ArraysSubstitutionsTest |
BitOpNodesTest |
CheckCastTest |
Tests the implementation of checkcast, allowing profiling information to be manually specified.
CheckCastTest.Depth1 |
CheckCastTest.Depth10 |
CheckCastTest.Depth11 |
CheckCastTest.Depth12 |
CheckCastTest.Depth13 |
CheckCastTest.Depth14 |
CheckCastTest.Depth2 |
CheckCastTest.Depth3 |
CheckCastTest.Depth4 |
CheckCastTest.Depth5 |
CheckCastTest.Depth6 |
CheckCastTest.Depth7 |
CheckCastTest.Depth8 |
CheckCastTest.Depth9 |
CompiledExceptionHandlerTest |
Tests compilation of a hot exception handler.
DeoptimizeOnExceptionTest |
Tests that deoptimization upon exception handling works.
DeoptimizeOnExceptionTest.MyClassLoader |
DerivedOopTest |
Tests for derived oops in reference maps.
DerivedOopTest.Pointers |
DerivedOopTest.Result |
DynamicNewArrayTest |
Tests the implementation of Array.createInstance.
EdgesTest |
EdgesTest.TestNode |
InstanceOfDynamicTest |
InstanceOfTest |
Tests the implementation of instanceof, allowing profiling information to be manually specified.
InstanceOfTest.A |
InstanceOfTest.B |
InstanceOfTest.C |
InstanceOfTest.D |
InstanceOfTest.MyCall |
InstanceOfTest.MyMark |
InstanceOfTest.MySafepoint |
InstanceOfTest.MySite |
InvokeTest |
Tests the implementation of the snippets for lowering the INVOKE* instructions.
InvokeTest.A |
MethodSubstitutionTest |
MonitorTest |
MonitorTest.Chars |
NewArrayTest |
Tests the implementation of [A]NEWARRAY .
NewInstanceTest |
Tests the implementation of NEW .
NewInstanceTest.B |
NewInstanceTest.BigObject |
NewInstanceTest.SomeObject |
NewMultiArrayTest |
Tests the lowering of the MULTIANEWARRAY instruction.
ObjectAccessTest |
Tests for the Pointer read and write operations.
PEGraphDecoderTest |
PointerTest |
Tests for the Pointer read and write operations.
ReplacementsParseTest |
Tests for expected behavior when parsing snippets and intrinsics.
ReplacementsParseTest.TestMethods |
ReplacementsParseTest.TestMethodsSubstitutions |
StandardMethodSubstitutionsTest |
StringSubstitutionsTest |
SubstitutionsTest |
SubstitutionsTest.TestGuard |
SubstitutionsTest.TestMemory |
SubstitutionsTest.TestMethod |
SubstitutionsTest.TestMethodSubstitution |
SubstitutionsTest.TestValue |
TypeCheckTest |
Base class for checkcast and instanceof test classes.
UnsafeSubstitutionsTest |
Tests the VM independent intrinsification of Unsafe methods.
UnsafeSubstitutionsTest.Foo |
UnsignedIntegerTest |
UnsignedMathTest |
UnwindExceptionToCallerTest |
Tests exception throwing from Graal compiled code.
WordTest |