +cytoplastic +cytoproct +cytopyge +cytoreticulum +cytoryctes +cytosin +cytosine +cytosines +cytosol +cytosols +cytosome +cytospectrophotometry +Cytospora +Cytosporina +cytost +cytostatic +cytostatically +cytostomal +cytostome +cytostroma +cytostromatic +cytotactic +cytotaxis +cytotaxonomic +cytotaxonomically +cytotaxonomy +cytotechnologist +cytotechnology +cytotoxic +cytotoxicity +cytotoxin +cytotrophoblast +cytotrophoblastic +cytotrophy +cytotropic +cytotropism +cytovirin +cytozoa +cytozoic +cytozoon +cytozymase +cytozyme +cytozzoa +cytula +cytulae +cyul +cywydd +Cyzicene +cyzicene +Cyzicus +CZ +Czajer +Czanne +czar +czardas +czardases +czardom +czardoms +czarevitch +czarevna +czarevnas +czarian +czaric +czarina +czarinas +czarinian +czarish +czarism +czarisms +czarist +czaristic +czarists +czaritza +czaritzas +czarowitch +czarowitz +Czarra +czars +czarship +Czech +Czech. +czech +Czechic +Czechish +Czechization +Czechosl +Czecho-Slovak +Czechoslovak +czechoslovak +Czecho-Slovakia +Czechoslovakia +czechoslovakia +Czecho-Slovakian +Czechoslovakian +czechoslovakian +czechoslovakians +czechoslovaks +czechs +Czerniak +Czerniakov +Czernowitz +Czerny +czigany +Czstochowa +Czur diff -r a3592789b47c -r 3a2fb61165df test/gc/7072527/TestFullGCCount.java --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test/gc/7072527/TestFullGCCount.java Wed Aug 31 13:57:17 2011 -0700 @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + * @test TestFullGCount.java + * @bug 7072527 + * @summary CMS: JMM GC counters overcount in some cases + * @run main/othervm -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC TestFullGCCount + * + */ +import java.util.*; +import java.lang.management.*; + +public class TestFullGCCount { + + public String collectorName = "ConcurrentMarkSweep"; + + public static void main(String [] args) { + + TestFullGCCount t = null; + if (args.length==2) { + t = new TestFullGCCount(args[0], args[1]); + } else { + t = new TestFullGCCount(); + } + System.out.println("Monitoring collector: " + t.collectorName); + t.run(); + } + + public TestFullGCCount(String pool, String collector) { + collectorName = collector; + } + + public TestFullGCCount() { + } + + public void run() { + int count = 0; + int iterations = 20; + long counts[] = new long[iterations]; + boolean diffAlways2 = true; // assume we will fail + + for (int i=0; i0) { + if (counts[i] - counts[i-1] != 2) { + diffAlways2 = false; + } + } + } + if (diffAlways2) { + throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: System.gc must be incrementing count twice."); + } + System.out.println("Passed."); + } + + private long getCollectionCount() { + long count = 0; + List pools = ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans(); + List collectors = ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans(); + for (int i=0; i test.out 2>&1 + +cat test.out + +egrep "SIGSEGV|An unexpected error has been detected" test.out + +if [ $? = 0 ] +then + echo "Test Failed" + exit 1 +else + grep "java.lang.LinkageError" test.out + if [ $? = 0 ] + then + echo "Test Passed" + exit 0 + else + echo "Test Failed" + exit 1 + fi +fi