AMD64DeoptimizationStub |
AMD64DeoptimizeOp |
AMD64HotSpotAddressLowering |
AMD64HotSpotAddressLowering.HeapBaseNode |
AMD64HotSpotBackend |
HotSpot AMD64 specific backend.
AMD64HotSpotBackendFactory |
AMD64HotSpotBinaryConsumer |
AMD64HotSpotBinaryConsumer.ConstOp |
AMD64HotSpotBinaryConsumer.MemoryConstOp |
AMD64HotSpotBytecodeLIRBuilder |
AMD64HotSpotCardTableAddressOp |
AMD64HotSpotCardTableShiftOp |
AMD64HotSpotCounterOp |
AMD64HotSpotCRuntimeCallEpilogueOp |
AMD64HotSpotCRuntimeCallPrologueOp |
AMD64HotSpotDeoptimizeCallerOp |
Removes the current frame and tail calls the uncommon trap routine.
AMD64HotSpotDirectStaticCallOp |
A direct call that complies with the conventions for such calls in HotSpot.
AMD64HotspotDirectVirtualCallOp |
A direct call that complies with the conventions for such calls in HotSpot.
AMD64HotSpotEnterUnpackFramesStackFrameOp |
AMD64HotSpotEpilogueBlockEndOp |
AMD64HotSpotEpilogueOp |
Superclass for operations that use the value of RBP saved in a method's prologue.
AMD64HotSpotForeignCallsProvider |
AMD64HotSpotJumpToExceptionHandlerInCallerOp |
Sets up the arguments for an exception handler in the callers frame, removes the current frame
and jumps to the handler.
AMD64HotSpotLeaveCurrentStackFrameOp |
Pops the current frame off the stack including the return address and restores the return
registers stored on the stack.
AMD64HotSpotLeaveDeoptimizedStackFrameOp |
Pops a deoptimized stack frame off the stack including the return address.
AMD64HotSpotLeaveUnpackFramesStackFrameOp |
AMD64HotSpotLIRGenerationResult |
AMD64HotSpotLIRGenerator |
LIR generator specialized for AMD64 HotSpot.
AMD64HotSpotLIRGenerator.RescueSlotDummyOp |
Helper instruction to reserve a stack slot for the whole method.
AMD64HotSpotLoweringProvider |
AMD64HotSpotMove |
AMD64HotSpotMove.CompressPointer |
AMD64HotSpotMove.HotSpotLoadMetaspaceConstantOp |
AMD64HotSpotMove.HotSpotLoadObjectConstantOp |
AMD64HotSpotMove.StoreRbpOp |
AMD64HotSpotMove.UncompressPointer |
AMD64HotSpotNodeLIRBuilder |
LIR generator specialized for AMD64 HotSpot.
AMD64HotSpotPatchReturnAddressOp |
Patch the return address of the current frame.
AMD64HotSpotPushInterpreterFrameOp |
Pushes an interpreter frame to the stack.
AMD64HotSpotRegisterAllocationConfig |
AMD64HotSpotReturnOp |
Returns from a function.
AMD64HotSpotSafepointOp |
Emits a safepoint poll.
AMD64HotSpotUnwindOp |
AMD64IndirectCallOp |
A register indirect call that complies with the extra conventions for such calls in HotSpot.
AMD64PrefetchOp |
AMD64RawNativeCallNode |
AMD64TailcallOp |
Performs a hard-coded tail call to the specified target, which normally should be an
InstalledCode instance.
AMD64UncommonTrapStub |