This annotation declares a textual pattern for matching an HIR tree. The format is a LISP style
s-expression with node types and/or names that are matched against the HIR. Node types are always
uppercase and the names of nodes are always lowercase. Named nodes can be used to match trees
where a node is used multiple times but only as an input to the full match.
<node-name> := [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
<node-type> := [A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
<node-spec> := <node-type> { '=' <node-name> }
<node-or-name> := <node-spec> | <node-name>
<argument> := <node-or-name> | <match-rule>
<match-rule> := '(' <node-spec> <argument>+ ')'
All matched nodes except the root of the match and
s must have a single user.
All matched nodes must be in the same block.